book review

Path. Res. Pract. 173, 180 (1981) Book Reviews Ahnefeld, F. W., Bergmann, H., Burn, C, Dick, W., HalmagYI, M., Hossh, G. und Rughelmer, E. (Hrsg.): Akutes Lungenversagen. (Khmsche AnastheslOlogIe und Intenslvtheraple, Band 20). XIV, 319 Selten mit 127 Abbildungen und 88 Tabellen. Spnnger-Verlag, Berlm - Heidelberg - New York 1979. Geb. DM 64,-; $ 35,20 Die Herausgeber haben es 1m Rahmen eines work-shops versucht, die Pathologle und Patho- physiologIe sowle die Khmk des akuten Lungenversagens unter emen Hut zu brmgen. Dabel wlrd der PathologIe der Schocklunge groBer Raum und Beachtung geschenkt. Die ausfuhrlich zum Tell kontrovers daruber gefiihrte DiskusslOn ist fUr den Pathologen lehrrelch zu lesen. Auch wenn man mit dem mhilistlschen Konzept der Schocklunge mcht emverstanden 1st, so kann der pulmonolo- gisch onentlerte Pathologe daraus lernen. Die Aufmachung, Gbederung und Abbildungsqualitat des vorliegenden Buches smd sehr gut, was uber den etwas hohen Preis hinwegtrostet. DemlIng, 1., Elster, K., Koch, H., and Rosch, W.: Endoskople und Blopsle von Spelserohre. Magen und Zwolfftngerdarm. Ein Farbat/as. (Endoscopy and BIOpsy of the Esophagus, Stomach. and Duodenum. A Color Atlas.) Secound, fully reworked and expanded edItIon. XIV, 226 pages with 422 mostly multi-colored figures. F. K. Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart-New York, 1980. PrIce: DM 174.00. The second edItIon of this book has maintamed the successful approach of the fIrSt edItIon. The first two chapters present the mstruments and techmques of endoscopy and bIOpsy and cytology of the upper gastromtestmal tract. The third chapter covers endoscopy and biOpsy of the esopha- gus, mcluding normal esophagus, esophageal reflux, achalasia and diverticula, rare mflammatory mucosal changes of the esophagus, vances, membranes and rmg-like stenoses, bemgn tumors, malignant tumors, participation of the esophagus m dermatologlc diseases, hiatal hernias, gas- troesophageal prolapse, the Mallory-Weiss syndrome, the Boerhaave syndrome, and erosIOns of the esophagus and stomach. The fourth chapter presents endoscopy and bIOpsy of the stomach, mcludIng gastrItIs, giant rugae and hyperplasia, diverticula and stenoses, vances and vascular malformatIOns, erOSIOns, ventncular ulcers, polyps and polYPOSIS, carcmomas, lymphomas, mesenchymal tumors, pylonc duplication, and the operated stomach. The additional, fifth chap- ter descnbes endoscopy and biOpsy of the duodenum, mcludmg diffuse mucosal changes, ero- SIOns, ulcers, scars, cicatricial bulbs, bemgn tumors, malignant tumors, vances and mesentenc artery occlUSIOn of the duodenum, the papilla of Vater, mucosal heterotopias, membranes, and duodenal diverticula. Two further chapters deal With emergency endoscopy and therapeutic (operative) endoscopy. The authors have succeeded m brmgmg together both clInical and morphologic aspects as well as both text and illustratIOns m a nearly Ideal form. Each chapter provides a review of normal and pathologiC histology, which IS documented by the appropnate, excellent color illustratIOns. The mdivldual chapters give frequency and mCldence, etiopathogenesIs, climcal presentatIOn, diag- nOSIS, endoscopIc findmgs, and therapy, msofar as the endoscoplst plays a role. A bnef overview of the literature follows each chapter, and mcludes both standard publications and the essential publIcations to the theme under diSCUSSion. Both the endoscopIc and histologIC illustratIOns are optimal in quality. Numerous schematiC diagrams and tables supplement the text. ThiS book is mdispensable for every endoscoplst, and can be enthUSiastically recommended to every patholOgist interested m gastroenterology as well. The pnce IS appropnate.

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Path. Res. Pract. 173, 180 (1981) Book Reviews

Ahnefeld, F. W., Bergmann, H., Burn, C, Dick, W., HalmagYI, M., Hossh, G. und Rughelmer, E. (Hrsg.): Akutes Lungenversagen. (Khmsche AnastheslOlogIe und Intenslvtheraple, Band 20). XIV, 319 Selten mit 127 Abbildungen und 88 Tabellen. Spnnger-Verlag, Berlm - Heidelberg - New York 1979. Geb. DM 64,-; $ 35,20

Die Herausgeber haben es 1m Rahmen eines work-shops versucht, die Pathologle und Patho­physiologIe sowle die Khmk des akuten Lungenversagens unter emen Hut zu brmgen. Dabel wlrd der PathologIe der Schocklunge groBer Raum und Beachtung geschenkt. Die ausfuhrlich zum Tell kontrovers daruber gefiihrte DiskusslOn ist fUr den Pathologen lehrrelch zu lesen. Auch wenn man mit dem mhilistlschen Konzept der Schocklunge mcht emverstanden 1st, so kann der pulmonolo­gisch onentlerte Pathologe daraus lernen.

Die Aufmachung, Gbederung und Abbildungsqualitat des vorliegenden Buches smd sehr gut, was uber den etwas hohen Preis hinwegtrostet.

DemlIng, 1., Elster, K., Koch, H., and Rosch, W.: Endoskople und Blopsle von Spelserohre. Magen und Zwolfftngerdarm. Ein Farbat/as. (Endoscopy and BIOpsy of the Esophagus, Stomach. and Duodenum. A Color Atlas.) Secound, fully reworked and expanded edItIon. XIV, 226 pages with 422 mostly multi-colored figures. F. K. Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart-New York, 1980. PrIce: DM 174.00.

The second edItIon of this book has maintamed the successful approach of the fIrSt edItIon. The first two chapters present the mstruments and techmques of endoscopy and bIOpsy and cytology of the upper gastromtestmal tract. The third chapter covers endoscopy and biOpsy of the esopha­gus, mcluding normal esophagus, esophageal reflux, achalasia and diverticula, rare mflammatory mucosal changes of the esophagus, vances, membranes and rmg-like stenoses, bemgn tumors, malignant tumors, participation of the esophagus m dermatologlc diseases, hiatal hernias, gas­troesophageal prolapse, the Mallory-Weiss syndrome, the Boerhaave syndrome, and erosIOns of the esophagus and stomach. The fourth chapter presents endoscopy and bIOpsy of the stomach, mcludIng gastrItIs, giant rugae and hyperplasia, diverticula and stenoses, vances and vascular malformatIOns, erOSIOns, ventncular ulcers, polyps and polYPOSIS, carcmomas, lymphomas, mesenchymal tumors, pylonc duplication, and the operated stomach. The additional, fifth chap­ter descnbes endoscopy and biOpsy of the duodenum, mcludmg diffuse mucosal changes, ero­SIOns, ulcers, scars, cicatricial bulbs, bemgn tumors, malignant tumors, vances and mesentenc artery occlUSIOn of the duodenum, the papilla of Vater, mucosal heterotopias, membranes, and duodenal diverticula. Two further chapters deal With emergency endoscopy and therapeutic (operative) endoscopy.

The authors have succeeded m brmgmg together both clInical and morphologic aspects as well as both text and illustratIOns m a nearly Ideal form. Each chapter provides a review of normal and pathologiC histology, which IS documented by the appropnate, excellent color illustratIOns. The mdivldual chapters give frequency and mCldence, etiopathogenesIs, climcal presentatIOn, diag­nOSIS, endoscopIc findmgs, and therapy, msofar as the endoscoplst plays a role. A bnef overview of the literature follows each chapter, and mcludes both standard publications and the essential publIcations to the theme under diSCUSSion. Both the endoscopIc and histologIC illustratIOns are optimal in quality. Numerous schematiC diagrams and tables supplement the text.

ThiS book is mdispensable for every endoscoplst, and can be enthUSiastically recommended to every patholOgist interested m gastroenterology as well. The pnce IS appropnate.