automatic translation between xquery and xcerpt

INSTITUT F ¨ UR INFORMATIK Lehr- und Forschungseinheit f¨ ur Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen Oettingenstraße 67 D–80538 M¨ unchen Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt Benedikt Linse Diplomarbeit Beginn der Arbeit: 01.08.2005 Abgabe der Arbeit: 31.01.2006 Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Franc ¸ois Bry, Tim Furche

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Page 1: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt

INSTITUT FUR INFORMATIKLehr- und Forschungseinheit fur

Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen

Oettingenstraße 67 D–80538 Munchen

Automatic Translation Between XQuery and


Benedikt Linse


Beginn der Arbeit: 01.08.2005Abgabe der Arbeit: 31.01.2006Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Francois Bry,

Tim Furche

Page 2: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt
Page 3: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt

Erkl arung

Hiermit versichere ich, dass ich diese Diplomarbeit selbststandig verfasst habe. Ich habe dazu keine anderenals die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel verwendet.

Munchen, den 31.01.2006 Benedikt Linse

Page 4: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt


XQuery is a flexible, functional language for querying all kinds of XML data. As a W3C candidate recommen-dation it is likely to see widespread use and implemented in several commercial and open-source applications.

Xcerpt is a versatile, rule based query language for semistructured graph data in general and can be used totransform XML and RDF. In contrast to the navigational approach taken by XQuery, it uses patterns augmentedby variables to extract information from documents.

This thesis investigates automatic translation possibilities among both languages and is organized in twoparts. In the first part, it is shown how to translate sublanguages of Xcerpt query terms including multiplevariables, negated and optional subterms, and entire queries to XQuery. Equally expressive sublanguages ofXQuery are defined and automatic translation algorithms forboth directions are specified and discussed.

The second part of this thesis discusses translation possiblities for expressions including construct parts. Atranslation algorithm for Xcerpt construct terms including grouping constructs and rules is provided. Further-more, it is shown how to translate intertwined XQuery expressions to construct query rules. As an extension,it is demonstrated that XQuery expressions constructing intermediate results are translatable by either simu-lating dynamic environments in Xcerpt or by eliminating intermediate results before the translation algorithmis applied.


XQuery ist eine flexible funktionale Anfragesprache fur XML. Es steht kurz vor der Annahme als W3CEmpfehlung, wird schon vielerorts eingesetzt und ist in einigen kommerziellen und quelloffenen Anwen-dungen implementiert.

Xcerpt ist eine vielseitige, regelbasierte Anfragesprache fur semistrukturierte Graphdaten und kann zurTransformation von XML und RDF verwendet werden. Im Gegensatz zum navigationsbasierten Ansatz vonXQuery verwendet Xcerpt mit Variablen angereicherte Muster, um Daten aus Dokumenten zu extrahieren.

Diese Diplomarbeit untersucht die Moglichkeiten der automatischenUbersetzung zwischen beiden Spra-chen und gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Im ersten Teil wird gezeigt, wie Teilmengen von Xcerpts Anfrageter-men mit mehreren Variablenvorkommen, negierten und optionalen Subtermen und schließlich Queries nachXQuery ubersetzt werden konnen. In der Ausdrucksstarkeubereinstimmende Teilsprachen von XQuery wer-den definiert und Algorithmen fur beideUbersetzungsrichtungen werden angegeben und diskutiert.

Der zweite Teil der Arbeit beschaftigt sich mit der automatischenUbersetzung von Ausdrucken, die nichtnur Daten anfragen, sondern auch Ergebnisse konstruieren.Ubersetzungsregeln fur Xcerpts Gruppierungskon-strukte und ganze Regeln werden angegeben. Daruber hinauswerden solche XQuery Ausdrucke ubersetzt, indenen Elementkonstruktion und Datenanfrage verflochten sind. Als Erweiterung werden zwei Moglichkeitenzur Ubersetzung von Ausdrucken, die Zwischenergebnisse verwenden, aufgezeigt.

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Many persons helped and supported me during the writing of this thesis. Without their efforts and patience,many interesting aspects could not have been included in this work. Above all, I would like to thank:

• Prof. Dr. Francois Bry, for giving me the chance to investigate this interesting and challenging topic,for making fruitful suggestions througout the work on this thesis, and for discussing the ideas I came upwith.

• Tim Furche, who helped me to better understand both Xcerpt and XQuery, suggested the overall structureof this thesis, gave illuminative answers to all of my questions, and put this thesis to the acid test.

• Andreas Schroeder, for many intense discussions about the semantics and evaluation of Xcerpt programsand for proof-reading the entire work.

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1 Introduction 31.1 A Comparison of the XQuery and Xcerpt Data Models . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.1.1 Outline of this Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 31.1.2 The Xcerpt Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 41.1.3 The XQuery Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 5

1.2 Fundamentals of XPath and XQuery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 71.3 Fundamentals of Xcerpt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 8

1.3.1 Xcerpt Query Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 91.3.2 Xcerpt Construct Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 101.3.3 Xcerpt Grouping Constructs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 111.3.4 Xcerpt Rules and Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 12

2 Translating simple XPath Expressions 132.1 An Example XPath Expression and its Xcerpt Equivalent . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.2 The XQuery SublanguageXQ1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.2.1 The Formal Semantics oflet -Clauses inXQ1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152.2.2 The Formal Semantics offor -Clauses inXQ1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.2.3 The Formal Semantics of Step Expressions inXQ1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.3 The Xcerpt SublanguageXC1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182.3.1 The Formal Semantics of Incomplete Query Term Specifications inXC1 . . . . . . . 192.3.2 The Formal Semantics of the Xcerptas Construct inXC1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.4 Translating BetweenXC1 andXQ1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3 Translating Simple Xcerpt Query Terms 263.1 The SublanguageXC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263.2 ExampleXC2 Expressions and Translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 26

3.2.1 Multiple Child Subterms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 273.2.2 Dealing with Xcerpt Injectivity: Multiple Subterms with Overlapping Labels . . . . . 283.2.3 Multiple Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 303.2.4 Dealing with Xcerpt Injectivity: Multiple Variableswith Overlapping Labels . . . . . 313.2.5 Deep Pattern Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 313.2.6 Multiple Constraints for one Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 323.2.7 Nested Pattern Restrictions for Different Variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333.2.8 Nested Constraints for the Same Variable . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 343.2.9 Optimization: Execute Selections Before Joins . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343.2.10 A Complex Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 34

3.3 XQ2 Grammar Productions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 353.4 Building Blocks ofXQ2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.4.1 if -Clauses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363.4.2 Thefn:deep-equal Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373.4.3 Theop:is-same-node Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393.4.4 Thesome-satisfies Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

3.5 Translating FromXC2 to XQ2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403.6 Translating FromXQ2 to XC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44


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4 Translating Complex Xcerpt Query Terms 464.1 The SublanguageXC3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.1.1 Grammar Productions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 474.1.2 Translating Ordered and Complete Query Term Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474.1.3 Translatingwithout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494.1.4 without and Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514.1.5 Order and Injectivity Constraints Among Multiple Negated Subterms . . . . . . . . . 514.1.6 Translatingoptional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524.1.7 From Query Terms to Queries: Translatingand , or andnot . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4.2 The SublanguageXQ3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584.2.1 Grammar Productions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 584.2.2 Translating Partial Injectivity Constraints . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594.2.3 Translating Partial Order Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4.3 Automatic Translation ofXC3 to XQ3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624.3.1 TranslatingXC3 Query Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624.3.2 TranslatingXC3 Queries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.4 Automatic Translation fromXQ3 to XC3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654.4.1 Identifying Xcerpt Disjunctions and Conjunctions . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664.4.2 Automatic Construction of Query Terms FromXQ3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

5 Translation of Construct Parts 695.1 Proposal of a Duplicate-preserving Grouping Constructfor Xcerpt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695.2 From Xcerpt Construct Terms to XQuery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 70

5.2.1 Minimal Construct Terms: Single Terms and Variables .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715.2.2 Grouping with Respect to a Single Variable . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 725.2.3 Explicit and Implicit Grouping with Respect to more than one Variable . . . . . . . . 735.2.4 Easing the Translation of Construct Terms with XQueryFunctions . . . . . . . . . . . 755.2.5 Grouping Constructs enclosing Sequences of Construct Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

5.3 XQuery Expressions with Mixed Construction and Query Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785.3.1 Translation of Element Constructors andfor -Clauses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785.3.2 Returning Sequences Withinfor -Clauses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

5.4 XQuery Expressions with Construction of Intermediate Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815.4.1 Intermediate Results Translated by Rule Chaining . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825.4.2 Simulation of XQuery Dynamic Environments Within Xcerpt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845.4.3 Elimination oflet -Clauses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

6 Future Work and Conclusion 906.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 90

6.1.1 Translation of Xcerpt Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 906.1.2 An XQuery Reasoning Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 926.1.3 Efficient Evaluation ofn-ary Queries in XQuery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

6.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 92


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Chapter 1


With the rise of XML[3] as a universal format for the interchange of information, the need to query and trans-form semistructured data has become increasingly important in the last years. Languages such as XSLT[9],XQuery[2] and Xcerpt[17, 6, 4] have been invented to simplify these tasks.

Studying the possiblities of automatically translating between XQuery and Xcerpt yields a couple of bene-fits. One of these benefits is that the differences and commonalities between both languages become apparent.Expressions that are straightforwardly translatable hintat parallelisms in the employed constructs, whereasexpressions that are hard to translate indicate that the methods for solving a problem in both languages severlydiverge. This leads to a better understanding of both languages. Studying the term complexity of the transla-tion functions with respect to the length of the input gives further insight whether queries can be phrased asbriefly as in the source language.

Another very important goal of automatically translating between XQuery and Xcerpt is to ease code mi-gration. Translation schemes have been given for automatically translating between XQuery and XSLT forexactly this purpose. Code migration may not only be of interest to programmers switching from one lan-guage to the other, but also for having Xcerpt programs evaluated by an XQuery processor. Xcerpt being anacademic research language, only prototypical implementations are available until today. Automatic transla-tion of Xcerpt to XQuery instead of directly executing Xcerpt code bears the advantage that many of the needscommon to all XML query languages (such as parsing and validating XML-documents, adressing specificnodes within a document fragment, filtering results based onpredicates) do not need to be realized by Xcerptitself.

Finally, insight on optimization possiblities may be gained by comparing the performance of queries andtheir translations. On the one hand, a lot of research has been conducted in the area of optimization of XQuerycode[15, 16], and therefore, XQuery expressions should be expected to evaluate faster. On the other hand,Xcerpt is the more declarative language, which means that the programmer’s intent is specified very explicitely,such that additional optimizations (e.g. the matrix method[18]) may be applied.

1.1 A Comparison of the XQuery and Xcerpt Data Models

The formal semantics of XQuery [11] is neither directly defined on XML files, nor on the XML Information Set[10], but on the XQuery and XPath data model [12], which can beconstructed from the former two. Likewise,the semantics of Xcerpt [17, chapter 8] is not defined on XML files, but on so called data terms, which arethe input and output of Xcerpt programs. The advantage of this abstraction in both languages is that the datadoes not necessarily need to originate from XML-files, but can be generated from relational databases, or bethe output of other queries. In order to be able to compare andtranslate between both languages it is necessaryto first compare both data models, and define when the data in the different data models is considered to beequal.

1.1.1 Outline of this Thesis

This thesis is structured in six chapters. In this first chapter both Xcerpt and XQuery and their respectivedata models are briefly described. In the following three chapters, three sublanguages of XcerptXC1, XC2

andXC3 as well as three corresponding sublanguagesXQ1, XQ2 andXQ3 are defined, and and automatictranslation between these sublanguages is discussed. The sublanguages are defined such thatXC2 comprises


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XC1 andXC3 comprisesXC2 (the same holds forXQ1, XQ2 andXQ3). All of these sublanguages arerestricted to querying XML data. Chapter 5 is concerned withthe translation of expressions that also constructresults. Entire Xcerpt rules are translated to XQuery and XQuery expressions that intertwine constructionand query parts are translated to Xcerpt. Chapter 6 presentssome ideas for future research in this field, andsummarizes the results.

1.1.2 The Xcerpt Data Model

Xcerpt distinguishes between three types of terms: Data terms, query terms and construct terms. Data termsrepresent data to be queried and are always completely specified, whereas query terms are matched against dataterms (and also construct terms) and may therefore feature apattern-like, incomplete structure. The variouskinds of incompleteness within Xcerpt query terms as well asconstruct terms are introduced later on in thisintroduction. Since the focus of this section lies on the Xcerpt data model, only data terms are introduced here.The syntax of Xcerpt data terms is given in [17, section 4.2] and is reproduced in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1: The syntax of Xcerpt data terms given in Backus-Naur-form

1: <data-term > ::= ( oid ’@’ )? <ns-label > <list > .2: <ns-label > ::= ( <ns-prefix > ’:’)? label .3: <ns-prefix > ::= label | ’"’ iri ’"’ .4: <list > ::= <ordered-list > | <unordered-list > .5: <ordered-list > ::= ’[’ <attributes >? <data-subterms >? ’]’ .6: <unordered-list > ::= ’ {’ <attributes >? <data-subterms >? ’ }’ .7: <data-subterms > ::= <data-subterm > ( ’,’ <data-subterm > ) *8: <data-subterm > ::= <data-term > | ’"’ string ’"’ | number | ’ ’oid .9: <attributes > ::= ’attributes’ ’ {’ <attribute > (’,’ <attribute >) * ’ }’.

10: <attribute > ::= <ns-label > ’ {’ ’"’ string ’"’ ’ }’ .

There are two features of Xcerpt data terms that cannot be directly represented in XML: unordered lists(line six in Table 1.1), and Xcerpt references (line one and eight). Both of these issues are briefly discussed inthe sequel.

While the order of elements in an XML document is always givenby the document order, siblings inthe Xcerpt data model can be unordered, which is indicated bycurly braces. The idea behind differentiatingbetween ordered and unordered data becomes apparent when querying this data. An ordered Xcerpt query termcan never match an unordered Xcerpt data term, because the intended semantics of an unordered data term isto give no guarantee about the order of its children, while the intended semantics of an ordered query term isto retrieve only data for which the order is guaranteed by square brackets. A possible approach of carryingover this semantics would be to introduce a special attribute (e.gxc:ordered 1) which may be set to falseto indicate that the order of the children of the node is not ensured. In order to translate Xcerpt programsthat also operate on unordered data terms, the data terms could be translated to XML as usual, including theadditionalxc:ordered=’false’ attribute-value pair for the translations of curly braces as specified bythe rule below. Due to more interesting aspects in translating between Xcerpt and XQuery, this approach isnot further investigated in this thesis.[ a[ b{ c, d } ] ℄toXML == 2

<a xmlns:xc=’ ’><b xc:ordered=’false’><c/><d/></b>


The second outstanding difference between the Xcerpt and XQuery data model is that Xcerpt terms maynot only be trees, but also graphs. This means that beyond thetraditional XML reference mechanism throughid and idref attributes, Xcerpt provides a different referencing mechanism that is used to represent true

1The namespace prefixxc is associated with and distinguishes metadataused for the translation of Xcerpt to XQuery (and for the reverse direction) throughout this thesis.

2The notation[. . .℄toXML == denotes the translation of Xcerpt data terms to an XML representation that may be queried by theXQuery translations of Xcerpt expressions.


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graph structures. In the data term below, the referenceˆoid1 within the elementb results inb having twochild nodes – one namedc and the other one being the only child element of elementc . It is important tonote that there is no semantic difference between parent-child relationships represented by references and bynesting of subterms in Xcerpt.

a[ b[ c[ oid1@ d[] ], ˆoid1 ] ]

A fully-fledged translation of Xcerpt to XQuery would require an XML representation for Xcerpt refer-ences. In XML, the data term above might be represented as follows:

<a xmlns:xc=’ ’><b><c><d xc:oid=’oid1’></c><xc:reference xc:oid=’oid1 ’ /></b>


Prescinding from Xcerpt references and unordered siblings, all Xcerpt data terms have canonical XMLrepresentations. This holds true also for attributes, despite the syntactical differences. As exhibited in Table1.1, attributes are enclosed in an extraattributes -element within the element they belong to. To reflectthe absence of order among attributes curly braces are used in line nine of the grammar productions. Also inthe XQuery data model, the order of attributes is not important – a fact that is of interest when comparing thefn:deep-equal -function with the Xcerpt way of establishing value based equality in Section 3.4.2.

Representing attributes as flat elements within the specialattributes -element recently has been givenup in favor of a syntax closer to the XML representation. Thisnew Xcerpt syntax (specified in [6]) enclosesattributes in either double (query terms only) or single parentheses. Each attribute is represented by a keyvalue pair as in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2: An example Xcerpt data term using the new Xcerpt syntax

books:book ( language=’english’, price=’215.39 Euros’ ) [books:title [ ’Automatic translation between XQuery and Xc erpt’ ]books:year [ ’2006’ ]


1.1.3 The XQuery Data Model

This section answers the following questions:

1. What is the XQuery data model, and why is it important for this thesis?

2. How are XQuery values accessed in the XQuery formal semantics?

3. Which parts of the XQuery data model are relevant for this thesis, and which can be left out?

4. The XQuery data model includes type annotations. Xcerpt gets by without type annotations. Is it stillpossible to translate between both data models?

5. How are data terms in the Xcerpt data model – e.g. the data term from the last section – translated intothe XQuery data model?

While the XML Information Set [10] represents solely XML documents, the XQuery and XPath datamodel represents “all permissible values of expressions inthe XSLT, XQuery, and XPath languages” [12].The importance of the data model for this thesis stems from the fact that in the XQuery formal semantics thesemantics of many constructs is defined in terms of the data model. As an example consider the rule whichspecifies the semantics of the application of thechild:: axis to a node value.

dynEnv ⊢ axis child:: of element ElementName {AttributeValue, ElementValue}⇒ ElementValue


Page 11: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt

Rule 1.1 simply states, that applying thechild:: axis on an arbitrary element – represented byelementElementName {AttributeValue, ElementValue } in the XQuery data model – yields the valueElementValue . No premises need to be fulfilled for this rule to be applicable. AttributeValue andElementValue are so-called properties of the element with nameElementName . The syntax of for-mal values likeelement ElementName {AttributeValue, ElementValue } is specified in theXQuery formal semantics [11, Section 2.3.1] and reproducedin Table 1.3. These formal values are the meansfor accessing the XQuery data model in the formal semantics.

Table 1.3: XQuery formal values productions

1: Value ::= Item | (Value ’,’ Value) | (’(’ ’)’) .2: Item ::= NodeValue | AtomicValue .3: AtomicValue ::= AtomicValueContent TypeAnnotation? .4: AtomicValueContent ::= String | Boolean | Decimal | Float | Double | Duration |5: DateTime | Time | Date | GYearMonth | GYear |6: GMonthDay | GDay | GMonth | HexBinary | Base64Binary |7: AnyURI | expanded-QName | NOTATION .8: TypeAnnotation ::= ’of type’ TypeName .9: ElementValue ::= ’element’ ElementName ’nilled’?

10: TypeAnnotation? ’ {’ Value ’ }’ ’ {’ NamespaceBindings ’ }’ .11: AttributeValue ::= ’attribute’ AttributeName TypeAnnota tion? ’ {’SimpleValue’ }’ .12: SimpleValue ::= AtomicValue | (SimpleValue ’,’ SimpleValue) | (’(’ ’)’) .13: DocumentValue ::= ’document’ ’ {’ Value ’ }’ .14: CommentValue ::= ’comment’ ’ {’ String ’ }’ .15: ProcInstValue ::= ’processing-instruction’ NCName ’ {’ String ’ }’ .16: TextValue ::= ’text’ ’ {’ String ’ }’ .17: NodeValue ::= ElementValue | AttributeValue | DocumentValue | TextValue |18: CommentValue | ProcInstValue .19: ElementName ::= QName .20: AttributeName ::= QName .21: TypeName ::= QName .22: NamespaceBindings ::= NamespaceBinding (’,’ NamespaceBi nding) * .23: NamespacBinding ::= ’namespace’ NCName ’ {’ String ’ }’ .

As can be seen in the first line of Table 1.3, all XQuery values are a sequence of Items. This is a funda-mental difference to Xcerpt, where sequences exist only as lists of subterms of a term. Therefore, it is notentirely possible to translate an XQuery expression like(1,2,3) to Xcerpt. As soon as this expression iswrapped by an element constructorelement result { (1,2,3) } , the value can also be representedin the Xcerpt data model and would readresult[ 1, 2, 3 ] .

Another striking difference between both data models is that while XQuery supports the concept of anexplicit document node(see line 13), Xcerpt only provides the possibilty of reading and writing documentswith the constructsin andout . Therefore, the simple queryfn:doc(’tags.xml’) 3 which returns a doc-ument node is not translatable to Xcerpt, whereas the queryfn:doc(’tags.xml’)/child:: * is verywell translatable to in { resource [ ’file:tags.xml’ ], var X } . An additional documentnode could be easily introduced either in Xcerpt itself (andis likely to be included in the near future), or forthe purpose of translation between XQuery and Xcerpt, a newxc:document element could be employed toreflect the usage of document nodes in the XQuery data model. Since document nodes are of no importancein this thesis, these methods are not further investigated nor used.

XQuery supports static typing and distinguishes between a wide range of data types. Therefore Atom-icValueContent (line 4), which denotes the value space thatany attribute or content of a an element of typexsd:simpleType may ever adopt, draws from a long list of XML-Schema types. For the purposes ofthis thesis, it is sufficient to restrictAtomicValueContent to Strings. While XQuery supports static typechecking, it can also operate on untyped data. Although a type system for Xcerpt is under development, Xcerptstill operates on untyped data. This leads to the most important simplification of the above production rulesthat still allows to represent any untyped value in the XQuery data model and answers question 4 above: Type

3The namespace prefixfn is mapped to andis used for predefined XQuery functions asspecified in [14]


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annotations (line 8) are not taken into account. To be more precise, it is assumed that the expressions that aretranslated in this thesis operate on non-validated XML.

In the XQuery data model, elements have an optional ‘nilled’marker (line 9). “This marker can only bepresent if the element has been validated against an elementtype in the schema which is ‘nillable’, and theelement has no content and an attributexsi:nil set to ‘true’.” [11, 2.3.1 Formal values] In other words, theusage of the attributexsi:nil in an XML instance document in combination with the attribute nilled inthe corresponding schema, is just a way to say that some information has been deliberately left away. Sinceschema validation is not of interest in this thesis, thexsi:nil attribute must be handled just as any otherattribute when querying data with Xcerpt and XQuery.

Similarly, comments and processing instructions (lines 14and 15) are not of any particular interest to thisthesis. Consequently, the constructs to be translated do not operate on these items, though they could be easilyadded to the translation if required. Namespace bindings (line 23) are only used to distinguish meta-dataintroduced during the translation process. The expressions themselves do not query or construct namespacebindings. They do, however, query and return data includingnamespace prefixes. As a simplification tothe translation process, the assumption is made that equivalent namespace prefixes are bound to the samenamespaces in the context of an expression in Xcerpt and its translation in XQuery, or vice versa.

A final important characteristic of the XQuery data model, which cannot be derived from Table 1.3, is thatevery single node that is read from an input resource or constructed during the evaluation of an expression isassigned a unique node identifier. While this is certainly useful (e.g. to find out whether two variables arebound to the same node – see Section 3.4.3 for details), it also causes problems for referential transparencyas exposed in Section 5.4.3. Since Xcerpt does not assign node identifiers and therefore cannot distinguishbetween structurally identical (value-equal) data terms that have been extracted from different nodes of theinput document, certain XQuery expressions are hard to translate to Xcerpt. An obvious (partial) solution tothis problem is to preprocess all XML documents to be queriedand assign unique node identifiers to eachelement node. In this manner, the XML value


is preprocessed to read:

a(xc:id=’1’)[ b(xc:id=’2’)[ c(xc:id=’3’)[] ] ]

Obviously, this method cannot be applied for attribute nodes. The Xcerpt translations of XQuery expres-sions considered in this thesis get by without comparing theorigin of values. Thus, methods for augmentingXML with node identifiers are not further investigated.

In the XQuery data model, the example Xcerpt data term depicted in Table 1.2 would be formulated asfollows.

Table 1.4: An example for a node value in the XQuery data model

element books:book {attribute language { ’english’ },attribute price { ’215.39 Euros’ },element books:title { ’Automatic translation between XQue ry and Xcerpt’ }element books:year { ’2006’ }


The conclusion of this section is that both data models are very similar and that despite the obvious syn-tactic differences in representation, it is easy to see whenthe results of an XQuery and an Xcerpt expressioncoincide. By enforcing the mentioned restrictions (only tree-like, ordered Xcerpt data terms and only untypedXQuery formal values) it is possible to ensure that the results of the translations are comparable.

1.2 Fundamentals of XPath and XQuery

XQuery [2] is a functional XML query language developed by the XML Working group of the W3C. Itsdevelopment is closely coordinated with that of XSLT 2.0 [9]and with that of XPath 2.0 [1], which is a subset


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of both XSLT and XQuery 1.0 and is used also in XPointer and XMLSchema. XPath allows to navigate tospecific nodes within an XML document by specifying their paths from the root node or any other previouslydetermined node, and by stating conditions (so-called predicates) about the node itself, or any related node.

Navigation is possible over a set of axes, the most importantamong them being thechild axisto be usedfor selecting child nodes, theparent axisfor selecting the parent node, and theattribute axisfor selectingattributes of the current context node. An example XPath expression selecting all newbook elements (that isonly thosebook -elements with an attribute-value-pairnew=’true’ ) within a library element, for whichanauthor subelement is given, would be//library/book[author][@new=’true’] .

Three different kinds of axes are used within this example: thechild axisis always assumed when no otheraxis has been specified – such as inbook , which could also be writtenchild::book –, theattribute axisis abbreviated by the symbol ’@’ (therefore@newcould also be writtenattribute::new ) and // is ashorthand for/descendant-or-self::node()/ axis.

Subexpressions within square brackets (such as[author] ) are called predicates and serve to filter theresult of the expression they are appended to. Multiple predicates may be appended to each other.

The example demonstrates that XPath provides a concise and easy way to extract sequences of nodes froman XML document. On the other hand, using XPath alone, it is not possible to transform one document intoanother document, iterate over the values of a sequence, construct new element nodes that were not presentin the input document, or bind the result of path expressionsto variables in order to perform further compu-tations. This functionality is provided by the ’enclosing’languages XQuery and XSLT4. XQuery being anoffspring of the database community, one of its main constructs, theFLWOR-expressions5, resembles closelySelect-From-Where clauses in SQL, and provides all of the above stated features. An example takenfrom [2, 3.8 FLWOR Expressions] is depicted in Table 1.5.

Table 1.5: An example FLWOR expressions

for $d in fn:doc(’depts.xml’)/depts/deptnolet $e := fn:doc(’emps.xml’)/emps/emp[deptno = $d]where fn:count($e) >= 10order by fn:avg($e/salary) descendingreturn

<big-dept> {$d,<headcount>{fn:count($e)}</headcount>,<avgsal>{fn:avg($e/salary)}</avgsal> }


New element nodes such as<big-dept> are constructed in the example expressions using XML-notation.The results of XPath expressions are bound to variables$d and$e for being processed later on. Calls to thefunctionsfn:count andfn:avg aggregate the sequences their arguments evaluate to, and the for -clauseiterates over all department numbers addressed by the path expression/depts/deptno . Note that queryingdata and constructing results in XQuery is not required to beseparate as one could believe when looking atTable 1.5. Sometimes it may be beneficial to intertwine construction and query parts, e.g. to wrap all resultscomputed by the example expression in one singleresult element.

1.3 Fundamentals of Xcerpt

Xcerpt is a versatile, declarative language for querying all kinds of semistructured data. Contrasting thenavigational approach of XPath and XQuery where each path expressions yields at most one variable, Xcerpttakes a positional one, returning multiple variable bindings for patterns representing trees (and sometimes evengraphs). These patterns, which are used to extract variablebindings from semistructured data are called queryterms and are discussed in Section 1.3.1.

A further difference between Xcerpt and XQuery is the clear separation of construct and query parts inXcerpt programs. This is achieved by the introduction of substitution sets, which may be considered as an

4An interesting discussion about whether XQuery is a reinvention of XSLT can be found on, but XSLT is of no major interest in this thesis

5FLWOR is an acronym forfor , let , where , order by andreturn .


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interface between the querying and construction of data. Substitution sets are generated by matching queryterms with semistructured data and consumed by their application to so-calledconstruct terms(which aretreated in Section 1.3.2). Construct and query terms are connected via Xcerptconstruct-query-rules(seeSection 1.3.4). Several construct query rules make up an Xcerpt program and are evaluated using forward or –similar to Prolog programs – backward chaining (Section 1.3.4).

1.3.1 Xcerpt Query Terms

Xcerpt query terms are patterns that are to be unified with thequeried data. In the context of querying the Web,query terms must be able to handle incompleteness of patterns with respect to the actual input documents invarious ways. Queries may either be complete or incomplete with respect to order, in depth, and also inbreadth. In many cases it is even beneficial to extract data whenever it is present, without causing the query tofail if it is missing. This last requirement is realized by using optional query terms. Incompleteness with Respect to Order

Semistructured data may either be explicitly ordered or unordered. In the data model of Xcerpt this is specifiedby either curly braces denoting incompleteness with respect to order or by square brackets for completenesswith respect to order. Since XML does not differentiate between ordered and unordered data, the exampledata term in Table 1.2 is specified with square brackets, reflecting the implicitly given document order of thecorresponding XML data. Also query terms may be complete or incomplete with respect to order, which isexpressed by the same syntax. Query terms that are incomplete with respect to order may match data thatis inherently ordered, but query terms that are complete with respect to order cannot be matched with dataterms that are incomplete with respect to order. Naturally,if both the data and the query term feature the sameorder specification, they may match. Some canonical query terms, that would match with the example datain Table 1.2 are the data term itself (interpreted as a query term), or any query term that can be derived fromit by substituting pairs of square brackets by pairs of curlybraces. Neglecting incompleteness in breadth andin depth, optional query terms and variables, these are alsothe only query terms we can formulate so far thatwould match with the data. Incompleteness in Breadth and in Depth

Usually, the exact structure of data on the Web is unknown to the query author. Nevertheless, it should bepossible to issue queries that require the existence of onlycertain subterms. While data terms are not allowedto be incomplete in breadth, query terms are, which is denoted by double braces or brackets. An example queryterm that would match with the data in Table 1.2 would beExpra It would also match anybooks:bookelements that include additionalauthor -elements, or ones withtitle -elements that include child elementsfor translations to foreign languages.

Expra1.3.1.2 := books:book [[ books:title [[ ]] ]]

Not only the siblings of certain subterms of a query term may be of no particular significance, also its ances-tors may be unknown or irrelevant to the query. In XPath such queries are formulated using thedescendant -axis, and there exists a very similar construct in Xcerpt, which is calleddesc and may precede query terms,indicating that they need not be a child of their enclosing query term, but may occur at arbitrary depth. Thiscould be used to select all titles of a bookstore in XML representation:

Exprb1.3.1.2 := desc books:title [[ ]] Xcerpt Variables and Substitution Sets

Up to now, the only information gained by the evaluation of a query term was whether it matches with thedata or not. In other words, with the language constructs introduced thus far, only boolean queries on thestructure and content of data terms are feasible. Xcerpt variables may be included in query terms to extractmore information, i.e. arbitrary parts of the data. Expression Expr1.3.1.3 queries the title and the entire nodesrepresenting the year of abooks:book element.


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Expr1.3.1.3 := books:book [[books:title [[ var Title ]],var Year as books:year [[ ]]


To be exact, two different kinds of variables are used inExpr1.3.1.3. Bindings for variableYear havingto fulfill the patternbooks:year [[ ]] , Year is called a variable withpattern restriction. In contrast,the bindings for variableTitle only need to appear at the right position within the data.

The answer to such queries is given in form of asubstitution set, which are – as the name suggests – setsof substitutions. A substitution is a mapping from the set ofall Xcerpt variables to all data terms (to be moreprecise, variables may also be mapped to construct terms, but this is not important for the moment). By default,all variables are mapped to themselves, only those variables appearing in the query term are mapped to dataterms. Of course, the written representation of substitutions is restricted to variables which are not mapped tothemselves. The substitution set generated by the evaluation of expressionExpr1.3.1.3 with respect to the datain Table 1.2 consists of only one single substitution:

{ { Title -> title [ ’Automatic translation between Xcerpt an d XQuery’ ],Year -> ’2006’ } }

In general, substitution sets consist of more than one substitution, but the same substitution may not appeartwice within a substitution set. Two substitutions are considered equal, if their variables are mapped to thesame data term values. By introducing node identity, also other definitions of substitution equality and forsubstitution sets are conceivable, paving the way for the translation of certain XQuery expressions to Xcerpt,which would be harder to translate otherwise (see Section 5.1). Negated and optional Query Terms

In the same way as predicates within XPath may preclude pathsthat contain a certain element or attributevalue (such as in/books:book[fn:not(title)]/author ), Xcerpt provides the keywordwithoutfor ensuring the absence of certain subterms.

books:book {{ var Author as author {{ }}, without title {{ }} } }

Subterm negation is not the only necessity that arises from the heterogeneous nature of data on the web.Retrieving certain data fragments in the case that they are available, while not requiring them to be present isanother issue. Although it would certainly be possible to issue multiple queries covering all possible structures,a more elegant solution is provided by Xcerpt’soptional keyword. Given a series ofbooks:book dataterms, some of which include author subelements, the following query could be used to extract author nameswhenever possible.

books:book {{var Title as books:title {{ }},optional var Author as books:author {{ }}


Applied to the data in Table 1.2, the optionalbooks:author subterm would not match, but the en-tire query term would neither fail. The single generated substitution would be{ Title -> title [’Automatic ...’ ] }.

The expressiveness of Xcerpt query terms exceeds the possibilities presented here by far. Just to namesome extensions, it is possible to match regular expressions, include position specifications for subterms,make use of label and namespace variables, and even give multiple arguments to the keywordswithout andoptional . Furthermore, query terms may be connected by the boolean operatorsand , or andnot to formso-calledqueries, which may be associated with resources (e.g XML-documents). For a complete descriptionof the language see [17] and [6].

1.3.2 Xcerpt Construct Terms

Having introduced query terms and the substitution sets that are calculated by their application to data terms,the foundations are laid for the introduction of construct terms. As mentioned above, substitution sets may be


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considered as an interface between query and construct terms, and they are consumed by their application toconstruct terms. As one might guess, variable occurrences within construct terms are replaced by the valuesto which they are mapped in a substitution.

When a substitution set is applied to a construct term, the result is a set of data terms (the result might aswell be a set of construct terms, but this case is neglectablein this thesis). The application of the substitutionset of Section to the construct termExpra

1.3.2 yields the data termExprb1.3.2.

Expra1.3.2 := publication [ var Year, var Title ]

Exprb1.3.2 := publication [ ’2006’, title [ ’Automatic ...’ ] ]

Of course, there is much more one can achieve by using construct terms than simple renaming of tags andchanging the order of siblings, as it was the case in the previous example.

1.3.3 Xcerpt Grouping Constructs

A salient aspect of construct terms are the powerful grouping constructs that may be employed. To see theirfull power, consider a more extensive substitution set:

{ { Sport -> ’Soccer’, C -> country [’Germany’], Skills -> ’Go od’ },{ Sport -> ’Soccer’, C -> country [’France’], Skills -> ’Good ’ },{ Sport -> ’Soccer’, C -> country [’US’], Skills -> ’Suboptim al’ },{ Sport -> ’Soccer’, C -> country [’England’], Skills -> ’Goo d’ },{ Sport -> ’Cricket’, C -> country [’England’], Skills -> ’Pe rfect’},{ Sport -> ’Football’, C -> country [’US’], Skills -> ’Perfec t’} }

In order to get a listing of countries that exercise a particular type of sport, one could apply the abovesubstitution set to the construct term below. It encloses all sports together with a list of countries practicingthat sport in a view calledsports and countries . The result of this operation is given byExpra


sports_and_countries [ all sport [ var Sport, all var C ] ]

Expra1.3.3 :=

sports_and_countries [sport [ ’Soccer’, country [ ’Germany’ ], country [ ’France’ ] ,

country [ ’US’ ], country [ ’England’ ] ],sport [ ’Cricket’, country [ ’England’ ] ],sport [ ’Football’, country [ ’US’ ] ]


Of course, this is not the only possiblity to process the substitution set. One might just as well be interestedin the types of sports that are popular in particular countries. An appropriate construct term to materialize thisview upon the data would be the construct term below that generates the data inExprb


countries_and_sports [ all sportlist [ var C, all var Sport] ]

Exprb1.3.3 :=

countries_and_sports [sportlist [ country [ ’Germany’ ], ’Soccer’ ]sportlist [ country [ ’France’ ], ’Soccer’ ]sportlist [ country [ ’England’ ], ’Soccer’, ’Cricket’ ]sportlist [ country [ ’US’ ], ’Soccer’, ’Football’ ]


Apart from the construct terms presented above, it might also be beneficial to find out the skills of a countryin all sports it practices, rank all soccer-playing nationsaccording to their skills, etc. All this is possible byusing Xcerpt’s grouping constructsall , some and the additional clausesgroup by andorder by . For acomplete description of these language elements see [17][Section 4.6.2].


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1.3.4 Xcerpt Rules and Programs

Rules connect query and construct terms with each other, thereby determining to which data terms substitutionsets are to be applied. They are of the following generic form:




As mentioned above, queries are possibly nested conjunctions, disjunctions and negations of query termswhich may also be associated with a specific resource to be queried. Queries not associated with any resourceare evaluated on the results of other rules.

Xcerpt programs are sets of construct-query-rules and are evaluated by rule chaining. Besides the structuregiven above, rules may also start out with the keywordGOALinstead ofCONSTRUCT. The difference betweenthese two forms is that data terms produced by rules with the keywordGOALare considered results of theprogram they belong to, whereas data terms resulting from the evaluation of rules beginning withCONSTRUCTare only intermediate results.

The wording in the last paragraph assumes a forward chainingevaluation of Xcerpt programs. As inProlog, Xcerpt programs may also be evaluated using backward chaining, and this is the method that waschosen for the current prototype of the language.


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Chapter 2

Translating simple XPath Expressions

In this section a first mapping between the limited sublanguagesXQ1 andXC1 of XQuery and Xcerpt re-spectively is given. First an example expression is considered (Section 2.1). Then the syntaxes and semanticsof both sublanguages is introduced (Sections 2.2 and 2.3). Section 2.4 concludes the discussion ofXQ1

andXC1 by providing translation rules between both languages and aformal proof of equivalence for theexamined expressions.

2.1 An Example XPath Expression and its Xcerpt Equivalent

XPath being a part of XQuery, the formal semantics of both languages are treated together in the W3C doc-ument “XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics” [11]. But not every XPath or XQuery expression isdirectly associated with its semantics. The predominant part of both languages is normalized to the so-calledXQuery core. Not even the familiar path expressions belong to the XQuery core, but are normalized tofor -clauses and step-expressions. As an example consider the simple query/tag1/tag2/tag3 . It is called acompositepath expression, because it contains an intermediate ’/’. Composite path expressions are normalizedby the following normalization rule (among others).

(Rule 2.1) [ StepExpr / RelativePathExpr ]Expr ==fs:apply-ordering-mode(fs:distinct-doc-order-or-atomic-sequence(

let $fs:sequence as node()* := [ StepExpr ]Expr returnlet $fs:last := fn:count($fs:sequence) returnfor $fs:dot at $fs:position in $fs:sequence return

[ RelativePathExpr ]Expr


Since this rule is not quite self-explanatory, a brief illustration follows:

• A step expression(abbreviatedStepExpr in the formula above) e.g.child::tag1 is made up ofanaxisspecification such aschild:: and anode test. In the examplechild::tag1 the node testchecks the label of the context node. The child axis is assumed as the default axis, and hence it may alsobe omitted. Step expressions are treated more thoroughly later in this chapter.

• A relative path expressionis a sequence of step expressions concatenated by ’/’ or ’//’. Applying theabove rule totag1/tag2/tag3 , the step expressionStepExpr would betag1 and the relative pathexpressionRelativePathExpr would betag2/tag3 .

• The subscriptExpr indicates that this normalization rule is used to map top-level expressions to theXQuery core, differentiating it from other families of normalization rules such as normalization rulesfor function calls, for sequence types, and for axes.

• The behavior of the functionfs:apply-ordering-mode() depends on the value of the global orderingmode. The ordering mode can be set to ’ordered’ or ’unordered’ by an XQuery programmer. If itis set to ’ordered’, the function is equivalent to the identity function, because its input sequence isalready given in document order. Otherwise, the order of theresult of fs:apply-ordering-mode() isimplementation dependent, meaning that no guarantee is given for the order of the results. The default


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behaviour of Xcerpt being not to give a guarantee about the order of results, it is easier to translateXQuery expressions with the ordering mode set to unordered.This is assumed in the rest of this chapter,and translations are considered correct if they produce thesame set of results – no matter if the ordercoincides.

• The fs:distinct-doc-order-or-atomic-sequence() function takes either a sequence ofonly nodes, sorts them by document order and removes duplicates based on node identity, or it takes asequence of atomic values and returns it unchanged. Since the order of the results is insgnificant in thischapter, neither of the last two functions are made use of in the XQuery expressions to be translated toXcerpt.

• Within XQuery step expressions the size of the current context may be retrieved by a call to the functionfn:last() , and the context position byfn:position() . These functions rely upon the formalvariables$fs:last and$fs:position being added to thedynamic environmentof XQuery, whichis illustrated by the rule above. Since neither of the two functions are important in this chapter, thebinding of both variables is insignificant for the moment.

• Finally, the formal variable$fs:dot denotes the current context item. Just as$fs:position and$fs:last , $fs:dot is not an ordinary XQuery variable, and therefore does usually not occur withinXQuery programs. It rather serves to specifiy the formal semantics of XQuery and is used internally toremember the context item. In order to stay close to the formal semantics of XQuery,$fs:dot is usedin this chapter. Later in this thesis, this approach is abandoned in favor of including more constructs notpart of the XQuery core, which results in more concise and readable XQuery expressions.

Rule 2.1 is not the only normalization rule that needs to be applied to transform/tag1/tag2/tag3 tothe XQuery core, but it is the most important one. Other normalization rules are necessary to treat the leading’/’ and the step expressions, and they are formally defined in[11]. An XQuery core expression equivalent(except for the order of the results) to/tag1/tag2/tag3 is depicted in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1:ExprXQ2.1 :An example expression inXQ1

for $fs:dot infor $fs:dot in

let $fs:dot := fn:doc(’bib.xml’)return child::tag1

return child::tag2return child::tag3

What would be the Xcerpt equivalent to the query in Table 2.1?Due to the fact thatExprXQ2.1 both queries

XML data and returns a result, the Xcerpt equivalent can neither be a pure query term nor a pure data term. Itmust be a construct-query rule (see [17, Section 4.7]). The values thatExprXQ

2.1 returns in its finalreturn -clausechild::tag3 must be bound to a variable - sayvar X - in the query part of the rule, and includedin the construct part. Since all bindings ofX shall be returned, a grouping construct is used in the translationto collect them. Unlike its traditional semantics, in this thesis it is assumed thatall does not perform value-based duplicate elimination. In Chapter 5 grouping constructs are discussed in more detail, and a new groupingconstruct namedall-distinct is introduced to take over the original role ofall . Grouping constructs inXcerpt must always be enclosed by some kind of term, and therefore the special labelxc:result is used toenclose the termall var X in the translation. The namespace prefixxc serves to distinguish this meta-datafrom the actual result.

Figuring out the query part of the rule is more interesting. The steps inExprXQ2.1 are translated to the

labels of the query term. Double parenthesis rather than single ones are the right choice to construct theXcerpt translation, becauseExprXQ

2.1 does not constrain the number of children within the nodes onthe path.Since query terms with single subterms are sufficient for thetranslation ofExprXQ

2.1 , the completeness withrespect to order is not important in this context. For the translation in Table 2.2 curly braces were chosen, butsquare brackets would also be correct.


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Table 2.2:ExprXC2.1 : The translation ofExprXQ


GOAL xc:result { all var X }FROM {

in resource [’bib.xml’],tag1 {{ tag2 {{ var X as tag3 {{ }} }} }}


2.2 The XQuery SublanguageXQ1

In this section the grammar productions forXQ1, a sublanguage comprising queries like the example query inTable 2.1, are given. In terms of the XQuery core,XQ1 is a small subset of nested FLWOR-expressions thatfulfills the following constraints:

• The only variable allowed is the built-in variable$fs:dot .

• The innermost construct is alet -clause binding thecontext variable$fs:dot to a document node bycalling thefn:doc() -function on a URI. Itsreturn -clause is given by a step expression.

• This let -clause constitutes the binding sequence of an enclosingfor -clause, which may itsself bethe binding sequence of yet anotherfor -clause. Just as withlet -clauses, thereturn -clauses of thefor -clauses are given by step expressions.

Table 2.3 gives the grammar productions forXQ1 in EBNF.<QNAME>denotes an arbitrary qualified name asdefined in [2].

Table 2.3: Grammar productions forXQ1

<EXPR> ::= for $fs:dot in (<EXPR> | <LET>) return <STEP><LET> ::= let $fs:dot := fn:doc(’<URI>’) return <STEP><STEP> ::= child::<QNAME>

In the rest of this section, the semantics ofXQ1 is thoroughly studied based upon the XQuery formal se-mantics. The following constructs are examined:let -clauses,for -clauses with empty or non-empty bindingsequences, thefn:doc function, and step expressions consisting of a child axis and node tests.

2.2.1 The Formal Semantics oflet-Clauses inXQ1

The semantics of XQuery expressions is given with respect toa static environmentstatEnv and adynamicenvironmentdynEnv . Thestatic environmentis primarily used to perform static type checking in case ofschema validation of the XML input data. Not considering validated XML, most rules that only use or alterthe static environmentcan be safely ignored for the purposes of this thesis. In somecases though, rulesconcerning the static environment can be give further insight. Since types of expressions restrict their values,conclusions affecting the dynamic environment – and thus the results of expressions inXQ1 – can be drawnalso from rules concerning only the static environment.

As in other functional programming languages, XQuerylet -clauses are processed by extending the dy-namic environment by a variable binding and evaluating the returned expression in this updated environment.This procedure is formalized by Rule 2.2. Variable references such asVarRef must be expanded before beingregistered in the dynamic environmentDynEnv, because they may contain namespace-prefixes.

dynEnv ⊢ Expr1 ⇒ Value1

statEnv ⊢ VarRef of var expands toVariable(Rule 2.2) dynEnv + varValue(Variable ⇒ Value1) ⊢ Expr2 ⇒ Value2

dynEnv ⊢ let VarRef := Expr1 return Expr2 ⇒ Value2


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The example expressionExprXQ2.2 from the last section uses alet -clause to bind the special variable

$fs:dot to the document node of’bib.xml’ . In this extended environment, the step expressionchild::tag1is evaluated.

2.2.2 The Formal Semantics offor-Clauses inXQ1

Thefor -clause being the central construct ofXQ1 its dynamic semantics are treated next. The following rulestates that if the binding sequence of afor -clause is empty, then thefor -clause itself evaluates to the emptysequence.

(Rule 2.3)dynEnv ⊢ Expr1 ⇒ ()

dynEnv ⊢ for VarRef TypeDeclaration? in Expr1 return Expr2 ⇒ ()

Generally,Expr1 is not empty. The semantics of this case is specified by Rule 2.4, which is read as follows:

• ”Let (Item1, ..., Itemn) be the sequence whichExpr1 evaluates to.” (InXQ1, Expr1 is a for orlet -clause and evaluates to a sequence of nodes. In the innermost for -clause ofExprXQ

2.2 the bindingsequenceExpr1 is the list consisting only of the root node ofbib.xml .)

• ”Let Variable be the expandedQName of VarRef”. (The expandedQName is needed to add a correctvariable binding to the dynamic environment in the next step.)

• “Let Valuei (1 ≤ i ≤ n) be the value ofExpr2 in the current environment complemented by the bindingof the variableVariable to the valueItemi.”

• “Then the given for-clause evaluates to the sequence of values(Value1 ,..., Valuen).

(Rule 2.4)

dynEnv ⊢ Expr1 ⇒ Item1, . . . , Itemn

statEnv ⊢ VarRef of var expands to VariabledynEnv + varValue(Variable⇒ Item1) ⊢ Expr2 ⇒ Value1

. . .

dynEnv + varValue(Variable ⇒ Itemn) ⊢ Expr2 ⇒ Valuen

dynEnv ⊢ for VarRef in Expr1 return Expr2 ⇒ Value1, . . . , Valuen

2.2.3 The Formal Semantics of Step Expressions inXQ1

While the semantics offor -clauses is certainly helpful in demonstrating the equivalence of certain expressionsin XQ1 andXC1, it is still necesarry to examine how thebinding sequences(Expr 1 in Rule 2.4) of thefor -clauses, which can either be afn:doc function or a step expression (e.g.child::tag1 ), are evaluated.Otherwise Rule 2.4 is not particular useful.

The dynamic semantics of thefn:doc function is not specified in [11], but can be described as a ”string-to-document-node mapping” [14, section 15.5.4]. As a way out, it is assumed that the document nodes returnedby the XQueryfn:doc function and by the Xcerptin resource construct are equal (except for differencesin the data model), provided they are applied to the same URL.

The other type of expression a binding sequence inXQ1 can be made up of, is astep expression. Inorder to clarify the vocabulary used in formal semantics of step expressions, some of the terminology ofXPath step expressions (see Table 2.2.3) is recapitulated:A step expressionis either anaxis stepor aprimaryexpression. In XQ1, only axis steps are allowed at the place of step expressions, and therefore the productionsfor PrimaryExpr are not given in Table 2.2.3. Anaxis stepis either aforward stepor areverse step. Again,reverse steps are not included inXQ1 and no grammar productions are provided in table 2.2.3. Aforward stepis specified by an axis such as thechild axisor theattribute axisand anode testwhich shall not be confusedwith predicates, which are denoted by square brackets in XPath and excluded fromXQ1. Node testsare eitherkind testsselecting only nodes of a special kind (not part ofXQ1) or name testsselecting nodes of a givenname. InXQ1, only forward steps on the child axis with name tests withoutwildcards are used.

The formal semantics of XQuery defines the evaluation of stepexpressions by Rule 2.5, which builds upona set of other rules that must also be considered to fully understand the evaluation. In the rest of this section,the term ’judgement’ is often used. A judgement is simply a statement which expresses whether a propertyholds or not. The two most important judgements in the XQueryformal semantics are the judgementsExpr=> Value andExpr : Type . The former states that the expressionExpr evaluates to the valueValue ,


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Table 2.4: The core syntax of step expressions as defined in [11, section 4.2.1]

1: StepExpr ::= AxisStep | PrimaryExpr .2: AxisStep ::= ForwardStep | ReverseStep .3: ForwardStep ::= ForwardAxis NodeTest .4: ForwardAxis ::= (’child’ ’::’) | (’descendant’ ’::’) | (’attribute’ ’::’) |5: (’self’ ’::’) | (’descendant-or-self’ ’::’) |6: (’following-sibling’ ’::’) | (’following’ ’::’) |7: (’namespace’ ’::’) .8: NodeTest ::= KindTest | NameTest .9: NameTest ::= QName | Wildcard .

10: Wildcard ::= * | (NCName ’:’ ’ * ’ | ’ * ’ ’:’NCName) .

and the latter judgement holds ifExpr is of typeType . Judgements are used in the premises of rules toconstrain the rule’s applicability.

(Rule 2.5)

dynEnv.varValue($fs:dot) = Value1

Value1 matches nodedynEnv ⊢ axis Axis of Value1 ⇒ Value2

Axis principal PrincipalNodeKinddynEnv ⊢ test NodeTest with PrincipalNodeKind of Value2 ⇒ Value3

dynEnv ⊢ Axis NodeTest ⇒ fs:distinct-doc-order(Value3)

In Rule 2.5 the dynamic environment is used to look up the context variable$fs:dot . The secondpremise makes use of thematches judgement in order to assure that the rule is only applicableif the valueof the context variable is a node value. While there is no definition of thematches judgement for nodes inthe XQuery formal semantics [11], there are definitions for thematches judgement for each kind of node,i.e. element nodes, attribute nodes, document nodes, text nodes, comment nodes and processing instructionnodes (see Table 1.3 for the productions of node values). As an example consider thematches judgement fortext nodes in Rule 2.6. Although not specifically stated in [11], it is assumed in this thesis that thematchesjudgement used in Rule 2.5 holds true for general nodes, if itis true for one of the node types.

(Rule 2.6) statEnv ⊢ text { String } matches text

The third premise of Rule 2.5 asserts that the application ofthe axisAxis to the value of the context nodeValue 1 yields the valueValue 2. In the case ofXQ1 the specified axis must be the child axis. Applicationof the child axis to an element (see Rule 2.7) simply returns an element value – that is all the children, butnone of the attributes of that element:

(Rule 2.7) dynEnv ⊢ axis child:: of element ElementName {AttributeValue,ElementValue}⇒ ElementValue

Although there are several other rules specifying the semantics of the application of the child axis to anode other than an element node, the most interesting case remains the one of element nodes. Application ofthe child axis to an attribute node, text node, processing instruction node or comment node yields the emptysequence() . In [11] this is specified by rules similar to the following.

(Rule 2.8) statEnv ⊢ axis child:: of text: empty

Note that Rule 2.8 is a statement about thestatic semantics of XQuery that is always applicable (nopremises need to be fulfilled). To be exact, it does not directly say anything about the value that is com-puted by the application of the child axis, but only about itstype. Even though type checking – and with ita great part of the information available in the static environment – is ignored when translating from XQueryto Xcerpt, this rule is still significant, since the only value that is of typeempty is the empty sequence [11,section 2.4.3]. Up to now the semantics of applying thechild axis to all kinds of nodes but the documentnode have been treated. The dynamic semantics of this last remaining part being left unspecified in [11], Rule2.9 specifies its static semantics.


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(Rule 2.9) statEnv ⊢ axis child:: of document { Type }: Type & processing-instructions* & comment*

It is obvious that the value of the documents only child element (possibly interleaved by processing in-structions and comment nodes) is returned when applying thechild axis to the document node, however, beinga static typing rule, Equation 2.9 does not assert that. Thisdynamic semantics is assumed when calculatingthe value of expressions inXQ1.

The fourth premise in Rule 2.5 is simple. Theprincipal judgement for the child axis is true wheneverPrincipalNodeKind is element . Hence this premise determines the principal node kind of the axis -which inXQ1 must always be thechild axis. The result is bound to PrincipalNodeKind to be used in the fifthand last premise.

The last judgement that needs to be examined to be certain about the semantics ofXQ1 is thetest judge-ment, which is used in the fifth and last premise of Rule 2.5. As mentioned earlier, the only type of node testsallowed inXQ1 are name tests without wild cards. Considering only steps onthe child axis, the principlenode kind iselement . Thus the judgements appearing in Rule 2.5 is of the following type:

dynEnv ⊢ test Prefix:LocalPart with element of NodeValue

This judgement is true, when the premises in Rule 2.10 are fulfilled.

• The node that is to be matched must be an element node. No attribute nodes, comment nodes, etc shallbe matched.

• Prefix must be bound to the namespace URI of the expanded QName ofNodeValue . This simplymeans that only those elements are matched that belong to thesame namespace as specified byPrefix .

• LocalPart must match the local name of the expanded QName ofNodeValue . In other words, onlyelements with tag nameLocalPart fulfill this condition.

(Rule 2.10)

dm:node-kind(NodeValue) = PrincipalNodeKindfn:node-name(NodeValue) = expanded-QName

fn:namespace-uri-from-QName(expanded-QName) = statEnv.namespace(Prefix)fn:local-name-from-QName(expanded-QName) = LocalPart

dynEnv ⊢ test Prefix:LocalPart with PrincipalNodeKind of NodeValue ⇒ NodeValue

Summing up the evaluation of step expressions inXQ1, the following steps are carried out: The contextvariable$fs:dot is looked up in the dynamic environment, and it is checked whether it is bound to a node.After that, the child axis is applied to the node, and it is checked whether the namespace prefixes and the localnames of the labels in the step expression and the ones of the child nodes correspond. Only those nodes forwhich these tests succeed are returned.

With rules 2.2 to 2.10 the entire formal semantics ofXQ1 is given. Looking back, one may say thatfor - andlet -clauses generate bindings for the context variable, whereas the step expressions are evaluateddepending on exactly these bindings.

2.3 The Xcerpt SublanguageXC1

This section introduces the formal semantics ofXC1. First the grammar productions for expressions inXC1

are given, then its formal semantics as specified in [17, Chapter 8] is studied.

Table 2.5: Grammar productions forXC1

<XC1EXPR> ::= ’GOAL xc:result [ all var X ] FROM’ <DOCQUERY> ’ END’<DOCQUERY> ::= ’in { resource[ "’ uri ’"],’ <QUERYTERM> ’}’<QUERYTERM> ::= <NSLABEL> ’{{’ <QUERYTERM> ’}}’

| ’var X as’ <NSLABEL> ’{{ }}’<NSLABEL> ::= (label ’:’)? label


Page 24: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt

As can be seen in Table 2.5,XC1 contains simple construct-query rules. All of these rules wrap theirresults in a special element namedxc:result . The query parts of the rules are of arbitrary depth, butinclude only one single variableX, which is always constrained by a childless, unordered and incompletequery term pattern.

XC1 is supposed to include translations for all expressions inXQ1 and examining its formal semantics isa fundamental prerequisite to see the correctness of the translation rules in Section 2.4. It is assumed that thereader has a basic understanding of the operational semantics of Xcerpt as given in [17, Chapter 8].

The rest of this section is structured by the constructs thatneed to be examined: Xcerpt programs as a setof construct-query-rules, resource specifications, partial unordered query term specifications, Xcerpt constructterms, and the Xcerptas construct.

An Xcerpt programP generally consists of a set of Xcerpt rulesR1, . . . ,Rk. For each rule in an Xcerptprogram the query part is inserted as a constraint into a new constraint store, the store is solved by the applica-tion of simplification rules, and transformed into a substitution set. Application of this substitution set to theconstruct part of the Xcerpt rule being processed yields theresult. In the case ofXC1 we only consider singlerules, so we do not have to bother with rule chaining.

Initially the constraint store corresponding to a query inXC1 has the following form:

〈in{RSpec, Q}〉∅

The resource specificationRSpec is a URL identifying an XML document or some other source of Xcerptdata terms such as another Xcerpt program.Q is the query part of theXC1 expression. Application of thequery unfolding rule for resource specifications [17, Section 8.3.2] changes the constraint store to:〈Q〉R withR being the set of data terms obtained by parsing the resourceRSpec. This single query termQ with theassociated resourceR = {t1, . . . , tn} is transformed in a disjunct of simulation constraints:


Q �u t1 ∨ . . . ∨ Q �u tn

At this point, the constraint store is a disjunction of constraints, composed of single query terms consist-ing of two constructs: labels with double curly braces (possibly together with namespace prefixes) denotingincomplete unordered query term specifications, and variable bindings (theas construct). For both of theseconstructs so-calleddecomposition rulesare provided by the formal semantics of Xcerpt [17, Section 8.2.2].

2.3.1 The Formal Semantics of Incomplete Query Term Specifications in XC1

Xcerpt query terms whose outermost construct is a label are decomposed byroot elimination. Xcerpt per-mitting a wide range of incompleteness specifications, its decomposition rules are numerous. In selecting theappropriate decomposition rule the following scenarios need to be considered:label mismatch, brace incom-patibility, left term without subterms. Label mismatchescorrespond to XQuery name tests on nodes. If thelabel of the query term does not equal the label of the data term, the constraint resolves tofalse , otherwiseRule 2.2 eliminates the root of the current query term.Brace incompatibilityis not a problem with unorderedquery term specifications as they are used inXC1. Even ordered query terms would not result in brace incom-patibility, given that XQuery (and hence alsoXQ1 andXC1) is restricted to ordered data terms. The thirdscenario,left term without subtermsarises exactly once for each expression inXC1 and evaluates always totrue withXC1’s double curly braces. To be more specific, only the innermost label in the query term doesnot have any child terms, all other labels have exactly one child term inXC1. In the case that the label of thequery and data term match, these considerations restrict the set of applicable decomposition rules for all butthe innermost label to the following single rule:

(2.2)l{{t11, . . . , t

1n}} �u l[t21, . . . , t



∧1≤i≤n t1i �u π(t2i )

Equation 2.2, which is part of the formal semantics of Xcerptas defined in [17, Section 8.2] has thefollowing meaning: A constraint that unifies an unordered, partial query terml{{t11, . . . , t

1n}} with an ordered

data terml[t21, . . . , t2m] can be decomposed into the conjunction of constraints

∧1≤i≤n t1i �u π(t1i ), if the

following condition is satisfied:


Page 25: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt

• π is a partial,index injectiveandposition respectingfunction that maps subterms of the query termon the left hand side to subterms of the data term on the right hand side. This function is furthermoredemanded to be total on the set of non-optional and non-negated subtermst1i . With XC1 excludingoptional and negated subterms, this postulation can be substituted by considering only total functionson all query subterms.Index injectivityrequires that no two different termst1i andt1j are mapped tothe same termt2k. The conditionposition respectingis of no relevance, because it lays an additionalrestriction only on those subterms that feature an Xcerpt position specification, which are not present inXC1.

As we are interested inall data terms that match with the specified query term, the simulation constraintis not replaced byone singlesimulation constraint obtained by choosing asinglefunctionπ that satisfies theabove condition, but it is replaced by the disjunction ofall possiblesimulation constraints that can be producedconsidering all potential functionsπ that satisfy the above condition.

Carrying over the semantics of this rule toXC1, the first thing to note is that the number of subterms issyntactically limited to one. With the further insight fromabove that eachπ needs to be total, we can infer thatthe number of functionsπ to be considered equals the number of subterms of the data term, which the queryterm is to be matched with. These thoughts are summed up by thefollowing alternative decomposition rulefor XC1:

(2.3)l{{t11}} �u l[t21, . . . , t


1≤k≤m t11 �u t2k

Note the resemblance of Equation 2.3 with the formal semantics of XQueryfor -clauses (Rule 2.4).Whereas the XQuery evaluation rule forfor -clauses produces a sequence of values (which in general is asequence of sequences) from a single binding sequence, the root elimination rule forXC1 2.3 transforms asingle constraint into a disjunction of multiple constraints. In the case that theXQ1 for -clause is combinedwith a step expression on the child axis as its binding sequence, the parallelism goes even further. The stepexpression evaluates to all those child elements (in the XMLdata) that match the specified tag name. Simi-larly, Rule 2.3 can only be applied if the labels match; otherwise the constraint evaluates to false. InXQ1,the inner expression of thefor -clause is evaluated in the context of each element in the binding sequence.Accordingly, Rule 2.3 tries to unify the only child element of an XC1 query term with each subterm of thedata term. These analogies give rise to the assumption that root eliminating decomposition rules inXC1 takeon the same role asfor -clauses with step expressions as binding sequences inXQ1. However, due to thedifferent evaluation paradigms, these constructs cannot be compared isolated from other constructs such as theXcerptas construct and the XQuery context variable.

2.3.2 The Formal Semantics of the Xcerptas Construct in XC1

In most cases, subterms inXC1 are of the formlabel {{<SUBTERM>}} . This is the recursive case in thegrammar productions (see Table 2.5) for terms inXC1. In order to return some kind of result, however, oneneeds to make use of theas construct, which is the finalizing case in buildingXC1 terms. In this section, asimplified version of Xcerpt’sas elimination rule that is sufficient forXC1 is derived to better understand theformal semantics ofXC1.

As a result of the decomposition Rule 2.3 or also the query unfolding Rule 2.1, the constraint store maycontain a constraint of the formV ar X → l {{ }} �u d for some data termd at some point during theevaluation of anXC1 expression. This constraint does not appear for all combinations ofXC1 queries andassociated data resources, because the evaluation of the query may fail due to label mismatches before avariable binding is reached. Such constraints are decomposed by theas elimination rule from the formalsemantics [17, Section 8.2.2]:

(2.4)X → t1 �u t2

t1 �u t2 ∧ t1 �u X ∧ X �u t2

Only simple constraints for variables being included in theXC1 grammar productions, the termt1 issyntactically limited tol {{ }}. Hence, the first resulting constraint in 2.4 becomesl {{ }} �u t2 which- in the absence of node mismatches - evaluates toTrue by application of the decomposition rule for “leftterm without subterms” defined in [17, Section 8.2.2]. The transitivity Rule [17, section 8.1.4] can be used to


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further simplify the result tot1 �u t2∧X � t2. In fact, adding the lower boundt1 for the variable X in Xcerptis necessary to check whether there exist any incompatible upper bounds for X. The number of constraints forthe variable X being limited to one single constraint inXC1, an incompatible upper bound cannot exist, andtheas elimination rule may be simplified to read:

(2.5)X → l {{ }} �u t2

l {{ }} �u t2 ∧ X �u t2

In the following sections both of the derived rules from thissection together with the formal semanticsof QX1 are taken advantage of to show that the translation rules formapping expressions between the twosublanguages are correct.

2.4 Translating BetweenXC1 and XQ1

In this section the discussion ofXC1 andXQ1 is concluded by giving translation rules between both sublan-guages and give proof of the equivalence of two generic expressions that represent the entire sublanguages.

The translation rules are denoted by[. . .℄toxc1 for the translation fromXQ1 to XC1 and[. . .℄toxq1 forthe other direction. In tables 2.6 and 2.7 names enclosed in angle brackets are non-terminal symbols,labelanduri are variables that represent qualified names with namespaceprefixes and uniform resource locators,respectively.toxc1 takes a list of labels as its parameter, andtoxq1 an additional uri.

Unfortunately, it is necessary to entirely parse and collect the label names of the expressions to be translatedbefore any output can be written. This disutility stems fromthe definitions of the sublanguages that demandthat the innermost labels inXC1 correspond to the outermost labels inXQ1. The grammar productions forXQ1 could be changed to allow translation rules without parameters as follows:for -clauses contain stepexpressions in their binding sequences rather than in theirreturn -clauses, and the nestedfor -clauses aremoved in the reverse way: from the binding sequence to thereturn -clause. In this way, the outermostlabels inXQ1 would correspond to the outermost labels inXC1, and could be translated as soon as they arediscovered. On the other hand this approach would make the proof of equivalence below less readable and hastherefore not been adapted.

Three translation rules, one for each of the constructsfor , let andfn:doc(...) , represent the func-tion toxc1. for -clauses are translated by simply collecting the label in their return -clause and recursivelycalling the tranlsation function on the expression in theirbinding sequence. Labels are added to the beginningof the parameter list, which means that the labels used in theinnermostfor -clauses appear at the beginning ofthe list when allfor -clauses are processed.let -clauses are handled in the same way, andtoxc1 is recursivelycalled on thefn:doc() -function. At this point, all labels are collected, and the translation is constructed. Itis apparent that the length of the translation grows linearily with the number of labels in the original expres-sion. Since exactly one label occurs within alet - or for -clause, the number of labels is also a measure forthe length of anXQ1 expression. Therefore the length of theXC1 translation is linear in the originalXQ1


Table 2.6: Tranlsation rulesXQ1 to XC1[ for $fs:dot in <EXPR> return child:: label ℄<l1,...,lk>toxc1 == [<EXPR>℄<label,l1,...,lk>

toxc1[ let $fs:dot := fn:doc(’ uri ’) return child:: label ℄<l1,...,lk>toxc1

== [ fn:doc(’ uri ’) ℄<label,l1,...,lk>toxc1[ fn:doc(’ uri ’) ℄<l1,...,lk>


== GOAL xc:result [ all var X ]FROM in { resource [ uri ],

l1 {{ . . . lk−1 {{ var X as lk {{ }} }} . . . }} }END

The translation rules fromXC1 to XQ1 (Table 2.7) are similar to those oftoxc1 in that they also consume


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the outermost constructs first. This allows a straightforward implementation based on the abstract syntax ofXC1. On the other hand, it requires that an additional parameterbe reserved for the uri reference.

In the same manner as with the reverse direction, the list of labels is empty at the beginning. The first rulein Table 2.7 takes care of the entire construct-query-rule,and calls the translation function on the query term,thereby handing over the uri reference. The second rule collects the labels appearing in the query term one byone, appending them to the end of the list. The third rule handles the only variable together with its patternrestriction and collects the last label. The last rule generates the XQuery translation, using the first label in thelist in the innermost construct, because it is the outermostlabel of the query term.

With the same reasoning as fortoxc1, it can be shown that the results oftoxq1 scale linearily with theverbosity of theXC1 input expression.

Table 2.7: Translation rulesXC1 to XQ1[ GOAL xc:result [ all var X ]FROM in { resource [’ uri ’], <QUERYTERM> }END ℄toxq1 == [ <QUERYTERM>℄uri,<>

toxq1[ label {{ <QUERYTERM> }} ℄uri,<l1,...,lk>toxq1 == [ <QUERYTERM>℄uri,<l1,...,lk,label>

toxq1[ var X as label {{ }} ℄uri,<l1,...,lk>toxq1 == [ ℄uri,<l1,...,lk,label>

toxq1[ ℄uri,<l1,...,lk>toxq1

== for $fs:dot in...

for $fs:dot inlet $fs:dot := fn:doc(’ uri ’) return child:: l1

return child:: l2...

return child:: lk

Equivalence of expressions inXC1 and XQ1 In the remainder of this section it is shown that the twogeneric expressionsExpr2.4XQ

andExpr2.4XCbelow – which cover the entire sublanguages – are equivalent.


element xc:result { {for $fs:dot in

...for $fs:dot in

let $fs:dot := fn:doc(’ uri ’) return child::tag1return child::tag2

...return child::tagn

} }


GOALxc:result [ all var X ]

FROMin { resource [’ uri ’],

tag1 {{ ... {{ var X as tagn {{ }} }} ... }} }END

In order to show the equivalence ofExpr2.4XQandExpr2.4XC

, the following assumptions are made:


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1. Thefn:doc function does not raise an error and returns a document node.In [14] fn:doc may alsoreturn an empty sequence, but this case is not considered.

2. Letdc be the data term returned by theresource construct and letdq be the document node returnedby thefn:doc function. By definition (see Rule 2.9),dq posesses exactly one element child node. Itmay contain other child nodes, such as processing instructions, comments, etc, but no other elementchild nodes. It is assumed that this only element child node corresponds todc.

3. If an arbitrary labell contains a namespace prefix, and the static environment of XQuery maps thisnamespace prefix to the namespacens, then also in Xcerpt, the prefix is bound tons.

4. If l does not contain a namespace prefix, but the default namespace in XQuery is bound tons, then alsothe default namespace in Xcerpt is bound tons.

5. The sequence returned byExpr2.4XQdoes not contain any two nodes that are deep-equal, because

duplicate nodes are automatically eliminated in Xcerpt. Analternative to guarantee both expressions tobe equal would be to wrapExpr2.4XQ

in a call to thedistinct-elements function (see Table 5.2).

The equivalence of both expressions is shown by a series of transformations, starting with the query partof Expr2.4XC

and finishing with a variation ofExpr2.4XQ, which returns constraints instead of the context

variable. Apart from allowing expressions inXQ1 to return constraints, the proof is eased by the introductionof the context variable in the constraint store. The semantics of both of these extensions is straightforward:

• The value of an XQuery expression returning a series of constraints is defined by the application of thesolution of the constraint store to the construct term ofExpr2.4XC

. If the expression returns more thanone constraint, the constraint store is given by the disjunction of these constraints.

• A constraint containing a context variable resolves to the constraint obtained by substituting the contextvariable by the node to which it is bound in the XQuery part of the expression.

After the final transformation, it is easy to see that for eachnoden which would be returned byExpr2.4XQ,

the constraint store ofExpr2.4XCcontains the constraintX �u n. The transformations=1 to =6 are justified

as follows:

• In the first step, substituting the root node of the Xcerpt data termdc by the context variable$fs:dot ,which is bound to the only element child node of the XQuery document node, the second assumptionabove is used. Note that the step expression in thereturn -clause of the innerlet -clause must bechild::element() rather thanchild:: * , because the latter expression would also return pro-cessing instructions and other non-element child nodes. Though the formal semantics of kind tests, suchaschild::element() has not yet been examined, the meaning of this specific step expression isevident: It returns all those children of the context node that are element nodes. Usingchild::tag0instead would bring forward the selection of nodes by tag names, which in Xcerpt is represented by theconstrainttag0 {{ ... }} � $fs:dot that remains to be resolved in the following step.

• The second transformation is justified by the root elimination rule ofXC1 (Equation 2.3). There aretwo cases to be considered: Either the data termdc is of the formtag0 {{ ... }} , in which casethe result depends on the descendants ofdc, or, in the other case, a node mismatch occurs. In the secondcase, the node testtag0 guarantees that the evaluation fails (the context variablewould be bound tothe empty sequence() in the outerlet -clause, and therefore no valid constraints are in the constraintstore). In the first case, however, the remaining constraints in thereturn -clause control the furtherevaluation ofExpr2.4XC

. The number of disjunctionsk is determined by the number of child elementsof the context variable. Again, processing instructions and other non-element nodes are of no interest,so the kind testelement() is used.

• The disjunction of constraints produced by the root elimination rule is transformed to afor -clause inthe third step, shifting the context variable one level lower in the data term. While there is one constraintfor each child element of the context node before the transformation, now there is one constraint for theshifted context node, which adds up to the same result considering that the context variable is boundonce to every child element in thefor -clause. The innermostlet -clause returning only a single node,it would not matter whether it is surrounded by afor - or let -clause. The grammar productions ofXQ1 demand afor -clause and therefore this change is also applied in this step.


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• Steps two and three are repeated until the variable constraint is reached, producing the nestedfor -clauses that are characteristic forXQ1. The rationale is the same as in the steps above.

• As discussed in Section 2.3.2 and summarized in Equation 2.4eachas constraints is resolved to twoconstraints: The first one assuring that the data term satisfies the structure of the query term, the secondestablishing the variable binding.

• In the last transformation, the duty of sorting out non-matching child elements is transferred from theconstraintstagn {{ }} � $fs:dot to the name testtagn , leaving only variable constraints in thereturn -clauses. Remember that a sequence of constraints returnedby anXQ1 fragment is understoodas a disjunction of these constraints.

{ tag0 {{ ... {{ var X as tagn {{ }} }} ... }} �u dc }


let $fs:dot :=let $fs:dot := fn:doc(’ uri ’) return child::element()

return { tag0 {{ ... {{ var X as tagn {{ }} }} ... }} �u $fs:dot }


let $fs:dot :=let $fs:dot := fn:doc(’ uri ’) return child::tag0


∨i=1...k {tag1 {{ ... var X as tagn {{ }} ... }} �u (child::element())[i]

} }


for $fs:dot infor $fs:dot in

let $fs:dot := fn:doc(’ uri ’) return child::tag0return child::element()

return { tag1 {{ ... var X as tagn {{ }} ... }} �u $fs:dot }

= . . . =4

for $fs:dot in...

for $fs:dot inlet $fs:dot := fn:doc(’ uri ’) return child::tag0

return child::tag1... return child::element()

return{ var X as tagn {{ }} �u $fs:dot }


for $fs:dot in...

for $fs:dot inlet $fs:dot := fn:doc(’ uri ’) return child::tag0

return child::tag1... return child::element()

return{ tagn {{ }} �u $fs:dot ∧ X �u $fs:dot }



Page 30: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt

for $fs:dot in...

for $fs:dot inlet $fs:dot := fn:doc(’ uri ’) return child::tag0

return child::tag1... return child::tagn

return{ X �u $fs:dot }

The resulting substitution setΣ is the set consisting of mappings fromX to the nodes specified by the con-text node. Applying this substitution set to the construct term<xc:result>all var X</xc:result>returns a newxc:result node filled with all possible substitutions for X. Note that neither XQuery norXcerpt specify the order of the child elements in the outerxc:result node. ThereforeExpr2.4XC


are only equal abstaining from the order of child elements. Thus, curly instead of square bracketscould have been used in theXC1 construct term.

With the above proof of equivalence, the treatment of the first pair of sublanguages is finished. The majordiscoveries of this first chapter are recapitulated below.

• Simple XPath expressions which are normalized to nestedfor -clauses withname testsas binding se-quences, can be translated to Xcerpt query terms with singlechild elements.

• Special attention has to be laid on the treatment of duplicates and element order.

• Xcerpt root elimination rules adopt the roles of two XQuery constructs:name testsandfor -clauses.

• The complexity of the translation rules between both sublanguages is linear in the number of constructsemployed.

• Translating betweenXC1 andXQ1 is a structure conserving process: Translating anXC1 expressionto XQ1 and back toXC1 yields the original expression. The same property holds foran expression inXQ1 which is translated toXC1 and back.

In the following chapter,XC1 andXQ1 are expanded to include multiple child nodes in query terms,anarbitrary number of variables, and variable constraints. Special care is taken to retain the beneficial complex-ity and stability properties discovered in the first pair of sublanguages, despite the partial alleviation of theextensive syntactical constraints.


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Chapter 3

Translating Simple Xcerpt Query Terms

This Chapter introduces the sublanguagesXC2 andXQ2 of Xcerpt and XQuery, respectively. In contrast tothe last chapter, the starting point in this Chapter is not a fragment of XQuery, but a subset of Xcerpt queryterms. Another important change with respect to the last Section is given by a different notion of equalityamongXC2 andXQ2 expressions (see Section 3.2).

This Chapter is organized as follows: In Section 3.1 the grammar productions forXC2 are introduced, andthe enhancements overXC1 are discussed. Subsequently, example expressions withinXC2 are translated toXQuery in Section 3.2. Grammar productions for an equally expressive sublanguage of XQuery are presentedin Section 3.3. The formal semantics of the constructs of this new sublanguageXQ2 are studied in Section3.4. Automatic translation fromXC2 to XQ2 is discussed in Section 3.5, and the reverse direction is treatedin Section 3.6.

3.1 The SublanguageXC2

XC2 differs fromXC1 in the following ways:

• For each query term an arbitrary number of child subterms, instead of only one as inXC1 is allowed.

• It is also possible to specify an arbitrary number of variables inXC2. Moreover, the same variable mayoccur any number of times anywhere in the expression.

• The pattern restrictions for variables are no more limited to simple labels, but may be themselves anytype of query term inXC2.

• As a consequence, also nested pattern restrictions are allowed meaning that restricted variables mightappear within the pattern restrictions of other variables.

The grammar productions forXC2 are given in Table 3.1.<LABEL>denotes any qualified name as defined in[2], and<XCVAR>may be any Xcerpt variable name. Although this grammar is very short, the correspondinglanguage is much more expressive thanXC1.

Table 3.1: Grammar productions forXC2

<QTERM> ::= <LABEL> {{ <QTERMS>? }} | var <XCVAR> as <QTERM> .<QTERMS> ::= <QTERM> ( , <QTERM> )* .

3.2 ExampleXC2 Expressions and Translations

In order to introduce the challenges that have to be faced when translatingXC2, and to get an idea of therequired constructs that need to be included inXQ2, several translation possibilities for Xcerpt example ex-pressions are discussed in this section. Among these challenges are all the extensions listed above. Since the


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separation of query and construct terms is a characteristiconly of Xcerpt, there is no equivalent to an Xcerptquery term in XQuery. Therefore, it needs to be defined when anXcerpt query term is considered equal to anXQuery expression.

When evaluated, Xcerpt query terms merely produce substitution sets, whereas XQuery expressions alwaysproduce some data. To makeXQ2 expressions comparable to Xcerpt query terms, only expressions returningan XML representation of substitution sets are be included (The exact grammar productions are given in Sec-tion 3.3). A query termqt in XC2 is considered to be equal to a queryqu in XQ2, if the XML-representationof the substitution set produced byqu is equivalent to the substitution set produced byqt. To be more precise,the substitution sets returned by XQuery expressions are allowed to be multi-sets, thus possibly including thesame substitution more than once. The transformation of multi-sets of substitutions to real substitution setscan be easily achieved by applying thedistinct-elements function introduced in listing 5.2.

An example for a substitution set in XML-representation is given in Table 3.2. The substitutions containbindings for the variablesX andY, computed element constructors are used to represent the metadata, anddirect element constructors for the bindings.

Table 3.2: An XML representation of a substitution set

element xc:substitution_set {element xc:substitution {

element xc:X { <a><b/></a> }, element xc:Y { <c/> } },element xc:substitution {

element xc:X { <a><c/></a> }, element xc:Y { <b/> } },element xc:substitution {

element xc:X { <a><c/></a> }, element xc:Y { <d/> } }}

Another important aspect of defining the equivalence of Xcerpt and XQuery expressions is the data theexpressions are evaluated on. In Xcerpt, query terms are either associated with input resources, or they par-ticipate in rule chaining. This chapter does not make any assumption about the origin of the data. Instead itis assumed that the same data - wherever it comes from - is present as child elements in the XQuery variable$data . In other words, the resource of the data of query terms is left unspecified, but it is demanded that thisdata is equivalent to the XML-value in$data . Although sequences are the primary data structures in XQuery,it is assumed that$data contains only a single rooted tree. In the case of a resource being associated with aquery term,$data may be thought of as the document node of this resource.

3.2.1 Multiple Child Subterms

The most important enhancement ofXC2 with respect toXC1 is the possibility to specify more than one childsubterm. Of course, this makes the semantics ofXC2 more complex. As a consequence, the root eliminationRule 2.2 can not be simplified to 2.3 as it was possible inXC1.

When translating expressionExpr3.2.1XC, it needs to be ensured that the nodes that are bound to the vari-

ableX have siblings with tag namestag2 andtag3 . In XQuery, this is achieved by simpleif-then-elseclauses.if-then-else clauses were not included inXQ1 and therefore their semantics will be briefly dis-cussed in Section 3.4. The conditional expression in theif clauses arefn:boolean functions that take astep expression as the only argument. If the argument evaluates to the empty sequence, thefn:booleanfunction returns false, otherwise it returns true. Its detailed semantics will also be discussed in Section 3.4.

Expr3.2.1XC:= tag0 {{ var X as tag1 {{ }}, tag2 {{ }}, tag3 {{ }} }}


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element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in v0/child::tag1 returnif fn:boolean($v0/child::tag2) then

if fn:boolean($v0/child::tag3) thenelement xc:substitution { element xc:X {$v1} } else ()

else () }

Thefor -clauses inExpr3.2.1XQdiffer from those in the last Chapter in that their binding sequences consist of

variable references together with axis steps, and the more complex subexpressions are found in thereturn -clauses. This is almost exactly the opposite way as before. In fact, both represenations may be transformedinto each other (see Section 5.4.3 for details). Another important point to note is that with all child subtermsof tag0 having different labels, ensuring Xcerpt injectivity is not an issue.

3.2.2 Dealing with Xcerpt Injectivity: Multiple Subterms w ith Overlapping Labels

WhereasXC1 allows at most one child subterm in a query term, this restriction is not present inXC2. There-fore it may happen that an Xcerpt query term has multiple children with the same label. Hence, a way hasto be found to guarantee that the nodes we find inXQ2 are distinct if they are to be matched with siblingsof the same parent node. This is not only necessary for the case of identical labels, but also for the case ofoverlappingones.

Overlappingof labels is defined as follows: Lett1 := p1:l1 andt2 := p2:l2 be qualified names.t1 andt2 overlap, if and only if their prefixesp1, p2 and their local namesl1, l2 overlap. To simplify the problem,regular expressions for local names and namespace prefixes are excluded. Thus, the values thatp1, p2, l1 andl2 can assume, are only strings or the character ’*’ denoting any name. Two namespace prefixes or two localnamess1 ands2 overlap iff: s1 = ’*’, s2 = ’*’ or s1 = s2.

Consider theXC2 example expression in Table 3.3. For each of the three subterms of the root nodetag0 ,there must exist a matching subterm in the root node of the data term. How is it possible to ensure that allthree of these subterms are distinct?

In the data model of XQuery and XPath, every node has a unique identifier. The functionop:is-same--node($x,$y) can be used to compare the node identifiers of the nodes$x and$y . Its formal semanticsis discussed in Section 3.4.3 together with the formal semantics of thefn:not function which is also used inthe example expression below. An alternative way to check the equality of nodes would be to remember theposition of each node within its parent node and to compare the position variables. This could be achieved byusingfor -clauses with an additionalat -construct. This method is further discussed in Chapter 4 totranlsateordered Xcerpt query terms, but in this section theop:is-same-node function is preferred.

In the tables below three possibilities for translatingExpr3.2.2 are presented. They differ in their efficiency,phrase complexity and use of XQuery constructs. The first oneis straightforward in that it consists only offor and if -clauses, but is expected to be less efficient than the secondand third one, which depend on themore complexsome-satisfies construct. The third translation takes advantage of the greatest variety ofconstructs, making its semantics more intricate than the ones of the other two, but at the same time reducingits phrase complexity to a linear level.

Table 3.3:Expr3.2.2: An XC2 expression with overlapping tag names within the same parent

tag0 {{ var X as tag1 {{ }}, tag1 {{ }}, tag1 {{ }} }}

While this first translation does find all solutions to the original query, in many cases it returns duplicates.To see this take a look at the following data term:

d = tag0 {{ tag1 {{ tag2 {{ }} }}, tag1 {{ }}, tag1 {{ }}, tag1 {{ }} }}

In the first cycle of the outermost for clause,$x1 will be bound to the first child subterm ofd, and there aresix alternative ways to assign distinct child subterms to the variables$x2 and$x3 , without infringing theinjectivity constraints. Thus the expression will return alist of 24 nodes, containing each subterm ofd six


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Table 3.4:Expr3.2.2 translated withfor , if andlet -clauses

element xc:subtitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnfor $v2 in $v0/child::tag1 return

for $v3 in $v0/child::tag1 returnif (fn:not(op:is-same-node($v1, $v2))) then

if (fn:not(op:is-same-node($v1, $v3))) thenif (fn:not(op:is-same-node($v2, $v3))) then

element xc:subtitution { element xc:X { $v1 } }else ()

else ()else () }

times. It would be possible to eliminate the duplicates witha distinct-elements -function 5.2, but thisdoesn’t prevent the XQuery compiler from doing extra work. Therefore, the expression is better translated byusing thesome-satisfies construct as in Table 3.5, checking only for the existence ofan expression thatsatisfies the given condition:

Table 3.5:Expr3.2.2 translated with the additionalsome-satisfies construct

element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnif (some $v2 in $v0/child::tag1 satisfies (

fn:not(op:is-same-node($v1, $v2)) and(some $x3 in child::tag1 satisfies (

fn:not(op:is-same-node($v1, $v3) andfn:not(op:is-same-node($v2, $v3)))

))))then element xc:substitution {

element xc:X { $v1 } } else ()

In this translation, no futile work is carried out, but a considerable number of injectivity preserving nodecomparisons: Letn be the number of child nodes of a parent node in theXC2 query term. Thenn·(n−1)

2 isan upper bound for the number of necessary node comparisons1. Assuming that all tag names overlap, it isnot even possible to do any better. Generally, however, the set of child nodesC may be transformed in a set ofsubsetsC1, ..., Ck of C such that for eachci, cj ∈ Cm the labels ofci andcj overlap, and such that for eachci ∈ Cm andcj ∈ Cn with n 6= m the labels do not overlap. The subsetsC1, ..., Ck can be computed easily,if regular expressions are excluded. If one of the labels is∗, the corresponding child node must be includedin every subset. Note that if we disallowed the∗ in tag names, the subsets would be equal to the equivalenceclasses ofC with respect to the equivalence relation=String testing the equality of strings. By including∗, however, the equivalence relation does not satisfy the requirementtransitivity: From∗ =String tag1 and∗ =String tag2 does not followtag1 =String tag2. Having computed the subsetsC1, ..., Ck the total numberof comparisons required for the given parent node equalsΣi=1...k

|Ci|(|Ci|−1)2 .

Decreasing the phrase complexity. In the case that the number of subsetsC1, ..., Ck is small, the complexityof the resulting XQuery expression in terms of the number of constructs of the translated Xcerpt query term isunsatisfactory. As shown above, in the worst case, the number of required node comparisons is quadratic in thenumber of child subterms. Luckily, there exists an easy way out of this unlovely situation that restores linear

1 12n · (n − 1) is the number of possiblities to pick two arbitrary elementsout of a set ofn elements. For any two of then siblings,

injectivity has to be ensured in the worst case


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complexity: It makes use of theop:except function and ensures from the start that no two variables arebound to the same data subterm. This solution is presented inTable 3.6 as the third translation of expressionExpr3.2.2

Table 3.6:Expr3.2.2 translated with theop:except function

element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

let $seq1 := $v0/child::tag1 * returnfor $v1 in $seq1 return

let $seq2 := op:except($seq1, $x1) returnif (some $v2 in $seq2 satisfies (

let $seq3 := op:except($seq2, $x2) returnsome $x3 in $seq3 satisfies true

) then element xc:substitutionelement xc:X { $v1 } else ()


It remains to be shown that the semantics of the root elimination rule (Equation 2.2) can be imitated asdescribed above. The following reasoning builds upon the corresponding argumentation forXC1 from Section2.3.1.

The root elimination rule transforms a simulation constraint between a query termq and a data termd intoa disjunction of conjunction of simulation constraints between the children ofq andd. The conjunctions arereflected in the XQuery translations by the fact that all expressions are nested. Only if bindings forall XQueryvariables (that represent the Xcerpt subterms) can be found, a substitution set is returned. Disjunctions aremirrored byfor -clauses. Evaluating an expressione including a variablev once for every binding ofv to thedata subtermsdi, (1 ≤ i ≤ k) is the same as evaluatinge together with the disjunction

∨1≤i≤k v = di.

One disjunction is produced by the root elimination rule forevery total and injective function mappingthe subterms ofq to the subterms ofd (for the exact definition scroll back to Section 2.3.1). Totality of thefunctions is ensured in the translations ifeverysubterm of a query term is associated with an XQuery variablebound in a nestedfor -clause. Injecitvity of the functions is guaranteed by the injectivity constraints betweenthese variables in the XQuery translation.

3.2.3 Multiple Variables

Another relaxation of the strict syntactic constraints ofXC1 lies in the possibility to specify multiple variablesin XC2 query terms like inExpr3.2.3XC

. Ignoring construct terms and focusing only on the productionof correct substitution sets in this part of the thesis, the treatment of multiple variables is straightforward:The substitutions must contain one sub-element for each Xcerpt variable occurring in the query term. Asbefore, subterms containing variables must be translated using for -clauses. Those without variables arebetter translated withsome-satisfies clauses.


tag0 {{ var X as tag1 {{ }}, tag2 {{ var Y as tag2 {{ }} }} }}


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element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnfor $v2 in $v1/child::tag2 return

for $v3 in $v2/child::tag2 returnelement xc:substitution {

element xc:X { $v1 },element xc:Y { $v2 },


3.2.4 Dealing with Xcerpt Injectivity: Multiple Variables with Overlapping Labels

Combining the major issues of the last two sections – multiple variables and overlapping tag names – isstraightforward: Xcerpt injectivity is guaranteed by the node comparison with the negatedop:is-same--node -function and for all variables occurring within the query term, an element must be constructed withinthe substitutions.

For a change,Expr3.2.4XQpresents yet another way to ensure Xcerpt injectivity: It counts the number

of distinct nodes among the variable bindings for all siblings. On the one hand, this method allows to checkthe adherence to the injectivity constraints with one single construct. On the other hand, this check needs tobe delayed until the last one of the variables is bound, infringing on the principle of carrying out selections(elimination of tuples of XQuery variables by node-comparisons) before joins (nestedfor -clauses).

Expr3.2.4XC:= tag0 {{ var X as tag1 {{ }}, var Y as tag1 {{ }} }}


element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnfor $v2 in $v0/child::tag1 return

if (fn:count(distinct-nodes-stable($v1, $v2)) = 2) thenelement xc:substitution {

element xc:X { $v1 },element xc:Y { $v2 }


3.2.5 Deep Pattern Restrictions

Another lifted restriction inXC2 with respect toXC1 concerns pattern restrictions for variables. To be precise,pattern restrictions that aredeepin the sense that they do not only specify the label of the variable to be bound,but also its structure including its descendants, are now included inXC2. When querying XML data, selectingnodes with a certain structure is a very important aspect, and the expressivity ofXC2 allows to formulate suchqueries, which is demonstrated byExpr3.2.5XC


Expr3.2.5XC:= tag0 {{ var X as tag1 {{ tag2 {{ tag3 {{ }} }} }} }}

Expr3.2.5XCcan be translated in a similar fashion toExpr3.2.2, since in a way, the required siblings for

variableX in Expr3.2.2 can be seen as a pattern restriction forX.


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element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnif some $v2 in $v1/child::tag2 satisfies ($v2/child::tag3 )then element xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v1 } }


3.2.6 Multiple Constraints for one Variable

An interesting situation that may arise inXC2 are multiple constraints for the same variable. In this sectionit is argued that it is necessary to introduce a new function,the fn:deep-equal function, in order to beable to translate expressions of this kind. To substantiatethis insight, the transformations within the Xcerptconstraint store are observed during the evaluation of the example expressionExpr3.2.6XC


Expr3.2.6XC:= tag0 {{ var X as tag1 {{ tag2 }}, var X as tag1 {{ }} }}

In the representations of the constraint store below, the sign :< denotes a simulation constraint. Initially,the constraint store contains a single simulation constraint Expr3.2.6XC

� d for some data termd.The firsttransformation is achieved by applying the root elimination rule (Equation 2.2). To take away some of thecomplexity of the transformations, only a single disjunct of the disjunction resulting from Equation 2.2 isconsidered (it is assumed that the disjunction is not empty). Let π be the function that is used to map querysubterms to data subterms in this disjunct, and letd1 andd2 be the distinct data terms that the first and thesecond subterm ofExpr3.2.6XC

are mapped to byπ. Note thatd1 andd2 are distinct, becauseπ is injective.Then the constraint store contains the following conjunction after this first transformation.

CS = { var X as tag1 {{ tag2 {{ }} }} :< d1, var X as tag1 {{ }} :< d2 }

These constraints are further decomposed by theas elimination rule (Equation 2.4), which also adds thenecessary lower and upper bounds for both occurrences of variableX:

CS = {tag1 {{ tag2 {{ }} }} :< d1, tag1 {{ tag2 {{ }} }} :< X, X :< d1,tag1 {{ }} :< d2, tag1 {{ }} :< X, X :< d2


This is where the consistency rule ([17, Section 8.1.4]) comes into play. It guarantees that multiple upperbounds for the same variable are consistent. Two upper boundst1 andt2 for the same variable are replaced bythe bisumlation constraintt1 �u t2 ∧ t1 �u t2. Besides, one of the upper bounds remains in the constraintstore. In the constraint store above, variableX has the two upper boundsd1 andd2 . In the transformationthe upper boundd1 is kept, and the bisumulation constraint is added. The remaining constraints remainuntouched.

CS = {tag1 {{ tag2 {{ }} }} :< d1, tag1 {{ tag2 {{ }} }} :< X, X :< d1,tag1 {{ }} :< d2, tag1 {{ }} :< X,d1 :< d2, d2 :< d1


Luckily, both data termsd1 andd2 are accessible in the XQuery translations by the variables to which theyare bound infor - orsome-clauses. Therefore they can be easily compared by a call to thefn:deep-equal -function. The exact conditions under which Xcerpt bisimulation and thefn:deep-equal -function yield thesame results are elaborated in Section 3.4.2.

In the next step, the transitivity rule is used to replace variable occurrences within upper bounds of asimulation constraint by their own upper bounds. The upper bound forX beingd1 , d1 is substituted for alloccurrences ofX on the right hand side of simulation constraints.

CS = {tag1 {{ tag2 {{ }} }} :< d1, tag1 {{ tag2 {{ }} }} :< d1, X :< d1,


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tag1 {{ }} :< d2, tag1 {{ }} :< d1,d1 :< d2, d2 :< d1


This results in some redundancy in the constraint store. Thefirst two constraints being exactly equivalent,one of them can be omitted. Furthermore the constraintstag1 {{ }} :< d2 andtag1 {{ }} :< d1are equivalent, because their upper bounds bisimulate. Hence, one of them can be omitted.

CS = {tag1 {{ tag2 {{ }} }} :< d1, X :< d1,tag1 {{ }} :< d1,d1 :< d2, d2 :< d1


As mentioned before, the bisimulation constraints are taken care of by thefn:deep-equal -function inthe XQuery translation. The remaining constraints are translated in just the same way as before.


element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnif (some $v2 in $v1/child::tag2 satisfies true

and some $v3 in $v0/child::tag1 satisfies(fn:not(op:is-same-node($v3, $v1))and fn:deep-equal($v1, $v3))

then element xc:substitution {element xc:X { $v1 } }

Producing asome-satisfies clause for the second subterm,Expr3.2.6XQbreaks with the principle

of translating all subterms containing variables withfor -clauses. The reason for this is that a binding forvariableX is already generated by the translation of the first subterm.The fact thatX occurs more than oncein the expression is a constraint on the structure of the dataterms, but does not induce additional substitutions.Translating the second subterm by means of afor clause would result in duplicates in the substitution set.

In the case that the query shall distinguish between nodes inthe input documents that are deep-equal,adding value-based duplicates to the constraint store may be exactly the right thing to do. As a matter of fact,in the second part of this thesis, it is argued that a constraint store containing duplicates is a prerequisite fortranslating certain XQuery expressions to Xcerpt. But since the focus of this section lies on translating queryterms from Xcerpt to XQuery, the substitution sets generated shall equate those that are produced according tothe formal semantics of Xcerpt.Expr3.2.6XQ

pinpoints the difference betweenvalue based node equalityand identity based node equality.While the nodes bound to the variables$a and$b need to have distinct node identifiers, their values mustequal.

3.2.7 Nested Pattern Restrictions for Different Variables

An obvious enhancement contained inXC2 over simple pattern restrictions are nested pattern restrictions asshowcased inExpr3.2.7XC

. If VariableY were left out, the expression would be an example fordeep patternrestrictionsas treated in Section 3.2.5. VariableY included, however, all bindings for variableY must becollected. Simply checking for the existence of a node that fulfills the constraint for Y would not suffice.Hence,Expr3.2.7XC

cannot be translated by using thesome-satisfies construct, but is translated bymeans of ordinaryfor -clauses.

Expr3.2.7XC:= tag0 {{ var X as tag1 {{ var Y as tag2 {{ }} }} }}


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element xc:subtitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnfor $v2 in $v1/child::tag2 return

element xc:substitution {element xc:X { $v1 }, element xc:Y { $v2 } } }

3.2.8 Nested Constraints for the Same Variable

A sophistication of nested pattern restrictions is presented inExpr3.2.8XC: A constraint for variableX appears

within a constraint forX itself. It is easy to see that this query only matches with cyclic graph data termsbuilt with Xcerpt references (which are considered as true parent child relationships). XML references viaid

andidref attributes are in general not regarded as true parent child relationships, and thereforeExpr3.2.8XC

yields no results. An equivalent expression in XQuery wouldbe the empty sequence() , however, restitutingthis result postulates that the compiler has found out that the original query contained nested constraints forthe same variable. Another feasible approach would be to translate expression 3.2.8 in the same way asExpr3.2.7XC

andExpr3.2.6XC, demanding that both nodes bound to the Xcerpt variableX (in XQuery two

variables would be introduced forX) be deep-equal.

Expr3.2.8XC:= tag0 {{ var X as tag1 {{ var X as tag2 {{ }} }} }}

3.2.9 Optimization: Execute Selections Before Joins

Looking closely at the translations of the example expressions, one identifies a considerable number offor -and if -clauses. In general thefor -clauses are used to bind variables and theif -clauses sort out thosevariable bindings that are not desirable. As in logical SQL query optimization it is possible to safe sparecomputations by executing the “selections” (if -clauses) before the “joins” (for -clauses). Naturally, this isonly possible as long as all variables appearing in theif -clauses remain bound.

3.2.10 A Complex Example

To see that arbitrary complexXC2 expressions can be translated in just the same way as the example expres-sions above, and to sum up the main ideas in one translation, alarge query term is translated to XQuery in thissection:

Expr3.2.10XC :=

tag0 {{var X as tag1 {{

var Y as tag2 {{ tag3 {{ tag4 {{ }} }} }},var Z as tag0 {{ tag2 {{ tag1 {{ }} }} }}

}},var Z as tag0 {{ var X as tag1 {{ tag2 }} }}


There are four subterms withinExpr3.2.10XC that need to be bound to XQuery variables usingfor -clauses. These include all subterms that bind variables andthose that have children that bind a variable. Theyare marked red inExpr3.2.10XC . Since there are multiple occurrences of variablesX and Z, one bindingoccurence for each of these variables has to be picked and translated by afor -clause. The other occurrencesof X andY are considered consuming occurrences and are therefore translated bysome-clauses. Subterms tobe translated bysome-clauses are marked blue inExpr3.2.10XC .

In the XQuery translation the variable$v0 is associated with the root of the query term, the variables$v1and$v2 with its children.$v3 represents the subterm binding variableY and is therefore also translated by asome-clause. Theif -clause beginning in line 6 forms the deep pattern constraint for Y. As the second XQueryvariable associated with a subterm containingX ($v2 was the first such variable),$v6 is translated with anexistential quantification (line 10). The same holds for$v9 as the second representative ofY (line 17). As


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soon as both representatives for an Xcerpt variable are bound, the deep-equality constraint is emitted. Finallythe substitution set is returned in line 21 if all checks are successfull. Note that the threeif -clauses could alsobe combined to a singleif -clause byand -connecting the conditions to form a single larger condition. Thisis treated in more detail when translatingXC3.

1 element xc:substitution_set {2 for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return3 for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 return (: var X is bound here :)4 for $v2 in $v0/child::tag0 return (: var Z is bound here :)5 for $v3 in $v1/child::tag2 return (: var Y is bound here :)6 if ( (: deep pattern restriction for Y :)7 some $v4 in $v3/child::tag3 satisfies8 ( some $v5 in $v4/child::tag4 satisfies true))9 then

10 if ( some $v6 in $v1/child::tag0 satisfies11 (: all representatives of Z must be equal :)12 (fn:deep-equal($v6, $v2) and13 (: deep pattern restriction for $v6 :)14 ( some $v7 in $v6/child::tag2 satisfies ($v7/child::tag1)15 )))16 then17 if ( some $v9 in $v2/child::tag1 satisfies18 (: all representatives for Y must be deep-equal:)19 (fn:deep-equal($v9, $v1) and ($v9/child::tag2)))20 then (: deep pattern restriction for $v9 :)21 element xc:substitution {22 element xc:X {$v1 }, element xc:Y {$v3 },23 element xc:Z {$v2 } }24 else ()25 else ()26 else ()27 }

The findings of this section are used in the following Sectionto develop an equally expressive XQuerysublanguage namedXQ2.

3.3 XQ2 Grammar Productions

An expression inXQ2 always starts with an element constructor for the substitution set to be returned. Fromthen on, nestedsome andfor clauses, injectivity and deep equality constraints may be constructed finalizingin anxc:substitution element containing all variable bindings calculated so far. XQuery variable namesare denoted by<XQVAR>and must be preceded by a dollar sign.

Table 3.7: Grammar productions forXQ2

<XQ_2> ::= element xc:substitution_set { <EXPR> } .<EXPR> ::= <FOR> | <IFCLAUSE> | <SUBST> .<IFCLAUSE> ::= if <COND> then <EXPR> else () .<COND> ::= fn:deep-equal(<XQVAR>, <XQVAR>) | <SOME> | <AND > .

fn:not(op:is-same-node(<XQVAR>, <XQVAR>)) .<SOME> ::= some <XQVAR> in <STEP> satisfies <SOMEEXPR> .<FOR> ::= for <XQVAR> in <STEP> return <EXPR> .<SUBST> ::= element xc:substitution{ (element xc:<XCVAR> {<XQVAR>}) * } .<STEP> ::= <XQVAR>/child::<QNAME> .


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In order to retain the exact expressiveness ofXC2 and to exclude redundant or unreasonable expressions,several limitations are placed on the above grammar productions:

• Naturally, references to XQuery variables may only appear within the scope of these variables. Thisrestricts the usage of deep-equality and injectivity constraints.

• The outermost bound variable$v0 must be child of the special variable$data . All other variablesmust be descendants of$v0 .

• For any two variables that are bound infor or some clauses with the same parent variable and over-lapping labels, there must be anif clause that assures the injectivity constraint for the two siblings.Otherwise it is impossible to find an equivalentXC2 expression. The translation of such expressions inXC3 is discussed in Section 4.2.2.

• The inversion of the above requirement – that for every injectivity constraint the compared variablesmust be siblings – is not a prerequisite forXQ2 expressions to be translatable toXC2, however, ex-pressions not satisfying this condition are redundant, in that child nodes of different parents are alwaysdistinct nodes (this would not be true for a graph data model). Therefore such expressions are notconsidered part ofXQ2.

• For all variables$a appearing in a deep-equality constraint, there must exist avariable$b (possiblywith $a = $b) that appears in theresult element and is transitively linked to$a by deep-equalityconstraints. The reverse requirement is not necessary. If an Xcerpt variable only appears once in thetranslated query term, its XQuery translation does not include any deep-equality constraints for thisvariable, but must nevertheless appear within the substitution set.

3.4 Building Blocks ofXQ2

As can be seen when reconsidering the translations in Section 3.2, the following constructs are necessary fortranslating simple, breadth-incomplete Xcerpt query terms:

• for clauses

• step expressions on the child axis with name tests

• let clauses

• thefn:doc function

• if-then-else clauses

• theop:is-same-node() function

• thedeep-equal function

• indirect element constructors

• thesome-satisfies clauses

The first four of are also part ofXQ1 and their semantics are discussed in detail in Section 2.2, so inthis section special emphasize will be laid uponif-then-else clauses in combination with the two nodecomparison functions, indirect element constructors, andsome-satisfies clauses for existential quantifi-cation in XQuery. The most basic of the four being probablyif-then-else clauses, they will be treatedfirst.

3.4.1 if-Clauses

The formal semantics ofif Expr1 then Expr2 else Expr3 clauses is the same as in other func-tional programming languages. Some interesting XQuery specific aspects are: Static type checking makes surethat the type of the conditionExpr1 is boolean.if-then-else is a non-strict function, because evaluatingone of its arguments may throw an error, whereas the whole expression may still be evaluated without errors.The conditional ofif clauses inXQ2 is either thedeep-equal() function or theis-same-node()function, which will be discussed next.


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3.4.2 Thefn:deep-equal Function

The examples above make use of thedeep-equal function to test whether two nodes have the same value.In Xcerpt, the value-based equality is monitored by the constraint store. In this section the conditions underwhich both of these methods of establishing value-based node equality semantically comply with each other,are derived.

The deep-equal function is defined in [14] as a function that operates on two sequences of nodes.Whenever the function is used in the translations ofXC2 expressions, only a pair of nodes is compared.Nevertheless the function must also be discussed when called upon arguments that are sequences, becausedeep-equal calls itself recursively on the lists of child nodes of the original arguments. But the discussionstarts out by examining the semantics of thedeep-equal function in the case that both of its arguments aresingle nodes.

While deep-equal is defined to operate on all kinds of nodes – including document nodes, commentnodes, and processing instructions – the focus in this thesis is laid upon elements, attributes and text nodes, asthey are the only ones included in Xcerpt data terms. Leta andb be the two arguments to the function. If thenode types ofa andb differ, then the function returns false. In the following only comparisons of nodes of thesame type are considered. Comparing Element Nodes

Since all variables inXQ2 expressions are bound to element nodes, the non-recursive calls to thefn:deep-equal -function take element nodes as their actual parameters. There are three conditions to be fulfilled for twoelement nodes to be equal.

Expanded QName equality: Both nodes need to have the same name. To be more precise, the expandedQNames are compared. In XQuery expanded QNames are computedfrom local names by looking up thenamespace prefix in thestatEnv.namespace environment. In Xcerpt, these node comparisons are performed bythe root elimination rules. For a translation betweenXC2 andXQ2 it is easiest to assume that the namespaceprefixes are already expanded, such that the namespace prefixes themselves do not need to be translated.

Matching attributes: It is apparent that for two nodes to be deep-equal, their attributes must coincide. In thedescription of thefn:deep-equal function [14] this is formulated as follows.a andb must have the samenumbern of attributes, and for each attribute ina there must exist an attribute inb, such that those attributesare deep-equal.

An obvious implication of this definition is that there must exist a total function mapping the attributes{a1, . . . an} of a to those ofb. But there’s more than that: One could assume that two attributesai andaj ofa might be mapped to the same attributebk of b with 1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ n, i 6= j, however, sinceai andaj mustbe deep-equal tobk, they must also carry the same name, which is forbidden in XML-documents. Thus, it canbe concluded that not not only a total function from{a1, . . . an} to {b1, . . . bn} exists, but a total, injectivefunction. With the number of attributes ina andb being equal, this function is also bijective.

While it would be syntactically possible to formulate queries inXC2 selecting nodes based on the existenceof attributes (using the old syntax for attributes), these queries are not considered for the moment. Neverthelessit is necessary to discuss the resolution of Xcerpt constraints which involve attribute nodes, because suchconstraints may be the byproduct of ordinary node simulations. Note that in this case data terms are comparedrather than a query term and a data term as in Equation 2.2.

Attributes in Xcerpt are denoted like ordinary elements andare surrounded by an additionalattributeselement with curly braces indicating incompleteness with respect to order. As a further natural restriction,attributes may not have any child elements. The rest of XML documents being represented as orderedXcerpt data terms, the root elimination rules for attributenodes has not yet been examined. To show thatthedeep-equal function and establishing node equality through simulation in Xcerpt yield the same result,it is necessary to catch up on this issue now.

The corresponding root elimination rule is the one with single curly braces on both sides, which meansincompleteness with respect to order, but completeness in breadth, and is taken from [17, Section 8.2].

(3.1)l{t11, . . . , t

1n} �u l{t21, . . . , t



∧1≤i≤n t1i �u π(t2i )


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It only differs from Rule 2.2 in that instead of the set of position respecting functions, the set of bijectiveposition preserving functions is considered. The restriction position preserving is always fulfilled if two dataterms are simulated. Thus the only remaining constraint isbijectivity, which is also the only demand laid downby the definition of thematching attributesrequirement of thefn:deep-equal functions, as shown above.

Matching child nodes Finally, the children ofa andb must match. This intuitive understanding is formalizedin [14, 15.3.1 fn:deep-equal] as follows: the sequencea/( * |text()) must be deep-equal to the sequenceb/( * |text()) . Note that all child nodes returned by this expression must either fulfill the name test* or thekind testtext() . Both tests do not overlap, because* expands tochild:: * , and returns only element childnodes of the context node [1, Section 3.2.3]. To cut a long story short,a/( * |text()) returns all childrenof a that are either element nodes or text nodes in document order. Interestingly, comments and processinginstructions have no influence on the value based equality ofnodes as given by thedeep-equals function.

For two sequences$parameter1 and$parameter2 to be deep-equal, they must be of the same length,and “every item in the sequence$parameter1 ” must be “deep-equal to the item at the same position in thesequence$parameter2 ” [14][Section 15.3.1 fn:deep-equal].

In order to show that the ways thedeep-equal function and Xcerpt ensure the equality of child nodescomply, another variant of the root elimination rule must beintroduced: the one with ordered complete termson both sides as presented in Equation 3.2.Ordered, because elements rather than attributes are compared,andcomplete, because data terms rather than query terms are the subject of discussion.

(3.2)l[t11, . . . , t

1n] �u l[t21, . . . , t



∧1≤i≤n t1i �u π(t2i )

The set of index monotonic functionsΠmon is defined in [17, Definition 4.6] and has the expected meaning.It is easy to see that there exists only one monotonic, index bijective function which is given byπ(t1i ) = t2i forall left subtermst1i and all right subtermst2i . Thus, the result of Rule 3.2 will be the conjunction of constraints∧

1≤i≤n t1i �u t2i . According to the definition in XQuery, each subterm of the left hand side is simulated withthe subterm at the same position of the right hand side. Comparing Attribute and Text Nodes

As discussed in the last section, for two element nodes to be deep-equal, their attributes must also be deep-equal. For two attribute nodes to be deep-equal, their qualified names must match, and their “typed values”must equal. Only under the assumption that all attributes are untyped, and that the equality of atomic values isthe same as the equality of Strings in Xcerpt, it can be guaranteed that the comparison of two attribute nodesin Xcerpt and XQuery yields the same result.

Equality of text nodes is established even easier: Two text nodes “are deep-equal if and only if their string-values are equal” [14][Section 15.3.1 fn:deep-equal]. In Xcerpt, text nodes are “represented as compoundterms with the string or regular expression as label, no subterms, and a total term specification” [17, Section4.4]. As a result, the root elimination rule for “left term without subterms”, single curly braces, and right termwithout subterms covers the role of thedeep-equal function in case of text nodes as parameters. Conditions for Compliance of Value Based Node Equality in Xcerpt and XQuery

Summing up the comparison between the ways one can check value based equality in Xcerpt and XQuery, theconditions under which thefn:deep-equal function with parametersa andb and a constraint store of theform CS{a � b ∧ b � a} yield the same result, are recapitulated:

• The parametersa andb of thedeep-equal function are two single element nodes.

• Namespace prefixes are expanded both in theXC2 andXQ2 expressions.

• In XQuery all elements are typedxdt:untyped and all attribute nodes are typedxdt:untyped-Atomic .

• Atomic value equality and Xcerpt string equality coincide.

• Label comparisons in Xcerpt root elimination rules comply with XQuery string comparisons.

Although these conditions are quite natural, they have to bekept in mind when relying on the translationmechanisms in this thesis.


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3.4.3 Theop:is-same-node Function

As mentioned in the introduction, the XQuery data model includes unique node identifiers for every singlenode read from an input resource or constructed during the evaluation of an expression. These node identifiersare used by theop:is-same-node -function to find out whether two variables have been bound tothe samenodes. Unfortunately, XQuery node identifiers get lost whennodes are inlcuded in element constructors. Thisproblem is further discussed in Section 5.2.3, because it prevents finding out if two bindings in the substitutionset returned by the translation of an Xcerpt query term stem from the same node of the processed in putresource. In this section, the arguments to theop:is-same-node function are variables, that are directlyqueried from the input resources, and therefore their node identifiers do not change.

3.4.4 Thesome-satisfies Construct

During the translation of deep Xcerpt pattern restrictions, existential quantification was preferred over castingthe value of a step expression to a boolean value (See Expr3.2.2 and its translations), because it may prevent thecompiler from executing dispensable work. The formal untyped dynamic semantics ofsome-satisfies isdefined in [11, 4.11 Quantified Expressions] by rules 3.1 and 3.2. In this section it is shown that the translationof deep pattern restrictions by means of existential quantification is indeed correct.

(Rule 3.1)

dynEnv ⊢ Expr1 ⇒ Item1, ..., Itemn

dynEnv ⊢ VarRef1 of var expands toVariable1

dynEnv + varValue(Variable1 ⇒ Itemi)) ⊢ Expr2 ⇒ true, 1 ≤ i ≤ n

dynEnv ⊢ some VarRef1 in Expr1 satisfies Expr2 ⇒ true

Rule 3.1 is read as follows: LetItem 1, ..., Item n be the sequence thatExpr 1 evaluates to. If thereexists oneItem i in this sequence such thatExpr 2 evaluates totrue in the initial dynamic environmentaugmented by the variable bindingVariable 1 ⇒ Item i, then the existential quantification with variableVariable 1, binding sequenceExpr 1 and conditionExpr 2 yields true. To allow the use of namespaceprefixes in variable names,VarRef 1 is used instead ofVariable 1 in the conclusion of Rule 3.1.

Rule 3.2 specifies the contrary situation. If for allItem i in Expr 1 the conditionExpr 2 evaluates tofalse in the respective extended environment, also the existential quantification in the conclusion yieldsfalse.

(Rule 3.2)

dynEnv ⊢ Expr1 ⇒ Item1, ..., Itemn

dynEnv ⊢ VarRef1 of var expands toVariable1

dynEnv + varValue(Variable1 ⇒ Item1)) ⊢ Expr2 ⇒ false. . .

dynEnv + varValue(Variable1 ⇒ Itemn)) ⊢ Expr2 ⇒ false

dynEnv ⊢ some VarRef1 in Expr1 satisfies Expr2 ⇒ false

To show the equality of deep pattern restrictions inXC2 and its translations above, consider the followingconstraint store:

CS = { var X as tag0 {{ tag1 {{ }} }} �u d }

whered is a data term. The constraint store is simplified by the root elimination rule for incomplete unorderedquery term specifications 2.2. Letc1, . . . , ck be the children ofd. Under the assumption that the outermostlabel ofd matches withtag0 , the application of theas elimination rule followed by the root elimination ruletransforms the constraint store to:

CS = { { tag1 {{ }} �u c1, tag0 {{ tag1 {{ }} }} �u X, X �u d };... ;{ tag1 {{ }} �u ck, tag0 {{ tag1 {{ }} }} �u X, X �u d } }

This constraint store yields the substitution X = d if at least oneci, 1 ≤ i ≤ k hastag1 as its outermost label.On the contrary, if allci are incompatible with the labeltag1 , the constraint store yields false, and no bindingfor X is returned. This is exactly the semantics as specified by rules 3.1 and 3.2.


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3.5 Translating From XC2 to XQ2

In this section, an automatic translation algorithm forXC2 expressions is given in form of translation rules.The algorithm builds upon the following principles and methods, some of which are results from the previoussections.

• It is possible to translate a query term recursively by finding first a translation for the parent, and takingcare of its children later.

• A query term and all of its subterms need to be associated withfresh XQuery variables. These variablesmay either be bound in afor -clause or asome-satisfies construct. In order to not return dupli-cates in the substitution sets to be produced, existential quantifications are preferred when there is nonew Xcerpt variable at any level in the query term to be translated.

• In order to decide which variables are new in the sense that nosuch variable has yet been translated, it isnecessary to keep track of a list of Xcerpt variables that have already been translated. This list is namedXCVs in the translation rules below.

• XQuery variables that are associated with subterms of the formvar varname as label {{... }}need to be remembered and returned as subterms in the substitutions produced. The associations be-tween XQuery variables and Xcerpt variables are stored in a list As such as [(XCVar1, XQVar1),..., (XCVark, XQVark)] 2.

• Subterms including new Xcerpt variables (variables not yetcontained inXCVs) must be translated be-fore siblings that do not include new variables. This is bestunderstood by reconsidering the XQueryexpression in Section 3.2.10. The red subterms in this expression include new Xcerpt variables and aretherefore translated byfor -clauses. The ones without new variables are marked blue andtranslated bysome-clauses. Emitting asome-clause before afor -clause would give rise to the following problem.Thefor -clause would have to be included in thethen -clause of the surroundingif -clause. For goodreasons, however, the variable bound by thesome-clause is not available in its surroundingif -clause,and injectivity or deep-equality constraints between the variables of thefor - andsome-clause couldnot be emitted in the scope of both variables.

• Injectivity constraints need to be produced for each pair ofsiblings whose tag names overlap. Naturally,these injectivity constraints may only appear within thefor - or some-clauses binding both variables.Injectivity constraints such as[($v1, $v2), ($v1, $v3), ($v2, $v3)] are stored in a listnamedInjs .

Two kinds of translation rules are used: The first type is denoted by[. . .℄As, XCVs, XQVs, Injs

toXQ and transformsa list of triples into ordinary XQuery expressions, taking into account the variable associationAs, the list ofalready translated Xcerpt variablesXCVs, the list of bound XQuery variablesXQVsand the list of injectivityconstraintsInjs . The triples consist of a query term, an XQuery variable associated with the query termitself, and an XQuery variable associated with the parent node of the query term. In the initial call to translatea query termqt , this list consists only of the single triple(qt, $v0, $data) . The four parametersare all initialized with the empty list[] . The second type of rules is written[. . .℄toXQBool and covers thetransformation of tuples of variables to boolean XQuery expressions enforcing injectivity constraints. Thefollowing functions are used to reduce the verbosity of the translation rules:

• label(qt) returns the label of a query term:label(HTML {{ }}) = HTML

• subterms(qt) : A function returning the list of subterms of a query term:subterms( HTML {{ body {{ }}, head {{ }} }} ) = [body {{ }}, HTML {{ }}] .

• fresh vars(n) returnsn XQuery variables that have not been used before:fresh vars(3) = [$v7, $v8, $v9] .

• make injs(vars) = [($v1, $v2) | $v1, $v2 <- vars, $v1 < $v2 ] (Haskell no-tation) returns all pairs of variables out of a list of siblings. From the resulting list, injectivity constraints

2Haskell notation is chosen to syntactically represented lists. The list items are separated by commas and square brackets are used aslist delimiters


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are produced. An enhanced version of this function might check, whether an injectivity constraint needsto be produced at all for a pair of variables. Obviously, thismay be omitted whensoever the labels of thesubterms associated with the variables do not overlap.

• vars(qt) computes a list containing all variables of a query termqt .

• ripe_injs(injs, vars) takes a list of injectivity constraintsinjs and a list of variablesvars ,and deletes all but those injectivity constraints, whose variables are included in the list. The variableshanded over to the function is the list of already bound variablesXQVs. Thus it is safe to emit theinjectivity constraints returned byripe_injs .

• insert_assoc((XCVar, XQVar), Assocs) inserts a new association between an XQuery vari-able and an Xcerpt variable into the list of associationsAssocs . If the Xcerpt variable is alreadycomprised withinAssocs , the list remains unchanged.

• getXQVar(XCVar, assocs) returns the XQuery variable associated with theXCVar in the list ofassociationsassocs .

• binding_siblings(qt) returns the list of variable-binding siblings of the termqt that have notyet been translated. The function is used to ensure that terms binding variables are translated beforesiblings that do not bind any variables.

• bindsvar(qt) takes a query term as its argument and returns true if it bindsa variable at the toplevel. In the translation rules it is used to find out whether adeep-equality constraint must be emittedand whether the listAs of associations must be updated.bindsvar(var X as html{{}}) = true andbindsvar(html{{}}) = false .

• The functions++ (concatenation of lists),\\ (difference of lists)length , elem , replicate , notandzip3 assume their respective Haskell meaning.

As defined by Rule 3.1, the application of a translation rule to a query termqt1 with associated XQueryvariable$v1 results in the subterms being added to the list of triples, and the necessary injectivity constraintsnew_injs being added toInjs . A fresh variable is associated with each of the subterms, and the currentvariable$v1 is stored as the parent variable of the subterms in the newly created triples. Moreover,$v1 isadded to the list of bound variables, and “ripe” injectivityconstraints are removed fromInjs and emitted asa boolean XQuery expression within the condition of anif -clause.

(Rule 3.1)vars(subterms(qt1)) \\ XCVs != [],XQVs’ = XQVs ++ [$v1],

not(bindsvar(qt1)),fvars = fresh vars(length(subterms(qt1))),

new_injs = make_injs(fvars),ripe_injs = ripe_injs(Injs, XQVs’),

Injs’ = Injs ++ new_injs \\ ripe_injstriples = zip3 (subterms(qt1), fvars, replicate (length(f vars)) $v1)[ [(qt1,$v1,$p1), ... (qtk,$vk,$pk)] ℄As, XCVs, XQVs, Injs

toXQ =for $v1 in $p1/child::label(qt1) return

if ( [ ripe injs ℄toXQBool) then[ triples ++ [(qt2,$v2,$p2), ..., (qtk,$vk,$pk)] ℄As, XCVs, XQVs’, Injs’toXQ

else ()

The first premise of Rule 3.1 guarantees that the query termqt1 contains a new Xcerpt variable. Ifqt1does not contain any new Xcerpt variable, it is translated with an existential quantification instead (TranslationRule 3.2). In the same way as above, new triples, new injectivity constraints, the set of “ripe” and the setof remaining injectivity constraintsInjs’ are calculated, and$v1 is added to the list of bound XQueryvariables. The difference to Rule 3.1 is that instead of afor -clause together with a nestedif -clause, asome-clausewithin an if -clause is produced. The transformation of the injectivityconstraints to a boolean XQueryexpression takes place in thesatisfies -clause, rather than in the condition of theif -clause. A premisefor this rule (the second one) is that no siblings ofqt1 contain defining variable occurrences. If there aresiblings of this kind, the triples in which they are contained must be brought to the front of the list of triples to


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(Rule 3.2)vars(subterms(qt1)) \\ XCVs == [],binding_siblings(qt1) == [],

not(bindsvar(qt1)),XQVs’ = XQVs ++ [$v1],

fvars = fresh vars(length(subterms(qt1))),new_injs = make_injs(fvars),

ripe_injs = ripe_injs(Injs, XQVs’),Injs’ = Injs ++ new_injs \\ ripe_injs,

triples = zip3 (subterms(qt1), fvars, replicate (length(f vars)) $v1)[ [(qt1,$v1,$p1), ... (qtk,$vk,$pk)] ℄As, XCVs, XQVs, InjstoXQ =

if (some $v1 in $p1/label(qt1) satisfies ( [ ripe injs ℄toXQBool))then[ triples ++ [(qt2, $v2, $p2), ..., (qtk, $vk, $pk)] ℄As, XCVs, XQVs’,Injs’


else ()

be translated first. A rule that formally specifies this reordering is presented during the translation ofXC3 inSection 4.3.

Note that in rules 3.1 and 3.2, the set of translated Xcerpt variablesXCVsand the set of associationsAsremain untouched. As a matter of fact these data structures must only be adjusted, ifqt1 binds a variableat the top level, and this case was precluded by the third premises in the rules above. If these premises areinverted to readbindsvar(qt1) as in rules 3.3 and 3.4, these parameters come into play. Additionally, thequery termqt1 is marked with the superscriptX in these rules to denote thatX is the variable bound by thequery term.

The whole sense of keeping track of variable associations isto issue the right value comparisons (twoXQuery variables associated with the same Xcerpt variable need to be deep-equal), and to know which vari-ables to return within the substitution set. In fact, only those XQuery variables that are associated with a queryterm featuring an Xcerpt variable must be returned. If an Xcerpt variable appears multiple times in the entirequery term, it is sufficient to remember only one of its XQueryrepresentatives. The functioninsert_assoctakes care of this.

Note that it must be differentiated between the case of a top level variable not being contained in the listXCVs, because it is treated for the first time, and the case that it already occurred elsewhere in the query term.In the first case (Rule 3.3), the new association is added to the list of associationsAs and in the subsequentrecursive call to the translation function, the updated association list is given as an argument. In the secondcase, however, the list remains unchanged, and a deep-equality constraint is emitted to ensure value-basedequality among the nodes bound to both XQuery variables (Rule 3.4). Similarly, the list of known Xcerptvariables only needs to be updated in the first case.

(Rule 3.3)bindsvar(qt1),not(elem(X, XCVs)),

XQVs’ = XQVs ++ [$v1], XCVs’ = XCVs ++ [X],As’ = insert_assocs(X, $v1), As),

fvars = fresh_vars(length(subterms(qt1))),new_injs = make_injs(fvars),

ripe_injs = ripe_injs(Injs, XQVs’),Injs’ = Injs ++ new_injs \\ ripe_injs,

triples = zip3 (subterms(qt1), fvars, replicate (length(f vars)) $v1)[ [(qt1 X,$v1,$p1), ... (qtk,$vk,$pk)] ℄As, XCVs, XQVs, InjstoXQ =

for $v1 in $p1/child::label(qt1) returnif ( [ ripe injs ℄toXQBool) then[ triples ++ [(qt2,$v2,$p2), ..., (qtk,$vk,$pk)] ℄As’, XCVs’, XQVs’, Injs’


else ()

Rules 3.1 to 3.4 producefor -and some-clauses, and deep equality constraints. The constructionofthe substitutions is taken care of by another rule fortoXQ, whereas injectivity constraints are emitted bytoXQBool.

Processing injectivity constraints is simple compared to the handling of query terms. Each of the tuplesof XQuery variables is enclosed in a negatedop:is-same-value function, and all these constraints areconnected byand (Rule 3.6). There is not even a premise for this rule.


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(Rule 3.4)bindsvar(qt1),elem(X, XCVs),

XQVs’ = XQVs ++ [$v1],fvars = fresh vars(length(subterms(qt1))),

new_injs = make_injs(fvars),ripe_injs = ripe_injs(Injs, XQVs’),

Injs’ = Injs ++ new_injs \\ ripe_injs,triples = zip3 (subterms(qt1), fvars, replicate (length(f vars)) $v1)[ [(qt1 X,$v1,$p1), ... (qtk,$vk,$pk)] ℄As, XCVs, XQVs, Injs

toXQ =for $v1 in $p1/child::label(qt1) return

if (( [ ripe injs ℄toXQBool) andfn:deep-equal(X, getXQVar(X,assocs)))

then [ triples ++ [(qt2,$v2,$p2), ..., (qtk,$vk,$pk)] ℄As, XCVs, XQVs’, Injs’toXQ

else ()

After all of the triples have been processed by one of the rules above, the element constructors for thesubstitution sets are returned (Rule 3.5). A premise for this rule is that both the query terms to be translated,and the injectivity constraints are empty. The case that injectivity constraints are left, but no more query termsare to be processed can never occur: When the last XQuery variable together with the last subterm is processedby one of the rules 3.1 - 3.4, all XQuery variables that have ever been assigned to a subterm are included inthe listXQVs. At this point, the functionripe_injs returns all of the remaining constraints, andInjs’ isthe empty list[] .

(Rule 3.5)triples = [], Injs = [],As = [(XCV1, XQV1), ..., (XCVk, XQVk)][ triples ℄As, XCVs, XQVs, Injs

toXQ = element xc:substitution_set {element xc:XCV1 { XQV1 }, ..., element xc:XCVk { XQVk } }

(Rule 3.6)[ [($a1, $b1), ..., ($ai, $bi)] ℄toXQBool =(fn:not(op:is-same-node($a1,$b1)) and ...

fn:not(op:is-same-node($ai, $bi)))

Concluding the automatic translation fromXC2 to XQ2 two obvious questions about the translation al-gorithm are discussed: At an arbitrary point in the translation, is it always possible to find a rule that may beapplied? Does the application of rules terminate?

To answer the first question, two types of premises in the rules above must be distinguished. Ones thatmay prevent the rule from being applicable (they are calledhard premises in this thesis), and ones that areonly used to assign values to data structures that are passedon in recursive calls to the translation function(softpremises). Soft premises are irrelevant for this first question. The following hard premises occur in therules fortoXQ:

• vars(subterms(qt1)) \\ XCVs == []andvars(subterms(qt1)) \\ XCVs != [] ,

• bindsvar(qt1) andnot(bindsvar(qt1)) ,

• binding_siblings(qt1) == [] andbinding_siblings(qt1) != [] ,

• bindsvar(qt1) andnot(bindsvar(qt1)) .

• The list of triples is empty (triples = [] ) or not.

These premises can be used to build the decision tree depicted in Table 3.8, which is complete in the sensethat for each leaf node a rule is specified. Therefore one can always find a rule that is applicable. For theapplication of the only rule fortoXQBool, no premises have to be fulfilled.

Table 3.8 is also helpful in answering the second question. Each of the rules 3.1 to 3.4 consumes onequery subterm and adds its children to the list of query termsto be processed. Each subterm is therefore


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Table 3.8: Decision tree for the automatic translation algorithm

1 not(triples = [])1.1 not(bindsvar(qt1))1.1.1 vars(subterms(qt1)) \\ XCVs != [] Rule vars(subterms(qt1)) \\ XCVs == [] binding_siblings(qt1) == [] Rule binding_siblings(qt1) == [] Reorder list of triples1.2 bindsvar(qt1)1.2.1 not(elem(X,XCVs)) Rule elem(X,XCVs) Rule 3.42 triples = [] Rule 3.5

processed exactly once, and the list of triples is empty whenall subterms have been treated, which leads to thenon-recursive case2. The only questionable leaf node of the decision tree is1.1.2.2 . It can only occur ifqt1 does not bind any variables and results in the siblings ofqt1 that do bind variables to be processed first.Obviously, this case can occur at most once for each subterm.

3.6 Translating From XQ2 to XC2

The translation procedure fromXQ2 to XC2 is straightforward becauseXQ2 was trimmed to include onlya tight superset of the expressions produced by translatingfrom XC2. Note that not all expressions inXQ2

may be the result of the translation of a query term inXC2: While the translation algorithm forXC2 emitsconstraints always as early as possible to generate reasonably efficient translations, these constraints are notrequired to appear as early as possible in all validXQ2 expressions. As an unpleasant consequence for thetranslation fromXQ2 to XC2, the XQuery expression needs to be examined in its entirety before one candecide whether all required injectivity constraints are present for a particular set of siblings. This suggestssplitting the translation process into ananalysis phaseand aconstruction phase. Theanalysis phasebuildsappropriate data structures dedicated to hold all parent-child-relationships between XQuery variables, injec-tivity and deep-equality constraints. Theconstruction phaseconstructs the resulting query term by consultingthese data structures. While this approach would certainlybe more efficient, the algorithm described in thefollowing queries the original XQuery expression as the only data structure, omitting theanalysis phaseandabbreviating the exposition of the translation process.

1. Find the root query termq and remember its XQuery variable name and labell . There is exactly oneroot query term which can be identified by searching for a stepexpression with$data as the parent.The variable bound in the correspondingfor or some-clause is the one of the root query term.

2. Associate a fresh Xcerpt variableX with q only in the case that the XQuery variable ofq appears withinthe returned substitution set, or that it appears within a deep-equality constraint. Store the associationof both variables in a listAssocs . Depending on whether a variable has been assoiciated with it, thequery term to be produced is either of the forml{{ subts}} or var X as l{{ subts}} , with the listsubts of subterms to be determined in the following step.

3. Find all childrensubts = c1, . . . , cj of q, their respective XQuery variable names$v1,...,$vjand their respective labelsl1,...,lj . The children are found in the same way, as the root queryterm above, only that this time step expressions including the variable forq are searched for insteadof $data . Check that for each pair of variables$vi , $vk with overlapping labels, there exists aninjectivity constraintfn:not( op:is-same-node($vi, $vk) ) . If one of these constraints ismissing, the translation procedure fails.

4. For each childci of q determine whether to associate an Xcerpt variable with it. As above, the conditionfor the association is that the variable appears either within the returnedsubstitution element, orwithin a deep-equality constraint. If this holds true, detect whether the list of associationsAssocsalready contains an XQuery variablev transitively connected to the variable$vi of ci by deep-equalityconstraints. If this check is positive, associate the Xcerpt variable ofv with the query termci. Oth-erwise use a fresh Xcerpt variable. Now one of the two patterns var X as li{{ subtsc}} and


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li{{ subtsc}} with li being the label ofci has been determined forci. The list of subtermssubtsc ofci can be calculated by executing steps 3 and 4, substitutingq by ci andsubts by subtsc.

Obviously, the translation algorithm described above terminates, because as with the reverse direction,each XQuery variable (each subterm for the directionXC2 to XQ2) is processed exactly once.

A further interesting question is whether the translationsare stable. Naming the translation function of thealgorithm abovetoXC, this amounts to the question if for an arbitraryXC2 query termq and for an arbitraryXQ2 expressione the equations 3.3 and 3.4 are satisfied.

toXC(toXQ(q)) = q(3.3)

toXQ(toXC(e)) = e(3.4)

To answer this question it first needs to be defined when two query terms and twoXQ2 expressions areconsidered to be equal. Syntactical equivalence should notbe taken as a measure for query terms, becauseXQ2 query terms which are identical except for subterm orderingare semantically equivalent. As a matterof fact toXQ does not define the order in which subterms are to be constructed from anXQ2 expressione.Ignoring the order of subterms withinXC2 query terms, Equation 3.3 is in fact fulfilled. A formal proofis notgiven in this thesis.

Equation 3.4 does not hold true for arbitrary expressionse. To see this consider an expression with aninjectivity constraint between two XQuery variables that represent sibling subterms of anXC2 query term.Such an injectivity constraint is superfluous, because it isalways satisfied. Nevertheless the grammar produc-tions allow such constraints, and the translation fromXQ2 to XC2 simply ignores them. When the resultingquery term is translated back to XQuery, only necessary injectivity constraints are produced. Therefore, theEquation 3.4 is not satisfied for this example. But the less strict requirements of equations 3.5 and 3.6 arefulfilled, which is a direct consequence of Equation 3.3.

toXQ(toXC(toXQ(q))) = toXQ(q)(3.5)

toXC(toXQ(toXC(e))) = toXC(e)(3.6)


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Chapter 4

Translating Complex Xcerpt QueryTerms

The sublanguages treated in this Chapter are calledXC3 andXQ3 and are proper supersets ofXC2 andXQ2

respectively. With the treatment of these two sublanguagesthe Xcpert constructswithout andoptional ,descendants as well as all kind of subterm specifications (ordered, unordered, complete and incomplete),query conjunctions, disjunctions and negations are translated to XQuery and back. As in the last chapter, thetranslation functions are calledtoXQ andtoXC, respectively. The sublanguageXQ3 of XQuery is chosensuch thattoXQ(q) ∈ XQ3 andtoXC(e) ∈ XC3 holds for all queriesq in XC3 and all expressionse inXQ3. The length of the translations scales linearly with the number of constructs in the original expressions.

This Chapter is divided in four sections. In Section 4.1,XC3 is introduced and some example expressionsare translated to XQuery. An analysis ofXQ3 follows in 4.2. In sections 4.3 and 4.4, automatic translationalgorithms between both sublanguages are presented.

4.1 The SublanguageXC3

There are several aspects ofXC2 that are unsatisfactory, because they limit admissible queries to a rather smallpart of Xcerpt query terms. That is why an extension ofXC2 is considered in this section. Enhancements overXC2 are:

• Ordered and complete query terms are included. Recall thatXC2 only includes curly braces denotingincompleteness in breadth and with respect to order. In thischapter, all kinds of braces may be used.

• Subterm negation is allowed. It is shown how to translatewithout constructs, including nestedwithout and ones that contain variable bindings.

• A further extension is the inclusion of thedesc construct which allows to refer to arbitrary descendantsof a query term.

• Besides these enhancements of query terms, also conjunctions (and (...) ), disjunctions (or (...) )and negations (not (...) ) of queries are translated.

Although this is a considerable increase in expressivity there are still many Xcerpt features, which are notincluded:

• namespace variables and label variables

• While optional subtermsare discussed in this section, they are not included in the new sublanguage,because their translation to XQuery would mean that the linear complexity of the translation is lost.Nevertheless the transformation of query terms including optional subterms to optional-free query termsis presented in detail. Applying this transformation, it ispossible to translate an extended version ofXC3 including optional subterms toXQ3.

• Construct termsare not discussed until Chapter 5, where the emphasis is laidon translating entireconstruct-query-rules.


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• The translation of Xcerpt regular expressions is not examined in this thesis, but with the possibility touse regular expressions also in XQuery [14, Section 7.6.1],it seems likely that a canonical translation isachievable.

• The translation of position specifications and positional variables is elaborated, but also they are notincluded inXC3.

• While their tranlsation does not seem to be complicated,conditionsto Xcerpt rules are excluded for thesake of brevity.

• The filtering constructsexcept (als referred to asminus in [17][Section 9.1.3]), andplus are neitherincluded inXC3 nor even discussed.

• In contrast to the boolean connectives of queriesand , or andnot , the homonymous connectives forquery terms, though discussed in this chapter, are not included inXC3.

4.1.1 Grammar Productions

The following grammar productions comprise all of the queries expressible inXC3, but not all queries deriv-able by this grammar are valid Xcerpt expressions. Althoughit would be possible to exclude such queries bya finer grained grammar, this grammar is preferred for the sake of brevity.

Table 4.1: Grammar productions forXC3

<QUERY> := and ( <QUERY>* ) | or ( <QUERY> * ) | not ( <QUERY> ) |<QUERYTERM>

<QUERYTERM> := <QNAME> {{ <QUERYTERM>* }} | <QNAME> { <QUERYTERM>* } |<QNAME> [[ <QUERYTERM>* ]] | <QNAME> [ <QUERYTERM>* ] |var varname | var varname as <QUERYTERM> |without <QUERYTERM> | desc <QUERYTERM>

In order to exclude illegal Xcerpt expressions, several natural syntactical restrictions are placed upon theabove grammar productions.

• The without keyword may not appear twice in a row. A term of the formwithout withouthtml {{ var X }} is illegal. However, it is often desirable to usenestedwithout , and these areincluded inXC3.

• Similarly, there must not be more than onedesc -construct within the same level of a query term, andonly one variable may be bound to the same query term.

• In the case that a query term uses more than one of the constructs desc , without , var , the correctorder of these constructs iswithout var varname as desc <QUERYTERM> .

In the following sections, each of the enhancements is discussed by introducing example Xcerpt expres-sions, and by giving possible translations to XQuery, highlighting advantages and disadvantages of the trans-lation possibilities. Emphasis is laid upon retaining linear complexity of the length of XQuery expressions interms of the number of constructs employed in the original Xcerpt query. As in the last chapter, the XQueryresults will be included in element constructors that represent the substitution sets of the corresponding Xcerptqueries. This methode eases the translation of entire construct query terms in Chapter 5. The XML represen-tation of these substitution sets is the same as in the last chapter.

It is assumed that the data for the Xcerpt query terms is internalized, and that the same data is containedwithin an XQuery variable named$data .

4.1.2 Translating Ordered and Complete Query Term Specifications

The discussion of the enhancements inXC3 starts out by introducing other types of brackets for query termsthan just those with unordered incomplete query term specifications ofXC2. The first objects of interest aresingle square brackets, and two translation possibilitiesare compared. Consider expressionExpr4.1.2XC



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Expr4.1.2XC:= tag0 [ var X as tag1 [ tag2 {{ }}, tag3 {{ }}, tag1 {{ }} ]]

Expr4.1.2XCselects all thosetag1 subterms of a root term labeledtag0 that do not have any siblings, and

that include exactly three subterms labeledtag2 , tag3 andtag1 in the given order. No further restrictionsare placed on these innermost subterms. The first tranlsation Expr4.1.2a

XQchecks that the number of subterms

of the root node is exactly one, and that the number of child elements on the second level equals three. Fur-thermore it checks that the node names of the elements on the second level equaltag2 , tag3 and tag1respectively.



element xc:substitution_set {for $v1 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v2 in $v1/child::tag1 returnlet $sequence = fs:distinct-document-order($v2/child:: * ) return

if ((fn:count($sequence) == 3) and(fn:node-name($sequence[1]) == tag2) and(fn:node-name($sequence[2]) == tag3) and(fn:node-name($sequence[3]) == tag1))

then element xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v2 } } else ()

In Expr4.1.2aXQ

, the distinct-document-order function is used to ensure that the children of$v2appear in document order in$sequence . In a second and third step, the number of children is checkedusing thefn:count function and the labels are tested for equality. Note that numeric predicates on lists(e.g.$sequence[2] ) are not part of the XQuery core, but are normalized at the aidof thesubsequencefunction tofn:subsequence($sequence,2,1) .

While this is tranlsation is very straightforward, there isanother interesting translation that is also easilyadaptable to translating incomplete ordered query terms, and that can do without predicates. It is representedby Expr4.1.2b




element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

if (fn:count($v0/child:: * ) == 1) thenfor $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 return

if (fn:count($v1/child:: * ) == 3) thenif (some $v2 in $v1/child::tag2 satisfies (

some $v3 in $v1/child::tag3 satisfies (($v2 << $v3) and(some $v4 in $v1/child::tag1 satisfies ($v3 << $v4)))))

then element xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v1 } }else ()

else ()

Instead of specifying the exact position of child subterms,they are compared with the<< operator, whichis also not part of the XQuery core, but normalized to the function fs:node-before . Obviously, restrictingthe number of subterms to one single value and demanding thatthere exist the same amount of label-matchingtotally ordered subterms, equates to restricting the number of children and checking the labels for the subtermsat each position.

A disadvantage of this method is that dispensable computations are carried out, because thefor loopsgenerate a great number of tuples of which the major part is filtered out. On the other hand, the close resem-blance of this translation method to not only the translation of incomplete ordered query terms, but also tothat of unordered query terms gives rise to a homogenous treatment of all term specifications in the automatictranslation process (4.3).

In fact the only difference in translating ordered and unordered query terms is that for the former onesorder constraints are generated and for the later injectivity constraints. In general more injectivity constraintsneed to be generated for the same amount of label overlappingsubterms, which is due to the transitivity of the


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<< operator: From$a << $b and$b << $c one can deduce$a << $c while it is not possible to deduce$a != $c from $a != $b and$b != $c . As discussed during the treatment ofXC2, it is necessaryto producen(n − 1)/2 injectivity constraints for ensuring injectivity amongn label-overlapping subterms,however,n − 1 order constraints suffice to ensure a total ordering – and thus injectivity – amongn orderedlabel-overlapping subterms.As mentioned above, translating ordered incomplete query terms is very similar to this second translationmethod for ordered complete query terms. For ordered incomplete query terms thefn:count constraint onthe number of children is simply omitted.

An efficiency improvement for translations of both completeand incomplete ordered query terms wouldbe to check after each variable assignment in a for-clause, whether the number of following siblings of the as-signed element nodes suffices for the rest of the query subterms to be matched. A more advanced optimizationwould be to not generate bindings to such nodes in the first place as exemplified inExpr4.1.2c

XQ. Note that the

fn:subsequence function may have two or three arguments. The first argument is the input sequence, thesecond one the starting position, and the optional third oneis the length of the result sequence. In absence ofthe third argument, all nodes until the end of the input sequence are returned.



element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

if (fn:count($v0/child:: * ) == 1) thenfor $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 return

let $seq := fs:distinct-document-order($v2/child:: * ) returnif (fn:count($v1/child:: * ) == 3) then

if (some $v2 in $v1/child::tag2 satisfies (some $v3 in fn:subsequence($seq, 2)/self::tag3

satisfies (($v2 << $v3) and(some $v4 in fn:subsequence($seq,3)/self::tag1

satisfies ($v3 << $v4)))))then element xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v1 } }else ()

else () }

Single curly braces are the final type of brackets to be discussed in this section. The difference betweentranslating single curly braces and double curly braces is the same as the difference in the translation of singlesquare brackets and double ones: One just needs to check thatthe number of subterms of the data node equalsthe number of subterms of the query term. This is achieved again with thefn:count function.

4.1.3 Translatingwithout

Another important Xcerpt construct iswithout and therefore it is included inXC3. Recall thatwithoutonly makes sense with double square or curly braces. All subterms not mentioned within a breadth-completeparent term may not occur within simulating data terms anyway. The translation ofwithout follows exactlythe definition of the decomposition rules for query terms with negated subterms. After successfully searchingfor simulating data terms for all the positive subterms of the query term, it is checked whether any simulatingnodes for the negated subterms that fulfill the order, deep-equality constraints and injectivity constraints exist.Only if this check fails, the simulation succeeds and a substitution is returned. As a first example considerExpr4.1.3XC


Expr4.1.3XC:= var X as tag0{{ tag1{{ }}, without tag2{{ }}, tag2{{ }} }}

It matches with all those nodes in the data that are namedtag0 , have a child node namedtag1 , exactly onenamedtag2 and arbitrary siblings. A straightforward translation of this query would beExpr4.1.3XQ

. In thefirst and second some clause, the positive children of$v0 are simulated. If this succeeds, the negated subtermwithout tag2 {{ }} is tried to be simulated, taking the necessary injectivity constraints into account.Injectivity constraints for the pairs of siblings($v1, $v2) and($v1, $v3) are not necessary, since theirnode names do not coincide. Only if this simulation for$v3 fails, the entire simulation succeeds.


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element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

if some $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 satisfies true thenif some $v2 in $v0/child::tag2 satisfies true then

if (fn:not(some $v3 in $v0/child::tag2 satisfiesfn:not(op:is-same-node($v3, $v2)))) then

element xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v0 } }else ()

else ()else ()

If there were more than one negated query subterm, the translation would have to assure that the simulationsfor these other subterms fail as well. To see this, imagine that also the first subterm ofExpr4.1.3XC

werenegated. For the resulting expression,Expr4.1.3b

XQwould be a correct translation.



element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

if (some $v1 in $v0/child::tag2 satisfies (fn:not(some $v2 in $v0/child::tag1 satisfies true) andfn:not(some $v3 in $v0/child::tag2 satisfies

fn:not(op:is-same-node($v3, $v2)))))then element xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v0 } }else () }


differs fromExpr4.1.3aXQ

in several ways: The first subterm of the original Xcerpt expressionis simulated later than the third one. This is due to the necessity of first searching for a valid mapping for allthe positive subterms (the third subterm is the only positive one) and then checking the absence of negatedsubterms. In contrast toExpr4.1.3XQ

, the absence (rather than the existence) of the first subtermmust bechecked by encapsulating its simulation in afn:not function. The third and final deviation is that thereare not as manyif -clauses. Note that also expressionExpr4.1.3XQ

could get by with lessif -clauses bytransforming code of the form

if some <BINDING1> satisfies true thenif some <BINDING2> satisfies true then <CONSEQUENCE> else ( )

else ()


if some <BINDING1> satisfies (some <BINDING2> satisfies tr ue)then <CONSEQUENCE>else ().

Thesatisfies conditions in general being some other boolean expression than justtrue , it is desirableto also simplify these expressions. This can be achieved byand -connecting the outermostsatisfies -condition and the condition of the secondif -clause to form the new condition of the outermostsatisfies -clause. In this manner, the secondif -clause can be eliminated. In the automatic translation process describedlater in this chapter, these abbreviations are used whenever applicable.

Two other potentially interesting cases of Xcerpt expressions including negated subterms, namely the onesof ordered query terms together withwithout and the one of nestedwithout turn out to be translatablestraightforwardly: The only difference in translating square brackets is to use order constraints instead ofinjectivity constraints. Similarly, nestedwithout is translated with nested negated existential quantifications,as demonstrated by the following two expressions.

var X as tag0 {{ without tag1 {{ without tag2 }} }}


Page 56: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt

element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

if fn:not(some $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 satisfies (fn:not(some $v2 in $v1/child::tag2 satisfies true)))

then element xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v0 } }else ()


In this last expression, the second some clause is trivial inthe sense that its satisifes clause consists only of theboolean constanttrue . As a matter of fact, any clause of the formsome $var in <STEP> satisfiestrue may be substituted by<STEP>. This is because the node-sequence which the step expression evaluatesto, is automatically transformed into a boolean value in a boolean context. If it is the empty sequence, theresult isfalse , in case its first element is a node, the result istrue . This transformation is called findingtheeffective boolean valueof an expression [2, Section 2.4.3].

4.1.4 without and Variables

As described in [17], variables occurring within the scope of a without never yield variable bindings, butmust be considered as mere constraints of its siblings and ofits enclosing term. Two consequences can bedrawn from this fact: First, each variable within awithout must be bound elsewhere in the query term.Second, expressions of this kind cannot be translated straightforwardly as in the examples above. To see this,consider expressionExpr4.1.4XC

. Before translating the negated subtermwithout var X as tag2 ,one has to make sure that all defining occurrences of variableX have already been treated. Hence, the us-age ofwithout in conjunction with variables imposes a restriction on the order of translating subterms toXQuery. The correct translationExpr4.1.4XQ

first associates the XQuery variable$v2 with the Xcerpt sub-termvar X as tag2 before checking for the existence of a child data term within$v1 that simulates withX. Range restrictedness of Xcerpt query terms guarantees that there is always a positive occurrence for eachvariable.

Expr4.1.4XC:= tag0 {{ tag1 {{ without var X as tag2 }}, var X as tag2 }}


element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag1 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag2 returnif (some $v2 in $v0/child::tag1 satisfies (

fn:not(some $v3 in $v2/child::tag2 satisfiesfn:deep-equal($v3,$v1))))

then element xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v1 } }else ()

4.1.5 Order and Injectivity Constraints Among Multiple Negated Subterms

Injectivity constraints were thouroughly discussed during the treatment ofXC2, and order constraints in Sec-tion 4.1.2. The introduction of thewithout construct complicates the question about whether to produceconstraints for a given pair of siblings. ConsiderExpr4.1.5XC

. Let $v0 be the XQuery variable represent-ing the root query term, and$v1 , $v2 and $v3 the variables for the three subterms. In the absence ofnegations, order constraints would be produced for the pairs of variables($v1, $v2) and($v2, $v3) .An order constraint between the last two subterms inExpr4.1.5XC

does not make sense, however, becausethe successfull simulation of only one of the two terms causes the entire simulation to fail. Neverthelessit is important to ensure the order among the first and last subterm, such that the pair of order constraints($v1, $v2) , ($v1, $v3) must be generated to enforce Xcerpts intended semantics. The correct transla-tion of Expr4.1.5XC

is therfore given byExpr4.1.5XQ.


tag0 [[ var X as tag1 {{ }}, without tag2 {{ var X }},without tag2 {{ }} ]]


Page 57: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt


element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::f return

for $v1 in $v0/child::a returnif (fn:not(some $v2 in $v0/child::b satisfies ($v1 << $v2)) )then

if (fn:not(some $v3 in $v0/child::c satisfies ($v1 << $v3)) )then

element xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v1 } }else ()

else ()}

4.1.6 Translatingoptional

Regarding the importance of querying possibly incomplete and heterogenous data on the web, theoptionalconstruct deserves to be discussed here. Declaring a subterm asoptional means that it shall be tried tosimulate the subterm with a subterm of the data term, but thatthe simulation need not fail if no simulating dataterm can be found. Using theoptional keyword in an Xcerpt query term demands that the same variablebe markedoptional also in the construct part of a construct query rule. Furthermore, optional query termsmust always include a variable binding. Optional Terms without Interrelations between Variables

A single optional term is translated by means of afor -clause just in the same way as it would be withouttheoptional marker. In the case that there is no data term that the query term simulates with, nothing willbe returned. This simple translation is feasible, because theoptional is rather insignificant in expressionswith a single variable occurrence such asExpr4.1.6.1XC

– it would have almost the same meaning withouttheoptional . The only difference between including and omitting theoptional is that in the case of nosubterm matchingvar X as tag1 {{ }} , the usage ofoptional would prevent the query term fromfailing, returning the empty subtitution set instead. In other words, the usage of optional subterms is morebeneficial in the case of multiple variables within a query term.

Expr4.1.6.1XC:= tag0 {{ optional var X as tag1 {{ }} }}


element xc:substitution_set {for $v1 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v2 in $v1/child::tag1 returnelement xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v1 } } Optional Terms with Related but Distinct Variables

In contrast to the example above, the construct query RuleExpr4.1.6.2XC2 may actually produce heteroge-neous substitutions. They may either include bindings for all three variables, only for variableX andY, onlyfor variablesX andZ, or only for variableX. Therefore the translation is not as trivial as above. A possi-ble translation checks for each binding of variableX if there exist siblings with tag nametag2 andtag3 .Depending on the result of these tests, different substitutions are returned. Bindings for variableY are onlyincluded if the test fortag2 succeeds, those forZ only if the test fortag3 succeeds.


tag0 {{ var X as tag1,optional var Y as tag2,optional var Z as tag3



Page 58: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt


element xc:substitution set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnif ($v0/child::tag2) then

for $v2 in $v0/child::tag2 returnif ($v0/child::tag3) then

for $v3 in $v0/child::tag3 returnelement xc:substitution {

element xc:X { $v1 },element xc:Y { $v2 },element xc:Z { $v3 } }

else element xc:substitution {element xc:X { $v1 },element xc:Y { $v2 } }

else if ($v0/child::tag3) thenfor $v4 in $v0/child::tag3 return

element xc:substitution {element xc:X { $v1 },element xc:Z { $v4 } }

else element xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v1 } }}

Expr4.1.6.2XQexposes that the length of an XQuery translation of of a queryterm includingoptional grows

exponentially with the number ofoptional in the original Xcerpt expression. The formal justificationforthis is that for each optional variable, two substitutions must be returned – one including the optional variableand one without. Hence the number of different possible substitutions is2o whereo is the number of optionalsubterms. Transformingoptional into without

A different, elegant approach to translatingExpr4.1.6.2XCis to first convert query terms featuring optional

subterms into a disjunction of query terms with negated subterms, as exemplified in [17].Expr4.1.6.3XCis the

result of transformingExpr4.1.6.2XCin this manner. Having already examined the possibilities for translating

without, the translation ofExpr4.1.6.3XCis rather straightforward. The only remaining question about how to

translate disjunctions of query terms will be treated in Section


or ( tag0 {{ var X as tag1, var Y as tag2, var Z as tag3 }},tag0 {{ var X as tag1, without tag2, var Z as tag3 }},tag0 {{ var X as tag1, var Y as tag2, without tag3 }},tag0 {{ var X as tag1, without tag2, without tag3 }} )

Note that the variables Y and Z must be left away in the negatedsubterms, because they do not occur unnegat-edly elsewhere in the expression. If they were bound in some other part of the query term, we would need toinclude them in the negated subterm. This issue is deepened in the following section.

At first glance, the fact that one may useoptional but notwithout within breadth-complete queryterms causes a problem. Is it still possible to transform breadth-complete query terms containingoptional ?The solution is quite simple: The query term is transformed just as if it were breadth incomplete, but thenegated subterms are omitted. Variables within Multiple optionals

This section lifts the restriction from the last Section that a variable appears within at most one optional sub-term. In the case that a variable occurs within more than one optional subterm, the order of simulating optionalsubterms with data terms affects the resulting substitution sets. To see this consider expressionExpr4.1.6.4XC



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:= tag0 {{ optional var X as tag1, optional var X as tag2 }}

Querying the datatag0 [ tag1 [], tag2 [] ] with Expr4.1.6.4XCwe would expect the substitution

set{ {X 7→ tag1[]},{X 7→ tag2[]} } . An intuitive translation likeExpr4.1.6.4aXQ

, however, yields onlythe first one of the substitutions. This problem originates from scheduling a stiff simulation order. The querysubterms are simulated in the order they appear in the query term. Thus the subtermvar X as tag1 issimulated first, succeeding with the example data. Now there’s no chance for the second subterm to succeed,because the variable constraints forX are incompatible.


element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

if ($v0/child::tag1) thenfor $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 return

if (some $v2 in $v0/child::tag2 satisfiesfn:not(op:is-same-node($v2, $v1)) andfn:deep-equal($v2, $v1))

then for $v2 in $v0/child::tag2 returnelement xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v2 } }

elseelement xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v1 } }

else if ($v0/child::tag2) thenfor $v3 in $v0/child::tag2 return

element xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v3 } }else ()


Interestingly, this problem is solved by transforming theoptional intowithout as exhibited inExpr4.1.6.4bXC

.It is obvious that the first disjunct ofExpr4.1.6.4b

XCcannot simulate with any data term. The expected sub-

stitution set is generated by the second and third disjunct,each of which contribute one substitution. The lastdisjunct does not simulate with the data. A final noteworthy issue is thatvar X should be left out in the lastdisjunct ifExpr4.1.6.4a

XCis not part of a larger query or query term. Otherwise it mighthappen, that a defining

occurrence ofX appears elsewhere in the query term.



or ( tag0 {{ var X as tag1, var X as tag2 }},tag0 {{ without var X as tag1, var X as tag2 }},tag0 {{ var X as tag1, without var X as tag2 }},tag0 {{ without var X as tag1, without var X as tag2 }} ) Nestedoptional Terms

A further interesting case is the one of nested optional terms as in expressionExpr4.1.6.5aXC




tag0 [[ var X as tag1 [[]],optional var Y as tag2 [[

optional var Z as tag3 [[]]]]

]]Apparently, it may not occur that a substitution resulting from this query term contains a binding for vari-

ableZ and at the same time no binding forY. To reflect this the translation ofExpr4.1.6.5XCdoes not try to find

a simulating node for the subterm including variableZ, when the simulation forvar Y as tag2 [[ ... ]]fails. Theelse -clause in question simply returns a substitution withX as the only included variable. Notethat there is no need to ponder about the simulation order within Expr4.1.6.5XQ

, because there is no variablethat occurs within multiple optionals.


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element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnif ($v0/child::tag2) then

for $v2 in $v0/child::tag2 returnif ($v2/child::tag3) then

for $v3 in $v2/child::tag3 returnelement xc:substitution {

element xc:X { $v1 }element xc:Y { $v2 }element xc:Z { $v3 } }

else element xc:substitution {element xc:X { $v1 }element xc:Y { $v2 } }

else element xc:substitution { element xc:X { $v1 } } }

An alternative approach to translatingExpr4.1.6.5aXC

is to first transform the optionals into without as hasbeen shown above. With nestedoptional terms this is not as canonical as before. Similarly to the directtranslation, the disjunct that binds variable Z and negatesthe term that would be bound toY must be omitted,otherwise the translation would not even be range restricted, with variableZ only occurring in a negatedsubterm.



or (tag0 [[ var X as tag1 [[]], var Y as tag2 [[ var Z as tag3 [[]] ]],tag0 [[ var X as tag1 [[]], var Y as tag2 [[ without tag3 [[]] ]],tag0 [[ var X as tag1 [[]], without tag2 [[ ]] )

Summing up the translation possibilities ofoptional , it needs to be emphasized that there is no way oftranslating Xcerpt expressions includingoptionals to XQuery such that the length of the translation scaleslinearly with the length of the archetype. The revealed transformation method does not solve this complexityproblem, but presents a viable alternative for directly translating optional subterms.

4.1.7 From Query Terms to Queries: Translatingand, or and not

As exemplified by the transformation ofoptional to without in the previous section, disjunctions – andalso conjunctions and negations – are important extensionsto simple query terms. Furthermore translatingcertain XQuery expressions that lack injectivity constraints is outright impossible without conjunctions anddisjunctions. Thus it is important to discuss these constructs. Translatingor


, which is the result of the elimination of the optional subterms ofExpr4.1.6.5aXC

.How is this disjunction of query terms translated to XQuery?Let Q := or{Q1, . . . ,Qn} be a disjunction ofquery terms. As Schaffert states in his thesis,or “merely merges the resulting sets of substitutions resultingfrom the queriesQ1, . . . ,Qn” [17, Section 4.5.2]. As an XML representation of the substitution set, it is thussufficient to append the translations of theQi within the same enclosingxc:substitution_set elementas shown inExpr4.1.7.1XQ



element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnfor $v2 in $v0/child::tag2 return

for $v3 in $v2/child::tag3 returnelement xc:substitution {


Page 61: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt

element xc:X { $v1 },element xc:Y { $v2 },element xc:Z { $v3 } },

for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 returnfor $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 return

for $v2 in $v0/child::tag2 returnif fn:not($v2/child::tag3) then

element xc:substitution {element xc:X { $v1 },element xc:Y { $v2 } }

else (),for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnif fn:not($v1/child::tag2) then

element xc:substitution {element xc:X { $v1 } }

else ()}

Note that the injectivity of nodes$v1 and$v2 is not an issue, because their labels differ. Repeatedlybinding the same variable names$v0 , $v1 , and$v2 is not a problem inExpr4.1.7.1XQ

, because their scopesdo not overlap. Prescinding fromExpr4.1.6.5b

XCand taking into account also those disjunctions that may yield

equal substitutions for different disjuncts, it may be argued that just appending the substitutions from differentdisjuncts will result in duplicates in the substitution set. Though this is certainly true, duplicates may also bereturned by single query terms, and this is accepted. In manycases it is not satisfactory to eliminate duplicates.This is why duplicates in this thesis are not eliminated during query translation, but only when explicitly askedfor in construct terms – for example by using the duplicate eliminating all -construct. As a consequence,substitution sets in this thesis are not sets in the mathematical meaning of the word, but rather multisets orbags of substitutions.

As a final observation, the presented treatment of disjunctions works fine also for the special cases that thenumber of disjuncts is zero or one. Forn = 0 the empty substitution set is returned, and forn = 1 the resultcoincides with the isolated translation ofQ1. Translatingand

Connecting query terms withand is especially useful when querying different XML sources with the re-source construct. Apart from thatand is needed to translate certain XQuery expressions that lacksomeorder or injectivity constraints for pairs of siblings to Xcerpt. As a trivial example for anand -connectedquery, considerExpr4.1.7.2XC

, which queries all thosetag1 subterms of a root node namedtag0 that alsooccur within a root node namedtag1 and include a subterm namedtag2 .


and (tag0 {{ var X as tag1 }},tag1 {{ var X }}



element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnfor $v2 in $data/child::tag1 return

for $v3 in $data/child:: * returnif (fn:deep-equal($v1, $v3))then element xc:substitution {

element xc:X { $v1 } }else () }


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The translationExpr4.1.7.2XQdiffers from translations of disjunctions of queries in that anxc:substitu-

tion element appears in only onereturn clause, whereas inExpr4.1.7.1XQthe number ofreturn -clauses

with xc:substitution -elements equals the number of disjuncts in the corresponding Xcerpt query.The translation procedure can be described as follows: According to aselection strategyone of the con-

juncts is chosen. This conjunct is translated almost in the same way as if it were a single query term. The casein which it is not a query term but a query, is precluded for themoment. The only difference in translatingthis first conjunct from translating a single query term is that the final return clause does not return the XMLrepresentation of a substitution set, but the translation of the conjunct which is chosen next according to theselection strategy. Only after translating the final conjunct the substitution, including bindings for the union ofall variables of all conjuncts, is returned. But what happens if the conjunct is a query? The case that it containsa negated query term is treated in the following section, while it is easy to take measures to circumvent thecase of disjunctions in the conjunct.

The selection strategy mentioned above needs to ensure thatconjuncts including defining occurrences of avariable are translated before conjuncts with consuming occurrences of the same variable.

It is easy to adapt the translation algorithm presented during the treatment ofXC2 to include also conjunc-tions of query terms. Usually, the translation algorithm started out with one single step represented by a tripleincluding the special variable$data , a fresh variable name$v0 , and the query term to be translated. Whentranslating a conjunction of queries the list of triples is not intitialized with a single element but one for eachconjunct. The parent variable for each query term is$data and a fresh variable name for each of the conjunctquery terms is reserved. This is also exactly the way the translation of conjunctions is handled in Section 4.3.

The final question which remains to be answered in this sectionis how to guarantee that a conjunct which isto be translated, does not contain a disjunction of query terms. The answer is to bring the query in disjunctivenormal form by applying the distributive law:

and(or(Q1, . . . ,Qn),Qn+1, . . . ,Qn+m) =

or(and(Q1,Qn+1, . . . ,Qn+m), . . . , and(Qn,Qn+1, . . . ,Qn+m)) Translatingnot

Semantically,not is very similar towithout . The only difference is thatwithout may only occur withinquery terms, whilenot serves to negate queries, usually within a conjunction of queries. Assuming that allnot is free of conjunctions and disjunctions, the translation procedure – which is treated in Section 4.3 – doesnot differentiate between query term negation and query negation. De Morgan’s laws can be used to transformqueries such that query negations only appear as the innermost constructs ofand , or andnot .

not(and(Q1,Q2)) = or(not(Q1), not(Q2))

not(or(Q1,Q2))) = and(not(Q1), not(Q2))

As an example of a conjunction that includes a negated query term, consider a slight variation ofExpr4.1.7.2XC:


and (not(tag1 {{ var X as tag1 {{ tag2 {{ }} }} }}),tag0 {{ var X as tag1 }}


Similarly to negated and positive subterms with common variables within ordinary query terms, a correcttranslation must first translate the second query term, because it yields a variable binding forX, whereas in thefirst query term there is only a consuming occurrence ofX. This is reflected in the following translation.


element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child::tag1 returnif fn:not(some $v2 in $data/child::tag1 satisfies(


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Table 4.2: Grammar productions forXQ3

<XQ_3> ::= element xc:substitution_set { <EXPR> (, <EXPR>) * }<EXPR> ::= <FOR> | <IF> | <SUBST><FOR> ::= for <VARIABLE> in (<CHILD>|<DESC>) return <EXPR><IF> ::= if (<BEXPR>) then <EXPR> else ()<BEXPR> ::= <INJ> | <DEQ> | <BEF> | <COUNT> |

<SOME> | <AND> | <NOT> | true<SUBST> ::= element xc:substitution { <BINDG> }<BINDG> ::= element xc:<XCVAR> { <VARIABLE> }<CHILD> ::= <VARIABLE>/child::<QNAME><DESC> ::= <VARIABLE>/descendant::<QNAME><INJ> ::= fn:not(op:is-same-node(<VARIABLE>, <VARIABLE >))<DEQ> ::= fn:deep-equal(<VARIABLE>, <VARIABLE>)<BEF> ::= fn:node-before(<VARIABLE>, <VARIABLE>)<SOME> ::= some <VARIABLE> in (<Child> | <DESC>) satisfies < BEXPR><AND> ::= <BEXPR> and <BEXPR><NOT> ::= fn:not(<SOME>)<COUNT> ::= fn:count(<VARIABLE>/child:: * ) == <INTEGER>

some $v3 in $v2/child::tag1 satisfies ($v3/child::tag2)and fn:deep-equal($v1, $v3)))

then element xc:substitution {element xc:X { $v1 } }

else () }

4.2 The SublanguageXQ3

As mentioned in the introduction of this chapter,XQ3 is a proper superlanguage ofXQ2. The followingconstructs are included inXQ3, but not inXQ2:

• Thedescendant axis is necessary to translate thedesc -construct of Xcerpt.

• In addition to injectivity constraints, order constraintssuch asfn:node-before($v1, $v2) areallowed to enforce Xcerpt order constraints in XQuery.

• Constraints on the number of children are put into effect by the fn:count() function. Arguments tothis function inXC3 must be of the form<VARNAME>/child:: * .

• Theand connective is a shorthand for nestedif -clauses as has been shown in Section in 4.1.3. There-fore it is not strictly necessary to includeand in XQ3, but it improves the readability of the translations.The other newly added boolean operatorfn:not serves to translate query negation (not() ) and queryterm negation (without ). Note that whilenot() was already used in injectivity constraints inXC2,it may be used to negate any boolean expression produced by<BEXPR>in the grammar productions forXC3 (Table 4.1).

• The outermost XQuery element constructor, namely thexc:substitution_set element construc-tor, may contain asequenceof expressions, which allows the translation of Xcerpt query disjunctions.

All other constructs are already part ofXQ2. All expressions withinXQ3 can be derived by the grammarin Table 4.2, but some additional restrictions are placed upon validXQ3 expressions.

4.2.1 Grammar Productions

In Table 4.2<QNAME>is a qualified name as defined in [2],<VARIABLE> is a valid XQuery variable name,<XCVAR>is an Xcerpt variable name. An expressionE in XC3 must additionally satisfy the followingrestrictions:


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• XQuery variables are unique, meaning the same XQuery variable name is bound only once within avalid XQ3 expression. This constitutes only a syntactical restriction, since expressions infringing thisconstraint can be easily transformed into a validXQ3 expression by renaming variables.

• Order constraints are only allowed for variables referringto siblings. It would be possible to translateunrestricted order constraints toXC3 but this is not considered in this thesis. For injectivity constraintsthis restriction is lifted, since children of different nodes in tree structure are always distinct.

• A restriction inherited fromXC2 is that theelse clause of conditionals is always the empty sequence.It would be interesting to examine a sublanguage freed from these last two restrictions and check whetherXC3 may be used to express its translations, but this is not treated in this thesis.

• For each XQuery variable, there must be at most one count constraint. It would also be possible to liftthis restriction, ignoring all but one of thefn:count functions in the translation, if they coincide, andrestitutingFalse if there are contradicting constraints on the number of children of a variable.

4.2.2 Translating Partial Injectivity Constraints

When translating Xcerpt query terms to XQuery, injectivityis preserved either by generating injectivity ororder constraints depending on the type of brackets used. Itis easy to reverse this translation process if allrequired injectivity constraints are present.Partial or even absent injectivity constraints as inExpr4.2.2XQ

complicate this reversal.


element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child:: * returnfor $v2 in $v0/child:: * return

element xc:substitution {element xc:X { $v1 }, element xc:Y { $v2 } } }


:= tag0 {{ var X, var Y }}

If this query were translated usingExpr4.2.2aXC

, substitutions mapping$v1 and$v2 to the same nodewould be mistakenly eliminated. Note that this problem could not occur if the tag names of both siblings weredifferent. The correct translation needs to take into account both cases: Either$v1 and$v2 are bound todistinct nodes, or to the same nodes. Both of these cases are connected via a disjunction:


:= or (tag0 {{ var X, var Y }}, tag0 {{ var X }})

The problem withExpr4.2.2bXC

is that there are substitutions which do not include bindings for variableY. In all these substitutionsY should be mapped to the same value asX. Range restrictedness requires all non-optional variables which appear in the construct part of a rule to be mandatory (non-optional) in all disjuncts ofthe query part of the rule. This means it would not be allowed to useY in the construct part of a rule with querypartExpr4.2.2b

XC. A solution to this problem is to markY optional both in the query part and the construct

part. Occurrences ofY in the construct part may further be extended by a default value var X , which isexemplified by the following rule:



CONSTRUCTxc:substitution_set [

all xc:substitution [ xc:X [ var X ],xc:Y [ optional var Y with default var X] ] ]

FROMor (tag0 {{ var X, var Y }},

tag0 {{ var X, optional var Y as xyz:abc {{ }})END


Page 65: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt

A singularity ofExpr4.2.2cXC

is the namespace prefixxyz beforetag1 . The namespace bound toxyzmust be uniquely chosen in order to make sure that this secondsubterm cannot accidentally match. It isonly included to makeExpr4.2.2c

XCrange restricted. Range restrictedness demands that all optional terms

in the construct part appear also negatively (defining) in each disjunct of the query part. Alternatively, rangerestrictedness could be ignored and this subterm could we left out.

An obvious disadvantage of this kind of translation is that it causes interdependencies between the trans-lation of construct and query parts. Furthermore it benefitsfrom optional , which is actually not part of thelanguageXC3. This is why other translations have to be found. Last but notleast it is not extensible to thecase of a variable lacking more than one injectivity constraint.

An obvious alternative is to put aside injectivity by using theand connective of queries:


:= and (tag0 {{ var X }}, tag0 {{ var Y }})

This translation works fine as long as there is only one rootedtree, e.g. an XML document, associated withthe query. If the query term is part of a rule which participates in rule chaining, however, it may occur that thedisjuncts simulate with different rooted trees. This meansthere is no way of knowing that the terms referred toby X andY belong to the same parent node, which was clearly the semantics of the XQuery archetype. Luckily,the translation is rescued by the possibility of usingand to connect not only multiple queries, but also queryterms.

While it is being discussed to allowand to connect query terms, this has not officially been added to theXcerpt standard. Making use of theand Connective for Query Terms

Keep in mind that the semantics of theand connective for query terms differs significantly from the semanticsof theand connective for queries. In the case of queries, both conjuncts need to simulate with arbitrary dataterms and the substitution sets are joined. The difference is that in the case of the conjuncts being queryterms, the same data term must simulate with both of the conjuncts. Thus ifExpr4.2.2d

XCis considered as a

conjunction of query terms, the translation is correct. With theand connective for query terms, also morecomplex queries can be translated:


element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/child:: * returnfor $v2 in $v0/child:: * return

for $v3 in $v0/child:: * returnif (fn:not(op:is-same-node($v1, $v3)) and

fn:not(op:is-same-node($v2,$v3))) thenelement xc:substitution {

element xc:X { $v1 },element xc:Y { $v2 },element xc:Z { $v3 } } }

In Expr4.2.2.1XQonly the nodes bound to the variables$v1 and$v2 may coincide, all other pairs are

guaranteed to be distinct. Using the same method as above, the correct translation isExpr4.2.2.1XC:

Expr4.2.2.1XQ:= and (tag0 {{var X, var Z}}, tag0 {{var Y, var Z}})a

Prescinding fromExpr4.2.2.1XQ, consider a query term withn children withoverlappingtag names, and

k injectivity constraints among these children. It is easy tosee thatn + k is an upper bound for the numberof conjuncts needed: Since the number of variables isn, one conjunct can be reserved for each variable, andas well one conjunct for each of thek injectivity constraints. At the same time, the approximation cannotbe much better. Obviously,k is not an upper bound for the number of conjuncts, because also in the case ofno injectivity constraints, each variable must appear in atleast one conjunct. Furthermore,n is not an upperbound for the number of conjuncts forn > 5. To see this, consider the variablesU, V, W, X, Y, Z andinjectivity constraints among the pairs(U,V), (V,W), (W,X), (X,Y), (Y,Z), (Z,W), (U,X) .


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Note that there is no triple of variables that is required to be bound to mutually distinct nodes and couldtherefore be contained in one single conjunct. As a result, every single constraint has to be realized by its ownconjunct, which yields a total number of seven constraints for six variables.

There is, however, another upper bound for the number of required conjuncts in terms of the number ofmissing injectivity constraintsn·(n−1)

2 −k. Only one conjunct, namely the one including all variables,is neededto express the presence of all injectivity constraints. This is evident, because this conjunct is the preimage ofthe translation of an unordered partial query term to XQuery. Upon deleting the injectivity constraint thatdistinguishes the variablesX1 andX2, the conjunct is split up into two conjuncts, one excluding the variableX1 and the other excluding the variableX2. Taking away another injectivity constraint among variables distinctfrom X1 andX2 causes again the number of conjuncts to double. Taking away an injectivity constraint amongvariables that are not “fresh”, causes only those conjunctswhich contain both variables to divide. Thus,


2 −k is another upper bound for the number of required conjuncts.An optimized upper bound is givenby the minimum of the first two:

(4.1) min(n + k, 2n·(n−1)

2 −k)

The discussion of the upper bounds for the number of conjuncts give rise for an algorithm to constructthem. For a given number of subtermsn and a given number of present injectivity constraintsk it is determinedwhich of the upper bounds is lower. In the case of few injectivity constraints,n + k is less thann·(n−1)

2 − k,and the conjuncts are constructed by creating one conjunct for each injectivity constraint and adding singlevariable conjuncts for all those variables that do not occurwithin any injectivity constraint. In the case ofalmost complete injectivity constraints, one single conjunct is created including all variables, and for eachmissing injectivity constraint, the conjuncts are split asdescribed above.

So far, the assumption has been made that the labels of all child subterms overlap, which is the worst casescenario. In general, there are only few overlapping labels, and most of the injectivity constraints – althoughnot explicitly stated – are enforced by distinct tag names. Before translatingXQ3 queries with partial explicitinjectivity constraints, it needs to be verified if there is any chance that injectivity may be violated. In themajor part of every day queries, this is certainly not the case. Otherwise, the setsC1, . . . , Cm of overlappingtag names as defined in 3.2.2 need to be calculated. An upper bound for the number of indispensable conjunctsis the sum of the application of Equation 4.1 to each of theCi. Making use of theor Connective for Query Terms

Similar to theand connective for query terms, the correspondingor has not been added to the official Xcerptstandard yet. Nevertheless, this sectionexamines whetherit may be helpful for translating partial injectivityconstraints. The idea is to distinguish for each missing injectivity constraint the cases that both variables referto the same node and the case in which they refer to distinct nodes. While the first case is realized by anandconnective, the second case can be represented by an ordinary Xcerpt query subterm. The following Xcerptquery is a correct translation ofExpr4.2.2XQ

. Note that in this case it is insignificant whether theor operatoris a connective for query terms or entire queries.

Expr4.2.2.2XC:= or (tag0 {{ and (var X, var Y) }}, tag0 {{ var X, var Y }})

Although Expr4.2.2.2XCis adequately short, this translation method scales very poorly. As mentioned

above, for each missing injectivity constraint it must be distinguished between the case that it would be violated(if it were present) and the case that the variables are assigned to distinct nodes. Thus, the number of requireddisjuncts rises exponentially with the number of missing injectivity constraints. As has been shown above, onecan do better by only using theand connective.

4.2.3 Translating Partial Order Constraints

A very similar problem that may occur when translating fromXQ3 toXC3 is that some of the order constraintsare absent:


Page 67: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt


element xc:substitution_set {for $v0 in $data/tag0 return

for $v1 in $v0/ * returnfor $v2 in $v0/ * return

for $v3 in $v0/ * returnif ($v2 << $v3) then

element xc:substitution {element xc:X { $v1 }, element xc:Y { $v2 },element xc:Z { $v3 } }

else () }

It turns out that also for these kinds of expressions the besttranslation method is the use of theandconnective for query terms:

Expr4.2.3.0XC:= and (tag0 [[ var Y, var Z ]], tag0 [[ var X ]])

Thanks to the transitivity of order constraints, the maximum number of conjuncts in the translations ofpartial order constraints is less than the number of required injectivity constraints above: In the case of noorder constraints, one conjunct is reserved for each variable – this is the same case as the one without injectivityconstraints. To enforce a total ordering amongn label-overlapping subterms,n − 1 order constraints suffice.

4.3 Automatic Translation of XC3 to XQ3

In this and the following part of this Chapter automatic translation algorithms are introduced that generalizethe translation of the example expressions from the last sections. This section discusses the functiontoXQthat mapsXC3 queries toXQ3, and is divided into two parts covering the translation of query terms and entirequeries.

4.3.1 TranslatingXC3 Query Terms

Translating query terms inXC3 is achieved in a very similar fashion to the translation of query terms inXC2,as presented in 3.5: Two kinds of rules are employed. The function toXQ is the main translation function. Itrecursively calls itself multiple times during a translation, and each call produces a fragment of the result suchas element nodes andfor -clauses. In contrast,toXQBool produces boolean XQuery expressions such assome-clauses, before constraints, injectivity constraints, deep-equality constraints, negations and conjunctionsof boolean expressions. Both of these recursive functions are extended versions of the ones introduced duringthe treatment ofXC2 andXQ2. toXQ is equipped with an extra argumentBefs (abbreviation for “befores”)holding the order constraints.

With respect to the translation procedure forXC2, there is only a slight difference in translating unorderedbreadth-incomplete subterms without negations and descendant constructs: Besides checking for ripe injectiv-ity constraints, it must also be checked for ripe order constraints as can be seen in Rule 4.1. In this sectionrulesare only provided for ordered query terms, breadth completespecifications, negated subterms and descendantconstructs. Negated query terms are identified by the superscript “-”, positive ones by a superscript “+”, or-dered ones by superscript square brackets, breadth-incomplete ones by double square or curly braces, queryterms binding a variable are marked with the name of the variable, query terms that are descendant of theirenclosing query term are flagged byDesc . To give an example,without desc var X as tag1 [[]] is denotedqt1 [[]],-,X,Desc .

The rules rely on the functions described in 3.5 and the following additional ones.

• make_befs(vars) transforms a list of XQuery variablesvars = [$v1, ..., $vk] into a listof tuples[($v1, $v2), ..., ($v(k-1), $vk)] which represent order-constraints among thesiblings of a parent term with ordered query term specification.

• ripe_befs(befs, vars) operates in the same way asripe_injs , only that its first argument isa list of order constraints.


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• The functionvars from Section 3.5 needs to adjusted to also operate on negatedquery terms con-taining variables. In the translation rules forXC2, vars was used to decide whether a query term isto be translated with afor or asome-clause. Only query terms yielding new variable bindings weretranslated withfor . Variables in negated subterms never yield any bindings, and will therefore not bereturned by the function. If the argument tovars is a list of query terms,vars is applied to each of theitems in the list, and the union of the results is returned.

• all_vars(qts) determines the list of all consuming and defining variable occurrences of the list oftermsqts .

Rule 4.1 takes care of query terms which are at the same time positive, ordered and breadth-complete.Instead of injectivity constraints, new order constraintsnew_befs are produced and added toBefs . It ischecked whether any injectivity or order constraints are “ripe” in the sense that both variables are bound.Naturally, only constraints including the variable$v1 might be “ripe” – since$v1 is the only new variable inthe set of bound XQuery variablesXQVars , and constraints consisting of two other bound XQuery variableshave already been sorted out in the previous applications oftranslation rules. Ripe constraints are handed overto thetoXQBool function. toXQBool takes as its first argument a list of triples to be translated as some-clauses. This is only necessary in the case of negated query terms (4.2). Rule 4.1 differs in one more way fromRule 3.1. The number of subterms of the data term to be bound to$v1 is checked by an additional conditionin the if -clause.

(Rule 4.1)vars(subterms(qt1)) \\ XCVs != [],XQVs’ = XQVs ++ [$v1],

fvars = fresh vars(length(subterms(qt1))),new_befs = make_befs(fvars),

ripe_injs = ripe_injs(Injs, XQVs’),Injs’ = Injs ++ new_injs \\ ripe_injs

ripe_befs = ripe_befs(Befs, XQVs’),Befs’ = Befs ++ befores \\ ripe_befs

triples = zip3 (subterms(qt1), fvars, replicate (length(f vars)) $v1)[ [(qt1 [],+,$v1,$p1), ... (qtk,$vk,$pk)] ℄As, XCVs, XQVs, Injs, BefstoXQ =

for $v1 in $p1/child::(label(qt1)) returnif ((fn:length($v1/child:: * ) == length(subterms(qt1))) and[ [], ripe injs, ripe befs ℄As

toXQBool) then[ triples ++ [(qt2,$v2,$p2), ..., (qtk,$vk,$pk)] ℄As, XCVs, XQVs’, Injs’, Befs’toXQ

else ()

Translating unordered complete query termsqt1 {},+ and ordered incomplete query termsqt1 [[]],+ isvery similar to the translation Rule 4.1. In the first case, injectivity constraints are produced instead of orderconstraints, and in the latter case the constraint on the number of children of$v1 is omitted.

Query terms that bind variables at the top levelqt1 [],+,X are translated in the same way as inXC2:The list of associations must be updated, and in the case thatsome other XQuery variable has already beenassociated withX, both nodes must be checked for deep-equality. The definition of rules for combinations ofvariables at the top level and different kinds of brackets orbraces is straightforward.

Section 3.5 differentiates between terms containing variables not known before the translation of a queryterm, and subterms without such variables. Needless to say,this distinction cannot be given up inXC3. Asa result, translation rules producingsome-clauses with the premise that no new variables occur in the queryterm, must be formulated. Luckily, the rules discussed above can be adapted canonically to this situation:Besides substituting thefor -clauses bysome-constructs, the conditions of the enclosedif -clause must bemoved to thesatisfies -clause.

Translating negated query termsqt1 − is more challenging. Only in one respect it is easier than translatingpositive subterms: A negated subterm is always translated by means of asome clause, since by definition itdoes not contain any defining variable occurrences. This is why the first premise is missing in Rule 4.2. Onthe other hand, translatingqt1 − is more difficult, because all the triples generated by the subterms ofqt1must be understood as mere constraints to$v1 , and are therefore included in thesatisfies -clause. FortoXQBool this means that it must be able to handle entire subterms besides injectivity and order constraints.

Moreover, all defining variable occurrences must be translated before consuming ones (as demonstratedin Section 4.1.4). Hence, for each variableY appearing in the negated query termqt1 it has to be checked


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whether there exists a query term in the list of triples that includes a defining occurrence ofY. All suchquery terms (which are returned by the functionbinding triples(vars(qt1)) ) must be translatedfirst together with the siblings ofqt1 that include defining variable bindings (binding siblings(qt1) ).Consequently, Rule 4.2 is only applicable if there are no query terms to be translated first. Rule 4.3 covers thereverse case and draws all necessary subterms to the front.

(Rule 4.2)

binding_triples(vars(qt1)) == [],binding_siblings(qt1) == []

XQVs’ = XQVs ++ [$v1],fvars = fresh vars(length(subterms(qt1))),

new_injs = make_injs(fvars),ripe_injs = ripe_injs(Injs, XQVs’),

Injs’ = Injs ++ new_injs \\ ripe_injsripe_befs = ripe_befs(Befs, XQVs’),

Befs’ = Befs ++ new_befs \\ ripe_befstriples = zip3 (subterms(qt1), fvars, replicate (length(f vars)) $v1)[ [(qt1 {{}},−,$v1,$p1), (qt2,$v2,$p2), ... (qtk,$vk,$pk)] ℄As, XCVs, XQVs, Injs, Befs

toXQ =if (fn:not(some $v1 in $p1/child::(label(qt1)) satisfies ([ triples, ripe injs, ripe befs ℄As

toXQBool)) then[ [(qt2,$v2,$p2), ..., (qtk,$vk,$pk)] ℄As, XCVs, XQVs’, Injs’, Befs’


else ()

(Rule 4.3)

binding_triples(vars(qt1)) ++ binding_siblings(qt1) != [],predraw_triples = binding_triples(vars(qt1)) ++ binding _siblings(qt1),

other_triples = [(qt1, $v1, $p1), ..., (qtk, $vk, $pk)] \\ pr edraw_triples[ [(qt1 {{}},−,$v1,$p1), (qt2,$v2,$p2), ... (qtk,$vk,$pk)] ℄As, XCVs, XQVs, Injs, Befs

toXQ =[ predraw_triples ++ other_triples ℄As, XCVs, XQVs, Injs, Befs


4.3.2 TranslatingXC3 Queries

Xcerpt queries differ from query terms in that they may also be conjunctions, disjunctions, negations of queriesor query terms, and are potentially wrapped in resource constructs. It is quite easy to extend the translationof Xcerpt query terms to handle entire queries as well. Rulesfor these extensions are given in this section.Associating an XQuery variable with an entire Xcerpt query would be premature, in that queries may containmultiple query terms requiring one variable each. Associating a parent variable with an Xcerpt query, however,does make sense and is used amongst other things to translateresource specifications as in 4.4.

For each translation of a resource declaration a fresh variable is bound to the document node of the entityreferenced byuri . By default, queries are always associated with the resource$data , which means that theyparticipate in rule chaining. Resource declarations overshadow this default. The significance of the specialvariable$data is further discussed in Chapter 6.1.1.

(Rule 4.4)[ (in { resource [ uri ], query }, $data), q2, ..., qk ℄[], [], [], [], []toXQ =

let $doc := fn:document(uri) return[ [(query, $doc), q2, ..., qk] ℄[], [], [], [], []toXQ

For the automatic translation of conjunctions of queries reconsider the example in It shows that theonly correct way to translate conjunctions is by nesting thetranslations of each conjunct. Query conjuncts arein fact very similar to siblings within query terms. The onlydifference is that the conjuncts are not requiredto match with distinct nodes. Remember that siblings are translated by adding each of them together withthe same parent variable to the list of terms to be processed.Aside from the fact that no fresh variables areassociated with the conjuncts of a query, and that no injectivity constraints are created, the proceeding intranslation Rule 4.5 is the same.


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(Rule 4.5)[ [(and(sq1, ..., sqj), $parent), q2, ... qk] ℄[], [], [], [], []

toXQ =[ [(sq1, parent), ..., (sqj, parent), q2, ... qk] ℄[], [], [], [], []


Xcerpt variables always being associated with query terms,but never with entire queries, the list of asso-ciations is always empty for the translation of queries. Similar reasoning applies for the list of injectivity andorder constraints, and the lists of variables.

The ability to translate disjunctions is of elevated importance in this thesis, because they were used duringthe compilation ofoptional into without . Also for disjunctions of queries, an example expression hasbeen treated in Section Since the evaluation of disjuncts in Xcerpt may be thought of as merging thesubstitution sets obtained by evaluating each disjunct separately, the best way for us to translateor -connectedqueries is to include the substitutions produced by each disjunct in the samexc:substitution set ele-ment. This is formally realized by Rule 4.6.

(Rule 4.6)[ [(or(sq1, ..., sqj), $parent), q2, ... qk] ℄[], [], [], [], []

toXQ =[ [(sq1, $parent), q2, ... qk] ℄[], [], [], [], []

toXQ ,...,[ [(sqj, $parent), q2, ... qk] ℄[], [], [], [], []


Translating negated queries is even simpler. Assuming thatthe queries to be translated are in disjunctivenormal form, only query terms appear within query negations. A negated querynot(query term) istherefore equivalent to its enclosed negated query termwithout query term (Rule 4.7).

(Rule 4.7)[ [(not(query term), $parent), q2, ... qk] ℄[], [], [], [], []

toXQ =[ [(without(query term), $parent), q2, ... qk] ℄[], [], [], [], []


Finally, the gap between translating queries and query terms must be closed. In the above translationrules, queries are represented as tuples of queries together with their associated resource in form of an XQueryvariable. In constrast, query terms are shown as triples including an additional variable for identificationpurposes. When the translation function comes across a query consisting of a single query term, it simplyassociates a fresh variable with the query term (Rule 4.8):

(Rule 4.8)[$fvar] = fresh_vars(1)[ [(query term, $parent), q2, ... qk] ℄[], [], [], [], []

toXQ =[ [(query term, $fvar, $parent), q2, ... qk] ℄[], [], [], [], []


4.4 Automatic Translation from XQ3 to XC3

As discussed in the last section, equivalent expressions for anyXC3 query can be formulated inXQ3. At thesame time,XQ3 is designed to not include any expressions that cannot be translated back toXC3. Moreover,the equivalence of Xcerpt and XQuery expressions is defined as the equivalence over the substitution sets theyproduce. Therefore, every expression inXQ3 returns substitution sets that preferably contain bindings for thesame set of variables. Both these design guidelines result in XQ3 being a rather synthetical sublanguage ofXQuery, but in this way the expressiveness of both sublanguages coincides, and a sensible notion of equiva-lence over expressions inXQ3 andXC3 is available. Enforcing the additional constraints on the grammar ofXQ3 described in Section 4.2.1, it is in fact possible to translateXQ3 back to Xcerpt.

Resulting from the design principles, a great part ofXQ3 is part of the range{EXQ3 | ∃EXC3 ∈ XC3 :toXQ(EXC3) = EXQ3} of the translation functiontoXQ : XC3 7→ XQ3. For these expressions it mayseem reasonable to define their translations in Xcerpt as their preimage undertoXQ. Remembering thatpreimages are generally sets of arbitrary cardinality, this definition oftoXC would either need to have thepowerset ofXC3 as its codomain, or an arbitrary element of the preimage would have to be picked instead.Both solutions are unsatisfactory in that they do not provide a deterministic way of calculating the results of


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toXC. Nevertheless, the consideration above shows that the moreinteresting aspects oftoXC is the treatmentof expressions not in the range oftoXQ. The deterministic translation rules presented in the following aredesigned to fulfill the conditiontoXC(EQ) ∈ toXQ−1(EQ).

4.4.1 Identifying Xcerpt Disjunctions and Conjunctions

As has been mentioned in Section 4.3, an Xcerpt query is transformed into disjunctive normal form before it ishanded over to the translation functiontoXQ. The grammar productions ofXQ3 ensure that it is straightfor-ward to translate every thereby derivable XQuery expressionEQ back to an Xcerpt query in disjunctive normalform. In this section, it is demostrated how to determine theoutermost disjunction and enclosed conjunctionsof the Xcerpt querytoXC(EQ).

Remember that the element constructors of substitution sets are allowed to contain more than one XQueryexpression (see Table 4.2) so that it is possible to translate disjunctions of Xcerpt queries to XQuery. Each ofthese expressions returned substitutions in XML-representation. Needless to say, multiple expressions withinthe samexc:substitution set element constructor are translated back to Xcerpt disjuncts. Therefore,each expression within thexc:substitution set element constructor can be translated separately, andthe results are appended to form an Xcerpt disjunction (Translation Rule 4.9). If the substitution set containsonly one XQuery expression, the outermostor may be left away.

(Rule 4.9)[ element xc:substitution set { e1, ..., ek } ℄toXC =or ( [ e1 ℄toXC , ..., [ ek ℄toXC )

Identifying conjunctions to be constructed from XQuery expressions is harder, because they do not appearas clearly separated inXQ3 as the expressions representing the disjuncts. The difficult part is to constructtrees from parent-child and ancestor-descendant relationships, and finding out how many trees to construct.

For eachXQ3 subexpressionEQSwithin the xc:substitution set , at most one conjunction is

formed. EQSis derivable from the non-terminal symbol<EXPR>of the grammar productions in Table 4.2,

and therefore its translation builds upon the translation of entireXQ2 expressions. This time, however, thetranslation procedure is split into the two phasesanalysis ofEQS

andconstruction of the Xcerpt ConjunctionK. The first phase, which builds up data structures for use in the second phase, is very straightforward, and isgiven by Rule 4.10. The following data structures are assumed to be constructed in the analysis phase and areused in the rules of the construction phase:

• V is the set of XQuery variables used inEQSexcluding the special variable$data .

• X is the set of Xcerpt variables used as labels in the element constructors within the XML representationof the substitution sets. In other words, for an element constructorelement xc:X1 { $v1 } , X1is added toX .

• I ⊆ Q × Q is the set of pairs of variables for which there exist injecitivity constraints inEQS.

• Analogously,B ⊆ Q × Q denotes the set of pairs of variables for which order constraints are found inEQS


• S ⊆ Q × Q × QName is the set of parent-child and ancestor-descendant relationships among XQueryvariables, saved together with their labels. The source of this data structure aresome andfor -clauses:A for - or some-clause binding the variable$v to the binding sequence$w/child::html is trans-formed into the triple($v, $w, html) and added toS during the analysis phase.

• A ⊆ V × X is the set of associations between XQuery and Xcerpt variables. For eachelementXCVAR{ $XQVar }, the tuple(XCVar, $XQVar) is added toA. Furthermore, two variablesappearing within a deep-equality constraintfn:deep-equal($v1, $v2) , must be associated withthe same Xcerpt variable inA. There may be multiple associations for the same Xcerpt variable, butonly one for each XQuery variable.

• C ⊆ V ×N is the set of XQuery variables for which constraints on the number of children are found inEQS

together with the required number of children. Query terms constructed from variables inC mustnaturally be breadth-complete.


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• N ⊆ V is the set of XQuery variables that are bound insome-clauses directly surrounded by afn:not -function. Query terms constructed from these variables will exhibit thewithout -marker.

• D ⊆ V is the of XQuery variables whose step expressions used thedescendant axis. V \ D is theset of XQuery variables that are direct children of their parent variables.

(Rule 4.10)[ EQS℄toXC = [ $data ℄V,X,I,B,S,A,C,N,D


Building upon the analysis phase, which is summarized by Rule 4.10conjunctions must be extracted fromXQ3-subexpressionsEQS

inside of thesubstitution set element constructor. For this purpose, it isuseful to remember how these conjuncts are produced during the reverse translation procedure. For eachconjunct, one fresh XQuery variable is introduced bytoXQ, and the parent of these fresh XQuery variablesis always the special variable$data . Hence, to identify the conjuncts to be produced bytoXC(EQS

), it isnecessary to search for the variablesc1, . . . ck ∈ V that are descendants (including children) of$data . Ifthere exists only one childc1 of $data , it is not necessary to produce a conjunction with one singleelement,but the translation is better given by a simple query term. Note that it is necessary that each variablev ∈ V iseither within{c1, . . . , ck} or descendant of exactly one of theci. As soon as a single XQuery variablev ∈ Voccurs as a descendant ofci andcj (1 ≤ i < j ≤ k), the XQuery expression is not translatable. The situationthatv does not have an ancestor within{c1, . . . , ck} is forbidden, because thenv would be free withinEQS

,and only$data is allowed to be free withinXQ3.

Besides the procedure described above, there exists another approach to answer the question whethertoXC(EQS

) is a simple, possibly negated query term or a conjunction of possibly negated query terms: Firstthe equivalence relation=S ⊆ V × V is introduced. It is defined as the smallest reflexiv symmetric andtransitive set such that for allv1, v2 ∈ V , (v1, v2) is within =S, if there exists afor - or some-clause withinSin whichv2 is bound to child nodes or descendants ofv1. If the set of equivalence classes ofV/=S

under thisequivalence relation contains only a single element, it is not necessary to produce a conjunction of query terms,otherwise one (possibly negated) query term is computed foreach equivalence class to form a conjunction. Aninteresting characteristic of the equivalence classesVi is that in each of them, there exists one “top” variabletop(Vi). This is easy to see remembering that allvi ∈ Vi must be transitively connected, and that for eachvi

there exists at most one parent. These top variables of the equivalence classesV/=Sare theci identified above.

Using the notation[cl℄ for the equivalence class ofcl, this may also be writtenV/=S= {[c1℄, . . . , [ck℄}.

The construction of the conjuncts starts out with these top variables (See Rule 4.11). For the rule tobe applicable, it is necessary to ensure that there are no injecitivity constraints among the top variablestop(V1), . . . , top(Vk), because Xcerpt allows conjuncts withinand to simulate with the same data terms.It is computationally reasonable to split the data structures collected in the analysis phase into smaller disjunctsubsets and pass these over to the recursive calls, as exemplified with the set of XQuery variablesV and theinjectivity constraintsI. This would also make sense for the setsB, A, C, N andD, but was omitted in Rule4.11 for the sake of brevity.

(Rule 4.11)V/=S

= {V1, . . . , Vk}∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ k : Si = {($v, $p, label ) |$v ∈ Vi,$p ∈ Vi}

∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ k : Ii = {($i1, $i2 ) | $i1 ,$i2 ∈ Vi}∄Vi, Vj ∈ V/=S

: (top(Vi), top(Vj)) ∈ I[ $data ℄V,X,I,B,S,A,C,N,DtoXC =

and {[top(V1)℄V1,X,I1,B,S1,A,C,N,DtoXC , ..., [top(Vk)℄Vk,X,Ik,B,Sk,A,C,N,D

toXC }

4.4.2 Automatic Construction of Query Terms FromXQ3

Within Xcerpt queries in disjunctive normal form, query negations appear as the innermost construct of thethree query connectivesor , and andnot . At this position,not is semantically equivalent to the negation ofquery terms usingwithout . As mentioned above, the translation rulestoXC produce only Xcerpt queriesin DNF, and therefore they always use query term negation instead ofnot .

The construction of a query termqt from an XQuery expression always starts out with one single variable$parent that represents the root ofqt. With XC3 including all kinds of brackets, descendants, query term


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negations and Xcerpt variables, 32 alternative rules wouldhave to be given. Since they are very similar to eachother, this sectiononly presents two of them and describes how to derive the other 30. The premises of therules differ in that they either require order constraints or injectivity constraints and the presence or absence ofa constraint on the number of children of$parent . Furthermore the premises either require the existence orlack of an association with an Xcerpt variable, and demand that$parent is included in or excluded from theset of negated variablesN and from the set of descendantsD. Altogether this sums up to25 = 32 differentrules.

Rule 4.12 transforms the single XQuery variable$parent into a negated, unordered and breadth-incom-plete query term taking into account the data structures generated during the analysis phase of the translation.For the rule to be applicable,$parent must not be associated with an Xcerpt variable, must be within N ,but neither withinD norC, and for each pair of label-overlapping children (for the definition of overlappingtag namessee Section 3.2.2), there must exist an injectivity constraint within I. The children of$parent aredetermined by searching for triples inS which have$parent as their parent variable. If all requirements arefulfilled, the subterms are constructed by recursive calls to toXC.

(Rule 4.12)

$parent ∈ N , $parent /∈ D, ∄n ∈ N : ($parent , n) ∈ C, ∄v ∈ X : ($parent , v) ∈ A,($parent parent, $parent, parent label ) ∈ S,

C = {$c1 , . . . ,$ck } = {$child | ($child, $par, label ) ∈ S, $par =$parent },∀c1, c2 ∈ C : (c1 6= c2) ∧ (label(c1) ∼ label(c2)) ⇒ (c1, c2) ∈ I[ $parent ℄V,X,I,B,S,A,C,N,D

toXC =

without parent_label {{ [$c1 ℄V,X,I,B,S,A,C,N,DtoXC , ..., [$ck ℄V,X,I,B,S,A,C,N,D

toXC }}

Rule 4.12 can be easily adapted to produce several similar query terms: If the step expression of$parentuses thedescendant axis instead of thechild axis, then$parent would be included inD and trans-lated by a rule with the premise$parent ∈ D and the additionaldesc construct in the translation. If($parent , n) ∈ C were true for somen ∈ N, the translation would use single curly braces instead of doubleones, and if$parent /∈ N were true, the translation would omit thewithout construct. Finally, if an asso-ciated Xcerpt variablev ∈ X could be found within the set of associationsA, the translation would readwithout var v as parent label {{ ... }} . All possible combinations of these adjustmentsyield 15 more rules and generate all kinds of unordered queryterms.

Generating ordered query terms is a bit different and covered by rules like 4.13. A premise for generatingan ordered query term is of course the existence of appropriate order constraints. Therefore it is demanded thatthere exists an ordering of the elements ofC, such that for each subsequent pair of variables in this sequence,an order constraint can be found withinB. The query term produced by Rule 4.13 is not only ordered, butalso breadth complete, because$parent is within the setC. As a consequence, it must be ensured that thenumber of childrenk coincides with the number of required childrenn. This rule can be adjusted in a verysimilar way as above to cover the generation of all kinds of ordered query terms.

(Rule 4.13)

$parent /∈ N , $parent ∈ D, ($parent , n) ∈ C, ∃v ∈ X : ($parent , v) ∈ A,($parent parent, $parent, parent label ) ∈ S,

C = {$c1 , . . . ,$ck } = {$child | ($child, $par, label ) ∈ S, $par =$parent }, n = k∃f : C → {1 . . . k}, f is bijective: ∀ci, cj ∈ C : f(ci) + 1 = f(cj) ⇒ (ci, cj) ∈ B[ $parent ℄I,B,S,A

toXC =

desc var v as parent_label [ [f−1(1)℄I,B,S,AtoXC , ..., [f−1(k)℄I,B,S,A

toXC ]

Given the above rules and their derivatives, it is obvious that for each call to the tranlsation function,a corresponding rule can be found. Termination of the translation algorithm is also evident, because theexpressions inXQ3 are not allowed to include cyclic parent child relationships between variables (this is adirect consequence of$data being the only free variable in aXQ3 expression).

The translation rules fortoXC are devised with the original query term in mind. Except for subterm order-ing within unordered query terms and the order of conjuncts and disjuncts, the equationtoXC(toXQ(q)) = qholds for an abritrary queryq within XC3. The same example as in Section 3.6 can be shown that Equation3.4 does not hold for the third pair of sublanguages.


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Chapter 5

Translation of Construct Parts

This chapter examines an entirely different challenge of the automatic translation between Xcerpt and XQuery.In contrast to the last chapter, the central topic is not query terms and the extraction of substitution sets, butthe construction of results.

This chapter is structured as follows: In Section 5.1 a new Xcerpt grouping construct is introduced that isnecessary to translate certain XQuery expressions. In Section 5.2 Xcerpt grouping constructs are translatedin close correspondency with their formal semantics. The section builds upon the translation of query termsto XQuery expressions returning substitution sets and shows how both methods can be combined to tranlsateentire construct-query-rules. The remaining two sectionscover the reverse direction: Section 5.3 shows howto disentangle intertwined XQuery expressions to translate them to Xcerpt rules. Section 5.4 goes one stepfurther by also considering the construction of intermediate results within XQuery expressions.

5.1 Proposal of a Duplicate-preserving Grouping Constructfor Xcerpt

As a preliminary to the translation of construct terms, it isnecessary to point out that not all expressions can beeasily translated from XQuery to Xcerpt. This is due to the fact that Xcerpt is designed to perform duplicateelimination in two ways: First, Xcerpt query terms return substitution sets, although in some cases it may bepreferable to work with multi-sets of substitutions:

“Note that in practice, it would be desirable to define substitution sets as multi-sets that may containduplicate elements: if an XML document contains two personsnamed ’Donald Duck’, then it should beassumed that these are different persons with the same name.” [17, Section 7.3.1]

Second, the grouping constructall performs duplicate elimination. For the objective of this thesis, theseinherent characteristics of Xcerpt pose a challenge, whichis exemplified byExpr5.1XQ

and its Xcerpt coun-terpartExpr5.1XC

: When applied toData5.1, the XQuery expression returns aresult element containingtwo persons named ’Donald Duck’, while the translation would return only one such subterm.

As a workaround to this problem, in this chapter it is assumedthat Xcerpt query terms in fact do returnmulti-sets of substitutions. Note that also the translations of Xcerpt queries return XML-representations ofmulti-sets of substitutions. Furthermore, the usual duplicate eliminating grouping constructall is renamed toreadall-distinct , and a semantically new grouping construct namedall is introduced, the applicationof which retains duplicates.

Expr5.1XQ:= element result { for $p in $data/child::person return $p }

Expr5.1XC:= CONSTRUCT result [all var X] FROM var X as person {{ }} END

Data5.1 := data [ person [ ’Donald Duck’ ],person [ ’Daisy Duck’ ],person [ ’Donald Duck’ ] ]

The duplicate elimination by theall-distinct keyword is formally defined in [17, Section 7.3.3] bythe following equation:


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(5.1) [σ℄(all-distinct t ) = [τ1℄(t) ◦ · · · ◦ [τk℄(t) where{[τ1℄, . . . , [τk℄} = [σ℄/≃F V (t)

Since this grouping construct performs value based duplicate elimination, it is renamed toall-dis-tinct . The equivalence classes are calculated according to the simulation unification relation among queryterms. Defining the equivalence classes based on node identity =id, it would be possible to specify anallconstruct that preserves duplicates as in Equation 5.2.

(5.2) [σ℄(all t) = [τ1℄(t) ◦ · · · ◦ [τk℄(t) where{[τ1℄, . . . , [τk℄} = [σ℄/=idF V (t)

The equivalence classes in 5.2 are not calculated accordingto the values of the bindings of the free vari-ables, but with respect to their node identitities. Obviously, this would demand from an Xcerpt implementationto assign identitifiers to each node acquired from an input resource, and remember them during the evaluationof rules. Furthermore, unique node identifiers would also have to be assigned to the elements constructed byXcerpt rules, so that they can participate in rule chaining.

With this definition for the grouping constructall , Expr5.1XQwould be a correct translation ofExpr5.1XC

.In the rest of this chapter, it is assumed that this newall construct may be used along with the ordinary group-ing constructsall-distinct in Xcerpt construct terms.

5.2 From Xcerpt Construct Terms to XQuery

Not giving up the separation of querying and constructing data when translating from Xcerpt to XQueryeases the translation process notably, and allows to see that the translation is indeed correct. Therefore, thetranslations of query terms to XQuery return an XML representation of the Xcerpt notion of substitution sets,and the translations of construct terms query these substitution sets in order to construct the results. In thisway, entire construct query rules can be translated to XQuery (Rule 5.1). Both kinds of rules, the ones treatingXcerpt query terms, and the ones converting Xcerpt construct terms to XQuery, carry the same name. In somecases this may result in syntactically equivalent construct and query terms being treated in diverse ways, butfrom the context it is always evident which translation function is to be applied.

(Rule 5.1)[ CONSTRUCT ct FROM qt END℄toXQ =let $ss := ( [ qt ℄toXQ)/ * return (if $ss then ( [ ct ℄$ss

toXQ) else () )

So as to cover the case of empty substitution sets, the above translation rule checks if$ss actually containsany elements. Only if this check succeeds, the translation proceeds, otherwise the empty sequence is returned.

In the following, it is assumed that the query part of an Xcerpt construct query rule has already beentranslated and evaluated and that the sequence of substitutions in XML-representation is bound to the XQueryvariable named$ss . An example assignment for$ss would be:

$ss := (element xc:substitution {

element xc:X { <a><b/></a> }, element xc:Y { <c/> } },element xc:substitution {

element xc:X { <a><c/></a> }, element xc:Y { <b/> } },element xc:substitution {

element xc:X { <a><c/></a> }, element xc:Y { <d/> } } )

For the sake of clarity, direct element constructors are used for the data and computed element constructorsfor the meta-data in the substitution set above. Although there are no duplicate substitutions, they would beallowed.

Construct terms including only breadth-complete terms, and XML Data always being ordered, it suffices tofocus on the case of single square brackets. In the next sections example Xcerpt construct terms are translatedto XQuery. The formal justification for these translations are taken from [17, Section 7.3.3].

Just as with query terms, only a subset of the construct termsof Xcerpt is translated. Not included inthis subset are, e.g., positional variables,some-constructs,order by -constructs and aggregations. Nestedgrouping constructs are taken care of, as can be seen by the grammar productions for the subset of constructterms considered (Table 5.1).


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Table 5.1: Grammar productions for a subset of Xcerpt construct terms

<CTERM> ::= var X | <QNAME> [ <CTERM>* ] | all <CTERM> <GROUP-BY>? |all-distinct <CTERM> <GROUP-BY>?

<GROUP-BY> ::= group by { <XCVAR>+ }

5.2.1 Minimal Construct Terms: Single Terms and Variables

In this section, translations for single variables and construct terms without children are given. The formalsemantics of Xcerpt with respect to the application of substitution sets to construct terms are studied to arguethat the translation is indeed correct.

The construct term to be first discussed term is a simple labelwithout children such astag0[] . Twocases are distinguished when applying a substitution setΣ to a construct termct in Xcerpt. The first case isthe one in which all substitutionsσi ∈ Σ have the same bindings with respect to the free variablesFV (ct)of the construct term. In other words, the substitution set is equal to the single equivalence class[σ℄ withrespect to the equivalence relation≃FV (ct) for an arbitraryσ ∈ Σ (For the formal definition of≃FV (ct) see[17, Definition 7.3]). The second case is that there is more than one element inΣ/≃FV (ct)

. Different formulasare applied for each of these cases.

Since the simple construct termtag0[] does not include any variable, the rule for the first case mustbeapplied in its translation:

(5.3) [σ℄(f [t1, . . . , tn]) = 〈[σ℄(f)[ [σ℄(t1) ◦ · · · ◦ [σ℄(tn) ]〉

In formula 5.3σ is a representative for all substitutions to be applied. Having neglected label variables inthe treatment of Xcerpt query terms, the labelf is mapped to itself. Therefore, the result of the applicationof an arbitrary non-empty substitution set totag0[] is simply the construct term itself. In the case that thesubstitution set$ss is empty, its application to the construct term yields nothing. Hence, the correct translationis if ($ss) then element tag0 {} else () .

The translation of a construct term consisting of a single variable, sayvar X , is just as simple. In contrastto the first example, the set of free variables ofvar X is not the empty set, but the set containingX as its singlemember. GenerallyX does not have the same assignment in all substitutions stemming from the evaluation ofthe query part. For this case the following equation is foundin [17]:

(5.4) Σ(tc) = {tc′

| [σ℄ ∈ Σ/≃FV (tc) ∧ 〈tc′

〉 = [σ℄(tc)}As mentioned before,Σ/≃FV (tc) is the set of equivalence classes of the substitution setΣ with respect to

the simulation equivalence over the bindings of the free variables of the construct termtc. Only consideringsubstitutions containing data terms,Σ/≃FV (tc) is also the set of equivalence classes ofΣ with respect to thedeep-equalityfunction over the bindings of the free variables oftc. From this formula it can be derived that thenumber of results equals the number of different assignments forX in the substitution set. To be more precise,in the case oftc being a single variable, the results are the set of differentbindings for this variable. Thus thecorrect translation ofvar X to XQuery isExpr5.2.1XQ


Expr5.2.1XQ:= distinct-elements($ss/child::xc:X)

Thedistinct-elements() -function (see Table 5.2) eliminates duplicates in the bindings forX andmust be employed to reflect the fact that for each equivalenceclass, which may contain any positive number ofsubstitutions, only one result term is produced. Its definition is derived from the definition of thedistinct--nodes-stable function from [14, E.5 eg:distinct-nodes-stable]. Thefn:distinct-values -functioneliminates duplicates based on the equality of string values of nodes rather than checking if they are deep-equal, and thus cannot be used for translating variable occurrences in construct terms.

The equivalence classes are calculated according to the bindings ofX, which is the only free variable in theconstruct term. Note that although the formula above specifies that the result of the application of a substitutionset to a construct term is a set, without anall -construct, the Xcerpt interpreter would only return one singleresult term. In the translation this may be reflected by taking only the first element of the list returned by the


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Table 5.2: Thedistinct-elements function

declare function distinct-elements($arg as node() * ) as node() *{

for $a at $apos in $arglet $before_a := fn:subsequence($arg, 1, $apos - 1)where every $ba in $before_a satisfies not(fn:deep-equal( $a,$ba))return $a


distinct-elements function. In the rest of this section, variables always appear within the scope of anall -construct to avoid this issue.

5.2.2 Grouping with Respect to a Single Variable

In the case of more than one variable occurring within a construct term, the translation method depends uponwhether the variables appear within the scope of the same grouping constructs or not. The easiest case is theone with all variables appearing within their own private grouping construct as inExpr5.2.2XC


Expr5.2.2XC:= tag0 [ all-distinct var X, all-distinct var Y, all var Z]

Applying a substitution set to the outermost term inExpr5.2.2XCis handled by Equation 5.3, because the

set of free variables ofExpr5.2.2XCis empty. As mentioned above, only expressions whose outermost terms

do not contain any free variables are considered, and thus this reasoning applies to all example expressionstreated in this section. The application of Equation 5.3 toExpr5.2.2XC

yields exactly one result elementnamedtag0 – if the substitution set is not empty. To reflect this, the XQuery element constructor fortag0 inExpr5.2.2XQ

must not appear within afor clause and all further output must be generated within this element.Upon translating the outermost construct term, the translation of its subterms follows: The application of thesubstitution set to terms of the formall-distinct var X is handled by equations 5.1 and 5.5 taken from[17, Section 7.3.3]. Likewise, the application of a substitution set to terms of the fromall var X is handledby equations 5.2 and 5.5. Remember that although set notation is used in all of these equations,[σ℄ may be amulti-set of substitutions.

(5.5) [σ℄(V ar V ) = 〈σ(V )〉

Apparently, the set of free variablesFV (t) for a simple variable occurrence is the set consisting of thevariable itself. Consequently, duplicates must be eliminated based on the values or identities of these singlevariables. Thedistinct-elements -function must be used to eliminate duplicates based on value, and thedistinct-nodes-stable -function to eliminate duplicates based on node identity. The definition of thedistinct-nodes-stable function differs from thedistinct-elements -function (Table 5.2) onlyin that the nodes are not compared with respect to deep equality, but with respect to node identity.


if ($ss) then element tag0 {(distinct-elements($ss/child::xc:X),

distinct-elements($ss/child::xc:Y),distinct-nodes-stable($ss/child::xc:Z)) }

else ()

A final important observation is that without theif -clause,Expr5.2.2XQwould always return an element,

while the original Xcerpt construct term does not produce anything in the case of an empty substitution set.To fix this, an XQuery translation of a construct query rule must check whether the substitution set returnedby the translation of the query part contains any substitutions, and only in this case, the construct part mustbe evaluated on the returned substitution set (as in Rule 5.1). This additional check needs only be carried outonce, and is unnecessary in the recursive calls to the translation functions, because empty substitution sets


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are not generated by recursive calls. Therefore, theif -clause could be left away, ifExpr5.2.2XCwere to be

translated as a subterm of an enclosing construct term.To give a first taste of automatic translation of construct terms, a translation rule for simple construct terms

without grouping constructs is introduced. Translation rules forall andall-distinct are presented inthe following section, after the discussion of two other example expressions. The translation function takesone argument$ss, which is an XQuery variable representing the substitutionset to be applied to the constructterm. The initial assignment for$ss is generated by the translation of the query part of a rule. The rulesdiscussed in this section either pass over the same substitution set to a recursive call of the translation function,or they compute a set of equivalence classes and hand over those as the substitution set. If the construct termis a variable, or a term without subterms, the translation terminates.

(Rule 5.2)[ label [ct1, ..., ctn] ℄$sstoXQ =

element label { [ ct1 ℄$sstoXQ, ..., [ ctn ℄$ss

toXQ } else ()

A more complex example thanExpr5.2.2XCis one in which variables are grouped according to the values

of other variables. Xcerpt distinguishes between explicitgrouping with thegroup by -clause and implicitgrouping which takes place (not only) if a construct term includes both free and bound variables, such astag1 [all-distinct var X, var Y] in Expr5.2.2b

XC. Y does not occur within an all construct in

this subterm, whileX does. HenceX is grouped according to the values ofY.


:= tag0 [ all-distinct tag1 [all-distinct var X, var Y] ]

The translation,Expr5.2.2bXQ

, calculates the set of distinct values forY, and for each of these values, the

corresponding equivalence class[σ℄ ∈ Σ/≃{Y }is assigned to$class_y . SinceX shall be grouped byY, all

of its distinct bindings within the same equivalence class are emitted within the sametag1 -element.



element tag0 {for $y in distinct-elements($ss/child::xc:Y) return

let $class_y := (for $s in $ss return

if fn:deep-equal($s/child::xc:Y, $y)then $s else () )

returnelement tag1 { distinct-elements($class_y/child::xc:X) , $y }

As a slight variation, the correct translation ofExpr5.2.2cXC

, which differs fromExpr5.2.2bXC

only inthat the innermostall-distinct is substituted by anall , can be obtained by substituting the seconddistinct-elements -function inExpr5.2.2b

XQby thedistinct-nodes-stable -function.


:= tag0 [ all-distinct tag1 [all var X, var Y] ]

5.2.3 Explicit and Implicit Grouping with Respect to more than one Variable

Grouping with respect to multiple variables means that a substitution set shall be applied to a construct termall t with |FV (t)| > 1. In XQuery, the computation of equivalence classes of substitution sets according tonot only one single variable, but a set of variables, is more difficult.

The subtermtag1 [all var X, var Y, var Z] of Expr5.2.3XCexemplifies this situation.

Expr5.2.3XC:= tag0 [ all tag1 [all var X, var Y, var Z] ]

In its translation (Expr5.2.3XQ), the substitution set given by the variable$ss is tested for emptiness as

usual. Subsequently, the set of representativesyzs of all equivalence classes is computed making use of thedistinct-elements() function. Note that it is necessary to create a new element toenclose the valuesof $s/child::xc:Y and$s/child::xc:Z . Simply returning both values as a tuple would result in theargument of thedistinct-elements() -function being a nested list of elements, which in XQuery is


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immediately flattened to an ordinary list. Upon calculatingthe representatives of the equivalence classes, itis easy to identify the equivalence classes themselves by iterating over the set of all substitutions for eachrepresentative and comparing the binding for the variablesY andZ.

Let vars be the number of variables to be grouped by,n the number of substitutions,dist(k) the com-plexity of the distinct elements function called upon a sequence ofk values anddeq the complexity of thedeep-equal -function called upon two elements. Then the time complexity of this algorithm amounts toO(n · (dist(n) + n · deq · vars)), which can be seen as follows: In lines 10 and 11, thefn:deep-equalfunction is used once for each variable. These comparisons are enclosed in afor -clause, which is executedn times. Thedistinct-elements -function is applied on the results, and the whole procedureis repeatedonce for each representative (which equals the numbern of substitution sets in the worst case). The computa-tion of the representatives in lines three to five does not have an effect on the overall complexity.

Already thefn:deep-equal function is computationally expensive and depends on the size of theinput data. Thedistinct-values function compares each possible combination of two nodes ofthe inputsequence (n·(n−1)

2 combinations) and therefore its complexity amounts todist(n) = O(n2 · deq). As a result,the overall complexity of calculating a substitution set according to the above method isO(n3 · deq · vars). InSection 5.2.4, the complexity is reduced toO(n2 · deq · vars).


1 if ($ss) then2 element tag0 {3 let $yzs := distinct-elements(4 for $s in $ss return5 element xc:value { $s/child::xc:Y, $s/child::xc:Z })6 return7 for $yz in $yzs return8 let $subs_yz := distinct-elements(9 for $s in $ss return

10 if (fn:deep-equal($s/child::Y, $yz/child::Y) and11 fn:deep-equal($s/child::Z, $yz/child::Z))12 then $s else ())13 return14 element tag1 {15 $subs_yz/child::xc:X,16 $yz/child::xc:Y,17 $yz/child::xc:Y } }18 else ()

Explicit grouping being no harder to translate than implicit grouping, no special example expression istreated here. Instead, imagine that variablesY andZ in Expr5.2.3c

XCappeared within agroup by -clause

following all tag1 [var X] instead of within the subterm. The rule handling the application of substi-tution sets to explicit grouping constructs reads:

(5.6) [σ℄(all t group by V ) = [τ1℄(t) ◦ · · · ◦ [τk℄(t) where{[τ1℄, . . . , [τk℄} = [σ℄/≃F V (t)∪V

For the altered example expression this means that the equivalence classes are again calculated accordingto the same variablesY andZ - just as before. The semantics of the resulting expression would only differ inthat the bindings forY andZ would not show up in the result.

Automatic translation of the grouping constructall-distinct is achieved by Rule 5.3, in whichctdenotes a construct term,X1, ...,Xn are its free variables, and$ss is the substitution set to be applied toct .The translation function calls itself recursively, thereby replacing the substitution set$ss given as a parameterby the equivalence class$class_r which is calculated with respect to the free variables ofct .

There are two related rules that can be derived from Rule 5.3.The first one is concerned with the translationof the duplicate-preservingall , and the second one treats an additionalgroup-by -clause. Since these twoextensions are orthogonal to each other, a third derivativetreating both extensions is obtained by applying bothadjustments to Rule 5.3.


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(Rule 5.3)[ all-distinct ct ℄$sstoXQ =

let $reps := distinct-elements (for $s in $ss return

element xc:value { $s/child::xc:X1, ..., $s/child::xc:Xn } )return for $r in $reps return

let $class r := distinct-elements(for $s in $ss return

if (fn:deep-equal($s/child::xc:X1, $r/child::xc:X1)... and ...fn:deep-equal($s/child::xc:Xn, $r/child::xc:Xn))

then $s else ()return [ ct ℄$class r


If duplicates are to be preserved by the grouping construct,the representatives of the substitution sets mustbe calculated according to the node identities of the variable bindings forX1, ..., Xn . Unfortunately,the distinct-nodes-stable -function does not achieve this aim, because all of the newlyconstructedxc:value -elements are assigned unique and different node identifiers by XQuery. Neither can the compari-son operate on the children of these elements instead, because the identities of the nodes within the originallyqueried data get lost as soon asxc:substitution -elements are generated to surround them. To givean example, the expressionop:is-same-node(<a>$v1</a>/ * , <a>$v1</a>/ * ) returns false inXQuery, while comparing the variable references directly would return true. A way out to this problem wouldbe to extend the representation of substitution sets to include additional artificially created node identifiers forall variable values. Since the duplicate preservingall has not yet found its way into the Xcerpt language, noalternative translation methods are explored.

The attempt to adapt Rule 5.3 to explicit grouping constructs is more successful. It is sufficient to unifythe set of free variables and the set of variables in thegroup by clause, calculate the representatives of theequivalence classes based upon this union of variables, andcall thedeep-equal on all of them.

There is one other important part of Xcerpt construct terms that can neither be translated by Rule 5.2nor by 5.3: Variable occurrences. In the example expressions such asExpr5.2.3XQ

they are translated bysimply returning the value (e.g.$ss/child::xc:X ) of their bindings in the XML-representation of thesubstitution set.

(Rule 5.4)[ var X ℄$sstoXQ = $ss/child::xc:X

Theoretically, such a step expression may return a sequenceof values of arbitrary length, but since theredo not occur any free variables in the construct terms examined in this section, the equivalence classes appliedto a variable occurrence always contain exactly one bindingfor each variable. There is, however, also theopportunity to return all values of a variable next to each other within the same parent node, such as intag1 [ all var X] . This case is covered collaboratively by rules 5.3 and 5.4.

5.2.4 Easing the Translation of Construct Terms with XQueryFunctions

The translations presented in the last section are rather verbose, and applying Rule 5.3 and its derivativesmore than once when translating complex construct terms, leads to great redundancy of code. As in otherprogramming languages, XQuery functions are used to factorout common code, and the required functionsare presented in this section.

The ultimate goal of using functions to translate grouping constructs is the following: Given a list ofsubstitutions in XML-representation accessible by the variable$ss and a list of variable names$vars (e.g("X", "Y") ), the equivalence classes with respect to the bindings of the variables in$vars shall be calcu-lated by a single function callxc:equivalence-classes($ss, $vars) . This allows a much briefertranslation of construct terms.

The most fundamental function needed for this purpose is onethat checks whether two substitutions$s1and$s2 belong to the same equivalence class with respect to the bindings of the variables in$var . Therecursive function in Table 5.3 achieves this end.


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Table 5.3: XQuery function xc:has-same-bindings

declare function xc:has-same-bindings($s1, $s2, $vars) {if ($vars) then (: recursive case: still variables to compar e :)

if (fn:deep-equal($s1/ * [fn:local-name(.) = $vars[1]],$s2/ * [fn:local-name(.) = $vars[1]]))

then xc:has-same-bindings($s1, $s2, fn:subsequence($va rs,2))else false()

else true() (: base case: no more variables to compare:)};

Based on this function, computing a list of representativesof the set of equivalence classes could be realizedin a very similar way as in the last section. But time complexity can be improved by calculating the classesin one single sweep over the list of substitutions without taking the indirection over representatives. WithXQuery functions at hand this enhancement is implemented asfollows:

Table 5.4: XQuery functions xc:eq-classes and xc:insert-subst

declare function xc:eq-classes($ss, $classes, $vars) as n ode() * {if ($ss) then (: recursive case :)

let $newclasses := xc:insert-subst($ss[1], $classes, $va rs) returnxc:eq-classes(fn:subsequence($ss, 2), $newclasses, $va rs)

else $classes (: base case: all substitutions processed :)};

declare function xc:insert-subst($s, $classes, $vars) as node() * {if ($classes) then (: try to find an equivalence class for $s : )

if (xc:has-same-bindings($classes[1]/ * [1], $s, $vars)) then(element class { $classes[1]/ * , $s }, fn:subsequence($classes, 2))

else ($classes[1],xc:insert-subst($s, fn:subsequence($classes, 2), $vars ))

else ($classes, element class { $s }) (: a new class is added :)};

In Table 5.4, the functionxc:eq-classes iterates over the list of substitutions, inserting one substitu-tion at a time in the list of equivalence classes. In the initial call to the function, the list of equivalence classesis always empty, and therefore a wrapper function taking only $ss and$vars as its only arguments wouldbe helpful.

The functionxc:insert-subst is used to iterate over the equivalence classes which built up so far.For each equivalence class, it is checked whether the current substitution$s should be part of it. If all thesechecks fail, a new equivalence class is added with$s as its only element.

The realization ofxc:insert-subst is not as brief as one might expect. This is due to the absence ofa built-in function to append a child to a given node, such as theappendChild -function in the documentobject model [8]. Certainly, such a function could be implemented as a user-module, and as a matter of fact,such updates of node values will be natively supported in future versions of XQuery, which would make theabove code more concise [7].

Making use of these functions, the translation of the construct termExpr5.2.3XQbecomes less verbose:

if ($ss) then {element tag0 {

for $class in xc:eq-classes($ss, (), ("Y", "Z")) returnelement tag1 {

distinct-elements($class/ * /xc:X),distinct-elements($class/ * /xc:Y),distinct-elements($class/ * /xc:Z)


Page 82: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt

} }else ()

5.2.5 Grouping Constructs enclosing Sequences of Construct Terms

A recent development within the language Xcerpt is the admission of multiple construct terms within groupingconstructs, such as inExpr5.2.5XC

. For each unique pair of values forX andY, one instance of the tupleenclosed byall-distinct is generated. This means that the same value forY may appear multiple timeswithin the enclosingtag0 -element, interleaved by instances oftag1 [ var X ] .


CONSTRUCT tag0 [ all-distinct (tag1 [ var X ], var Y) ]FROM var X as a {{ var Y as b {{ }} }} END

This type of grouping can be formally defined by Equation 5.7,which specifies that the equivalence classesof the substitution set[σ℄ are calculated according to the union of the sets of free variables of theti, plusthe explicit variablesV – if present. The free variables within the grouping construct all-distinct inExpr5.2.5XC

areX andY, and therefore the equivalence classes in the XQuery translationExpr5.2.5XQare

calculated according to these two variables. As before, theXQuery variable$ss in Expr5.2.5XQcontains

the substitution set in XML-representation returned by theevaluation fo the translation of the query part ofExpr5.2.5XC

.[σ℄(all (t1, . . . , tl) group by V ) = [τ1℄(t1) ◦ · · · ◦ [τ1℄(tl) ◦ · · · ◦ [τk℄(t1) ◦ · · · ◦ [τk℄(tl)(5.7)

where{[τ1℄, . . . , [τk℄} = [σ℄/≃S

1≤i≤l F V (ti)∪V


element tag0 {let $reps := distinct-elements(

for $s in $ss returnelement xc:restricted_substitution {

$ss/child::xc:X, $ss/child::xc:Y })return for $r in $reps

let $class_r := distinct-elements(for $s in $ss return

if (fn:deep-equal($r/child::xc:X, $s/child::xc:X) andfn:deep-equal($r/child::xc:y, $s/child::xc:Y))

then $s else ())return

(element tag1 { $class_r/child::xc:X }, $class_r/chidl:: xc:Y) }

Automatic translation ofn-ary all -constructs is achieved by adapting rule 5.3 to treat a sequence ofconstruct termsct1, . . . , ctk rather than a single construct termct within the all-distinct -construct.Apart from that, Rule 5.5 differs from Rule 5.3 in that it makes use of the helper functions from last section.The variablesX1, ..., Xn in Rule 5.5 are the union of the free variables of theci.

(Rule 5.5)[ all-distinct (ct1, . . . , ctk) ℄$sstoXQ =

for $class in xc:eq-classes($ss, (), ("X1", ..., "Xn")) ret urn( [ct1℄$class

toXQ , ..., [ctk℄$classtoXQ )

To conclude the translation of construct terms, the following points are emphasized. Grouping constructsare best translated by staying close to the their formal semantics. This requires that some kind of data structureto represent subsitution sets is available, which must be provided by the translations of the query terms. In this


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way entire Xcerpt rules are translated seamlessly to XQuery. The use of XQuery functions eases the translationnotably. The constructsorder by , some and aggregations remain unadressed in this thesis, but especiallythe handling ofsome is straightforward.

5.3 XQuery Expressions with Mixed Construction and Query Parts

As exemplified by the translations of Xcerpt construct terms, XQuery expressions often intertwine query andconstruction parts, such that they are incompatible with the grammar productions ofXQ3. As a consequence,they cannot be translated with the methods introduced so far. This section shows how to translate XQueryexpressions consisting offor -clauses, variables, indirect element constructors and sequences of these con-structs.

The grammar productions for this sublanguage are given in Table 5.5, with<QNAME>and <XQVAR>denoting qualified names and XQuery variables, respectively. Note that a lot of grammar productions that areincluded inXQ3, e.g. those for injectivity, order, and deep-equality constraints, are excluded fromXQ4. Theirinclusion would not add any interesting aspect to the focus of this section, but since they are only relevant tothe calculation of query terms, they would neither complicate the rules presented here. An important constrainton the grammar productions in Table 5.5 is that XQuery variables may be bound at most once.

Table 5.5: XQuery expressions with mixed construction and query parts:XQ4

<ELEMENT> ::= ’element’ <QNAME> ’{’ <SUBEXPR> (’,’ <SUBEXP R> ) * ’}’<SUBEXPR> ::= <ELEMENT> | <FORCLAUSE> | <XQVAR><FORCLAUSE> ::= ’for’ <XQVAR> ’in’ <STEP> ’return’

’(’ <SUBEXPR> (’,’ <SUBEXPR> ) * ’)’<STEP> ::= <XQVAR>’/child::’<QNAME>

A translation of an intertwined XQuery expression results in an entire Xcerpt construct-query-rule. There-fore, the translation procedure is split into two parts. Thequery components are translated by rules flaggedtoXCqt in a very similar way expressions inXQ3 are translated, only that it is not necessary to account forthe substitution sets in XML-representation, and that XQuery element constructors are disregarded. The con-struction components, in other words the element constructors and variable references, are translated by rulesnamedtoXCct. The interaction between both functions is formalized by Rule 5.6.

As in the previous chapter,A denotes a sequence of associations between XQuery an Xcerptvariables, andmay be calculated together with the query part[EIntertwined℄AtoXCqt. Within A, multiple XQuery variablesmay be associated with the same Xcerpt variable, but not viceversa. At least one association for each XQueryvariable returned byEIntertwined must be included inA. It would be possible to calculate both the constructpart and the query part in one single sweep overEIntertwined, but this would require to hold more intermediatedata-structures in memory.

The second parameter totoXCct is a sequence containing XQuery variables, which the resulting Xcerptconstruct term must be grouped by. It is initialized with theempty sequence[] and is discussed in detail laterin this section.

(Rule 5.6)A = associations(EIntertwined)[EIntertwined℄toXC = CONSTRUCT[EIntertwined℄A,[]toXCct FROM[EIntertwined℄AtoXCqt END

In this section, the focus lies upon the construction part ofthe translation, since the handling of the querypart is in fact very similar to the automatic translation from XQ3 to XC3. The discussion is split into twoepisodes. The first one gives a first idea on how to handle intertwined XQuery expressions, while the secondone extends the discussion to include sequences of expressions withinfor -clauses.

5.3.1 Translation of Element Constructors andfor-Clauses

In this section, a slightly restricted version of the language defined by the grammar in Table 5.5 is translated toXcerpt. The restriction is given by not allowingfor -clauses to return sequences of subexpressions. Sequences


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within for -clauses are discussed separately in Section 5.3.2, because they requiren-ary grouping constructs.As an introduction, consider the intertwined expressionExpr5.3XQ

, in which the construction and querypart are colored red and blue, respectively. For each element in $data/child::html one new node namedb is constructed, thus the element constructorb [ ... ] must be grouped with respect to$x . Since$xdoes not belong to the free variables of the expression enclosed byb[ ... ] , explicit grouping must beused to specify the translation. A similar reasoning applies for the innermost element constructor with labelc . For each subterm of$x namedbody , one such node is constructed. Consequently, the element constructorc[...] in the translation must be grouped byY. Y occurs within the element constructor forc , and thusno explicit grouping is necessary. In both step expressionsof Expr5.3XQ

duplicates are preserved, hence theduplicate preservingall construct is the right choice as the grouping construct.

An interesting characteristic ofExpr5.3XQis that an element labelleda is produced no matter if$x and

$y can be succesfully bound to a node. Similarly, for each binding of variable$x , one element namedbis constructed, irrespectively of the potential bindings for $y . To reflect this situation, all Xcerpt labels thatrepresent an XQuery element constructor within afor -clause must be declared optional.

Expr5.3XQ:= element a {

for $x in $data/child::html returnelement b {

for $y in $x/child::body returnelement c { $y } } }


CONSTRUCTa [ optional all b [ optional all c [ var Y ] ] group by X]

FROMoptional var X as html {{ optional var Y as body {{ }} }}


If element b were not enclosed by afor -clause, the first grouping construct in the translation could beleft away. In contrast, if there were more than onefor -clause enclosingelement b , it would be necessaryto group by more than one variable. When translating an element constructorc to Xcerpt, the sequence ofvariablesVsur(c), that are bound infor -clauses surrounding it, must be known.

Keeping track of these variables in a recursive translationfunction is most easily achieved by starting outwith the empty sequence and appending a variable for eachfor -clause consumed. Note that it would notsuffice to storeVsur(c) within a set, because the Xcerpt translation must return subterms in the same order asthe XQuery archetype. In the following, the subset relationis occasionally used when referring to sequences,meaning that all elements in the first sequence must be contained in the second sequence in an arbitrary order.In Rule 5.7 ”++” denotes the function concatenating two lists, and[$var] denotes the list consisting of thesingle element$var .

(Rule 5.7)[ for $var in step return e ℄A,V arstoXCct = [ e ℄A,V ars++[$var]


It does not make sense, however, to group an expression twiceby the same variable. Therefore,Vgroup(c)denotes the sequence obtained by eliminating all those variables fromVsur(c) which also participate in agrouping produced by the translation of an element constructor surroundingc. Vgroup(c) is the sequence ofvariables thatc needs to be grouped by, and is given as a superscript to the rule. It is easiest to specify atranslation rule for an element constructor that does not need to be grouped:

(Rule 5.8)[ element label { e1, . . . , en } ℄A,[]toXCct = label [ [e1℄A,[]

toXCct . . . [en℄A,[]toXCct ]

In the case thatVgroup(c) is not empty, grouping constructs are used in the translation. Let FV (c) ⊆Vsur(c) be the set of free variables (excluding$data ) of the construct term to be translated.FV (c) is a subsetof Vsur(c), because expressions that contain unbound variables (except for $data ) are not translated. Freevariables of a subexpression must therefore be bound by someconstruct within the surrounding expressions.Note that, with implicit and explicit grouping giving no guarantees about the order of the resulting subelements,


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these grouping constructs are not an option, even ifFV (c) = Vgroup(c) holds. Instead theorder by -clausemust be used to establish an order according to the bindings for the variables in the sequenceVgroup(c).

Rule 5.9 recursively calls the translation functiontoXCct on the subexpressionse1, . . . , en of c, substitut-ing Vgroup(c) by the empty list in order to prevent multiple groupings withrespect to the same variable. ThenotationA(Vgroup) refers to the Xcerpt variables associated with the XQuery variables in the listVgroup.

(Rule 5.9)c = element label { e1, . . . , en }[c℄A,Vgroup

toXCct = optional all label [ [e1℄A,[]toXCct, ..., [en℄A,[]

toXCct ]order by { A(Vgroup) }

The last construct from the grammar to be automatically translated is also the simplest one: XQueryvariable occurrences of a variablev. In the same way as with element constructors, two cases needto bedistinguished: Either the listVgroup(v) of variables thatv must be grouped by, is empty - which is the case ifv is directly surrounded by an element constructor - orv must in fact be grouped by other variables, becauseit is directly surrounded by possibly multiple nestedfor -clauses. In the first case the translation ofv is givenby A(v) and in the second case, Rule 5.10 applies.

(Rule 5.10)[ v ℄A,Vgroup

toXCct = all A(v) order by { A(Vgroup) }

As before,A(v) denotes the Xcerpt variable associated withv during the translation of the query term, andA(Vgroup) the representatives of the variables, thatv is to be grouped by.

5.3.2 Returning Sequences Withinfor-Clauses

The translation rules above precluded the case of sequencesreturned by for-clauses. This section answers thequestion what to do ife in Rule 5.7 is anything else but a single element constructor, a singlefor -clause or asingle variable. ExampleExpr5.3.2XQ

iterates over thebody child nodes of thehtml elements of$data andreturns both thehtml element and thebody element whenever$v2 is successfully bound to a node. Whileeach node bound to$v2 is returned exactly one time, the number of times the same binding for$v1 is returnedremains unassured. Additionally,html - andbody nodes appear alternately within the result sequence, andthey must be grouped with respect to both variables$v1 and$v2 .


element a {for $v1 in $data/child::html return

for $v2 in $v1/child::body return ($v1, $v2) }

The translation of the query part ofExpr5.3.2XQis evidently given by

optional var V1 as html {{ optional var V2 as body {{ }} }}

The construct part of the translation is more difficult to figure out. Applying the substitution set generatedby the query part to the terma [ all var V1, all var V2] would result in a sequence that includesall of the data terms that are returned by expressionExpr5.3.2XQ

, but neither the correct number of thesenodes, nor in the correct order. Moreover, it is impossible to specify a translation ofExpr5.3.2XQ

with theinitial language constructs suggested in [17].

A recent extension to Xcerpt aren-ary variants of the constructsoptional , without andall . In fact,a grouping construct that takes a sequence of construct terms is necessary to phrase the correct translation(Expr5.3.2XC

). To see that this is a correct translation ofExpr5.3.2XQ, reconsider the formal semantics of this

n-ary grouping construct as suggested in Section 5.2.5.


CONSTRUCTelement a [ all (var V1, var V2) order by V1]

FROMoptional var V1 as html {{ optional var V2 as body {{ }} }}



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In Expr5.3.2XC, one pair of variable assignments forV1 andV2 is returned for each of the equivalence

classes{[τ1℄ . . . [τk℄ = Σ/≃{V1,V2}of the substitution setΣ. As before, this translation is only correct under

the assumption that the substitution sets are in fact multisets of substitutions and that the grouping constructall preserves duplicates.

Mixed sequences returned byfor-clauses According to the grammar in Table 5.5, not only multiple vari-ables may occur within thereturn -clause of afor -clause. Multiple otherfor -clauses or element con-structors are translated in the same way. As an example consider expressionExpr5.3.2XQ

, which returns aheterogeneous sequence within afor -clause.


1 element a {2 for $v1 in $data/child::html return (3 $v1,4 element b { $v1/child:: * },5 for $v2 in $v1/child:: * return $v2/child:: * )6 }

Again, the sequence is echoed in the Xcerpt translation within anall -construct. The variable reference$v1 and the element constructorelement b are translated in the same manner as in the last subsection.

The advertent reader may have noticed thatExpr5.3.2XQis under strict considerations not part of the

languageXQ4, because it is not derivable by the grammar productions in Table 5.5. To be more precise,the deviance lies in the usage of step expressions within theelement constructor forb in line four and in thereturn -clause of line five. Both of these step expressions may be transformed into afor -clause explicitelybinding new variables$v3 and$v4 . In this way, the translation rules given in the previous sections suffice toderive the correct translationExpr5.3XQ



CONSTRUCTa [ optional all (

var V1, b [ all var V2 ], all var V3 order by {V2}) ]

FROMoptional var V1 as html {{ var V2 as /. * / {{ var V3 }} }}


A further difficulty for the translation procedure is to recognize that the step$v1/child:: * appearstwice in Expr5.3XQ

and thus it is convenient to use the same Xcerpt variable to represent both XQuery vari-ables$v2 and$v3 of the expanded version of the expression.

5.4 XQuery Expressions with Construction of Intermediate Results

AlthoughXQ4 includes expressions that both query data and construct results, it is restricted in an importantway. OnceXQ4 expressions construct results, the constructed data is never reused later on in the XQueryexpressions. In other words, the querying is restricted to the variable$data and its descendants. In thissection this confinement is lifted by the introduction of additional let -clauses. The grammar production forthis new sublanguage calledXQ5 is given in Table 5.6.

The newly introducedlet -clauses may bind their variables to an arbitrary XQuery expression deducableby <SUBEXPR>. In this respect, they are privileged in comparison tofor -clauses, the binding sequencesof which are still limited to step expressions. The questionwhether this kind of extension ofXQ4 is sheerarbitrariness, immediately comes to one’s mind. In fact, also for -clauses with binding sequences more com-plex than step expressions are indirectly expressible by the above grammar productions, since such bindingsequences may be substituted by a variable bound in alet -clause as exemplified by the following transfor-mation:


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Table 5.6: Grammar productions forXQ5

<ELEMENT> ::= element <QNAME> { <SUBEXPR>* }<SUBEXPR> ::= <ELEMENT> | <FORCLAUSE> | <XQVAR> | <LETCLAUSE><FORCLAUSE> ::= for <XQVAR> in <STEP> return (<SUBEXPR> * )<LETCLAUSE> ::= let <XQVAR> := <SUBEXPR> return <SUBEXPR><STEP> ::= <XQVAR>/child::<QNAME>

for $v1 in <SUBEXPR1> return <SUBEXPR2> ==let $myvar := <SUBEXPR1> return for $v1 in $myvar return <SUB EXPR2>

This example shows that it is often convenient to transform XQuery expressions before they are translatedto Xcerpt. The rich equality preserving transformation possibilities of XQuery expressions are of intense in-terest in later parts of this section. As a matter of fact, there are two possibilities of translating the sublanguageXQ5 to Xcerpt: The first one is direct translation oflet -clauses to Xcerpt construct-query-rules, and thesecond one using a mapping of expressions ofXQ5 into XQ4. Consequently, the discussion ofXQ5 is splitinto these two parts. But before both methods are presented,consider a short example expression.

Expr5.4XQhighlights the difficulty of translating XQuery expressions with intermediately constructed and

queried results.


let $var :=element b { for $v0 in $data/tag0 return element a { $v0 }}

return element a {for $v1 in $var/child::a return

for $v2 in $data/child::b returnelement c { $v1, $v2 } }

The variable$var is bound to an expression including element constructors and these element construc-tors are deconstructed later on. In the following sections different ways are shown to translateExpr5.4XQ


5.4.1 Intermediate Results Translated by Rule Chaining

During a forward chaining evaluation of Xcerpt programs, intermediate results are constructed in a similarfashion to the computation of the binding for$var in Expr5.4XQ

. This suggests the translation of eachlet -clause by its own appropriate Xcerpt rule.

Whenever the variable bound in thelet -clause is referenced within the XQuery expression, the Xcerpttranslation must query the data constructed by the rule associated with thelet -clause. For these queries tosucceed only on the desired data, the construct parts of the generated rules must be uniquely identifiable. Thisis most easily achieved by using a special namespace, and thevariable name of the variable bound in thelet -clause as an enclosing label for the construct term. Of course this is only true under the easily enforcableassumption that each variable has a unique name inXQ5 expressions.

In this manner,Expr5.4XQtranslates toExpr5.4.1XC

. As in the last section, all Xcerpt variables must beoptional, because results are generated byExpr5.4XQ

no matter if any bindings for the variables$v1 and$v2exist.


CONSTRUCTxc:var { b [ optional all a [ var V0 ] ] }

FROMoptional var V0 as tag0 {{ }}


CONSTRUCTa [ optional all c [ var V1, var V2 ] ]


Page 88: Automatic Translation Between XQuery and Xcerpt

FROMand ( xc:var {{ /. * / {{ optional var V1 as a {{ }} }} }},

optional var V2 as b {{ }} )END

Unfortunately, this kind of translation only works forlet -clauses appearing on a global level and failsfor certain kinds of nestedlet -clauses or ones appearing withinfor -clauses. The problem arises from thefact thatlet -clauses that are not the outermost construct of anXQ5 expression are evaluated in a customizeddynamic environment (see sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2). Nevertheless, some of these wrapped let-clauses are stilltranslatable by the above procedure as the following example shows.


for $v0 in $data/tag0 returnfor $v1 in $v0/tag1 return

let $v2 := intermediate_result { $v1 } returnfor $v3 in $v2/child::tag0 return

for $v4 in $v3/child::tag1 returnelement result { $v4 }

The let -clause and both of its surroundingfor -clauses inExpr5.4.1XQmay be translated almost as if

they were an autonomous XQuery expression into the first rulein Expr5.4.1bXC

. The remainingfor -clausesand the element constructor may then be translated to form the second rule inExpr5.4.1b

XC, which queries the

construct parts of the first rule.


CONSTRUCTxc:v2 [ optional all intermediate_result [ var V0, var V1 ] ]

FROMoptional var V0 as tag0 {{ optional var V1 as tag1 {{ }} }}


GOALxc:result [ optional all result [ var V4 ] ]

FROMxc:v2 {{

intermediate_result {{ tag0 {{ optional var V4 as tag1 {{ }} } } }}}}


Note that it is not strictly necessary to group allintermediate_result -elements within the samexc:v2 -element. The program would yield the same results if theall -keyword were left away.

As mentioned above, slight variations ofExpr5.4.1XQmay cause this translation procedure to miscarry.

One such variation would be to not only return$v4 in the innermost element constructor, but also one ofthe variables$v0 and$v1 . Bindings for their Xcerpt equivalentsvar V0 andvar V1 are only generatedduring the evaluation of the query part of the first rule, and are not present for the construct part of the secondone. In order to produce fresh bindings for both of these variables, one could adapt the query part of the secondrule to read as follows:

and (xc:v2 {{ intermediate_result {{

tag0 {{ optional var V4 as tag1 {{ }} }}}} }},optional var V0 as tag0 {{ optional var V1 as tag1 {{ }} }}


While bindings forV0 andV1 can now be consumed in the construct part of the second rule, there is noguarantee that the bindings forV4 are brought together with the correct bindings forV0 andV1. To make


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things worse, all possible combinations of bindings for these variables are used, producing a large amount offalse results. In the following section, a method for surmounting these shortcomings is presented by simulatingXQuery dynamic environments within Xcerpt.

5.4.2 Simulation of XQuery Dynamic Environments Within Xcerpt

As demonstrated in sections 5.2, construct terms are translated most easily by carrying over the notion ofsubstitution sets, which play a crucial role in the evaluation of Xcerpt rules, to XQuery. In this section,dynamic environments as a data structure that plays an important role in the evaluation of XQuery expressions,are emulated in Xcerpt to translate arbitrary expressions in XQ5.

The example expression to be considered in this section is a more complex version ofExpr5.4.1XQ:


for $v0 in $data/tag0 returnfor $v1 in $v0/tag1 return

let $v2 := intermediate_result { $v0, $v1 } returnfor $v3 in $v2/child::tag0 return

for $v4 in $v3/child::tag1 returnelement result { $v4, $v0 }

It does not only return variables bound in immediately enclosingfor -clauses, but also the outermost vari-able$v0 in the innermost element constructor. In the last section ithas been shown that when translatinglet -clauses with appropriate construct-query-rules, it may be unknown which variable bindings belong to-gether in the sense that they are appear within the same dynamic environment during an XQuery evaluation.In the translation ofExpr5.4.2XQ

this problem is solved by making dynamic environments explicit:


CONSTRUCTxc:env0 [ xc:v0 [ var V0 ] ]

FROMvar V0 as tag0 {{ }}


CONSTRUCTxc:env1 [ xc:v0 [ var V0 ], xc:v1 [ var V1 ] ]

FROMxc:env0 [ xc:v0 [ var V0 as /. * / {{ var V1 as tag1 {{ }} }} ] ]


CONSTRUCTxc:env2 [ xc:v0 [ var V0 ], xc:v1 [ var V1 ],

xc:v2 [ intermediate_result [ var V0, var V1 ] ] ]FROM

xc:env1 [ xc:v0 [ var V0 ], xc:v1 [ var V1 ] ]END

CONSTRUCTxc:env3 [ xc:v0 [ var V0 ], xc:v1 [ var V1 ],

xc:v2 [ var V2 ], xc:v3 [ var V3 ] ]FROM

xc:env2 [ xc:v0 [ var V0 ], xc:v1 [ var V1 ],xc:v2 [ var V2 as /. * / {{ var V3 as tag0 {{ }} }} ] ]


CONSTRUCTxc:env4 [ xc:v0 [ var V0 ], xc:v1 [ var V1 ], xc:v2 [ var V2 ],


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xc:v3 [ var V3 ], xc:v4 [ var V4 ] ]FROM

xc:env4 [ xc:v0 [ var V0 ], xc:v1 [ var V1 ], xc:v2 [ var V2 ],xc:v3 [ var V3 as /. * / {{ var V4 as tag1 {{ }} }} ],


CONSTRUCTxc:result [ all result [ var V4, var V0 ] ]

FROMxc:env4 [[ xc:v0 [ var V0 ], xc:v4 [ var V4 ] ]]


The dynamic environment for the final return clauseelement result { $v4, $v0 } is built upstep by step in the Xcerpt translation. Bindings for the variables$v0 ... $v4 are added one after another,yielding the intermediate environmentsxc:env0 ... xc:env4 . Regrettably, the length of the translationdoes not scale linearily with the number of constructs in theXQuery preimage. The number of rules is givenby the number offor - and let -clausesc, and the length of these rules also increases linearily withthenumber of variables in the environment, which is equal to thenumber of clausesc. Thus, the total complexityis O(c2).

There is, however, some room for improvement. No intermediate results being constructed between theapplication of the rules one, two and three, these rules may be merged to form one single rule. With thesame reasoning in mind, one may also combine rules four, five and six to obtain the following program as anabbreviated alternative toExpr5.4.2XC


CONSTRUCTxc:env2 [ xc:v0 [ var V0 ], xc:v1 [ var V1 ],

xc:v2 [ intermediate_result [ var V0, var V1 ] ] ]FROM

var V0 as tag0 {{ var V1 as tag1 {{ }} }}END

CONSTRUCTxc:result [ all result [ var V4, var V0 ] ]

FROMxc:env2 [ xc:v0 [ var V0 ], xc:v1 [ var V1 ],

xc:v2 [ var V2 as /. * / {{var V3 as tag0 {{ var V4 as tag1 {{ }} }}

}} ] ]END

Let c be the entire number of clauses within anXQ5 expression as before, andl the number oflet -clauses. The length of the result of this translation procedure is still not linear inc, but the complexity isO(c · l).

In contrast to the translation in the last section, this method allows to translate all expressions withinXQ5

to Xcerpt. Furthermore, it may be easily implemented to obtain an automatic translation algorithm. Alignedwith the formal semantics of XQuery, it is extensible to handle also function calls or other XQuery constructsthat manipulate the dynamic environment.

5.4.3 Elimination of let-Clauses

As shown in the last section, rule-chaining in conjunction with the emulation of dynamic environments allowto translate all expressions inXQ5 to Xcerpt. Nevertheless, this section explores a differentapproach by tryingto convert all expressions withinXQ5 to semantically equivalent expressions inXQ4.

The basic idea is to eliminatelet -clauses by substituting variable references in the body oflet -clausesby their definition. Subsequently, the resulting expression is simplified to comply with the grammar produc-tions ofXQ4. Since all expressions in XC4 have been shown to be straight-forwardly translatable to Xcerpt,this is an effective way to circumvent the direct translation of XQ5.

Note thatlet -elimination in XQuery unlike in most functional programming languages may cause troublein certain cases. Due to node-identity it is not always possible to guarantee that the result of the evaluation


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of an expression stays the same when substituting variablesby their bindings. As an example consider thefollowing queries:

let $a := element a { } return ($a is $a)

element a { } is element a { }

The second query is the result of eliminating thelet -clause in the first query. Nevertheless, the first queryevaluates to true, whereas the second one evaluates to false1. This infringement of referential transparencyin XQuery extends to functions that make use of the comparison operator for node identitiesis such asfn:count and fn:distinct-nodes , but since none of these constructs are included inXQ5, let -elimination is a correct transformation in this scope.

This section is structured as follows: At first, an example expression is transformed according to the ideasabove. In the second subsection, it is shown that all expressions resulting from the elimination of let-clausesmay be transformed to comply with the grammar ofXQ4. An Introductory Example

To get a basic idea of the transformations discussed in this section, consider the example expressionExpr5.4.3XQ.

It is not part of the sublanguageXQ4 because it includes alet -clause.


let $a := element a {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return element b { $v0 }

} returnfor $v1 in $a/child::b return element c { $v1 }

Getting rid of thislet -clause is easily achieved by substituting all references to variablesv which arebound inlet -clauses by the body of the respectivelet -clauseb. In the following generic transformationformula this substitution is denoted by a subscript{v 7→ b}.

let v := b return e == e{v 7→b}

Applying this formula toExpr5.4.3XQyields the following equivalent expression, which unfortunately

neither complies with the grammar productions forXQ4 nor XQ5. While this might seem like a step in thewrong direction at first glance, the result of thelet -elimination may be transformed to fit intoXQ4.

for $v1 in (element a {for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return element b { $v0 }

}/child::b)return element c { $v1 }

To the advertant reader it may be obvious thatExpr5.4.3XQperforms superflous computations. Thelet -

elimination sets the stage for removing this redundancy. Infact, the intermediate transformation result aboveconstructs an elementa and immediately applies the child axis on it. Therefore, onemight just as well notconstruct the new node and apply the self axis on the content of the element, as in the following equivalentexpression:

for $v1 in ((for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return element b { $v0 })/self ::b

) return element c { $v1 }

The general form of this transformation is given by

(element label1 { e })/child:: label2 == e/self:: label2

The name testself::b is applied to the sequence resulting from the evaluation of afor -clause. Thesame result is obtained by applying the name test to the expression in the body of thefor -clause.

1This problem has been pointed out by Daniela Florescu on and in [5]


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for $v1 in (for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return (element b { $v0 }/self: :b)

) return element c { $v1 }

This transformation uncovers another redundant computation, namely the name test itself, which alwaysholds true and might just as well be omitted:

for $v1 in (for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 return element b { $v0 }

) return element c { $v1 }

In the case that the label names do not comply, the body of thefor -clause may be simplified to the emptysequence. The general form of this transformation is given by:

(5.8) element label1{e}/self:: label2 ==

{element label1{e} if label1 = label2,

() otherwise.

The following transformation is the least obvious, but the most important one. It serves to rearrange thequery part of the XQuery expression, such that it is easier totranslate to Xcerpt. While the first query actionin the query above is given by the binding sequence of the firstfor-clause, this it not obvious. To bring thesyntactical order in accordance with the evaluation order,the for -clause in the binding sequence may bebrought outside of its surroundingfor -clause:

for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 returnfor $v1 in element b { $v0 } return

element c { $v1 }

Note that this transformation works for any expression at the place ofelement b { $v0 } . In thisexample, the transformation spawns afor -clause with a binding sequence containing only one single element.Suchfor -clauses do not actually iterate over anything, but are in fact alternative notations forlet -clauses,which themselves may be eliminated.

for $v0 in $data/child::tag0 returnelement c { element b { $v0 } }

In [13, Section 3.3] this transformation of iterations overunit forests (for v in e1 do e2 = e2{v 7→e1})is called theleft unit lawand may only be applied ife1 is not a sequence.

Finally brought in conformance with the grammar ofXQ4, the expression is translated to Xcerpt as usual:

CONSTRUCTxc:result [ optional all c [ b [ var V1 ] ] ]

FROMvar V1 as tag0 {{ }}


The introductory example in this section shows that it is possible to transform some of the expressionsobtained bylet -elimination toXQ4. In the following section it is demonstrated that thanks to the monadicnature of XQueryfor -clauses [13] all such expressions are transformable. Systematic Transformation of Complex Binding Sequences

By means of thelet -elimination, variable occurences may be substituted by arbitraryXQ5 subexpressions.The grammar productions forXQ5 (Table 5.6) allow variable references to appear either within the body offor - andlet -clauses, within element constructors or within step expressions. Variable references within thebody oflet -clauses are of no interest to us, becauselet -elimination takes care of them. In case the replacedvariables appear within element constructors, or within the bodies offor -clauses, the resulting expressionis still within XQ4, and can be translated to Xcerpt. More difficult cases arise if the variable is part of abinding sequence. In this section, all possible expressions resulting from the replacement of XQuery variablesin binding sequences are converted to such expressions thatcomply with the grammar forXQ4.


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For this end, it must be distinguished between element constructors,for -clauses and lists of expressionsat the place of variable references in binding sequences. The transformations are given in a general form thatis easily implementable in a programming language. As in theprevious sections, the meta-variablesvi, ei, andl1, i ∈ N represent XQuery variables, subexpressions (derivable by<SUBEXPR>in Table 5.6) and labels ,respectively.

Element constructors within binding sequences The first case to be considered is the one of elementconstructors. As has been seen during the treatment of the example expression, this case often eliminatesredundancies within the originalXQ5 expression. In fact the application of the child-axis to an elementconstructor yields the same result irrespectively of the name of the element constructed.

for v1 in (element l1 { e1 }/ l2) return e2 ==for v1 in e1/self:: l2 return e2

After eliminating the element constructor, the name test must still be carried out on the subexpressionitself. Since also theself -axis is excluded fromXQ4, the resulting expression must be further simplified.Again, it must be distinguished between element constructors, let-clauses, variable references, for-clauses andbinding sequences.

• As discussed in the last section, the application of a name test on an element constructor can be handledaccording to Equation 5.8. In the case of matching label names, the resultingfor -clause together withits undesirably complex binding sequence is disposed by theleft unit law [13, Section 3.3] (given inSection just as in the example expression.

• Let -clauses are not much harder to handle. They are simply eliminated as already described, and theself axis is taken care of by one of the other transformationsdescribed in this paragraph:

for v1 in (let v2 := e1 return e2)/self:: l1 return e3 ==for v1 in e2{v2 7→e1}/self:: l1 return e3

• Applying a name test to a variable reference can be resolved by finding out the binding sequence of thevariable. InXQ5, these binding sequences are always short path expressionsconsisting of a referenceto another variable, a step on thechild -axis, and a name test. If the name test in this binding sequenceand the name-test to be eliminated overlap, the later one maysimply be omitted. Otherwise, the wholeexpression evaluates to the empty sequence. Of course this requires global knowledge about all boundvariables during the transformation process. In a recursive translation function this may be achieved bykeeping a list of bound variables together with their label names in memory. Name test on variables areformally eliminated by Equation 5.9.

(5.9) for v1 in v2/self:: l1 return e ==

{e{v1 7→v2} if label(v2) = l1,

() otherwise.

As a matter of fact, the case of overlapping label names may besplit in two parts: Having disposed thename-test, a simplisticfor -clause is left over:for v1 in v2 return e. According to theleft unitlaw ([13, Section 3.3]) for iterations in the XQuery algebra, this simplifies toe{v1 7→v2}.

• Name tests onfor -clauses may be the most interesting case, although just as with let -clauses, thename-test on theself:: axis is not eliminated but rathermore postponed.

for v1 in (for v2 in e1 return e2)/self:: l1 return e3 ==for v2 in e1 return (for v1 in e1 return e3/self:: l1)

In [13, Section 3.3], this transformation is called theassociative lawamong the three monad laws.

The transformation above is also used in order to get rid offor -clauses directly substituted for variablereferences in binding sequences later on in this section.


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• The final subexpressions that a node-test might be applied to, are sequences ofXQ5 values. Again, thisis not a final case of the transformation, but the expression must be further simplified in order to get ridof the name tests on the sequence itemsi1, . . . , ik.

for v1 in ( i1, . . . ik)/self:: l1 return e1 ==for v1 in ( i1/self:: l1, . . . , ik/self:: l1) return e1

Having shown that all name tests on theself:: -axis can be eliminated to expressions withinXQ4, itis also apparent that element constructors as binding sequences can be transformed to fit intoXQ4. Theremaining subexpressions within binding sequences arefor -clauses and sequences. Both of these cases aresimilar to the corresponding sub-cases above.

For-clauses within binding sequences As the second type of subexpressions of binding sequences that donot comply with the grammar ofXQ4, for -clauses are considered. Unsurprisingly, it is again theassociativelaw from [13] that can be applied:

for v1 in (for v2 in e1 return e2)/child:: l1 return e3 ==for v2 in e1 return (for v1 in e2/child:: l1 return e3)

It is easy to see that in the special case thate2 = v2 or thate3 = v1 the simplification can be carried evenfurther. In [13, Section 3.3] a simplification of the formfor v in e return v = e is called therightunit law.

In contrast to element constructors, the single formula above suffices to get rid of allfor -clauses withinbinding sequences. The final complex expressions within binding sequences offor -clauses are sequences ofsubexpressions at the place of variable references.

Sequences within binding sequencesThe binding sequences to be transformed in this paragraph are of theform ( e1, ..., ek)/child:: l, and are generated by substituting the sequence of values( e1, ..., ek)for an XQuery variable reference in a validXQ4 binding sequence duringlet -elimination. By generatingone appropriatefor -clause for each element in the sequence, the expressions may be transformed to fit intoXQ4.

for v1 in ( e1, ..., ek)/child:: l return e ==(for v1 in e1/child:: l return e,

...,for v1 in ek/child:: l return e)

Therefore any expression inXQ5 may be translated to Xcerpt by taking the indirection overXQ4, if oneis prepared to put up with the elongation of the expressions caused bylet -elimination.

Concluding the treatment ofXQ5, it can be recorded that there exist viable translation possibilities forXQuery expressions with intermediately constructed results. Unfortunately neither the emulation of XQuerydynamic environments in Xcerpt norlet -elimination yield linear complexity of the length of the Xcerpttranslations, although the former method comes close.


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Chapter 6

Future Work and Conclusion

Although large parts of XQuery and Xcerpt are shown to be translatable, research in this area is far fromfinished. Many aspects of the translation could not be considered in their entirety during. The first Section ofthis Chapter serves to point out some possible directions for future work, presenting ideas that may be extendedto form autonomous topics of interest. The second Section concludes this thesis by summing up insights andcontributions.

6.1 Future Work

Future work may be classified into three categories:

• Research that builds upon the methods introduced in this thesis like the translation of entire Xcerpt pro-grams, translation of query terms including aggregations,positional and label variables, and translationof XQuery function calls to Xcerpt.

• Entirely different approaches. One of these alternative approaches is the implementation of simulationunification in XQuery, and may be used as the foundation for a backward chaining evaluation of Xcerptprograms in XQuery. Another alternative approach would be to give up the translation of Xcerpt to theXQuery core, but to use XPath expressions instead whenever possible. This may be more efficient for alarge number of XQuery implementations.

• As shown in this thesis, there are some language constructs that are hard to translate and some uniquefeatures of both languages that complicate the entire translation process. There are three approachesfor explaining these differences. Either the expressions that are not easily expressible in one languageare of subordinate importance so that they could slip by unnoticed, one or both of the languages misssome features that might be added in the future, or the differences in expressibility simply stem fromthe fact that the languages are not designed for the same purposes. Unanswered questions in this areaare the following: Is it possible to integrate the concept ofnode identity in Xcerpt without giving up onreferential transparency, answer closedness and declarativity? Is it beneficial to includeand andor -connectives for query terms? Would it be possible to conceive modules for XQuery that deliver some ofXcerpts reasoning capabilities or integrate query and construct terms into XQuery?

In the following Sections, some of the above named ideas are described in more detail.

6.1.1 Translation of Xcerpt Programs

The first Chapters of this thesis show how to translate Xcerptquery terms to XQuery. Making use of thesubstitution sets in XML-representation returned by the translations of query terms, and staying close to theformal semantics of Xcerpt with respect to the application of substitution sets to construct terms, Chapter 5presents a method for translating entire construct-query-rules. The next step would be to translate entire Xcerptprograms to XQuery.

Xcerpt programs consisting of Xcerpt rules, a counterpart of rules must be found to take over their role inXQuery. XQuery functions operating on the global variable$data , which is already used by the translationof query terms, lend themselves for this purpose. The following rule and its translation, which makes use of


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the functionxc:eq-classes from Section 5.2.4 for the sake of brevity, exemplify this idea. The query termis translated in the same way as discussed in Chapter 4, only that slightly longer path expressions are used. InXQ3 a binding sequence of the form$v0/exercised_by/ * would have to be expanded to an additionalfor -clause.

CONSTRUCTcountries_and_sports [

all countries [ var Country, all var Sport ]]

FROMsports [[

type [[ var Sport ]],exercised_by [[ var Country ]]


declare xc:function1 () as node() {let $ss :=

for $v0 in $data/sports returnfor $v1 in $v0/type/ * return

for $v2 in $v0/exercised_by/ * returnelement xc:substitution {

element xc:Sport { $v1 }, element xc:Country { $v2 },}

returnif ($ss) then

element countries_and_sports {for $class in xc:eq-classes($ss, (), ("Country")) return

element countries {xc:distinct-elements($class/ * /xc:Country),xc:distinct-elements($class/ * /xc:Sport) }

}else ()


Rules that are associated with input resources, may be translated to a function that features an additionallet -clause to bind a special variable$doc to the document resource. Subsequently$doc must be used at theplace of$data in the function body. A similar procedure may be applied for multiple resource specifications.

Supposed that all rules of an Xcerpt programP are translated to XQuery functionsxc:function1,... , xc:functionk , running the program in XQuery can be achieved as follows:

• Compute the full stratificationP = P1 ⊎ . . . ⊎ Pn of P according to [17, Definition 6.8]. If theprogram is not stratifiable, it is not translatable to XQueryusing this forward chaining approach.

• Compute the fixpoint interpretationMP [17, Definitions 7.8 and 7.9] of the program. Corresponding tothe formal semantics, at first the rules classified in the lowest stratumP1 are evaluated until a fix pointis reached, followed by those inP2, and so forth.

• XQuery being a functional programming language, there is noequivalent to the facts of a logical pro-gram known at a particular point in the evaluation of a program. As one might guess, the most straight-forward way to simulate the growing set of facts during the run of the program is to append the resultsof the evaluation of a function to the list of children of the special variable$data .

While this approach builds heavily upon the results of this thesis, implementing backward chaining mustbe considered an alternative approach to this suggestion. Since backward chaining relies on rooted graphsimulation, a taste for both of these methods is given in the next Section.


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6.1.2 An XQuery Reasoning Module

One of the strengths of the language Xcerpt are its advanced reasoning capabilities. With XQuery becoming awidely supported standard for XML querying, reasoning capabilities for XQuery could help to transfer someof the benefits from Xcerpt. This aim can either be achieved byforward chaining or by backward chaining.The foundations for the first method are provided by this thesis, and forward chaining evaluation of Xcerptprograms is sketched in the previous Section.

Another promising approach is the implementation of simulation unification in XQuery to allow reasoningby backward chaining. The difference between translation of Xcerpt to XQuery and a reasoning module isthat the latter would operate on Xcerpt rules and the data at the same time. This means that some kind ofrepresentation of Xcerpt terms as XML data is needed. The XMLsyntax of Xcerpt can be used for thispurpose. In a similar way to this thesis, the implementationof such a reasoning module could be structuredinto two parts: One to cover the calculation of substitutionsets by simulation unification, and the second partto support rule chaining. Since XQuery allows to operate on schema validated data, optimizations based onthis schema information could be additionally applied.

6.1.3 Efficient Evaluation ofn-ary Queries in XQuery

XPath allows the formulation of tree queries, but it does notallow to simultaneously locate more than onenode of an input tree. In other words, XPath only allows unaryqueries. To formulaten-ary queries, XQueryhas to be used. The sublanguagesXQ2 andXQ3 comprehend the translations ofn-ary Xcerpt queries in formof iterations, existential quantifications, several kindsof constraints and parent-child relationships. There are,however, many different alternatives to formulaten-ary queries. Since the emphasis of this thesis lies uponfinding translation possiblities and algorithms, the performance is not a primary issue. Interesting researchin this area would be to empirically compare the efficiency ofdifferent XQuery realizations ofn-ary queriesand the evaluation ofn-ary queries in Xcerpt. Since the performance is expected tovary among XQueryimplementations, multiple XQuery engines should be incorporated in the analysis.

6.2 Conclusion

The contributions of this thesis are the following: Three pairs of equally expressive sublanguages of Xcerpt andXQuery are identified and automatic translation algorithmsfor translating in both directions between each pairof sublanguages are discussed. The formal semantics of bothXQuery and Xcerpt are thoroughly compared tounderline the correctness of the translation rules. In order to properly convey the semantics of Xcerpt queryterms, the translation algorithms forXC2 andXC3 must distinguish between two kind of nodes. The firsttype of nodes constitutes bindings for Xcerpt variables to be returned in substitution sets, and must therefore betranslated by for-clauses. The second type of nodes represent – just as predicates in XPath – mere constraintsfor the data to be retrieved and must therefore be translatedby existential quantifications (some-clauses). Arecursive translation algorithm has been presented that translatesXC2 query terms in one single sweep overthe term structure.XC3 including negated subterms and multiple variable occurrences, the order of translatingthe subterms to XQuery is non-trivial. Translation rules for XC3 specify how to recursively translate entirequeries in a single sweep and how to ensure the correct translation order of the subterms. Translation rules forthe reverse direction identify tree patterns within XQueryin order to translate them to Xcerpt query terms.

Building upon the translation of Xcerpt queries, it has beenshown how to translate Xcerpt construct termsdirectly and with XQuery functions. Automatic translationalgorithms for construct terms and entire construct-query-rules are given. It has been demonstrated that intertwined XQuery construction and Xcerpt groupingconstructs serve similar purposes in both languages. Intertwined XQuery expressions are automatically trans-lated to Xcerpt rules. As a final enhancement, XQuery expressions constructing intermediate results are trans-lated by the simulation of dynamic environments through rule chaining and by the elimination of let-clauses.

Although only parts of both languages are considered, it canbe seen that translation in both directionsis feasible under moderate expenses. Difficulties are encountered when confronted with the distinguishingcharacteristics of both languages, such as node-identity in XQuery, injectivity among siblings and optionalsubterms in Xcerpt.


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