renstro - rockaway township free public library · uhii witli ita motto, "u« c tameu...

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The Dover Printing Company:i>uur.iKiii:iM»»» PROIIIETOIIB.

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PUHEDKUGH aixi MIWICINKN, 1'AINTH,OIIH, (llasti, bnisln'S. I 'Mlmum,

K'tl'l I JVJAMHH A. (lUUlHI.r., tin* I V -I)rii|'Ki" J>"vcr. HIKIT tipisn on SUNDAYSfur thu *a!<; «f Muliciii* H wily from H to 10 A.M. ,aniHniml lofil ' . 5[, 4My


Counsellor at LawAND


(Junior of Him* well and SIIHHI-1 Sti.

.DOVER. N. J.1. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

Rom* and Cnmit^R to L««t.


D0VIC11, N. J.



Counsellor at Law,AND MASTElt IN CHANCERY,

Oriko in tho >tatimin] Union Bunk ]iwUliiiK

3 U C K » . O St., DOVER, S. J.




DOVER, K. 3.Thoptacohaa been tmllrijl.vreflttriljn & neat



Cor. Blackwell and Sussex St».BO7EE, N- J.

J. R. NQiauiionit. A. o. RUI




R. A. IlEJfNBTl', M. I) ,


Cor. Blackwell 4 Warren Sis.,IO'w«iliiVnv.irl)iuk,)

H: 71

DOVERr.i.-tl .:,nluml I.ur

.J <j A. U.

, N.J.,01 til

. l to a

REUBEN ROWE,iiiiviiifilL-iLn.nlHiifwIirilfof (hf , in, iu-rty w h e n

h t ' l a , Imrtt-'iiliirfit'il ludlili .-H f o r (In- li-fmir i>f

Kfwi i t f J l i ie l i im-w, F i r - n r i n n , SliiMituI l t i r i t n i -


M. & l .

H~ P." SANDERSONT 'A l t K I i d K WOO!

iVKlt Dli l 'OL

W H E I ' X H J L S low IH §7

)f KINK COLORS furlainiiiiff. A I K O O I L H I I''oniyiimullii»ini-t,tii!.JEAU, <•(.<!. Pa in t , C

1) in!r M. Alt kindsu-riitfco uitd wuutm

.,, VAHNIHH, butli

nd HAll of the (

Ijyif Ir tlm



QOOT and S H O £

ovury man, woimiu »ml ii Mums County. Wu htivo recoiv<

over llirco hnwlrcd CIISO.K «I BOOTS iwul SHOES duriug tliu montU c

y ttTH, FillH'i'-OLASBQAItKIAOJ-: mid NUIKtll ORNAMEN'i'H.

llaviiiu huil » l.»rK«i:xiK-riUj»ci, f»rn.crly BKea r r ing imiMcr, from ,i ||iur<iiii;ti kiio*]-IfJO Oi t|jL- iHWIHthH I liilVB 4llviUlttLu'Hf nV)liv other ili-uW.


UNION HALL BUILDING,Jllm-'Lw.jUHUw.t, l),,vec,

Hot Air Furnaces,




imrr WAKE,



n the btiBt manner and uttlie Hliorteiiiotlco. Highest prlcos yuM for old Iruti.Copper load ind powtor takon in uxcliatige••gOOllH.

ALEXANDERDecember 3-lUi, 1070.


mhvr, o\ety pair boiiiR lnwln for m of material especially odapto

for Fail ami Winter wear, and we mspuetfully invite our patrony am

tlio public to call aud examine tho beimlj/ul ntylea and

they tiro being offered at.

CUSTOM WORK!3 are constantly improving tho Quality of our custom work, no:

aim being to make as good custom boots and shoes as tho vory be

New Yori city establishments at much lower figures. That we are

uucGL'iling is nttosteil by the fact that notwithstanding our large force

f workmen we are compelled to work fifteen hours A day to keep up,

Wo will accept money from no oue for an unsatisfactory fit. We i;

vite i\ trial mul feel that we eiin give in thia department tbo beat ol

MDEKER & HEAGAN,Cor, Warren aid M u s i Sis.,

Opp. D., L. & W. DEPOT,October (ith, 1880. DOVEK, IX. J".



OUR 5 0 CT-IKI i']«'wlit*ii> a t 7(1 clu.

a now c r o p toiifl, HL'LISOIIOHO triul will jirnvo tlio fact. Oar high

880, retailed nt 70 eta. perlb.

COFFEE! COFFEE COFFEE!raeliuliug Kicli Old Moclm. Government, .Tuva, Mflrneailjo, SnutoB, Rio are all

tteain minted. Alwuys frosli,

S U G A R S SOLD AT COST.Tim .uli&liitftnli uf Dover ami MorriB Connty will

Autvr supply from us.b well by ptircliftHinp their


3 Bubnoribil



Ollieu ovir GE0, RIOnAIlDa i Co.'g BIOIU

DOYEB, N, J.Hprcli) nillcu liouri un Haturdavi Trum R A

M till 12 M



UOVEIi, N. J.OfUim nvor A. ffiRhtnu'

171 B i * ! «lm>t.

Aiicr.U for Piirbsnks'

wllligor't Saloo.




WALTES A. WOOD'S Colobratcd



lias mionnl a m.w vanluf IIMCKWELL ANDa is prepayd tn fnrti)

A"For Sale!

ntUmiil nfiruit.


SlUKJASUNNA, X. -T-FRED.MASX1, - - - Proprietor.

Tim ftliof Immip i f t lwnl .d in oue oMbc| H in tlit

jHi.iU., ^itliin A f t * luiniiti-s' l . . i \V. i:.ii!riw«l I.II III.- <a*!flml lUllron' l ' f N. J. on Hiv



D O V B R , i«ar. a.


have opened n new ujt-rcliftiit tuioring rstalilisliment at ilie abovonamed place, im<l with n CHOICE HTOOK of

ENTIRELY NEW GOODS,invite tho public to ^ivo them n call of inspection. Our nHSoitnient

liuh's nil tlm LEADIXfJ STYLUS FOR SUMMEK AVKAlt, iuiKimi'icK, JJnewkiiiH, Jironil Cloths, nnd ull other fjoads used in.iuprt or nii.^lu gi.rn.</»K Hii-viiif* hiul a ,oiif> ami pnictical ox\w-

rimiru vtuli-Kiroto I'HdihliNli lu-ro a n-|mtntiun for good work, nmltako cs]nrijU pains tn mako up nil (.nltrs in tlio most liicrcui^h lmtn-nii mul in tho prcTnitiii^HtylcK. Prim-s ^umantml us low' m tin;Umvst. A full is rcwpoctfnilv Kolk-itnl. 22-1 v


Eitruds from a aernioa by Rev.W. Hiilluwajr, Jr., iu the Dover Prenby-terinu Glmroli, Bunday evening, Oct.1011). Published by request:

Tlie llrnt thing of wiiiob I sbal! gpcwua tbc iuruEasiTONESH of tbo gath

It VMB ROmolhing lo Htir tlie least i:inesnir.iijib.ebeert touDle the convcon

| tiuu ot reprjsentativea from all mrtBi the world A a cburcb substantially one.J From tlie cootineut at Europe, Austria,

ltulgium, France, Qormany, Italy, Hol-land, Bpnin and. BwitzttrlnnJ eont del-eKiitep. Gro"i f rituiu Uad repreeeuftive from Jin^flncl, Ireland, Scotlandand Wiilos, uud from her coloniesdepmidcneiaB of Oauada, Soutli Africa,India and A list m .

Fwni the U. S. too, tbo Pregbytar-iu.ii clmroli, Nottli and Boutb, tlio Re-formed Dutch und Relormed OermaiL'!iui'(!l'<M, tha Uuitei] ProsLTteriaichurch, tbo Associate Reformed Syno<of the South, tbu Reformed Prabj te-'-- cliurcb, htJ dnlegatoB present

cburcheB rdpreeeated and it ia indiitowttory to*uj other hoditu t o «•t—tk« noblest constituency of cliritendom.

Bock of some of them lies tbe grandee!religious liiatory. The historic aasocla-tiousnlouo wero (;nougti to make tliecuuuofl solemn aud great, forbore waredescendeuta oi" Lho Hugueuota wltlimemories of 6t. Battbolomew olusterini

aml tin-(!.•«•

Axes and Edge Tools,ROOKAWAY, N. J.

b f n i i . t t , • » l » k * *lti i f s m i . i t M t j . U

p a l : , . - ( ( , • ! tttth U •>"! 1 1 " ( i x . V* . it<- . i a t

Em ) K nlt

A Mr ( U »M

«• ua tW Mil* Rrw Is Jt ^k

Hulk. IU\, liiitur »iio nt tin-tnr»l JHII ml«lii lliii "fli'in of tlir Slat--, niKl )i«r.

.illi Hi.']ia^ pulilir, fur wfann



•« ,««l . . i«D M t fr 6 BC M »J ! 0 l i U I 1 1 1 1 ' " 'Sridf •. DOTSS. K. J.


»•. Til... (I- I...1 >•



this. T. Start A Soi fsgg*A-a«r.

Horw Shoeingtar

T LUMBER Co.HE UOVERofTi'rs Iu Imiltlrrn tlict 1 icst (nijinrttsnitio:. in flu* jniri'liu^n uf lA'X

of wvry Knulu mill lii-^riptioii im-huli i^ LOW I'lt lCKS ami tliu grout'

Iimnber Worked to OrderI.)- mridiiliory nt rli.i plm-c WIMTI- il is |uin-!sii-.-.1, |;riMt!y K»»rniiin iliu

c w t o( liuiltliui; by tlif j,'ri:.lha\iiii; in labor Our

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsunit M'MIIEU u( I'riTjr i!c»ti[iliiill, anil 0f|HTinl pains uto U k o i

li> (,'ivo »a!iH(.nclioli iu ciery put icuku.

I. W. HUUM, dial llaM|»r

Ww II. Um»t, W ) . ' J TIM



h gtfcmwtum ky all tt Ii

HtKSE SH0EIH6tMMhflNmriA it* Mtu

y n ktytaw u tflM hi iwr top**.

tiMntaBMeUM tiitn,Ht M niimHli tar


abant tbem; and of tbeoUeat of tbo protestant cbnroLeg, onimbued with the mprtvr spirit; end ofthe Cuideo3 the primftivo ohristians ofSootlmid ; and ot tbe Covenanters wlifougliL au3 won in the same land, thgreat battle for Christ's crown an<coveuaut; and of tho Yiuitlois, "llietiina-tried, foe-triod, liro-tried churchof Switzortaud," t l ienut und bloodcenturies of confession uad martyrdom

herakitta aud sandals; and of theHoliimdcra who after loug years aud gi-gunticntr»j*^kBnatl countiDBa ttlrovo tlie forces of Spninnndof PhilipI I from thoir tlyku-dcfeudoJ land, to behei)ci.'ft>rth t ie laud of religious andcivil freedom. It eutnietl aa il tho VCITl>hice in which the council met waa h%\-owed ]jy such traJitious nud momoricBif a jJorBMutod, but fnitbfiil, of a burn-ng, but not couuiniiod ohtirch. Itsouk! be with ao common fetiliugs tbuIUO lookod uyou tbe reproBeututivos ofiH'U glorious confessors, such heroicIcfcmlers, Biieb noblo mnrtjrs of theruth IIN if ia iu Jesus. Auil on tbi-•ulla of Horticultural Hull where theaoetiiiRH wero licit] woro brilliant reliiiLlers of thia Emintly ami boroic pftSt.'here urc livo pane] a on each side of themil und in theno wore huug symbolicmbloins of tho days of persecution andif victory through Cbriat—oncb paneloiling tbu tiilu of uue national ohurob.L'lif) Scotland panel was the burningUHII witli ita motto, "u«c tameu conau-mbutiir," (and yet it was uot coasiim-],) aud tbo nuuee of John Kuox

tud Regent Murray and otliers not born

0 die. lutheFrouch panel wero tlierils Coligny, Ivry, St. Dartliolomew,. Iu the Italian, a candlestick witb

<even gotdon stars and the legend, "alilt flhlniugin tbodarkneM," the nenl

tbo WaltJeaaes, a lily growing upihrough thorns," and tbe taotto "nmer-(o," "Istraggle throagh." Ihtpanel Bhoved the Bwisa shield, the HalfEagle, the toy with tbe motto "Poatteu-ebniB lux, and Calvin's seal, a Imnd in nleatt, liohetniit allowed a cup

,r above it, tinil below, a rook with airm beatiug upon it nod n dove hurry-

ing to its wolcome cletU, with tlunames of Htiss and Jerome. Orange wuirominoat in tlie Holland panel, Hoiilelierg in tbo German, Wcuhninistci in

" "' 'i, Patrick, A.D.871, Colwu-u, A. 1). CU3, in ttiat of Ireland. Audbus on every siJe wcropictnreil to theto thu sirugf-loa nnd sufforings anditli and trininpliB of tho clirisliunmrch, in nuuiy lunds.Nor were the members of tho counciliuU bulnw tb« Bt<mili\til deraiitnlcd byicb tstiring und nolito lii.storics. Theyurt) tbu luitdiug man of tbo great Trea-fteriun family tlirongliynt tbo worldday, UHJL of power in thought, nuiiinfluuMce in nffiiirs, n>ou who Imvo

mln Uioir muirU upon tlieir genorntion,en who will ho hdnonibly reiiiemhor-

1 (iinot)g the IjoHt nnd jmrest of tbu ngci writers mid twicliera aud'ur^ymon, men Qoy. Hoyt enid

r lii(,'ic, tlioir iliah'nlio skill, tlieirIICL' and their fnitb, Hwceji every;imi on every fueo of tbo L-c«!osiiiHti

il citadel thtty hold; ovur whoso chc"p-friso and jnirnpub orror hat:lniiiiv of siicci Hful naianlt,11

en roprt'spiilinff tlie trujnod iutollcctof tin) world. Ainanjj tlioin I may wen^tion UN tint known, Ajolpbo Slonodof Fmuce, Tullucb, Flint, Gruot, Rniny,lllukif, (Julflrmowl nuil Cniriis of Scot-Imid, McCoih, Hitchcock, Scluff,QauHv,Cuylcriind Ounijibt'll of our own couu-try, McKat' und Mi-Viour of Can ink.

The impcr-s road by tlitso mtio, al-rfiuly kiiimii by tbi-ir works in thu pul-pit, in tlni college, hi tbu (nmm, uud iuall liU'caUir*, tsltuwtM raivfit! «l»ily nmljirofiiHiiil invtvitigiitiiiii, uml worn wor-thy »f 1'i'iiiK bftinl in iniy iiHMMultly,mi*) uf li.-iiif diifuiiod ull over thuchurch. Tlu-v fiirm n (tt-fuiii•luiiltt .Hid rrnir, ui.,1 a chilliinciili>ft.ii' cliiistian Uhli iiuil'itf tlie(tiiitoh work, which will be vulnaMo forMifivfiliutf (;.'iii'r.iti(iiis, Tim Bcnlcbtlfiiicii! iu tho council was cspveiall^htriiun miti uutiui-nblf, uttd Hint in Uu-lumomil to siy Mint 11^iv would WjinlUuii. tbiiiih'bt, nil ill fill umunientaiitlm,i»iivi- iirutury, Nrnrly all of tUm• orocff'Tltvo f<jMiikcra tlioOfjb differingin umhy ]K>ini« from Ilio palnit onlum( t Atuf-rifn. ami IbouRb tbeir K«tietiU-

Manfurfrifia Bmwfnl—at lint ikmrut Imlif roui, oouiUUng M it tlid torii»t rzlont of iirajing bodjr ladBi'-it^itifliuB i r t u wilbont aa j ro*

Utinn lothfliaujtctiMUer.Tbc cuntrariWtwwu ibm «od

PnnotiuMl the

uniforaiity, noflUcboliDgmg to formitaa us to justify another ohatgo sumtimes muds tlat Oalntniam is a OHiron creed that binds moos' intslle

d a f of thought loopi

gncetiil rnxb u d Uw InpmlaMaluliuuau) lbs (wrld Milbamn oloar o n oaooliT «u m ; ntriwl. andl l t S M M M d l MloirsltirnnSMMMaodlM niMtol driut IDJ loielbh aperah »bt«bno. li«Uloci«l>l« to pl». Bal «Ul4>.,^.ki»jo< Ida lapnMiMMi ol ttoCooodl. I Mri MI bent IIM find

lb» «mt»l«t MHIIIM w IwlJ. i»J llwh U f l d h J i l M ilb» mt»l«t MHIIM w IwlJ. i»J llwhwUfilud h ip Jmitma al Maaia••mUtaluowHi uri molaj taat-

aMtltUt, ia M* wmk i

ikmaanr tat Mala auk II ilm.lalMfMtafcM&gr M,MinMttamMr.

M d K U i H l M . t e n V ;ay nittMtJ W a» t»iala aX

W a r HP vavvr i l

« "W


It ia true, too, that there were'Iio gare expression to what ore cull

liberal or tha ndvouoed views, X'lgreat cuatroversieB that are going ontlie Seatinli church, bad tbeir eolioeatbeoQUBcil. There were repre«eBfat[veiof botU aides present, and tbe liberalTiewB WBire heard in one or two casesia tlie discussion of lbs relation of inoct->ro thought aud life and teodenoy

Preabyteriuniam. But the prevailingtone was old lnebiooed fSranselioaliBm,Tbe tieatmont given by Vbe andienooi Uwhat ore known aa orthodox views wo.

ithing remarkobla Wbilo the martneed views when expressed were re-

ceived with silence, the gieat»t ap-planne. often long oon tin ceil and euIhnsluatlo, followea, tlirougbout Ibowhole moating, [ho utterance of thoseviews which had the soundest and tnosfccertain aad moat loyal ring.

Ftrhopa this was no more markedany one occasion th»o on Taetdaythe lecootl week of the meeltng,. when-ttMtiibjeefc of-tha atonement v u ooo-eidored. Two papeni of great DOWIwere reed, one by Principal Oairus,EdinbnigU, the other by Dr. Hoga, oPrinceton, in which therloarous natur*of tlie aacrifica of Christ was most clearly set forth And ably vindicated. Princi-pal Oftirne traoed the dootrioB tbroogbtbe Old TeflUirutjct, asserting tbat tbereU no meaning in lyDes unless llie bloodat Ohriat was an expifttion, ftD*i tteathtoagb the New Testament, maintain-ing that thara je no othar way to ac-count for tbe incarnation. Dr. Hogtdoolared that tbe doctrina of the Hiformed or Presbyterian family <V.iuicbosi* •HWttbo^rarioui siorifiiif Clirist was an endurance of tbe pernouseqaenoes of Bin by tbe offendedjaw-giver io tha place of the' offeudiiugiibjeot; that it was tlie absolutelyasenlbl pre-condition ot (lie forgirenessit human sin, nnd tbat the absolute

leceesity Laa its ground in theable moral perfections of tli» divlmnature. Tbe doctrine aa the Presbjleriichurches have always held* it, carrieswith it our whole Gospel and our entirereligion and ecclesiastical life. Anyattempt to modify this is, In effect, snittenipt to discard the whole HyBtoni ofreligion wa bave inberiUd from ourfathers, and to substitute n differeut onein its place." Dr. Cairns also attestedtbat " tbe great centre of life is atill thejtoBa, and in all the world of Ohriatian-ty no utterances thrill like the olditraica."

Tbis last statement of Dr. Oaims ...mrue out b j UIB conduct ri the council.fJio whole aiidienoe bung ejwll boundipon bis sentences, attracted no leas byils massive eloquence than by th;randuer of hit) theme. And after thijjera hod been read, » profoundly

moved w u the council that the proceed-ings were arrested that a prayer oIliouliHgiving to God for tho gift of hiBon and tbe blessings of redemptionmight be offered. And when the clearstrengthful voice of Dr. Ormistoo, ofN, Y,, rose ia prayer I think that hisfervid utterances touched every heart pt

,t standing assembly, At no momentriuR the sessions did the council risemoll a height of devotion, It was

omethiug never to be forgotteu byhose present.

Another mnlter I noted nt tlie counWEB tho prominence given to subjectsiriuK upon uburuh estensloii.First, in the sympathy which pervad-I the council oa behalf of the cUuroliesi tho ctiutiuent of Europo. Thosolurches though tbo oldest ere thecakest iu tlie Presbyterian family,ley liave passed through many trials,»y liiboi under many difBcnUios,io m\\ in •wliiel, Lbey grow uud thi:tiospliero which surrounds them iimy elites orii detrimental to progressd unfuvonible to the dovelopmenti ofvigtirouH life. Tho delegates from>ae clmrclios tlionifore bad the nym-

ltliy of nil Jrora the very beginning,ud whonever they roso to Bpcak theyLTO wclcomod moat heartily, and Haton-I to, ovcu thniigb tbeir broken EnglishHide it Imrd to understand, with nn-vided ntltintioQ. Their appeals foiie prnyerfl nnd cooperation aud moneytheir brethren ia Groat Britain and

TTtiitml StutcH worn rwpnndeii toitli enthusiasm.

Another way in which the question of-'imchoiUiUflion came up tucoousideration of Evangelistic movementin largo cities nod destitute plnoea,Papers were road showing what (treattbiiigB have alrendy beoo acoomplislied,aud poiutiDg oat tho host methods oldoing ja t more. *

Tbe discussions upon this toplo verothe most generally participated in andtho moat lengthy. Ilut the most inter-eating poiut coancotod with this dis-ouanion, iuJee) tbe most intemstinafact oonnoDtetl with tbe whole councilto myself was the anponfnnoo upon the

nt tbu Aaudem? of Eugouo IUtTttil-tho former Editor, critic, free-

tbiuker but now cnuvertcd Clirialiauwonderful BvunKulist of FBHB.KII not altumptinR to speak in

„ itli for fenr IIH ho mild Hut bo wouldubusi: it tuo tuidly, obliged tn Imvo his

translated ouo by (me (hronghan interpreter, yet Iris uloqucncQ kepiIlut viwt nudiuuen \mtiuuuy iu tlieiiiitneoa through nu address of an hour'slength. His Appearance wu greetedwith pruluu([oil and joyful applause,ftnoffinft Clint bo in known hero anil (hathi* work U approoiulcd, as ono of tho

otA ol Unt Ja j , and ono butting. otottolv upon tlio future of Frmoce

I/ojfaTo au account of tli»t work verjraode*lly, taeaihnioffthe work or Her.UoAll «UD, BOJ tail] tbat the ponUoQ oftbo Prtabfterian ebareb to^lur loKnow U tint ot Prior ind too ' "*ffin<M U tbat ot Pstor ind Ito ApatOm•hooafter laving tolled w U>ag\adobbinwl nothing, at Ibo wonl ol OlirUt(he* lowered tficir net, ami Iben mg m l wu tbe dmogbt of I U I N Ibat tb«netmilikfltobruk. Tlwy rwcdwltlwtMlpofAmnku Qiri>Ui» to eo-bUihta to B*thw In vital « w wait{o« tob«BiU.emlinrararift

Ill ami acaaprafot), B n . tfr.DoJd*.a n to t n n l IbroagfatbceMiitrv imwal-luthtooamot gvattRattuticBiiVws.w£Uh u (w uVdu*ii tliuo|Mgain for Itw utnoo* of tt»which iid#iliB«l lortieteh w r o i i U t

cwliMSl." HU I^MIDB wurU* isEilMfc. («1HM tortl, m l lblUM,wiN "UWllM.b t t U h


Common Council Proaecdingt,The October meeting of the Common

Council i

nttraotedloehrii . „.. „than through discord? There in really noreason why the free churob and theeitabiisbed cborch of Scotland, or whjtbe Preebjteriait ohnrah and tbe Reform-ed Dutch church of tlm country abonlduut aUutt ahoolder to shoulder vo til tbeJiDatlioa oonutries' of the globe. And.perUaps, one of tbe gnat practical re-soils of tbifl Pan Presbyterian Connoil,m has already been hinted at hf someof tbe leading men connected wiUi it,will bo to foster and advance this wove-moct of co-operation. While it marnot bs able and i* not designed toforraulate auv new creed or present anynew utandards, vet if it is to be lasting,and if it is to be influential. It mustdirect iU life in 8om« channel of ohurobwork. Aud the missionary operationsof tbe church will probably be thatcliannol. New interest wilt be excitedin tbat work by tuking counsel one withanother, by having tlie different branch-es come together and looking upon euchother, by^oompuriDg notes and recei?inginformation, and giving nnitod prayersand means. The Presbyterian ohm 'i&s alffuya been a missionary ohni.

beyond everything else, These ooqaoliwill give greater scope and effioiei

ta-nrfBrionary ipirit Una work; __ . . _,heart of tha ohuroh moot be stirred aa amount of $80, and seven male tramps

WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT IT.The following aie tbe views of a num-

ber of papen reapectiug the recentchange in the position at TEE IBOK EE*.Many other exchanges have copied BOIBOof the notices here given ;

The IBOBBT E B I , of Dover, which is oneof tbe best local papers io tbis State ha»been parohased by Mr. Isaac B. Jolley,of that town, and will hereafter be enn-daot«d M a BepnbUcan paper ,—DWUjvtt htdepmdM

t Iisld oo Ifonda; evening.Mermen Beaoli u d Hanu,

and CoacoilneB Lewii, Htirlioiue aoJColUiril.

The minutes of the last meeting wereread and approved.

In the abaence of the Mayor AldermanBaaoli KM called to preaide, an j Wm. 1.Leport aettid aa Clerk.

A petition wu received bom baimeaslen and properly oraere along Black-

well ilrcot, aiklng that 8. V. OUen 4Co., be mimed penniaaioa to i ton pfrtrolenm, naptla, illombaling oil, etc.,trithin the tovn limits, aa tbe aameirould endanger their proper!;, minetheir ratea of iDstuaneq, etc The mat-ter « u letenal to the Street Commit-;ea

JustiooQige repotted one arrest anili fine imposed to t i e apountj.of $25.m report vaa accepted, L 1 $ikLtrshal Kelley reported six tureata *8 rt lias bpraWortj been the exponent^fleptember, flnes-laiposea to the ^"" '*" " " * ""

never before, and as by so other us,to carry the gospel all over the world,to . proclaim the tidings of Batvtithrough a crucified Redeemer,

14 Till like a sea of glory,It spreads from pob to pole.1

And in no way can this hope be real-ized so quickly, and this activity beqniofcened so efficiently ai br makingthe co-operatloa of missionaries onheathen BOJI the projoetive point of ap-peal, and prayer, and effort.

oooommodaled in tlie station boose.Report a epted

Horrto County.When tha Boonton nail works shut

I]OWD five or six years ago; when tlieiron mines about Dover and Bookawaywere left to the care of a half dozenien; wheo the furnaces at Oxfordfere sileut; when the storekeepers of

all tlie towns sat in idleness; when tbeformar conld not sell his potatoes andcum for halt tlieir -worth; whea (100,-000 repraseDted the iron product instead

1 82,000,000; when tbe workers IDiop altar shop Socked to tho cities and

unlearned the trade of a lifetimebecause it no longer afforded bread;when, in fact, the spectre of Hard Time8

1 Btalkiag about and plnofalng tbebaby's cheek so tbat there were deephollows instead of chubby health—then

> that Morris county " wanted aibange,"and it voted for it in 1670,fow, whan tbe conditions are altaraei, It asks only that > the presentlrcmperity should be continued. Noibange ie dedred except euoh aa willooflrm the present hopeful outlook,

it happens that Morris county will belulwort, aa in ite beat days, for thetopiiblican party and a protective tariff,The feeling in Morris is all for Re-

publican Bucossa, and it was with thejB.ief that that success would be assured

tlioir notion that James C. Young*lood WBS nominated for State Senator,[Q represents the .active, earnest, per-stent and unfailing Bepublieanium of

tis county : he represents its intelli-gence, and he possess tha experience louake it iDauontiol. Ia his profession,1 a lawyer, he has vindicated bisitellootual powers; as a legislator he

showed ability torepreaant his uon-itaaota faitlifally, and to guard thecrests of the whole State; in private

fo he has been blameless, and in» he bos been shrewd, energetic

id successful. Such a man Morrlimoty needs in the State Senate, and,iless all signs fail, it will have Mmire for three yearn—Newark Adver-

Selvi.Tregay to keep a Baloon. Keferred toLicense Committee,

The following bills, after the usualreference, were ordered paid.

Corporation pay roll for September,8180.95; Ftani Qeiee, repairing firocistern, (2,25; P. J. Goohrao, Juniior,$5; JOB. P.Kalley, Marshal,850 jFninkOeise, buiiaing onlvort corner of Blaok-well and Essex streela, 464.60 ; MQHIQ& Buck, paintins book and ladder truch,$10.85.

The License Committee reported tbatMrs.. Tregay's application for licensespeaifled no place where she elioulJ sell,and npon thpir eogRestion it was orderedreturned for collection.

Chief Engineer Bennett reoommenueafor confirmation tbe names of J. H.Tolman, H. G. Funk nnd LivingstonDalrymple as members of ProtectionHook and Ladder Company. On motionthey were confirmed.

The Fire Committee were instructedto look after tbe condition of the firecistern on Borgen street, after whichcopncll adjourned.

i!l advocate the oletlticm of aorfiolduudAillmr, in tlw belief that the (access of

The Dover IBON EBA, one of tbe spici-est and moat readable popere in North-ern Kew JBriey, hoe changed bauds, Mr.Vogt retiring from tbo editorial tutm-agemant. Mr. L B. Jolley is tbe newproprietor. Mr.J. S. Oib«on "toldf* thefort" as looat editor. —Bdvidcre Imle-pendent.

The IBOK EB*, pnbliebed nt Dover,Morris County, K. J., which bus here-tofore maintained an independent jmi-tion, came out a straight Republicanjournal on Saturday lust. The EBA isone of tbo largest end one of tho best

. . iron ittterent of that Buto itsliangeofposilionis vory significant.—

era oaoenaenoy and free trade, will con-firm and strengthen our newly-noquiredprosperity, aud thuB benefit both capi-talists uud laboring men.—V. K limn,

Mr. B. H. Vogt has sold all his right,title, interest nnd good will in tbe IBOK

!*IIA printing office, of Dover, to IsaacB. Jolley, for $5,900. Mr, Jolloy haamade a stock concern of tbe establish-ment, aud tbe EBA is now issued as aRepublican paper. Tbe local depart-ment will remain in charge of John fl.Gibson, which is of itself a guarantee ofan interesting and newsy journal. Wm.T. Leport is to be editor.—Suuex £eg-~ter.

One ot the beat newspapers in MorrisCounty for years past has been the IBOKEBA of Dover. It was so entirely neu-tral, however, that it did uot eveu ex-press independent judgment upon theaffuirs of the day, It has now passedfrom tho hands of Mr, Benj. Vogt, wbohas long been the owner, into that of" The Dover Printing Company," of•vhicu Mr. Jolley is one of the largestM. Jstockholders.

ld fl d

lley is oIt also

i i ig

runs tip the Oor-( it

Her Mr. Fruer'i Triable.Some of the. Mauds of Rev. T. D.

'razee, of BranohviUo, Sussex county,ave called on us jn reference to tbe mat-

'a published concerning him lfeekjj ngo,They say that all tbe moral, rccpoct-)le people oi the place are on tbe aide

tbo pastor, tbat tbo man and wifebo make the charge against him werejected from leroral church ohoira iuher places, and moke tbis ohcrge[ainst tho pastor in malice beaaase he)uld not allow thorn to sing in hisoir, They further say thstlter. Mr.iseo wai never with Mrs, Halaled ex-

pt wb«u her husband was present;10 tbat tie ladies who wero reportedcharging tb& preacher with being too

ntimatc with tbom hate all signed ataper donjing it oxcent one, who atysho pastor onl; Naked bis arm ia hats• they wero returning home from an•yater sappei, Tho friend* ot Mr.faieeseem lodinad to blame tn Forubtiiliing tho chargci igtOnst him, forlisa (hej bare no muon. Mr. Piasee

wrested an-1 brought into court,d the auttar tliat booame pnblic Woive uooHd Mm of nothing, and willly b« toe tfu\ to bear of bin wsUin-

n lho higher ooart loliiali bM b«aa balled. But 11 no

mut.kleldl lr , rruee from publicitywarn be Is brought into oonrt, wo must

Uu anna Uilug b r u n t / other Indl-Ind who U chargnl with tloUIIng

Aoolbtr Dtpubllcui Githiring.Another rouiiig Depoblioau rally wasU ill Punr os Baiulaj emilqr Ual.lot sUnetad tnora pna|ila to tbe Iowao bid bxm m b m la • loaf ««».

1M lon*U(rkt puimalua was a w ttaidl Ttw ML Hop.

4 fltoH i . tin

OaittU ud AlUwCllb, a] BaaUon,C d . Hatkii. uiabarhf onr 100 a w

la . a n ullorm aad InadaJ by afaw torpa, uaW t*a dlnaikw tt Dr.


Miniature aenocratlo I'rocrsslonWe, tbe inhabitants of the peaceful

Btretoli of road between 8ucoasunua nadFlanders, ware ronaed on Saturday ev-ening last, Oct. 9th, by loud soundswhioh resembled a Bkimmertou party intbe distance. On opening onr doora thenoise increased, and we beheld in tho

s ton flgoios mamhilg in a jov-ons prooession. The captain, who car-ried a torch, was olad in complete mill-tatyidresi with tho exception ol Lit beadwhich was crowned with something re-sembling a night, rather than an offi-cial's cap. This form of bead gearseemed to distinguish each one of thisminiature Demooratio prooession. Tbeother figures, both male and female,were arrayed. In faataatio oostumes, redbeing tbe predominating color. Afterthe eaptain oame the drummora, (on tinpans,) next the lantern carriers, then theiuGtrutr.ectfi taking the place of fifes,(namely, combs, whichgreatlyexhaustedtbe players' breath) nnd lastly two glori-ons lanterns mado of hugo pumpkins,the name of Eanoock adorning (?) theone, nnd that of English on tho other.As this etrango company approached

and baited ot each of our houses tbeydeafened us with their mimic and checnwhich were much appreoiatod by thiDemocratic inhabitants, nnd hissed atby the Republican. On tbeir return,after tbis display of their liopaa andleDtiroonts, the oaadlc of the Huucock

lantern was suddenly extinguished tMay wo not consider thia a fatal omento tho Demoorats in the ooming cam-paign ? What is tbis handful of Dem-ocrats compared with tbo number ofBepnbHcans who marched ou 'Wednes-day evening of last week through ourTillage of Sucoasunna ?

Star up. bmroi, UnoMiLtll loll,Xhe Bepnblla*cn do tit tlilncs well.

A Harvest Thonkairlvlnr-Tho people of the Second M. E.

Ohuroh hold a sorles of antumn sorvioeaon Sabbath last, which were of tbo mostInteresting euar&cfer. The Church wasappropriately adorned lor tbo occasion.On either aide of the pulpit wis acrossof lowers, with o rooky b u s bearingthe fruilB and leaves of the aeasou.Upon tlio pulpit and tho table in (rootwere many fine boqueta of autumnflowers. The panels on tho walls woredecorated beyond Ihe skill or any paint-er with center piccea made of leaves,grataes and terns, l i d ornaments of thosane graced tbe columns. Upon thewall behind t ie pulpit wu tbo word•Wcloome" in large latlera, nude ol tho

UetuUfaliy Unto! lanes ol Uuaauon,whllo iDKUiptlorui » followi, mado inIhe a m nuuner, ware upon llie gillorjtrout: "TttlKtholardofHarrala,"

aodBlea. our School," and "TTeareOnulnl for Thy Wearinja." At tliemorning terrioe the putor, Rov. V. I.Olll. prawlied > Miami upon tbe "liar-veat." In U» aftefmoa tiore tare•ome T « J p l t u u l euni ia i lr/ tbo chil-dren of U» Sabbath Hthool, inelnliBij l a l k Vita Ella Has-

edict, oIKew York dty, a lady of « M•Vwlloliary aUlilla, nmi with coWtk BW l U

ytk« "B«rW Rm.Oit lvu i topHMat u 4 i » l « U M ) .inm, to ifct « m m of wUab bt pktt uItriMMliac diwrlptiMi at bh m«at triplaEM»«Jtop*r*Wi»l. to tMlUlkMOHUMMUL Otiift naMrtu W A * m l *by U A. Dwry, E*v, lb* 8«p«ttel«»iWBl«rth»tM(Ml. I « U M « m l « f | l M

'«a«<ag aal Ikaait*- al IIM

al UtV." It. l y n w ill

Hfcliaaianlini al Uw nUifM^i tHaaaaala tar tka Mvia«i al U» VwnsL

fclto.faa.». t»»Kl—>!•. «4 Paw f j a t Oktmmtti IM W *—*» %, mm •Mu t


neld flag, and ia giving reasons for itscourse says, etc.—Somriet Qatette,

Tbe Dover JBON EIU appeared ltutweek as a Bapublican paper, publishedby the "Dover Printing Uompanv." Iiaeditorial conduct gives promise of abil-ity, efficiency and uaefulness, and wecordially welcome it as a co-worker iubehalf of sound principles, and tbestrengthening of thosQ interests uponwbicli the welfare and prosperity of thisCounty, and indeed of tbo whole coun-try, BO much depeuds. Mr. John H.iibsou, who ba$ been for man} years ilslocal editor, ie to be continued iu thatposition.—Jerseymau,

The IBON ERA, a paper edittid andpublished ia Dover by Benj. Yogt forsome years psst, and while claiming tobe independent has bad strong Dem-ocratic proolhritiat, wns sold hist weofcunder & obattel mortgage to some weal-thy Dovur oiipitalitjtfl, among whom areJon. 0. Beach, George Rioliarda, Isaac

E. Jolley nnd otbors, who will issue it,beRinniag this week, aa a flrat-claas Ro-publicnn journal. Tlio namo of tboeditor hiia not been mnda publiu aa yet.Tlio local portion of the paper will bounder tbo immediate charga of John S.Gibaon, who has filled tho uniue puaitiouo\i t\m EnA for a long timii, uud uuc-tii«ded in miikiiig it ouo of tbu bright-eat local papers in that portion of thuState. Tbc business uviuugtinwnt willalso devolve upon Mr. Gibson, Thucosh capital of tlio EHA, aa ruorgmiized,ia *1HOOO.—Acwunt A.twtiser.

The toal Trade.Tlio Philadelphia Ltilga- aajs : Tho

anthracite oool trado is uunstinlly quiet.Tlio eurtailmcut of tlio pmuuctiuu ofcoal has comnieuced and probably willbo carried through as proposed lostweek. It ie possible that tlu eurUil-mont will bo continued at intervals byconcert of action pretty much all tbrougiltbo Fall and Winter. Tho scarcity ofvessels is given aa the caUBa of tho over-stock of coal. Tho secmiug dotomiinu-tion of tho trade, however, not to comodown in prices under any circumstances.Imparts a cheerful outlook to tbo trade.Tho total tonnage of anthracito coalfrom all tho regions for the woek endingSept. 25th, as reported by tho severalcarrying companies, amounted to CM,-109 tons, against G76.293 tons in tbocorroiponding week lost year, an in-crease of 58,205 tuns. Tho totalimonnt of autbraeito mined for tho year

i» 10,377,700 tons, against 18,652,189tons for tho SMUO period tat joai, a to-Hum of 2,574,783 tons.

A True Blua Republican.In onr neighboring town of Rocluwa;

Ivee Dr. A , a staooeb and ptomi-n«nt Democrat, whoso wife is just aasturdy a Republican. On Thundaynight or last week there was a Republi-can mooting and parado in Rockawayanil many o! tho houws ol tho plaw»»tltamiualoil in honor of tho ovoni.Ihe Doctor had been oallt.1 from bora)for several hotr. on a prolnrional visit,anil taking adrsaiaga ot Mils fact hisgood wife illuminated hb boon also.Oleoorae It created qultu aoneoooaeiil,many thinking th. Doctor had coneorar al tlu etarenUi boor, bot vheti tboI M U wen known UoUojhwaa long amihearty. Of « n n e tbe Doctor takes itwith foud grace and jlottw'In Iko factItat b . U DM Ml; part ot the boo^boUtbal eao nil*, but afur thh g m r n nn d « M M» l l a t t a m anlaiBotk In>amny lUplbliatu who .111 banafbrb.lnUTufo(ftrliif• W d U x ballot.


54.Birx.fi4r.T » « . « a J U I r o f Ika ladka oftjt.

MarwV Ctan* < ' Ifcb lHatarday)Mwtot ii IM* U l Md «a ratiu*

TW*» «m be * tmmi oftrt;»ia,»a.l


THJMROJ^EJAThe Dover Printing Company,

SiHlinlilJ,Ocl. llitll, I.NSfl









PI1TBUT SXKUIO8I,IBT nrrmicT-VM. E. POTTKR:2l> rjUTirlci-K KURD GHUBH:8 P OiOTjiici-SmoN VANWICKtE;*ra ]ii.TiiiflT-j>E^'TTT c. U U I I t ;6TH I<I*THICT-OEQ];GE WICHAHDN:Cm l";is.6U.T-CU^. SI.TKBRKWTH7m DiBiiticr-Gt.or.OE D. TOFFEY.



Tudiniia nod Ohio hove tield their BUtieleatfona nnd tUe rtBult in more snlisfactorjtban tlio moat sanguine bad hoped. Ittoo enrly jet to giro tha.eiaot flgarea, hiOhio BCDds cot bervoico In an i d f b lHqnililicnn msjorily, cslimaUjd from 20,00to S.1,0CO, a gain of 1fi,000 to 'JO.OOOUTIJII President Hayes' majority. And Ijdiauii, nil honor to her.' has again steppedinto line in the Republican ranks. The beiinformed Kefublietin* only hoped tobri)down the Democratic majority of 14,000MHX); but the Hoosier State went furtheinud rolled up n MAIOUITT of 7,000 or S,(K1on tbo llepubticnn side- lV»st Virginiacourso went Democratic, but by redueimajorities. .

It is BGedleiw to say thnt those results ihriiled with joy by all Itepublicatte, and iaccepted m sure forsruuncrs of ths nntioidiction in November. The electionfjurftald and Arthur in practically assurihill let us relax GO efforts to mnke auttitce doubly sure. Let no Republican prorod. Thf-ro is need of work until the greatresult k reached.

This di'fcnt of tbo Democrats will epithem on to renewed energy, butbut grota cnrelesgnass end orer oonfldenccan now proTcnt a glorious Bepubliivictory next month.

And now one void to our Democrat]frieudft in Hie North. Your party boa bedefeated in Indiana and Ohio on accountita double-faced position on the tariff, amon account of tlia unity of ths solid Soulon no other ground but desire to control thinational gorernnienl.

flentleinent we reaprctycur allegianceyour party, but can you not see that your!own Interests He on our aide? We tb&win without yonr aid. hut many of yobelong with ua. Your interests and ourare identical, and we say once more that tbfinances and the buHinesH of ths country,the tariff, and the result* of ths late war arSAFE only with the Republican party.

Effect of the October Elections on the NevYork Stock Market.

Nothing is a rarer indication of confidenion the part of limitless men than a willingness to pny high prices for investmentHow Mow Yorfc iuvealnrfi fwl about the It'publican victories luOhio anil IndianaKbown la the groat rise in good secoritiea oithe New York Market. Following aretho advances:

Priceon TueuU

Nortliweit 110" preferred... 130

flt.Panl 933Erie 401LaleShnro 100Michigan Central.. t)ft{Union Padfio 88SI. Loufo Iron Mt. 4QjD.L..VW <J1Del 4 Hudson.... 84,N . J . Central 74U'catcrii Union..... 98$

(lavmrnmeiiHl per cent bonds rose IJ topercent 4 per oonta ros» 1 | per can!closinp Activa and alrong.

No amount ut "boiling" conld ma!aurswil men pay these advanced prices, with,ont willingneea to boy drto to restored cos

Republican Rally at the Dodge Mine.The minbrsare wide-Qwaka, even on t!

mountain top. A Tory pleasant ilopubljcan meeting ma held at the Dodge mine,OB Friday afternoon, 12lli IBBI., compof men from the Ford, Dodge, and Weldonincfl, and large delogationi from tbiHurdtown and Ggdeo. mines, the Utterbrought on * special train on the O. M.K.

Mr. E. B. Moffalt preiided. Addresseswere made by Hon. John Hill, Mr. Junta0. VouiiRblood, and Mr. B . H. Loomia.The Mt. HDpo band furnished most excel-l«ut music About GOO men kltesded, wit!their wfrw nod children. The affair pas-ed off very mooemf ally, and all w«re tonywhen the meeting broke up, after rowingcheers for the candidate*, Ibe chairman,

The Hon. A. W. Cutlorin his letter accepting the nominationDemocratic party of thin district, write*" I tm unwilling to kempt the nominationeiwpt npon the ezprm declaration U»tdo not irjrmpathiM with tbat plank of theplatform adopted at Cincinnati which de.cUre*. for ' a tariff for revenue col; - ' I em-not and will not endone it." If U r n anMr. CutWn t ionn wravictioni and notint'wly a bid to Mich votu, h\m conniitectoonrw would be to withdraw and vote forUen. airfield for Prerident and Hon. JahaHill for GongromnaB, in wbow baada theprotective tariff t» undwUrirtj aafe.

TIM Nat Rtw*t in Ohio and Indiana.Tha Wertern (fnnocmtt **• la Uw eon-

OtUoti t>t tU IrwJtat 'i pig, which "enjoy*!mlt#ra% poor hnOUi a'-d waa iptting nolwlUt yrrj fwt" Aa the drtaJU of Tund»*> fWtiow wtw la th« deuoenUeiMatt tt M M to lit ewo worn thw vtf ilftnt W1IW&-X. V. Itaumy Pet H i t

Harper1* W»klj, ineomMMiBgcn O wm l Ilanmk'a tadtaemt Iffefma of OM>

to lit* OrMBiac*K.oaJktteiiMItr


<*«*-, HW kMf*. wUk HNMlr •

POLITICS AND BUSINESS.It ti sometimes used as an argument to

workingmen in favor at the Democratic par-t> tlwt tlie majority of capitalist iu tbo,

&ro iu one way or wrthur identiflwlwith the Fa-publican pirty. Such an argu-meat Ubtisud 011 a principle which in, inlilt: Ifuiguagti of tbo demagogue, that tbeintnreaU of worhingmen am antagonistic totkow o( their employers. This is false intheory, and false in practice. A very littler*

will show any one that the interestsof tbe two eloufefl, BO fur as concerns reap-ing good returns for their labor or their in-

Hid enjojing those rBtnnw, weidentical. Whoa capital is receiving largoroturnH, or in other woFd* Mien business IHprofitable, the natural tendency U towardsiacreased inveatwenta. And wbitt does; this

Hothing more or l«w thm an iu-creased demand for labor. Capital is neverproductive except when It employs labor,and on the other hand labor ia more steadyaud wages are more sure where largeamaoEta of. capital are invested. It is anold Baying that employers are nerer so wellpleased with their bwunew m wben Uicycan afford to pay high w&gcB. Ths very

of capital in a community it of it-Hand far labor. And whni labor

is in demand, every workinguac knows thatIt meanB one of two thinRi—either higherwagM or more steady enployinent, both of

are an advantage to tha workingclasses.

Those are well known principle of politi-cal economy, the truth of which any ontcan teei forhimat'lf by exercising tho mall*

amount of observation. In our ownneighborhood wo haw recently, seon themexemplified. In the long period of depress[on in tbe iron trade, from 1873 to 1870,In tbo course of whiuU the prioe of foundrypig iron at PMIadeiphin Ml from ®42 7.1to$I7.fl?i, and nt tbe dona or wlileU onlyJMISof (he 6!l2furnace« in tlie country wuruin blast, the demand for ore was light, themarket price consequently low, tbiB ofcourtw reacted on tbo demand for labor atIhe milieu, tbe domnud was low, and wa^enfell to Si) cents or one dollar per day. Ayear ago we saw the demand Increase.Prices rosa rapidly, ntimulnW mainly bytbespeouktion of importer* of pig iron;miners' wages rose in proportion. Whenthe reaction set in. the demand for iron de-creased, tlie demand for labor followed, aadwages fell.

Euonghhadbeennald tosliocc that whencapital is prosperous, labor is prosperousThe interests of the two aru identical. Tuiiis a most important pritKiinlo, which shouldnever be overlooked.

It ian most iiijuiaeunt riot that tba ma-jority of Northern capitolinU aro found ontbe Republican side in the present contest.There must be a reason for it, uinou busi-

teen, enpeoially ttuccetufiil businessmen, are shrewd and calculating. Ingreat struggle for wealth, no one can be

•itbout iuduatrr nod ability.And wbon we find tho larger number ofnch men agreeing in Hupportiog one pollti

oal party, and working for ita triumph, withno axen to grind," there in only one lufi

ence which thoughtful men can draw. It is,tbat THRT BELIEVE THHItt INTKBESTfl ABBSAFER WITH TBAT MUTT; and, UPIUHB our

preceding remarks can be provix! falne, tiniuterests of those whom they omploy arealso eater.

Tha business men of tbe Nortu believethat they can trust the Republican partywith tbs management of tho flnauoflti, the

irrency, nnd the tariff. The Demooratioparty 1™ shown br its record, open to all,that it cannot be trusted with these matters,Neither Is it agreed on any policy conoi-rn-ing these things.

Look, for Instance, nt a call for a greatRepublican meeting in any of our largecities. We see in It the namta of a largimajority of the solid, sutatantlnl mou.

It is worthy of note that a wealthy manifscturing establishment at St. Johnsbury,Vermont, has declared \ta inteution of erect*Ing a now and large factory in com Gen.OarBeldis elected; the great spool-cotlanfactory of J. A P. Coats •In, Rhode Island,will, ID the same owe, build a new mill tocontain 2(10,000 spindles.

A correspondent of the "Iron Age," writesfrom Fittsburg, Oct. fith:

"Extreme dullness oontinnes to provnlljsad no Improvement is looked for until afU'tthe e'.wttouft. :

" While there are those who onutead tbnlit makes no difference which parly aunoeedi,and tant liunineiu will go ou all tho same,the great majority of those engaged in thiIran btttinefls here take a vi ry different viewof the matter. Tbo fact of the matter 1«there is a fear—In ciwo of Democratic euo-cess—thnt there niuy be a change in thepolicy of Ibe BOverntiiOiit in reference to Ihetariff, and to (bis morn than anything elsetiny be attributed tlie depression now pre-vailing.

THE PRESIDENCY SETTLED.But one inference is to be drawn from the

elections in the Wwtt Tuuulay, and that isthat the people or the Northern Staten, whitUere we gre*t iwnioefW internals to beaffected, do not propose to encourage any"change" this ypar, Tbe Democrat* in-sisted Uiat the flglit should not ba fought onState lines -and it woi not. The remit settlac the Fmldcaoy. Ohio IndicatesNew York will do. The Republican! couldlave- lost Indiana and not dsapalred ofelecting Qarflald. Tiie Democrat* cannotsurrender the Iloosler fitata without givingup ths 6glL Far th« KM time lince 1672aRepnblioan majority bat bjon rolled upthere; andthiB in a year when the Dem-oorata bad Btaked everything on the hazardof the die. The Democrat* msy make apretenM ot fighting <ra, bat Uiey forced th«Presidential fi{jht in October, and have lostIn both Ohio and Indiana they declaredGarfleld and Haaoock were before tbe pea*pie; that tbe voters would open tbe Pres-idential boll. Well, ttt« ball U opened, andlodging from the lagubrioutnww of tbsDemocrats, the proceeding! a n not plaaxbg.

Tha NtwThsory of Tariff,A Mporter of the Pukreon Quirdinn bad

an interview with General Hancock tbe oth-erday, ID the oour<M of which Uw latteradd:

Tbe tariff qaeatton h a local qneatloo.Tii«MmequMt';ia wan brought op one* iomy tj»iiT« pi»» ia PennayVnula. Ik la amatter thai tb« General Oovennnmtteldom*nm to iol«rfera with, aad nothing It Ukalvjn rUbsdo tMtba l will iut i rfm with theindnstrlf* of UM ooanLry.

Tab U tomethlng u v and mhotld bavanaamrUg «Ved upon UM mtndi of but-

IIMM m m tad worUBfnara In all part*of ilia emntiy who a n diaomrfng IfaU

wbleb baa t*ra uaHoul fur toontUirbairsptnlnry. If Ota. Haoooek oaa-BotooncalTtaMlU U ot a r t s tfiu local

« • bad bfUMrtlcot • PiwMwtwho eta. tat Ota. tianeoek know* that

ofaatloMl •ipiUlMaei t adM e n t k p o U U d a M U i n -

HANCOCK SPEAKS."The tariff question is a local question

Tbe lame question was brouftbt op onoe fmy nntira plno<< In Pennsylvania. It ism&ltvrthut Dm(Jiimral tiovornment scldoiearn* to interim with, and uothiu^ is tikulever to h>< Autm Unit will interfere with 'industrial ot lh« tiDuutry."

fmiii u m*a, the caudidaUi of tbeJrcat Pemuuratic Party, in the year

of our Lord, l&kl, the BUpetb Koldier aithe matchleM RUUfiman, author of OrderNo. 40, aud the letter ou flontbnrn claim•iiil inlcmlpd ta get him voters in New J»

' • • / •

l l awwiv i ! explninit? Ta lie HO abaliitcly iynor.iut of Ihe faurtfimeuUl prinoplenof the Government, nud the provisiuu'of the cousititutitm'( Does he s,iy thin, pre-amning upon equal ignotiuoe on our part,

•lug, ew it wero to get LOCAI. votes,or which in the wore probnble, is his hiturned by the flattery of UIB hungry hordesof expectant office holders, wbo, self a]pointed, crowd Governor's Island, and

.re&dy, libe good Democrats to xhake dice oiI draw lok for tlwir share of the expeatedlinrveat of offlctul patronage, and nbar« tbegarmeLU of a crucified country ?

Atd so bo is going to mako a law nnlhimself aud all others, and nuparly platform, and the timeof the UiiHed States government to controland regulate sucb Ihiugs.

Wu bad supposed that the right BO tobud bet-u settled in South Carolina, in OeiJuckeoifM time, and later in the historythin country at Appoinatox courthouse. Ta manupatroe, as thej Bay out West,would Bee in no.

Now we ars inclined to think that tb<Hiiperbcaudirtatti knows nothing of the matter, and that he regards the Tariff questionHomtithing like the local option law, or law!passed to prohibit the running of cattlelarge, or any other law of local application,We should not venture to make tillstion, did lie uot tell ue at tbe same time:"The same question was brought up ONCJiu luj native place iu FennBj-lvnuia", amagain ho says, with n corresponding amountof gravity. "The General Government ael(low cares" to tin what—regulate it? N o -interfere with it".

Now in tbe cointitution tlio General Qinment reserves to itself the right to levyupoBtB nudduti a.The Democratic party aays ia Its Oinoin-

nati platform, " ' . n are in favor of a Tarii/or lUvenue only". "General Hancock says1 thought so nil . tylife."

At Cliica»o tl. Uopubllcan party saidWe favor a Ti*.iif protecting American, in-

dustry."And now woara ooolly told it Is a locallestion. We ctuuot afford any Huoh fool

iehnesfl, We daro not (ruat our bread aibutter in mioli Imnda. We don't want toeducate our Pre ulents in tbe rudiments of

atomausbi]) aft'-r wa elect them.And agitiu if it is local we balievB ii

TarlS (or Protoollon—so doesVota for him.

7 ,I tnl, to 4aof* UM gmx itm.

H<wdoTlw|V«t*rnay pnttm la ba atrae« tariff

• « jast H*, bat the bsel crtbrin by> k b W


Onr<e en a time a soldier fine,

Handsome and brave, but vain,Bad in bis mind the fancy blind

Tbe peoples' votes to gain.

Iu battlen he was all at home,Could lead a hope forlorn,

Bat knew no more of government

Than any babe unborn,

Now wben election time came round.This soldier, who wan-vary

Desirous to bo President,Said: " I'm your huckleberry,"

The boys looked up admiringlyTo see this handsome man,

But said: " There Is ona vital thing

" Wa don't know if rou can

" Protect m in car arts of peace j"We dig and spin and toil,

" And have & tariff ta protect" Our labor all the while."

" Tour Southern friends say they will nol" This tariff longer have,

11 And if you should be President,11 We fear you'd have to cave."

Tho soldier smiled and said: "My boys," How that ia just the oheeao.

'• This tariff's just my specialty," Now listen, if you pleaso."

" The government of this bread land" The tariff shall not touch, *

"For tariffs we but local tilings" Liko factories, mines and BUCU."

" We had one once in my old torn" In Pennsylvania State,

" So I know nil abont them things,"For I'm a statesman great."

So spoke this gallant soldier, hutTbe boys knew better, and

Oast all their votes for one wbo said:" Tariff for all the land 1" .

Mott Hollow, Oct. 1Kb, 1BB0.

Tho Difference In Wagei.The following Is a list of wages paid pe

day to men In foreign countries :Anatria, | l 00 France, | 1Belgium, 60 Denmark,

.Italy, 40 Ketherlanda,Norway, 60 Sieily,Portugal, 40 Prawita,Rnaaia, 75 Bweden,SwiUetland, CO

Tbeaa are t ie wages tbat men receivethese eountrlsH and with whiob tbey :obliged to feed and clothe themselves andfamilies and also pay rent and fuel

No wonder that tbe wive* and daughteof the iron workers in England, Wales an.Belgium, aroQQft tbe blait funmcea, ardoing tbe work of men, such as filling or.and coal and wheeling it to the furnaces,a>d also in the tolling mill, piling Iron t twheeling the piles to tbe heating fiinuae.| and abo fcantinR tbe finished Iron. O:| rainy days these poor women and fjirU havebeen fven in South Wale* workinn In thetin filling tbe furnaces, without any pro

lection whatever, aa all tfaat kind of work itdone In the open air, having no store or eaatb o w s . Tbey do not pay tbe womenhigh rats of wagH M they do tbe men;: .toon Una one-half to three-quartan as moeh.

It ta eaaily aeea why tb* pis; i nn ifastarm ot Esrope can make Iron cheaperthan we ea i- Can any reasonable man aakorBaaln to hare onr bUrt fumaoeiau4 ironworks la thai oooetry worked In the tuoi

. *hat oar .v . _« u compete with roeb labor? It Is outaUraaMD. V* a n tba&kral tbat labor _lee aiaeh uvpecUd k m , and hope tbe timewill M V H float when won team M d*>

t.«tU m be wltMtMd ia I t ,Uaat f am asei aad Iron mllU «f Anariea.

Mr Cutler fbo.AadwrvcMBMOBt Mr. Cnllw in • UHt*r

rf aowpUae. rtroeclr attacking tba "tariffrfWnw only" ptank ID UW DrnMcratieIf. WlMra<feMllr.Callcrbilnt|,aB*.

bowP Ha wpports a part;, wute oOe*' tbat parly aact yrt deoonoi* tt»tr

IkU imkJrti iaa.r*2» t ^ W I O i l r t - •"* •* " ^ ^taita la Ibe ftmm ol C*mtnm]tQ*^VXtnm *"* *"** °* liM " ^ l b e r -

m t«m ta* W««4 tariff US, <m Uw Ilk of^ T V WU

j n r " . v r — ' " ' " " •* *****«•uiflaf ab*rt IS jm tML aat U


ygnni far MrWt«|«PBto

tovoitfw Um. bat It *oaU bt a i•attar f neaiiiiaUHstjnaitoaiHsiwbaMj* U faHyiawraala rwaMfs4», mi ytt Mpawts tbe partv.Mr. CMttr, kk« Uaa. IbMtt , kaa ila*

t t W M th* tariff I.

MMst lasVvllkaVtvwtw^wauwt

. & B M « , M M t a .


Election two weeks from next Tuesday.

The Hibarnln Beuubtican Club numbersabout 17B men.

The EockiWBy ltnpublicnn banner in tbefitest iu this vicinity.

Tli.-n, Little, Esq., will spiuk ut Uoekavnvnext Tuesday evening.

Tbo Bcpubllcans of Peqnannock townalilps y that they will gtvo John Hill 260 major-ity.

The Garftold and Arthur Club of Pomp-ton Plains tow now it membership of about.

Hon. John Hfil'i Record,The aepobliwns of }hi» Oaligrwnonal

(tixtriotordiiuppartingaMttdldattiof whosencrtrd in Ihe pant they nuy well feel proud.

Tt^IIivu. John Hill the country it indebt.en fur tho modem copvunieuce of the mailknown urn (tie pwtbil card. I t was be who,iutheBpriug of 2872 introduced the billwliab cr^led (ham mid i n pouaga wua


ktg«lj due to bU petnnteut tKnonal effurta.In a sjwcoh pending the puB&ige of this bill

wlikh «ive «ircu-,..—_of comwpnuddDtw, ittail g'ren .,intmiiiit tufm-Imifju and intelliReut;a throngh-

H, »ui Ilio eoniiiry; for tlie ciiunpcr wa can_ I iimke pcisfnue Iu tue rnit«w, tlie (-rwiltr,E E . P e t t e r spoke at Groenbaok meetings I mi.ra i itewJfd, nod man fa*""' will Iw

in Povrr on Thursdiy nigbt and at Madiuonon Friday uigbL

A Republican, mpelirjR at Hilwruu n<*tWednesday evening will bo addressed V)II. C. Pitney, Ewq.

We understand tbat Mensra. Plenum nndYoungs have disposed of anno lot of hickorypales for firewood tUis winter.

Abnbam Oordouler, of Morris, is men-Honed as the Peuocratic enndidate for AsBembljman in tbe First District.

ltotb of our artEllery companies made thewelkin ring on Wednesday nignt in bomof tbe news from Ohio nud Indiana,

The Paterson Labor Standard urges eworkittgmen to oppose Mr. £udlow as fallto their interenta in an impor!ant time.

Hon. Jolin I* Baldwin, a prominent aniufluential Democrat of Parsippany, has diclared for Qarfiuld nnd a protective tariff.

A beavy artillery nompnnr bas been oiganized in Dover. They uuve ordered uniforms nnd have secured a heavy field piece.

It is "talked" that the Deiuocr.tta ma;mollify the friends of Assemblyman Huntby giving binl a renomination in (his diitriot.

There will be a Republican meetingthe Pine Brook fichool bouse (his (Saturday;

ig, which will he addressed by StephenII. Little, Eaq.

There was also a " change" in NewarkTuesday, tbe Itcpublicnts carrying the oil;by 2,fi00 majority, and regaining control of:ha City Council.

The Democratic administration in Sihaving run tbe county in debt $€0,000, thiPeobortowE Independent suggests tbat it boihalked, painted and printed everywhere.

Tbe Warroa County Republicans bav<nominated Judge Samuel Suerral, ofdero, for Count? Clerk, nnd JoHeph K. Rioe,if HackottatowD for Assembly in the Spoon*


Another large and ontbuaiastio Eepub-llcan meeting wsw held ia Dover last Toes-day evening, which wnn addressed by Col,Wm. E. Potter, of BridgoUm, aud Hon. Ji0. Youngblood.

A meeting was held inPort Omm on Mon-day afternoon to orga'nlza a Republicancampaign alub About 70 nnraes were en-rolled at tbis first meeting, and suits wereordered the Mime day.

Tlie Hanoock and English club, of Boonton, has been broken up by the wilbdrnwaof the youug men of the orgnuizaUot), wbihave formed an Independent club, aud wlsupport Potle, Hill and Youngblood.

The value of iron ore produced In thiscounty last year is estimated at $2,fi00,0O(1And yet there bave been times under fitradewhen it has amounted to almost noth-ing. We bad better let well enough alone.

Judge Wm. T. Hoffman, of Jersey City,will speak to the Republicans of tbivicinity on Tuesday evening neit, wheithere will also be a grand tnroh-lighb parad<of the Republican organizations of Doviand vicinity.

Tbe first Republican meeting in GertnaValley for years was held on Monday ereiiDgUut. Bev. L. I. Stoulenburg preside,and speeohoB were made by Judge Kanoaaiand Mr. You&gUood.' Olio First Assembly District BopubKcaiConvention meeta in Morristown on Moiday next. Tha primaries nro held to-da;and tbe townships are entitled to delegate&B loUowa: Cbattu\m, 1; Hanover, 4Uontville, 1; Morris 0.

Each member of the Oeo. IUobarda LightArtillery was presented with a button ho:boquet from Mrs. ltlohorda before Htartlifor Uadl&on on Friday evening of lost weeAt Madison tbe boys were given a colUtloint tbe house of Mr. Garrison,

The Court of Common Pleas of this oonnlhave set down tho following days of thlimonth specially for purposes of naturalize'tion:—Friday and Saturday, tee 2fltb, Soth.Bee to it that every Rflpnblioan has hla fipapers who la entitled to them.

Under Governor Olden, a Republlcim,1862 tbe expenses of tbe State of Hew Jer.sey were 918Q.074. Vow under the high'toned Democratio administration of to-da;tbey are $1,7*3,480, or more than sine times

rbiiuguii,:mnicji!it |

with tho otuoi


(vniK-» ueiiiec tn tho i1-nmcli of tbe Gnttymfcur, I li»ld fi on• duty 1


'. aud

,1; nud, Mr.» render evert

iMKHiblo to ilio )Wfipl( or air great country.E belicvD, Kir, if we were at once to oinke:in« Ml move, adopt "p tnuy" ptwtiRO onilUetterstiniiera-tlf.'Uinca weight, nudta-(itictioa on till printed matter iu proitordon.our rercnue would be ioercissd itilmr tbundiminished, for the incrciwe of enrreepon-ieiice nnd mnll.iblo nii'ttcr through lie

' ' be so iuereasedinnils «

as mueb. Yes, we want aNew Jersey.

Tbe Oobden-English free trade dub tuvthrough theii agent, the Democratic partythat they aro willing thaE we shall havetariff foe nvetute only, but that tha sytteiof protection to American labor and homeindustry mnst be broken up. Consequent!;they are forwarding large Bnms of mone;and political documents to this country ftIbatptirpoia.

Hnbbard Stickle, the oldest freeboivoter of Rookiiway township, aged ninetysix years, la grandfather of the Demooratiinominee for Slate Senator. His relation-Btip makes no difference in his politicalviews, however, and he gave evidence oltyabyanbwrifa!og*25for the yof a Republican dub. He Is a* earnest ashe has been at any tlmo rinoo be becamovoter, Mteolj.flvo year» ago.

The largest political demonstration in th<history or filoomingdale took place on Priday evening of l« t week. Tba large balover tbe Hew York store wosdetuely crowded by an enthnikrtlo auoionoe. Letterswere nadfroni Biebard Butler, Prestdaotofthe Anbbfr Comb and Jewelry, Co., and fromF. A.PotU. Tha speakers of the eveningwen Ruib nnrgets and Udor Uwi. Ur.Boberts, of the robber works, presided.

Tbe followlDg UUe abowt the tariffpig Iron for the but sixty-four yean ot oarnational hlrtory, yetws bava ta light bwd

k ito keep it up •

7?'Under tbt tariff of IB If, 7lO18X4..18JIMS1M46 (about)...1«T»

13 0010.00«.oaT.OD«.oo

1MI 8.0fil l » 7.M

enllo party a i i dpnddWif Inamekuu, the yi«r «b«n all tbe foraemetOMdaact Mmattou tUnd UMMM and U»fr faaUbe In Uw tmtx.

Tbe ROB. A**. W. Catbr folly ntJiie*"tbat tb* inUmt. of tbe dbtrfct tui b*Utter • sb tmU, pwnwUby * XtfnetatatJr* wbo y p ywith ik. Prtaldwi aad Cs^rnm" T*» pto.pbof lk l idh t rHiq lUacm wilk U M 1Btfcta opWM, a»l pnpaa* to w i n i| by' l M U U L

vtB Ml W a elno tlMa w t .

JU*HO« H M K W lini t l i i , h a t ,tyatoiWyifawMi 1 <ia>i—lilt* mm

m. »• m

MI $mm to y» talr

nld, hi my opinidit> tuuke up ihe difiet«»ceAuollier great larvioe to H

formed by Mr. Hill wus bicountry per-fight for tbe

dubolition of tbe franking privilege, undercnver cf wbioh Oou^reiwmeti did n

geuernl ttprosa, ELS. well as iKwtul hnoiuetw,nd Ichiuet] their fruikti to political andtb«r fiiemls. Tbe flfibt wiw A long nod

incessAut one, l.ut Mr. Hill brought tbematter SD proiuiiiantlj before the people oftlio country lhat public opluion curne to bin,iJ nnd His UII was

April 10th, 1872, ou tbo niBaHiiro, be tbt»mi-lnittfd bin reimirki.:Mr Speabar, I IMTO aclvrcnled tbe al

lition of tlio franking •privileRa for yeai•Imnlj liecnn'sB IbaveTelt It in neitlinr ri«uorjUHl. Itl» unt rif[lit in principle tvutia Govfrmeni like thin ( a grtut Ouvernmc^thnt should loitd nffmtlier ill m follow nu Wbiuil otlier Uovertiuiootn Iu tliis grnatform. The Queen of England aud effioof tliivt Govtrmnott i«iy tlieir own pnmpg«,and why shonld not ibe ofBdikla or thii

irnmeut[iay lueirpnstnoo m well? 1'is liiimillriiing thnt ws bi l l ion to a unn^euiven up auti ilroiiped fio long ugo uy tituei

Uimia. I fao(>« Ihe bill will pu».

In the asms speech Mr. Hill fivoteil Vn{repeal of tbe income aud tutemil ravemntux liiws; tbe nbolinhDiout of taies iimvings backs, on mslohes enn on otbeiinstitutlnnB or articles tu vhioh tbe poolm<l the VrOikiugineu veie direirtly iuteitAt-ed. Some nf tlie propositions Mr. Hi!tsaerted in this speech were ndmtrable.

For iusliiucs: " Tlio proapcrlty of thiworking mon b identical wltti the proBparlt;of Vlia country."

A writer in tbe Kewnrk Advertiser notesas fallows his other important pnblie aervicci

ilr. Hill's reoonl on pensions for Unionsnldiers is a good one and ought to bringliim niauy votes from Ihe Roldler elemenlOn Iliiy 12,1870, he> nude a speech in fior sirnplirring the then exitfing eyatem, aniby personal worh aided largely In effeotiuithe revision ol IIIB laws, which expediled

anmeHS of tlie Paueion Baiean so thiA uoUiier got n, pension who had growi

henrt Biuk at tbe previous delays,

Oa April 13,1871, Mi. Hill won the gmlltads of ill New Jersey by the flfiht he madein Ihe Honseof Bepraeitatlvesfor tbeJersey Life Sitviog Service. Through 111

; HeoouoeA by those of otherJursey memliers, $300,000 were sppropriatedfor tbe New Jersey and Long Inland LifBatiug Bervioa. Tbat servici>, wbi ihthen in its infancy, has since grovu t<i b>iftbeRrentestr>nhe Natiou's

Thtt t t iu BO I tbiuk in lurgely due to MiHill.

Probnbly tbe loo^ost epeeoh and nlr.mgenlspeech Mr. Hill mmle in Cm

Protection to Amurican Industry—Wngeiand Labor-The Worktogmen's Qnwtit

waa made on April 0,, of conmc, impooaibie to give oven a mm-mary of the remarks which so emphaticallydofiued Mr. pill's'poBition iu favor of tnri,for the prutectioD of Auieriaui labor. " B,wibe disoriminaUon,"i»W Mr. Hill, " I 1

tariff ecu be no adjusted as to admit freeduty nil articles (bat do not coma luto com-petition witb oui industries, end to pineduties en goods mannfaotured in foreigiconn trios thnt stall prevent them froidriving onr own out of Ibe market, aithrowing onr working olmnes out of employ.

Itr. Speaker, I cannot but feel a d<interest in this question of protection,represent, a$ 1 said before, a large const!tneupy, who are all more or lew identifliwith the niattur ; and iu my own townlocated one oftbelnrgtvtixon industries .the country. I bavu tired there wben frotraile rnlud in thirt oouutry i when onr fjrgeiand mills and mines were al] cloned; wbeDnil were cot of employment; vrbeo itArvn.tionntared many in the fnoe ; when woi'waa nol to be tiad at any prioe; wben and children begged from door to dooi,wben, alu» 1 fcomenonglit torrefiigeftndalmnnt the county poor houne. I have witnessedall these thinRS there, find wish to see noaomannti timtm of sortow. watt nud trialinioug tho bonest poor. Under tho preeei

protective policy or the Government IIAS profipered ; all receive fair prioeilor Ibeir labor; many buve seenrrd pleiuuiufLoiaiw, built from their own Baviiign; mauhiiva now deposits Io mvinga biktikH; LtbcIn respeetBri, and mauy of thu workin,

wseti linld jiUotutnf honor and trust In thiinniuuily ; aud Ihtro IB but one voio<

aoiang Ibeia, and thut Is, "Protect thimaunfaolnriaR iuterosti of tue oeonity, andthereby you protect all who are identifiedwithtliem."

The Bilk, pottery and elmilar iiiterestiveto alluded to in this sane addreui, nn<tbe benefliseut effeolg of a protective tarii

| shown.

A Newark Manufacturer *nd the Tariff.Mr. Wm. Clark, proprietor of (be cele-

bmted (Ilark O. N. T. thrcvd workt In Naw-ark, roeently returned from Europe, ftudreporter of the D illy • Advertlwred bin on the tariff question t

Mr. dark aflld tbat tbe American manufaetann labored onde'r Urn dlmdvAntage- ' a high \AJ roll u compared to ihe WIROH

mill hands iu S w t l w l Olrls were MidIn Scotland from t'i to *3.N> par week,whilMin Kawnrk the inn« girls noeivedH..VUO iGGl) Bat, lie continued, it InnottheaauB dan . Tbe Amcricut oiwra-tireHaraamperlor clamto tbe workem laBeotlaadf Uwj or* better olothetl. bettorfod,Mild9t>ettan>OTk. " - - - •

WHAT THE N. Y- HERALD SAYS.In oommentipg oa tbe Ohio and Indiana

j elections, the HBKILD, foremost among in-dependent journals, says in a leading edi-torial, October l*ih:


Aaoasidsnble nnuber of emlneat demo-cratio statesmen have been sitting for thelast twenty-four hours with their heads intheir hanca wondering what it was thatstruck them on Tuesday.

If they will give ufl their attention for afew minutes we will try to tell thorn.

In the first place the " solid South" struckItem, There it, tv» the IIiBku> haspentedly urged in ths lost three months,iicnsafure "solidBouth." It in an absurdmd offensive auomaly. Iu 1876 the South-

ern matt 1'ftd a pinrAQoa, and the sunuiblpublic mada no oomplsvint of tbefv solidityIn I860 they have no grievanca whatever,sol the Nortberu public, which has tmtnb pa'iouoe with mere ntupidily, codudes lhat people who act aa the Southernmen aw Hating in polltloa may u wellremain fn tlie minority. That the Northernvoters io not " bate" or fear the South wa«sufficiently shovn by tbo very generalepublican protext against Senator Conk-

,Mild9t>etan>OTk. I B Sooilsmiltrw-quaritr-. of the tfrli Bo to the mill withoutiKtnneta aud v c 7 tnray of t&em go wltboot

The people ofgo warn oi

the mill girl*a&ahid

FaUty were ndonUhedKM of the PitUley girls wbo

Rood gowu and bat*.

*.*as.-ijarH"1"1"'Mr. Clark d m net Import much spool

eottoa, that bt cottmi atxwUd; be import*JMUoabaaks, *li(ohUlcUb«lwd epoouSnsr*. HUwof^ur, m t tam vomsb Ut

"bteKoo*. and b« baa fornp)tl«d,ailMnnMMd It,

„ a* more brick and tnoriar."Bat tlm* la ttia noefftdatv of the taruTrt*H»j Ma In 1b« fae«. A mhotloa oftbe Urif w«ad W foUo*^ by mlMlkaol WWM, awl wrr* U» di t j pat down U*« « p « W w « , y n ad«budly ta ^ ^

. - I _ J - . ef tUttl

.lbllMtWakthailM«ll«M|>ffw.' ' «(tW>rtC,kMM.UM

But the Northern voter dislikes mereauIisUnesfl i he despises shams, aud bi

belierei, and juntlr. that (ba "solidSouth'is a flbam, without the leastexouse. "WhatIs it solid for?" he wka "For Urform? "So. For free ships7 No. Foreconomy In public expenditures? Notall, but tbe contrary. It IB solid for thidemocratio parly, that's all," and thereupontbe Northern voter eRVft tn himself, " Guewe'd be'ter wait tilt those fellows gstlittta common aenRe."

In ths second place, tbe great Americanvoter, who Is by no means a fool, has been

himself why be Bacutt vaU th<democratio ticket, and be baa not been abltto make himself a very satisfactory reply;

Then there it tbe demooratio platform.It is an excellent (structure; A very goodplatform ta stand on. I t is far too good tospit on, but that Is almost the sole use tbedemocrats have made of It BO far In tb(canvass. The netnoorotio platform prom-

11 tariff for revenue only," " f mships," uo subsidies and "public mone;for public purposes only." * *

But has it been generally urged? Kobut, on the contrary, prominent democrat!*

i team conspicuously asserted thatiromises In (he platform meant noth-

ing; onl la ono State, New Jersey, thidemooratio candidates for Congresseven publicly renounced this, the only Im-portant aod really democratio part of thaplatform. • • •

But nil thin is an old story. Tbe HEBALDbaa urged these views on the democrats ftReveralyean past, but In vain. They havipreferred to go tat© the FrariAenUnlraw of I860 with tbe nolid Booth fastenedto them llko a tin kettle to a dog's (all, andplastered all over witb a lot of stale grie'anoes, and they see the result In thtOctober electiona—losses of Congressmenin two States so great tbat tbe next Hornis almost oertiia to ba republican; losseaof legislatures involving losses of Senators,aud a general defeat whioh, unless therepublicans rpafce some conspicuous blunderwill turn the floating and tbe independentvote in all the States three weeks honebodily over to tbe republican Hide.

What will the democrats do?



All male citizen* of the United Stnteatbe age of twenty-one years, and all alietiduly naturalized wbo have resided in thliState cue year, anil in (be cuuuty flvu uioullnext before tbe ekotlon in which th»y claimii vote. An olimi to be naturalised must:

1st. Declare bis Intentions ID becomecitizen of the United States. This be Ran <nt any time by application to the Count;Clerk In tbe county where he resides.

U After having delbired hiM IntentionbecouVa citizen (which taunt be dose TIyears at least before be applies Tor Ma ftDupem), aud if be h<# raided witbin tlUnited 8'ntes ? m TEARS at least, and OKITXIB at least ID the State where he applifor his oltlEsn pnpera. Ttu Court will crcate him a full oilisen if duly natiafiedproof of residence, This proof Bhonld beRome person who has been associated wilths applicant or resided near him forleut rivs TEARS ; any otber evidence thiCourt will b« apt to reject, OnewitueiBnffieient All wltneaeoa nboolJ be ablfully account for the applicant's residemdurioR the n v s HUBS previom to tbe applioation, Bemembet thnt tbo applicai

HOT prove his own Teddenoe, IT HOST BED0M» BI TH» WITKIJB8.

3d, Any alien under the aga oftweniy-onyean who bat railed In the United Sbit<three years before he arrived at the «getwenty-one years, may be admitted as a full•Itizen after he bna resided ID the Unitedautea nvx nuEa, These FZVB x s u aclnde the THBBB TEUH ol the minoritythe apjilivaut The fact that tboapplioanlWM but eighteen yours or lens, and that behas resided from tbe time of his arrivalthe date of bin application nt least n

a in the Unittnl Stitea must be provenin Court by at l&wt one witueo. No fiipapora ore neoeimary.

4th. The obildren nf persons dnly untn>r.ilizod being under tha age of twenty-oneyers at the lime their p»runui were natu-

' fid are citizens of the Uuiteil States mare entitlud to vote on arriving at the agetwenly-oneyenn j Ifrmideula iu the HtalONanunand In the Bounty n n HONTBI,wtorin they ehtm Ihe right to voU.

Aianecemry O*CTIOM e m y pinion whowaa • minor when their parrot WM mdnrittedto ths rights of cltlicn-lilp-ilioalil proenre

i copy of lila father1* mi L m u i .K ma> be bmdy Io hue and the trouble

pmnrinKltbotalrlfla.Bth. AHumtonoriblydiMbarRed from the

0 . 8 . Army orNavj of tbr late warcan reoeiva(nil wpen on proving reiidcncs of ono yearIbe Wate,

A speclii Court will 1>« held at Morriilowaan Friday and flatnrday, October 33d and 234tndXhkandSOth. Lot every man u t i a a i toi « OarOald ind Artbnr, Potts, Bill andTonnjiblond elwted neit November, nuke III n pinlmUr duty to BM that oar foreignfrfrindi entitled ta fall eiUjmrnfalp bt prcitDt*

1 for Ibis pBrnow. Now BUT raoai • »r t k i u Kaiisnm n rat VHITXD BIATM

•taoi ncroan 1H7D un> i) nt ocruBu 1B7I n u n w u , Bi

•oat or Totta m m i i .

Tbft aBentof Vn. S. Celeste Browne)!aied upon

tu lhat tbU "u'oTS etocDr .J informed

. etocDtioatit Is wa-lenntsttiuravitittoBorcr. The Hick-etlttowDlWll«a»vi : Tb» enterti>iD-aunt Mi tb« Publio Scliool rooms in tliiaplar*, y ino br lira. E. Olesle Brow-utXU In alomtioD, wu very flue indwd,

* * ' "brail oar

tbe Udy, aod sEoald ihe ever rtiitIlaekMUIowaagilD, n n doubt oar peo-ple would inn oat m Ham, to witWbar wonderful power* u uSttffil of ibe P(MH «nultry Dinotr.

TaeFlMale Wale* 0mpi>y, nf BMtim,TMs4iyM«ttMi)i. pottle tW Ike water

tW ally Mill lMvyr«lMwv«Uiatberiw. tW»tlke(i)M«Mff

tint k Av*Ht«i tmm InAe Wl. Uw, i

m lba< do

PORT MORRIS.Keit Snnday, 17th inst., b Anniversary

Bandayasd oar Ifethoduit tuUte expect tohave a good tune. They usually do on An-niversary Bonday.

This is the programme:Love Fowt at 0 o'clock, A. H., I'd by

fier. O. H. WinuoB, former pastor; Sermou, lfl:3u o'doclc, A. H., by Bar. D. W.Bartine, V S. or Br, Battz In o*w Dr. Bar'tine he unable to get hera of which there iiapoBiibilityasI write; Addreiwes at 2:SOo'clock, P. M, by Bev'd Uessrs. Wlaane,lamblyn, Hon, John Hill and others, amongwhom sir friend Garret Garrabraat is ex-

d; eermoa at 7 o'clock, F M., by Dr,Bartine or Dr. Buttz. A uordial invitationia extended to all.

Polities are red hot all round un but wekeep on the oven tenor ot our my . Wetalk politic* among ourselves onoe in a wbile,bat nobody gets mad oboul i t atoept 'SquireDim* and he says he doa't get mad anymore dnoe he beard from Watna

HonesUyX will ba glad when the troubleis over and thera will be BamathJng elaa towrite abont beside* politics. I never sawso much eiirne«tne« uttioug tbe people aathera Is at presant. Of oourae [ go to bearthe orators of bctti partioa as the only wayto get an intelligent amJerstandinj of thegreat questions at kaue, in addition to wbiohI have a obnnoe to read tlie Bun, thanks toour genial train despatoher wbo pays for it,almoftt every day.

Tae Sun, as yon know, Is an independentpaper, and ita chief roiasion here belowaeoms tu be to belittle Greneral Qrant, tomake a sort of scare-croo' out of him, tonmke Its leaden believe that ba is tue ooonthat U going io be President in 188*, andestablish AD empire, or at least a nation witha big N, and Fred will be superior when theold man dies and wa will be ble vamals,nl&veB, minions, heucimen or whatever elseyou may call a people who once were freeand allowed an old tanner of hides to makehimself their master. I wonder what kindof hair pina Daaa takes us to be ?

Then thaWorll breaks out into Latin.Plain English, or United Etatei would noteipreui ts horror. Tha grand parade oftbe Boys in Blue, Monday night was thecause of it, and with fear; and trembling tbe

Voild exclaims: " Are, Caesar, Imperator,moritore to solutant," A fellow must bebadly Beared, nov-a days, when ha breaksInto a dead language like that .

While General Haueook is In the setterwriting business would it not be wall for himto toll us that If be is elected this time,simply becanae he is a superb soldier, tun Ibe will not play Ceaaar on us, and be^uoaththo empire to someof bis ambitious relationswhen he dies?

What guarantee bave we that he is nor<patriotic and less atnbitioun than Gnrnt ?

Henry 0. Pitney, of Morriatowu, innilo nspoeob in Clark's Hall, Stanhope, on Satur-day ulgbt, following Mr. Cutlor on tho tariffquestion. The hall was crowd ail and a RODC,many ladies were present. Among thnHs ontbe platform I noticed'Squire Hvmuol Cr^kojwho eat there and took Pitney'n IIOHO ofblack Republicanism liko a gentleman and ascholar ne In

In Uio courdo of the speech Mr. Pitiiojsaid In 1840 tbe Democrats were runningFolk end Dallas. Tha southern wiug of th>party wanted a "tariff for roveuue only,"just as they do now, but ia Peoooylthey cried'1 Polk and Dallas and tha tariffof '42'" Tba Whigs wnro then far a proUictiva tariff just as tbe Bepublioaiand wbile Mr. Dallas was making a speechsome one in the nudirace aroBe and askedhim tbis question; " I f you are elected andtbe question Bhonld come before the Senateaad yours hbohld be tbe deciding vote wouldyou vote for a protective tariff or for s rav.enne tariff? And this blue-bloodtd son ofPennsylvania, might well have exelalmedwith one of old " Io thy servant a j o g thathe Bhoold do this thing ? " but he didn't; hionly sold, "Gentlemen I wonld Buffer m;right arm to be cat off rather than voteagainst a protective tariff.1

And yet tie questiiu did come up In thatvery shape and Dallas gave the casting voteand he voted witli the majority cf bis portjand against the protective tariff,

Now if tho pany Iiwh bad aach an effectat that on George M. Dallas wlint do YOUanpposo GUB. Culler conld do figiinst i t?

HOD. W. H. Fniuola niado a stirring id-drcss in Clark's Hull an Wednesday ereuinp;telling how It wits not Hancock tbo gnlluncommander of the grftnil oM second corps RGeltysbiirg who got IIIG Domocriitio nominution nt Cincinnati), but Hunooek tLo emumnnding genentl of the 5tli military dintriofincluding tba States of Loiiittinnnnnd TBZM

It was not tho wound ho received in <lifenea of his couulrj at GoltyHbnrg thatprompted "ffado ILimpton to pledge himtho las votes of tho solid South at Oinoin'nati, but because be issued that famous"GsMsral Order No. 10" at New Orleaiwbinh mode himpelfnnd the military powerof the government of the United Statesserpent to tbo civil power, wielded by michonl'throata as the then Slayorof New 0

When the npenker announced the latestdespatches from Indinna and Ohio there vana perfect rtorm of applause, an also when hementioned tbe name of General Kilpatrick,rho will be the next Congressman from (be

Fourth District, if tbe people of that dis-triot want to be represented by a man whosi

U t&mona in tDfiannaW tbe brightestpage of America's history, and, olu 1 the sad.dest,

The Rackettetown glee clnb sang1 some ex-cellent campaign Bongs with telling effectthat elioitfld much ftppuntM. Tba meetingendtdbr giving three rowing cheers forOarfleldandArtbar, Potts, Kilpatrick, Joho

Joined onr band, and the other party are iatrouble about their mmto.

Mr. Cntler, cf Morristowp, addruswd tli(JJemoenej of ChBrtor Tuwd'jr night, wlieatbey got up a torch light prooeMJon uf thistown aud half ft dozdn neigbboring towns,tnolndiug Morristowu TflBy made up aahambting crowd of about two or threehundred, including in tbelr ranks some 63boys, a lot of the newly arrived HuDgariwmaad every foreigner they could press Intotheir rank*. They bowled and .hissed asthey passed under tho ft»g of our oouctry aait won stretabed Mrosa ttis ntnwt, while Mr,Outlar endeavored ta ronon^lla fr«e tradeand a protective tariff by taking the ball bytha floras. As he aaurtad, I beur tbat tbaDemooratio party were gensrally io favorof a prolratlra t<riff and tbe Bepablioanawere for free trada; and h i kiew It ta be afiut Cor be had bean to Woa'ilngtoa and

didn't he know?" This remarkable matemest met with immense enthusiasm andcheers from the or >wd, and as he waa prob-ably their only ftouroe of informattoa wa*•ooepted with impUeit faith.

After onr speaker* were through but Fri-day night a drunken fallow mounted th«stand and oamnisuoed mtklng a DamocratioBpeeoVi, but hs found bo oould not stand on

m platform and pitobod forward(o tbe walkaud c i t bis h<ad open. Webelieve be was uot tterfoiuly injured.


MorriB County Courti.OtBCDlT O:)DBT<

Tbe second case tried wan that ofOlivia Eowell TB- Mrs. 0 , M. Mnir. E0 . Lyoaforpi&intifl, and E. A. Muirlor deienaant. '

ID the caw of Obodinh L^touretlo etais vs. Tbe lieira B'. law of Monia Tiiin-njer, deceused, Ibe jury rulurnml a ver-d l o t i n f t r o r o f tbeplnintiffd fur S821-86.

Tlie next matter dlspnsncl of wiw tliecaso of J . S. Kintiati et al TH. Nelsn

It was Hank MandoiiUe and not Pare wboTaUndthoRsUg apples.

The addition to tbe Sonth Stanhope schoolhotue in abont oompletod.

They a n painting and frescoing the M. G.Chareh at SUnhope. Tbe painters tre ro-pMiiUng "qnnUty row" D.J.

CHESTER,The DemoersoT of Chester a n becoming

rabid ©vir tha growth, of Beptibliwn scnll-msnt, and tha flow of profanity and tcboccojnletisonly equaled br • cootlnuoui flawerf U d Democratic whisks?. Wo bad a veryfair illmlrttion of this at our torcb-IightprooBHioo Friday night, when Churlw S.Bcraatonan4 OoL T u Klper addre«wd animtnatvw andlenoe in front or Ihe hotel.Although the political manager and boss oftbe Democratio Hog bad succeeded h dii.,pBtcUng a majority of t U wtak-faieed ODNto IlicidUto»ii to keep U»m atrong lo tbfaith, still raoogfa wen left to maka diiItMtfol eibibltlont of tbenulves in thsihird attempt to break np a llepabUcwimoeting. A nromitwit o&VUI wu psrtic«.htriy oooipim.OM |B thli mpMt, in Inter.

t l t k I



SJudgment for liliuuliff fu

61.15.The cose of Amos W. CiTnmcr VB. E,l •

w»rd 0, LjoB was west callfil. Tliojury aetlleu llm mailer by iilbviLgbe defeadact tbo emu n[ $68.


Tbe Ornnd Jury retnnn'il into c^iirton Monday afteruouii hvfutv IHIIHof indictment, Tliey wi-rts diMuiiiiigtJwi'rb the thnuks of (lie coiir'.Tlio following uriKoncrjj Liivobeen wont

to tlie bar ond charisoil.Th l, larceiicy ; trinl But

down for tiie 19tli inst.Benj. Hixon, forgen ; fn;iUct down

for tho SD'h in:;!.DenniIIOUEO i

gtiilly, miJs

criminal (from ])enftpcuiitsdemitit inWilliams

Miirhail fl

, furt ' t . H ' ved .if S3a liHU-.i li bnv

|- f ;

tlmTVUN I ik-il tu

ami BlunterK K i r f i r H C U -

llolmrl D. Pitney, n^aiilt nnd butteryon Elius Wiick ; plnml not guilty andbailed iw tbo sum of 8250 to appear furtrial.

Elian Wnck, fiiino offence on It. I).Pitoi ' j , nndlmiloa in sanif sum.

J?mnk Bicker pleml Riiilty to commit-tiDg assault and battery ; rciuiiudcd forsentiiiiec.

•ph Hooker, (not old Joe) indictedfor neruinlt vitli iati-at to nivisli, pltatlnot gnilty ami was bailed for trial intbe Hum of $1,000.

In tlio COHB of the State VB. JacobHoDtlershot, obeyed nith assault nndbattery on Mr*. Piereon, aoma time inJonaary last, tlie jury relumed t, vei-diotcf not guilty.

COMMON PLEAS,In tbe case of Daniel Westervelt, wbo

applied for license to keep & botel iuPequaouoob township. Tbe court afterbearing the evidence of a larpe numberof witneBaes refused tbe license. Tbefollowing appeolfl bave been disposed of:James J. Cutler, appellant and WilliamWright, appellee; judgment be!ow re-versed nod a new judgment given in fa-vor of appellee for $124.65.

"Win. Birminfibom, nppellantand SilasTroivbridge, nppellee. Judgment in fa-vor of appellant for $5 aad costa.

In the cases of Mnrvol vs. Henr jthe cases of MBaker, iud Marvel vth t d ithe court reserved ita decision.

BTiTEMEHT OF IBOS CPassing tho Racket tht

. HenryH. Baker,

Tburgflay e, for the we ok endin

ng, Oct. Hlli, 1380.


imt. MT*uw0n t-.iiojmil» gaod nntlnuT.

A.J0I1S0SUOE, B o p i 8 i . ,o r » t « . H. MCKEH80.VS SIOIIE.


Morristown, N. J.



with a full lina nr RiTTice, ciuon. lluor ojuitiH, liouDiv Q'ikerj,


MRS. S. TREWARTHA'S,trliolcsaiu mul r.'l.-.iftkaloriii



Chiircii Fairw, l-Yslini'* ami Pio-nicn. of allkimis HH|>|ilii;il eh' .tji-T lli:i<i lh:v can lm i'[.O-

•i! with c"t"i Jru<"ln. Wm tti« "C\NUYMAN'H" wurid-rftiiiH-dctl Cng l i I)rnp«

DOAIU) A NO LODGING hy Ihu DAY orWl' rdwiHiliV r m v . « - l y




. :\m MIKE t lUA N. J.

30,000 Peach freesbo m<iH( i r i T W r i mnrk-t vnrirt»*» fur

i.y II. N l i i U V A X , NK1V VEltNON,

IRA C. COOPER,MASON AND BUILDER!Cuiitractn tdken ami nntiTiale ftirniihtO for


E^A l>tiihiinS, Murriaer, N.J. UK

PortOraniOheitcr H. It. (Ration »,Corwiti'fl,

ccaaunna, Vanntta and Chos-

Btaohope"" .torloo



Jooiih Meeker, J. C. Duck A Son and N. ttIlopUns, of Suc'.'Bsumia; F. T. WoodbulFlinderi, F. N. Jcnkina. Chcatar, an j HlirklBrolhcro, lieirli sml Pr. Ayrss' dtcs cnk ll XX C

plior Orettn,, icll XX Cuugh Syrup and XX Ca

BHILOH'8 CATABItH UKllKDY. Afellous care for catnrrh, rijpUhcria, eloutli, and bead oohe, Witli tiacli lioiilf.i an itifronions nnsai Injector for tlionocCBHfal irottmeat of tbe complaint, Tiith-

What jt Does.KWncy-Wort raoi-ei tho bowels rtfrqlai

itcanaos tbo blood, and radicallj cures kidiliflaaw, grtvcl, piles, bilncs hfadache, and

P»!QB which ire caused by disordered liver aniys. ThoQRaodi h*vo been enrod—wliliyoanotlry M

For t&lo by Voiifiht 4 Killgoro.

The BEST OF COAL AB you ai:

Sold at McCraekcn'n very low,And you must not think mo rashWben I nay it must ho cash.

let ters remaining uiicliiimrn tlie P u t Office HI Dmer .X.J

OCT.JIftryE. Aycm,Oeo. E. A. Clark,

Li2zie Lefurpu,Mary SI. Peiiiid,H WHl0. P. E. SodcrRwen,To nbtun inr of tho i

Henry Corn'san,Bamh" irnriiiclou,J. a. ,I,iji«on,G. F. Vi\K't,A. A. 'IVowliriik'iAm.tia IV.K-mmSnrah P. \M\ey,

O.C.lilNCHMAN, p . i

p ,I an sorrj to say 1

•awUwrao-t prootwntmen in wrooo-raaeliy eMnUwodajt Uli «>ndaet by par.tWpatU I It WhIU W

y pWhIU aaotW party M

I wr apaalm WM a ( - ) Ikr tbertatvtmbowluiUaoK. Two dtbMM ofW tm of wheat oewpits a tow

Mlibft tf y

wk«a otefd t* b.

• M M » « H WfMVt ftBW«ff Ifctotn.

o » 4 » Q * * * * * * *


BI1RKET~PAHK8-At Mt. FrrHorn, OctTlh, br Hsr. T. lUvlin^, Eli|>h»l«t 1)Ilnmal. of UcndbKm, snJ Sor4) i\ Turk*l M d h

WANTED!To rrtil 50 »CR>I of Un.l »nmbto for emup m t r n , ID », 10 or » acre J.,t«: (,r t,t pio o t h « m , \t.\t. HKLiVAS

" • 1 * Nf«r Vtrattn, Uorrm On., U.J,

Bstray Colt!Blmjri ttm tto «doiBn ol Ih. lab.HIWT, ti FUulfn. OB UofitUj, OL1R! J

U , . I W I » I H«n C o H . r w ud . lullold. Wkwnr "ffl littm ILI mmt will I*


ISAAC N. DOTY&Go,,159 & 161 MARKETS!.




TRIMMINGS,than any other establishment ia the Stato.

Tbey furniaUfiamploaupon application

«nl forwntd gooiln hy mail or express.

Tbcir Block of NEW PALL AND WIN-

TEH, DRESS GOODS merits tbe special

attention of visitors. They bare tbo

newest nod mast fnsltionnblG colors in

plnin material*, and new and artistic

designs in BROCADES cod PLAIDS.

IN MOURNING GOODS they hare ftll

tlio most popular ond serviceable fabrics,

togelber witli many new and commejiil-

nble varieties. They liavo now and oi-

quteite designs iu BenJed Qimps and

Fringes." Their Hosiery Department U

replete with new and approved varieties

for Indies, gentlemen and children.

sefceepbrs will find tlieir Block of

Bedding and Nupery a very comprehen-

sive one nnd may rely upou oblaining tho

lowest quotations ou all ataudurd goods.











iniUMU'AlEIilililI,L1HK, Cl:»E\T.



•uenni, m, DCim, t, i.



CZLUU sTtn', consn. KIU.I, LmuaAKU CUTER!! Ml 'M,



WOOD «»W*d IB itSM iMfthl.


THE IRON ERA,8AT0RDAV. OOT. 16th, 1880.


Piinta u d oOiat to. A- Ooodale'i.

For otiier looal n e w BOB firrt and list

B. H. Berry's i»w advertiaataent in

;. k L. regular meeting next

Monday evening.

TeetU extracted for twenty-fiie oente at

thi» Brick Drag Store.

There are now IWM than half a dozen

UmXm at Mt. T a W -

Matches Hold wliolmlfi Bt manufacturers'


i t* . A.

Latent fityleft of wall paper at tbe Brlok

Look out for HoagUnd wilfa Boger B m .fin* dlTtr wara.

Vhs 10 (flat cottntw It again an attractionat E. Iiudsley A Son's.

JPrU" inrdiil »«ifly-iD!xw1 paint, l»eHt IDDM, at the Brick Drug S-ote.

hMp-ftv* cents will bo j * ooal wrattle a tS. fi. Bcnj's, aign of tbe padlock.

Job lot of tooth bruihe. and oOmba at J .

dow glaw, potty, Ac. ijoe'H C'Jrrer Drug Store,

AH tho latest styles anil noTeUiefi in

Wiw' filo^s ftt E. UirfRlei * 8™'"-

Mr. A. C. Smith will fc*d ft» Y. M. C. A-

prftjer meeting to-mrrrow tftcruoon.

The wind of WflaiWBdoy blow the wiic

off tho Wind mill of Ridiord Genri-e, F.Rq.

Boo wimples of llofiCT ISroH, silver-ware i

T. B. ITcGroth's fi'nre. Kold by HoaRlant

Mr. John Hancn hae tliin (all IHK* «fi r

second orop of "ed raspberries f mm liin "»»•*

Mr. T>tfi& Jenki'lfi lill!l repaintod ti*t M o Hill. A n

The skater* nf Morriptown cannot get usufficient iDtoroHt thin your to put the!

If ynn hnvo li«ili»n y ' i r lonttnfj R I Mteltn IU framr lo VOURW * Killgnr,; nn

Before they Ijv.y tlieir winter cln-ik" l«<li*•hniiM nfiticn thfl flnr display at E. LIDA

If you would enjoy ft flrtiftlitM «>P «tea buy of the Hew TL'OA BPA China T «Co., UlBckwfllflt., Dowr.

yim. H. fliKwVde'a Compound Tat GQIIRIHymn eutPK nil iliHPaflW of ths lunga. FoBale at tho Brink Dnij; Store.

Breech and n u m b loadinf; jpinn at boltmprides (it Herry'fl hard worn store, eign of t bpadlock. Go and eiamino thr*m.

Mwnrd Condon, of Moirlrtown, waHITOTO from iv vaRon ™ TL»wday «»f lastweek and had feis leg broken at the antic.

Justice C. H. Gsign l.rouRlit tho flrat sawinR machine to Dover, in W>6, nnd thitama is ntill doing duty in King's trimming

Millen FordftDil Isnac M. flolcomb, late«o( MorrUlowr., aro reported to btfully working * promlning gold mine inCftlifornin.

An onler from Amheret Court Jloimr,Virginia, fur miniog machinery, V«B re-ceived at Iho nindiine sUoi'a in Uua plftca sfew (Uyn ago.

Tho lati'sl prophets uro niipirinfi rt coldwinter itccaiiBfl the crops of acorns nnd pinnCOUPS fire very largo, which they say in anInfallible eigu.

•fiio Tort Orara furnace in now makingftboi\l3flflton(t of first-elans iron per wesk.The furnace I m made na high ta 33* tonsInanfaiglflweck.

Tlic boya who create <1i:iturlmnce in theVEBtilmla of tho FrcMyterian Churoh, alMine Hill, nrflin i fan way to trinfl tlicm-BeKDB into trouble.

A geuuiiM urticJa is RITCB e^ry time apiece of Roger Hros. plato is wold, liny orMr. Houghed, tlifiirnRont. Sixty per cent.below Dover or Morriatown prieoB.

Nuityearis eiempt year with tho Dovflrflicnitn, sad from Ihe present ffeUngamong thorn it in probable thai wo will h&roa Bret clans pitnwle to cowmemorate it.

On Thursday of last woek two carrieryifjconit flew from Washington, Wdrxnnocusty, to tlieir coop in Kew»Tk, a distiHiot•ol forty-fife rcilaa, in forty-eight micutoB.

We understand that some malicious youngTnacals bare bem tcarinB down the wall of•tho flre cistern on Bergen street. Thinmight prova dangerous fun for tnem to

The John Quinby place, on the Keodbamraul, near Monirtoirn, compriiiDR t*eWftacres, Inclnaiug a fine building nite, hanteon sold to Mr. Charles H. Baymond, for$1,330.

Morrison ifl still sellicg BojiVa electiob»tterio«. Ho also has a five cent cigar calledMorriaoa'B choice, tlmt he is running off likelioltMiktB. U you try thbm ouco you willccmc ag^iu.

The horse eplzooty has reached this HOC-tion. On Monday two of tho honias nt thoPort Oram furtaoe, aud one beloiiRing toKithanl George, Esq., of thia place, werereported aict.

Charlie fimimis gftTO the EBA craft» realtreat on Wednesday, when he brought in *btaVet of laiR& ond lniciouB grapcA, which,like everything from bin eatabUsliment weraflret-claea. Many thanko.

G. W, BeerB, of New Vernon, hue. nisedHome) tifmendous potatoes, one w-aigbingtwenty-three ounces. They aie BuTbunVs,which Tariety h u proved In that sectionvery good u d productive.

We loam that Henry MoFsrUn, Esq.,reeanUy offered an eligible and raluablelot free ol coat to a party who pnrpo«»?deieoUng a raannfftctory. And that ii thespirit which will bring them.

AoniTereary Esr^iccs vill be held in thoPort Morris chapel to-morrow, r raubingin th« morning and DToning by Pev. Dr.Bartine. Addressee in tho afternoon by•visiting Irienia md mombers.

At alUUtiona OQ the D., L A W . II. H.perforated silrer coici are refUBwl b ; tbeticket agenti. Should business re ' 'thoMtno nystom mutilated silrer currencywould BppearleRS frequently.

lira. Trewartha baa bean renovater Blote on Swra« ntreet, K

J tt» publio a flnoaB«ortrnf>nticonfectionery, fruita, nutfl, eUs, Koad h>ndTfrtiumenl and give her a call.

Tli» circulation of the En* last wppk wan

ng »o<l

Th« colnraia of our paper alsomtrcbwib know the b« t pl»« t

In K ftw verkii yonnR womrc who ha-col opened Iho fumily niblo for lo&nlhi willb^sin to dinplay a srr*t icten>(t in th

t t « y wiU gu« Into tl

t Drew Seminary, whichwill t * bvld os T h n r ^ y , the 2*!b In*!will b« one of tb* raortheld. All lh# BUbop* nf lb# M. F, clvn «irp«cWd to ha pirwQL. IDOv Bi^topi vill bold tbi-ir »«nu*a

Ladies vill find a very baodwma aaaort-maut of ribbons at £ . Lindsley A Son's.

Boger Bros, miter- nro baa no equal. MrHongtaaij is caQT^ssinj) tViU nectioti for i t

Tbe publio school at Milton '* still cloi^dbycaueo of the difiorencas exitliog amonftho paronta.

Tho New York nnd Chir.a Tea Company,at ttoir store in Dovt*r, give you puro, froshroistad coffecR, d»i!y-

Sheriff McEavit mnde one wile on Miday: Qea. Iloggnr vn. BytTo*ler Stouso jpropfriy in ltaBriolph ; to cotapiaiuatit.

1). n . Uroeto, of UvrriHtowii, b«driftlit nr;r> brolen and wu« othotwinatilily bruiaed hy a full flown «Ui» the o.lay.

JeBsa llowmim, felbcr of Kev. Di. Itman, (if the MorriHiown M. E. Oliu«iL, <

,c agn Bt m ywr. D. II. Wolfo

holder of Mt. Olif BIKM'K Ui

Townnliip, won Mondny byti nt>|>lo tree.

r.<\ i

t of His wells of thecountry ciutto are

The Utter purl ot nrat -week ft ISTRD in-voice o( r lepnnt latnjin will Im revived tuid?«Id nt RM'ntly rMlucccl prioea at Jumw* A,[Joodnlfj'H JU'il Front Dnijj

Mr. Hnrry 0. ,J,,riltiiiH, lale nf thin place,md B Mr. Thomas, hnvn purulmspd «w of.ho largfflt and flm-ht printing i^tnbl^li-nenfs In Now York city, at rt Hprui'c HI,

David Iiockovou, of Mflndlum, celebratt'diis88th birthday on WodncMtay. Ilfl hftH

olorcn childrpn, ftll living, forty-ono grandren, nnd nine great gratul childn;n.IB uubject nf Kev. J. I- Morrow's ser-in Hie Firwt M. E. Clmrdi to-morrow

evening will bo " Women'H IHIBKI™ in theprevent fliago of tlio tomperanoo reform."

Alex. Mott, tiring on MnnHon Hill. Dover.[ays ho is " nover without XX Camphorjreani in the hotisu, tbo only linimenttRe." Tvfantj-fWft «nd fifty oonte per bottleit Voiifjlit A Killgore'*.

The r>;iui]tIeHsfiowinp Macliino ia acandidate for public favor in thin fleetwhich nil in need of BUIIII ftQ nrticlo should

a to E- Lindslpj & Stm'n ami inspwst. Ml' tht'NO niftdiitioH are wurtuntfd.Eddie Sniitli, of FlRndcrs, tho little nor

if John Smith, wlio was reco.n'Ay tried formrdoring Lid wife, wns neaUled BO badly by|iHfilting ft t'.'ft-iteUlo of walor ii|iou binarson that Im Ufa iadeaiiairul of.I'or tho eccoi\,l time witliiu a fo« months

IB Btnrfl of Piion k DawHou, of Hoonbii,wtw lurgliirized ou Tlmrsdfty iiiglit of lsntweefe, when giinH, piwtolH, kniven and other

>odH to tlio nmoimt of $lfi()Jwi>ro taken.Any OHO wishing any necond-haiift lirer

[mds to BtroiiBtlicii tlieni through tlie cani-ijgn will find them ftt "Pop*' JlorriHOii'H.

;Ie haft alBn a fow of Oiirflcld auil Hftncopkipnlgn five cent rigara teft that ho will

liHpfiso of lor Hpwio.

Thrpo bnnic, n tocl and wngoti liouw,'Rptlicr Vfitli a lar^o "toc.k of hay, (nrcuingQIilciiientH, poultry and ono horHH, on tlin

>odworlh farm, near l'inr Brook, were•net! at 8 A. M. on Tlmrsdiy of \mi will cioeed $7,01)0, on which there isInsumnoo. TUi flro waa uadouhtodly

if incoadiary origiii.

Hov. Win, B. Stocking, from Persia, willgiro QU entertaining object lesflou, illustrat-ing the customs of tho people in He lando! tho BUG, in tfe« Buccasuaaa 1'ceBbjtetinnChurch oa Tuesday oveutog next. Tbeobjfet is & mi Biou l£fi&ou for tlio misnionwork of tlio Sabbatb School. Tho ndtniR-

on ii only t to cents, and al! should go.Tho 1'rcteotionB th'ia week sent n finely

-Bmed picturo of their (ruck, boune andleinbers lo lloiculea Engtuo Company of'ewton. Upon the pinttiro was inscribedIO words : " Prntfction Hook and Ladder.oropiii.y, I'ovcr, N v., <o llorcuitjB tf no

Company. No. 2, Newton, N J. , in rnuem-•oof their geutrouB hospitility, Sept.

!IUth, 188D."

An aot pHused by tho last Legislature ro-nir"R the Secretary of SUto lo forward to,(\ n^prnl cotinty elorku of Ibis State iipy of tba election \aw aii'l blwika la Ixi

ised by the election boards in maliicg theirim; nnd Iho county clerks aro required

odifitribuie these documents to tbe town'.tiip eltrkB or clerks of election boardH of

renpoctive ooutitiea. thua Recurtng uni-and nccurata returns in legal form.

Those documents ire being /onvttnled fromSecretary of State's office to every couatjf

ilerk in the State.

Rttaiutvon*PoHHfld by the Morrfa Co. fiabbatb Bohoo]

swoiAtinn S«D4eraIfer 1st, 1&80.1. A*»irdii)K to the l u t printed li«pori of

his AasocifttioHf then are 3,676 Proteafentoblldten iu ttiU County betweea 5 tad ISyews attending our common sohooli, whoate not foand fo nur S*bbnth SobooU. T t e

mnll incr^ w la oar mil year by year,ruroH (hat we ma lulliog to reach tbinol&w,

well u the large number of adulta ia ourOhnrebes who ura not regalar Bible BtudentiWemlemoly resolve for the goodand Ihe glory of God to endeavor TO ODKPELTHXU TO oota iv.

2. Sellcviog that the salv^loo of ftouli Umore Important than ths education of tbo

J b i lind, we are J notlobeooutflotnntilnil our S.ibbath Schools are held a* regularlyin tbe winter tM our common achooln. Wi)it-ru(jT exbort those icJio ol«*o to keep theirdonra open the emaiog winter.

3. Of (be 10,139 Hcliobirn on our roll, tbeVteud-tnce, B*bbath by Sabbulli i

ly C.SI3. \ftifailbful

iiH endeavopresence.

esolve thitkachcrsslouldaitiuR their Hchdlurn, nndto Hocure their oounlunt

A Mother's Affection.An locident transpired ia tbe I

borhood ctf ri

Normnl.fihmintliwOi nty, and very fowi nrr.U.l-.,,U f> luck

, aud we roaol<liitjber Htiifldtiri'l iv

cud tlio f>r

u-h Kublut

I Lelp of

I liu

BOARD OF FREEHOLDERS'The Bonrd of Ohoaon Freeholders met at

Morristown on Weduoadiy, nt 10:30 A. M.Tbe aliflentecM noted wero JICHSTB. VunDnynn, Smith, Leek and W'olfo. Tha min-

of (ho list nicotine *cro read and ap-proved.

The question of ths icsoluibn pannntl nt[liolaat met ting, rnisicR the SheritTa com-•onsation from 30 to 35 canta per dii; foilonrdirg prisoners in the county juil cam aip. Mr. Hiirilin requested the raiding ofho icHolvitiow psuMoil Bept 10th, 1H19, iinilealBraiEd iaMay Inst, Btipnlntiiitf tlmt t'.iPonipenmlimi of tlio Sherifi" stinnld be flieil

it tho an

month «

r.l incutiiig of tlio Ha*t£ in May.ninn tho rennlution cnrricii ImtilUgul, nnd nhonld lie thicken

On molioa of Mr. Ihyilen A rcnolntion It•triko ft from tlio minutes w u curiit?d hy i

At of 7 U. i.Ri'ctiim 11 of Iha ln« itiuoTporating Bn«J*' Freelii)ld.irM wtu read by dirccliiin of thi

Director. It priivides fur lUo iuipi^itinn «i of iB upon i-iu-liend m>y meetitiff,

h. Wo ciilt uLtcDtic

all, mid tin WIK.I

ra ovtir ift.OOC

for lliiH work, nni] woimw utiito in pmyor trosl «(>ou nnr officen,for tho coming y«nr.

Sketch of tho 15th RegimentThis raiment which hoick it» reunio

Hiickt'ttsliiwnoii 'I'lii'Hdny neit wtw orEneflatNewtou. ItwaMWcruili'Jftt thinnf the Stnte--three MHiijiunifH from Mtistwo i>nub from Wnrniii, llua'etdoilHtwris fin! ono from Soi'ir'rsot.

It VIM isnwturej into «'rvino on t i eof AIIJ,MISI, IHUt IVi.

n to tha fliiinll niirnbrrKnbtmHi KI-LOOIH. Ityilirfi 81 repor'oil imiiolumber w.w only '2lH•hohim Wu Imliovecil Hpiritnul power i«> rmolvu tlmt wo willBIVDH nni-w lo Chriit j fllr

r CDminoixl th.-.t *e !

n tho Holy Hjiirt tn

mtfl the denouement of a story H coriuas&* a rcmaoca. The Darr»tire begins ina PentisvkaQift town aboat three yearsago, where tin DDfortDDut« girl becametbe mother of a child, ths futbex ot vbiebdeserted her. f be mother oocld notkeep the child and attpport tetaaH inher occupation as a domestic, and soatie gave it to a married conple whowere wilHog to adopt it, and mother andcbild were separated, the former goingto Buffalo, N. X , and tbe latter eominito New Jersey. But tbe story goes tbatbe foster parents of tbo cbild coalcot live liappilj together and some timiago aeparatfld. Tbe lady wbo ttluplthe child then g&vo him to bar mother,who lives at Irondnle. This came tthe eats oC Ihe teat mother ot the obiid,and so Hie engaged a friend to takd herpiece in tbe family fit Bufflilo where ehewas at service, and taking tbe train fibarrived in Dorer a t 5 oVloci on Sunduvmorning, Attar tn l i t iga t>rin[ rest alnwtot tlie hotels nha went;to Tmudawhere she found her cliiW, nuw a liof tbree yesrs, which to lior joy HUBgiven to htir without nuy trouble, liuthe Blrangi'st purt of tlio tulo van U

Iinppra mum after. Ou her way bnclito Dover slip smlilonly mnt in thfl roarIlio fnHirr of her hoy, who *he siippoRw]

;-i too !iBloni«l»'cl fit firfjt. to upeuk,t their ynifivs were fouinl iifu-r umm\ or tiro, mul n eirioiii talk fol-v*jil. Tin! result vus thut lie recoiii-•mWil Wr to ntop n tu jiltiDoin DovciHI tho ivcuinR, ]in>iiiifiing to cult upon

lier tbun-, which he did.

At thin Ooiifr-micn tu(> man promifeillluit »n Tiif!sdiiy eveuiug lio wouldunite licr bis wife, but he (ifjititi

t:tuni t» Jitiffalo wiih lier child, tin.

diiyH Liter it movfilo ( ' lho fnnit," at tlio [leriltiUH morneutrtiDiilViiieand Leo woto in their dtsnlh•n»|»i»le niiollt Hull i'iun. TliO first dutysHtfjnetl tlio ri'tjimaiit was to erect forlifi.imiH nt fouallytovu MJ., at which theyriihi'l (iiyaiul liight for about on a n)D!iih.

On Iho Mill uf September it procaeclad tojitiii the victotioim Army of the I'olomao ontlio hsittle fif M (if Autieteni, ftud, by BpecinlruqiiCHt of the corps. divbiioL nnd briQidciviiniiiiinderc. wafl ftSHigoetl lo tlio 1'in.titttgudK, i"ir«t Division, Siiili (brps—ilieilru»(iy votenui '* First Jersey Itrignile.'1

E'rotu ihiH timofinwanl to the clouts of Ibuuiir iu lminry ia (hut of the fmnoun " HiitliCorps* "—than wliich, jirohulily, no corps

•i did more hmd 6ghling and effectivevici', or ftchievoil a more enviable fume.ofllcinl fighticR roeopl, aa nmdo up byAdjuUiit General of tho 8t*to, in oa foU

•H: Frcdericlflbnrg, Vn., Dec. 13 and 14,18G4; FiddatwkHhurg, Vi., May 3, 1883;Salem lleigtiU, Vn., May a anil 4, 18KI;Fnnklia'iOrauius.Vii., JuneS l o l l , 1863;Gettysburg, Pn,, July SS mid 3, 18G3 ; ftir-field, Pa., July 5 1H(J3 ; Fuuktoivu, IM.,

July 10, :Oct 12, 18h3 ;

; IUpiiaLu.uuock KtnStat on,

Nnv. 7, 1H63 ; Miuo Him, Va., No1803 ; Wilfrroen, Vn., May 6 to 7, 1864 ;Spotlsjlvania, Va-, Uny 8 to II, 1804 ;Spottnylvauta, C, IL, Yd., liny I'i tu liS.

; North s> tl South Anoa Kirur, May24, ISM ; HiMiorcr, C!. IL, Vo., >Uy 23.1804 ; Tolopotomy Creai, 7»., May 30 i>n<l3], 18B1; Cold Harbor, Vn., Jure 1 to II ,

; IlL'fnrs IWnburf;, Ya., June Id tn•2-2, 18)14 ; MVMim Unilroad, VH,, June 23.

i ; Sniclier's finji, Vn., July 18, 18G4 ;istnirR, Vu., AflR, 15, ISfii ; WiiicbL-slt-r,

„ AIIR. 17, 1HW ; Cliftrlfsiimn, YIL, Anp.lfifii; Opciiiuiii, Va,, Rrpt l'J, 1HC4 ;

Fisber'H Hill, Vfi., Stjit. 21 ni.d 2a, 18C1;Now Market, Vn., S.-pt ?4, I8t!4; M«an£Iscltson, "VH., Sept. 25, JHfl-1 ; O<Ur CreekHml MiddHtowii, Vti., Ocl. 19, 18IH;Hatcher's Hun, Va., Fell. 5, 18C5; I'urt

dmnn, Yu. March 25, lfifio; Capture ofnihiirg, Va, April 2, 1SIJ5 ; Sailor'sk. Vn., April 0. 18G5 ; Furmvilln, Y«.t

A | l 7, 18(>5 ; Ijf'o'B«itrreiiilet(Ap|Mjiufttloi,V*.,) AjirilS, IWifi, It rtwivoii i(n \>a\>\wn<A flra at the ilimrtrinw l»»Ule of Fretlenchv*burg, Deo. 13, ]Hfi2, A fow men wornr'ouudeil, hat none kit|t;d,

Free Speech at Hibernia.Benj. VBD iiiycr. Ear],, of .Jersey City, at-

tempted to tuldnw a Itepublican meeting ntHiberni* on Bitunlny evening, but wta n

1 by tbof Decuocrslic t

bis nrguuiTlie

.a Mill tniiMts of & partysugliR that ho bad lo con-rku before he hnd fiuiebed

llefublicnn ctho windows

night tho oldtho hpfiiliiutirlers

WUH stoned, it ml sro brokeu. Thia p

kind of Di'mocratic argument may makevoteu, but we aro inclined to doubt it.

W(\CG the (orfRoiug Tins in typo wo havnrpeeived the following respecting (ho affair;

Tim moctirfj wftHlieidiDfrontof thostorn ofIlirhanlR, Utachaml Co., there not li«ingroom enough in the hall to contain theamlltuicn. Mr Vmi Jtlper begnn spoftWudfrom a platform on (he storo stoop nt abouthnlf ptwt BOTPU o'clock. Inn f«w minutesBOHIO cue in the rrowil, whirli hy thin time

it biivc niimlxri.'<l from four to fWo bun.

rled oa t "II'Him »ftfi immoiliat«'ljr followed by ran-

iliniblfi nciisn RIIII loud rtiffrintf for nRii-In * few minui™ nfUr Ihn noim- ami

chctririf* bf1},1*!] apiin, loii({Fr mid loiidtrtb»n bpfare. Tho *[wiVr(, *ho ww* tnklting

•A nddrciM, toulJ not hiM "Put him out," "Thit'« d—J

First New Jersey Cavalry Reunion,TIiu Ir.r^o nuuilwrB oi men from liot-

s tiiul Siwsc-x CiiimtUis wln> 6ervetl ine old First N. J . Cuv.ilry will bo HJUT-k-d i'.' tbo ft'lowing :A meetitip of tljR uiorjliors of tho ]ato

First Nfiw Jersey volunteer cavalry wasnt Newark, on Thnmdiiy urcuing o[

Inst wrak, for tho imrpose of srraiifjinKicunjtvo n[ this icgimeut, was a ilii-miccess both iu niitnhpra a n j cn-

iiHiQ. A leiiiporury orgnniziitiuti |formpci by nominating


The Most Destructive Fire In

the History of Dover.

A IOSS OF OVEB $50,000.

J O B ! U we vere going to prow, athalf.pust six o'clooic hut eTeniog, B firebroke out, which proved tbe moat d<almotiTe evw loown ia tbia vioinU;EJwaril Woodljull, tbe t imer of t i eteam ot E . Iiindale; & BOD, vas puttingout bis bones, aad was in tbo aot ofdesocntliug fi-om tbe mow, wbpn tbelantern which b<* carried noddenlj ex-ploded, tbrowiDg tbe barninf oil allover. In an ixtBtant tbe whole barnin a bliizo in tbe midst of a dtmaeljr bailblock of wooden storea> dwellirjga, ih!ley's hold. Tbe firfl departmBoteM])oii(](>d promptly, bu t in the tenniimtrn tvbich elapsed before tiltnmtt tb« reor jtaxt at Iho utore ol E .jinrtMey & So':, lmd tnltGn fire and tlierlHilc sulo of Jollej'B Boiel VBS'bti other stores to tho east ot LinJs-LJ'H nudii caught, and for a time iti'moed ns if no amount of liumnn effortumia hu -suElcietit to stay the flftmes,

departmont wan tel-

IU aetlon Ii Sure ina Sift.Tbo celebrated remedf Kidney-Wort n o

now be obUined in the uiotl dry vegetableform, or ID liquid fora.. It ii put la l

jw*y for thep

CJOtenlenee ofthow who otauot te»ditj prei».ra it. I t willbe foand yery ooDOeotratod Mid will act •rillieq wl effleienor |p eitlicr M M . Be rare andm d the aew *il«etUit.u)ent lor putioolara,—

for uln by Ton«b( A EUlBore.


il>\ud I^ir nnd atrivBsl no hooi lat«r,iiim vet to be <>f nervicc in washing•» tbtiriiiiiR, Tht'ircheiirful responRe

;uid tin) Kood they did will not aooa beUk<tt, Tbe companies that came

WmhivaUin H'cumer nod lade-

K-'lldotlt IA trcm

> 11,-v's hitg is intumillv iiiji

Watta of Jersoy City, Fresiueul, and C.I7. Criiselmnn, of Nowarlc, Secretnrj1.T ' I J general reunion will l>0 hcM nt 2 p.ui., Tlmrstlivy, Novemlicr lBUi, a t (lie

•, Trontoi wlieu a per-

mnnent orRaiiination wilt bt; cffi-ck'tl nndii gfiiiern] jolly goo.] timn ia f ipecbd .I t v,-nn iiniinimnnHlv (leciiledto not allowpolitics ttt be ititroilnciKl ut its nieotings.




Iii o«r lost lBBue wo noticed lmefly tbe•uinNowtouon WeiiiifBdny uifjUt of lnet

wenk. .Since than we have viaitoJ tlio euone,and like iimoy otberH have wo u do red thntiho whole town wns not dcBtroyed. Tho

one huudrtid yarda in length, BIRIII as ait fo tho bravery aud efilcioncy of

tbe Newton flre department. In tlio reurif all thefiu KtoroH, tnd only a ftiw yardti.WBJ, V!B.H he[ov« tUist oouflftgratiuu a TOWif Imildin^H, coireistinjj of a hurii occupied

by Huston & Van Marconi, a carpenter shopbelonging to S. 8. Cook, and a lirery stablubelonging to Jos. L. Northrup, which coo-

vbicb were saved. A lithe Be buildiiipi norodestroyed, the flre begiamng in tbo barn ofHuHtou it Van Glarcom. From tlie»« build-inga theCochrtm Houso, Iho stores of HUBm i Van lllaroom, Suydflt Uron, Tuttle &.

Tully, P. 11. Hull k Co., Redhoaa Bras, andJowpb Warba«B8, the ilwelliug hous« of 8.H. Cook nnd the b&rn of John C. WlUgnmnil cmglit ftre, making fourteen buil&ngsin tkaxes st once, and \ high wind blowing-Tbe Bight wasnpprtllinRandit Heomodas ifho town win dewnjod to deutruction. It*afl determined to send to Dover anil S]or-•intown for aid, but no t«legraob operatorioutd be found to despatob. tko mcBstige.

To Have tho lilock of BtoreB, the Cochranlouwe nnd tbe dwelling of fi. B. Cook the

firemen directed thnir energies, and sucoeed-uriviiig tbcm all. Tho bant was BO in-thnt the jiaint upou. tlu:ir bat* curled

likn pitpcr and doom bad to be huld tn frontif tlio pipemon to ubinld tlioni; but here

tlioy liDpuHed & liTJag barrier botwt'cn thaOre, nnd by cooluem, good judg-

ment aud pluck, nan tho fight, cud tho fuv-ther commendation of in already gratofulpeopln. lldrculoa Engins Co,, No. 2, which

inndBomGly cutcrtainod tha ProtectionsIhn ocotiMon of Iho recent parade, fnl-

tilled Utcir port nobly, a.ud asved eavonl

Tbe origin of tbo dm woo undoubtedly in-cflndinry, hut no clue has yet been found tofasten the guilt upon any one. While thBJepartpicnt was eihibitlng tbeir apparatusupon thf> fnir groumls on ^eduesdity of tbiiWfcok an alarm WPB created by tha diiODrery tliattboold M. E. Churoh-now usedaa a tensmont—waaon fire. It had caughtnccidentallyin tho roof, but van soon putuUt.

The flreo and their origin mado Btich an ei-citeuiotit In tho connuunlty Iliat, Btrangely

H may Boom, polities htt^o been almoatromplctdy ignored. Tha romdt la Ohio endIndia L did fitir up the II- publicani a little,

and on Wcdpenday evoniiig theyred aalutei in honor of tbo event.Tho all absorbing center or interest In

Newton thin week him bpm the rotmty tait,which Las attracted many people from ailpiirtfl of Htisst'i ami adjoining

The oihibiifitock particul

• 1HI i uunicr therly U fine. Tliero in alflo B

Inrge d!hj>hj- of fniitn nnd fancy articles, nlthough tlio ftmrv-rmRn! of tlio latter wnnBonicwhitt interfpred with by tbn bloa-inj;down ol Uicl&rgfFt lent oa Tuctuky, com-pt'lliii([ ibcin lo lif firrfttigod to trig ftilmn-tu:;e in tL» *niall(-r trnta Th« liberal tr^t-till); prriiiitinin onVrod brought many pood

r Mid there * M K M « t ro l l .J«y. Ilut IUOTB than H\ It

of tho comity together

:K1OUS cffijit wan made to savetid, and in tho main tbo build-it, iiitliotigb tba contents werecd in roniovnl and tho wholes dri'uelied with walcr. From

in prcaent aiipcurunco ut tbo immenseMH'VU hotel it looks almost like aimc!c (but it was saved at ull.To tho wist the conflaprution trftveled

npidl.v. Tlio harness C8tnbl:sbtr"infc of|. 'In j lor & Sou wus Bonn nhlozo, andUH followed in quick micceeaion by theotliing store and place of rcsidenca o![oses KiiiftHUtirK, tho vnriety store andIfldi (if rpaideiiDc nf Jolm Sickles, t i eimihiri? ntore nnd living quitriord of^m. Jnrvin, the lirjmblican Club's bcad-narters in the etorc room on tlio cornerid Hio lencinent house occupied by

MTB. Jiishop in tho rear, nil continuedwithin onn wooden block, owned byMayor Iiic!i;irds nnJ Jaa. H . Simuson,Esq .

lii'twecH tlioso built!ing>J uml tborBsideiico ol E«hri,tm Lindslry wna aBlight break nnd !i dulerminod tiffurt WHSlieio inatle tn save lb« lionsu ul Mr.Ltiidsicy. Thii firo cxlii^HislKTK vt tlietruck oud Iliu lniciu'la ot tin; IH-JRIIIIOVSw«re coiistiuidy used, fur orcr twohours, nud ultbonyli tlio licat was in-teijao antl lh« Iwililtng uinlerpoinfr iicoiiHtntit seofchitig process, yet tlieywweeedtid in ssuing it, ftltlioiigli [JMHUsonio dainagowns tlonc hy tbe water.

TIIQ Beano was nnc of terror almost.From nil Hu- burning bi i ldings thegoods were being carried by hundred'ol people. Tbe streets were filled withtbein, aud navy others in the neighbor-hood were ulso moving tUoir gontls,

It KOB evident tbat if the lotel wenttlie whole town would go aud this fearwas paramount to tlio confusion. Soonafter the firebpgan tbcre wns a loud e i -plosion en used IJV a qnantily of powderin Lindslcy's stoic, nnd B little Intert'uero followed ri long and ropid dia-oborgo of pistol cartiidgca in tho enmoslort). Hundreds and hundreds of themwent off like packs of fuocrnckers, andyet only OUB person wounded h j Ibeflying balls—nnd that was \Ym. Strnw-wuy. who wns sliot through tlio leg.Another m m wna reported to lave hadbig leg broken, hut ^ e lailpd to learnI)^ name or pnrtiuiilnrs.

Lewis Bnrbfr, nyrning m m , fell fromtlio roof of tlio building occupied b j tlioRepublican Club, (md batl liis nno bro-ken above the elbow.

A pinno vnlued at S700, wliich WUHbeing towered from tho second storywindow of (ho p'ltce of MOHOJ Kings-burg, fbll fo tlie walk ip consequence ofthe brenking of n ladder, und was com-plpU'ly mined,

It. wnn <>'=" repartcil lust aigtit tliatMrs. Bishop, wlio lived in tlie bsirnedhlocli, waa Biiffoctted to dentb in herhnnse, but we wcrfi mifiblrt to find nnyinformation tlmt would givo (lip slight-est foilndQII'OII to Iho story.

ExLrnonhnary exertions werGvcquireflto Bitvo tha fntme huildingn on the ojipn-site Hide of BlucUolI s reot , ne well us

tho an mo block with the burneddistrict, on Morris nnd Dictterson streets1.

After tbe fire wna ritingniRhod a pn-tiol was organized to guard the vastquantities of Rlorc and household goodsthnt blocktd the Blreeln,

Of emireo il WHH itnnossihlo to nsccrtnin any correct cslimatea last n:ffht(

but tho following figures will give iomnidea of tlio ttrtail amount of loas incurr-ed.

E, Lindsle j k H<m lose ttioit largeitoro building and hum. Upon the

buildings tlioy hud an insurance of about83,000. Their slock of goods wits unus-ually lnr^e, having just bioti rapleted forthe (all trmlc. l\n value ns neprnscouldbo cntinintrd lust night o $17,000 andtlio insuranco ttlxuit SC.OUO. Some ot

stocl; was Bnvod, hut how ninch,nnJ in vrhflt coudilion, rcm.iinfl to tieseen.

nipt io njipr.-iiiinfito nnywlniro neatif Mr. Ji.ll.-y wtmltl U n mnsl flif.,t(.T i»t tl'f prcKtnt irrillug. Tlient grnttly ihmnfj'1'! ly lire, Iml inIi SO 1>V tt-ii'er. A Brent lf*M, bow.leslmni t tc drKtnir1ir.n of fmni-

ttici'- l't«tiv\lily fp'ia ?7,Wi'J t<i iH,(K<0 worth

iH-inff thtownnMl rnrrii'J from tha hiulditift.Tli. Ion is ando'il>ti<Hj « r y U t will

upon tbe

f«jlnr A H.H1, linrnfw n^r.ofjcliiren,uincliof ttiiirMock,but lintHHmlaincdot tboat »l,i>0», apiu which thej b a n

no Imanace.Kinpibnrit. daUtltr. n t l t u l t a bU

inm Rt from •4.000 lo K500, tpon which Ul»d *n luam&et of II.S0O. Rom At bU

wtn mrti, tat tiki ttw otbm yntty

B.iCT Dr- Bntt't N«oiftlgii »Dtl 3ick Hesn-' «ohi) PitlD. Ttieie pills are t «pecmJ

ttion solelr for t t o cure of ipeeUI din-or theM diiewoa tbey are worthMWM, and for theM dliewoa thej tn worthr

ol»t r i i l bj ail inlelilgeut sufforors, They tre1 • for theoareorNeunlgi i .

, -Brvooe Hflkdtdie, D/fcpcp->M at rood, naniuig Stoin*M,klpifftuon of the H u r t , md Bead-

.-_ „ from orei •tilnniitjDg, eitbor byoplpin or ituohollc ititnultDts. plcaxtal toUke U U T dinolva in tbo nontbY birtniouMd cflttoliulb- cure til illieuei fcrlifuo fromjdonnjtedNflrvooiSyitom. I « M of NervuoaGoers; ibd Pntnttttn Ceoav. They oont*lnooplnu orothar nircotfos. VreptnibwA.E. BDBK, M. D.. ScnaUm, Pa. Seat b.v nailOQ receipt of prlcs-DOeU. UoSeuon ft Bob.bint and 0, N. Oritte&den. N«w Xatk, AsenU.

D s - K K i F r i m : IhftTO aold DB. BtJBB'SNeuralgia and 8iok Headtobe Pilli for vean•od l o i n recomroand them. Tberbavvnitdetome wonaerfnl ottrej la thii leotlon.

n . I .EirArr.H.D. Fittiion, P . :Da. LiP« mt: I hire told DB. BUiilt'H

Vearalgia »cd Sl-k Headache Pllli ev«r tluceihey were lint introdaoed. They gire th

A. A. Un, M.D. NftDtlcoke, r*.F0& BiLE BI TODOHT t XlLZOOHI.

Zbonsud of Tolont«er »| t i i t i are BOW •Ing tba rlrtnea of XX Ounphor Or«m. Tbif a U a n pirttM (hat b a n be en coredptini, brnliei, rhenmatltto and UBUDM Iitt B H . Tangtit k Klilg-ore, proprietor!, &

Uerchtnte wppliwi by them.

••Halt Bitten" i n a Brain, N e m , and BoodFond, pwmlUrlj id*pkJ to, ind iraimly rcomroeoded by our dwggiitu and phynleUfor general debility, noDtal and pbyalual »x-btartien, bTBtorlk, nerroaiDW*, ileeploMoeu,emaciation and dropiy.

Tho pride of a mother, tha lire and Joy orhomo.are her children, benco her grief whenniekDOH enters and Ukea them away. TakewtrolDg then, that yon a n roaring a terriblerlik, if tbey have a congh, croup or whoopingcough, whfob lead to oonatimptlon. If you donot attend to it at onw. SnILOH'8 CON.UMPTION CORK URlur»niwd to « m them

Pries 10 oK SO oh. and tl. For kme back,mdo or cheat, use Shlloh'i Porotii Plaster.Price 25 oU. Sold by Vfldgbt & Killgore,

THE BEST I EVER KNEW OF.J. Q. STABKEr, » prominent and iaflnen-

ial citizen aflowft Oity, styi : "I btre badIhe dyipepila, md Hvar ootoplttot for RDTonl

KM, ted hMto mod erery remedy I couldpirof, without any roller whatever, until Itw joar Bhilak1* VltaliMt idtertiwi in our

paper, »td wu poriatiied to try it. X tmhappy to sute that it buefltirei? cured me,

' ccttaioty tbo beat renndyl ever knewrrico75oti. finldbyVonnlit*KMgor.

HALL'B Vtfictitjle Sicilian H»Ir Rmewer Is a•Iimtiflo comblDitiun of some ol the i

powerful restcratiTO i^eDls In tho vegetablenRdom. It reetorei graj hair to ltn nHglnailor. It makee tlio ncalp vblto md clean. Itroi d&ndruff and humon, nd fklling-out ofJ hair, It fnmlihes tlie nutritive principlewhich the hair is nuuiinlied gud inpporlod.

wakti Win h»lr moiBt, Baft >nd glossy, miliitidiirpadind (8 a Imir drCBiinj,'. ll IB thent economical propmtion ever oflftrcd lo•> JIUUIC, as HH eOctn remain a loog time,iking nnJv an occttflinnnl application noovi'7. ItiHrccnmniflEidocUndiiwd tif cminonrsiJical men, and officially endorsed l»y thelie Amvur nf MitHHsclittncitlH. Tlie popnlur-[>rHii!rn Hair Honewerh»RincrtaiiMnWitli

iU»tnrnu,iy ycwH, IKUII III t hie oountry:lin rJirijih laniln, nnd it in unit- fcticmii ant]•d iu all tlM ciil«K«lc««ntti»* ttf tbc vivid.


A. SON,r., DOVI-:J:,inifacturo


tt (be old ntanil BLACKWKLL ST.,Htill continue Ihe load in the

'>f M kiiuU of



UEAVr TEAM HABNEfW.BPonjal sttontion piTen to tlio mabintr of

IlOltHB IILANKETS°ror"iill kbd^fnchSidineArmyltlaukot^ Hquaro nimikRti,ote.tetc.BUFFALO noilEB, W01F ROBES


urnl nil riBO to be foonil In a Crst-cl»Hn hit-neaitiHtablithaient. 44-ly





which contains all o! the Jatest im-

provements in machines, and is th.

most handsome of all for a sitting

room ornament.

Every Machine Warranted.OALL AND EXAMINE THEM,

Dorer, January 7th. 1R60.

J. HAIRHOUSE,Watchmaker and Jeweler











bnvc juat nceived ami invilo Hie public to take a look at their

^ew Fall Stock of CLOTHING,


Watches! Clocks!o Imndrnl j-nld a

ROCKFORD WATCHESB «liniitiginnlio(] f«i tbeir superior fluiHh,mliinod witli imuHnnl ulron^th. In timei-l'iiii; qunltliPB tlicy arc [iiifliirjiiiflflud, an allOHO who bought one will testify, AIHO

aid S i p Watches.yiatent fliiflL prool num-wlnilliij; cagul.


Aa elegant dinpUy of iinw cknignB Torwedding proBfints.

Agent for tho DIAMOND SPECTACLES andCELLULOID FRAME EYE GLASSES, theirframe and npnng sro warranted not to break.

HepairiDg or Bue w«tcLo» a specialty.


ry nin

pmbnM; b« mot l>y Iho iUHU


tiuiila rOSHTVELY at tho licjwl of llm whole list.O11LX AT TUB


Cheap Cash Storetlcn!; trrtnliuu lii, luld«it fint Df Ilia fmgnmm:

D<1K«Q« wuecMtod »l Ida IU-publican bwdquu lm, wb«n Iba e h b M UUILYON.•Vtal th. door ltd ottar b»M«ngi t-

loai Ba4*, Uclxiliif DM lifaf it V«k J m k U» fmitv. dobr. ntorfUiMo<tUOT«»10<tt A put of tola ud Dorer, H*j 14th. 1880.

<Mtk> « w tor «Wi! DOVERB0ILEB WORKS,


ifa I v Ml tanum <f MOIV okkk b pno- ten, X. J., Ja» Ha. IKMTO Tin nirmrroKi nr Tun »n.nruv iauu i ior Dona, ».j.


lidbd til Ux n i l * ib)U.. TV. n t nltalU nrtwMUMM1W

wbt\il»s la UM Inm fcl UM litoft nlkcr Hmn

i 4*7 M i n v > lUnj twtsrt ^ct * CWri;lit «n« • »

* J. I. Tab, IM4M « a.tofw IHIIIIIII. i . r,^ x o

« * Dmr. «

anM, «t ftwk,•> «IMM oaw pa to Ml«l^wt OOOKINQ RANGESH4 bUi( Ib <W< tot, u4 k tMlf

••>*« lam Ml •%! KMI, hi M•Dr. A> Ml a n <l k n i l w

«*i|MM ! • «nUH «

INUgmrti*. M<rta-MI»aln<t>lm.«k«i>t<M

kDMMM M» I*lUlll. Hull In (• m»| •«*•MM, nwm.Mk.ll*>*. akttl









BLACKWELL St., DOVER, N. J.Dover, N. J., Mny 18th, 1880. .1


vUich inchidea ull the IIPW nlyli*snml new g«rnlii nf llio season, und "willbe sold (in wry low termn.

DEPARTMENT !V custom litmiiH'hB, iinil imikp units tlmt fit the lorm1 m« tin- liiift tvwiwlmi-iit ut p i r a ; gimila from wliich


CUSTOM!We ftlno «r« doing n larpo

aud [locket Ixmk. Ciil! and fwe make our custom

GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS,iutroJiicing jill tin; nuw mul novel U.iiigB ill tlmt lutf\ I)"DTt forRt't tbo p





Dover, Pet, 12th, 1880. D O V E R , N. J.

TO THE FRONT!Don't rui-get nmifl tlio din of ta t t l e

ftiul turmoil of contending forcestlmt WALSH, Hie one-price tailor,iBURftinii) tho field willi the fioentmitl most select stock of


AND VESTINGS,pvor HIIOWQ this Ride of Xsw York.Tlit'sc f^rmils iinvc bi'im sclcctcil will.tlus innsl pcnijniloiifi caro ODd n de-BIIC lo moot tho \\:\Q:H of his many\nlimil cnnliitnera, who Iiave patron-ixinl him sii]}' in the punt, utnllit; tuke-* tliis ci|i|iortiniitv to nssnru1 bom mul Iho public Rt'nurally Hiotiicitlirrfitrictntttutinn 10 tlieir widi-« nor mi fiirucHt offurt on his purtill be wiiutiug to ri-luiti tliuit us-•emed piitronago, All Roods t-o](x

irt: fnl!jr tpfitcil mid RhriiDli befure_ _ , t . bdini; cut atul every precaut iot t taUa

to secure a (.er.ecl fit nnil tho fullest Ktiiisfnction (o nil who <<ntrnnt their orderst» his hands, I t in enrnostly rcqn^fitfti Hint RPiilli'iucn will leave tbeir o n i o nearly to avoid tho niaU and secure tUa.tnm<iuut <if tUU'ution ncc«ssftr,y Vo geUiogup otflrst-claas work. With many tbnnkn fitr ynur furors in the jiast and &aearnest deaire to plcnuo in tho future, I ctnniu jours truly,


SUSSEX St., DOVER, N. J.October 2d, 1880.

I again appear in the campaign field—not ns a cim-difliitc for the White House-but for tlie purpose ofshowing who will sell you a suit of clothes the bestand chciiHiist. I have taken great pains in selectingmy stock, adapted for this tall and winter, in the lineof READY-MADE CLOTHING for Men, Youths', Boys'and Children's wear. A very desirable line of PIECEGOODS of all grades and in liter in Is, and I am alwaysrendy to serve my patrons to my utmost ability inmaking a stood flttiiii; garment for a very moderateprice. A full line of HATS. CAPS and (iEXTS' FUR-NISHING GOODS of all descriptions always on hand.I sincerely request the people of Morris County to payparticular attention tn this, tlmt nimp.-liliou cannottouch me this fall. All I ask of sou is to call on

C31-E3OR.C3-E5 F E D B R ,

The Reliable Cloihier and Merchant Tailor,

Kel t Door to Ho Post Office, Dover, Nf. J,




DOTES, K. a.




IttMpb York.

FOB FIXE OYSTERSnoBwur ontsmicAu. AT


Morrii County Sabbath School Association.Buudu.Vi October 17tli, and Holiday,

tbe 18th, liavoboeu selected by the Com-mittee Q[ tbe Sunday School Unionhaviug o barge of tbo subjoet, tiatbe tlayaof Universal Prayer for Bundiiy Sohools,and it is suggested that the following ar-rangoiaautH slniiild, ELS fur as practicable,he observed :

Tlmt on Lord'n Duy nioruiug, October17, from 7 to 8 o'clock, private iututoea-Bory iiruycp t o ujfeicd uu behalf of Buii-d B h l

That tlic opnningcDgngemeuts of tlteluumiuc milum! \m pn'oedwl by u uinct-iati "1 thu ieiiolioif* fur (iniycr.

TluiL luiuiaU'rs be usktd to pteaoh scrmo us, morning or eveuiim, or both, ottopic* couiiL'ctud with Lhu Sunday SeUouwork.

Tlmt iu the dfteriioon the ordiuwj eRa^eiUfiiitiJ uf emili ^oliuul bu sbortoiidaud Bahnlurs bo gathered forn devotionBorriao, iiitorapcrsod with staging andnpjtrnpriitlo LUIIIIVSWB. To this servicethi' imrcuta of wlolars might bu invited,

That nt llm clusu of thu evouiug ser-\\eo. tin) teachers, in union with otherChristiniiB, incut fcr tluiuksgiving ampriivcr.

That on Mouthy moruing, October 16tunchurs again brmg their ncho!urs, onby oni', in privatu prayor befure God,

Tlint iu the course of tlio day the dinnle ttioobers of each school hold a modiuj> for united prayor nud thauksgiviu

That in tlio ereniug each church ciiOiigregntion ha iuviU-d to hold u mcoling, tit which tliuiiitorrata of the SumliSchool Blumld form tho theme of tinpraytrs nud mlilroaaos,

Let us hope that all our Pastors, Stiperiutenileiits and Teachers will heartilyobserve those sensons of OuncurtedPrayer, to the end that A blc&siug fromthe High God may rent upon evtSchoul, ami iipju each individual bchulitind that many, VEIIX MANY, tuny hbrought to Christ, Why not oak thALL may lie? Is out faith too wean

GSOROEIS. ltiaHTEn, Secretary.


Mmlisoii wits iu a perfect blnzot'lithtisiaatii litbt Friday uviitiiujj, vn thioccasion uf the unfurling of a lirgo amhuudiioiuo net-work baunnr, bearingbutli shies tins portraits of Gitrtlcld aArthur aud tho names uf nil tho Itopuhlienu cdudidiitcs. A parado wus partic-ipated iu by thu Geo. lticlmnls LigltArlillfry, of Dover, tlio YoiiugblootArlilltsry, ot Momstuwii, the LiviugattCttvidry, tlio Nilcs Guards, of Chutlintjnud horseiuini from nil parts uf (Juatliutownship, Thu streets of thu villagewere wassail with crowds of untkusiiiBtiltrptiblicaua. John Y. Foator, Hou.luiiii Hill nud Hou. Juines C. Youngblond luido tiJltictivo addresses fromCiinviiBs covered etnud iu Waverly squareYam's hand, from Newark, aud thdrum corps from Moirijtuwu and Chathum funiiilied eioi'ltetit music, wliiltire works, burniug tar burrela and thbuomiug of ejiQiwn nitule tho secmo ilively olio, such JIB Madiuon uever beforemuv. Unless all signs fail, Chatham wilmukiui report'in November. Jrnaoa A.Webb was c-Uuiriniui of tlia mooting, audamong tho Vice-1'rosidents wcro BiBao]Hurat and several professors of DrewTheological Seminary, Itov. Robert. Aikiimu, unit some twouty-iive of tbo leadinganil representative citkous of tho town.

Weekly Iron Reports.

The Engineering nud Mining Jourrntof lust Saturday ftiys :

'lucre is but a very amall bnsinesidoing, aud it teudoucy to lower prioca aa rule. The transactions are snmlleitlmu at nay previous titua thm year,while the consumption is still pro-nounced to bo lari£G.

AUEUIOAN Via.— This article is veryquiet and weak. I t is met in the mar-ket by tlia lower-priced Hootch ironWo unte a salo of 50Q tous of No, 2Thomas at $20 nt tide-water, also thisame quantity of another Loliigh bcouiat tlio same price. A sale of 10,000 tousof Dcssemcr iron at 326 at furnace isreported. We quote No. 1 Foundry n$25 nud 826 ; No. 2 Foundry at 920 andS22 ; aud Forgo at $19.00 nud 921, Tinquality of tho irou nud wants of buyersnud milkers have a grant deal to do iuthe present condition of tho market inestablishing prices.

SCOTCH Pin.—AH of this iron nowriving U (in orders, anil is promptlyabsorbed. There has bcoi a buaiueaaduring tlio past week of about 3,000 (OURon private terms, absorbing most of th>outside stocks, nuil giving a firmer tmiftto the market at tlio close. The Glasgowmarket shows a slight improvementWe quote its follows: Egluiton, 821GurUiiorri<v 823 ; Siiramerlco nnd Colt-ness, $23}; and Gleiigarnock, 822J.


Cidor appltia soil for six cents perbusliet iu Wuiron Comity,

Tho ro-iiiiion of the old 15lh N. J .Hcgiuieut tub P» place at Uaukcttstowuiieit Tuesday.

A Hiss Mary Tims, of Buttzville, agei83 yeurs, rode on tho railroad fur th<Hrst time a few day-* ago, although liviiifjin siglit of tijo D., L. & W. R. R.for tho paBt twenty years.

The neur ])ost office nt Old Oiford,Warreu County, has been mmed Huzeiafter A. D. Hazi-n, Third Aafiiahint Post-master General, wlto tvas formerly artujideut of that ueigbborhood.

Tin1 SuFsei Register haa Bcciired it flntnew CumpUell pross, on which it wilhereafter ba printed. We understandthat Mr, Goodman also iutouds puttingin a steam engine to rim it.

Qoat Judson Kilpatriok Inu erected inClove Cemetery a beautiful Italian mon-ument to his mother. Tbo nub bate isof white flint from tlio Goueral's formnear Ueckertown. I t is anrmoauted bya beautiful figure of Faith, which v ubrougbt from Italy.

Tlio stand privileges on the SasaexFair Groancbi wore lold for 8210. Theofficers of tho society throw 8375 oat oftho profit* of tho fair, through a doiirato make tlio place oa nfo to visit, forevery woman and child, u A SundaySchool picnic. Tlioy wereofforoti9260(or the privilege uf telling Uger beer,£100 fur the riRbt to n o a wheel offortune, and 825 for tbo privilege of•elling prize bar wop, but all were re-jeetea u it had been decided tbatueitber be«r nor gambling shook! beallowcil ni»n the gromuli.

Harmony Among tho Boyi,Tbo iwlitleal tifttemeH of aont HO-



Tliero aro for m a n y rtaBrue, few il i i tcumore t o bo tlrcadei] tliau Krvsipulaa, a n dI n o t inapt ly, been \t>moil "H(. Antlioti.*

" Tliero is uo diHMseu wliiuh no CBHII I M , nFire,"

i l

inaptly, be ml H(. .Tliero is uo diHMseu wliiuh no CBHI-

iluforrai ami fliaflsurei tliu vl«a(ju )J i f l h Jtlit) path ut; ami it mav fuirlv lit) mm part! J t

A led maHh tLr'iwn hv it tiiooktng ilmnmi u wtiiu Iminan fiicc. li in aliiuint »K ilaugorouH anit ii rn>tilnivu, AtJHJiiK fniiu a varietycsasas, niuuiiig its couruiiivitti pntn-i l oft<i.U(1i«inlJi-tilyin death. Tim old trMtmiii

ittou* is

oto »lann Umr* ofttou* is rtkmlaiol to »lann Umr* of

their ooantrjr, bat Morrutovn It notb k i d f U C

Mrrutovn It nottbhtkiudofaiiUw. Certain null bc*s•>f tbo town we d«-plj iat«mt«i] IsH'Un. Lat both jotthfol partiwkHtrtbcr coobl mlr rsl» cub for foarton** and Hum laalans. Nritb«i

«U wsk« a thomiag ibM «rra ib«mwt talbMlaslls UMflMtioa eotU call


•Mnk fcmlUr. V i m UMJ rsarfc t U

I * I)

of liliuttllttihifiBuiI Uifinrcalivo. Tin* unbsia

L l 8 t rof llm

ly. Ul total

ltill*. Hiid van luve taken the itfenlial total i>all ilia httflt iihvHicians In tlm ktnl could \in'«fribe ri»rErv*i|»']ii«. A ca»e in pnint. Mr.II. Carpt'iitiT*. of OramUillL', Nuw V"fk, writI hat li< hid for Hfime timu lirni nfliicttd wftbiH t\inviL*B iti lioth H'M, oml Iwfl rcgniniliisliflaltli by the sola use of "F&YuriluIk'ioilr." OHicr r i i i s mlc'il !><• clt^tl, rllO Hpn

actinn ") ill ntlii'r iti«C;iMrw of tin* blwil. Avnur dnK'!'i»l (or il .nr niMr<isn Hie Pr»prkt<Dr.Darld'KuDlBdy HntM.ur.Nftw York.

SUSSEX St. GROCER,titil! continues to keep a I ill! ami frcttl (jui

tity of

Groceries anil Provisions,

SEASONABLE FRUITS,foreign nud iloiuentic, tbo best grailesCuuuetl Goods, uud uli snpplins of tiiDusoLolii Iu his Hue.

Caro will always bo Uicn to necim* goocof tlio best ijimlily mid oqual jiiiiuw Iu HIthem nt the hionl it't^amMo miirgiim colifitwit with tho pure-boning ]>ripc. SUK»•street, neur tbe corner of Ulntkwell, Dovt

Ootob.>r 17th. 1871).


M0BEIST0WN, N.J.A. KKHSHAW, - - Proprietor

H a v t i i s SsHicd t!ie Mansion IIUUBC, JUKIeroetuil uti.i ninat «niicrbly it lid crnvfiiluitlfiiruiHbwl by Mr. U .O. U I H T I U I>U Waaliiiifitix i m ' i , MurriHtuwii, 1 w m M c:nil UIL- att t-utiuof tlio cl<l puln-n* vf tlio ihniM; a m i of mUialir [rl.•(!,!.- in Huri'ld uixl Mirrrliinlintmu'liOH ami uf thu imbliu f,"'ii"riilly, t o t luper io r mlvmmiKy* it HSUVH t« liotlt t rannic iu,l iH-TUiuiicnt ^ u r a t n . I I H itpurluioiitH urul n ^ l l l \u

ll nI


plinx \>?vu

i Ni NorliuIHBIIV Btyli-il tlio .NeivJi-rHoy." Tim mfim nnsum". API'IHIIILlBtiuiiHforMi nulIinliiiliiHintirrof li<irHi-H i

i w l ' S r o o ' i i 1 . t m ? i>lAl!lK<ifRltlilAWl[>r 'if Ten l iyck U o i w , tjem

lfri r



DOVEll N. J.

Carpet Weaving, In all widths, done iflrBt-diwB style ut lowest rates. The bentkiud of warp only used. New corpetn onhoud for sale. The highest priae paid far

RB, or takea io eiobaase for carpet.

I .OTUKS D Y E D a u d CleBuedIu good style*

Dovnr, May 25tb. 1830. 23-1]





C a m ComamptloDt Colds, Fucnmonlfl.Influenza, BroacJifUs, Broaohlal DINfllUTloarsoDess Asthma Croup

fUs, Broaohlal DINss, Asthma. Croup,andalldise f

HtheBroaSiingOrgBBB. HsoUosaudheals the Membrane of the Limps, bi-flamod and polBonod b j tJie disease.and provonts tbo nlKbt-sweats andUglitnoss across tbo chart which a ocomnanf IU C033UMFTION is notaa incurable malndy. It Is enlrnoctflsarr to have tlio tiirht remedy,and 1I4XLS DAI.SAM Is that remedy!DOST DESPAIR OF BFXIEF, fortbls benign spwICo will cure foa,eren tbougb profewtlonal aid falls.


CAHBDLICSALVB.tho Most\ Powerful Healing Oint-

ment nnd IHnhifecttintever Discovered,

Henry's CarbaUe Salvo heatm burnt,Jionry'* CarboUe Salve curt* to*ts.Jtrmrv'm Carbolic Salt* allaym pain,Henry's Carbolta Halt* c*4rr* eruptions.Itcnry't Carbolic Salve Arab i>(.»j*fe*.Heurn'a t'arbolio Salvo h*aU bruUet.Ask for Henry's, and Tako ^o Other.




Edey's Carbolic Troches,A 6UIIE PItE\TESTTVE OP

Oontttffiou* D I B S M M (folds, Hoarsenoss,DiphUioriA, and Whooping- Cough.

rieoaant to the TatUs,



JOHN T. HEKBT^On^AN & Ca,KcwTork.




Tlte »abierib*r, an piptrietufj Ukrr, wlinfar lonrtMn put hit been with W. F.DAY,atUurrikto«n,lia« ukt-iitlie

SUSSEX STREET BAKERY,ani lo HOLLER'S nOlI.UINO.wUpn- hi- an T l i an ih ) raoniins, M«r<-li 3£th, WM,aud will offer t<> the tinlllf, all tl>« roniir.mli.

itid lamrlft ol a flm-rlaw BAK£RV.idinR all T.rkli™ of BREAD, fr.i

OONFEOTIONERY.• r noons Din.nTiiBD is &ix FAii

OFTIWTOWS.-W M l m w r t / . ,•1.011; In »i«l lha pabUe »ml In KT lin», 1mpnirallr iUllnll i irfauU






(M0IUU.S A-NU EliSiiX UiVlSlOK.)Depots iu Kuw l'ork, fuut (if Iturdaj Bt.


Cowuiuuciug MOMJAY, JLiNE 71b, 18B0.LliAVli SEW yOKK.

At»i«l»A, SI. {TliniUKlt 5li i ir irain),coniiUtiifU'iUitlii! ilucilLuli Ijltiiirlilvt D i l f

for JtuunttJii; tlmCln-'atix Umiioli at Kuurfiammiiu uuit Clitbttr; llm bUsHL-i liailruaiaturluti, tor AIIUIU'IT, SL-HU-II KIIU u i; \lwl>.,L. A W. » . It. ut WftJii

UuiiiiliiiUiiiiiib,\Vutt.TiJii|.,8triiinitiluu, Ufuut liitutl, Uitigtii.iiiLuii,tidi »|iniiKt>, Jluiutr, Utirllmitl, MvM

t'uu uml iJ-Jtnts uil tin: IjiiuKahULMirn-bMrB w.l JJ.*l»w«r,- nwl 11 uufc ; ilN'i m i'lHjIii'diili'S w i l l ] l-'^iiK1

tailruiLlUUil Ltlii^li illlil h-.IN<|UfliHUl J i H l G b i l Lmliu

utun, ruuH tbruuuli to \Vat<.irg, Htfantini, Oa-at UMHLI»IP, Mardili'H!, Curtlniii

HiVmur, Sji'iieUM) uud Owwi-gii; umimjcliuK iJjuvfi-wjtli ClitMtcr H. IS., »t Wntiirluu wilS u w i ll. It. fur Auduvur, S«*toii uti J all nilLiuim ; *t Udmiiiru ivitli Dial rat umrii llv., <•SiTUiiluu, willi uliMjnisturB Uiviniun lurl'itt,

WilktMbsiH-, DuiiviHtf. Kurtli',t Uinsliawuiu with UliuM

liriKiuu Jur urfuiiu, Soniiuli. Utiun, ami

rsiu fruiii L w S w k ,iau isoiiucut at WHSIII


ulwr'mU, AcU

and Btwatilli train loi

L'liilliii»|jurt:, £astuu, Ik-tul i^m. W^otoTiiEhr.-irilitir>; u i l IH.HHS mi the lA'ik V»lk«y,md LUIIIKU iittd Hiirtijlidnmiia lift, . W ' B I U1'h illijidmrB witli Bulviden) UiviHlot. of Pa. 1it.furLnubiJi-trillt', Trent ou niKU'lillnilcipliu

At m. io A. SI. Uovur ActunaiuuiUtiuu.At tttuu M, V.mua lix])n>^.At 1 :(HI V. H lf«buiitntt hiprwut, D»wlnR Kwlii

Oinattti'liutt rnuit tlirtiutdi t.i w»t*rCap,MroiidB-U a t i UiJ t i i l iywuni tuauLlU

u t i i p WH. 1(. f«r ruuti.n,

iutuii.liywunwlili I ick.

i K i tHWuurtlami WiUwt-

Vuibttt3,3O I>. M (Enal»:etiuK at Waterloo for Ami

_„.. flrantbvillf, uiul ai l'liilliluwith Luliij,-h Vulley Umlruail and U-liif,'l

«u I1. H. (Hiiobottf-timii Ex]irt'»s)Bto|)-niiiK nt Hilimrii, Hinmiul, UliAtlmui, SlflUipm,Morriiitoivu and all umtuma west to li^cktstlK-

I'liuociinti lit Wattrlw "Uli tr^iu It

I1, M'.,1" Diivir Kxprt-HH for Sum mil•ilsvillu. liaakiiiKriilfe'i-nii.! nil puniurn

an<t UolaiviiHJ BiiilrmiU,) CliatliamaiidiiuD, MutriBtoH-ii, UiirnaPUlm, UuiivilliItwktwiy and Duwr. CoiHiuetiuK at Uuiivill••::li train for Bwintdii, at Dumr with Clioflf

ilrou.l for CliOHttr HIKI Hm-'raHnuhn.aiid ah;li ExmroHiitnun ftir Wutcrlou, H'lokcltetoiniBliiiit.'tf.i), Jlawuika Clmiik. Wfttur Oil)]

strouiiHliiin,', Sfraiittm, Itiimliumtuii, UticnUfrlillvM Wliriiij;^ Hjrmmv ami Oiwcyo, witl

At 7;UU I'. Jt . Odivcgo Eiprcas from Ncit'urk («li*rmiiL' uurs itltaoliuil) via. PAILTHOII tl!oniil<>iitlir»ugli ti. WulerGim.HtrumlalmrK.4i<rauluii. BiiiK?iniiiton, Lisle, Mar«thim,tJ(irt.and, IJiiniur, MviiiciifO mil OHWCKIP, citit \Viili'rli>i> wltli SUHHDX lUiirmiil f»r Animl Neulou; at D.luwurt! with ltluliHluwii lly.VtlShiL'liflintmi ivilli (ruin liirOim'iiL^OiiiH'd,Swwulli, Ctka, Ac. Thin train riina tlitough

' AAI 'W'P . 'M. I'iiillmSbufirSncciiil fir Clintmm, MuTixtuwn, Dover, i l l ic i t tn lmvi i ,Wu»!)iigtun, Fusion, Ucilili 'lieni, Alldntiiwii, lttiudug aud ItiirrJHlnirt', williuut diniiKu.

_. . I'ftBiaio am] DulawRfu It.It. {X. J . WuaL Line lliLllruad) 'J;13 A, HI. unO

" V. M.A. UKASONER, Supcr intuudc

DOVEll TTVE TABLE,na arrlvu ami doparL front tUtf utatior.Q u a :


oEipr tBB* 5.2H Eusttiu Hallig lmtjKpcu. j iSl j OBWCCOEiproBB1

r Kxprvii 7:1aetti lownEip. 7:311

Noiv York Eip. 3:13P.M.

imtDD Eip.* 1;67fork Mail 2:44

Dovor Acoom, 0:45Ouwecu ExprtBS* 7:53Now York Xccom. 8:37

*Via. Bouutou Branoli.

Dovor Accoui.EnBtcn ExprcBiB'ghaiUm E i p

xprcBi M:Um E i p * 3:30i|)reB8 C:29


BrPKO Kip.*1




- _ . 0.42L0.1T 0 5Hill. (15 fi.80

A. 51. l ' . MU.5U 8.B511.57 4.157.02 4.31)7.07 4.107.10 4.5?7.18 5.107.2!i JUG





New York.

ISP'Mi.Hlc V..1]LJ.Qtn'niaii Valley,Hart iuy, '

Kfliivil,Tuf i O r a m ,

9.83 flWiQ.XO 7.2'iJ.m 4.107.25 4.097.18 8.G17.12 3.857.02 9.140.53 SM0.63 2.B7(1.51 2.B2«.45 2.4fQ.8B 2.21

nsurance a SpecialtyE. & G. H. Ross & Breese,


Insurance Agents,)fflce, Old on Bank Building,

Morristown, N. J.neiitri the followingfir*t-oia«BeompaulcB

.ETNA PIKE INS. Co. of Hartford, Co. Cap-itil and Surplus over $0,700,000.

AIITFOKD INK. CO., AsHuts over 12,600,000.MKltlCAN MUTUAL 1NH. Co., of Nuwaik

N . J . AgHolHovor 11,400,000.•IllEMEN'8 MUTUAL INS. 0o,, «l NewarkN, J . CuiiiUl ami Hnr( lui orer $1,000,000.

MERCHANTS1 MUTUAL INS. Oo. of No IT arkN. J . Ca]iit»l aadSurpliiB about 11,000,000.1KIIMANIA MUTUAL INS.Oo. of Mewnrk, N.

J, CapIliUtiOBnri)lu8DTor<aSO,000.MUTUAL BENEFIT LIKE IN8. Oo. or New-

ark, N .J . AeioUoTur $33,000,000.

Insurance effected on all demriptlona ofiropertj in nuy st-ction of tlio Ktate, a t RS>w rnUiH AH tbe risk will warrant. AllIK9PH PAID TROMLTLY, aud uo coiupro-imiigiu .Ktttlomoat.Vt'rxouu ut a distance oan address tta by

titter nnd ret-olvo tbe same attention a t ifPl ica t ion wuro tuatlo Iu person.

A. JTJDSON COE,Bunejut auil Colluctor, Dover, N. J.


MillineryA N D


IAMES McGUINNESSWashington Hall Building,

MORBISTOWN.EJ.1 WOQM Inform i n / nlil f r i i n J* ami patron*

J the public gcDbr&Uj i h t t tuy



trorr OEHIOSS. u m r FHIUU.\>,


Mr M"<k <.'«h«c^a fttU lio*la




mcdbyJIIt . ISAAC K.huir 4UBlitlun 4m lullf

.1 liable tuK»t <>IU oroKttir,mi, Kucli Hi'riiiBJB umOi.- ul


HUL'KAWASf, N. J . M. Ii . UluliElteOS, AGENT Full DOVKU. " ' 1 ! t f f


t* iif WJ(. VijKTMAN, SlL-Oniim-uuiit). N.J . Mud Aulliuur i<t«>fr, IU builds mid l ineli bigli:fly ItuLort Uuiincr'tt wltbrtited

Ev.Tiitt; ilntu IK'fln, by Yi-rniotit. IVrnit flQ.uu tu itihiti0, (MO.e. 18-lj






nnvlo.l lb t U l

u r.,rlr. W.'


tli tur

FIFTEEN DOLLARS.ALl. WORK IVAUllAMTJSn.ovcr.BcplomlicrS!)!!]! 18TG.

ALEX. KANOUSE,DO-wiiirT, KT. jr.



and BOTTLER or tbo most pupal ft t

Xa -A- G E R 8m a r k e t , a n d DELtVUDED In Imlol ai)(l

uluoti |Tu|)uuti)rd in nii>- jmrt of thu uttnuty,

FAMILIES SUPPLIED-Establishment iu Dhckwell St.

Dover, Nov, 20th, 1B71). 60-lf

In the renewal of McZIRQAN & Co.'s adrertisement in this paper we feel that thisold reliable firm deserve more than a meremention. This firm has essentially "StruckOil." Commencing business with the firstintroduction of Petroleum, by steady industryand strict attentionto business and the wantsof their customers, they are to-day the greatoil kings of the State. McKIRGAN & Co.1

OILS are noted for their PURITY, SAFETY,BRILLIANCY and ECONOMY. All thevarious brands of Oils handled by this firmare perfectly pure and are up to the markedstandard as rated. They handle no impureoils. This being the case dealers in MorrisCounty and vicinity, if there are any who donot deal with this firm, we advise them toopen business relations with them, as weknow whereof we speak when we advise themto that effect. Their Maohinery Oil is usedall over this busy region. There is no opposi-tion to it in the marke. Their BRILLIANTSAFETY and PARLOR WATER WHITEbrands tor illuminators are superior to gasand rank next to the electric light for illu-minating purposes.

McKIRGAN & Co., Wharf loot of THIRD AVENUE,













twill,Hour. Ask

n hand a full mul fresh stock ofBtaiultrd gouilnat

It riooBn'i nay Iu cxponttiyour grocer fur the famous

VIOLA BRAND,mltako no otherl ld



South Bido of Park,


NEW LINES AND STYLESIn boob and ulioet fir Rummer w a r , inclmllitlic now <k-alitnB In I-iiSe*1 Klm-a, mi l tuiteaon to §atl<v entry |'urcl»»or Iu iwiuti iflniib, ilnralillty md pneo,

Buns9 Famous Shoes,Ilic toil in tnarki-l, ilwiyi fcrpt In itorkWl»n fbiting Uurri>tci«u WHO the 11111111111 atroar faro t * t n j 1»K your 110OTM «i. J 8UOES



By virtue of an order of I ho Orplwim' Cwirl,ai tlia Omiutr of Morris, made 011 thu 4tli anyat March, 1H78, aud or an luueiulnunt thurcnfmule 0:1 tbe flth day of April, 1880, tlio Ruli-neriljor, cidcator of Julia A. DicK<truon, duo'tl,will exputa t» siilo at lhilillaVtuiluoBt tlic

iJcnco i>f Oornelms 8. DicborBoo, near tlioof Hiram Hulne, at JlcCnluoviHe, ip tliehi of Roxbarv, In IIIM Cuuut.v of Morri*.

ud thoroig lauds

t l i

d tu Dmhovilf Hlrnm Hulso ami John Butffit

utaliiinB about two acres aud flrtj ban-drudlhtiufan aero.

SECOND. All tlmt certain lot, Innwn na ao»d lot on the road IcaiiiUK from UoGainnTillo

o Luke Hopatuong, contniitiog 13 6U-UH) aercnlihed la a (food from CornoliUH B. Dickor-Eiooutor, Ao, to unid Julia A. Diciorsmi,

dntucl December 1st, 18CO, aud mounted in ihaMorris Coniilv lU-conU hi Bunk I) <! p. 180, i c

r l . . . • . . ".. . r . I . . . _ . . ~ i . • . . . J .1 I ,—-~. .


PilulesSure Cure for Chills.

Malarial 5>OS[O AntidoteSept. 14,1878. " l a m very loalh to speak

evcryliody to know it, and shall put tlicPilules in every neighborhood in the county.Goil bless D r . M c o r o . "

J. T. UUTLER, llaysptlngs, Mil

o the best remedy to careYouchills I <

commcndaiwhen an article like yams, possessing merit,equal at least to what la claimed for it, isbrought to my notice, I cheerfully waive allprejudices and very willingly recommend it,as I believe it my duty to do.

"I unhes i t a t ing ly say that yourPiluleslire good, and worthy of a trial in all MalarialDiseases," R. II. LANSING, Chillicothe, 0.

Sold by DrucgUti, BO cent* per box of 60 Pilule*.

Sr. 0. a HOOSE. 78 and 80 (Now Nos.) Cortlandt St., New York.


" The tast medicine in the worli). I vi

Piluleser sold.

B. W. STARK, Aurelius, Mich.,Merchant and P.M.

EEATTY'S ORGANS 1 4 . STOPS ONLY $ 6 5 .14BeailtlflllSlOpS '"•• aS-rully miiiiticautlfm PlBiolrriclitCsMnrtorrnrlorOntnnInclndlnsUie DunotuVCl

M A R T I N & B U C K ,Enu, Sign ui OnumisUI hbtm,



KuBurrowx. 5- J.-JJ >4wkt tomn t*tmu M8 h

tMteMrf«fctMj«MWhWkl«l<k few li

(IIUIXCHK. OIIJ1EIUIU1H. (!.«lnc(. n k » AIHI Milvrui. rnB h l la f»w«i* tl;ka. l

RAN0-mblm).Tlnsfi | l l

tat, wr tr|rUN*p*tfl•mi. I^.OI .so,, in cnricu. r. u. I

.ii.n rniuims-II m.

*. nrc«



BY FinncU Cli.M. E«q,, lucifi t of t l ia Ci.r t'oQiiuun I'll i i n w ' tliii Ocrnuty uf U O I T I » .

N t i l l h i I l t pplumt'UMii v u Imlile,

pplumtUMrnilifn c»r



v'af, in I lie Cuuutv'ol Murrlx, mid Hury«di , of tlio Ifltnriiip of Wuct MilTnrd, inliMintv of Postmk-. in tht- titnle of Nutf,>v, I'jcli otwlinni (jInilUSlliKllldlviill'tl 111)1lUpiirturnll tlf;it Iiai-Ltiflauil. tiiugnii

bcliu; iu thu tfurnnliiii nf Itnukewiiv, in t l(if Horrid toil tilatu uf Ni'W JUSHCI

ilitff ul n nUJii! and lump uf slum's In aid being thu frmrth ffiniM or

raotori02 81-lWl rcturuml toLomtii'l Oobli,Octubur 7tli, lHlfl, aud rwi-acd in bu-k « 17.

12. l»eins | u r t uf Nif<l tract, nml Irom

f'jmte!>nilecnoHwont tavuurlinip*aii'lnix liuksj tlicucc {$) north lirivrl^Mi-a taxt mi otiahiR ant] nitulf \n\k»\ilS) son til fimrtis-p di^rooH .Uxt KVMIi unit eiity-ali l i n t s ; tl]Bucii(4) B'putli

iifh-nitfln dtipn:cK went nix CIIHIOS aud uliitsi;links to Mifplacndf liBfiiiiiiiii^.BoutaiiilnB nvu>cn-« HtHol miiiwitic. Jlclrii; Hie mm Jatidmil iirumlnoR ci.iucviid (o.Taciob H. KimMo fcvr«H«e Colil. pDd v\tt>,hy dwi itfttvd Aprillttli,IK55, find recurdid in Ibe Horrid Cuni)trOlurk'u OQlaa iu book F 5 of dmut, |iag£u 22i,

I Imve tinmln&toa Hdrnm Clmmboi'kfti, Wai-IT Utlluran.] piihiclBliuWKonComniifluiontiriiti dirido tUi> mil il I mo I ot lai>4 iiitn four Bliirt»ni" t'Jii'f B ; nnd Uii'iifiH nropi'r nbjculions arotiittd to nioxt l)u< C u r t H-nmo, iu Morrismn, on tlicflfteiutli ilnvnf Kovembor ncxl,lit'Sftid Hornca Olnmlwrialn, Waller Hillerud Daniel Hliawgor wiU then be appoint^:iriitiiiHfiloiturd to tiuho partition or tLosaiilmd, puiDtinnt to an not entitled '-'An act furjo ninro rusy partition or lands hold by oo-urofinerB, Julut tenants ond tonanta iu com-inn."Oivoii under ray h«nd tliia oiitli day of O o>her, A, I), ciglikon limulrcil and olffbty.4i-flnr FBANCIS CHILD, Jndgo, Ac.

^H^^iKbllDAlir tlio 90rd .Uy <if

tolwr. 1BB0. butwocu the hours of lSuoou aud5 u'clouk In tbo afternoon nt enld dny, nil tlosocnrtaio tracts or ymrculu or luud and pronilsesiluot in Hie towm-hm of lluxbury ifoujsaltl,

d and deeoriltca us follons:FIIIBT. All thit part uf tlio homoitoad lot of

laid Julia A. Diukcrson. dco'd, which was oon-veyetl to liur and ouu Elizabctli Diokonen, bydooJfrom Alm&ndur finvdm- nnd wife, J&tcdMaiuh 12'h, 185B, aud rebordod iu Book A 5 p.110, which HUB UII thu iiortli side of tlio centm:>r tlio ruul loading from McOalcsvilld toDtakuvillo, heiUK on tho corner of said roadiud thoroud tu Dmhovillo Aopot, awl Bdjuin-

l d f Hl H l ami J h B id

SEWING MACHINE!Tho greatest iuveulion ef Iht] ugii. Siiujilt1, strong, and wry ilnra-

lo. EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. 'Vviy"li«lit rniming andilegaut finish. Don't fail tu HOC nml liy it nnd bay it. Fur salt! by


LLACKMELL St., UO'VtiK, K J.Dated September 17th, 18S0. 41-1 w

The New EmpireHot-Air, das & Busc-buiii-

ooking Stove.

l'UIItl lio lemniuini; pa r t of e i td horn*id dt'Otoscii, convcy ta by rn'

ldhll li th

.. . All tliil lut of xa ,hv nt) aforutiuiri.Avbii'li lii-aDftlm centra of Bdid Dnilu-vi

i(T thti lt,t. wnvi-ji>il bv lln- iul<1 JiilUA. f)iokur«nn to l'licbo Lt.yati, Vnn-li 3d, 1HI10,

ud recorded in \>t«t\t K li naw- 17H, nud mljuiiixLiulu ofHirnm HIIIHH. llm Morm Ciimi!, IIM.I.10road ltmlliijt fmm McCniimvi'l* tu l'-liunlcrn

UENNIH 0^]101tS,Kxi'ouni,&c.Datoil AiifjiiHt 17lli,lfl8fl.


tSU^SHX S T . , INEXT TO T H E U M H O E , )

D O V E U , N . J .

t rocoivnd mi vlacoil In po«ilio« THliEEF1SE NEW


Pool Tablesfrom tbe celebrated manufactory of J . U,


OEGHESTRIOEtlinu ovc*, inriiishfttgband of 60 pieces.

n supplied 'ic pitrons ol

equal to a br&Bfl


LAGER BEERalwujB on draught and the best of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSalways provided for tho pat rone (if


Freeman WoodPIRB


' s BTOIIK.)

BOVER.W.J.egally antliorizid sgcutof tlio folluwinjj tlisl.

rlftHHoompan!o8-thDboetiu tho world


0LOBE, Capital $20,000,000.


Cipitol tU,O0H,O00.


Capital $10,000,000.


Capital $5,000,000.


Cnpitsl 8300,0(1(1.


of Fhllitdelphift, AuetB $GOO,noo.

Tlie Loiidoa Aasumcoe Cbrporatlou o:loodoil, capital »5,tOO,IHXl.

Springfield Fire IaBanace Oo , Uassaulusatu, capital «l,SO0,UtXI.

8 t Nicholafl F i n Imur&noQ Comiiany ofKuw York, capital J300.00D.

Woalolitistar Fire Xoiinnuica Ooiupany ofNew York, oapltal »500,0O0.

Now York City Fire Insurance Companyof Now York, oaplul »aoo,ooo.

Pire Associatioa of Pliil'a13,500, (KHJ


The Central Express! PALL MILLINERY!


Ladies' Fancv Goods,ianr ^ nmmua




Choice Lots in Dover,. n>rulaehsap,uiil


Freeman Wood,Jmllt. nf th. raaoa u i Follu H>| ilnl..

or Cuiikin^ljn j

. l'uilur



IVL-B) i '

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.AlbO, a eboice atock of

Hardware, Cutlery,GIBBB, Wooden, Copper, Plain and Jaimmioc!


Oil Clotlii, Ourpoti, LampB, Paints nnd OiUUird CngL-B, Foatlieru, Pratt'it Antr»l Oil (lion

1 live.) Aim,


Hooilng, Plumbing and Jol)Work promptly attonded to.


._ S c a l e s n t iMtnu i f act u r e r * i p r i c e s ;

Old IroD, Copper, BraBS, I^atl, Rag. BIH5

Groonbaots taken In eioliango for ROOIIH.BROEN t TIONNELI,.,



W.S. BABBITT.Morr i s town , N- J-

I am closing out the re-mainder of my stock olSummer Dress wiooits atprices which cannot failto attract the attention ofpurchasers looking for bar-gains. "I'acilic"' mill oilierstandard mii.'ics of Liiivn tit10 cts. per yard, and otherkinds of their dress goodscorrespondingly low. Mystock of Silks, Cashmeres,colored and black, Henri-ettas, Piques, Funnel Suit-ings, all -widths, Domestics,TaMc Linen, White Goods,Hosiery, and the goods arcbeing offered at greatly re-duced rates for most of lliolines. Cull and examinegoods or send for sumple



'•I-J- ' w

Warner's Safe Hdrey anil L t w Cure,


n liiutiK-at <j«n< m l l i tb l l .in i bj UIL Sur^ IUHcm. It In

WARNER'S SAFE NERVINEtitc kit l u i Re *l n id Nit P|t tu the BUlIt*ring,

.u r i • • w i l i M l i c ii I ftrui-Hlirliv P» viinut» p l l r p l l < M U . n r l u l l n< iM*rv«u i I "nM-

"t '< >"iiU«l1M1 ' tT. l ' ' . .1 . .* ' ' '" . ' .* ' ' ' ! r t I ' I I" ' 'V L C

i we r fu lwi l U l i t<J|i I aln sr I N I F M R It ii u r IiLjurr,

Uuttlt u l lw j s l /L i prices 0O€. unit | I OO.

WARNER'S SAFE PILLSroan loin u l i H it ni ILL I M H ImnliH ft r arnldLHer nn 11 lira Ca»Uv«a«t Dyiptp<l» Bll-



andthoKSDNEYS.This combinPAt action gives it

derfulixncerto cure ail diseases.

lira use ics allow these great argaito bt:comc "clogged or torpid, andl

mous humors are therefore foradlinto the blood that should fio am"naturally.


JiKSSKS* AN1) NEuVoI! HISOIIDKHS,,!>!/rnns'nfjfixc action of Owe fr<jan*and r< during their $omr to throw off


e HIDN1IY W O I 1 T c

,'i. llitatfnjirtqdallit

GEO. MAlfN'SNew Billiard ParlorMdlBALOON, Bkdmll St., Bonr, Jut

nu TO BIt» Iw b , m o .


rp i lERBu g e r KlX Lire aivinn Frinriph* i

Jioine than MALT UlTl'KlUAi/r i i r r aau i C O W

Kloaa-I'urlfvlngph* in thu World of

an MALT UlTlKllH, prri.artU byUi/r iirraaui COWAXJ UIU vnh£

montnl U«it u i J Houi, It | ( R perfect rttiu,valor of fecblv »nJ txlmu»tvd euuiUtulluu*.U enritbe* tUe Llwnl, u>litllfloi Itia bonoi,anlfui tlio tnuwliii, qnleu the n e r r n , IKT-wti «l*jte-tJon, ehttn the mind, ami vimluteirllb au* lir» n*orj fluid uf llw bwlr. I l | IH>,ecaOM li alnkra t l Ib* n u t of i l l ilobiiitv-

IDUBD BLOOD. BoU«vwjvt im. V l >





or rumOrnubl(W>l



A large number ofGOOD BUILDINGLOTS on 1st, 2d, 3d,4th, 5th. and 6thstreets, 1'ENN AVENUE.

These lota are the best lo-oatod in this city, within eightminutes walk of the depotSplendid water oasily roaohodon each one.

Terms Easy.Eicbirdi & 7 u Ktiinad, Omen,

p'ifWM. H. LAMBERT, Agt.

The Mt. Hope Band!At* anlMl umutt«lln« Ii kw fKii, K h


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