the ngorongoro crater€¦ · the crater floor 14 ngorongoro conservation area (nca) 16...

Post on 29-Sep-2020






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H E N R Y M U R A A A J A T H I & K L A U S K R U M M E


Written for:

Prof. Dr. Dieter Schmitt

Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft

Universität Essen


Henry Muraa Ajathi


E-Mail :

Phone: 0209/9477873

Klaus Krumme



Phone: 0201/8777362

January 2003








The Crater Floor 14


Conservation Management 17


History of Conservation and Management Approaches in the Greater Serengeti 20

Isolationism and Protectionism 21

Multiple Land Use at NCA: An historic experiment to balance Man and Nature 22


General Information 24

Effects of Tourism on the protected Ecosystem 25


Ngorongoro - Der Krater Noahs 32




In February and March life is vibrant in the East Africa's vast green savanna

habitats. At this time the Zebras, Giraffes and Gazelles are nursing their young and

the Wildebeest calve by the thousands. Huge flocks of European White Storks and

other birds have arrived to winter in the region alongside the colourful resident

birds and a variety of wildlife impossible to see anywhere else on earth today.

The words Masai-Mara, Kilimanjaro, Tsavo, Amboseli, Serengeti,

Ngorongoro etc. are perfumed with the romance and allure of the sprawling

savannas, skies stretched with blue and countless creatures of every shape and form

enacting nature's savagely beautiful passion play in an infinite East African

landscape of varying climates.

East Africa is punctuated by two distinct rainy seasons - March to May and

October to December. The ancient Rift Valley and Nairobi highlands are temperate

with cool nights; the Masai-Mara and Serengeti are warm, whilst the coastline and

offshore island are hot and humid, but washed with sea breezes.

It is in this intoxicating region that the notion of the safari, a Kiswahili word

meaning 'journey', was born and it is here that the origins of the early man was




As East Africa's plains fade yellow after the summer's rains, a natural

signal is sent to millions of wildlife. Suddenly the horizon is blurred

with the bodies of 1.4 million Wildebeest and 200 000 Zebra, Eland

and Gazelle, relentlessly tracked by Africa's great predators

magnificently trekking northwards in search of better life. This is the

famous migration - one of the most awe-inspiring sights on earth.


The migration has its origin on the Tanzania's southern Serengeti plains,

where great herds of wildebeest, zebra and Thomson's gazelle gather to graze on

the rain-ripened grass in January.

But by the end of May the depleted plains are unable to sustain them - and

an ancient impulse commands them to move. Like iron filings being drawn by a

magnet, the majestic sweep northwards toward the Maasai Mara plains begins.

By July the herds have amassed along the swollen and

Crocodile ridden Mara River, their major barrier from the

short, sweet grasses ahead. Here the natures natural

mechanisms for selecting the most fit organism to

continue in the population is seen to take place.

Unhindered by the bursting floods and the waiting hungry crocodiles, both the

strong, the weak, the old and the young pause momentarily, as if to say the last

player and then in an incredible dare and force, the entire constellation plunges


itself into the river to fight the violent currents and dare the waiting crocodiles

whose gaping maws are already set to grip and tear.

Many of the weak, the young and the old will never make

it to see their “promised land”- the green Maasai Mara.

Many end up being swept away or falling prey to the

hungry crocodiles. Those who make it through the

deadly flotilla are so weak for the lions and other large

cats waiting across the river. They easily fall prey to the ambushing lions, cheetahs,

hyenas etc. This is the dramatic natural dynamism, a life-and-death struggle with a

natural intent of maintaining viable populations and a natural balance and hence

continuity. This is incomprehensible by man.

Between June and October the herds of the survivors totalling 1.4 million

beasts arrive in the Massai Mara in the Kenyan side of the Greater Serengeti

ecosystem, filling the air with the dust cloud of movement and noise. To the young

calves who have never been here before, the green plains and the sweet waters of

the Mara ecosystem is a dream come true. It is their promised land after the great

dangerous trek through draughty conditions and the dangers of all the enemies and

barriers along the way. The grass of the Mara plains nourishes them - until the

arrival of the November rains, calling them back south again.

The migration is an epic of life and death, an incredible display of nature at

work. Of all the calves born in the Serengeti, two out of three will never return

from their first and most demanding migration. It is the inextricable binding of

renewal and sustenance, feast and famine, life and death that makes the Great

Migration one of nature's greatest wonders. The cyclical movement of the herds

bring sustenance to the predators and life to the vegetation. In November, the

beginning of the wet season, these animals complete the cycle, and return to the


Serengeti Plains. Here they exploit the young growing grass rich in minerals. Note

that the two journeys have different challenges. Can you identify them?

In February/March one of wildlife's most amazing occurrences take place.

For 3-4 weeks, 90% of the female wildebeest give birth, flooding the plains with

thousands of newborn calves, estimated to be about 8,000 births a day. This

synchronised birthing is a strategy for increased survival of the calves. Since the

young are at their most vulnerable in the first month or so of their lives, the

chances of being killed are much lower for each calf if they are all born within a

short period. Calves born outside of the synchronized birth period seldom survive.

The wildebeest may remain on the plains for several months, where they share

these productive grasslands with migratory zebra, Thomson's gazelle and eland, as

well as the many residents including the Grant's gazelle, topi, and hartebeest.


Blessed with an astounding concentration of animals, and panoramic vistas

across plains and dotted woodlands, the Maasai Mara provides an unrivalled

experience. As the northern extension of the great Serengeti grassland, the reserve

is host to the annual migration of over a million wildebeest - the most awesome

wildlife spectacle on planet earth.

Covering an area of some 1.500 square kilometres in the south-western

corner of Kenya, the Maasai Mara is unfenced, but bordered in the west by the

Oloololo Escarpment and in the east by the Ngama Hills. Under Kenyan law, the

Maasai people own the land and earn revenue from visiting guests. In Maa, the


common language among Massai clans, the word mara means 'spotted' - referring

to the clusters of bush which dot the plains.

A living tapestry of grassy savanna, spreading thorn trees, rounded hills and

tall gallery forests, this feast of wildlife draws photographers and visitors from

across the globe. In addition to the wildebeest and hordes of zebra which join them

in their annual pilgrimage to the ever-changing pastures, the Massai Mara supports

Lion, Cheetah, Elephant, Kongoni, Topi, Thomson's gazelle and the Waterbucks,

as well as eight species of primate.


The Ngorongoro Crater, conserved as part of the greater Ngorongoro

Conservation Area, is located in Northern Tanzania, west of the rift valley which

runs form Red sea to lake Nyasa in southern of Tanzania. The entire area covers

about 8,292Km² and stretches from Lake Natron on the North West to Lake Eyasi


in the South and Lake Manyara to the East. The area includes the still active Ol-

Ndoinyo Lengai (Mountain of God-In Maasai Language) volcano, Olduvai Gorge

and the Ngorongoro Crater which occupies only one tenth of the entire

conservation area. The Ngorongoro Crater, is one of the Africa's best known

wildlife-viewing areas and one of Tanzania’s most visited sites. At about 20 km

wide, it is also one of the largest calderas in the world. The maps below show the

geographical location and more detailed site maps of the Conservation area of

Ngorongoro and the Serengeti National Park, as well as the other Tanzanian

Conservation areas.






The famous Ngorongoro crater, was once a gigantic volcano, perhaps taller

than the Mt. Kilimanjaro. When the volcano collapsed, a vast bowl known as a

caldera was formed. Measuring about 20kms in diameter, 600 metres deep and

about 300 sq kms in area, looking like an amphitheatre with 500-600m steep walls.


The crater is a unique functional ecosystem with all the structural and

functional elements expected in any large protected area. The floor is covered with

Grass, Acacia trees, lakes and swamps supporting over 25,000 animals,

predominantly grazing animals, including some of Tanzania's endangered black


rhino. Lake Makat, fed by the Munge River is a soda lake and a magnet for

flamingos and other water birds which come here to feed. The animals are free to

leave or enter the crater driven by the natures cycles that dictate the climatic

changes and the food availability associated with it. Most animals however remain

in the crater floor throughout the year because of the plentiful water and food

availability on the Crater floor. The impressive assemblage of wildlife within the

caldera makes the Crater one of the wonders of nature, dubbed “the eighth wonder

of the world” and likened to the Noah’s Ark in its preservation of diversity.

An Elephant grazing on the crater wall

The four major habitat types on the crater floor are:


Open grassland covers most of the crater floor and feeds most of the 20 000

large grazing animals mainly wildebeest, zebra, buffalo and gazelle and many

smaller ones such as mice and grasshoppers. These support the predators such as

lion, hyena and smaller ones such as jackal and birds of prey.


Lake Makat

This soda lake is filled by the Munge River and the great attraction is the

thousands of flamingos and other water birds which feed here.


Most of the large animals depend on swamps for fresh water and reserve

food supplies. Elephants feed on the giant sedges and hippos wallow in the pools.

Lerai Forest

"Lerai" is the Masai word for yellow barked acacia or fever tree. The small

forest patches on the crater floor, are home to monkey, baboon, bushbuck,

waterbuck, elephant and rhino.


The Ngorongoro Conservation area has one of Africa’s largest wildlife

conglomerations. It is also home to a small and isolated relict of the black rhino

population which was once a common and widespread group across southern and

eastern Africa.

The NCA has palaeontological and archaeological sites over a wide range of

dates. The four major sites are:

Olduvai gorge,

Laetoli site,


Lake Ndutu site,

and the Nasera Rock Shelter.

The variety and richness of the fossil remains, including those of early

hominids, has made Ngorongoro one of the major areas in the world for research

on the evolution of the human species. Olduvai Gorge has produced valuable

remains of early hominids including Australopithecus boisei (Zinthanthropus) and

Homo habilis as well as fossil bones of many extinct animals. Nearby, at Laetoli,

fossil hominid footprints of Pliocene age have been found.


The Ngorongoro conservation area was first established as a conservation

area to accommodate the displaced Maasai after the establishment of the Serengeti

National Park. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area Ordinance of 1959 created the

Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) which was charged with

ensuring multiple land use of the area to assist in conserving and developing the

areas natural resources, and promoting local interests. This however failed to

function due to lack of understanding between government officials and the Maasai

people. After independence in 1961, the Tanzanian government conducted a

pioneer experiment in multiple land use (one of few such areas in Africa) which

attempted to reconcile the interests of wildlife, Maasai pastoralists, and

conservation. The 1975 Ngorongoro Conservation Area Ordinance stipulates the

objectives of the areas as:

the conservation and development of the NCA's natural resources;

the promotion of tourism;


and the safeguarding and promotion of the interests of the Maasai.

Long-term conservation of the area has been supported by

the assessment of the land use pressures in, and adjacent to the conservation area;

determining development needs of resident pastoralists;

reviewing and evaluating management options;

formulating conservation and development policies to fulfil the needs of both local Maasai people and conservation priorities;

and to develop proposals for follow-up activities.

Some animals, such as buffalo, wildebeest and zebra migrate out of the

crater during periods of drought and considerable effort is being made to prevent

the migration routes from being encroached upon by settlements and agricultural

developments. The contiguous and nearby protected areas provide key feeding

grounds for a number of species that migrate seasonally, for example wildebeest,

zebra and Thomson's gazelle.

Within it's borders are a variety of animals and vegetation, including

grasslands, swamps, forests, salt pans, and a freshwater lake. One is likely to see

lions, elephants, rhinos, buffalos and wildebeest, as well as a Thomson's gazelle,

zebra or thousands of flamingos wading in Lake Makat, the soda lake at the Crater's

base. Unlike many protected areas in the Savannas, the Ngorongoro is managed in

such a way that certain human settlements and activity are permitted so that the

wild animals don't have the crater all for themselves.


Local Maasai tribes have grazing rights and may be seen tending their cattle in the crater.

Maasai grazing his livestock on the crater wall




The Ngorongoro crater and its associated Ngorongoro Conservation Area

forms a part of the Greater Serengeti ecosystem comprising of the crater, the

Serengeti plains and the Maasai Mara. The GSE is one of the most diverse and

species rich protected ecosystems in Africa, yet under severe threat from a wide

spectrum of human caused problems ranging from tourism, land uses, culture

deterioration, poverty of its associated communities and inadequate planning and

management practices.


The Serengeti has been subject to a long and varied history of externally

imposed wildlife management regimes, starting as early as the last century.

The diagram below shows three distinct phases of these regimes which have

characterised wildlife management activities in the ecosystem. Through this time

there has been a shift from the Grzimek principle of authoritarian, state-controlled

and exclusiveness conservation approach (protectionist model) to approaches

which recognise and permit at least some degree of community participation and

benefit sharing in wildlife management.


History of the management regimes in the GSE (EMERTON & MFUNDA 1999)


Beginning 1890 onwards, the German and British colonial administration

enacted the first and longest phase of conservation activities which commenced

with a series of legal instruments aimed at protecting the rare wildlife species and

habitats in the Serengeti ecosystem. Wildlife management up to 1961 was based on

the expansion of the national wildlife estate and on restrictions on human

utilization of land and resource in the protected areas. During this period a number


of protected areas within the Serengeti ecosystem have been established. These

include the Serengeti National Park, declared a national park in 1940, Ngorongoro

Conservation Area, as well as Grumeti and Ikorongo which were designated Game

Controlled Areas. Conservation approaches, during this period, were based on

strict protection and control, following an island mentality of “isolation from

surrounding communities" policy (MNRT 1985). The main focus of the policy was

wildlife protection and policing. Interactions between wildlife authorities and local

communities consisted mainly of law enforcement operations such as anti-poaching

patrols and the eviction of resident human settlers. The local residents had no

direct benefits from the wildlife earnings, despite the disturbance of reallocation or

crop and livestock destruction by the wild animals.

On the Kenyan side of the Ecosystem, other developments were taking

place. Out of the 5560km² , a 1680km² Maasai Mara National Reserve, was

gazetted in November 1974 leaving the rest of the ecosystem, surrounding the

reserve to be subdivided into private ranches for wildlife and livestock owned by

wealthy Maasai clans and influential political personalities.


The multiple land use philosophy in the area is to maintain the peaceful co-

existence of human and wildlife in a natural and traditional setting. Pastoralism,

conservation of natural resources and tourism are the three, main components that

are given equal consideration in policy shaping decisions. The NCA aims for the

historic balance of people and nature in a way which has not been possible in many

parts of the world. At stake are the rich biodiversity and ecology of the Serengeti

Plains and The Ngorongoro Highlands, the major palaeontological and


archaeological sites and important water catchment areas. Tourism is a vital

element in raising revenue and has been encouraged and developed with a respect

for culture and without damaging the environment. Man and his ancestors have

lived in the Ngorongoro eco-system for more than three million years. By careful

research and continuing management, the fragile balance between man and nature

will be successfully maintained.

Maasai pastoralists arrived in the area a few hundred years ago. Their strong

traditional customs and way of life allow them to live in harmony with the wildlife

and the environment. Today there are approximately 5200 Maasai living in the

NCA with their livestock. Being herders of cattle, goats and sheep, their semi-

nomadic life depends on accessible water supplies. Their seasonal homes, known as

bomas, are scattered throughout the landscape and are rebuilt upon return from the

dry or wet season quarters.

Some Engangs (villages) are designated 'Cultural Bomas' and offer visitors

the chance to learn about the Maasai culture and to buy a variety of handicrafts.

Such cultural tourism also encourages residents to share their values with the

outside world and provides them with direct financial benefits. The Longido

Village is one such cultural village.




Tourism is a relatively new social activity that has recently emerged as a

global economic phenomenon in which travellers are trading in over-

commercialised mass tourism for recreation, amusement and new cultural and

nature-based experiences all generating the much-needed revenue and employment

for the regional governments. In many African countries tourism is the second

foreign exchange earner to agriculture and is therefore a very desirable economic

activity. It therefore plays an important and positive role on the social-economic

and political development by boosting the economies and offering new

employment opportunities on one hand, and contributing to broader cultural

understanding by the creating the awareness through the integration of the foreign

cultures and lifestyles to the local people way of life. Tourism may therefore be

described as the “Green Gold” of the Greater Serengeti residents. The reality on

the ground is however be left for the visiting tourist to find out.

The Ngorongoro Crater can be visited at any time of year. During the

months of April and May it can however be extremely wet and the roads difficult to

drive on. Access to the crater floor may also be restricted at this time due to bad



Access to the crater floor may be difficult during the wet months


Tourism relationships with the environment are complex. Irrespective of the

degree of planning and efficiency in management, tourism will always produce

impacts that can never fail to produce negative effects on the ecology of the

conservation area concerned. The only way tourism can have zero impact on an

ecosystem like the Ngorongoro Crater is to remove it out of the area all together

(One must be careful not to say this in the hearing of any government officer or

hotel manager). Every touristic activity has the effect of reducing the environmental

quality as indicated by:

The resulting pressure on the resources


Generation of wastes and the ensuing pollution, eutrophication

Disturbance and the subsequent harm to wildlife / corresponding habitats

animal, plant and mineral selection (souvenirs)

Trampling, soil erosion, biotope degradation

Import of alien species

Increasing cultural erosion

It should also be noted that the effects of tourism on some aspects of the

ecosystems are very intrinsic to the affected organisms, making it difficult to

predict. The impacts of the disturbances by tourism do not also remain only within

the boundaries of the protected areas in question. The dynamism of those areas

maintained by a constant exchange of energy and materials between them and their

surrounding regions result in a wide spread of those impacts over a wide area.


Tourism causes Fragmentation

The main internal problem of the conservation area is the fragmentation of

the inter-connected mini-ecosystems and/or habitats by tourist traffic

infrastructure. Fragmentation of populations leads to decreased effective sizes of

local sub-populations and reduced gene flow among the fragments. As a

consequence, the coalescence times (time to the most recent common ancestor)

become shorter within sub-populations. This increases inbreeding, reduces the level

of genetic variation and causes inbreeding depression in small declining populations

that have maintained harmful recessive allelic variants. This may be the case with

the lions at the Ngorongoro Crater. Species vulnerable to habitat loss often are

involved in a multiplicity of complex interactions with other species. Fragmentation

and habitat loss can therefore alter the strength of interactions, and destabilise food

web links.

The resulting isolation of habitats does not only lead to increased genetic

depression of populations but also inhibits the essential dispersal movements of

populations and individual animals. Fragmentation is not only a linear disturbance

of ecosystems, because of building barriers, but is also of a gradual interference

from the source of the disturbance into the wider spatial context around it, known

as edge effect. This edge effect continuous itself as a disturbance gradient into the

landscape. If the number and extent of trails and roads in a protected area exceeds

a specific limit the whole area is actually under a gradual disturbance regime, which

could mean a total unsuitability of the whole area for sensitive species.

Having a relatively flat landscape, with few hills, river valleys and forests, the

crater floor like is the case with the entire Serengeti ecosystem, presents an

optimum surface for tourist drivers to easily drive off road in pursuit of animals.

You are likely to experience this in your own tour of the Ngorongoro. Check on it!!


Tourism leads to Soil Compaction and Erosion

Both vegetation and soil loss as a result of trampling and compaction of soil

by motor vehicles is taking place in the protected areas. Compacted soil changes its

texture and structure which eventually changes its ecology. Apart from compaction,

the created track paths present open areas for run-off water during rainfall and may

in the long run result into severe gullies that do not only encourage soil erosion but

may form barriers for animal movements. Increased tourist facilities in the

protected areas is therefore causing both the loss of naturalness and the scenic

beauty of the protected landscapes.

Tourism has direct harm to wildlife

Noise from vehicles and people, low flying aircrafts and balloons is a major

source of disturbance to the wildlife. The accompanied infrastructure built to

accommodate the tourist transport and accommodation needs, which include the

roads, hotels and power systems often mean drastic changes in the landscape

scenery and its associated aesthetic qualities with further consequences in the

structure and function of the ecological systems. In her study MUTHEE (1992)

observed that the hunting and feeding behaviour of some wild animals like cheetah

and lion was grossly disturbed by the constant presence of vehicles.

Animals have their diurnal and seasonal cycles like hunting for food, resting,

mating and breeding. These habits and cycles are coming into constant interference

from the tourists who are ignorant of them (GAKAHU 1992). Animals could also

be affected by diseases accidentally imported from the tourists home countries or

from the garbage left behind. Diseases like animal Tuberculosis that killed large

populations of lions and buffalos in the Kruger National Park (South Africa) were


imported from the European lands. The consequences of direct disturbances for

population dynamics, reproduction success and behavioural ecology are not easy to


Tourism causes in-direct Harm to Wildlife

Lodges have garbage and sewage disposal problems. Garbage attracts carrion-

eaters such as hyenas, baboons, velvet monkeys and marabou storks. This may also

influence the food chain relationships as some animals, like the monkey, are drawn

out of its natural habitats and create new niches near the tourist lodges and camps.

This affects their role as seed dispersers and therefore affects other ecological

processes in the landscape.

Tourism and Conservation: A Shotgun Marriage?

Due to the attractiveness and uniqueness of both the Serengeti and the

Ngorongoro area, the mass tourism they both attract can best be described as a

necessary evil to both the ecosystem and the area residents. Its relationship with the

conservation area environment may be described as a shotgun marriage between

conservation and recreation, in which both parties are somewhat interested and at

the same time "inconvenienced" by the other.

Despite the multiple land use policy in the NCA, the management of most

of the Greater Serengeti protected areas is to a large extent based on protecting

those large charismatic mega faunas for trophy and tourism purposes. The ‘hard-

line exclusionist’ command and control approach which exclude the local people

from most of the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem are designed basically to ensure

safety for the tourists entering those areas than to protect the ecology of the area.


In the long run the protected area is severely damaged by the impacts of the mass

tourism. The irony is that the indigenous rightful inhabitants of those areas, who

have harmoniously co-existed with other components of their ecosystems for many

centuries, are thrown out as an ”alien species”. The tourist and his machines

(motor vehicles, aeroplanes and balloons etc,) who has no long term interest in the

area are allowed in. The ‘hard-line protectionist’ approaches to conservation thus

succeeds only in protecting the use of the Savanna landscape resources from their

rightful owners only to expose it to the excessive “rape” by the so called resource

managers and the pleasure seeking tourists whose only interest is the short term

romance and love of nature’s serenity and healing, away from the noise and stress

of routine work. This kind of management and its associated tourism may in no

time become the demise of destruction, by “loving to death”, the very resources

and landscapes it so much seeks to conserve/enjoy.

It is only the tourist with love for nature, on the ground at the Ngorongoro

Crater, who can be able to describe the moral responsibility of the local area

managers, the tour guides and the tourist himself to the crater’s ecology and the

local human social economic and infrastructural well being.

Some useful questions one could ask while on the ground at the Ngorongoro are:

What is the annual tourist’s turn over in the region?

What is the annual income from the tourism and other resources in the area?

Are the lodges and other tourist infrastructure owned by the local residents?

Does the annual income from tourism reflect the areas social economic development?

How are the resources from tourism and anther resources ploughed back into the area to sustain the ecosystem and the social life of the inhabitants?


Why do the local residents engage in pouching?

What can best be done to promote the Ngorongoro ecosystem and its associated social cultural and economic life of its inhabitants?



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Naturdenkmal: 8288 qkm Naturschutzgebiet, Ngorongoro-Krater mit einem Durchmesser von 16 bis 19 km einer der größten, nicht "gefluteten" Krater der Welt. UNESCO-Ernennung: 1979 Flora und Fauna: Akazienwälder und Grasland mit Akazienarten wie Acacia xanthophloea. Bis zu 4000 Kaffernbüffel, wenige Elefanten und Anubispaviane, 7000 Weißbartgnus, 4000 Steppenzebras, 3000 Thomsongazellen, Löwen, Servale und Schakale, zudem wenige, von der Ausrottung bedrohte Spitzmaulnashörner (11-15 im Jahr 1995) Unter den 400 Vogelarten: Zwergflamingos, Strauße und die bis zu 14 kg schwere Riesentrappe. Wenn die Nebelschwaden von den Kraterhängen des Ngorongoro hinabziehen, bricht ein neuer Tag an. Mit ihm kommen die Tiere: Elefanten, Gazellen und Antilopen, Paviane und Meerkatzen, Löwen und Schakale. Sie alle drängen sich in das Tal des Vulkankraters. In dessen Mitte liegt ein Natronsee, der in der Trockenzeit größtenteils verdunstet. Das verbleibende Wasser scheint rosa, es sind die Flamingos, die hier leben.


Flamingos im Makati See

Tagsüber treibt der Stamm der Massai sein Vieh den Kraterrand hinunter und läßt es hier weiden. Seite an Seite mit den wilden Tieren. Die Abgeschlossenheit und der Wasserreichtum haben aus dem Ngorongoro Krater ein Land im Überfluss gemacht. Es ist ein Paradies für Wildtiere und eine Arche für bedrohte Arten.

Nashörner sind hochgefährdete Arten


Jeden Morgen das gleiche Schauspiel, dichter Nebel stürzt vom Rand des Ngorongoro-Kraters 500 Meter in die Tiefe und löst sich kurz vor dem Boden auf. Der Kraterboden ist ein abgeschlossenes Oval von ca20KM². Auf engstem Raum leben hier unzählige Vögel und über 20.000 große Säugetiere. Ein Refugium für viele bedrohte Arten.

Makati See und die Krater Löwen


Bis in die 70er Jahre siedelten die Massai noch innerhalb des Kraters.

Die Maasai sind eine ostafrikanische Urkultur

Die Maasai Krieger


Aber zuviele Wilddiebe konnten sich unter den Viehzüchtern verstecken und die Massai wurden umgesiedelt. Wer heute nachts im Ngorongoro angetroffen wird, ist entweder ein Ranger oder ein Wilderer. Tagsüber aber treiben die Massai ihr Vieh den Kraterrand hinunter und lassen es dort weiden und trinken. Seite an Seite mit Büffeln, Gnus oder Zebras. Flußpferde gehen tagsüber nur selten an Land. Normalerweise grasen sie nachts und liegen bis zum Einbruch der Dunkelheit faul im Wasser.


In der Trockenzeit ist der größte Teil des Sees verdunstet und hat eine weiße Salzfläche hinterlassen. Nur ein Tümpel aus konzentrierter Natronlauge ist übriggeblieben. Flamingos ernähren sich von den Algen und Kleinstlebewesen darin. Hyänen haben bei den Menschen das schlechte Image von Aasfressern, obwohl das in der Tierwelt eine wichtige Aufgabe ist. Außerdem sind sie auch erfolgreiche Jäger. Hyänen leben in großen Sippenverbänden, in denen die Weibchen den Ton angeben.


Die Hyänen

Auch die Löwen sind gesellige Tiere, und es gibt viele von ihnen im Ngorongoro, vielleicht sind sie hier tatsächlich die Könige, jedenfalls lassen sich andere Raubkatzen nur selten blicken. Fressen und gefressen werden, im Krater scheinen alle wohlgenährt. Die Hyänen, die Löwen, auch die Beutetiere, Zebras, Antilopen, Gazellen, Gnus.

Löwen nach einer Malzeit


Die relative Abgeschlossenheit und der Wasserreichtum haben aus dem Kesselboden ein Land im Überfluß und ein Paradies für Wildtiere gemacht. Auch die notorische Jagdschwäche der Löwen hat hier kaum Auswirkungen. Vielleicht war dieses Weibchen auch gar nicht richtig hungrig... Der Ngorongoro ist Teil und Spiegelbild des großen Serengeti-Ökosystems. Um den Salzsee herum gibt es Grassteppen und Sümpfe, Wälder und Flüsse, Seen und wüstenähnliche Zonen mit Wanderdünen. Fast die gesamte Tier- und Pflanzenwelt Ostafrikas ist hier zu finden. Bis vor zwei Millionen Jahren lag der Gipfel des Ngorongoro noch über 5000 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel. Dann begann er, langsam in sich zusammen zu fallen. Heute liegt sein höchster Punkt auf 2300 Metern. Der Krater liegt in einer geologisch hochaktiven Zone am Bruch der afrikanischen Kontinentalplatte inmitten einer Reihe weiterer Vulkane. Der Lengai, der heilige Berg der Massai. Auf seinem Gipfel erkennt man noch den Aschekegel des letzten Ausbruchs. Der Empakai hingegen hat seine feurigen Zeiten schon lange hinter sich. Sein Krater ist mit Wasser gefüllt, ein Paradies für Vögel. Zwischen Ngorongoro und den unendlichen Weiten der Serengeti liegt die Oldovai Schlucht. Das Paradies für Archäologen und Anthropologen auf der Suche nach den Wurzeln der Menschheit. Schädel des homo habilis haben sie hier gefunden. Und Fußabdrücke der noch älteren Lucy, wissenschaftlich "homo australopethicus". Vor ca. 1,9 Millionen Jahren gingen zwei dieser Vormenschen durch ein Feld von Lavaasche. Kurz darauf fiel ein neuer Ascheregen nieder, bedeckte die Fußabdrücke und konservierte sie so.. Der ganze Stolz der Wildhüter und Zoologen im Krater sind die Nashörner. Sie sind nach jahrzehntelanger Wilderei immer noch akut vom Aussterben bedroht, aber ihr Bestand wächst ganz langsam wieder. 13 scheue Exemplare lebten 1996 in den Grassteppen des Ngorongoro. Die Oxpicker sind ihre ständigen Begleiter. Die kleinen Vögel ernähren sich vom Ungeziefer in Haut und Kot der Rhinocerosse und schlagen Alarm, wenn nachts Raubtiere umherschleichen. Die Zahl der Nashörner innerhalb des Kraters reicht noch nicht für eine überlebensfähige Population, aber vielleicht sind die Jungen eines Tages


unternehmungslustig genug, sich über den Rand zu wagen und in der Serengeti Partner zu suchen. Auch die Ngorongoro Waldelephanten verlassen den Krater immer wieder, bis auf wenige ältere Tiere, für die der steile Aufstieg wohl doch schon zu anstrengend ist. Pech für die Bäume und ihre Bewohner...

Ein Elephant in Protesthaltung gegen Störung

So abgeschlossen der Krater von Ngorongoro auch wirkt, es ist ein dynamisches Ökosystem im stetigen Austausch mit seiner Umgebung. In der Regenzeit, wenn sich die Wildtiere der Serengeti wieder auf die große Wanderung begeben, werden zigtausende Gnus und Zebras einen Abstecher in den Ngorongoro Krater machen. Sofern ihnen der Mensch keine Zivilisationsbarrieren in den Weg stellt.


Weißbartgnus zur Trockenzeit

Elephanten vor den Kraterhängen


Panorama mit Plain Savanne, Makati See und den Hängen des Kraters


Ngorongoro nach der Regenzeit

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