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Band 70, 1. Supplement

Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz 70, 1. Suppl. 1-32 (1997)

ISSN 1430- 1253 Redaktionsschluß: 8. Juli 1997 Erschienen am: 18. Juli 1997

Bibliographia Mesostigmatologica

Nummer 8

Bibliographia Mesostigmatologica Zusammengestellt von Axel Chri stian und Kerstin Franke

In den AB HANDLUNGEN UND BERICHTEN DES NATURKUNDEMUSEUMS GÖRLITZ werden jährlich die neusten Arbeiten über mesostigmate Mi lben publi ziert, soweit uns diese bekannt wurden. Bitte hel fen Sie bei der weiteren Vervollständigung der Literaturdatenbank durch unaufgeforderte Zusendung von Sonderdrucken bzw. Kopien. Wenn bei des ni cht möglich ist, bitten wir um Mitteilung der vo ll ständigen Literaturzitate zur Aufnahme in die Datei.

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Die Literaturdatenbank umfaßt gegenwärti g ca. 9600 Literaturstellen mit taxonomi schen und ökologischen Stichwörtern . Auf Wunsch führen wir Recherchen nach vorgegebenen Stichwörtern durch und übersenden A uszüge aus der Literaturli ste.

In ABHANDLUNGEN UND BERICHTE DES NATURKUNDEMUSEUMS GÖRLITZ latest works on mesos tigmatic mites are published every year in so far as they have come to our knowledge. Please help to keep the literature data bank as complete as poss ible. Please send us reprints or copies 01' all your papers on mesostigmatic mites, or, if this is not possible, complete references so that we can include them in the list.

Please send an information to uso if we have not listed all your publications in the Bibliographia Mesos tigmatologica.

A fee of 5,- Deutsche Mark per number is requested to cover the prin ting and mailing costs. Preferably send bank notes in convertible currencies 1 eurocheques in a letter or the payment is to be send to: Niederschles ische Sparkasse, BLZ 850 50 I 00, account number 6165. Please write at purpose " Bibliographia Mesostigmatologica" .

The literatur data bank with taxonomical and ecologica l keywords contai ns already 9600 papers on mesostigmatic mites. Every sc ientist who send keywords for in vestigations can receive a l iteratur li st.

Anschrift: Dr. Axel Christian Kerstin Franke Staat l iches Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz PF 300 154 D - 02806 Görlitz Deutschland

Tel. 03581/407000 Fax 03581/40 1742



Publ i kationen






1992 .... . 3

1993 .... . 8

1994 . 11

1995 .... 13

1996 ......... 18

erschienen oder im Druck 1997 24

Personali a .. ..... 25

Publikationen - Ergänzung 1992


Publ ications

additions 1992

additions 1993

- additions 1994.

additions 1995 .

pub li shed 1996

published or in press 1997

.. 3

.. 8



. 18


Personalia .. ........ ..... ...... .... ...... ........ ...... 25

Abou-Awad. B.A./ Reda , A.S ./ Elsawi. S.A. (1992): Effects 01" ani fic ial and natural diets on the development and reproducti on 01" two phYlOseiid mites Amblyse ius goss ipi and Amblyseius swirski i (Acari , PhylOseiidae). - Insect Sci. App l. 13,3 : 44 1-445

Aponte, 0 ./ McMurtry, J. ( 1992) : Mating behav iour and reproducti ve mechanisms 01" Amblyse ius colimensis Aponte and McMurtry (Acari , Phytoseiidae). - Bol. Entomol. Venez. 7, I: 1- 12

Ashihara, W./ Inoue, K./ Osakabe, M./ Hamamura, T. ( 1992): Effecti veness of P. persimili s A.-H. (Acarina. Phytoseiidae) as a control agent for the Kanzawa spider mites, Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida and occurrence of nati ve natura l enemies of the spider mite on grapevine in glasshouse [Orig.Jpn.] . - Bull . Fruit Tree Res. Stn. 0,22: 109-1 30

Baier, B. ( 1992): A comparative study ofthe biology and ecology 0 1" Amblyseius barkeri and Neoseiulus cucumeri s. - Bu llet in OEPP / EPPO Bulletin 22,3 : 429-436

Baillod, M./ Erard, F./ Antonin, P./ Stäubli , A. (1992): Distribution, methods of contro l, estimation of ri sk for Panonychus ulmi (Koch) and Tetranychus urticae Koch in pear orchards and incidence 01" two predators Anthocori s nemorali s F. and Typh lodromus pyri Scheuten. [Orig.Franz.] . - Rev. sui sse Vitic . Arboric. Horti c. 24.3: 179- 187

Barret, D./ Kreiter, S. ( 1992): Roles des relations morphometriques dans la cooperation ent re cenaines plantes et des acariens predateurs Phytoseiidae (Acari ). - Bu ll. Soc. Ecophys iol. 17,2: 129- 143

Bayer, B./ Karg. W. ( 1992): Untersuchungen zur Biologie, Ökologie und Effektivtät oligophager Raubmi lben unter besonderer Berücksichrung von Amblyseius barkeri (Hughes) (Acarina , Phytoseiidae). - Mitt. Biol. BA f. LF : 1-88

Bellows, T.S./ Morse, J.G./ GasIOn, L.K. (1992): Res idual toxic ity 01" pesticides used for contro l of lepidopteran insects in citrus to the predaceous mite Euseius stipulatus Athias-Henriot (Acarina, PhylOseiidae). - J. Appl. Ent. I 13.5: 493-50 I


Blaise, T.I Lo uvet, J.M. ( 1992) : A bio logica l contro l tri a l aga inst a ph y to phago us Illite . The use of Typh iodro lllus py ri agai nst Te tran ychus macdan ie li in Champagne . [Ori g .Franz. ]. - Ph yto llla 0,436: 42-44

Boil er, E. ( 1992): Po llen profiles in vineyards 01' easte rn Swi tze rl and anel the ir illl portance for Typhiodro lllus pyri. - Bull. O ILB/SROP 15,2: 30

Brechbuhle r, C.I Meyer, E. ( 1992): Possibilites de lutte contre les acari ens de la vigne en A lsace a I'a ide de Typhlodromus pyri. lOrig. Franz. ]. - Bull. OILB/S ROP 15,2: 28

Brown , J.M ./ Wil son, D.S. ( 1992): Loca l spec iali zation 0 1' phore ti c mites o n sympatri c carrion beetl e hosts . - Eco logy 73 : 463-478

Calatay ud , F./ Verdu , M.J. ( 1992): Evo lucio n anu al de para metros pob lac iona les de co lon ias de Apis Ille lli fe ra L. ( HYlll enopte ra, Apidae) , paras itadas por Va rroa j acobsoni O ud. (Mesosti gmata, Va rro idae) . - Bo l. Sanidad Veg. Plagas 18: 777-788

Calvitti , M./ T solak is, H. ( 1992): Acari predato ri fitoseidi presenti su alc une co lture erbacee de i Lazio. -Redia 75 ,2: 529-535

C hermiti , B. ( 1992): Biolog ical control: 2 . Biological contro l 01' an artifi c ia l infes tatio n 01' Te tranychus urti cae Koch using Phy toseiulus persimili s Athi as- He nriot in a protected auberg ine c rops. [Orig .Franz.]. - Med. Fac. Landbou ww. Rijk suni v. Ge nt 57,3A: 959-964

Denill a rk, H. A. ( 1992): Two new spec ies 0 1' Typhlodro mus (Aca ri , Ph ytoseiidae) from North A fri ca . -Isr. J. Ent. 25-26: 13- 18

Dong, H.F.I G uo, Y.J./ Z hao, J.I-I. ( 1992): Influence 01' s ix common ly used pesti c ides at subl e th ai concentrat io ns on the ov ipos iti on, egg hatchin g and sell ieme nt 01' Ph ytoseiu lus persimili s (Acari , Phytose ii dae). [O ri g.C hin.] . - C hin. J . Bio l. ContI'. 8,3: 106- 109

Duso, C.I Paquale llo, C.I Camporese, P. ( 1992) : Experiment s o n the re lease o f A mbl yse ius abe rrans and Typhlod ro mus py ri (Acari , Ph ytosei idae) to con tro l te tranychid mites in vineya rds. - Bull. O ILBISROP 15,2: 29

EI Laithy, A. Y.M. ( 1992): Considerati o ns o n the res is tance 0 1' Ph ytose iulus persimili s A thi as-He nri ot by meuns 01' ge ne ti c mode l approaches . In: OIlO, D./ Weber, B. (Eds .), Insec li c ides : mechani sm 0 1' acti o n and res istance. - Inte rcept Limited. Ando ve r (U K) : 463-473

EI Laithy, A . Y.M . ( 1992): Some aspects on the use 0 1' th e predac io us mite Ph y tose iulus persimili s Alhias-Henri ot for bi o logica l contro l 01' the two spo tted mite Te tran yc hus urti cae Koch in greenho uses in Egy p\'. - Z . Pflanzen kr. Pflanzenschutz 99, I: 93- 100

EI Laithy, A.Y.M./ Fo ul y, A.H. ( 1992): Life table parameters 0 1' th e two phytose iid predators Alllblyse ius scuta li s (A thias- Henri ot) and A mbl yseius swirski i A .-H. (Acari , Ph yroseiidae) in Egy pt. - J. Appl. En\'. I 13, I: 8- 12

Ferragut, F ./ Laborda , R./ Costa-Come ll es , J./ Ga rc ia-Mari , F. ( 1992): Feed ing behav ior 01' Euseius stipulatus and Typhlodromus phia latus o n the c itrus red mite Panonyc hus c it ri (Acari, Phytoseiidae, Te tranychidae) . - Entomophaga 37,4: 537-544

Fitzgerald , J.D./ Solo mo n, M.G, ( 1992): Fie ld se lecti on 01' the predarory mite T yphl odromus py ri for res istance to pyrethroids. - Bri ghto n Crop Protec tion Conference. Pest and Diseases 1992: 11 99-1204

Forti , D./ A ngeli , G./ loriatti , C.I Maines, R. ( 1992): Eva luation 01' the no nt arge t effec ts 01' some insecti c ides o n the predatory mite Amblyseius andersoni C hant (Acarina, Ph ytose iidae) . [O ri g .lta l.] . - In!'. fitopatol. 42,S : 57-59

Gallo , A . ( 1992): S i raccog li e ne i campi I'erba che ucc ide la Varroa. - Api ta li a 19,3-4: 17- 18 G iro lami , V./ Greguo ldo, M./ Sa lta rin, A . ( 1992): Bio logiea l contro l of app le mites w ith pop ulati ons 01'

A lllblyseius andersoni (Chant) to le rant to mancozeb. [Orig .ltal.] . - In!'. Agr. 48 ,36: 55-58 Go ndim , M.G.C. ( 1992): Efe ito da vegetacao nat iva no conLrole biolog ico de Monon yc he llus tanajoa

(Bondar) (Aca ri , Te tranychidae) n<1 zo na da mata em Perna mbuco e biologia de Neose iulus ano nymus (Chant & Baker) (Acari, Ph ytose iidae). - Tese de mestrado , Uni v. Federal Rural de Pe rnambu co, Rec ife : 1- 143

Goodwin , S./ We llham, T.M. ( 1992): Compari son 0 1' dilllClhoate and methidathion to le rance in fo ur stra ins 0 1' Phytose iulus persimi li s (A thi as- l-I enrio t)(Acarina, Ph ytose iidae) in Austra li a . - Ex p. App l. Acarol. 16,3 : 255-26 1


Grout, T.G ./ Richard s, G.1. ( 1992): The dietary effect of w indbreak po llens on longevity and fecundity of a predacious mite Euseius addoensis addoensis (Acari. Phytoseiielae) found in ci trus orcharels in South Afri ca. - Bull. Entomol. Res. 82: 3 17-320

He, Y.F./ Li , D.Y./ Li , H.D./ Liang. L.R. ( 1992): Studies on the survi va l and reproductive rate of Amblyseius aizawai (Acari , Phytoseiidae) reared with pol len of di fferen t plants. [Orig.C1lin.] . -Chin. J. Biol. Contr. 8,4: 180- 18 1

Ho, CC./ Chen, W. H. ( 1992): Contro l 01' phytosei ids in a spider mite mass-rearing system (Acari, Phytoseiidae, Te tranychidae). - Exp. Appl. Acarol. 13,4: 287-293

Horng, S.B . ( 1992): Demographic model for phytoseiid predator mass rearing. - Mem. Col l. Agric. Nat. Ta iwan Uni v. 32,4: 276-292

lori alli , C./ Pasqua li ni, E./ Toniolli. A. ( 1992): Effects of the fungicides mancozeb anel dithianon on morta lity and reproducti on 01' the preelatory mi te Am blyse ius andersoni. - Exp. Appl. Acarol. 15,2: 109- 11 6

Jedlickova, J. ( 1992) : Increasi ng the effect iveness of rearing and release 01' the predatory Illite Phytosei ulus pers imi l is. - Bulleti n OEPP I EPPO Bu lletin 22,3 : 479-482

Jiang, H.H ./ Guo, H.M ./ Chen, CM. ( 1992): In vesti gation 01' the phy toseii el predatory mite resources in the tea plantations of Hunan Province [Orig.Chin.l . - China Tea 14.3: 36-38

Karg, W. ( 1992): The importance 01' so-calleel indifferent mite spec ies fo r the eq uili brium between spider mites anel their antagonists. - Acta Phytopathol. Entoillol. Hungari ca 27, 1-4: 333-342

Kazak, CI Cölkesen, T./ Zaman, K./ Sekeroglu, E. ( 1992): The errect 01' Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias­Henriot (Acarina, Phytosei idae) on Tetranych us cinnabarinus BoiseI. on greenhouse grown strawberry (Fragari a vesca). rOrig.Turk.l. - Proc. 2nel Turki sh Natn . Congr. Entomol. · 145-155

Kazak. CI Sekerog lu, E. ( 1992): NUlllerc ial response an el food consumpti on 01' Kaledran and Hatay strains of Phytoseiulus persimili s A thi as-Henri ot (Acarina. Phytoseiielae) uneler laboratory conditions. [Ori g.Turk. l. - Proc. 2nd Turki sh Natn. Congr. Entomol. , Cukurova Uni v.' 135- 143

Kilincer, N./ Cobanoglu . S./ Has. A. ( 1992): Stud ies on the potent ial 01' the predatory mite Phytoseiu lus pers imi li s Athias- Henri ot (Acarina. Phy tose iidae) on various varieties of syabean under laboratory coneliti ons. [Orig.Turk . .I. - Proc. 2nd Turkish Natn . Congr Entomol. . 109- 122

Kreiter, S. ( 1992): Bio logica l contro l 0 1' mites using predatory mi tes: biologica l characteri sti cs aneluse 01' Phytoseiidae. lOrig.Franz . .I. - Paysan Fr. 0.875: 31-47

Kreiter, S./ Cotton, D. I Le Scolan, N./ Valentin. G./ Weber. M. ( 1992) : Les typh loelromes, acariens preelateu rs (4e parti e). Les pre illieres popu lations res istantes en vignoble f"ranca is. - Phytoma - Le Defense des Vegetaux 438: 42-44

Kreiter, S./ Le Menn, V./ COllon, D./ Brian, F. ( 1992): Illleractions between Tetranychicl and phytoseiid mite populations and chemica l control 01' weeds in french vineyards. [Orig. Franz.]. - V iticultura I Enologia 21: 18-25

Kreiter, S./ Sentenac, G./ Va len tin , G./ MoncOlllble, D. ( 1992): In teractions between teLranychid and phytoseiid mite popu lat ions and chemical contro l 01' weeds in french vineyards (2). [Orig. Franz.] . -Nutri -Fitos : 3 1-37

Kumari , M./ Sadana, G.L. ( 1992): Mating beav iour 01' predatory mite, Amblyseius alstoniae Gupta (Acari, Phytose ii dae). - J. Insect Sc i. 5,2: 165- 166

Lan, W./ Yang, Z.I Wu. W. ( 1992): Notes on Phytoseiidae in Citrus orchards in Jiangxi Province. [Orig.Chin .]. - Ac ta Agric. Uni v. Jiangx iensis 14,3: 269-272

Liang, L.R./ Zeng, T. ( 1992): A new species and a new record of the genus fnclose iulus (Acari , Phytose i idae). [Orig.Chin.]. - Acta Zootaxon. Sin . 17, I: 45-47

Louis, F.l Hetteriing, U. (1992) : Raubmi lben fressen nicht nur Spinnmilben. - Der Deutsche Wei nbau I: 23-27

Lozz ia, G.C./ Rigamonto, 1.1 Rota, P. ( 1992) : Influence of fungicides and of spontaneous plants on the presence of phytoseiid mites in some vineyards of northern l ta ly. - Bu ll. OLLB/SROP 15,2: 27

Lu , C,J.I Y in, S.G. ( 1992): A new species 01' the genus Ph ytosei us from L iaoing Province (Acari , Phytoseiidae). [Orig.Chin. ]. - Ac ta Entomol. Sin. 35,3: 372-374

Ma. E./ Dong, H. ( 1992): Phytose iid mites. In: Chen, X./ Ma, E. (Eds.), Researches of acarology in China. - Chongq ing Publi shing House, Chongqing : 40-46


M aiezielIx, S./ Lapchin, L.I Pralavorio, M ./ MOlilin, J.C./ FOllrnier, D. ( 1992): Toxicity of pesticide residlles to a benefi cial arlh ropod, Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari , Phytosei idae). - J. Econ. Elllomol. 85,6: 2077-208 1

M asan, P./ Kri stofik, J. ( 1992): Phoresy of so me arachnids (Acari na and Pselldoscorpionidea) on synanlhropic fli es (Diptera) in the South Siovakia. - Biologia, Bratislava 47,2 : 87-96

Mochizuki , M. ( 1992): Insecticide resistance of predatory phytoseiid mite Amblyse ius longispinosus (Evans) in the tea field. - Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 189, 1: 675-679

Molnar, J .G. ( 1992) : On the feeding 01' predatory mites (Phytoseiidae). [Orig. Ungar.]. - Növenyvedelem 28,5-6: 208-2 1 I

Morando, P./ Morando, A./ Bev ione, D. ( 1992): Nontarget effects on phytoseiids (Typh lodromus pyri ) 0 1' fungicides used in vineyards. [Orig.Ital.]. - Inf. Agr. 48, 18: 107- 109

Moreira, P.H.R./ Gravena, S. ( 1992): Aspectos biologicos de Euseius cilri fo lius Denmark & M uma (Acarina, Phytosei idae). - Res. Congr. Brasi I. Entomol., 3, Aguas de L indoia, 3 12 p. : 22 1

Morewood, W.D. (1992): Cold storage 01' Phytoseiullis persimilis (Phytoseiidae). - Exp. Appl. Acarol. 13: 23 1-236

Morewood, W.D. ( 1992): Co ld harcl iness of Phytoseiu lus persimili s Ath ias- I-Ienriot and A mblyseius cucumeri s (Ouciemans)(Acarina, Phytoseiidae). - Can. Entomol. 124,6: 10 15- 1025

Morewood, W.D. ( 1992): Cold hardiness and co ld storage of Phytosei ulus persimi lis and A mblyse ius cucumeri s (Acarina, PhyLOse iidae). - M.S. thes is, Univ. of Victoria : x-xxx

Nakao, 1-1 . ( 1992): Studies on bi ologica l control 01' spider rnit es on greenhouse vegetables by the res istan t strain of Phytoseiulus persimilis A thias-Henriot. rOrig.J pn.]. - Rep. Hokkaido Prefectural Agri c. Exp. Stn. 0,78: 1-75

Nawar, M.S. ( 1992) : Life tab les of Proc tolaelaps deloni Nawar, Childers and A boll-Sena (Garnasida, Asc idae) aI different temperatures. - Exp. App l. Acaro l. 13: 28 1-285

Nernoto, H. ( 1992): Pest management for strawberri es grown in the greenhouse: 1[1. Biological control of Tetranychus urticae Koch with Phytoseiulus persimilis A thias-Henrio t. rOrig.Jpn. ·I. - Proc. Kanto Tosan Plal1l Pro!. Soc. 0,39: 22 1-222

Nihou l, P. ( 1992): Effect of temperature and relati ve humidity on success ful control of Tetranychus urticae Koch by Phytosei ulus pers imilis A thias-Henriot (Acari, Tetranyehidae, Phytoseiidae) in torna to erops under glasshouse eonditions. - Med. Fae. Landbouww. Rijksuni v. Gent 57,3A: 949-957

Okabe. K./ Arnano, H. ( 1992): M ite speeies co lleeted from field 1l1Llshroorn s ( I): Mesostigmata. Prostigmata, Astigrnata. - J. Acarol. Soc. Jpn . 1,2 : 127- 135

Pena, J .E. ( 1992) : Predator-prey interactions between Typhiodrolllalus peregrinlls and Po lyphagotarsonell1Lls latus: effec ts 01' alternati ve prey and other food resources. [Orig.Span.] . - Fla. Entornol. 75,2: 24 1-248

Petrushov, A.z. (1992): Pyrethroid res istance in the predacious mite Arnb lyseius barkeri . - Bulletin OEPP I EPPO Bulletin 22,3 : 47 1-473

Pickford, R.J.J./ Mathieson, l.c. ( 1992): Effects of starch-dex u'i n so lution on two-sponed spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) and the predator Phytoseiulus persimili s. - A1lI1 . App l. Biol. Tests Agrochem. Cul ti v. 120,suppI.1 3: 4-5

Prokopy, R.J./ Christi e, M. ( 1992): Studies on re leases of rnass-rearecl organophosphate res istant Arnblyse ius fal[acis (Garrn.) predatory mites in M assachusells cornrnercial apple orchards. - J. App l. En!. 11 4,2: 13 1-1 37

Pultar, 0./ Pli va, J./ Muska, J. ( 1992) : Typhlodrornus pyri Scheu!. as a biological conU'o l agent 01' spider mites in Czechoslovakia large sca le fruit production. - Acta Phytopathol. Entornol. Hungarica 27, 1-4: 5 13-5 15

Ramakers, P.M.J. ( 1992): Coex istence 01' two thrips preclators, the anthocorid Orius insidiosus and the phyLOseiid A mblyse ius cucullleri s on sweet pep per. - Bull . OILB/SROP 16,2: 133- 136

Rodriguez Reimt, J.M./ Garc ia-Mari , F./ Ferragut, F. ( 1992): Preclatory acti vity of phytoseiid mites on different developlllental stages 01' the Western fl ower thrips Frank liniel[a occidentalis. [Orig.Span.] . - Bol. Sanidad Veg. Plagas 18, [ : 253-263


Rogg, H.W. ( 1992): Aspec ts of the bio logy and eco logy of Typh lodroma lus limoni cus, a predator imported from Colombia of the imported green cassava spider mi te Mononychellus tanajoa in Wes t Afri ca. - Dissertat ion, Un iv. G ießen : x-xxx

Ryu, M.-O./ Ehara, S. ( 1992): A new and two unreco rded phytosei id mites (Acarina, Phytoseiidae) from Korea. - Jpn. J. Ent. 60: 723-729

Sanguanpong, U. ( 1992): The effect of prod ucts containing o lis of neem and marrango seeds on the two­spotted spider mite Tetranychus urti cae Koch and side-effec ts on its natura l enemy Phytose iulus persimili s A thi as- He nri ot. - Di sserta ti on, Univ. G ießen: x-xxx

Schru ft, G.A./ Wohlfarth , P./ Wegner, G. ( 1992): Studi es on the side-effect of fungicides to the predac ious mite Typhlodromus pyri in viti c ll ltlire. - Z. Pflanze nkr. Ptl anze nschutz 99, I: 101 - I 08

Sentenac, G./ Beallne. J.T.V . ( 1992): Phytoseiidae in vineyards 01' the Bourgogne - Franche-Comte . -Bull. OILB/SROP 15,2: 26

Shi , W.C./ Xie, H./ Chen. S./ Chen, T. ( 1992): A pre liminary observation on bio log ica l hab it of Ambl yseill s ovalis. [Orig.Chin.]. - Nat. Enem. Insects 14,4: 169- I 72

Shutyakova, G./ Akimov. I. A./ Ko lodochka , L.A. ( 1992) : Biotechnologica l and sanitary- medical aspects of the infestati on 01' wides pread Phytoseiu lus persimili s strains by Rickettsiella phytoseiuli . [Orig.RlIss .] . - Ves tn. zoo logii 0, I: 33-39

Simoni, S. ( 1992): Dete rminati on of primary sex ratio in Amblyse ius ca li fo rni c lls (McGregor), Ambl yse ills cucume ri s (Oud .) and Typhiodrolllll s ex hil aratus Ragusa (Acari. Phytose iidae). [Orig. lta J.j . - Redi a 75 ,2: 467-474

Spicc iare lli, R./ Battaglia, D./ T ran fagli a. A. ( 1992): Biologica l contro l of Tet ranyc hll s lIrti cae with Phytoseill ills persimili s on st rawbe rry. IO ri g. lta l.]. - Inf. Agr. 48, I I: 59-62

Stei n berg , S./ Cohe n, M. ( 1992): Bio log ica l contro l 01' the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus lIrti cae) in apple o rchards by inllndati ve re leases 01' the predatory mite Phytoseillill s persimili s - a feasibility srudy . - Phytoparasiti ca 20,sll ppl.: 37-44

Sul a, J./ Zachard a, M. ( 1992) : Ana lys is 01' o rganophosphorlls res istance mechani sms in the predaciolls mite Typhlodromlls pyri from Mora vian vineya rds. In: Orto, D./ Weber, B. (Eds.), lnsectides: mechani sm of action and resistance. - Intercep t Limited. Andover. I-Iampshire : 475-482

Slizuki , S./ Kobayash i, 1-1. ( 1992): Seasonal occllrrence of Ambl yse ill s longispinosus Evans in tea plantations 0 1' Shi z ll oka Prefecture. [Orig .Jpll .]. - Proc. Kanto Tosan Plant Pro!. Soc. 0,39: 263-264

T hi stl ewood, H.M.A./ Pree, D.J./ Crawford, L.A. ( 1992): Comparison 01' slide dip and pe tri di sh assays fo r measuring resist3llCe to pennethrin in Alll bl yseius fallaci s (Acari , Phytose iidae). - J. Eco n. Entomo J. 85 : 205 1-2057

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Castagno li , M./ Ligllori, M. ( 1994): Utili zzazione de i polline per I'a llevamemo massa le di Ambl yseius ca liforni cus (McGregor) e Typhlod romus ex hil aratus Rag usa (Acari , Phytoseiidae). - M.A.F. -Convego "Lolla biologica", Ac ireale 199 1, ed. Ist. Sper. Pat. Veg., Roma : 139- 144

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Duso, C. ( 1994): Compari son between I'ielcl ancl labormory testi ng methocls to evaluate the pesti cicle sicle-effects on the preclatory mites A mblyse ius andersoni and Typhlodromus pyri. - Bull . IOBC/WPRS 17, 10: 7- 19

Duso, C./ Camporese, P./ Pelli zzari , G. ( 1994): EI'felli co llaterali di aleun i insetticicli aearieidi e fungicicl i su popolaz ioni di Amblysei us anderson i (Chant) (Aeari, Phytosei idae) dei melo. - Atti Convego M.A.F. Lotta bi ologiea, Ac ireale 199 1, ed. Ins!. Sper. Pat. Veg., Roma : 17 1- 178

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Publikationen - erschienen 1996

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Publikationen - erschienen oder im Druck 1997

Aponte, O.! McMurtry. J.A. ( 1997): Descripti on 01' Euseius obispensis n.sp. (Acari. Phytose iidae) from Avocado in Cali fornia (Apidae). - Internat. J. Acarol. 23.1: 2 1-25

Baker. A.S.! Schwarz, H.H. ( 1997): Morpho logica l el illerences between sympatric popu lations 01' the Poecilochirus carabi complex (Acari , Mesostigmata, Parasitidae) associated with burying beetles (Silphidae. Nicrophorus). - Syst. Paras i to l. : im Druck

Bruce, W.A. ( 1997): Use of infrareel eletect ion for host location by the bee-mite, Varroa jacobsoni (Acari, Varroidae) : a theoreti ca l model. - Internat. J. Acarol. 23, I : 7- 1 I

Bruce, W.A.! Del finaelo-Baker, M .! Vincent, D.L. ( 1997): Comparati ve morphology 01' the peritremes of Varroa anel Euvarroa (Varroidae), parasites 01' honey bees (Apidae). - Internat. J. Acaro l. 23 , I : 13-20

Fouly, A. H.! Childers, C.C.! Abou-Setta, M.M . ( 1997): Redescripti on of Cosllloiaelaps simplex Berlese (Acari , Laelapiclae) with notes on its male. - Internal. J. Acarol. 23, I : 33-37

Grout, TG.! Richards, G.I.! Stephen, P.R. ( 1997): Further non-target effects 01' citrus pesti cides on Euseius adeloensis and Euseius citri (Acari , Phytoseiidae). - Exp. Appl. Acarol. 2 1,3 : 17 1- 178

Halliday, R.B. ( 1997) : Revision 01' the genus Zygoseius Berlese (Acarina, Pachylaelapidae). -Acaro logia 38, I: 3-20

James, D.G. ( 1997) : Imidacloprid increases egg proeluction in A mblyse ius vic toriensis (Acari , Phytose iielae). - Exp. Appl. Acarol. 2 1,2: 75-82

Kabicek. J. ( 1997): Phytoseiid mites 01' an abandoneel apple orcharel anel in surrounding vegetati on. -Ochr. Rostl. 33, I : 49-55

Karg, W. ( 1997): Neue Raubmilbenarten eier A ntennophorina Berlese, 1892 (Acarina, Parasitifonnes), phoreti sch auf Passaliden. - Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl. 73, I : 5 1-61

Moneni , L.N.! Croft, B.A. ( 1997): Mating, cross- mating and related behaviours 01' Neoseiulus ca li fornicus and Neoseiulus fallacis (Acari , Phytoseiiclae) . - Exp. Appl. Acaro l. 2 1,2: 67-74

Papadou lis, G.Th.! Emmanouel, N.G. ( 1997) : New records of phytose iid mites from Greece, with a descript ion 01' Typhloelromus krim basi sp. nov. (Acarina, Phytoseiidae). - Acaro logia 38, I : 21-28


Papaioannou-Souli ot is, P./ T sagkarakou, A./ Nomi kou, M. ( 1997): Fie ld observations on some eeo­ethologieal aspeets of phytose iid mites in greek e itrus groves. - Acaro logia 38, I: 29-37

Radovsky , F. J ./ Krant z, G.W./ Whitaker, J .0. ( 1997): A remarkab le example of predation in the paras itie mi te fami ly Macronyss idae. - lnLern at. J. Aearo!. 23, 1: 3-6

Schausbe rger, P. ( 1997): Inter- and inrraspee iri c preelation on immat ures by ael ult fema les in Euse ius finlandie us, Typhlodromus py ri and Kampimod rom us aberrans (Aea ri , Phytoseiielae). - Exp. App!. Aearo!. 2 1,3 : 13 1-1 50

Schuster, R. ( 1997): Type materi a l of soil mite spee ies elesc ribed in the period 1957- 1965. - Euraae News Letter: 4-9

Seeman, O.D./ Walter, D.E. ( 1997) : A new spee ies of T riplogyniidae (Mesosti gmata, Ce lae nopsoidea) from Australi an rain fo res ts. - Inte rn at. 1. Acaro!. 23, I: 49-59

Shipp, J .L./ Houten, Y.M van ( 1997): Intluence of temperature and vapor pressure defic it on surviva l of th e predatory mite Ambl yse ius eucumeri s (Acari, Phytose iidae) . - EJ1\' iron. Enromo!. 26, I: 106- 1 13

Zaehard a, M./ Hluehy, X. ( 1997): Bio logieal eontrol 01' the two-spotted spiele r mite Tetranyc hus urti eae on strawberries by the preel ato ry phytoseiid mi te Typhlodromus pyri (Aea ri , Tetranychielae, Phytoseiidae) . - Exp. App!. Aearo!. 2 1,2: 83-94

Personalia Abou-Awad, Dr. B.A. Pl an t Prot. Dep. Nat !. Res. Cen!. Dok ki ,Cairo 123 1 I Ägy pten / Egypt

Amano, Dr. Hi roshi Fac. Hort. , Chi ba Uni v. 648 Malsuela Matsuela, Chiba 27 1 Japan

Aponte, Dr. O rl anelo R. Uni v. Calif. , Ri verside Dep. 0 1' Entomology Ri verside CA 9252 1 USA

Arutunjan , Dr. E.S. Institute of Zoology Armen ian Aeael. Se i. Gaste ll o Str. 14 Erevan 44 Armeni en / Armenia

Ashihara, Dr. Wataru Kuehino tsu Braneh Fruit Tree Res. Star. Kuehino tsu Nagasak i 859-25 Japan

Ath ias- Binehe, Dr. F. Ministere des Uni v. P. e t M. Curie Laborato ire ARAGO F-66650 Banyul s-sur-Mer Frankre ich / France

Bai , Dr. Xue-Li Ins!. Enele lll .Di s. Contr. Ningxia Hu i Auto nomous Region Yi nchuan , 750004 Ch ina

Baier, Dr. Barbara BA f. Land-u. Forstwirt . Stahnsdorfer Damm 8 1 D- 14532 Kleinmachnow Deutschl and / Germany

Baillod, Dr. Mare Star. Federale de Rech. Agro nom. de Changins Route de Duillier CH- 1260 Nyon Schwe iz / Swit ze rland

Baker, Dr. A nne S . Dep. Ento mo!. The Natural Hi s!. Mus. Cromwell Road Lonelo n, SW7 5BD England / UK


Be ll , Dr. P.J . De p. Zoo!. Uni v. Tasmania Tasman ia Aus tJ'al ie n / Auslra li a

B loszyk , Dr. Jerzy A. Dep. Anim . Taxo n. Eeo!. A. Miekiewicz Uni v. Szamarzewskiego 89/9 1 PL-60-569 Poznan Po len / Po land

Bream, Dr. A.S. Dep. Zoo!. , Fac. Se i. AI-Azhar Un iv. Cairo Ägypten / Egypl

Brodsgaard, Dr. H.F. Dep. P!. Parh. Pest Man. Danish Ins!. P!. So il Se i. Lottenborgvej 2 DK-2800 Lyngby Dänemark / Denmark

Bruee, Dr. Wi lliam A. US DA, ARS, Bee Res . Lab. , Bu ilel . 476, BARC­East, I 0300 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsv ille MD 20705-2350 USA

Brllce-Oliver, Dr. SJ . 10006 E Streel Oak land , CA 94603 USA

BlItz-Strazny, Dr. F. Uni v. Osnabrlick Slandort Vechta FB 13 Dri verstrasse 22 0-49377 Vechta De utschland / Germany

Calatay ud , Dr. F. Ins t. Va lenc. In vest. Agr. Va lenc ia 461 13 Moncada Spanien / Spa in

Camporese, Dr. P. Inst. Agr. Ent. Un iv. Padua Via Graden igo 6 35 100 Padoya Ita li en / Ita ly

Casanueva, Dr. M.E. Depart. de Zoolog ia Uni v. de Concepcion Cas illa 2407 Concepc ion Ch ile

Castagno li , Dr. Mari sa Is t. Sper. per Zoo!. Agr. Via Lancio la, 12A Casc ine de i Ricc io 1-50- 125 F irenze Ita li en / Italy

Chambers, Dr. C.M. Dep. Bioch . Mo !. B io !. Univ. South Flo ri da Tampa, FL 336 1 I USA

Chang, Dr. H. Y. Plant Prot. Di v. Counci l Agri c. Ta ipe i Taiwan

Charl es, Mr. John MI Albert Res . Centre 120 Mt Albert Road Pri vale Bag 92 169 Auck land Neusee land / N. Zea land

Chen, Dr. Yue-Wen Dep. Plan t Path. EIll. Nal!. Tai wan Univ. I Roosev. Road , Sec IV Ta ipei Taiwan

Chen, Dr. P.L. Taiw. Ap icult. Se ri cull .. Ex p. Stn. 26 1 Kuan-Nan Kllng-Kuan, M iaoli Taiwan

Cobanog lu , Dr. Sultan Bioloji Bolumni Fen Ede lo iyat Faku lles i T rakya Uni versily Ed irne 22030 Tli rkei / Turkey

Croft , Mr. Brian A. Dep. 01' Enlomol ogy Oregon SWle Uni v. 2046 Cord ley Hall Coryalli s OR 9733 1-2907 USA

Cross, Dr. J .V. Horti c. Res . Intern at. Easl Mailing West Ma il ing Kent ME 19 6BJ Großbrilannien / U.K.

Daneshvar, Dr. H. Plant Pests Dis. Res. Inst. P.O. Box 19395- 1454 Teheran Iran

De Guzman , Dr. Lil ia l. USDA/ARS Genetics Phys . Res. Lab. 1157 Ben Hur Road Baton Rouge LA 70820-5502 USA

De i Cacho, Dr. E. Dep. Anim. Patho!. Fac. Vete rinary Sc i. Za ragoza Univ. Zaragoza Spanien / Spain


Dong, Dr. Hui-fang Biolog. Contr. Institute Chin . Acad. Ag ri c. Sci. Beiji ng 10008 1 China

Donze, Dr. G. D. Ap i. Fed. D. Res. Inst. Schwa rze nburgstr. 155 3097 Liebe fe ld-Bern Schweiz / Switzerl and

Dunley, Mr. John E. Dep!. 0 1' Entomology Oregon Sta te Uni versity 2046 Cordl ey Hall Corva ll is OR 9733 1-2907 USA

Durde n, Dr. Lance A. Inst. Arthrop. & Paras it. Lanclrum Box 8056 Georgia South. Uni v. Statesboro GA 30460-8056 USA

Duso, Dr. Carlo Un iv. d i Pacloya Ist. Ent. agr. - Agripo li s Via Romea, 16 35020 Legnaro PD Ita li en / Ita ly

EI-Lailhy, Dr. A.Y.M. Dep. of Plant Protection Nationa l Res . Centre Dokki , Cairo 123 11 Ägypten / Egypl

Fan, Dr. Yu-Qing. The Land, EPCOT Center Wall Di sney World Co. PO Box 10,000 Lake Buena Vista FL 32830 USA

Faucon, Dr. J.P. CNEV A S. Anli poli s Lab. Palho!. Petits Rum inants Abei ll es 105 Route Chappes 064 10 Biot Frankre ich / France

Felieioli , Dr. A. Dip. C. D.S .L. Uni v. Pisa Sezione Emom. Agraria Pisa Itali en I Italy

Feres, Prof. R.J .F. Dep. Zoo l. Uni v. Estad llal Palliista Caixa Posta l 136 15054-000 Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo Bras ilien I Brazil

Ferrer-DlIfol, Dr. M. Dep. Patol. Anim. Paras. Enfennedades Paras it. Fae. Vel. , Uni v. Zarag. CI. Migllel Servet 177 500 13 Zaragoza Spanien I Spa in

Flores, Dr. A.E. Uni v. Allton. N. Leon Fae. Cieneias Bi ol. Apdo. Postal 39 1 N.L. 66450 San Nieolas de los Garza Mex ieo

Foul y, Dr. A. H. Dep. Agrie. Zoo l. , Fac. Agric., Mansoura Uni v. Mansoura Ägypten I Egypt

Fri es, Dr. Ingemar Dep. 01' Entomology Swed . Uni v. Agrie. Sei. P.O. Box 7044 S-750 07 Uppsa la Schweden I Sweden

Goodwin , Dr. Stephen Hortie. Res. Advisory Station, NSW Agricull. and Fish. , PO Box 58 1 Gosford NS Waies 2250 AlIslralien I Australia

Grout, Dr. T.G. Outspan Citrus Cent. P.O. Box 28 Nelspruit, 1200 Südafrika/ SOA

Gu, Dr. Yi-Ming Mecliea l Schoo l Nanjing Uni versity 22 Hankou Road

anj i ng, J iangsu 210008 China

Guti errez, Dr. Jean Paul Seeti on d'Acarologie ENSA-M / INRA I ORSTOM 2. Place Pien'e Via la 34060 Montpe llier Cedex I Frankreich I Franee

Guzman-Novoa, Dr. E. CEN IFMA- INIFAP Santa Cru z 29-B Las Hac iendas 52 1 40 Metepec Mexico

Halliday, Dr. R. Bruce CS IRO, Di v. Entomo l. G.P.O. Box 1700 Canberra, ACT 260 1 Austra lien I Australi a

Hegde, Dr M. Dep. Agri c. Ento mol. Coll. Agric. Raichur Indien I Ind ia

Hluchy, Dr. M. The Central Testing and Checking Inst. 01' Agricult. Zemedelska la 65837 Brno Siovak. Rep. / Siovak ia

Ho, Dr. Chyi-Chen Dep. Appl. Zoo I. Taiwan Agri c. Res. Inst. 189 Chungcheng Road, Wufeng Taichung, 4 130 I Taiwan


Hoffmann , Dr. A. Lab. de Acaro logia Departemento de Biol. Facultad de Ciencias UNAM 045 10 Mex ico D.F. Mex ico

Hu , Dr. X. P. Dep. Forestry Shandong Agric. Uni v. Tai nan Shandong 27 101 8 China

Hu , Dr. DlIn-Xiao Dep. of Environ. & Resollrces Bi ol. FlI dan Univ. Shanghai 200433 China

Huang, Dr. Ming- Du Guangdong Entomol. Inst. Guangzhou GU<l ngdong 5 10260 Ch ina

Huhta, Dr. Veikko Uni versity 01' Jyväskylä Dept.of Biology Box 35 SF-4035 I Jyväskylä Finnland I Fin land

Ibrahim, Dr. Yusof B. Dep. Plant Protecti on Fac. Ag ri c. Uni v. Pert anian Malaysia 43400 UPM , Serd ung Selangor Malays ia

Imdorf, Dr. A. Forschllngsanst. Milch­wi rtschaft. Sektion Bienen CH-3097 Liebefeld-Bern Schweiz I Switzeriand

loriatti , Dr. Claudio Ist. Agr. di S. Miehele a/ Adige (Tremo) 1-380 10 Miehele a/Adige Itali en I Itali a

Jacobson, Dr. Rob J. Horticul ture Res. Internal. Stockbridge House Cawooel ,Selby North Yorks hi re Y08 OTZ Großb ri tannien I U.K.

James, Dr. David G. Yanco Agri cull. Institute NSW Agricult. anel Fish. Private Mail Bag Yanco, NSW 2703 Australi en I Australi a

Jaros ik , Dr. Vojtech. Dep. Zoo l. , C1H1r1es Uni v. Vi nicna 7 CZ- 128 44 Praha 2 Tschechien I Czech Rep.

Jed li ckova, Dr. .I. Inst. Zoology Ecosozo logy Siovak Acad. Sc iences Dubravska cesta 9 SK-84206 Brati slava Siovak. Rep. I Siovakia

Johanowicz, Dr. D.L. Dep. En tomol. Nematol. Uni v. Florida Gai nesvi ll e FL 326 1 1-0620 USA

Kabicek, Dr. Jan Vysoka Skola Zem. Praha Katednl ochrany rostlin CS- 165 2 1 Praha 6-Suchdol Tschechien I Czech. Rep.

Kaczmarek, Dr. Slawomir Pedag. Univ. Dep. Biol. & Env iron. Prot. Chodkiewicza street 5 1 85-667 Bydgoszcz Po len I Poland

Karg , Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hohe Kiefer 152 0- 14532 Kleinmachnow Deutschland I Germany

Karuppuchamy, Dr. P. Tamil Nadu Agric. Uni v. Coimbatore 64 1 003 Indi en I Incli a

Kazak, Dr. Cengiz Dep. Pl an t Protec tion Ag ri cul ture Facltlty Cukurova Uni versity 0 1330 Adana Türkei I Turkey

Kett le, Dr. Douglas S. Dep. of Entomology Uni v. of Queenslanel Sl. Lucia, OLD 4067 Australi en I Australia

Kim , Dr. Sang-Soo Dep. Agric. Biol. Sunchon Natl. Uni v. Sunchon-S i Maegok-dong 3 15 Sunchon 540-742 Sli dkorea I South Ko rea

Koehler, Dr. I-Iartmut Uni v. Bremen, FB 2 AG Ökosystemfo rsch. & Bodenökol. POF 330 440 0 -28334 Bremen Deutschland I Gennany

Ko lodochka, Dr. L.A. Institute 01' Zoology Ukrain. Acad. of Sciences Lenin Str. 15 25260 1 Kiev-30 Ukraine

Kostia inen, Dr. Tu omas 128 Laurel PI. # A San Rafael CA 9490 1-2009 USA

Krei ter, Dr. Serge Sec tion c1 'Acaro l. , ENSA­MIINRA/ORSTOM 2, Place Pierre Via la F-34060 Montpellier Cedex I Frankreich I France


Kropczynska, Dr. Danuta Agric. Uni v. 01' Warsaw Dep. of App l. Entomol. ul. Nowoursynowska 166 PL-02-787 Warszawa Polen I Po land

Lareschi, Dr. Marcela Uni v. Nac . de La Plata Centro de Estudios Parasit. y de Vexto res Ca lle 2 No. 584 1900 La Plata Argentinien / A rgentina

Lehtinen, Dr. Pekka T. Zoologieal Museum Department 01' Biology Uni ve rsity of Turku SF-20500 Turku 50 Finnland I Finl and

Lesna, Dr. I. Uni v. Amsterdam Dep. Pure Appl. Biol. Sec l. Popul. Biol. Kru islaan 320 1098 SM Amsterdam NieeIerl ande I Ne therlands

Liang, Dr. Lai-Rong Dep. Environ. Biol. Resour. Bio l. Fudan Uni v. Shanghai 200433 China

Liguori, Dr. Mari ali via Ist. Sper. per la Zool. Agr. Via Lane iola, 12 A Caseine dei Ricc io 1-50 125 Firenze Ita li en I Ital)'

Logli o, Dr. G. Unita Socio-Sanitaria Locale n. 30, Seriate Bergamo Ita li en I Italy

Londzin , Dr. W. Inst. Przemys lu Organ. u!. Annopol nr 6 03-236 Warszawa Polen ! Poland

Loui s, Dr. F. Staat!. Lehr-. Forschungs­anst. Landwirtsch., Wein­bau, Gartenbau Fachber. Phytomed . Breitenweg 7 1 67435 Neustadt ! Weinstr. Deutschland! Germany

Lozzia, Dr. G.c. Uni v. degli Stud i di Milano. Ist. di Ent. Agr. Via Celoria. 2 1-20 133 Milano It alien ! ltaly

Lundqvist, Dr. Lars Dep. of Sys temmic Zoo!. Lund University I-l elgonavägen 3 S-22362 Lund Schweden ! Sweden

Ma, Dr. Li-M ing National Base of Plague Brllce ll os is Control 85 I-l aiming West Road Jilin Province Baicheng City China

Madej , Dr. Grazyna Siles ian Uni versity Department of Ecology Bankowa 9 PL-40-007 Katowice Polen ! Poland

Makarova, Dr. Olga L. Severtsov I nsti tute 01" Eco!. and Evolution Russ ian Acad. of Sei. Leninsky pr. 33 Moscow I 1707 1 Russ ia! Russland

Malison, Dr. M. Dipart. Bio!. Applicata alla Difesa Delle Piante Via de lle Sc ienze 208 33 100 Udine Italien ! Italy

Masan , Dr. Peter Institute 01' Zoology. SAS Dubravska Ces La 9 SK-842 06 Bratislava Siovak. Rep.! Siovaki a

Maurer, Dr. Veroni ka Inst. r. utzti erwiss. Phys. u. Tierh .,ETI-l ­Zentrum Uni ve rsi tätsstr. 2 LFW B54 CH-8092 Züri ch Schweiz! Swi tze rl and

McLaren, Dr. Gilli an F. Entomo!. Di v .. DS IR CI yde Research Orchard Alexandra R.D . I Neuseeland ! N. Zealand

Meshkov, Dr. Yu . I. AII -Russ. Res. Inst. Phytopath . Moscow di s. 143050 Boishie Vyazemy Russ land! Russia

Mo, Dr. Cheng- Feng South Peninsular Lab. P.O. Box 182 Tai PO Post Offi ce. N.T. Hang Kong

Mochizuki , Dr. M. Dep. Tea Agronomy Nm!. Res. Inst. Vegetab les Ornam. Plants and Tea 2769. Kanaya Shi zuoka 428 Japan

Momen, Dr. F. M. Plant Protecti on Dep. National Res. Centre EI Tahrir Street Dokki , Cairo 123 11 Ägypten ! Egypt


Monelti , Dr. L. N. CON ICET Lab. Artrop., Lab. Bio!. Univ. Nacion. de Mar de i Plala, Funes 3350 7600 Mad dei Plata Argentinien ! Argelll ina

Mora les-Malacara, Dr. Juan B. Lab. Acaro!. , Dep. Bio!. Fac. Ciencias Uni v. Nac. Autonoma Mex ico. Di strito Federal Coyoacan 045 10 Mex ico

Nazzi, Dr. F. Dipart. Bio !. App licata All a Difesa Delle Piante Uni v. Udine V ia delle Sciel1Ze 208 33 100 Udine Itali en ! ltaly

Niemczyk, Dr. Eclmuncl Res. Inst. Pom. & Flori c. Pomologiczna 18 Strasse PL-96- 100 Skienniewice Polen ! Poland

Nihoul , Dr. Phi lippe Unite c1'Eco!. & Biogeogr. Univ. Cath . de Louva in 4-5 , Place Croix du Sud B- 1348 Louvain- Ia­Neuve Belgien ! Belgium

Okabe, Dr. Ki1l1 iko Kyushu Res. Cent. Forest. & Fores t ProcI. Res. Inst. 4- 1 1- 16 Ku rokami KU 1l1amolO 860 Japan

Paik, Dr. C. H. Dep. Agrob io!. Slinchon Nal!. Uni v. Sunchon 540-742 Sli dkorea ! South Korea

Papadouli s, Dr. G. Th. Agri cult. Uni v. 01' Athens Lab. Agri c. Zoo l. Ent. lera Odos 75 Gr-11 8 55 Athens Griechenland / Greece

Park , Dr. c.G. Div. Entomology Dep. Plant Protecti on Agric. Sci. Tecllllol. Inst. Suwon 44 1-707 Südkorea / South Korea

Pavlovic, Dr. Ivan Sc ienti l'ic Veterin. Inst. of Serbia Ve li zara Kosanovica 49 I 1000 Beograd Jugoslawien / Jugos lav ia

Perrot-Minnot, Dr. M.J. Mini stere de L'Agri culture Inst. Natl. Rech. Agron. Lab. de Zool. , E.N.S.A. 2., Place Pien·e Via la 34060 Montpellier Cedex 0 1 Frankreich / France

Petrushov, Dr. A.Z. All -Union Res. Institute 01' Phytopathology Moscow Region Boishie Viazemy Russ land / Russ ia

Polak, Dr. M. Dep. Biol.. Lyman Hall Syracuse Uni v. Syracuse NY 13244- 1270 USA

Pugh, Dr. P.J.A. Brit. Antarclic Survey Nat. Environ. Res. Council , High Cross, Madingley Road Cambridge, CB3 OET England / U.K.

Radovsky, Dr. Frank J. P.O. Box 1786 1 Raleigh, NC 276 19-786 1 USA

Ragusa di Chia ra, Prof. Salvatore Ist. di Entomol. Agraria Uni ve rsity 01' Palermo Viale delle Scienze 13 1-90- 128 Palermo Italien / Italy

Ramakers, Dr. P.M.J . Proel'stat. voor B loem­mist. en Glasgroente Postbus 8 2670 AA Naaldwijk Niederlande / Netherl ands

Rasmy, Dr. Aly H. Plant Protec ti on Dep. Natl. Res. Centre EI Tahrir Street Dokki, Cairo 123 1 I Ägypten / Egypt

Ri gby, Dr. Mark ETH Zürich Experimentelle Öko log ie ETH Zentrum NW CH-8092 Zürich Schweiz / Switzerland

Rodriguez-Reina, Dr. J.M . C. I.T.A. Dep. Proteccion Vegeta Apa rtado 60 Teneri Fe, Canary Islands 38038 La Laguna Spanien / Spain

Roy, Dr. R.K. Dep. Zool. , Dibrugarh Hanumanbox Surajmal Kanoi College Dibrugarh-78600 I Assam Indien / India


Ruf, Dr. Andrea Inst. f. Ökol. u. Evolutionsforschung Uni v. Bremen, lOB 2 POlO 330 440 0-28334 Bremen Deutschland / Germany

Ryoo, Dr. M.1. Dep. Agric. Biol. , Coll. Natural Res., Korea Uni v. Anam-Dong, Su ngbuk­Ku Seoul 136-701 Südkorea / South Korea

Ryu, Dr. Myon-Ok Dep. 01· Biology College 01' Natural Sci. Chonbuk Nationa l Uni v. Chonbuk, Chonju 56 1-756 Korea

Sabelis, ProLDr. M.W. Uni versity 01' Amsterdam Inst. Syst. and Popul. Biol. Section Popul ation Biol. Kru islaan 302 NL- 1098 SM Amsterdam Niederl ande / Netherl ands

Sai to, Dr. Yutaka Lab. Applied Zoology Faculty Agriculture Hokkaido Univ. Kita-ku Sapporo, Hokkaido 060 Japan

Salazar- Martinez, Dr. A. Dep. Cientifico En tomol. Museo de La Plata Paseo dei Bosque 1900 La Plata Argentinien / Argentina

Schausberger, Dr. Peter BFL, Inst. f. Ph ytomed i zi n Spargelfeldstr. 19 1 A- 1226 Wien Österreich / Austria

Schruft, Dr. Guelller A. Staat!. We inbauinst. Merzhauserstr. I 19 0-7800 Freiburg Deu tschland / Germany

Schuster, Prof. Re inhart K.-Fran zens-Uni v. Graz Inst itut für Zoolog ie Un iversitätsplatz 2 A - 80 10 Graz Österreich / Austria

Schwarz, Dr. Horst ETH Zürich Experimentelle Oekologie ETH Zentrum NW C H-S092 Züri ch Schweiz / Switze rlancJ

Seemann , Dr. Owen D. Dep. Entomo!. The Univ. of Queens land St Lucia, Qld , Austra li a, 4072 Australi e n / Austra li a

Seniczak, Dr. Stanis law Dep. Anim. Eco!. Acad . Techno!. Ag ri c. u!. ks. Kordeckiego 20 PL-85225 B ydogszcz Po len / Poland

Sentenac, Dr. Gi ll es Inst. technique de la Vigne et du Vin 27 Rue des Ho les F-21000 Beaune Frankreich / France

Shipp, Dr. J.L. Agric. Agri-Food Canada Res. Cent. Harrow, ON NO R I GO Canada

Simoni, Dr. S . Ist. Sper. per la Zoo!. Agr Via Lanc io la Casc i ne de i Ri cc io [-50-125 Fi renze Ita li en / Ita ly

Solomon, Dr. Michael G. Horti cult. Res. Internat. East Mailing West Mailing Ke nt MEI9 6BJ Engla nd / U.K.

Stanyuk ov ich, Dr. M.K. Lab. ParasilO!. , Zoo!. [nst. Russ ian Acad. Sci. Uni v. Un iv. Em bankment I 199034, SI. Petersburg B-34 Russ land / Russ ia

Stolz, Dr. Michae la Bundesanst. für Pfla nze n­schutz Trunnerstrasse 5 A-I020 Wien 2 Österreich / Austri a

Strong, Dr. W.B. Dep. Entomo!. Oregon State Uni ve rsity Cordley Hall 2046 Corva lli s OR 97331 USA

Su la, Dr. Jan Institute of En tomology Czechoslov. AcacJ. 01' Se i. Brani sovska 3 1 CS-370-05 C. Budejov ice Tschechi en / Czech Rep.

Takak u, Dr. Gen Systematics & Evolution Di vision 01' Bio!. Sc iences Graduate School 01' Sei. Hokkaido Uni versit y Sapporo 060 Japan

Thi st lewood, Dr. H.M.A. Agric. & Agri-Food Can. 4902 Victo ria Avenue N. 1'.0. Box 6000 Vineland Station , Ontario LOR 2EO Canada


Thwaite, Dr. W.G. 8 Victoria St reet Orange, NSW 2800 Austra li en / Australi a

Tseng, Dr. Yi-Hsiung Hsinchu Branch Office Bureau Comm. [nspec t. & Quarantine, Min istry Econ. AU'airs, No. 14, Lane 109, Min-Tsu Rd. Hsinchu Tai wan

Tuovinen, Dr. T. I nst. Plant Pro tection Agri cult. Res. Cent. SF-3 1600 Joki o inen Finnland / Finland

Ueckermann, Dr. E.A. Plant Protection Res . Inst. Pri vate Bag X 134 Preto ri a 000 I Süda frik a / South Afri ca

Urhan, Dr. Rasit Dep. Bio!. , Kazim Karabekir Ecluc. Fac. Ataturk Uni v. 25240 Erzurum Türkei / Turkey

Vacente, Dr. V. Istituto E ntomo!. Agraria Uni v. c1eg li Stucli di Catania Via Va ldisavoia, 5 1-95-1 23 Catania Ita li en / Italy

Va lentin , Dr. Gil les Comite Inte rprofess. des Vin de Champagne 5, Rue Henri Maltin F-5 1200 Epernay Frankreich / France

Va lentine, Dr. BJ. Orange Agri c. Col!. Uni v. Sydney Orange, NSW 2800 Austra lie n / Australi a

Van Houten , Dr. Y.M. G lasshouse Crops Res. Station , Postbus 8 2670 AA Naaldwijk Niederlande I Netherlands

Van Vuren , Dr. D. Dep. Wildlife Fi sh Conservation Biol. Un iv. Calif. Davis, CA 956 16-875 1 USA

Verma, Dr. R.R. Govt. Beekeeping Stn. Jeolikote (Naintal ) U.P.263 127 Indien I india

Vidal , Dr. C. Ecole Nat. Agronom. Dep. Eco l. Plant Protect. Lab. Acarol. 2 Place Pien'e Via la 34060 Montpell ier Cedex 01 Fran kreich I France

Villaromga, Dr. P. Servei de Protecci6 dels Vegetals Clra. de Vilasar de Mar, s/n E-08348 Cabri Is Spanien I Spain

Waite, Dr. Geoffrey K. Maroochy Hortic. Res. Stat. P.O. Box 5083 Nambour, QLD 4560 Australi en I Australia

West, Dr. Kenneth Dep. Entomol. Oregon State Univ. Cordley Hall 2046 Corvallis OR 9733 1-2907 USA

Wiese, Dr. M.H.J. Peterberg 5 D-79110 Freiburg Deutschland I Germany

Wi sniewski , Prof. Jerzy Akademia Rolnicza Katednl Ochr. Lasu i Srodowiska Przyrodnicz. ul. Wojska Polskiego 7 1 C PL-60-625 Poznan 3 1 Polen I Poland

Wu, Dr. Wei-Nan Guangdong Ins!. Entomol. 105 Xiangang Road West GU<1 ngzhou Guangdong 5 I 0260 China

Yamamoto, Dr. P.T. Dep. En tomol. Nemato l. FCA V/UNESP Campus Jaboticabal Rodovia Carl os Tonanni Km5 14870-00 Jaboticaba l, SI' Brasilien I Brazil

Yas ui , Dr. Y. Insti tut 01' Appl. Zoology FaCLlity of Agriculture I-Iokkaido Univ. Sapporo 060 Japan

Ye, Dr. Rui-Yu Xinjiang Ins!. 01' Ep idemic Di sease Contr. 14 1 Jianquan SI. Urumqi , Xinjiang 830002 China

Yin , Dr. Sui gong Shenyang Agric. Univ. Dep. Plant Protec ti on Shenyang Agr. Univ. Shenyang Liaoning 1101 6 1 China

Yoder, Dr. J.A. Department 01' Biology The Illinois College .lacksonville Illinois 62650 USA


Yoshizawa, Dr. M.A.C. Dep. Parasitol. ICB Uni v. de Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brasilien I Brazil

Yue, Dr. Bisong Citrus Res. & Educ. Cent. Un iv. Florida, IFAS 700 Exp. Stal. Rd. Lake Alfred, FL 33850 USA

Zacharda, Dr. Miloslav I nst. of Landscape Ecol. Acad . of Sci. Czech Rep. Na sadkach 7 37005 Ceske Budejovice Tschech ien I Czech Rep.

Zhang, Dr. Zhi -Qiang Intern . Inst. of En tomol. 56 Queens Gate London SW7 5JR England I UK

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