silber bend diem 2

Post on 11-Apr-2017



Entertainment & Humor



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Diem Week 2

We’re back at Silver Bend with week 2. This challenge is working its magic. This is the

fourth chapter for Silver Bend, I’ve also posted two Arbor Watch chapters. And one Fabulares Animalia chapter, my final one! Anyways in

Silver Bend, Ambi and Thai are finally joining Pony in the new neighborhood.

I pulled my mind back to Silver Bend. All of Cas’ kids on their way. Now back to my own challenge. I couldn’t wait around anymore I had to choose a husband so I could continue

my legacy.

I jumped up at the sound of footsteps behind me.

“AMBI!” I screeched in shock. “Pony” Dang him, he grinned.

Questions bubbled out my mouth. “Where have you been? How did you get

here? What took you so long?” “Pony shush.”

I couldn’t believe it was him. He pulled me into a kiss. I guess I didn’t have to hunt

down a spouse.

“Pony, will you marry me?” “Ambi you idiot, of course!”

We married right there on the beach. Neither of us wanted to wait until morning. It is a

legacy after all. Nothing wrong with marrying right away.

“I still can’t believe you’re here.” I said as we cuddled.

“Yeah, me either.” he admitted, “thanks to your very determined friends.”

“I’ll have to thank them specially.”

We tried for try a baby with success. Another little Diem was on their way. Silver Bend’s

first natural born citizen.

The next morning I filled Ambi in on my plan for Silver Bend.

“I’m impressed with the progress you’ve made.”

“It’s not much, but things will get easier now that I have your help.”

“Well with the money I brought we can get the greenhouse finished.”

“Hurray, we’ll have food all winter.” I said with relief. I was worried about my crops

dying in the cold. Though there hasn’t been any sign of snow. My husband certainly wasn’t

cold running around in his shorts.

Ambi helped me in the garden. It was getting hard to manage by myself.

Ambi bought his own business, Ambian Sounds. He’s going sell radios and musicals

instruments. Not the most practical business right now. But we couldn’t resist a

play on words.

We had enough money to build a small shop. My pregnancy was already taking a heavy toll

on my energy. A dream date was all I needed before we started for the day.

We struggled to sell the four radios we manage to stock the store with. I guess that even the roof over our heads wasn’t enough to get people interested in buying our radios. Our business lost stars faster than we earned


Eventually we sold them all for a modest profit. Enough to put some tile on the

ground. Hopefully once we get everything painted we’ll do better.

I went to bed early. But Ambi stayed up late to teach Hanna to come here.

My baby popped as I relaxed on the beach. I’m so excited. I decided that the firstborn would be heir. It was the easiest way to go

about things.

We headed off to work once the garden was tended. Ambi was a little worried about me

working. But no way he was going to talk me out of it.

We went to my store today, Diem Digs. Ambi kindly did most of the digging for inventory.

Lucky he did too. He managed to find a treasure chest. A free $5,000 if we manage

to sell it.

I took a quick energizer break when Sandy Bruty gave Diem Digs rank 2.

We stayed just long enough to sell the chest. Joe here bought it. I guess that’s why

garden club members don’t have any money. They spent it all, not that I’m complaining.

Back home, I continued training the dogs. I hoped to teach them enough skills to get jobs. It was slow progress though. I keep

having to stop to take a nap.

I managed to teach Bane play dead before giving in and going to bed. Ambi joined me

shortly after. It was very nice to not be alone here in Silver Bend.

We were up before the dawn. Ambi spent his early morning digging in the green house.

Bane and I went back to bed. Pregnancy is exhausting.

Ambi did most of the gardening. He soon earned a membership to the hobby lot. I felt a little bad I wasn’t able to help him tend our


He even fixed the bathtub I broke last week bathing the dogs.

We went to Ambian Sounds today. We were able to finish the floor and wallpaper the

walls. Even add two new radios for inventory. Hopefully today will have more


Customers seemed more comfortable despite the lack of lighting. Ambi worked on his

sales pitch while I ran the register.

Success! We sold out in a few short hours and managed to get the store back up to

rank 0.

Ambi and I had a rather lazy afternoon. He worked with Bane on Roll Over. I wanted to make some friends outside the family so I

called around chatting to the townies.

Thursday morning the first of our crops were ready. Lots of tasty cucumbers to put in the


There was someone else ready to make their arrival.

“Ambi!” I screamed calling him from the greenhouse.

“Oh Boolprop!” He swore running into the house panicked.

“Relax, we’ve done this before.” I told him.

“Well, it’s been awhile.” Ambi retorted. “That it has.”

Soon our first child was born, our daughter Delilah, she had Ambi’s blue eyes and red


“Hey there Delilah.” Ambi told our daughter. “She has your eyes dear.” I told him.

“She’s so cute.”

I settled Delilah in her crib. “Here Ambi.” I said handing him a box.

“What’s that?” He asked. “All the things I’ve been digging up. Someone’s got to go to the stores. Delilah’s too young to stay here by herself. And

we can’t have a nanny yet.” “So I guess that I’m going.”

“Yep. I just gave birth, I’m going to take a nap.”

I felt a little bad sending him to work by himself. But he did well enough, selling

almost the entire inventory.

I did some of my fair share. I spent the day working with the dogs. Bane got a bath and

Hanna was trained to play dead.

The dogs weren’t getting any younger. I had them breed. I just can’t resist puppies.

Ambi was up during the night with Delilah. They’re so sweet together. She was a bit of a

daddy’s girl.

We definitely need to expand the house soon. I don’t like the thought of taking our children

out in the cold.

The rest of the harvest was finally ready when the sun rose. With Delilah safely

asleep in her crib I was able to help Ambi with the harvest. Plenty of yummy tomatoes

and strawberries to tide us over until a grocery store is started.

Ambi stored all the harvest in the fridge. I had much less to worry about. Growing three types of crops definitely helped the

food stores. We wouldn’t have to buy food or a new fridge for awhile.

Spring was here at last. The snow thawed away and warm breezes came off the ocean. Ambi and I had a little date before he left for

the store.

We were trying to improve Ambian Sounds and Diem Digs bit by bit. Ambi added a

jukebox for sale and some lighting to brighten the store.

Ambi’s sales pitch continued to improve. I think the lights help quite a bit too.

Ambi sold out in no time. Ambian Sounds was getting better and better. Though it was

still rank 0.

Once home Ambi dug around in the yard for awhile. We’re both trying to dig at least a

couple times a day for Diem Digs.

Darkness fell and it was time for Delilah’s birthday.

Delilah grew up! She definitely had my nose and Ambi’s face shape. An interesting mix, but she’ll get cute in time. I love her bright

red hair. She had a bit of a mean streak, though. One nice point compared to my

seven or her dad’s three.

We fed her smart milk and rushed her to the potty chair. She had no problems knowing

what to do. That’s my girl!

Ambi was determined to teach Delilah to walk that very first night. With the smart milk

boost it didn’t take very long at all.

After learning to walk, Delilah made a beeline for her bunny head. The only toy we managed to get her. Though the Charisma

skill is a good one to start early.

“Ambi I want another baby.” I said watching my daughter play.

“Me too.” He laughed nervously. Both our LTWs were graduate three kids from

college. Which was probably not possible. But we could have three kids at least.

Ambi finished up Delilah’s potty training the wee hours of the morning. We wiggled out of

changing diapers pretty fast.

“Come on Delilah say Momma.” I begged. “No!” She whined.

Well she learned one word very well.

I decided to take a little break and head to my store for a little while. Delilah needed a nap and Ambi would probably appreciate not

being the only one working at the shops.

Ambi and I had gathered quite a bit of stuff in our diggings.

I made some small improvements to the store. I put all the permanent stock items on a shelf and put up another wall. One day the

store would be fully enclosed.

I wouldn’t be able to work without the energizer. Being pregnant again certainly

made me dependent on the thing. At least I wouldn’t lose more points by needing


Customers came through like a tornado. Buying left and right. It was a little tricky to work the

register and the sales floor.

I closed up shop just one star short of rank 3. All stock sold. I quickly restocked the store

so I could go home.

I managed to dig up another treasure chest before heading home. I decided to go ahead and sell it via buy mode instead of waiting. It’s Reno Day and every little bit of money


I scooped up Delilah from her crib and brought outside so I could concentrate on

upgrading the house.

This is what the house currently looks like. The bathroom and bedroom all smooshed

together with no room for the kitchen.

We only had about $9,000 to work with after paying our daily taxes. It was enough to

finish enclosing the garage.

Our one room wonder was now three rooms. One completely finished and two works in

progress. Not perfect but at least everything was now inside. The stairs went up into

nowhere at the moment. That would be next week’s project.

I added more rows to the garden. Now we’ll be able to plant all types of crops. I look

forward to putting in fruit trees next week.

“What do ya’ think baby girl? Did Momma do a good job?” I asked my daughter.

“Momma, Momma.” She cooed.

Delilah seemed willing to learn to talk now. So we sat in the sunshine and finished that

skill up.

I traded our grill for a real stove. It was time to branch out our meals from hot dogs and sandwiches. I made spaghetti for our first

real dinner.

Not even our first night in the new house and Jessica is up to no good.

She took all the paintings and plants out of the entryway. Dang her. We don’t have

enough money to replace them.

And of course he runs right by her…

And she runs off into the night.

I couldn’t stay irritated for long, my second child made itself known in the middle of the


Delilah was awake the whole time. But thankfully out of the way playing in the


Hanna give birth to a single puppy. A little boy named Courage.

I do hope that he inherits Hanna’s two different colored eyes. They’re so cute


So adorable. Sorry I couldn’t resist more puppy spam.

I couldn’t leave out some toddler spam. Real life Hanna wouldn’t let herself get

manhandled by children like this. She thinks kids are scary.

Shortly before midnight, I left my family in their beds and went down to the beach.

Another week had gone by.

I sat down in the waves, watching the tide. It had been a wonderful week. Thai and

Steve had returned Ambi to me. We had our first child and heir to the legacy. With a

spare on the way. Speaking of legacies I wonder how the Pokémon's were muddling



.5 Founder point

.5 2nd Gen


No current points

Family Friends

No current points

Impossible wants

No current points

Platinum Graves

No current points


No current points


No current points

Family Breed

.5 Pet created in CAS

.25 Mate created in CAS


No current points

Bon voyage

No current points

Free Time

No current points


No current points


No current points


No current points


No current points


-3 Maxmotives

-1 Spouse made in CAS

Rotation: Week 2 Households: 1 of 2 Playable Sims: 4 # Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 4 Community Lots: 2 Business Districts: 0 Universities: 0 Downtown: No SM: 2 Population: 8

CAS Available: 0 University Funds: $3,190 (10% taken of available funds taken dailies) # of Fires: 0 # of Burglaries: 1 # of Electrocutions: 0 # of Graves: 0

Businesses: Diem Digs – Pony Diem – 2 Ambian Sounds – Ambi Diem - 0 Careers:

That’s all for this chapter folks. I’m playing Thai’s week after this, then I’ll go check on Laguna Isle. The NEW Pokémon Legacy family

and Herbal Medicine family is there. I think I have enough pictures to update for Herbal Challenge. And a half of a

chapter of the Pokémon legacy. I’ll hopefully get those chapters

up soon. Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for more updates

to come!

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