diaspora of austronesian and nonaustronesian

Post on 30-Dec-2021






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EditorsProf. Dr. I NengahSudipa, M.A.

Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, M.A.Prof. Dr. Drs. I Wayan Simpen, M.Hum.Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum.

Ketut Widya Purnawati, S.S., M.Hum.Puji Retno Hardiningtyas, S.S., M.Hum.

Dra. Made Susini, M.Hum.I Made Sujaya, S.S., M.Hum.

I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian Susanthi, S.S., M.Hum.Ni Luh Gede Liswahyuningsih, S.S., M.Hum.

Sebastianus Menggo, S.Pd., M.Pd.Muna Muhammad, M.A.

Kadek Ayu Ekasani, S.S., M.Hum.I Gusti Agung Ayu Made Dianti Putri, S.S.

Udayana UniversityDenpasar, 15--16 September 2017



“Diaspora of Austronesian and Nonaustronesian Languages in Indonesia”“Diaspora Bahasa-Bahasa Austronesia dan Nonaustronesia di Indonesia”


The 8th International Seminar on Austronesian and

Nonaustronesian Languages and Literature

Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved


Prof. Dr. I Nengah Sudipa, M.A.

Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, M.A.

Prof. Dr. Drs. I Wayan Simpen, M.Hum.

Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum.

Ketut Widya Purnawati, S.S., M.Hum.

Puji Retno Hardiningtyas, S.S., M.Hum.

Dra. Made Susini, M.Hum.

I Made Sujaya, S.S., M.Hum.

I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian Susanthi, S.S., M.Hum.

Ni Luh Gede Liswahyuningsih, S.S., M.Hum.

Sebastianus Menggo, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Muna Muhammad, M.A

Kadek Ayu Ekasani, S.S., M.Hum.

I Gusti Agung Ayu Made Dianti Putri, S.S.

Cover Design

Made Henra Dwikarmawan Sudipa, S.S.


Slamat Trisila


Udayana University Press

Master and Doctorate Study Programs of Linguistics,

Faculty of Arts, Udayana University

Nias Street 13, Denpasar,

Bali, Indonesia

andAsosiasi Peneliti Bahasa-Bahasa LokalLocal Languages Researcher Association

First Edition: September 2017

ISBN 978-602-294-239-9




SAMBUTAN DEKAN FIB ..............................................................................................SAMBUTAN KETUA PANITIA .....................................................................................PENGANTAR ..................................................................................................................FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................DAFTAR ISI .....................................................................................................................

Pemakalah Utama

Sonja Riesberg ..................................................................................................................Some Observations on Word Order in Western Austronesian Symmetrical Voice Languages

Aron Meko Mbete ............................................................................................................Jejak-Jejak Diaspora Austronesia-Trans-Papua dalam Beberapa Fitur Lingual

Fransiskus Bustan ............................................................................................................Konseptualisasi Etnik Manggarai Tentang Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Ditinjau dari Perspektif Linguistik Budaya

Cho, Tae-Young ................................................................................................................Aksara Serang di Masyarakat Bugis-Makassar

Oktavianus ........................................................................................................................Menjemput Kembali Nilai-Nilai yang Terkandung dalam Ungkapan Bahasa-Bahasa Lokal dalam Upaya Merawat Kebhinekaan dan Menjaga Keutuhan NKRI

Pemakalah Pendamping

Achmad Muchammad Kamil, Haris Supratno, Suyatno .............................................Identitas Cerpen Pada Media Informasi Pesantren (Perspektif Kajian Budaya)

Ahmad Syaifudin .............................................................................................................Rekayasa Bahasa Daerah dalam Spirit Konservasi pada Universitas Negeri Semarang

Anak Agung Sagung Shanti Sari Dewi ...........................................................................Bahasa Indonesia Transference in Efl Classes: Students Perception

Anak Agung Sagung Wid Parbandari ...........................................................................Pemakaian Bentuk Partisipel Bahasa Jerman Sebagai Adjektiva dalam Roman Siddhartha Karya Hermann Hesse dan Padanannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Andi Bagus Cahyadi, Budinuryanta Yohanes, Suhartono ...........................................Delimitasi pada Penutur Skizofrenia (Kajian Pragmatik Klinis)















Antonius Kato ...................................................................................................................Makna Tuturan Tu Ngawu Pernikahan Adat Lio, Flores

Artiana Nadhiar Setiarini, Haris Supratno, Kamidjan ................................................Teachings Of Tasawuf In Javanese Novel (Etnosufism Study)

Christina Made Dwi Utami .............................................................................................Pergeseran Kohesif dan Koherensi dalam Penerjemahan Makna Kias Inggris-Indonesia

David Samuel Latupeirissa .............................................................................................Varian Pola Gramatikal Serialisasi Verba dalam Bahasa Melayu Kupang

Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi, I Wayan Arka, Asako Shiohara ...........................................Developing The Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus (Scopic) For Balinese: Issues, Challenges And Prospects

Dewa Ayu Widiasri ...........................................................................................................Karakterisasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Melalui Rekonstruksi Terjemahan Teks Tantri Kandaka

Diaspora Markus Tualaka, Karolus Budiman Jama ....................................................Evolusi Makna Ideologis Le Tu Le, Instrumen Sunding Tongkeng dalam Budaya Etnik Manggarai

Eddy Setia .........................................................................................................................Bahasa, Ekologi, dan Masyarakat Pengguna Bahasa dalam Perspektif Linguistik Fungsional Sistemik

Eko Setiyo Anggoro, Setya Yuwana Sudikan, Suyatno ................................................Strukturalisme Genetik Lucien Goldmann dalam Novel Karya Sekar Ayu Asmara

Endah Nur Tjendani, Aron Meko Mbete .......................................................................Pendekatan Ekolinguistik untuk Kebertahanan Budaya Lokal dari Kepunahan Melalui Pembelajaran Bahasa

Erlin Kartikasari, Kisyani-Laksono................................................................................Perbedaan Leksikal dan Perbedaan Fonologis Bahasa Jawa di Banyuwangi dan Surabaya (Kajian Dialektologis)

Firman Alamsyah Mansyur .............................................................................................Onina Manga Mancuana Mangenge: Kognisi Religi Orang Wolio (Linguistik Antropologis)

Gek Diah Desi Sentana .....................................................................................................Pelestarian Sor Singgih Bahasa Bali Melalui Pelatihan Pengenter AcaraDi Kelurahan Sempidi Kecamatan Mengwi Kabupaten Badung
















Gusti Ayu Oka Cahya Dewi ............................................................................................Ideology of Translating Cultural Terms In Gambir And Its Translation

Hendi Pratama ..................................................................................................................Indonesian Students Responses To Pope-Q Implicature

Hidayati, Rima Rahmaniah, Henny M. ..........................................................................Struktur dan Fungsi Mantra “Nowong” sebagai Warisan Budaya Sasak di Desa Ranggagata, Lombok Tengah

I Gede Astawa ....................................................................................................................Eco-discourse in The Tri Hita Karana (THK) Concept Based on The Stories We Live By

I Gede Budiasa ..................................................................................................................Material Process in Balinese Short Story, Mangku Sonteng By I Made Suarsa: An Experiential Metafunction

I Gede Oeinada ..................................................................................................................Penguasaan Kanji Para Mahasiswa Program Studi Sastra Jepang Universitas Udayana Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017

I Gusti Agung Triana Rakanita .......................................................................................Analisis Tanda Verbal dan Non-Verbal pada Iklan Produk Garnier

I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian Susanthi, I Gusti Agung Istri Aryani, I Gusti Ayu Agung Sintha Satwika ..................................................................................The Analysis of Maxims in “English for Midwives Practical Guidance for Antenatal Care”

I Gusti Ayu Gde Sosiowati, Ni Made Ayu Widiastuti, I Wayan Arka ..........................Constructing Identity and Language Vitality Of Minority Language: Evidence From Loloan Malay

I Gusti Ngurah Parthama ................................................................................................Examining Idiomatic Translation on Bilingual Public Sign

I Ketut Darma Laksana....................................................................................................Jejak Historis Bahasa Bali Alus di Kecamatan Nusa Penida

I Ketut Jirnaya ..................................................................................................................Kode Alam Jatuhnya Alengkapura dalam Kakawin Ramayana: Implementasinya di dalam Kehidupan

I Ketut Ngurah Sulibra ....................................................................................................Warisan Fonologis Bahasa Bali Kuna dalam Bahasa Bali Kepara: Studi Pendahuluan

I Ketut Paramarta, Ida Bagus Putrayasa, Ida Bagus Putra Manik Aryana ...............Bahasa Bali Kuno dan Perbandinganya dengan Proto- Bahasa Melayu

















Polynesian (*MP)

I Ketut Suar Adnyana, IMade Suwendi, Meinardus Fridolin Jantur .........................Entitas Imperatif Bahasa Indonesia dalam Komunikasi Civitas AkademikaUniversitas Dwijendra Denpasar

I Ketut Suardana, Ni Nyoman Supadmi ........................................................................Analysist of Transitivity in Prenatal Genetic Screening and Counselling

I Ketut Sudewa .................................................................................................................Antologi Potret Pohon Air Mata Karya Ngurah Parsua Kajian Ekologi Sastra

I Ketut Wardana, I Nyoman Suparwa ...........................................................................The Construction of Balinese Local Genus into Linguistic Messages for Ecosystem Sustainability

I Made Dian Saputra .......................................................................................................The Discourse of Ida Ratu Gede Mas Macaling Dalem Nusa Penida Klungkung (Among Taksu, Magi, and Sakti)

I Made Sena Darmasetiyawan ........................................................................................Sociolinguistics Approach to the Problems of Translating Balinese Language

I Made Suastika ................................................................................................................Kakawin Ramayana Sebagai Sumber Penulisan Geguritan Kapiparwa

I Made Sujaya ..................................................................................................................Lintas Budaya Dalam Empat Prosa Fiksi Tentang Bali Karya Gerson Poyk

I Made Suyasa ..................................................................................................................Hikayat Melayu dan Evolusinya Dalam Bakayat Sasak

I Made Wijana, Ni Ketut Ratna Erawati .......................................................................Keoptimalan Leksikal Dalam Teks Tutur Sarining Rajapeni: Analisis Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional

I Nyoman Sukartha ..........................................................................................................Kepengarangan Kidung Tantri Mandhuka Rakarana

I Nyoman Udayana ..........................................................................................................Reciprocity in Indonesian

I Wayan Agus Anggayana, I Putu Agus Endra Susanta ...............................................Affixation Of Bugbug Dialect: A Descriptive Study

I Wayan Ana .....................................................................................................................Mengapa Sulit Menerjemahkan Text Hukum Bahasa Indonesia ke dalam Bahasa Inggris?


















I Wayan Artika .................................................................................................................Tanah Bagi Kaum Tani: Paralelitas Antologi Matinja Seorang Petani dan Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960

I Wayan Cika, Ida Bagus Rai Putra ...............................................................................Nilai Religius Tokoh Brahmana Keling Dalam Geguritan Dalem Sidhakarya:Perspektif Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa

I Wayan Suryasa ..............................................................................................................Analisis Gambar Pada Buku Teks Krsna: Sebuah Kajian Semiotik

Ida Ayu Agung Ekasriadi ................................................................................................Kontraksi Dan Akronim Dalam Deiksis Persona Bahasa Bali

Ida Ayu Iran Adhiti ..........................................................................................................Kategori Etimon Proto Austronesia (Pan) Pada Bahasa Abui Di Pulau AlorNusa Tengara Timur

Ida Ayu Laksmita Sari, Renny Anggraeny ....................................................................Sakral Atau Siluman: Lukisan Beruang Sebagai Dewa Tertinggi dalam Cerita Rakyat Etnik Ainu Jepang

Ida Ayu Made Puspani ....................................................................................................Applying Comparative Linguistics In Defining Equivalence

Ida Bagus Made Wisnu Parta .........................................................................................Narasi Pindah Agama Dalam Novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta:Kajian Strukturalisme

Ida Bagus Rai Putra ........................................................................................................Ekpresi Lisan “Karang Awake Tandurin”: Bahasa Bali Sebagai Wahana Domain Budaya Tak Benda Karya Ida Pedanda Made Sidemen

Inayatul Mukarromah .....................................................................................................Modeling Teaching Learning to The Traditional Osing Language by Using Culinary Linguistics (Combination Between Narratives and Visual Commanicative Approaches)

Irma Setiawan ..................................................................................................................Sistem Pemaparan Pengalaman Linguistik Pada Teks Debat Calon Presiden Republik Indonesia Periode 2014-2019: Kajian Linguistik Fungsional Sistemik

Itmam Jalbi .......................................................................................................................Keterancaman Bahasa Sawai di Halmahera Tengah, Maluku Utara: Studi Awal dari Aspek Vitalitas Bahasa















Kadek Apriliani, Dian Pramita Sugiarti, Ni Made Verayanti Utami ..........................Implementasi Undang-undang No. 24 Tahun 2009 dalam Penggunaan Alih Kode dan Campur Kode terhadap Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMP Ganesha Denpasar

Kadek Eva Krishna Adnyani, Made Budiarsa, I Wayan Pastika, Ni Nyoman Padmadewi ...................................................................................................Is There an Age-Factor for Joseigo (Japanese Women’s Language) Usage?: A Case Study in Japanese Sociolinguistics

Kadek Ratih Dwi Oktarini ..............................................................................................The Use of Particle Kan in Narrative in Conversational Indonesian

Kanisius Rambut ..............................................................................................................Nilai Lingkungan Ungkapan Metaforis dalam Bahasa Manggarai: Sebuah Kajian Ekolinguistik

Ketut Widya Purnawati, Ketut Artawa .........................................................................Simultaneous Location Marking In Balinese Temporal Adverbial Function

La Ode Nggawu, Maulid Taembo.....................................................................................Kajian Perbandingan Bahasa Muna, Mawasangka, dan Wakatobi di Sulawesi Tenggara dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Rasa Solidaritas antar-Penuturnya

Linny Oktovianny ............................................................................................................Sikap Bahasa dan Pemilihan Bahasa Masyarakat di Kota Palembang terhadap Bahasa Palembang

Luh Putu Puspawati ........................................................................................................Nilai Sadu Darma dalam Geguritan Kicaka

Made Budiarsa, Yohanes Kristianto ...............................................................................Modal Linguistik sebagai Struktur Dominasi Asing di Ranah Pariwisata: Sebuah Studi Kasus di Kawasan Wisata Seminyak, Bali

Made Sri Satyawati, Nyoman Kardana ........................................................................Sistem Pemarkahan dalam Bahasa Bima: Kajian Tipologi Bahasa

Made Susini ......................................................................................................................Mystifications through Nominalization in Balinese Language: A SFL Perspective

Maria Magdalena Namok Nahak, I Wayan Simpen .....................................................Ekoleksikon Tuturan Ritual dalam Hamis Batar pada Komunitas Tutur Bahasa Tetun di Kabupaten Malaka, Timor, NTT















Maria Yulita C. Age ........................................................................................................Bentuk dan Makna Kalimat Imperatif Bahasa Lio pada Masyarakat Etnik Lio

Muhammad Aris Akbar ...................................................................................................Bentuk Eufemisme sebagai Pengganti Idiomatik Tabu

dalam Komunikasi Lisan pada Masyarakat Sasak

Mukhamdanah .................................................................................................................Bahasa Wamesa di Teluk Bintuni, Papua Barat:

Keberagaman Bahasa dan Adaptasi Linguistik yang Terjadi

Muna Muhammad ...........................................................................................................Proses Pemajemukan Kata dalam Bahasa Aceh

Ni Luh Gede Liswahyuningsih ......................................................................................Translation Shifts of Indonesian-English Noun Phrases

Ni Luh Kade Yuliani Giri ................................................................................................Variasi Respons dalam Analisis Percakapan Bahasa Jepang

Ni Luh Supartini, Ni Made Ayu Sulasmini, Kadek Ayu Ekasani ................................Penggunaan Variasi Bahasa Inggris Pedagang Asongan

di Daerah Wisata Pantai Sanur dan Canggu

Ni Luh Sutjiati Beratha ...................................................................................................

The Development of OB Affixes

Ni Made Suryati ...............................................................................................................Infleksi Nomina Maskulinum Pluralis Bahasa Sanskerta: Kajian Generatif Transformasi

Ni Made Verayanti Utami, Kadek Apriliani, Dian Pramita Sugiarti ..........................The Analysis of Indonesian Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Found in the Translation of Possum Magic-An Australian Classic

by Bipa Students of La Denpasar

Ni Made Wiriani ..............................................................................................................Variasi ‘Nama Panggilan’ Warga Tempek Kelodan, Banjar Pegatepan

Desa Gelgel, Klungkung

Ni Nyoman Tri Sukarsih ..................................................................................................The Relationship between Hermeneutics and Literary Translation

Ni Wayan Arnati, I Wayan Cika,I Wayan Teguh, Ni Putu Widarsini ........................Penggunaan Bentuk-Bentuk Penolakan Bahasa Bali dalam Berkomunikasi

oleh Masyarakat Etnis Bali Denpasar dan Badung
















Ni Wayan Krismayani .....................................................................................................Strategi Pemertahanan Bahasa Lokal

Ni Wayan Sukarini ..........................................................................................................Pada Satua Bali Sang Lanjana

Nidya Fitri ........................................................................................................................Bentuk Negasi pada Novel Hulubalang Raja Karya Nur Sutan Iskandar

Nining Nur Alaini .............................................................................................................Cerita Rakyat Bajo: “Si Canik-Canik” dan “Si Pemburu”, Potret Keterikatan Orang Bajo pada Laut

Nirwan, Kadek Feni Aryati , Lukia Zuraida .................................................................Paralelisme Dan Relasi Sosial Dalam Tuturan Mantra Di Mandar

Nur Fajrhi .........................................................................................................................Kamus Istilah Jajanan dalam Bahasa Ciacia: Analisis Komponensial Medan Makna

Nurul Azizah .....................................................................................................................Konstruksi Kalimat Dasar Dialek Kuto-Kute dan Tipologi Sintaksis

Nyoman Sujaya ...............................................................................................................Balinese Giving Verb Baang Construction

Pana Pramulia ..................................................................................................................Karakter Penceritaan Pergelaran Wayang Kulit Jawa Timuran

Patrisius Kami, I Nyoman Tri Ediwan ..........................................................................Alih Kode dalam Situasi Dwibahasa pada Mahasiswa di Kota Kupang

Peng Zi Lin, Setya Yuwana S, Suharmono Kasiyun .....................................................Konflik Tokoh Utama dalam Novel Unta Xiang Zi dan Cha Guan Karya Lao She (Kajian Psikoanalisis Lacan)

Prayudha ..........................................................................................................................Code-Mixing and Code-Switching at a Language Boundary: Pasar Cileumeuh, Cilacap, Central Java Case Study

Puji Retno Hardiningtyas, I Nyoman Weda Kusuma ..................................................Puisi-Puisi Penyair Bali yang “Mengingkari” Bahasa: Bergelut dengan Licentia Poetica

Putu Agus Bratayadnya, I Nyoman Suparwa, Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, Made Sri Satyawati ..........................................................................................................Translation of Diaspora’s Conversation in Film Eat Pray Love

















Putu Dewi Merlyna Y.P ...................................................................................................Strategi Kesantunan Caregiver terhadap Pasien Lansia di Jepang

Putu Evi W. Citrawati, Ketut Riana, Made Sri Satyawati, Wayan Teguh ..................Analisis Kesalahan Karya Ilmiah Siswa SMAN 1 Abiansemal, Kabupaten Badung

Putu Sutama .....................................................................................................................Pergeseran Bahasa Bali dan Proyeksi Sosiolonguistik

Putu Weddha Savitri ........................................................................................................Analisis Psikologi Tokoh Utama dalam Karya André Gide “Pendidikan Istri”

Sebastianus Menggo .........................................................................................................Fungsi Bahasa pada Ritual Persembahan Gereja Katolik Manggarai

Setiyo Utomo, Setya Yuwana Sudikan, Kamidjan ........................................................Mistik Kebatinan Jawa dalam Serat Prasidojati dan Serat Asmaralaya Karya Mas Ngabehi Mangoenwidjaja (Memahami Ajaran Manunggaling Kawula Gusti)

Siti Norma Nasution ........................................................................................................The Spirit of Nationalism, Education and Moral Religion as Nation Character Building which Portrayed in Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk Written by Willem Iskander

Sri Widiastutik, I Wayan Sudiarsa, Komang Trisnadewi ............................................Dinamika Web-Centric Course dalam Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Suliadi ................................................................................................................................Pemertahanan Masjid Kuno Bayan Lombok Utara sebagai Pilar Pemertahanan Bahasa Sasak Dialek Kuto-Kute

Tommi Yuniawan, Fathur Rokhman, Rustono, Hari Bakti Mardikantoro .............Bahasa dalam Teks Konservasi: Kajian Ekolinguistik

Tri Indrayanti ...................................................................................................................Tumbler Arek Suroboyo: Kajian Semantik Sintaktik

Umar ..................................................................................................................................Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam Kontak Keragaman Bahasa Daerah Berbasis Kearifan Lokal di Perbatasan Sumbawa dan Dompu

Veronika Genua, I Wayan Simpen .................................................................................Referensial Meaning of External Lexicon Wunu in Traditional Treatment on Guyub Tutur Lio Ende: Ecolinguistic Study
















W.A. Sindhu Gitananda ...................................................................................................Tegangan Antara Spiritualisme dan Materialisme: Kontekstualisasi Stilistik terhadap Aji Sangkya

Wahyu Ayuningsih ...........................................................................................................Penanda Akan di dalam Bahasa Madura

Wati Kurniawati ..............................................................................................................Variasi Bahasa Sunda di Daerah Pengamatan Luar Provinsi Jawa Barat

Yafed Syufi ........................................................................................................................Classification of ‘Potong’ Verb in Irires Language

Yana Qomariana ..............................................................................................................Javanese Causative Passive

Yendra ...............................................................................................................................Variasi Bahasa Indonesia Ala Kota Padang

Yosef Demon .....................................................................................................................Perelatifan dalam Bahasa Lamaholot Dialek Lamalera

Yunilis andika, Hanova Rani E.R. .................................................................................Bahasa Jawa di Wilayah Kabupaten Magelang (Kajian Dialektologi)












Ketut Widya Purnawati1, Ketut Artawa2

Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas UdayanaEmail: tuti@unud.ac.id1, ketut_artawa@unud.ac.id2

AbstractTemporal markings in every language can be expressed in different ways. They can be lexically and grammatically marked. Although Balinese has no verb derivation to show tense or aspect like English and Japanese, but somehow lexical forms in Balinese and their combination with other grammatical features made Balinese temporal markings become a very complex one. Futhermore, several morphological processes contribute to the meanings of temporal adverbial functions realized by canonical time period. This study is focused on analysing marking strategies on temporal adverbial function which shows temporal location semantic function, especially for simultaneous location subclassification. The theory about temporal adverbial semantic function proposed by Haspelmath (1997) is used to analyse both spoken and written data in this study. The result of this study showed that simultaneous location function in Balinese has several marking strategies. The different markers occur depending on several features which related to constituent which fill the temporal adverbial function, those are 1) the classification of canonical time period; 2) the type of language unit; 3) the speech level of referent time; 4) deictic meaning; and 5) the occurence of definite marker–e.

Keywords: marking strategies; temporal adverbial function; simultaneous location semantic function


Temporal meanings in languages can be shown by several devices. Those devices can be classified into six types, those are tense, aspect, aktionsart (event types, lexical types),

temporal adverbial, temporal particle, and discourse principle (Klein, 2009). Unfortunately, the studies of those six devices has not been done thoroughly. The studies tend to analyse tense and aspect, but not other devices. This also happened in Balinese language. Although temporal adverbial plays the most important role in Balinese temporal marking, but the studies of temporal adverbial in Balinese are still lacking. This study is expected to fill this gap. The adverbial temporal functions can be classified by their semantic functions. The theory of the adverbial temporal semantic functions used in this paper is the theory put forward by Haspelmath (1997). As the vast scope of the adverbial temporal semantic functions, it is impos-sible to discuss all of them in this paper, therefore the discussion is limited only to the adverbial temporal semantic functions which show the semantic function of the time location particularly on the subclassification of simultaneous location semantic functions. The data used in this study were spoken and written data. The written data is the main data cited from a collection of short stories and newspapers, while the oral data is collected as a complement data obtained using elicitation techniques from Balinese speakers. The source of the written data is the narrative text in the newspaper, Bali Orti, published between 2013 and 2015 and a collection of short stories, Belog written by Tudekamatra (2014), Ngurug Pasih written by I Gede Putra Ariawan (2014 ), and Bungklang Bungkling written by I Wayan Juniarta (2008).

DISCUSSIONThe Simultaneous Semantic FunctionThe simultaneous location semantic function is a subclassification of the semantic function of the time location. The semantic function of time location is one of the main semantic functions



Proceedings The 8th International Seminar on Austronesian and Nonaustronesian Languages and Literature

for adverbial temporal. The theory of the adverbial temporal semantic function proposed by

Haspelmath (1997) is based on his research on adverbial temporal functions in the form of noun

phrases found in 53 languages of the world. The reference used to define the semantic function is the classification of the time marking proposed by Comrie-Smith in Lingua Descriptiva Questionnaire (1977). Research on adverbial temporals by using the semantic function theory

from Haspelmath (1997) has been done by Pan (2010). Pan’s research was on Tsou language.

Both Balinese and Tsou languages belong to the Austronesian language family, but the two

languages belong to different sub-groups.

The classification of the adverbial temporal semantic function is based on the relationship between the three features contained in the clause or sentence. The three features are the

characterized situation, the reference time, and the time unit (Haspelmath, 1997). The term

of the situation discussed include two types of situations, namely the located situation (Lsit)

and quantified situation (Qsit). The located situation refers to the situation in the first major semantic function, that is, the time location, whereas the quantified situation refers to the situation in the second major semantic function,that is, the temporal scope. Among the semantic

functions developed in this theory, this paper used a located situation instead of a quantified situation because the discussion of adverbial temporal semantic function in this paper is limited

to the first main semantic function, that is, on the location in time paricularly the simultaneous location subclassification.

The reference time (RefT: referent time) is the situation and /or the unit of time used as a

reference to indicate the timing of the situation in question. The time unit is represented as a horizontal line parallel over the time line, divided into sections with equal portions. It is this reference time that fills the adverbial temporal function. Reference time may be a word, phrase, or clause in the form of a canonical time period or a situation that indicates a particular time.

In this study the reference time used is only in the form of words or phrases filled by seven special categories. Six of the seven categories correspond to the six main categories of canoni-

cal time periods: (1) hour, (2) day parts, (3) days, (4) months, (5) seasons, (6) years, while the

seventh special category is (7) the festival (Haspelmath, 1997: 31).

In example (1) it appears that the reference time is indicated by the adverbial phrase ituni semeng ‘this morning’, while the situation is indicated by the statement pianakne orahina nga-lihang biu gadang ‘her son was told to find green banana leaf’. In this study the reference time is limited to the canonical time period

Pianak-né (1) ituni semeng orahin-a ng-alih-ang don biu gadang. child-POS ealier morning ask-PAS look for leaf banana green

‘This morning his son was told to find a green banana leaf’

(Belog, 2014: 5)

Figure 1Position of features of determining simultaneous location function for data (1)

RefT: ituni semeng

LSit: Pianakne orahina ngalihang don biu gadang




Diaspora of Austronesian and Nonaustronesian Languages in Indonesia

Differences in semantic functions and situations in various clauses or sentences cause the features

and feature positions contained in the figure to be different. Example (1) shows that the adverbial function has semantic function of time location with simultaneous location subclassification.

Strategies of Marking For The Semantic Function Of Simultaneous LocationThe simultaneous location semantic function relates to a marker positioning a situation at a

location related to a reference time. Reference time can be a canonical time period or a situation

that occurs simultaneously with the situation being talked about (located situation). The marking

of temporal adverbial functions filled by canonical time periods in Balinese language can be done in three ways: 1) without markers (Ø); 2) marked by preposition di, and 3) marked by

the preposition ring. Although the prepositions in and ring have the same meaning, but the use

of both of them is different. The preposition di is used for a common speech level, whereas

the preposition ring is used for a polite speech level. Both of these prepositions cannot be

interchangeably used to mark reference time. Various variations occur when in and ring are

used as adverbial function markers. For instance, it can co-occur with a definite marker, a possessive maker and with demonstratives or determiners. The temporal adverbial filled by the clock appears without the marker. This can be seen in example (2) below.

Jam pitu(2) raga-nné sami wau medal saking kamar-né. clock seven 3S-DEF all just out from room-DEF

‘At seven o’clock they were all out of his room’

(SSM 5, Bali Orti 21 April 2013, hal 7)

A noun phrase jam pitu ‘ seven clock’ is the reference time of the adverbial function. The

reference time indicates the simultaneous location semantic function of the situation expressed

by raganné sami wau medal saking kamarne ‘that they all have just come out of their room’.

In the Indonesian language, the simultaneous location semantic function that is filled by the clock is marked by the preposition pada, as in pada pukul lima ‘at five o’clock’, and so on. Day part as well as clocks appear without markers. However, the words that show the day part

often comes with a possessive or deictic marker. In example (3), peteng ‘night’ the adverbial

temporal fuction is marked by a possessive marker -né.

Peteng-né(3) , tiang sing nyak sirep ngingetang orta-né Night-POS 1S not want sleep remember story-DEF

ané serem-serem.

which horror-horror

‘At night I can not sleep remembering the horror story’

(Ngurug Pasih: Museum, 2014:16)

The names of days that serve as adverbial temporal require the preposition di or ring in a clause.

But the addition of this preposition can not be done just before the name of the day. Such

prepositions can only be added to the names of days that oocur with the definite marker suffix - (n)e. The use of prepositions in and ring can be seen in data (4) and (5) respectively.

Di(4) Sabtu-né Ia lakar mulih ka BaliOn Saturday 3S will return to Bali

‘He will return to Bali on Saturday’



Proceedings The 8th International Seminar on Austronesian and Nonaustronesian Languages and Literature

Ring Minggu-né(5) titiang ngraris mantuk mangda polih muspa. On Sunday-DEF 1S straight go home so that get pray‘On Sunday I went straight home to pray.’

(SSM62, Bali Orti 25 Mei 2014: 7)

The preositinal phrase ring minggune ‘on Sunday’ in the clause above filling the adverbial function marking location in time. Sunday as the name of the day is marked by the definite marker ne- and preceded by the prepositio ring ‘on’. The name of the day that is not marked with a definite marker can be used as a temporal adverbial that begins with a preposition, ring ‘at’ when the name of the day is combined with the word rahina ‘day’. However, this does not apply to the combination of the preposition di ‘at’ and the word dina ‘day’. This combination can be used if the word nuju ‘when’ is inserted between the preposition di ‘at and dina ‘day’. The marker ring can be used without the occurrence of the definite marker with the condi-tion that the name of the day is combined the word rahina ‘day’ as shown in (6) below.

Ring rahina Soma, murid-murid-e makejang milu (6) On day Monday student-student-DEF all attend

upacara bendera.ceremony flag

‘On Monday, the students all attend the flag ceremony. ‘

Year as a temporal adverbial that shows simultaneous location semantic functions can ap-pear without or with a preposition. The prposition ring ‘at’ is used for a high speech level, but the preposition di ‘at’ is used for a low speech level. The use of the preposition di for marking year as a filler of simultaneous location semantic function was not found. If the preposition ring is replaced by the preposition di, then the sentence formed is somewhat odd.

Taman Sukasada di Ujung ka-wangun (7) warsa 1918.Park PLACE NAME at PLACE NAME built year 1918‘The Sukasada Park at Ujung was built in 1918’

(SSM62, Bali Orti 25 Mei 2014: 7)

Seasons and festivals in Balinese language like galungan, kuningan can be marde by the preposition di or ring depending on the context of the sentence. In (8) festival is marked by the preposistion di.

Sang Kala Tiga suba telah somyaang (8) di Galungan-é.Bad spirit three already have sacrifice in FESTIVAL‘Three bad spirits have been melted in Galungan’

(IKD: Nantri 11, Bali Orti 2 Agustus 2015, hal 17)

The simultaneous location markings in Balinese language can be very complex, since in other languages simultaneous location simultaneous can be expressed in a more simplified way, for instance in Indonesian and Japanese. Both the Indonesian and Japanese languages have only a preposition used to mark the canonical time period to denote simultaneous location semantic functions. Although in Japanese there are several canonical time periods that can also appear



Diaspora of Austronesian and Nonaustronesian Languages in Indonesia

without markers. To see a comparison of the use of different markers in a simultaneous loca-tion function, the following will be shown an implicational map for the simultaneous location pemarkah. The fewer relationships that exist between functions with each other in the implica-tional map indicate the greater the limit to become a compound function. An implicational map for simultaneous location pemarkah in general can be shown using the following figure (2).

Figure 2Implicational Map of the Simultaneous Location Function Marker

By using the implicational map method, the simultaneous location in Balinese language can be described as follows

Figure 3Map Implicasional Marking Function for Simultaneous Location of Balinese language

(1) hour (6) year

(2) day part -- (5) season

(3) day (4) month

Figure (3) shows that the reference time filled by the clock always appears without the marker, while the reference time filled by the day part, day, and year can appear without the marker or with the marker. The preposition di ‘at’ is used to mark the adverbial temporal function that is filled by the reference time in the form of day part, day, and season. The preposition ring ‘at’ is used to mark parts of days, days, months, seasons, and years.

CONCLUSIONIn general, simultaneous location markings in Balinese can be done in three ways. The three ways are (1) without markers, (2) with preposition di ‘at, and (3) with the preposition of ring ‘at’. The markers have various variations whose rules are influenced by several things, namely 1) the classification of the canonical time period; 2) the lingual unit; 3) speech reference time level; 4) deictic meaning; and 5) the occurance of the definite marker. The forms for the simul-taneous location semantic functions in Balinese language can be summarized in the following table.



Proceedings The 8th International Seminar on Austronesian and Nonaustronesian Languages and Literature

Table 1Simultaneous Location Marking Strategy

No Classifica-tion


Form of Temporal Ad-verbial Examples

1 Hour Ø HOUR jam tujuh ‘seven o’clock2 Day part Ø DAY PART semengan ‘morning’, tengai ‘noon’, tengai tepet ‘at noon’

Ø DAY PART + POSS semenganné ‘in the morning’ , tengainné ‘in the afternoon’Ø DAY PART + DEF + DET semengé puniki ‘this morning’, sorené puniki ‘this evening’di DAY PART (low) + POSS di lemahné ‘at the mid day’, di petengné ‘at night’1

di DAY PART (low) + DEF di sandikalané ‘in the evening’, di tengah lemengé ‘at the mid of the night’2

ring DAY PART (high) + DEF ring tengah wenginé ‘at mid night’, ring sandikalané ‘in the eve-ning’

No Classifica-tion


Form of Temporal ad-verbial


3 DAY di/ring DAY + DEF di somané ‘on Monday’, di budané ‘on Wednesday’di Nuju ‘when’ + dina ‘day’

(low) + DAYdi nuju dina soma ‘on Monday’

ring rahina ‘day’ (high) + DAY ring rahina anggara ‘on Tuesday’ring rahina ‘day’ + DEF + DE-

ICTIC MARKERring rahinané puniki ‘today’, ring rahinané sane sampun lintang ‘the previous day’

Ø DEICTICS buin mani ‘tomorrow’, buin puan ‘the day after tomorrow’, dibi ‘yesterday’, ipuan ‘two days ago’

4 MONTH ring sasih ‘month’ + MONTH + (DEF)

ring sasih Karo ‘in Karo’, ring sasih Karoné ‘in Karo’

ring sasih ‘month’ + MONTH + DEF + DET

ring sasih Karoné mangkin ‘at this Karo’, ring sasih Karoné sane sampun lintang ‘at the past Karo’

5 SEASON di/ring musim ‘season’ + SEA-SON + (DEF)

di musim hujan ‘rainy season’, di musim hujanné ‘ rainy season’

6 YEAR Ø warsa ‘year’ + YEAR warsa 1918 ‘in 1918’tahun ‘year’ + YEAR tahun 1963 ‘in 1963’

ring warsa ‘year’ + YEAR ring warsa 1918 ‘in 1918’year + YEAR ring tahun 1963 ‘in 1963’

7 FESTIVAL di FESTIVAL + DEF di Galungané ‘ at Galungan’ring FESTIVAL + DEF ring Galunganné ‘at Galungan’

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would like to thank KEMENRISTEK DIKTI for giving doctoral dissertation research grant. This paper is part of the results of research conducted using the grant funds.

REFERENCESAdelaar, Alexander. 2005. Malayo-Sumbawan. Oceanic Linguistics 44/2:357--388.Chang, Henry Y. 2010. ‘On The Syntax of Formosan Adverbial Verb Constructions’, dalam Raphael

Mercado, Eric Potsdam, dan Lisa deMena Travis (Eds), Austronesian and Theoretical Linguistics. 183--212.

Comrie, Bernard dan Norval Smith. 1977. The Lingua Descriptive Studies Questionnaire. Diakses dari (https://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/tools-at-lingboard/questionnaire/linguaQ.php) pada tanggal 17 Maret 2016.

Haspelmath, Martin. 1997. From Space to Time: Temporal Adverbials in the World’s Languages. Munchën: Lincom Europa.

Pan, Chia Jung. 2010. The Grammatical Realization of Temporal Expression in Tsou. Muenchen: Lin-colm.

(Endnotes)1 The di/ ring marker with a definite marker is only for words that indicate a punctual day part. 2 The marker di with possessive marker is only for lemah ‘daylight’ and peteng ‘night’


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