kairos 09-10

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  • 8/8/2019 KAIROS 09-10


    Back to Church

    We see many commercials for back to school sales. September is the month for back to school.There is no excuse for students not to go back to school. Likewise, I thought about Back to ChurchSunday in September. Like the school calendar, I wish I could have a date that everyone should beback to church. This is the time to come back to church after summer vacation or after a long spiri-tual vacation.

    Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as ell. (Matt.6:33) If we humbly seek Gods kingdom first, God will bring revival to our land, our people and our

    church, As a matter of fact, people seek first their own kingdom and their own righteousness. As aresult, nothing will be given to them. We all live with Gods resources such as time, materials andopportunities. God will give his resources more abundantly upon those who seek His priorities.

    Ezekiel was a man of God confronted with a congregation of Gods people who were discouraged,displaced and spiritually dead. The circumstances were ripe for revival. God took Ezekiel to a moun-tain top and gave him a visual aid of revival. Read Ezekiel 37:114! Revival is the process of bring-ing to life that which once was alive, but is now at the point of death. Can these bones live again?Ezekiel obeyed God, preached to those dry bones and then God breathed his spirit back into theirbodies, God revived for Himself a mighty army.

    How Can We Revive?

    1. Recognize the dryness of our bones.

    2. Rekindle the spirit for the lost.

    3. Rejoice in reaching a\out and bringing them to the Lord.

    Robert Robinson, in 1758, wrote the song, O Thou Fount of Every Blessing He later fell away from

    the faith. He met a young lady singing his song. She, noting his sadness, wanted to share the lyrics(continued pg. 2)


    San Marcos United Methodist Church SEPTEMBER 2010Volume 31 Issue 9

    KAIROSKAIROSKAIROSKAIROSOur mission is to know and ex-Our mission is to know and ex-Our mission is to know and ex-Our mission is to know and ex- perience Jesus Christ and share perience Jesus Christ and share perience Jesus Christ and share perience Jesus Christ and shareHim with all others in the power Him with all others in the power Him with all others in the power Him with all others in the power

    and love of the Holy Spiritand love of the Holy Spiritand love of the Holy Spiritand love of the Holy Spirit

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    (continued from pg. 1)

    with him. Robinson responded, Madam, I wrotethe song and Id give a thousand worlds to havethat feeling once again. The psalmist expressesthe same in Psalm 85:6, Will you not revive usagain, that your people may rejoice in you?

    Your people may rejoice in our church. Come andSee! Your fearless acceptance of this invitationwill be a life time blessing to your families, friendsand neighbors. September is the month to comeBack to Church. When you work for God, Godworks for you.

    Back to Church Sunday:

    Sunday, Sept. 12, 10 am service.

    Guest Preachers:

    Rev. Paul Dinkel, Rev. Charles Boss

    Special Musicians:

    Bell Choir, Vocal Quartet,

    Violin Soloist

    BBQ lunch will follow.

    - Pastor Tae Kim

    Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!


    Clavel Limpiado 2Noni Essert 10Eugene De Leon, Sr. 15 Tom Blanche 17 Voltaire De Leon 17 Florence De Leon 19Francee Colace 21

    Elaine Limpiado 21

    Happy Anniversary! Happy Anniversary! Happy Anniversary! Happy Anniversary!

    Eugene & Rose De Leon 17 Jaime & Ruth Baculanta 28

    Giving & Gratitude

    God has given us two hands, one to re-

    ceive with, the other to give with. We are

    not cisterns made for hoarding; we are

    channels made for sharing.

    - Dr. Billy Graham]

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    Sept. month long Prayer Vigil

    Sept. 2 at 6:00 pm Worship

    7:00 pm-Finance

    Sept. 4 at 8:00 amUMM Breakfastat IHOP

    Sept. 7 at 2:15 Welcome/Care Team

    Sept. 9th at 10 am-Love Circle at


    Begin Sept 12Sundays at 6:30 pm

    Bible Study - 1st Peter

    Wednesdays9:30Bible Study

    Sept. 12 Rally Sunday & BBQ

    Guest Pastors: Charlie Boss & Paul Dinkel

    Sept. 14 9:30 - Craft Club

    Sept. 16- 6:00 Trustees & 7:00 Ch.


    Sept. 28 5:45 am-Soup Kitchen atInterfaith in Escondido


    We'd like to welcome NEW-COMERS to our church.Sunday Worship Service isat 10:00 am, with Sunday

    School at 10:15.

    All are invited to stay after church for FellowshipTime (with free coffee and treats at 11:15 in theSocial Hall). Here you'll have opportunities to meetothers and become better acquainted.

    For everyone who enjoys going out to eat at noonwith others, there is usually a group doing that onmost Sundays. Ask for Carol, Lisa or Jesse if youwant to be included in this "Dutch treat" activity.

    All are invited to Love Circle (Women's Group) on2nd Thursdays at 10:00 am. The meeting place isannounced each month, via Betty Chaffee, at 760-599-0589. This month will meet at the church.

    A monthly Men's Group meets for breakfast atIHOP in San Marcos, the 1st Saturday of themonth. The contact person is Dwain Allen, 760-


    Bible Studies meet at the church on Sundays at6:30pm, and Wednesdays at 9:30am. Severalother opportunities are available on the monthlycalendar found in each issue of KAIROS.

    Do you wonder what KAIROS means? Itstands for the Greek letters Chi and Roe(symbolizing the sign of the FISH), drawn by early

    Christians when they wanted to identify eachother in secret.

    -Merry WilliamsWelcome/Care Team Chair

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    Month Long PrayerVigil

    19:30 Bible Study

    21:30 Fitness

    6:00 Worship

    7:00 Finance

    3 48:00 am UMM Mens


    5 9:45 Prayer Time 10:00 Worship

    10:15 Sunday School

    11:15 Coffee Fellowship

    6 7 89:30 Bible Study

    91:30 Fitness

    10 119:30 Craft Club

    12 9:45 Prayer Time 10:00 Worship

    10:15 Sunday School

    11:15 Coffee Fellowship

    Preaching: Charlie Boss

    & Paul Dinkel

    13 14

    :15 PM Welcome/Care Team


    9:30 Bible Study


    1:30 Fitness6:00-Trustees

    7:00 Church


    17 18

    19 9:45 Prayer Time 10:00 Worship

    10:15 Sunday School

    11:15 Coffee Fellowship

    20 21 229:30 Bible Study

    231:30 Fitness

    24 25

    26 9:45 Prayer Time 10:00 Worship

    10:15 Sunday School

    11:15 Coffee Fellowship

    27 24

    5:45 AM -SoupKitchen at Interfaithin Escondido

    299:30 Bible Study

    301:30 Fitness

    September 2010

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    September Prayer Vigil Reminder

    The month of September will be a month

    long prayer vigil. This is coordinated by PastorDave Walker ( 760-752-1409 ) . He has a sign-up

    sheet and you may sign up for a specific date

    and time, or you may just want to do your prayer

    at home. Just remember that we are making an

    extra effort for the month of September to talk to

    our Lord. We may want to pray for our Pastor,

    our church, our community, our town and our

    country and our own needs. Pray for the menand women of the armed forces and their fami-

    lies for the sacrifices they make for us

    all, especially Brad Wilde, who is one

    of us.

    Bible Study Groups

    There are presently two Bible Study groupsmeeting at the church. If you would like to partici-pate in one, they are on Sunday Evenings at 6:30,taught by Pastor Dave Walker. They are taking abreak and the next study will be on September19th. The study is the Prophets. They will study 1st

    Peter next.

    The second group meets on Wednesday morningsat 9:00 . They are studying The Purpose Driven

    Life led by Pastor Tae Kim. There is space avail-able if you would like to join either group. ContactPastor Dave at 760-752-1409 or Pastor Tae at 760-304-4428.

    Brad Wilde Contact Information

    Brad Wilde, one of our church members,s been deployed to Iraq. Im sure he would beateful for cards & letters or any other thing youel you could send. Just to know the people of his

    urch are thinking and praying for him would be ofmfort. Here is his address:

    CW 03 Wilde, Brad

    Mals16 Det. A Ord.

    Kandahar Air Field

    Unit 41062

    APO AE 09355-1062

    r you can send him an email at:

    Brad.Wilde @AFG.USMC.mil

  • 8/8/2019 KAIROS 09-10



    The kids also had chapel twice a day. Chapel wasbased on Dr Seuss books and how to find theChristian meaning in them. If you want to know themeaning of your favorite Dr. Seuss Book, find thefollowing kids and ask them: Sadie, Garrett, Na-than, Savannah, Alyssa, and Cassie.

    - by Nicole Jones

    Six kids went tochurch camp thissummer and had agreat time and lookingforward to going backnext year. The top fiveactivities that every-one seemed to enjoywere: archery, spend-

    ing time around the camp fire, making newfriends, swimming and praying.

    Each cabin had about 6-10 kids thatwere shared with their counselors. The favoritefood from camp was Ribs followed by Biscuitsand gravy. We can't forget dessert! The favor-ites were ice cream, cake and banana bread.

    The favorite songs from camp were "Turn

    the world around" and "Farroh O Farroh".

    Youth Camp

    Summer Concert

    Our summer concert onAug. 15 was like a 'music festi-val' with 15 musicians.

    The program coveredalmost all kinds of music from

    contemporary to classical, and included pianosolos, baritone, soprano, violin, cello, piano trio,barbershop, flute, guitar and gospel songs.

    One of the highlights was Denise Bravell's testi-mony and witnessing music. She was blind frombirth and born to a Jewish family.

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    She was touched by Jesus and He gaveher spiritual eyes. There wasnt a dry eye inthe house. She touched everyone there!

    The food and fellowship were wonderful.

    It was a most delightful summer night,

    like a heavenly banquet.

    Our next concert will be on Sunday, Dec. 12at 5pm. You may save this special day foryour family and friends. Please feel free toinvite anyone.

    -Pastor Tae Kim

    Bell Ringers Have First

    Practice Of The Season!

    Our first bell practicewas a joyful, if hectic time. We

    gratefully appreciate the faithful

    ringers who have returned for an-other year. Lorene, Janice, Sophia,Gay and Nita are such a joy to know and givetheir time and talents.

    The pleasure of the addition of Rose andLorna will add to our range of the number ofbells we can ring. A delight for us all is the pos-sibility of adding children to the choir. This willbe the future of ringing. Alyssa, Savannah,Jessica and Nathan were really enthusias-tic. Christina also rang and has a knowledge ofmusic.

    We look forward to ringing for you in thenear future and can play many more bassbells. It is such a joy and pleasure for me tohave the opportunity to praise God with the mu-sic that we can create. Thank you,

    - Liane Parkes, Director

    PLEASE, help me to make the KAIROSPLEASE, help me to make the KAIROSPLEASE, help me to make the KAIROSPLEASE, help me to make the KAIROSbetter. Feel free to submit items of inter-better. Feel free to submit items of inter-better. Feel free to submit items of inter-better. Feel free to submit items of inter-est, prayers, autobiographies, biographies,est, prayers, autobiographies, biographies,est, prayers, autobiographies, biographies,est, prayers, autobiographies, biographies,or church activities to the office for KAI-or church activities to the office for KAI-or church activities to the office for KAI-or church activities to the office for KAI-

    ROS. I would love to print more about ourROS. I would love to print more about ourROS. I would love to print more about ourROS. I would love to print more about ourmembers and people love to read it.members and people love to read it.members and people love to read it.members and people love to read it.Remember,Remember,Remember,Remember, by the 15th of the month be- by the 15th of the month be- by the 15th of the month be- by the 15th of the month be- fore publication.fore publication.fore publication.fore publication. ItsItsItsIts youryouryouryour newsletter, sonewsletter, sonewsletter, sonewsletter, soits about you. Thanks!it s about you. Thanks!its about you. Thanks!its about you. Thanks! ]xt ]xt ]xt ]xt

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    SAN MARCOS United Methodist Church800 W. MISSION ROADSAN MARCOS, CA 92069-1428Phone (760) 744-0170http://www.missionsanmarcos.net

    Email missionsanmarcos@dslextreme.net

    Bishop.Rev. Mary Ann SwensonSuperintendent.Rev. Myron Wingfield

    Pastor .Rev. Dr. Tae K. KimChurch Secretary....Jean Isam

    Custodian..Bong PakMinisters..The People of the Church (YOU!)

    Periodicals Postage Paid at Escondido, California 92025. Publi-cation Number 118590. The KAIROS is published monthly bySan Marcos United Methodist Church, 800 W Mission Rd, SanMarcos. Postmaster send address changes to 800 West Mis-sion Road, San Marcos, CA 92069-1428.

    Office & Prayer Room open Mon-Fri 8:302:30

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