gmf 2013 keynote tabletpcs fritze schnitter

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Der gewinnbringende und didaktisch fundierte Einsatz von Tablet-PCs im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Folien zum Plenarvortrag im Rahmen des GMF 2013 in Nürnberg.


Der gewinnbringende und didaktisch fundierte Einsatz von Tablet-PCs im Fremdsprachenunterricht.

Martin Fritze und Tobias Schnitter Universität Regensburg und Katholische Universität Eichstätt, Staatliche Realschulen Abensberg und Gauting

Bayerische Fremdsprachentagung GMF Nürnberg, 16.November 2013

Bill Rankin on mobile learning:

Sir Ken Robinson - Bring on the revolution:

‘Standardization?'‘Fast-food model of education?’

‘One size fits all?’

‘For years, teachers … have complained about the frustrations of traditional teaching. They stand at the whiteboard, trying to get 25 or more students to learn the same stuff at the same speed. And, of course, it never really works: Advanced kids get bored, slower ones get lost, and pretty soon half the class isn’t paying attention.’ (Kami Thordarson)

‘How does teaching and learning change when every student has a connected, mobile device for personal use and for learning?’ (Marie Bjerede)




The use of the iPad in lessons makes learning more fun:

DisagreedAgreed or agreed strongly

University of Hull; iPad Scotland Evaluation - October 2012

I behaved better in lessons when I use the iPad:

DisagreedAgreed or agreed strongly

University of Hull; iPad Scotland Evaluation - October 2012

I am more interested in learning when I can use the iPad in lessons:

DisagreedAgreed or agreed strongly

University of Hull; iPad Scotland Evaluation - October 2012

The use of the iPad helps me to understand difficult ideas better:

DisagreedAgreed or agreed strongly

University of Hull; iPad Scotland Evaluation - October 2012

I worked more with other people when I used the iPad:

DisagreedAgreed or agreed strongly

University of Hull; iPad Scotland Evaluation - October 2012


21st century skills


’We feel that tablets are a significant improvement over pencil and paper for creating content.’

‘Personal devices with 24/7 Internet connectivity freed students from the traditional time and space limitations of learning in a traditional classroom.’

‘The students’ drive for connecting, creating, and collaborating after the school day was over was perhaps the most inspiring thing to see.’

… ’the ’feel’ of the classroom shifted to one where the teacher worked with the students as a co-learner rather than as the authoritative source of knowledge’ …

‘… that iPad students achieved the highest individual scores (…). … achieved higher average scores (…). … also did better on average than classmates without iPads (…).’ (Trinity College iPad program)

Literaturhinweise!Websites:http://ipadpilot.wordpress.comBlog des Trinity College, Melbourne!http://ipadintheeslclassroom.weebly.comWebsite mit vielfältigen Ideen zum Einsatz des iPad im ESL-Unterricht, Texas A&M University, Kingsville! Scotland Evaluation, University of Hull!ibooks:Gonzalez, A.. iPads in ESL classrooms. 2012.Thissen, F.. Mobiles Lernen in der Schule. 2013.!

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