2 easter is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of jesus christ. the name easter...


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Page 1: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess
Page 2: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


• EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring.

Page 3: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess

Was für ein Fest ist Ostern?

• Ostern ist das beliebteste • Frühlingsfest, das zweitgrößte

nach dem Weihnachten. Es ist mit der neu erwachenden Natur verbunden. Ostern feiert man auf der ganzen Erde. Das ist das älteste christliche Fest zu Feier der Auferstehung Christi. Wenn Ostern ist, ist die Zeit des Winters vorbei. Ostern

• ist immer nach dem ersten Vollmond nach Frühlingsanfang an einem Sonntag.

Page 4: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


Was sind Ostersymbole?

• Bunte Ostereier sind ganz wichtig für dieses Fest.Das Osterei ist in vielen Ländern ein Zeichen für neues Leben.Vor Ostern werden viele Eier rot gefärbt.Jeder schenkt am Ostermorgen einem anderen , der ihm begegnet,ein rotes Ei. Dabei küsst man sich und wünscht sich ein frohes Fest.

Page 5: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


The Coloured EGG is a popular symbol of EASTER.

Page 6: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


• Früher gewannen die Leute die Farben für die Ostereier aus Pflanzensäften. Am bekanntesten war der Zwiebelsaft, der durch Einweichen und Kochen der braunen Zwiebelschalen gewonnen wurde. Es färbte die Eier braun. Grüne Farbe erhielten wir durch Quetschen und Kochen frischer Gras- und Korntriebe. Gelbgrün gewannen die Leute durch das Aufgießen von Brombeerblättern.

• Am schönsten war das Gewinnen der roten Farbe. Hierzu nahm man den Wurzelstock des Labkrautes, der dicht unter der Haut eine gelblich-rote Farbschicht enthält.Beim Aufkochen liefert er einen schönen roten oder braunroten Farbton. (die Brombeere – ежевика).

Page 7: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


Das andere Ostersymbol ist der Osterhase.

• Aber warum - der Hase? Seit wann hat dabei der Hase seine Finger im Spiel?Der Hase gilt zwar als Symbol der Fruchtbar-

• keit.In einem alten Kirchenbuch

• kann man neben einem Lamm und einem Huhn auch einen Osterhasen sehen. Aber die Frage, ob nun der Hase die Eier versteckt oder sogar selbst legt, beantwortet das Buch nicht.

• Lassen wir es gut sein und hoffen wir, dass der Osterhase wirklich für uns schöne Eier versteckt!

Page 8: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


Man kann verschiedene Hasen an Ostertagen sehen, sogar aus


Page 9: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


Ostrerhasen sind überall!

Page 10: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess



• BUNNY is a popular

• image of the holiday, originated with the

• rabbit or hare, an

• ancient symbol for

• the moon.

Page 11: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


According to a legend the bunny was a large bird belonging to the Goddess of

Spring who changed the bird into a rabbit

Page 12: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess

In den Geschäften ist in dieser Zeitauch sehr interessant!

Page 13: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


In Schaufenstern sieht man Szenen aus Familienleben der Osterhasen.

Page 14: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess

Man kauft nette Geschenke füreinander.

Page 15: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


The EGG is a symbol of new life and fertility.

They are bright and funny with illustrations of rabbits, eggs and cakes

Page 16: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess

Die Deutschen schmücken mit viel Geschmack ihre Höfe und Gärten.

Page 17: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess

An der Wand und ans Fenster hängt man buntbemalte Eier und Ostrkränze

Page 18: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess

Man schmückt schön sogar Balkons und Fontäne.

Page 19: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess
Page 20: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


Page 21: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


Page 22: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


Easter parade in New York is a real fun for those who likes unusual hats.

Page 23: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


• HOT CROSS BUNS. • The word ‘ buns’ is

derived from the word ‘ boun’ which means ‘sacred ox’. Cross buns served as a charm against shipwreck, bad luck and even fire.


Page 24: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess

Dieses Fest hat in Deutschland seine Traditionen.

• Man bäckt an diesem Tag schmackhaftes Osterbrot.

• Man sagt den Kindern, dass der Hase die Ostereier in den Garten bringt und sie versteckt – ins Gras, ins Gebusch und so weiter. Die Kinder sollen die Eier suchen.

• Das ist sehr-sehr lustig! Darum ewarten deutsche Jungen und Madchen Ostern

Page 25: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


Man zählt die Eier.

Page 26: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


Man schlägt Eier zum Glück.

Page 27: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


Egg rolling

• EASTER EGGS are used in various holiday games. Parents hide eggs for children to find. Egg rolling and egg tapping are Easter funny games.

Page 28: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess


The most famous egg roll takes place on the White House lawn every year

Page 29: 2 EASTER is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The name EASTER comes from EOSTRE, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess