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JOURNALMedizinhistorisches Journal 48 (2013) 217-225

© Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart

Internationale Zeitschriftenschau

Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Vol. 37 (2014), No. 1: Lea Haller, Sabine Höhler und Andrea Westermann: Einlei-tung: Rechnen mit der Natur: Ökonomische Kalküle um Ressourcen, S. 8-19. – Andrea Westermann: Inventuren der Erde. Vorratsschätzungen für mineralische Rohstoffe und die Etablierung der Ressourcenökonomie, S. 20-40. – Lea Haller und Monika Gis-ler: Lösung für das Knappheitsproblem oder nationales Risiko? Auf Erdölsuche in der Schweiz, S. 41-59. – Sabine Höhler: Von Biodiversität zu Biodiversifi zierung: Eine Neue Ökonomie der Natur?, S. 60-77. – Marcus Popplow: Kommentar: „Ökonomische Kalküle um Ressourcen“ – Überlegungen zur Kontextualisierung der Beiträge des The-menheftes aus frühneuzeitlicher Perspektive, S. 78-84.

The British Journal for the History of Science

Vol. 47 (2014), No. 2: Andrew Gregory: William Harvey, Aristotle and astrology, S. 199-215. – Kostas Tampakis: Onwards facing backwards: the rhetoric of science in nineteenth-century Greece, S. 217-237. – Michael J. Barany: Savage numbers and the evolution of civilization in Victorian prehistory, S. 239-255. – Melinda Baldwin: ‘Kee-ping in the race’: physics, publication speed and national publishing strategies in Nature, 1895–1939, S. 257-279. – Erik Pesterson: The conquest of vitalism or the eclipse of or-ganicism? The 1930s Cambridge organizer project and the social network of mid-twen-tieth-century biology, S. 281-304. – Michael Bresalier und Michael Worboys: ‘Saving the lives of our dogs’: the development of canine distemper vaccine in interwar Britain, S. 305-334. – Jenny Bangham: Writing, printing, speaking: Rhesus blood-group ge-netics and nomenclatures in the mid-twentieth century, S. 335-361. – Jim Endersby: Unsuitable for ladies?, S. 363-367.

Bulletin of the History of Medicine

Vol. 88 (2014), No. 1: John Harley Warner: The Fielding H. Garrison Lecture: The Aesthetic Grounding of Modern Medicine, S. 1-47. – Michael Stolberg: Metaphors and Images of Cancer in Early Modern Europe, S. 48-74. – David S. Barnes: Cargo, “Infec-tion,” and the Logic of Quarantine in the Nineteenth Century, S. 75-101. – Katja Gu-enther: Exercises in Therapy—Neurological Gymnastics between Kurort and Hospital Medicine, 1880–1945, S. 102-131. – Emily K. Wilson: Ex Utero: Live Human Fetal Re-search and the Films of Davenport Hooker, S. 132-160. – Richard A. McKay: “Patient Zero”: The Absence of a Patient’s View of the Early North American AIDS Epidemic, S. 161-194.

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218 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau

Canadian Bulletin of Medical History

Vol. 31 (2014), No. 1: Frank W. Stahnisch: The Early Eugenics Movement and Emerg-ing Professional Psychiatry Conceptual Transfers and Personal Relationships between German and North America, 1880s to 1930s, S. 17-40. – Per Anders Rudling: Eugenics and Racial Biology in Sweden and the USSR: Contacts across the Baltic Sea1, S. 41-75. – Graham J. Baker: Eugenics and Migration: A Case Study of Salvation Army Litera-ture about Canada and Britain, c.1890-1921, S. 77-98. – Leslie Baker: “A Visitation of Providence:” Public Health and Eugenic Reform in the Wake of the Halifax Disaster, S. 99-122. – Sheila Gibbons: “Our Power to Remodel Civilization”: The Development of Eugenic Feminism in Alberta, 1909-1921, S. 123-142. – Amy Samson: Eugenics in the Community: Gendered Professions and Eugenic Sterilization in Alberta, 1928-1972, S. 143-163. – Erika Dyck: Sterilization and Birth Control in the Shadow of Eugenics: Married, Middle-Class Women in Alberta, 1930-1960s, S. 165-187. – Molly Ladd Tay-lor: Contraception or Eugenics? Sterilization and “Mental Retardation” in the 1970s and 1980s, S. 189-211.


Vol. 34 (2014), No. 1: Yolanda Eraso and Luiz Antonio Teixeira: Female cancers. A perspective from the Latin South, S. 17-24. – Vanessa Lana: Aristides Maltez Hospital and the control of cervical cancer in Brazil, S. 25-48. – Luiz Antonio Teixeira und Le-ticia Pumar: Technology and disciplinary fi elds: cytotechnicians and implementation of the Pap test in Brazil, S. 49-72. – Yolanda Eraso: Controlling female cancer in Argen-tina. Divergent initiatives and the road to fragmentation, S. 73-100. – Marco Antonio Porto und Paula Arantes Botelho Briglia Habib: Viva Mulher: Constructing a cervical cancer control program in Brazil, S. 101-124. – Mariano Di Pasquale: Diego Alcorta and diffusion of medical knowledge in Buenos Aires,1821-1842, S. 125-146. – Guiller-mo Olagüe de Ros: An approach to the history of scientifi c documentation in Catalonia. The activity of María Serrallach Juliá (1905-1992) in the Seminary of Chemistry of the University of Barcelona (1937-1984), S. 147-168. – Fernando Serrano Larráyoz : Dietary prescriptions for the elites of the kingdom of Navarre in the 16th century: the cases of Juan Rena and Juan de Alarcón, S. 169-192. – Miguel García-Sancho, Matia-na González-Silva und María Jesús Santesmases: Shaping biomedical objects across history and philosophy: A conversation with Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, S. 193-210.

Early Science and Medicine

Vol. 19 (2014), No. 1: Jonathan Regier: Kepler’s Theory of Force and His Medical Sources, S. 1-27. – Dmitri Levitin: Rethinking English Phyisco-theology: Samuel Parker’s Tentamina de Deo (1665), S. 28-75. – Christoph Sander: Medical Topics in the De anima Commentary of Coimbra (1598) and the Jesuits’ Attitude towards Medicine in Education and Natural Philosophy, S. 76-101.

GALENOS Rivista di fi lologia dei testi medici antichi

Vol. 6 (2012) Florence Bourbon: Extraire, construire, innover: à propos des sections gynécologiques dans les traités hippocratiques, S. 11-24 (34). – Carmelo Cutolo : Sulla

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219Internationale Zeitschriftenschau

tradizione manoscritta di Areteo di Cappadocia, S. 25-48 (15). – Anargyros Anastas-siou: Galen, de indolentia, § 71, S. 21, 17-19 Boudon-Millot, Jouanna = § 27, S. 79, 321-322 Kotzia, Sotiroudis = § 71, S. 44 Garofalo, Lami, S. 49-52 (20). – Irene Calà : Il medico Andreas nei libri medicinales di Aezio Amideno, S. 53-64 (12). – Nicoletta Pal-mieri : La translatio antiqua degli Aforismi di Ippocrate e la tradizione presalernitana, S. 65-102 (70). – Klaus-Dietrich Fischer : Die spätlateinische Übersetzung von Galen, ad Glauconem (Kühn 11.1-146), S.103-116 (33). – Oliver Overwien : Auch Punkte muss man beachten: wie aus Galens perì ton aporon kineseon bei Markus von Toledo de motibus liquidis wurde, S. 117-122 (1). – Ivan Garofalo : Il Commento di Galeno al de alimento e gli estratti di Ibn Ridwan, S. 123-164 (370). – Véronique Boudon-Millot: La Vita Galieni de Jean de Procida: un nouveau jalon dans l’histoire du texte du Ne pas se chagriner de Galien, S. 165-172 (2). – Arsenio Ferraces Rodriguez : Una fuente tardoantigua en el Petroncellus: el capítulo sobre la epilepsia, S. 173-180 (26).


Vol. 70 (2013), No. 2: Ronan de Calan: L’empirisme médical, d’un mythe à l’autre. Une lecture critique de Naissance de la clinique de Michel Foucault, S. 211-243. – Je-hanne-Emmanuelle Monnier: La science et le scientifi que: confronter les points de vue sur les explorations d’Alfred Grandidier, S. 244-259. – Giulia Pedrucci: Sangue me-struale e latte materno: rifl essioni e nuove proposte. Intorno all’allattamento nella Grecia antica*, S. 260-291. – Christiane Ruffi eux: La méthodologie de la recherche clinique à Genève entre la fi n du XVIIIe et le début du XIXe siècle: l’exemple des recherches sur le croup*, S. 292-322. – Wilfried Witte: Die Festrede auf August Bier als Problem. Arthur Israel (1883–1969) und seine Auseinandersetzung mit der Berliner Chirurgischen Universitätsklinik, S. 323-352.*mit Summary

Historia Hospitalium

Vol. 28 (2013): Kay Peter Jankrift: Grenzbeziehungen. Islamische Hospitäler des Mit-telalters – Vorbilder institutioneller Entwicklungen in der lateinisch-christlichen Welt, S. 21-44. – Jayanta Bhattacharya: From Hospitals to Hospital Medicine: Epistemological Transformation of Medical Knowledge in India, S. 45-74. – Hans-Uwe Lammel: Ein Krankenhaus und seine Kontakte – Das Hôtel-Dieu in Québec in den ersten 100 Jahren seines Bestehens,S. 75-90. – Stephan Heinrich Nolte: Die Entstehung der klinischen Medizin der „Ecole de Paris“ im frühen 19. Jahrhundert, dargestellt am literarischen Werk von Eugène Sue: Les Mystères de Paris (1842/43), S. 93-128. – Arne Thomsen: Konkurrenz oder soziale Notwendigkeit? Das Verhältnis katholischer Krankenhäuser im Ruhrrevier zu anderen Wettbewerbern bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg, S.129-150. – Martin Scheutz und Alfred Stefan Weiß: Spitalordnungen als essentielle Grundlage der Orga-nisation der Spitäler in der Frühen Neuzeit – eine Leerstelle der komparatistischen Spi-talforschung, S. 151-190. – Christina Vanja, Martin Scheutz, Alfred Stefan Weiß, Ir-mtraut Sahmland und Sabine Veits-Falk: Konferenzbericht „Inmates in Hospitals and other Care Institutions in the Early Modern Period“, Section oft the „European Social Science History Conference“, Glasgow, 11. April 2012, S. 193-223. – Julie de Tristan und Ernst Kraas: Eindrücke der Studienreise nach Paris und Burgund vom 19.-25. Sep-

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220 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau

tember 2010, S. 227-238. – Anna Katharina Zülch: „Geschichte der Hamburger Kran-kenhäuser“ ein Hamburger Symposium mit Besichtigungen, S. 239-252. – Heinz-Peter Schmiedebach und Monika Ankele: Die Irrenanstalt Langenhorn um 1910 – Heil-anstalt oder landwirtschaftliche Produktionsstätte? S. 255-268. – Rebecca Schwoch: „Krankenbehandler“ im Jüdischen Krankenhaus Berlin und im Israelitischen Kranken-haus Hamburg zwischen 1938 und 1945, S. 269-292. – Adolf-Friedrich Holstein: Das Fritz Schumacher-Haus im Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf – Geschichte und Perspektiven für die Zukunft, S. 293-302. – Henrik Eßler: Medizingeschichte in Wachs: Die Moulagensammlung des Medizinhistorischen Museums Hamburg, S. 303-324. – Volker Lehmann: Wie die Entwicklung in der Medizin Pläne verändern kann. Die Geburtshilfl iche Abteilung in Hamburg-Altona, S. 325-332. – Oleg Peters: Heino Schmieden und seine Krankenhausbauten in Norddeutschland, S. 333-348. – Uwe Eg-gert und Gabriele Eggert-Muff: Masterpläne zur Vermeidung von Fehlinvestitionen im Krankenhausbereich, S. 349-372. – Oswald Müller-Plathe, Michael Goerig, Peter R. Pawlik, Christoph Decker, Gunnar Stollberg, Claas-Hinrich Lammers, Christina Vanja, Cornelia Borck: Kurzfassungen weiterer Vorträge, S. 373-383.

History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences

Vol. 35 (2013), No. 4: Abraham H. Gibson, Christina L. Kwapich und Martha Lang: The Roots of Multilevel Selection: Concepts of Biological Individuality in the Early Twentieth Century, S. 505-532. – Josephine Donaghy: Autonomous Mathematical Models: Constructing Theories of Metabolic Control, S. 533-552. – Sara Green und Olaf Wolkenhauer: Tracing Organizing Principles: Learning from the History of Sys-tems Biology, S. 553-576. – Sanne van der Hout: Bridging the Lab-fi eld Divide? The “eco” in Ecological Genomics, S. 577-598. – Antonio Diéguez: When do Models Pro-vide Genuine Understanding, and Why does it Matter?, S. 599.

History of Psychiatry

Vol. 25 (2014), No. 1: Andreas-Holger Maehle: The powers of suggestion: Albert Moll and the debate on hypnosis, S. 3-19. – Harry Oosterhuis: Mental health, citizenship, and the memory of World War II in the Netherlands (1945–85), S. 20-34. – Ana Antic: Therapeutic Fascism: re-educating Communists in Nazi-occupied Serbia, 1942–44, S. 35-56. – Laura Allisson und Joanna Moncrieff: ‘Rapid tranquillisation’: an historical perspective on its emergence in the context of the development of antipsychotic medi-cations, S. 57-69. – Niall McCrae: Resilience of institutional culture: mental nursing in a decade of radical change, S. 70-86. – Jan Dirk Blom: When doctors cry wolf: a systematic review of the literature on clinical lycanthropy, S. 87-102. – Olga Alexand-rovna Vlasova und Dr. Allan Beveridge: Karl Jaspers’ phenomenology in the light of histological and X-ray metaphor, S. 103-111.

History of Science

Vol. 51 (2013), No. 4: Victor D. Boantz: The Rise and Fall of Nitrous Air Eudiometry: Enlightenment Ideals, Embodied Skills, and the Confl icts of Experimental Philosophy, S. 377-412. – Robert Bud: Framed in the Public Sphere: Tools for the Conceptual Hi-story of ‘Applied Science’ – A Review Paper, S. 413-433. – Ben Marsden: Ranking

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221Internationale Zeitschriftenschau

Rankine: W. J. M. Rankine (1820–72) and the Making of ‘Engineering Science’ Revi-sited, S. 434-456. – Abigail Woods: From Practical Men to Scientifi c Experts: British Veterinary Surgeons and the Development of Government Scientifi c Expertise, c. 1878-1919, S. 457-480. – Shaul Katzir: Scientifi c Practice for Technology: Hermann Aron’s Development of the Storage Battery, S. 481-500.

Journal of the History of dentistry

Vol. 61 (2013), No.3: David. A Chernin: The Study of Dental History: Raison D`être, S. 125-128. – Patric Blomstedt: Dental Surgery in Ancient Egypt, S. 129-142. – Nor-man D. Mohl, Frank A. Scannapieco und Stuart L. Fischman: How the Insightful Leadership of James English Transformed a Traditional Dental School into a Leading Educational Institution, S. 143-148. – Harry Francis Akers, Michael Anthony Foley und Pauline Joy Ford: Twentieth Century Infl uences on Queensland Dental Practice: A Tangential View, S. 149-160. – Arden G. Christen und Joan A. Christen: Dental Post-cards LIV, S. 161-162. – Theodore P. Croll und Ben Z. Swanson: Dental Trade Cards XXXIX, S. 162-163.

Journal of the History of Biology

Vol. 47 (2014), No. 1: Sofi e Lachapelle und Heena Mistry: From the Waters of the Empire to the Tanks of Paris: The Creation and Early Years of the Aquarium Tropical, Palais de la Porte Dorée, S. 1-27. – Samantha K. Muka: Portrait of an Outsider: Class, Gender, and the Scientifi c Career of Ida M. Mellen, S. 29-61. – Nathan Crowe: Cancer, Confl ict, and the Development of Nuclear Transplantation Techniques, S. 63-105. – Ka-ren Beth G. Scholthof: Making a Virus Visible: Francis O. Holmes and a Biological Assay for Tobacco mosaic virus, S. 107-145. –Warwick Anderson und Ian R. Mackay: Fashioning the Immunological Self: The Biological Individuality of F. Macfarlane Bur-net, S. 147-175.

No. 2: Dominic Klyve: Darwin, Malthus, Süssmilch, and Euler: The Ultimate Origin of the Motivation for the Theory of Natural Selection, S. 189-212. – Scott A. Elias: A Brief History of the Changing Occupations and Demographics of Coleopterists from the 18th Through the 20th Century, S. 213-242. – Daniel J. Nicholson und Richard Gawne: Rethinking Woodger’s Legacy in the Philosophy of Biology, S. 243-292. – Arnold G. van der Valk: From Formation to Ecosystem: Tansley’s Response to Clements’ Climax, S. 293-321.

Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences

Vol. 69 (2014), No. 2: Anita Magowska: The Unwanted Heroes: War Invalids in Poland after World War I, S. 185-220. – Matthew Oram: Effi cacy and Enlightenment: LSD Psychotherapy and the Drug Amendments of 1962, S. 221-250. – Anne K. Merritt: The Rise of Emergency Medicine in the Sixties: Paving a New Entrance to the House of Me-dicine, S. 251-293. – Edgar Jones: Neuro Psychiatry 1943: The Role of Documentary Film in the Dissemination of Medical Knowledge and Promotion of the U.K. Psychiatric Profession, S. 294-324. – Heiner Fangerau: The Cost of War—Then and Now: Com-mentary on “Neuro Psychiatry 1943”, S. 324-326.

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222 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau

Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences

Vol. 50 (2014), No. 1: Robert G. W. Kirk: In Dogs We Trust? Intersubjectivity, Re-sponse-Able Relations, and the Making of Mine Detector Dogs, S. 1-36. – Alan F. Col-lins: Advice for Improving Memory: Exercising, Strengthening, and Cultivating Natural Memory, 1860–1910, S. 37-57. – Adomas Pūras: Robert Owen in the History of the Social Sciences: Three Presentist Views, S. 58-78. – Oscar Andersson: William Foote Whyte, Street Corner Society and Social Organization, S. 79-103.

No. 2: Warwick Anderson: Hermannsburg, 1929: Turning Aboriginal “Primitives” into Modern Psychological Subjects, S. 127-147. – Maarten Derksen: Turning Men into Machines? Scientifi c Management, Industrial Psychology, and the “Human Factor”, S. 148-165. – Claudia Wassmann: “Picturesque Incisiveness”: Explaining the Celebrity of James’s Theory of Emotion, S. 166-188. – Saulo de Freitas Araujo: The Emergence and Development of Bekhterev’s Psychorefl exology in Relation to Wundt’s Experimen-tal Psychology, S. 189-210.

Journal of the History of the Neurosciences

Vol. 23 (2014), No. 2: Paul Eling und Michel A. Hofman: The Central Institute for Brain Research in Amsterdam and its Directors, S. 109-119. – Behnam Dalfardi, Has-san Yarmohammadi, Mahsa Sedighi und Arman Zargaran: Al-Akhawayni and the Early Descriptions of Meningitis, S. 120-126. – Fatih Artvinli: More than a Disease: The History of General Paralysis of the Insane in Turkey, S. 127-139. – Serge Nico-las, Alessandro Guida und Zachary Levine: Broca and Charcot’s Research on Jacques Inaudi:The Psychological and Anthropological Study of a Mental Calculator, S. 140-159. – Herwig Czech und Lawrence A. Zeidman: Walther Birkmayer, Co-describer of L-Dopa, and His Nazi Connections: Victim or Perpetrator?, S. 160-191.


2012: Cecilia Rosengren: “Vad betyder en armbå ge? Om innebö rden i Margaret Caven-dishs frontespiser”, S. 7-32. – Annelie Drakman: “Alla mina bemödanden hafva stran-dat emot okunnigheten, lågheten och egennyttan”. Hur allmogen beskrevs av provin-sialläkare i Sverige 1840–1900 och fyra funktioner av dessa beskrivningar”, S. 33-52. – Thord Heinonen Silverbark: “Den naturliga skapelsen. Tidig svensk darwinism och religiös liberalism”, S. 53-86. – Johannes Siapkas: “Introduction” (89-91) Dimitrios Iordanoglou och Mats Persson: “Tidigare an, men anda samtida. Om det forfl utna i antik grekisk historieskrivning”, S. 93-134. – Michael Fotiadis: “Displays of classical sculpture and the demand for authenticity” (135-152) Frederika Tevebring: “Unveiling the Goddess. Artemis of Ephesus as a symbol of nature at the turn of the nineteenth cen-tury”, S. 153-166. – Suzanne Marchand: “Philhellenism and Orientalism in Germany “, S. 167-182 . – Johannes Siapkas: “Classical Others. Anthropologies of antiquity”, S. 183-203. – Christer Nordlund: “Motiv för vetenskapshistoria. Civilisationsdiagnos, vetenskapsanalys och kunskapsöversättning “, S. 207-231.

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223Internationale Zeitschriftenschau

Medical History

Vol. 58 (2014), No.1: André Felipe Cândido da Silva und Jaime Larry Benchimol: Malaria and Quinine Resistance: A Medical and Scientifi c Issue between Brazil and Germany (1907–19), S.1-26. – Monica Garcia: Typhoid Fever in Nineteenth-Century Colombia: Between Medical Geography and Bacteriology, S. 27-45. – Donnacha Seán Lucey: ‘These Schemes Will Win for Themselves the Confi dence of the People’: Irish Independence, Poor Law Reform and Hospital Provision, S. 46-66. – Ciara Breathn-ach: Medical Offi cers, Bodies, Gender and Weight Fluctuation in Irish Convict Prisons, 1877–95, S.67-86. – Jorge Varanda und Todd Cleveland: (Un)healthy Relationships: African Labourers, Profi ts and Health Services in Angola’s Colonial-Era Diamond Mi-nes, 1917–75, S.87-105. – Roger Kneebone und Abigail Woods: Recapturing the Hi-story of Surgical Practice Through Simulation-based Re-enactment, S.106-121.

No. 2: Sanjoy Bhattacharya: A Deserving Winner, S.145-145. – Julie Parle und Van-essa Noble: New Directions and Challenges in Histories of Health, Healing and Medi-cine in South Africa, S.147-165. – Lindy Wilbraham: Reconstructing Harry: A Ge-nealogical Study of a Colonial Family ‘Inside’ and ‘Outside’ the Grahamstown Asylum, 1888–1918, S.166-187. – Vanessa Noble und Julie Parle: ‘The Hospital was just like a Home’: Self, Service and the ‘McCord Hospital Family’, S.188-209. – Susanne M. Klausen: ‘The Trial the World is Watching’: The 1972 Prosecution of Derk Crichton and James Watts, Abortion, and the Regulation of the Medical Profession in Apartheid South Africa, S. 210-229. – Carla Tsampiras: Two Tales about Illness, Ideologies, and Intimate Identities: Sexuality Politics and AIDS in South Africa, 1980–95, .S. 230-256. – Mandisa Mbali: ‘A Matter of Conscience’: The Moral Authority of the World Medi-cal Association and the Readmission of the South Africans, 1976–1994, S. 257-277. – Philippe Denis: New Patterns of Disclosure: How HIV-Positive Support Group Mem-bers from KwaZulu-Natal Speak of their Status in Oral Narratives, S. 278-297.


Vol. 22 (2014), No. 1/ 2: Bernhard Kleeberg, Sylwia Werner: Gestalt – Ritus – Kol-lektiv, S. 1-7. – Claus Zittel: Ludwik Flecks Gestaltbegriff und sein Blick auf die Ge-staltpsychologie seiner Zeit, S. 9-29. – Sylwia Werner: Wissenschaft und Magie. Eth-nologische und wahrnehmungspsychologische Motive in Ludwik Flecks Epistemologie, S. 31-48. – Michael Neumann: „Gedankenwanderung“. Ludwik Flecks Morphologie des Wissens, S. 49-68. – Rainer Egloff: Gedankenverkehr, Kreuzung und Verdich-tung. Fleck, Simmel und die Völkerpsychologie, S. 69-85. – Julian Bauer: „Gerichtetes Wahrnehmen“, „Stimmung“, „soziale Verstärkung“ Zur historischen Semantik einiger Grundbegriffe der Lehre vom Denkstil und Denkkollektiv, S. 87-109. – Eva Johach: Was denkt im Individuum? Kollektivfi guren bei Ludwik Fleck, Tadeusz Bilikiewicz und Ludwig Gumplowicz, S. 111-132.* mit Summary


Vol. 28 (2013), No. 2: Vera Keller: Re-entangling the Thermometer: Cornelis Drebbel’s Description of his Self-regulating Oven, the Regiment of Fire, and the Early History of

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224 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau

Temperature, S.243-275. – Emmanuel Pécontal: Les mires méridiennes lointaines de l´Observatoire de Lyon, S. 276-312. – Claudio Pogliano: Eye, Mind, Hand: Filippo Pa-cini’s Microscopy, S. 313-344. – Stefano Gattei: The Wandering Scot Thomas Seget’s album amicorum, S. 345-463. – Sven Dupré: The Transnational Galileo: A Telescopic View from Somewhere, S. 465-476.

Science in Context

Vol. 27 (2014), No. 2: Kristin Asdal und Christoph Gradmann: Introduction: Sci-ence, Technology, Medicine – and the State: The Science-State Nexus in Scandinavia, 1850–1980, S. 177-186. – Susanne Bauer: From Administrative Infrastructure to Bio-medical Resource: Danish Population Registries, the “Scandinavian Laboratory,” and the “Epidemiologist’s Dream”, S. 187-213. – Anne Kveim Lie: Producing Standards, Producing the Nordic Region: Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing, from 1950–1970, S. 215-248. – Sven Widmalm: United in Separation: The Inventions of Gel Filtration and the Moral Economy of Research in Swedish Biochemistry, ca. 1950–1970, S. 249-274. – Sverker Sörlin: Circumpolar Science: Scandinavian Approaches to the Arctic and the North Atlantic, ca. 1920 to 1960, S. 275-305. – Kristin Asdal: Versions of Milk and Versions of Care: The Emergence of Mother’s Milk as an Interested Object and Me-dicine as a Form of Dispassionate Care, S. 307-331. – Tone Druglitrø und Robert G. W. Kirk: Building Transnational Bodies: Norway and the International Development of La-boratory Animal Science, ca. 1956–1980, S. 333-57. – Peter C. Kjærgaard: Inventing Homo gardarensis: Prestige, Pressure, and Human Evolution in Interwar Scandinavia, S. 359-383.

Social history of medicine

Vol. 27 (2014), No. 1: Fiona Clark: Appealing to the Republic of Letters: An Autopsy of Anti-venereal Trials in Eighteenth-century Mexico, S. 2-21. – Kathryn Yeniyurt: When it Hurts to Look: Interpreting the Interior of the Victorian Woman, S. 22-40. – Matthew M. Heaton: Contingencies of Colonial Psychiatry: Migration, Mental Illness, and the Repatriation of Nigerian ‘Lunatics’, S. 41-63. – Alistair Ritch: English Poor Law Institutional Care for Older People: Identifying the ‘Aged and Infi rm’ and the ‘Sick’ in Birmingham Workhouse, 1852–1912, S. 64-85. – Jock McCulloch und Geoffrey Tweedale: Anthony J. Lanza, Silicosis and the Gauley Bridge ‘Nine’, S. 86-103. – Lu-cas Richert: ‘Therapy Means Political Change, Not Peanut Butter’: American Radical Psychiatry, 1968–1975, S. 104-121. – Bradley Matthys Moore: Roy Porter Student Prize Essay For the People’s Health: Ideology, Medical Authority and Hygienic Science in Communist Czechoslovakia, S. 122-143.

No. 2: Anne Hanley: ‘Scientifi c Truth into Homely Language’: The Training and Prac-tice of Midwives in Ophthalmia Neonatorum, 1895–1914, S. 199-220. – Tania McIn-tosh: ‘I’m not the tradesman’: A Case Study of District Midwifery in Nottingham and Derby 1954–1974, S. 221-240. – Caroline Weaver: Eyesight and Governance in Brit-ain: Bureaucracy and the Senses in the 1920s, S. 241-259. – Adam M. Silvia: Modern Mothers for Third World Nations: Population Control, Western Medical Imperialism, and Cold War Politics in Haiti, S. 260-280. – Graham J. Baker: Christianity and Eugen-ics: The Place of Religion in the British Eugenics Education Society and the American

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225Internationale Zeitschriftenschau

Eugenics Society, c.1907–1940, S. 281-302. – Chiara Beccalossi: Madness and Sexual Psychopathies as the Magnifying Glass of the Normal: Italian Psychiatry and Sexuality c.1880–1910, S. 303-325. – Angela Marques Filipe: The Rise of Child Psychiatry in Portugal: An Intimate Social and Political History, 1915–1959, S. 326-348. – Ana Antić: Heroes and Hysterics: ‘Partisan Hysteria’ and Communist State-building in Yugoslavia after 1945, S. 349-371.

Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences

Vol. 46 (2014): Lisa A. Onaga: Ray Wu as Fifth Business: Deconstructing collective memory in the history of DNA sequencing, S. 1-14. – Benjamin David Mitchell: Cap-turing the will: Imposture, delusion, and exposure in Alfred Russel Wallace’s defence of spirit photography, S. 15-24. – Dominic Berry: The plant breeding industry after pure line theory: Lessons from the National Institute of Agricultural Botany, S. 25-37. – Beckett Sterner und Scott Lidgard: The normative structure of mathematization in systematic biology, S. 44-54. – Bert Theunissen: Practical animal breeding as the key to an integrated view of genetics, eugenics and evolutionary theory: Arend L. Hagedoorn (1885–1953), S. 55-64. – Berend Verhoeff: Stabilizing autism: A Fleckian account of the rise of a neurodevelopmental spectrum disorder, S. 65-78.


Vol. 7 (2014), No. 1: Nienke Smit : ‘Een fi losofi sch geschriftje’: Christiaan Huygens’ gedachten over God in zijn Cosmotheoros en andere geschriften, S. 1-18. – Liang de Beer: Voor iedere vriend van de wetenschap. Het publiek van het naturaliënkabinet van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen in de jaren 1772–1830, S. 19-35. – Jo-ris Vandendriessche: Wetenschapsbeoefening en belangenbehartiging: naar een nieuwe geschiedschrijving van negentiende-eeuwse medische genootschappen in de Lage Lan-den, S. 36-49.

Sudhoffs Archiv

Vol. 97 (2013), H. 2: Cornelia Lüdecke: Bernhard Fritscher (1954–2013) – ein Nach-ruf, S. 129-135. – Andreas Kleinert: Christoph J. Scriba (1929–2013), S. 136-142. – Charles Burnett: The Geometry of the Liber Ysagogarum Alchorismi, S. 143-173. – Karine Chemla: Shedding Some Light on a Possible Origin of a Concept of Fractions in China. Division as a link between the newly discovered manuscripts and The Gnomon of the Zhou [Dynasty], S. 174-198. – Joseph W. Dauben: 九章筭术 Jiu zhang suan shu (Nine Chapters on the Art of Mathematics) – An Appraisal of the Text, its Editions, and Translations, S. 199-235. – Ingrid Kästner: Karl Sudhoff und die Internationale Aus-stellung für Buchgewerbe und Graphik 1914 in Leipzig, S. 236-248.

Bearbeitung: Silvia Fischer Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin Universität Ulm Frauensteige 6 89075 Ulm E-Mail:

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