Page 1: DoP: 0136 EL DoP: 0136 (ETICS) B 1 - B 3 fischerwerke GmbH & … · 2019. 8. 7. · り仝ヾωヽαϊ゛ή 〃 χ`ι゛ή αιο゜όá。σ。 : eta-12/0208; 2017-12-05 Οヾáα`ισ´ός


DoP: 0136

áια termoz SV II ecotwist (Π゜ασ〃ι゛ά αá゛ύヾια áια χヾήσ。 σ0 ´ヽ0〃ό` ゛αι 〃ούβ゜ο ) – EL

1. Μο`α~ι゛ός ゛ω~ι゛ός 〃α仝〃οヽοί。σ。ς 〃ο仝 〃ύヽο仝 〃ο仝 ヽヾοϊό`〃ος: DoP: 0136

2. Πヾοβ゜0ヽό´0`。(-0ς) χヾήσ。(-0ις): よια χヾήση σ0 σ仝σ〃ή´α〃α 0¨ω〃0ヾι゛ής θ0ヾ´ο´ό`ωσης (ETICS) ´0 σοβά áια 〃η`

´0〃ά~οση 〃ω` α`0´οヽιέσ0ω` , ~0ί〃0 〃ο ヽヾοσάヾ〃η´α, 0ι~ι゛ά 〃α ヽαヾαヾ〃ή´α〃α B 1 - B 3

3. Κα〃ασ゛0仝ασ〃ής: fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG, Klaus-Fischer-Straße 1, 72178 Waldachtal, よ0ヾ´α`ία

4. り¨ο仝σιο~ο〃。´έ`ος α`〃ιヽヾόσωヽος: --

5. ぞύσ〃。´α/σ仝σ〃ή´α〃α AVCP (α¨ιο゜όá。σ。 ゛αι 0ヽα゜ήθ0仝σ。 〃。ς σ〃αθ0ヾό〃。〃ας 〃。ς 0ヽί~οσ。ς): 2+

6. り仝ヾωヽαϊ゛ό έááヾαφο α¨ιο゜όá。σ。ς: EAD 330196-01-0604

り仝ヾωヽαϊ゛ή 〃0χ`ι゛ή α¨ιο゜όá。σ。: ETA-12/0208; 2017-12-05

Οヾáα`ισ´ός 〃0χ`ι゛ής α¨ιο゜όá。σ。ς: DIBt

Κοι`οヽοι。´έ`ος(-οι) οヾáα`ισ´ός(-οι): 1343 – MPA Darmstadt

7. ら。゜ωθ0ίσα(-0ς) 0ヽί~οσ。(-0ις):

ぐηχα`ι゛ή α`〃ισ〃αση ゛αι σ〃αθ0ヾό〃η〃α (BWR 1), Ασφά゜0ια ゛αι ヽヾοσβασι´ό〃η〃α (BWR 4)

• Χαヾα゛〃ηヾισ〃ι゛ή α`〃ισ〃αση: ~0ί〃0 〃ο ヽαヾάヾ〃η´α, σ仝á゛0゛ヾι´έ`α 〃α ヽαヾαヾ〃ή´α〃α C 1

• Αヽοσ〃άσ0ις αヽό α゛´ή ゛αι αヽό ά¨ο`α: ~0ί〃0 〃ο ヽαヾάヾ〃η´α, σ仝á゛0゛ヾι´έ`α 〃α ヽαヾαヾ〃ή´α〃α B 2

• ´0〃α〃όヽιση: ~0ί〃0 〃ο ヽαヾάヾ〃η´α, σ仝á゛0゛ヾι´έ`α 〃α ヽαヾαヾ〃ή´α〃α C 2

り¨οι゛ο`ό´ηση 0`έヾá0ιας ゛αι σ仝á゛ヾά〃ηση θ0ヾ´ό〃η〃ας (BWR 6)

• ση´0ια゛ή θ0ヾ´ι゛ή αáωáι´ό〃η〃α: ~0ί〃0 〃ο ヽαヾάヾ〃η´α, σ仝á゛0゛ヾι´έ`α 〃α ヽαヾαヾ〃ή´α〃α C 2

8. Κα〃ά゜゜。゜。 〃0χ`ι゛ή 〃0゛´。ヾίωσ。 ゛αι/ή 0ι~ι゛ή 〃0χ`ι゛ή 〃0゛´。ヾίωσ。: ---

Η 0ヽί~οσ。 〃ο仝 ヽヾοϊό`〃ος ヽο仝 〃α仝〃οヽοι0ί〃αι α`ω〃έヾω 0ί`αι σύ´φω`。 ´0 〃。 (〃ις) ~。゜ωθ0ίσα(-0ς) 0ヽί~οσ。(-0ις). Α仝〃ή 。

~ή゜ωσ。 0ヽι~όσ0ω` 0゛~ί~0〃αι σύ´φω`α ´0 〃ο` Κα`ο`ισ´ό (りり) Αヾ. 305/2011 ´0 αヽο゛゜0ισ〃ι゛ή 0仝θύ`。 〃ο仝 ゛α〃ασ゛0仝ασ〃ή

ヽο仝 ヽヾοσ~ιοヾί、0〃αι ヽαヾαヽά`ω.

ぢヽοáヾαφή áια ゜οáαヾιασ´ό ゛αι 0¨ ο`ό´α〃ος 〃ο仝 ゛α〃ασ゛0仝ασ〃ή αヽό:

Andreas Bucher, Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Hengesbach, Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.

Tumlingen, 2017-12-12

- Α仝〃ή 。 らή゜ωσ。 Αヽό~οσ。ς ´0〃αφヾάσ〃。゛0 σ0 ~ιάφοヾ0ς á゜ώσσ0ς. σ0 ヽ0ヾίヽ〃ωσ。 ヽο仝 仝ヽάヾχ0ι α´φιβο゜ία áια 〃。

´0〃άφヾασ。 。 αáá゜ι゛ή έ゛~οσ。 θα 仝ヽ0ヾισχύ0ι ヽά`〃α.

- だο ヽαヾάヾ〃。´α ヽ0ヾι゜α´βά`0ι ヽヾοαιヾ0〃ι゛ές ゛αι σ仝´ヽ゜。ヾω´α〃ι゛ές ヽ゜。ヾοφοヾί0ς σ〃α αáá゜ι゛ά. Α仝〃ές ¨0ヽ0ヾ`ού` 〃ις ヽヾοβ゜0ヽό´0`0ς αヽό 〃ο `ό´ο ふá゜ώσσα ο仝~έ〃0ヾ。ぶ .

Page 2: DoP: 0136 EL DoP: 0136 (ETICS) B 1 - B 3 fischerwerke GmbH & … · 2019. 8. 7. · り仝ヾωヽαϊ゛ή 〃 χ`ι゛ή αιο゜όá。σ。 : eta-12/0208; 2017-12-05 Οヾáα`ισ´ός

Specific Part

1 Technical description of the product

The fischer termoz SV II ecotwist screwed-in anchor consist of an anchor sleeve and a screw plate in different colours, both made of polyamide (virgin material) and an accompanying specific screw of galvanised steel.

The product description is given in Annex A.

2 Specification of the intended use in accordance with the applicable European Assessment Document

The performances given in Section 3 are only valid if the anchor is used in compliance with the specifications and conditions given in Annex B.

The verification and assessment methods on which this European Technical Assessment is based lead to the assumption of a working life of the anchor of at least 25 years. The indications given on the working life cannot be interpreted as a guarantee given by the producer, but are to be regarded only as a means for choosing the right products in relation to the expected economically reasonable working life of the works.

3 Performance of the product and references to the methods used for its assessment

3.1 Mechanical resistance and stability (BWR 1)

Essential characteristic Performance

Characteristic tension resistance See Annex C1

Edge distances and spacing See Annex B2

Displacements See Annex C2

3.2 Energy economy and heat retention (BWR 6)

Essential characteristic Performance

Point thermal transmittance See Annex C2

4 Assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) system applied, with reference to its legal base

In accordance with EAD No. 330335-00-0604, the applicable European legal act is: [97/463/EC].

The system to be applied is: 2+

Appendix 1 / 9

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Appendix 9 / 9

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