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Schadensanfälligkeit und Anpassungsfähigkeit von Kiefernplantagen

in den Tropen und Subtropen im Kontext des Klimawandels


Zur Erlangung der Würde des Doktors der Naturwissenschaften

des Fachbereichs Biologie, der Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften,

der Universität Hamburg

vorgelegt von

Christoph Leibing

aus Hamburg

Hamburg, November 2013

PhD report synopsis

Introduction: There is large consensus in the scientific community that climate change is one of today’s most

important global challenges. The survival of many valuable ecosystems is at risk and especially forested

ecosystems will be struggling to keep pace with the rapid alteration of their environment. Their long generation

cycles and slow migration rates make them particularly prone to be negatively affected by rapid changes.

Justification: I summarize and discuss in this report three studies that examined how two important plantation

species, P. patula and P. tecunumanii, may be affected by climatic changes at natural stands and locations

where the species are planted. There exists an increasing need to assess and optimize the way we use available

forest genetic resources in order to sustain stable growth rates in future rotations. Climate change may not only

lead to reduced yields where the species are planted but may also pose a possible threat to the species’ natural


Hypothesis: The hypothesis tested in this research are the following: (1) Climate envelope models coupled with

results from provenance trials can assist in the determination of a species’ capacity to withstand the adverse

effects of climate change and (2) site quality models based on field trial data can help to maintain plantation

productivity and improve our understanding of tree species’ adaptation to a changing climate when coupled with

high resolution climate data.

Methods: We investigated the impact of climate change on natural populations of P. patula and P. tecunumanii

via climate envelope modeling and assessed the adaptive ability of the two pine species based on growth data

from large provenance trials.

Content: This report introduces and discusses the implications of outcomes from three studies published in a

time span from 2009 to 2013. The studies were published in three different scientific journals: “Forest Ecology

and Management”, “Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research”, and “Forests”. The first publication from 2009

assesses climate change impact prediction on P. patula and P. tecunumanii natural populations. The second and

third publication focuses on planting sites and investigates climate related differences in growth performances

on subspecies and provenance level.


PhD report contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Research objectives .......................................................................................................................... 2

1.2. Camcore provenance trial data ......................................................................................................... 2

1.3. Report structure and overview ......................................................................................................... 3

1. Current state of research .......................................................................................................................... 3

1.1. Genotype-environment interactions ................................................................................................. 4

1.2. Climate envelope modeling .............................................................................................................. 5

1.2.1. Maxent ...................................................................................................................................... 5

1.2.2. Model validation....................................................................................................................... 6

1.2.3. Shortcoming of climate envelope models ................................................................................ 6

1.2.4. Correlative - combined with mechanistic models .................................................................... 7

1.3. Forest growth models ....................................................................................................................... 8

1.3.1. Statistical models vs process based models .............................................................................. 8

1.3.2. Evaluation of forest growth models ......................................................................................... 9

1.3.3. Challenges for practical implementation ................................................................................ 10

2. The published manuscripts in context of the current research agenda ............................................. 10

2.1. Climate change impact predictions on Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii populations in Mexico and

Central America ..................................................................................................................................... 11

2.1.1. Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 11

2.1.2. Own contribution .................................................................................................................... 11

2.1.3. Methods .................................................................................................................................. 12

2.1.4. Key findings ........................................................................................................................... 13

2.1.5. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 14

2.2. Adaptation of tropical and subtropical pine plantation forestry to climate change: Realignment of Pinus

patula and Pinus tecunumanii genotypes to 2020 planting site climates ............................................... 14

2.2.1. Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 14

2.2.2. Own contribution .................................................................................................................... 14

2.2.3. Methods .................................................................................................................................. 15

2.2.4. Key findings ........................................................................................................................... 16

2.2.5. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 16

2.3. Selection of provenances to adapt tropical pine forestry to climate change on the basis of climate

analogs .................................................................................................................................................... 16

2.3.1. Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 16

2.3.2. Own contribution .................................................................................................................... 17

2.3.3. Methods .................................................................................................................................. 17

2.3.4. Key findings ........................................................................................................................... 18

2.3.5. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 19

3. Synthesis ................................................................................................................................................... 19

3.1. Implications of key findings ........................................................................................................... 20

3.2. Critical remarks and model shortcomings ...................................................................................... 21

3.2.1. Performance in trials compared to survival in natural populations ........................................ 21

3.2.2. The effect of extreme weather events ..................................................................................... 22

3.2.3. Environmental space covered by provenance trials ............................................................... 22

3.3. Future research questions ............................................................................................................... 22

3.4. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 24

4. Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................. 24

5. References ................................................................................................................................................ 25



Fig. 1. Climate envelope maps for the natural distribution of P. tecunumanii and the predicted impacts of climate

change on their distribution by 2050. ......................................................................................................................... 1

Fig. 2. Map of location of Camcore provenance trials. ........................................................................................................... 2

Fig. 3 Maxent’s climate change impact prediction for the natural distribution of Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii. ...... 6

Fig. 4: Congruence between mechanistic – and correlative model. Source: M. R. Kearney et al., 2010................................ 7

Fig. 5. The role of growth models and complementary data in providing decision support. Source: Vanclay, 1994 ............. 8

Fig. 6: Two dimensional linear combinations of variable range limits for natural pine habitat (in black) and the climatic

ranges in which the field trials were established (in grey). ...................................................................................... 12

Fig. 7: Correlation of CEM-generated suitability values for P. tecunumanii provenance locations with height growth

and survival rate on climatically similar sites where the species is grown as an exotic. .......................................... 13

Fig. 8: Scatter plot showing the linear correlation of climate dissimilarity and height growth ............................................ 18

Fig. 9: Climate range covered by P. patula and P. tecunumanii trials .................................................................................. 22


Tab. 1: List of environmental variables used to build the site growth models ...................................................................... 15

Tab. 2: Percent of study area where the respective provenance is expected to be best seed choices under current and

future climate conditions. ......................................................................................................................................... 19



Additive Mean Effect and Multiplicative Model AMMI

Analysis of Variance ANOVA

Area Under Curve AUC

Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis CCCMA

Central America and Mexico Coniferous Resource Cooperative CAMCORE

Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CIAT

Clean Development Mechanism CDM

Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security CCAFS

Climate change CC

Climate Envelope Modeling CEM

Conference of Parties COP

Decision and Policy Analysis DAPA

Diameter at Breast Height dbh

Forest Genetic Resources FGR

Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment FACE

General Circulation Model GCM

Genetic Algorithm for Rules Set Production GARP

Genetic by Environment Interaction GxE

Geographic Information System GIS

Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit GIZ

Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GTZ

Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 3 HADCM3

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC

International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN

Multiple Linear Regression MLR

Pinus patula var. longipedunculata LONGIP

Pinus patula var. patula PAT

Pinus tecunumanii high elevation population HIGH

Pinus tecunumanii low elevation population LOW

Receiver Operating Characteristic ROC

South African Pulp and Paper Industries SAPPI

Species Distribution Model SDM

Variance inflation Factor Vif

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


1. Introduction

The anthropogenic alteration of precipitation and temperature patterns is likely to be one of the most important

global challenges faced by ecosystems and societies alike (O’Neill & Oppenheimer, 2002; Parmesan, 2006;

Walther, Hughes, Vitousek, & Stenseth, 2005). The scientific basis for this “man-made” climate change is

established (Solomon, 2007) and evidence is mounting that especially forested ecosystems will be profoundly

affected (Hamrick, 2004; Köhl et al., 2010; Saxe, Cannell, Johnsen, Ryan, & Vourlitis, 2001). Important

plantation tree species are likely to be negatively affected in their natural habitat (Dvorak, Hodge, & Payn,

2008) and locations where species can be grown as exotics will have to be adjusted. Despite the importance of

climate change for the growth and survival of these tree stands, considerable uncertainty still exists on how

different species and genotypes will respond to changes in climate (Botkin et al., 2007; Kremer, Koskela, Buck,

& Cros, 2007). Climate change is predicted to rapidly alter growing conditions in an unprecedented way and

will force foresters to make decision under considerable uncertainty (Noss, 2002; D. L. Spittlehouse, 2005). In

combination with anthropogenic stressors such as pollution, habitat fragmentation, land-use changes, invasive

plants, animals, and pathogens, and altered fire regimes climate change demands for a novel approach to

sustainable forest management. If left unaltered forest ecosystems will likely not be able to maintain their

productivity and may become more susceptible to undesirable changes (Millar, Stephenson, & Stephens, 2007).

Climate envelope- and site quality models can help to indicate a way for the forestry sector to adequately cope

with the rapid alteration of growing conditions. Model results coupled with Geographic Information Systems

(GIS) are a widely-used tool to assist the management of forest resources in an uncertain environment. A

common approach assesses the potential climate change impact on natural populations based on the results of

climate envelope models (CEMs) (Gómez-Mendoza & Arriaga, 2007; Hamann & Wang, 2006; Iverson &

Prasad, 1998; Leibing, van Zonneveld, Jarvis, & Dvorak, 2009; Pearson & Dawson, 2003). The current

geographic distribution of a species is used to build a model of most suitable climate conditions for natural

species occurrence. This so called climate envelope aims to describe the species’ ecological niche and can be

projected into the future on the basis of results from general circulation models (GCMs). The outcome is a

geographical indication of where species gain or lose suitable habitats (cf. figure 1). However, the extent to

which trees can withstand environmental changes at their actual locations remains largely understudied in these

CEM based climate change impact studies (Thuiller et al., 2008).

Fig. 1. Climate envelope maps for the natural distribution of P. tecunumanii and the predicted impacts of climate change on their distribution by 2050.

But climate change is not only challenging a species’ persistence at its’ natural locations. Since climate is changing rapidly, it may also become increasingly difficult to choose the right species and provenance to plant where species are introduced as exotics.

Adapted from van Zonneveld et al., 2009

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


1.1. Research objectives

The objective of the first of three studies presented and discussed in this report was to evaluate if CEM can

reliably assess the impact of climate change on the persistence of natural populations of Pinus patula and Pinus

tecunumanii at their actual locations. If successful this model could help to inform about conservation measures

with the aim to protect the species in their natural habitat. In a second step we developed decision support

models that (1) predict the impact of climate change on wood productivity at locations where the pines are

planted as exotic and (2) identify what kind of tree should be planted today that will be resilient to climate

changes 10 or 20 years in the future.

1.2. Camcore provenance trial data

The three studies discussed in this report were conducted at the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture

(CIAT) Cali, Colombia in cooperation with the International Tree Breeding and Conservation Program

(Camcore) at North Carolina State University. Camcore’s data set of 153 geo-referenced provenance trials,

established in Colombia, Brazil and South Africa during 1981 and 1997 formed the data basis of all analyses

(figure 2). This dataset of provenance trials was complemented by coordinates of 24 provenance locations in the

wild of P. patula and 41 provenance locations of P. tecunumanii from seed collections provided by Camcore.

The cooperation between Bioversity International, CIAT, and Camcore started in April 2007 with my stay as

visiting researcher for Bioversity International. The provenance trial database which formed the principal basis

of the collaboration is in its extent and coherence unique in the field of forestry research. All 153 trials were

measured for height growth [m], diameter at breast height (dbh) [cm] and survival rate. It is important to note

that site and stand management, such as site preparation, spacing of trees, weed control, thinning, and pruning

was for all provenance trials as similar as practical in the field. Trial coordinates were carefully checked

following the suggestions from Hijmans (1999).

Fig. 2. Map of location of Camcore provenance trials.

Adapted from Leibing et al., 2009

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


1.3. Report structure and overview

This cumulative PhD report summarizes and reflects on implications of the findings of three research projects

(Leibing, Signer, van Zonneveld, Jarvis, & Dvorak, 2013; Leibing et al., 2009; van Zonneveld, Jarvis, Dvorak,

Lema, & Leibing, 2009). Together these projects shed light on the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of two

important pine plantation species, Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii. In a first step we analyzed the impact of

climate change on stands where the species naturally occurs. In the two subsequent steps we investigated the

vulnerability of productive forest plantations to climate change in terms of achievable growth rates.

I will review the methodology, key findings and implications that can be drawn from each of the three published

studies. In this report a close look will be taken on the current state of research the two main fields which are

relevant for the publications: (1) Climate envelope modeling and (2) Site quality- and forest growth modeling.

The first study, which was published in January 2009 in the journal “Forest Ecology and Management”,

describes the ecological niche of the two Mexican and Central American pine species. By projecting the results

of climate envelope modeling into the future, the impact of climate change on the persistence of the natural

population of these species at their actual locations was estimated. Model results were then used to inform about

appropriate conservation measures (van Zonneveld et al., 2009). The second study was published in December

2009 in the “Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research”. Here we assessed the need to adapt the choice of seed

material for forest plantations under changing climate of two P. patula varieties (P. patula var. patula and P.

patula var. longipedunculata) and two P. tecunumanii ecotypes (highland and lowland). The study area

comprises planting sites in Brazil, Colombia and South Africa (Leibing et al., 2009). The final and third study

made use of a statistical analysis tool called Analogue which was developed by the Climate Change,

Agriculture, and Food Security Program (CCAFS) in collaboration with the University of Reading in 2011

(Ramírez-Villegas et al., 2012). The manuscript was published in March 2013 in the scientific journal “Forests”.

The study’s focus lies on the evaluation of growth performance of plantings in Colombia, Brazil and South

Africa. With the help of the climate analogue tool we correlated the provenance trials’ height growth to the

degree of climatic dissimilarity between planting sites. The outcome of this analysis served as a measurement

for the suitability of seed material under a changing climate for four P. patula provenances and six P.

tecunumanii provenances (Leibing et al., 2013).

1. Current state of research

The last decade has seen very lively activity in the field of research on climate change impacts on the

exploitation of forest genetic resources (FGR). Much of the interest focuses on the direction of impact

predictions regarding FGR’s vulnerability to climate change in natural forests and forest plantations (Loo, Fady,

Dawson, Vinceti, & Baldinelli, 2011). Scientists’ opinion vary on the consequences of the rapid environmental

changes for FGR (Hamrick, 2004). Some consider that many trees have sufficient phenotypic plasticity and

genetic diversity at the population level to significantly reduce the negative effects of climate change, others

have taken a different viewpoint and predict severe negative impacts (Koskela, Buck, & Teissier du Cros, 2007;

Rehfeldt, Wykoff, & Ying, 2001). Different positions relate partly to the types of species and environments

being considered but also result from the difficulties to quantify the extent of phenotypic plasticity in a studied

species. In general scientists who make the more pessimistic forecasts often base their views on tropical trees

(Dawson et al., 2011) or on temperate species that grow on distribution margins (Mátyás, Vendramin, & Fady,

2009). More optimistic authors tend to make temperate and boreal taxa their object of research. Boreal and

temperate ecosystems are expected to benefit from higher temperatures. In these regions today’s low

temperatures and long winters are among the most important limiting abiotic growth factors (Lindner et al.,


Any study on forest yields needs information on tolerance and adaptability of tree species. A vital step in the

process to create forests that are well adapted to their environment is to find the right genotype to plant at a

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


certain site. This step includes not only choosing the adequate species but also the identification of the best

genotypes within a species for a specific environment (Kanzler, 2002). The correct choice of species and seed

source represents a vital decision in the process of sustainable forest management and is indispensable to realize

gain from plantation forestry (Zobel & Talbert, 1984). However, in the context of an unstable and rapidly

changing environment the exercise to choose the right tree to plant becomes more and more difficult.

1.1. Genotype-environment interactions

In order to take the right planting decision a forester needs to know about the differences in climate tolerance

among- and within tree species. In other words the so called genotype-environment interactions (GxE) have to

be assessed. Many and sometimes complex definitions of GxE exist which can all be reduced to one practical

implication: an optimal population or individual on one site is not necessarily the best for the others (Barnes,

Bunrsr, & Gibson, 1984). Most of the scientific work which provided the statistical methods to assess the extent

of GxE has been conducted in the 60’s 70’s and 80’s; most prominently by the researchers Freeman (1973) and

Shelbourne (1973). This report will not give a detailed summary of all the available techniques but rather

provide a brief overview on this important facet of FGR and climate change impact studies. The work to

summarize the most prominent statistical approaches was undertaken by Kanzler and the following description

draws from the review of techniques given in his PhD thesis (Kanzler, 2002).

1) Ranking entry means and phenotypic correlations

A helpful first step to assess GxE is to use simple comparative techniques. This will show if there are any rank

changes of entries under different environments. A look at entry means across environments can be helpful. If

there are rank changes or differences in relative performance of entries under different environments this may be

first evidence of GxE.

2) Analysis of Variance

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is usually the most widely used technique in any GxE study. It allows the

partitioning of total phenotypic variation into components due a) genotype b) environment c) GxE interaction

and d) error. Since interactions may result to be statistically significant but need more analysis for better

interpretation, an ANOVA can be considered the basis for further data examination.

3) Regression Analysis

In the technique of regression analysis the genotypic means of each site are regressed against the mean value of

an environmental effect at each site. We will review this technique in somewhat more detail since it is of

specific relevance for the third publication “Selection of Provenances to Adapt Tropical Pine Forestry to

Climate Change on the Basis of Climate Analogs” (Leibing et al., 2013).

Finlay and Wilkinson developed in 1963 a methodology to assess the stability of genotypes across environments

for 277 barley varieties. In a comparison with several other methods, it produced similar results and in addition

it proved advantageous because it allowed for the prediction of performance in an untested environment

(Barnes, 1984). The method calculates the linear regression of one variety’s yield in a given environment on the

mean yield of all varieties in that environment. This allows each genotype to be classified into one of four

groups; a) high yielding, stable genotypes (high genotypic means with regression coefficients b1 < 1); b) high

yielding, unstable genotypes (high genotypic means with b1 > 1); c) low yielding, stable genotypes (low

genotypic means with b1 < 1) and d) low yielding, unstable genotypes (low genotypic means with b1 > 1)

(Finlay & Wilkinson, 1963). As stated in the article published in Forests in 2013, the underlying idea of this

method is that an unstable entry could have higher yields than the more reliable stable source in certain

locations. The breeder has to decide if it is better to choose stable or unstable genetic entries for the tree

improvement program. Especially with keeping climate change in mind a forester’s choice may very well turn

in favor of the lower yield but more reliable source (b1 << 1).

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


4) Stability Analysis

Further work following the aim to quantify genotype’s stability across environments led to a calculation of a

‘stability variance’. This metric is calculated by partitioning the GxE into a number of components, one

corresponding to each genotype. The sum of within and between environmental variance for each genotype

defines the ‘stability variance’. When this latter parameter is equal to the within environmental variance the

genotype can be classified as stable (Shukla, 1972).

5) Genetic correlations

Genetic correlations among traits indicate the extent to which one trait will change as a result of a change in

another trait (Zobel & Talbert, 1984). This approach has been extensively discussed in the forestry science

literature and has been widely used in forestry experiments. It is found to be a useful tool to quantify the role of

environments in generating interactions.

6) Multivariate Methods

These methods include principle component, principle coordinate analysis, Additive Mean Effect as well as

Multiplicative Model (AMMI). AMMI widely used in agricultural studies did not really bring any new insight

in forestry experiments. This is expected to be due to the fact that this technique requires many sites which are

often not available in forestry experiments.

We prepared the ground now to step into the two research fields that are most relevant for the work published

on the basis of Camcore’s provenance trial data. In the following two sections I will give an overview over the

current state of research in the two fields that form an integral part of today’s research efforts to make forests

less vulnerable to climate change. This is 1) The science of clime envelope modeling and its applications for

climate change impact studies and 2) Forest growth predictions and site quality modeling that aim to give

decision support for forest managers under uncertain future climate conditions.

1.2. Climate envelope modeling

Ecological niche modeling or climate envelope modeling is a rather new technique that evolved with the

availability of fast enough computers in the late 1980s. Aim of this research discipline is to identify priority

areas for conservation, keep seed choice adaptable by conserving a species biodiversity in the wild and identify

suitable sites for ex-situ conservation. Model results can also be used to describe the potential spread of invasive

species once introduced to a new area or to estimate the distance between fundamental and realized niche of a

certain species (Heikkinen et al., 2006; R. Hijmans & Graham, 2006). One of the most prominent studies in the

field of climate envelope modeling was published in 2004 by Thomas et al. in Nature (Thomas et al., 2004).

Their work was cited more than 3,000 times and assessed the projected extinction risk from climate change of a

number of different species on 20 % of the earth’s terrestrial surface.

Climate envelope models (CEMs) commonly work with data on species presence, so called presence only data.

This geo-referenced data of species occurrence once carefully validated (R. Hijmans & Schreuder, 1999) serve

as the basis to define a species’ ecological niche and therefore the environmental space we assume the species is

able to occupy. Based on this space a species’ geographic distribution for the current, past or future climate is


1.2.1. Maxent

There are many CEMs available today but we will put special focus on one particular model which was used by

van Zonneveld, et al. (2009) to predict the geographical distribution of P. patula and P. tecunumanii (figure 3).

In 2006 Philips et al. (Phillips, Anderson, & Schapire, 2006) published their research on “Maximum entropy

modeling of species geographic distribution”. The method they suggest is very well suited to develop

distribution models from presence only data. Without going into the mathematical detail of the computations of

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


Maxent it is useful to note that the maximum entropy approach by

definition agrees with everything that is known but carefully avoids

assuming anything that is not known (Jaynes, 1991). More technically

expressed this means that a certain probability distribution maximizes

entropy while subject to certain constraints representing our incomplete

information. These constraints represent the fundamental property which

justifies use of that distribution for inference. The method’s origins lie in

statistical mechanics (Jaynes, 1957), and can be attributed to the school of

machine learning. Maximum entropy remains an active area of research

with an annual conference (Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods)

that explores applications in diverse areas such as astronomy, portfolio

optimization, image reconstruction, statistical physics and signal

processing (Phillips et al., 2006).

1.2.2. Model validation

The most common approach to validate predictions from CEMs separates

the collection of geo-referenced species occurrence into a test- and a train

dataset. Usually 80 % of the available data is used to run the climate

envelope model (train data) and the remaining 20 % are used to evaluate

the accuracy of the developed distribution model. This approach generally

follows the demand in statistics that robust measures of prediction success

make use of independent data that was not used to develop the model. The

best way how to partition data is still discussed among researchers.

Fielding and Bell (1997) state that the ecological research community

seems to have paid little attention to how the partitioning method can influence the error rates. Only Verbyla &

Litaitis (1989) reviewed a range of partitioning methods in their assessment of resampling methods for

evaluating classification accuracy (Fielding & Bell, 1997). It is in general believed to be beneficial in order to

make the accuracy estimate less dependent on one single partition to average results from several partitions.

This results into the so called k-fold cross validation of species distribution models, where “k” stands for the

times data was partitioned into a test and train dataset.

The standard method to assess the validity of predictive distribution models is the so called area under receiver

operating characteristic (ROC) curve also simply known as area under curve (AUC). ROC and AUC are

commonly used as measures of climate envelope model predictiveness (Fawcett, 2004) and yield a score

between 0 and 1. This score has been shown to be equivalent to the probability that a model assigns a higher

probability of occurrence to a location where the species actually occurs. An AUC score of 0.5 indicates poor

model performance, equal to random predictions of the so called “null model”. A score of 0.9 or above indicates

excellent model performance (Araújo, Pearson, Thuiller, & Erhard, 2005). The AUC validation technique is

subject to much criticism and remains an active field of research.

1.2.3. Shortcoming of climate envelope models

Doorman (Dormann, 2007) and Thuiller (Thuiller et al., 2008) reviewed the current state of science of

ecological niche modeling and took a critical look at the limits and shortcomings of global change projections of

species distributions. One major limitation of these models is considered to be that important evolutionary

processes are often overlooked when evaluating future species distribution. The vast majority of modeling

approaches do not take into account that a species’ climatic envelope is not consistent and that changes could

Fig. 3 Maxent’s climate change impact prediction for the natural distribution of Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii.

Adapted from van Zonneveld et al., 2009

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


alter the environmental niche considerably (Dormann, 2007; Kremer et al., 2007). This often results in an

overestimation of climate change’s impact and puts studies as a basis for decision making to question.

Another aspect that makes climate envelope models underestimate a species possible distribution is related to

unsaturated habitats or species interaction (Fielding & Bell, 1997). The realized and fundamental niche of a

species is often not congruent and CEMs making inferences from the one to the other often lead to erroneous


Researchers who aim to develop and apply bioclimatic models in an informative way require a deeper

understanding of a wide range of methodologies, including the choice of modeling technique, model validation,

statistical phenomena such as colinearity, autocorrelation, biased sampling of explanatory variables or scaling

and impacts of non-climatic factors. Heikkinen, et al. (2006) state that the key challenge for future research in

the field of CEM is integrating factors such as land cover, direct CO2 effects, biotic interactions and dispersal

mechanisms. Bioclimatic envelope models have a number of important advantages but they should only be

applied when users of models have a thorough understanding of their limitations and uncertainties (Heikkinen et

al., 2006).

A more general point of criticism raises Knight (2008) by elaboration on the Knowing-Doing Gap in

conservation science as a whole. He states that given the woefully inadequate resources allocated for

conservation, his findings raise questions over the utility of conservation assessment science, as currently

practiced, to provide useful, pragmatic solutions to conservation planning problems. There is need to reevaluate

the conceptual and operational basis of conservation planning research. He concludes with 7 concrete

recommendation for actions to begin a process for bridging the research–implementation gap in conservation

research (Knight et al., 2008).

For a more detailed discussion of criticism on CEM predictions the reader is referred to the comprehensible

review “Promising the future? Global change projections of species distribution” (Dormann, 2007).

1.2.4. Correlative - combined with mechanistic models

A recent development aims to improve the quality of species distribution models (SDM) and climate change

impact predictions studies by integrating predictions from fundamentally different modeling strategies. By

combining correlative models (such as Maxent) with mechanistic models we try to capture a species physiology

and make predictions on habitat and population parameters more robust and reliable. Kearney et al. (Kearney,

Wintle, & Porter, 2010) demonstrated this approach on the current and future distribution and fertility of an

Australian gliding possum. They used Maxent and another simple CEM, Bioclim, as correlative species

distribution models and Niche Mapper as mechanistic model.

The greater gliders that were modeled in this work are nocturnal

specialist feeders on Eucalyptus leaves. With the help of Niche

Mapper areas suitable for the species were modeled based on a

number of different physiological responses to the environment (e.g.

fur properties, core body temperature, digestive system and milk

production). Their correlative SDMs approach used app. 6,000

recorded sightings. They based the distribution model on gridded

layers of environmental data on mean annual temperature, mean

precipitation of the wettest/driest period and categorical data of land

cover a map of species’ suitability. Kearney’s et al. finding was that

Maxent and Niche Mapper both yield qualitatively identical results

(figure 4) suggesting that when temperature and species are main

direct driving factors influencing a species distribution correlative

SDM can yield reliable predictions.

Fig. 4: Congruence between mechanistic – and correlative model. Adapted from Kearney et al., 2010

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


Robertson, et al came to a similar conclusion in an earlier study (Robertson, Peter, Villet, & Ripley, 2003).

Their results suggest that correlative models can perform as well as or better than simple mechanistic models.

They draw the general conclusion that predictions generated from the different model designs are likely to

generate different insights into the potential distribution and biology of the target organism and thus each

approach may be appropriate in different situations (Robertson et al., 2003).

1.3. Forest growth models

The principle of sustainable forest management requires a profound

understanding of the factors controlling tree growth and an

understanding of the limitations of the sites on which trees are planted

(Louw, 1999). This insight can only come from a large amount of

information on parameters that influence growth dynamics and site

preferences. Especially when the aim is the production of commercially

valuable timber, it is important to estimate present growth or future

growth potential (Subasinghe, 2011). For this purpose forest growth

models offer an abstraction of the natural growth and stand dynamics.

They enable us to give information on important parameters such as

volume growth, mortality and changes in stand composition and

structure. The models have proven to be very useful tools for research

and management where they are mainly used for predictions of future

yields and for the exploration of different silvicultural management options (Vanclay, 1994). The models

designed for research tend to be more demanding in terms of input data and rely on information that is usually

not readily available for commercially managed forests. Models designed for management use simpler and more

accessible data which can be obtained during common forest inventories. Figure 5 gives a schematic overview

of the process how forest growth models can facilitate decisions in sustainable forest management by giving a

realistic resource forecast.

The studies that form this cumulative PhD thesis deal with pure even-aged pine stands. The statistic modeling

techniques we implemented therefore do not apply for forest stands with trees of many ages or many species.

For possible solutions towards the realistic estimation of growth and stand dynamics in mixed forests the reader

is referred to Vanclay’s comprehensive work on “Modeling forest growth and yield: applications to mixed

tropical forests” (Vanclay, 1994).

1.3.1. Statistical models vs process based models

The three studies discussed in this report make use of statistical, correlative techniques to predict suitability of

species occurrence or as in the later two studies, to predict height growth under different environmental

conditions. These correlative techniques are very helpful when there is no, or not sufficient data on the studied

species’ physiology available. Process based models which rely on this physiological data are next to correlative

approaches the second important school of forest growth models. These process based models can be defined as

mathematical representations of biological systems that incorporate our understanding of physiological and

ecological mechanisms into predictive algorithms (Johnsen, Samuelson, Teskey, McNulty, & Fox, 2001).

There are many such models available and they are frequently used in yield predictions studies, which were still

mainly undertaken in a research context (3PG, Yield-Safe, FinnFor, CABALA, Formix 3-Q to name only a

few). Louw expects that the simulation of ecological processes influencing tree growth will, in future, receive

preference over the use of discrete site variables to predict the growth of trees (Louw, 1999). Nevertheless, the

prevalent perception remains that process based models are suited only for research applications and that

management questions will be solved primarily by using descriptive empirical models (Battaglia & Sands,

Fig. 5. The role of growth models and complementary data in providing decision support.

Adapted from Vanclay, 1994

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


1998). The reason for this impression lies mainly in the high demand process based models still have in terms of

quality and quantity of input data.

Matala et al. in their “Comparison of a physiological model and a statistical model for prediction of growth and

yield in boreal forests” (2003) assessed the structural and functional properties of a physiological model

(FinnFor) and a statistical model (Motti). They analyzed these two different model concepts in order to ascertain

whether a physiological process based model would provide the same prediction capacity as a statistical model,

which is based on long-term inventory data. The three criteria used for comparison were (1) stand-level

variables, (2) analysis of volume growth graphs, and (3) stand structure variables. The study comprised data for

Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies and Betula pendula all growing on medium-fertile sites in central Finland. Matala

et al. found that in general, the outputs of the models agreed well in terms of relative growth rates regardless of

tree species, with the implication that both models predicted competition within a stand and the effect of

position on tree growth in a similar way. The statistical model was stable in its predictions, but not as sensitive

to initial stand conditions as that based on physiological processes. Nevertheless it can be said that the two

models agreed well in their dynamics and predictions. This lead Matala to recommend that some elements of

process-model thinking could be incorporated into statistical models in order to make these responsive to

changing conditions (Matala et al., 2003).

Where detailed data from growth inventories are available statistical models can be used but especially where

the effect of different management options is to be analyzed, process based models react more sensitively to

changes in input parameters. Mechanistic models can be used to evaluate the impacts of thinning on mixed

species stands for example and multiple silvicultural regimes can be assessed without expensive and time-

consuming field trials (Bartelink, 2000). To benefit from the advantages of both model types so called hybrid

models are developed. These models are a mix of process-based and correlative models and can avoid some of

the shortcomings of both approaches. Hybrid models include a mechanistic description of the environmental

influences into a statistical growth and yield model. Hybrid models provide an increase in biological realism

over simple empirical growth models, yet do not require the level of parameterization of process-based models

(Mäkelä et al., 2000).

For a brief discussion of the comparison of process based models and correlative models for the estimation of

species distributions see also section 1.2.4.

1.3.2. Evaluation of forest growth models

An important part of any model building process is its evaluation in terms of how well it reflects the reality and

how well does the model enable us to make realistic predictions and forecasts. Validation and verification are

two important parts of this evaluation. The two step evaluation-process translates in forest growth modeling into

qualitative (verification) and quantitative (validation) tests (Vanclay & Skovsgaard, 1997). Vanclay and

Skovsgaard suggest the following framework to evaluate the quality of growth models: Examine (1) logic and

biologic assumptions, (2) statistical properties, (3) characteristics of errors, (4) residuals of the model, and (5)

conduct a sensitivity analyses.

Evaluation should not come as an afterthought to the model construction, but should be considered at every

stage of model building; during its conception, its design and construction. Primarily evaluation bases on

regression techniques (Vanclay & Skovsgaard, 1997). The quality demands on a model in terms of logic

structure and from theoretical and biological views are the following: Assumptions should be parsimonious,

biologically realistic, consistent with existing theories of forest growth, and the model should be able to predict

sensible responses to management actions.

The site quality models we developed for “Adaptation of tropical and subtropical pine plantation forestry to

climate change: Realignment of Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii genotypes to 2020 planting site climates“

(Leibing et al., 2009) and “Selection of Provenances to Adapt Tropical Pine Forestry to Climate Change on the

Basis of Climate Analogs” (Leibing et al., 2013) do not meet all of the above mentioned criteria. The reason for

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


this lies in the scope of these studies. Their target was not the realistic prediction of different silvicultural

management regimes. Furthermore, we dealt with in terms of species and age homogeneous stands and not with

heterogeneous natural forests. This made the prediction of growth potential less complicated and following the

parsimonious criteria some of Vanclay and Skovsgaard’s quality criteria for model evaluation could be


1.3.3. Challenges for practical implementation

The most basic approach towards modeling forest yield is to make inferences from a site’s historic tree growth.

Historic growth records build the basis for a site index which is thought to inform about future yield

expectations. These traditional growth and yield models have the common disadvantage that they must assume a

site index to remain constant and are therefore insensitive to changes in environmental, site or silvicultural

conditions. This school of models might appear too simplistic and unrealistic but still today these are the

principal yield models used in forest management (Johnsen et al., 2001).

There exist, as discussed earlier, the modern process based models that try to realistically reflect important

parameters for tree growth such as rates of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance. They basically attempt to

estimate carbon gain at the cellular level and model the carbon balance of leaves based on calculated

microclimates within the canopy, canopy architecture, leaf area, leaf type (sun, shade) and the resource

composition of various portions of the canopy (Johnsen et al., 2001). This already makes clear why many

process based models are not suited for practical implementation. Simpler model versions that try to aggregate

processes and by this reduce data demand might be more applicable in a forestry management context.

Already today growth cannot be reliably predicted from past performance. Eutrophication from industrial

activities or climate change altered the abiotic environment in a way where future growth rates cannot be

accurately predicted from site indices. One good example for this are the intensively managed southern pine

plantations. By using competition control, fertilization, and superior genotypes, productivity increased in these

stands threefold (Borders & Bailey, 2001).

A way out of the trap between static site index models and complex process based models offer site quality

models that are not derived from past performance data but from biophysical climate and edaphic variables

(Ung et al., 2001). The underlying assumption is that the relation between height and age of the dominant trees

depends principally on a site’s bioclimatic set-up (degree days, aridity index and precipitation) and edaphic

properties (e.g. soil water holding capacity). Biophysical site index models based on this assumption enable us

to consistently predict site potentials under diverse- and changing conditions. This school of models is the

nearest equivalent to the height growth and site quality models we developed for Pinus patula and Pinus

tecunumanii in the second (2.2) and third (2.3) study. I will present the approach and methodology of these

studies in greater detail in the following paragraph.

2. The published manuscripts in context of the current research agenda

This chapter aims to put the publications which constitute the cumulative PhD thesis in context of the current

research agenda. The first study (van Zonneveld et al., 2009) evaluates techniques that estimate the persistence

of natural populations in the face of climate change. The second and third study (Leibing et al., 2013, 2009)

focus on climate change effects on growth potentials in productive forest plantations. The underlying research

question is how GxE can best be exploited by adapting the choice of seed material to future climate conditions.

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


2.1. Climate change impact predictions on Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii

populations in Mexico and Central America

Before the first study will be discussed I will give a brief and general overview over the expected impacts of

climate change on natural tree stands.

One major threat climate change poses on natural forest stands, is the exacerbation of migration problems of

marginal populations in fragmented landscapes (Mátyás et al., 2009). The unprecedented rate, at which the

abiotic environment changes, will exceed the migration speed of many tree species and may therefore threaten

the survival of valuable seed sources (Davis & Shaw, 2001). Climate change is further likely to alter species

composition (Dukes & Mooney, 1999) and negatively affect plant-herbivore relationships (Coley, 1998). These

alterations combined with anthropogenic pressure from habitat fragmentation, put natural population of many

tree species at risk.

In this context the study “Climate change impact predictions on Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii

populations in Mexico and Central America” aims to ascertain the impact of climate change on the persistence

of the natural populations of the two closed-cone pine species at their natural locations. Possible negative

impacts on populations should concern the forestry sector, as in the form of seeds, these are the source of

genetic diversity used to sustain and improve plantation productivity under both present and future conditions

(Dvorak et al., 2008). Natural stands of important plantation species hold the genetic variability needed to keep

the species adaptable to new climatic conditions. Information is needed that helps to identify where most

valuable genetic variations can be found and which seed sources will be under highest risk.

2.1.1. Objectives

The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of climate change on the persistence of the natural

populations of P. patula and P. tecunumanii species at their actual locations in order to inform about appropriate

conservation actions. We aimed to (1) assess the adaptive ability of the two pine species based on the

evaluations of provenance trials and (2) use the results of these field trials to validate CEM impact assessment

studies on provenance collection sites in the wild.

2.1.2. Own contribution

The first step that laid the foundation for this study was the development of a work plan which formed the basis

for collaboration between the three institutes: Bioversity International, CIAT and Camcore. I developed this

work plan in May 2007 during my stay as visiting researcher at Bioversity International’s Americas office in

Cali, Colombia. This original plan was structured into three phases of which two were relevant for the studies

summarized in this report:

Phase 1

� Determine bioclimatic profiles for the two pine species based on their natural ranges, supplemented with climatic data from localities where the species have been successfully tested as exotics.

� Use DIVA GIS tool and its climate envelope modeling tool Bioclim in order to identify appropriate planting/collection sites for P. patula and P. tecunumanii.

� Investigate the impact climatic change on the species natural distribution, using the CCM3 global

circulation model.

Phase 2

� Determine the response (for wood volume production) of the two species and provenances to major climatic variables (average daily temperature, mean annual precipitation). Assess the extent of provenance x environment interaction.

� Identify options for selecting provenances with low provenance x environment and/or better adaptability to changed climates (higher temps, reduced precipitation).

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


� Assess the overall impact of two different climate scenarios on growth rates and productivity at sites

where the two species are being commercially grown.


The work plan was approved by the three participating institutes in June 2007 and subsequently Camcore shared

the provenance trial data for P. patula and P. tecunumanii with Bioversity and CIAT.

During my seven months stay at Bioversity International in 2007 I validated the province and trial location data

following Hijman’s suggestions (1999) and developed CEMs for the provenance location data. I noted that the

models rarely predicted sites to be suitable where the species was proven to successfully grow if planted. I

further elaborated on this finding by comparing climate ranges where the species exists in the wild with ranges

where the species was planted. Provenance trials were clearly planted outside the climatic ranges where the

pines grow naturally. The result of this simple comparison between ecological niches can be seen in figure 6.

I then applied the AUC technique to CEM results and found that this classic validation approach yielded

excellent results for the niche model of P. tecunumanii and P. patula. But these high AUC scores well above 0.9

seemed to contradict the fact that trial growth and survival data indicated for both species stable growth rates

outside the species’ ecological niche. The CEMs did not seem to fulfill their purpose to realistically describe

areas and climates where the species is able to grow. This finding led to the development of the translocational

validation approach (see section 2.1.3).

I assisted Maarten van Zonneveld, German Lema and Andy Jarvis with the design of the appropriate

methodology and selection of statistical techniques to test CEM results against provenance trial performance.

We collaboratively conceptualized the methodology and addressed the comments of two peer-reviewers.

Fig. 6: Two dimensional linear combinations of variable range limits for natural pine habitat (in black) and the climatic ranges in which the field trials were established (in grey).

2.1.3. Methods

The following briefly section describes the methodology and statistical techniques we used for the study. First

we validated the available provenance data. The dataset of Camcore seed collection sites consists of 24 P.

patula provenances and 41 P. tecunumanii provenances. 7 points were added for P. patula from the Missouri

Botanical Garden database.

The study area was defined by building a three degree buffer around the most northern, western, eastern and

southern provenance location. All climate data was derived from a five km resolution WorldClim dataset (R. J.

Hijmans, Cameron, Parra, Jones, & Jarvis, 2005) from which 19 BIOCLIM variables were calculated (Busby,

1991). In order to reduce the climate data’s collinearity, we clustered correlated variables following the SAS

VARCLUS procedure (Sarle, 1990). In order to identify meaningful climate variables, Mann-Whitney U-tests

were conducted. We generated 500 random locations in a 300 km buffer around the provenance collection sites.

Climate variables at these random locations with greatest difference from variables at provenance sites were

chosen to enter the CEM calculation. If a cluster contained no variables significantly different from provenance

locations, none were chosen.

Adapted from van Zonneveld et al., 2009

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


The climate data for future conditions was extracted using Diva-GIS (R. Hijmans, Cruz, Rojas, & Guarino,

2001) from HADCM3, CCCMA climate model outputs for the year 2050 under the moderate emission scenario

A2a (Solomon, 2007). The machine learning algorithm MAXENT was used to develop the CEM for current and

2050 climate conditions. We conducted a Chi-square test to find out if under future climate conditions the

change in suitable area was significant. MAXENT’s probability values at provenance locations were extracted

using Diva-GIS and an AUC was calculated.

In the key part of this study, the translocational validation, we correlated CEM-generated suitability values for

natural occurrence with observed height growth and survival at provenance trials which were established in a

climate that matched with the climate at provenance locations. To identify sites with similar climates we

calculated Euclidean Distances between provenance sites and field trials. As a threshold to define if a

provenance site is a match to a trial site, 10 % of the smallest climate distances between natural provenances

locations were used. If more than one trial was identified as a match the average height- and survival growth

was calculated and used for the correlation.

To ascertain the natural and potential ranges of adaptive ability, two dimensional linear limits of variable ranges

were developed. These simplified climatic envelopes compare climatic range at provenance locations to

combinations of variable range limits at trial sites (figure 6).

2.1.4. Key findings

The key findings in terms of climate variable selection were that 5 climate parameters groups were clustered

from the initial 19 climatic variables. The Mann-Whitney U-Test helped to effectively reduce the input variables

that were fed into the CEM. It is important to note that this selection does not aim to identify important

physiological factors that constrain the species’ distribution. The aim was simply to identify a set of statistical

meaningful climate variables that best describe the species distribution data.

In terms of AUC values the CEM for both species performed excellent. MAXENT runs with climate data

derived from GCMs predict a significant decline in the number of suitable provenance collection sites for P.

patula and P. tecunumanii (fig. 3).

Fig. 7: Correlation of CEM-generated suitability values for P. tecunumanii provenance locations with height growth and survival rate on climatically similar sites where the species is grown as an exotic. Adapted from van Zonneveld et al., 2009

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Interestingly enough CEM-assigned suitability values for natural pine occurrences did neither correlate

positively with height nor with survival at climatically similar trial sites (figure 7). Both species appear to be

adapted to a wider climatic niche than their natural distribution suggests.

2.1.5. Conclusion

The results clearly indicated that CEM results tend to underestimate the ability of pine provenances to thrive

under climates they do not encounter within their natural distribution range. We have to denote however that in

field trials where weeds are controlled and trees are planted as seedling, a species may perform well in a wider

range of environmental conditions compared to its natural habitat. In a species’ natural distribution range trees

have to propagate via natural regeneration which may somehow limit their ecological niche. We are going to

elaborate this point in greater detail in section “3.2.1 Performance in trials compared to survival in natural


The data depicted in the scatter plots in figure 7 leave us confident to conclude that the investigated wild pine

stands are likely to persist through substantial changes in climate. For the time being land use changes inside the

species natural distribution range, urbanization, habitat fragmentation and livestock expansion appear to be

more urgent threats to the species than climate change.

2.2. Adaptation of tropical and subtropical pine plantation forestry to climate change:

Realignment of Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii genotypes to 2020 planting site


Not only natural tree habitat’s but also planted forests are likely to be profoundly affected by altered

precipitation and temperature regimes. More severe abiotic calamities such as cyclones with high peak wind

speeds (Elsner, Kossin, & Jagger, 2008), wildfires (Wheaton, 2001) and droughts (Burke, Brown, & Christidis,

2006) are likely to threaten planted forests and put yield levels under pressure.

The International Tree Conservation & Domestication Program (Camcore), North Carolina State University,

established large, multisite provenance trials. The data provide height and diameter growth for two P. patula

varieties and two P. tecunumanii ecotypes. The measurements from these multisite provenance trials hold

valuable information about seed choice for plantation establishment in time of rapid environmental changes. We

developed a site quality model that statistically relates growth to environmental factors and couples the

predictions to the average 2020 climate projections of four GCMs.

2.2.1. Objectives

The aim of this study was to test the suitability of seed material under changing climate of the two P. patula

varieties P. patula var. patula and P. patula var. longipedunculata and P. tecunumanii highland- and lowland

ecotype. Our objective was to (1) predict the impact of climate change on wood productivity for new rotation

cycles that have an expected harvest time around 2025, and (2) identify the most suitable variety and ecotype of

P. patula and P. tecunumanii, respectively, to optimize wood productivity under new rotation cycles.

2.2.2. Own contribution

I conceptualized the study and principally developed the methodology. After a detailed literature research on

climate change impacts studies and model building techniques I developed the idea to use centered squared

value of environmental variables for the regression analysis. I presented the concept at the international seminar

“Bosques Tropicales y Desarrollo” in December 2008 in Colombia, Medellin when first preliminary results

were available. More mature results were later presented on the IARU International Scientific Congress on

Climate Change, Copenhagen in preparation to the Conference Of Parties (COP 15) in 2009. In April 2009,

assisted by my co-authors, I wrote the manuscript and submitted the original research article to the

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


“Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research”. From May to November 2009 the article was in peer review. I

improved the manuscript following the suggestions from two anonymous reviewers until the article was

accepted for publication in December 2009.

2.2.3. Methods

The dataset for this study comprises 153 provenance trials which were established by Camcore between 1981

and 1997 in Colombia, Brazil and South-Africa (Dvorak, Donahue, & Vasquez, 1995). The validation of

Camcore data showed errors in some of the geo-referencing. Site description did not match the information

obtained following the suggestions from Hijmans, et al. (1999). These errors needed to be corrected since they

could have seriously altered the results of the subsequent regression analyses. We extracted climate parameters,

variables on water balance, and soil and topography data at trial locations using ArcGis. Data sources for the

environmental data were WorldClim (R. J. Hijmans et al., 2005), for the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission

(TRMM), the FAO Harmonized World Soil database (FAO & ISRIC, 2010) and digital elevation data (Jarvis,

Reuter, Nelson, & Guevara, 2009). All variables, except those related to water balance from TRMM, were

rescaled to raster data with a resolution of 30 arc-seconds. TRMM data was kept in its original resolution of 15


Tab. 1: List of environmental variables used to build the site growth models.

The study was restricted to areas that have a similar bioclimatic set-up as the locations where trials were

planted. The grid that was calculated to restrict the study area only contains locations where the 19 Bioclim

variables (table 1) are in between maximum and minimum values of the values at trial sites.

In order to develop the site growth prediction models we built multiple linear regressions (MLR) models with

centered normalized squared predictor variables. We used the forward stepwise regression method to identify

statistically significant correlations between site growth and environmental variables. The linear regression

models were cross-validated by setting 20 % of the data aside for model testing. The adjusted coefficient of

determinations of the correlation (R2) served as indicator for the quality of the model.

Adapted from Leibing et al., 2009

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


Based on the MLR models the ArcGis grid calculator was used to derive a spatial prediction of height growth.

The equations used to derive the spatial predictions had the general form:

�ℎ�8 = �� + �� + ���� + ⋯ �������� = 1,2,… �

where �ℎ�8 is predicted average height performance at age 8, �� is the intercept, � is the Pearson’s correlation

coefficient with the dependant of first environmental variable, � is the value of first environmental

variable[...],�� is Pearson’s correlation coefficient with the dependant of nth environmental variable, and �� is

the value of nth environmental variable.

To calculate the climate change projection grids we used the outcomes of four GCMs and two emission

scenarios. The GCMs available for this study were Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis

(CCCMA), Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Hadley Centre Coupled

Climate Model (HADCM) and National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES). We calculated, based on

the developed MLR models, height growth under current and future climate by 2020. Changes in performance

for the best seed choice under current and future climate conditions were tested for their significance based on

the results of a t-test. This approach showed where an adapted planting decision was predicted to bring

significant improvement in height growth.

2.2.4. Key findings

Three of the four developed models were significant and robust. No reliable model could be developed for P.

patula var. longipedunculata. Under current climate P. tecunumanii low elevation provenances are predicted to

exhibit fastest growth in the majority of the study area. Overall climate change until 2020 is not changing height

growth significantly. Nevertheless, in 7.3 % of the study area the current best seed changes under novel climate

conditions of the year 2020.

This underlines two facts: (1) provenances are indeed adapted to their specific environmental conditions; and (2)

it is important to conserve a wide range of seed sources to sustain the value of diversity for plantation forestry in

heterogeneous environments and in face of changing site conditions.

2.2.5. Conclusion

Among others Spittlehouse suggests significant production losses if forestry does not adapt their management to

climate change (e.g. D. Spittlehouse, 2008). The developed site quality models for two P. tecunumanii ecotypes

and P. patula var. patula were statistically significant. Especially the goodness to fit (R2 adj.) of the model for the

P. tecunumanii lowland ecotype was excellent. Due to the ecotype’s good survival and fast growth in warm and

wet climates, these seed sources are likely to become more important in the near future.

Results of these and similar growth models based on geophysical site parameters may provide valuable decision

support and help in the development of site-specific models for plantation forestry in general and pine

plantations specifically.

2.3. Selection of provenances to adapt tropical pine forestry to climate change on the

basis of climate analogs

2.3.1. Objectives

In the study “Selection of Provenances to Adapt Tropical Pine Forestry to Climate Change on the Basis of

Climate Analogs” we assessed if the computation of climate dissimilarities can provide specific

recommendations to adapt planted forests to climate change through a better use of forest genetic resources. By

statistically relating trial’s growth performance to climate dissimilarities between pairs of sites we aimed at

identifying appropriate seed material of P. patula and P. tecunumanii in Colombia, Brazil and South Africa.

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


We compared two different approaches to measure climate dissimilarities and evaluated which approach

correlates better with provenance height growth. In a second step we aimed to show that dissimilarity measures

correlated with height growth can be used to identify well-adapted provenances to specific site conditions. This

approach ideally demonstrates the potential and the restrictions in the application of climate analogues to

support management plans with the aim to adapt existing and planned forest plantations.

2.3.2. Own contribution

As principal author of this study I developed the idea to use the climate analogue tool with the Camcore dataset.

With the help of Maarten van Zonneveld and Andy Jarvis I conceptualized the methodology and ran the data

intensive climate dissimilarity calculations on the workstations available in the DAPA centre in CIAT, Cali

Colombia. After approximately two months of model runs I derived the results and drew technical conclusions

together with my co-authors which led to the development of the original research article. The manuscript was

submitted to the journal “Forests” in August 2012. In the subsequent months I lead the peer-review process and

addressed the comments and suggestions of four anonymous reviewers. The article was accepted in February

2013 and published in March 2013.

2.3.3. Methods

As in the two studies before the data basis were the Camcore trials comprising growth data from 153 geo-

references provenance trials. In order to break down the analysis from the species- or subspecies- to the

provenance level we had to decide how many repetitions were sufficient to make a meaningful analysis of the

relation between climate distances and differences in growth performance. We decided to only consider

provenances that were planted in at least 6 different locations. Overall the number of repetitions on provenance

level in the data chosen for the analysis ranged from 6 to 22. From the original 153 trials, 100 remained under

this criterion and the selected data comprised height measurements of 10 different provenances.

The Analogue method we used to calculate climate dissimilarity was jointly developed by the Walker Institute

at the University of Reading, CIAT and the Climate Impacts Group at the University of Leeds. The WorldClim

climate data we used for the dissimilarity calculation had a resolution of 5- arc minutes. This equals a pixel size

of approximately 85 km2. For the impact analysis of climate change on provenance selection the results of an

ensemble of 15 GCMs and three SRES emission scenarios was used. As in the previous study (cf. section 2.2)

we restricted the study area by a simple climate envelope. Furthermore all protected areas were excluded from

the study (figure 2).

We calculate dissimilarity values for each provenance and pixel inside the study area. The formula by which

dissimilarity values between any pair of site were calculated reads

������������ !���" = ���#$%&'$ ( ) �*+,-�*+.,/%&'01,2�

,23*,- − *.,/%&'01 56 + 37,- − 7.,/%&'01 568


where �*+ is diurnal temperature range, * is temperature, 7 is precipitation, � is month, � is present and � is

future. The 9 parameter can be varied to perform a sensitivity analysis, but, in this study, the z parameter was

kept constant at 2 to calculate standard Euclidean distances. We termed the calculated value “dissimilarity” and

not “similarity” simply to follow the logic where a higher value of CCAFS climate dissimilarity indicates a pair

of sites that is climatically more different from one another.

To assess if climate dissimilarity correlates to differences in height growth we use for each provenance the best

performing site as a reference point and calculated for each provenance one dissimilarity grid. If our hypothesis

is true, the differences in height performance relative to the best trial should show a significant correlation with

the dissimilarity value for each of the inferior trials where the provenance was planted (figure 8). For

clarification purposes let me give an example with the help of the scatter plot in figure 8. The point marked with

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


“A” indicates the trial with top height growth for which we calculated climate dissimilarities. The point marked

“B” indicates a trial planted at a different locations but with seeds from the same provenance. This trial (B)

exhibited 2.85 m less height growth as compared to trial (A) and is found at a location associated with a climate

dissimilarity value of 137.

2.3.4. Key findings

The example of the relation between climate distance and difference in height growth showed the data for P.

tecunumanii provenance Campamento which originates from Honduras. For this seed source, climate

dissimilarity values clearly correlated with differences in height growth. The coefficient of determination of the

correlation equals 0.936. The more different climate becomes from the optimal growth conditions (A) the lower

our achievable growth performances. But climate dissimilarity values were not always found to be a reliable

indicator for growth rates. The Analogue method seemed to work well for the tested P. tecunumanii

provenances but not for seed sources from P. patula. Or in other words climate dissimilarity calculations served

as a useful tool to indicate site–provenance–climate relationships in P. tecunumanii. For P. patula we could not

find any meaningful relationships. Analogue models yielded an average R² value of 0.68 for P. tecunumanii

provenances and an average R² value of only 0.12 for P. patula

Concerning the modeled impact of climate change on yield levels analogue runs suggest that if foresters chose

seed sources which are adapted to the novel climate conditions, no yields reduction have to be expected.

Compared to plantation areas in South Africa and Brazil, Colombia is predicted to have the highest yield

potentials under current and future climate conditions. At the same time in Colombia the study area’s

heterogeneity in terms of modeled height growth is highest. The model runs showed that planting sites in

Colombia are most sensitive to the choice of climatically well-matched seed material.

Table 2 indicates in which percentage of the study area individual provenances were modeled to exhibit best

height growth. Under current climate, the P. tecunumanii high elevation provenance Chempil is predicted to be

the best choice in terms of growth performance in 65.9% of the study area. In the Colombian states of Valle del

Cauca, Santander and Huila, the seeds from the provenance Campamento yield the highest growths rates. Also

when planted in southern Brazil, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Campamento was found to be the best seed

choice. Close to the coast, in the low land of the two Brazilian states Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, P.

tecunumanii low elevation provenances Jocón and San Jeronimo show most promising growth rates.

Fig. 8: Scatter plot showing the linear correlation of climate dissimilarity and height growth. Adapted from Leibing et al., 2013

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


Tab. 2: Percent of study area where the respective provenance is expected to be best seed choices under current and future climate conditions.

Current Climate Change by 2030 Change by 2050

Provenance Colombia Brazil South Africa Colombia Brazil South Africa Colombia Brazil South Africa

Jocon 1.94 6.96 0.07 -1.19 -0.89 - -1.38 -0.67 -

Campamento 21.07 14.02 0.04 1.00 2.31 - 2.19 4.02 -

Chempil 74.61 69.08 58.23 0.16 -0.74 -2.23 -1.50 -2.16 -9.63

San Jeronimo 1.57 7.41 10.50 -0.66 -0.01 3.08 -0.60 -0.62 4.45

Huay - - - - - - - - -

Chanal 0.82 2.54 31.16 0.69 -0.67 -0.74 1.29 -0.58 5.29

2.3.5. Conclusion

Climate dissimilarity correlated with differences in height growth allowed us to distinguish between seed

sources that have good height growth in a specific climate, like most P. tecunumanii provenances, and

provenances that have a more moderate height growth but that adapt well to a wide climate range, such as most

tested P. patula provenances. Climate similarity calculations like the analogue method used in this study may be

particularly useful to identify suitable areas for the climate specific P. tecunumanii provenances. But in the light

of a rapidly changing environment the finding that P. patula provenances appear to be rather indifferent to

changes in climate may be of even greater importance. In the face of great climate uncertainty, and today’s

shortcomings of climate models, it appears advisable to select species and provenances that are not overly

sensitive to climate change.

3. Synthesis

In light of the increasing importance of productive forest plantations for the world’s wood demand (Carle &

Holmgren, 2008) decision support is much needed on how to adapt the management of these ecosystem to the

new challenges brought about by climate change. The choice of planting material has to be adapted to maintain

yield levels and information is needed which seed sources show potentially valuable traits for future breeding

and plantation projects.

The requirements we have on these seed sources are manifold. They must exhibit good productivity over a

number of different environments, must be relatively easy to breed for improvement, must have good disease

resistance in commercial plantations, and must produce a type of wood that is demanded by the market (Dvorak,

2012). The three studies presented in this report aim to assist in the search of valuable planting material. First,

we evaluated climate envelope predictions for natural pine occurrences. Results of this study showed if CEM

serve to reliably predict climate change impact on the pine species’ distribution ranges and if so, where valuable

genetic diversity of P. patula and P. tecunumanii is likely to be threatened by altered precipitation and

temperature regimes (compare figure 1).

A great part of the expansion of plantation areas are projected to occur in the developing countries and under

tropical climates (FAO, 2010). So the target of a successful forest management must not only be to maintain

growth in existing plantations but management also needs to focus on suitable plantation areas for plantation

area expansions. The site quality models we developed in the second- (section 2.2) and third study (section 2.3)

aim to give information about viable planting option on the one hand and on the other hand mapped out

plantation areas that are expected to exhibit good growth performance under future climates.

The studies presented here all base on provenance trial data for two pine species. The closed-cone pines P.

patula and P. tecunumanii for which growth data was analyzed are planted on more than 1.3 million ha in the

tropics and subtropics (Dvorak, Hodge, & Romero, 2001). Market demand for the long fiber pulp produced on

Adapted from Leibing et al., 2013

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


the majority of this area will increase rapidly. Smurfit Kappa Colombia, Camcore member responsible for the

provenance trials in Colombia, estimates that demand for pulp from pine plantation will grow twice as fast as

demand for short fiber from Eucalyptus spp. plantations (Smurfit Kappa Colombia, personal communication

July 21, 2010). This once more emphasizes the special importance of stable and high yielding pine seed sources

and the need to identify suitable areas for plantation expansions under future climate conditions.

3.1. Implications of key findings

The most prominent finding of the three studies is that, in general, in order to be able to adapt commercial

plantation forests to expected climate change, seed sources from natural stands with the right set of traits

(drought resistance, tolerance against high temperatures etc.) have to be collected and conserved. This implies

that provenances which exhibit valuable traits have to be identified in large scale-field trials. Provenances,

populations and families of important plantation species need to be tested in a wide range of environments. In a

subsequent analysis of GxE interactions seed sources with desirable traits for climate change adaptation plans

can be identified and selected for tree conservation and breeding programs. Often valuable seed sources belong

to populations that exist at the species’ distribution margin. Unfortunately, it is in many cases these marginal

populations that are under most pressure. As in the case with P. tecunumanii, the pine is already under threat in

Central America and southern Mexico and is classified as vulnerable according to the criteria of IUCN (Hilton-

Taylor & Mittermeier, 2000). Individual populations are even critically endangered (Dvorak et al., 2000). But

the chief concerns is not only that there are many of the populations of P. tecunumanii being destroyed in

Central America and Chiapas, but that it is nearly impossible to get research amounts of seed out of Mexico.

Complex paper work and bureaucracy impede the necessary flow of genetic material. The dangers and corrupt

structures related to active drug traffic in the region make the continued easy flow of genetic material between

countries a thing of the past in Mexico (Dvorak, W. personal communication March 22, 2012). The flow of seed

material across the borders in Central America is still working fine.

Results of CEM are frequently referred to in scientific literature to direct conservation efforts and identify seeds

from provenances with valuable traits that grow at a species’ margin (R. Hijmans & Graham, 2006; Thuiller et

al., 2008). These sources and their resistance to unfavorable climates such as frequent droughts and or high

temperatures are expected to be of great value for future plantation efforts. The findings of our study “Climate

change impact predictions on P. patula and P. tecunumanii populations in Mexico and Central America”

published in Forest Ecology and Management in 2009 shed a somewhat distinct light on the validity of CEM

outcomes. The results of the CEM Maxent do not account for the true adaptive capacity of the studied pine

species. In our translocational validation we show that Camcore provenance trials are growing well in climates

that Maxent predicts to be unsuitable (fig. 7). This implies that conservation actions guided by the results of

CEM may well lead to misdirected efforts. In order to enable an efficient adaptation of forest management to

climate change, forest genetic- and ecology research has to be synthesized to better elucidate the requirements

of stability and response of forest ecosystems (Mátyás, 2006). It is important to mention that results in this sense

are not only valid for the two studied pine species. Results from provenance trials can serve as the basis for

translocational validation of CEM outcomes for other important pine plantation species (e.g. Pinus kesiya and

Pinus radiata or e.g. Eucalyptus spp). For these species the forestry industry and its research cooperatives

established multisite international provenance trials and the translocational validation method provides a way to

validate CEM outcomes. In this sense the statistical comparison of CEM results with field data from provenance

trials can help us to directly assess the true adaptive capacity of a range of important forest plantation tree


The forestry sector urgently needs decision support for sustainable management under climate uncertainty

(Lindner et al., 2010; D. L. Spittlehouse, 2005). The assessment of options for intensively managed forests in

terms of regeneration, tending, harvesting, protection, conservation and planning is no easy task. The results of

“Adaptation of tropical and subtropical pine plantation forestry to climate change: Realignment of Pinus patula

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


and Pinus tecunumanii genotypes to 2020 planting site climates” and “Selection of Provenances to Adapt

Tropical Pine Forestry to Climate Change on the Basis of Climate Analogs” aim to facilitate a part of a decision

model for managing forests under rapid environmental change. In view of expected climate instability,

adaptability of forest trees causes serious concern due to the trees’ long lifespan compared to the rapidity of

expected changes in environmental conditions (Davis & Shaw, 2001; Mátyás, 2006). Our analogue method

enabled the distinction between species and provenances with a fast growth but a narrow climate niche and

those that are more “generalist”. When selecting a seed source for planting in the context of climate change a

forester’s choice may very well turn in favor of a lower yielding but more reliable source. This way climate

analogues could be a very valuable tool for foresters, not only helping to locate areas of highest suitability for a

timber species with desirable characteristics, but identify what kind of tree should be planted now that will be

resilient to climate changes 10 or 20 years in the future.

I would like to stress that findings from the three studies which constitute this cumulative PhD thesis could only

be derived thanks to results from the homogenous growth trials established by Camcore members. This fact

emphasizes the strategic importance of applied tree conservation programs and provenance trials to the forest

industry. In a time where rapid environmental changes are eminent these programs are indispensable and

provide a golden opportunity to get to grips with the adaptation processes of important plantation species to

climate change.

There has, however, been a general decline in the establishment of provenance trials in recent years for a variety

of reasons, including increased difficulty in international germplasm transfer (Koskela et al., 2007), their cost to

maintain and measure, greater emphasis on social issues in the forestry sector and more attention to new

technologies such as molecular marker analysis of genetic variation. Loo et al. (2011) nevertheless emphasize in

their report on the state of knowledge of climate change and forest genetic resources that these molecular

marker analysis should be seen as complementary to field trials and not as an alternative.

3.2. Critical remarks and model shortcomings

Even though we developed the methodology with great care and best available knowledge we cannot avoid that

the models suffer from a number of shortcomings. The points of criticism I will summarize in this section do not

question the validity of the previous discussed results or conclusions but aim to put the outputs somewhat into


3.2.1. Performance in trials compared to survival in natural populations

An important point of criticism to the study “Climate change impact predictions on Pinus patula and Pinus

tecunumanii populations in Mexico and Central America” that is worth to be discusses is if we can say that a

certain performance in trials is comparable to survival in natural populations. It can be argued that we mix up

two different aspects when we look at areas where a species can compete and survive in the wild, and areas

where it can be commercially produced. We show that the species are economically viable in environments that

are different from the areas where it grows. That might be interesting albeit unsurprising if we look at common

English gardens for example. Or we might think of any major crop; they have all moved outside their areas of

origin into new environments. Thus an important research question that follows from this is why do the wild

stands of the species not fill the "commercial niche"? Is it because that niche space is simply not available in the

geographic range? Or is it because the species are out-competed by other species (or other land use)? The

answer to this question has important implications for our analysis of the species’ capacity to withstand climate

change. In the first case, our conclusions remain reasonable, in principle. In the second case they do not make

much sense, because the species will be competed out of the environments that they are not in now. If an in-

depth analysis of this issue points towards the latter, this would severely undermine our thesis. This important

point was not discussed in much detail in the published manuscript. A subsequent analysis of the niche space

where the species performed well in trials has shown that this space is not available anywhere close to the pines’

Cumulative PhD report

natural locations. Our argument that P.

medium term climate change at their actu

3.2.2. The effect of extrem

Another point of criticism is that we omit

The alteration of frequency and severene

the optimal planting decision. Some of t

make it difficult to attach high levels of

extreme events and/or where climate exh

growth could not be assessed in the pape

are very difficult to model. For a compre

forests, the reader is referred to Dale’s pa

3.2.3. Environmental spa

One key finding of the study “Selection

the Basis of Climate Analogs” was tha

proposed that this makes the species e


in this broad climate range, Analogue w

climate distances and growth performa

analyzed in the published study. Neverth

tecunumanii trials that did not match th

related to climate dissimilarities in P. tecu

3.3. Future research ques

The report concludes with a discussion

improved understanding of forest trees’

topics and management approaches will b

a time of uncertainty when climate chang

- Trials on species’ ecological mar

Even for commercially important specie

margins and atypical populations that m

There is, therefore, a lack of informatio

Fig. 9: Climate range covered by P. patula and P

Vulnerability and adaptability of pl

P. patula and P. tecunumanii exhibit sufficient plas

ctual locations remains valid.

eme weather events

itted the effect of biotic and abiotic calamities in our

ness of forest disturbances can have great impact on

f the changes of the climate system show a large inhe

of confidence to weather phenomena, particularly th

xhibits large natural variability (Hulme, 2005). Their

pers that constitute this cumulative PhD thesis since th

prehensive review of the likely effects of climate rela

paper “Climate Change and Forest Disturbances” (Dal

ace covered by provenance trials

n of Provenances to Adapt Tropical Pine Forestry to

that P. patula reacted insensitive to a range of diff

especially valuable in a changing climate of unce

It can be argued that the m

of P. patula could be also s

to the fact that trials were pl

P. patula plantations alread

known to grow well while

placed over a much br

Camcore and its members d

where it would do best. Figu

P. tecunumanii trials were

climates, well outside t

occupied by P. patula trials

that if P. patula provenance

e would have less trouble to identify meaningful rel

ance. The implication this incongruence has on th

rtheless a subsequent examination of the data showed

the climate range of P. patula trials, growth respons

ecunumanii than in P. patula.


on of future research topics and work areas that ena

adaptive capacity to climate change. In the followin

l be given that could help foresters to successfully ma

nges in an unprecedented rate.


ies where large multi site provenance tests have been

may be crucial for climate change responses are rarel

tion on which to base proper tree–site matching for

P. tecunumanii trials.

plantation forest tree species


lasticity to withstand

ur site quality models.

n planted forests and

herent variability and

those associated with

ir influence on forest

hese extreme events

lated disturbances on

ale et al., 2001).

to Climate Change on

ifferent climates. We

certain direction and

more stable response

somewhat attributed

placed in areas where

ady existed and were

e P. tecunumanii was

broader area since

did exactly not know

igure 9 shows that 13

re planted in warmer

the climate range

ls. It stands to reason

ces would be planted

relationships between

the findings was not

ed that if we omit P.

nses are still stronger

nable us to reach an

ing a list of research

anage their stands in

een undertaken, range

rely well represented.

r plantation planning

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


(Loo et al., 2011). Trials tend to be established in environments where a certain species is already known to

grow well. Bio-physical site quality models would benefit greatly from trials in environments that represent the

margin of a species’ true fundamental niche. At these locations the species needs to exploits its full phenotypic

plasticity and for a researcher the genotype’s capacity to adapt to different climates becomes quantifiable.

- Change the seed source or create an adapted land race?

An interesting point was raised by Professor William Dvorak who is not only co-author for all three studies but

also Director of the International Tree Breeding and Conservation Program. He asks to consider and evaluate

two different strategies that would both lead to an improved adaptation of forest plantations.

The first option takes a forester back to a species’ natural stands to plant a different seed source when climate

change occurs. A second option would be to select trees in a plantation where the climate is changing to create

an adapted landrace for planting in the next generation. The fundamental point the second strategy touches is

that trees are known to adapt to their climatic setting very quickly (Dvorak, W. personal communication

October 2013). The methodologies we developed are only able to evaluate the effectiveness of the first option,

where we rely on seed material from natural stands. Which one of the two options eventually yield the better

results in terms of high and stable growth performance in planted forests, cannot be answered with the available

data. The results of a study based on the question if one should change the seed source or rather create an

adapted landrace would sure be of great practicable importance for the forestry sector.

- Closer collaboration between practitioners and research institutes

One problem that circumvents the implementation of research results into practice is the missing coordination

between research institutes and the forestry industry. Research that has the aim to change behavior in the

forestry sector should correspond to current needs for decision support of forest companies. This may seem self-

explanatory but experience shows that many forest growth models are too far away from reality for

practitioners. Chances are high that if companies play a participatory part in the process of model building, they

are more willing to implement results in their forest management programs.

- Long term Free Air Caron Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiments

There are virtually no yield models available that account for direct CO2 effects on forest growth. This is largely

due to a lack of quantitative data on CO2 fertilization effects on seedlings, young plants and adult trees. FACE

experiments especially in the tropics would help researchers to gain knowledge on this important effect of

anthropogenic climate change on forest growth. Only then direct CO2 effects can be included in growth models

that more realistically predict climate change impacts on forest ecosystems.

- Validation of site quality models

The statistical validation techniques we use for our site quality models are often not considered proof enough for

the forestry industry to adopt results for their management plans. One way to increase the trust of the forestry

sector into developed decision support tools would be a so called ground-proofing of results. Small trials could

be established that introduce a seed source into a climate that it is expected to encounter in its natural ecological

niche or on plantation sites in the future. Growth rates and survival of the trees at these locations would be

valuable evidence of the tree species’ true adaptive capacity.

- Accuracy of General Circulation Models (GCMs)

In order to base decisions and forest management on the outcomes of climate change impact studies the

accuracy of GCMs need to be improved considerably. Particular shortcomings of the models that impede a

direct implementation of results into forestry practice are models’ inability to account for micro climates such as

cold pockets or the occurrence of infrequent extreme events such as heat waves or severe cyclones.

Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


- Ex-sito conservation for conservation of valuable seed material

Seeds sources that exhibit valuable traits for climate change adaption need to be conserved ex-sito if

anthropogenic pressure threatens their survival in the wild. Particularly seeds with traits that facilitate the

adaptation of plantation forestry to novel climate conditions and to new threats arising from increased pest and

disease occurrences need to be planted in areas where their long-term viability can be ensured.

- Synthesis of ecology and genetics in climate change studies

Diverse soil conditions and nutritional limitations remain, for model approaches, the most difficult parameters

in predicting growth responses (Johnsen et al., 2001). The trend has to be not to only rely on pure statistical

analysis but to investigate mixed models that combine knowledge about physiological process with empirical

data obtained by field trials.

- Hybrid of P. patula and P. tecunumanii to reduce pest pressure.

The recently observed renewed interest in conservation has been brought about by the increase of diseases and

pests in forest plantations and the need to have alternate species available in case of problems (Dvorak, 2012).

Special focus in terms of pine plantation forestry lies in the breeding of hybrids of P. patula and P. tecunumanii.

Site quality modeling for these hybrids could bring to light relevant results for the forestry sector especially in

South Africa where pest pressure on P. patula plantation is particularly high.

3.4. Conclusion

This cumulative PhD project covers two main pillars of research relevant for the tropical forestry sector (1) We

analyzed climate change impacts on the persistence of natural pine species populations at their actual locations

and (2) we identified future growth potentials of different seed sources and identified climatically suitable areas

for commercial pine plantations in Colombia, Brazil and South-Africa. The statistical tools we used to assess

these climate change impacts were CEM and biophysical site quality models. The methods developed in this

study can be applied to other tree species for which large provenance by environment experiments exist and

offer a way to better understand and assess climate change impacts on subtropical and tropical plantation tree


4. Acknowledgements

I would like to thank the Camcore members in Brazil, Colombia and South Africa for establishing, maintaining

and measuring the research field plantings. Their field work is the basis that made this PhD project possible. I

would also like to thank William Woodbridge, Camcore data manager, for his assistance in preparing the large

datasets for analysis. The study on climate change’s impact on plantation forestry was enabled by the financial

support of the “Ausgleichsstifung Landwirtschaft und Umwelt”. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr.

Marlene Diekmann from GIZ for her help and facilitation of the author’s first stay as a visiting researcher in

Colombia with Bioversity International. Also the comments of eight anonymous reviewers were very helpful

and improved the quality of the published manuscripts considerably. I would like to give special thanks to my

PhD supervisor Professor Michael Koehl whose unbureaucratic help and excellent steering were of great value

for the research project. Finally I would like to give thanks to the Decision and Policy Analysis (DAPA) team at

CIAT for their help and advice on the computation and implementation of the developed models and growth


Cumulative PhD report Vulnerability and adaptability of plantation forest tree species


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Climate change impact predictions on Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii

populations in Mexico and Central America

Maarten van Zonneveld a,*, Andy Jarvis a,b, William Dvorak c, German Lema b, Christoph Leibing d

a Bioversity International, Americas Office, km 17 recta Cali/Palmira, PO 6713, Cali, Colombiab International Centre of Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), km 17 recta Cali/Palmira, PO 6713, Cali, ColombiacCentral America and Mexico Coniferous Resources Cooperative (CAMCORE), North Carolina State University, 2720 Faucette Drive, 3229 Jordan Hall Addition,

Raleigh, NC 27695-8008, United Statesd Zentrum Holzwirtschaft, Universitat Hamburg, Leuschnerstrasse 91, D-21031 Hamburg, Germany

1. Introduction

The scientific basis of climate change is now well established.

Climate change has occurred in the past century and is likely to

continue into the future (IPCC, 2007). Changing climate will most

probably affect the geographic range of native trees and the

locations where they can be grown in plantations as exotic species.

The possible negative impacts on natural populations of important

tree species should concern the forestry sector, as these are the

source of genetic diversity (seeds) used to sustain and improve

plantation productivity under both present and future conditions

(Dvorak et al., 2008). Despite the importance of alterations in

global temperature and precipitation patterns, considerable

uncertainty still exists on how tree species will respond to changes

in climate (Hamrick, 2004; Botkin et al., 2007; Kremer, 2007). It is

therefore important and relevant to better understand the threats

of climate change to natural populations of tree species.

Many studies have used climate envelope models (CEMs) to

assess the potential impact on ecosystems from climate change by

using their current geographic distribution to develop a model of

most suitable climate conditions for natural species occurrence, and

projecting this into the future on the basis of results from general

circulation models (GCMs). Their predictions show significant

impacts and shifts in the actual distribution of many tree species

(e.g. Gomez-Mendoza and Arriaga, 2007; Leng et al., 2008; Iverson

et al., 2008). The extent towhich trees canwithstand environmental

changes at their actual locations remains understudied in CEM-

based climate change impact studies (Thuiller et al., 2007).

Although CEM modeling techniques have proved to be a

valuable tool in the prediction of natural species distribution and

the impact of climate change on their abundance (Guisan and

Thuiller, 2005; Dormann, 2007), they face serious restrictions

(Thuiller et al., 2004, 2007; Araujo et al., 2005; Dormann, 2007).

One major problem with these approaches when applied to

climate change research is that validation is difficult as the results

Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 1566–1576


Article history:

Received 29 July 2008

Received in revised form 19 December 2008

Accepted 22 December 2008


Adaptive ability

Climate change

Climate envelope models

Model validation

Provenance trials

Species distribution ranges


Climate change is likely to have a negative impact on natural populations of Pinus patula and Pinus

tecunumanii, two globally important tree species in plantation forestry. The objective of this work was to

evaluate the impact of climate change on the persistence of the natural populations of these species at

their actual locations in order to take appropriate conservation measurements. A common approach to

assess the impact of climate change on species natural distributions is climate envelopemodeling (CEM).

CEMs suggest significant impacts of climate change on the natural distribution of the two pine species,

but their predictions contain considerable uncertainty related to the adaptive ability of tree populations

towithstand future climate conditions.We assessed the adaptive ability of the two pine species based on

the evaluations of provenance trials and used the results of these field trials to validate CEM impact

assessment studies on provenance collection sites in the wild. The two pine species performed well in a

wide range of climates, including conditions that were recorded by CEM as unsuitable for natural pine

occurrence. The climate conditions where the two pine species naturally occur are predicted to become

in the futuremore similar to the present climate of some areas where they are successfully established in

field trials. These findings suggest that these pine species are in their natural habitat better adapted to

climate change than CEM predicts. For the most vulnerable species, P. tecunumanii, human disturbances

such as fragmentation fromurbanization and conversion to agriculture that are occurring today aremore

urgent threats requiring action compared to the threat from climate change.

� 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +57 2 4450048x118; fax: +57 2 4450096.

E-mail addresses:,

(M. van Zonneveld).

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Forest Ecology and Management

journal homepage: www.elsev ier .com/ locate / foreco

0378-1127/$ – see front matter � 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


are future projections (Araujo and Rahbek, 2006). Dormann (2007)

highlights this as one of the top priorities for improving CEM

predictions. Some authors use ‘‘hindcasting’’ to validate their

models, whereby the past is used as a key to the future (e.g.

Graham et al., 2004; Araujo et al., 2005). Another less used but

potentially powerful approach is to couple the modeling with

results from field evaluations where species survival and

performance are measured under different climate conditions in

so-called translocational experiments, including observations of

trees planted outside their natural climate range as exotics

(Zavaleta, 2006) or on sites where already moderate levels of

climate change are observed (Thuiller et al., 2007).

It can be expected that the ability of tree species to persist at

their actual locations under new climate conditions is key to their

survival in the face of climate change. With the help of

translocational experiments their adaptability to these new

climate conditions can be quantified. In comparison to other plant

life forms like herbs, ferns and mosses, trees are limited in their

ability to shift to new areas of suitable climate due to their long

growth cycle (Hamrick, 2004; Lenoir et al., 2008). Fragmentation

due to human activities such as agriculture and urbanization

further limits colonization of new areas that have potentially

suitable climate (Davis and Shaw, 2001; Pearson and Dawson,

2003). Even if human disturbance is neglected, migration capacity

of many tree species, especially those that are long-lived and form

climax forest communities, might be too slow to keep pace with

the predicted rapid changes in climate (e.g. Malcolm et al., 2002;

McLachlan et al., 2005).

Provenance trials can be used to perform translocational

experiments. Such experiments have been used in several studies

to learn the niche breadth of tree species natural populations and

niche variation between populations (e.g. Rehfeldt et al., 2002;

Saenz-Romero et al., 2006). Provenance trials are often established

across a wider range of climate conditions than found in natural

stands to determine the limits of their adaptability in new

environments. Retrospectively they can be used to better climatic

limits of populations in the wild.

Provenance trials exist for a number of economically important

temperate and tropical tree species. For example, seed collections of

40 tropical and subtropical species in natural stands have been

carried out by Camcore, North Carolina State University (Interna-

tional Tree Conservation and Domestication Program) for the last 3

decades andmore than 1000 ha of field trials have been established

(Dvorak et al., 2001). Results from these large scale field trials offer a

unique dataset for better understanding the impacts of climate

changeonnatural populationsof the species, througha combination

of climate envelope modeling and translocational validation based

on provenance survival and growth.

This study aims to evaluate the performance of a climate

envelope model for predicting climate change impacts by 2050 on

natural populations of two important Mexican and Central

American pines, Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii using results

from provenance trials in Brazil, Colombia and South Africa as a

means of validation. P. patula is native to eastern and southern

Mexico (Perry, 1991) and P. tecunumanii is found predominantly in

Central America and Chiapas, Mexico (Dvorak and Donahue, 1992).

Nearly one million hectares of P. patula have been established in

plantations, primarily in southern Africa (Birks and Barnes, 1991).

Lesser amounts of P. tecunumanii are used in plantations, but it is

an important plantation species in Colombia, and is gaining in

importance in Brazil and South Africa (Dvorak et al., 2000a).

Numerous provenance trials of P. patula and P. tecunumanii have

been established by Camcore members in different tropical and

subtropical regions. The specific objectives of this paper are to

evaluate potential impact by 2050 of climate change on the wild

distribution of the two species, to validate future predictions of

species distribution based on translocational trial data and to

define the conservation implications of the findings for the two

species under study.

2. Materials and methods

For each pine species, suitable areas for natural species

occurrencewere predicted under present climate and the expected

climate in 2050 using the CEM modeling program ‘‘Maxent’’

developed by Phillips et al. (2006).We identified trial sites that had

a present climate close to the present and predicted future climate

of provenance locations in the wild, and used field evaluations

from those trial sites as an independent source for validation of the

CEM predictions on natural pine distribution. The adaptive ability

of both pine species was assessed based on the natural climate

ranges and the climate ranges in which the two species

successfully were established in field trials.

2.1. Location data

Wederived coordinates of 24 provenance locations in thewild of

P. patula and 41 provenance locations of P. tecunumanii from seed

collections provided by Camcore (Hodge and Dvorak, 1999; Dvorak

etal., 2000b).Thedata setofP.patulaprovenancecollectionsiteswas

complemented with a further seven points from the herbarium of

Missouri Botanical Garden (, 2008), providing a total of

31 geo-referenced locations representing natural populations of P.

patula. Coordinates of all locationswere checked following Hijmans

et al. (1999) and are considered to be correct.

2.2. Study area

The study area was defined for each pine species based on the

geographic range of the provenance collection sites. For the

predictions of natural species occurrence and climate change

impact, these areas were limited with a buffer of 38 from themost

eastern, western, northern and southern provenance collection

sites. The largest group of populations of P. patula occurs in the

Sierra Madre Oriental in the eastern part of Mexico between 188N

and 248N latitude, while outlier populations occur in the

southern Mexican states Guerrero and Oaxaca between 168N

and 178N latitude (Dvorak et al., 2000b). Natural stands are

normally found in cloud forests at altitudes of 2100–2800 m

(Perry, 1991). Natural stands of P. tecunumanii are found from

Chiapas, Mexico (178N) to central Nicaragua (128N) (Dvorak and

Donahue, 1992). P. tecunumanii distribution can be divided into

two sub-population groups based on altitude of the collection

sites: high elevation populations that are commonly found in

cloud forests between altitudes of 1500–2900 m, and low

elevation populations that occur between altitudes of 450 and

1500 m (Dvorak et al., 1989).

The climate change impact predictions from CEM on natural

occurrence of the two pine species were validated based on height

and survival data from eight-year-old established provenance

trials planted in Colombia, Brazil and South Africa by Camcore

members between 1982 and 1996 (Hodge and Dvorak, 1999;

Dvorak et al., 2000a,b). In order of the 3 countries, data of P. patula

provenances came from 8, 11 and 9 trial locations and of P.

tecunumanii provenances from 11, 7 and 17 trial locations. Trial

management (site preparation, spacing of trees, weed control, etc.)

among studies was as similar as practical in the field.

2.3. Climate variable selection

CEM predictions become more biased by climate variables

when they are extrapolated to areas outside the study area where

M. van Zonneveld et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 1566–1576 1567

they were calibrated (Phillips et al., 2006; Randin et al., 2006). This

happens also when applied into the future under climate change

projections as climate moves beyond the bounds of the original

calibration and in some areas enters into globally novel climates

(Williams et al., 2007). These challenges occur in our study, and

therefore we aimed to select only the most characteristic climate

variables for use in the modeling, capturing those most significant

in defining the natural species range, which also reduces model


The 19 Bioclim variables (Busby, 1991), derived from the

WorldClim database developed by Hijmans et al. (2005) were

chosen to describe the climate in our study area. The WorldClim

surfaces had a resolution of 5 km. Since climate variables are often

highly correlated (e.g. Dormann, 2007), we first aimed tominimize

redundancy by selecting single variables that are representative of

other variables. To achieve this, correlating climate variables were

clustered following the SAS VARCLUS procedure (SAS, 2003). In this

multivariate technique, the clusters are chosen to maximize the

variation at the first component of each cluster, and can be used to

reduce the number of variables (SAS, 2003).

We then did a second filter of variable selection by using

random distributions and Mann–Whitney U-tests. 500 random

locations in a buffer of 300 km around the provenance collection

sites were generated in ArcView 3.2. We then compared the

climate of the provenance locations with the climate conditions of

the random points, and the variables with the greatest differences

from the Mann–Whitney U-tests were considered to be of most

importance in defining the species range, as the species are not

distributed randomly in their natural distribution.

To define the final variable set for the analysis, we selected from

each cluster the climate variable that varied most significantly

from the Mann–Whitney U-test (Table 1). The selected variables

were considered to be representative of the other variables in the

clusters, and were used in all further analyses. Some clusters did

not contain any variables that distinguished significantly prove-

nance locations from surrounding areas, so no variables from those

clusters were included. Climate values at the random and

provenance locations were extracted in DIVA-GIS 5.4.

Future climate data was derived from GCM projections of 2050

climate from the HADCM3 and CCCMA models under the A2a

emission scenario (IPCC, 2007). This scenario describes aworldwith

continued population growth, slow economic growth, and slow

advances in technological solutions (Nakicenovic and Swart, 2000).

The coarse GCM outputs were downscaled to 5 km resolution using

smoothing (spatial interpolation), and added to the current

WorldClim climatic surfaces to provide surfaces of 2050 climate.

Climate values at the provenance locations and trial sites were

extracted in DIVA-GIS 5.4 from the WorldClim climate grids of

present climate, and the CCCMA and HADCM3 model outputs.

2.4. Climate envelope modeling

Maxent is a CEM modeling program which calculates the

distribution of maximum entropy for a species within a given area

based on observed climate values at locations where that species

has been reported, and produces a climate envelope map that

consists of probability values for suitable natural habitat (Phillips

et al., 2006). Only introduced recently in CEM modeling, Maxent

has performed well when compared with other CEM methods

(Elith et al., 2006; Graham and Hijmans, 2006), and has been used

in several studies to predict species distribution (e.g. Miller and

Knouft, 2006; Prates-Clark et al., 2007).

The climate envelope maps that predict natural species

distribution under the present climate were evaluated for their

accuracy using the ROC Area Under Curve (AUC) statistic. This is a

common evaluation method in CEM studies (e.g. Elith et al., 2006;

Phillips et al., 2006). AUC were interpreted following Araujo et al.

(2005): AUC near 0.5 are similar to random prediction and indicate

poor model performance, AUC above 0.9 indicate excellent model


To predict the climate change impacts, the developed climate

envelopes of natural species distribution were projected by

Maxent to the future climate models CCCMA and HADCM3.

Suitable areas of natural species occurrence were defined

following the threshold of when 90 percent of the provenance

locations were included in the climate envelope at present climate.

To obtain an indication of the predicted impact of climate change

on natural species occurrence, we calculated the change in

superficies of suitable area and verified with x2 homogeneity

tests if the proportion of suitable provenance locations signifi-

cantly changed in 2050 following the predictions from CEM. The

probability values of suitable natural habitat at the provenance

locations were extracted in DIVA-GIS 5.4 from the grids that were

generated byMaxent for the present climate and the future climate


2.5. Translocational validation

Validation pointswere identified for assessing the quality of the

predictions in the climate envelope derived from Maxent. These

validation points were acquired by correlating CEM-generated

suitability values for natural pine occurrence with the observed

height and survival at trials established in a present climate that

matched respectively with the present climate and predicted

future climate at provenance locations. To measure climatic

distances between provenance collection sites and field trials,

Euclidean distances based on the standardized sub-sampled

climate variables were calculated. As a threshold for matching

climates, the 10 percent of smallest distances between provenance

collection sites themselves was used. When the climate of more

than one trial site matched with the climate at a provenance

collection site, the average height and survival from those siteswas

used in the correlation. Provenance collection sites that did not

climatically match with trial sites, and vice versa, were not

included in the correlation.

Further, we correlated CEM-generated suitability values for

natural pine occurrence with the climate conditions at provenance

locations and examined if pine performance at the field trials

responded in a similar way to these climate conditions. For each

species, the suitability values from the CEM predictions under

present and the predicted future climates were taken together in

one analysis and correlated to the corresponding climate values

(suitability values from each CEM prediction are equally related to

the sub-sampled climate variables as the CEM calculations are

based in all cases on the same climate envelope). To examine if pine

performance did relate in a similar way to the climate conditions at

the provenance collection sites, the height and survival values from

the climatically matching trial sites were correlated to the same

climate values as the suitability values were.

2.6. Natural and potential climate ranges of adaptive ability

We conceptualized a simpler version of the climate envelope of

natural species occurrence of the two pine species by making two-

dimensional relations between the sub-sampled variables. The

climate envelopes were bounded by constraints that show the

linear combinations of the variable range limits. The climatic

ranges in which trial sites were established were compared to the

natural climate envelopes to identify the potential climate ranges

to which the species is adapted. Climatic differences between

provenance collection sites and trial locations were tested with


M. van Zonneveld et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 1566–15761568

Finally, we assessed how the climate conditions at the

provenance collection sites changed with respect to the potential

climate ranges to which the two species are adapted, defined by

the climate ranges in which they were established in field trials. A

principal component analyze (PCA) was carried out for each

species to ordinate based on the sub-sampled climate variables the

present and predicted future climate at provenance collection sites

in relation to the present climate at trial sites in Colombia, Brazil,

and South Africa. An ANOVA was carried out for each pine species

to assess if there were differences between the climatic distances

from provenance collection sites to the field trials in Colombia,

Brazil, and South Africa respectively, between present climate and

the future climate models, and if there was an effect of interaction

between countries and climate models on these distances.

Table 1

Variable selection for climate envelope modeling of the climate change impact on natural pine occurrence.

Hierarchical clustering of the 19 climate variables. R2 indicates goodness to fit. Significant differences in Mann–Whitney U-tests are indicated with *. From each cluster, the

variable that distinguished most significantly natural pine habitat from random distribution is highlighted in grey. These variables were included in the climate envelope

modeling and all other analyses.

M. van Zonneveld et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 1566–1576 1569

3. Results

3.1. Climate variable selection

For each pine species, 5 climate parameter groups were

clustered from the initial 19 climate variables to characterize

the climate of provenance locations. These groupswere different in

composition for each species (Table 1). In the case of P.

tecunumanii, representative climate variables were only selected

from the first three clusters, since the last two clusters did not

contain any more climate variables that explained significant

differences between the natural habitat and the distribution of

random locations around the provenance locations (Table 1). The

climate variables that best defined the natural habitat of P. patula

were from each cluster respectively: (1) maximum temperature in

the warmest month (MTWARM); (2) annual precipitation (AP); (3)

precipitation in the driest month (PDRIEM); (4) temperature

seasonality (TSEAS); and (5) temperature annual range (TAR). For

P. tecunumanii the climate variables that defined best the natural

habitat were: (1) annual mean temperature (AMEANT); (2)

precipitation in the coldest quarter (PCOLDQ); and (3) precipita-

tion in the wettest quarter (PWETQ). These variables were used in

the further analyses.

3.2. Climate envelope modeling

The developed climate envelopes did an excellent job in

characterizing the distribution of both P. patula (AUC = 0.97) and P.

tecunumanii (AUC = 0.92) under present climate. The number of

suitable provenance collection sites for P. patula decreased

significantly under both future climate models (CCCMA:

x21 ¼ 5:90, p = 0.015; HADCM3: x2

1 ¼ 4:77, p = 0.03; Fig. 1). A

significant number of suitable provenance collection sites for P.

tecunumanii was lost under the HADCM3 model (x21 ¼ 6:61,

p = 0.01; Fig. 1). Under the CCCMA model only a strong but not

significant decline of suitable P. tecunumanii provenance locations

was observed (x21 ¼ 3:64, p = 0.056; Fig. 1). The area with suitable

climate for P. patula occurrence decreased under the CCCMAmodel

with 39 percent and under the HADCM3model with 36 percent. In

the case of P. tecunumanii, respectively 40 and 49 percent of

suitable areas were lost. Hardly any new suitable areas were

gained: only two percent suitable P. tecunumanii habitat under the

HADCM3 model.

3.3. Translocational validation

The CEM-predicted suitability values for natural pine occur-

rence did not correlate positively with height or survival at

climatically similar trial sites (Fig. 2). Instead, several negative

correlations were found: between height of P. patula at trial sites

and suitability values for natural occurrence under the present

climate and under the CCCMA model, between height of P.

tecunumanii at trial sites and suitability values for natural

occurrence under the CCCMA model, and between survival of P.

tecunumanii at trial sites and suitability values for natural

occurrence under the present climate and the two future climate

models (Fig. 2). In all other cases no significant correlations were


Fig. 1. Climate envelopemaps for the natural distribution of P. patula and P. tecunumanii and the predicted impacts of climate change on their distribution by 2050, developed

in the CEMmodeling programMaxent. Areas were considered suitable for P. patula occurrence above a probability value of 0.248 and for P. tecunumaniiwhen this value was

higher than 0.267.Only in the case of P. tecunumanii under the HADCM3model new suitable area was gained, but that was only two percent of the total suitable area in 2050.

M. van Zonneveld et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 1566–15761570

In most cases, the suitability values for natural occurrence and

climatically matching height and survival values correlated

differently to the corresponding climate values from the prove-

nance collection sites (Table 2). Suitability values for natural P.

patula occurrence andmatching height values correlated both best

with MTWARM, but suitability did so negatively while height

positively. Suitability values for natural P. patula occurrence

correlated also negatively with TAR and TSEAS, while respectively

matching height and survival values did so positively. Positive

correlation was found between suitability values for P. patula

natural occurrence and AP and PDRIEM. The suitability of P.

tecunumanii natural occurrence was correlated highly significant

to AMEANT and POLDQ. While it did so negatively, matching

survival and height values were positively correlated to these

climate variables. Both suitability of natural P. tecunumanii

occurrence and matching height values correlated positively to


3.4. Natural and potential climate ranges of adaptive ability

P. patula trials were established in wider TSEAS ranges by

Camcore members than P. patula normally occurs in its natural

habitat (Table 3; Fig. 3). AP and PDRIEM at P. patula provenance

locations were restricted in comparison to the conditions where

Fig. 2. Correlation of CEM-generated suitability values for natural pine occurrencewith the observed height and survival at trials established in a present climate thatmatched

respectively with the present climate and the predicted future climates at the provenance locations in the wild. A regression line is drawn through the points. The dashed line

represents the CEM threshold of suitability. Below that line, CEM predicts climate is not suitable anymore for natural pine occurrence. The amount of validation points (n) and

Pearson‘s correlation coefficient (r2) are given in each graphic plot.

M. van Zonneveld et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 1566–1576 1571

the species was established in trial sites. No significant differences

were found in the distribution of MTWARM and TAR between P.

patula provenance locations and trial sites. Outlier trial sites

indicated that P. patula is able to grow under much lower and

higher TAR than would be suggested by its natural occurrence in

Mexico. Outlier trial sites were also established under relative low

MTWARM, while outlier P. patula provenance locations did occur

under extreme high MTWARM (Table 3; Fig. 3). At P. tecunumanii

provenance locations, PCOLDQ was lower than at the trial sites

where the species was established by Camcore members (Table 4;

Fig. 3). On average PWETQ at P. tecunumanii provenance locations

was higher than at trial sites although minimum and maximum

values of PWETQ were fairly similar. No significant differences

were found for AMEANT, but outlier provenance locations occurred

in areas with relatively low AMEANT (Table 4; Fig. 3).

P. patula provenance collection sites were most similar to South

African trial sites (F = 113.76, p < 0.001; Fig. 4). Overall taken,

climatic distances between P. patula provenance collection sites

and trials did not change in future models (F = 0.31, p = 0.73). But

climate distances differed between countries depending on the

climate model (F = 4.1, p < 0.001). P. patula provenance collection

sites became under both future climatemodels more similar to the

present climate at South Africa sites and in contrast became more

distant to the present climate at Colombian sites (Fig. 4). At

present, P. tecunumanii provenance locations climatically

resembled most to Brazilian trials (F = 1215, p < 0.001; Fig. 4),

and became even more similar to these trials in the future climate

Table 2

Correlation of climate conditions at provenance locations with CEM-suitability

values, and height and survival from climatically matching trials.

Suitability Height Survival

P. patula

MTWARM �0.88*** 0.68*** �0.31

PDRIEM 0.83*** �0.42* 0.19

TSEAS �0.54*** 0.20 0.37*

TAR �0.84*** 0.38* 0.13

AP 0.53*** �0.19 0.11

P. tecunumanii

AMEANT �0.96*** 0.32*** 0.88***

PCOLDQ �0.34*** 0.42*** 0.41***

PWETQ 0.25* 0.32** 0.10

P. patula validation points: n = 37. P. tecunumanii validation points: n = 96.* Significant correlation (Pearson’s coefficient) when p < 0.05.** Significant correlation (Pearson’s coefficient) when p < 0.01.*** Significant correlation (Pearson’s coefficient) when p < 0.001.

Fig. 3. Simplified climate envelopes for natural pine habitat (in black) and the climatic ranges in which the field trials were established (in grey), presented by two-

dimensional linear combinations of variable range limits. Temperature seasonality: standard deviation of annual mean temperature � 100.

M. van Zonneveld et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 1566–15761572

models, especially under the HADCM3 model, but became more

distinct to the present climate in South African and Colombian

trials (F = 10.10, p < 0.001; Fig. 4).

4. Discussion

It is argued that CEMs overestimate the impact of climate change

on tree species (Kremer, 2007;Botkinet al., 2007). Validationof CEM

results for future climate change is identified as a research priority

(Dormann, 2007; Thuiller et al., 2007). We used a series of

international provenance trials as amean of validating CEM climate

change impact predictions on natural pine occurrence. Predictions

from CEM suggest a big impact by climate change on the natural

occurrence of both pine species. More than a third of the actual

suitable area is predicted to be lost by 2050 for both species under

both GCM models and hardly any new suitable areas were gained.

Based on the results from CEM, the number of suitable provenance

collection sites is expected to decrease significantly, except for P.

tecunumanii under the CCCMA model, although in that case there

was still a clear tendency in decline. The outcomes of the

translocational validations however suggest that natural stands of

P. patula and P. tecunumanii have a broader adaptation to climate

change than CEM predicts. The results from the field evaluations

showedthat thepines speciesperformwell inawider range than the

limits of the climate envelopes developed by CEM.

4.1. Climate variable selection

With the help of the variable clustering and theMann–Whitney

U-test, the number of variables for the analyses of P. patula was

reduced to five, and in the case of P. tecunumanii to three variables.

The method does not pretend to identify causal environmental

factors for species occurrence, but given the lack of plant

physiological and phenological parameters, we consider this to

be a valid method to select variables for CEM predictions,

minimizing redundancy and selecting the variables that best

define the current geographic distribution.

4.2. Translocational validation and adaptive ability to changes in


The CEM-generated suitability values for natural species

occurrence did not correlate positively with height and survival

from climatically matching field trials, and in several cases they

were negatively correlated. Such contrary responses were also

observedwhen suitability values andmatching height and survival

values were correlated to the same climate values from the

corresponding provenance collection sites. For instance, suitability

values for natural species occurrence were negatively correlated to

increasing temperature whereas matching height and survival

values were positively related to that increase. This suggests that

despite the negative CEMpredictions the species are adapted to the

foreseen temperature increment in their natural habitat.

In the case of several climate variables, the two pine species

performed well in wider ranges than those found in their natural

habitat. For instance, successful establishment of trial sites of P.

patula outside normal climatic boundaries that characterize its

occurrence inMexico indicates that this species is adapted tomuch

wider ranges of temperature seasonality (TSEAS) than found in its

natural habitat. P. tecunumanii appeared to perform well under

Table 3

Differences in climate ranges between P. patula provenance locations in the wild and field trials.

Climate variables MTWARM PDRIEM*** TSEAS* AP* TAR

Sites Wild Trials Wild Trials Wild Trials Wild Trials Wild Trials

Mean 24.4 24.9 18.6 62.6 165 225.6 1215.3 1466.7 19.7 18.3

SD 3.1 2.9 10.5 39.5 57.8 130.5 375.2 479.5 2.1 4.9

Minimum 19.4 14.9 3.0 7.0 56.9 20.5 590 774 15.1 9.0

Maximum 33.4 28.4 53 135 317.9 404.7 2059 2658 23.2 26

Wild (provenance collection sites): n = 31. Trial sites: n = 28. SD: Standard deviation.* Significant differences in ANOVA when p < 0.05.*** Significant differences in ANOVA when p < 0.001.

Table 4

Differences in climate ranges between P. tecunumanii provenance locations in the

wild and field trials.

Climate variable AMEANT PWETQ*** PCOLDQ***

Sites Wild Trials Wild Trials Wild Trials

Mean 18.8 18.5 694.7 565.3 130.3 284.7

SD 3.7 2.7 155.8 200.4 90.9 317.8

Minimum 10.2 12.5 419 323 17 30

Maximum 24.5 24.5 1144 1092 340 1026

Wild (provenance collection sites): n = 41. Trial sites: n = 34. SD: Standard

deviation.*Significant differences in ANOVA when p < 0.05.

*** Significant differences in ANOVA when p < 0.001.

Fig. 4.Ordination with the help of principal component analyses (PCA) of average present climate and future climates (HADCM3 and CCCMAmodel) of provenance collection

sites and the average present climate of field trials established in South Africa (ZA), Brazil (BR) and Colombia (CO) respectively.

M. van Zonneveld et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 1566–1576 1573

precipitation patterns different from its natural habitat. Due to the

wide ranges of adaptability it can be expected thatwild pine stands

are able to persist substantial changes in climate. These results are

in line with similar studies. Four Rhododendron tree species, native

to the Himalayas, proved to survive well at higher temperature

values than occur in their natural niches (Vetaas, 2002). Miller and

Knouft (2006) found that natural populations of the fruit tree

Spondias purpurea in Middle America occurred in a relatively

narrow niche of marginal areas, whereas this species was

successfully introduced in much wider climate ranges.

In general, the length of the growing season (temperature) has a

positive effect on tree development (Aitken et al., 2008). Often tree

species are more tolerant to high temperatures than to minimum

temperatures (Vetaas, 2002). But it is difficult to assess to which

limit tree species can tolerate or respond positively to high

temperatures (Saxe et al., 2001). This depends also on the effect of

the combined changes in temperature and precipitation (Aitken

et al., 2008).

In the case of P. patula, the climate ranges in which field trials

were established did not cover the hot and relatively dry

conditions where some outlier provenance locations occur in

thewild. Itwould be relevant to learn how P. patula performs under

these conditions and include that information in the validation of

climate change impact predictions. Climate change impact studies

done for other tropical and subtropical pine species show that the

performance of those pines is affected negatively by such

conditions (Koskela, 2001; Saenz-Romero et al., 2006). It can be

expected that a combination of temperature increment and

drought has also a negative impact on the growth and survival

of P. patula and P. tecunumanii and consequently on the natural

occurrence of these species.

Yet the 2050 climate of the P. patula provenance locations is

predicted to become on average more similar to the present

climate of South African field trials where the species successfully

was established. In the case of P. tecunumanii, climate at the

provenance locations is predicted to become closer to the present

climate at Brazilian sites. These results suggest that trees of wild P.

patula and P. tecunumanii stands are sufficiently adapted to

acclimatize to the new ecological climate niches at their locations

defined by the predicted climate conditions in 2050.

4.3. The role of climate and other factors in changes of natural

species distribution

Besides the broad adaptation found for the pine species in our

study, the reason that pine performance at trial sites did not concur

with the CEM-predicted climate change impacts on natural species

occurrence may be due to climate is not the only factor that shapes

the natural geographic ranges of natural pine areas. In fact, to what

extent climate determines changes in natural species distribution

and the role of other factors like biotic interactions and dispersal

ability are important points of discussion in climate change impact

studies on natural species distribution (Pearson andDawson, 2003).

Biotic interactions, such as competition, were not taken in

account in the translocational validation of natural species

occurrence with the results from field trails. Camcore trials are

managed under favorable conditions (fire and weed control) while

in their natural habitat competitionwith other tree species is likely

to limit pine distribution. This implies that successful pine growth

and survival at trial sites tend to overvalue suitable areas for

natural species occurrence.

To what extent stands of tree species are to be pushed out by

competitionwith other tree species at their actual locations during

the expected climate changes in the next 50–100 years, depends on

the ability of climatically better suited tree species to invade these

locations. But invasion by better suitable tree species is often

substantially delayed by dispersal limitations of these species

(Svenning and Skov, 2004; Kramer, 2007). Further do trees prolong

their existence in changing ecosystems because of their longevity

(Hamrick, 2004). It can be anticipated that most tree species not

going to be driven out by other tree species before climate severely

weaken them. In case of the pine species in our study, the climate

in their natural habitat is predicted to become closer to several

areaswhere the species performwell at the trial sites, whichmakes

it even less likely they will be pushed out by other tree species.

A factor of importance for these pine species is the frequency

and intensity of fires. Both P. patula and P. tecunumanii are closed-

cone pines. They have developed in an environment where fires

have greatly affected patterns of evolution and play an important

role in the dynamics of recruitment andmortality for these species

(e.g. Rodrıguez-Trejo and Fule, 2003; Styles and McCarter, 1988).

The present day natural range of both species might not reflect

historic occurrences. To provide more insight into the impact of

climate change on future regenerations of these pine species, the

impact of climate change on these fire events should be understood

and included in the predictions of climate change impact on

natural species distribution. As an example, high frequency of fires

in the mountains of Central America would favor Pinus oocarpa

over P. tecunumanii. P. oocarpa has evolved to produce sprouts from

the base of its stem after fires as a survival mechanism while P.

tecunumanii has not (Dvorak et al., 2001; Dvorak, 2002).

Climate change is also likely to influence the occurrence of

forest pest outbreaks. This has not been included in our analysis

but this could have a potentially high impact on the natural

distribution of the pine species in our study. Billings et al. (2004)

report that between 1999 and 2003 about 90,000 ha of pine forests

from Central America were killed by bark beetles, including P.

tecunumanii stands. The outbreak was preceded by intense

wildfires and extent droughts caused by the climate dynamics

of El Nino Southern Oscillation (Billings et al., 2004). This

demonstrates how extreme climate events can trigger pest

outbreaks. There are strong indications that recent pest outbreaks

killing large areas of temperate pine forests in Canada have

happened because of a temperature increment that is related to

global climate change (Kurz et al., 2008). CEM modeling can help

assessing the risk of these outbreaks under the foreseen changes in

climate (Logan et al., 2003).

4.4. Genetic variation

Dormann (2007), Kremer (2007) and Aitken et al. (2008) stress

the importance to include genetic variation in predictions of

climate change impact on natural species distribution. We

assumed in our validation methods that trees from different wild

pine species standswill respond in a similarway to climate change.

However, trees from genetically divergent stands are expected to

respond differently to changes in climate conditions. Indeed, in

many fitness-related provenance tests for tree species, prove-

nances performdifferentially under similar climate conditions (e.g.

Rehfeldt et al., 1999, 2002). The difference in provenance

performance from best to worst for productivity across a number

of environments for P. tecunumanii in the Camcore testing program

is approximately 30 percent (Hodge and Dvorak, 1999). This trend

has been found for a number of other tropical and subtropical pines

(e.g. Hodge and Dvorak, 2001).

For some pines species, adaptation to new environments is

apparently very rapid.P. patula, originally sampled inMexico, grown

in South Africa for one generation, and returned to Mexico, grew

faster than local sources, but was more susceptible to cold attacks

(Saenz-Romero et al., 1994). Fast adaptation have been reported for

several other pine and conifer species (see Saxe et al., 2001; Kremer,

2007; Aitken et al., 2008), but the mechanisms behind are

M. van Zonneveld et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 1566–15761574

unfortunately not fully understood (Aitken et al., 2008). There are

high expectations from combining population genetics with

climate change modeling (Davis and Shaw, 2001; Thuiller et al.,

2007), but more research must be carried out to better understand

adaptation mechanisms at the genetic level (Kremer, 2007).

4.5. Conservation implications

Immediate-term threats might require more urgent action to

ensure the long-term protection of these pine species, when

compared to the long-term threat of climate change. At the

moment for many natural pine populations in Mexico and Central

America no effective conservation measurements exist. Saenz-

Romero et al. (2003) for instance, propose the establishment of a

network of in situ forest genetic resources conservation units to

protect the genetic variation of Mexican pine species against

immediate-term threats like fragmentation and deforestation. P.

tecunumanii is already under threat in Central America and

southern Mexico and is classified as vulnerable according the

criteria of IUCN (2007) and some populations are critically

endangered (Dvorak et al., 2000a). Human pressure is likely to

continue to be high since this species occurs naturally in areas that

suit agriculture and urbanization (Styles and McCarter, 1988).

Among possible measurements to protect P. tecunumanii prove-

nances, conservation parks outside its natural distribution range

are currently being planned in South Africa and other countries by

the Camcore membership (Camcore, 2005). CEM modeling can

help identifying areas for these conservation parks that are suitable

and remain low-impacted by climate change.

The time scope of our study is until 2050. It can be anticipated

that in the second half of the 21st century the climate in the natural

pine areas moves further away from the present climate and that

pine provenance locations will become more seriously affected.

Further climate modeling in combination with research on the

performance of the pine species under the predicted climate

conditions after 2050 can contribute to a better understanding of

the implications of climate change for natural pine occurrence on

such a long-term time scale.

5. Conclusions

CEM predictions suggest significant impacts of climate change

on the natural species distribution of the two pine species. The pine

species however demonstrate they can perform well in a wide

range of climates, including conditions that are predicted by CEM

as unsuitable for natural pine occurrence. The climate conditions

where the two pine species naturally occur are expected to become

in the future closer to the present climate of some areas where the

pine species are successfully established in field trials. These

findings suggest that the pine species are in their natural habitat

better adapted to climate change than is predicted from CEM. The

outcomes of CEM climate change impact predictions should

therefore be interpreted with caution. In the short term,

fragmentation by urbanization and agriculture seem to be more

urgent threats for the vulnerable species P. tecunumanii than

climate change.

Translocational validation can give already more insight into

the adaptive ability of tree species populations to climate change.

The inclusion of factors other than climate, in climate change

modeling will help us better understand the distribution dynamics

of tree species in changing environments. Such factors are invasion

by better suited tree species, disturbance events like fire

occurrences and pest outbreaks, and genetic variation.

Translocational validation can be applied to other tree species

for which large provenance x environment experiments exist.

These experiments exist mostly for temperate and boreal forest

species of the northern hemisphere but more data is becoming

available for tree species from tropical and subtropical regions

(Gapare et al., 2001; Kanzler et al., 2003). This opens the way for a

better assessment of climate change impact on subtropical and

tropical tree species.


We would like to thank the Camcore members in Brazil,

Colombia and South Africa for establishing, maintaining and

measuring the research field plantings of P. patula and P.

tecunumanii. We would also like to thank William Woodbridge,

Camcore data manager, for his assistance in preparing the large

data sets for analysis. We appreciate the valuable comments of

Xavier Scheldeman and two anonymous reviewers.


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Adaptation of tropical and subtropical pine plantation forestry to

climate change: Realignment of Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii

genotypes to 2020 planting site climates



1Zentrum Holzwirtschaft, Universitat Hamburg, Leuschnerstrasse 91, D-21031, Hamburg, Germany,


International, Americas office, km 17 recta Cali/Palmira, PO 6713, Cali, Colombia,3International Centre of Tropical

Agriculture (CIAT) and Bioversity International, km 17 recta Cali/Palmira, PO 6713, Cali, Colombia, and4Central

America and Mexico Coniferous Resources Cooperative (CAMCORE), North Carolina State University, 2720 Faucette

Drive, 3229 Jordan Hall Addition, Raleigh, NC 12 27695-8008, USA


Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii, two pines native to Mexico and Central America, are important plantation species forthe forestry sector in the tropics and subtropics. In recent decades, members of the International Tree Conservation &Domestication Program (CAMCORE), North Carolina State University, have established large, multisite provenance trialsfor these pine species. The data provide valuable information about species and provenance choice for plantationestablishment in many regions with different climates. However, since climate is changing rapidly, it may becomeincreasingly difficult to choose the right species and provenance to plant. The aim of this study is to test the suitability ofseed material under changing climate of two P. patula varieties (P. patula var. patula and P. patula var. longipedunculata) andtwo P. tecunumanii ecotypes (highland and lowland). For each variety and ecotype, a site quality model was developed thatstatistically relates growth to environmental factors and couples the predictions to the average 2020 climate prediction offour general circulation models. Three developed models were significant and robust. Provenances of P. tecunumanii fromlowland areas in Central America are expected to be most productive in 2020 because of their promising performance underrather hot and wet climates.

Keywords: Climate change impact predictions, height growth, management decision support tools, provenance trials, site

quality modelling.


Global climate alterations are likely to affect the

productivity of plantation forestry in the coming

decades. Forest growth models suggest a substantial

loss of production in the core area of current

forestry if no appropriate action is taken (Fairbanks,

1999; Spittlehouse & Stewart, 2003; Savolainen

et al., 2007). At the same time planted forests are

becoming increasingly important to satisfy global

wood demand (Carle & Holmgren, 2008). Planted

forests may also indirectly reduce pressures in

natural forests and are potential sources for carbon

sequestration (Carle & Holmgren, 2008), and in

that way contribute to the mitigation of climate

change. To ensure the supply of the expected

products and services from planted forests in the

future under a changing climate, plantation forest

management needs to be adapted accordingly

(Kremer, 2007).

The selection of species and provenances that are

most suitable to grow under the new climates that

are expected to occur is an important aspect of a

management plan that aims to adapt plantation

forests (Spittlehouse & Stewart, 2003). It can be

anticipated that seed material used in the past to

establish new plantations will not be optimal under

Correspondence: C. Leibing, ZentrumHolzwirtschaft, Universitat Hamburg, Leuschnerstrasse 91, D-21031, Hamburg, Germany. E-mail:

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 2009; 24: 483�493

(Received 18 May 2009; accepted 2 September 2009)

ISSN 0282-7581 print/ISSN 1651-1891 online # 2009 Taylor & Francis

DOI: 10.1080/02827580903378642

Downloaded By: [North Carolina State University] At: 14:50 13 September 2010

the changing climate in the future. New sources of

seed will need to be found to optimize wood


In recent decades multisite provenance trials

have been established to identify the most suitable

species and provenances to plant in different

climates (e.g. Dvorak et al., 1995; Hodge &

Dvorak, 1999; Kanzler, 2002). Site growth model-

ling has proven to be a practical and accurate

method to predict the performance of species and

provenances in these experiments (Louw & Scholes,

2006). Support decision models that couple site

growth modelling to future climate predictions

based on general circulation models (GCMs) can

be a useful tool for forest managers to choose which

provenances and species to plant today in order to

yield optimal growth during the rotations in future


Significant areas of planted forests are grown in

tropical and subtropical areas of Colombia, Brazil

and South Africa (FAO, 2007). Pinus patula and

Pinus tecunumanii, two pine species native to Mexico

and Central America, are important plantation

species for the forestry sector in the tropics and

austral regions. Members of the International Tree

conservation & Domestication Program (CAM-

CORE) have established multisite provenance trials

on a global level that include 74 trials and 79 trials of

P. patula and P. tecunumanii, respectively, to identify

the growth and survival of these species and prove-

nances across different environments. The results

from these trials represent a treasure trove of data

suitable for understanding how trees are adapted to

their abiotic environment, and how they adapt to

different conditions.

Pinus patula is one of the most important pine

plantation species in tropical and subtropical re-

gions, with close to 1 million ha established in

plantations (Birks & Barnes, 1991). It is of primary

importance in South Africa, where the pine is the

most commonly planted species, accounting for

25% of the country’s entire forest plantation area

(FAO, 2007). Lesser amounts of P. tecunumanii

are used in plantations, but it is an important

plantation species in Colombia, and owing to its

favourable growth characteristics and comparatively

high resistance against pitch canker (Hodge &

Dvorak, 2006) the species is also gaining impor-

tance in Brazil and southern Africa (Dvorak et al.,


Pinus patula occurs naturally in the mountainous

regions of eastern and southernMexico. Two varieties

can be distinguished: P. patula var. patula, which

occurs in the eastern mountain ranges of the Sierra

Madre Oriental, and P. patula var. longipedunculata,

which occurs in the southern Mexican states of

Guerrero and Oaxaca in the Sierra Madre del Sur

(Dvorak et al., 2000). The geographical distribution

of P. patula var. longipedunculata borders with the

western distribution range of P. tecunumanii. The

distribution of P. tecunumanii extends from Chiapas,

Mexico, in the north to Honduras in the south and

can be divided into two ecotypes based on altitude: a

highland ecotype found in cloud forests at altitudes

between 1500 and 2900 m, and a lowland ecotype

that occurs at altitudes between 450 and 1500 m

(Dvorak et al., 1989).

This study aims to contribute to the development

of management plans to adapt existing planted

forests in Colombia, Brazil and South Africa to

the expected climate changes in the next few

decades. It is hypothesized that in several areas,

species and provenance choice of seed material will

have to be changed in order to sustain the produc-

tivity of these planted forests. The objective of this

study is to develop a decision support model that

(1) predicts the impact of climate change on wood

productivity for new rotation cycles that have an

expected harvest time around 2025, and (2) iden-

tifies the most suitable variety and ecotype of

P. patula and P. tecunumanii, respectively, to optimize

wood productivity in the period of these new

rotation cycles.

Materials and methods

To develop the decision support model, 8-year-old

P. patula and P. tecunumanii height growth data were

retrieved from a database of 153 provenance trials

that were established by CAMCORE members in

Colombia, Brazil and South Africa during 1981 and

1997 (Dvorak et al., 1995, 2001b). For each of

the two P. patula varieties, P. patula var. patula

and P. patula var. longipedunculata, and the two

P. tecunumanii ecotypes, lowland and highland

P. tecunumanii, three different site quality model

types that examined relations between height growth

and environmental conditions were developed. The

models were cross-validated with an independent set

of test data as an indication of model robustness.

The model types that scored best in the cross-

validation were used in the final growth prediction.

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) were used

to spatialize model predictions to other plantation

areas and project them into the future. The average

of four GCM climate projections for the year 2020

were used to calculate the expected impact of climate

change on a plantation’s growth performance in a

time span that falls below the common rotation cycle

of 17 years.

484 C. Leibing et al.

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Study area

The study area comprises areas suitable for P. patula

and P. tecunumanii plantations in current and future

(2020) climates inColombia, Brazil and SouthAfrica.

The areas include a topographic range from 25 to

2850 m of altitude and diverse climates that range

from tropical conditions in the Colombian highlands,

where annual rainfall frequently exceeds 3000 mm, to

the dry, subtropical conditions characterized by cold

and dry winters in South Africa, where the maximum

annual mean temperature exceeds 208Cbut tempera-

ture seasonality is more than 10 times as high as in

Colombia. In South Africa in the coldest quarter of

the year the temperature drops below 18C. The trials

were planted in parts of the northern tropical Andes in

Colombia, and in southern Brazil, where trials are

established in the states of Minas Gerais, Epirito

Santo, Parana and SantaCatarina. Trial sites in South

Africa are located in the country’s eastern escarpment

from the Eastern Cape Province to the Northern

Province. Management (site preparation, spacing of

trees, weed control, etc.) among trialswas as similar as

practical in the field.


The aim was to predict average observed height

growth at the age of 8 years and select through

stepwise regression the environmental variables that

best explain height performance at trial sites. The

pool of variables that were used as input consisted of

grid-based climate, soil and topographical variables

(Table I). Data for the 153 provenance trial locations

were extracted using ArcInfo (ESRI, 2006). The 19

Bioclim candidate variables (Busby, 1991) were

chosen to describe the climate in the study area.

The data were derived from the WorldClim database

developed by Hijmans et al. (2005). In addition,

two water balance variables, water availability and

potential to actual evapotranspiration, were calculated

using satellite-based observation of rainfall from the

Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM).

Soil conditions (topsoil) were described by variables

of the Harmonized World Soil database (FAO, 2009).

Topographical variables were derived from the Shut-

tle Radar Topography Mission 90m Digital Elevation

Data (Jarvis et al., 2008). All variable grids were

scaled to the same spatial resolution of 30 arc-

seconds, except for the TRMM-based variables,

which have a resolution of 15 arc-minutes.

Model selection

Single regression analyses showed that some envi-

ronmental variables predicted height growth best

following a linear relation, while others did so

Table I. List of climatic, edaphic and topographic variables that were incorporated in the data table for the stepwise regression runs.

Climate Soil Topography

Temperature variables Structure variables General variables

Annual mean temperature (8C) Available water capacity (mm m�1) Elevation (m a.s.l.)

Mean diurnal range (8C) Reference bulk density (kg dm�3) Slope (degree)

Isothermality (unitless) Clay fraction (% wt) Aspect (degree)

Temperature seasonality (%) Gravel fraction (% wt)

Max. temperature of warmest period (8C) Sand fraction (% wt)

Min. temperature of coldest period (8C) Chemical composition variables

Temperature annual range (8C) Organic carbon (% wt)

Mean temperature of wettest quarter (8C) pH (H2O) (�log (H�))

Mean temperature of driest quarter (8C) Cation-exchange capacity (cmol kg�1)

Mean temperature of warmest quarter (8C)

Mean temperature of coldest quarter (8C)

Precipitation variables

Annual precipitation (mm)

Precipitation of wettest period (mm)

Precipitation of driest period (mm)

Precipitation seasonality (%)

Precipitation of wettest quarter (mm)

Precipitation of driest quarter (mm)

Precipitation of warmest quarter (mm)

Precipitation of coldest quarter (mm)

Water balance variables

Consecutive dry months (no. months)

Actual to potential evapotranspiration (%)

Water availability (%)

Note: The table lists the environmental variables that were used to build the site growth prediction models.

Tropical pine plantations and climate change 485

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through a quadratic relation (data not presented).

Since it was not known beforehand which type of

relations would weigh more in a multiple linear

regression (MLR) model, three different types of

MLR models were compared, all three using step-

wise regression for the selection of model variables.

The first model type, ‘‘Linear’’, consisted of stan-

dard linear relations between height growth and

environmental variables. The second model type,

‘‘Squared’’, consisted of linear relations with

centred-squared variables. In the third model type,

‘‘Mixed’’, the environmental predictors were either

linear or centred-squared, depending on which type

of relation explained best height growth in a single

regression analysis. The development of squared

centred variables is a recommended method to

improve linear regression models (Bedrick, 2000).

The value of the original environmental variable is

centred by subtracting the variable’s mean from each

value and then squared. The transformed variables

are then again related linearly to the dependent

variable. Figure 1 exemplifies this variable transfor-

mation by showing the P. tecunumanii high-elevation

population height growth linear, centred quadratic

and centred-squared linear response to the annual

mean temperature at the trial sites.

For each variety and ecotype, cross-validation of

all three model types was carried out as an indicator

of how the model could be extrapolated to larger

areas. After Hurvich and Tsai (1990), 20% of the

initial data set was used to validate the model types

developed using the remaining 80% of data. As an

indicator of robustness the coefficient of determina-

tion (R2) was calculated based on the comparison

between observed and predicted height of the test

data. For each of the two P. patula varieties and the

two P. tecunumanii ecotypes, the model type that

scored best in the cross-validation was selected to

perform the definitive growth prediction of the

respective variety and ecotype, using all data.

Variable selection

To find the subset of predictors that best explain

height growth, the stepwise regression algorithm was

used. This is a common method in variable selection

for site growth models (Huston, 1980; Dise &

Wright, 2000). The stepwise algorithm defines the

best possible set of variables to explain the variability

in height growth at the age of 8 years. As variables

are added during the model run there is continuous

reappraisal of the existing set of included variables.

If, in the light of the most recently added variable, an

included variable no longer satisfies the retention

criteria, it is deleted from the model (MacNally,

2000). The retention criterion of variables in the

model runs was set on a probability value (p) of

below 0.05. The coefficient of determination (R2)

was used to express the model’s fit.

Multicollinearity among the explanatory variables

(Xs) means that causal Xs may be lost from ultimate

models because other, non-causal Xs are correlated

with those causal variables and may be retained in

models at their expense. To guard against the

negative effect that multicollinearity has on the

stability of regression coefficients and significance

levels (MacNally, 2000), variance inflation (Vif) was

calculated to indicate the rate of multicollinearity.

Variables were taken out of the modelling process

if their Vif score exceeded 30, which is a common

threshold to test for multicollinearity (O’Brien,


Model spatialization

To identify suitable seed material for plantation sites,

Arcmap’s grid calculator (ESRI, 2006) was used to

project spatially the developed multiple linear regres-

sion equation for each variety and ecotype. Height

growth of the respective variety and ecotypes is

calculated for each grid in the study area based on

the values of the environmental variables in those

grids. The equations have the general form:

pht8�b0�b1xi1�b2xi2� � � �bnxin for

i�1; 2; � � � n

where pht8�predicted average height performance

at age 8, b0�intercept, b1�Pearson’s correlation

coefficient with the dependant of first environmental

variable, xi1�value of first environmental variable

[. . .], bn�Pearson’s correlation coefficient with the

dependant of nth environmental variable, and xin�

value of nth environmental variable.

Current and future climate projections

The study area for which the site growth prediction

models were developed was restricted to the envir-

onments that resemble the actual environmental

niche in which the provenance trials are established.

This avoids an extrapolation of the regression func-

tions to environments where no empirical informa-

tion was available and impedes the prediction of

unrealistic and impossible height growths. A mask

grid was calculated that comprises only the study

area that has a similar bioclimatic set-up to the

climatic niche in which the trials were established.

The mask used the minimum and maximum values

of the 19 BIOCLIM variables at the trial sites. All

model operations use this mask as a template for

their predictions. By substituting the climate grids

for current conditions with climate grids for the

486 C. Leibing et al.

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future, the impact of climate change on the height

performance of the plantings by 2020 under the

emission scenarios A2a and B2a was inferred. Four

4th assessment GCM runs from the Canadian

Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis

(CCCMA), Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial

Research Organization (CSIRO), Hadley Centre

Coupled Climate Model (HADCM) and National

Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) models

were used for the future climate.

To compare height growth of the three taxa under

current climate and future climate by 2020, inde-

pendent t tests were carried with the predicted values

at the field trials.

To address variation in projected climate brought

about by GCM model uncertainty, the standard

deviation of height growth for each variety and

ecotype under the four GCM model projections

was calculated.

To see whether an adapted planting decision

results in a significant improvement in height

growth, an independent t test was carried out. The

height growth of the three taxa under current and

future climate by 2020 was calculated and changes

in performance for the best seed choice under

current and future climate conditions were tested

for their significance.


Model selection and performance

Based on the results of the cross-validation, the most

robust model types to predict height growth were

selected (Table II). The Linear model type is the

most confident model type to predict height growth

of P. patula var. patula and the P. tecunumanii lowland

ecotype. The Mixed model type proved to be the

Figure 1. Linear, centred and centred-squared response of Pinus tecunumanii high-elevation subpopulation trial’s height growth to annual

mean temperature. A regression line is drawn through the points. For each plot the coefficient of determination R2 and according regression

equation are given. The sample size n for all three plots is 45.

Tropical pine plantations and climate change 487

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most successful in predicting height growth of the

P. tecunumanii highland ecotype.

In none of the three model types could a regres-

sion equation be developed that significantly pre-

dicted 8-year-old height growth of P. patula var.

longipedunculata; coefficient of determination scores

(R2) were 0.22 or lower. Therefore, no site growth

predictions were made for this variety. The multiple

regression equations for P. patula var. patula, the

P. tecunumanii highland and lowland ecotypes

yielded R2 scores of 0.61, 0.62 and 0.56, respectively

(and p values of B 0.001, B 0.001 and 0.008,

respectively). Variance inflation scores for the three

developed models ranged from 5 to 26. The equa-

tions are as follows:

Predicted height of the P. tecunumanii highland

ecotype at age 8�(�9.3600)�0.0617* Cation-

exchange capacity of topsoil �0.1399* Mean diur-

nal temperature range �0.0502* Annual mean

temperature �0.0545* Precipitation seasonality.


Predicted height of P. patula var. patula at age

8�(�19.0058)�0.0046* Annual precipitation�

0.2054* Mean diurnal temperature range.

Expected impact of climate change on wood productivity

and seed material choice

Under current climate P. tecunumanii low-elevation

provenances are predicted to exhibit a superior

growth performance in the majority of the study

area (Figure 2). In Colombia high-elevation prove-

nances of P. tecunumanii outperform the other two

seed choices at altitudes above 1800 m. In southern

Brazil, in the near-coastal areas of the southern

Brazilian states of Santa Catarina, Parana, Sao Paula

and Rio de Janeiro, the high-elevation seed sources

of P. tecunumanii show best height growth. Pimus

patula var. patula is predicted to reach competitive

growth rates in the interior of Brazil and South

Africa and is able to surpass the fast growing

provenances from the low and high-elevation popu-

lations of P. tecunumanii.

In the overall study area 8-year-old height growth

in all three countries is predicted not to change

significantly by 2020 (t test, n�94, m�49, p�

0.4152). Still, the models predict that in 7.3% of

the study area the choice of seed material today

should be changed to adapt plantation forestry

adequately by 2020.

In Colombia 9.3% of the study area is subject to

change, while in South Africa 8.6% and in Brazil

7.4% of the study area is subject to change. Height

growth in year 8 is predicted to decline by 0.39 m if

seed material is not changed. In those areas height at

8-year-old plantations is predicted to be diminished

by 0.39 m if seed material is not changed. A change

to the superior choice between the three species/

subspecies under future climate will significantly

improve this situation by minimizing height loss

at year 8 to only �0.04 m (t test, n�14, m�14,


In 95% of cases the new best choice of seed

material is from provenances of the P. tecunumanii

low ecotype. In Colombia, for example, the area

where P. tecunumanii lowland ecotypes is predicted to

perform best by 2020 moves 80 m higher in altitude.

The height of the P. tecunumanii low ecotype is

predicted to increase by 0.28 cm in 8-year-old

plantings by 2020. Provenances from high-elevation

seed sources are predicted to be most seriously

affected by climate, reducing their average height

growth by 1.16 m. Pinus patula var. patula exhibits

comparatively stable growth responses to the envir-

onmental changes, losing an average of only 0.14 m

in the study area (Table III).

Uncertainty in climate change projections

The standard deviation (s) of the predicted mean

mapped values calculated for the four GCMs serves

as an additional indicator for the variability between

GCM predictions (Table III). s and therefore un-

certainty of the GCM projections is highest for the

site quality model of P. tecunumanii low-elevation

population. s values for the studied ecotypes and

variety range from 0.25 to 0.4. The evaluation of

uncertainty in climate change projections should also

take into account the spatial variability in uncertainty.

s between GCM projections calculated for Brazil,

Colombia and South Africa independently shows a

homogeneous s of 0.32 for each country.


Demand for wood from planted forests is expected to

increase in the coming decades (Carle & Holmgren,

Table II. Summary table of cross-validation R2 scores for the

relation between observed and predicted height of test set trials.

Linear R2 Squared R2 Mixed R2

High 0.096 0.201 0.337

Low 0.512 0.001 0.073

Varpat 0.832 0.812 0.38

Note: The cross-validation results are given for the three modelled

genotypes High (Pinus tecunumanii high-elevation population),

Low (Pinus tecunumanii low-elevation population) and Varpat

(Pinus patula var. patula).

488 C. Leibing et al.

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Figure 2. Map of optimal seed choice under current conditions and areas where the optimal planting decision is predicted to change by

2020. The results are based on the average of the results of four general circulation models.

Tropical pine plantations and climate change 489

Downloaded By: [North Carolina State University] At: 14:50 13 September 2010

2008), while significant wood losses are expected if no

appropriate action is undertaken to adapt plantation

forestry to climate change (Fairbanks, 1999; Spittle-

house & Stewart, 2003; Kremer, 2007). The impor-

tance of selecting appropriate plantation seed

material in the face of climate change has been

pointed out by Persson (1998) for Pinus sylvestris in

temperate and boreal plantation forestry. Optimal

niches of P. sylvestris provenances’ height growth are

predicted to shift considerably during the next

90 years (Rehfeldt et al., 2002). Fairbanks (1999)

points out that especially in P. patula and Pinus radiata

plantations in South Africa a great loss of productivity

will occur unless different seed sources are selected

that are appropriate for future climate conditions.

Through height growth models coupled with future

climate scenarios the present report has shown that

for 7�10% of areas in the study a change in the most

suitable variety or subspecies will occur by 2020 (less

than one production cycle away from the present).

Model performance

The developed site quality models for the two

P. tecunumanii ecotypes and P. patula var. patula

were significant; in particular, the goodness to fit

(R2adj.) of the model for the P. tecunumanii lowland

ecotype was excellent. No problems are expected in

the extrapolation of the model predictions to the

whole of study area because this area is within the

climate ranges where the field trials are established

and cross-validation for all three selected models

was significant. The selected model for P. patula var.

patula can be considered very robust since the cross-

validation resulted in a high coefficient of determi-

nation. The model for the P. tecunumanii lowland

ecotype was still fairly robust according to the cross-

validation and the height growth model predictions

also coincided with indicated elevations for optimal

growth of this ecotype. Cross-validation of the

model for the P. tecunumanii highland ecotype

resulted in a moderate but still significant coefficient

of determination.

In Colombia under current climate conditions a

distinct altitude range can be identified at which the

height growth of P. tecunumanii highland ecotype

surpasses the P. tecunumanii lowland ecotype growth

performance. This threshold ranges from 1300 to

1700 m, coinciding with the altitude that separates

the two subpopulations inside their natural distribu-

tion range in Honduras (Dvorak et al., 2000). This

demonstrates that both ecotypes are best adapted to

divergent environments that in each case resemble

their respective native niche. This underlines two

facts: first, provenances are indeed adapted to their

specific environmental conditions; and secondly, it is

important to conserve a wide range of seed sources

to sustain the value of diversity for plantation

forestry in heterogeneous environments and in the

face of a changing climate.

For P. patula var. longipedunculata no significant

site quality model could be developed. From the four

different taxa studied, the least amount of data was

available for P. patula var. longipedunculata. To

improve the prediction of the impact of climate

change on height growth for this variety it is

recommended to include height data from more

field trials established over a wider climate range

than could be accessed here.

Impact of climate change on wood productivity and

choice of seed material

In general terms no significant changes are predicted

by 2020 across the whole study area, but some

specific areas important for wood productivity do

show significant changes. At these sites a change in

seed choice has been shown to adapt the existing

planted forests with great effectiveness. Two trials in

Santa Tereza, Brazil, for instance were established

Table III. Map mean values of predicted height growth at the age of 8 years (pht8) for the entire study area.


pht8 (m) Current ^ A2a ^ B2a ^ A2a ^ B2a ^ A2a ^ B2a ^ A2a ^ B2a Mean ^ SD

High 11.7 �0.88 �0.79 �1.04 �1.24 �1.30 �1.17 �1.39 �1.45 �1.16 0.25

Low 14.83 �0.39 �0.24 0.48 0.43 0.50 0.51 0.53 0.43 0.28 0.4

Varpat 11.63 �0.56 �0.51 0.05 0.11 0.08 0.08 �0.17 �0.23 �0.14 0.29

Note: The table shows map mean values for growth prediction models dependent on underlying general circulation model (GCM) and

emission scenario*different outcomes of the regression models based on the results of four GCMs: Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling

and Analysis (CCCMA), Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Hadley Centre Coupled Climate Model

(HADCM) and National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), for two emission scenarios each. The predicted height growth

performance under current climate conditions is compared with the anticipated future height growth performance in 2020. Predictions are

given for the three modelled genotypes High (Pinus tecunumanii high-elevation population), Low (Pinus tecunumanii low-elevation

population) and Varpat (Pinus patula var. patula).

490 C. Leibing et al.

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using seeds from high-elevation populations of

P. tecunumanii. Observed and predicted heights on

this site differ by just 0.05 m. The regression model

predicts that on this site low-elevation seed sources

would yield the same height growth under current

climate conditions. Height growth predictions for

the 2020 projections suggest that provenances from

the low-elevation population of P. tecunumanii will

reach 13.7 m in height at 8 years, while the high-

elevation population will reach only 12.09 m. This is

a significant difference and should be an important

criterion used today in selecting seed material for

this site.

Pinus tecunumanii lowland ecotype is expected to

be the most suitable seed material to plant for the

next rotation because of its promising performance

under rather hot and wet climates. On sites in South

Africa where P. patula var. patula is planted, seed

material from P. tecunumanii lowland provenances is

either already more suitable or will become more

suitable by 2020 (Figure 2).

This analysis concentrated on 2020 climates in

order to capture the climate during rotations being

planted today. However, the impacts of climate

change are expected to become more drastic in the

second half of the twenty-first century. The results of

this analysis could form the basis for exploring the

longer term future of plantation forestry in tropical

sites, and evaluate what seed materials are necessary

to sustain plantation forestry in Colombia, Brazil

and South Africa.

Implications for the conservation of genetic resources

In most plantation areas of Colombia, Brazil and

South Africa, seed material of P. tecunumanii lowland

ecotypes appears to be the best seed choice for wood

productivity under the current climate and becomes

even more important in the next two decades.

However, the analysis also shows the value of

diversity, at both the genetic and the species level.

Unfortunately, the lowland ecotypes of P. tecunumanii

in the wild are most threatened by predicted climate

change (van Zonneveld et al., 2009a). This coincides

with studies about the impact of climate change on

the natural distribution of other tropical pines that

demonstrate that lowland provenances will be most

negatively affected by climate change (Saenz-Romero

et al., 2006; van Zonneveld et al., 2009b). Appro-

priate action needs to be taken to conserve these

valuable genetic resources. Saenz-Romero et al.

(2006) propose seed transfer of lowland P. oocarpa

provenances in the wild to higher altitudes in the

natural distribution of this species. Another possibi-

lity is conservation outside its natural distribution

ranges in climate-proofed conservation parks (van

Zonneveld et al., 2009a). CAMCORE members are

currently establishing conservation parks to protect

provenances of economically important tree species

(CAMCORE, 2009). Further studies could broaden

the analysis to look at other factors, and link with

economic models to evaluate the true cost of adapta-

tion of plantation forestry and support management


Evaluation criteria for tree performance

The site quality models in this study only incorpo-

rate height growth to assess the quality of the sites.

This is one of the most important commercial

characteristics, but other criteria are also important

when evaluating the potential of different prove-

nances. These include stem form, aberrant growth

appearances, disease tolerance, resin content and

branching or rooting characteristics. Of particular

importance is the issue of frequent stem breakage,

which is frequently observed in P. tecunumanii

plantations, where on the worst sites 30�40% of

the trees are affected. The propensity for the main

stem to break in its upper crown is thought to be the

greatest limitation to using P. tecunumanii in the

tropics and subtropics (Dvorak et al., 2001a).

Disease tolerance is another critical characteristic

that eventually determines the value of the seed

material for future plantation projects. The success

of exotic tree species has generally been attributed

to effective species�site matching and their freedom

from insect pests and diseases in tropical planta-

tions. There is now the fear that climate change

will induce catastrophic outbreaks of pests and

diseases in native and exotic forest plantations. The

consideration of biotic risk factors could greatly

improve the applicability of future site quality



In this study the need to change the currently used

seed material of P. patula and P. tecunumanii in the

existing plantation areas was evaluated to optimize

wood productivity in the face of climate change in

the next rotations. Overall, no significant changes in

wood productivity are predicted. Still, several for-

estry areas are substantially impacted. In those areas

a change to a better adapted seed material is

expected to sustain wood products under a changing

climate. Provenances of P. tecunumanii low-elevation

ecotypes are already important sources of seed

material and are predicted to be become an even

more important seed material by 2020 because of

their good performance under the warmer and

wetter climate conditions predicted for the future.

Tropical pine plantations and climate change 491

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The models presented here form the basis for

developing site-specific decision support models

for selecting planting material under a dynamic



The corresponding author would like to express his

gratitude to the Ausgleichsstiftung Landwirtschaft

und Umwelt, whose financial support enabled

his thesis. We would further like to thank the

CAMCORE members in Brazil, Colombia and

South Africa for establishing, maintaining and mea-

suring the research field plantings of P. patula and

P. tecunumanii. We would like to thank William

Woodbridge, Camcore data manager, for his assis-

tance in preparing the large data sets for analysis and

for providing support and updates throughout the

course of the study. We thank Arjan de Bruijn for his

valuable advice in the development of the site quality

models and appreciate the valuable comments of two

anonymous reviewers. Finally, we would like to

thank Julian Ramirez Villegas, Edward Guevara

and James Garcia from the agro-ecosystems resi-

lience office in CIAT for their help and advice on the

computation and implementation of the regression



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Forests 2013, 4, 155-178; doi:10.3390/f4010155


ISSN 1999-4907


Selection of Provenances to Adapt Tropical Pine Forestry to

Climate Change on the Basis of Climate Analogs

Christoph Leibing 1,*, Johannes Signer

2, Maarten van Zonneveld

3,4, Andrew Jarvis

2 and

William Dvorak 5

1 Centre for Wood Science and Technology, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 2 International Centre of Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Cali, Colombia;

E-Mails: (J.S.); (A.J.) 3 Bioversity International, Americas Office, Cali, Colombia; E-Mail: 4 Ghent University, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, Belgium 5 International Tree Breeding and Conservation Program (Camcore), North Carolina State University,

Raleigh, NC, USA; E-Mail:

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:;

Tel.: +421-915-394396; Fax: +421-232-782111.

Received: 14 August 2012; in revised form: 20 February 2013 / Accepted: 25 February 2013 /

Published: 20 March 2013

Abstract: Pinus patula and Pinus tecunumanii play an important role in the forestry sector

in the tropics and subtropics and, in recent decades, members of the International Tree

Breeding and Conservation Program (Camcore) at North Carolina State University have

established large, multi-site provenance trials for these pine species. The data collected in

these trials provide valuable information about species and provenance choice for plantation

establishment in many regions with different climates. Since climate is changing rapidly, it

may become increasingly difficult to choose the right species and provenance to plant. In this

study, growth performance of plantings in Colombia, Brazil and South Africa was correlated

to the degree of climatic dissimilarity between planting sites. Results are used to assess the

suitability of seed material under a changing climate for four P. patula provenances and six

P. tecunumanii provenances. For each provenance, climate dissimilarities based on

standardized Euclidean distances were calculated and statistically related to growth

performances. We evaluated the two methods of quantifying climate dissimilarity with

extensive field data based on the goodness of fit and statistical significance of the climate

distance relation to differences in height growth. The best method was then used as a

predictor of a provenance change in height growth. The provenance-specific models were


Forests 2013, 4 156

used to predict provenance performance under different climate change scenarios. The

developed provenance-specific models were able to significantly relate climate similarity to

different growth performances for five out of six P. tecunumanii provenances. For P. patula

provenances, we did not find any correlation. Results point towards the importance of the

identification of sites with stable climates where high yields are achievable. In such sites,

fast-growing P. tecunumanii provenances with a high but narrow growth optimum can be

planted. At sites with climate change of uncertain direction and magnitude, the choice of

P. patula provenances, with greater tolerance towards different temperature and

precipitation regimes, is recommended. Our results indicate that the analysis of provenance

trial data with climate similarity models helps us to (1) maintain plantation productivity in a

rapidly changing environment; and (2) improve our understanding of tree species’

adaptation to a changing climate.

Keywords: provenance trials; site quality modelling; management decision support tools;

climate similarity; growth prediction

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

Climate change, and the associated shifts and changes in temperature and precipitation patterns, are

likely to affect substantial areas of forest plantation production in the tropics and subtropics. Progressive

climate change may make the choice of which species and provenance to plant increasingly difficult.

Statistical models, as well as process- and ecophysiologically-based models, suggest a substantial loss of

production in plantation forestry, unless appropriate action is taken. It is common practice to choose seed

material which is climatically suited to the planting site. However, if climate change proceeds as

predicted [1], seed material that is well matched under the current climate will grow in sub-optimal

conditions within the production cycles of the upcoming decades [2]. Forest plantations will need to take

anticipated climate conditions into account in order to maintain productivity in future harvest cycles.

Therefore, seed material, adapted to the novel climate conditions, needs to be immediately identified and

selected [3,4]. Sustaining production by identifying the right seed sources for specific sites needs to

happen in a time where planted forests become increasingly important to meeting global wood demand

and potentially relieving pressure on natural forests in the face of growing demand and dwindling

supplies [5–7]. Furthermore, the potential of planted forests to sequester substantial amounts of carbon

constitutes an important cornerstone in global climate change mitigation strategies (e.g., [8,9]).

International multi-site provenance trials that measure growth performances of different seed sources

in a range of different climates, provide a wealth of information on the adaptive capacity of species

provenances that may facilitate selection of seed material for changing climate conditions. Camcore,

North Carolina State University (International Tree Breeding and Conservation Program) collected

seeds from 40 tropical and subtropical tree species in natural stands. In the last three decades, these seed

collections were used to establish more than 1000 ha of field trials [10]. Data from these trials, coupled

Forests 2013, 4 157

with high resolution climate data, provides useful information to predict how the growth of

economically important plantation tree species is affected by progressive climate change.

1.2. The Analogue Method

Climate analogs are a promising approach to assess differences in provenance performance and their

relation to climatic factors. A spatial climate analog in our context, where we want to know which

provenance to plant in future climates, draws insights from a location where knowledge on the

interaction of climate and tree growth exists and relates these insights to locations in other areas with a

similar climate. A temporal climate analog analyses knowledge on past interactions between climate and

growth performance to develop an understanding of the present day and make inferences about the

future [11,12]. The analog method can help to identify spatial and temporal analog sites to provide

insights into the vulnerability of crops or species to climate change, support field evaluation, and create a

network through which knowledge on well-adapted cultivars can be passed on. The analog method may

also prove to be a very useful tool in pointing decision makers in the forestry sector in the right

direction—to support a rational planting decision and sustain, or even improve, wood production in a

rapidly changing environment.

Calculating climate dissimilarities (identifying locations which resemble current climate conditions

that are expected to be encountered at another location in the future) for the purpose of providing

decision support in a changing environment has lately received a great deal of attention (e.g., [13–15]).

In the forestry sector, the concept of identifying similarities in climate to match forest seed material to

certain sites, in order to assist species selection, is a well-established approach (e.g., [16–18]).

1.3. Research Objectives

In this study, we assess the extent to which the climate analog method can provide concrete

recommendations to adapt planted forests to climate change through a better use of forest genetic

resources. We ascertain this question in a case study in which we test the ability of this approach to relate

climate dissimilarity to the trial’s growth performance. This approach lets us identify appropriate seed

material of P. patula and P. tecunumanii for degraded areas and established planted forests in Colombia,

Brazil and South Africa.

First, we evaluated with P. patula and P. tecunumanii provenance trial data, which, with two ways to

measure climate dissimilarity, correlates better with provenance height growth. Secondly, we show how

the analog method that resulted in dissimilarity measures that correlated better with height can be used to

identify well-adapted provenances for specific plantation sites. We use P. patula and P. tecunumanii as

model species to demonstrate the potential and the restrictions in the application of climate analogs to

support management plans to adapt existing and planned forest plantations with expected harvest times

around 2030 and 2050.

Forests 2013, 4 158

2. Experimental Section

2.1. Camcore’s International Provenance Trial Data

The comparison and validation of the two analog methodologies was based on height growth data

from ten provenances of P. patula and P. tecunumanii at age eight, measured at several test sites (ranging

from six to 22 sites depending on the provenance). The data were retrieved from a database of

153 geo-referenced provenance trials, established by CAMCORE members in Colombia, Brazil and

South Africa during 1981 and 1997 [10,19,20]. Coordinates were carefully checked following

Hijmans et al. [21] and are considered to be correct. All trials were measured for height [m], diameter at

breast height (dbh) [cm] and survival. Trial management, such as site preparation, spacing of trees, weed

control, thinning, and pruning was as similar as practical in the field.

2.2. Study Species’ Description

The two closed-cone pine species P. patula and P. tecunumanii are native to Mesoamerica. Both play

an important role as plantation species for the forestry sector in the tropics and subtropics, which is

typically lacking adequate resources of coniferous wood. Pinus patula is one of the most planted pine

species, with close to one million ha established in productive forest plantations [22]. Lesser amounts of

P. tecunumanii are used in plantations, but it is an important plantation species in Colombia and due to

its favorable growth characteristics and comparatively high resistance against pitch canker [23], the

species is gaining importance in Brazil and Southern Africa [24]. The natural distribution range of

Pinus patula extends from the mountainous regions of the state of Tamaulipas in Mexico’s East to

Veracruz in the country’s south. The species can be divided into the two varieties P. patula var. patula

and P. patula var. longipedunculata [24]. Individual provenances of P. patula contain seeds from both

varieties. P. tecunumanii natural distribution range extends from Chiapas, Mexico to Nicaragua. The

species can be divided into two ecotypes based on the altitude where they occur. A highland ecotype

(HE) is found in cloud forests at altitudes between 1500 and 2900 m.a.s.l., and a lowland ecotype (LE) of

P. tecunumanii occurs at altitudes between 450 and 1500 m.a.s.l. [25]. These ecotypes have also shown

to be genetically different in molecular marker analysis [26].

2.3. The Study Area

The study area is restricted to cultivated and degraded areas that are suitable for P. patula and

P. tecunumanii plantations. The area selected for this study comprises a topographic range from 51 m

below sea level to 3371 m of altitude and diverse climates that range from tropical conditions in the

Colombian highlands, where annual rainfall frequently exceeds 3000 mm, to the dry, subtropical

conditions characterized by cold and dry winters in subtemperate South Africa. The maximum annual

mean temperature there exceeds 20 °C, but temperature seasonality is more than 10 times as high as in

Colombia. In South Africa, in the coldest quarter of the year, the temperature drops below 0 °C. The

trials were planted by Camcore partners in parts of the northern tropical Andes in Colombia, and in

southern Brazil, where trials are established in the states of Minas Gerais, Epirito Santo, Parana and

Forests 2013, 4 159

Santa Catarina. Trial sites in South Africa are located in the country’s eastern escarpment from the

Eastern Cape Province to Mpumalanga Province.

A so-called mask was developed that only comprises areas which have a similar bioclimatic setup to

the climate in which trials, with high survival rates, were established. The study area is restricted to a

bioclimatic niche where the species exhibited a survival rate of at least 70% (Figure 1). This bioclimatic

niche was confined by maximum and minimum values of five variables derived from trial sites where

species exhibited high survival rates. The five variables used to confine the study area (annual mean

temperature, maximum mean temperature of the warmest and coldest month, annual precipitation, and

precipitation seasonality) are all known to be of physiological importance to the species [27,28]. The

masked area was further reduced by excluding all protected areas based on the World Database of

Protected Areas [29]. We used global land cover data to restrict the study area to agricultural crop, or

managed land [30–32]. In this way we avoid planting suggestions that would promote undesired

land-use changes such as of biodiversity-rich Colombian Andean, Brazilian Atlantic and South African

landscapes into planted forests.

Figure 1. Map of study area and location of Camcore’s provenance trials.

2.4. Climate Data

Current climate data, used to define sites with conditions with similar climatic conditions were

derived from the WorldClim database with interpolated climate data from 1960–1990 [33]. The

interpolated climate surfaces have a resolution of five arc-minutes which, at the equator, equals

approximately 85 km2. Variables from the database included in this study are monthly total precipitation,

monthly mean temperature, diurnal temperature range and 19 derived bioclimatic variables [34].

Forests 2013, 4 160

We use an ensemble of General Circulation Models (GCMs) to develop climate layers for 2030’s and

2050’s future climate (Table 1). We use three emission scenarios to account for uncertainties in

global socioeconomic developments (15 GCM for scenario A1b, 12 for A2 and 14 for B1). These

scenarios allow for variations in variables that are related to human population and economic growth and

the degree at which technological advances are developed, implemented and exchanged. The three

scenarios used in this study are taken from IPCCs 4th special report on Emission Scenarios [3] and

reflect the following:

1. a homogeneous world with rapid economic growth that relies on a balance of all energy sources

(emission scenario A1b);

2. a more divided world with focus on regionally oriented economic development and slower and

more fragmented technological changes (emission scenario A2);

3. an integrated world that is more ecologically friendly and emphasizes global solutions to achieve

economic, social and environmental stability (emission scenario B1) [3].

Table 1. List of 20 GCMs used to calculate of climatic dissimilarities for the year 2030

and 2050.

GCM Developed by Institute-/Model Name

BCCR-BCM 2.0 Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research University of Bergen, Norway


Centre Européen de Recherche et de

Formation Avancée en Calcul


Centre National de la Recherche


GFDL CM 2.0 and 2.1 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics LaboratoryNational Oceanic and Atmospheric


GISS Model ER and

AOM Goddard Institute for Space Studies

National Aeronautics and Space


IPSL CM 4 Institute Pierre Simon Laplace Centre National de la Recherche


MIUB ECHO-G Meteorologisches Institut der Universität

Bonn Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn

NCAR CCM 3.0 National Center for Atmospheric

Research Community Climate System Model


t46 and t63

Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling

and Analysis Meteorological Service of Canada

CSIRO Mk 3.0 and 3.5 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial

Research Organisation

Marine and Atmospheric Research


IAP FGOALS g1.0 Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences

MIROC 3.2 Hires and


Centre for Climate System Research,


Model for Interdisciplinary Research On


MPI ECHAM 5 Max Planck Institute for Meteorology European Centre Hamburg Model

UKMO HADCM 3 United Kingdom Meteorological Office Hadley Centre Climate Model

INM CM 3.0 Institute of Numerical Mathematics Russian Academy of Science

MRI CGCM 2.3 2a Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Coupled General Circulation Model

Forests 2013, 4 161

2.5. Data Preparation

For each pair of trials of the same provenance, climate distances were calculated for the current

climate and the expected climate in 2030 and 2050. We compared two methodologies using current

climate data to calculate dissimilarities. The method that provides the strongest relationship between

performance and climate distance was selected to project results into the future. Geographical

Information Systems (GIS) were used to import the gridded dataset from R to map model predictions for

forestry productions areas [35,36].

For six P. tecunumanii and four P. patula provenances, there was sufficient information available to

develop a model (Table 2).

Table 2. Provenances’ identification number, name, species, subpopulation, country of

origin and number of trials where it was evaluated.




Name Species



Country, State of


No of


1 Jocón P. tecunumanii low elevation Honduras, Yoro 9

2 Campamento P. tecunumanii low elevation Honduras, Olancho 7

3 Chempil P. tecunumanii high elevation Mexico, Chiapas 6

4 San Jerónimo P. tecunumanii high elevation Guatemala,

Baja Verapaz 9

5 Mountain Pine

Ridge P. tecunumanii low elevation Belize, Cayo 6

6 Sierra

Huayacocotla P. patula Patula Mexico, Veracruz 9

7 Potrero de Monroy P. patula Patula Mexico, Veracruz 22

8 Chanal P. tecunumanii high elevation Mexico, Chiapas 11

9 El Cielo P. patula Patula Mexico, Tamaulipas 7

10 Conrado Castillo P. patula Patula Mexico, Tamaulipas 14

2.6. The Analog Methods

The methods we use in this study were developed as part of a joint collaboration between the

Walker Institute at the University of Reading, the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT),

and the Climate Impacts Group at the University of Leeds. We compare two implementations that differ

in the way environmental parameters are used to compute climate similarities and evaluate which set of

climate similarity measures relate better to provenance growth performance. We termed the first

method CCAFS dissimilarity. The second method computes dissimilarities with stepwise selected

BIOCLIM variables.

2.6.1. CCAFS Dissimilarity, Hereafter Method A

CCAFS dissimilarity’s computation closely follows a metric that Williams [13] used to identify

climate states with no current analog and disappearance of extant climates. To describe similar climate

conditions, Williams [13] referred to four climate variables: mean surface air temperature and

Forests 2013, 4 162

precipitation from June to August and from December to February. The equation he uses calculates

Standard Euclidean Distances (SEDs) between a pair of sites [1]:


where is the value for climate variable under current climate and for future projected climate

at gridpoints and . is the standard deviation of the interannual variability under the current

climate [13].

The CCAFS dissimilarity method that was used in this study also computes Euclidean distances, but

uses monthly mean values of temperature, precipitation and diurnal temperature range to express climate

dissimilarities. Future and present climates are described as sequential temperature and precipitation

vectors [2]. Dissimilarity is then calculated as Euclidean distance between the variables’ vectors for

reference and target ( ) scenario:


where is diurnal temperature range, is temperature, is precipitation, is month, is

present and is future. The time lag searches across 12 months for minimum dissimilarities to capture

the fact that not all locations experience the same timing in seasonal variation [37]. The parameter can

be varied to perform a sensitivity analysis, but, in this study, the parameter was kept constant at 2 to

calculate standard Euclidean distances. This metric weighs temperature differences by the quotient of

the respective diurnal temperature ranges. The calculated value is termed dissimilarity—instead of a

similarity value—to conveniently follow the scaling of the CCAFS measure, where higher values

indicate a more dissimilar pair of sites.

2.6.2. CCAFS with Stepwise Selected BIOCLIM Variables, Hereafter Method B

For the second method, only climate variables are used for the computation of dissimilarities that are

significantly related to height growth. The stepwise regression used to identify these variables is a

common method in variable selection for site growth models [38–40]. All calculations were done in

R [35]. The retention criterion was set to be Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).

Some environmental variables predicted height growth best through a quadratic regression. To enable

the multiple linear regression model to account for these quadratic effects, the stepwise regression

picked from a pool of variables that contained the linear as well as the centered squared version of the 19

bioclimatic variables. The development of squared centered variables is a recommended method to

improve linear regression models in the presence of quadratic effects [41]. To guard against the negative

effects of multicollinearity on the stability of regression coefficients and significance levels [42],

variance inflation factors (Vif) were calculated. Variables were taken out of the modeling process if their

Vif-score exceeded 10, which is a common threshold to test for multicollinearity [43]. Regression

equations were tested using a five-fold cross-validation, and the mean square error for each multiple

linear regression function was denoted.

Forests 2013, 4 163

The climate variables found by the stepwise regression for each provenance were then used as input

variables to compute SEDs following the CCAFS method adapted to the variables selected via stepwise

regression [2].

2.7. Evaluating Dissimilarities in Climate as a Provenance Performance Indicator

We calculate dissimilarity values for each provenance and method for the gridded study area.

We use for each provenance the best performing site as a reference point for the grid calculation

(point A) because of the following reasons. (1) Practically, the forestry sector should be interested in

climate analogs in order to optimize performance at each location; and (2) We therefore hypothesize that

each provenance has an optimum climate for height growth and that height growth reduces when climate

varies drastically from the optimal climate. To test our hypothesis, we calculated 10 dissimilarity grids,

one for each provenance, and in each case used the coordinates of the most successful trial as a reference.

Climate dissimilarity values calculated for coordinates where remaining trials of the same provenance

were planted should be clearly related to differences in height growth. If our hypothesis is true, the

differences in height performance relative to the best trial should show a significant correlation with the

calculated dissimilarity value for each of the trials where the provenance was planted. The goodness of

fit of this correlation expresses how well the calculation of climate dissimilarities relates to provenance

performance (Figure 2). The linear regression example accounts for 93.6% of the variability in the

variable height growth (R2 = 0.936). The point marked A indicates the reference trial with top height

growth for which climate dissimilarities have been calculated. The point marked B indicates a trial

planted with seeds from the same provenance, in this case P. tecunumanii provenance Campamento, at

another location. This trial B exhibited 2.85 m less height growth as compared to the top trial (A) and is

found at a location associated with a climate dissimilarity value of 137 as compared to the climate found

at the location of the top trial.

Figure 2. Scatter plot exemplifying the linear correlation of climate dissimilarity and height

growth for one single provenance.

Forests 2013, 4 164

2.8. Spatialization of Results and Growth Predictions

The analog method that is found to provide climate dissimilarity values that most successfully relate

to provenance growth differences is used to predict provenances’ height growths under current and

future climate conditions. The evaluation was based on goodness of fit (R2) and statistical significance of

the relationship.

To estimate growth performances during the next two rotations, the study considers projected climate

conditions for the years 2030 and 2050 [44]. Three global socioeconomic development paths are

considered by running the analog tool for three SRES emission scenarios: A1b, A2, and B1 for each

GCM [45].

Climate dissimilarity was computed in two ASCII grids for every provenance (10 in total), time step

(current climate conditions, 2030s, 2050s) and for each GCM model. The first grid indicates which trial

is climatically most similar to a site of interest. The second grid calculates a dissimilarity value for this

site of interest and the trial indicated by the first grid. Each GCM yields a slightly different dissimilarity

value for a pair of sites. The first grid’s value can be directly linked to one certain Camcore trial

indicating a climatically most similar provenance and, with this, an expected height growth.

The projections of the dissimilarity values are all done with climate grids that have a spatial resolution of

five arc minutes.

The dissimilarity value from the second grid is used to further refine the result and to estimate height

growth of climatically most similar provenance in that specific grid cell. The provenance-specific

response functions developed for the analog methodology indicate how sensible the height growth of

specific provenances is to climate dissimilarities from their optimal climate (Figure 2). The slope of the

linear regression trend line serves as an estimator of this sensitivity. The steeper this slope the less

sensitive height growth of a specific provenance is to climate dissimilarities from their optimal climate.

Following the linear regression equation [3]:


where Y, the dependent variable, is the dissimilarity in climate from the reference trial, a the intercept

and b the slope.

By dividing the slope (b) of the provenance response function with the dissimilarity value (Y) of a

certain site, we compute the deviation from the height estimation brought about by climate dissimilarity

(x). This deviation subtracted from the height, measured at the climatically most similar trial, gives us

the minimum height a provenance is expected to yield at any site inside the study area.

Uncertainties in the simulations of future climate are addressed by comparing the outcomes of the

multiple model runs using the different GCMs (listed under Table 1) We assumed that analog

predictions are reliable across the climate models if at least 11 (more than two-thirds) of the individual

GCMs calculate the same trial to be the best climate analog for a site. In order to take spatial variability

in climate model uncertainty into account [46] uncertainties were individually calculated for Colombia,

Brazil and South Africa.

Forests 2013, 4 165

3. Results

3.1. Definition of Study Area

Trials exhibited a survival rate of at least 70% where mean annual temperature was between 12.4 and

24.6 °C, maximum temperature of warmest month does not exceed 33.1 °C and average minimum

temperature of the coldest month does not fall below 0 °C. Annual rainfall was in the range of 720 and

2666 mm and precipitation seasonality between 88 and 13. The cultivated and degraded areas comprised

in this climatic niche cover an area of 2.37 million km2. Of this area, 5.75% lies inside the administrative

boundaries of Colombia, 84.53% in Brazil, and 9.72% in South Africa, Lesotho, and Swaziland.

3.2. Comparison of Analog Methods in Their Ability to Predict Provenance Performance

The method that provided climate dissimilarity measures that best correlated with growth

performance was selected. Selection criteria included the average R2 of the climate dissimilarity growth

performance models by species and whether the provenance-specific relationships between climate

dissimilarity and growth performance were statistically significant. Models resulting from using climate

dissimilarity measures from method A yielded an average coefficient of determination of 0.68 for

P. tecunumanii provenances and an average coefficient of determination of 0.12 for P. patula

provenances. Models resulting from using climate dissimilarity measures from method B had a similar

average R2 value for P. tecunumanii provenances of 0.59 and P. patula provenances of 0.15 (Table 3).

Cross-validation of the method relying on stepwise selected climate variables yielded an average square

root residual error of 0.92 m corresponding to an error of 7.5% (mean height of 10 provenances equals

12.28 m) which is considered to fall inside an acceptable error margin. Climate dissimilarity measure

from both analog methods can thus be seen to relate equally well to growth differences. It has to be noted

that while the stepwise regression algorithm is still commonly used in the field of ecological modeling,

its advantages and shortcomings are a topic of recent debate among statisticians [40,47,48]. Since no

method is found to be clearly superior in terms of scored R2 values, method A resulted in a relationship

with a larger number of provenances. With respect to Pinus patula, only regression functions for the

provenance Sierra Huayacocotla (6) for standard method A and Conrado Castillo (10) for method B

were not significant at α 0.1 (Table 3). The values in the table indicate coefficient of determination

scores of the 10 regression function developed to validate the two methods. The level of significance is

coded according to the regression’s p-value: 0.001(***), 0.01(**), 0.05(*), 0.1(.), 1( ). All regressions

for P. tecunumanii developed using the standard CCAFS method, except Mountain Pine Ridge (ID 5),

are significant at the 0.1 level. Four out of five of these regressions are significant at the 0.01 level.

Forests 2013, 4 166

Table 3. Table summarizing the results of the analog method comparison.

Pinus tecunumanii provenances Pinus patula provenances

1 2 3 4 5 8 Average1

R2 6 7 9 10



CCAFS 0.79










** 0.68
















** 0.59





* 0.15

Figures 3 and 4 depict the 10 regressions developed for the CCAFS method and the BIOCLIM

method, respectively. They depict how well climate dissimilarity expresses differences in tree height

growth at age eight for each provenance. The provenance name is indicated above each plot. The dotted

line indicates the 5% confidence band for each linear regression. The number in each plot area indicates

the regression’s coefficient of determination.

Method A was found most useful in relating climate dissimilarities to differences in growth in a

selection of pine provenance performances and was chosen to generate spatial climate analogu and

project the generated grids of climate dissimilarity into the future.

Figure 3. Results of validation of CCAFS dissimilarity computation.

Forests 2013, 4 167

Figure 4. Results of validation of CCAFS dissimilarity with stepwise-selected

BIOCLIM variables.

3.3. Expected Impact of Climate Change on Wood Productivity and Choice of Seed Material

Under the current climate, the P. tecunumanii HE Chempil is predicted to increase growth

performance in 65.9% of the study area (Table 4). In the Colombian states of Valle del Cauca, Santander

and Huila, the seeds from the provenance Campamento, originating from Honduras, are predicted to

yield the highest growths rates. Campamento is also found to be the fastest-growing provenance when

planted in southern Brazil, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. In the near coastal areas of the central

Brazilian states Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, the P. tecunumanii LE provenances Jocón and San

Jeronimo show the best height growth (Figure 5).

Table 4. Table summarizing model results of best seed choices under current and future

climate conditions.

Current Climate Change by 2030 Change by 2050

Provenance Colombia Brazil South

AfricaColombia Brazil


AfricaColombia Brazil



Jocon ** 1.94 6.96 0.07 −1.19 −0.89 - −1.38 −0.67 -

Campamento *** 21.07 14.02 0.04 1.00 2.31 - 2.19 4.02 -

Chempil *** 74.61 69.08 58.23 0.16 −0.74 −2.23 −1.50 −2.16 −9.63

San Jeronimo . 1.57 7.41 10.50 −0.66 −0.01 3.08 −0.60 −0.62 4.45

Huay . - - - - - - - - -

Chanal ** 0.82 2.54 31.16 0.69 −0.67 −0.74 1.29 −0.58 5.29

Forests 2013, 4 168

Figure 5. Map of best seed choice and predicted height growth under current

climate conditions.

The population Chanal, originating from HE seed sources, are predicted to show favorable growth

rates in parts of Eastern Cape provenance and in the northern part of Natal and Zululand. A promising

seed source for Swaziland and Mpumalanga province of South Africa is San Jeronimo, from the state of

Baja Verapaz in central Guatemala. The best performing P. patula provenance according the climate

dissimilarity model is Sierra Huayacocotla originating from Veracruz, Mexico. The provenance was not

the best seed source for any portion of the geographic area considered. Nevertheless, as the second-best

planting alternative, seeds from Sierra Huayacocotla are of importance in 16.2% of the study area.

Climate change is predicted to significantly alter the choice of seed material by 2030 in 14.6% and by

2050 in 18.7% of the study area. In Colombia, the choice of seed material for harvesting between 2020

and 2050 should be changed in 21% of the study area to adapt adequately to these climates. In Brazil,

11.6 and in South Africa 23.3% of the study area is subject to change. By 2050, a change is predicted to

be necessary in 23.8% of the study area in Colombia of 17% in Brazil and of 27.8% in South Africa. In

Brazil and Colombia, seeds from Jocon slightly lose while seeds, especially from the provenance

Campamento, gain importance by 2030. In South Africa, the provenance Chanal is losing while Chempil

and San Jeronimo is gaining importance as most suitable seed material (Table 4). The numbers in

Table 4 indicate in what percentage of the study area the respective provenance was found to exhibit the

highest expected height growth under current climate. The table gives this information for sites in

Colombia, Brazil and South Africa separately. The values under column “Change by 2020” and “Change

by 2050” show the change brought about by climate change. These values are the average change

predicted to occur by the utilized three emission scenarios, a1b, a2, and b1. The symbols next to the

Forests 2013, 4 169

provenance names are used to depict the level of significance according to the regression’s p-value

0.001(***), 0.01(**), 0.05(*), 0.1(.), 1( ).

Selection of material adapted to climate change enables foresters to maintain yield levels. In none of

the three studied countries does change in expected height growth exceed 1%. The standard deviation of

height predictions, not denoted in Table 5, indicate that while yields are highest in Colombia, so is the

study area’s heterogeneity in terms of modeled height growth. The numbers in Table 5 indicate

expectable height growth (row 1) or change in height growth compared to current climate (row 2 and 3)

if seeds from provenances are planted that show best height growth according to the analog model

results. The level of significance according to the regression’s p-value range from 0.05 to 0.001.

Table 5. Estimated average height growth of the most suitable seed sources under current

climate and expected change by 2030 and 2050.

Colombia Brazil South Africa

current climate [m] 15.27 13.62 13.44

change by 2030 [Δm] −0.19 −0.07 −0.12

change by 2050 [Δm] −0.35 −0.04 0.02

3.4. Influence of Socioeconomic Scenarios on the Prediction’s Outcome

Differences in driving forces and emissions that underlie the projected climates for 2030 and 2050

lead to different predictions in 5.2% of the study areas. The predicted climate in year 2030 for the

different emission scenarios influences the planting decision in 5% of study area. Per country, these

differences make up 2.1, 5.2 and 12% in Colombia, Brazil and South Africa, respectively. By 2050 the

scenario influence on planting decisions more than doubles to 13% of the study area. By 2050, these

differences increase to 8.4% globally, or 6.1% in Colombia, 9% in Brazil, and 12.3% in South Africa.

Differences in the predictions based on the scenarios A1b and A2 are not significant.

3.5. Available Viable Seed Choices

An important aspect for foresters to select good planting material is not only the height a provenance

choice can be expected to grow under certain climates. Many other site factors such as soil

characteristics or pressures from biotic threats play an important role, as well. For example, P. patula

and P. tecunumanii do not grow well on poorly drained soils that remain moist. Because our approach

does not account for these site factors, we evaluated and here present the best three provenances

climatically suitable for a given site. These provenances should be further evaluated for pest resistance

or suitability in terms of non-climatic site effects (Figure 6).

The model runs indicate that planting sites in Colombia are most sensitive to the choice of

climatically well-matched seed material. Achievable yields are high but seeds should be well adapted to

local climate conditions. Expected differences in height growth from the first to second-best seed choice

are 4 m and 4.7 m from the 1st to 3rd choice. These differences are predicted to increase slightly until

2030. For sites in South Africa, the model runs predict that difference between the top three seed choices

are low with only 1.1 m from best to third choice. Brazil exhibits with 2.1 m an average difference in

expected height growth from first to third seed choice.

Forests 2013, 4 170

Figure 6. Spatial results of analog runs for projected climate conditions.

3.6. Uncertainty in Climate Change Projections

As an indicator of variability of the GCM prediction, a level of agreement between the climate

models is calculated. We consider a confident level of agreement between GCMs when for all six

provenances at least 11 of the 16 models predict the same trial to be climatically most similar to a certain

site. A single indicator, as a measure for climate model uncertainty was calculated for each country

separately. We summed up the individual level of agreement per provenance and the respective portion

of the study area where this level of agreement was found. Climate uncertainties are lowest in Colombia

and highest in Brazil. GCM agreement decreases from 2030 to 2050 in Colombia and Brazil by 2.1 and

2.4% respectively while in South Africa agreement increases slightly by 0.3%.

4. Discussion

Wood demand from planted forest increases rapidly [6,49] while at the same time plantations are

expected to yield significantly reduced harvestable amount of timber if no appropriate action is

undertaken to adapt plantation forestry to climate change [2,50]. The projected climate changes have the

potential to alter the distribution of optimal planting areas and seed choices for current cultivars of the

major tree crop species. Optimal niches of P. sylvestris provenances’ height growth in Eurasia and North

America are predicted to shift considerably during the next 90 years [51]. Also in P. patula and

P. radiata plantations in South Africa, a great loss of productivity is expected to occur unless different

seed sources are selected that are appropriate for future climate conditions [52].

Forests 2013, 4 171

4.1. Climate Dissimilarity as an Estimator for Provenance Performance

Our results show that analog tools that calculate climate dissimilarity measures serve as a useful

indicator to determine site–provenance–climate relationships in P. tecunumanii. The identification of

climatically similar environments, coupled with future climate scenarios, suggests a change in the most

suitable provenance for 11 to 23% of the study areas will occur by 2050. The outcomes of the evaluation

of climate dissimilarity as provenance performance indicator for P. patula, however, suggest that the

growth performance of this species is more robust to changes in the considered climate factors. This may

indicate, on the one hand, that P. patula is less sensitive to changes in climate, but it could also be due to

the fact that Camcore’s members planted P. patula in a climate range that is somewhat more confined

than the one occupied by P. tecunumanii trials.

The dissimilarity value calculated via the CCAFS method could best be related to height and diameter

growth of individual P. tecunumanii provenances. The analog methodology based on stepwise found

Bioclim variables performed similarly well, but the more robust method is believed to be the CCAFS

method (e.g., [47]). It does not only refrain from using the stepwise algorithm, but also accounts for

interannual and seasonal variations in climate, which are believed to play an important role in

influencing crops and tree growth [53–55].

Individual provenances’ growth performance related well to the calculated dissimilarity values

(e.g., provenance Jocón, Campamento, Chempil, and Chanal). For P. tecunumanii, the study suggests

that intra-specific variation and forest plantations’ growth rates can be related to the geographic origin of

the reproductive material [10,56].

Our analog models calculate statistical, mathematical similarity in climates for sites where successful

provenance trials were established and are not bound by the fact that a species in the wild may only

realize a fraction of its fundamental niche (e.g., [57]). Developing planting advice from the identification

of climate analog to successful trials from multisite provenance tests, avoids a major shortcoming of

similarity models that make predictions based on species’ natural distribution ranges. These models

neglect the incongruity of a species’ fundamental and realized niche, whereas the CCAFS analog

approach has the possibility to account for the full adaptive capacity of the tested species.

4.2. “Analogues’” Performance in Relation to Species’ Stability across Environments

A common approach in tree breeding for assessing a provenance’s stability across environments

regresses provenance and family means on the mean of the trial site [58]. The underlying thought is that

an unstable source would provide higher yields than the “climate safe” stable source. The breeder has to

decide if it is better to choose stable or unstable genetic entries for the tree improvement or

planting program [59]. A forester faces very much the same situation when selecting a seed source for

planting. In the context of climate change, the choice may very well turn in favor of the lower yielding

but more reliable source.

The box plot in Figure 7 shows measured height growth for P. tecunumanii low elevation

subpopulation (Low), P. tecunumanii high elevation subpopulation (High) and P. patula’s two varieties

var. patula (patula) and var. longipedunculata (longip). The upper and lower boundary of the box depict

the first and third quartiles, and the line indicates the maximum and minimum measured height. The

Forests 2013, 4 172

horizontal line inside the box indicates the height distribution’s median. Results from evaluating the

relation between climate dissimilarity to growth performance support the specialization hypothesis for

phenotypic plasticity (compare [60–62]). This hypothesis postulates that plants that are relatively

specialized to a particular environment should exhibit a relatively high magnitude of phenotypic

plasticity across a range of alternative environments, particular for characteristics that most closely

estimate fitness which, in our study, is height growth.

Figure 7. Box plot of mean height growth at age eight.

The findings (Figure 3 and Figure 4) indicate a relatively large degree of specialization of the

P. tecunumanii provenances to their natural environment which results in phenotypic instability as they

are introduced to new environments. The large standard deviation in P. tecunumanii (HE) growth may

partly be attributed to stem breakages common for this population [63]. The even larger standard

deviation present in the measurements for P. tecunumanii (LE), however, cannot be explained by this

defect alone (Figure 7). It could partly be the result of the degree of natural introgression with

P. oocarpa [26], but is more likely than not attributed to LE’s large degree of specialization to its

environment. Seed material from P. patula provenances growing in Mexico at elevations from 1490 to

2920 m, is likely to be adapted to a broader range of climate conditions than the narrowly distributed

P. tecunumanii, as temperature and precipitation patterns change along the elevation gradient. The

“analog” validation results suggest that P. patula provenances are rather tolerant to different climate

conditions and may be less specialized, or in other terms, less narrowly adapted to a particular climate

niche than P. tecunumanii’s LE. P. patula provenances exhibit a rather low degree of phenotypic

plasticity and do not react sensitively to changes in climate in terms of height growth. Different climates

evaluated with CCAFS’s analog method expressed through temperature, precipitation and diurnal

temperature vectors do not seem to trigger P. patula’s height or diameter growth (Figure 3).

P. patula’s insensitive reaction to a broad range of climates makes it especially valuable in an

unstable climate. In the face of great climate uncertainty, and the shortcomings of climate models to

reliably predict temperature and precipitation patterns one or two rotations from now, species and

provenances should be selected that are not overly sensitive to climate change. The response functions

Forests 2013, 4 173

(Figure 3) developed in this study enabled us to directly ascertain and compare different provenances’

climate sensitivity. Coupled with analog or comparable statistical models, provenance tests help to select

seed material well adapted to anticipated climate conditions and let us identify genotypes of proven

broad adaptability. These are especially valuable in areas where the comparison of GCMs and SRESes

indicate that the direction and magnitude of climate change is uncertain. Results such as these indicate

once more the enormous value of international trials in obtaining dissemination results of wide

application (e.g., [56,57]).

4.3. Implications for Plantation Forestry

A decision model for managing forests under climate uncertainty, and assessing management options

for intensively managed forests is necessary to prepare the forestry sector to the challenges of climate

change. Our results aim to facilitate part of this decision model for managing forest under rapid

environmental change and uncertainties. In view of expected climate instability, adaptability of forest

trees causes serious concern due to their long lifespan compared to the rapidity of expected changes in

environmental conditions [56,64,65]. Preliminary analysis indicates that concepts and contingency plans

for adapting forests are rarely included in national plans for adaptation [66]. The information on

climatically well-adapted seed sources and phenotypic plasticity of individual provenances generated in

this study may assist rational planting decisions in an uncertain environment (compare [4,9]).

The site quality models include important commercial characteristics like height and diameter

growth. Of particular importance when evaluating the potential of different provenances is also the issue

of frequent stem breakage. This is repeatedly observed in P. tecunumanii HE plantations where on the

worst sites 30%–40% of the trees are affected. The propensity for the main stem to break in its upper

crown due to a large number of branches produced per whorl and/or wind storms is thought to be the

greatest limitation to using P. tecunumanii in the tropics and subtropics [10]. Other important traits

greatly influencing the planting decision are species and provenance specific susceptibilities to fungi and

insects. Including biotic risk factors in the growth and site quality models by identifying environments

that favor relevant insects such as Pineus pini (woolly aphid), Cinara cronartii (black aphid) or fungi

such as Fusarium circinatum (pitch canker) could greatly improve the applicability of climate-driven

decision support models [10]. Results presented in this study provide a good starting point to assist a

rational planting decision. Similar climates and sites with well-matched provenances could be identified.

In a second step, suggestions can be adjusted to soil types or species-specific preferences in terms of

their non-climatic abiotic and biotic environment. Further elaborating the potential of the model to

simulate pitch canker-resistant hybrids such as P. patula x P. tecunumanii could be of great value for the

forest industry [67]. One could assume that the hybrid is intermediate between the parents in most traits

like frost and drought resistance.

Projection’s Uncertainties

There are several considerable uncertainties and a number of possible error sources such as the lack of

agreement between climate models [68] or low resolution of climate grids that might be too coarse for

case-specific decision support. Nevertheless, the models presented here form the basis for developing

site-specific decision support models for selecting planting material under a dynamic climate. In view of

Forests 2013, 4 174

the rapid increase of area covered with tree plantations from 264 Mio ha 2010 to more than 300 Mio ha

by 2020 [7] the analog tool may provide much-needed decision support for the forest sector in a time

where rapid climate change makes the choice of the right seed source increasingly difficult.

The dependence of climate projections on the chosen emission scenario is believed to be low, at least

up to the year 2035 [69]. There is no reason to believe that including CO2 fertilization effects would alter

results since there is no scientific evidence that intraspecific variation at the provenance level would

exhibit different physiological responses to altered concentrations of CO2. No problems are expected in

the extrapolation of the model predictions to the whole study area because the area is within the climate

ranges where the field trials are established.

5. Conclusions

In this study, Analogue, a statistical tool to quantify climate distances, was tested with growth data

from international provenance trials. After careful validation, the tool was used to evaluate the need to

change the currently used seed material of P. patula and P. tecunumanii provenances to optimize wood

productivity in the face of climate change in the next rotations. Correlation of climate dissimilarity with

differences in height growth per provenance allowed us to distinguish between seed sources that have

high height growth in a specific climate, like most P. tecunumanii provenances, and provenances that

have a more moderate height growth but that are adapted to a wide climate range, such as most tested

P. patula provenances. Although the climate analog may be particularly useful to identify suitable areas

for P. tecunumanii provenances, P. patula provenances may be more convenient to plant in a rapidly

changing environment because of their ability to adapt to a wide range of climates.

Competing Interests

The interpretation of data, presentation of results or the conclusions drawn are not influenced by any

of the authors’ personal or financial relationships.


The corresponding author would like to express his gratitude to the Decision and Policy Analysis

(Dapa) Team at CIAT, especially to Julian Ramirez Villegas whose support and technical advice was of

great help in elaborating the study’s methodology. We would further like to thank the Camcore members

in Brazil, Colombia and South Africa for establishing, maintaining and measuring the research field

plantings. We thank also William Woodbridge, Camcore data manager, for his assistance in preparing

the large data sets for this analysis. Our gratitude goes also to four anonymous reviewers. For their

constructive review, we would like to say thank you and believe that their detailed comments

significantly contributed to improving the quality of the publication. MJvZ thanks the CGIAR

consortium research programs CCAFS and Forest, Trees and Agroforestry for financial support.


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