david kippen mars story

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  • 7/31/2019 David Kippen Mars Story


    California invented Mars. It did. Dont believe me? Take this quick quiz.

    Who wrote A Princess of Mars, the science-fiction novel that launched the

    famous Barsoom series of books, and inspired -- if thats the word -- the recent

    movie John Carter of Mars? If you said Edgar Rice Burroughs, I dont know,

    give yourself a Mars bar.

    Ready for another? Who wrote The Martian Chronicles, the great

    groundbreaking book of connected fantasy stories about mans colonization of

    the red planet -- which many have read as an allegory for the suburbanization

    of Southern California. I know, too easy: Ray Bradbury.

    But try this: Who wrote the science-fiction novels Red Planet,

    Podkayne of Mars, and Stranger in a Strange Land, the last of which found

    a huge readership in the 1960s with its portrait of a gentle, freedom-loving

    Martian who refuses to adjust to life on earth? Yes, its Robert Heinlein -- you

    hippie you.

    I promise Im going somewhere with this, so sit still for one more: Who

    wrote Black Amazon of Mars, a delightfully cheesy novelette about the

    sword-wielding interplanetary hero Eric John Stark -- and then went on to co-

    write the screenplays for The Big Sleep and, 30 years later, for The Long

    Goodbye? If you said Leigh Brackett, Im impressed.

    Now, what do all these Mars-obsessed writers have in common?

    Stumped? In 1939, while Edgar Rice Burroughs was still living near Encino on a

    ranch he named after perhaps his best novel, a little spread called Tarzana, in

    1939 you could have walked into Cliftons Cafeteria downtown on any given

    Thursday and found Bradbury, Heinlein and Brackett -- and frequently fellow

    Martian pulp writers Fredric Brown and would you believe L. Ron Hubbard, the

    founder of Scientology -- all sipping Cliftons free limeade and, just

    incidentally, altering the future of American popular culture.

    These were the meetings of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society. Its

    now 73-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and

    new civilizations, to boldly go well, you get the idea. IfH.G. Wells, the

    father of modern science fiction and author of Martian invasion classic The

  • 7/31/2019 David Kippen Mars Story


    War of the Worlds, couldnt make it on Thursdays in 1939, it was only because

    he was watching the world war he predicted, just starting to come true all over

    Europe. Cut him some slack.

    Nowadays, a shortish drive from both Tarzana and Cliftons, most of the

    scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory prefer Kim Stanley Robinsons epic

    Mars trilogy, Red Mars, Green Mars and Blue Mars. Although Robinson was

    born in Ray Bradburys hometown of Waukegan, Illinois, hes a Californian too.

    He lives up in Davis and went to school at UCSD, where it so happens he

    published a dissertation on the novels of Philip K. Dick.

    Thats Philip K. Dick, the author of Martian Time-Slip and the Mars-set

    story Total Recall, which comes out in a new and one hopes improved movie

    adaptation next week. As any Dickhead could tell you, Dick couldnt make any

    meetings of The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society either. In 1939 his father

    was taking him to the World's Fair on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay,

    where on display were such seemingly benevolent gifts from the future as the

    television and the cyclotron.

    For better and worse, TV and the particle physics have come a long way

    since 1939. But the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society actually still meets,

    at its present-day headquarters near the Van Nuys Orange Line station. Its

    hard not to hope that buildings lights will be on Sunday night, while they

    watch a new spaceship crash-land on the surface of a planet their founding

    members more or less invented.

    -- David Kipen