
Ausgabe 09KW 09

Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 ● ● ● ● [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: 1/6

Ulisses Spiele

Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien Rollenspiele12027 Krieger,Krämer und Kultisten..........................

-Meisterpersonen d.Mittelreiches................35,00

Erscheint voraussichtlich am 07.03.2012Meisterpersonen des Mittelreichs Jede Heldengruppe trifft während ihrer Abenteuer auf die unterschiedlichsten Meisterpersonen. Während viele von ihnen nur eine zufällige Begegnung am Wegesrand, auf dem Marktplatz oder in der Taverne bleiben, sind andere wertvolle Informanten, finstere Gegenspieler, treue Freunde oder auch unerwartete Verbündete: Der dickbäuchige Wirt, in dessen Gasthaus sich die Helden einquartieren, ein blutrünstiger Orkräuber, welcher der Gruppe mit

seiner Bande an der Weggabelung auflauert oder die junge Magd, die unverschuldet in Not geraten ist und die Helden um Hilfe bittet. Krieger, Krämer und Kultisten stellt Ihnen stimmungsvolle Beschreibungen für über 60 farbig bebilderte Meisterpersonen zur Verfügung und bietet neben zahlreichen Abenteuerideen auch praktische Wertekästen, um so eine schnelle Anpassung der Spielwerte an erfahrene Heldengruppen zu ermöglichen. Außerdem finden Sie auch kulturspezifische Aufsätze für den Einsatz der Meisterpersonen außerhalb des Mittelreiches. Im Anhang finden Sie hilfreiche Hinweise zur Ausgestaltung von Meisterpersonen im Spiel. Namenslisten, eine ausführliche Übersicht für Personenbeschreibungen und eine Tabelle mit Seelentieren geben dem Meister alles an die Hand, um die Begegnungen seiner Heldengruppe spontan und individuell auszugestalten.

13093 Ein Traum von Macht E8...........................20,00

ErschienenBei der Untersuchung von zwei magischen Artefakten entwickelt ein Andergaster Magier eine revolutionäre Idee. Doch um sie zu beweisen, muss jemand zu den Fundorten der Artefakte reisen und dort nach weiteren Hinweisen suchen. Also dringt eine Gruppe wackerer Helden in die unzugängliche Thorwaler Bergregion vor, um dort einen der sagenumwobenen Alben aufzusuchen. Von dort aus führt eine geheimnisvolle Spur nicht nur in den hohen Norden, sondern vor allem tief in die elfische Vergangenheit. Dieses Abenteuer ist für

Einsteiger geeignet, lässt sich aber ohne größeren Aufwand auch an erfahrene Spieler und Helden anpassen.


Abenteuerspielbücher Romane / ComicsMV0009 Einsamer Wolf 9 - Die Ruinen von Zaaryx ......


Erscheint im März.2012Du bist Einsamer Wolf - der letzte Kai-Meister! Setze dein Abenteuer mit dem siebten Band dieser Rollenspielserie DIE RUINEN VON ZAARYX fort und werde Teil dieser einzigartigen Fantasy-Saga. Der Schatten des Krieges fegt über den Kontinent Magnamund, als deine Erzfeinde, die Schwarzen Lords von Helgedad, ihre Bemühungen verdoppeln, um deine Magnakai-Mission zu vereiteln. Du darfst nicht zögern. Ihre gepanzerten Legionen nähern sich bereits einer Stadt, unter dessen Straßen das Objekt deiner Suche verborgen liegt: der Weisheitsstein von Tahou. Du musst deinen Feinden immer einen

Schritt voraus sein, wenn du den Stein in der versunkenen Metropole Zaaryx finden willst, welche während des ersten Zeitalters von Magnamund erschaffen wurde. Jedes Buch der Saga Einsamer Wolf kannst du einzeln für sich oder kombiniert mit den anderen Abenteuern dieser Reihe als einzigartige Rollenspielsaga spielen und erleben. Im Zusatzabenteuer DER HAMMER DES GILDENMEISTERS schlüpfst du in die Rolle von Sogh dem Dieb. Gegen deinen Willen musst du für die Diebesgilde von Tahou einen scheinbar unmöglichen Auftrag ausführen, der dich in den befestigen Turm der Steinmetze führt. Besitzt du die Fähigkeiten eines wahren Diebs und kannst du die Mission erfüllen?


Dungeonslayers RollenspieleUWV4602 Der Kult des roten Drachen ........................12,95

ErschienenDIE ZEIT IST REIF Narren. Feiglinge. Mörder. Ihr fühlt euch sicher. Ihr habt vergessen, dass es mich gibt. Doch ich erinnere mich noch gut an jenen Tag, an dem Ihr mir mein Liebstes genommen habt, und nun naht die Zeit, da Eure jämmerliche, heile Welt enden wird…! Seit Jahrhunderten wartet das Böse im Dreiental und tritt nun aus seinem uralten Schatten heraus, um Crimlak ein für allemal zu vernichten. Täuschung, Intrigen,

Verrat und sogar Mord gehen um, Angst und Misstrauen breiten sich unter den Bewohnern der Kleinstadt aus, während von der eigentlichen Bedrohung niemand etwas ahnt.

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 09KW 09

Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 ● ● ● ● [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: 2/6

Wie können die Werte der Gemeinschaft bestehen, wenn man niemandem mehr trauen kann? Wer kann noch einen klaren Kopf behalten, während Neid und Hass die Gassen ins Chaos stürzen und in Blut ertränken? Wer kann sich der Panik stellen, die das Ende von Crimlak einleiten wird? “Der Kult des Roten Drachen” ist ein Dungeonslayers-Abenteuer für Charaktere der Stufen 9 bis 12. Neben neuen magischen Gegenständen und Monstern bietet „Der Kult des Roten Drachen“ einen eigenständigen Mechanismus, die täglich steigende Unruhe auf den Straßen Crimlaks zu verfolgen und die fatalen Ereignisse entsprechend zu steuern, die zum Untergang des Dreientals führen können. Hollow Earth Expedition RollenspieleUWV2102 Das Vermächtnis des Bösen........................10,95

ErschienenEin Mitglied der Stiftung für Forschung und Erleuchtung wird mitten in Marseille auf einer belebten Straße umgebracht. Aufgabe der Ermittler ist es, den Hintergrund dieser Tat aufzudecken und den Mörder zu finden. Die Suche führt sie nach Venedig, wo sie eine erschreckende Entdeckung machen: In den Tiefen der Lagunenstadt schlummert ein lange verloren geglaubtes atlantisches Artefakt, dessen Geheimnisse die ganze Welt bedrohen könnten.

Fantasy Flight Games

Brett-/ KartenspieleHBAR005 War of the Ring 2nd Edition.......................71,95

ErschienenThe WAR OF THE RING is a grand strategy board game that allows its players to immerse themselves in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien’s THE LORD OF THE RINGS™ and experience its epic action, dramatic conflict, and memorable characters. As the Free Peoples player you

command the proud hosts of the most important kingdoms of the Third Age. From the horse-lords of Rohan to the soldiers of Gondor and the Elven lords of Rivendell, you lead the defense of the last free realms of Middle-earth. Face the evil minions of Sauron on the field of battle in a desperate attempt to delay their onslaught, while you lead the Fellowship of the Ring in the Quest for Mount Doom. As the Shadow player you lead the hordes of the Dark Lord and his most powerful minions as they try to bring darkness to Middle-earth. Legions of Orcs, Trolls, Wolfriders and the dreadful Ringwraiths await your command. Hunt the Ring-bearer and bring the precious Ring to his Master, or crush your enemies with your unstoppable armies. This is your chance to forge the destiny of an age... A massive 70x100 cm Game Board in two sections, 204 Plastic Figures representing Armies and Characters (more than 30 different sculptures), 16 Action Dice, 5 Combat Dice, 76 Cardboard Counters, 110 Event and Character Cards, Game Rules, 2 Player Aids

Spieleranzahl: 2 - 4 Alter: ab 14 Jahre Spieldauer: ca. 120 - 180 Minuten

HBAR007 War of the Ring 2nd Edition, Card Box & Sleeves..................................................................11,95

ErschienenFor dedicated gamers who need to keep their WAR OF THE RING 2nd EDITION cards in perfect shape, this accessory is the perfect solution to store and protect them. Included in this set are: •120 custom card protectors, fitting the

tarot-size cards used in the 2nd edition an exclusive sturdy full color tin box using fantastic artwork by John Howe, embossed with the “War of the Ring” logo.Note: the sleeves are also compatible with the cards included in the WAR OF THE RING COLLECTOR’S EDITION.

HBFF692 Twilight Imperium: Rex Boardgame..................................................................................47,95

ErschienenThe final days of the Lazax Empire began in the seventy-third year of the Twilight Wars, when without warning, the Federation of Sol led a deadly assault directly on Mecatol Rex, the capital planet of the empire itself. A climactic struggle for control of the imperial city followed, fought as much with diplomacy and deception as with troops and starships. This is the story of that

struggle. Rex: Final Days of an Empire is a board game of negotiation, betrayal, and warfare in which 3–6 players take control of great interstellar civilizations, competing for dominance of the galaxy’s crumbling imperial city. Set 3,000 years before the events of Twilight Imperium, Rex tells the story of the last days of the Lazax empire, while presenting players with compelling asymmetrical racial abilities and exciting opportunities for diplomacy, deception, and tactical mastery. Call of Cthulhu LCG Brett-/ KartenspieleHBFF723 CoC: Shadow of the Monolith......................11,95

ErschienenShadow of the Monolith is the sixth and final Asylum Packs in the Ancient Relics cycle. This pack takes the game's different factions to the South Pacific, where they are greeted by malevolent cultists and their dark spells. Who will prosper when the region's Relics are unearthed? Who will fall mad or die along the way? Shadow of the Monolith removes the final veils of the Ancient Relics cycle of Asylum Packs, but its secrets aren't for the faint of heart! This 60 card pack contains 20 different never-before-seen cards designed to augment existing

decks and add variety to Call of Cthulhu. Shadow of the Monolith adopts the versatile new collation format, meaning you'll receive three copies each of the twenty cards in one convenient purchase.

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 09KW 09

Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 ● ● ● ● [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: 3/6

Warhammer Invasion LCG Brett-/ KartenspieleHBFF577 Warhammer Invasion: City of Winter........11,95

Erschienen“Take their gold, burn their homes, kill their families and enslave their souls. Show them no mercy.” –Malekith, Witch King of Naggaroth Now comes the time for hatred without end as Dark Elves hatch malicious new schemes from behind the vast walls of Naggarond, the Tower of Cold. City of Winter is the fifth Battle Pack in The Capital Cycle for Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game. With three copies each of 20 unique cards, half of which support the Dark Elves and their evil schemes, City of Winter is an invaluable Battle

Pack for players looking to wreak vengeance upon their foes. It’s also an excellent second step, after the purchase of the Warhammer: Invasion Core Set, for new players looking to harness the Dark Elves and their fury. No one is safe from the Dark Elves’ attentions… CONTAINS CARDS 81-100 of “THE CAPITAL CYCLE.” This is not a stand-alone deck. A Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game core set is required to play.

Heidelberger Spiele Verlag

Warhammer Invasion LCG Brett-/ KartenspieleHBHE230 Der Imperiale Thron......................................7,95

ErschienenThe sixth and final Battle Pack in The Capital Cycle for Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game, The Imperial Throne puts the focus on the Old World’s greatest nation with roughly half of the 60 new cards (3 copies each of 20 different cards) dedicated to the Empire of Man. The Empire of Man is the greatest nation of the Old World, spanning the continent from the southern Border Princes to snow-clad Kislev in the north, and The Imperial Throne reflects the nation’s richness and diversity. Imperial players gain a new Hero, Fortification, and Capital

Center, as well as other units and support cards. The Empire’s allies and foes also receive new units and support cards, including explosive new support cards and a means of making targeted searches through their decks. Spieleranzahl 2 Spieldauer 30 Min. Alter ab 13 Jahre Arkham Horror Brett-/ KartenspieleHBHE413 Arkham H.: Miskatonic Horror (dt.).............31,90

ErschienenJüngst fand an der Miskatonic Universität eine Ausgrabung statt, die sogar in Anbetracht der seltsamen Vorkommnisse welche seit jeher in Arkham, Massachusetts stattfinden, etwas höchst mysteriöses zu Tage förderte. Und während die Stärke der Anbeter des großen Alten beständig wächst, müssen die tapferen Ermittler des verschlafenen Städtchens sich ihrer ultimativen Herausforderung stellen. Miskatonic Horror ist eine neue Art von Arkham Horror Erweiterung, die eine umfangreiche Menge neuen Spielmaterials für die bestehenden Erweiterungen hinzufügt. Obwohl die Komponenten und Regeln von

Miskantonic Horror auch nur mit dem Basisspiel kombiniert werden können, erlaubt jede Erweiterung, die man mit einbezieht, mehr Aspekte von Miskatonic Horror verwenden zu können. Miskatonic Horror enthält 450 neue Karten und einige neue Bögen, inklusive: - Neue Fähigkeits, Tor und Mythos Karten für das Arkham Horror Basisspiel - Zusätzliche außergewöhnliche

Gegenstandskarten für den Fluch das Schwarzen Pharao - Neue Verletzungen, Geisteskrankheiten, Dunwich Begegnungen und Dunwich Horror Karten für das Grauen von Dunwich, sowie auch ein neuer Vorbotenbogen für Dunwich - Mehr Verderbens- und Akt-Karten für den König in Gelb - Neue Begegnungen, epische Kampf, Segnungen von Nodens und Visionen von Hypnos Karten für Kingsport Horror - Über 20 neue dunkle Pakt Karten für die schwarze Ziege aus den Wäldern - Neue Innsmouth Begegnungs und Innsmouth Look Karten für Innsmouth Horror - Zusätzliche Beziehungs Karten und Abrechnungskarten für das Tor das Verderbens - Plus neuer Spieler Referenz Bögen und einer nie dagewesenen Institutions Variante! Spieleranzahl: 1 - 8 Spieldauer: 2:00 - 4:00 Std. Alter: ab 13 Jahre

Mayday Games

Brett-/ KartenspieleMDG4303 Terra Evolution Deck Building Game ..........32,00

ErschienenTerra Evolution is a deck-building game - yet it has a strong and exciting interaction between players. Try to defeat your opponents with skillful deck-building decisions, clever population/resource management, proper timing of cataclysms, and countless strategical and tactical choices. Use your resources and

your population to defend your species from extinction, as your opponents start planning ice ages, volcanoes, asteroid impacts or numerous other cataclysmic attacks against your precious species, which only wants to survive and evolve into a more victorious species. Harness the primeval forces of nature for your victory. The prosperity of your species rest in your hands. Terra Evolution is a polished and fine-tuned version of the print-and-play game Evolution Earth: Cataclysm by Tomi Rantala. Content: Continent Cards 32pcs Species Cards 76pcs Population Cards 60pcs Catastrophe Cards 28pcs Quick Tip Cards 12pcs Extra Cards 12pcs Rulebook

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 09KW 09

Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 ● ● ● ● [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: 4/6

MDG7141 UltimateMTG/Pro Card Sleeves:Black-backed & Textured,80/pack........................................4,75

ErschienenThis is the all-new MDG-7141 Card Sleeve by Mayday Games. It comes with 80/pack and features a thick black-backed card sleeve that is slightly textured and of a matte finish. They are perfectly clear and have no annoying circular logo in the corner to cover up text. They also come in packs of 80, what most players say they prefer.

Mongoose Publishing

Star Fleet TabletopMGP30000 A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Main Rulebook........


ErschienenA Call to Arms: Star Fleet is the game of space combat in the universe of Star Trek. Throughout humanity’s space-age history, the Federation has come under pressure from many enemies. Now you can play out these confrontations on the tabletop with entire fleets drawn from the Federation, Klingon Empire, Romulan Empire or any one of the many other fleets that range across the galaxy, using the Origins Award-winning A Call to Arms system. From skirmishes involving lone destroyers to the clashing of large fleets against their bitterest rivals,

A Call to Arms: Star Fleet is your ticket to exciting battles that take place in the depths of space.

MGP30002 Squadron Box 1 The Federation .................23,99

ErschienenEach Squadron Box set supports every Star Fleet game, including A Call to Arms: Star Fleet, Federation Commander and, of course, Star Fleet Battles. Five ships are contained within, complete with

multi-pose ball-joint bases, allowing them to be posed as players desire. The Federation set includes a Frigate, Light Cruiser, Dreadnought, Heavy Cruiser and Battlecriuser.

MGP30003 Squadron Box 2 Klingons...........................23,99

ErschienenEach Squadron Box set supports every Star Fleet game, including A Call to Arms: Star Fleet, Federation Commander and, of course, Star Fleet Battles. Five ships are contained within, complete with

multi-pose ball-joint bases, allowing them to be posed as players desire. The Klingon set includes a F5 Frigate, C7 Heavy Cruiser, two D7 Battlecruisers and a C8 Dreadnought.

MGP30004 Squadron Box 9 Romulan...........................23,99

ErschienenEach Squadron Box set supports every Star Fleet game, including A Call to Arms: Star Fleet, Federation Commander and, of course, Star Fleet Battles. Five ships are contained within, complete with

multi-pose ball-joint bases, allowing them to be posed as players desire. The Romulan set includes a Condor, Skyhawk, Battlehawk, Kestral KR and a War Eagle. Traveller RollenspieleMGP3868 Traveller Supplement 5-6: The Vehicle Handbbok


ErschienenCompletely rewritten with an all new flexible and easy to get to grips with design system, the Vehicle Handbook is a central resource for the Traveller RPG. As well as providing details of every vehicle published for the Traveller RPG, along with many new designs, the Vehicle Handbook also contains a complete construction system allowing you to build any vehicle in any setting, from a simple bicycle to advanced power armour, from a floating aircraft carrier to a massive piloted robot. The vehicle Handbook is designed to become an integral

part of the Traveller RPG.

MGP8306 Vikings of Legend.......................................19,99

ErschienenA complete setting and background book for Legend, this book brings to life both the history and the myths of the most fierce-some warriors to take to the sea! From character creation to vicious foes to face in battle, Pete Nash leads you through everything you need to start a complete campaign based in Viking society. The text of this book is Open Content, allowing players to use the material for their own world creations, as they see fit!

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 09KW 09

Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 ● ● ● ● [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: 5/6

Paizo Publishing

Pathfinder RollenspielePIA3022 GameMastery Item Cards: Skull and Shackles


ErschienenLay claim to the high seas with a scallywag’s stockpile of weapons, magic items, and other plunder. The riches of pirate kings and lost empires awaits discovery in the Skull & Shackles Pathfinder Adventure Path. This 54-card set of beautifully illustrated, full-color item cards allows you to track your newest and most dastardly treasures in vibrant detail. GameMastery Item Cards allow heroes to keep track of their equipment in style, and this deck is

completely compatible with all of Paizo's other GameMastery Item Card sets. Each of these full-color cards features a beautiful portrait of an item on one side with space on the back to keep notes. GameMastery Item Cards are compatible with any fantasy roleplaying game.

PIA9054 Adv. Path #54: The Empty Throne (Jade Regent 6).................................................................15,95

ErschienenRevolution brews in the empire of Minkai as the people take up arms to throw off the yoke of their unnatural oni masters. With the populace rising, the heroes lay siege to the capital of the empire, the ancient city of Kasai. There, they must discover the secrets of emperors past and seek the aid of ageless beings, gathering all the allies they can for a final assault on the bastion of the murderous Jade Regent. Will the heroes and their companions be able to bring an end to the warlord’s tyranny? Or will

Minkai remain locked in the grip of true evil? Confront the powers of destiny and shape the fate of a nation in this, the exciting final chapter of the Jade Regent Adventure Path. This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path includes: - “The Empty Throne,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 13th-level characters, by Neil Spicer. - A gazetteer of the city of Kasai, capital of the mysterious nation of Minkai, by Frank Carr and Michael Tumey. - Plots and high-level threats to continue your Jade Regent campaign, by Patrick Renie. - Deceit and revelation in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Dave Gross. - Four new monsters, by Jesse Benner, Tork Shaw, and Owen K.C. Stephens. Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world's oldest fantasy RPG.

PIA9243 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds...................................................................15,95

ErschienenGolarion is the primary world of the Pathfinder campaign setting, but it is not alone. Far beyond its lands and seas, sister worlds revolve around the same sun, their residents connected by magical portals or ships of terrifying magic and technology. Now take your game off-planet and explore these weird new worlds for yourself! This book offers a detailed introduction to the science-fantasy worlds of Golarion’s solar system, each complete with its own mysterious locations and cultures.

Discover how your swords and spells match up against the trench dwellers of the Red Planet or the angelic Sarcesians who soar between asteroids. Research the mysterious origins of the sealed world-ship of Apostae, or hunt vortex sharks in the freezing seas of Kalo-Mahoi. Though strange and new, each of these worlds uses the same Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules as Golarion itself. Within this 64-page book, you’ll find: - Gazetteers of every planet and major moon in Golarion’s system, from the steamy jungles of Castrovel and the machine-ruled rock of Aballon to post-apocalyptic Eox and divided Verces, where one side is always day and the other night. Plus, uncover information on the residents of the sun, Golarion’s moon, the asteroid belt called the Diaspora, the dark regions beyond mysterious Aucturn, and more! - Introductions to the major cultures inhabiting the system. Will you join Castrovel’s beautiful Lashunta, fight beside the four-armed giants of Akiton, study with the hyper-evolved Contemplatives of Ashok, petition the undead Bone Sages of Eox, or face down the insectile legions of the Forever Queen? - Easy new rules for adventuring on other planets, including discussions on gravity, temperature, time, vacuum, and traveling between worlds. - Adventure hooks for every world, tailored for GMs currently playing on Golarion. - Six brand-new alien monsters, from intelligent dragonkin who bond with humanoids to the great oma space-whales and amorphous, blimplike Brethedans. Distant Worlds is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be used in any fantasy game setting.

PIA9422 Pathfinder Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea ...................................................................8,79

ErschienenDraw your cutlass and set sail for adventure! For thousands of years, pirates have captured the imagination, their rough-and-tumble lives filled with a boundless lust for blood, gold, and glory. Being a pirate is the ultimate freedom—freedom to take what you want and never apologize. Whether from the decks of massive slave galleons or beneath the sails of swift ships, pirates hunt the seas, singing chanteys and hoisting the Jolly

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 09KW 09

Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 ● ● ● ● [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: 6/6

Roger as they seek out the next unsuspecting merchant. They are the wolves of the sea, and their hunger can never be sated. Whether you want to abandon the life of a landlubber to join a pirate crew, hunt down their murderous ships in the name of justice, or simply follow a mysterious map to buried treasure, Pirates of the Inner Sea has everything you need to know about piracy on Golarion, all of it one hundred percent player-friendly and ready to guide you on your journey. Inside this book, you’ll find: - In-depth overviews of six major pirate organizations in the Inner Sea region, including the government-backed privateers of Andoran, the slavers of Okeno, the high-seas buccaneers of Riddleport and the Shackles, and the quick-moving brigands of the River Kingdoms. Each entry details the pirates’ history, notable captains, activities and hideouts, preferred ships, and more. - Pages of new pirate weapons and equipment, from hook hands, cutlasses, and tar bombs to peg legs, treasure chests, and grog. - New pirate archetypes for several different classes, including the buccaneer bard, the freebooter fighter, the corsair ranger, and the smuggler rogue. - The Inner Sea pirate prestige class. - A detailed look at the faith of Besmara the Pirate Queen, goddess of all those who make their living spilling blood on the water. - New pirate-themed spells for casters of numerous types and faiths. - New character traits to help you customize your pirate character mechanically as well as thematically. - Sample pirate codes, minor pirate groups, a timeline of important pirate events, and more! This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be used in any fantasy game setting. In addition, it is particularly useful for players of the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path.


Pathfinder Würfel & ZubehörQWSSPAT33 Pathfinder Kingmaker Dice Set ....................7,20

ErschienenPaizo Publishing and Q-workshop are proud to bring you the 100%-official Pathfinder: Kingmaker Adventure Path dice. These masterfully crafted dice feature silver engravings on green polyhedrons.

Warlord Games

Bolt Action (WW2) TabletopWAGB-JI-23 Imperial Japanese Army Squad (10)...........15,65

ErschienenImperial Japanese Army Squad After many requests we’ve released the Japanese Squads separately from the boxed set. This pack contains: - • 8x Japanese with Arisaka Rifles • 1x 2-man Type 99 LMG Team

Blister pack containing 10 metal figures

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

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