suchi main

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  • 8/13/2019 Suchi Main


    Chapter: 1


    A lease is an agreement allowing one party to use anothers property,

    plant,or equipment for a stated period of time in exchange for onsideration.

    Leases hae !ecome more prealent as !usinesses and consumers loo" foralternaties to finance the acquisition of fixed assets. A lease agreement

    inoles at least two parties # a lessor $such as a !an"#, who owns the

    property, and a lessee, who uses the property. %he lessor, essentially a

    creditor in the transaction, is repaid from a com!ination of lease or rental

    payments, tax !enefits, and proceeds from the sale or re&lease of the property

    at the end of the lease term.Although leasing is often thought of as a modern

    day financing technique,

    indications are that leasing transactions too" place around '((( ).C., when

    *umerian farmers leased tools from temple priests. %he !asics of leasing

    hae changed little since that time. +er the years, the strength of the leasing

    industry has !een its resiliency and its a!ility to ma"e the most of the

    changing !usiness enironment.Leasing is the most widely used method of

    personal property financing in the nited *tates today. -or !an" lessors,

    leasing is another competitie product

    that can satisfy the needs of !an" customers leases may !e safer than other

    !an" products !ecause the transactions are secured and leases are generally

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    more profita!le than commercial loans !ecause of adantages inherent in

    their structure, such as tax !enefits.


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    We have prepared the report for some definite purposes. Those purposes are photographed beneath as,

    To find out the leasing policies of United Leasing Company (ULC),

    To evaluate the performance of United Leasing Company (ULC),

    To give focus of their current cost of fund and focus on reduction of cost of fund

    To develop any alternate source of funding

    To recommend specific measures in order to improve leasing strategies of ULC by analyzing the Strength,

    Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT)

    To highlight on the products that can take them on the driving seat in the competition with banks and other

    financial institutions

    METHODOLOGY Tabulation system to describe corporate information, different products and features of the company

    Ordinal level of measurement

    Graphs- to show the companys ratio analysis


    Lack of information due to the policy of the company of keeping all the information confidential,

    Inadequate knowledge on contemporary leasing terms of the companys business representatives.

    Insufficient time due to the congested corporate schedule and exam schedule,

    Lack of knowledge about the real life leasing business,

    Insufficient published information and reluctance about providing those by the company.

  • 8/13/2019 Suchi Main



    Lease Financing:

    Lease financing is a very common financing solution for businesses that need to acquire equipment.

    Repayments are spread over several months and are tax deductible. Lease financing is very simple,

    especially with CLE Leasing (ee the steps on our!"R CL#E$% page.& %he purchaser chooses the

    equipment and the vendor, and fills out a one'page credit application form. follow'up is conducted within

    )* hours, and a final decision is issued shortly thereafter.

    %here are five main advantages+

    . simple and quic- financing application and approval process

    ). /rotection of your wor-ing capital (monthly rentals are much lower than the total cost of the

    equipment, and your line of credit remains intact&

    0. 1our borrowing capacity from ban-s is preserved and can be used for financing that only them can


    *. 1our monthly rentals are tax deductible

    2. ales taxes do not apply when acquiring equipment.

    Lease is a contract !etween the owner and the user of assets for a certain

    time period during which the second party uses an asset in exchange of

    ma"ing periodic rental payments to the first party without purchasing it.

    nder lease financing, the lessee regularly pays the fixed lease rent oer a

    period of time at the !eginning or at the end of a month, / months, 0 monthsor a year. At the end of the lease contract the asset reerts to the real owner.

    oweer, in case of long&term lease contracts, the lessee is generally gien

    the option to !uy the leased asset or renew the lease contract. %he three

    ma2or types of leases are the operating lease, financial3capital lease and the
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    direct financing lease. %he operating lease is a short&term lease contract

    where the lessor !ears all operating and repairing costs of the asset and the

    lessee pays periodic rental payments to the lessor, and where the lease is

    cancela!le, and there is no !argain purchase option. -inancial3capital lease is

    a long&term lease contract where the lessee !ears all operating, repairing and

    maintenance costs, and ma"es periodic rental payments to the lessor. %he

    lease is not cancela!le and the lessee has the option for !argain purchase or

    renewal of lease contract at the end of the original lease period. In a direct

    financing lease, the lessor leases the asset !y manufacturing or !y

    purchasing from the manufacturer to the lessee directly and the lessee ma"es

    regular rental payments to the lessor. %he lessor holds the ownership of the

    asset until the end of the lease period and the lessee holds the possession of

    the asset. In addition to these ma2or types, there are some other types of

    lease such as sale and lease and leeraged lease.

    Legally, a leasing company is defined as one haing the !usiness of hiringplants or equipment or of financing their hire !y others. %he International

    -inance Corporation promotes leasing as a method of financing industrial

    deelopment in the deeloping countries as a part of its capital mar"et

    deelopment strategies.

    Lease Classification Criteria

    -rom the standpoint of the lessor, all leases may !e classified for accounting

    purposes as follows:

    a) Capital or financial lease: %o !e a capital lease, it must satisfy one or

    more of the following four criteria:$1#%he lease transfers ownership of the

    property to the lessee, $'#%he lease contains a !argain purchase option,

    $/#%he lease term is equal to 456 or more of the estimated economic life

    of the leased property, $7#%he present alue of the minimum lease payment

    $excluding executory costs# equals or exceeds 8(6 of the fair alue of the

    leased property.$*tamford,Conn. -A*),189(#. +ffice !uilding,

    ultipurpose industrial !uilding and een complete shopping centers are

    frequently financed with this method. ost lease !ac"s are on a net&net

    !asis, which means that the lessee pay all maintenance expense, propertytaxes, insurance and lease payment .

    b) Operating lease: +perating leases result in the recognition of only rent

    expense. nder the operating lease each rental receipt !y the lessor is

    recorded as rental reenue. Leases that do not meet any of the four criteria

    are classified and accounted as operating Lease. *hort&term cancela!le

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    lease agreements are called operating lease. Computers, copiers, telephone

    serices, etc. are often o!tained !y operating leases. An operating lease is

    usually characteri;ed !y the following features:

    $1#%he lease is cancela!le !y the lessee prior to its expiration $'#%he lessor

    proides serice,maintenance and insurance and $/#%he sum of all lease

    payments !y the lessee does not necessary fully proide for the recoery of

    the asset cost#.

    c) Sale-leaseback: %he term sale&lease!ac" descri!es a transaction in which

    the owner of the property $seller&lessee# sells the property to another which

    is simultaneously leases it !ac" from the new owner. %he use of the property

    is generally continued without interruption. %he adantages of a sale lease

    !ac" from the sellers iewpoint usually inole two primary considerations:

    $1# -inancing < If the purchase of equipment has already !een financed, a

    sale&lease !ac" can allow the seller to refinance at lower rates, assuming

    rates hae dropped. In addition, a sale&lease!ac" can proide anothersource of wor"ing capital, particularly when liquidity is tight.

    $'# $'# %axes& At the time a company purchases equipment, it may not

    reali;e that it was going to !e a minimum tax and that ownership might

    increase its minimum tax lia!ility. )y selling the property, the seller&lessee

    may deduct the entire lease payment, which is not su!2ect to minimum tax


    Lease Financing in Bangladesh:

  • 8/13/2019 Suchi Main


    )angladesh is a deeloping country, !ut the national calamity and political

    unrest sluggish the industrial growth as well as economic growth of the

    country. In spites of all these hindrance the growth of leasing companies is asignificant indication of our !right prospects.

    Lease financing was first introduced in )angladesh in the early 189(s.

    Industrial =eelopment Leasing Company of )angladesh Ltd. $I=LC#, the

    first leasing company of the country, was esta!lished in 1890 under the

    regulatory framewor" of )A>?LA=@* )A>. It was a 2oint enture of

    the Industrial Bromotion and =eelopment Company of )angladesh Ltd.

    $IB=C#, International -inance Corporation, and orea =eelopment Leasing

    Corporation. Another leasing firm, the >I%@= L@A*I>? C+BA>

    Ltd. started its operations in 1898. %he num!er of leasing companies grew

    quic"ly after 1887 and !y the year '(((, rose to 10. %he leasing !usiness

    !ecame competitie with the increase in the num!er of companies and wider

    distri!ution of their mar"et share. %here are, howeer, 0 other companies

    conducting leasing !usiness in the country, although they do not use the

    word leasing in their names. In terms of money alue, the leasing !usiness in

    )angladesh increased from %" 71.77 million in 1899 to %" /.10 !illion in


    %he leasing companies now operating in the country are Industrial

    =eelopment Leasing Company of )angladesh, nited Leasing Company,?*B -inance Company $)angladesh#, ttara -inance and Inestments, )ay

    Leasing and Inestment, Bhoenix Leasing Company, Brime -inance and

    Inestment, International Leasing and -inancial *erices, nion Capital,

    Dani" )angladesh, Beoples Leasing and -inancial *erices, )angladesh

    Industrial -inance Company, A@&)angladesh Inestment Company,

    )angladesh -inance and Inestment Company, and -irst Lease International.

    Lease financing, as organi;ed in )angladesh, operates with the following

    o!2ecties: $a# to assist the deelopment and promotion of productie

    enterprises !y proiding equipment lease financing and related serices $!#

    to assist in !alancing, moderni;ation, replacement and expansion of existing

    enterprises $c# to extend financial support to small and medium scale

    enterprises $d# to proide finance for arious agriculture equipment and $e#

    to actiate the capital mar"et !y operating as managers to the issue,

    underwriters, or portfolio managers.

  • 8/13/2019 Suchi Main


    %he functions of a lease !usiness include lease financing, short&term

    financing, house !uilding financing, and merchant !an"ing and corporate

    financing. In this last group of functions, the leasing !usiness in )angladesh

    moed away from regular leasing actiities and is now inoled in stoc"&

    mar"et related actiities such as issue management, underwriting, trust

    management, priate placement, portfolio management, and mutual fund

    operation. )road capital mar"et operations of the lease financing institutions

    include !ridge financing, corporate counseling, mergers and acquisition,

    capital restructuring, financial engineering, and lease syndication. Brominent

    among the sectors of the economy that now receie lease financing serices

    are textiles, apparels and accessories, transport, construction and

    engineering, paper and printing, pharmaceuticals, food and !eerage,

    chemicals, agro&!ased industries, telecommunications, and leather and

    leather products.

    Commercial !an"s and deelopment finance institutions $=-Is# hae !een

    the traditional lending institutions in )angladesh. In fact, the concept of

    lease financing is a relatiely new one in the country. Initially, leasing

    companies had to adopt the role of educators to ma"e )angladeshi

    entrepreneurs aware of the !enefits of leasing. oweer, as =-Is

    demonstrated poor recoery and fund recycling performances, leasing got

    the opportunity to deelop as an alternatie source of funding. A few other

    factors also contri!uted to deelopment of the leasing !usiness in the

    country. -or example, the commercial !an"s hae !een "eener in proiding

    trade financing and -+E@I?> @FCA>?@ dealings rather than long&term

    loans !ecause of the ris"s inoled and their longer gestation period. %he

    selection of lease proposals is relatiely free from extraneous pressure and is

    su!2ect to a quality leel appraisal. nder lease agreements in the priate

    sector, pro2ects are sanctioned and implemented expeditiously, resulting in

    !enefits in time and cost saings. Briate leasing companies also attract

    clients !y proiding relatiely !etter serices. %he down payments in leasing

    are not high and the gestation period is low. Also, in case of lease financing,

    incidental costs incurred in the process of import clearing, installation, and

    commercial production are capitalised, which su!stantially reduce the initialinestment.

    Leasing companies, howeer, face some pro!lems in conducting their

    !usiness in the country. %he relatiely slow growth of the demand side

    compared to the fast growth of the lease !usiness is one such pro!lem. %his

    leads many leasing companies to operate in partial capacity. %he culture of

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    loan default that preails in the country is also a deterrent. Leasing

    companies often find it difficult to raise funds through short& or long&term

    !orrowing from money and capital mar"ets. %hey are hard pressed to deal

    with the financial assets !ecause of the present laws of the country, which

    are also not fully enforcea!le.

    Leasing !usiness is gaining increased importance in the economy of

    )angladesh with its gradual transformation from an agrarian to industrial

    one. %he goernment periodically reises the trade and industrial policy to

    create a li!eral !usiness enironment !oth for domestic and foreign

    inestment. Increased inestment in the energy sector as well as in power,

    transport, telecommunications, water and sanitation, and safe disposal of

    wastes is expected to !ring further opportunities for leasing industries.

    %he traditional sources of funds of our country in the financial mar"et are

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