y*m & in new town of laisdellsteinway, knabe, weber, ivers and pond, gabler, kranich and bach,...

Post on 11-May-2020






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It is a common trick of our competitors, esiuM'iftlly Ht points 'somewhat distant

frTVtti M iitm'»li ' . ' l :is, ' .U)"sa5' Wtf'euStompr who-prefrnroni*.-;-nl tin* I 'jiftnos i>t' e.Uabli.-slii. ' i l reputation which wi* sell, •oh. it you want a 'Stoiiiwny' or 'Knabe* or 'Ivers A -

t»<in<t". etc., as the caso may be, '1 can furnish it to you, ami at> less price than the Metropolitan Music Co. eh urge'". Such siutcments are absolutely* false ami made solely for the purpose of misleading the customer and artfully persuading hint afterwards to buy some inferior make which the n»eiit is trying to sell. If you would prove it lor yourself, TAKK HI.4 UI' and you will find in every case when it comes to the point of actually supplying thejnano he will make some excuse

for beint; unal)le to do so.

\VI<: HAV1-: Til 1') SOld' ' SKL1J N< I ACJENO fx MINNESOTA AXI") NORTH DAKOTA FOR ALL THE PIANOS WHICH WE HANDLI- Our House is the ONLY ONE IN THE COUXTKV that can fur­nish you these pianos if you live in either of those two states. Other piano houses, dealers and agents would like to be able to sell these pianos, they are THE (IKEATEST PIANOS OF THE WOULD, instruments whose musical merits have built for them, and for us, a lasting reputation, and the kind that the most cultured ,11usi *a 1 people always want for their homes. These are sold onlv by the best and most reliable piano house.-, in the United States. Other dealers nalunilly envy us the TRESTIOE which comes with handling


We are absolutely the only house from whom you can buy any of the following pianos :

Steinway, knabe, Weber, Ivers and Pond, Gabler, Kranich and Bach, Emerson, Ludwig, Smith and Barnes, and Dyer Bros.; or ;iny of tlio fnuious Aeolian ( o. s line coiii])i isinu.


Pianola Pianos, fe. 6*

THE PIANOLA. The only piano player having the MillROSlYLh.

4i-43 So.




R. E. Riley, Mgr., Minot Branch, Minot, N. D.


Try "EEliBER." at his Candy Kitchen call.

Rest assured here, he can please you all

You at 118 North Main Street, will always lind

Fancy Hon-Hons, and Chocolates of Superior Kind.

Eager to please. ' -EERHER" at all times will try-

Residents and Strangers' wants to Satisfy.

B< where you will, look where you may.

E'luaied not. his Candy Factory is to day.

Rich Sweets for the Sweet. Correct Prices too.


t i t

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"MOORES' $ Picture Shop" t

Have you .seen our new $ I'hot.opra.phs in Platinum'. ' d They are artistic and up-to- W date. Onr new line oi 'framed # pictures are choice and by J popular artists, such as J Christ v. Fisher and others. \

Call and inspect Them


GEO. E. MOORE \ Photographer ^


Teutsch's Roller Feed Mill Is a Wonder.

Most Complete Arranged Mill in the State. We now have our Feed Mill in perfect working order and can take care of all feed grinding promptly that is brought to us. \\ re grind every day except Sunday, and will work overtime, if necessary, to get your grist out. No grist is too small for us to start up for. Anyone bringing one sack of feed to get ground will receive as prompt attention as though he brought in a •)-horse load. We also buy Oats, Barley, Speltz, etc., and sell ground feed in any quantity. ::: ::: ::: :::

HOW W1H. HliSSfilf am MS Oiis

William Hnssey; the Des Lacs farmer, whose name has been Umt-t fc>-pro m in once: rem*t a(•(•( um t (>f. 11is.e\hibit ' .of 1;hcI'ain-j i ih '"Sensation" oats at the Farmer's Convention, brought a sample of the oats to this office Thursday. Mr. llusse.v believes that- he was ent itled to the first prize on oats, but is not.making any complaint because he did not get it . l ie lias a just kick coming, however, because some­one started a report that his oats wore the ones with the ends clipped. Now, it appears to the Independent that this is a. grave mistake. The o-.its in question are peculiar looking in that tliev have litt le or no ends. .Mr. Ilus-sey did put them thru a fanning mill and this is how ho secured a fine sample. The oats with ex­ceedingly short ends went thru the wheat screen without; any trouble while those with (belong ends did not. This is ' t iow Mr.! l lussey "clipped ilie endsol 'fwith the scissors."

Mr. ITussey sowed on an acre a, bushel and a half of the seed and threshed 00 bushels. Should he had sowed another bushel to the acre, he would have gotten a much larger yield, . lust for an example, he hauled four loads of the oats to market, which aggre­gated -10.S bushels, by weight

Mr. Hussey has 1 sou bushels of oats in his granary at Pes Lacs. He says t hat if anyone can fur­nish evidence that he cutoff the end of but one of the oats which lie displayed at the (Jrain (1 row­ers' Convention, he will pay -^10 in cash. This ought to settle the matter.



a -in


Tolly will l ikely incorporate. Many Palennoo horses are in­

fested with mange. A girls 'brass band has been or-inizod at the Valley City Nor­

mal .school. A petition was signed by thirty

Kenmare farniersaskingthat the herd law be abolished.

John Corbett has worked groat change—for the better-the \\ iIliston Graphic.

Much ice is being put up Leeds, containing typhoid lever germs. Freezingdoes not destroy these germs.

•I. C. I bird A: Sou have traded their general store at Sawyer to Win. Hodges for a quarter sec­tion of land.

11: is reported thai . loe Lock-ttook. formerly of Sawyer, was caught' stealing horses n>*;s i• i te-gina. Canada.

A McLean county Fair Associ­ation will be organized at Cnder-wood. Over a thousand dollars worth of stock has been sub­scribed.

Someone sent in a report to headquarters that the rural mail carriers from Kenmare were not out for seven days. This caused trouble with the Kenmare post-office.

Charges have been made by Carl Seinmler. against county superintendent of schools of Mor-cer county, Otto Schrieber. ac­cusing him with specific acts of misfaesance, nonfensenco and malfeasance.

A man at Kenmare lias laid down seven rules managing a a wife. Never contradict her, never oppose her. never deny her. never be cross, never tell hei ' the truth, never disagree with her, never interrupt her.

Lars Nygaard. a single man ."»() years old. was frozen to death within eighty rods of his home five miles east from Hussell.Mon­day. lie was found by a train crew on the Soo. It; is believed that the man was taken sudden­ly ill and fell, after which lie suc­cumbed to the cold.

In New Town of

laisdell On the Great Northern

40 miles west of Minot and 16 miles west of Ber-thold. Business lots for sale. The new town has now under way a State Bank^ L u m b"e r Yard, Grain Elevator. At<this time excellent business openings are offered for a Blacksmith shop, Res­taurant, Hardware and Drug Store. Small cap­ital needed if parties get in on the ground floor before competition com­pels larger investment.

For prices, terms and in­formation call at office or Post Master C. S. Vie, Gen­eral Merchant at Blaisdell. Great Northern passenger leaves Minot for new town daily at 4:55 p. m.

Farm Loans J. W. COCHRANE, Manager.

The Blaisdell-Bird Co. is in a position to make an unlimited number of reasonable farm loans at lowest interest and upon most favorable terms. No bonus or commission.

Abstracts of Title L. M. UPHAM, Manager.

The Blaisdell-Bird Co. are Official Abstracters and furnish bonded Ab­stracts of Title for any land in Ward County. The importance of abso­lutely correct Abstracts is often underestimated and the greatest care should be exercised by customers in their se­lection of Abstracters. This company is under a $10,000.00 official bond to Ward County indem­n i f y i n g c u s t o m e r s against loss.

Public Sale I will oiler for «ale at my farm, .six

miles northeast of Minot. "and three miles north of the < ireat Northern stock yards, on Feb. 20, HKX;, at 10 a. in., the following described property : Sixteen heavy work horses: twenty-four head of cattle, consistin^-of ten milch cows, one Hereford bull, one three-year-old steer, four calves, and the balance cows: one thoroughbred I 'oland-China boar, with pedigree: one J'oland-China sow. with litter of pigs: two thoroughbred Poland China gilts, eligible to registry, and eight other hogs. One Champion bind er: one Deering binner: one Champion and one AlcCoririck mower: one four-horse disc: one four horse harrow: one fourteen-inch Flying Dutchman gang; one twelve-inch Diamond gang: one six-teen-incb Diamond sulky: one farm wagon: one top buggy: two hay racks: siv sets workharness: two heating stoves: one dresser, and one cook stove. A lot of bay in utack, and numerous other articles.

There will be a place to get warm, and a free lunch will be served.

One year s time will be given on notes with approved security. Sums of under ton dollars, cash.

t2 J a M E H A . Co I. VIN.

g Blaisdell-Bird Co. ( I n c . i

Minot, N. Dak. Abstracts of Title and Farm


Sole MniKigemeiit Original Townsite IVrthold.

Hole M;iiiiigeiueiit; < > r i g i n a 1 Townsite I ' loisdell.

JOHN A. BIRD, President.

Bird and Blaisdell, Lawyers.

I 'raetiee in all Courts.

Alfred Blaisdell^ U. S. Com.

John A. Bird, Arthur Blaisdell.


PLUMM m m {tjA' "; •


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PARENTS, (Jet the habit of '

buying your :

Children's Shoes Prom the Mer­chant that sells ( l o o d , R e l i a b l e FOOTWEAR

You'll Get The Habit

of coming to our store for your children's shoes

" if you will just buy one pair of our Red School House Shoes for Boys and Girls.

Every pair is warranted to give satisfaction.

'<) k o 4,1 1 *

J. M. WILSON, The Clothing and Shoe Man,





• •• «!l :"

At the Court House warm. It takes coal to "'*• do that. Each one of the

Warring Factions Agrees that P. H. BAUKOL is the squarest coalman and ^

Furnishes the Warmest Fuel obtainable. They may differ^on all

other points of business affairs, but when it comes

to the

C o n s i d e r a t i o n of Coal Bills, they all know that PAULS bills are right.




\ 1

If you have any Brick Work, Stone Work or plastering to*dft:

W. D. McFARLANE*1rf"'% . will do it for you, and guarantee you satisfaction. fr|

P.O. Box 403. Phone 283. MINOT, N. D.i

Mill One Block East of Soo Depot

Eugene Teutsch, M mot, IN. D.

ii a r'f i. ,,

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Phono 240

Western Employment BuremL\ Write'or call. We'ciii save you time and moV);?, "* f |


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