programmheft der eadl konferenz 2013

Post on 25-Jan-2015






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2013 war die EADL-Jahrestagung nach zehn Jahren wieder zu Gast in Hamburg. Zusammen mit der Europäischen Fernhochschule Hamburg war das Forum DistancE-Learning local organizer der dreitägigen internationalen Fachveranstaltung (5. bis 7. Juni)


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Hamburg, Germany from Wednesday 5th – Friday 7th June

„DistancE-Learning upgrade – “Move your business to a higher level”


Sehr geehrte Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der EADL-Konferenz 2013,

in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels und des Fachkräftemangels werden

lebenslanges Lernen und wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung immer wichtiger.

Damit wächst auch die Bedeutung berufsbegleitender Studiengänge.

Lernen beschränkt sich nicht mehr auf Kindergarten, Schule, Lehre und

Studium. Heute müssen Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer auch

während der Berufsausübung bereit sein, ein- oder mehrmals im Leben

beruflich drauf- oder umzusatteln.

Damit solche Berufsbiografien gelingen können, müssen Arbeitgeber, Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen und

Bildungseinrichtungen die Voraussetzungen dafür schaffen und entsprechend flexibel sein.

Die Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg ist solch eine flexible Einrichtung: Sie bietet seit nunmehr zehn

Jahren die Möglichkeit, zeitlich und räumlich unabhängig zu studieren. Damit ergänzt und bereichert

sie den Hochschulstandort Hamburg. Gerade erst hat der Wissenschaftsrat die Euro-FH mit sehr gutem

Ergebnis institutionell akkreditiert.

Grund genug für die European Association for Distance Learning (EADL), ihre alljährliche Konferenz erstmals

nach zehn Jahren wieder in Hamburg abzuhalten. Das zeigt: Von Anfang an hat die Euro-FH auf Vernetzung

und Austausch mit Fernhochschulen und Dachverbänden in Deutschland, Europa und auch anderen Teilen

der Welt gesetzt. Damit ist sie fachlich und von ihrem Selbstverständnis her durch und durch hamburgisch:

Offen, kontaktfreudig und international. Kurz: Sie ist eines unserer vielen Tore zur Welt des Wissens.

Ich freue mich, im Namen des Hamburgischen Senats so viele internationale Gäste in unserer Stadt begrüßen

zu dürfen und wünsche Ihnen einen interessanten Aufenthalt!

Die Senatorin für Wissenschaft und Forschung Hamburg,

Dr. Dorothee Stapelfeldt


Dear conference participants!Welcome to this special location perched high above the harbour of Hamburg.

The harbour, which on May 7th celebrated its 824th birthday, has benefited

from exemption from paying duty since 1189. This has contributed to its

unceasing growth and has interconnected it with the rest of the world.

It is this spirit, which also sparked the founding of the Europäische Fernhoch-

schule Hamburg - University of Applied Sciences ten years ago. It is the only

distance university in Germany, which abides to internationality as one of its

USPs in its core values. Accordingly, in the initial years, its graduation ceremonies

were hosted in a large room from where we could overlook boats and ships as they came into the harbour and left

it again. Until, one day, that room became too small and the graduation ceremonies had to move to another, larger

location in the harbour (not far from here). May this location inspire the participants of this year‘s EADL conference

to exchange ideas, to not only talk about learning but also to learn from one another and to take a broader, more

international perspective - exchanging ideas and thoughts and examples across national borders is also exempt

from paying duty. I wish all conference participants and organizers every success!

Prof. Dr. Jens-Mogens Holm

President Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg

University of Applied Sciences

Dear colleagues,the European distance learning industry is facing great challenges, as the

difficult economic situation of many countries has an immediate impact on the

advanced training business. On the one hand, we are looking at the current

developments with concern, on the other hand the crisis provides opportunities

for our business that we should identify and exploit. That is why this year’s

conference of the European Association for Distance Learning has the title

“DistancE-Learning upgrade – Move your business to a higher level”. 18 interna-

tional distance learning experts are going to present research results and

approaches based on their professional experience. In addition, all attendees

are invited to contribute their knowledge and opinions.

We are pleased to be your host this year together with the Europäische Fern-

hochschule Hamburg, and we are looking forward to discussing how the crisis

can be faced effectively and distance learning business can be led back on the

road to success!

Yours sincerely, Mirco Fretter

President of Forum DistancE-Learning


12:00 Registration & Welcome Snack

13:45 Conference Opening by Dirk van der Mark (EADL) and the local organizers

Prof. Dr. Jens-Mogens Holm (Euro-FH) and Mirco Fretter (FDL)

14:00 How will our society and business change - and what has this to do with learning? by Michael Schipperges, Sociodimensions, Heidelberg

15:00 DistancE-Learning Upgrade: Move your business to a higher level! by Dr. Martin Hendrik Kurz, Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg

15:45 Coffee Break

16:15 How a student becomes a client by Tony Horsfield, Elearn Ltd., Cheshire

16:45 Activating the Learners by Ole Christian Brudvik, NKS Online Studies, Oslo

17:15 Speakers Corner Marketplace : 5 minutes talks, offers and cooperations

18:00 Reeperbahn tour

20:00 Get-together at the Blockbräu

Conference Programme - Wednesday, June 5th 2013

How will our society and business change – and what has this to do with learning?Michael Schipperges

Current trends in society will affect the DL market. An ageing population, the

continuing move towards a services- and knowledge-based economy, the rise

in atypical employment, the array of different role models, and the growing

number of migrants as well as existential uncertainty and unpredictability are

related to people‘s changing attitudes and behavioural patterns. From this

perspective, a number of socio-cultural currents will be addressed. An exami-

nation of different generations will reveal their socio-historical imprints and

their respective approaches to knowledge, education, and learning.

Michael Schipperges is Managing Director at sociodimensions, Institute for Socio-cultural Research. For more than

20 years, he was Researcher at Sinus-Institut / Sinus Sociovision in Heidelberg where he directed the department for

international lifestyle and trend research. He studied mathematics, philosophy, and political sciences at the universities

of Heidelberg, Berlin and Urbino (Italy) and, on a post-graduate level, International Relations at the Johns Hopkins

School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Bologna.

DistancE-Learning Upgrade: Move your business to a higher level!Dr. Martin Hendrik Kurz

In times of crisis the educational industry is looking for new business opportuni-

ties. In Germany and other countries the academic sector is growing very fast,

offering attractive prospects especially for distance learning providers. Ways of

participating in this increasing market will be disclosed, based on current market

data and concrete examples. Whether you decide to offer distance learning

services, to cooperate on public programs or to build up your own university –

risks and chances of all these alternatives will be discussed.

Dr. Martin Hendrik Kurz is managing director of ILS, Germany´s biggest

distance learning school, and Euro-FH, one of its leading private distance universities. Since more than 20 years he is

an expert in the field of occupational education, running the German Association for Distance Learning for the last 12

years as President. After studying business economics in Göttingen and Berlin he started at Bertelsmann Professional

Information building up educational enterprises in Germany, France and Eastern Europe.

Presentations & Speakers

Activating the learnersOle Christian Brudvik

We have conducted a student survey yearly for the past 10 years and the results

in the more recent surveys show that approximately 1/3 of our distance-learning

students answer that they want to be more socially active in our virtual learning

environment. Therefore, we have initiated a stronger focus on social design and

gamification to support more social interaction in the learning environment. In

this presentation we present the stages of development we have done and the

current plan for developing a virtual learning environment that support more

social interaction in the learning environment.

Ole Christian Brudvik is the senior developer in the department of pedagogical

and technological development at NKS Online Studies at the Campus Kristiania

University College in Norway. He has over 10 years work experience with ICT in

ducation in Singapore, Australia and Norway. He holds an MBA with Specialisation

in International Business, Master in E-commerce, Master of Science in ICT-supported

Learning and he is currently working on finishing his Dr. Philos degree in the field

of instructional technology.

How a student becomes a clientTony Horsfield

What is are clients and students, are they any different, and how do you satisfy

their needs? Here I consider the inherent tension between the relationship a

learning company has with the student as a student – there are elements of

control, criticism and evaluation in the relationship; and the relationship with

the student as client - the customer pays and is always right. Where are the

tensions? How do they manifest themselves? How can they be managed and

be used to aid business growth?

Tony Horsfield is a director of Elearn a company that provides consultancy in

distance and elearning together with training courses in management and

professional development. The main customers of are in the media, finance, telecom, manufacturing and service

sectors. Previously Tony led the development and delivery of all learning programmes produced by Worldwide

Learning, News Corporation’s global education business. He has considerable experience as a director, senior manager,

consultant and designer of blended learning solutions, working with a variety of organisations including those in the

Education, Charity and Private Sectors. In addition to post graduate engineering qualifications, Tony holds a masters

degree in management; and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Training and Development, a Fellow of the

Chartered Management Institute and a Member of the Institute of Consultants.

Presentations & Speakers

St. Pauli-Quickie – in 66 minutes around the famous “Kiez”

A snappy tour showing the most important sites and

offering facts and loads of recommendations on

what’s going on in the famous district.

Special: The Beatles in St. Pauli

In the early Sixties the Beatles’ world career started

from the clubs in the Große Freiheit in Hamburg.

Right in the middle of a vibrant scene in the notorious

red-light district of St. Pauli with its milieu of prosti-

tutes, sailors and boxers and inspired by an

intellectual clique of Existentialists the young Beatles

became grown-ups, as John Lennon put it. We will

present to you the early Beatles-Songs live.

Duration: approx. 1 hour 30 minutes

Get-together at the Blockbräu

After an interesting and fascinating Sightseeing-Tour

of the legendary “Reeperbahn”, we will meet at

the “BLOCKBRÄU”, which offers a wonderful view

at the Hamburg Harbour.

Hamburg and beer, that has a long tradition.

Already in the 12 th Century the port city has been

called „the Hanse brewery“.

The BLOCKBRÄU brews fresh beer after own

recipes and serves in addition specialities from

its brewery kitchen.

At the Blockbräu participants will pay

for themselves.

Social events

© Martyn Leder

Conference Programme - Thursday, June 6th 2013

8:45 Registration

9:00 Innovation in distance education – the role of technology In this session 5 micro innovation projects from 4 different

countries will be presented and discussed with practitioners.

11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 Example of surviving the crisis by Miguel Cordero, CEN Oposiciones, Madrid

12:15 The Impact of Personality in Distance Learning by Prof. Dr. Christian Warneke,

Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg

13:00 Lunch

14:15 Distance learning in German enterprises: Results of latest business studies by Rainer Paetsch, ILS Institut für Lernsysteme, Hamburg

14:45 Distance Learning at the Deutsche Bahn – experiences from a big employer by Ulrike Stodt, DB Mobility Logistics AG, Berlin

15:30 Coffee Break

16:30 EADL Annual General Meeting for EADL Members only

18:00 Canal tour

20:00 Gala Dinner at the Alsterlounge

VISIR project „Vision, Scenarios, Insights and Recommendations“

The HYPERLINK „“ VISIR project – „Vision, Scenarios, Insights and Recommendations“

is the initiative of seven European networks one research centre and one University involved in the open,

distance and e-learning fi eld.

It aims to develop a shared vision on how ICT may help making lifelong learning a reality. EADL is taken part

in this project.The strength of the VISIR project is that it is based on real-life scenarios and insights built up

from the bottom i.e. experiences of those who are active in the fi eld.

Presentations & Speakers

Session Title Speaker

VISIR - Introduction Background and purpose VISIR representative

Project 1 LiveTime – bite sized leadership and management learning

Matt Turner, Brightwave, UK

Project 2 Mobile Mind Map Pauliina Vernho, Omnia, Finland

Project 3 Scaffolding Learning with Twitter

Bridie Jones, University of Glamorgan, UK

Project 4 Student Response System

KU Leuven, Bas Bergervoet, Belgium

Project 5 Webinars for distance education tutors

Stephanie Ebbrecht, Anett Fürstenberg, ILS, Germany

Questions and discussion John Trasler VISIR

Presentations & Speakers

VISIR project – Questions and discussionJohn Trasler

John Trasler is a founding Director of Elearn – a company specializing in

leadership and management development for organizations and individuals

using blended learning. He has spent over 20 years in the education and training

business. Working as a practitioner, consultant and manager he is a keen

advocate in helping people to learn and believes that learning in the workplace

is vital for business improvement. He holds a visiting Professorship at Notting-

ham Trent University and is a trustee of the Lifelong Learning Foundation. John

has been a Managing Director of companies for Pearson and News Corporation

working extensively in Asia and China.

In addition he is an EADL Executive Committee member and the

EADL representative on the VISIR project.

LiveTime – bite sized leadership and management learningMatt Turner

Matt Turner is the co-founder of LiveTime Learning, a subscription-based,

live online training service. Matt has delivered over 600 live online training

events from general webinars to complex virtual classrooms.

He has worked with clients such as BP, British Council, KPMG and Lloyds

Banking Group. Recent speaking assignments include Learning Technologies,

E-Learning Network and the Virtual Learning Show. LiveTime Learning is

part of e-learning specialists Brightwave Ltd and is based in Brighton, UK.

Presentations & Speakers

Mobile Mind Map Pauliina Venho

Whether you are a student or a teacher, there is plenty of readymade learning

material on the internet: instructional videos, lessons, pictures, magazines and

infographics. But how about producing material with students? Very often

students in vocational education and training are those who want to learn by

doing. Mobile learning is one way to ease the burden of theory lessons by

bringing the world into the classroom. Using mobile mind maps in versatile ways

is one method to make one’s learning and thinking visible and to share ideas

with others.

Pauliina Venho (M.A. educ. University of Helsinki) is a member of the InnoOm-

nia Learning Solutions team, Mobile Learning Advisor and Project Manager for a project designing and implementing

mobile learning in vocational education and training. Working with teachers and students, her areas of expertise

include knowledge and implementation of modern learning theories and pedagogical models as well as versatile use

of mobile devices and social media in and out of the classroom. She has a strong back ground and an extensive

network within the Finnish vocational education and training community.

Classroom response systemsBas Bergervoet

In several courses of the Bachelor in Pedagogical Science classroom response

systems are used to facilitate and optimize interaction between instructor and

students. By using these ‘voting’ systems the instructors try to facilitate deeper

learning, refl ection and discussion among the student population. At the same

time, students learn to critically evaluate the use of educational technology in

higher education. During this presentation we will share our experiences and

refl ect upon the use of student response systems in higher education.

Bas Bergervoet is an instructional designer at the Teaching and Learning

Department of the KU Leuven, Belgium. He specializes in the meaningful use of

audiovisual and digital media in higher education. Prior to his current job, Bas worked in Germany as a freelance video

producer. He has a Masters degree in New Media and Digital Culture from Utrecht University in The Netherlands.

Presentations & Speakers

Webinars for distance education tutors Stephanie Ebbrecht, Anett Fürstenberg

Stephanie Ebbrecht started working for ILS in 2010. As an employee in the

product department she has been part of the team, which developed and

launched the webinars “Ways and methods of learning” for our students. Since

2011 she has been the contact person for the realization of webinars in the

product department. One of her major tasks is the responsibility for the tutors

work desk on the online campus. She has been part of the Tutor Relationship

Management team, which focuses on supporting tutors in their work to achieve

and keep a high quality level in their work.

After having worked as a teacher in language courses Anett Fürstenberg has

been involved in distance education since 2003 when she started working as a

tutor for Hamburger Akademie für Fernstudien. In 2009 she started at the

Institut für Lernsysteme as team manager being responsible for the tutors and

relaying the assignments to the tutors. The main focus in her job is to encoura-

ge tutors working online, supporting them with this change and offer help

when necessary. Since 2012 she has been part of the Tutor Relationship Ma-

nagement team which focuses on how the work of the tutors can be improved

and changed to achieve even better results.

Shut it down or turn it around? When crisis strikes. Lessons from a school’s struggle for survivalMiguel Cordero Garcia de Soria

Miguel Cordero Garcia de Soria is General manager of CEN, which provides

with nation-wide distance and face-to-face learning. He has a Business Adminis-

tration degree from Saint Louis University (USA) and an MBA from the University

of Houston (USA). After holding various marketing and management positions

in Spain, France and Italy, he joined CEN in 1997.

Presentations & Speakers

The Impact of Personality in Distance LearningProf. Dr. Christian Warneke

Learning and study habits depend, among other things, on the learner’s perso-

nality. Knowing about the different personality traits of learners leads us to ask if

there are opportunities to support students in a personality-specific way. We will

present the results of surveys in which the personalities of distance learners

were analyzed. We shall discuss how distance learning providers can use the

results of these surveys to identify approaches to individualize distance learning


Prof. Dr. Christian Warneke is head of the study course Economics and

Business Psychology and professor of Business Psychology at Euro-FH

(University of Applied Sciences), Hamburg, Germany. He studied Psychology

and Sports Science at the Universities of Hamburg and Lisbon, Portugal and

taught Psychology at various universities in Germany. His area of expertise is

o explain and predict human behavior through applied personality assessment.

Distance learning in German enterprises: Results of business studiesRainer Paetsch

Since 2006 ILS and Euro-FH cooperate with forsa, an importatnt German social

research institution, in a yearly report on Distance Learning. Telephone inter-

views with representatively chosen HR decision makers of medium-sized and big

enterprises are part of the business study. Have a look at the results: Do HR

mangers know Distance Learning, how does it fit into their strategies, what is

their attitude towards distance learners within their companies?

Rainer Paetsch works as a B2B Senior Project Manager for ILS and Euro-FH

since 2001. In addition, he is in charge for the e-media center of the two

organizations. He is author and tutor of the module “course development”

in the “Diploma in Distance Education” Course of the German Association

Forum Distance Learning.

Presentations & Speakers

Distance Learning at the Deutsche Bahn – experiences from a big employerUlrike Stodt

Ulrike Stodt is responsible for human resources development at the German

Railway and will present experiences and recommendations of Germany´s

biggest employer concerning Distance Learning as a tool for professional

training and development.

© Hotel Hafen Hamburg

Boat trip through Hamburg´s history

Witness the grandest contrast in the city‘s architecture

on show here. The historic Speicherstadt district, with

its warehouses for carpets, coffee and spices from all

over the world, stands in direct contrast to HafenCity,

Hamburg‘s modern residential and business district.

Glide along narrow waterways under countless old

and new bridges, threading in and out of the wharves

of Hamburg‘s old free port (when the tide allows)

and past the Elbphilharmonie Concert Hall. Our boat

trip ends near the Alsterlounge.

Galadiner at the Alsterlounge

The highlight of the 2013 EADL Conference. We have

found something very special: The exquisite Alster-

lounge. The unique atmosphere of the Alsterlounge at

the RC Allemannia Ruderclub in Hamburg invites you

to experience Hamburg from its most beautiful side.

Either from the event hall or the big sun terrace, which

surrounds the whole building, we can enjoy the

impressive panorama of Hamburg from the Alster-

lounge at its best. The EADL Conference is the place

where important representatives of the distance

learning business meet. Contacts made and renewed

here are worth their weight in gold. Working together

for a successful future needs a beautiful and appropri-

ate setting for the exchange of personal views. You´ll

find it at the Alsterlounge. As a preliminary to this

festive night we shall go there together by boat. In a

convivial environment we, a group of business friends,

will enjoy a unique gala dinner at 8.00 p.m.

Social events

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Conference Programme - Friday, June 7th 2013

9:30 How to cope with the crisis in educational markets by Jamshid Alamuti, Management Development, Berlin

10:15 Tutor Management as Quality Insurance by Ole Christian Brudvik, NKS Online Studies, Oslo

11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 Three Perspectives by Tony Hopwood, Open & Distance Quality Council, UK

12:15 Closing Ceremony by Dirk van der Mark, President of EADL

13:00 Farewell lunch at the Elbkuppel

© Hotel Hafen Hamburg

How to cope with the crisis in educational marketsJamshid Alamuti

Many companies and organisations are in crisis, head count reduction, cost

control and focusing on core business are common place. However there is a

‚knock–on effect‘ on the talent pool, as learning programs and developmental

initiatives are cut. Where there was once succession planning, now there are

‚skills audits‘, and ‚redistribution‘ of the workforce! Depending on the size of

your company, your mid and long term strategy, as well as your philosophy

to tackle such challenges, your chances or emerging successfully are varied.

We discuss some of the typical patterns, and strategic approaches, adopted by

and for our partners. Now more than ever – robust Talent Management is key!

Jamshid Alamuti is an expert in organisational development and strategy implementation in international companies

and markets. He works as Management Consultant and Certified Change Manager. In the field of educational

businesses he worked for several public universities and private academies, such as Berlin School of Creative

Leadership or the Business School of Frankfurter Allgemeine (F.A.B.S.). He holds a Bachelor of Education from the

University of West England in Bristol and a BTEC Diploma in Art and Design.

Tutor Management as Quality InsuranceOle Christian Brudvik

We have conducted a student survey yearly for the past 10 years and the results

show repeatedly that the student value the tutor as the most important part of

the distance-learning course. Therefore, we have established a tutor manage-

ment and quality assurance system, which have several phases during a year. In

this presentation we will present this system and describe how we work to

support our tutors to be the best they can as tutors for our students.

Ole Christian Brudvik is the senior developer in the department of pedagogical

and technological development at NKS Online Studies at the Campus Kristiania

University College in Norway. He has over 10 years work experience with ICT in

ducation in Singapore, Australia and Norway. He holds an MBA with Specialisation

in International Business, Master in E-commerce, Master of Science in ICT-supported

Learning and he is currently working on finishing his Dr. Philos degree in the field

of instructional technology.

Presentations & Speakers

Three PerspectivesTony Hopwood

This presentation will bring together ideas and insights from the ODL sector in

the USA, the UK and, last but certainly not least, from the sessions and partici-

pants of the EADL Conference 2013.

Tony Hopwood is Managing Director of Colchester English Study Centre and

Chief Assessor for the Open & Distance Quality Council in the UK. He was

formerly Head of Business Development for the National Extension College.

Presentations & Speakers

© Hotel Hafen Hamburg

Hotel Hafen HamburgOne of the Hamburg´s most beautiful places awaits

you for the 2013 EADL Conference

The four star Hotel Hafen Hamburg. Situated right

over the Hamburg harbour quay, it is hard to

imagine a better place for our Conference. We will

meet in the “Elbkuppel” (“Elbe Dome) overlooking

the harbour, drinking in the stimulating atmosphere

of these surroundings for our EADL Conference.

Fresh air and activity – this is the place to make a

dream come true which is often conjured up by

conferences. No matter whether you are on the

roof garden or across the road at the St. Pauli quay,

the breaks will give you a chance to regenerate, to

refuel, and to breathe fresh air.

Similarly, the rooms at the Hotel Hafen Hamburg

will tempt you to withdraw for a while and relax.

The hotel induces all-pervasive feelings of well-

being, contributing to active and successful partici-

pation in a great conference. You will truly enjoy

your June 2013 Hamburg conference days.

Travel by public transport

You can reach us with the following trains.

Coming from Hamburg main station:

Either take the tramway S 1 in direction Wedel

or the tramway S 3 in direction Pinneberg and

get off at „Landungsbrücken“.

Coming from Hamburg Airport:

Take the tramway S 1 in direction Wedel or

Blankenese and get off at „Landungsbrücken“.

Hotel Hafen Hamburg

Seewartenstraße 9

20459 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0) 40 / 31 11 3-0

Fax: +49 (0) 40 / 31 11 3-70 601


The Venue

© Hotel Hafen Hamburg

For more information about the EADL conference

please have a look at:

APOLLON Hochschule der Gesundheitswirschaft, Bremen

APOLLON University for Health Care Management in Bremen is a privately

funded university. As a result, the university is independent of public and

national grants. The courses of study offered by APOLLON University are

aimed toward the pressing issues of the health care industry. APOLLON

University offers its 2000 students internationally recognised bachelor and

master degree programmes as well as compact university certification

courses. A special feature of any APOLLON programme is the combination

of expertise, personal and social skills as well as selected methodical know-

how. With the consistent specialisation in health care management training,

the university meets all the requirements for establishing itself as a centre

of competence in this segment.

Institut für Lernssysteme

The Institut für Lernsysteme has been one of Germany’s leading distance

learning institutes for 35 years. It offers more than 200 state-approved

courses in such areas as business, technology, information technology,

general school subjects, modern languages, creativity, and health. Every year,

some 35,000 participants avail themselves of its services, over half of them

online using ILS’s own learning portal. ILS develops tailor-made distance

learning courses to cover the learning needs of a number of well-known


Studiengemeinschaft Darmstadt

SGD is one of the most reputable distance learning institutes in Germany

with a deep-seated tradition of guiding adult learners. SGD offers more

than 200 state-of the-art courses, covering both professional training and

courses to meet students’ personal educational and training needs. For

more than 65 years, SGD has been tireless in developing new courses and

trendsetting methodology. With its “waveLearn” online learning system,

which has been awarded several prizes, SGD plays a leading role in the

area of new media learning.

Conference-Partner 2013

Euro-FH Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg

The state-accredited Euro-FH was founded in 2003. The internationally-oriented curriculum is specially tailored to

the needs of adult students who are also working full time. Flexibility, professionalism and practical expertise are

fundamental to career and financial success nowadays. At the Euro-FH we take into account both the requirements

of the business world and the needs of our students.

As one of the leading distance learning universities in Germany, we convey practical knowledge that leads to

internationally recognized, business-oriented bachelor and master degrees. The Euro-FH is Germany’s best-known

private distance learning university, according to a recent forsa study (survey of 300 human resource managers

in companies with more than 150 employees, commissioned by Euro-FH in January 2013). Currently more than

6,000 students are registered at the Euro-FH.

With our extensive range of services, we offer the greatest degree of flexibility and ideal conditions for combining

work and study. With so much flexibility, students can effectively combine work and study and quickly earn their

degrees. From the very beginning they benefit on the job from their newly acquired practical knowledge.

The business-oriented distance learning curricula lead to internationally recognized bachelor and master degrees.

In addition, the Euro-FH offers university courses leading to a certificate in the areas of business administration,

law, logistics, languages and psychology.

Forum DistancE-Learning

The professional association Forum DistancE-Learning (Fachverband für Fernlernen und Lernmedien e. V.) arose in

November 2003 from the Deutschen Fernschulverband e.V., which had been in existence since 1969. The current

100-plus members are experts in media-supported and tutor-guided learning for corporations, institutions and

private persons. The main purpose of the association is to provide the distance learning business with a platform

for discussion and action on shared interests.

The association claims a market share of more than 80 percent of organized distance learning institutes. In other

words, more than eight of 10 distance-learning students in Germany benefit from their educational providers’ partici-

pation in the association’s internal information exchange. The Forum DistancE-Learning sees itself as the primary

contact for politics, research, industry and commerce, and the public. Through its academic and educational policy

activities, the association aims to encourage public debate of the issues and stimulate innovations in distance learning.

People outside the education sector have also taken note of the intense engagement of the Forum DistancE-Learning.

For its excellent and innovative association work, the professional association (Fachverband für Fernlernen und

Lernmedien) was designated “Association of the Year”. The innovation award of the German Society for Association

Management (DGVM, or Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verbandsmanagement) was presented to Forum DistancE-

Learning at the DGVM 10th annual congress.

Local Organizers

Wednesday, June 5th

12:00 Registration & Welcome Snack

13:45 Opening by EADL and local organizers

14:00 Keynote: How will our society and business change

and what has this to do with learning

15:00 Move your business to a higher level

15:45 Coffee break

16:15 How a student becomes a client

16:45 Activating the learners

17:15 Speakers corner – your chance to get in contact

18:00 Get-together on the legendary Reeperbahn

20:00 Meeting at Blockbräu

Thursday, June 6th

09:00 VISIR Micro innovations in Distance learning

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Example of surviving the crisis

12:15 The impact of Personality in Distance Learning

13:00 Lunch

14:15 Distance Learning in German Enterprises: Results of Business studies

14:45 Distance Learning at the Deutsche Bahn

15:30 Coffee break

16:30 EADL AGM

18:00 Boat trip

20:00 Social Evening on the banks of the beautiful „Alster“

Friday, June 7th

09:30 How to cope with the crisis in educational markets

10:15 Tutor Management as Quality Insurance

11:00 Coffee break

11:45 Three Perspectives

12:30 Closing Ceremony

13:00 Farewell Lunch

The Conference Programme at a Glance

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