our weekly newsletter for our parish family...2020/05/24  · live streamed on our website at sunday...

Post on 05-Jul-2020






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Issue Ten

St. Virgil’s Parish

May 24, 2020

Contact Info >>>

Our Weekly Newsletter

for our Parish Family

Parish Office: 973-538-1418 or 862-242-6961

Fr. Michal (direct) 862-242-6374

Parish Email: svparishoffice@gmail.com

Fr. Michal’s Email: fr.falgowski@gmail.com

Fr. Babu’s Email: babuthelappilly@yahoo.com

Deacon Merle: deaconmerle@yahoo.com

Deacon Rich: deaconrpinto@verizon.net

Youth Ministry: mansersvym@gmail.com

PREP K-4: tonini.svprep@gmail.com


PREP 5-8: valerie.svprep@gmail.com

Mass Intentions for this Week >>> Sat Sun., May 24 Frank Landi

Janet Dittrich

Blanche Furbacher

Domenico Procopio

Mon. May 25 Elaine Clavin

Tues., May 26 Bob Thomas

Wed., May 27 Gail Dale

Margaret Conforti

Thurs. May 28 Grant Morgan

Fri., May 29 Robert White

Ida Salerno

Sat., May 30 Dorothy Olchasky

Please remember in your prayers:

Timmy O’Shea, Deacon Alan Lucibello, Bill Warrick, Tony

Loughlin, Florence Luckey, Rosemary Paulison, Jackie

Donnelley, Judy Taylor, Mary Eileen & Douglas Prisinzano,

Jacqueline Paw, Baby Akeen Butchko, Mary Beth Jensen, Colleen

Dillion & Family, Mary Maffeo, Marie E. Logan, Mallory Miller,

Rose Marie Warrick, Sandra Buck, Margaret Ellis, John &

Elizabeth Zisa, Daniella, Anne Benson, Bob Taylor, Kamasha

Redhead, Miah Tully, Barabara Bock, Baby Emma Scannelli,

Stephen Burke, Eileen Lagan, and Teresa Procopio.

Please pray for all those who serve in defense of our Country, both at home and abroad, especially:

The deployed airmen of the 914 Air Refueling Wing

SSGT Blake Reidinger LT Kelsey Bergh

PO2 Timothy Butchko MJR Gary Windt

LT Patrick Leahey 2LT Ryan Feeney

MJR Stephanie Sittmann SSGT Thomas Sittman

LTR Andrew McGuinness SSGT Eric Wright

LCDR Daniel M. Leahey LT Mark Van Ordan

LT Mark C. Leahey MSGT T.J. Hopkins

LT Kian Federick Stewart LT Tyler Huhn

DC1 Alexander V. Fernandez CPL Irvin Carithers

Please remember in your prayers in a very special way, our first responders and those who are now serving on the “front line”. Words

cannot express how grateful we are for everything that they are doing

for us. The support and strength amid these difficult and uncertain

times gives us proof that the angels are working among us!

Ascension of the Lord

Worship Aid for March 24:

Ascension Sunday Worship Aid.pdf

Sunday The Ascension of the Lord: Acts 1:1-11; Eph 1:17-23; Mt 28:16-20 Monday Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday Acts 22:30, 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26 Friday Acts 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19 Saturday Morning: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Jn 21:20-25

Readings for the Week

Live Streamed on our website at


Sunday at 10:30am

Weekdays at 9am

We are extremely grateful for your continuing financial support.

Our receipts for the week of May 17 was $10,863. This number reflects collections received in the office this week, $6,058 and the weekly average from Faith Direct was $$4,805. Your generosity enables us to continue with the necessary upkeep and pay recurring expenses.

We ask you to please consider using Faith Direct. Faith Direct is an online giving service where you can donate the amount you currently give each Sunday through an online medium. (Our parish number is NJ732).

Regardless of the method you choose, we appreciate your continued generous support. There is a link on the newly-designed parish

website if you would like to set up a one-time donation through Faith Direct or to sign up for online giving. If you have any questions

regarding the Faith Direct process, please feel free to call the parish office to discuss your options.

Since you cannot physically put envelopes in the collection baskets, you can drop off your donations through the mail slot on the front door or mail them to the parish office.

Morris Catholic High School

Open House

Our Admissions team put together a phenomenal Virtual Open House on our website. Please take a few minutes to visit and see all of the wonderful programs that Morris Catholic has to offer. We look forward to welcoming the newest generation of Crusaders to our campus to continue our grand tradition of Catholic Education at Morris Catholic. We hope we can count on your continued support.


Anniversary Blessings

This week, both our pastor and associate are celebrating anniversaries:

On May 24, Fr. Babu Thellapilly, our parochial vicar, will be celebrating the 12th Anniversary of his reception as a diocesan priest into the Diocese of Paterson.

On May 25, Fr. Michal Falgowski, our pastor, will be celebrating the 7th Anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.

We would also like to extend our anniversary wishes to Fr. Al Lampron. Fr. Al who grew up here at St. Virgil’s and served here as parochial vicar during the 80’s is currently serving as the Pastor of St. Bernards in

Corpus Christi Food Drive

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted those living in poverty the most and Catholic Charities, Diocese of Paterson's 3 Food Pantries (Father English Center, Paterson; Hope House, Dover; and Partnership for Social Services, Franklin) are giving out more food than ever before.

Most months, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Paterson gives out food to 5,000 - 7,000 people at their 3 food pantries. In April of 2020, this number practically doubled, as they helped over 11,000 individuals who are feeling the direct economic impact of COVID-19.

Bishop Serratelli has authorized a Catholic Charities Diocesan-wide food collection in all parishes. This year, the drive has gone virtual, and you can shop online and have items directly shipped to Catholic Charities Food Pantries.

Visit www.ccpaterson.org/corpus for more information and visit www.yougivegoods.com/ccpaterson-fooddrive2020 to find our parish, and shop for our pantries in need.

You may also email: Info@ccpaterson.org or call (973) 737-2077 ext.403 with any questions or to donate food directly to Catholic Charities Food Pantries.

Rockaway, but he is still a “Tuesday” visitor at St. Virgil’s. On May 24 Fr. Al is celebrating the 45th Anniversary of his ordination.

Our prayer is that Fr. Michal, Fr. Babu and Fr. Al enjoy a bountiful harvest of God’s love, peace and joy in their ministries.

but they doubted.” Just ordinary men doing extraordinary things, they had feet of clay, not wings of angels.

Christ had done His job. He had done all that was asked of Him.Then He left.This feast is the day we recognize that indeed He left us and

“ascended,” a term meaning’ “on His own power.” Because of His divinity, Christ was able to leave this world and show us that there is

somewhere to ascend, somewhere beyond the “here and now” to where we are also called. The Blessed Mother was “assumed”- raised by

some other power, the Feast of the Assumption as we celebrate it. He lived the life He was given, and the tasks He was to perform, and

then He was done. He “ascended.”

This is a consolation to us, and also a challenge - a path for us to follow, a promise of an eternity. He left us words to comfort us, “I am

with you always, until the end of the age.”

Lord, Show me the way, stay with me!

Christ had done His job. He had done all that was asked of Him.Then He left.This feast is the day we recognize that indeed He left

us and “ascended,” a term meaning’ “on His own power.” Because of His divinity, Christ was able to leave this world and show us that

there is somewhere to ascend, somewhere beyond the “here and now” to where we are also called. The Blessed Mother was “assumed”-

raised by some other power, the Feast of the Assumption as we celebrate it. He lived the life He was given, and the tasks He was to

perform, and then He was done. He “ascended.”

This is a consolation to us, and also a challenge - a path for us to follow, a promise of an eternity. He left us words to comfort us,

“I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

Lord, Show me the way, stay with me!

Evangelization Corner

ask the experts >>>

The Apostles were all sent out and challenged by the Man they had followed, and yet

they had doubts as to what they should do. That really should not surprise us. After all,

almost every day we are the same way. We get up each day and often have doubts as to

where the day might lead us, or how we will have the wisdom, energy, and courage to

get through it. Yet we do. Christ had promised His followers that they would receive the

Holy Spirit, and they did; all that they needed, they received. Ordinary guys, e.g.,

fishermen, started a movement that changed the world. “They saw Him, they worshiped,

250 Speedwell Avenue

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

(973) 538-1418 or (862-242-6961


Website: www.stvirgilparish.org

Follow us on Facebook @ St. Virgil Parish

St. Virgil’s Parish

Ascension of the Lord

Acts 1:1-11

Gospel: Matthew


The second sacrament of healing is the Anointing of

the Sick (i.e., thespiritual Healing of the Sick).

There is probably no sacrament more misunderstood

than this Sacrament. Prior to the Second Vatical

Council, this sacrament was called Extreme Unction

(meaning “Final Anointing”) and together with

Confession (or at least conditional absolution if the

person is physically unable to confess) and the

Eucharist were known as “Last Rites” and was

reserved for those in immediate danger of death.

Pope Paul VI advocated for a great availability of

the sacrament of Anointing beyond cases of mortal

illness. The Second Vatican Council extended the

Sacrament to offer healing and confort to anyone

who is struggling with an illness that may not lead

to immediate death or to anyone who may be in

danger of death just from old age. The urpsoe of the

Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is two-fold: to

strengthen the recipient against the temptation to

despair and to unite their suffering to the suffering

of Christ. The Sacrament is meant to strengthen

both their body and their soul.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church’s defines the

purpose of the sacrament as “the conferral of a

special grace on the Christian experiencing the

difficulties inherent in the condition of grave illness

or old age” (CCC 1527). As Catholics we are well

Regular updates will be posted to our website and to Facebook.

We will also send out regular alerts on Flocknote.

If you know of a parishioner who is not yet signed up for

Flocknote but would like to receive them, email the parish office

at svparishoffice@gmail.com



aware that the ultimate healing of the body and

the soul can only be brought about though God.

Through the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

we seek God’s intervention in the midst of our

distress. The Anointing of the Sick is a

remarkable sign of God’s great love for us.

There are many examples of Jesus and the

Apostles performing many acts of healing in the

Gospels and in the Acts of the Apostles. In

writing about the mission of the apostles in his

Gospel, St. Mark gives us an indication of this

Sacrament saying, “So they [the apostles] went

off and preached repentance. They drove out

many demons and anointed with oil many who

were sick and cured them” (Mk 6:12-13).

St. James, in his Epistle in describing the

power of prayer, gives us an indication of

the sacrament of Anointing; “Is anyone

among you sick? He should summon the

presbyters [priests] of the church, and they

should pray over him and anoint [him] with

oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer

of faith will save the sick person, and the

Lord will raise him up. If he is committed

any sins, he will be forgiven” (James 5:14-


The sacrament of Anointing the Sick is

conferred by a priest who after reading

appropriate scriptural readings, lays

hands on the sick person’s head, prays

over them, blesses them and anoints their

forehead, hands and feet with Oil of the

Sick, that has been blessed by the Bishop

during the Chrism Mass. There are

scriptural readings and, ideally if the

family of the sick person can gather, the

communal recitation of the Lord’s Prayer.

May the Lord’s peace be with you


Evangelization Ministry

final thoughts...

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