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  • 7/29/2019 c03 Crypto DES AES Utc


    Biometrics andCryptography@UTC/CSE

    Data Encryption Standard


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    6.1.1 History

    DES was adopted as a US federal standard forcommercial encryption in 1975.

    Feistel Cipher: the fundamental building block ofDES designed by IBM.

    Design requirements:

    must provide high level of security (commercialstandard)

    Security must not depend on secrecy of algorithm(Kerckhoffs principle)

    Must be easily and economically implemented

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    DES is a block cipher, as shown in Figure 6.1.

    6.1.2 Overview

    Figure 6.1 Encryption and decryption with DES

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    DES StructureThe encryption process is made of two permutations (P-

    boxes), which we call initial and final permutations, and

    sixteen Feistel rounds.

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    6.2.1 Initial and Final Permutations

    Figure 6.3 Initial and final permutation steps in DES

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    6.2.1 Continue

    Table 6.1 Initial and final permutation tables

    How to read this table?The 58th bit of input x will be the first bit of output IP(x), the

    50th bit ofx is the second bit ofIP(x), etc.

    The initial and final permutations are straight P-boxes that are inverses

    of each other. They have no cryptography significance in DES.

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    Example 6.1

    6.2.1 Continued

    Find the output of the initial permutation box when the input

    is given in hexadecimal as:

    Only bit 25 and bit 64 are 1s; the other bits are 0s. In the final

    permutation, bit 25 becomes bit 64 and bit 63 becomes bit 15.

    The result is


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    DES uses 16 rounds. Each round of

    DES is a Feistel cipher.Separate message block into two 32-bithalves, Li and Ri

    Introduce confusion by using acomplex nonlinear function f

    fhas two inputs: Ri and a 48-bit roundkey, Ki

    Introduce diffusionby adding Li andthe output off

    6.2.2 Rounds Figure 6.4A round in DES(encryption site)

    Li+1 = Ri

    Ri+1 = Li f(Ri, Ki+1)

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    The heart of DES is the DES function. The DES function

    applies a 48-bit key to the rightmost 32 bits to produce a32-bit output.

    6.2.2 ContinuedDES Function

    Figure 6.5DES function

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    Expansion P-box

    Since RI1 is a 32-bit input and KI is a 48-bit key, we firstneed to expand R

    I1 to 48 bits.

    6.2.2 Continue

    Figure 6.6 Expansion permutation

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    Although the relationship between the input and output

    can be defined mathematically, DES uses Table 6.2 todefine this P-box.

    6.2.2 Continue

    Table 6.6 Expansion P-box table

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    Whitener (XOR)

    After the expansion permutation, DES uses the XORoperation on the expanded right section and the round

    key. Note that both the right section and the key are 48-

    bits in length. Also note that the round key is used only inthis operation.

    6.2.2 Continue

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    The S-boxes do the real mixing (confusion). DES uses 8S-boxes, each with a 6-bit input and a 4-bit output. See

    Figure 6.7.

    6.2.2 Continue

    Figure 6.7 S-boxes

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    6.2.2 Continue

    Figure 6.8 S-box rule

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    Table 6.3 shows the permutation for S-box 1. For the rest

    of the boxes see the textbook.

    6.2.2 Continue

    Table 6.3 S-box 1

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    Example 6.3

    6.2.2 Continued

    The input to S-box 1 is 100011. What is the output?

    If we write the first and the sixth bits together, we get 11 in

    binary, which is 3 in decimal. The remaining bits are 0001 in

    binary, which is 1 in decimal. We look for the value in row 3,

    column 1, in Table 6.3 (S-box 1). The result is 12 in decimal,which in binary is 1100. So the input 100011 yields the output



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    Straight Permutation

    6.2.2 Continue

    Table 6.11 Straight permutation table


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    6.2.3 Key Generation Figure 6.10Key generation

    The round-key generatorcreates sixteen 48-bitkeys out of a 56-bit

    cipher key.

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    623 C i d

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    6.2.3 Continued

    Table 6.14 Key-compression table

    56 48

    631 P ti

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    Two desired properties of a block cipher are the

    avalanche effectand thecompleteness.

    6.3.1 Properties

    Example 6.7

    To check the avalanche effect in DES, let us encrypt twoplaintext blocks (with the same key) that differ only in one bit

    and observe the differences in the number of bits in each


    631 C ti d

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    Example 6.7

    6.3.1 Continued

    Although the two plaintext blocks differ only in the rightmostbit, the ciphertext blocks differ in 29 bits. This means that

    changing approximately 1.5 percent of the plaintext creates a

    change of approximately 45 percent in the ciphertext.

    Table 6.17 Number of bit differences for Example 6.7


    631 C ti d

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    6.3.1 Continued

    Completeness effectCompleteness effect means that each bit of the ciphertextneeds to depend on many bits on the plaintext.

    632 D i C it i

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    6.3.2 Design Criteria


    The design provides confusion and diffusion of bits fromeach round to the next.

    P-BoxesThey provide diffusion of bits.

    Number of RoundsDES usessixteen rounds of Feistel ciphers. the ciphertext

    is thoroughly a random function of plaintext andciphertext.

    633 DESW k

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    During the last few years critics have found some

    weaknesses in DES.

    6.3.3 DES Weaknesses

    Weaknesses in Cipher Design1.Weaknesses in S-boxes Two specifically chosen inputs to an S-box can create same output

    2. Weaknesses in P-boxes initial and final permutations have no security benefits

    the first and fourth bits of every 4-bit series are repeated

    3. Weaknesses in Key

    Weak keys create same 16 round keys Semi-weak keys create 2 different round keys

    Possible weak keys create 4 distinct round keys

    Key complement

    633 DESW k

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    There are four weak keys.

    After parity drop operation, a key consists either of all0s, all 1s, or half 0s and half 1s.

    Weak keys create same 16 round keys.

    6.3.3 DES Weaknesses

    633 C ti d

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    Example 6.8

    6.3.3 Continued

    Let us try the first weak key in Table 6.18 to encrypt a block

    two times. After two encryptionswith the same key the original plaintext block is created. Note

    that we have used the encryption algorithm two times, not

    one encryption followed by another decryption.

    633 Continued

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    6.3.3 Continued

    Figure 6.11 Double encryption and decryption with a weak key



    633 Continued

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    6.3.3 Continued

    Semi-weak keys create only 2 different round keys;k1, k2

    633 Continued

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    6.3.3 Continued

    Semi-week keys create 2 different round keys

    633 Continued

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    6.3.3 Continued

    Figure 6.12 A pair of semi-weak keys in encryption and decryption



    633 Continued

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    Example 6.9

    6.3.3 Continued

    What is the probability of randomly selecting a weak, a semi-

    weak, or a possible weak key?


    DES has a key domain of 256. The total number of the above

    keys are 64 (4 + 12 + 48). The probability of choosing one of

    these keys is 8.8 1016, almost impossible.

    633 Continued

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    6.3.3 Continued

    Key Complement In the key domain ( 562 ), definitely half of the keys arecomplement of the other half. A key complement can be made by inverting

    (changing 0 to 1 or 1 to 0) each bit in the key. Does a key complement simplify

    the job of the cryptanalysis? It happens that it does. Eve can only half of the

    possible keys ( 552 ) to perform brute-force attack. This is because

    ),(),( PKECPKEC

    In other words, if we encrypt the complement of plaintext with the complement

    of the key, we get the complement of the ciphertext. Eve does not have to test

    all 562 possible keys, she can test only half of them and then complement the result.

    633 Continued

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    Example 6.10

    6.3.3 Continued

    Let us test the claim about the complement keys. We have

    used an arbitrary key and plaintext to find the corresponding

    ciphertext. If we have the key complement and the plaintext,

    we can obtain the complement of the previous ciphertext

    (Table 6.20).

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    6-4 Multiple DES

    Major limitation of DES Key length is too short (56 bits).

    Question: So can we apply DES multiple times to

    increase the strength of encryption? Advantage: We could then preserve the existing

    investment in software and equipment.

    6.4.1 Double DES

    6.4.4 Triple DES

    Topics discussed in this section:

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    Double DES (I)

    Apply two iterations of DES with two keys K1 and K2

    What if DES has a structure of an algebraic group, such that for each K1 andK2 there is a K3 with the property:

    Ek2(Ek1(P)) = Ek3(P)

    Meet-in-the-Middle AttackHowever, using a known-plaintext attack called meet-in-the-middle

    attack proves (1992) that double DES improves this vulnerability

    slightly (to 257 tests), but not tremendously (to 2112).

    641 Continued

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    6.4.1 Continued

    Figure 6.14 Meet-in-the-middle attack for double DES

    For given P and C search only O(2^56) pairs of keys K1 and K2 at theintermediate message M

    Encrypt P under all 2^56 options for K1

    Denote the results by M1, M2, . . ., Mn

    Decrypt C under all 2^56 options for K2

    Denote the results by M1, M2, . . ., Mn

    641 Continued

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    6.4.1 Continued

    Figure 6.15 Tables for meet-in-the-middle attack

    Sort the values M1, M2, . . ., Mn

    Sort the values M1, M2, . . ., MnEve will find at least one match of M with two keys (k1 and k2). If

    there is only match, Eve found the key. If there is more than one, Eve

    takes another intercepted plain-text-cipher text pair. This is repeated

    until she finally finds a unique pair.

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    Triple-DES (I)

    EEE Mode:

    DES Encrypt-Encrypt-Encrypt with three keys K1, K2, K3 (168

    bits) and strength O (2110) against Meet-in-the-Middle

    Not compatible with regular DES

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    Triple-DES (II)

    EDE Mode:

    DES Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt with two keys K1, & K2


    Two keys (112 bits)

    Strength O(2110) against Meet-in-the-Middle

    Compatible with regular DES when K1= K2

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    E-D-E versus E-E-E

    Why E-D-E?

    Initial and final permutations would cancel each other

    out with EEE (minor advantage to EDE)

    EDE compatible with single DES if same keys. Only 2 different Keys needed with E-D-E

    The possibility of known-plaintext attacks on triple DES withtwo keys has enticed some applications to use triple DES withthree keys. Triple DES with three keys is used by manyapplications such as PGP. New candidates numerous - RC5,IDEA, two-fish, CAST, etc.

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    The size of the key space, 256, is too small to be

    really secure. Brute-Force Attack: Combining shortcipher key in DES with the key complement

    weakness, it is clear that DES can be broken using

    2^55 encryptions.

    Security of DES mainly relies on the nonlinearity of

    the f (i.e. the S-boxes)

    6-5 Security of DES

    DES, as the first important block cipher, has gonethrough much scrutiny.

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    6-5 Security of DES

    Differential cryptanalysis: Designed S-boxes and 16rounds aim to make DES specifically resistant to this

    type of attack.

    Linear cryptanalysis: DES is more vulnerable to

    linear cryptanalysis than to differential cryptanalysis. S-boxes are not very resistant to linear cryptanalysis. It

    has been shown that DES can be broken using 243 pairs

    of known plaintexts. However, from the practical point

    of view, finding so many pairs is very unlikely.

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    Exhaustive Key Search In 1993, Michael Wiener presented a pipelined chip which does 16 encryptions

    simultaneously and tests 5107 DES keys per second.

    Each chip could be built for US$10 using current technology.

    A frame consisting of 5760 chips can be built for $100K.

    In 1997, cost cut by a factor of 6

    Software version of DES cracking effort can be found at


    Current Record: 22 hrs and 15 mins to break DES by distributed software

    cracking effort.

    Machine Unit Cost Expected Time

    $100,000 35 hours

    $1,000,000 (10 frames) 3.5 hours$10,000,000 (100 frames) 21 minutes

    O er ie of DES

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    Overview of DESC = DES (K, M)

    Block size = 64 bits

    Key size = 56 bits

    Number of rounds = 16

    IP - Initial Permutation

    IP-1 - The inverse of IP

    f - A nonlinear function

    Ki - Round i subkey (48 bits)

    Each Feistel block can be described as

    Li =Ri-1

    Ri =Li-1f(Ri-1,Ki)

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    Advanced Encryption Standard


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    The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is asymmetric-key block cipher published by the NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) inDecember 2001.

    7.1.2 Criteria

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    The criteria defined by NIST for selecting AES fall into

    three areas:1. Security

    2. Cost

    3. Implementation.


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    AES is a non-Feistel cipher that encrypts and decrypts

    a data block of 128 bits. It uses 10, 12, or 14 rounds.The key size, which can be 128, 192, or 256 bits,depends on the number of rounds.

    AES has defined three versions, with 10, 12,

    and 14 rounds.

    Each version uses a different cipher key size(128, 192, or 256), but the round keys are

    always 128 bits.



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    Figure 7.1 General design of AES encryption cipher


    7.1.4 DataUnits.

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    7.1.4 Data Units.

    Figure 7.2 Data units used in AES

    7.1.4 Continue

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    7.1.4 Continue

    Figure 7.3 Block-to-state and state-to-block transformation

    7.1.4 Continue

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    7.1.4 ContinueExample 7.1

    Figure 7.4 Changing plaintext to state


    Structure of Each Round

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    S uc u e o ac ou d

    Figure 7.5 Structure of each round at the encryption site

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    To provide security, AES uses four types oftransformations: substitution, permutation, mixing,and key-adding.

    7.2.1 Substitution7.2.2 Permutation

    7.2.3 Mixing

    7.2.4 Key Adding

    Topics discussed in this section:

    7.2.1 Substitution

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    AES, like DES, uses substitution. AES uses twoinvertible transformations.

    SubBytesThe first transformation, SubBytes, is used at theencryption site. To substitute a byte, we interpret the byteas two hexadecimal digits.

    The SubBytes operation involves 16

    independent byte-to-byte transformations.


    7.2.1 Substitution

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    Figure 7.6 SubBytes transformation

    7.2.1 Substitution

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    7.2.2 Permutation

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    Another transformation found in a round is shifting,

    which permutes the bytes.ShiftRowsIn the encryption, the transformation is called ShiftRows.

    Figure 7.9 ShiftRows transformation

    7.2.2 Permutation

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    Example 7.4

    Figure 7.10 shows how a state is transformed using ShiftRows

    transformation. The figure also shows that InvShiftRowstransformation creates the original state.

    Figure 7.10 ShiftRows transformation in Example 7.4

    7.2.3 Mixing

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    We need an interbyte transformation that changes the

    bits inside a byte, based on the bits inside theneighboring bytes. We need to mix bytes to providediffusion at the bit level.

    Figure 7.11 Mixing bytes using matrix multiplication

    7.2.3 Mixing

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    The MixColumns transformation operates at the columnlevel; it transforms each column of the state to a newcolumn.

    Figure 7.13 MixColumns transformation


    7.2.4 Key Adding

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    y g


    AddRoundKey proceeds one column at a time.AddRoundKey adds a round key word with each statecolumn matrix; the operation in AddRoundKey is matrixaddition.

    The AddRoundKey transformation is theinverse of itself.


    7.2.4 Key Adding

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    Figure 7.15 AddRoundKey transformation

    Cipher and reverse cipher of AES

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    Cipher and reverse cipher of AES

    AES Security

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    AES was designed after DES. Most of the known

    attacks on DES were already tested on AES.

    Brute-Force AttackAES is definitely more secure than DES due to the

    larger-size key.Statistical AttacksNumerous tests have failed to do statistical analysis ofthe ciphertext.

    Differential and Linear AttacksThere are no differential and linear attacks on AES asyet.

    Simplicity and Cost

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    The algorithms used in AES are so simple that they

    can be easily implemented using cheap processors anda minimum amount of memory.

    C t hi API

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    Cryptographic APIs

    1. Cryptlib (http://www.cryptlib.com/)

    2. OpenSSL (http://www.openssl.org)

    3. Crypt++ (http://www.cryptopp.com/)

    4. BSAFE (http://www.rsa.com/node.aspx?id=1204)

    5. Cryptix (http://www.cryptix.org/)

    6. Crypt:: CPAN modules (http://www.cpan.org/,http://search.cpan.org/dist/Crypt-SSLeay/)

    S t d Ci h

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    Supported Ciphers

    1. Range of MAC algorithms

    Almost all include MD5, SHA-1

    2. Range of symmetric algorithms

    Almost all include AES, DES

    3. Range of public key algorithms

    Almost all include RSA, Diffie-Hellman, DSA

    C t hi API

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    Cryptographic APIs


    easy to use

    free for noncommercial use


    poorly documented

    open source


    C t hi API

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    Cryptographic APIs


    C++ library

    open source

    BSAFE well documented, Java, C/C++

    most popular commercial library

    Was commercial SDK from RSA

    free from 2009 under RSA Share Projecthttps://community.emc.com/community/edn/rsashare?view


    C t hi API

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    Cryptographic APIs

    Cryptix: JCA, JCE open source Java library, C# library


    Python Cryptographic Toolkit open source crypt, hash, rand modules


    Crypt:: CPAN modules forPerl well documented

    many different libraries
