universität für musik und darstellende kunst wien anton-von-webern-platz 1 a-1030 wien

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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ERASMUS SMS and other exchange programmes for students at the MDW. Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1 A-1030 Wien Telefon +43 1 711 55-0 Telefax +43 1 711 55-199 www.mdw.ac.at. Topics. ERASMUS student mobility: 10 Golden R ules - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

ERASMUS student mobility:

- 10 Golden Rules- European Policy Statement of the MDW- Statistics- SMS (student mobility)- SMP (student placements)

OTHER study abroad programmes:

- Partnership Agreements (Joint Study)- Fulbright (USA)- ASEA-Uninet- Free Mover

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Sabine ROTH

+43 1 71155 7420 - roth@mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

General overview on how to implementinternationalisation activities

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at


Insist on a clear, realistic short-term/log-term internationalisation strategy that reflects the ethos of your institution and is coherently structured. Develop it in collaboration with decision-makers who are experienced in international matters and have an understanding of administrative priorities.

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

- Motivation and aims

- Priorities (in terms of geographical areas and/or thematic issues)

- Quality parameters and “Turn Even”-Point

- Observe° Trasparency° Balance of Benefits (to institution, its staff & students)° Identification opportunities

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at


Establish an infrastructure and internal procedures (administrative and decisional structure) that will enable you to drive the institutional strategy forward.

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

- Staff

- (Office) facilities, rules and functions

- Services & info-guidelines for “clients”

- Decision making (internal procedures, hierarchy)

- Administration and management procedures outside your office where cooperation is required

-Networking and lobbying inside your institution

-Evaluation tools

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at


Broaden your knowledge of potential partners and other relevant authorities.

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

- Major developments & requirements in the exchange programmes (new programme generation such as LLP, Erasmus Mundus; new “entry conditions” such as EPS, EUC)

- Key topics (Bologna, ECTS, QA)

- Contacts with foreign governmental & diplomatic offices

- List of other IRCs at partner HEIs

- Specific implementation requirements at partner HEIs (deadlines, area of major interest, faculty, particularities,…)

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at


Assist interested outgoing (and incoming) students during information & application phases.

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

- Promote exchange possibilities in the best suitable way

- Be clear about applications procedures & nomination requirements (observe: equal opportunities, fairness, transparency)

- If applicable, inform about specific selection procedures on both sides

- If asked for, comment on decision for destinations/s

-Offer time for consulatation about benefits, challenges & pitfalls of studying abroad

- Assist in preparing application/s (remember: common application form)

- Be clear about time-scales in terms of nomination & admission

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at


Keep track of the applications of outgoing students during the selection process.

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

- Double check if application is complete and submitted in time

- Make sure that it reaches its destination/s

- If contract quota has been exhausted, contact IRC to agree whether application can be considered

- Liaise with host institution about their decision-making process & time table for making selection

- Consider vacation periods at partner institution

- Ask applicant to contact you after a certain period of time to press for a decision

- Provide applicant in time with necessary information & documents

- If applicable, inform IRC at partner institution as soon as possible about any withdrawal by student

- Insist on receiving placement decisions (letter of acceptance and learning agreement signed by receiving HEI) in written form to your office

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at


Keep track of the applications of incoming students during the selection process.

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

- Keep a copy of the application

- If the application is unclear, incomplete or seriously delayed, contact the IRC at the partner HEI

- If the contract quota has been already exhausted and in case of unexpected situations contact immediately in the receiving institutions

- Insist that your professors make their decisions as soon as possible.

- Keep internal rules and requirements in mind before sending an official letter of response

- Inform IRC at partner institution immediately about any decision

- Consider vacation periods at partner institution

- Provide an official letter of acceptance

- Make out a learning agreement

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at


Ensure that the IRC acts as focal point for all activities during the nomination process. Work out a system with check lists & corrective mechanisms including deadlines.

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

- Provide yourself with updated information on national nomination rules, internal decision processes, availability of finances, requirements by partner institution

- Work to all necessary deadlines & ensure that decision making processes synchronise properly to meet these requirements

-If the applicant is asked to confirm the ERASMUS study place, make sure it is done

- Work out a procedure of how to handle learning agreements

- Provide comprehensive documentation whether sending or receiving students

° Inform (again) about financial details and scholarship requirements, studies & enrolment

° Prepare fresher’s packs & international guides for students (visa & residence permits, health care, contact with local IRC)

° If applicable, assist in finding housing° Advise on working opportunities° Advise on re-entry conditions (national study law, preserve study place (& accommodation) and jobs…)

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at


Establish IRC as a central support/advice point for incoming students. Be aware of the importance of the first contact. Consider that the Quality of your services may considerably influence on the success of the study abroad.

-Take time & resources to prepare an appropriate event in order to make students feel welcome:

- Encourage exchange students to network

- Be available as much as possible in the first days/weeks and steer

- Be connected in your institution

- Calculate your time (and money) resources before offering additional services

- Find out about specific interests before organizing events

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

° invite high-ranking representatives to greet newcomers° offer a tour of the building/s° use other than the official language – if not English° prepare written documentation on the University° encourage students to ask questions° show understanding for the particular situation of the incomings but remain professional° try to establish a non-intrusive but personal relationship° give perspectives for the near future

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at


In the exit phase show your professionality, flexibility and creativity.

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

- Find a direct & individual way to say good bye to your incomings

- Invite leaving students to evaluate their study stay (ask about merits & short falls)

- Keep informed about recognition requirements at partner institution/s in order to assist leaving students properly to get the needed documents (confirmed period of study visit, transcript of records) from your institution (before departure)

- If applicable, inform incomings about possibilities to continue their studies at your institution, but be open about this matter with your colleagues IRCs

- Encourage incomings to stay in touch as ERASMUS students and with your institution

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at


Be aware that a good follow-up is your best tool to evaluate your work, to learn about partner institutions and to improve the quality of exchanges

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

- Evaluation during exit phase (exit interviews)

- Evaluation back home (keep file of reports)

- Use key dates of the reports for updating your data base

- Pass praise and criticism on to concerned body

- Enquire for changing approaches/procedures if frequently criticised

- Share results of evaluation with your partners

- Make full use of existing resources (personnel, knowledge & enthusiasm) and encourage the creation of alumni networks, tutor systems, regular meetings and continuing contacts with partner institutions

- Try to benefit from synergy effects

- Evaluate functioning of bilateral relations, reflect on extension or suspension, where applicable and start dialogue, when needed

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Contact details of the AEC

PO Box 8053500 AV UtrechtTHE NETHERLANDSTel: + 31 30 2361242Fax: + 31 30 2361290aecinfo@aecinfo.orgwww.aecinfo.org

AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations CoordinatorsAt the National University of Music (UNMB) in Bucharest from 11-12 September 2009.

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Development of the ERASMUS activities of the MDW

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

ERASMUS SMS2000/01 - 2004/05












2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05

Academic year




realized Incomings realized Outgoings

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

ERASMUS SMS2005/06 - 2009/10










2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10

Academic year




demanded Incomings realized Incomings

demanded Outgoings realized Outgoings

the current situation

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Student mobility

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Bianca HÖRMANN+43 1 71155 7420 - hoermann@mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Procedure of an ERASMUS application:

1) The coordinator of the HEI sends the complete ERASMUS applications to our Office in time.

2) We will forward the applications to our concerning departments

3) Our professors, the head of the departments and/or the deans of studies make the decision whether we can accept your students for an ERASMUS study place or not (a nomination of the HEI does not mean an acceptance at our Univeristy)

4) After the decision we are going to send out the official letter of acceptance/refusal to the coordinator of the HEI

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Complete ERASMUS application:

- Application Form

- Learning Agreement

- Transcript of Records (= academic success so far)

- Demotape or relevant material on qualification

- Curriculum Vitae

- Letter of Motivation


- for fall term: 15 March

- for spring term: 15 October

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Contact person:

Bianca HÖRMANNInternational OfficeAnton-von-Webernplatz 11030 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 71155-7423Fax: +43 1 71155-7428E-Mail: hoermann@mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Discussion on how to increase the number of Outgoings

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Student placements

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Discussion on first experiences of implementationand good practise examples by the audiences (if applicable)

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Students mobility

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

1. Partnership Agreements (Joint Study):

China- Hongkong Academy for Performing Arts - Central Conservatory of Music, Peking- Shanghai Conservatory of Music

Japan- Tokyo Gedai – National University of Fine Arts & Music- Osaka University of Arts- Tokushima Bunri University- Kunitachi College of Music- Kyoto City University of Arts

Taiwan, R.O.C.- Taipei National University of the Arts

USA- Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York

Kanada- Mc Gill Schulich School of Music, Montreal, Quebec- Université de Montreal, Faculté de Musique, Montreal, Quebec

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

2. Fulbright (USA): www.fulbright.at

3. ASEA-Uninet: http://www.uibk.ac.at/asea-uninet/

Vietnam-Hanoi National Conservatory

Thailand- Mahidol University

- Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok

- Silpakorn University

- Kaetsart University

- Burapha University

4. Free Mover: Individually organized exchange semester (different scholarships)

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Contact person:

Elisabeth STRÖBITZERInternational OfficeAnton-von-Webernplatz 11030 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 71155-7421Fax: +43 1 71155-7428E-Mail: stroebitzer@mdw.ac.at

Universität für Musik unddarstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1A-1030 WienTelefon +43 1 711 55-0Telefax +43 1 711 55-199www.mdw.ac.at

Sabine ROTH+43 1 71155 7420roth@mdw.ac.at

Bianca HÖRMANN+43 1 71155 7423hoermann@mdw.ac.at

Elisabeth STRÖBITZER+43 1 71155 7421stroebitzer@mdw.ac.at

International Office:European Relations(ERASMUS, OUTGOING students,Teaching mobilities, partnerships)

International Office:INCOMING exchange studentsof all programmes

International Office:Non-European relations(partnerships, EPU, ASEA-Uninet)

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