Page 1: 7TAW-1 EDEN (1) · 第二天 檜意森活村~ 北門驛~ 玉山旅舍咖啡~ 奋起湖老街~ ... 很有年代感,讓您彷彿

Code: 7TAW-1


去台灣不能錯過的體驗: 體驗阿里山小火車的風情,欣賞璀璨的祝山日出,

乘坐遊艇暢遊日月潭風景區, 欣賞湖光山色之美,


第一天 吉隆坡 a 桃園機場~ 新竹夜市 (機上用餐)酒店 : 新竹煙波飯店 或同等級

第二天 檜意森活村~ 北門驛~ 玉山旅舍咖啡~ 奋起湖老街~ 阿里山国家森林公园檜意森活村: 早期为日籍基层职员的宿舍群,在越过一甲子以上的岁月洗礼之后,以日式传统工法以及尽可能的原材料进行修复,始得重现当年檜村的风华。这里不仅是台湾最早的林业村, 也是保存最完整、范围最广之日式官舍建筑群。北門驛: 是阿里山森林鐵路的起點車站,其特色是車站建築全部以阿里山特有的紅檜木材。如今阿里山鐵路已不再運送木材,北門驛見證伐木時代阿里山林業的繁榮興盛,因而被嘉義市政府指定為古蹟,並成為攝影愛好者及民眾休閒娛樂的好去處。玉山旅舍咖啡: 嘉義市的木造60年老旅社,充滿濃厚的復古氛圍,映入眼簾的每一處都有讓人驚奇之處,很多物品看起來都

奋起湖老街:「湖」为闽南语中低洼地之意,当地实际并无湖泊。这里是以百年老街和铁路便当与自然景色而闻名,更有南台湾九份之称。酒店 : 阿里山櫻山飯店 或同等级 ((阿里山山上酒店选择有限,酒店只供基本住宿条件。)

阿里山行程安排如遇天气因素影响被迫取消, 本社有权利将行程 改为游览清境农场、青青草原、住宿清境民宿。)


§ 以上行程內容僅供參考,內容或有更動微調的可能,本公司保有修正的權利 §本行程、班次時間及住宿飯店之確認將儘量忠於原行程。若遇特殊情況將會前後更動或互換觀光點或退費處理,敬請見諒。如遇交通擁塞、觀光點休假、住宿飯店調整或其他不可抗拒現象,則行程安排以當地為主。酒店等级皆以台湾当地标准为根据

* S/P購物站:天祿藝品中心、原住民山產中心、珍珠推廣中心

(早:酒店內 午: 噴水雞肉飯 晚: 阿里山山產料理)

第三天 阿里山小火車~ 祝山觀日出~ 鄒族文化部落~ 天長地久橋~ 鹿港老街 ~

鹿港天后宮~逢甲夜市 (早:酒店內 午: 鄒族風味料理 晚: 夜市自理)

祝山觀日出: 每日总有来自世界各地的游客,起个大早,等待日出自眼前蓝紫绒幕中跃升而出,从微泛橘红光芒,到整个天祭随之光影幻化,心思也随之流转惊叹, 这是阿里山恢弘之美, 鼓舞人心, 美壮动人,可说是上了阿里山不能错过的一个外景之一。鄒族文化部落: 位於海拔1300公尺的茶海仙境中,可遠眺台灣玉山及彩虹峽谷的壯麗美景。還有機會參觀歌舞劇採茶或打獵生態的舞蹈創作演出以及原住民的歌曲等。鹿港老街: 鹿港为台湾重要的历史古镇之一,当地保留古迹相当完善,也是著名的文化发祥地。鹿港天后宫: 现被列为國定古迹的鹿港天后宫,故寺庙建筑,一梁一柱、木雕、石雕、彩绘皆出自于名匠之手,华美至极,处处尽显其丰富的历史人文风采。 逢甲夜市: 全台灣規模最大,奪得『最美味』、『最受歡迎』頭銜的觀光夜市-逢甲夜市。它亦是特色小吃劇集的地區,包括大腸包小腸、懶人蝦、天下第一菇等。酒店 : 台中碧根饭店 或同等级*注:觀賞日出的活動安排將由當天山內的天候與日出的時間表為準。*請自備外套:夏天溫度約14-24度,冬天5-16度。必須凌晨4點左右起身準備登山看日出。

第四天 日月潭風景區~ 乘坐遊艇暢遊玄光寺, 拉魯島~ 文武廟~ 原住民山產中心~ 埔里酒廠 (早:酒店內 午: 景观餐廳邵族风味餐 晚: 千叶火锅自助餐)

船遊日月潭風景區: 搭乘遊艇欣賞全台最大淡水湖泊,四周群巒疊翠,山水相映的景致相當美麗,南形如月弧,北形如日輪,所以名為『日月潭』,是古今中外遊客來台必訪景點。航程的過程中即可看到拉魯島近在咫尺和玄光寺,乘船悠遊湖面上,欣賞日月潭不同角度的湖光山色,別有一番樂趣。埔里酒廠: 館內展示着中國歷代的酒器、原住民酒文化、埔里酒廠產業發展史、公賣局的沿革等,也典藏了歲月與文化、歷史與酒香,更成為全國最具代表性的酒文化園區。近年埔里酒廠也以紹興酒研發出各式食品小吃,如紹興冰棒、米糕、滷味、茶葉蛋等深具特色。酒店 : 台中碧根饭店 或同等级

第五天 九份老街~ 十分瀑布~ 十分車站『含放天燈體驗』~ 靜安吊橋~ 西門町九份老街: 九份懷舊老街, 在那裡可以品嚐到草籽果, 番薯芋頭丸, 潮州魚丸等各式小吃。十分车站: 它是以全台獨一無二門前經過的火車街道奇景聞名, 常給遊客帶來意外的驚喜, 還有機會體驗放天燈祈福。(每6人贈送一天燈)

靜安吊桥: 靜安吊橋外觀仍維持古早風味, 橋墩處描繪礦場生活的浮雕壁飾, 站在橋上可充分俯瞰基隆河水及十分車站風光。酒店: 台北新庄翰品饭店 或同等级第六天 中正紀念堂 ~ 天祿藝品中心 ~ 台北101購物中心 ~ 珍珠推廣中心 ~ 淡水老街 ~ 士林夜市

(早:酒店內 午: 蒙古烤肉吃到飽 晚: 夜市自理台北101購物中心: 前台灣第一高樓,總高度達508公尺,融合現代藝術及中國風水的特色建築,內有世界各地名牌商品。淡水老街: 拥有知名的淡水小吃和百年餅舖。繁忙的渡船頭、絢爛的夕陽,更是淡水不變的印記。士林夜市: 台北市最具規模的夜市之一,以各種傳統小吃聞名國內外。絕對不能錯過豪大炸雞排、生炒花枝、大餅包小餅、青蛙下蛋等美食。酒店: 台北新庄翰品饭店 或同等级

第七天 桃園機場 a 吉隆坡


(早:酒店內 午: 老街自理 晚: 夜市自理)

很有年代感,讓您彷彿 踏入時光長廊裡。您還可以自費品嚐當地特色咖啡。

Page 2: 7TAW-1 EDEN (1) · 第二天 檜意森活村~ 北門驛~ 玉山旅舍咖啡~ 奋起湖老街~ ... 很有年代感,讓您彷彿

Enjoy local famous culinary: Spray Water Chicken Rice, Alishan Local Cuisine,

Chien-ye Steamboat Buffet, Tsou Local Cuisine, Star View Shao's cuisine,

Mongolian Barbecue Buffet Restaurant

Code: 7TAW-1

* The above itinerary is for reference only, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local r


Final and correct accordance of itinerary will be based on Chinese version itinerary. All hotel ratings are based on local terms.

Shopping Stops : Tienlu Handicraft Center, Aboriginal Local Product Center, Pearl Center

Day 01 Kuala Lumpur - Taoyuan International Airport - Hsinchu Night Market (MOB)Hotel : Lakeshore Hotel or similar class

Day 02 Taoyuan - Hinoki Village (Cypress Forest Life Village) - Beimen Railway Station - Yushan Hostel Coffee - Fenci Lake Old Street - Alishan (B/L/D)This morning, visit to Hinoki Village ~ Cypress Forest Life Village is not only Taiwan's first forest village, but also the first cultural and creative forest park, is the largest Japanese-style buildings in Taiwan. Next visit to Beimen Railway Station, was the earliest starting point for the Alishan Forest Railway. It was designated as a historic site by the Chiayi City Government and became a place for photographers and the public to enjoy leisure and entertainment. Thereafter visit the Yushan Hostel Coffee. Then proceed to Fenci lake Old Street and it’s famous with Taiwan railway bento set (lunch box) and many others local snacks. Continue journey to Alishan. Hotel : Alishan Ying Shan Hotel or similar class** If weather condition not allowed, we will change the Alishan itinerary to Cing Jing Farm and Cing Jing Home Stay experience.(There is limited choice hotel above Alishan, only basic accommodation facility is provide.)

Day 03 Experience Alishan Mini Train - Zhusan Sunrise Viewing - Tsou Cultural Tribes - Eternity Suspension Bridge - Lugang Old Street - Lugang Ma Zhu Temple - Fengjia Night Market


Morning, you will be on an impressive tour to Alishan, one of the most spectacular natural wonders of the world. You may go up to Zhusan for sunrise viewing by the Alishan Mini Train. Next visit to Tsou Cultural Tribes, is a private cultural park about the Tsou Tribe located in Alishan. You may enjoy the cultural tribal performances of the Tsou traditional song and dance. After that will visit the national monuments, Lugang Ma Zhu Temple, which is the earlier Ma Zhu Temple in Taiwan. Continue will visit the Lugang Old Street, the retention of monuments is quite perfect, so can experience the culture of local people here. Then visit to Fengjia Night Market which is Taichung’s biggest night market. Here you can enjoy the delicious local food as well as budget shopping. ** Sunrise viewing are subject to weather condition, and you are advised to bring along your jacket, it would be cold on the mountain. And need to wake up around 4am.Hotel : Taizhung Beacon or similar class

Day 04 Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area - Experience Sun Moon Lake By Boat - Xuangguang Temple, Lalu Island - Wen Wu Temple - Aboriginal Local Product Center - Puli Winery (B/L/D)This Morning, we proceed to Sun Moon Lake, a popular scenic spot known for the captivating beauty of its emerald waters surrounded by jade mountains, and is like a landscape painting. You may enjoy nice view of Sun Moon Lake by boat, passing through the famous Lalu Island and Xuangguang Temple in Sun Moon Lake. Thereafter, visit the nearby Wen Wu temple and Hotel : Taizhung Beacon or similar class

Puli Winery.

Day 05 Jiufen Old Street - Shifen Waterfall - Shifen Station - Experience to release Sky Lantern - JingAn Drawbridge - Xi Men Ding (B)Today visit to Jiufen Old Street, a place that full of memories. Here you can taste many famous local dish such as Taro, Sweet Potato Ball and etc.Then proceed to Shi Fen Station. The feature here is the main railway road around the old street. There is a romantic environment, so atttarct manydirectors come here take drama or movie. And will have a chance to experience the sky lantern here. (Free 1 Sky Lantern for every 6 persons).After that will visit JingAn drawbridge, it have an ancient appearance. You can overlook Keelung River when standing on the bridge. Continuing,visit the popular district of Xi Men Ding, a shopping paradise and is also a popular hangout place for thelocal youngsters. You may want to try outthe famous “Ah Zong Mian Xian”.Hotel : Taipei Chateau De Chine Hotel or similar class

Day 06 Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall - Tienlu Handicraft Center - Taipei 101 Shopping Mall - Pearl Center - Tamshui Old Street - Shihlin Night Market

(B/L)Taipei 101 Shopping Mall: Is a new landmark in Taipei. This building is an integration of the classical Oriental culture and Taiwan local characteristics offering elegant and spacious shopping space within the shopping center. Tamshui Old Street: Is a traditional old street lined with bustling shops. There combination of food, snacks and old buildings with folk colors and nostalgic flavor.Shihlin Night Market: It is one of the most popular night markets in Taipei City, known for its traditional snacks such as chicken steak, smelly tofu, oyster dumplings, Shihlin sausages and more. Shihlin Night Market is not only good for food but also a good choice of shopping.Hotel : Taipei Chateau De Chine Hotel or similar class

Day 07


Airport a Kuala Lumpur (B)

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