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  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Anna



    Pronomen = Frwrter : stehen im Satz als Vertreter fr Substantiveund Adjektive. Dadurch wird die stndige Wiederholung derselbenSubstantive und Adjektive vermieden.

    1. The Personal Pronouns: (Personalpronomen)die Worte: I / me / you / he / him/ it / we / us / they / them ...and one sind Personalpronomen.

    < beziehen sich aber nicht nur auf Personen>

    1st Person Sg. 1st Person Plural Fall (casus)

    I we erster Fall (nominativ) Subjekt

    me us Objekt (meistens :3 oder 4.Fall)-Dativ/Akkusativ

    z.B. (e.g.) I like flowers. ( I ist Subjekt)

    Do you like me -> me ist Objekt. (mich: 4.Fall)

    We are listening to these songs. (we = Subjekt, 1. Fall)

    Are you listening to us ? (Hrst du uns zu ? - wem ? 3. Fall)

    * Am Telefon:

    Frage: " Whos there ?" - Its me.

    * We re going for a drink - would you like to come with us ?

    2nd Person Sg. 2nd Person Plural Fall (casus)

    you you

    3rd Person Sg. 3rd Person Plural Fall (casus)

    he, she, it they erster Fall (nominativ) Subjekt

    him, her, it them Objekt (meistens :3 oder 4.Fall)-Dativ/Akkusativ

    Gebrauch 3. Person Personalpronomen :

    1) Go and help your brother; he is working in the garage.

    2)Where is your mother ? "There she comes".

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    3) "Can you see those cats ?" Yes, I can. They are climbing up the trees. < they :bezogen aufPersonen, Tiere, Dinge>

    4) Whos that ? -> Its John.

    Deutsches "es" .---> he, she , they

    "Who is that boy ?" --> He is the keyboarder of the band. (---dt- es ist der keyboarder der Band >

    "Who are these men ?" --> They are friends of my fathers. (---dt- es sind Freunde meines Vaters)Unpersnlich - unbekanntes Geschlecht: it:

    Who is knocking at the door ? - "It is the postman".-----------

    3. P.PL: These are our neighbours . (nachbarn). They want a brandnew car. (they: 3. P. pl - =subjekt : Sie wollen ...)

    3. P. Pl -OBJEKT: Tell them, that this is not possible for them. (Sag ihnen (! nicht Hflichkeit...),dass das nicht fr sie mglich ist...) them: ist objekt.

    vgl. Objekt - Pronouns :grammarbook S. 34

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    2. The Possessive Adjectives(besitzanzeigendes Adjektiv =Possesivadjektiv )

    Possesiveadjektiv: fr die Bezeichnung von Krperteilen, Kleidungstcken, die dem Subjektgehren. -ebenso bei: house, bicyle, car, work..etc.( Dt: meist hier bestimmte Artikel)

    -[Unit 6] Possessives: besitzanzeigende Frwrter: ausdrcken, zu wem etwas gehrt.

    1st Person Sg. 1st Person Plural Beispiel

    my our my house, our house

    Possive Pronomen: mine

    ours a friend of mine / a friend of ours

    => ein Freund von mir

    => ein Freund von uns

    2nd Person Sg. 2nd Person Plural Beispiel

    your your your book

    3rd Person Sg. 3rd Person Plural Beispiel

    his / her / its their his / her house

    their house (ihr Haus)Possive Pronomen: his, hers (its


    theirs Whose book is this?

    It s hers /his / theirs.

    Possessivpronomen wird nachgestellt bei: all / both / half /double :

    * All his friends ; With all my heart < von ganzem Herzen>; She eats only half her pizza.

    * All of them love me....> Sie alle lieben mich.

    [ grammarbook S. 19] : So sagst du, dass dir oder jemandem etwas gehrt, oder etwas zur dir oderjemandem gehrt :

    * Dawn is my / your / her / his/ our/ their sister.

    * Im the singer in a band. Its name is BeBop.

    Zur Verstrkung des Possesivadjektivs: own: He drives his own var. Why dont you use your ownpen ? (

    [Grammarbook S. 25] Possessives : Das 's' nach einem NAMEN: Ausdruck von Besitz:

    (im Prinzip: deutscher Genitiv, 2.fall)

    Its Johns dog.

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    Its my brothers computer.

    My mothers favourite food is spaghetti.

    My sisters favourite day of the week is Sunday.

    !!! favourite !!!!

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    3. The Demonstrative Adjectives and DemonstrativePronouns(Demonstrativadjektiv und Demonstrativpronomen)

    this -these: um auf etwas hinzuweisen, das nahe liegt

    that - those: um auf etwas hinzuweisen, das weiter weg liegt

    Die Formen der Demonstrativpronomen und Demonstrativadjektive sind gleich:

    Singular Plural

    this these

    that those

    Demonstrativadjektive stehen in Verbindung mit Bezeichnungen fr Personen und Sachen:

    * This boy (here) is Jacks cousin, and that boy (over there) is his younger brother.

    * I like these roses (here) better than those tulips (there).

    this / that : knnen auch substantivisch gebraucht werden: I want to tell you this. "What do youthink of that ?"

    * These are my friends Jill and Bob. (z.B. beim Vorstellen: Dies sind meine Freunde....)

    * Those over there are Pats friends (Das da sind Pats Freunde)


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    Bildung von Fragen : / Modalverben

    1) DO / DoesDo you like mondays ? Do + Subjekt + Verb + Rest (object)

    Does he play the piano ? Does + Subjekt in 3. Person + Rest

    Does anyone [bei FRAGEN kommt immer anyone / anybody - > NICHT. someone/ somebody]play the guitar ?

    ABER: They play the guitar.

  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Anna


    * Our elephant can wiggle its ears. > Can our elephant wiggle its ears ? No, it cant.

    Fragen mit Fragewort: What, Where, How often

    Where is your pet ?

    How often does he feed his pet ?Where is your dog ?

    Where do you live ?

    [grammarbook s. 33]

    * How often do you go to the cinema.

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    !!!!! DRITTE PERSON SINGULAR: "S" !!!!!!

    He goes to school by bus.

    Lara rides, plays, does, works.The teacher stands in front of the blackboard...

    He follows her.

    Rose follows him.

    One follows me..

    Somebody / Anybody follows Jesus. < irgendjemand - je nachdem ob positiv oder negativ gemeint>

    She gives me something.

    Besonderheiten RECHTSCHREIBUNG, die entstehen, wenn das 3.Sg. 's'

    ans Verb angehngt wird:

    1. to watch - >he watches

    2. to go > he goes

    3. to dry > he dries (trocknen) - y folgt auf einen Konsonant -> wird zu 'ie'

    4. to carry > she carries (tragen- z.B. einen korb, wear: Kleidungsstck tragen)

    5. to lie (lgen und liegen) - he lies >>> progressive: lying

    6. aber : to say - > he says. pay - pays

    Besonderheiten RECHTSCHREIBUNG: progressive - ING-FORM

    to begin beginning

    to run running

    to stop stopping

    prefer preferring


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    present simple: wird verwendet bei Gewohnheiten, Vorlieben und

    wiederholte Handlungen.

    * she plays....he loves....the dog eats fish.

    * I love the colours. (lieben: allgemeingltige Vorliebe)- I hate this blue colour.

    * He lives in Berlin (er lebt -fr gewhnlich, normalerweise-) They live in Cambridge.* We love the gnomes.


    (grammar book s. 23)

    Keywords ('Schlsselwrter') fr Present SIMPLE

    sind die Adverbs of frequency (Adverbia der Hufigkeit)

    I. never

    II. sometimes (manchmal)

    III. often

    IV. usually (gewhnlich)

    V. always

    1. every year ; every day, every month, everytime...

    z:B. Everytime I see you

    Satzstellung :A s A P O A

    NIEMALS NIE < durch O dividieren > :)

    NIEMALS NIE zwischen Prdikat (Verb) und OBJEKT einADVERB stellen.

    * Im never late to school.

    * We always wash the car Sunday.

    * My sister usually eats carrots.

    * Its always cold in Decemeber.

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    Present Continuous(grammar book s. 38)

    "gerade tun" - was gerade in diesem Augenlick passiert -

    am/are / is + - ing

    She s cooking dinner. (She is cooking dinner)

    They arent watching a DVD: (are not)

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    lady ladies

    reality realities

    Ausnahme: bus

    gas (Benzin)

    buses (Bus)


    bush bushes

    box boxes

    match matchesfamily families

    pony ponies

    ABER: day days

    potato (kartoffel) potatoes

    tomato tomatoes

    radio radiosknife (messer) knives

    life (das Leben) lives (die Leben, pl)

    wolf wolves

    ABER : roof (Dach) roofs (Dcher)

    man men

    woman women

    foot feet

    tooth (Zahn) teeth

    goose (Gans) geese

    mouse mice

    louse (Laus) lice

    postman postmen

    Englishwoman Englishwomen

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    child children

    Nouns (Substantive mit einer Form fr Sg. und Pl:

    fish, duckNouns used only in Plural:

    stairs (Stufen) arms (Waffen) clothes (Kleidung),

    a lot of different colours --- lots of different colours

    FOOD / Student Book : S. 53

    Kids around the world : s. 49:

    Hi, Im Sara. I live in Vienna, in Austria. In my family we often eat pizza and salad. I like pizza verymuch. We never eat sausages.

    I always drink chocolate for breakfast. We always have fish on Friday. I never eat kiwis.

    Pets /Problems: Student books S. 62 :

    Clothes: -Shopping Dialoggrammar. s 57 What colours the dress ? Its green

    Unit 11 . Students Book: , grammar book s. 37

    How much are the trainers ? - > Theyre .... 29.99

    How much is the DVD ? Theres no price on it. - It is .... 34...

    How much are these shoes here ?

    They re for cycling . < Sie sind zum Radfahren >

    >>>Are they for cycling ?

    For Portfolio : s. 73 (Students book)

    Can I help you ? What would you like ?

    Id like a...

    Have you got...?

    How much is this / are these...

    Thats 3.50

    S. 57 Students book - I often wear blue sock

    Asking for the time:Excuse me, what time is it ?

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    Excuse me, whats the time ?

    Ordinal numbersone -> first....two -> second .. [grammar s. 43]

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    SEITE 13 VON 13

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