bijeh’u,,..., .??:_:;:i~/: + . ¯ %3..t he t. c ompo und # fluid extret ..... bijeh’u,,...

Post on 05-Aug-2020






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, .??:_:;:i~/: + . ¯



.t He T.








Bladder arid Kiclney,QF.,r I)eb lity, I,o~ -f Memory, Indt,po’~iti(,n

¯ .S~rtrm~--.n’f -- B-rnw’~’-

Tr.u,,led wi,b Tbou"i~t" of Die,’-,ee, Ditnness oVi~vib. Piiln in the Back, C},e~t, :,n,| Hea,t

I~nih of Blood tu the tlead, Pale Counts’oncea~ad Dry Skin.

[f these syml)tntu~ are allowed to ,:n oe,voD’f’*,,4ueitly Epileptic F!b and Consuml,ti,,,f+~h3~,. When the eon~tiltltion he¢0meB affee-

_ ~.t iL ~alrn~-t2e aid of au invigorating mud.... liners ,trength~l and touo up the t~}ste

-- wh iah

BOI~]N l~l~l f~X.


By eny re,m,dy kn.wm- ltis pre~ertbed I,y th,mo~t emioen¢ physioiaus all over the war:d, in

umatlsm,Spermatorrhoea, ,Neural "



Aches and Pains.General Debitity,

Kidfi+6f Di~a~-+S,Liver Comphiint, ,

~ervous Debility,Epile;,sy,lined Frouble~,

Paralysis,General Ill Ilealth,

Spinal Diseases,Nervous Complaints,

Seb.tica,: - - Deafness, = ......


Female Ccmpl’ts.ITea~eho. P),in in the Shoul,tor~. Cough

Ditmiaess, Sour Stomach, Eruptions, Bad Tarts

..... in the M+m~. P.dt,it~tion ot" the.. Heart. Pain Lthe region <,f the Kidney~, sod a thousand ,,th




# i!.

]+~.v~..... + .a’ :,o.. ++- ......L)’ , .

’ ~ "’:"~i ’;’


Conducted on strictly mutual prlaeiplea, of- " D0%¥N TRAINH.will herea/ter keep o~ well assorted stoelc of Grocer- forl,¢ a pa,feotly ,to tusurun,o for Just ,,hal¯It may coat to pay leases and egpensee. The . . Stations. II.h. h.A. M.

ies-&~ars. Tea and Coffee, Spices, Z~.ied .Feuits ~.,,por,io. ef Ins. to thoamoun,,n,ared boin~Pb,.delphia ...... fi,l,I ;n I Ill’h 8vcrysmall, aadexpeuecS much lassthan usue

ally had~ nothlngean be offered more favorable Coeprrta Point,;, b 12[ I 12 8tothelnsured. Thecomtbeing’nboutteaee,u Penn. R.R, Ju~e 8]Sitlfi 81fi]on the kuadred dolla, s per ~ear to the insurers ]Jaddoefleld ....... 6 34[ I -’281 8 211on ordinary risks, and froulfifreen to lwenty.fivs Ash:and ............ {i 4~tI I .’]4 8 ~2lcents peryea, on hozardousproperties, whicb le Kirkweod ...... ,.if,t7 4 :~.91 ~ ~7

1leas than one third of thclowostratescharged by t 7 0tBerlin ............... , ’1 4 51 8 ~stock e,,mpanies~ on such riska--theother two. Atco .................. 7 l))" 14 ~I11 8 b4ihird, takon byatockeompanies being a profit Waterford ......... ~7 17 ,5 el.’) I tilth

Aneora .............. 1 7 ~:] b ,:,l ~ vsiao.ruing to etockholdert4 or consumed in ox. Win.dew Juno .....1 7 2~1 5 II,[ ~ I:~:peases of the companies.

.............. llttmmonton..;;~:;! ~’ ~b b-’..} 21...... l. shall eo~tim+e my usual full a.s’sortTnent of. ~e ~or,,,,,./,,.d or ~ .... ¢ .......,e. ~.;.~, ............: ++ ’.,:, :t.owtThree Millions oj" 1) Elwood ......... I i b 3," 33

Egg llarbor ...... +~ b .h~ ~’:tIf an assessment had to be madeot five pe l’t,mona ........... !

t 5 t,~.~,3

cent. onty, tw;ct, withln the tenyearu for which Abseeon ............ , ti I,bthe ppliey is lsuued, it would yet be cheaper to Atlantic ............ II Ill. (l:;the numbers than any other insure:co offered. Msy’s Landing... I 6 tb ~2And that largo amount of money is eared to

and Canned Goods, 3flour, Soap, .~olasses and

+ ~yrup, Butter, ~,d, Pork, Salt ffish, I3rooms ~’c.

DIg F a O 0

D.’ess G ,,ods Cuss;meres, Plaids, .41paeas, l’rints,

Jf~,slins, Jeans, Sheetings and Shirtings, Tla~nels,

Tickings, J~osiery, Gloves, Ed~ain~s, Threads of allthe motobers and koptat home. No asse~s UI ) TRAINS.

kinds, B+tttons, Zephyrs, Poeke~ Books, Station-

O tglW a t+ .,/tl, o,c .o_’oa _s obl , dV

Coats, Pants and Pests.

d$l which will be sold for Cash, cind at the low.

est 3[arket Prices.I-I.~:s~:~ O I~TO N, N. .1.

Apz-il :,’~lsta 1879;

mant having ever been made, being now morethan tbirty y~ra, that cueing would amount tomore than

The Losses by Lightning.

Where the prnperty is not snt on fire. I’eingle~ than one tent per year tocaeb member,!.d_~i~.ou t.e x,tTg_9.h_9.r.,P+.~.+~+~Y+l...q 3 ~nd.~d..~o,.as to aoeer all policies that are IeBued and out-

B~,NJAMIN 8HEPPARD, President.

HENRY B. LUPTON, Secretary,


GEe. W. PRESSEY. th, mm,~ntont 2f. J.GF.O.W SAWYER. Tuckert,,n, aV.d.A. L. ISZARD, May -La~di, g, ~’. J.

F. &A


8 fi08108 1~

40 8 318 a8

:¢0 8 47(l 1’5fi 43 8 53

9 01

~30 9 lOI,O +Ol$

~12 922:41 931~.~ lb 941

. 9hi1(, 1’4 l0 011~24 10 15


Witnessed the Grant Reception in Fhila3~lphia:



INSURAflGE CO.~E’il lvil le, iXT. sT.

Assets s anua_,’y 1st, 1880PREMIU-: NOTES, $808 24c 00.

’ CASI[ ASSETS, 156.178 ~3.

TOE AL ASSETS, . SNl..71S 8:’,.Immediately aqd Equip Themset~ e~ for the .

¯ 1 ~t .-~ zn.uran¢o ro~etvc ., .COLD AVE 1880. / :+ ’ n Inntraned ,ff,,etcd-on Fa(m Bull tin...... ~-- _--"-’--r-----.~ --- -.’-----~

- I ,,ther-pr@~l~th~t-l,we t,y ....The Sirgularly Small P, t,_,(s we started the Annual Winter Sales[ ~¢’~.v¢ tX%X~k "~’%O\~%~X~.~XO

with, havestlrred allt e stores todo their best. But we [atlowestrate,. for one. thrt:e ,,r t,.n .ears.

eclipsed them all at~d ~hoy know it tmd t hoPoo- ~ VESSELS Carg,)e~ and Freight~, writtenP:e see it, too. ,n liSeral n,rm of pMicios, wLttleut restrie

tt0ns as to port- e~n’i, or regi~tore’d tonnage

Stath)ne. II. A. A, A. M. F. 8. A.h n: A I~. p P M

Philadelphia ...... fi 2009

7~3] ~Obl-bZt4t " f0$ ........lladdonfield ....... 7 ISi 8’+:, ~ 2at ;ta~ b b2A~hlund ............. 7 I ; b 52[ b I~" 5 45Kirkwoud .......... 7 (J, b 4,~+ :, I;~ 541Berlin .............. tl t0+ b :<hi , .q0

tu.~ !_~,.12t-. +Wstnrlord .......... 5 lfi

Winelow June ..... ~ u7 ,llemmonton .......Da C(,~tu .......... 7 b:, 4Elwood ............. " 46, 4 4 48Egg llurb(,r ....... 7 =,,i 4 ):: 3~[ 4 ,’lOP,,mor+a ............ 7 ’.bI 3 4 29ah ................ 7,.),"+ :; + ]~a flat,tie: .......... t r 40b5iay’s L,udln~... * ..... ; 735~ -:-~4

Exi,n.~n tntln ]eart~ Phil~.h’ll,hia at 3"15 etolrvl~gut ]lanJI)lOl)tt)n. 4’21, Egg lhtrl~r City 4 41,, Abe.-teen4"57 and ~rtivtng II~ Atl,,.ttc t’lly at 5’ II. Itrmtoleg

t’tty h"~, llamxuo’t*tou a’Sa, UlII%III~ )tt P.iladoplh~at D’~).

$~’~a Monthandp,m.e~ .: t.," t ,=, ¯, , ..,.-I I Outfit fee ...... ~ :

Sub~clibe f’,. the S. ,I. I{LI’UIILZCA~


|)re.s, and eq,t~wdet:t ,,, )n’~ ,1..1 e~,,., t°uit inliquid f,~rm. I’,,-.,..-i,,: ........... ,,.,rw proper-fibs, it is inva!u,,t,I- 1, ~.)[.*.. ’:,.+,,l,cranoopo+.f,le=ana-Cbur,-h~.-~.r~ .r--~..~cTh; t,r.; 1 urpoeos.

"Oar" .~IL’S I’ mu~t h,, h,’ .,::~. k , ,,r otherel, called unreel ¢)),e~t t~ i¢+r~ ,.’1 ,,~ belledend h.rmrti-.dh :, ,]~,t I,) +. I:I, t ~r,,m spo~l-it)v:, The +;l~l) "l’r.t(./’ ,,--. t,y Ue istt) I*erlE;I ncii t ]y pt*),) t [’;I ,’1,1+~*~, ~ hi.’h nat-t/flt[I~ muet rc.uh in tl;e j,;w rr ~ log as itgt(’w.

~qhe undersit’ne,I .r~ t,,,~+ ,",) It-,, ff ,,f their’ --LOS~ ES-- .e~ s,,,e~ p,, l ..... , ................... )+. eros.

’these are the Prises for Our Own (2 refully ~aanuftctured Goods, notPromptly AtlJllslesl add Paitl;

nt, d + +rraut that it wHI I.,.. ]) - u ,,ttt,e,e.~L

b o u gh~V in-t ~ ~e w~ro r k~V’h-ol-e8 ~10-S tb-r e s.N. STRATTON, Pm~ident. I> I¢ i C lq

Perea~oot,,ned,,z h,lth,. _~’~00A few left of the $30 Fine 0verc,)ats, rndueed to ........................... .....$20 00F.L. MULFO]~I~. Set’ sRoyal ReverBiblel’hH,I I,ht,,ks, s’)IJ everywhere at $2b (F,,,I t,+,,~:o, " - 1%rg.lh,o 3.00.

Cnlorsaud Woven ILtoka). Our Price ................................... IS 00 Order~shouldbotent,lir,-ett,,Next t)rn,Je ......... ........................................................................ 1,} 5o !!. E. BOIVI.IEN. ~I. lq~.. lgent,Extr. Sizee in Blue’at, d Bro+u Worumh:, bea,nr ,gv,:ra,,a ................ t~ u0 IIAMMONTON, x.J. William & J. Henry W0~sieffer,Nexl ................................................................................ 10 110 Cql,,’~t lit IJtr+FH. Vi~+,.3.r,l-. "A Good Slrong qcrvicu4)) Cl+nh Buu.d 0verouat .. ......................... 8 51)]’k’ervday Working Overe,,~t: ................................................... 5 00

Effg llt~ts’l)os- (’ilY

,on’s A,, Sol, ...................................................................,,, 0,, FOR 8ALE CHEAP ! .,,, .......: + .......The "’A,’~urt." D. B. Suit~ ,,,r Bu.i,*ess and Dre~s .............................. 12 00Ex,rn Qu ,lity "Sa~ryer" Suiting ................................................... ]5 m) iliO][g~E alld (Lll~lg IA GE

Tetras. O. O. D

’l’he Fi,,eet of Cn,.i ..... Sni ........................................................ 20’,o --ASD-- AgriculturalInsuranceCompany,Dre,e .~utts of Be~t lmpo*ted ~t.the redoeed to ............................... 25,30¯ 1 P ’s 8t p P tl ,,< ,¯Men’s Everyday Pat, ts ............................................................ I be resse um u +r. o.~ Caplux[0 *-%O.UOkO0"AIl-~onl Bu>iucss ~/nd Dres~ Pan ~ ........... :’50.............................. II.h,.ur,u,ce lle~,-r-v ,. ¯ 7(~ .’t W’,.t~2’ Exlr;l ~iUO ~L)ro~8 })al+lah)++tt+. furmorty $10, ttown.===._..... ..... j ......... 5 nf) .5~~-i~’w~-~l ko-an a~ )t good Nt~tSurplusov.rall l,Ld,illtt*-~. . ".’.t;,l’~t.81

Genuine |faerie C-’s,m’+rd I +lt)t$ ..................................................... b 01) geetle earri+,l~e and tarnl h,,r~-, in e ,od order. Net Assets, $1.1;;7.b49.7~The Very Letest Styh.. i", Ch,hl*en’~ Overeo.te ................................. 3 00 Jr’quire of JAk)IlgNi ~1 i,~1. Ib~Y.

[txnurea N,)thin,.,..~[,)rt~ Ihtz:trd,ms thanThe Doubl--Sh,,al,l~,re]Cel,,. ]’o3.1 lleversiLh Bnek (~ver~,..ats .......... 5 00 M.’.[ ~: heAD.The .N’it,e~t L~tttt~ B,)) s’. 0verc,,ate Oak ll.II ev, r pro(lured tlammonton, N. J., Jan. 22% I~Stl II.E$ IDENCE - ,k 1".% IL’,t I’ ItOl’LltT’f.’n Suets as low a" . .............................................................. 3 50 I} U. ||l~tlWN. Al~vnl ’};Iw,,.d.Nv~ dvrl* Orades and M,,,e Eluhor.telv Trimmed Suite ......................... 5 it0 ........ - .....

<- .i S --~J JAPANI’:SI,’, /’EItSI.%IMON at, El:S4 +t t.

....." 0-fVIwJ 2-t+ 1..~ceZ. t-~,)it

o H 8 E m t; 8t "°’+’"’-’+ .....’ ......", ......""’ ....ak all, . . Corner xtI’i ane’: Marke ........ +0,.d,,i .....w.btl c tlav,,r ut a rich Smyrna ti~. ESTA]}LISI1ED 1865.

BUOHU PHILADELPHIA s ....l,l,h .....,,,l,, .....l.ul .......’. operb.... ’,.r~r-+,nxinlr.dueelt ..... In! ..... l’r*)veh""l" GILM01 E., 8MITH & 00.

.............................. " ................ -Tho-L~rges~ -Olo~hinga, auth,,ritiPt, ,.ave already t,r,,,,,,n, e,.,l tht.m ¯

................ ° STOMACHH+a.~0 ia. Amsrioar ....... ,obe .... ,..y I,,o~ ;,,r.+.+r,I h ,t,l+--l..,,,,..~ ,,, - ~U,+lt0,.+ +r r.t+,,,+ .t at,,,rn,.y.’.t ~,~._ ........

...... P__C +BiO IHVIGORATES + ’ l r+. ,,. J..,o, CET ,,.,v ,,,, FORDE..... ’quhdti,,n O’ .he bi hest.............. i,,li ....portal,he a:. a fruit and ,roe I)1 gr. at meg-¢’ . And*~timu!ateo the torpid Liver, Boweia.aua L~ooee.lte, d .t hi* oflte,-.-|")O3-t;tt~EN’-,-t,= ¯ AMERICAN d" FORFIGN PA TENTS.

" I’hlladPll)hta, I’a.,orbv lett.r.o, all (’hr+mie l)l.+,)tm+q+ . ~ntfineut.o, " "

II’idaeys Io heahhy noH,,n, tn eleansiug tl)t.,.- : - " /. - ’-- +-: + - , ~~e~ot and Dealers in all kinds of

- Bto.KI of all inq,uritie% nnd imparting ~1"~-

Dnl~, tz,7, I)y~p.l,Ma’ Dtn~t~r~ .f the ]t].od, *

a,a~-vig+,r-to4ho~,hol.-s~ ~’2rnplbn~._Tetter. t~yc~,eb._etC, JfIMill~s ..... is -.alh)wed. .No l"res .lor rna./¢6"t~d,+ ......... .dwlth.ut tl ........ fth,’lt.ife. T)wtn,at ---Sewin~ ~Jao.hines T,~o,~phn do L, ons,., a I.te variety whose [ lr¢liminary’ E2ttmtnatiom.A ~htglo trial will be quite sul~eient to c.n .)eat lsbloodless, pMnltt~aodl*ilccotmful. 32.1 y. , fruit i~ the large-t kn,.wa+

v..~ m,++ bo+itatio+,,r it, va,.ablor.m

Trees t! .Treesi t ’I%es | [ .....

I Also lar+ze goneral .toel< of fr.lit,,[ ,-°peelal ,.Itenlj,m uive,, t,, It, t,r[er,’neo Caeele~J~d qualitie+, r+~re ever&.re0ns, enruh~, hedge, buddirt~. ,nd

bnf,.e the Palette 06q,.e. Inlr+ngement Suits in, Ihavothelarqect varietyand best ¢,s,)rt- ATT .2K.C H IX/J[ EN TS. gre,’t,h-u.e I)l..t~, t*ll t,f which .ill be raid

thedifferent Stat*.s.. dnl litiga)ionappertaia,,nt about half price bymeat of 8bade and. 0rnamentnlT:ees, Ever- Psrlies hevintz Sewl))~t Maehioes out of~re-

ingtu l’aleuteor lnventinr+s.greens, Hedge P:ants Sbrnbe, Phtnts, Bull)s, pair, will find +t t+, their It verbiage to give ult i~ ¢.T . °,&e.,in Atl,,nti0 Co. 2Aso, Ap’

whtcb [ ,,2or at prices ae low ae aa pairing all kinds ,), t...,’. ,,:is, we feel eonfide~,t I]lunlnoel|Oll, N. J.LLa~rk_lafLMLauLehar ,.e will reset%,)t’* , . . ,----

WM. F. BASSETT,~ All,,rder~ sent ny i’,,st(,~ee prom;t’-

attended to. -". .. D~livor_ed to any uddr0ss free from oblmrva- Belle,,na A~6. Noraerloa, }lemmontSn,N,J l’. W. tHCK[:ORDB.

"’Vattents’" m-ay consult by letter, rocetvln~ ...... ~=" - ’ " -- "- ..............the anne ottcntiOden.. All ,.tier. ....

s,,o,H.IbY addre.,ed to.CUT’OR ~#II~O+lO " ~ L’~ ~:~::::~R:::I !!~

+,o.,e,,,,’l,y.ioi,,o.a,leod ’o oortoop.,o- , ou’eH. T. ttELW[BOLD, CY L|

r /; \VI,.-+¯.+ 1 7;o, Druggi & mist WDm, T,z )’+,__., .

l’hiladel2M~ia ,_ Pa.T-RADE mAl?~ BY TIIE


. ,’.-- ....... O’~, ",. PION ,E ST0 MP PUI.£Fa , -=--:

(’b" PA RI~ AND LEI/ ZIO. . ~~.~"~

CAUTION! re,e,.odthor,gb,,oman.fa0,.reandNt;NT CURE GUARANTNED Naw exclu+tw,ly ,, ed ,ell tht¢ Faeorite ,Iluchins in the o,m.tie: ol ’


t,.. 11 ~el,-I,.tt ed Phyelcl .... f Eurup. and Anwrle..I c-

TT B.,that the priCa e Pr0pri- ,. 0amdeo, Burlinglnn. Oeeao, Atlantieaed’~.P

PI~J[]~ yORK.... h .....,i.P,,tm nee high.el M~llcal Ae~u!o,.y of May, I hereby give notion that I am preparedSTAW~ BUPaul. n.pnr)s .tnoly-flve car~ out of one hundred , tit+ ,,r ere at following rate~ :

emry 8tamp is on each .. ....,,,,,,, ,hree +,,,. dl,..,..,,o,: t).o t-,l ........v,+e eld.."leb ext.e I, tb, ,,lo..d ,,f ~vO. 1 ~A¢,a[NIL - Se~.OO. ~ID~ A~D X+~ER ~- ~?£D~R VI~EGA~

"" " "WWVt~J~Jh$~l’~’~’]a~- .....Itl .........I,’hndOoutyPatttmht. $1sBox Ht*ll ...... .N0; .’ +@ts4eo9,r*; .~.:t..tL) hndet.~.un reeet0to, ,,rice. IN- CONETANTLY ON HAND. ALSOt~ORSZD BY PilYSIeIANS 8OLD BY ALL DRffG- ~ ~omSt~nse ~re tParrantsa ~e be ~e B~

" 4.+IS’I~. Addrt~ 4n the .,.r+*l ............... V e-~-o-iy~-l-e s- i n--S-e it s o-+-,-. ...... 0, D’ Wl.I WAS HBURN]~ ~k; 4~O.. ]~or particular+, tend for olrculut.

G,r.¥ultoaBk(K,.x Bq’d),.N~dW-¥OILK. ~1’. W. PI~E~BY, O1~’ .75gOn ram~ throutrh 1;11o t3w~ oa~ Wodro3iayB and ~atur~¯~STabelmlut A, X,%’, O0(~ "! ’8,U~mm~oWu. It or & 3+’an ¯

H. lg, ltOWI.,l:S, M, D,, Publishex,.

Vol. XVI iI. No. l l. -Hammonton, N. 3., S turday, Mareh 13, 1880¯ .... Five Cents Co p

An Ordinance to ~Rogulato the Sate I "1 Will Help You Across."of Spirituous, Vinous, Malt .t -- ’ .

............... mxd+~ermenle~l IAquois. I .... ~!~ .~A~,~ cmlam .........2’as.¢4 .24:bruary 28ght .[880. ’ I The woman wan old

...... ¯ _ . [ ’ nd raeged and grey,Sac I,t UU It ur~l.lued hy too .t,wn oil¯ . ^ .... ..... And bent with the chill of the winter’s d~y.

/~ltuimt~h[on tul UOU 011 alvmule~ ; lnat it l ..,.^ ... ............... . - ’. .t~ .t*cc~ v*~m va:~. Wits rue r~c, ent anew,

Ihnd n,,t be. lawlul t- sell within the Town of I -n ..... " " " "¯ t ¯ --- . i~& U too wontnn’~] ieet wore nge~l an~ alO~’.SJalDmon~oaIlhV ru~a, gw,, ur.n.,y, wnt~tiey,

8" - "ne ntoou at the ernsMIIig nnd wulLed long,elder +petite, vr .t,,er ardent spirits, or n,~ + ¯, , A nne uncured for among the throngothcz liquid ,)f whioa all*tilled epirlta-~,a I

form U ct,tupol,ent part ; or an3 ale.ajr.ngbecr, Of human beings who pga.~led her by,lager beer. it,trier ,,r oth~r malt +iqu,,rs; or ~orhoededthcglancoofheraexiouueye.any wine, m thegl|u cider oroher l rrmeatedlkluurs except tu q0an*ittee n-t ]ele than onegall,,n,.,~,d tht.u not lu be drank oe er about

that pu, l,o-e first had and~obt.ined Iron the(~ou,,eil ,H laid ’~own.

8ec. 2,1. Trial art pera0u vio!atiu~, the provlei,,o, of the f-regainS aeetiu,¯ *,1 tht~ (,ndinaneo hy ~eiliu¢ or pc.melt*rig I(Pbe p.l,l on or

..u~-w-yr-t tl.e W.-vr~ml ~T t u --at~ t,P--Tow.n ¯___g~ ()I Ihe Mort S~I,I U#))liti,’S I,’~a

than onn ull,,n, ,,r pt-rtt.I)Itt,g I,+~’uo,+*o[)vdr tlk’.’hOP al,I) =+ * + }JPr I)r tboit

prt,,tsee,wh., e.ldb 3 Ibe alienor ,rge qu ntitle.,wt bot.t .~ l,ropw lien ¯ a .*l,,.e..i I I)a for,--it ebd I’,’) t,,t every ttcb fl’c,,e~ th, ill ~tof lell 0 I;lle, I0 rio to~mverad, I+y ,tt’*hm ul ut?)lwllh e,’st-, cy any pers.n who .il ,ll I’O- nil thesaran b,-:oro the J~l* iul~t,f tl,e P. nre of

__ _ te~---tm "~m/Lu f2aitLpro~eeo~nr at,d th," Oilier hal’ to Ib, Pc ,r fundof tO~l’. "Phe eXeeult¢,n IP#he,l t,p,)n .ely

ind. u, en’ u ,.r thi..~tdina* ¯ .,t,.tl t,~ u~si,,.tthe go e and O .+t, els eM I-)dy ,d Ihn doleu-

t¯]a t ms. + .t’h ,lebl a, ,t I~11~: |& ~n+ll he the

o-it r*g-e¢-( b~-~l.lo¢~|10tl-~t-~ .b+tU-.*t~g r_’a~the T,w+, Pr,-.,,. Ulld thel’O Pal’-<+j keen him orker kn d,~ s, 1,)r o,eh penal t, for wn Oh ju,lgmet,tv,ulthnVe b e,~ t’~nder~,t a.’a n~t hlmorker +,~ ,ior, s,id. mtlo,s aueh jJ4gm ut *.ndCOlt. *.tO ~,,,.,vr t~+,li~fi-d.

8 t’..3 .. [~aeh itt¢n-e Pha[I tpot’t’y Ihe pl.o~W"here tim ~he.. a d kind er.htud~.ol liqu..vpcr.alltetl t’) h., .,,Id I)y tbt, II~r,ou to, ~h nt ttia ~r,,, c,. w ich um’.se m~y be grat, lml al aol~gu[¯r ,,r ~p ei*.l mealiu,~ ,,f lhn Cuu,,nil, and

he (~i&iro*ao ~¢~.1 attest,dt~ II+’eJted ~bilt

pet t,, n.e t.~d Clerk un er L¢ o,e r~W,Vll)gthe t,).me, ,ut’b Pun t*s the C,,uneil th.II dnImrmme, .u,t t b,- al,llt be +Olin.+ ; t&,el" ! ¯hi

.... io ,L,~ I-.w~ "l’r~,euv r, i, hl, i,,.li c+dit Ihea~tme t" Ille ’i’.,+n luud uI the IOWlI.

t3.:u. 4,h. That ,be Gtd*t,at)o, t-ulitte,I "’Aoe,dt + aee u regul,lu the eala ,)1 lul+.a oitkngliquor,." l*..ited Jul$ 3Utbt Ib6+, is be,ab$e,~p,:,,, ed.

8 o 5,b Tb,,t tbi~ let shah 0aae ,ff,,ct|mned ut ly.


, t;ba,ra .n of Couoetl.AtteSl.

IXH.~Town-Cl~tk. _ __B.m,. u, u, F.b. 28,h. latin,

ealu tbr Taxes of 1878,T Jwu of Ilmmtmonlon,

Eeturu el taxes I-id on uutmpraved, a,,d unt~tbv It’d ImilU..Ud O0 land ICn&U,¢,I I,y per,soslial tb,. [,.e,t.I pruprivtora, wh,* are ul+able laXeS, and .u lel| ~la¢0 ) in the t-w~*,l liamm,,.t,,,,,Cuuoty of A lantic for tae )ear15;8

Li-I .f dt:lit~quen, taxtvo t~lurned to the’5 o.~t, C,,uneil. No~emlwr 29 1879,w,tn , ePertpt:0. el p+,,w:r y nv b,oek all +’ Iota* laid ,loW,,tuth. n~eev.thtmt mapul the f.wu ol llamrt:~nt¢)n) ttllen lap IS tO ~ ~.oaltd at TownClert~ "s , ~z,’~+, ale., en file iu the clark’s oLhce ofAtl,*l~tl¢ tJoonl.~ at I~la~t’ll L~h’-ding.

.Nat~e~. Aorta Block No. lot. Tax.Abt.,,t), John 16 ]8 ~ $2 48.l~atst.a, J- 31, lO 1 59 b9Cos. r,tu, ile, J. 7 9 39

" 20 10 24 6 ~TPre~eb.J. 6. 13 8 13 13 ’lGI..,,,:t E.t.tet 2 13 8 ear fi6 1 1,9’3t)dl,e). Ctl.,e. 20 I Lnt 7 I 77~a,n hol,t,,v, meat & ~r]atuhtetn+i: g Cu] arrt*, blotk 8 |l~lt ul lut No. ~,~’ 7 30

~.,,le,~. E i F.s¢. fi0 ’-’ 70 3 b4llo,+,e, t~m a 10 19 }4 ] 24d-t,~., Ev, n- I",. 10 11 - lfi b9I.t" ;,n,c, t, I,. a LI. 9~ 17 7=lt,.hi ,,.,, 1".. 41. 10 I b5 89it .I,,nwn, e~ -,. I II Adj l~14ud~ I 59

_ - ~:ltt:’l.ll:tl r,tt?L,~ C.olQ0.l~ Lut ";~ ~tlh..~nX%’ult~or, :~[, .. 20 ! 4~ ] 18Wb.rt,.,,, J.m. 16 16 2 ~ 3tl

- . ]nlcrest. (’oct nnd bashtuat2.~if any, will beI~l*du hln,~n ,[t tlOle ol .al,a.

~ 8.8.

]*otvr S. ’J+t| on en bit[ ~,alh ~aith that he wa~(2t,,r ul tuu L’uWII bl ll.m,e01tt n h,r theyea: I~7S. r).at the I.X¢~ necml;p,I)y,ug tb~,-+,l~xU.,Vlt u.,~t’ ,~r’l ,*1] LUt" ru~p~etlvI2 i~tl~ t.*r the)e.r 1~78 ,,tt~ uui,,da, rhut bt bad u/I’d ev,.r)in. at d,hg,q~" h,r the L’oileehoo of the .am~,ate,. Ed,UrhS -~, * -elit~qu~ht t~xe8 is) 1ha C, UL,

i’. 8. I’.ILTON, Col.e,.t,)r.

~. _qlt+)~crlbed Ju(neu at tl~e l’eace.[ ~v,.muer, ’2P h, 18;9.

l)ur.naut to Ihn set to f,~eilitate tl ¯ Culiectinn- of ,:~l,.. io I},,. ".,+t+a et ll.mmont,,~, Uou,q.V

~t Arian.,’’Jh +.,..,,lliltlll efthe Town Cotl).e,I will t,h

qr,.,e~,4ht~’~ &pril 1-’1111~ pr t~ rt’l i.(P K in Ihe ItL ell’, un) ’Gt th,

., .~.... ~.3t)’,~ :. t I.l’.l;I~’S OFI’ I E. t,.tl th,~ at.)w.

I , \r~.r..: ..... ~ ..... tot,,,.~b~n .~,d ~e~i’dl,amt, nt~" :’) [.tl a)t)t)~e Ii,*[nq,(t por~etll<. ¢~r BO Ot ~(’tl

thtrua: ,t. ~ill I)o PU~l,’lvx I t,~ l)U)’ IUO llll) I.~r~l( at~ [ ro~LS tflt’(i k}|l

D. I.. I’ 0’ITEI|.Chai, .,kn ol Town t3o.ueil.

, IIr ~t,A J.,~M1T/,I. ’~<’w,, (.’leek.

itisby’s ), V it eh-:ii ii ze-1.¢,ures il.a,luehe, Barns, Spr¯ins, Cut%W nn,iit,~heanl t. I UlI Toolbaebu. }]araeho, I+t~ +. ~rmr~apted et,~al in quality to auy made. zt h)t’lthe prleo, t, o~. b0ttlee 25e. p|nl beetles b0e.

- l~uvuyeut tlm’~i~ or,lot.if he ha.-nol is-steak¯ f ( IIABLES F. RISLE~,

.. lhokta|c Dr~ggbt,-$/-Oortltmdt St., N. Y.

Down the street with laughter and ehmzt,Clud In the freedom or~chool let out,Came the be~e IIke~ flock crab,He, tltng Iho ~now,-pited whit~und deop.~--Pa~t the woman, ~o old und grey,Huatened the children on their way,

Nt,r offered a helping hand to her8o mt, ek, ~o timid, ulrald to eLtr,

At last come oneof the merry troop,-- ~3-’-The l:ny~mt laddie 1. ull the group,11o paused beside her and whL~pered lOW :"I"11 help you ucross, If you wish togo."tier aged baud ou hi8 strong grmf~uo placod; and ao, w|tbout hurt or haxm,lq’u gutdtxt tits trt snbltug lest along.

q[a’tx, lldtheVlil~ owtl~:/ero.rm ann .Wens.- -

ThPLI bask again to hie frleuda he went.,Hi~ youug heart hi~.ppy ~od well coutOut.**.*Sill’.. 8AMllehOdy’U In, other, be)a, yOU know,

Ih3w-w Ill lelidahknduhderattt~d,

]fever ~he’a pool’) stud old, lend gray,Wheu her uwu buy lo far away."

Attd somebody’s mother bowed low her hee.dIm her honln that .18ht,and the prayer abetnldWus, "’end bc kind to the uoblo boy,Wee la aoll~nbody’tl mill. nnd pride, e, lld Joy.’:

Too Poor to Advertin.Poor tacn there¯re lu every trsdo.

TO ~. rasp a lurtntte Iron a retort-,lh* opened wLde tllu eutnmcu door,I’aKCZ’O-t~C~(Ia-uI~Lt dee f, srLl~. " ....And ltun~, thane blgb aud Ittlug them lowAI~,u~ Lhe ft’Ullt,’tL*eLt ~aL bttL~ dowItTo wttl.t, the cuatortt el thn towu.

Its saw the pcopl0 e.aLno and gO ;/k low ~toppcd ou the purtlt~;And uuw attd tht~ b0 nlatlu aagle,A k~g of salt, or cedar pt~ll ;BUt bunlll~ dldn I. Mruw ~t|~ttCe,.~.ud toltgur grew Lt~e xaler~t)ant,’a fusee

’°rbn t~,uruu o! wtn, tLh’~, et~ul.l~.v."

".~ay. Pre,.a I" he to the prtuter cried,%VI|u wttlk~ giong tue+ eLl|re side.And ut*8*t I. wiLIt~Ultea.Ju~t OI,O.MLt,~’Why don’t } o1~ buy of Ills u bll.I’IU aohh|g go4Jdm"--ne tltM, dtd Urown--¯ ’t~’l~el~|)l~r Llla.u ally intl, U lit I+ %V~t.i°Tile I,rllltor rollt~ 131.’¢ duu ~ttll~ tsyes,

laird enid, "%VI,.y d,nt’L j OU adeentiee."

]|FOWU tlloUght lg IIIIllute, t It’ll lie ~M.Itt.~M~Flttclllllg ln~tllWblle Ills hUaLUeKa h(~l~:"Well--ll , ollbUCt’--It d~n’t ~y ; .Ttlero a Jolles ~ ~., itertpt~ t~0 wtl.3.--rtlu ~talllt.L< Llle2t’ ~’~.i~Le ill p Pllltt~l~a |ali"

%Viii I+lly t~llllnoU trlt(|t.siuau aill~ ;Aud Ior uty.ell"--he % luRt’d both eyes---¯ I Itl/l rut, pc,or go udverttsc."

l’ret~ p~t~ed alol|g, Slid llrowo mtL atLLl,I|L aUd tLtt,rla, llle etupLy tilt

Tuhl llllU of bilLs ItOW Colalll~ ~Ue.~lld izutca LIitJ bttoka ~%t)uId sol. rouow..[kt IK.’~L tile t Inpty pt)rllCO,8aid LqOWn lhtd ntlteti. "’1 told yell I/O r’C[lvd Prr:,+.., who £te’er bctrr3 ~+ ~urpriso,"*1In WU~ tU pt~or Lo advertise."

C~.7~-- TII tQr~oilr |l; t |rata I I.%|uel- prulOpLly every llh*Le attd bill,Hull IOk’* I,f got)de" t~ttllLrge lheir stareI’U lUL*e~ the et)llPtLunL CAtli for niore And LIruwt£’s uld clef tr le thern ul~gaged,Aa hlt|)p2*" tL bled UIiI21tged.11_,.’o~ I| as!ted.Lies J,~te~’r~,hoW it cantoT!tat.t ht’y for 0ntde had nueh a ultntn..~,tLd J*)ttt’s. wtLh tli-c,nleeo.lel| aurprise,"~Vhy dali’S yuu KIIOW ? %Ve udvertiue."

a( .JvmSl)-~=r,,Iu an Ivlh.w~ : ....... " bwt~t:T:--’) my lave nf leveet clarified

h nay .nu , il O[ el|rites, wbi,e Ioal sugar ofm.~ hopes .nd mt,la.~es ot u.y eap, ctattoo ,yout,ave beou ol,~eut from me thlee whnleda~s.’l’ha ~uuisthr.i nt miu dsy; the mUCh and

stars are t,lu, l~ whno thuu u rr ab~el£1 ; tb~ btapis Ihn mu-tc ul the ~phrres, end the wind

fit,warn I kls~ed you when wo lust met, anti mywht,le lease w.~ filled ~ith sweetness One of

yeut curls t.uchnd my lion-, and Inut organwas trat,~miued It, to h,af sugar. O! spl©u of

.~l,ice~. garden of tl,’li~lt~s seed sea )ock ofy ,ur It~ir,*end nv~ at+3 thin~-you’~blts,t.I fingershath h ueted) at,d [ will go having lu.d wiLheCatai.y, t)ilt).]ot, k tram 3 brtgbt eyoa wouldtrnn~p,,rl m. unotmveioa,ly uuto tbo thirdhtl,lvnn. Your hits ate red ru~ev gathar0d fromElen bj the haud of lie nugnl. Your wor~leore ml,lleu I)e:,r+v clopping llom your mouth..My heurt b]:tzee a,t Ibo Ihou~ht uf thee; my

brain i. an evt:r]a-stinK_ fire : the |,lead hurneand seorehe~my veins end Titdls n~itpa0uesthrnug’fi tiles. O!.eomn, mu,tdeli~nttul.ofthn breathe Ul,oo n,o with yt, ar teraphlebreath. When yuu do rome i,o .~nre uud brhtgthat two shilliog~ whinh y*+u harrowed of me,as I mnl~ hay ee~e more tobaneo.

...... tt;ino-~n love,~_----- ....

-I~ltAW La~l ~IYEPArUlCg.

Our Washington Letter.

W^eat~e~o’.. D. 0., March 8, ISS0.Ooeeral Lo~au’* ~pt~ch Le the Senate a~alesl

the re~toretl,,n of Fi,n John Porter was u mas-t-rly cff~rt for which h0gsteegood deal oferedit. Old Soeatora declare that It wu one

of the ~at .peeahes, |n Iha natnro of ¯r£umeatsad sentiment, they aver heard le Ihat body,and its effect will b¯to make th¯ Demooretehesitate about put*.lng Ihrough ¯ muanre toe~nsure the Court Mtrtlal whleh ¢ouvh~tml Por,IoG and give him all thi rltthte wkieh i loyal

e.e.t [ h,’o he~-de.l-t~i,/. *ho./O.l+raILogan n~ a candidate for Vtcu Preetdent.sbeuldthe first plnoe be gLven to Setat.r Blsine orany other Eastern man. Ia feet I may say

lm~ehtely- It. the-~treogth ~;~’ the ticket.

The new tales of Iho Hahn. whteh weresdoplcd a f.w day’s ¯go, lake effete to d,y.

The) will not, its ~ome people elle~e, e~pedite~us,ne~s. On Ihe e,,ntrarl th.y will ~tard It

Every effort ’be R*.pub:ieans made to sin.petty)s s,,d take Iron tliedi-~F~J~ttol~abl#

puln s was voted down by Ihe maj.rity. Theysto.d faat p.*rlleularly in taw.r (.f rrtainlag Ihe

p,,wer to t’+ek irrevalant mat er to approprla~

rd~,they~*itl tnevbt 4y-m+ke- ~u)m4~mar4

The pewee exereiaed by the Unlted 8SatesGoner anent durLug4h~ ear waea power ;mpliedtand the 8upr¯m¯ Court hold that It w¯+ a pew-¯ " ;nberent in ~tll:gb~/timonl~p arid[ wheu ih’~6lately needed for lea malutenaooe~ It had the

right to enf6rea |t; an~ ~iany 8tats SupremeC,,urtl #ay:that, waen t Se taeo~ssary power fur¯ vernmeut haaimcu omittedin the gone/il law

it w.I rtght to exerels, the power omitted bylmplieitlon. +¯ +.The Rotdmaeter’a aeeonnt i~ somethlngsti’auge to look at sod yet it |s strange that, at

the town meat , no~.¯ word w¯, said about it

Occur aa :A. 8. Gay, team and man, $15.50

do " ’" 4..50

do work deno on Bell--

all of wh|eb, if mot done at ¯ll we should haveh.d b-ttitr tr¯t¯!]Lttg dn,[nttw~nter A. S G.y,

B,-,n Ro,,.0,.,uelt~.)~ ,I &o., &e. Now wed* ~ ebttp the RoadmMt.r wi~ uy wrcnfhilt We dO t+ellevn Ih.t )I tbttt work " ha4 b tn

dune for himself and not for the pobli¢ knwould hive du~e it b.ttor for~one-qtturter the

money.The finance oommittee 8aywe have examined

the" aoo,.tmle and voueheres &o ~Iow we b~g

kiu~+ i r j~. ~, oj+k _fl t, p e_l~L_hj_~ in_ itemizt.d

pnlit+oal eap,,ai for ua and bury th, m~,elve," i and wbetber, if tketO bo notmuoh ot this workd*elmr o,,xt fa ’. ju-t luml~d i~,? We msr*ly ¯ek lee publi0 in-

’ AIl~r ~nt ng lwo monthl on than tmte~,,,ho I, rmalvm.msjonty d. act m m mo~ ready to go to work I Man is the saree the world over, and wben io

,ban t) ey were before. They will put ,hreugh , office too lung he is too ~ pt to think tLe ,fflee

a dofloloney bill i,, he.t% te .utm they .,are not bel,*ngs to him and n-t him to theoflScu. the ecsp,*npibility nf dataying pubtie buai 8em-rby .wan right iv proposing $7~ for to~deesa just now, but Ib¯ regular eppr,,pria,inn I pnri~,~% lee wtth~roper ~ma,,my t.d right y

d.ll hardly pr@l,eta a ak-rt se.~i,,a nnw. Tb* many y, at*:middle ,d May I, as l)et-a hie Ii,~t~Thn middle I Ttu goad*,.e t:r i. u,.¢,,uatat,le ,o n- one; tb,.

of Ju $ ie m ,re ro~.,,,nab e. [’be 9prise le oI : pe,,p.e should see *o th|l sh.mafully ¯ tee a)a*.Demuerats to blun ler i* aeaa 4. the | tn I tern uf dutug public bu~iueas.

la.sthedefleie ey hillf,r Ihe Printing o+e.I A. I~qulalS.

two m,mth~ a~.. " hey ~*ai,e,I until the Tut,l’ePrlnter was .hlig..d t0 shut d.)w,, and then Ihe I t~£10 ~u.e~D. Of ~L~PJI.i~quiry ka,I io be soewered *shy were hi. lttude ] Rear}body has beard of the Uo.,-n bandedeh(,r, P B~au.e of lh¢~*-Xtra s.tsi,,n. Th*" is a [ Lily (Lilinm auritlnm), end ever) body wh,) sp,,t it* th*-Dent, eta,/ record Ihat will nut mi,es gawersat ell o.naot bet **dmi,e thl.

rub ,,ut. [ queen uf lha’gonu~; but the- every ,,us doe~---TI.e,~ -’in a4t-fldt-r, ey -f- tqa-~,ltl~on*L4n-’he-l-r,.~-kuuw-huw-tn-gla,w--them-~.neee~.fnttPensions **ppr,,i,ri, i,*na l’t I. eau,,ed by tee llaving i~t~la tery Iortunutel. ihnireul,ivttion,

ertrn fo,ee m**,le n,ev,aary hy lb.. a]~reata hill’)~! aXwlgt.&

Temperance Ordinance, &mXfr. ~litor: ............

You kt,,,tt, that simply in 6 name. , is

,lot much: ,, may .ppear s,,mewhat like ,bedome ,4 heave,,- o.,vt-li,,g ell tha u.rn --yet, ’

I with lu et, oou~ge t,thari t. treat them aa l

b+ve. ~*nd L lel DO tea-us wily Ihay, l.,tlt maynot enjoy ¯ b+d el hhvs in p.rlr© ion. blyplan wa+,*e he vt,il eight mobs.sind" ptbtand ’,It, r fl:linu in ~he hot,era t~hb ab,,ata ¯ l,~ hut. el Imall ett,nta |ur dra,n-gn I epltn-kle¢l ,,vet those e-too ct)#ree [ ala,I tilledup he bed with ,,1,1 lotted ~o Is, .rigin.lly ftom

oe a bitd’..e)e ox.mir,.tian .n)o .he capri.,, st j Io,,ee’.orn*r. aa,d rich i. de eyed vegetableth,- greattemporaree .rdtntooe reaily~ ,t, o.’ers] mater. The surfaae of tbe bed w~e rabed anothieg. A thi, ~t * latmtl g tO ~ taw,’a, uhify i GW iuehee ab-vo Ihe .urrauuding lawn, at,d m2*

t,,g itself s,)d re.relating ’egal era, in ia i,s iron bhlbs, tiDy-five In number, in tried. E.cb(?, ,~rovision~. fr,)m be,nnning to end. m re [ bulb hal . placed io ele.,u river sand. s, thath,.les in’it ttma in an ordin.~y eo d seiTe. We[ Ihe .oil houhl not Iou,-h ,hem ; hun*at | have

know nul who f, amed Ihe ,,ntina,,ee. bat we ; had u,, rot. altb,)ngh nearly Ihr¢o years p!auted.are astuni.be4 that Couboilmen, cuppveed IO Tne utt ma have bees inereaa’ng iD ~,treng,ht’uebbane,,u m ,-Ilikene,,eb,,uld horn .ppet:,d~t-}ear~ and -the +numhnr of ¢l,)we0a on each h ab¯ d their-trame’~’~v-it= ,.~en uf no reading eullur,~ I I.ereaeed aa well. ao luaoy as fuurteen bl,,om-

a y,,ur at;eat terns rs I.ugh at it and ~.y,-- [ t,, the bulb in more than nne |u.tanee. F, r¯ ’Or)me, )el uf ,et d 1~01 a gallon ot tLeoem,,n I m, ver,I e,)u ~ecat,ve daysi bane o)uu,ed over

sod have~ g.,,t._time t~f_tt [’ .~l’o this ":+d l~. _10S ft.,were o.. tni. bed. a.3d tl,o delightful frathis great or.|naluee made ned these C, ueeil gr.uee cradle, I. e)F~eially iu the morning, is

I¢ eu+¢ |O **sealmeu say at).l.T /*|,pt+tMh g thetr r,l, me ~ - V’ + ..................................

The Itml*vrat:ee m,n bare nut het.n r-rlnl,ate During % maer I’givc the surfaee of the hadI

¯ thick tear of r.tted eow-duo~, but r.,kn it’off

I iu u~rly 8pri,,g belt)to the ),tung plants appear¯Lilie~ and p,,rlicul&rly ,he L. auratum, di.likum,tuurs in canines t~lt, their roots; the draie-

-~duiiiig Wiu-~r etippl.e~.dl-thiit |s n~oeeoary.

in the 1.slit-tit,l, t,l th, ir lel,r~ ~.el,talivee. WI,&’is the u~e t*l seleeling m*’l! t, imply b, c*~,uite ,h~yart, Semi)cranes .nen,wh-n It is .o,q,p .r-nt to themeet ordin,,ry mi,,d) they are lacking lu p,r

had lead their charter they would h*ve aeeqthat no lice,..a e,,uld be grunt*:d o. ly t- lime,meat,beg blJu~n8 where ;tart_liars can he ueet’m

modated. There is much re_ear tott.~ ......nocon)tilullona,--it~ power is very limited. Ahkn,,w tbat imprironmuut lord+be ia nbo[l~hedio Jer.ey. and uutwitt, etae,lieg our eha.ter and

this groat Io.p h~)} d lempera,,ce ordnance, wechtim that na individual eat+ be imprbenld t,,rthe no..p,ymout -f rue penalty of it* pr,vi -

fully msinlail) tUil fur lal+0

tailed law, brings its aetiuu in debt. nnr ~btD

judgment is r*mdered, it it. out of dehl, mud aSmaa under the canaries’ion of this Sta,o 0as boimpri.oaed f,,r at jadgmaut debt. For a viola-tiuuof slaw restricting and regulaing liquor

selling, the p,tr,y sa viol,ti, g eh’)uld be enuvletcd of t~ misdemeano;¢ nnd s01dO ~nod to l,ey

a title, US the pcna+ty, and if nut p~id, then, &oAnd uow it is ~ai.~ t ut tm mun*.y m,n be

.l*twal by the Uour]cil in the enfmccmeuta of itslaws nod gt,vnrnm~t,t. Whhl sheer neu0enee!In ease ol rtut, tumult and vim trio:is tit eitia0n’$liberties, audetvd rights, has the Council) the

u+leeo wa el,ply au oeeasinnal dose oz verywuak I qaid ma.uruduniug the fl~*wetiogseaa)u

a sligut etimulaet. [ i’t,quently ~y,i’~g. the

o’mittiog its wvvor, afler they nays blo.medt- allow the bulbs tu rlpeu thoronal ly beforeWit tar. Rash stem ahoul,i be tiehtly lasteuedto a stuut etak%u the wind not only I.osensthe+r h Id uf the toil, but, when left ntpro-

t~nted, breaks them -ft. All manner of lilies

m.ny of ’them, especially the L. auratum, pro.

pros. "I attribute my exo. llunt emcees* withthe eutir~ family to this important leature--always drain wed.--40ala& ttoopas, Ch¢~torCountS, /’e...

Mr, 2~ditor:--Our ,owu ties+ion (Mul,ico) pa.sed of with

out very great excitement, rneuhing in the oleo.lieu of the regnlar ticket.maui!nsted theu it was propused to exempt

P£easant Mille Paper C,,mpany from taxation[ur a term el ~eato. The lelt handed friendscf Mr. Fatroll did not vote when the "nays"

wore e.lled. The item ~)f a loss of some 5,000govnrument, au power te pretest its sit’last, a?Th.~ ~t;~ w~ hnvt~ he* o~ .tnm~n ]t , ~,~ SOleS in the tnwnehip, betwenu the real ooreage

and thn assessment afeared name eurt rtseclaim that In every ordinanre, and every re~o-l’rohahly one pereon o, uld presume’ whosolutlun acted on by the Cnuncil, share is by im~ - ’ , ’* ’ .tome nf it l~. wero there a eases to eerreetlypUoatioe, aa earning Iron t~.e puwcr grautiog [state the preeleo amount a obau©e to tell forthe eberter~the all ne:estary power tu tufty oa [

o t |nstanee, sums of the tract valood nt $15,000 tothe government f r th¯ mainteoanee of he ], ¯ tax But It makes a difference who owns thepaopl0’e r?gbta; lu doing [_ "

ender the he~lleg uf town opproprlqt,0-,. I ~_~!._~tb_~tg°r_t_s__~_~_~.°~?t it_."presnmed)r’ocomew~/a~men.e nt som~

pa~ ie~ in whose iulereitt th,+ II ,t~msnts ut~made. or oaors% the leg langling andioose~log tnfluenee hal to be exh|blledL"

their hondr bar s//Td, ii0nie wb~/ Sad f6rma~been nnder th4t influeece kept aloof frcm it.

The v0te wet ~gbt, owin~ In-the storm.

resulr was ann,mneed noon after l0 o’ds~bnotwhhetaudlng the abnen0e or ecmo one.


E ~,o,,, t March 10tb. 1850.

Strange Bible Fa~t~The learned Prmee uf Or.side t kelr te

Cluwn fur fear he should aspire to the thrt, tal~wan kept in solitary confinement in tSopriloo, at the Pla0e of Skulls, M¯dr|d. A~"thirty.three yta-s iu thin htieg tomb dmdS,

taken from--@~e-Bihlr.-lS~marked with uu old nail "m the ruagtfwuU+~

his eell, told how the brain .ought emplay~thr,,ugh the weary )e.,rs :

In the Bible the word Lord ie fouud 1o84~times, the word Jehovah b.855 limes, sod wot~R~ver.nd bet bnee, sad that In- Iho 9th ver+a q[the--(~Ilh~PsMm.~ The 8Tff-W6~e~of~ldl~

CXVI[h Ps.lm ia Ihe u. lddle versa of ti~BnL,le. The 9+b verse of uhe VlIIth chapter~]g+lher i. the longest verso, and Ihe ~Seh weN~


CXXX/Ith P.ah~,ndsulike No nameaoWw,ad) with more lh.n six ~yllables are fo~aad Imthe Bible.- Th~ XXXVIItk ehapter of I.~aia~&ud XIX,h chapt*,r -f 7..d Ki’tga.are alike. ’1~w,,r,l Girl ,.e~url but +)eat, iu the Blbl~

that iu the 3d and llI,I cbapter el JodlkTmO att--~uud-|n--Iotb b-oka uf Ihe B~llll. .....

letlero. 773,693 wards, 31,3’/~t

chapter of tbe Act*. of the ap.atlel~ ia the ioml~©ha ~er_t~read Thum~)~ubeantt ’_u L~h e pt~r_tm __

,I,o B,ble is the XXiIId Psalm. Thu¢~t~mnt-t it,e~lring proml.e, ere iu Matthew. X[tatchapter at*,, 2Ash verse, XXXVIIt,t P.alm. 4t:~wgr.e, John,XIVIb chapter and Sd ver,,~ Jolu~ "Vith chapter end ~TIh verse. The let verl~of the LXth abe*peer of I.atah is the ¯t~ f*~Pthe nn~ eoevert. All who flatt¯r thaut|u|tq~*

with vats h.***tluge of the|r p. rleetaem~ sb~ttl~

;earn the Vlth ei,ap,t.e el Mattbatt. All ¯ uml~-Ity -+hou!d h m"h" thwV Itb-ebaptar -of~St.-l~uttq~f um the ~lhh ver-e t- I1+ ending. ¯

Dr. J. M Peeblea ha, lef~ on our table ,t m~p~o’ Ida bu,,k eutidn,I "At~)und the Wutll.rraveb’,n Pol) nes,a, Cb0oa. India A,abhbE.)pt. Syria. and ,,th, r IL.atheu C.a,tri~at.~’’I’hu tlt t ~h.pler It* d~,nr.plive ml hisjoarttqpIrott~ * Hamm0,nl-n tu Calif ,rnia " wbn-h i. fu~ ...............O iu ere**l, al,d tl,e t*hule vulume In iu,eu-n~i.tere.liu£, c,,ntan, ing Ibe gleanings f twlpy~ar~’t av~l. It embodies per-o,*nl expa¢ieu..,ca. d,lertptbm~ ,,f Asia)is n,mu,trte% .rid rib,,,t~trvl, tlulla re[,altng t() Ihe mender% *2aslom~¯ a~e, religions, a d -pililual ta-tiucte uf sld’--[ete.t hnli,,n% sud i~ loll el mates." ~,f .n,l i.~ttoeti,,n, and it e.,u.i, lered th~,-bert .I tho u, any ho k~ .that Ihn atatboV h~p.written. 0uLby & Eiob, Boston, Bublbbere.

,,°"The Art of Reading tea re,at exee’l,u~little b.ok fn,m t, ,. h,,a~o ,,f (’laxt+u, Rema¯& Hafllt~tt :er. fi21-26-2S Markel ell’, Puila, d~-.phg.- The ~u’h..r. Em, et Leg,,uye~ "~ u.~-mb~T

,,f the F,eneh Adad:my. hi/s the rea,uet~in thla h.,.k, b e i.t-truotioa, th.t ni~one tan re.d ith,,nt being%eat§teed. I|e tel~lt- -tho re.d.r how tn re.d. how t’, uae a,,d n...trofIbu voice, tits .¢t-ot br, nI¢ while ICa Ioe + +talking, and gi~e~, very imp,,raan~ pra,’t*o,, leeteona i*. brtatt, in~ durlt,g ,hi,, gr~at aeCOml,liab~mez, t) 8o(.I n.adlng. !|,- al.,i- gi¢.~-pr.Otte.t~*let, s,,ua nl pr,,I)nnt.ialloe) an(| h,*w Io ov, re, m~/.deftot++ io uttrlence, i,, I al eto,*iun aod .Ihtlb-tl*,t, ortant I" htla in the .re .1 readil g It ,~ t~,bo~,k of I. all, but Io iho e who t.oui4~kn,,w h-w tu tend iotehiKibly an’t w, ll, get~k, at~d it a .t,dy, and )On e.n*t h I~tbtmpt’t~ing? --14 wn*.lr,~n~l.ted by l~.twurd R*At~


For Sale for One-HaLtits Value.

Ooe of the moat del! ht~LhJf~pla.0ee io th¯.

10 iu cultivation, with over4t~ta,,ally in a he’,sing state. Applaq~

Quinces, Plums. Chet,les., ohosmuts, butternuts, fl.bert~

Iouts, grspes, currants, atrewberr[,e~its. cranberries hnok~eberrles, &e.

two.story uiue room house, v*ilh plar~

one cod, largo four-light wlud-.~best well iu the eonet), being walled ’~’itlt

hard brick laLditt eemeat from the bottom {1~

thu top.-. The Watori* always cold, olear, pat;~ahandaut and never failing. Tko p~tmp ~-wet sink is in the h.use only e;ght fe*t fr~*"i

the oooklng stove, and six from the e~ller, pu~.

try, Sitting room or diuIng .room .Leers. Ba’~

2bX49 ft., carriage ehed " 9X24. Stove n~furniture will be sold w|th th~ hoqt~m if dm~.lre41.

A~dt~as nr call aport

T. N. WETU g_RB]g~

..... Hamat~m~ath ]~tw.J*t’~21~ .....



In Youth. might describe how crowdedhow, we were anuo~ed i

~n youth we rem~ ca the bill ct hope, inlant that it was utterlyAnd viewed before ea the pro~eeUvs plea. 811euoo] how W0

airy;We watched she warm ,eas~ bathing,vale and’

e , ¯ ¯

With rays dowzalad,#a with ,their goldeu’ to ~make


in the

T here came a slmde that tent ane~, I

Yet made the soul moi’e~u~lly bright;~e took my lmnd, and, in a yaiee:ol g~adnms, only be

]~lted to Where a bird ~iled in thelight¯..... W~ leached Baltimore at last, and I

With the smooth wavinK wing that skimmedwas immediately--driven to B~’num’S- the air, . : , . hotel. I had eomo~q~t0u~ty

U~wn~" and’ on’yard lhy heart kept Lime my way to the clerkS’-" couhter; tl~e ImJ! ;was so crowded witlland motion;

whax~ hedesist, The

made meme that I


moon. " -~_h~Zed one light of a tall

and I closed the window and resumoc

the body.

Ifruse other~ be’.

the chamber, placingor. the flora.

" Well, I’m blessed if tills man hasn’thimself exclaimed a

rhtch I be the land-

"By golly I that’s true" said theother man. "No, I neehow Itis

and woul~

was a coward ? That on.


The Thln|s tu the Bottom Dr~--~-Itwer~--1"he~o arewhllm attd to~ and pleoeo el etrl~g~,

Ther~ me shoe~ which no little lees w~ur.rhero are bits of ribbon and broken ~’~

.There a~ llule d~ folded~w~Out of the light c4 the.eunny day.There axe daint~r~pke~ tha~ never al~0 wore,~_~h~d modei~ of*hlI~,T~iere are hooks and pictures

$orn,And marked by the finger tips

Of dimpled "hands ~thave tall~ to du~LYet I strive m think that the Lord t~ iu*t.

the reaper has nlvawl ao many ~owa~And taketh mine away.

Maid* i~vO :P#~ B~#ef Tellowand ~s the Cleanest and Chesl~Jt corp. for Wn~i~g Igdm*:,,. ~,~,0~*~’l, nlaatv foe tt seed many Dbhe* mind the Dish CJo~ will .a.lm!y.* be NIN. -i~J_~

. ~.~,.~al- ’~J’~’]~i~u;a ClOthings..mskes’th~ Hinds Nice ~ Bmomn aO~l prev~m¯ "" It doee "’~-"~X’"~EI;’"L-~N~-’:=I~ORi:-B~I "AND XOILI~T UaX AH, D FOR, s~.AVlNO.

Soap L~(liat doe, not hurt the Skin, ~annot hurt Glomos,|are

~tton 9r~pe~ wllt be mu~h worn.T~haas are Worn ~r


~o[ors.l,l~ht tan is the newast shaAe In kid

satin de

l~tu~ht~r, mJad wn’u.

gloves, ordl:~-~Lace is again used to -exoe~ in m~" ~ chances at0 ten to 0no’ that

[inery. ’ i ’ ’ .~ when she gets a home of her own she¯ L~g~ palatine collars of- ts~ :! W~ll-rpalCc=iC wretched. Therearerived, e~ ~h~ fancy thei~lves ~o

,New necktic~ axeo! persian ~i!k e~g’ ~ ~-~eir’p~rent~ thiit thb~. ..... ~" of enjoymgthelr ~oclety

Oriental designs prevail in the ~ 0ught,~ be’all the oldhave the a~uranceto ~t~k,

F RA NK:, S!uUALLS SOAP...... .....::i ’ .... SF=P-






,N WAHR~-I ~/~ATER~ ~’


Until a aloud, with a silvery lining fixir, theCo~oegled the bird, and blighted my dave- to enter my name.

lion. There was no help for it. I weal........... *- ’ ............... round’to thb Gihnor .house and reoei.v.ed_The moon appro~ched, and with it worldly the same reply. It was the same with

.... . pain, " ¯ ~ , the Eutaw mad the.Howa~rd houseandWe’teboredin thorPe, with bamingrayshaffa dozen other hotels. Itwasgotr

there us; " t!ngdark a~dl began rethink I should

~.~ have to sleep in the hh~k all night¯"- ~low moved the rook w~re~ our fleld ofgraln, "Try OldTown, Bill,"~id a frteddAnd darkness seemed to fall on those whoto thehackman, who saw my dilemma¯

eared to love us. "They are only third and fourth xatoinns there," said thedriver, "and per-

~n the western~dol~e, in twilight now, would not Hke toWe turn with esdne~ towar~l the night be- for a

¯ The e~xO of llme is fixed on either .~row,And mghs nae born o! thoughts that but

mind us.

The bird that ~Hed, e~ early summer morn

"I, t is no use3articular at such a time as this."

heads were turned round,and we proceeded down Baltimorestreet over a

We then plunged

x~Y¯se~ttnth~¯ehalr. I then fom~d my-seffwovderlng what avocation my friendin bed followed. I suddeul~ cast myeyes on a heap of clothes whnch lay ona trunk,, covere~l over with a ltanker-chief, no doubt belonging to the s]eepei-.My c~rio~ity got the better of my polite-nea~, and before I scarcely knew what Iwa~about I found myself examlning his’app~-’eL The handkerchief whiah cov-ered themwas a ocarso cotton one. andhis clothes of coarse homespnn, andwere such as axe ~sua]ly worn bydrovers, My companion, then, wasevidently a drover--a rough class of menwho usually stand upon very little cere-

undressed as I was, I began tovery cool--but bolero venturin~bedl determined to try an expert-

if the drover slept soundlyJ had taken the precaution to

eoRld make a run of it if


L not to him¯"I breathed freely, f9r I immediately

understood the whole matter.. Thehmdlord h~d p~f~ me to sleep¯ withaldead man. I heard them take downthe body and put it into a coffiu--for itw~.q that they had brought with them¯They oarrled it awa~ and I was left tomyself¯ With my mmd thus relieved Ifell asleep and e~oyed two hours’delicious slumber.. I then got up,dressed myself, and pr~oeededdownstairs.

"Good morning," said I to the hmd-¯ T6rff-.f¢if6Wgs~eh~ind-tlle-bar. . ....

"Good mornin’, sir" he replied, crimes¯ ’ I hope you slept well. That kindled the wrath o~," I returned;_" my bed- Yet a mother’s song has smoothed them. to.trouble at first, but lsoon re~..

him." She hath lu~ed them to ~umber upoeher

with a w~k.

tad I almost doubt il the Lord can knowThat a mother’s heert ,’,an love 03~m co.Then I tldek ofthemany weary one~.... Wh~ are wtittngand washing to~nigbtFor the slow return of isJtering Ira4.

That have strayed from the paths el rt~h~;’"Who have darkened their lives by Mtame a~l

sin,Whom the enares oi the tempter have gW~.

ered iu.They wander ~r in distant climes,

They perish by fire wad flood; .A~_m~L~k__~with the dire~t

with ~orn, at last stopped before the door[of a very dr~ver was evidently aAnd leR my days to daxkne~s and despair¯ tavern, sleeper, for although the noiqe Not another word passed between us My b~be~ that never grow old,

"J[%e~mokthatmovedacro~smyfleidolgrn-~n, considerable he did not make the with referencetot!,eaffalr; and I~fter- And know theY are waiting and watching ~,slightest motion¯ This decided me,.and ward learned from the convert’talon of me,

Bore on his wings the blight o1 comicg angel, try which the tavern.was I hastily finished undressing and .~rept the people while I was at breakfast that In the c~ty with the ~--oot~ ol geld,yeare; known. .,, intobed. . ’ companion for the night was a Ssde,~|delmmtheeareoolthewe~ryYeers,But ~ to me there’s solace in her str~;3n, 1. e~tered and made el course, I was careful not to touch made a ruinous From eorro#w, and etn. and war, -

Who ~ me first to l~te among the _.had_committedspheres, the The landlord, a , awake, but the novelty of th0 ,~ng himself in the chore- And I thank~y Godwith falKng tear%

)re. For the things in the bottom dm.’ver.--HuOI, ~..WcDermotL thick, man, with a gleam for

face, sho~k his the Golden Angel that morning ............ .~. ._..... the hateful words: wore off. I obtained at Barnum’s l’l~IS OF INTgREffr,

g~El/’/~ pointed bodices aref~hldnable.

...... ~_~.he"new French buntin~ have novels.

~/?Fie turban is the bonnet of thein~:moment. " - ’ for~toh :fln~

¯ Gaoo4Rriped ’buntings appear amon~ n~mOf~li’eir~,~ ~,w,.goods.

Rouge Adrianople is the new name_,for. red otl calico.

~.~trlped s0er~uckers are again shown~~rlstgnmer/mi~s:

A!batro~s cloth is one of the newamass.for French bunting.~3apanes? colors and designs prevail inI

all pHaSeS cotton goous.and flower turbans ed

appear ~mo~g

with domestic’

and to oent~ntadmiring their’ handsome .appeax~n..joein the Inter~r~le Of ’hiDer. G~r1~ o~.~i~

anxlo~ to be


a~non new artificial flowers, offering mavd~e to a girlIridescent or rainbow beads entirely She tenet fit to-be the wife of s

~over the crowns of so me bonnets, m~l¯

.Six bangles on one arm is not an uu- the

usual number for a fashionable she

.Canton stripes, resembling tsh~?ed rtesP It she herself too finef~r~wnings,-~re a.nOye~V:.m.Ls!q ...... ,~ =~_to_w~k,_lsAt~ _safe to expec.t that her

¯ ~il~o and str~w color Will De mvortue views as to that/fi/~tiff.woulu radicaily-e0mbtnation~ of color for spring wear. change if she beconIm awtfe.

~Plain red otl calico wlll be used in ~-~_mbin~tion with figured rouge Adrian- & x,~-~,ar wr=mm~t:


MakeeOlothe~ Clean,Sweetand~W~..h,R;e~ w!th0ut Scalding or Boiling,anOde’if rubb6d bff}ightly and the dli~f, ofid stri6i|y followed, it willgo so much further than other Soap and Saves so much Fuel, es toprove it tube the Cheapest Soap that even a p0orfamily can buy.

Splendid for "" AWash that takes a whole forenoon, can0oaxeo of ~FineG0mts, be done in .a" couple of Hours, if you will useV~OOIOnB, ~u~ot~, ,

................. ~/.snnelsf On’ice, The Clothes will smell Sweeter and look niCer~Fiz/e :Fabrics, on the line, than when washed in any other way

and Delicate Colors. and (as they are fosiEvely not ~o be ScaldedClesaa~~ns and or Boiled,) there is no heavy ,~V, ashb011er to llftm.|urb/e ~Ton . ,,., ..... . ..... r, ..:*.,,^ "~Zr

-- -~ " ts steam ~o spur, t, tu w~.-pap~r~r~ut.,.tu~=~ .


Follow Miss LESLIE’S Receipt,When you use FRANK’.-SIDDALLS SOAP.

In tbefirst pI~C~, do not ~et the WashboLler about on Washday; the Cloth~ wilt

from~ tea-ketth to make the wash-wat~ warm enough to smt me nanos, wmea mall that h necessary) a wash-boiler is not needed and only makes work for

. x

mind sharing a bed with¯,, ’said he.

l ,_am_ no politician. I am a provision If o hell, tor it I suppose wholesale provision deniers, must," I replied, "although, to tell thedoing business in New York city¯ Hay- troth, it is by no means agreeable toin~ commenced my veritable history me," an<l I inwardl.v heaped denuncia~

, with the above assertion, it is necessary tions on Ardew’s’ he~d for persuading" ~ ~

that I should inform-theTeader how-it me-to be hi~ ~l~stit’ut~: --wa~ that I was a member of the Now ’° Your bedfellow is a quiet fellow,

: . ; - . --. ....... York dele~atlon-to the DemoeTntic con- when he is asle’ep. ~tho~gh I must~s~y- :~f__-_ ~ ~areuttv’n-held-ln-Bahimore-some-years- he is rather violent when annoyed.- He

...... /ig-07 ............ --_-fF-- -s~rerysma~r,~suwh~ve-tu-- - ........ One evening in theJatter part o! Aiay do is to be careful not to wake him. He

I was ~oated with my wife in our pretty has been in bed some time."¯ house on Eighth street, enjoying a fro- I ~Ust make a humiliating confession

- grant cup ol tea--for if tl~ere is any- to the reader : Iamnotabraven~n. Ithing that I am a good judge of it is tea¯ have often tried to persuade myself that

.... My wile had been shopping, an0 while I am. btrt trnt~ .~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~mpe]s me to state that~-. ¯ 1 " I was sipping my Hyson flavored with a greater coward does not exist, than

.. . orange, she was showin~ me her pur- myself. The landlord’s description oft I chases. She was expatiatmg on a "love .my bedfellow was anything but as.sur-

..~ "~elY.inT:L~.waS~or~CU~%~me~d d~dA, f?d~tUlrn~,°~olrd itwhl~nkto~°~a~l~

’~ he admitted. . . of a coward to brave being thought one." "Gunby," said Ardew, as soon ~ t~c I " I accept your offer Qf half a bed¯

had pMd hie respects to my wile (I [ Bring me some brandy arid water arid a.... ~hould have told you before that my lcigar." ~

mane ~s Jonathan’Gunbv), "Gunby, I l I sat down st one of the little tables" " a "want you to do me a great f per. l m the bar-room, and puffing away at¯ ’*What ~ it. my dear tellow?" I re [ my cigar I tried to persuademyse]f that

plied. I could :~fford to 1,e affections:e, I I was vry jolly. It was a mist tabletor I knew that Ardew was too rich to t attempt, however. I had previously

¯ . : ........ want money. . , supped at a restaurant in a more modern: "You know I am a politicia~?" said part of the city. After my cigar was

¯ Ardew. I finished I asked to be shown to my....... "I know you.axe.P £retu~acd, "~and i chamber.. Thel-,ndlord took upon him-

¯ not mush good has it done you. To my [ self the task ot being my conductor, ando~aln knowledge you have not re-[ I followed him up a narrow ricket~calved a cent benefit from it; on the 1 staircase. We kept on ascending until

..... other hand, you have spent agood many | we reached the top of the house, when: hnmdred dollars." [ we entered a modeixn-ateiy-sized room~

¯ : . "JustWait till "-’Z’, is ei~ted¯Pr.esi- / butmuch c~aner .than I had expected~lent, an(l~neuyou win see; DuttnaG is to uno it. "l/~e ceuing was veryiow,¯ not the question. I am a delegate to the and inclined in front to the slope of theBoltimore convention, and I want you ~ reel The apartment contained but one

....... to a~.t as my substitute."- ....... ~ bt, d, which was placed against the wall, What. 1 cried, jumping up from [ near the door. At the opposite end of

m chair in excitement ’*I, Jonathan_[_the, chamber was’a t~bIe, placed be-................ y ¯ _ ;_ - . -- _7 ...... ~unby,-whotesate l~rovi~don-merchant, f-tween-two wmdows whmh-looked-upon

" " act as a member of a political conven- |the roof.lion !~ never, my dear friend, never! ’ ] The landlord, placed the~lamp upon

" " ’" But you must. I will pay all ex- ]the table, a~d l noticed thath~ shielded¯~ peases, and the trip will do you good¯ It he light with his hand as he passed

’ " " I have noticed that .you seemed to be | near the bed./ ’ ehinner than ~ou used to be; a change [ ."Be sure and don’t take the Hght

:~:: ....................... "is the very .thing for you.- The-fact-as,-[ near - him+" whispered the proprietorof: ~:. . I have an importsnt lawsuit going on, I the Golden Angel; ’* noti~ingwakes him, ~ and it is utt~]y ’impossible that 1can sooner than that. You see I-don’t know¯ ~’- " . ,-. leave New Xork. You must do this ] how h0 might like my pu .lag another

" I~L_ " favor tot me, mx dear Gunby. , ~ man with him; and he is ~ "ely ugly

t ~," - : Htica~ meeting in my life," I replied. ] you." " "somewhat soltened by’the fact that all J "I shall h~ earPfu]," I expen~e~would be paid. Ishould ! Th,~t’srighL Goodnight, hewh, -

~~ make a blockhead of myself, for I know pered, and left the room. ,

~ "- ~oth~g "of the’rule~ and regulations of . He had no sooner gone than I sau-l" . ~mch assemblies., " " ~iously sat/down, taking care not to

L " " ’" You dbn’t want to know anything; make the ]east: noise. I then calmly:, .... -- -a~lCha~youhave to do-isto_votcthrough_ sut’vcyedxaT_position. __It was cer~inl~

. thick and thin lor--" " not a very enviable one. Aceordinglz~:’ ~ . .... ~ " . ......’~v’mtd-do~-liko-tho-m~,.~ ’ the landlord’s account my compn~idn¯ . o~ ...... *’ You have notliing to do with that 1or the nlght was anything but an ami-: Ido Hke him, and y0uwillbe votingf0r ablo0haracter. If I should chance to: ’ " me." . awaken him t- knew not what might

"Yon are rlght--I forgot that¯" , occur. He might assault me danger-, . "Jonathnn shall not/~o to thatawful [ ously before I could enter into any cx-

xowdy city, Baltimore." said my wife, [ plnnation. I hall resolved to pass thc¯ . "Ha will be kil]e,i by the "Plug Uglies.’ I night in the chair, and not retire to bed- "Blood ’Black Snakes.’ It at all. l~ut it was one of the old-lash-

, . is m,t ~af,, to w ask the streets there, i,,n,,d, high-backed chairs, and made? ]Pllnever coosent ~o his going." ~,ch an uncomfortable seat that I soon

" You need have no fear onthat he:,d, tired out. I then ventured to glance, madam." sa;d Ardew; "’they have got, a~mnd the room.--M-y-eyc~ naturally

, a new pc}ice there, qnd Baltimore is onc fell on the bed. . " "...... ottheqnictesteities in th,~ U,ion." There was one thing that consoled

I need not detail any more of the eon- me; my’companion appeaxed to bo in¯ ~- versaticas ; suffice it to say tlm~ Ardewdeep sleep, for he did not even move,

=. - persuaded me to n?t in his place, and I could see the ridge made by his feet: the hiatof ahandsome present from the at the end of his bed. and that was all.

:-.’. -, = ..... monumental city so mo!tifiedmy wife I also noticed that the bed was a very--V , " thstshegavcher consent, barge one. The man who had posscs-

’..~, ~ " " ~On the appointed clay, provided with ’sion of it lay near the wall, and there-: Ahe necessary vouchers. I sL.rted on w~m plenty of space between him and! " . my journey, having first fi~ithtu]ly theoutside for mete lie without touch-¯ :~ - promised m.y wife that I would not. ing him. I screwed my courage up’ _~_ venture m llw ~reots of Bahimore aft~,r and began to undress--bu~ I suddenly

................... ~a~k. --[~hallno~ detail the-particulars remembered tS~ land]o~, ’s words,, that

................ "of my journey. Were-J l(, ilo so /~the ~trang~’r Was ~m ugly cus~mer


example.I have no idea how long I sleet before I told mv adventure to my friends---

I commenced .to dream. ] suddenly, not as I ha~e told it to you, dear reader,however, though that my companion but with the same construction that thewoke upand sat upright in bed; that landlord of the Golden Angelput uponhe glared around him and at last Iris it. Everybody thought I had dispelledeyes fel~ upon me.. He t fien uttereo a extraordinary coolness and int~epidxty.terrible cry. and-threw nimseH -upon -There is one thing, however, to which Im0. In spxte of my natural cowardice, have ’fully m~de up my mind~ and thatI s3w tlmt if I ~lid not struggle I should I~ I wl II never attend another ~nlitical~.~_Ltlpuf ,~:l.~eiz~d _him_ 1,~ convention as long as 1 ]ive._---Ba//i,w~__e_i¯ .~ _ ~, , .:. mng-my-gr~p_~t- ~ ..........saw him getting black in the face. Hishands fell powerless- by. his ~aide~. a- - iluntlng-the-~zar of-Russia .... ismotherea groan escapes mm ; out stih r.,t,~ ...... +he London StandardI pressed his throat tighter, tighter-- ,h~."~’~.~’ h~r~d~"ever left the Winter;his face grew blacker and blacker. ~,~o~,t" gt "~Pot~ab .... When he ’In a~ony of lear I awoke, and hat ~o., ~,’~,~.a h~ ~.. .... ,,,,,a~ h,, .--,.o~°" ....~;’,’~7 ~,,h~rr~rv and dis~a-~ ~ to fi.a,, ~,a~+~ + cloud .............................of mounted officers, who con-.a =my pana_was.rea~y ~.~<ssmg my ecru- ceased the carriage ~nd protected thep~nlon s mroat, ne am not move nor ..~o+oo . ;,h ~ho;. t,.~A,,~ ;. fh~stir, and his bodv felt as Id as Ic . " " c ible .....~..~.~.u..~, " ~’~’~"~" "~""~ ........... es a-d ~o~eers of the"Can he be deadP" ma~tsw, mgn~mr~ n

" " = d t f "’e- ..... household. At chapel detectives occu-TJ-jmnpeu o~!o-am .~en~- scorning pied feAt~thdt-were f6rm~PIy reserved-nan nawneo, aaulougn me ann na~ no~ ~ "" " " "~ " "-rs ~’etec"ves

" " " " "- "’e wi " ~ for nlSUln~rUlSUeO VlSIbO . JL/ £1yeG risen. ¯ rusueo to tn nGow ann ......... ~- "~e~ d; h ~as~11o~ h~lr #h e C.V,to;~ ¯ +h~ --, inie8teo the Klr~Cllen. r~v *j ,~*. --.^ ,,.. *.~a .~-.. a ~b~ .+ .... tasted by persons of rank, specmlly se-panmn.. ~y worst fears w re tea tzed. a;a ,~+ ....... *u-e +~en his]etters

°=~’~’~.u .^+ ~++.~v~ +^ a~o~.~’. ~,, veatedly been sent to him. Yet, with~ ............... all these elaborate precautmns ~t

~Y# "~’J ,"’~:’~. .... .~,Z ~ ,~ ¥~.or;,~ the nnnounced, advertised andtton, m3 llanos ~remnlco, ana Ior a Iew ~l.^o.~,..t ~.;.o ;. thn h~m~.~,moments I believe I was bereft of my ~h~’~’~.~,~=nuc’~,~esa o"-~;’~"senses. I recovered by degrees--but ~t ~. ......... ,~ ; ..... artme-* ~e*~was only to reahze in a mor acute de- +^ +h~ a:." ..... wh~,, *he,, h~.~at~’e ’-~o~ of m~ situation There ......... ~ .......... ~ ....(s .... ~.,,~: .o . ~a " - , the reportof theexp]osion. Thclightslay m~z wcum aria ¯ was a muraerer. ~ ...... +;.~,;oh~ and +he- -~o";’~e=~s.,~,,,~, ~,,- .............¯ ¯ ¯ ~,..o..~’"’~" *.~’~"~ v-~-~’;"c~°°~, the officee~.. ~nnd,Slows all passed m rapnd rewew be-~,~ wh .... ~a~.=~; ..... p r ~.~ the valets went blindly through the¯ "’~=~ ...... -- ...................... red ----’sc-- - l-a,,~., bu..~,t m-, face in m" hands and oarx. ano men pou prom] uous y~."~’L".h ~:~.’~ .~,~a ~J. Z~c ..... throu hthedoorofthoroyalapartment~.w,~,,,,,o,,~ =..~. .......... ~ .,+ ~r +he ,a+.l.narter All --he"’=~.~. =~. .... -- o . ...... saw the sight--the picture of Alexander

wna~ W£S r~O De eerie f I~UOUlU I .. ¯ .. ~" ¯ - L’--r awa-fr " -e t’e h se ~ a’-e " C" IL. teasing nls uaugn~ _v rom ~nearous n ou anu m K a lean ¯ -~ "-e-~ rw" o -~ ~¯ mine ox aynamt~ y ~ as ne ma~breast of st P But what could 1 say P ^^.~a .... h~ e~*~,

Tell them I had killed a man in my ~.~’~;i’e~n~ ~ ~b’/~"relates tha* forsleep ? Not a soul woud believe the .... e cz - had d--" e.,^;.;,--~,~.~a~ ,#,,+ ....... p T-- some uays pas~-m - ~r- - mtyrm.-~a.- ..-~,.~-~ ~,~=~-a.-~,~-w- ~" ..~.-~.~ ..... ~a 1o++,=r containin- = fe~

ssible; thecrlmewou bedlscover s "~r^~ r ~ ,~a ~.~ ~ho ~;~,, ~,a r words of menace, and aymg that If heo’~,,’~’~ ~,~,~."~’~,,’~’~’ ~ did not change his system of oppression.................................. to c01ebr *- "~+"~ ;* .... Be K~ I Bh~" IA ~,~ t, ..e A rAe WOUIQ nee LIve a~ 1;ne

.~oa b- the -e-k! v,~ thot~,ld ston. The sheet was alw ys bordered~:-, .v ,, ~ ~ ~"~ "= --" " rt i ele--fate As this terrible .... wtth black. In con c r ’s it was-a ...... tI~ougnt~ed m" mind I cast m" e"es around kno~ -as- the black letter. -- All ~fforts~ q .., ~,,a: -, to dts~ ~ve ’ ~ person who conve~ed itcnamoer, ann Lney ldl| upon l~l|e ,^ +lh.~ -- , ; .s. ~m ~au~a-~ n~so~sn~_with the hooks init. IA’om thence w.~.~ ~. ...............

wandered to the handkerchief coy- lm. . ,the dead man’s clothes" " ’: _: ?ersqna/Expenses:

make it ap- the Sultan of Turkey, whohad committed sui- ~c keep Eur~p~ in a per-

Yes, that was my only chance, state of Turkish bath, some in-and I determined to put it into execu, statistics have been published.

id’s favorite residence atI took the dead man’s handkerchief, ~onstantinople, the Yildiz Kiosk, is d0-

md advanced to

have anticipated, lishment are five "talkers," whose dutyfearful situation, no doubt, ani- it is to scare away dull moments by

to an exten~ that I should pouring into his majesty’s ears all theneve~ otherwise have dreamed of. ] title-tattle, scandal and idle gossip Otmade a noose in the handkerchief and Constantinople. These talkers haveslipped it over the dead man’s neck. I under them a staffof sixtyspies andthen lifted the hody out of bed; and, sneaks, who da~. and night poke theirstanding on a chair, fastened the other noses into the c~ty’s holes and eornemend of the handkerchief to a hook in the and creepup back stairs in scarab otbeam. I now let the body go, and it spicy 1terns for the royal ears. Thereswung in space, are four sultanas and eighty women of

l jumped into bed, and shut my eyes the harem, guarded by one hundred andto close the horrid, sight ires my g~ze. twenty black enuchs, who have specialI determined to wait there until someservants of their own. and live well.body should come into the room, nnd There arc ten maitres d’Aotd, three hun-then pretend that I knew nothing at all dred cooks ;and two hundred waiters.abou]: it, m~d that the man must have Ten-servants take eaxe of his m~esty’ up in the night and hnn~,ed himself¯ pipes, ten more of thebit of carpet upon

I lay quaking and trembling for over which he prays and ten more pass theiran hour. It ~rew broad daylight. I lives in mak|ng coifs0 for him. Not-felt thesun shming directly on the bed, withstanding the eternal cry of povertybut 1 dare not open my eyes for fear that raised by poor Turkey, the sultan man-I should encounter the dangling corpse, ages to spend in his household not le~Suddenly I heard the step of two men $1L000,000 a year.on: the stairs. They appeared to be .......carrying something heavy between Tha’OllCity Derrick ~ays that all thethem, --T,ho ]ong-antJ,:ipated -momentinve~U~ Jn tho world will never pro-w~ ~prbd~hlng, In a Tew seconds d~’c, m~;hiReto w.II~-woman’sagd.

-? i¸






If. C. Dora,.’, f,"~sss~/,ue h’dit~rr,

Z’e~is/ered, at ¢~-’.~’tt~rr~-: m on)on, _Post ,Office_ to -be

b’an, wu, itted /hl~o~6h, /I.,em,a ~l,s" as second eldsS mat-

¯ ,7’r, Ilama’atiou of Gareelon

g,~es steaddy forward in Ma|no.

~,*r~t~d ,qs .~ayin~ lhat the ~*tllllt rlllO*’d,;e~

n ,t Lind the distr:ct iieloaates. "Only

re*chitlins.s/’ lloi’.ay.% "Penn.ylw{niaw-nhl give l~laiuo, a rousing vale. ’[|e is~t llr¯tvt,, ¢ltlt.~l}olceo ~ f,’ar]esa advoette.~tnd

t?ennsvlvauia Relmld|eans llke that kindof blood." ,

The U. S. Sttptetnp (’ot|rt, has affirmedtl,e ( ’onetit ut tonality of .t!te elect i,.~ la~’,amt thus swept away the list exensc~rhitdl the De..~etat~’have had for t~otp,yi,,g the Utli’ed States Mar.~hals. Butthefor they_ are aa full of devices as an p~g~_sOf meat, and so long as Norlhern I)emo-if,Is in Cong~ess are under ex-rebel c~n-trol, a.d sq long nsgrtef f,,r the I;m~ cause

ty to the Uuton~ bur. with ttal tuuelt loyal- ~10, Agents profits : selltlig" receipt for, tJ,,to ~¢C[011all. lJ[o ItaJd that the bah maRIrlg ~hu Y*V01’Id Renowned Golden Prise

Vlnegarto Groeer~, Merehauts. etu. 42 gal-,tl~ I~ud~lre~l ne01~sary ."by ;hil- neglect of ICilS oos~ lel~l thmi SL Prlc* of receipt $/orduty Coat the Union army 20,000 llve~. ~ror~i. F,n~n~n TIIALMAN, Ples2~nt 11111,Case Co., Missouri.

..-2.-’ Job Prhattng of*very kind doneWiaeonetu undone Indiana,regiments, In |’d~ollee, wlth ae~ttne~anddt, patch.o~ of the fights In that- ntlghborhood, --;..._. Se:verMflne fur sale. In

[ ,lair*it this oSr,*¯menin killed and wounded. The People of ~ eta. will secure a valuable and sdre cureWlaoouein, lie said, w .uld not coon forget for In-growlng Toe Nails. Can be prepared athomectmtlng 5cts..Thou why ~uffer painFitzJo’dn Porter, add they would never und torture~oeatsby cared. Cue applicationforgive him ; nor would theyever forgive ceres. *’No P~tlu-- ht applying. I~D~OI~DTtiALMAN. Pleztmtnt Hill, t;a~t Co¯¯ M|aeoorl¯,’dr~ L,~.rpeuterhim~elf if-he shonld:vote

put Fits..John Porter ba0k ’where he J~or ~a, lo and to ~ellt.would ha~e be~ if he had not fallen. Improved lgarm~ and Village tots with good Imtldl.¢*

The F~ ~l.eS-’s~sl-~ co.tin- pleasahtl, located, In and u.r tl ..... tr. of the townues doing nothing of import,unto, and to FOr ~iale fz’om $600 to $3,000do nothing see,as to tmtho sum and sub-aulnco of tim atnbltloa of the Democraticmajorities in either house. They have . T.J. SMITII&FlON,b6euia ses~idii tib~rly foui’ m0ntha and -have only succeeded m pa~eing afnw bill~6f-G.iviM impbrtanee, and iu making.a fewcfiauges In the rules that leave themw,n’so than they were before, withouttnmsactiug any imp,finn[ buaiuess, ofwhich they haw got en, mgh on hand ISlast them a yea?, working steadily. The

held for eigh~ months, the the whole service iu the couutry. They are fitirly stripped of all meansof support whilo executing the laws ofthe Govertlmeut that so shamefully net?

every hand, the clerical force reduced andno machinery for carryiug out what t’on-

. f

) .

¯ . a,ntr,,ls them° just solong

,’: " ,i-



: k

will they do grc:s has alretdy voted. The only pos-wh:,t ,ltey ~t. ~o anou~ ~ll~aws .~wi,,~i~i°l° ?~p~?atio? of .thi? ~your~ginF~lt ~,f the results of their attempt to set I et~te ot aualrs~ m teat toe ~emocrat]c~-~ -ow- tree: * % . .... . I C ongre~ is internee tosS,pig-headed and

.... I -It: el’, o~, ~t r--tllem-etvea~ l--;;-’-’----7 ==~;.== :.- 7. ,; ~ L ....$ig..~al fadure.. "The ~iamo aid tea-, airala to snow I~S COlOrs.. It is. ~oo eow-gr,,ul~ds" ,if atlte-bellum days "are at the ardly to act out its desighs no~, for fearb,,t o,o of tile tea-po~ yet." The Demo- the people will too strougly expres~ their

omlideuee in the Supleme Coult.

~lr. C. F. ~)s~o~M, our newly elected¯ ’~eeh,dder. i~ a Detnocra% or claims tobe,. but he is so zmlike the average D~mo, we w,,uldn’t believe it il he didn’t~.~y~n him~lf. Vee h,ve been chargedwl:h seeu~ ing hie nomtnati,,n at the¯ ~Vi: rib.Claim liaViiigaiiythirit~tiido~ti~ll his tmminalion, and ~ knew n,4h-

inati.ll/Mr. Saxlon,and had the Republic,ms sup-p-r~ed 31r. 8axton~ lle’~ouht have ro-

’e..ived tlie n,,mi.ati,m. Buttl,ey vot, dfor 3[r. Os~o.d bocaus,., as they said, hew.s a g,~,d man and p ,litlea ought n.t tobeconmdeted in iced elections, tie re.©dyed hia nomieati.n from R~pnbheane,’and was elected b9 itepublieat, votes, and

Infl,teneo IlilU in h,s acti ,as on the B ,ardel Ftevll,dders. If it do..s nut be wd. bean allomaly. Aalde fr.,m politics, no bet-t~rinan c,,uld have bees selected. Stranget~ ~ay, [la~mt.nh,n is not the otdy Rept|hlico‘ll town that has elect, d a Demo,~at t. tile office, of.Freeholder. Therewill probably be 7 Demt~ra;s on the.B,,ard, and 3 Republicans. Now let us

¯ ~e how much better they can do than~ei," pr~dcdessors have done.

As a,e:ood example of the injustice, orrather negligence ,,f nur National Leg.isla.~ve b-di s, .we would cite lhe present:State of aft, tire at the Pensi ,n Office. Atthe opeuing of the present ~a~si,.n of Con "IFessl attention was immediately calledIv the urgent nece~ity of an appr~,pria-title to enable the Bmeau to turn offthegreat accumulation of Work resul-~ing

" ftonl the new Pene~6nqaW~i£fi~ifeof these prcsaiog nt.ces~ities, a monthl~S-ed before it waS reported, and now,a~’t, r three monthsand a half, it Is still tobe 1,assed. Thousands upon thousands

people are anxiou-ly awaiting someIttinn In the matter, and in the very faced_ull tbe~Agencie~tha LIottse of Rep-resentatives dawdles alomr, passing somee~ttremely doubtful i.dividual claims,whde all this business is rapidly accumu.ll~iag at the Peusion Bureau awaiting~gnl,gressional d~t~6n. It would seem .’mif. utter a l~w is passed afl],rding help to&leabled veteransta~ well auto the wido~sa~d orphans of the "bays in blue," Cott-I~e~e might provide means for caxrying~mC the law some time wl’hin th_~ period

a lifetime, but perltapsit ts t~o muchtU e.xptcr, of ah.Demoerati05 IIou~e, which iia ruled by rebelbrigadiers to whom -it isMall inld wormwood to ace justice done to¯mr ms,reed veteran& ¯

Au-iiblo argument wa~ given on the]L~it ~. John Porler eden itt the U. S. Senate,/a~t Saturday, by Sen,ttor Carpenter, ft’, m~i.eonsin. He contended than Congrees

no right to interfere with the sen-I~l~ee of the court martial, and he ad-¯ t~nccd the opinion that the only way in

r ’ m4hiCb P.rterean be relieved from theilla.’.ence pammd upon him, Is by a pardllnManta the Presidenf~ wh,oh would rnader-

.... ......... ~imellgible to-re~ppointment in the

.... ’ I~a~y, b.tlt weald not give him the 160,0b0

" #~

..... a ............¯ /

:! :.¯,.

:. ’ ,!;i:~i~¯/::¸ .....

should bdpitied in their weakness. -

Is It not a l:ttle singular that offendersagainst the election laws, belh 8tatoandNatillnal, ate upheld by the Democracy,inCouttand 0at? Is it n, lta littleein-gnhtr that Fi*z John Porter, by whoso

: pet rid)’ and disobtd~enee of orders an im-por_taut_battl_o~! tO ~h~ UnioaAr~,and, thou~.ndsuf Union soldi~re slazagh-tered, should have been whttswastled

mony aonghl~d-oh-their- t0stimOny-al:most solely, was the fiudlng of a CourtM.trtial t~ver~l, aitd that opinion i~s outly maintaiued by el-rebels attd Uem-ocrat~ in Congress? Ye~ there In notsloyal InaU tu the country, who read thereports of the affair and the triad at thetime, who was not convinced, and ntillb~lieve~ that he_wa_s gu[Ik~.S,~u, who disobeyed’ the maud-qes ofheaven. On the other hand. ex-rebelsaud I)cmoorats would make him guiltlee~.T.ere was no d,ubt about hL~ gutlt thentattd there is UO doubt abou~hisgulit now,and it i~ most earne.sdy hoped ~hat Prtei-dent lla)es will sit d*wa ou any actionthe ex-r~bels in Congress may take goremove his disgrae, e, and sit down he.~vy.By doing tuis he will blou out a host ofein~b both of omi~eion and commission.

New Jersey Legislature.Iu the ScUllS, on bloaday, pvlitions

we, o received fn,m the SeCrecy of Ft i©ndetseveral churches, citize-a of NeW Jerney,and Wiubiow Lodge -No. 4o, 1. O. O. F.,in favor of the’passage of the local upttnnlaw.

ht th6 Hou~ Speaker Oviat~’e minorbill wa~ d~acu~ed at h nb~h. It provtde~a penalty ut ~69 Ibr evely offence for ~ell.tag liquor to minors, ann wa~ fr~aou by a_vute~fA~i~o "_0.

In th~ fieua~, on Tuesday, the Eggllarbor neh.vl bill was pasard, and e~wen n.! he bills flxiug the - sin. of an oyster :bushel; bill exe.tptmg physieiaus fromJ *1"3 au,y. The btenniai session bill wa~I,,Sl. The bill to makd tatxes a flre~m, property ,m~e~l, was pe,.~ed.

In the I:IoU~ the bill auln,,nzmg sehoodta *’iCe NO.-2:~-iu -Egg ltarlmr township,"o, b.rta~w money, was paused.

In the ttenate, on Wednesday, Mr.Oat.deer inttx~dueed, bill so as to permittiatnm~gllAtn to build t. ~tl0OI ht~ll~.~

I he b’ll w’~ffpu~ed to secure to work.iugmnlt pay m lawt’ul m.noy: .....

The nominafi,,n oPqlon. Joel Parker asJu.,ge of tnn Eup*eme Lourt of New Jer-hey, ha~ beeu ~,nflrmed.

:Brininess Lo.~a2s.Notico

to all wa.nttng Pure Lime for farm purposes.It~ nny~o.’s c~lebrated Marble Lhne for Parle

atoll depois on the lille ofLhe Cttlndell & Ab-lantlc It. IL ’£hls cel,’bmtcd Lime I~ farsu-)crier to the Magnesia Lhue for all tarts pur-post~.~ It Slacks mush flner~nd ,atn be sownnu the land the,~.m0 aspl~ter, i’rlce by theea’l~ lucid. 12~ to 16 eent~ pcr bn~hel. 80 potlodgto the bunhel. All orders tl ll .*d at the shortestOotleo by applying to

JOHN SCULLIN, Agent.HammOnton, N. J., Feb. 2Jth. "

N~w H^usNew hamn Jhst out’at M, L. Jaek~m’s .Meat

M,rkeL An inlmcn~quantlt~, no,v nit handwhich mual. b~ sold, prlc0 low to .ult thetlme~.---I~rY_ llome again.¯ Now gad original designs, no tlvo buildingsalike, good work,good materhtl and Fair deal-Ing. Drop a po~tal card and I will corns and

llt~k p~y whlah Mr. Rand,,Iph’s bill pro.llm~s t,, pay him. Mr. Carpeutvr ~aid het]lg nut acc~ Porter of atsadat¢ disl0Xi ~ ,:

, i

¯ t’

see 1on, la i, auy purr of. the county..A. lb. IIAI|TWgI~I,.

A~hltt¢t ~nd tlullderUam~tsa, ~iJ.


To Churche~l, 8chris and.....----Families : :

Tbne~rvlceaor[ c,mlmtt..’.~tt OIt0[R 81[N131~t 011,¯QANt3T~; NIeTRUOI~0RS OF VOOt.L AND IN-

PI&NO TUNgltt m~y be



Yurntshed at ehort notice. /

Parn~ who contemplate building are Invited to ¢111and’examine plsl~s whtch are kept on hand ai itmplmof work and arrangement of dl florent styles of Imlldtns


IIAHMONTON./~I, J.lneluty lnstalmenl~.TO BEHT FR01R $5 to $10 A MONTH.A.--, Barber She

......... Wm. HANEY, .......Subscribe f0rth0 S, 1. BEPUBLICAN.’ Fashionable H~ir cutter,

Dr. Ab-I Fairchild. has tskcnthe chop ~*eenily oec,t~;ed hy Joe.Coast, and ~ill attend to every ptrtt0ul.r in

.U-12J-.L] JL II k~-JL*.. 8eav|egp etc. " ¯Oftto~ owr Iho ’et,,ro gf II. ~. Tro~br!dg0. ~. (Ylean Towel to ~cery.Man!

BXIRAOTINQ Open every day. Oe Sunday h0m 7 to 10inbPECIALTY~ thif r6o ruing. " :

@Xildren’s Teeth Re~-ulatod.and [Ya- Hsmm.n,.n. Doe. Dr, 1879.

ami~ti0u ~. I~A,’P,,o. ,o ..i, liras,, r .EOTUI%Ig

Contractor and Builder,... MlmalaxCurtraad Dealarla. ..

Doorll, ~tab. nlh,dl.----~ ~tsr~, Mtmldlng~.~Vlndow-Frame~, L~tUloe 8fair nallh,lt, Ballu~ter~ and Nla~dPo~t~, Lime, 0ahqned Pluter Imad

Plantar, Pla~t*,rtng natr, Cement,Brlck~, enCOding 8toes,

..... =&¢.t4te.t-a~h ........


Cedar Shinglesat thn 1ow~st market rates.

lind thou~md~,Best under coal. In a plain envel~l~, to any adklrel~

on receipt oftlx sen’e, er twe po~t~e etaml~.Addrem the Publiehenh

The Culverwell lWedical Co.Standard Cr~tnbo~ry crate~t $12

41 Ann Sire, t NeW York ; Putt Office Box 4&qS_ ~____~ .......

""" """"’""" "AS r0,q. Pf. ’ ,3 f } C £ LOrdsr~ bY m~l wnt receive prompt ntter~flon. "’~" J ....



~e~lm] ~ Ok ~’ , cb~..~" _2_~ ~’ toOak road, rasulted Ins complete fidluro, Wednesday, with ths number of votes euat IM~l~l/| I~l Ilt I~lkls~ . .g:~ .I...~..,r ~L~t,.i.vta~o$t ~ ;..~lp~" --:-ti~--a-~"’ur~lt~-~’~ozl. tu~m.z~ ~tt~--,~L~.o~ "1880. all the Imblle sentiment expressed toreaeh: - . , ~lO. -It" Aroh SCrOot, - l:hilade.pntcb.

4m. 16m.

15I~0tloe~ In L0eal 0olumn, ~0 0BNI"S PER

, L[NB, ea0h Insertion.

MI ~drertl~emente and lecal uotlce~ mu~tkt h~odt~l le by TItatl,hy sight or ¢or19 i’rlday mornaf. t~ la~ure pubtl0atlou. 0therwl~s they wlU no


¯ xs ’-^r’s " ’ "Hair V*:q o r, ’""°i 0ol’,nn


IT is a most a~m’eeable dressing, whichIs at once harmless ant| effectual, for pro-serviltg the llMr. It rcstore~, with thl|

and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep ~ ra0 E.~ tlsrbor toa, adatp .Yr. D. S ~black, as may be. deslred. - By-i~-usd thla .................. --p-ro~ii~t ~0~g-tmr~~lhair ie thickened, and bahlness oftell ~ l’hore w~ro five daath~ ia Eg~

A bctsro or, the .Nature. Treatment¯ and lOtdieatalro of 8emhtal Weakntn~a, or 8permatorrh~ea tndocad

~eIt elf.Abase, Involuntary Emt~tons, Impotency,rvvus D~bltl y and im|~dlmeuta to Msrflage gen-

erally " ~onnunqql*,0,Epllst~y and FIt~; Mental lindi~r.~& ~.~0~=l, aoa~nT J. cuhvza- As a Dressing for Ladies’ HairWELL, M.b.,aZalhor ot the’Gree. Bo~L" &c. Th0 Vices Is Incomparable¯ . It ts color-

The wolld-renowned anther0 In tht~ admirable Le~tore. dearly preve~ from his own exl:~denee .that the- 1e.%% contains neither oil nor dye, and will

I~e f-Abuse may_be_eff,3ctually brlc. It lm]31/J’t~~urglml oI~ratlotm, hmlrle~. Instru,aeot~., or agreeable and I~ting perfume, and as alaCt)l~ltal,; poh,th*g out a mode uf ctire at once certain&l,d effecmal, l’y which every sufferer, no matter what article for the toilet it is econ01nical andlhis eondit 0n may be, may cure hlma01f cheaply, prl- ill its e.xccllence.

Pie-fJaied by Dr:;J:C_Ayera-CO~Practical and Analytical Chemists.

Lowelt, Mass.SOLD ~tV A~ i, I))l(’(,*;t~l’r* Evt~l’rw~KilIn-

BEsT- [11 T 0ntnT

" " ]~mlnontont’l~. J~.l " ’1L~t locatt.n t, thecity¯ Elevated ltaltr~.~d and f,v*

other IIn~ of cal~ ~ Ih* thor.Can be found at Mr¯ R,*therf,,rd’s if wanted lloomsMcts h,|2 per d*y. gy the week ~.tadlap

out ofbuslne.s h,,urs, nigt~t orosy.- lt mgtoeward~.bell st side door. ’: Open &ll NIKht.

aERRr PLAN;0m.RTAKE Ifv.u .~aut t, purcbas~ a firq cl., 7. PIANOI%, se,,d ,our , , ....... . e ,dIs pr~rmred t,i fnrnkh to J.T. SEELY,

CASKK’TS, COFFIN8, WITI! |IANDLI~ & PLA~ il. mm,,hta%[O every, satiety, at the low~t cmlh prices. Ne w Jer~*y.

01d to,trumen’s taken in exsh01~ge.Flio@ral~ promplly allended gO..Speei,I i;.tue.mcma off, red to , hqr0bcs n*,0

Al~o rn-~at, Chalr~ aud repnirs and renovstee For Schoolt.aituro.

8hop sp-etalre over th~ wheelwright lhop, Egg Btr-Imr road. Ilammontoa, N. J.

00rer of B~lhras Avenue & It0rton Sta’0etI/amm0nto~ New Jar~y.

TOMLtN & SMITH.E~mburg :Embroideries, Lanes,

White goods, Fancy A.rti--J 91es and Toys.

Imdl,~t Famt~hlng Go~d~ a-~t~altlT;~--

~110 S I1’ - ]il#’O I.Sl I~1~II1. ~

Just Arrived--AT--

..... ~.o.o ...... . ......................... ¯


A Eennr,I a~*or(ment nf F .retgn tn,t [},~.mesdc F..’t.. Nu,s. C,,nfeetio-,s..t,:., e,q-i*tirtg ,,f Ch,.we E,r it,g Apple. ,’* 0r t,,,fn~and L m,,ss, Ch,ise Fie’. BI,laq,~. C:too.dtte~?rvsm~.Choe.,~ a~ d V mdl ~ C,irttmle%C ,,, H .rehono I. l,.~l., ~,.I Aei,IDrops. Fine Almonds. Imp rlal Milt uee~. &e.

M,,I,.sse~ C.o;Iv e Specialty. - ....


No.tS:~,mth rhlnl 14ire0t, Phlla~lelphltFeb. 225, IS~0 |111¯ ilk !111

" thlr~ncy, ~;# ............................ 1~3

Albr :ht Piaz0s ...... : ........................." 4~.~’., n,.w ....... i ............ :....: ....... I’~ ~--" 4’, ". .................................. t,~’~¯

- Pt, nneylv*.la II It ..........................bI2~-ARE UN ~U 2PASSED. Ph..,t.h,hl,, ..,, ,t~.,t,,,~ n. It ..........

I~hl~h YaH,y It. It .......................... 5’J~4[

The Leading hi!a. Mak0. ..........¯Unlt(~l .’4, J. It. II. arid 4?an#t Co ...... It.’/ 15-q

, N,wtI,Pr. t’e.lltlt II. II.Co ............ " 3~1V4 ~A~tle~t..,vllt,’ I’lt-~ It. It.,’* ................... 24 :~ I;Pitt,. TI! ,~ |lnff tl , ? ................ ~/~|]~l~tt~tl TDtn~l~,rlltfl**ll t~) ............... *,*, 4ti 47Nonh~re I’.clflc i~’tlfl ..................... :~t~

b~..... l’r,.f ’,1 ................ [,7

Noah P~.nn~Iv~,,In I|. It ...................... Sll~es. C~I. of N,,rth A ,iH.r[c,t .................... :t’l£8ilver,~ rrad,.,J ............................. 90~j ’~

Prloe~ greittly s,t,~du,-.s*d

oar b,.*utlr.l n~w "Illuatru~ei Cat~*IogtlS arid Polos¯List’’ mtltml f"~. ,,n nltpttcatttm:

ALBRECH I" & Co.,"Wareroom,, 0i0~Aroh St,

Phila, t01phia, P&.

P ,AS00v gr L.2. flay.

NI.~,I" . . t~i’.11 | ~en tV.l,,,,t and ,vpruce hltreele,

¯ i’II,L D~!,P,,’I’,, P~, . --

though not always cured. It checks fallingof the hair immediately, and causes a newgrowth in all cases where the glands arenot decayed; wiflle to braslly, weak, or

and ~tr6ngth, ~utd renders it’ p!iab!e. ...........

r~e "~rlOOIt cleanses the scalp, cures andprevents the formation of dandruff; and,by its cooling, stimulating, and so0thlngproperties, it heals tnost If tit,t all of tha


which conditions diseases of the.scalp andlare impossible.

H~,rt~)r ~tty List W)~k. A pt0tty r~.pld doAtl~Irate for ~ placs so small.’ ~ And the Dera~¢rat aud Joar.

*tat aroat it;h,tmtnorand toag~ Bro. F, egens-.bur ff_.~.ave thu Jograal a Yard lalt tu his lasti~ac.

" I~r Atlanta " Demoorat:--& natural

eurt,),tty t a ~.tlJ 8uapo Of tt SO,.## Wllit0 t~OJln

w~ re~3utty s0dn Greou Bunk.A ao~ fa0tory for the m~auf~o-

turo of gl,~t~At0, tsaonat to be crectml inBridgeton.

olattou Is flourtsalng, ruosta,urea are atatedto be veJrtit l.:ki, watull la a COnsiderable g~ L nover h~t year.

Work is going on at Pock’a Beach¯ clearing and d~,ng It ap pr0paratory to got -ing It re.tdy for building purposes.

/I~ Mr. J.F. H411,of the Tim~ slmntl~at :~at4rd~$ a~ tano~paay wlth late old ftlendth tao ~chers ofthe COUnty.


p~a0/ ntS de~J, rLtlge for t,~,3 or turoe week*t.

Mr. Wltli~m Bernahouae has eom-meo‘¢0d tn~vtttg nellie of llls good.~ to hishOn~ on C0atral Avenue.

Absacon wanta tho Custom HousemoveJto6u,tbLoRa, ao‘d oueof thocttlzcnsIn a Ioog letLer to tho:Tia~s sets forty his tea-aons f~r It. - "

rllle, n,ts t~Jtlt~lol tan O.II ].~ of JtlSi, IJ e Of tee

1~ A-few-of. the~l~.gI H woo‘r towndulp prop~e to try the pat-enL laeuDg, ting pn.~:l~ of n~teatng oat enic¢"ens bhlsuprtnd. ,

g..~’-Tam "oity by the ~a" ae~msthorJu&hlyneut‘o~t laxvtag ao lroa pter.a~welt a* otlaer iln.wovetn~am watch ta9 m archof progt’~m dsautada.

The leugtlxt of the piling now be’-_ " .... L~D " _ ............................ lng drtyg_n~ ,acrop__t.h~m:~dow~ oa tun aew

road. vary from 15t.).~ loot aec~rdlt~g to thechatra~ter of t~o ground wttero taeydrl:ecn.

It I~ Laid that $I~,000 Was ~vedto t.,e new r~lirt.~.d Dy pureOa~l ug I, he rail. andothcr LnJu ~tock uelore ,he rlnu In the priee of

To take nck m,wh.dl=nlt,, t ~mipr,.,I ,,I" l)eells.

llaln~,tr~lon, N. J.

|’l~llli~i ".ae. Ill ,:-~ ~]--~IN . *llli I .

C. M, figleha, t & 0n

Watche~ Jewelry,S~lv.r ~ Pl~tud W~,.

Age~l,S fo, lilO Howard Walch CO,

I[~o:t.l’~l ~%f. II1. 2 (3,’l,’l’"tl"

~0 $.S* ~/~,lell! ~*’¢OI1| # ~llr*’¢|.


tglL AmotLontolndeflnltoly FerTownCotmcll fortwo years, D.L. Pot- FOI~.TBM~I^LEOIP


For $1,75 we ~lll.furnish Ehrleh’sFtmhlon quarterly, with our papnr for a year-

llshed. The terms we montton axe so low, that every lady who Is deatrou0 of l~vlng th ofmtlalon plates, tm well as good regdlag, oughtto ava, il themselve~ of this offer.

..... l~r?_5?ho At1~mtlo__City ImprovementAeeoclatlon Is m’aklng It it~ bLIshles3 to keepbefore the eyes of the authorities and citizensof Atlantic City, the many improvementsaud axlv.~ntages that might easily b0 broughte,~out, there. Tha subject of aa Iron pier,making that city a, soaport Is etlL L bolug agl-tared.

In.Winslow township the regularnomination ticket was uad|y o.*Id templet,ely

Colleq~tr; Adam Ware, Freeholdcr; attd Joe.G_~aeoh’_ ~tr tcltdar~! r.~lmmortnan for Township (~mtnlttee.

Thel~ture by Dr. Peebles lastPrlday evnalng, Wa~ a utlrrlng appeal for nilInterested in trio tomp0rauee work Ix) re-double thcir enorg!os,.and 0Ann for all mt.xlcr-

rlnlders to beeonle total aU.tatn0r~ andmeat. : HIs

r~td oa tobacco wa~ also a attarp one.I~ Wiut0r has resumed an old habit,

in spite ufatl WO lla~ Oeutl gt Veil hope to ex-qpcot. A week ago we were havh|g flue Al*ritweath0r; sln0o then wluter has eolne, withsnow sad fro~t, aud ~.t right down In thelap of Spring. It Is .lust lille th0 fleRlo.lade.

lng the mercury wan’4° bclow freezing, atsunrise.

[n the Ordinance to reguhtte the~leofiiqunt% which we puulmhod la.~t we~k.there Wa~ through sum0 notu$,aountabie mtt-tak.e, aLttdsomlaaioit0f three words in thefirst part ot ~oe. 2ud, e~tu~lug It to ro~Hl, ’ ’or

her o: their promlsv~," and wttlca shouldroad,"or permitting may ofmldd llq tor~ to bcdrank on or abou~ hi~ beror their promises."We republhlh the Ordlaau~e~ tun

,.Is we61ff

Mr. A.J. Smith, oar retirin gTown Cter tt, Wilt lUilgVe t,oe oL~ee after haVlUgfalthfalty l~tformed Its dudes for a long

of yt~ra, lie ha~ unown n.imself to bctown officer, and We

coining under his.lurl~l,ndou conscientiOUslySlid to the b,..qlt ul" nis ktl.~w*edge Slid a0111t,y.

~tr. JacKaon;-Wtlo s~ nhnl -Wilt a|s~tt-wo-believe,, pruve all aDte aud ~tltpnteut 1’ownClerk and one WhO will fill tab otllco with

--l~Jatn6wNorth h~ -passed~lt-theeiaAllluatlousgiven tue grad uattng Clal~4 l~tJeffersoa Medical ~oilege. aud ila~ rccelved a

dlp,om,~ signifying teat he ts now a fullI~t~lgt~d M. D¯ %~re ntldel~ltatud lie plk~StM allextra good olalnlllal.lon, and we trust hispractice frill ~how him to be a thorough atu-don t of metllcai ~teaee a,ld oae Wtlda U ta ne.a~ tIn the work before lalm. We Wlsla arm sue-

In the ptgctl~v of his profe~aion.

given by-"-Co-raqe~WConly," last Matnrday eveutng, wa~l very well

attottded aud co.sts~d era very good roodi-

227 ; C. A. Leonard. 227 ; Jameu W. DePuy;

Collector and Treasurar, Lcwi, lloyt. Assess-6r for three yeim~, p~’H. Brown, 217. Overseer

AlberLe. Guy, ~2. Judge ofElection, Henry. T.Eleetlon. Dantol Baker, 229 ; 8. E. Brown° ~27.Constableattd Overao0r of the Poor, Walter8oull, 231. Juatlco of the Peacc for five yearu.Clark P. lIill, 2L5. Town Justice for one year,Nathan HnrLwell, L~24. {_~outnlls~loner~t ofAl~l)ealj,. ~. Cdgle~’~2.~f) ; Abri/ham Iqoiilei’13y’,[ 217 ; J. R, Conkey, 2"2t. Chosen Freeholder, C.F. Osgood, 205. Poond Keeper, S. W. Gilbert,2;:’3. Money for Town Perposes, tt600, Monoyfor lltghway Purpose., $1500. btoney for PoorPurposes. i50.

The whore nnmber of vote0 cast wns ~l.strlfetn the election was betwt~n

’ A. J, Smith and M. L, Jaekt~on for the olliee: of Town Clerk,which resulted In a "¢lctory tot

The concert given on Wednesday

Jt]bllee .’qlngers," was a rich treat In the llucof t~nlertatlnmea~,, and Wh~ Itll lhe moree1~Juyable In-nt~-nlueh as It offered ~omcthlngentirely out of the ordinary line. Pro£ Gll-he "t IS hllnselfn very fine tlintzer, ~ are I~onlometnbers of Ills rompany; sad tho old plantn-

~ery ~pirlted nud effect!vc manner. LittleStn,lley Gllbertsang two or three songuver¥well. exhibiting a confidence Ibut many ohlerpersons n,lght cnvy. The narrative of .Mr.G.lbert. relalh~g t,~ the mode of his escapefrt)xn slavery, was highly Intere~tlnL:,altboughthat with the address prefixed, cott~ptred torender the entertalnn~ent rather tediously

enjoyed the exercises, though we im-agine theprovalling oplnlonwlllagreewlthours in staling that the progruvalne was some*what too long.

Ladlesand Gcnts troubled with Pimples,Scrofoluus aud ~yphllltle D’leers, 8a|t Rheumnnd Cotaoeon~t u|l~cti,lne, send aL once ftlrthe Oreatl~wlas i~ellll~y and remove themthus beuuti ylng the face. Per box~cand

large 4sits ~d~ .... ~.ddres~EDMU~I D TH ALMA N,

Plca~lt nt ttlll,o _ . Ct/d~l.lo. ~kll~utlrl.

met In Clark’s ttall la.~t, with a goodly arnty In attendance. Thentornlng we- mostly oveupled by.’4uperlnteud-ent Morse on subjects of Interest pertalnlngtoschool dutie.% which he proposed for discus-sion k’~tll:l conMde.atlon. The sabJectof ex-aminattonq was also alluded toahd IILtle hintsn~d suggesttou8 ttlrowll oat whlch, tf actedupon,may prove ot advantage to maoy ofthose preseuL The llIOflllllg exercises werch,~r~porr~.d ~,ittgiag hy-Mr.t.~otliy,whieh-was highly relished by all¯

Tim alLeruoo, scsstolt consisted ehielly of

G,,rdon ou "Words. Lhetr UscsandAbuses." ]].is lecture WaS a sharpthe’lllegitltnato Innovation,4 ttlnt are eOll-staxntly creepi.g lute) our language by the la-advortelltOr wilful U.~O or ro.Lher IIII~USO ofwords. 1[O slated a great nlauy truths Iv amouser so forcible and perttuellt t~at theyw.lii loog be remembered by marly who lie.letted to them. _tlls illUStl’dttons were;tptundto the point, the montl of the whole lc~ztnre

lion ofe.~lcat ~ODgS la ell,, rell~ved

by amusing recitative pl~¢~. Air. COltly hasnlt~le thJ0 C, OIICerL Uu~dlI~S sis|OO lt)rfor t.o tttllg tt tllnn titat, lie h~ts C¢)tllptutt:ly Ill~" I by p.,rtle~ lt~ ing 111 l]allllnOlll(ol¯ ’,1~¯[113 ,t~k~O’’

I Cl*tLIOt, atlJotlrlled ;.It lit ’1 l L LI., to lllec~ a t

"For the ACCOMMODATION of the RIVER ,~nd JERSEY TRADE.Everything ~or the FIELD or GARDEN.

Prices as Low as Reliable 8cede can do 8old.Call upon ua and Examtnc 8tuck.

" FOOT OF-ARCH STREET, TWO DOORS FROM WHARF. ....................D. LAND:ET~:EIT:E--X d~ SONS, - - - SEED GROWtlI18.

(~ a re celcbrat~dttallglt~mar-

tbr- t2~l~ .Purlt~~w~. aTtd ~upergor~" ~ua~tfy ....

Bei.3 e:cdurl..ty q]o~,’rowrt 9yowth,f~,t,~e (~oiceat ~elet’ftdE:o¢~s, v c can there-f.r¢ u’arr~z~g U~r~ asrcpre~nt~1"Is ng them

yol¢ tt¯ifZ plato|tlsetn a l way n.

- 2~u~t’m . .~lmtl-outf Ga~

13:attuat p, r lgSO.

Butst’s 1Whogt~-s.l~ lY~ee# matled

M~chantsand S.eed


This Excellent Newspaper is our Hand;est Way, to Reach

O_urEde.nda_witk_thia__$trong_and__Special Invitation to ONR



-}.A-M-I Ly-- U ~I~-TVI. T ]




being that people should use gr~ care, in-.V,~t,=,,.d-~,~t.,~,,~-et,o~*d~--,~*,l .... -3IR.-3OHN~VT-~.~’~K~FA-KE1T~e-gi~bs--t~ prese~t-Iiig resp~c~at=<Lenlldruil tLlidcr LLIuIr c~trQ t‘o do tllO S~llle,thasl..Ut.Uog a i,me ret’or.. Iv ou," la,,g-a~e of[to those whom he is striving to well serve, aud ~ay ontha preheat, day. Tlln music durtt~g the of-1

ter&lo~)ll Cutlai~l el ¯a quat let, a tl’tO, tWO du-eLs’ ~nd a Slllu, ah of Wllletl were wtgll rel&derL~

-’~ i




Monday, March 8,tered l.tae art of, ~*t he expt’e&~ed It, "’nldKttlg a the tktlt of Llle t¯t’ts, tteuL.

J[fr. Editor:-- fool of hhaself for the aUlU~ienlelll, of Llle pnb-

’~Vili tamp chimlteys brc.ak quicker, lm some [ Lie."amrto, fur baviltg been w~aued la water ? If[a [ ~ A two ~ro b-~d of clay is in lfao

~t~ t t t ~ I;.. t~ "la.a ,n |l,,~h tr~ I Pr°ccus°l hying advaota~gt~us,y duveloped In.~ ~ ", ~.I., .. ,-,. th~ ~ nxd I MOUtll Vlnehtod. Tile clay tu train 15 to 24r~lrltt of Lob inJ ~le, ~.~ ~tss ~v. ~--b t.e ....never tried tt, u Cttutrrh r0tn~’t~; e~l ,el; t’attle, feet ht tblekn0tt~. Tttouppvr part elit, in good

=....~ iladdonRebl, wi’ht‘ a tog*tutored i fur maRtt~g colored bricks ht various lauey~" " "~

patLerns ’ [ ¯O ilelft layer la suitable Ior Inak-voting p, pu,utl~tLt tn over t00 only It el,oil 15t ..... ’ ..... , ~ ~ ................

es The elation wa~ lr~.*n tiVn u[ I . ltlg t~erra COtA,a etlllOUe~’~, uralll Yao¢orot,. .n_~

po- a,,dstntuary;thenext htyerl~ g.~ for Lholtl~. nntllufttctnruoFtoo beat W I1~ wttru slid lilts

Town ~reeting.,The regular ..usual tows ineethlg, on

Wedncatlay, was r0ndcred quite lively by ttt~little satrot~she~ in tl|e "the uf debaPe8 Lhatt~oR pmce there. The meethtg wars t~.iled tOorder o‘t ll.v0 a. 111,, by the l’own ~’lerK, slidMr. D.l.rtltlg ~VttS elected nUlttrnltLa. ’l~o‘e snU~

Jt’t~Lo[’ tile rowe cllal%er, s~ ~.lltended~ ~8.~1brundht np and upon ntotton, VtJk’d t, , be It1"tlt’tlLttLety po~L~lted. TUn s.thtfle8 of townulticcra wit~ the. hire. ittto ~:oll.~[dcrltLlon


IMMENSE FLOOR AND GALLERIESt~" The Brig’autine Life 8aving Sta-tion. With a crew Of ~evcu, guartls twelvemiles u[ t~ta frnat~ more than aU~", otherglngie crew o,t tire Jiars0y t:u~- t. ""-

. ~ The.prt,J~ot of taoorlmrating Port--Repnbt|e tta w~,w.-|a ll3t~lAa.t-withal,arp op-

p~sltlotl tl’ota r~st Uf (]atlnway towuelltp,the citlgOus of wtUeo do olot r¢llsll havittg aeepar~ix~ toWtl la tun nltdtlle of tbo|r to~n*Shll,.

Attantie Ttmss:-X gentlvm~u nearCh~tLInh *%~’G* Ktlt tlltOga nlllOd re~elltiy--[powderwlta touaccoin utspipe. The tb,rdwhllrdtd it. lie lind tt~u reat,0f his mustacheshaved oil;

IL~F" Mr. 5mltht the proprietor of thehotel oa ~rlg,u|tino l~e4~ntl. ~t~IAltl tll~tt It iS hisInte,ltiull [~1 Uahd allottl0r hotel Od J~e[er’s

B~tl, and tllo‘l~ aSI~IUeL’ Will t’ua t,llel~d [rotnAthtuLle City *,~ well 11,~ to L~fig:ktlLtlte Lifts,;olnl!lg hn.llltl~r, ¯

on Monday last az Mr I~.aelI0hne~ "wan O.,i~,,ta.~g ,~ W.lgo,t nit .,S prctn-~.~2J~, the hul’bc L,.oa I’rtgLII, aL suUtlU ohJ~o~ arid.lUlnped, thtn; tllroWlllg .~lr. |tthlllt~ tO I, IlegrOnlldaUdl Jut’tag llio~ qtl,tO severity, Ill-tertmlly.

’IP~ The CaliCOS, Oll 3I otti.ty evening,

at tile exile*. Kc ~*’lWnS Lhe o%,ett t~h, h IOltUtyttUtb’ii~W ";iqulit lit LIUII" eAt’lLk:tlIOrdiliallC,2.111,, t flecl°r, r T~ ,ww;tl4’ ~ s el," err’d,, i ~’t Ji lltlldtt fear; u " t ofcd. £tln,.¯ WU’ILI I dill! li dlt [ett~v t 1" thln~W is t]re~n eec~t rydy lit *,v ......WaSelt°ughhl cnfi,rc "and thUt,winltthe~t, it .g°llt~alo’

Those who appreciate city styles will find thatsaved by the rhoderate prices will


been prollOUllet°d or tLio UeSt tlU~tllty ~ and alld it iiiolloll was catrrled ttlltt tttey felt;iliaallotller part or tho bt~l nllllteato~teollellt thot~lneaslasLyear. OalnOllonOt .~,|r.( proof bricks. Et¥1tls, ~ VOte WaS c4~rrleO, tlla~ what‘ever

On Monday evening next, Signoramona~ of taoue.y_uhontd be lunud to be on"ted ter towtt parp~ses, by bahuh tlmt I~hls

BelleLt[ ~ho pru~,euLdg[ea~ *d t~ ns IA2t Dvtllg¯ ’ " ’ " " -" ’ t antonnt‘ sooultt bu tAllon Ire.Ill the ~nrptlls-onthU great~st-tLvlug-VtullJ’ltt~atst..Ualll_.pres-_ }-h~lud--atld-. tnab--tne-Ahl~-~,uoutd b~-lt -t, ldlgiIxtLear will give OnO Of 11~1 weeder|hi I btructed ttut t~ tatsu an)’ tuotley Ior town pur-perf. rma sea t n 2douday nlgllt" at, Union / t~te~ title earHall. DortngthocvetttnllaMIs-tlnyda will, ] PMr ti xYPc"~sey thea Introduced aresolu :willie bltnd,oltled pn*duco wouderlnl Inspirit- I .. ". ".~_" .,_ ...... - - - ~, . "’ I tlO.t tO tun ell~l, tLle ’-Lotley rai~u lottie ,a IllUa e Slid rta t nllnda n Id s0alod let-’ ’ ’ ’ ’ I town ~lUl’ptlbUf’ Ltta~’ bc n~cd III etll"Ol’ning Llletct~ ~111 0 In Llle p~Kel,a ,t ¯ th ~d tn tile an,

_" t ,

" I tO~VU urdlLn¢ocea. ’l’hh~,lOll wa~ thedlollec ~or" t elnlly Ot t~r WOlldel’~toUe

¯ ~* " I Si~llal tUr ~eupelllllg ofa V, Ul nl di~U~lOU, tL~manlfestt~l See IM~I¢IS everywhere

¯ " ’ ) * " I v(l~len tits powers el the Cnnlleli ~l, lld the l"l~eaa-

"tV~ le.’trn that the eluctions in th0 ’ log uf tits toW!J law tk~ expressed In t,ne cnur-vartous D~vltaitttd to,w,n tl,,u/ t‘ile k;oO,Ity, i t.:r ngthod prt~nithelltly, and tli WUtCh the

, SaW liquor oldlltallee ,6a8 vigoroa-ly attackedre.aired hi ¢ltK~ttllg tll*~ fuU nlllOll ticket. 1 Its I

Board , f Freetlolders wlh shtlld as follows: Slid utteerenloutottsly pinned to pieces, tree-- " ;. ; ..... ~ ".,;.- " t ointtolls motions umondtae.;t~ and suttee-Abb~t)ll ~ UOl’tlery, l.t ; ~kblatltn3 ~lLy, * ’

J. ll ~tlasl’ l~ ; r.g’" llaruor "1 ilWllSlltp; J o H I; ........lions Wet’e I1 arled at t le nh tlr n hUCta proalls, ..cuoas ton h0 o t tlat t i If8 got WoelU y,~’~lllller.~, tl. : II,t,..ll o ,, G. 15. l’. 31.3 heW, It. : ] ’ ! " ’ ’

Ihtmmot,too, U. F. O4dood, IL ; MulhPa, J~Se I llltXt*d Slid bolnc letnpt.rl.i It little ruffled. Mr.It. AOUt)Lt, D,; (htiloway~- dOllll~U, it.. P e’ .se}"a re solution wa s la id to ‘l th e ht bl.’ynudWcynlouttl, Tne, tphttns WecR0, D.; llucn~ I s~,ln~ spirited spcaRhlg lollowed, ~t~t.~lolled

Vls,a l, wls l’ane act, It. ; Egg llapbor ~tty.[ by motions altd re0olutlousoIforcd by Messrs.has i’tot yet held iLH el, ethel. ~ .-- ¯ ¯ : [ Co~,kt’y, .Matlhews, Cogley, |~re~,4e.v, T. ¯~.

.. l,tee the sbltve wna hi type We have ienrncd i ~VeMterbee nnd others. All seelned b ~ CaMleurthat the Ilu011a t,cRet was sonle~bat I hI tlllnkl,lg the above nlengloned IhlnOr~)r-

split ill). ¯i’lit! Ilhlt’ ,t C*tl*dtdtlU3 re," Off" ] dinat~ee pntetlcatlly WorLhies-. bat they dlf-ft¯relt es ~A) the rolnedy, z~(}n]e thoUgtlt there


..... will beopen to the public to show the ...... =ii

Nv.W GOOD ...... FOE- P I3T .What ia


1%epay Cho Cost cf a Trip!

TO THE CITY.The ~.harms, Conveniences and Cheapne’sse~ of Shopping

were never before so well illustrated a~’-now at the Grand ,and c0rtllta l~.¢lo‘~i Call|lilly’ted WI[II t,ad poor Ill.~e~st~ltlo tt IleW ,’l,-ctb),l for [llll~e illnCtll.S,

rcady on the nooks, wu|le nthers were ill the

51 ’ fund. co.=iSo ool, oi orris.=. .pl.t,,,tthattllocoune.,ao ed au,,,,rity to~1 , ~ Thu ~lU|lle& ole0tious pa~ed off w.,.k ,.t,.h*tg 31a,. Id iI’~h,.r ll.l~r,m,.ut. U~0 Ihc IAIWO’S nlenty lit enfilrch*g Lbe town

¯ ’ ordll i u ~ r e ed O I e i~kO t~’:)~,~. ’~.\~.k\k ’7’ t quetly, re, ut*-. In clt~ct, l*d to‘u wIIolol l.,’ll,.p i~ts.,.n, W|lll,,Whll,w,r~, ,tce. ’It 6 f h nltttbrwaswhenstrliight t/c,~v t lie. owll ~J.e, K,IS l’:dWal%l A, ’ J,¯-~b" I¯,,~lk,,t’, ~il,I. F,t..c,.. I a m,,Lh,u Wa0 ca,~rled nlltliorlzlng the l’ow n

Phi, ,14oJ|t|l tit .. " 7. . ~t -~sUet ; As** s~,)i’, ~’attel ",~1, Miller; L:ollt~etor*

All,.i,, k:lvitt.: I*’,ml,.! IIl~fd~ i Colincil to u~e tll’¢ ~ towll S nn)ll,.y, slit other-........ ¯ .... J,,ll,,t,’ M..r;-ill, l-Jd,llo I{~,l,..Is. : w;st~ .ilproprt/’d, It, ell|i),elllg the h)wn

W~..~. ,, LV I r::; Prbp’t ~ " ~e~.,K. II. D ,u.,ly ; G ,o.o. eve ho,4er, Jesse’ J,~l. I"i.h. s.,,,h t:l’,,,,t, ll,~d. AblaJLL, lt*l L *e &’~lWlitallp COlltinlttee~ It.t..ll ~lxl.tll. h,t i ¯ kVa|lt., ordhilleees or sneh O dhnkl;ees us the ’ oUnell

Fnr,k .’4¢’1£11111 t, ur, t Altkml. ’ s|lon[d see fit tO pans. The nleethlg then ud*

we 7’/67;.Bc0t and ,i,)r0!

Ilsvlng h,,nghl :ho on t~oI~I .re I.* ely ,,eea hy . I eewaffcv In ths (abll . ~.~t ’f Eas~le n, Cily. ell,l m ’~ rU h~l~llefs p.l~t fav-r,,, ¯, Ioi,o .elicit.a, entlueed par n . ,m4n.

(L SS?.P. 8. Goods m de , ,, . ,, p~irlDI~’SS 141 n£~ltl!.

ljnh.~dll l~arlt~lthSb. ~V. IL d,t~Ot,t ao‘d deorl[oItlgg~.

L. 5h,.,tier D~vis, C,tmmls~louMerctlaLlt,~ ttl’ . ¢ , t’OIl~ St~J’, W.t-n I’OOJ*tLly In

]lalllUltnltul% i,* Kin.4 al’Lur bUsl *t’SlJ, l~[lehesse wlttl tt~/.ll~,l lit] IS (j hi,tell.Oh ~[.tl,,ta 111411¯ ~nnltg thl)sd ~¥11 | {|Uk¢’O d I,l~l~llCd |l’Utt‘ attdother prodd¢c I.o It‘. ’L) Is. t~’}tt~f |ti :t~etlt, lOrlhu house. .~|t** l)a.Vl~t W4~ preatJo‘L I1.~ bilemoetlug O|’ I ll*} ’d 14,O bl k~ IJi tti I.t k,| I 8dO*(d

oftheald~l~l,~!., ~o,’ln~ ff,t,.,,*o,I,,,¢.~,~o, tl .Lag [llln,olf,t .e ~ i| indlit%,t I, lid Id .i CO*lli#ot~ot Judge.

th|,t *’r,-~ y J,’.,d~ th’~. t. I’, hlltt F V lh’lutl’l ul.,llr¯

hi. rh+,llDi.t II,tur3 .,itk,¯l¯AIl~t,, Whil~ II,,,,Ittt! It,L.u~,,tt.~* II1.’~ I~ #¯k,, ]’~ i.tli,, l~,ti*tl!..Ahllh itllllh.rt. [." ,,l’,.flt: ¯ J,t,i ,~hlt)

’ ~:111~[ *’11 ~tl,ilh i’la ~i y l, ~’.,’ht.dIv,t tt~k,.r ~ll~t J *llll., .I!I~rltt’tl* N,,rlh, .t Ic,, l’f,lf1,1~1,I~ltnlll~ ,Mtll.r. ** ,14b~ .~,*,i’tl~’r, lnsti~ ~l.~,i’** th’,i l~,v la .,I

I’h,,l*l~,V,, I. all~lol t,*m,’ I.ll,ll.. I’, t -’,,,d~r I: t ,,.Ir ~t~t tdlll.t ~h,* i,,llk :~11 ’q,l.ll~,~ ~,l*~t II * ht do-

i~rltll,.al a~ld ~lt,.,,d,tl*c,.’~..~t. I’|lhl. ~llll l’rhlvll~ll,Ai’~ A *,IN*,J ).~,*",t’.i.

i J.tlr~l~l.I qlll~e~. T, ioth Powder to Whlteo the Teeth ,.

arrest d,’elty, IhtrdCll iho galll.t illlti pol’/UlllOtht" IhOtth. 2,Saa,t 5,CL,L per qoX.

FDMUND Til kL~,I ~N.ILettmtllt ltlll,

~l~ltllll~ lUell whv Inltl~oyoltl~*~lfahu illt~l hyItJl IHID.g II.V tl~lfll~ tol)lt~’dl)WlIUII ttlero |RllI.Ilfl’. ~llllptlt CAII¯O f ir t tic ’|.) .’r,t li 14 .¢11, 1linedby bn ,tired-? I’rh.eofrecelpt,’J~e. T, lagontetl t’~ ir ~ ~’. ’ Ally drug¢lst ett~t ru rl! lsh , t.

EDMUNDTII kLMA.N,P|ea~tall t, [II II.

Ca.,~s t~,. Mlamturl.






/............ L~- ............






~By any r~m+dy kn.wn, it i- pro}or,ben t,y th_almJt eminent phy~ic~ma alknver Lhe world, in


will herea]ter keep c~ well assorted stoc/¢ of Grocer- .

ies--Sa~ars, Tea and Coffee, Spices, Dried Fraits

and Canned Goods, ~lour, Soap: ~falasses am~

2!/rup, Butter, Lard, _Porte, Salt Fish, Brooms ~’e.

D# F GOO ,,1 shALl conJDiae my u.s~a’t lull a.,.sortment o/

D es ~" G o:ls Cass:meres, _Pledd.s, dIlpacas, I rints,

J£tesl/ns, Je,t ~zst Sheetings and Shirtings, ~lannels,

Ticlcings, IIosiery, Gloves, .Ed~ain~s, Threads of all

]ciml.v.~Buttons, Zephyrs, Pocket ]3ooks, Station-

0 HI+VG!

lltLIDGI’,TON, N, J.Couduotnd on strictly mutual principles, ef

faring a perfectly eels Insurance for Just whatit may cost to poy 10$le| and nxpentel. ;liepr’portion ef loss ta th. amount m|ursd beln$very small, a-’d expenses mnoh luet~ than usueally bed. notbtngeen be offer~i mm,o favoreblit,, the Insured. The cost being about rex seatso. the Aa.dred della ¯ peril.up to the insurerson erdie,,ry ri.ks,’ and fr,,m rift, en to twenty ~e,cent. per yea. as hnoardo.e prul,ertiee, which isl-so than one third of thel~west rotes ohorged byclock e,,mpanies, ca tuch ,inks--the other t~othird, taken by steak companies helng a pr(,fit

steek~oldere, or eensumed in el.

ff’]*S ~]uara.t~e ftmd of p*’cm/am note* bats9now Three MfIlio,i e~-l~olls~’;i

[fan assessment had to bemndeo! fivecent¯ on,y, tw:cc within the ten ythe policy is Issued it would yet be-cheaper.tothem.tubers than anT eta.fin.urn:re offered.And that large amount of money II saved tothe members and keprst home, No s.ssssment having ever been made, being now met*then thirty years, that saving would amount tomore than

One Million l~’vs Hundred Yhousond Dollar

The "LOsses-b~ Liglttn-|t~ g.

Where the property te net set on fire, I’einlless then one cent pep year toeaeh member,

|tanding.B’;N3AMI.N sHEPPARD, Preaid~l.

HENRY B. LUPTON, Secretary,


OEO W. PREFI~EY Hammant.n, J~. J.

A. L. 18ZARD, Jlo.V Loading. 2~. J.

M I L L Vl L L E


~[illville. N. J.

Assets Jan-a,’y lst, 1880

Mth & BOY TO GALL AT UAK HAIA ’:::::::: M U S T!TOT AL ASSETS, . $5,6,71B $:t.

untt~,m riled jule~ nl the ge~pe,ta il leaves Ih4m,,.,,.,,.,,.t+,.,,-,,, D W "’ OF 1880 = ’°’=’"""’=’"’""+’" "" ....°°+"’"""Sp6~’m~orrhoea, , AVle _ . ..... : ,+die. ++ ....,,,. .....,.+l,.Igi Insurance ,ff,.eled o., F4,m Baillings end

lien. it ie iova.u.hl~ t,, l,,vailde, Teutl,.r.eo@- -- pe,.lJ..aa. Chor,’hvsfurSe, r.m, nlal l~tp-.H..L~L~Ula ;Is uther prop-rty.gmin.t I.-ehv "’O.r"3~U.~Tmusln,.b~-mi~tak, e h,r,.,h~,

~l’rVOtlSlleSS, The Sit gular]y /-mBll P~te, sue s’Brted the Annual Winter Sales "~’%¢¢ [X~t3g~" "~’t’~3f~0t’~0t’%%Xtl " rod b. rat+tte,tll.~s’ ca h-. uttl,-tl.eate,t..,.ledWint~..,o ktapa"*.,t b,,l|edoi’°~Di~pepsia, With, have stirred nil t e sto~ es to dO their best. But we - at I.west eaten for el,e¯ tkr .... r t,.n ? e,r. in~ Th,: +,ha "’Pr+,te.J" re.,,r, d In h) us t~

’ I,, I ero:.oe,,lly SV,,I, era,eotetioo, which nat,-llLIl~P~’~lllln eehp+ed tht’m all uvd ~I e.~ know it and the PeG- - V’ESSELS CaPt.S. and [t’r+,ght,*. wvltte, ur.ll) mu-t rr,ui~ in lh," juice remen,l,,e MConstipati,m, pie so n, too. ,n iinernl ,,,rm nf p.liele,. ,,ttn¢., re, tic Xt,+wAclws. and Pains. noes aate p .... n.e+t..r re[;.tered t.,,e,,ge" 1hi- an,le;si~,no,t .rv n,,w di, posil,g .f thei*

General_I)ebith)’, These are the Prices "or O 1" O n Orefat,y M .t~utt otured Good~ not --LO~ ES-- ue ..... k pt, p +,e.t f., m ,*,e,r Its, .r~l e crop,

........................................... ~ .............. +protnptly lolJ.n,I tt’tvrat+, tb.I it will I<r. p_ttLb~+et~carP.



Ki,h,ey l)im.ases,Liver Corn I,l,ti,It,

,~.ervous Debility,, Epile sy,

th.+ld l’roubles,Paralysis,

General Ill Health,$1)inld Diseases,

~ervous ’ t ¯( ,t)m},talllts,Sciatica,


Decline.’ Cata,’lh,

Female Compl’ts.~ea;a,’he. P,ia in the Shoul.ler~. ’;:,,tgh

~htmnesa, Boqr St+,mseh. B,Uptloos, Bad Taste

~s tae M,,u~h. P~tl,t’.,iou ..f the ll, art, Pain it~41~;-r%,,~l~:e;’-. =,,4 .-_ ,ko~.~g" painful symptom*, ard Ihtq offsprings uf Dye-

HELMBuLO’S BUCHUIliVlGOBATES STOMACH,hd stimutatea tho torpid Liver, Bowels andi~4oey, to healthy eetion, in cleaasing ’the

............... - +!~+ r+f=~it~mpuritie%-and -imparting oo~ lifeO~ vi~or tO [l+e ~t,Ul¯J syBtem.

Kaiegl- ttia ~ will be quite auf~ciettt to sou¯ ~h~t’~ t~e m,*c heeita;ing nf its v,dnable rem-s~tad quolitiea,

,. Or 6 Bottles/’or #5.

D~iyore4 ta any address free from ob~rv£.

~Palioets" may eceeult by letter, rcoaiv;ug~amo attention as by calling¯

t~.o~Loetent [ hysi~iaa~ utlend te eorreepon.All ;citers s~aul,! he addres.,l.d to

~. T. HF, L~tBOLD,

Druggist & 0belnist

CAUTION!the private Propri-

etary Stamp on eachbottle.


b tag gi t OH W X,,~W’holes~lestcrcs.

A [’-W iv|I +,t +n~ ~.$u , h.," ,~vtc,,,u.. rednr+ed t- .............................. $20 00]~,+ya R.,ver~lhl.¯ t’t,tit Ba..K,~.-~t,II eyerywhere .t $23 tF!, I tn,,I.~,+~

C,,Ior~ and %’tuveb Haaka) Our Price ............................. 18 00/~ext dro.te ............................................................................. I~ 50l:.xtr, .¢,:~.~ ;n Blu,~ ~t.+l i~l’,t rn W.r~,nl,. b,.acer *~v re ,a~+ ............ I g 00~’X’ {~r ,do ............................................................................. IU IIII.~ ~o,+,1 ~Ir,,l,l~ ~Pr’.d;e,. iii,e CI ,Ih B +ntld {.Jvl~re ,.i I .......................... ~ ~0Eve+r++,i.y W.,.ki,,t~ t)vrre ..t .................................................. -~ 00.~IU,,’S All %%’,.,,I ~,,it. ....................................................... ’. .... IO unThe ’.~,~t,,,r." D B ~.,,.... Bu-i~,t+~ a.,d Dre~a ............................ 1200Ex r. Qu,lily "’Sa.~y~*" ,’u,t ng~ .................................................. t5 s0lh,. Fi em ol t+’,e,e l~u,,~ ..................................................... 20 v0Ilr,.e ~t,,,,.t Be-; I¢,,t,,,.te,, t’}.fh, r+du,’ed t,, .............................. 25 fll)~,len’¯ Every4.~ P.,,tn ...................................................... I 5flAII-~’,-I Itu-|,,0S- ,,n,, Dres- Paul.. ............................................. :’ 50Ex,r. Fine Dre-, P,+,h,I-,,.s. f+*¢mesl.,t $10. o,,w .............................. 5n0Genui,,e. II:,rri.~ C -~ m. re P,,tlt~ .......................................... ~..... 5 noThe Very I.nte+t Strip. i, (~t,,hl,rn’# ()v~rr,lllts ................................ .~ O0Ti,e D.ull St,.aL.~ret CaI- R..~.I It~wr~i+h B.,’k l,~,n.,,.l. . ....... bOO

TI,. Ni, ,.r, L t, , B,,)d 0verc, a s Oak ilM! ev, r p,n,lu,.e,IChit’r,~’. Su,ts.s I.. u- . ............................................................ 350ll~her Gra,ie~ and M-,e El+t-,¢.t,~l~ Trilnm~d Suita ............ ~ ........... ,~ o0A t. re.t Speeialty En [t,*~ ~’ and You,h~’ Pnnt*.... ............................... 2 b0

Wanamaker & BrownHail, S E C0rner Sixth ann Market, St


¯ ¯ ¯.q ¯ J.i. iv ¯ aJJk%./¯~J~ ~=/LI/UII

L~eommltod .t his +,me., 1203 GItEEN tree,t,Pbhadelphl~,Pa.,,,rhv I,,tt,+v ,,11 i~]t Ctir+,.le Di~,’a--+ .... .of the Lu,,~, Brm~ehiti~, A.tti.,:,~ (%tsrrh~_N~2rw_,u,.. I~op&lferB o_Ij_~,~d [)ea]e[s ,n a!l_kmd+ Del,iliry. El,iPq~y. Ity.p-p~la, Itl.+-m~,’..t th~ fibbed. ’ ........................................P:rtl ,t~OflS, TestPr. ~yc,.,JR. Pte Fl~ItllmS~ l’ll,m and ~ ¯ ~ S I ¯ -Caueemettr+.dttltt)o.rt~,n+-,,ftt-ko fo. Tlotreat ~e~’n]g ~.~Jacn~nes

N. 8TRATTON,F, L. MULFOIgD, ~t:t,)

!!o EoROIWI.~N. M. I}o. ~g~’n.’.



--AND--" k

1 Pr¢ssey’s stump Pull.r.The is well kn.,+n a. ~. t o,.d

geatio earri.+gn .nd f,trm h,lr#¢, in ~ o,t 6.dcr.Irquire uf JAM[Eq NIIII.[

.MA[~ hOAD.Haman.lee, N. Jnu~dl~ 23,1, 188,t

Pit .CI~Per Paa,~ of -ne d,,s b ,tries $8 0’~P,.r ,~all~n 300.

Ofder¢ -h-ul i be ~en~ dir,,et to

William & J. Henr~ Wolsieffe5L~’h~st Ot (]rove % In.~lllX~

14.~gg I[llrll, or City,tlltU+l’t C,un,y. N.J.

T,~rms, G O. D

Agricultural Insurance C0mpany~uv w^T~,~uwN ~ v

|b tlII~OI~IIIOP B~eg’NtO." "~lP2~<e(,.+~l~¢’I ~ttlrt,ltm ItVPr Ill L~ablllth~. - . Y..~.,.II~I

lnsure+-N-tthing-M,~re-Hazardous-tamaRII~iDt,;NGI~-+ a FAItM PROPEBrY.D U. URttWN. Ageltto Iglwtmd. New Jerm.y.

Lun00n Nnrs r ++’+ PATENTS.JA~h~l~,,;31;J~,/ "il l-D-:,- 4 , ,+,

" It in 12choleo~,l ki,ld., Dr,,d -e ........... ,rai,s To Inventozs & ]~anufactmer~recciv.+,l I,t~t ,e ts,,~, fro +t Jap ,~ w,,ul i Wl,t,~,r s’, from tht tre~’ h,,ve w,.tgl}~.d 16 ,,z.. Wllh

E5TABLISIIED 1865,tle fl.vor ut st rich ~myrt]a rid- ’ ’~h,m]dlhu-.,lik~ t’t. ~brul,. a.d Sup+.b t~lTI "l~At’~l.-+l"t- +~l.~-T.ql’t’l’ql" .$1_.j~if~

- v_~ r, trc,:t+ +._in tr.d ues+t+ttms~van.V ru t:Lh alxi t_~I~TL.L Iy[ _U~’~+,~:. _. ~ ,[J~ ..~ ~L_~~ tas authoritie* I, ave already t,ror,,,u, e,-d Ih*m t - " ’,o be, we Inny I,,ok ,.rw,,rd ia thl. in.t.l,Cr IO I 8oBoltt,ts of Patent~ & Attorn.y. at Law.,u o, qeibiti,m ot the hit~he.t eometerei,d Im I

I,,,rtance ae a fruit and ,ree ot gr, et mog. [ A,tI#.RH AN & t’OREIG~I PATA’2VTS.uificeece,

|................. ..+_ [’e .... ~ . . ........

V StlRE e..!!~E. ~ u

Tri,,mpbo de [,}or, s, a I,lu ’.ar,ely wti<,~eIroh is the lerge~t ke,+wn

and Alao large general at.ek of fruit¯ sh~d-rills ,+’.orgrcer~a, .hru|,s, hed2P. I,a, ,lin~, ,lid

A T T A C H 2s,ff E N T S. plaot~, t, ll uf which ’~ill be sold


European Nall(:$1Je ]lPhleino 4[.’0.q’k’ /’A Ht,+ A.VD 6E/’ ZI(].

IMMEDIATE RELIEM WA1CItANTED. I’EItMA.N ENT t’U ~M GUA]tANTEED N, w exclonlvety u.e41t ¯ .11 c+,l. I ~t~l Ph)nlr]no~ .f Kt~ruvo ~FIIt Amerir*l¯t~..c’.+ln:U~ a St,q,l., ll.rml,’~ na,I It..hebl- g+,m,~ly omI,,01 C,)l,:[ll, l+~. I~Jl+ I,iati,+t 51+~+1~11 Acad,,,,iv .tI’lt:|+ r,¯|J4,rt, ninety.tlv. Ctlr04* OUr at OI]O hun,lrH|t.,.+, wittii,I IhFPo dlY$, i~*~ereg--+]’h.~ only <lluolYee 0fthv p,l*,oou,* l.;rie Ael,t which exist. In th,, Blo +4 -tI:ti~umdtJ’" .rid OoOty [’4/l+"tlta. t~; It Hi))[ ~J~l ,X, -~,rt+" ~7,.’1 ,;tl.) k,JGII~I~.W~ r"~,’lptOI ’,I~CO. [.v.t,Ot~KD BY I’IIYSIOIA~t~ 8OLD BY ALL DRUG-G l’YfO. A dd r e,~4t

WJk~. It ll~I71rtNE .~ (50..

t~,r+ }’,~]UJ[ t ~L (L [’ Z B’l’tt) I N~%*+yU~,’J v L" ~u m, A. ",,’. t.t~’l~ a&~,;"~, I~ .imoetoIL

PIONEE l lP Y ULLF. l[nvingre,erved the rtght te manuDmtnre and

loll this l"a~ur;f¢ I[aeh+’u¢ in tho eountie.~ ,,~Cam~ten, Burliugt.n, Ocean, Atlantic and CapMay, I h’ernby give notice that X am prepared*) th, or,tore at following rates :

!q’0. 1 MAr’I| IN K, ~O.’~.4)OohG = ~000.

J~a~fte+lmr# Wnrr~nt*~ In be t~e JJJ~’~’~i~ t/.* ~,,+rket.

]~or aond for eirculat.~.W. PRESSEY,

Hamtavat+a, ~, J. Inventer A Mancf’r.

l’r~hmina,’y Exumtnalioas.

7p,,ci.I ,,rt,,,,ti,m ~’is’er~ t,, luf,’rfrrrnce ~1~01beG1,. +h*’ J’slettl O~,’e, Intr!ngem, nt bUite |ISthodiff~,rt,nt Ft,,t,,s, a, d ~II litigation sppertall~lnlf t" Dllt4*n’P or Inve;,tions.

~na 8la,n]l for ]’,mpmet of ~1¢/~ ~a~

at about half p~ico by

¯ ~" .~L_~ "~" "~ ..~. ~’: l~ r~ ~,.~,

Iiawmonlon. N. Ji

/ v +a + Po Mid



Ve~ot~bl~es in ~eason.’.

Ore- w~gon runs throtx~.b the town oa W~lnosdaye mini t~al~’~s

,~ L~

. . .-

I+, . "( 37Ytr~.~ :: . -. L"~"~,,

~.. ; , ’)] ,? , . r # j t r ;~’0

. .



.,~ ~ ,, .... : -,*_. ~ %? ....

L¯ ~ ’:

0WL s, m. ]),, P-m!,,h,,,.$1.’25 rex. Yeax,,

+ Vet, XVI It. No. 12. .............. Hammont0n, N: 3., Sat’qrday, March 20, 1880, .................. Five Cents

- .A.. 3v. cocH]r~2"~x’%

¯ ItammontonltN. J.,Can be found tit Mr. Ruthcrf,,rd’si( wanted

............... . Outnf bu~tncss h,ttrs, x~igt~t or uuy..bAng theboll at side ,:nor. ¯ its Value.

A Journalist’s Last Poem. lho oth.r d.y by professing that he i,~ew n,,th- 3tr. Pinrro L,~rillard of Now-Y.rk City, h~__ ~ lit X tl]~Otl +. ~i~at ~;,tts goiug O:t in tho Ceuncil c,,mph~led an arrangeumnt with thu l’r0neh

Tho follow[it ~ t% froth t;to ])eti Of IPrat}]~ Cliamht~r t.f wbich he ~tts tbo ]tttad. ~omo (]uvernmeut for exploring the anl!~ ,tiLies 0l’help~. =th~it~.=_~’ed~or-.tL41v~-l’urlltt~tcst~ -mi~lt.t~-~iutera+tin~ rt.ading will be ~}~o rt~,lt of [ Mcxieo. Tho expediti~n wilt eoat $6~, 00.Jlmvt:Cy<’. wh+, tll(~ %vas

tbc~o inquiries s .nd Iho I)et:mcratic 1,artr will i Out .f tw,,nty.otlo thotls~t;td !i;o hundred ~.vritteo onl~ a sh~[.<oro l~to deattt: havo to ~houlder tho rcH ...... ibility .ffor ti .... hiJdrcn en¢olled on tLc eetlool list of New

2:. -.. A..T.FL~.N[.AIO..’%:~.: : :;:7 ~:¯: ’ gr0at~ outrttge tiftho nit et-m h eentory., Y.rk City, ¢ix tt ...... antl aru just n.w ut~ablo t.~’"T/le tr0cs tOOK ltl{e %%’Inter," SIlO ~aIL[, "nut ’ "

thn !a Liko L lko Sd)ring."~ ....

Tim followieg comparisouo ut’ tbo t,ians of atteotl school on account of sidceo~#.

.... +.m++ + m,i0orer of Bellevue Avenue & Hortoa Stro0t-

Hammonto~, ~7¢wffer~ey.

..... T ONLti & BHtTH.Hambm’g :Embrold¢+’ics, Laces,

Ono of the most delightful placee in the Out In thouir tho treesaro naked’; Do Le~,eps and Capt. James B. Eods may

......... Th6 hills aro wartn In the Antunln st ln ; prove interesting to eomo 0f your re,tder~ :

Town of Hamm0nton, near the 2i.. boughs ui’e gray In the leadeu t~ky, ./~0rico, n Against Foreigax ~,n-

Lake. But the grass ia grcen,thoffgh the It, urea nre torpriso.¯ gone. - The Ceunt Do Leaseps eaton hero at; the rcp.

]4½acrc.,’i0in cultivation, with over400 Dafly and yearly the frost is fal~tng-- reaentativc of tbc foreign capitalists, withafrnit trcee, nloetlv in a ht}qrln,~..I,~1. A.tll,~a ._I~oMLu~ t.kn_.u..+,l,t !;c...,.,; :gr’eat-fi-ur;,h. ,,f tt.mve~Ttmd--tm-pr~rvd t,.l.poars, p~:uches, Quincee, Plums, Cherries, EnffT, Tho head Is gl’ay tZlld tho eyes are f:tding--

p]t~ pe,,tlo with tho plan that be wos going tq]iah walaata, oheatuuts, butternuts~ filbort 0 : But tho he;trt Is yuung, though the yearsaro.... gol~o. ............ Corry Uat lii~ idea i,f a Panama Ca~al witboublack ~a]nntst grapos, currants, strowberri%% dol;,y. But the l’resideut fir.t ehnckcd, his

Tho Cl,~r,’l~stoa A’c+zs (,ad C,,t,r;er is makLtg

a most praiseworthy wor against tw,, of SouthCar<dian’s greatest evil,---whisky and the I, ra~+tics of pistols.

Lctters for Californians: Tho II’eathen Chintawho ha, como acrees the C+(rom the T’tnd of~is bt~sy asa ]l, and Y do U ~ant to catoff hisQ? Block his I, and givo him L.--L,~t,,a 2~td~Ict;a.

The ~ma]le~t railroad in tho world is tho two"~Vhito goods, Fancy .Arti- raspherries, erar, borries huekloberricib &c. A

~_.~:l~._.£~tOyt~. ........... JSLrg_o t_~to.:..~pr_DLnino room ho~L%_.~h p.!a__z~a

................................... -ThP_b4~t:wutl in’=tho oouaty,-boiug-wallod with

GEI~I~ I :+ T+.4L EdVTI,/~E,

UND T,P,(KE R,I, l,r+’I~ar(’,[ to furnish

CASKETS, COFFINS, WITII ItANDLI~S & I’LAT.I~,Iu every variot)’, at tht. Io’,~est ca.h prices.

Funerals promptly stttended to.

Also rc~ecat~Chair. ~ud repairs aiad r(,t*orutes Fur-niture.

~lop I~]t-F~t ill TM +.+vt’r t}t t.+ wht, e!x~right sh~|), Egg liar-" ~r rx+&,t. Ltalol]h~atoa, +~. J.

hard brielc laid in cemont from tho bottom Sothe top. Ttto water is always e(,ld, clear, pu{~abundant and never failing. The pump ~edrwet sink is in tho h-use only-eight feot fr%~m

ths cot,king stove, and eix from tho ccller, p~O,.try, aitti>~g room or dioiog room doors. B~

20x4-0--ft~,, earrtago shed 9~’24~tovo tt~furuituro will bn sold "with tho houso if desired.

Addrt.~s or eall up.n


Ihtmtaonton, ~ew Jerse~t

%Vhitcasagelsthesnow0nthehll1.~i¢le,ardt, r by ro-atfirmiug tko Monroo doctri,to of~lelting not IB the %VlnLer sun ;

"i.¯tii b(nitit[ii ir, Li,~ ,,a~.t SUkr~.~t~r’L%~ .... .2k~LtL~0.1AD~0J.-_Q3~._.~t%ffJ.~..~.3]~lLt Intture.

--gorrc; ....... , ...... :- -- : ...... :-tmg-the-Congros~itmaL-Colm, nirco-that Its, Lc~-

Smil(.s, Ilk. a ft3)zen rainbow, g]istetlUnder the tears, ns time floes on ;

Green tir~ the grows ~J~ere death lice hidden;_For love In Xoultg, though the loved are


Cold ure the troe~ whero thc ~wlnds nrewailing,

Wnrm Is the ground, and tho shining sun--IIeaveu altd earth a:’e growing together--

The ~.nt~.s is green, though the leaves, - --

Are they troubleaome--tho chlldruti ~’Do their y+)ung livc,~ t, rlng ns ill,

2u~,dl~ t.oi~, at~t oudlc~ worry,

’Tls the I~ I ltnow’, of litany

Who, dls])ensing with Llle’chlldren,.~Vuuld go on untr:unmelLed ways2-

Ways of idle. Lrivlnl p]ea4ures~_ Or oflnis~lon~ grandly, s,’t;

Theories, worked oul In uc:!on.I~ounds ofdutLas Iiravcly met.

~xh [ w]taL gntn(ler, worthier Inlssio]aThan this. truly y’otnun’s own,

Guarding, g~ditig Illtle fi,utStcl)STo tho thrcshnld of God’s throne ?

Ll~-t!e faces turn in pleading,

sel+s’ s,’hcme was impracticaldo from engineer., ¯ . ¯tug tllf~l~ultl0S, and tho caormous oxl,e,se itwould involve¯ ]{o, then rea:l ,o the committeea paper io affvocacy of his plau of a ship rail-way. J’lo demonetrated that a substantial and

darablo ~hip ruilway can oo built for half thneuat of aconal with leeks, and fur one fourththat of aeanalat tidel~vel; that tach asltiprailway can be built in one.third or one¯fourthof the time needed fur tho eunstruction6[ a~.nnl th.,: when h,,ilt ~},’t~ ,,f th,~ rn~X!.,um

tonal? _C.~£. b? m2.v_~fl__w_!t h_ ~ oJ.c ~ a3. kmr_~.fivotimesgrcater speed than m acanal; that

a greater number of ’,’esaols per day can bet.anaporteuby thora!lway than can possiblybe transported by the canal; that the capacityof a ehJp -railway can be easily increa~cd to+

meet the demands of commerce; that the costof mai~tenancu of thu roadway and rollingstock would bo ,nueh )ess than that of tho.canal, a~M-that~i raitW~ty ~an h0 eonstructod

-aod-t.perated in localiti~8 -wh0ru-lt la notpracticable (oe~,nstrn~ta ca,~nt¯ lie ext,}aieedhisphms bymeans of drawings whicil showed

a pit of 3.@0 foot long, in which I],e railway~houldl+omade k-to thu barber to the dtplh ~I’

thirty fce t~ then ..hnwing the erodlv iuto whicht doahip is tobofittcd, and cxplaioin G how theship ie to be kept iu place iv the cradlo b)"means(,f blocks six or tes fcct at, azt; thou.ahow’in8 [he ratlwa~, c0nSisttug of tw,~Iv~ lai|sof thc ordinary ~ddth. lie claimed_ that de.

_railmunt was_imp~.~aihla on~ccouat-af--tha-tm.m~bor of rails and tho weight of thu ~hip ; that~here wuald ba u~ oscillation o[ straia upon tho

stips, even in lteavy gules. /Its plsn has re-ecivcd the sanction o; E.J. ]teed, Chief Con-structor ot tho British ~’avy; John Roach,

]teury Steer a:)d other emioen~ American en-gineers. M. do I.esseps said hodid nol likc therailway tAan beca uso it had not been tried ; itwas hot his pL’n. But Capt, Eadsscems tohave t~a~ c,,nfidence uf t~usincss men ov¢~y-

where, and it is],robabin that our Govcrnmontwillpalrol, izc American cnterprice in thisin~stance. MAXWELL.


NEWS ITEMS._ Miesissilq,i w~tut~ L~o__Chino.~o to come toher.

Rhudo Island haq repealed the law the iutormarrio~ of whites and blacks.

’~’he Legislature (,t" Mississippi has imp~scda tax o[ $3 9pou bacho]ors over., twenty:fi~c

year~ of u~e.

_. Ttlerowcrc_ ~,l~17 _marriag._os_in _Pi3i!a,lo!pl~ia

fcet ten-inch gauge built by,~<,rgo E.Mansfioldr. _ x¯ _., ,,-,1 ¯ ¯

eight mil~ an~:l_a .half long’ nod has elevenbridge, ono over a hundred feet long¯ The

ratio weigh twenty-fivo po=nds to the y,rd ; theeugineo weigh eight tons, tho cars leur tmsand . ,a half each/aud run at tha rato of twm, ty mil~and hoar.

Au actual occurrence happened in Meridem

and politeness is seldom surpassed. A gentle-man called at a Air. Fosters early one morning,

knocked at the door and was ushered in by Mrs. aF. "Good morninG, Mrs. F,’" said h0. "I hopeyou are well. Don’t disturb yeur+etf, finish

-~TTffr-~-/ea]/’fa’st:--’~ffJast 6ailed to inferm yo~.that yaor hou.~e is on fire up on the roof, aroundtho ehimuey." It was fouud to be e,~ attd th¯

hou~--~--~--~-"~burned dowv. - ....

"I(:you desirc to gct+a largo yield of richmilk, give yeur c,~ws every day water slightly

warm and sli~;htiy salted, in which brsm hi~been stirred at the rate of ono quart to two gM-loao of water. "X’ou will find. i ~. y’ou- havo not-

gb¯e a large increase of-milk immedistdy utmder the effccts of it, aud sho will become so ~o,,eostomsd t!t t/In tlit’t as to rufuso to dri:tk cloarwater unle.-s very tl~r.-ty. But this meas shewd] drink alato~t any time, aud a~lt fur mcr~.Thoamuuot of this drink neccssaryis an or-dinary watsr pail full at a time, moreing, neonand night.

’State News.Ex-P[esicten: of Prineo~n C’flle

has just pa~eed his eightieth’ year.

The ~’ew Jersey Central Railruad is buildingan extentioa to Paint Plea,ant,

The Dumocratic State Convention to oleotDelegates to Ciuelnnati will bo held iu Trontoa

on the 191h of May¯

l’~cw Brne~wiek is ncw lighted by oil iesteadof ::as, ewiog to tho failure of the Common

Council to taako a sufficiont appropriation.

Thomas Shoulders,liviog nearCentro ~quar%(;louccstcr cuunty, cemmitted suieido recently, "~-:by hauging himself in a barn.

Among tho bi11~ which came to grief in thn~

Legislature was oue for the establishment ofma

/uobriate Asylum at Vinc]a.nd.

31 r ~ 7"D ~’~z i, LT-Xn-Xg% ff’~-ddy o f - LOw -e r t o~-fi= ...........ship, Cape MayI was severely gored bya sow afotv days ago.+ tier lifo is despaired of.

A Bor,lenL,,wv firm ofsbirt molters are goi.ngto compcto with honc~.t skill by en~ploying onehundrod eoavicts at Trea~n ta lauudry theirgarmeute. The con:root is at fifty ecut~ a day.

..¯+A.Spanieh, p.ioc+~ 286.2~ears old was unearthed

............................................... Ioatter a<+t¯t+r[lislt to qlttt]i~:f.

llis!cy’s itch Hazel.~0uros i[e~yiache, Burns, 8pralns,Cut~,Wonnde,Rheum:t,, T,!othoeho, Earn,he, eto. War¯ranted equal in qualily to any made, at halfthe priee, ti oz. bottles 25e. pint bottles b0e. Il[avo3 our th u ,,~ist or,lor if he ha~ not in stook Ief (’IIAIILES F. ]tISLE~, 1Whol~ealn Druggistr ~4 0ogtl&u,lt ~t. t ~. Y.

]h~ mt.rtx t~,ld a~k St,|’ Cht~le*: ~ C(~.’e ~odt~a.tltl~.%]cq~t,,a £~:,d ~1~¢ th. t t~:,,tr It,true t~ u;1 Ihol~a£~Rob-t~ ~t~tt ~,t~qt Will get th0 purest and wlllt~!~lnadt~, q’huuxo<ltlhl~wltheou~:milk¯ltt pr+.’|cr-,.nee nl ]’owth~, e.xvc:~ twcn.y ti:a~ tt~¢’o’~L

Hoe on. pound ’pn~hago for ~usblo informs.o:12 and road ear,~Ctt}l y.

"SHOW -~Ik~ YOUR OROCEIk~o~" ~ttl~ by We, Blank

p l~i+-.imtu+¯re=t-, last year¯ 0f3,645, both parties were nativestransaction. Thin is followed by tbo charge,

ofthiseou~,try.t|t+tLof Mrs. I,~ekwou,I, tl, at flail ltas ruin:deevcralSt.tnili~ h,:re, nnd altot:¢ther Hi]l willhtLvn a h,ugh timo ol it tu elcur up his snloue’hcd

eharneter¯ ....................... = ........:--- --Ca~ ~t:tl+ wa~ beforo tho Con..-ressional

C,>mmittco a s~c,,n4 time eu Saturday, furthea-iul i)ot tant bla:oa]eets ab,mt Inter.Oceauio Coe~LJerci,l prtj~’ets. }Ie ~,*id that

-De Lesse}s’cttttnicouldalot bo constructed forless thafi three hundrcd mil]ioa dr,liars, while

a ship raiiwey e.uld bcbuilt for fifty mi;li,,rs,The ealu~l weuhl rt quire twenty )’ears f~.r eou.

.~tructi,m w]|ilo Iho railway would rcquirobutfour. Ths Committee Is very fav,,rabiy impres.~ed with I:i~ plan.

~-~Att.h~u~tt:cy-~i}t,tbreatea ~o-unseat Wesh~burn, nnd sent I),nnelly, of Miunesots, thoDem~cratie C,~.mIltco he~itoles to report, andtho suIIposit;tm is that llmy fi’ar thoy eaenotbtit~g the xm,j,,rlty of the lit)use ep to thoscralch to coaltt;it ,~o,.h it eouct.n£ptible eutlage.Several uther eke:ion c~+,.cs h~.t’~ K for Ihu eamoreosoe.

Countess i~ not in the habit of having ahort~essions on Prcsidentlal year. Semobody haslooked up the lle¯ord t,~ a,~certalu’ that sineo

152S Cot~grete hun not a dj,, ou I’re~ideutialyear sht, rt of July. Iu 1876 it was,in sessionuntil the middlo of Augusl.

The Domocrat8 are receivl ng some intercstingnows front ~Ialne. ]3estdos tho elections thoro

¯ +t+which havo boon dlScourogtugly against thorn,tho investigation of their.ols by the Logisla-tivo Committea exposes eemu of tho most dis.

graceful pruccedin~ ever d01iberat01y enteredupot~ by any org.nizatiou of moe. Instaneea

of fraud and forgery, tho mo~t ~laring, in makoing np thoelention returns have been discovered,

¯ and Gore.ion teams to have 0npp0d the climax

A[oxaader II. Stepheus is said to bos:~thur,,u:~hly disgusted with his party thatbo

_~tl~i!)k s0f r+9~iAnin,~d~_seat i a Cupg£,~ss, ........

The Ur, i,m Pa,’~c ]bdlruad Cumpany earned/during 1579 "13,201,077, the op0tatingexpceso~/

end taxes b~ i::g $5,475,50.1.

’r h ,.~g ~~o~.~¢.h ~.m a n c y toTe-move -tli~-AI~,x~lh-~It’-h,n bb0]isk-to" ~c-w-York-proves to he Mr. V,’m. It. Vauderbilt.

Jamcs l{es.~otl Lowell prescnted his credcu.rials as Uetlcd States ~[iai~ter toEn~laad onTbursday week.

Tho Unitod S:atee Trcasuror roports thfi, t

eouuter:eiter~ are largoly engagcd io t[to prae-tico of mauufacturing standard silver dolhtrs.

Triba,e : TL!don and Fitz John "Purter wouldmaku a atrong Injured Innocent combination.Why don’t tho Demoorats try, it ?

(7. Catbcart T~aylor, cityeditor of tho Phila-delphia Ti.tes, conunilted auicidc on Sunday

afteruoon by ahootiug himsolf with n pist=gl."

W. H.¥at, derbilt has offered to givo $100,000topoy thooxpeneo~of removing tho Egyptianebelisk tq Xcw York aud erecting it in that eity.

~qear]y three times aa many emigrants ar-

rived at Now York ia February, 1580, as iuFebrunry, 1 $79, and the tido is ’~till swelling.

The Govornmoat gets a~out ]1,000,000 aeres

of hlud by the Ute egreement, for about I0cents an acro, mest of it boinG rough pasturoand mineral laeds.

~early nll the piano manufacturers of New

York City dosed their factories on PAonday, toresist the demand for more wages on the partof tho employes. About 4,000 ~vorkmet~ arethrown eut of" cmploymonk

in a Berlington garden a few days since. Itwas but littlo corroded, anal tho date, 1594t wa~quite distinct.

Ex-Mayor Ayers, of C~mdon~ will go into the

mayor, in 1877, he was employed as a detectiveby the Pennsylvania’Railroad Company¯ Hehas dono pelioc duty iu Camden for over&

quarter of a century. --

---Dr. Ir.C:F~hidn~ ~fSeot6h Pla;us, formerly

o(Bridgotoe, ha+ bec~ the aubjeet of an un~pleasant scandal at the first named place, liewas married on the 24th of Febraary, and is

accused with having made another marital eon~tract, which was to havn been ecnsummated onthe 10th inst ]Io has loft the plaeo.



BT MU. GAnDN~R.-Au Act ta ~et off a part of tho town~hip of

Mullioa tu "tho township of Gallnway, ~md &part of tho tnwnship of Galloway to thetownship of Mullica, io tbo county of Atlaette.]. Be it enacted by the Senate ned General

Assembly of the State cf New Jersey, £hatallthat pan nf tho townehipof Mulliea, in thecounty af Atlantic, lyi~ G and being south-easterly from the city of EGg Harbor City, hteat4 ummty, be and the same is hereby sot el’from’-t~o t~wu~htp of Mullion. end annexedto+ and made p~ ~xt ef the township of Gall~vsy, iu aam nounty, ~md nil that lmrt of saidtownship of OMtaway, lying and being north-westerly of the northwesterly line of said ]lggHarbor City, be and the esme is hereby sot sitt

fron| said township of Galloway, and annexedto and mada a part of the said township ofMulliea.

2, And,he it enacted, That thle act llall tskteffect immnMately.

Approve4 Mar0h I0, 1~0.

top related