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• Fii• llOllA FIO A&O£R /.D-Oll!I-.....


Vol. 6 No. 6

Fehruary 1%8

"\~orld 's .y public~ tion devoted to Horbtio Alger"

Nawsba This newsletter published monthly except July and Janua'?"y for Society members.

Incorporated 1965 ( Non--profi t}

rienth ;,Jichiga.n 41JJ~

Presldent: Jack V'. Row; Ph: 515-532-3731; P.O. Box No. 131, Clarion, Iovia 505.25 Vice 0 res: Carl T. Hertmo.nn; Ph: 517-882-3203; 4900 .Allison Lr., Lansing, .11icn. 43)10 Sec'y-Treas-Pub: Max Eheldon; Ph: 515-532-32~; P.O. Rox t-.'o. 124, Clarion, i JVca 50525 1968 Convention Chairman - Ed Levy Memorial Service Ch&irmfl.n -- Mc..x Golnberg li'di t::H·: Forrest Ca'11pbell; Ph: 616-349-4155 Membership fee t5 (twelve month basis) *'**°*.(-'.l-'t*****-'-l-****~*~.t-A-:Ht-J.t.:t-:t-~i-***-~:t-:1-;HI- ·****~**~*****k;..'**A-****"*-**-k-'Bl-kk:t-A-~- ~ ;h(--,~ ,c- .~

1~8 NY.' ~A'tEN CONVlNTION TVIO PARTIC II_,;.,R FhIENL.S PASS Yd Levy, Convention Chairmttn, re- The death of Raymond .1iottel on

ports that a few reservations have November 17, 1967 was reported to hegun to tric1<le in. He also in- me on recember 28, by J. Patrick forms us that we will be his guests NEXT EXIT Denis, Ass 1 t T .. ust Officer for the At the luncheon (Yale) on Friday. Detroit BLnk & Trust. On Ssturday we will be j!Uests of FOOD FUEL Everett ~hi tlock at t1.e Vlhi tlock · & LODGING Raymond, PF-151 ~ns reportea o.s

a new member in April 1966. ~,e h~ve no record of his age or ni.::> family. Although deprived of tne usual high school and college edu­c& tion, he was a firm believer in the hlger principles, sna acnieved a reason&ble degree of success after attending night school and 8

CJrrespondence course. He ownea but few Alger books according to

farm. On Sunday we will be guests of Max & Ida Goldberg at the Gold­berg home, at Natick. Fach morn­ing we will be guests of Rip Van ~inkle Motel Rt a continental brea~<fast, served from ?:DO J...M. t.Hl q: 15 A .M.

I have been in contact Yii th the lTIAnFtP'er of the motel who has in­form0d me that the motel consists of 65 units grouped in a horse­s:ics shape a!'onnd t.he pool. The better rooms face the pool, with the cheaper rooms somewhat apart from the rest. I have suggested

our recorus.

The death of Isaaore December 27, F)67, Vib s me by Gilbert V estgHrd 16th.

Appel, on reporteu to on J1:1n~ry

Isadore, PF-216 was reporta~ a.s a new member in 0epternber 1967. He W£.S 58 years old a.no hac. in e:;,:cess of 1J0 .b.lger volumes. rie dad been

we he grouped together so that non­members will not be sandwiched in ret~een Uc. This is not a corridor tv".:le 'tlotel. Uni ts have outside entra~ces only. Our conference rnom is on the motel premises. If you have not yet sent in your questinnnaire and reservation card, T sugv,est you identify yourself ss & menber of the Alger convention P'r::mp.

employed as a bank messenger by the First National B&nk of Chicago. He leaves his wife, Faye. dis a;-1i-1li­pation for membership reveals his

.i.-+--~'-'-"L'.LJ-~-11lhopes that his cnildren ene grena-

Be sure to bring your duplicate Alger titles if you wish to sell them, And bring your prized Alger items for room displ&y. Time will be allotted for ry&nel And generHl discussions on the subject of our hero. Les Lfingloi5 will F;ive away four highly desirable Alger t l t les :is door prizes. One of our newer ~Pmhers has composed his nostalgic th,)ughts on Alger in verse form, con­~isting of g6 l lnes and entitled: Those ftl~P.r Days. Cooies will be m~de avail-a hle only for those members in attendanee ~t our convention. If the author is in attenrhrnce:, we v·ll.l hear it recited. Who is the author? Those in attendance will be the first to know. Bring your GEirt1nr·r hook end get it e.utogrr1phed too! oe sure to hring your camerE< equipment ~r.d pler.ty of film. We'll want o good ~rouo picture for the nHt issue of our ~!F"'shoy Photo fupplement, end remember, YC'P'LL MITT f.OME NEW FRHNrs IN NEW HAVEN!

child.ren will receive ins pi ra.tion &nd ?leasure from the hl5er books b.S aio he.

Mll/1BEf§J:l]f _ F.OE,TEt-. Our nev. 1968 Membership 8oster has been

di~;trit-ute:d. J..11 nev.i 11\t:rrt.ers 1:re eligi­ble for a ccpy. If you ctid not t't!C'eivc i

co:•y, ?.rite our sec~t~tury. Ke"'p it U}: to C.:f:te ty making not~.tionr: of e:tll cor-rect ions. If pertim·r,t informttion re­ge.rc:ing your ov.n listinb is not c,)rr~ct, or you h&ve llfrVI informt t:on, Vlrite i<er. fut~er. Ch8nges of aoaress Ehould also be reported to the eoitior. tuch re-

, ported che ngee v:ill be li stea ea ch mo nth in our ne'AslE'tter. Cnly b few r..inor errors hc::ve been noted, ~uch hf: (Under states) the city residences of ~tcvt .:>ress, bnd llf>rold :.icCuen bre incorrect..

Ken ho.s <lone o.n excellent jot on this roster in spite of our nq:,lit<;erice in rP­porting, and in behalf of all memlier~, OUR 'l'HANK~., KH., F0t1 A JOE' HLL ldNld

.:!1!!_ NFWSBOY PAGF. -~- __ .UAF;_¥ .. .J..~ RAGGED r~ CK. _cEl'.'TENNiltL YFAR

\":e oote with interest t.hflt V.'ORLf J..L­._,A!~J\C is also celebrating their lOOth An­n-lverssry with a Centenr.it-<l Fdition. In addition to Horatio' E correct birth date

heing listed on page 624, our Society listing on pEtge 645 res11lted in 6n in­quiry from a New York City prospective 'l'~i:ihEr. On pare 37 \':OFJ...Li /,LMH!./\C shows a. ~ic.ture of the cover of the 1&:>8 edition. It if a 170 pege volUI"le. If you have a copy, ''"e emry you! l&S 8 "r'I/?! f. ~· gre1:.t year in ~'e" York C'i ty I'm beginning to find out ::ftrr C'cnriclereble rei:eerch.

"ot only v:&s our hero beginning to at­t ".'"1 ct F-ttertion in "t.he nubli~hing field, rut Fc'h·.in Pooth ( 183J-l8C)3) the gree.t f'1t..1<:ec-rcare&n tnp;eclhn was &ttr&cting ~T"J nudie:ices in ~~ew York City. Unfor­tu n•.tely, clue to the ill-timed publicity of nis brother John V ilkes, it is re­-;iori..F·c; that his thea:t:rE<, V'inter Garden, "'c- c t.urm-d in protest in 1&:>7. ruri ng Hr yEer 1868 he wes rusy in directing 1 :- r· condruct.ion of r. nother v hi ch w1;is locntec &nd openec in l&'.i') at the S.E. c.:rrn r of Si:xth /.venue end 23rd ~treet.

'I ne ECOK \'.OR1A, edited i:. nd published by .)Ur ov.n Jacueline cteele, PF-199, is fer;turing Horatio Alger in her Febru&ry iee.ue with a nine pqre s~ireed. ::ubsc!'ip­tion is only tl.50 per ye&r e:.r.c1 v.orth it!

J.nd also for you J\lger f<.ns v.ho WL.±

_ f'V_12ryth_:iJ:!!:_ibt1J, v.ii s ever v:riti pn ~bout

our hero, LITF.RJ.fiY .. KETCH!!S, edi tee nnd ·:ml~H shec by our own Mary Lewie Chepm&n, PF-179, puhlished en J.lger niece for me in her ~:ovember 19€£ issue. ~he has 32 r.o.,ies of t!-1is is~ue lPft, end I h~ve rFr-cffvHJ all of them for our membe!'s. Y0u nay heve tr.is i~-.sue free vith b two­"P~ r subscriotior1 of LITrh.hftY tKETCHEL at ~l pPr ye&r.· You oust identify your­F~lf fiS e ~ociety member in order to get the free copy.

Cul t;oell, PF-082, employed in the Pefere~1ce Roorn, ValEtme zoo Public Libr£iry, c-"- J lfci my attention to the 1899 eai tion of rho's Rho In Americe (A.N. Marcuis & r 0 ., Chic&go), which lists .hlger' $ birth­r.r te incorrectly. Cal v ondf'rs if this in­formation might be the source of &11 sub­sE:q uent errors in other reference books.

In one of my nume:·ous cliI.'i)ings on file, T note tLat the lE-st knov.n tlewsboys' r:odr-i np, House loc&tec on the corner of r 1111 m· and 'f'illil'lm v-aE torn dovm in 1963. ~he ce,rliest mention of its location in the Jlger dories v:as in the loft of the ~ un t·uilcing, corner of Nasf;au bnd Frank­fc,rt : trf:Ets, Printing House S4uare, and ornoEi. te City Hell Park. The Sun flldp. , ,,,:'; ale.o Tammi ny Head'1_UEirterf; until their rn. tuilr:irli; V•l•S completed in 1&:>8. Ac·~osE the stred from the ~un Fldg., was 1 ht:! dc1 Trench's Hotel until 1888 when it wt=.r replFcec.i with the ¥'orld Pldg., also

\nmwr 6 s the Puli t~ er Bldg.

Early in Jenm1ry the Old Hom(.stead he~­taursnt of i-;cv. York City cclE.bnte:o tr,eir lOOt.h J.nr.iversf..ry by urving met:ils at 1868 priceL 'Their specitil ?ti:ts &. five­course dinner 1ur L~ cents. 'lhe menu consisted of ::itehk or s&us~gei:;, 4 cents; soup, 2 cent~.; s1 lco (liver & poti:itoe:::), 3 cents; hc.11 E pie, :) certs; rnc' coffee, l cer.t. Ion't rush; it u . s a one-day celebrntion. The manq;emcnt Eftim&.teG tne cost to te f.:rvne $4,JvJ.

Fortunr..tt·ly, in 'TIY copy of Valent:ir:e's rv1a r.UB l, f• 7' I Vi(.. s e. ble to tn- ce ti-.e J.0-c& tion. 1•:::...,w:1ir,g toe ctot.&Llic .lf!!t7nt ib still lochtF-d on iti. origincl :.;ite, it may ce found un the \':est dee of l i1·ntr1 Avenue, tctWlE'll :·~m•, ft ;;.;,n1 ::.tn cts.

In Alger's ,Af:.'Y, t ni f 11ignt 11f, VE: oe•. n considerea ~s en up-tc•n hovresE, in the mic dle-ch Sfi rE ::,ieientiel ai~trict. The Mc.nual def< rites the restE- un. r.t oS 1::. 11ang­out for Eoss 'Iwrcc.'E 11 ru!j'it:ns. 11 At any r~te the lochtion w~s a little off the he£1t for our :iero F nc nif: r1e· ... :::boy-b0ot­tl~ck &.EOCi&t~s.

t'erheps tne rest~.un r.t most referrea to, l·ut tr,e leu:.t ;:atr~ri:::ec! t.y our rril cy heroes, e>.cc:t on n : rf: occc,sioru:: &s f2'.UPst::: of ~ v. end r:.y & cc l.U:' i rill:::. r.ce, we s I1elmonico 1 s l't } ifth t.Vt>nue &- 1·rof:tC\'r<-,y. The restE un~r;t ;nenu mo:-t likely to a,i )eal tci cur hero motJeoyv, it:e, ?. • s a pl& te of beF-f at h srnE1ll re;. tc.1irc.'t in fnn .... trcet, ne~r City t.<.Ll ~'<-rk. 'Jhe nome efC<•!cs me i.. t. tht :no;: .. nl •

1he pro:peciive mernler me1,tiom:c ir. the OHiosi te columr sui_. c~ tEu tn&t ~o:nG C&~' t::e ::ociety mif'nt v.i~r. to erect c:... ~il&cc;i...e on toe site of one of tne olc: 1cli;;er l&nc:r:I:trks . J, r. ex cell Pnt SUiTfestion! In C reE»t Be.rring­toL, Mess., t .~re is & st&t~e of & ne~sboy v.hich was c.on:. tEu. in 1895 ty a for'ller resi­aent, Y:.K. ;<rov·n, oublisner cf tcie : .• Y. faily ~€~S. 1he eoitor cf the lotbl ~Lper, F e!'kshire C~:>Urier, ::.tE..teu ir. lCjbo t.n&.t the r;t& tue no 101 ,;::er ::iervec & u::ieful t- urµo:..e, E net w& s no lonrer a cheriE:.nec.. aiemc ry. lf tl1i:: stbtue coulc be securE'c: ty tne .._ociety, the most lcric[•l locf:ti.on for it::, nev. home would be i r r i + ~ H & ~ 1 re r1< !

J.h, tho~ c ff!Lc:ir!Lting plc·re:: ctscriht:c in the Plrrcr storiEs r.: century a€':o! 'lne old f::o \ery 1hc~.tt"'' J.'l • .. tEv.1:;.rt's :..tore, Tif­fany's, 'The J.dor rioure, anc 8i;rm,:n 1 s ~Jluseum. 1 fefrr they a.re but cc,eri:::1ed memories toc~iy, :;et , they live ~s v e ret.o of those bistod.c ac C(;unt£;!

l 1a n Fuller, l'f -L4~, once revN . .Lee <1 µro­ject he nt d i r. mi no, namely to cross-i nde:l< t.hE: r€'1'erf ncei to the nt:.mes of :>eo­ple &nd '::.ui.Lc::i uf:S mentionE:O ir, t.r.e nlf er stories. J, tr~iner.doue unaert.ti~int;, but. Vlilif'n com. lF te.u, it v.oulo ~erve t. very U!.e­ful purpot>c fer stucent:.. of Jlr:er! 'inis propo~ed pre• j( ct coulo 'be 1; ::.~>it. 1.ec to e number of rncrnl ers ¥.no woulc be v-·ii.lirtL to CiS~ ist in t.r.c reser.rch. I' 11 volunteer!

( d-V.:xJ)

• ?age -3- February 1968


PF-124 Raymond E. Brbndell 550 Sheridan SqUB re, Fvenston, Illinois 60202

PF-142 Dan Fuller 1121 V·.est Eadger Road, Madison, Wisconsin 53713


Pf-225 Kenneth Feller 1203 1st Avenue, (Nov) Vinton, Iowa 52349

0 14'-226 Mrs. Martha Landis 205 N. 2nd Street (Nov) ~~ershalltrn•n, Io.,:a. 50158

Normen Ha mnn 529 Lincoln Street min:ina, 'Unnes.:>tu

(Dec) 55987




')"-22H F. JoseohCossman T-000 1~5)2 fHl'bank Street, (Dec) ~ tudio City, Californin ')16J4

?F- 2?1 Fnnk F isenberR T-CJ73 2~~;? J Sumter Avenue, S. (Dec) ~Hnneapolis, ~innesota 55426

L)F--23a Alan s. Di1<ty ~-X>4 5210 ro~chester, (Dec) \hicago, Illinois 6:>615

Kenneth, ~ local merchant, heard of us through convention publicity in the Des ~Poines Rerister last ~lay. He believes; in t '.'le Alger ori nci oles and wishes to become 5ctive in our eociety vrork.

rftl'rthc , a widow, operates a.n cnti(1ue hu~iness from her home. ~he heerd of us in rollectorf ~ews.

~1 ormi:in heera of us through Jack Row. Recently he had purchased a number of hlger end other books from Morris Teicher PF-027 (deceased). He hopes to add some first editions to his Alger collection.

Joseph heard of us through his friend, Jjm Thorup, PF-183. He is the head of the le.rgeet (probably) mail order firm of its kind in the country today. He is author of the book, "How I made a. million dollbrD in Mail Order. 11

Frank neard of us through Hobbies Maga­zine find contacted me lfist ~~ eptember.

His ar:>plication ''as received in December. He w&s born in 1897 and hEi.S led a very colorful life. He is giftec in many re­<>nects. He has & number of duplicates · ~ff erec for sale or trape.

Al~n he~rd of us through Collectors News. He is e student arrl ha$ just be­cr·11n to read and collect Alger.

(E.N Roster listing: Thompson, PF-146, T-200. This must include all his dupli-cates)


The listings in this department (sp€lce per­mitting) are free to our members. Ple~se list title, publisher, condition and price.

Offered by: Frhnk Eisenberg, PF-229 ( e.d­dress in opposite column) ?rice indicate& a range from fhir to good condition.

Adrift in New York '1 II


Andy Gordon

"" Andy Gr&nt 1 s Pluck Bob Burton

ti" Bound to Rise Brave & Bold


Cash Boy Charlie Codmbn 1 5 Crui~e

Cousin's Conopir1:1cy Db & D~re Frie Tr&in Boy


FRcing the Vorld 1111 ( 2)

"" Five Hund.rec Loll~rs Frank's Camp&ign ( 2) Hector's Inheritance (2)


Helping Hi~elf

"" ( 2)

"" Herbert Carter'~ Legacy Joe's Luck Making Hit\ v:ay


Only an Irish boy Paul the Pecdler (3) Paul Prescott 1E Charge Phil the Fi~dler


~alph Raymond'~ rleir Sam's Ch1rnce (2)

Ill! (2) Sink or Ewim Shifting for Hi111Eelf Slow & sure ( 2) Store Eoy Struggling Gpward Tin Box Tony the Hero Vait & Hope

'"' n II

Young Acrobat Young Explorer Young Outlaw



Donohue riurst v.orld Vlorld i'IYB Lonohue lJonohue v.orlcl Superior Lonohue \\orld Viorlo Lononue Lonohue v.orld tfurst Lonohue Lonohue V·Jorld l\'YB Donohue ~.orld

Hurst v.orld Donohue \\orld Hurst Hurst Viorld Burt v.orld tiurt rlurst Eu rt Lonohue NYB Lonohue v.inston Dor.ohue Conohue t~YB

!\YB Lononue lionohue Lonohue .burt V.inston Lonohue NYB IJonohue Lionohue Burt i\inston Donohue

.t,2.00 ;:: .Ou. 1.00 l.OG 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00

.75 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 ;;..oo 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00



.50 • 75


.75 2.0\J

.75 2.00 ;:;.oo

.75 2 . 0)

.75 2 .W 2.00 2 .00

.75 2.00

't 2.00 ~ .00

• 75 • 75

2 .00 2.())

1.50 ~.00

2.00 2.00

.75 l.5u

. 75 l.5Ll 2.00 ~.()J

Young Salesmv.n Hurst 2.00 1111 Donohue 2.00

( E. N. Fr& nk adcls that he will t nide tv;o books for one for the titles he needs) **-~~**"-**~"°*11-*il-l( ll It ll X-*"* ;lo*;H}-;t-~;:-*

REMINDER - ~e sure to bring your surplus books to convention with you, c: s mucy books are exchEJnged in this manner. I nott thbt we have & society adverti::ement in Col­lectors NeT1s noVi. Cue to publicity in the east we ma.y get ma cy i~uirie.s regaraing membership e1..d books for sale, and remember, YOU'LL MEFI' EOM~ NU1 FRIENDS IN NhV! rtAVEN!



All itembP.rs listed in our new 1968 Mem­hershtp Roster through PF-225, have ro doubt received a book catalog from the Victnri~ Book Shop. The proprietor is none ::>tner than our own Mil ton Reissman, ?f-~21, introduced in our October, 1967 newsletter.

Among the 644 book items listed were five Ali;-:er hooks, four of w'11ch were ap­nF. r<:!ntly sold before the catalog was re­le,q SP.<l. 'l'he only Alger book offered was a fi.rct edition of REigfed Die'< at t150.oo

Partlc 1 lar friends who may recall th~t deC'eesed memher Louis Vosbuq;h, ?F-lJJ, had bf>.en Mmed t ·) receive the Hora.tio f.. l~er AwArd by t':le flmerican ~ chools & r.olleGes Asso<'iution in 1965, will also he plP.s.sed to le.rtrn, m 0ou1't, that Colonel HArlanc ~anders received the i:=n•mrd 11t t'le same time.

The rolonel is t~e familiar figure t~at we see in the l(entucky Fried Chic'<en ad­vert.isemPnts in t ·1e newspEiper, and on TV. '!'hr> ".'olonel is, I believe, qn octogenarian Anf. his national fame and subsequent suc­ce::;s "'as achieved only a few short yec:rs

Gilhert •r esto.:ard, ?F-024, contributes an interesting it em from the 45th volume of 11 T"1.e YP-flr 1 s 'Forl< in Enp-lish Studies," ouote: "J:.lt:1ough Horo.tio Alger is best i<noJ.il f•)r t1is novels for ooys--for example RAgP:ed fie'<, Ren the LUf.I!& ~c Boy, etc, v:'1ic~ a::ipeared 11ai:tl.y in t ·-1e 1870' s & 8::> 1 s he Als:> wrote verse, which Gilbert K. 11 e~tearcl I1, hAs collected uncer t~e title .')f ALGF.P STR:· !1T, The Poetry of Horatio Jl~P.r, Jr . The volu11e is a slim one com­nr.r P. d ;tit~ Plger's output in fiction, ano vre ought to be t'.'lad<ful for t :"lat. Al­tiv)U;~11 slightly rnore competent at versifi­c~ition t '.1EJn Mc Gonigall, l\lger was no lhuro.1 Lte. Yet t:1ere is & certain neriod c'1a.r11 about such dor~erel st·Jries in verse &..s N'JTHI::G 'IO LO!"

Ken P.utler contrihutes t~e foll0wing i teL'l: 11 A barP"&.in closeout on books lists f;ur st.)ries by Hor&tio Alger wi t:1 an in­tro·lnction hy Russell CrouDe, for only •l.1)3 'Jlur. ;'5t handling charge. 'Iha four f.lper ~tories renrintec'! are: Strup~rling TJm·ard; R&rfec'l Die'.<; Phil the Fiddler; and .T eCl t'1.e Poor!'louse Boy. The hook ls of­fered hy Publ is'.1er' s Centro.l Bure&u, JJ-20 1-{unters Point Avenue, Long Islfind City, N. y. lllJl. .At t'lis moderate price, some 4 •. 1\.S. -ne'llhf'rs might like to add tnis '111dern reDrint volume. I suspect the book was ori~iw.lly issued possibly six or seven years avo."

(Editor's note: ~;uch a volume in hard cf)vers by the title of STRUGGLING UPWARD, AnQ ot1er works, was issued by Crown Pub­liAh~rs in 1945. The above reference ~eAmS to be identical. The introduction F~Pms t' be 8 re-hash of the work of HerhP.rt R. Msyes, "Alger: A BiogrQphy r.1t~out a Hero" 1928. This volume also

• includes Mayes' list of Alger titles, mBny of which are non-existent . If the book offered is the identical cloth bound volu~e published by Crown, it is well worth the price . 1he poEsibility of it at le~ · st merits an inquiry. If it is not the identical book, t110n you be ti1e judi.;e}

A catalog of books in the M~nu.:>ta ~ublic Library dated 1898 hnving come into rrry hands I naturallv 1.-).:>kea int.:> it immediately t·.:> see hov. mc..nyv of t.1e novels of our hero, tior&tio Alger, ~ere carried on tneir shelves. 1 w&s plP&sed tJ finC. thitt t '.1.e juve ~1ile .:·ic­tirrn depc rtment v.as 4ui te v1ell re13resented with 17 .Hp-er titles. One of t1em v,~ . s u title thf.Lt t:tartlec !Deb. tit, being un­fc.rnili11.r. It v.as 11 \,uy to ~ucce"s". Its listing uncer 1'.lger was no misprint, for I also found it unc.er 9 not:1er c;.;t~ 1ory.

(; ui te na turei ...iy 1 ciuve int•) t'le oi blio­gr &ot1y of R.P l~)n Gt· rd nt-r' s book to see whi:,t tnis wbs all r..riout. Gr-,rc..nt<r ;>tates t lif:t the book is rea.lly "t.truggling Up­ward 11 • It comes to be confused 1; s c. n Alger tit le for t 1e rea:oon t.1&t on the cover t :.1e nE me of the series title, 11 \iby

to Success 11 is CA rriea in much :)igger t :rpe thRn ti1e tit.le, &;>pea-::-ing just &oove it, 11 ::.truerrling l.Jl:)v.ard".

!"urther stucty of the 18~8 CL talof; re­vei:,led t~at Ho ratio Alger uic n:>t lPad the juvenile list in number of titles in circulation. 1 h& t hon')r >•ent t~ t'le British author, Li.A. i-ienty, who nod no less t~e.n 29 titles listed. J, n)tl1er •rno bested our her~ was Captain Ch&rles King, who had a total :>f l'j.

It is some cons0lntion that Jilger out­r e.nked Harry Ci::stlemon (lJ), Jliver \Ji)tic ( 15) , ana Ecv:a r a ..... • tll i.s ( 11) • i~eit ier \'infield nor t trc.teme:,:er wo.~ list8d.

--- l(enneth :-• t-utlPr

(Editor's note: The practice of ?romi­nently displaying t~e ru:.me of the series on tne frorrt cover hEts causes mc.ny con­fusing si tuetions in trc.nsactions be­tween dealers &.nd Alger buyers. rorter & Coates adopted this pr&ctice in t~eir Luck & Pluck, a.nd Tc,tterea T:>m series.

Libraries Rre expre&sing a renewed in­terest in Alger. Karl teber, PF-220, writes that a li hr &.ry in his community wants to stock some Alger books for cir­cul1-.tion. The Crown publicotion mentioned above with it~ four stories, not.wit~­

~t~nding its incorrect list of Jilg~r titles, and t'.:'le Vit-.yes II\!.Jterial used in the introduction, would be c..n excellent addition t .J eny library. 'lhe currei1t in­terest in Stru~rgling Upv.or11 his cuu::;ed me to pick up t~e book, settle aown in ~ comfortable chair with h pE..o and pencil, and read and enjoy, doing research at the same time on .F uller 1 s pr0p.:rneu pr() j ect , such as: t:ie ct.st, the setting, tne plot, char11cter types, New York City loc,itions, and manner of speaking, such as: "just so" "that's too thin" "put a spoke in his wheel" "putting on ~irs" and ""E..xtraorainsryJ" Won't you select. a story anc. join us in this useful research project'?} rf-\};}J

THh: •• -5- } I<.:BRUARY 1968


The special edition of our Newsboy re­lePsPd just before Christnu:.s, 1967, was sent out to all members on record at that time. The purpose of this special edi­tlon wes to invite all members to send an ILl~er bool< to Steve Press, PF-164, in support of his 0 roposed oroject to ac­flUFlint his students with the Alrer prin­cl~les, and W8Y of life of 180 years ago.

As € result of our appeal, Steve re­!"IOrt.t>d early in Jenua.cy that our members we!'e res?onding not only with books, but "1ith money and wonderful letters of com­;nenint.ion. The project was launched in f;tnve•~, clPssroom on January 15th.

from o reoort just received, ~ teve says t11at he hed to dip into his own Alger co 1-lPct ion in order to supply ea ch stu-Cl Pnt wi.t~ e hook. He is hopeful that a f12w more books will come in to lllCi lce up fo!' the shnrt~ge.

JAc<' ueline Stee>le, PF-lq9, e ditor and puhll~her of the Pookworm, gave her sup­~0rt to the project in the Fe~runcy issue of her publication, &ncl eilso rele; sed the r;t.orv to the ?ortlend ('1aine) ?ress-!-' cl"e ld v:ho E-dded their support V'ith some 1,100 \' Ol"ds in fa•ror of the pr.J j ect. So [teve and :i.is project should be getting n::i tion-11icc publicity from at l east thre e Gi''ferent sources.

Steve hbs been busy preparing for the nroject, but ~lPns to send you &11 thank you letters just as quick as h c> ca n. He adds, "It sure has been wonderful seeing '1Y '~ids wall<int; around the hells with "fl. ll!Prs" tuc1<ed under their arms." These rre "your" hooks these kids are reading, Pnd you shrmld be proud to be a p&rt of t 11.:; project. The Ne-:-·s boy thonV:.s you for ~·our ,,..on(erful support in lP.unching this ll<''Jrth V'hlle ".)ro ject.

:·t e vf' v: i 11 nrovide us v.-i th monthly re-· .. -ir-t s, 1rnc ;: finEil report at our New .~ <J ven convention. v;e have e sup;ily of the ~peci3l Pdltion available for anyone who mF:r have be> 0 n missed. * '.- 'c . ~ ~ ,< :~- ~~~-***'-:!-**'**-* ***"* ***'* :t- * ,_ ~* >1-* * *'*-~*'**

'<J.. L f.."AJ:. ZOO

K~l~mf. 7. 00 was featured in the Jeml&ry rit.h is r ue of Look Magazine. The subject w:.. f> "Culture." fith nine photo gr eph s a nd A thou: o ml tiords they enrlenvorr-d to prove t '111 t, i;;e had some--of a sort. !::. ince, in ~Y opinion, the photographs were not suf­ficiirnt proof, the thousa nd words WP.re oui tP nP<'essary. Yes, KE>lamt. zoo is a col­lP;'.!C tovm, 5nd perhaps your neighbor's


Convention che.irw~n !·d Levy r eport.s that quite a few membe r s hbv~ answe r ed hi£ ques­tionrudre and a ffi rmeci tn£1t thev will at­tend the New H&ven meeting in 1J68. PLEJ..b1 -- t hose v. ho hc..ve not ,vet 11 r~wered the questionnoire -- complete &nu .nHil it to l!.d as s oon as you can. It t.c.kes time to com- . plete plAns and Ed will huve to huve b gooa idea how many will btter£i.

Max Goldberg, ~:&tick, :.~sss., t>f-CX>B, New Fngl.qnd Regional [irector ond C.H.:.irm&n of th~ Horatio Alger Memorial Co:.1.'nitti:?e, re­ports that he has al r eaoy started lllhking olaruo f o r the 1J68 memoriol service. Max h• s t'l grae J t o schedulP. this outsto.n:ling ev 0 nt ~ unday, Mny ~6th, :-o that ;,.ttendees of th P. 1)6 8 convention c& n t1-.1ke ::>&rt. M&x ha s vro r l<erl tw r u on tnis im::>ortant event for ~ome y e a r s <incl his receipt of the ~ on.tio Alf!er "LUCK J..i~L .r't..UC:<" award for 19 Ei> W<• S a n e cknO\'lLPugment o;' t .w so­ciety' s gr e t i t Lce f o r ni~ ~ervice.

Pt:.:-vE·:J'O n : of the Povc:-t.;> Prof:' r M.J t.c: ke note. J. lft £ •• i.0 tile ee;.it0r, receivrti by r f'ew Yo r k ne1•.;,p~.per, Clei.;c:-ibes con­t em;o r br'J Plger heroes - - &no it's ,1ur­pc r tn.: to l e & tn1~ story .

'' \\~ f~: t r1t'r ('11'1iL r.e:-1 .:_ r .... m Chi!".c 55 ytt.x·::;

r f:o . Ve had sevE-::& chil ~en in our family; t hr e e cle :·t i r1 t;,e c.:e ~le r unc: e ri:et:th the l wi::t: :y ; t he r1 ct oi n.e !'<.mi):,· s.l.ept Le ­h i nc. tne· h.un,1ry. I ..;ot o Ph . L; tv;0 01' rn;> b r c t uE:: r r.. < n Loct..in:. of 10i:·c..iciu:, cr.e i s ! c e nti::-t, ,m• i: t tu,cht· r ; ,n.e ~-i~·. ter

i~ 1, r:un . ~.e ltl Vt: r· tvc.k r e lief. ~ome of t he zrE:~ e nt mi n::ir:tiH in t:i:;v. '.:'.u r k ::;l.oulc: Eto1> protestinf;, rnc1rc-hir.r; <..nc.. de mi. r.C'i r.g r e liEf c nd s recic.l consi C:e ra t i on , a nc:1 try 1 8 Lour0 L di.y of v v!'k 1 :,c. stl4c..y . \' e love ~!c· . ~·o r\: City . to r Lmbi t::.o u ::; ;ieople t ne r e ::.r: no l irni t t..., o :orturci t y, c.. r:u no r u ro n f:i r poverty o.ec-,;:::t ::. ickner.s ,1 r kz :. nE;~!:: ."

I'm so.u t.:i he.. vt- t ' re:=:or t t.1e ~c& t.h of 't r s . Fl: rlf n ~:il lc:· ( r o ri~") of Le::; .. ,:ir.n ; v.ho succurnbEC: to c.:t. r.cc r t ~ t.er <: n i llness o f ~cven·l ) et.rs . r. . i. . ::-.• rne rr.be r s '.'no f. t­te:nc.fG the L e ::: , . ., •ir-.f s se:ssior. lc.~t j H ·r 1 . ilJ remember muting ,1 r r. . Miller <.. t t h e Ea turc< J- eve :1ir.g t.&m u Et.

tATUf:l J,Y, l f.C'._ ... L't.f\ ;_ , 1';167, .~t:l,LC'l 1,

I ,LD lOIS. f..~ C<.Ued f0r in tm: by-ln.~ of the f" .J!.t., o se,a:.- b1.t.W:l l·,oeirc, of c.1irfct.::irti mt- .;.t ing ~"" ::: nt:i.u . r r ::;t;.11ile :.;re ~ iue 1 t Ken !.utl~r v1 c, s once <-~h i n t:1t=: brc;,ciotu:; no!:it, ~ir~eit to s smri.!.Lc.r t,; r.:iu 11 t nLs Um€. Lir­e ctor~ Fmtlt r, liov. <..no Hf: :-trllb. r.n ~:. e11t ~ (;V­er-< l r.ours in not c1L <' U~ ~·io n ,1 f !l:E. r y evf nt!­of i.ntE-rt::::t t 1,; t.u: "·C i ety. \'. r1-rnc.r Cc n­t.rton, .?:F-2J'1, 0f !.. c.. r.:.-.i rt_, , .. ict,: {;.e:n ac­c:ompl:r.i ea Curl H1i rtrn1rn t .::. .. 1eru.1o t< c.rn. " l~ il ·ih· ed" lit t 11L. Cl ir E: ctor~ me r- tin€',.

kids !!Ire enrolled here to absorb some cul- 'I bcre c rf! 110..- :;. mRmhE r s of t he !:.:.Q!!j_io t'lr~, but our neighbor's 'd rl s are no doubt Alger __ ").00" Ci'!._h. \..Ut.L if:Lc ntion i~ m· ni ng Attracted to your town for the rame reason. 10-'": or more title vE ri ~ tio rn;. i f you hbve np1 nr "' rollef'e city, we mt1y be classified 100 or more t.itle~ l ' nu h f Vf- not ) Et be: en rs a trPnsient city, Rnd name mfly say, t.ccleimea a "100" Club mu,'Ler, please no-''Tt' ~ A nica pl~ce t.o visit, 1--ut I would- tify ~;ay f:~heldon, who ¥.ill mail you f.

n't \"ant to live there." Eut ?.'e like it hrf•tS pletP for y c ur mc r.i bershi~ tile. 'lhh: .111~t thf' same! It's home to un! rec- c pution i£ free from tht' tlor~: t::.o J lrer

fod.ety. (cont inu d on pEige fix}


Your~ truly has beEn v.-orking ?Ii th the I ntt>t·nel Reverrue fervice people regerding non-tHXf:ble stntus for the society. As [:nn ~:::a minor change is made in the articles of incorporation, I'm told that our sour,ht after statu::: 'Vl"ill be forth­C'oming. V1e will then be clsssed as a C3 orpanizRtion, according to Internal RPvPnu~ r.oae.

Pe.lph Gardner, Irv Poznhn encl Relph Pncierson, our nominHting committee, are h~rci at 'l'iOrk trying t.o come up with a sl~t~ fnr 1968-1Q6q officers.

C'F1rl Hsrtw;nn, ren Fuller ~nc'J Forrest r~""prPll, our f!V..orcle committee, are trying to come up with sui tE1 ble recipient[ for Luci< 8.· Pluck and Ne\\5boy ev:e.rds for 1068. ~·u1'f 1 estio~ to either or toth committees rill be most v.elcome, I'm sure. -30-*~**~ ~**lt-:H.'-*:< ~ ~ *-:f-H***-:f*-**-*·**-***-~-***


(") n the occasion of the early December 1-oFrd "!leeting held in MenoctE, former ~)red dent Y.e1mEth b. Butler was pre[enteci v·i th two mementoes of hif. terms in office. 0ne ii: a colorful ceramic figure of a newsroy crying his papers, end an appro­nrli-te inscription in fOld lettering on a nlc-C'lf' et the rase. The other remembrance is j n keeping- ~·ith 1\en' i: hot-by. It iE a 'l':hite gold .,,.rist watch, the fri:ime around th€ diPl 1-·ei np- f< rPI1roduct i 0n 0!: E! !' e~.:-1:,·

Chevrolet r~diator. An engrsved inscrip­ti 0P on the beck inciicates thElt originally the irptch WPS riven as rew&rd for meeting e Chevrolet [.&les ruot&, in 1927.

Yr. P.utler has ~ritten to e:xpress his f;u:-nrise, ancl aopreci£ tion. ( contrit uted) :.-·1-:H~·:t- >:·:;. ·,l-:f-**°!!-:f *°**°*"~ **-**'-'-*"*******°":H!-**-',H-lHHt-

CI:•Ir'Fv1J.t.S l'f' THI C.A.\\PPI.LL~

1• e v e-re v. ell remf'mherec1 v. i th cards, and in ot::-ier sr;eci&l v.-eys, from our Pa:-tic 1 1E.r fr:l.er.cts across the nLtion. '/ e e-:.·e sorry tl-\at v.e could not respond in kind, other 1han our persoru:l greEtings hy vay of the f~eci1 l edition of the Kewsloy.

''v wife, fiftec nerscn c. s she iE, with nc• c. le, mi:i'.i ng- bowl and brush, $Urprised rre on Chri~tmas morninp ?.ith another Alger-relE.ted creation. Vhat to give an t "!..f:E::!'.' Fan v ho alre£icy has everything'? Such if': ~'P.wscoy plaque (for front C.oor), mus­liP map ("V1oncierful Y.orld of Hor5.tio / l"€r), ororressive v.all hanging, mono­i·rr.ml'l'Jed shirtr and towels.

r: he rP.sult was a small round te..ble with tw:i crt ne bot tom cha i.. rs, painted dark ~re.en 't" d p 0 ds on the chairs. On the table V"l .. re ...

top 1 n 13 var1.ety of contrflsting colors ere replicas of seYere l Alrer-releted i teme, Eitcr1 as: Pl~er 1 E hirthplE:ce, Church in tire, .. rter, Children's Theatre in Mansfield, t~i€· ~~e ·s'hoy ne1rsle~ ter, first convention in .. ,F.rdotf., etc. rn the border &re the rorne: ~Artic'lAr Friend~ of the Round ~8~le -- Chri~tmas, 196? (PF-CXXJ)

A bP1CI~ rl.J,'IUR1

The follolling materiE:l EUbmitted hy I. GurIDfln, PF-OAl, £>no autb.ori2.ed t.iy our prf·sinent. (source unknown)

Mickey Mo.guire

n A BHO'IH of a boy" &s ever stood in shoe­leflther, l':tis Mickey Maquirt>! ht hurling, l'l'restling, kickir.g football, or "-etting up a shindy, generf.lly, tnere v1&.::in't hi~ equal in the bftroey. It v.oulc, re&lly ao your he&rt !:;ood to see nim, \'.i th the fun gleaming all over tis ff.Ce, like tnt sun­beamE der-1cing on the Sh&r:non' s v. ~ter;.

"bbtein' the flure" at 6 f&ir or & "pEzthern", ~ith some brifht ''colleen"-for there v.&s no bt::t ter ha.no t:.t the jig in the ccuntry round, a no that the t,i r ls knev.­mighty ~ell, for there ~&bn 1 t one of them thbt woulc not ~&lk & lonp mile to u~nce "PlLuxt:- ,-,ally," or the "Oulc: foxnunter'', v:ith 11 sportin' iV.ickey Ms.ruin,.''

~ow, you muLt know thht our frienc Mickey Maguire w~s tne v111ole a nc. sole pro­i'rietor of tr,e only mill, sucn 1. ::.. it r.-l's, in the entire vicinity; consec:uentl:y, at tl1P earl:y :Jfrt of ni$ life, U,e ho:')pt::r v1w;

continually ~0ing, &no tne re::.uJ.t v-c..::. e­very comfurta tle living for tr,e tc,ri vi ng miller. but bS he increbsec in yeurb, in­f.tE!~: d of grov.ing v.i::e by e:;..perier.ce, t-nd nusb&nc..ine hiE present r~sources, so th&t, in the evE·nt of &ccice:--tt, ill neEltn, or rni.sfortl;nE of e ny kind, he r:ri.rht havt:• H

trifle to f811 tLck upon, he lived from hencl to mouth, spericing exactl) what he h£.d, t ·e ~ht't lit1..lt:' ur rnucn.

7o bt=> sure s little satisfied him ~nen he had no more; tut if it \'I.ere ever so h -rge a sum he invariably founc a w&y to get rid of it. It mbY be re&dily con­ceived therefore, that Miele€')' wr s c, ui te unpn·pE.red for & r;;iny c.:ay--indeec.., he nevE·r suffered himself to u,ink of any­thing beyond the p&ssing moment. 11' tou&y v:e:s only oroviaecJ for, tomorro'l'I mignt te.ke cEt re of itself.

Py s. si nvLJ_a r conti ml& l'ce of an e<. u.t;..1.ly oolancec luc~, dliclcey lllbnc_,:,ed for <:i number of ye&rs to scrE~ble on toler&bly well. The mill WhS nis b&. nker, a nc, it oerienaed uron its yieloing little ·or mucn us to whether he had 1:1 "high oulct timt:- 11

, or merely sathfiEa the fevv wants to wi1ich he coulC. circum~crite himself if necef.fary.

t'.otwithst.~r.aing the carf:les;:,1,e;:..;:: ·:>f niE genenl oisposi tion, Mickey v.as c. tlilip;eut 'tlcrker in workin~ nours. No one ever :::m.

·<ounging in ioleness vrnE.n lbbor ,.c,:; in cern£:nd; &no moreover, he v;as po.:set-t:ed of l1 true, honE'st encl benevolent heart-tile lstch of hiE door Wt!S never lifted "v.ithout & welcome; rich or poor, it w~s Lll the svme to him.

A bite &no & r.up, given with pric.e to his ecunle, and 'ffith joy to the hunr;ry arl(.l "'b.Y­f~rer, WbS ever to be foun:l. at his tF.lle, a seat by his cheE>rfnl chimney corner, arv:I a ~~oke of ~he oipe, and IDE>ybe c ?rop of mountain c:er. v:bs proffureo to tne we&ry travE:ller.

(to be continued in the 1~arch issue}

top related