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Friedrich Fröbel

Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel (* 21. April 1782 in Oberweißbach; † 21. Juni 1852 in Marienthal, Gemeinde Schweina) war ein deutscher Pädagoge (Schüler Pestalozzis), auf den die Bezeichnung Kindergarten für Einrichtungen zur Kinderbetreuung zurückgeht.

Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Überblick 2 Leben und Werk

3 Nachleben 4 Werke 5 Literatur 6 Weblinks 7 Einzelnachweise

Überblick [Bearbeiten]Während seines Dienstes im Lützowschen Freikorps schloss Fröbel Freundschaft mit Wilhelm Middendorf und Heinrich Langethal. 1840 stiftete Fröbel den ersten deutschen „Kindergarten“ in Bad Blankenburg zusammen mit Middendorf und Langethal. Sie waren seine treuesten Mitarbeiter als es daran ging, seine Erziehungsideen in Keilhau bei Rudolstadt in die Praxis umzusetzen. Er führte die „Freiarbeit“ in die Pädagogik ein. Die von ihm entwickelten Spiel- und Lernmaterialien sind auch heute noch anerkannt. Ins Zentrum seiner Pädagogik stellte er das Spiel als typisch kindliche Lebensform und seinen Bildungswert. Die von ihm entwickelten Spielgaben und Beschäftigungsmittel entstanden auf der Grundlage seiner Spieltheorie. Mit seinen Mutter- und Koseliedern beabsichtigte Fröbel, das kleine Kind in die Lebenswelt der Erwachsenen einzuführen.

Fröbels Werk wurde von seinen Schülern fortgeführt und genießt weltweit, vor allem in Österreich, Japan, den USA, in Korea und Russland ein großes Ansehen und wird vielfältig dargestellt. Populär sind heute beispielsweise noch immer die von ihm entwickelten pädagogischen Grundformen. Die 3 dreidimensionalen Formen Kugel, Zylinder und Würfel sind nach wie vor beliebte Formen für Kleinkinder-Spielzeug; ursprünglich nur aus Holz und inzwischen aus Kunststoff hergestellt. Auch Fröbel-Kindergärten sind noch weit verbreitet. Als wesentliche Aufgaben sehen sie die anregende Förderung des Spiels durch den Erwachsenen an sowie seine Unterstützung beim Bemühen der Kinder, die Welt zu erfahren und zu begreifen. Dennoch fehlt bis heute eine kritische Gesamtschau seines Werkes und seiner Bedeutung als Pädagoge.

Leben und Werk [Bearbeiten]

Allgemeine Deutsche Erziehungsanstalt in Keilhau, heute Freie Fröbelschule Keilhau

Zunächst absolvierte Fröbel eine Landwirtschafts- und Försterlehre und betrieb dann mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Studien in Jena. Von 1802 bis 1805 war er Landmesser. Als Erzieher begann er 1805 an der Musterschule in Frankfurt am Main und lernte dort die Ideen Johann Heinrich Pestalozzis kennen. Ab 1806 war Fröbel Hauslehrer für die drei Söhne einer adeligen Familie in Frankfurt. Er lebte mit den drei Kindern von 1808 bis 1810 in Pestalozzis Institut in Iferten in der Schweiz. Am Ende dieses Aufenthalts war Fröbel enttäuscht über Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Lehrern des Instituts und über Pestalozzis Stellungnahmen in Bezug auf diesen Zustand.[1] Er entwickelte zudem Pestalozzis Elementarmethode weiter und entdeckte die besondere Bedeutung der frühen Kindheit in der menschlichen Entwicklung.

1811 setzte er seine Studien in Göttingen und Berlin fort. Seine Studien schließt er nicht mit einem Zertifikat ab. Er wurde Lehrer an der Plamannschen Schule in Berlin, die in jener Zeit ein pädagogisches und patriotisches Zentrum war. 1813/1814 diente er im Lützowschen Freikorps (zwei Feldzüge gegen Napoleon). Nach der Rückkehr wurde Fröbel Assistent am Museum für Mineralogie in Berlin bei Prof. Weiß. Er gab diese Stelle wieder auf und gründete 1816 in Griesheim bei Arnstadt (Thüringen) die „Allgemeine Deutsche Erziehungsanstalt“ (Vorläufer der Landerziehungsheime). Ein Jahr später verlegte er diese nach Keilhau bei Rudolstadt. 1831 wurde sie von den anderen Mitbegründern Wilhelm Middendorf und Heinrich Langethal weitergeführt.

Am 11. September 1818 heiratete er in Berlin Wilhelmine Henriette Hoffmeister (geb. 1780), die Ehe blieb kinderlos. 1820 erschien die erste Keilhauer Werbeschrift An unser deutsches Volk, bis 1823 vier weitere Keilhauer Werbeschriften.

1826 gab er sein literarisches Hauptwerk Die Menschenerziehung heraus und gründete die Wochenschrift Die erziehenden Familien. Er verfolgte 1828/1829 den Plan einer Volkserziehungsanstalt in Helba (heute ein Ortsteil von Meiningen), den sog. Helba-Plan, den er jedoch nicht verwirklichte.

Von 1831 bis 1836 lebte Fröbel wieder in der Schweiz. Er gründete 1831 in Wartensee (Kt. Luzern) eine Erziehungsanstalt. 1833 verlegte er diese nach Willisau, und leitete 1835/36 das Waisenhaus in Burgdorf (Kt. Bern). Dort gab er die Zeitschrift Grundzüge der Menschenerziehung heraus. 1836 erschien sein Werk Erneuerung des Lebens erfordert das neue Jahr 1836.

Er kehrte nach Deutschland zurück, widmete sich fast ausschließlich der Erziehung der Kinder im vorschulpflichtigen Alter und begann mit der Herstellung von Spielmaterial in Blankenburg. Dort gründete der Pädagoge 1837 eine „Pflege-, Spiel- und Beschäftigungsanstalt“ für Kleinkinder. Von 1838 bis 1840 gab er die Zeitschrift Ein Sonntagsblatt für Gleichgesinnte heraus.

Fröbelblick nahe Keilhau

1839 erfolgten Vortragsreisen nach Dresden und in andere Orte. In diesem Jahr starb seine Ehefrau. 1840 wurde die Beschäftigungsanstalt von Blankenburg als „Kindergarten“ nach Keilhau verlegt. Kinder sollten hier durch planvoll gruppierte Bewegungs- und Geistesspiele, Sprüche, Lieder bei ständiger Berührung mit der Natur ihrem Alter entsprechend allseitig angeregt und angeleitet werden. In dieser Zeit entstand auch der Text zu dem bekannten Kinderlied Häschen in der Grube. Die Gründungsveranstaltung des „Allgemeinen deutschen Kindergartens“ fand am 28. Juni 1840 im Blankenburger Rathaussaal statt.

1842 begannen Kindergärtnerinnenkurse in Blankenburg. Ida Seele gehörte zu seinen ersten Schülerinnen, die sich nachfolgend für die Idee des Kindergartens einsetzte. Weitere Schriften und Vortragsreisen insbesondere zur Popularisierung des Kindergartens folgten in den Jahren 1843 bis

1849. 1844 publizierte Fröbel nach jahrelangen Vorarbeiten sein letztes großes Werk, die Mutter- und Koselieder. Damit wollte er den Müttern die Bedeutung und Verantwortung, die in der Mutterschaft und Erziehung liegen, verdeutlichen, und ihnen gleichzeitig Hilfen an die Hand geben für die Säuglings- und Vorkindergartenerziehung.

Fröbel siedelte 1849 nach Liebenstein um, zog aber schon 1850 ins Schloss Marienthal. Er gründete die erste Schule zur Ausbildung von Kindergärtnerinnen und gab Ein Einigungsblatt für alle Freunde der Menschenbildung heraus. Auf dem Altenstein fand am 4. August ein Spielfest statt.

Am 9. Juni 1851 heiratete er seine ehemalige Schülerin Louise Levin.

Der 23. August 1851 war für ihn ein schwer belastender Tag: Es wurde ein Kindergartenverbot in Preußen und in anderen Staaten erlassen. Grund war offenbar eine Verwechslung mit seinem Neffen Karl Fröbel, der 1851 die Schrift Weibliche Hochschulen und Kindergärten veröffentlicht hatte. Zitat Karl August Varnhagen von Ense: „Der stupide Minister von Raumer hat einen Befehl gegen die Kindergärten erlassen, sich auf ein Buch von Karl Fröbel berufend. Er verwechselt Friedrich und Karl Fröbel.“ Friedrich Fröbel wehrte sich. Ende September fand eine Pädagogenversammlung in Bad Liebenstein statt. Am 3. Juni 1852 nahm er an der allgemeinen deutschen Lehrerversammlung in Gotha teil.

Am 21. Juni 1852 starb Fröbel in Marienthal. Sein Grab befindet sich auch heute noch auf dem Schweinaer Friedhof. Am 10. Januar 1900 fand in Schweina die Beisetzung der in Hamburg verstorbenen Witwe Fröbels statt.

Nachleben [Bearbeiten]

50 pfennig 1921

5-Mark-Gedenkmünze der DDR zum 200. Geburtstag von Friedrich Fröbel aus dem Jahr 1982

Fröbels Idee des Kindergartens fand Anklang; aber die Ausbreitung in Deutschland wurde dadurch gehemmt, dass das preußische Kultusministerium am 7. August 1851 die Kindergärten wegen angeblicher „destruktiver Tendenzen auf dem Gebiet der Religion und Politik“ als „atheistisch und demagogisch“ verbot und erst 1860 wieder zuließ.

Froebels Schülerin Margarethe Schurz gründete 1856 in Watertown, Wisconsin den ersten Kindergarten in den USA. Sie inspirierte Elizabeth P. Peabody, die 1860 in Boston den ersten englischsprachigen Kindergarten eröffnete und dadurch die Kindergartenidee in den USA verbreitete. Der deutsche Auswanderer, Journalist und Pädagoge Adolph Douai gründete im Jahr 1859 einen Kindergarten in Boston (Massachusetts), den er jedoch nach einem Jahr wieder schließen musste. Ab 1866 gründete er weitere in New York City.

Der Pädagoge August Köhler war 1863 Initiator und Mitbegründer des „Deutschen Fröbelvereins“ zunächst für Thüringen, aus dem 1872 der „Allgemeine Fröbelverein“ und ein Jahr später, 1873, der „Deutsche Fröbelverband“ hervorging. August Köhler analysierte und bewertete kritisch die Fröbeltheorie, übernahm grundlegende Gedanken in seine Kindergartenpädagogik und erweiterte diese, entwickelte eine eigenständige „Köhler-Kindergartenpädagogik“. Er bildete 1857 in Gotha erstmals Kindergärtnerinnen aus. Zuvor wollte er ausschließlich männliche Erzieher ansprechen; es meldeten sich allerdings zuwenige.

Thekla Naveau gründete im Oktober 1853 den ersten Kindergarten in Sondershausen und am 1. April 1867 den ersten Kindergarten nach Aufhebung des Verbots in Nordhausen.

Angelika Hartmann gründete 1864 den ersten Kindergarten nach Fröbel in Köthen, Anhalt.

Bedeutende Persönlichkeiten aus hohen Gesellschaftskreisen setzten sich für den Kindergarten und seine Pädagogik ein, wie beispielsweise Bertha von Marenholtz-Bülow oder Lina Morgenstern, die maßgebend an der Aufhebung des Kindergartenverbots mitbeteiligt waren. Cosima von Bülow, die spätere Ehefrau von Richard Wagner, würdigte den Kindergarten als erste wichtige Stätte des Musikunterrichts. Genannte konstatierte:

So hat Fröbel, nachdem er mit rührender Sorge und liebevoller Aufmerksamkeit den unarticulirten Lauten des Kindes gelauscht, und nachdem er erkannt hatte, daß diese Laute Töne und das erste Lallen ein Rhythmus sei, geschlossen, daß, gleich wie die Blume sich am Sonnenlicht entfaltet, die Seele des jungen Geschöpfes sich beim Klange der Musik entwickeln müsse. Hierdurch gab er den Beweis, daß er die ethische Mission der Harmonie erkannte, und wohl fühlte, daß diese sich auch bei Denen erfüllen müsse, deren späteres Leben nicht der Musik als Beruf und besonderes Studium geweiht werden würde. Er hat die Musik zu einem integrierenden Theil seiner ersten Erziehung gemacht, – überzeugt, daß der Gesang als eine Erholung von der Arbeit den Charakter der Kinder sänftigt, das wahre Beschwichtigungsmittel der jungen Seelen ist, und die Festigung des Bandes, welches der Kindergarten unter ihnen schlingt. Die Roheit im Umgange, eben so wie die Rauhheit der Stimme verschwinden gleichzeitig bei Anwendung dieser Regel der Moral und der Gesundheit, und wohl kann man sagen, daß der Gesang, indem er der erste Begleiter der Kinder im Garten ist, in der That ihr Schutzengel wird[2].

1908 und 1911 wurde in Deutschland die Ausbildung von Kindergärtnerinnen durch staatlich gesetzliche Regelungen anerkannt.

Mittlerweile gibt es in Deutschland viele Kindergärten, die nach Fröbel benannt dessen Pädagogik fortführen. Oft entstanden diese Kindergärten aus Elterninitiativen oder anderen Privatpersonen. Der größte Fröbel-Verein, der Fröbel e. V., betreibt über die Fröbel-Gruppe heute deutschlandweit über 100 Kindergärten, Horte und Hilfeeinrichtungen zur Erziehung.[3]

Generell findet sich eine Vielzahl an Initiativen, die sich mit der wissenschaftlichen wie auch praktischen Rezeption der Fröbelpädagogik beschäftigen.[4]

Verschiedene Fröbelschulen tragen seinen Namen.

Der Neue Thüringer Fröbelverein e. V. sieht als eins seiner Ziele den Schutz der Ideen Fröbels vor marktwirtschaftlicher Vereinnahmung. Er betreibt ein Schulmuseum und das Fröbelarchiv in Keilhau und engagiert sich in Fröbeleinrichtungen weltweit (USA, England, Japan). Auf den NTFV geht die Schaffung eines Fröbeldiploms zurück, das aktuell von der Froebel Academy International (FAI) in Nordhausen verliehen wird.[5]

Über die nationalen Grenzen hinweg besteht zudem die International Froebel Society[6], welche in verschiedenen Ländern, so auch in Deutschland, Untergruppen bildet.[7] Ihr Vorsitzender, Kevin Brehony, hat die einzige Fröbel-Professur weltweit an der Universität Roehampton inne.[8] Die Bestrebungen zur Aufarbeitung der Fröbelpädagogik in Theorie und Praxis lassen sich vor allem in der zweijährig stattfindenden Fröbelkonferenz, die im Jahr 2010 in Jena tagte, erkennen.[9] Derzeit ist die wissenschaftliche Erforschung der Fröbelpädagogik noch längst nicht beendet.[10]

Fröbels Bauformen und Bewegungsspiele sind auch Vorläufer der Abstrakten Kunst sowie Inspirationsquelle der Bauhausbewegung. Zu Fröbels Ehren entwarf Walter Gropius das Friedrich-Fröbel-Haus.

Von Fröbels Name ist im Niederländischen das Verb fröbelen abgeleitet. Fröbelen (auch freubelen) bedeutet frei kreativ beschäftigt zu sein.[11]

Als Fröbelstern wird ein aufwändig aus Papier gefalteter Stern bezeichnet. Papier wird hierbei (anders als beim Origami) vorher zurechtgeschnitten und anschließend verarbeitet.

Werke [Bearbeiten] An unser deutsches Volk. Erfurt 1820. Durchgreifende, dem deutschen Charakter erschöpfend genügende Erziehung ist das Grund- und Quellbedürfnis des deutschen Volkes.

Erfurt 1821. Die Grundsätze, der Zweck und das innere Leben der allgemeinen deutschen Erziehungsanstalt in Keilhau bei Rudolstadt. Rudolstadt

1821. Die allgemeine deutsche Erziehungsanstalt in Keilhau betreffend. Rudolstadt 1822. Über deutsche Erziehung überhaupt und über das allgemeine Deutsche der Erziehungsanstalt in Keilhau insbesondere. Rudolstadt 1822. Fortgesetzte Nachricht von der allgemeinen deutschen Erziehungsanstalt in Keilhau. Rudolstadt 1823. Die Menschenerziehung, die Erziehungs-, Unterrichts- und Lehrkunst, angestrebt in der allgemeinen deutschen Erziehungsanstalt zu

Keilhau. Erster Band. Keilhau-Leipzig 1826. Die erziehenden Familien. Wochenblatt für Selbstbildung und die Bildung Anderer. Keilhau-Leipzig 1826. Mutter- und Koselieder , Blankenburg 1844

Literatur [Bearbeiten]

Manfred Berger : 150 Jahre Kindergarten. Ein Brief an Friedrich Fröbel. Frankfurt 1990 (vergriffen) Manfred Berger: Frauen in der Geschichte des Kindergartens. Ein Handbuch. Frankfurt 1995 R. Boldt, E. Knechtel, H. König (Hrsg.): F.W.A. Fröbel. „Kommt, laßt uns unsern Kindern leben!“ Aus dem pädagogischen Werk eines

Menschenerziehers. 3 Bde. Berlin 1982. Sigurd Hebenstreit: Friedrich Fröbel – Menschenbild, Kindergartenpädagogik, Spielförderung. Jena 2003. ISBN 978-3-934601-58-1 Helmut Heiland : Die Konzeption des Sachunterrichts bei Fröbel (1782–1852). In: Kaiser, A./Pech, D. (Hrsg.): Geschichte und historische

Konzeptionen des Sachunterrichts. Baltmannsweiler 2004, S. 69-72 Helmut Heiland: Friedrich Fröbel in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. Reinbek 1982 Helmut Heiland: Die Schulpädagogik Friedrich Fröbels 1993 Helmut Heiland (Hrsg.): Friedrich Fröbel. Ausgewählte Schriften. Bd. 3: Vorschulerziehung und Spieltheorie. (1974). 3. Aufl. Stuttgart

1998. E. Hoffmann (Hrsg.): Friedrich Fröbel. Ausgewählte Schriften. Bd. 1: Kleine Schriften und Briefe von 1809–1851. (1951). 4. Aufl.

Stuttgart 1984; Bd. 2: Die Menschenerziehung. (1951). 4. Aufl. Stuttgart 1982. E. Hoffmann (Hrsg.): Friedrich Fröbel. Ausgewählte Schriften. Bd. 4: Die Spielgaben. Stuttgart 1982. E. Hoffmann, R. Wächter (Hrsg.): Friedrich Fröbel. Ausgewählte Schriften. Bd. 5: Briefe und Dokumente über Keilhau. Erster Versuch

der Sphärischen Erziehung. Stuttgart 1986. W. Lange (Hrsg.): Friedrich Fröbels gesammelte pädagogische Schriften. Erste Abteilung: Friedrich Fröbel in seiner Entwicklung als

Mensch und Pädagoge. Bd 1: Aus Fröbels Leben und erstem Streben. Autobiographie und kleinere Schriften. Berlin 1862. Faksimiledruck Osnabrück 1966.

W. Lange (Hrsg.): Friedrich Fröbels gesammelte pädagogische Schriften. Erste Abteilung: Friedrich Fröbel in seiner Entwicklung als Mensch und Pädagoge. Bd 2: Ideen Friedrich Fröbels über die Menschenerziehung und Aufsätze verschiedenen Inhalts. Berlin 1863. Faksimiledruck Osnabrück 1966.

W. Lange (Hrsg.): Friedrich Fröbels gesammelte pädagogische Schriften. Zweite Abteilung: Friedrich Fröbel als Begründer der Kindergärten. Die Pädagogik des Kindergartens. Gedanken Friedrich Fröbels über das Spiel und die Spielgegenstände des Kindes. Berlin 1862. Faksimiledruck Osnabrück 1966.

Karl Neumann/Ulf Sauerbrey/Michael Winkler (Hrsg.): Fröbelpädagogik im Kontext der Moderne. Bildung, Erziehung und soziales Handeln. Jena 2010. ISBN 978-3-941854-31-4

Albert Reble (Hrsg.): Friedrich Fröbel. Kleine pädagogische Schriften. Bad Heilbrunn/Obb. 1965. Hans-Joachim Schmutzler: Fröbel und Montessori. Zwei geniale Erzieher-Was sie unterscheidet, was sie verbindet. 3. Auflage, Herder

Verlag, Freiburg im Brisgau 1991, ISBN 3-451-22178-0 F. Seidel (Hrsg.): Friedrich Fröbels pädagogische Schriften. 3 Bde. Wien-Leipzig 1883.

H. Stübig: Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel. Beiträge zur Biographie und Wirkungsgeschichte eines 'verdienten deutschen Pädagogen' . Bochum, Freiburg 2010. ISBN 978-3-89733-220-1

Maria-Theresa Weber: Der Kindergarten. Seine Geschichte von den Anfängen bis zur Jahrtausendwende, München 2008 (unveröffentlichte Diplomarbeit)

H. Zimmermann (Hrsg.): Fröbels Menschenerziehung. Leipzig 1913.

Weblinks [Bearbeiten]

Wikiquote: Friedrich Fröbel – ZitateCommons: Friedrich Fröbel – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und AudiodateienWikisource: Die Schule auf dem Wald – Ein Friedenswerk aus den Befreiungskriegen. A. E., in Die Gartenlaube (1867), Heft 37Wikisource: Friedrich Fröbel – Friedrich Hofmann, in Die Gartenlaube (1882), Heft 16, S. 265

Literatur von und über Friedrich Fröbel im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Heppe : Fröbel, Friedrich. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 8, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1878, S. 123 f. Friedrich Fröbel. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Gesamtausgabe der Briefe Friedrich Fröbels

Einzelnachweise [Bearbeiten]1. ↑ vgl.: Heiland, Helmut: Friedrich Fröbel in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten, Reinbek 1982, S. 29-342. ↑ zit. n. Weber 2008, S. 135 f3. ↑ ↑ ↑ Informationen des Neuen Thüringer Fröbelvereins6. ↑ ↑ http://www.froebelsociety.de8. ↑ ↑

10. ↑ Sauerbrey, Ulf (2011): Friedrich Fröbel – eine moderne Pädagogik und eine Skizze der gegenwärtig notwendigen Forschung, unter: [Zugriff am 5. Oktober 2011]

11. ↑ fröbelen bei Van Dale

De ned, wiki: Friedrich FröbelUit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedieGa naar: navigatie, zoeken

Friedrich Fröbel.

Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel (Oberweißbach, Thüringen, 21 april 1782 – Marienthal, Thüringen, 21 juni 1852) was een Duits opvoedkundige. Hij is de oprichter van de oudst bekende kleuterschool, in 1837 in Bad Blankenburg. Het was een instituut voor kinderen jonger dan zes jaar, die hij bezighield met allerhande zelfbedachte werkjes die hij leerzaam achtte. In 1840 hernoemde hij de school een Kindergarten, een tuin van kinderen voor kinderen, opdat de kleintjes maar mochten groeien als kool!

In zijn onderwijstheorieën ging Fröbel uit van een geloof in goddelijke eenheid in de natuur, waarbij hij geestelijke training toepaste als een fundamenteel principe. Papiervouwen was volgens hem een uitstekende methode om de kleuters te laten kennismaken met abstracte structuren. Driedimensionale lichamen als de bol, de kubus en de cilinder zouden de ontwikkeling van het kind stimuleren; een idee dat resulteerde in de eerste blokkendozen.

De nadruk als belangrijke ontwikkelingselementen bij jonge kinderen lag op:

een plezierige leeromgeving, eigen activiteiten van kinderen, lichamelijke beweging.


1 In het onderwijs 2 In de taal 3 Noot 4 Externe links

[bewerken] In het onderwijsWellicht is de aandacht die Fröbel had voor jonge kinderen nog wel belangrijker geweest dan zijn ideeën zelf. Zijn methodische aanpak heeft de pedagogiek mede gevormd.

Het Froebel College, tegenwoordig onderdeel van de universiteit van Roehampton in Londen, is gesticht in 1892. Het is een didactisch onderzoekscentrum en biedt lerarenopleidingen. De filosofie was bij de oprichting radicaal te noemen: onderwijs moet een creatief en dynamisch proces zijn, waarbij alle aspecten van de persoonlijkheid samen worden ontwikkeld, sociaal, moreel, esthetisch, spiritueel en wetenschappelijk. En het moet leuk zijn.

In Nederland is het gedachtegoed van Friedrich Fröbel in eerste instantie verspreid door met name de schrijfster Elise van Calcar (1822-1904).

Vanaf de introductie in het midden van de 19e eeuw tot het midden van de twintigste eeuw werd de term fröbelschool gebruikt voor deze niet-verplichte vorm van onderwijs. Voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog droegen veel scholen met hun naam ook de onderwijsmethode uit. Met het in zwang komen van het werkwoord Fröbelen in het algemeen taalgebruik gingen steeds meer fröbelscholen zichzelf aanduiden met de algemenere term kleuterschool.

[bewerken] In de taal

't Fröbelhuuske, een knutselwinkel in Terborg.

In de hedendaagse taal heeft het zelfstandig naamwoord kindergarten zich een plaats veroverd als een kinderdagverblijf zonder speciale educatieve functie, met name in Angelsaksische landen, maar het woord is ook in andere talen gesignaleerd. In de Verenigde Staten maken kindergartens deel uit van het reguliere curriculum van alle scholieren. Op de Britse eilanden en met name in Schotland is de term nursery school echter gebruikelijker. In Duitsland kan voor het eerste onderwijs een Vorschule verbonden zijn aan een Kindergarten (mv.: Kindergärten); de leerplicht is in de deelstaten verschillend geregeld.

Van Fröbels naam is het eponiem fröbelen (om diakritisch teken te vermijden veelal als 'freubelen' gespeld) afgeleid: "vrijblijvend creatief bezig zijn", vaak (maar niet noodzakelijkerwijs) met een licht denigrerende ondertoon. Ook het Duitse begrip Fröbelschule heeft soms deze ondertoon. In Nederland werd zeker tot in de jaren zestig van de 20e eeuw de term fröbelschool (freubelschool) gebruikt om de kleuterschool aan te duiden.

[bewerken] Noot Waar komt de term fröbelen vandaan?

[bewerken] Externe links (en) FroebelWeb, an online resource (en) Het Froebel College (en) the Froebel Movement (en) The Creation of Kindergarten (de) Aktuelle Informationen zur Pädagogik Fröbels

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Duits pedagoog Eponiem

Studying the Creation of Kindergartenby Bill Lucas on 2005/10/24 | [1 Comment]“ ”... Fröbel’s historic innovation provides an informative case study for all who endeavor to compose experiential systems in the future.” ”

Two hundred years ago, a youthful academic named Friedrich Fröbel began to experience the convergence of his primary interests—nature and education. About 30 years later, his pursuits culminated in the creation of kindergarten.

Fröbel viewed nature as a quintessential source of education and the perfect model for design. He also believed in placing students at the center of his pedagogy. Thus, the story of Fröbel’s invention corresponds with the contemporary field of “experience design.”

Now as then

The dawn of the information age has given rise to the notion of an emergent experience economy. In the new era, hallmarks of the industrial age, such as mass production and broadcast media, are giving way to mass customization and interactive media. [1] Examples abound in every corner of the modern marketplace. Internet blogs scoop corporate newsmakers. Fantasy football leagues augment live-action games. And everything from dolls to diamonds can be “made to order.”

The shift in emphasis from purveyance to participation resembles a time of revolutionary change within the field of education. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a handful of European theorists rejected the purely dispensational tenets of mainstream pedagogy in favor of a trend known as “natural education.” [2]

The new doctrine called for nourishing a child’s innate curiosity through hands-on activity. In turn, proponents transformed the instructor’s role from lecturer to facilitator. They replaced rote learning with object lessons, extended the classroom beyond the walls of the schoolhouse, and encouraged sensory engagement in, and about, the environment.

Planting a children’s garden

Friedrich Fröbel was a charismatic champion of “natural education.” He named his instantiation of the new philosophy “kindergarten” —a combination of the German words for children and garden. His program foreshadowed modern-style multimedia design by integrating gardening, music, dance and

storytelling. It also incorporated playful interaction with a series of educational toys. Known as “Fröbel’s gifts,” the toys included building blocks, parquetry tiles, origami papers, modeling clay and sewing kits.

Fröbel’s motto, “Kommt, lasst uns unsern Kindern leben,” anticipated the contemporary notion of user experience design. The phrase, which was translated to “Come let us live for the children,” [3] proclaimed Fröbel’s zeal for nurturing the personal experience of each pupil. Over the past ten years, the emerging experience economy has compelled a growing contingent of professionals to echo Fröbel’s devotion. The new breed of experience designers coordinate interactive systems tailored for people in all walks of life—pupils, patients, parishioners, patrons and so on.

Child learning the proportions of geometrical figures. E. Steiger & Company catalogue, New York, 1900

Body, mind, and spirit

Modern design and business pundits increasingly applaud the benefits of creating optimal “customer experiences” with methodologies ranging from ethnographic studies to usability testing. [4] In the course of designing kindergarten, Fröbel fashioned a pioneering set of “user-centered” design processes. He assessed the cultural conditions of his day, analyzed the psychological motives of young children, and established a set of qualitative metrics.

Before Fröbel invented kindergarten, children under the age of seven where generally deemed to be incapable of learning intellectual or emotional skills. After careful study, Fröbel hypothesized that harnessing the natural impulses of children could ease learning and foster enduring knowledge. He proceeded to cite the significance of “play” in childhood and designed a corresponding curriculum. [5]

Fröbel’s observations about human development were thorough and formal, but not purely clinical. As the son of a Lutheran minister, he spent his own childhood in the garden of his family’s rural property contemplating the order of creation and the human condition from a biblical perspective. The eventual fusion of Fröbel’s scientific methods and his Christian worldview brought forth a unique reverence for human factors. He stood out among his predecessors and peers for his particular recognition of every individual’s physical, intellectual and spiritual make-up.

The forms of Fröbel’s “Second Gift.” E. Steiger & Company catalogue, New York, 1900

Patterns of nature

Fröbel’s holistic regard for people was part of his broader estimation of the entire natural world. As a young adult, Fröbel channeled his passion for nature into academic rigor. In the course of studying geometry, physics, botany, chemistry, and geology he concluded that the patterns of nature provided an ideal template for design.

From 1811 to 1815, Fröbel worked in a university museum categorizing mineral classes by the shapes of crystals. [6] Fröbel’s brief tenure as a crystallographer deepened his belief that there was a crucial correlation between the geometric handiwork of God and the growth of children, adults, and complete societies. In response, Fröbel developed a sequence of educational toys based on the premise that handling forms modeled after the basic units of nature would reveal and illuminate the logic of creation. He subsequently generalized the building block metaphor and used it as the basis for composing each and every facet of his system.

Fröbel established an atomic set of artifacts and activities, then carefully combined them into compound offerings. The resulting system was rich in complexity, yet simple enough for a child to grasp.

Inspired by nature’s inner connectedness, Fröbel coordinated a unified system filled with variety. He symbolized that principled achievement with three geometric forms—a sphere, a cube, and a cylinder. The seamless sphere represented continuity. The faceted cube represented diversity. And the cylinder, simultaneously static and dynamic, represented coherence. [7]

Installation of a magnesium-framed geodesic dome (Design: Buckminster Fuller) Copyright Buckminster Fuller Institute

Organic growth

Fröbel’s ecological design proved to be a potent archetype. Like cell division patterns in an early embryo, the concept of kindergarten flourished in Europe. Shortly thereafter, it rapidly spread to other continents. By the end of the nineteenth century, kindergarten was a familiar institution around the world.

The vast expansion was not controlled by a single entity. When Fröbel died in 1852, he left his followers with volumes of philosophical discourse, but little in the way of practical directives. As a result, knowledge of his system initially spread in a grassroots manner—through apprenticeship and interpretation. By 1890, a sizable publishing industry had grown up around the ideas of Fröbel and his emulators. There were approximately 2,500 literary titles and mass amounts of merchandise from toy manufactures like Milton Bradley. [8]

Over time, kindergarten’s generational impact extended well beyond the education of young children. Fröbel’s innovation was also a major force of growth in the fields of art and design. The students that came of age during the widespread adoption of kindergarten included all of the individuals behind the momentous rise of “Modernism.”

Implicit and explicit traces of Fröbel’s philosophy pervaded the work and teachings of Bauhaus leaders Walter Gropius, Johannes Itten, Josef Albers, Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee. Likewise, seminal architects Frank Lloyd Wright and R. Buckminster Fuller specifically cited the importance of their kindergarten experiences. [9] The collective effect of Fröbel’s system on such influential figures revealed a remarkable vitality.

Timeless wisdom

The wisdom of Friedrich Fröbel’s creation rested in a set of timeless design principles. First and foremost, he accounted for the essence of human nature. He then formed intricate, scalable systems from basic elements. Finally, he fertilized growth beyond his original incarnation. Therefore, Fröbel’s historic innovation provides an informative case study for all who endeavor to compose experiential systems in the future.


[1] Pine II, B.J. and Gilmore, J.H. (1999) The Experience Economy. Harvard Business School Press. Boston, Massachusetts.

[2] Brosterman, Norman (1997) Inventing Kindergarten. Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated. p.19.

[3] Ibid., p.20.

[4] Nussbaum, Bruce (2004) “Power of Design.” Business Week Magazine (May 17, 2004).

[5] Brosterman, Norman (1997) Inventing Kindergarten. Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated. pp.30-33.

[6] Ibid., p.25.

[7] Ibid., p.46.

[8] Ibid., p.98.

[9] Ibid., R. Buckminster Fuller is quoted on p84. Frank Llyod Wright is quoted on p. 138. The teachings of Walter Gropius, Johannes Itten, Josef Albers, Wassily Kandinsky, and Paul Klee are described on pp. 120-133.

Additional Resources

Fröbel Gifts

The Fröbel Kindergarten Philosophy

Building Blocks designed by Friedrich Froebel for the first Kindergarten

FroBlox ™ first building blocks$50.00

Two wooden boxes with sliding lids designed by Friedrich Froebel. The first building box (also known as the third Froebel gift) contains eight one inch beechwood cubes. The second building box (also known as the fourth Froebel gift) contains eight beechwood blocks, which are twice as long and half the thickness. Combine all 16 blocks to extend the possibilities for creative play.

free shipping, International orders welcome

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FroBlox ™ advanced building blocks$50.00

This wooden box with a sliding lid (also known as the sixth Froebel Gift) contains 36 beechwood blocks. By dividing the building block in two different ways, two new shapes are introduced to extend creative play. 18 blocks 2 x 1 x .5 inches, 12 blocks 1 x 1 x .5 inches, 6 blocks 2 x .5 x 5 inches

free shipping, International orders welcome

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The first building box contains a beechwood cube divided three times to reveal eight smaller cubes

The child at this stage of development (aged about one to three) strives to separate things, to take them apart, to change their form, but also to reassemble them. The child is intent on discovering inner properties of things and having discovered them, on recreating the whole. Nothing is more suited to this activity than the cube, subdivided into eight equal sized smaller cubes. . . more

The first building box is also known as the third Froebel Gift or Gabe 3.

The second building box contains a beechwood cube divided four times to reveal eight oblong blocks

While the forms produced with the preceding gift were massive and space-filing, those produced with this gift incline toward surface forms, may be given either a horizontal or vertical position, and are space bounding and inclosing. . . more

The second building box is also known as the fourth Froebel Gift or Gabe 4.

Friedrich Froebel encouraged children to combine all 16 blocks to extend the possibilities for creative play. Kindergarten teachers designed additional building blocks by dividing oblong blocks in two different ways to create the sixth Froebel Gift or Gabe 6.

FroBlox ™ is a trademark of the Friedrich Froebel Fund.

Friedrich and the first KindergartenThis book for children in English, German and Spanish by Johannes Froebel Parker is fostered and promoted by Friedrich Froebel Fund.

Discover how creative play and active learning became integral to education and the origins of the global intiative to design precision beechwood building blocks for children that have won international praise from Architects.

The First Review

Bishop Schwarz writing that it is more than a Childrens book....much is the history of the homeland. It is the fruit of that blessing which Friedrich Froebel received in his time. Now it should bring joy and blessing for new generations. I am fully convinced that this good spirit will touch and inspire not only childrens' hearts but those of adults. The joy will also inspire you.

Lieber Johannes, dieses Kinderbuch ist mehr, viel mehr. Es ist eingesammelte Geschichte Eurer Heimat. Es ist Frucht jenes Segens, den damals Friedrich Fröbel empfangen hat. Nun soll es für neue Generationen zur Freude und zum Segen werden. Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass dieser gute Geist Kinderherzen, aber Erwachsene ansteckt und entzündet. Die Freude wird Dich auch weiterhin beflügeln! Dein P. +Franz

Copies of this book may be ordered from the publisher using Paypal

Friedrich Froebel: His Life, Times and SignificanceThis book by Peter Weston for the general reader is an illustrated life of Friedrich Froebel that places him in the turbulent political and intellectual context of his times. It also identifies those aspects of his educational practice that are of enduring value in the contemporary world. Dimensions (in inches) 8.3 x 8.3 x 0.1

Download a free pdf version of this 24 page book 9 MB

This book may be obtained in the UK from National Froebel Foundation

The Froebel Gallery holds stock of this book and welcomes enquiries from parents, teachers and schools. Wholesale orders may also be supplied to museums.

</TR< table>

Books about Friedrich Froebel and creative play

Play is the work of Children

Extracts from the writings of Friedrich Froebel about playing with blocks and other Froebel Gifts.

A selection of books by Friedrich Froebel and modern authors about playing with blocks and building are available to browse and buy online at Froebel Web store in association with

Een FROBEL gek!!!!

The Froebel Gallery encourages you to support education, to advocate for the rights of children around the world, and to further the arts and humanities.

Shipments usually arrive within 2 weeks of your order. We currently ship to six continents from distribution points in the United States, Australia and Europe.

To discuss your requirements, email or telephone 518-449-1233.

Copyright © 1997 - 2011 The Froebel Gallery. All rights reserved.

Home About Us Biographies Events Gallery History Illustrations Orders

Limited First Edition

Only 250 hand-bound copies were printed. Each casebound book was numbered, dated and signed by the author. There are only a few copies left of this special first edition at $50.00 each. Order here.

Limited Second Edition

Only 1,000 copies are being printed. Each casebound book will be numbered, dated and signed by the author. This edition is expected to ship by January 2012.

$30 each, pre-order here.


Froebel-Parker has another book in progress. Entitled Aunt Baroness and the First Kindergarten, it is the story of Baroness Bertha von Marentholtz-Buelow and her contribution to Kindergarten.

Serin and Solin are the grandchildren of Robert, Baron von Marenholtz who lives in the greater Portland metro area.

Serin recently read the English version of FRIEDRICH and the FIRST KINDERGARTEN to her third grade class. Her ancestress, Baroness Bertha Marie von Marenholtz-Buelow, is the Baroness that appears in the book. Without her assistance the Kindergarten Movement would not have met with so much international success. She used her connections to help her friend Friedrich Froebel and later to establish kindergartens throughout the world!

Serin, age 8, reading to her brother, Solin.

Copyright 2011. All rights reserved by XiteQ Books. For permission to use material, contact

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J. (Johannes) Froebel-Parker

Froebel-Parker grew up in Marathon, New York listening to his grandfather Froebel's recollections of his native land and his famous ancestor Friedrich Froebel. Family lore and reminiscences of life in Saxe-Weimar have been enriched by his visits to Froebel sites in Thuringia.

Froebel-Parker is a teacher of English as a Second Language and Director of the Froebel Gallery, Ltd. He has Master's Degrees in German Literature and Education and was a YMCA Educator of the Year in 2007.

Friedrich Froebel

Kindergarten is one of the most universally recognized of Friedrich Froebel's lifetime of innovation in education. By creating an environment where each child's natural activity drive could be nurtured, Friedrich challenged generations of teachers to reflect on each child's experience of learning.

From his birth as the son of an Orthodox Lutheran Pastor in Oberweissbach, in the Principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, Froebel pursued a range of studies, including studies with Pestalozzi in Switzerland.

Home About Us Biographies Events Gallery History Illustrations Orders

October 24, 2009 - FIRST BOOK PREVIEWThe first book preview of Friedrich and the First Kindergarten was held in Ravena, New York on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at the VFW post. We had an attendance of 40 visitors and took pre-orders for the First Limited Edition. Only 250 copies of this edition are being printed.


Froebel-Parker joins other local authors at the 2011 Maple Festival. He grew up in Marathon, NY hearing stories from his grandfather about their famous ancestor who invented kindergarten. Those stories inspired him to write his first book, a tribute to Friedrich Froebel and written for the children Froebel loved.

Home About Us Biographies Events Gallery History Illustrations Orders

About the Illustrations:

The work of three talented artists was used to illustrate the book. They each have a different style, as you can see in the sample pages below. They all submitted their illustrations in black and white, and the artist at XiteQ Books pulled them together by giving them all the same treatment, a semi-transparent touch of watercolor in muted pastels.

The decision to use all three artists an easy one, because Jo Ann Wheeler Burbank's illustrations concentrate on the early childhood of Friedrich, while Al Grega's work covers his boyhood and Ray Bono depicts him as a man.

Click on the name of the artist to view biographical information and a sample page of her/his work.

Jo Ann Wheeler Burbank (1905-2000)

Jo Ann Wheeler Burbank was the original artist who created drawings for the story of Friedrich Froebel's kindergarten.

An artist in the Froebel Gallery, of which the author is president, Jo Ann had been a teacher in the Modern School in Stelton, New Jersey (organized 1911). That institution was based on the philosophy of Spanish educator Francisco Ferrer and Froebel. Jo Ann's correspondence and memoirs are at Rutgers University, Womens' History Sources. Her paintings are in many collections including the author's.

Pages 6-7 from the book demonstrate her style.

Albert J. Grega

Al is a graduate of Cooper Union's Art Program in New York City and was a World War II veteran serving proudly in the Coast Guard. His long career covered the entire spectrum of the art world. After his graduation he was an apprentice to comic strip artist Walter Berndt creator of Smitty. After he married he changed jobs and became the Art Director at Foilcraft, a Commercial Art and Advertising company in Manhattan.

In 1973 he left New York City and moved his wife and two sons to the country in Marathon, New York and created all the advertising artwork for the Marathon Independent, a local town newspaper. Later he changed jobs and became the Art Director at Pageprint, a Graphic art shop in Greene, NY and created much of the artwork found inside the IBM computers manufactured in Endicott New York. He retired from Pageprint and spent the last 11 years of his career working as a greeter at Wal-Mart in Cortland, New York where he drew pictures for thousands of visiting customers.

Over his 35 years in Central New York he generously volunteered his time creating artwork for the town's annual Maple Festival, he created the famous "Marathon Olympian's" team logo on the High School Gymnasium wall and he could always be found up at Cortland Hospital during any Holiday drawing for the kids in the pediatric ward. Al is now retired in Orlando Florida and still carries a pad and pen ready to draw for any child that passes by.

Pages 18-19 in the book demonstrate his style.

Ray Bono

Illustrator Ray Bono was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1953.

Over the years he was worked for various organizations in Upstate New York, where he now resides as an actor, artist, composer, copyist and writer.

Several of his plays and chamber pieces have been performed around the United States.

Pages 26-27 in the book demonstrate his style.

Froebel Gallery shopsecure online ordering of the original gifts and blocks designed by Friedrich Froebel.

Froebel Gifts FroBlox ™ Unit Blocks Anchor Stone Constructio

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Froebel Gifts Classics made in GermanyFree shipping, International orders welcome. Recommended for children from the age of 3 years and older.

These are the authentic Froebel Gifts (Froebelgaben in German) made in Germany from beechwood by skilled craftsmen using traditional using methods handed down from generation to generation for over 150 years. The precision of these beechwood building blocks has won international praise from Architects.

FroBlox ™ first building blocks offers a lower cost starter set.

Building blocks designed by Friedrich Froebel$150.00

The first building blocks designed by Friedrich Froebel are a set of eight cubes, which are known as the third gift. The eight blocks of the fourth gift are twice as long and half the width to extend creative play and active learning. Combine the sixteen blocks of both the third and fourth gifts for even more fun. Gifts five and six progressively introduce new shapes for creative play, active learning and design.

These four boxes with sliding lids contain 91 beechwood blocks.

8 one inch cubes, 8 blocks 2 x 1 x .5 inches 21 one inch cubes, 6 half blocks, 12 quarter

blocks. 18 blocks 2 x 1 x .5 inches, 12 blocks 1 x 1 x .5

inches, 6 blocks 2 x .5 x 5 inches

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Gifts 1-6 designed by Friedrich Froebel$240.00

A naturally stained wooden box with a plexiglas cover contains the six rainbow colored balls of the first gift, the second gift with an easy to assemble frame and all the wooden blocks to present the third, fourth, fifth and sixth gifts without individual boxes. Also includes the extra hollow blocks and halfcylinders designed by Goldammer.

Box size (in inches) 11 x 11 x 3 weight 6 pounds

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Books about Friedrich Froebel and creative play

The Froebel Gallery is pleased to announce the launch of a book for children in English, German and Spanish: Friedrich and the first Kindergarten by Johannes Froebel Parker.

A selection of books by Friedrich Froebel and modern authors about playing with blocks and building are available to browse and buy online at Froebel Web store in association with

Play is the work of Children

Extracts from the writings of Friedrich Froebel about playing with blocks and other Froebel Gifts.

The Froebel Gallery encourages you to support education, to advocate for the rights of children around the world, and to further the arts and humanities.

Shipments usually arrive within 2 weeks of your order. We currently ship to six continents from distribution points in the United States, Australia and Europe.

To discuss your requirements, email or telephone 518-449-1233.

Copyright © 1997 - 2011 The Froebel Gallery. All rights reserved.

Froebel Gallery shopsecure online ordering of the original gifts and blocks designed by Friedrich Froebel.

Froebel Gifts FroBlox ™ Unit Blocks Anchor Stone Constructio

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FroBlox ™

Building Blocks designed by Friedrich Froebel for the first Kindergarten

FroBlox ™ first building blocks$50.00

Two wooden boxes with sliding lids designed by Friedrich Froebel. The first building box (also known as the third Froebel gift) contains eight one inch beechwood cubes. The second building box (also known as the fourth Froebel gift) contains eight beechwood blocks, which are twice as long and half the thickness. Combine all 16 blocks to extend the possibilities for creative play.

free shipping, International orders welcome

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FroBlox ™ advanced building blocks$50.00

This wooden box with a sliding lid (also known as the sixth Froebel Gift) contains 36 beechwood blocks. By dividing the building block in two different ways, two new shapes are introduced to extend creative play. 18 blocks 2 x 1 x .5 inches, 12 blocks 1 x 1 x .5 inches, 6 blocks 2 x .5 x 5 inches

free shipping, International orders welcome

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The first building box contains a beechwood cube divided three times to reveal eight smaller cubes

The child at this stage of development (aged about one to three) strives to separate things, to take them apart, to change their form, but also to reassemble them. The child is intent on discovering inner properties of things and having discovered them, on recreating the whole. Nothing is more suited to this activity than the cube, subdivided into eight equal sized smaller cubes. . . more

The first building box is also known as the third Froebel Gift or Gabe 3.

The second building box contains a beechwood cube divided four times to reveal eight oblong blocks

While the forms produced with the preceding gift were massive and space-filing, those produced with this gift incline toward surface forms, may be given either a horizontal or vertical position, and are space bounding and inclosing. . . more

The second building box is also known as the fourth Froebel Gift or Gabe 4.

Friedrich Froebel encouraged children to combine all 16 blocks to extend the possibilities for creative play. Kindergarten teachers designed additional building blocks by dividing oblong blocks in two different ways to create the sixth Froebel Gift or Gabe 6.

FroBlox ™ is a trademark of the Friedrich Froebel Fund.

Friedrich and the first KindergartenThis book for children in English, German and Spanish by Johannes Froebel Parker is fostered and promoted by Friedrich Froebel Fund.

Discover how creative play and active learning became integral to education and the origins of the global intiative to design precision beechwood building blocks for children that have won international praise from Architects.

The First Review

Bishop Schwarz writing that it is more than a Childrens book....much is the history of the homeland. It is the fruit of that blessing which Friedrich Froebel received in his time. Now it should bring joy and blessing for new generations. I am fully convinced that this good spirit will touch and inspire not only childrens' hearts but those of adults. The joy will also inspire you.

Lieber Johannes, dieses Kinderbuch ist mehr, viel mehr. Es ist eingesammelte Geschichte Eurer Heimat. Es ist Frucht jenes Segens, den damals Friedrich Fröbel empfangen hat. Nun soll es für neue Generationen zur Freude und zum Segen werden. Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass dieser gute Geist Kinderherzen, aber Erwachsene ansteckt und entzündet. Die Freude wird Dich auch weiterhin beflügeln! Dein P. +Franz

Copies of this book may be ordered from the publisher using Paypal

Friedrich Froebel: His Life, Times and SignificanceThis book by Peter Weston for the general reader is an illustrated life of Friedrich Froebel that places him in the turbulent political and intellectual context of his times. It also identifies those aspects of his educational practice that are of enduring value in the contemporary world. Dimensions (in inches) 8.3 x 8.3 x 0.1

Download a free pdf version of this 24 page book 9 MB

This book may be obtained in the UK from National Froebel Foundation

The Froebel Gallery holds stock of this book and welcomes enquiries from parents, teachers and schools. Wholesale orders may also be supplied to museums.

</TR< table>

Books about Friedrich Froebel and creative play

Play is the work of Children

Extracts from the writings of Friedrich Froebel about playing with blocks and other Froebel Gifts.

A selection of books by Friedrich Froebel and modern authors about playing with blocks and building are available to browse and buy online at Froebel Web store in association with

The Froebel Gallery encourages you to support education, to advocate for the rights of children around the world, and to further the arts and humanities.

Shipments usually arrive within 2 weeks of your order. We currently ship to six continents from distribution points in the United States, Australia and Europe.

To discuss your requirements, email or telephone 518-449-1233.

Copyright © 1997 - 2011 The Froebel Gallery. All rights reserved.

Froebel Gallery shopsecure online ordering of the original gifts and blocks designed by Friedrich Froebel.

Froebel Gifts FroBlox ™ Constructio

n Unit Blocks Anchor Stone [View Cart]

Unit Blocks Unit Blocks

Legacy quality, hardwood, Maple blocks made in the United States.

These unit blocks are sanded maple, completely unfinished, too large to pose a choking hazard and satisfy the CPSC rules for children under the age of three.

All shapes are a fraction or multiple of the standard unit block of 1-3/8 by 2-3/4 by 5-1/2 inches, the generally accepted standard for schools, preschools, and kindergartens. Maple is a smooth, tight grained hardwood varying in color from almost white to a reddish brown. These unit blocks are made from FAS quality, knot free Michigan and Indiana hardwoods. Blocks are rounded on the long edges and sanded and softened on the ends and corners. Tolerances are within .01 inches.

The life size, adult hand is included in the pictures to provide a sense of scale. Each kit comes with a CD-ROM containing pictures of famous buildings and a mesh produce bag for storing the blocks.

Free shipping to continental United States - secure online ordering. We also offer delivery to many international destinations. Please enquire by email to

Unit Blocks Toddler Kit$190.00

The 75 unit blocks of the Toddler Kit are excellent for children from 18 months old. At this age, children children begin to put toy blocks together and match them up. Stacking one block on top of another is the first step in building things.

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Unit Blocks Beginner Kit$265.00

The 115 unit blocks of the Beginner Kit are excellent for children from 2 to 3 years old. At this age, children are able to stack unit blocks and create abstract patterns. Children love to play with their parents and make things together.

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Unit Blocks Basic Kit$470.00

The 196 unit blocks of the Basic Kit are excellent for children from 3 to 5 years old. At this age, children begin to make things like houses. They need bigger sets to engage their interest. There are enough blocks here for one large building or a sturdy triumphal arch.

This is our most popular kit.

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Block Building for Children by Lester Walker Buy this Book Today from

Books about Friedrich Froebel and creative play with Blocks

A selection of books by Friedrich Froebel and modern authors about playing with blocks and building are available to browse and buy online at Froebel Web store in association with

Play is the work of Children

Extracts from the writings of Friedrich Froebel about playing with blocks and other Froebel Gifts.

The Froebel Gallery encourages you to support education, to advocate for the rights of children around the world, and to further the arts and humanities.

Shipments usually arrive within 2 weeks of your order. We currently ship to six continents from distribution points in the United States, Australia and Europe.

To discuss your requirements, email or telephone 518-449-1233.

Copyright © 1997 - 2011 The Froebel Gallery. All rights reserved.

. site map . time line . search . shop

The leading English language online resource about Friedrich Froebel, creator of Kindergarten and designer of Froebel Gifts

Friedrich Froebel created Kindergarten

The name Kindergarten signifies both a garden for children, a location where they can observe and interact with nature, and also a garden of children, where they themselves can grow and develop in freedom from arbitrary political and social imperatives.

In 1837, having developed and tested a radically new educational method and philosophy based on structured, activity based learning, Froebel moved to Bad Blankenburg and established his Play and Activity Institute which he renamed in 1840 Kindergarten.

" The kindergarten was essentially tri-partite:

toys for sedentary creative play (these Froebel called gifts and occupations) games and dances for healthy activity observing and nurturing plants in a garden for stimulating awareness of the

natural world

It was a search for metaphysical unity, in which the potential growth to wholeness of the individual child within the natural world would fulfil an harmonious ideal within the mind of God. " Peter Weston in The Froebel Educational Institute: the Origins and History of the College

Friedrich Froebel : His Life, Times and Significance This book by Peter Weston for the general reader is an illustrated life that places him in the turbulent political and intellectual context of his times. It also identifies those aspects of his educational practice that are of enduring value in the contemporary world.Buy this Book Today

Inventing Kindergarten uses extraordinary visual materials to reconstruct this successful system, to

" there is substantial value in the exercises of the Kindergarten, which pleasurably bring out the active powers of the children - their powers of observation, judgement, and invention - and make them at once apt in doing as well as learning " Professor Payne 1874

Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child's soul.

" To Froebel belongs the credit for finding the true nature of play and regulating it to lead naturally into work.

The same spontaneity and joy, the same freedom and serenity that characterise the plays of childhood are realised in all human actiity.

The gifts and occupations are the living connection which makes both play and work expressions of the same creative activity. " W N Hailmann

Froebel Star

This star is called Fröbelstern in Germany. It is a popular decoration for Christmas trees, although not many peole know how to fold it from four strips of paper.

Beautifully presented in a triangular gift box, Swarovski’s sparkling Annual Edition Christmas Ornament for 2009 is a majestic eight pointed star.

Interactive Gardens

teach young children about art, design, mathematics and natureBuy this Book Today

Friedrich Froebel introduced the concept of gardens for children, where they could participate in all aspects of growing, harvesting, and preparing nutritious, seasonal produce. As educational tools, these gardens provide real world applications of core mathematical concepts. The Edible Schoolyard educates children about the connections between food, health, and the environment through activities which are fully integrated into the curriculum.

Froebel Archives

On January 28th 2008 two major Froebel archives were for the first time brought together in the remodelled Archives and Special Collections floor of the Roehampton University Library in London. The The Froebel Archive for Childhood Studies and The National Froebel Foundation Archive together provide a unique and accessible resource for students and researchers into the history of the Froebel movement in the UK.

International Froebel Society

The International Froebel Society seeks to bring together the widest number of people, who have an academic, professional or practitioner interest in the educational principles and practices of Friedrich Froebel.

President, Dr Peter Weston

Learning to Play - Playing to Learn

The July 2008 conference will be held at Wheelock College, Boston, Massachusetts, USA on 9-11 July, 2008.

Froebel From Play to Work: Taking Froebel Forward

Second Biennial Conference of the International Froebel Society was held in Dublin, Ireland on 29 June to 1 July 2006.

Froebel in the Twenty First Century: challenges and uncertainties

This conference was held at Froebel College, Roehampton University, London, England in July 2004.

Zometool Creator 1 Kit

The perfect introduction to this extremely sophisticated, yet easy to use, ball and stick construction system - build a house, a flower, or mathematically correct geometric solids.

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Friedrich Froebel: Founder of the First Kindergarten Friedrich Fröbel: Oprichter van de eerste kleuterschool

Friedrich Froebel: Founder of the First Kindergarten Friedrich Fröbel: Oprichter van de eerste kleuterschool

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By Rachel Nichols Door Rachel Nichols

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The Early Childhood Education Community owes so much to Friedrich Froebel. De Early Childhood Education Gemeenschap dankt zo veel aan Friedrich Fröbel. He truly pioneered early childhood education as we know it today. Hij echt een pionier-en vroegschoolse educatie zoals we die nu kennen. With the creation of Froebel's first kindergarten, views of children and their capacity to learn changed dramatically. Met de oprichting van de eerste kleuterschool Froebel's, meningen van kinderen en hun vermogen om te leren drastisch veranderd.

Born on April 21, 1782 in Oberweißbach, Germany, Friedrich was the youngest of six children. Geboren op 21 april 1782 in Oberweißbach, Duitsland, Friedrich was de jongste van zes kinderen. Friedrich's mother died when he was still an infant, and his father, a pastor, left him to care for himself. Friedrich's moeder stierf toen hij nog een baby, en zijn vader, een dominee, liet hem de zorg voor zichzelf. When he was ten years old, his uncle took over his care. Toen hij tien jaar oud was, zijn oom nam zijn zorg. As a young child, Friedrich Froebel spent a lot of time playing alone in the gardens around his home. Als een jong kind, Friedrich Fröbel besteed veel tijd te spelen alleen in de tuin rond zijn huis. This led to a love and respect of nature that would remain throughout his adult life. Dit leidde tot een liefde en respect voor de natuur dat zou blijven gedurende zijn volwassen leven.

In 1797, now fifteen years old, Froebel attended school to learn about forestry, geometry, land surveying, and valuation; and by 1802, he was working as a forester. In 1797, nu vijftien jaar oud, Froebel naar school om te leren over bosbouw, geometrie, landmeetkunde, en waardering, en door 1802, was hij werkzaam als boswachter. Ever the student, Friedrich attended Frankfurt University to study architecture, and later, began teaching under Johann J. Pestalozzi, a well respected educator of the day. Ooit van de student, Friedrich aanwezig Universiteit van Frankfurt aan de architectuur studeren, en later,

begon les te geven onder Johann J. Pestalozzi, een gerespecteerde opvoeder van de dag. Pestalozzi welcomed the poor into his school, including orphans (practice that was revolutionary). Pestalozzi is verheugd over de armen in zijn school, inclusief weeskinderen (praktijk die revolutionair was). He believed that children needed to be active in their own learning. Hij geloofde dat kinderen nodig zijn om actief te zijn in hun eigen leerproces.

After leaving his teaching post, Froebel left the school to become a private tutor. Na het verlaten van zijn leerstoel, Froebel verliet de school om een prive-leraar te worden. The parents of the children he tutored offered Froebel a small patch of their property to use as a garden. De ouders van de kinderen die hij begeleid bood Froebel een klein stukje van hun eigendom te gebruiken als een tuin. The learning experiences with the children in the garden convinced Froebel that action and direct observation were the best ways to educate. De leerervaringen met de kinderen in de tuin van overtuigd dat Froebel actie en directe observatie waren de beste manier op te voeden.

In 1837, at the age of 55, Friedrich Froebel founded his own school and called it "kindergarten", or the "children's garden". In 1837, op de leeftijd van 55, Friedrich Fröbel stichtte zijn eigen school en noemde het "kleuterschool", of de "kinderen van de tuin". Kindergarten was a new word created by Froebel to express his vision for early childhood education: Kleuterschool was een nieuw woord gecreëerd door Froebel om zijn visie te uiten voor-en vroegschoolse educatie:

"Children are like tiny flowers; they are varied and need care, but each is beautiful alone and glorious when seen in the community of peers." "Kinderen zijn net als kleine bloemen, ze zijn gevarieerd en zorg nodig, maar elke is mooi en heerlijk alleen wanneer gezien in de gemeenschap van peers."

Prior to Froebel's kindergarten, children under the age of seven did not attend school. Voorafgaand aan de kleuterschool Froebel stelt, heeft kinderen onder de leeftijd van zeven niet naar school. It was believed that young children did not have the ability to concentrate or to develop cognitive and emotional skills before this age. Men geloofde dat jonge kinderen niet de mogelijkheid om zich te concentreren of om cognitieve en emotionele vaardigheden te ontwikkelen vóór deze leeftijd hebben. However, Froebel expressed his own beliefs about the importance of early education by stating that ". . . because learning begins when consciousness erupts, education must also". Echter, Fröbel uitte zijn eigen opvattingen over het belang van vroegtijdige educatie door te stellen dat "... Want leren begint wanneer het bewustzijn uitbarst, het onderwijs moet ook".

Froebel labeled his approach to education as "self-activity". Froebel gelabeld zijn benadering van het onderwijs als "self-activiteit". This idea allows the child to be led by his or her own interests and to freely explore them. Dit idee kan het kind te worden geleid door zijn of haar eigen belangen en om vrij te verkennen. The teacher's role, therefore, was to be a guide rather than lecturer. Rol van de leraar, daarom was het een gids in plaats van docent te worden.

Froebel's kindergarten was designed to meet each child's need Froebel De kleuterschool is ontworpen om elk kind behoefte te voldoen

for: voor:

- physical activity - Fysieke activiteit

- the development of sensory awareness and physical dexterity - De ontwikkeling van zintuiglijk bewustzijn en fysieke behendigheid

- creative expression - Creatieve expressie

- exploration of ideas and concepts - Verkenning van ideeën en concepten

- the pleasure of singing - Het plezier van het zingen

- the experience of living among others - De ervaring van het leven onder andere

- satisfaction of the soul - De tevredenheid van de ziel

Froebel's school featured games, play, songs, stories, and crafts to stimulate imagination and develop physical and motor skills. Froebel school featured spelletjes, spelen, liedjes, verhalen en ambachten aan de verbeelding stimuleren en ontwikkelen van fysieke en motorische vaardigheden. The materials in the room were divided into two categories: De materialen in de kamer waren verdeeld in twee categorieën:

Gifts: Geschenken:

were objects that were fixed in form such as blocks. waren objecten die in vorm, zoals vaste blokken. The purpose was that in playing with the object, the child would learn the underlying concept represented by the object. De bedoeling was dat in het spelen met het object, het kind zou het onderliggende concept vertegenwoordigd door het object te leren.

Occupations Beroepen

allowed more freedom and consisted of things that children could shape and manipulate such as clay, sand, beads, and string. toegestaan meer vrijheid en bestond uit dingen die kinderen zouden kunnen vormen en te manipuleren, zoals klei, zand, kralen en string. There was an underlying symbolic meaning in all that was done. Er was een onderliggende symbolische betekenis in alles, wat werd gedaan. Even clean up time was seen as a reminder to the child of God's plan for moral and social order. Zelfs clean up tijd werd gezien als een herinnering aan het kind van Gods plan voor morele en sociale orde.

In 1852, after a short illness, Friedrich Froebel passed away. In 1852, na een korte ziekte, Friedrich Fröbel overleden. During his lifetime, he changed the face of education in Germany, and lead other educators to follow in his path. Tijdens zijn leven veranderde hij het gezicht van het onderwijs in Duitsland, en leiden andere opvoeders te volgen op zijn pad. Between 1848 and 1852 thirty one kindergartens had been founded in German cities. Tussen 1848 en 1852 eenendertig kleuterscholen was opgericht in Duitse steden. Unlike other educational institutions, many kindergartens were open to children of all social classes and religious denominations. In tegenstelling tot andere onderwijsinstellingen, vele kleuterscholen waren toegankelijk voor kinderen van alle sociale klassen en religieuze denominaties. The teachers encouraged tolerance and understanding among these diverse segments of the population. De leraren aangemoedigd tolerantie en begrip tussen deze verschillende segmenten van de bevolking. Froebel's most important gifts to children were invaluable. De belangrijkste geschenken Froebel om kinderen waren van onschatbare waarde.

He gave children: Hij gaf kinderen:

- respect for their intellectual and emotional - Respect voor hun intellectuele en emotionele

abilities and development vaardigheden en ontwikkeling

- the classroom (symbolically viewed as an - De klas (symbolisch gezien als een

extension of a flourishing uitbreiding van een bloeiende

garden), tuin),

- and that which he needed most as a child: - En datgene wat hij het meest nodig als een kind:

A teacher who took on the role of loving, supportive parent. Een leraar die nam de rol van liefhebbende, ondersteunende ouder. Friedrich Froebel was truly a pioneer of Early Childhood Education, and a role model that all educators can still learn from today. Friedrich Fröbel was echt een pionier op het gebied van Early Childhood Education, en een rolmodel dat alle opvoeders nog kunnen leren van vandaag.

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Texts by and about Froebel Teksten van en over Froebel

Fröbel, F. (1826) On the Education of Man (Die Menschenerziehung), Keilhau/Leipzig: Wienbrach. Fröbel, F. (1826) Op het Onderwijs van de Mens (Die Menschenerziehung), Keilhau / Leipzig: Wienbrach.

Lilley, I. (ed.) (1967) Friedrich Froebel: A selection from his writings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lilley, I. (red.) (1967) Friedrich Fröbel: Een keuze uit zijn geschriften, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kilpatrick, WH (1916) Froebel's Kindergarden Principles Critically Examined, New York : Macmillan. Kilpatrick, WH (1916) Froebel de kleuterschool Principes kritisch tegen het licht, New York: Macmillan.

Lawrence, E. (ed.) (1952)Friedrich Froebel and English Education, London: University of London Press. Lawrence, E. (red.) (1952) Friedrich Fröbel en Engels Onderwijs, London: University of London Press. Series of essays on key elements of Fröbel's thought and practice. Serie essays over de belangrijkste elementen van het denken Fröbel's en de praktijk.

Mutter-und Kose-Lieder (1844) is called Mother Play (1895). Mutter Kose-und-Lieder (1844) heet Mother Play (1895). Other works translated into English are Letters on the Kindergarten (1891), Froebel's Chief Writings on Education (1912), and his fragmentary autobiography. Andere werken in het Engels vertaald zijn letters op de Kindergarten (1891), Chief Writings Froebel's on Education (1912), en zijn fragmentarische autobiografie. His name is also written Fröbel. Zijn naam is ook geschreven Fröbel.

See biographies by AB Hanschmann (tr. 1897) and HC Bowen (1903, repr. 1970); WH Kilpatrick, Froebel's Kindergarten Principles (1916); N. Brosterman, Inventing Kindergarten (1997). Zie biografieën van AB Hanschmann (vert. 1897) en HC Bowen (1903, repr 1970.) WH Kilpatrick, Froebel's Kindergarten Principles (1916), N. Brosterman, Inventing Kindergarten (1997).

De geschiedenis van Kleuterschool

Kindergarten is een klaslokaal programma dat bestaat uit kinderen van drie tot zeven jaar oud. De programma's variëren van dagen tot half vol dag van de school afhankelijk van de beschikbaarheid van het schoolsysteem. Voor de meeste kinderen is dit de eerste stap op weg naar het ontwikkelen van sociale vaardigheden in een groep instellen zonder de hulp van mama of papa. De meeste kleuterscholen deel van de doelstellingen van het aanleren van sociale vaardigheden, zelfvertrouwen en het ontwikkelen van van een kind academische bekwaamheid. Er was een kleuterschool in Watertown, Wisconsin, gesticht door Margarethe Schurz in 1856. Elizabeth Peabody hadden gevestigd een in Boston in 1873. Maar de eerste kleuterschool in de wereld werd gesticht door een man

de naam Friedrich Fröbel. Friedrich Fröbel werd bekend als de "Vader van Kleuterschool "omdat hij ontwikkelde de eerste kleuterschool in Duitsland in 1837 (Colliers). Zijn kleuterschool ontwikkelde theorieën en praktijken die worden nog steeds gebruikt vandaag de dag in de kleuterschool klaslokalen. Zijn ideeën werden dat kinderen nodig hebben om te spelen de tijd hebben om te leren. Kindergarten moet een plek voor kinderen om te groeien en te leren van hun sociale worden interactie met andere kinderen.

Friedrich Fröbel schreef een boek gebaseerd op zijn theorieën en praktijken met betrekking tot de kleuterschool omgeving. Het boek werd verbrand door de Duitstalige gemeenschap. Ze geloofden niet dat kinderen nodig om te spelen om om te leren. Ze dacht dat zijn theorieën schandalig waren.

De eerste kleuterschool werd opgericht om kinderen van de armoede te helpen en die had speciale behoeften. "Veel crèches op dit moment zou samenvallen met de kleuterscholen die door de philanthropically gelijkgestemde vrouwen lopen in Om aan de families van de armen "(Cremin) dienen. Deze crèches / kleuterscholen wil benadrukken de systematische spel van Froebel's filosofie. Door het systematisch spelen de kinderen in staat zijn om te leren discrimineren, analyseren, delen en problemen op te lossen.

In 1872, kleuterscholen kreeg steun van de Nationale Onderwijs Vereniging, die in 1884 werd een afdeling van de kleuterschool instructie. Door de inspanningen van vele mensen de kleuterschool heeft werkte zijn weg naar vele scholen, private en publieke.

Werken Geciteerd

Colliers Encyclopedie, vol.14 1996 ed.. Cremin, Lawrence. "American Onderwijs"

Samengesteld door Shelly Ann Richie-Sharp

Journal of Instructional PedagogiesUsing manipulatives to teach, Page 1

Using manipulatives to teach elementary mathematicsMatthew BogganMississippi State UniversitySallie HarperMississippi State UniversityAnna WhitmireMississippi State UniversityABSTRACTThe purpose of this paper is to explain the importance and benefits of mathmanipulatives. For decades, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has encouragedschool districts nationwide to use manipulatives in mathematical instruction. The value ofmanipulatives has been recognized for many years, but some teachers are reluctant to use them intheir lessons. Throughout this paper, a discussion of the positive results of several researchstudies that strongly suggest the use of manipulatives will be mentioned. The history andadvancement of manipulatives with also be discussed. Defining manipulatives and explainingthe correct way to use them will be highlighted in this paper.Keywords: manipulatives, instructional methods, mathematics, instruction, NCTM, reluctantJournal of Instructional PedagogiesUsing manipulatives to teach, Page 2INTRODUCTIONAccording to the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, “the foundation forchildren’s mathematical development is established in the early years” (Seefeldt & Wasik, 2006,p. 249). It is important for children to have a variety of materials to manipulate and theopportunity to sort, classify, weigh, stack and explore if they are to construct mathematicalknowledge. “In order to have opportunities to learn math, children need firsthand experiencesrelated to math, interaction with other children and adults concerning these experiences and timeto reflect on the experiences” (Seefeldt & Wasik, 2006, p. 250). Educational research indicatedthat the most valuable learning occurs when students actively construct their own mathematicalunderstanding, which is often accomplished through the use of manipulatives.HISTORY OF MANIPULATIVESSince ancient times, people of several different civilizations have used physical objects tohelp them solve everyday math problems. The ancient civilizations of Southwest Asia used

counting boards, which were wooden or clay trays covered in a thin layer of sand. The countingboard users would draw symbols in the sand to tally inventory or whatever else they may need tocount. The ancient Romans created the first abacus based on counting board. The abacus wasmade of beans or stones which moved in grooves in sand or on tables of wood, stone, or metal.“The Chinese abacus, which came into use centuries later, may have been an adaptation of theRoman abacus” (“Research on the” n.d.). The Mayans and the Aztecs both had countingdevices that were made of corn kernels strung on string or wires that were stretched across awooden frame. The Incas also had their own counting tool, which was knotted strings calledquipu (“Research on the”, n.d.).“The late 1800s saw the invention of the first true manipulative-maneuverable objectsthat appeal to several different senses and are specifically designed for teaching mathematicalconcepts” (“Research on the” n.d.). In 1837, German educator Friedrich Froebel introduced theworld’s first kindergarten. “He designed the educational play materials known as Froebel Gifts,or Frobelgaben, which included geometric building blocks and pattern activity blocks”(“Friedrich Froebel”, 2009). Then in the early 1900s, Italian educator Maria Montessoricontinued with the idea that manipulatives are important to education. She designed severalmaterials to help elementary students learn the basic ideas of math. “Since the 1900s,manipulatives have come to be considered essential in teaching mathematics at the elementaryschool level” (“Research on the,” n.d.). In fact, the National Council of Teachers ofMathematics (NCTM) has recommended the use of manipulatives in teaching mathematicalconcepts at all grade levels.MANIPULATIVES DEFINEDManipulatives can come in a variety of forms and they are often defined as “physicalobjects that are used as teaching tools to engage students in the hands-on learning ofmathematics” (“Using manipulatives,” 2009). Manipulatives can be purchased at a store,brought from home, or teacher and student made. The manipulatives can range from dried beansand bottle caps to Unifix cubes and base-ten blocks. They are used to introduce, practice, orremediate a math concept. “A good manipulative bridges the gap between informal math andJournal of Instructional PedagogiesUsing manipulatives to teach, Page 3formal math. To accomplish this objective, the manipulative must fit the developmental level ofthe child” (Smith, 2009, p. 20). Kindergarten children should have individual counters, whereas

older students could use colored wooden rods that represent different numbers. Themanipulative must fit the mathematical ability of the child or it is useless.WAYS TO USE MANIPULATIVESManipulatives can be used in teaching a wide variety of topics in mathematics, includingthe objectives from the five NCTM standards: problem solving, communicating, reasoning,connections, and estimation. The materials should “foster children’s concepts of numbers andoperations, patterns, geometry, measurement, data analysis, problem solving, reasoning,connections, and representations” (Seefeldt & Wasik, 2006, p.93). Teachers could use counters,place-value mats, base-ten blocks, and fraction strips while teaching from the numbers andoperations standard. The counters could be used to teach one-on-one correspondence, ordinalnumbers, and basic addition and subtraction. The fraction strips could be used to add andsubtract fractions or to show equivalent fractions. Pattern blocks, attribute blocks and scalescould be used to assist students in the learning basic algebra. Student could use geoboards whentrying to identify simple geometric shapes. They could also use geometric solid models whenlearning about spatial reasoning. Teachers could use standard and non-standard rulers andmeasuring cups to represent length or volume in measurement lessons. The students could alsouse tiles when trying to find the area or perimeter of an object. When it comes to data analysisand probability, students could use spinners to find the probability of landing on a designatedarea. They could also use number cases or dice to find the probability of rolling a certainnumber or combination of numbers (“Using manipulatives”, 2009). The numbers of ways thatmanipulatives can be used are limitless. In fact, some schools use math manipulatives as a wayto get parents involved. Stephen Currie, math specialist for grades Kindergarten through fourthgrade at Poughkeespsie Day School in New York, created ‘mathtubs’ to pique math interest forboth kids and their parents. Each Friday several students are selected to receive a mathtub,which are not due back until the next Wednesday. The mathtubs are filled with “math gamesand puzzles, two or more different kinds of manipulatives such as number cubes or tangrams andmath challenges—questions which required no materials but creative brain power” (Currie,2005, p. 52). Feedback from the parents was both positive and helpful. “In general, the parentsappreciated the activities and were please to see their child engaged in mathematical thinking”(Currie, 2005, p. 53).USING MANIPULATIVES CORRECTLYManipulatives can be extremely helpful young children, but they must be used correctly.

Children must understand the mathematical concept being taught rather than simply moving themanipulatives around. Smith (2009) stated that there are probably as many wrong ways to teachwith manipulatives as there are to teach without them. The math manipulatives should beappropriate for the students and chosen to meet the specific goals and objectives of themathematical program. “The complexity of the materials provided will increase as children’sthinking and understanding of mathematical concepts increase” (Seefeldt & Wasik, 2006, p. 93).It is also important for teachers to allow their students to have free time to play with themanipulatives. After the students have explored the manipulatives, “the materials cease to beJournal of Instructional PedagogiesUsing manipulatives to teach, Page 4toys and assume their rightful place in the curriculum” (Smith, 2009, p.17). Carol Seefeldt andBarbara Wasik also think that teachers should provide children with opportunities to work withmaterials with open-ended objectives that have no specific preset goals. These opportunitiesallow the children the chance to explore their own questions and generate a variety of answers.“These experiences help children think about their world in alternative ways and help themunderstand that there are multiple ways to solve problems. Generating multiple solutions toproblems in an essential strategy in mathematics” (Seefeldt & Wasik, 2006, p. 250).RESEARCH AND BENEFITS OF MANIPULATIVESThe use of manipulatives is recommended by the NCTM because it is supported by bothlearning theory and educational research in the classroom. “Manipulatives help students learn byallowing them to move from concrete experiences to abstract reasoning” (“Research on the”n.d.). When students manipulate objects, they are taking the first steps toward understandingmath processes and procedures. “The effective use of manipulatives can help students connectideas and integrate their knowledge so that they gain a deep understanding of mathematicalconcepts” (“Research on the, “ n.d.).Over the past few decades, researchers have studied the use of manipulatives in severaldifferent grade levels and in several different countries. The majority of the studies indicate thatmathematics achievement increases when manipulatives are put to good use. Many studies alsosuggest that manipulatives improve children’s long-term and short-term retention of math.Cain-Caston’s (1996) research indicates that using manipulatives helps improve the environmentin math classrooms. When students work with manipulatives and then are given a chance toreflect on their experiences, not only is mathematical learning enhanced, but math anxiety is also

greatly reduced. Kenneth Chang (2008) examined the work of research scientist JenniferKaminski and he found that children better understand math when they use concrete examples.Puchner, Taylor, O’Donnell, and Fick (2008) conducted a case study which analyzed theuse of manipulatives in math lessons developed and taught by four groups of elementaryteachers. There four researchers decided to study the way teachers use the manipulatives ratherthan studying the outcomes of the students. “The study found that in three of four lessonsstudied manipulative use was turned into an end in and of itself rather than a tool, and that in thefourth lesson manipulative use hindered rather than helped the student learning” (Puchner,Taylor, O’Donnell, & Fick, 2008, n.p.). The researchers believe this occurred because of the“deeply embedded focus in U.S. mathematics teaching on the procedure and the product” (2008,n.p.). In a few of the lessons, the manipulative use became an exercise separated from thesolving of the problem. In the second grade lesson, the students simply copied the teacher’sexample and never attached meaning to the manipulatives. The teacher’s manipulative use andmisuse provided the researchers with a focus for further study. The researchers also realized that“teachers need support making decisions regarding manipulative use, including when and how touse manipulatives to help them and their students think about mathematical ideas more closely”(Puchner, Taylor, O’Donnell, & Fick, 2008, n.p.). Catherine Kelly, a member of the MontanaCouncil of Teachers of Mathematics, stated that “teachers need to know when, why, and how touse manipulatives effectively in the classroom as well as opportunities to observe, first-hand, theimpact of allowing learning through exploration with concrete objects” (Kelly, 2006, p.188).Dave Munger, author of Researching Online, reported the results of a study designed todescribe the benefits of manipulatives. The sample consisted to two third-grade classes withJournal of Instructional PedagogiesUsing manipulatives to teach, Page 5twenty-six students. A two-week geometry unit from the Silver Burdett textbook wasadministered in both classes. The experimental group teacher used mathematical manipulativesto teach the concepts presented in the unit, and the control group teacher used only drawings anddiagrams to teach the concepts. “Analysis of covariance revealed that the experimental groupusing mathematical manipulatives scored significantly higher in mathematical achievement onthe posttest scores than the control group” (Munger, 2007, n.p.).Additional studies have shown that students who use “manipulatives in specificmathematical subjects are more likely to achieve success than students who don’t have the

opportunity to work with manipulatives” (“Research on the,” n.d.). Some children need to usemanipulatives to learn to count, while other students’ understanding of place value increases withthe use of manipulatives. Research also indicates that using manipulatives is especially usefulfor teaching low-achievers, students with learning disabilities, and English language learners.CONCLUSIONElementary teachers who use manipulatives to help teach math can positively affectstudent learning. Students at all levels and of all abilities can benefit from manipulatives.Mathematician, Seymour Papert, believes manipulatives are ‘objects to think with’.“Incorporating manipulatives into mathematics lessons in meaningful ways helps students graspconcepts with greater ease, making teaching most effective” (“Research on the, “ n.d.).REFERENCESCain-Caston, M. (1996). Manipulative queen [Electronic version]. Journal of InstructionalPsychology 23(4), 270-274. Retrieved December 10, 2009 from Ebscohost database.Chang, K. (2008, April 25). Study suggests math teachers scrap balls and slices. New YorkTimes. Retrieved December 10, 2009, fromhttp: //, S. (2005). The mathtubs are coming! Teaching PreK-8 35(4), 52-53.Friedrich Frobel (2009, March 28). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved December9, 2009, from, C.A. (2006). Using manipulatives in mathematical problem solving: A performanceBased analysis [Electronic version]. The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast 3(2), 184-193.Munger, D. (2007, October 9). Children learn and retain math better using manipulatives[Msg.1]. Message posted to, L., Taylor A., O’Donnell, B., & Fick, K. (2008). Teacher learning and mathematicsmanipulatives: A collective case study about teacher use of manipulatives in elementaryand middle school mathematics lessons. School Science and Mathematics. RetrievedDecember 10, 2009, from: on the benefits of manipulatives (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2009, from:

Seefeldt, C., & Wasik, B.A. (2006). Early education: three-, four-, and five-year-olds go toSchool (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education.Journal of Instructional PedagogiesUsing manipulatives to teach, Page 6Smith, S.S. (2009). Early Childhood Mathematics (4th ed.) Boston: Pearson EducationUsing manipulatives (2009). Retrieved December 10, 2009, from :

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