bilder & geschichten 1/2013 englisch

1/2013 WE wish you a Merry Christmas!

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Bilder & Geschichten 1/2013 Englisch


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WE wish you a Merry Christmas!

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Liebe Freunde, liebe Leser, liebe Kunden, liebe Geschäftspartner, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

„Dankeschön!! Ich sage Ihnen Dankeschön und vielen herzlichen Dank!!“

„Dankeschön wofür?“ Ganz einfach: „Für alles und für jeden Einzelnen von Ihnen!“ Uns geht es gut! Nicht nur mir und meinen 600 Mitunternehmern der LIQUI MOLY/MÉGUIN. Ich denke es geht unserer gesamten Branche gut, unserem Land und den allermeisten unserer Mitmenschen. Diese Zeit ist trotz aller Krisen und Verwerfungen in keinster Weise mit der Not- und Elendszeit vergangener Jahre und Epochen zu vergleichen, in denen die Menschen von Kriegen, Seuchen, Hunger und Krankheiten gepeinigt wurden. Wir haben Frieden, ausreichend zu essen, sauberes Wasser, ein Dach über dem Kopf – Freiheit, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Für all das bin ich unheimlich dankbar. Solche glücklichen Lebensumstände sind keineswegs selbstver-ständlich; auch heute nicht - in manchen Ländern unserer Erde, in vielen Ecken dieser Welt....

Ihr Ernst Prost

Ich bin unglaublich dankbar für meine Arbeit, für meine Weggefährten in unserer Firma, für die eingeschworene Gemeinschaft unserer LIQUI MOLY/MÉGUIN-Familie, für alle meine Kunden, Lieferanten und Geschäftsfreunde. Ich bin einfach nur dankbar - aus tiefstem Herzen für jeden und für alles.

Wir sind auch in 2012 wieder gesund und höchst munter gewachsen. Unseren Umsatz haben wir von 342 Millionen Euro auf über 400 Millionen Euro in diesem Jahr gesteigert. Noch besser aber ist, dass wir in diesem Jahr 27 neue Arbeits-plätze und in den beiden Jahren davor insgesamt 106 zusätzliche Stellen geschaffen haben. Wir haben unsere Verantwortung den Menschen und der Gesellschaft gegenüber mit großem Herzen und viel Enthusiasmus wahrgenommen. Wir haben kräftig Steuern bezahlt und mit unseren Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen, die wir gemeinsam erwirtschaftet haben, unseren Sozialstaat ordentlich gestützt. Dadurch haben wir dem Gemeinwohl an unseren Standorten, in unserer Heimat und in unseren Märkten gedient - so wie es sich für verantwortungsbewusste Leistungsträger in der Wirtschaft gehört. Ich bin dankbar dafür, dass wir diese Leistung Jahr für Jahr immer wieder mit wachsender Begeisterung hinbekommen.

Anstand, Respekt und Liebe – das sind die unschlagbaren Zutaten für unseren Erfolg. Liebe? Ja - Liebe!!! Liebe, Dankbarkeit und Demut! Liebe zu den Menschen, zur Arbeit und zum Leben.

Ich sage noch einmal aus tiefstem Herzen Dankeschön zu allen meinen 600 Mitstreitern in der LIQUI MOLY-Familie, zu unseren tausenden von Kunden im Handel und in den Werkstätten dieser Welt, zu Millionen von Autofahrern, die unsere Produkte verwen-den und treu zu unserer Firma stehen. Und ich sage danke zu meinem Herrgott, dass ich jetzt - in dieser Zeit, in diesem Land unter all diesen liebenswerten Menschen leben darf.

In diesem Sinne wünsche ich uns allen ein friedliches und gesundes Weihnachtsfest und ein erfolgreiches neues Jahr voller Achtsamkeit, Hingabe und Liebe!

Dear friends, readers, customers, business partners and colleagues,

„Thank you! I would like to thank you and give you many thanks!“

„What for?“ Very simply: „For everything and for every one of you!“We are doing well! Not just me and my 600 co-entrepreneurs at LIQUI MOLY/MÉGUIN. I think our entire sector, our country and, above all, our fellow men and women are doing well. Despite all the crises and upheaval, this time cannot be com-pared to the time of need and hardship of the past few years and bygone eras in which people were tormented by wars, plagues, starvation and illnesses. We have peace, enough to eat, clean water, a roof over our heads – freedom, demo-cracy and the rule of law. I am incredibly thankful for all of this. Such fortuna-te living conditions are by no means a matter of course; particularly in other countries on our planet, in many corners of the globe...

I am incredibly thankful for my work, for my companions in our company, for the committed alliance of our LIQUI MOLY/MÉGUIN family, for all my cus-tomers, suppliers and business friends. I am simply thankful from the bottom of my heart for everyone and everything.

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Liebe Freunde, liebe Leser, liebe Kunden, liebe Geschäftspartner, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

„Dankeschön!! Ich sage Ihnen Dankeschön und vielen herzlichen Dank!!“

„Dankeschön wofür?“ Ganz einfach: „Für alles und für jeden Einzelnen von Ihnen!“ Uns geht es gut! Nicht nur mir und meinen 600 Mitunternehmern der LIQUI MOLY/MÉGUIN. Ich denke es geht unserer gesamten Branche gut, unserem Land und den allermeisten unserer Mitmenschen. Diese Zeit ist trotz aller Krisen und Verwerfungen in keinster Weise mit der Not- und Elendszeit vergangener Jahre und Epochen zu vergleichen, in denen die Menschen von Kriegen, Seuchen, Hunger und Krankheiten gepeinigt wurden. Wir haben Frieden, ausreichend zu essen, sauberes Wasser, ein Dach über dem Kopf – Freiheit, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Für all das bin ich unheimlich dankbar. Solche glücklichen Lebensumstände sind keineswegs selbstver-ständlich; auch heute nicht - in manchen Ländern unserer Erde, in vielen Ecken dieser Welt....

Ihr Ernst Prost

Ich bin unglaublich dankbar für meine Arbeit, für meine Weggefährten in unserer Firma, für die eingeschworene Gemeinschaft unserer LIQUI MOLY/MÉGUIN-Familie, für alle meine Kunden, Lieferanten und Geschäftsfreunde. Ich bin einfach nur dankbar - aus tiefstem Herzen für jeden und für alles.

Wir sind auch in 2012 wieder gesund und höchst munter gewachsen. Unseren Umsatz haben wir von 342 Millionen Euro auf über 400 Millionen Euro in diesem Jahr gesteigert. Noch besser aber ist, dass wir in diesem Jahr 27 neue Arbeits-plätze und in den beiden Jahren davor insgesamt 106 zusätzliche Stellen geschaffen haben. Wir haben unsere Verantwortung den Menschen und der Gesellschaft gegenüber mit großem Herzen und viel Enthusiasmus wahrgenommen. Wir haben kräftig Steuern bezahlt und mit unseren Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen, die wir gemeinsam erwirtschaftet haben, unseren Sozialstaat ordentlich gestützt. Dadurch haben wir dem Gemeinwohl an unseren Standorten, in unserer Heimat und in unseren Märkten gedient - so wie es sich für verantwortungsbewusste Leistungsträger in der Wirtschaft gehört. Ich bin dankbar dafür, dass wir diese Leistung Jahr für Jahr immer wieder mit wachsender Begeisterung hinbekommen.

Anstand, Respekt und Liebe – das sind die unschlagbaren Zutaten für unseren Erfolg. Liebe? Ja - Liebe!!! Liebe, Dankbarkeit und Demut! Liebe zu den Menschen, zur Arbeit und zum Leben.

Ich sage noch einmal aus tiefstem Herzen Dankeschön zu allen meinen 600 Mitstreitern in der LIQUI MOLY-Familie, zu unseren tausenden von Kunden im Handel und in den Werkstätten dieser Welt, zu Millionen von Autofahrern, die unsere Produkte verwen-den und treu zu unserer Firma stehen. Und ich sage danke zu meinem Herrgott, dass ich jetzt - in dieser Zeit, in diesem Land unter all diesen liebenswerten Menschen leben darf.

In diesem Sinne wünsche ich uns allen ein friedliches und gesundes Weihnachtsfest und ein erfolgreiches neues Jahr voller Achtsamkeit, Hingabe und Liebe!

„Thank you! I would like to thank you and give you many thanks!“

We experienced healthy growth again in 2012. This year we increased our turnover from €342 million to over €400 million. Better still, this year we created 27 new jobs and in the two years before created a total of 106 additional positions. We took on our responsibility for people and society heartily and with great enthusiasm. We have paid a lot of taxes and have greatly supported our welfare state with all of the social security contributions that we have earned together. This has allowed us to serve the common welfare at our sites, in our home and in our markets – as is right for a responsible performer in the economy.I am thankful that we are able to achieve this level of performance, year on year, with growing enthusiasm.

Decency, respect and love – these are the unbeatable ingredients for success. Love?Yes - love!!! Love, thankfulness and humility! Love for people, work and living.

I would again like to thank, from the bottom of my heart, all of my 600 comrades-in-arms in the Liqui Moly family, our thousands of custo-mers on the market and in the workshops of this world, the millions of car drivers who use our products and stay loyal to our company. And I thank God that I am alive now at this time, in this country and among all of these lovable people.

In this spirit I would like to wish us all a peaceful and healthy Christ-mas and a successful new year full of attentiveness, dedication and love.

Ernst Prost

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Farewell Farewell

We say farewell to our valued Sales colleague Wolfram Mehlem (3rd from right) who has deservingly gone into retirement. He is mainly responsible for the great development of LIQUI MOLY in our neighbouring country Austria. As you would expect from a family company, his son Michael is carrying on his work with the other Sales colleagues. The people bidding us farewell in this picture are: from left to right: Hannah Friedrich (HR department),

Alexandra Holzwarth (Management assistant), Günter Hiermaier (Sales Manager Germany/Austria), Silvia Leib and Elisabeth Nussbaumer (both Sales back office) and Marc Sayle (Works Committee). We wish Mr Mehlem all the best with the rest of his life.

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Farewell Farewell

We say farewell to our valued Sales colleague Wolfram Mehlem (3rd from right) who has deservingly gone into retirement. He is mainly responsible for the great development of LIQUI MOLY in our neighbouring country Austria. As you would expect from a family company, his son Michael is carrying on his work with the other Sales colleagues. The people bidding us farewell in this picture are: from left to right: Hannah Friedrich (HR department),

Alexandra Holzwarth (Management assistant), Günter Hiermaier (Sales Manager Germany/Austria), Silvia Leib and Elisabeth Nussbaumer (both Sales back office) and Marc Sayle (Works Committee). We wish Mr Mehlem all the best with the rest of his life.

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New colleagues

LIQUI MOLY boss Ernst Prost (3rd from right) welcomed the following new colleagues in November and December: from left to right: Andreas Zahner (application technician), Simon Neipp (application technician), Eberhard Junk (Sales colleague in Sales), Gerhard Heisele (application

technician) and Jonathan Gysel (LIQUI MOLY Chile). Right: Alexandra Holzwarth.

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New colleagues New colleagues

LIQUI MOLY boss Ernst Prost (3rd from right) welcomed the following new colleagues in November and December: from left to right: Andreas Zahner (application technician), Simon Neipp (application technician), Eberhard Junk (Sales colleague in Sales), Gerhard Heisele (application

technician) and Jonathan Gysel (LIQUI MOLY Chile). Right: Alexandra Holzwarth.

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Congratulations Congratulations

Congratulations to MÉGUIN colleagues Peter Weiland (4th from right) on his service anniversary (10 years) as well as to Mr Bernd Bonenberger (4th from right) and Mr Stefan Weier (3rd from right), who both celebrate their 50th birthday.

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Congratulations Congratulations

Congratulations to MÉGUIN colleagues Peter Weiland (4th from right) on his service anniversary (10 years) as well as to Mr Bernd Bonenberger (4th from right) and Mr Stefan Weier (3rd from right), who both celebrate their 50th birthday.

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New colleague


New colleague at MÉGUIN: Eric Kupper strengthens the Research department. Right: Michael Scholer (head of R & D at MÉGUIN).


Visit from N.V. Doyen Car S.A., represented by Mr Paul Tersi (middle). Right: Export Area Manager Ingo Lindner, left: Hans-Jörg Kiel from MÉGUIN.

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New colleague



Automakedonija Skopje were guests in Saarlouis, represented by Mr Zoran Docinski, Mr Goran Panzov (both on left) and Mr Dejan Stefanovic (right). Middle: Michael Karl, Export Area Manager at LIQUI MOLY. 2nd from left: Hans-Jörg Kiel.

Our business friends of LIQUI MOLY Cambodia visited a WTCC race in Asia.

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Kadri Lamine and Mhelle Layachi (the two gentlemen on the left) from KADIRA Im- andExport toured the plant in Saarlouis together with Export Area Manager Dr. Abdellatif Dak-kak (middle) and MÉGUIN colleagues Thorsten Alt (2nd from right) and Johannes Kieren.


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Five international journalists from Portugal, Norway, Poland, Ireland and Luxembourg were visiting Saarlouis and had Oliver Kuhn (R & D MÉGUIN, top right) show them the plant.

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South and Central America meeting in Cancun (Mexico) with colleagues and importers from the cor-responding countries. Lower photo, f.l.t.r.: Enrique Guerrero Sánchez, Valentin Hernando, Bernardo Morelos Zaragoza, Guillermo Morelos Zaragoza, Hans-Ferdinand Lackner (Export Area Manager).


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Meeting Special

Sales colleague Anita Wagner (née Horn) got married this year. We congratulate her and wish her all the best!

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Great response to the ‘markt intern‘ awarding of Ernst Prost with the 2012

Entrepreneurial Award

Reactions of participants and other prize winners on the awarding of Ernst Prost

Marion Johl, Santander Consumer Bank: „We congratulate Mr Ernst Prost on the German Medium-sized Business Entrepreneurial Award. markt intern is awarding a truly old school businessman in Mr Prost. His works, both commercially and socially, should be an example for medium-sized businesses across Germany. The award to Mr Prost is really well-deserved.“

Andreas Finkenberg, CEO of Bank11/Neuss: We congratulate Mr Ernst Prost on his Entrepreneuri-al Award and are fully convinced that Mr Prost, as a brilliant manager with social commitment, was rightly awarded as the first awardee from the automobile sector. With his authentic and rousing speech on this celebratory evening, Mr Prost underlined that truly deserves this award!“

Jens Naske, CEO of Wena-Car Produkt GmbH: „In the few minutes of his speech, Ernst Prost made it clear why he deserves this award. His speech was an appeal against self-pity, which is also increasingly spreading amongst entrepreneurs and which can best be seen in the moaning and complaining about state institutions. We entrepreneurs will not be able to abolish this, as nice as it might be from time to time, so, our commercial zest for action should not be dependent on it. In short: we had the pleasure to experience one of the most involved German entrepreneurial personalities in Ernst Prost on 6th November. The Bavarian rebel has held a mirror before us!“

Markus Thiel, CEO of Unitcell Management Consulting: „The giving of the award to Mr Ernst Prost from LIQUI MOLY GmbH, an impressively ambitious company with medium-sized values in the stricken German automobile sector, shows that openly dealing with difficult challenges and the realisation of visions against great obstacles and against the mainstream continues to be worthwhile.“

Anja Petersen, Marketing Manager at FFS Group: That Mr Prost became the first, and in my opinion exceptional entrepreneur, from the automobile sector to be awarded pleased me a great deal. His speech impressively portrayed entrepreneurial thoughts and actions.“

Rainer Bickel, Sales Manager at akf Bank: The awarding of Mr Prost and his acceptance speech with the advice of not allowing yourself to be brought down were very impressive, because even in hard times markets can be shaped, something he is a shining example of with LIQUI MOLY. Above all with the aspect of defending the „location of Germany“, which Mr Prost sees as his duty as a German entrepreneur. Mr Prost was the right man for the 2012 Entrepreneurial Award!“

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Great response to the ‘markt intern‘ awarding of Ernst Prost with the 2012

Entrepreneurial Award

Reactions of participants and other prize winners on the awarding of Ernst Prost

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Heroes at workIn the last edition you got to know the colleagues in Accounting at LIQUI MOLY. Now we would like to introduce you to the colleagues at MÉGUIN and, additionally, the work of our EDP comrades-in-arms in Saarlouis.

The colleagues from MÉGUIN Accounting: from left to right: Alfrieda Schwinn, Michael Löhfelm, Kerstin Arweiler und Hermann Blau.

The work of our colleagues from the EDP department, both at LIQUI MOLY and MÉGUIN, is the basis for a smooth process in the entire company.

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Heroes at workIn the last edition you got to know the colleagues in Accounting at LIQUI MOLY. Now we would like to introduce you to the colleagues at MÉGUIN and, additionally, the work of our EDP comrades-in-arms in Saarlouis.

The work of our colleagues from the EDP department, both at LIQUI MOLY and MÉGUIN, is the basis for a smooth process in the entire company.

The colleagues programme Windows applications, e.g. the PPS programme. The complete production runs using this system, as well as the processes of Purchasing, Lab, Sales and Shipping. In addition, the colleagues ensure the safety of data and ensure the functionality of the programmes that are needed for all administrative tasks.

The EDP trio at MÉGUIN:F.l.t.r.: Kim Bastian, Pierre Jager und Harald Diedenhofen.

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International press


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International press


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Thema: Liqui Moly – Unternehmen

03.12.2012 | Motor-Magasinet

Medienquelle: PrintSeitenstart: 22

Land: DänemarkAnzahl der Zeichen: 2423

Erscheinungsweise: keine Angabe


LIQUI MOLY introduce etichete modernizate pentru bidoanele de uleiDuminică, 09 Decembrie 2012 17:51

Index articol

LIQUI MOLY introduce etichete modernizate pentru bidoanele de uleiPagina 2Toate paginile

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Uleiul de motor german si aditivii LIQUI MOLY expert au prezentat noul design pentru etichetele sale pentru bidoanele de ulei pentru prima dată la Automechanika, cel mai mare târg comercial accesoriu auto din lume.

Uite a fost ușor modernizat. "Etichetele sunt fata de ulei de motor", spune Peter Baumann, Marketing Manager la LIQUI MOLY.

"Acest lucru arata acum o fata proaspata, dar păstrează valoarea sa de recunoaștere."Așa cum revistele și ziarele modernizeaza aspectul lor din timp în timp, uneori, etichetele primesc , de asemenea, un makeover.Cel mai important lucru este de a găsi un echilibru între schimbare și valoarea de recunoaștere.

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New Zealand


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Thema: Liqui Moly – Sponsoring

06.12.2012 | Star

Medienquelle: PrintLand: Südafrika

Anzahl der Zeichen: 0Erscheinungsweise: keine Angabe


Thema: Liqui Moly – Unternehmen

07.11.2012 | Jyderup Posten

Medienquelle: PrintSeitenstart: 15

Anzahl der Zeichen: 1441Erscheinungsweise: keine Angabe



South Africa

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Czech Republic

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Czech Republic

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Czech Republic

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LIQUI MOLY Kazakhstan

Fleet & campaigns of our Kazakh business friends

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LIQUI MOLY Kazakhstan

Fleet & campaigns of our Kazakh business friends

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Exhibitions & events

Race of Legends & Charity, South Africa

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Exhibitions & events

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46 Showbiz celebrities and famous racing drivers from South Africa assembled for the „RoL“ in order to raise money for the aid organisation JAM and their projects.

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47Showbiz celebrities and famous racing drivers from South Africa assembled for the „RoL“ in order to raise money for the aid organisation JAM and their projects.

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Cheque presentation at „RoL“: approx. €14,000 was raised to support those in need.F.l.t.r.: Burton Moonsamy (JAM donation coordinator), Peter Pretorious and his wife (founder of JAM), Melicia Labuschagne

(LIQUI MOLY South Africa), Kevin Hepburn (owner of Legend Cars SA), Kim Carmichael.

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Cheque presentation at „RoL“: approx. €14,000 was raised to support those in need.F.l.t.r.: Burton Moonsamy (JAM donation coordinator), Peter Pretorious and his wife (founder of JAM), Melicia Labuschagne

(LIQUI MOLY South Africa), Kevin Hepburn (owner of Legend Cars SA), Kim Carmichael.

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MotorShow Lima, Peru

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MotorShow Lima, Peru Stuntriding Championship, Belarus

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Kickboxing in Minsk, Belarus

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Kickboxing in Minsk, Belarus EuroRacing exhibition in Luxembourg

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British drift championships

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British drift championships Basketball Bundesliga, Germany

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Press releases LIQUI MOLY

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Press releases LIQUI MOLY

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Günter Hiermaier, Sales Manager Germany and Austria, interview

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In an earlier edition of Heimatheft we reported the construction at our Jordanian business partner (see picture above). Several months later and the building project is taking shape and is progressing so well that this will soon be the company headquarters of our importer Yousef Barghouth.


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In an earlier edition of Heimatheft we reported the construction at our Jordanian business partner (see picture above). Several months later and the building project is taking shape and is progressing so well that this will soon be the company headquarters of our importer Yousef Barghouth.

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Company portrait and extract from the book „The market deserves us“

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72 LIQUI MOLY petrol station in Uruguay.

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LIQUI MOLY truck in South Africa.

LIQUI MOLY at the Dakar rally in Peru.

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Journey through history

1994 1994

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Our business friends in Tajikistan back LIQUI MOLY as thekit sponsor at an indoor football tournament. The local press also reported the spectacle.

Workshop cafe and female LIQUI MOLY in Serbia.

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Our business friends in Tajikistan back LIQUI MOLY as thekit sponsor at an indoor football tournament. The local press also reported the spectacle.

Workshop cafe and female LIQUI MOLY in Serbia.

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Training at Elite Oil in Saudi Arabia, together with LIQUI MOLY colleagues Thomas Sailer and Oliver Löffler (upper row 3rd and 4th from left).

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