Page 1: In - · (Atlas of fossils of Xinjiang Province. I. Upper Proterozoic--Lower Palaeozoic.) Dizhi Chuban She, Peking: 182. -t Trilob. Fuyunolites Lin & Wang in Xinjiang Dizhi


Futyania Varol 1989, In Crux & van Heck [Eds]. Nannofossils and their applications. Proceedings of the International Nannofossil Association Conference, London 1987. John Wiley & Sons, New York: 298. - Prot.(Mastigophora)

Fuidanhuia Hou 1987. Acta Palaeomol Sin 26 (3): 281. - ·i· Foss. Misc. Fuxianlimnadiopsis Liu 1982, Acta palaeont. sin. 21 (4): 390. -Crust.(Branchiopoda) Fuxinia Liu in Liu Xiaoliang & Wang Dongfang 1990, Acta Geol Sin64 (2): 178.- t Foss. Misc. Fuxinia Yu 1982, Bulletin Shenyang Inst. Geol. Miner. Resour. No. 4: 205. -MoU.(Gastropoda)


Fuyues1heria Zhang & Chen in Zbaog & Shen l976, [Chinese fossil braocb.iopods. J Science Press, Peking: 241. -Crust.(Branchiopoda)

Fuyunia Hsiang & Zhang in Xinjiang Dizhi Ju Quyu Dizhi Diaocha Da Dui [Eds] 1981, Xibei diqu gushengwu tuce: Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhi Qu fence. I. Wanyuan. gudai- zao gusbeng dai bufen. (Atlas of fossils of Xinjiang Province. I. Upper Proterozoic--Lower Palaeozoic.) Dizhi Chuban She, Peking: 182. - t Trilob.

Fuyunolites Lin & Wang in Xinjiang Dizhi Ju Quyu Dizhi Diaocha Da Dui [Eds] 1981, Xibei diqu gushengwu tuce: Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhi Qu fence .. I. Wanyuan. gudai-zao gusheng dai bufen. [Atlas of fossils of Xinjiang Province. l. Upper Proterozoic--Lower Palaeozoic.] Dizbi Chuban She, Peking: 69. - t Coelenterata(Tabolata)

Fuyunolites Lin 1983, Acta paJaeonL sin. 22 (5): 491. - t Coelentcrata(Tabulata) Fylgia {n.n. pro Tudicu/a Adams & Adams 1864) Fylgia Liljedahl 1989, Geol Foren Stockb Forh 111 (4): 339. - Moll.(Bivalvia) Fylgia {n.n. pro Tudicula Adams &Adams 1864}


Gabbatha Lamont 1978, Scott. J. Sci. l : 264. - t Echin.(Carpoidea) Gabela t.rix Clancey 1977, Durban Mus. Novit. ll (14): 261. - Aves(Turdinae) (As Sbeppardia (Gabelatrix)) Gabelia Rigby & Murphy 1983, Journal Paleont 57 (4): 798. -Porif.(Hexactinellida) Gabiella Prudhoe 1989, Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist) Zool 55 (I): 69. -Platy.(Turbellaria) Gabreyaspis Novitskaya 1968, In. Obruchev [Ed.] [Essays on the phylogeny and systematics of fossil fish and

Agnatha.] Nauka, Moscow: 51. - t Pisces(Pteraspidomorphi) Gabriceraul'Us Pribyl & Vanek in Pribyl, Vanek & Pek 1985, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc. Fae. Rerum nat. 83:

16] . - t Trilob. Gabriellus Fritz 1992, Geol Surv Can Bull No. 432: 20. - ·1· Trilob.(Trilobitomorpha) Gabrielsella Copeland 1989, Geol Surv Can Bull No. 341: 22. - t Crnst.(Ostrncoda) Gabunillo Schmalfuss & Ferrara 1983, Monitore zoo!. ital. (N.S.)(Suppl.) 18 No. 3: 128.

-Crust.(Malacostraca) Gabunoscia Schmalfuss & Ferrara 1978, Monitore zool. ital. (N.S.)(Suppl.) 11 (2): 53. -Cnist.(Malacostraca) Gaevskajatrema Gibson & Bray 1982, Journal nat. Hist. 16 (4): 543. -Platy.(Digenea) Gafsa Thuroczy & Trjapitzin 1990. Folia Entomol Hung 51: 123. -lns.(Hym.) GagieHa Backhouse 1988, Geol Surv West Aust Bull No. 135: 86. -Prot.(Mastigophora) GagieveUa Schomikov 1993, [Ostracods Bythocytberidae of the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary deposits of

the NE Russia.) Dal'nauka, Vladivostok: 59. -Crust.(Osi:racoda) Gagroxychllus Clauss 1991. Arch Molluskenkd 120 ( 4-6): 174. - Moll.(Gastropoda)

(As Vitrinoxychilus (Gagroxychilus)) Gahanosis Penrith 1983, Cimbebasia (Ser. A) 6 (8): 379. -Ins.(Col.) (As Zophosis (Gahanosis)) Gahus Gauld 1984, Publicatjons Br. Mos. nat. Hist. No. 895: 301. - lns.(Hym.) GaiUardia Fischer- Piette, Bia, Blanc & Salvat 1994, Faune de Madagascar 83: 208. -Moll.(Helixarionacea) Gaimanomys Vucetich & Bond 1984, Ameghin.iana 21 (1): 106. -Mamm.(Rodentia) Gajewskajophrya Matthes 1988, It! Matthes & Haider Suctoria und Urceolariidae (Peritricha). Gustav Fischer

Verlag, Swugart & New York: 179. - Prot.(Ciliophora) Gajewskiella Obolkina 1989, fir Liuevich [Ed.] Fauna Baikala. Chas!' 4 - Chervi, mollyuski, cblenistonogie:

sbomik nauchnykb trudov. Fauna of Lake Baikal. Part 4 - worms, molluscs and arthropods: collected scientific papers. Nauka, Novosibirsk: 5. - Pi:ot.(Ciliopbora)

Galagocheles Fain 1979, Revue Zool. afr. 93 (3): 629. - Arachn.(Acari) Galanarla Flannery, Archer & Plane 1982, BMR J1 Aust. Geol. Geophys 7 ( 4 ): 296. -Mamm.(Marsupialia) Galapacanuella Mielke 1979, Mik:rofauna Meeresbodens No. 77: 18. - Crust.(Copepoda) Galapagacarus Balogh 1985, Opuscula zoo I. Bpest 21: 31 . - Arachn.(Acari) Galapaganus Lanteri 1992, Trans Am Entomol Soc (Phila) 118 (3): 230. -lns.(Col.) Galapagocythere Bate, Whittaker & Mayes 1981, Zoological J. Linn. Soc. 73 (1): 17. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Galapagoleon Stan 1994. lnsecta Mundi 8(1- 2), March- June: 97. - Ins.(Neuroptera) Galapagomystides Blake 1985. Bulletin biol. Soc. Wash. No. 6: 71. -Aunel.(Polychaeta) Galapalaophonte Mielke 1981, Mikrofauna Meeresbodens No. 84: 79. -Crust.(Copepoda) Galateastrophia Harper & Boucot 1978, Palaeontographica (A) 162 (l- 2): 25. - Brach. Galatb.ella Barnard & Karamao 1987, Proc Biol Soc Wash 100 (4): 866. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Galaxiella McDowall 1978, Journal R. Soc. N.Z. 8 (I): 116. -Pisces(Teleostomi) Galba Johnson 1992, Rep Mus Nat Hist Univ Wis-Stevens Point No. 22: 167. - Ins.(Lepid.) Galeacysta Corradini & Biffi 1988, Bull Cem Rech Ex.plor-Prod Elf- Aquitaine 12 ( I): 225.

- Prot.(Mastigophora) Galeaspis Ivshin 1983, Upper Cambrian trilobites of Kazakhstan. Pan 2: Seletinian horizon of the Kuyandinian

stage of central Kazakhstan. Amerind Publishing Co. PVT. Ltd, India, New Delhi: 196. - t Trilob. (Level 7 year 1962)

Galeaspis Liu 1965. (See Eugaleaspis Liu Yuhai 1980) Galeatathyris Jin 1984, Bulletin Nanjing Inst. Geol. Palaeont. No. 6: 245. -Brach. Galeatrivia Cate 1979, Memoirs San Diego Soc. nat. Hi st. 10: 13. - Moll.(Gastropoda)

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Galetyon Gingerich & Deutsch 1989, Contrib Mus Paleontol UJiiv Micb 27 ( 13): 362. - t Mamrn.(Deltatheridia)

Galeimorda Horak 1985, Entomologische Abh. Mus. Tierk. Dresden 49 (!): 15. - lns.(Col.) (As Variimorda (Galeimorda))

Galemodesmana Topachevsky & Pashkov 1983, Vestnik Zoo!. 1983 (3): 43. -Mamm.(lnsectivora) (As Desmana (Galemodesmana))

Galeopsis Hinz-Schallreuter 1993, Neues Jahrbuch fuer Geologie und Palaeontologie Abhandlungen 188(3), Juli: 321. -Crust.(Ostracoda)

Galeosp<mgia Rigby 1986, Report geol. Surv. West. Aust. 18: 39. - Porif.(Hexac.iinellida) Galeothrips Nonaka & Okajima 1992, Bull Biogeogr Soc Jpn 47 (11): 103. - lns.(lnsecla) GaEerosaukia Shergold 1975, Bulletin Bur. Miner. Resour. Geol. Geophys. Aust. 153: 123. - t Trilob. GaEina.oema Spiridonov 1984, Trudy zool. Inst. L.eningr. 126: 41. -Nemat. Gallaster Helava in Helava, Howden & Ritchie 1985, Sociobiology 10 (2): 292. -lns.(Col.) GaHegoides Tenora & Mas-Coma 1978, Saugetierkundliche Mitt. 26 (3): 225. - Platy.(Cestoda) Gallerius Fordham 1986, Evol Monogr 6: 56. -Prot.{Sarcodina) Galliherina Kleinpell & Tipton 1980, Stud. Geol. Am. Ass. Petrol. Geol. No. 11: 75. - t Prot.(Sarcodiva) Gallillchus d'Souza & Jagannath 1982, lndian J. Acarol. 6 (1- 2): 51. - Arachn.(Acari) Callis Zagulyacv 1979, Fauna SSSR (N.S.) No. 119: 336. -Ins.(Lepid.) (As Meessia (Gailis)) Gallitellia Cuif 1977, Memoires Bur. Rech. geol. minier. No. 89: 260. -Coelenterala(Scleractinia) Gallitellia Loeblich & Tappan 1986, Transactions Am. microsc. Soc. 105 (3): 249. - Prot.(Sarcodina) Gallojapyx Pages 1993, Revue Suisse de Zoologie 1.00(1). mars: 47. - lns.(Diplura) Gallopisalia Pace 1989, Mem Mus Civ Stor Nat Verona (l!A Ser) Sez Sci Vita No. 8: 179. - Ins.(Col.)

(As Leptusa (Gallopisalia)) Galloromma Schluter 1978, Berliner geowiss. Abh. (A) No. 9: 74. - Ins.(Hym.) Gallosphex Schluter 1978, Berliner geowiss. Abb. (A) No. 9: 83. -lns.(Hym.) Gallowayia Soucek 1988, Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hyrnenoptera). A biosystematic revision of genera of

four:teen families wilb a reclassification of species . C.A.B. International, Wallingford: 656. - Ins.(Hym.) Galomeealpa Razowski 1990, Ann Zool (Warsaw) 43 (20): 397. -Tns.(Lepid.) Galopinus Lecoq 1986, Faune Madagascar 67: 174. - lns.(Col.) Galolingis Duarte Rodrigues 1980, Annales eat. fenn. 46 (1): 13. -Ins.(Hem.) Galoxesti.s Wu 1994, Sinozoologia 11, May: 150. -Ins.(Lepid.) Galsania Richt 1993, Entomologicbeskoe 72(2): 434. -lns.(Oipt.) Galtarodes de Toulgoet 1980, Bulletin Soc. ent. Ff. 85 (1 - 2): 40. - Ins.(Lepid.) Galtonia Hu & Luc 1994, In: Fraser & Sues [Eds] 1994, In the shadow of the dinosaurs: early Mesozoic

tetrapods. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York. & Melbourne: 230. - t Rept.(Ornithischia) Galveodon Hahn & Hahn 1992, Geol Palaeontol 26: 150. - t Mamm.(Multituberculata) Galverpeton Estes & Sanchiz 1982, Journal Vertebr. Paleont. 2 (I): 29. - Amph.(Lissamphibia) Galwayella Patterson & Pettis 1986, J Foraminiferal Res 16 (I): 74. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Galziniella Muller 1991, Senckenb Biol 71 (4-6): 289. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Garnacallum Unnithan 1971, Am Midi Nal 85 (2): 392. -Platy.(Monogenea) Garnachignathus McCracken, Nowlan & Barnes 1980, Papers geol. Surv. Can. 80 (1 C): 105. - t Conod. Gamachorutes Cassagnau 1978, Bulletin Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse 114 (l-2): 17. - lns.(Collembola) Garnagyangnella Choe 1988, Dev Palaeontol Stratigr 11: 132. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Gamascolex Kraft & Mergl 1989, Paleontologie (Prague) No. 30: 23 . - t Foss. Misc. Garnbapes Sarj & Langston, Jr 1994, Bulletin of the Texas Memorial Museum 36, January JO: 45.

- t Foss. Misc. Gambiella Wiue 1985, Stere<>-Atlas Ostracod Shells 12 (2): 141. - Crust.(Ostracoda) Garnbierd.iscus Adachi & Fukuyo 1979, Bulletin Jap. Soc. scient. Fish. 45 (1): 67. - Prot.(Mastigophora) Garnbiodonta Solem 1976, Endodontoid land snails from Pacific islands. (Mollusca: Pulrnonata: Sjgmurethra.)

Par:t I. Family Endodontidae. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago: 431. -Moll.(Gastropoda) Garnclioidcs L.emaife 1988, Bull Soc Entomol Fr92 (7- 8): 225. - Jns.(Lepid.) Gamergomimus Fennah 1984, Entomologist's mon. Mag. 120 (Jan.-Apr.): 85. - Ins.(Hem.) Gameroietes Balogh & Balogh 1990, Soil Mites World 3: 114. ~Arnchn.(Acari) Garnidactylus Thatcher & Boeger 1984, Amazoniana 8 (J): 422. - Crosl.(Copepoda) Garnispatulus Thatcher & Boegu 1984, Amazoniana 9 (I): 120. -Crust.(Copepoda) Gamisplnus Thatcher & Boeger 1984, Amazon.iana :8 (4): 506. -Crust.(Copepoda) Gamizyga Hoare & Sturgeon 1980, Journal Paleont. 54 (I): 160. - Moll.(Gastropoda) (See also page I IOI) Garnmabracon Quicke 1984, Eotomologist's moo. Mag. 120 (Jan.-Apr.): 73. - Ins.(Hym.) Garnmaornix Kuznetsov 1979, Trudy wol. inst. L.eningr. 81: 93. - Ins.(Lepid.) (As Parornix (Gammaornix)) Gammaromermls Rubtsov & Bekman 1979, Zoologicheskii Zh. 58 (5): 751. -Nemat. . Garnmaropisa Ruffo & Vigna Taglianti 1988, Boll Mus Civ Stor Nat Verona 14: 242. -Crust.(Malacostrnca) Gammatricula Davis & Liu io Davis, Liu & Chen 1990, Proc Acad Nat Sci Phila 142: 145.

- Moll.(Gascropoda) Gamonedaspis Branisa & Vanek 1973, Vestnik ustrcd. UsL geol. 48 (2): 97. - t Trilob. Gamosaurus Otschev 1979, Paleontologicheskii Zh_ 1979 (I): 107. - t Rept.(Arcbosauria) Garnpsoacantha Josifov & Stusak 1987, Acta Entomol Bohemoslov 84 (4): 287. - Ins.(Hem.) Garnpsolepis Karatajute-Talimaa 1978. Silurian and Devonian thelodonts of the USSR and Spitsbergen.

Lithuan. scient.-Res. geol. Surv. lnsL. Mokslas, Vilnius: 156. - 'I' Pisces(Pteraspidomorphi) Garnpsophlebia Pritykina in Dolin & Pdtikina 1980, [Fossil insects of the Mesozoic.] Inst. Zoo!., Akad. Nauk

ukrain. SSR, Naukova Durnka. Kiev: 131. -lns.(Odonata) Ganawamaya Cooke 1992, Alcheringa 16 (3-4): 202. -Mamm.(Macropodidae) Ganba Barnard & Drummond 1978, Smithsonian Conte. Zool. No. 245: 124. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Gandakites Ktystyn 1982, Abhandlungen geol. Bundesanst., Wien 36: 25. - t Moll.(Cephalopoda)

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Gandinella Ciarapica & Zaninetti 1985, Revue Paleobiol. 4 (2): 307. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Ganestheria Bi & Xie in Chen & Shen 1982, Palaeontologia sin. (N.S. B) No. 17: 92. -Crust.(Branchiopoda) Gangalrema Agarwal & Kumar 1981, Japanese J. Parasit. 30 (1): 10. -Platy.(Digenea) Gangdeeria Zhang & Yuan in Zhang, Lin, Wu & Yuan 1980, Memoirs Nanjing Inst. Geol. PaleonL No. 16: 93.

-tTrilob. Ganglbaueria (n.n. pro Typhlosipalia Scheerpeltz 1951) Likovsky 1984, A.r1notationes zoo!. bot. Bratislava No.

160: !. - Ins.(Col.) Gangliostoma Xu 1983, Acta zootaxon. sin. 8 (1): 6. -Coelenterata(Hydroida) Gangolichus Perez & Atyeo 199 l. Zool Anz 226 (5~): 256. -Arachn.(Acari) Gangsbanoceras Zou 1988, Acta Palaeontol Sin 27 (3): 327. - Moll.(Cephalopoda) Ganloudina He in Xing, Ding, Luo, He & Wang 1984. Bulletin lJlst. Geol. chin. Acad. geol. Sci. No. 10: 178.

- t Conod. Ganminia Cai. R.~. 1979, Acta ent. sin. 22 (4): 462. - Ins.(Lepid.) Gannacbrus Theron 1979, Journal ent. Soc. sth. Afr. 42 (1): 85. -lns.(Hem.) Gannania Fu 1982, In [Xian Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources]. Xibei diqu gu sbengwu tuce:

Shaan-Gan-Ning fence. [Paleontological atlas of Northwest China. Sbaaruti-Gansu- Ninx.ia Volume. Pan I. Precambrian and Early Paleozoic). Geological Publishing House, Peking: 168. -Brach.

Gannania Fu 1984, Acta palaeont. sin. 23 (3): 380. - Brach. Gannia Theron 1979, Journal ent. Soc. sth . Afr. 42 (1): 77. -Ins.(Hem.) Gaooapioo Zimmerman 1993, Australian weevils. (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea). Volume 2: Brentidae,

Eurhyocb.idae, Apionidae and a chapter on immature stages. CSIRO, Canberra: 335. -Ins.(Col.) (As Notapion (Ganoapion))

Ganocapsinus Carvalho 1984, Revista bras. Biol. 44 (I): 48. - Ins.(Hem.) Gaoocapsisca Carv & C 1992, Revista Brasileira de Biologia 52(2), maio: 199. - Ins.(Hem.) Gansserlna Robaszynski, Caron, Gonzalez Donoso & Wonders 1984, Revue Micropaleont. 26 (~): 292.

-Prot.(Sarcodina) Gansucephalina Zhou in Zhou, Li & Qu 1982, In [Xian Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources ). Xibei

diqu gu shcngwu tuce: Shaan-Gan-Ning fence. [Paleontological atlas of Northwest China. Shaanxi-Gansu-Ninxia Volume. Part I. Precambrian and Early Paleozoic). Geological Publishing House, Peking: 237. - t Trilob.

Gansuceras Li 1982, Acta palaeont. sin. 21 (3): 342. - Moll.(Cepbalopoda) Gansucupes Hong 1982, Jiuquan Peodi Kuochong huasbi (Mesozoic fossil insects of Jiuquan Basin in Gansu

l'rovince.] Geological Publishing House, Peking: 111. - l ns.(Col.) Gansuella Ma Qihong 1986. Memoirs Nanjing Jnst. Geol. Paleont. No. 22: 202. - Moll.(Bivalvia) Gansus Hou Lianhai & Liu Zhicheng 1984, Scientia sin. (chem. biol. agric. med. eanb Sci.) 27 (12): 1296.

- t Aves(Gansuidae) Gantarostrataspis Wang Junqing & Wang Nianzhong 1992, Vertebrata Palasiatka 30(3): 192.

- t Pisces(Galeaspidiformes) Ganxiella Liu & Gu in Gu Daoyuan & Liu Xiezbang 1989, Can Soc Pet Geol Mem 14 (3): 361.

- Moll.{Bivalvia) Ganxiella Wei 1988. (See Ertaiziella Wei 1993) Ganxiphyllum Jia Huizhen 1984, Acta geol. sin. 58 (1): 31. -t Coelenterata(Rugosa) Gaofengopbyllum Kong 1981, In [12th Annual Conference of the Palaeomologica Society of China. Selected

Paper.]: 55. - t Coelenterata(Rugosa) (As Stringopbyllum (Gaofengophyllum)) Gaolu0<:eras Xu in 1977, [Fossils of central southern China. Volume I . Early Palaeozoic era.] Earth Sciences

Publishing House, Peking: 99. - Moll.(Cepbalopoda) Gaoqiaoella Li Yu- Wen 1975, Diceng Gushengwu Luweozbi (Prof. Pap. Stratigr. Palaeont.) 2: 56.

- t CrusL.(Ostracoda) Gaotanasp ls Zhang & Li 1984, Bulletin Nanjing Inst. Geol. Miner. Resour. 5 (4): 81. - t Trilob. Gaparella Missarzhevskij in Missarzbevsk.ij & Mambetov 1981, Tmdy geol. Inst., Leningr. No. 326: 74.

- t Foss. Misc. Gapeevella Gandl 1987, Abh Senckenb Naturforsch Ges No. 543: 38. - t Trilob. Gapparodus Abairnova 1978, Paleontologicheskii Zh. 1978 (4): 79. - 'f Conod. Garabatis Cappetta 1993, Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 67(1 - 2), Juni: 117. -Pisces(Myliobatidae) Ga.rainamiris Carvalho 1981, Revista bras. Biol. 41 (3)~ 479. - Ins.(Hem.) Garath erium Crochet 1984, Annales Paleont. 70 (4): 278. -Mamm.(Marsupialia) Garciaella (n.n. pro Bmso11ia Rossi di Garcia 1969) Ding & Honigstein 1994, Annals of the South African

Museum 104(5), October: 83. -Crust.(OSlfacoda) Gardineria Kazantseva-Selentseva 1981 , Trudy paleontt. Inst. 180: 84. - t Pisces(Telcostomi) Garcia Bourdon & Bruce 1983, Crustaceana 45 (!): 103. -Crust.(Malaeomaca) Gareila Heinrich 1980, Annales zool. Warsz. 35 (11): 177. - Ios.(Hym.) Gargalonipes Heyler & Montenat 1981, Bulletin Mus. n.atn. Hist. nat. Paris (Sci. Terre Paleont. Geol. Miner.) 2

(4): 426. - t Rept.(lchnites) Garganisca Carvalho 1990, An Acad Bras Cienc 62 (I): 75. - Jos.(Hem.) Gargapbia Walker 1863. (See Sarisa Fletcher 1979) Gargarina Ananlhasubramanian 1980, Records zoo!. Surv. India Misc. Pubis occ. Pap. No. 16: 33.

-Ins.(Hem.) Gnrguina Young 1986, Technical Bull. N. Carolina agric. Exp. Sto 281: 590. - Ins.(Hem.) Garbwalicus Gupta & Ray 1981, Bulletin zool. Surv. ln.dia 4 (3): 268. - Arachn.(Acari) Garies.a Theron 1986, Phytophylactica 18 (4): 159. -lns.(Hem.) Garinj uga Campbell & Suter 1988, J Aust Entomol Soc 27 ( 4): 262. - Ios.(Epbemeroptera) Gar~ Quentin & Villiers 1979, Revue fr. Ent. (N.S.) 11 (2): 82. - Ins.(Col.)

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Garjainowula Molostovskaja in Molostovska 1990, /11: Komissiya po mikropaleontologii Akademii Nauk SSSR 1990, [Fundamental contemporary micropalaeomology. Systematic, biocenotic and evolutionary aspects. Abstracts and shon papers from the 11 th All- Union MicropaleontoJogical Congress. Moscow, 4-8 September 1990.] Geologicheslcii lnstitut AN SSSR, Moskva: 85. -Crust.(Ostracoda)

Garkavillanus Lomakin & Cbemova 1980, Trudy gcl'mim. Lab. 3-0: 50. - Nemat. Ga rnbergia Martin & Wenz 1984, Swtt~aner Beitr. Naturk. (B) No. 105: 2. - t Pisces(Crossopterygii) Garnhamphysalis Hoogstraal & Wassel I undated]. Parasitological top. [unnumbered]: 118. - Arachn.(Acari)

(As Haemaphysalis (Garnhamphysalis)) Gu rnhnmphysalis Hoogstraal & Wasser 1981, Special Pub!. Soc. Protozool. No. I : 118. - Arachn.(Acari)

(As Haemaphysalis (Garnhamphysalis)) Garo Yazdani & Talwar 1981. Bullelin wol. Surv. lndia 4 (3): 287. -Pisces(Teleostomi) Garnconularia Bischoff 1978, Senckenbergiana lelh. 59 (4-6): 310. - t Coelenterata{Conulata) Garraspongia Picken & Rigby 1983. Journal Paleont. 57 (4): 733. - Porif.(fetractinomorpha) Ga r reUella Vockerolh 1980, Canad.ian Ent. 112 (6): 539. -lns.(Dipt.) Carnttoconcha Solem 1976, Eododontoid land snails from Pacific islands. (Mollusca: Pulmonata:

Sigmurethra.) Part I. Family Endodontidae. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago: 162. - Moll.(Gastropoda) {As Mautodontba {Garrenoconcha))

Carridoa Marcuz.zi 1985, Annales hist.- nat. Mus. natn. hung. 77: 180. - Tns.(Col.) Cnrsauriella Linna,•uo 1993, Acta Zoologica Fennica 192, 15 September: 133. - lns.(Hem.) Garthasia Ng 1993, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 41(1). 12 July: 153. -Crust.(Brachyura) Garthiella Titgen 1986, Proceedings biol. Soc. Wash. 99 (I): 56. -Crust.(Malacomaca) Carthiope Guinot 1990, Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat Sect A Zool Biol Ecol Anim 12 (2): 470.

-Crust.(Malacostraca) Ga rud.imimus Barsbold 1981. Trudy sovm. sov.-mongol. paleont. Eksped. No. 15: 30. - t Rept.(Dinosauria) Garyus Holloway 1982, Fauna N.Z. No. 3: 82. - lns.(Col.) Ga..~oignella Jensen 1985, In Monon & Dudgeon (Eds]. The malacofauna of Hong Kong and southern China. 2.

Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Malacofauna of Hong Kong ai1d Soulhem China, Hong Kong, C'r24 April 1983. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong: 99. - Moll.(Gastropoda)

Gashaomiaoia Rong. Su & Li 1983, /11 U & Dong [Eds) Neimenggu Daerhanmaorrunganlianheqi Bateaobaodiqu Zbiluinipenji Diceng Yu Dong Woquo [Silurian/Devonian rocks and faunas of lhe Bareaobao area in Darhan Mumingan Joint Banner, Inner Mongolia.) People's Publishing House of Inner Mongolia: 53. - Brach. (As Gypidula (Gashaomiaoia))

Gashatostylops Cifelli, Schaff & McKcnna 1989, Bull Mus Comp Zool 152 (I): 15. - t Mamm.(N0toungulata)

Gasirocotyloides (see Gastrocotyloldes) Gasophlebia Lin in [Nanjing lnst. of Gcol. & Mineral Resources]. 1982, Huadong diqu gushengwu tuce. Zhong.

Xin sheng dai fence. [Paleonlol. atlas of East China. Pan 3. Volume of Mesozoic and Caenozoic]. Geological Publishing House, Peking: 149. - lns.(Odonata)

Gasosaurus Dong Zhiming & Tang Zilu 1985, Vertebrata palasiat. 23 (I): 83. - t Rept.(Dinosauria) Gasparobytbus Poggi 199'2, Mem Soc Entomol ltal 70 (2): 207. -lns.(Col.) Gasterantrodes Daccordi 1981. Bollettino Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Verona 7: 189. - lns.{Col.) Gasterichus Boucek 1988, Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptcra). A biosystemauc revision of genera of

fourteen families wilh a reclassification of species. C.A.B. International, Wallingford: 691. - Tns.(Hym.) Gastcrograniroa Jcckel 1982. Bulletin zool. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam 9 (2): 10. - Myriapoda(Diplopoda) Gru.'terorhamphosos Sorbini 1981, Bolleuino Mus. civ. Stor. oat. Verona 8: 4. - Pisces(Telcostom.i) Castnlspis Lin 1988, J Taiwan Mus 41 (2): 29. -los .{Hym.) Gastrocotyloides Lebedev 1980, Biologiya Morya. Vladivostok 1980 (2): 45. - Vcnn.(Monogenea)

(As Gasirocotyloides) Gru.-irodynerus Bohan 1984, Pan--Pacific Ent. 60 (I ): 12. - fns.(Hym.) Castrohedyle Rankin 1979, Life Sci. Contr. R. Ont. Mus. No. 116: 101. - Moll.{Gastropoda) Gastrolamprusa Pace 1982, Frngmenta ent. 16 (2): 174. - los.(Col.) Gastrotheca Guerin-MenevilJe 1848. (See Phyrarai a Shenefelt 1978) Casulimnadia Shen & Chen in Shen, Wang & Chen 1982, ln [Xiao Institute of Geology and Mineral

Resources]. Xibci Diqu gu shengwu tuce: Shaan-Gan-Ning fence. [Paleontological arias of Nonhwest China. Pan 3. Mesozoic and Cenozoic]. Publishing House, Peking: 53. - Cmst.(Branchiopoda)

Ca.sulliella Gittenberger 1980, Zoologischc Medccl .. Leiden 55 (17): 206. - Moll.(Gastropoda) Ga.suthiana Haitlingcr 1989. Pol Pismo Entomol 59 ( !): 281. -Arachn.(Acari) Gatagacyathns Debrenne & Zhuravlev 1992, Geobios (Lyon) 25(5): 598. - t Arch. Gat1a Archbo 1993, Royal Society of Victoria Proceedings 105(1), 31Marth: 4. - Brach. Gattonia Boucek 1988, Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). A biosystcmatic revision of genera of

founeen families wilh a reclassification of species. C.A.B. International, Wallingford: 652. - lns.{Hym.) Gauchocoris Carvalho 1980, Revisla brns. Biol. 40 (2): 300. - lns.(Hem.) Gaudichaudius Pettibone 1986, Smithsonian Conn. Zool. No. 428: 33. - Annel.(Polychaeta) Caudryinoides Saidova 1975. (Benthonic Foraminifera oflhe Pacific Ocean. Volume 1.I Akaderruya Naulc

SSSR, Moscow: 104. -Prot.(Sarcomastigophora) Caumia Hahn, Wtld & Wouters 1987, Mcm Scrvir Explic Canes Gcol Min Bclg No. 24: 11.

- t Rept.(Synapsida) Gaurites Bogoslovskiy 1984, Paleontologicheslcii Zh. 1984 (I): 34. - t MolJ.{Cephalopoda) Caurochromis Greenwood 1980, Bullelin Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 39 ( I): 32. - Pisces(Teleostomi) Gauromydas Wilcox & Pimentel 1989, Studies of Mydidae (Diptera). 4b. Mydar ru1d allies in the Americas

(Mydinae, Mydini). Museu Parncnse Emilio Goeldi, Selem, Brazil: 104. - lns.(Oipt.) Gnuruncus Razowski 1988, Acta Zool Cracov 31 (1-10): 404. - Ins.(Lepid.)

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Gauthiosoma Kutscher 1985, Zeitschrin geol. Wiss. 13 (4): 524. - Echin.(Echinoidea) Gnveanus Carvalho 1984, Revista bras. Biol. 44 (1): 49. - Tns.(Hem.) Gavisus Wells & Wellington 1983, Australi an J. Herpet. 1 (3-4): 95. -Rept.{Lepidosauria) Gaymara Freimg & Barnes 1989, Quacst Entomol 25 (3): 278. - los.(Col.) (As Cicinclela (Oaymara)) Gaynaphyllum Pedder 1980, Canadian J . Eanb Sci. 17 (5): 609. - t Coelemerata(Rugosa) Gnyus (n.o. pro Polylophus Blanchard 185 l) Kuschel in Wibmer & O'Brien 1986, Memoirs Am. cnL. Inst. No.

39: 153. -Tns.{Col.) Gazinius Bown 1979, Folia primatol. 31 (1- 2): 67. - t Mamm.{Primates) Gazolaichthys Blot & Tyler 1990. Srud Ric Oiacimenti Tcrziari Bolca 6: 73. -Pisces(Actinopterygii) Gaiolapodus Blot 1981, Bulletin Mus. natn. Hist. nat. Paris (Sci. Terre Paleont. Geol. Miner.) 2 (4): 350.

- Pisces{Teleostorni) Geballusa Erw 1994, Canadian Entomologist 126(3), May-June: 567. - Ins.(Col.) Gtbeckerla Scballreuter & Jone.~ 1984, Neues Jb. Geol. Palaoot. Mh. 1984 (7): 417. - t Crust.(Ostracoda) Gebiacantba Ngoc-Ho 1989, Bull Mus Nall Hist Nat Sect A Zoo! Biol Ecol Anim 11 (1): ll8.

-Crust.{Malacostraca) Gebiella Traub & Haddow 1983, The Rothschild collection or fleas: the Ceratophyllidae: key to the genera and

host relationships with notes on their evolution, ioogeography and medical imponancc. Rothschild & Traub, place of publication not known: 17. - Ins.(S iphonaptera) {As Megabotbris (Gebiella))

Geblcnocamaria Masumoto 1993, Japanese Journal of Entomology 61(2), June 25: 223. - lns.(Col.) Gebiupala Argaman in Argaman & Ozbek 1992, Turk Entomol Derg 16 (1): 11. - lns.(Hym.) Gedanicoocus Koteja 1988, Pol Pismo Entomol 58 (3): 506. -lns.(Hem.) Gedanohclca Szadziewski 1988, Pol Pismo Entomol Sii (l): 166. -lns.(Dipt.) Gedaula Won 1983, Palacomographicn (A) 182 (4--0): 153. - Prot.(Sarcodina) Gedoelstascaris Sprent 1978, Journal Helminth. 52 (3): 261. -Nemat. Geelongella McKenzie, Reyment & Reyment 1991, Rev Esp Paleontol 6 (2): 139. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Geennuceras Liang 1983, Acta palaeont. sin. 22 (6): 6 14. - t Moll.(Cepbalopoda) Gegenella Lee & Gu in 1976, Nei Menggu Zi.zhi Qu Oiz.hi Ju & Dongbei Dizhi Kexue Yanjiusuo. Huabei diqu

gusheogwu tuce [Nei Menggu fence.] Volume I. Dizbi Cbuban She. Peking: 237. - Brach. Geisonocerella Zhuravleva 1978, Trudy paleont. lnst. 168: 111. -Moll.{Cephalopoda) Geithu.u Ng 1989. Raffies Bull Zool 37 (1-2): 32. -Crust.(Malacosu:aca) Geitocochylis Razowski 1984, Bulletin pol. Acad. Sci. (Biol.) 32 (7-8): 273. -lns.(Lepid.) Geitonomys Shevyreva 1983, In Gromov [Ed.) [Rodents. Material from the 6tb All-Union Conference

Leningrad 25-28 Jan. 1984.] Nauka. Leningrad: 57. - t Mamm.(Rodentia) Geitonomys Shevyreva 1984, In Gabuniya [Ed.] [Flora and fauoaofZajsan Hollow.) Metsniereba, Tbilisi: 95.

- t Mamm.{Rodentia) Gekkoanolis Varona 1985, Donana Acta vcn. 12 (1): 34. - Rept.{Lepidosauria) {As Anolis (Gekkoanolis)) Gclacondylops Wittmer 1985, Entomologische Arb. Mus. Georg Frey 33-34: 313. - lns.(Col.) Gelancs Horstmann 1980. Spi~iana Suppl. No. 4: 10. - lns.(Hym.) Gelano~anis Bohlke L980, Proceedings /\cad. nat. Sci. Philad. 132: 150. - Pisces(Tcleostomi) Gelasimbracon Quicke 1989, Zool Ser 18 (3) : 297. - lns.{Hym.) Gclasinotar bus Shear, Selden & Rolfe in Shear, Selden, Rolfe, Bonamo & Grierson 1987. Am Mus Novit No.

2901: 37. -t Arachn.{Trigonorarbi) Gelasopteron Carpenter 1977, Psyche, Camb. 83 (3-4): 372. -Ins.{lnsecta) Gelastnutes Bruce 1990, Mem Mus Nall Hist Nat Ser A Zool 145: 138. -Crust.(Mala<:ostraca) Gclastyrella Yang in Cha.a & Yang 1994, lssidae of Taiwan: (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). National Chung Hsing

Uni \'ersity, Department of Entomology, Taichung, Taiwan: 90. - lns.(Hem.) Gelatla Bujak 1984, Micropaleontology 30 (2): 185. -Prot.(Mastigophora) Gele;noptron Conway Morris 1993, Palaeontology ( 36(3), Sep1embcr: 614. - t Foss. Misc. Gelidicella Scballreuter 1984. Neues Jb. Geol. Palaoot. Abh. 169 (I): 33. -Crust.(Ostrocoda) Gemelllcotyle Prudhoe 1975, In 1iwari & Srivastava [Eds] 1975, Dr. B.S. Chauhan commemoration volume.

Zoological Society of India, Vani Vihar. Orissa, India: 63. -Platy.(Digenea) Gemeri thyris Siblik 1977, Zapadnc Karpaty (Paleont.) No. 2-3: 203. - Brach. Gcminella Szcz.echur.i 1994, Acta Palacontologica Polonica 39(2): 224. -Bry. Gcmlnlgera Hill 1991, Phycologia 30 (2): 181. - Prot.(Mastigophora) Gemlnilitllella Backman 1980, Stockholm Contr. Geol. 36 {l): 5 l. - ProL(Mastigophora) Gemino1>pia Balogh & Balogh 1983, Acta zool. hung. 29 (4): 315. - Arachn.(Acari) Ccminopsylla Beaucomu & Aeschlimann 1985. Bullct.irn Soc. neuchatel. Sci. nat. 108: 56. - lns.(Siphonaptera)

(As Callopsylla (Gerninopsylla)) Geminosipbo Fursch 1987, Enlomol Abh (Dres) SI (I): 68. - los.(Col.) (As Nephus (Oeminosipho)) Gcmioospiroides McCulloch 1977, Qualitative observations on recent foraminiferal tests with emphasis on the

eastern Pacific. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California: 381. - Prot.{Sarcodina) Gemmacarcinus Muller & Collins 1991. Meded Werkgr Teniaire Kwan Geol 28 (2- 3): 67.

-Crust.(Malacostraca) Gemmacoris Baranowski & Slater 1987, Fla Eotomol 70 (3): 387. -lns.(Hem.) Gemmacrlnus Prokop & Petr 1989, Sb Nar Muz Praze Rada B Prir Vedy 44 (2): 128. -Echin.(Crinoidea) Cemmathrips Rey 1994, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 4Z(2), 26 April: 389. - Ins.(Thysanopicra) Gemmazeles Fujikawa 1979, Acarologia 20 (3): 461. - Aracho.(Acari) Gemmellaroia Lyssenko in Lyssenko & Aliev 1990. Paleootol Zh 1990 (4): 108. - t Moll.(Oastropoda) Gemmeopus Gaud & Atyeo 1990, Acarologia (Paris) 31 (2): 205. -Arachn.(Acari) Gemrnidiplosis Fedotova 1992, Zool Zh 71 (6): 77.-lns.{Dipt.) (As Halodiplosis {Oemmidiplosis)) Gemmocolus Maxwell 1992. NZ Geol Surv Paleontol Bull No. 65: 125. - Moll.(Gastropoda)

(As Falsicolus (Gcmmocolus)) Gernmocystls Upton & Peters 1986, Journal lnve11. Patil. 47 (2): 188. - Prot.(Apicomplexa)

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Gemmuloborsonia Shuto 1989, Trans Proc Palaeontol Soc Jpn New Ser No. 153: 48. - Moll.(Gastropoda) Gemursa Barraclough 1992, lnvertebr Taxon 6 (5): 1288. -lns.(Dipt.) Genangula Boucek 1988, Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). A biosystemat ic revision of genera of

fourteen families with a reclassification of species. C.A.B. Tntemational, Wallingford: 446. - lns.(Hym.) Genatra Nielson 1983, Journal Kans. ent. Soc. 56 ( 4): 564. -lns.(Hem.) Genatropis Galloway in Galloway & Austin I 984, Australian J. Zoo!. (Sup~I.) No. 99: 57. - lns.(Hym.) Genavensla Mahunka 1983. Revue suissc Zoo!. 90 (3): 721. - Aiachn.(Acan) Genavius Osella 1983, Revue suisse Zoo!. 90 (I): 11 1. -lns.(Col.) Genestiella Giachino 1992. Fragm Entomol 23 (2): 316. -lns.(Col.) Genghis Howes 1984, Bulletin Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.} 47 (5): 289. -Pisces(Teleostomi) Geniculina Roomusoks 1993, Eesti Tcaduste Akadeemia Toimctised Gcoloogia 42(2): 53. - Brach. Geniculograptus Mitchell 1987, Palaeontology (Land) 30 (2): 381. - t Grapt.(Orthograptidae) Geniculomcleamites Harper. Boucot & Johnson 1978. Palaeontographica (A) 161 (4-6): 133. - Brach.

(As Mcleamites (Geniculomcleamites)) Geniculophotis Barnard & Karaman 1987. Proc Biol Soc Wash 100 (4): 856. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Genisphindus McHu 1993, Systematic Eniomology 18(1), January: 75. - lns.(Col.) Gentakola Noyes & Hayat 1984. Bulletin Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 48 (3): 278. - lns.(Hym.) Genlingia Robinson 1986, Bulletin Br. Mus. nat. Hfat. (Ent) 52 (2): 95. - lns.(Lepid.) Gentrytragus Azanza & Morales 1994, Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van

Wetenschappen Biological Chemical Geological Physical aod Medical Sciences 97(3), September 26: 270. - Mamm.(Bovidae)

Genuacalles Rbeinbeimer 1993, Koleopcerologische Rundschau 63, Juli: 319. - lns.(Col .) Genuspirifer Liang 1990. China Minist Geol Miner Resour Geol Mem Ser 2 No. 10: 490. - Brach. Genyandrena La Berge 1985, Transactions Am. ent. Soc. Ill (4): 544. -lns.(Hym.)

(As Andrena (Genyandrena)) Genyon Smecana 1978, Memoirs enc. Soc. Can. No. 105: 170. - lns.(Col.) Geocepheus Sitnikova 1979. Annales hist.-nat Mus. nacn. hung. 71: 291. - Arachn.(Acari) GeococcusFrance 1913. (See Debessia Haman 1988) Brancucci 1979, Entomolo3ica Basiliensia 4: 214. -lns.(Col.) Geodistroogyla Hoshino 1981, Journal Sei. Hiroshima Univ. (Zool.) 29 (2): 252. - Porif.(Tel!aCtinomorpha) GeofTbondia Cooper 1988. S Afr J Oeol 91 (3): 322. - Moll.(Bivalvia) Geohowdenius Zunino 1984, Bollettino Mus. reg. Sci. nat. 2 (!): 102. - lns.(Col.) Geomack:iea Mills 1985, Canadian J. Zool. 63 (9): 2172. ~oelenteraca(Hydroida) Geomonhystera Andrassy 1981. Opuscula zool. Bpesc 17- 18: 30. - Nemat. Geoparnus Besuchet 1978, Revue suisse Zool. 85 (4): 705. -Tns.(Col.) Geopeltus Lis 1990, Bonn Zoo! Beitr 41 (3-4): 226. - lns.(Hem.) Geopisalia Pace 1984, Archives Sci. Geneve 37 (2): 214. -lns.(Col.) (As Lcptusa (Geopisalia)) Geopora Pace 1985, Fragmenca enl. 18 (1): 137. - Tns.(Col.} Geopsammodius Gordon & Pittino 1992, Coleopl Bull 46 (3): 267. - Jns.(Col.) Georgcalictus Packer 1993, Canadian Journal of Zoology 71(8), August 1656. - lns.(Hym.)

(As Mexalictus (Georgealictus)) GeorgeballiusHabu 1984, Entomological Rev. Japan 39 (1): 4. - lns.(Col.) Georgella Conil & Lys 1977 [1978]. , . - (See Nevil/ea Con.ii & Lys 1980) Georgella Conil & Lys 1978, Memoires Inst. geol. Univ. Louvain 29: 33. - Prot.(Snrcodina) Georgeoplax Turkay 1983, Memoirs Aust. Mus. 18: 10 1. - Crust.(Malacostraca) Georgia Otscbev 1976. (See Georgiasaurus Otschev 1977) Georgiasaurus (n.n. pro Georgia OISChcv 1976) 0!$cbev 1977, Paleontologicheskii Zh. 1977 (4) : 118.

- t Rept.(Synaptosauria) Georgiulus Hofftn 1992, Jeffersoniana 1, March 6: 9. - Myriapoda(Diplopoda) Geoscincus Sadlier 1987, Ree Aust Mus 39 ( I): 6. -Rept(Lepidosauria) Geostem bergia (n.n. pro P1eranodo11 (S1embergia) Miller 1972) Miller 1978, Journal Paleont. 52 (1): 194.

- t Rept.(Dinosauria) GoosObasoma Pace 1985, Fragm.enrn ent. 18 (I): I 07. - lns.(Col.) Goostibida Pace 1984, Annales Soc. ent. Fr. (N.S.) 20 (3): 317. - lns.(Col.) Goostibops Israelson 1985, Boletim Mus. munic. Funchal 37: 13. -lns.(Col.) (As Atheca (Geostibops)) Goovelia Zimmermano 1984, Senckenbergiana biol. 6S (1 -2): 66. - lns.(Hem.) Gc;phyrobiscutum Wise 1988, Palacogcogr Palaeoclimatol Palacoecol 67 (1-2): 172. - Prot.(Mastigophora) Gcphyrodesmus Jeekel 1983, Bulletln zool. Mus. l.ilniv. Amsterdam 9 (16): 145. - Myriapoda(Diplopoda) Ge;phyroherpia von Salvini- Plawcn 1978, Zoologica Stuttg. 44 No. 12S(i): J 14. - Moll.(Aplacopbora) Ge;phyroneura Obraztsov 1968. (See Mehieria Kocak 1981) Ge;phyrophora Karsch 1896. (See Eukarschia Fletcher in Fletcher & Nye 1982) Gephyrorhahdus Hill 1976, Palaeootographiea Abt. B Palaeophytol. 156 (4-6): 141. - Prot.(Mastlgophora) Ge;phyrosaurus Evans 1980, Zoological J. Linn. Soc. 70 (3): 204. - t Rept.(lcpidosauria) Gephyrospadella Salvini-Plawen 1986. Zeitschrift zool. Sysi. Evolforsch. 24 (2): 123.

-Chaetog.(Chaetognatha) Geptolepis Vorobyeva & Lebedev 1986, Pa.leontologicheskii Zh. 1986 (1): 70. - t Pisces(Crossoptec:ygii) Geraldinella Fri 1993. Journal of Palcontology 67(5), September. 866. - t Trilob. Geraldus Fitton 1987, Syst Entomol 12 (I): 41 . - lns.(Hym.) Gcrarnya Stilwell & Zinsmeister 1992. Antarct Res Ser 55: 86. - Moll.(Bivalvia) (As Mya (Geramya)) Geraniomyia Fedotova 1991, lzv Akad Nauk Kaz SSR Ser Biol 1991 (4): 24. - Ins.(Dipt.) Geraspis Pan & Chen 1993. Venebrata Pruasiatica 31(3): 230. - t Pisces(Galeaspidiformes) Gerntrinodus Kobayashi & Hamada 1978, Geology Palaeont. SE Asia 19: 8. - t Trilob. Gerbeckiles Zbikowska 1983, Palneontologia pol. No. 44: 62. -Crust.(Ostracoda)

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Gerbillicula Kolebinova 1984, Acta iool. bulg. No. 24: 73. - Arachn.(Acari) Gerdbenulia Holzschuh 1982, Zeicschrift ArbGem. ost. Ent. 33 (3-4): 71. -lns.(Col.) Gerdiocysta Liengjarem, Costa & Downie 1980, Palaeontology 23 (3): 482. - Proc.(Mastigophora) Gerdocypris McKenzie 1983, Journal Micropalaeontol. 2 : 53. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Geresia Missarzhevsk.ij in Missarzhevsk.ij & Mambetov 1981 , Trudy geol. Inst., Leningr. No. 326: 56.

- t Foss. Misc. Gerhardodon Kielan- Jaworowska & Ensom 1992, Palaeontology (Oxl) 35 (1): 103.

- t Mamm.(Multituberculata) Geringia Martin 1980, Paleontological Contr. Univ. Kans. Lawrence (Papers) No. 102: 25.

- Mamm.(Rodentia)


Geriojennsa (n.n. pro Jorgense11ia Schaus 1924) Watson in Watson, Fletcher & Nye 1980. Publications Br. Mus. nat. Hist. No. 811: 78. -lns.(Lepid.)

Ger keina Grozdilova & Lebedeva in Sosipatrova 1969, Uchenye Zap. nauchncr-issled. Inst. geol. arkt. Paleont. Biostrat. No. 27: 65. -Prot.(Sarcomastigophora)

Ge.rkella Malinky & Sixt 1990, Palaeontology (Oxl) 33 (2): 350. - t Moll.(Calyptoptomatida) Gerlacbidium von Benedek & Sorjeaot 1981, Nova Hedwigia 35 (2- 3): 340. - Prot.(Mastigophora) Germalni.ellus Morro 1993. Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion 64: 125. -lns.(Col.) Germainius Kuschel 1987, NZ Entomol 9: 25. -lns.(Col.) Germanasterias Blake 1990, Palaeontol Z 64 (1-2): 118. - Ecbin.(Asteroidea) Germanobatoli Muller & Diedrich 1991, Gcol Palaeontol Westfal 20: 49. -Pisces(Chondrichthyes) Germaria Jeanne 1972. (See Germari11a Jeanne 1985) Germarina (n.n. pro Gennaria Jeanne 1972) Jeanne 1985, Nouvelle Revue Ent. (N.S.) 2 (1): 40. - lns.(Col.) Gennarostes Paulian 1982, Memoires Mus. natn. Hist. Paris (Zool.) 124: 13. -Ins.(Col.) Germinosphaera Mikhailova 1986, In Sokolov & Shumenko [Eds]. (Current questions of contemporary

paJacoaJgology. Collected works.] Naukova dum.ka, IGev: 33. - 1' Prot.(Hemi.mastigophora) Gerochammina Neagu 1990, NATO AS! (Adv Sci Inst) Ser Ser C Math Phys Sci 327: 252.

-Prot.(Sarcodina) Geronogyps Campbell 1979. Life Sci . Coner. R. Ont. Mus. No. 118: 58. - Aves(Cathartidae) Gerontidella Szelenyi 1982, Acta zoo!. hung. 28 (3-4): 383. - lns.(Hym.) Gerontoscps Keqin & Fox 1991, Ann Carnegie Mus 60 (2): 152. - Rept.(Lepidosauria) Geropteron Riek & Ku.kalova-Peck 1984, Canadian J. Zoo!. 62 (6): 1155. - t lns.(Protodonata) Gerrhynx Baranov 1991, Paleontol Zh 1991 (1 ): 40. -Brach. Gerstfeldtiancylus Starobogatov 1989, In Linevich [Ed.] Fauna Baikala. Chas1' 4 - Cbervi, roollyusk.i,

chlenistonogie: sbomik nauchnykh trudov. Fauna of Lake Baikal. Part 4 - worms, molluscs and arthropods: collected scientific papers. Nauka, Novosibirsk: 58. - Moll.(Gastropoda)

Gerthic:eras Weste1TDan & Riccardi 1982, Journal PaleonL 56 (1 ): 32. - t Moll.(Cephalopoda) (As Pucbcnquia (Gerthiceras))

Gerthu.s Goseco, Ferris & Fmis 1975, Research Bull. Purdue Univ. agric. Exp. Stn No. 928: 26. -Nemat. Gertius Sama 1994, Lambillionea 94(4)(Tome TI), Decembre: 557. -lns.(Col.) (As Delagrangeus (Genius)) Ger tschanapis Platnick & Forster 1990, JN Y Entomol Soc 98 (1): 109. -Arachn.(Araneae) Gertschida Brignoli 1981, Bulletin Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 170 (1): 97. -Arachn.(Araoeae) Gertschosa Platnick & Shadab 1981, Bulletin Am. Mus. oaL Hist. 170 ( I): 176. -Arachn.(Araneae) Gerubiella Gramm 1988, Dev l'alaeontol Strati gr 11: 17 m. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Gervachoerus Sudre 1978, Memoires Trav. Inst. Montpellier No. 7: 59. - t Mamm.(Artiodactyla)

(As Ccboch.ocrus (Gervachoerus)) Gervaisia Harrison & Walker 1976. (See Harriso11avis Kashio 1978) Gervaisyus Sige in Sudre, Sige, Remy, Maranda!. Hanenberger, Godino! & Crochet 1990, Palaeovertebrata

(Montp) 20 (1): 8. - t Mamm.(lnsectivora) (As Heterohyus (Gervaisyus)) GecvasuU1a Sesti 1994. Ttaliana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 100{2), Ouobre: 252.

- t Moll .(Ceratitida) Gervilletia Damborenea 1987, Palaeonlogr Abt A Palaeozool-Stratigr 199 (4-6): 139. - Moll.(Bivalvia)

(As Gervilleiopema (Gervilletia)) Geryon Gombos 1982, Journal Paleont. 56 (2): 446. -Prot.(Mastigophora) Gesaia Kirt! 1994, Sabecon Press Science Series 1: 166. -Annel.(Polychaet.a) Gesciella Giachino & Gueorguiev 1989, Rev Suisse Zool 96 (2): 403. -Ins.(Col.) Getula Kading 1980, Zoologica Ser. 9 (4): 243. - Placy.(Turbellaria) Geusla Rubi & Korn 1979, Archiv Protistenk. 121 (4): 349. -Prot.(MicrospOrd) Gevarothrips Lacasa Plasencia 1984, Eos, Madr. 59: 74 .. -lns.(Thysanoptcra)

(As Aeolothrips (Gevarothrips)) Geyeriopsis Krasnov 1983. [Corals in reef facies of Mes-0zoic of the USSR.] Nau.ka, Moscow: 64.

- t Coelenterata(Scleromorpbaria) Gezhenpuia Niu & Wang in Niu, Wang & Dong 1988, Bull Tianj in Inst Geol Miner Rcsour No. 19: 91.

-Coelenterata(Siphonophora) Gharbouria Gayet 1988, Bull Mus Nall Hist Nat Sect C Sci Terre Paleontol Geol Mineral 10 (3): 200.

- Pisccs(Tcleostomi) Ghauri.ana Thapa 1985, Journal ent. Res. 9 ( !): 65. - lns.(Hem.) Gheegerus Barnard & Drummond 1982, Smithsonian Contr. Zool. No. 360: 106. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Gheorghlanina Locblich & Tappan 1986. Journal foram. Res. 16 (4): 344. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Ghilarella Rasn.itsyn 1988, Tr Vses Entomol 0-va 70: 7 I. -lns.(Hym.) Ghilarocheilus Kurzenko 1988, Tr Vses Entomol 0-va 70: 100. - lns.(Hym.)

(As Onychopterocheilus (Ghilarocheilus)) Ghilaromma Tobias 1988, Tr Vses Entomol 0 - va 70: 139. -lns.(Hym.)

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Ghilaroviana Kovalev in Kalugina & Kovalev 1985, [Diptera (losecta) of the Jurassic of Siberia.] NauJca. Moscow: 167. - t Ins.(Dipt.)

Ghilaroviles Kasparyan 1988, Tr Vses Entomol 0-va 70: 128. -Ins.(Hym.) Ghirkanura Kuznctsova & Potapov 1988, Zoo! Zh 67 (12): 1839. - lns.(Collembola) Ghumattus Proszynski 1991. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 44(8- 9): 173. - Arachn.(Araneae) Gianius Erseus 1992, Zoo! Ser 21 ( 1 ): 24. - Annel.(Oligochaeta) Gihbagnalhia Coh & P 1994, Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 54(2), 31 December: 342.

- Crust.(lsopoda) Gibbamblyops Murano & Krygier 1985, Journal Crust. Biol. 5 (4): 698. -CrusL(Malacostraca) Gibbanchonus Voisin 1992, Reichenbachia 29 (1): 93. - Ins.(Co!.) Gibbasilus Lond1 1986, Journal ent. Soc. sth. Afr. 49 (1 ): 2. - Ins.(Dipt.) Gibbaspira He 1985, Prof Pap Stratigr Palaeontol No. 13: 27 . - t Moll.(Gastropoda) Gibbecblnorbinus Cappetta 1990, Neues Jabrb Geol Palaeontol Monatsh 1990 (12): 742.

-Pisces(Elasmobranchiomorpbi) Gibberostrophia Harper & Boucot 1978, Palaeontographica (A) 161 (1-3): 79. - Brach. Gibberosus Thomas & Barnard 1986, Bullelin mar. Sci. 38 (3): 458. -CrusL(Malacostraca) Gibbibodes Mabunka 1986, Acta zool. hung. 32 (1 - 2): 92. -Arachn.(Acari) Gibbidessus Watts 1978, Australian J. Zoo!. (Suppl.) No. 57: 5 !. - Ins.(Col.) Gibbobythere Schomikov & Michailova in Sbomikov & Michailova 1990, [Ostracods Bythocytheridae at early

stage of development. Comparative morphology, paleoecology and evolutionary pathways.] Nauka, Moskva: 182. -Crust.(Ostracoda)

Gibbodon Tintori 1980, Rivista ical. Paleont. Stratigr. 86 (4): 803. - t Pisces(Teleostomi) Gibbosa Omelko 1988, Entomol Obozr67 (I): 152. -lns.(Lepid.) Gibbostethus Anderson 1987, Quaest Encomol 23 (4): 468. - Ins.(Col.) (As Apleurus (Gibbostelbus)) Gibbost.ethus Anderson 1988, Diss Abstr lnt B Sci Eng 48 (7): 1882. - Ins.(Col.)

(As Apleurus (Gibbostelbus)) Gibbotettix Zheng 1992, Entomotaxonomia 14 (1): 6. - Ins.(lnsecta) Gibbovalva Kumata & Kuroko in Kumaca, Kuroko & Ermolaev 1988, lnsecca Matsumurana No. 40: 3.

- Ins.(Lepid.) G ibbsia Levine 1986, Journal Protozool. 33 (2): 301. - Prot.(Apicomplexa) Gibeauxia Leram 1988, Alexanor 15 (3): 176. - Ins.{Lepid.) Gibotborax Eskov 1989, Zoo! Zh 68 (9): 72. - Arilchn.(Araneae) Gibscherella Repina 1979, Tnidy Inst. Geol. Geofiz.. sib. Otd. 406: 32. - 'I' Trilob. Gibsonia Gajevskaja & Rodjuk 1988, Parazitologiya (Leniogr) 22 (6): 511. -Platy.(Digenea) Gibsoniela Arandas Rego 1984, Acea amazon. 14 (l- 2): 89. -Platy.(Cescoda) Gib5onium Broo & Holeman 1993, Proceedings of lhe Biological Society of Washington 106(2), 11 June: 215.

-Platy.(Digenea) (As Acanthostomum (Gibsonium)) Gicrnntus Nielson 1982, Pacific Insects Monogr. 38: 272. -Ins.(Hem.) Giereidrilus Er:seus 1981, Zoologica Ser. 10 (2): 126. - Annel.(Oligochaeta) Giesbertia Chemsak & Linsley 1984, Pan-Pacific Ent. 60 (4): 284. - Jns.(Col.) G iesbertiolus Howden 1988, Coleopc Bull 42 (3): 241. - Ins.(Col.) GietelJa Constantin & Menier 1987, Rev Fr Entomol (Nouv Ser) 9 (2): 53. - lns.(Col.) Gietopus Machado 1992, Monografia de los carabidos de !as Is las Canarias (lnsecta, Coleoptera). Instituto de

Esnulios Canarios, La Laguna: 270. - lns.(Col.) (As Woltinerfia (Gietopus)) Glgacarpais Athias-Henriot 1978, Revue suisse Zooi. 85 (1): 48. - Arnchn.(Acari)

(As Paracarpais (Gigacarpais)) Gigalimosina Rohacek 1982, Beitrage Ent 32 (2): 221. -Ins.(Dipt.) Glgalimosina Rohacek 1983, Beitrage EnL 33 (I): 12. - Ins.(Dipt.) Gigantalcis Inoue in Inoue & Kawabe 1982, Moths of Japan. Volume I. Text. Kodansha, Tokyo: 540.

- Jns.(Lepid.) Glgantapseudes Kudinoya-Pastemak 1978, Zoologicbeskii Zh. 57 (8): 1151 . -Crust.(Malacostraca) G ig antea Ogren & Kawakatsu 1990, Bull Fuji Women's Coll No. 28: 86. -Platy.(Turbellaria) Gigantocallista Takagi 1990, Trans Proc Palaeontol Soc Jpn New Ser No. l59: 542. - MolJ.(Bivalvia) Gigantocapulus Hayami & Kanie 1980, Palaeonlology 23 (3): 689. - Moll.(Gastropoda) Gigantocbersina Chkhikvadze 1989, Soobshch Akad Nauk Gruz SSR 133 (2): 429. -Rept.(Anapsida) G igantofalca Johnson 1991, Rep Mus Nat Hist Univ Wis-Scevens Poinl No. 21: 16. -lns.(Lepid.) Gigantokranion Ruckert-Ulkumen 1988, Mitt Bayer Staatssamml Palaeontol Hist Geol 28: 59.

- Pisces(Teleostomi) G igantometopus Schwartz & Schuh 1990, J NY Entomol Soc 98 (!): 9. - Ins.(Hem.) Gigantomiris Miyamoto & Yasuuaga 1988, Esakia No. 26: 134. -Ins.(Hem.) Gigantopigcus Kaszab 1984, Acta zool. hung. 30 (3-4): 374. - Ins.(Col.) Gigantorhynchus Sapelnikov & Malygina 1977, Trudy Inst GeoJ. Geokhim. Akad. nauk SSSR ural. nauch.

Tsemr. No. 129: 62. - Brach. Gigantorubra Johnson 1993, Report5 of rhe Museum of Natural History University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point

32, 13 December: 2. -Ins.(Lepid.) Gigantosauropus Mensink & Mertmann 1984, Neues Jb. Geol. Palaom. Mh.1984 (7): 407.

- t Rept(Dinosauria) Glgantosclera Sheng 1991, Organisms and communities of Permian Reef of Xiangbo, China: Calcisponges,

Hydrozoans, Bryozoans, Algae, Microproblematica. International Academic Publishers, Beijing, China: 38. -Porif.(Sclerospongiae)

Gigan tospilosoma Dubatolov 1990, Nov Maloizvestiye Vidy Fauny Sib 22: 95. -Ins.(Lepid.) Glgantothnlamia Senowbari-Daryan 1994, Abbandlongen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (Vienna) 50, 6

April: 419. - Porif.(Demospongiae)

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Gigasbla Strank 1983, Palaeoniology 26 (2): 435. -Prot.( Sarcodina) Gigasirex Rasnitsyn 1968. /n Rohdendorf [Ed.] [Jurassic insects of tbe Karatau .] Nauka. Moscow: 197.

- t lns.(Hym.) Gigasjapyx Chou 1984, Entomotaxonomia 6 (I): 57. -lns .(Diplura) G igi de Wever 1982, Revue Micropaleont. 24 (4): 194. - Prot.(Sarcodina) Gilarol'ana (n.n. pro Gilarovella Mitrofanov, Sekerskaya & Sharonov 1983) Mitrofanov & Sharonov 1987,

Vestn Zool 1987 (2): 38. - Arachn.(Acari) GilaroveUa Mitrofanov, Sekerskaya & Sharonov 1983. (See Gilarovana Mitrofanov & Sharonov 1987) Gilarovella Mitrofanov, Sekerskaya & Sharonov 1983. Zoologicheskii Zh. 62 (1): 131. - Arachn.(Acari) Gilberti.a Osella 1977. (See Gilbe1'tiola O 'Brien & Wibmer 1982) Gilbertia Osella 1977, Memorie Mus. civ. Stor. oat. Verona No. 1: 26. -Ins.(Col.) Giibertfola (n.n. pro Gilbertia OseUa 1977) O'Brien & Wibmer 1982, Memoirs Am. ent. Inst. 34: 86.

- lns.(Col.) Gilbert<;onia Morris, Dickins & Astafieva-Urbaitis 1991, Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist) Geol 47 (I ): 70.

-Moll.(Bivalvia) Gilberttucricula Cadee & Janssen 1985. Mededelingeo Wkgrp Tert. Kwart. Geol. 21 (4): 181.

- Moll.(Gastropoda) Gilboarachne Shear, Selden & Rolfe in Shear, Selden, Rolfe, Bonamo & Grierson 1987, Am Mus Novit No.

2901 : 22. - t Arachn.(Trigonotarbi) Gilchristosuchus W & Brinkm 1993, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 13(2), 8 June: 153.

- Rept.(Archosauria) Gilgitia Mushtaq 1991, Pak J Zool 23 (4): 289. -lns.(Hem.) Gillaspytes Howden 1980, Canadian Ent. 112 (I): 89. - Ins.( Col.)


Gillastraea Melnikova 1983, PaleonlOlogicheskii Zb . .1983 (1): 51. -Coelenterata(Scleractin ia) Gillcarcinus Collins & Morris 1978, Palaeoncology 21 (4): 967. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Gilliodus Zangcrl 198 1. Handbook Paleoichthyol. 3 (A): 83. - t Aves(Eugeneodontida) Gillisonchus Rigby 1981, /n Lucas [Eds] Advances in San Juan Basin paleontology. University of New Mexico,

Albuquerque, New Mexico: 97. - t Marnm.(Condylarlhra) Gillocystis Jell 1983, Memoir Assoc. australas. Palaeont. 1: 225. - t Echin.(Opbiocyscioidea) Gilmoreosaurus Brett-Sunnan 1979, Nature. Lond. 277 No. 5697: 561. - t Rept(Dinosauria) Gllmoropora Morozova in Morozova & Kruchinina 1986, (Pem1ian Bryozoa of the Arctic (western zone).]

Nauka, Moscow: 123. -Bry.(Stenolaemata) Gilo Linnavuo 1994, Acta Zoologica Fennica 193, 23 May: 21. - Tns.(Hem.) Gilvonanus Millidge 1991. Bull Am Mus Nat Hist No. 2·05: l31. -Arachn.(Araneae) Gilvossius Manning & Felder 1991, Bull Mar Sci 49 (1- 2): 558. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Gimlia Hedqvist 197&, Entomologica scand. 9 ( I): 66. - Ins.(Hym.) Gindara Dworakowska 1980, Entomologische Abh. Mus. Tierk. Dresden 43 (8): 191. - Ins.(Hem.) Ginella Missarzbevskiy 1969. (See llsanella Missarzhevskij 1981) Gingemoccras Zhuraleva 1982, Paleontologicheskii Zb. 1982 (2): 37. - Moll.(Cepbalopoda) Gingicithara Kilbu 1992, Annals of the Natal Museum 33(2), October: 495. - Moll .(Conae<!a) Giogidiobora Craw J 987, NZ J Zoo! 14 (2): 291. -Ins.(Lepid.) Ginidra Otte 1988, Proc Acad Nat Sci Phila 140 (2): 322. -lns.(Orthoptera) Giniphargus Karaman & Barnard 1979, Proceedings biol. Soc. Wash. 92 (1): 150. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Ginospina Missarjevsky 1989, Tr Geol Inst Akad Nauk SSSR 443: 205 . - t Foss. Misc. Glnsburgites Bucher 1992, Palaeootogr Abt A Palaeozool- Stratigr 223 (4-Q): 154. - t MolL(Cephalopoda) GiobarattiJl Haitl inger 1989, Wiad Parazytol 35 ( 1): 57. - Arachn.(Acari) Gioiella Giordani Soika 1985, Bollettino Mus. civ. Stor. n at. Venezia 34: 155. - lns.(Hym.) Gippslandia Stover & Williams 1987, AASP (Am Assoc Stratigr Palynol) Cool.rib Ser No. 18: 107.

- Prot.(Mastigophora) Giraffatitan Paul 1988, Hunteria 2 (3): 9. - t Rept(Dinosauria) (As Brachiosawus (Giraffatican)) Giraliapecten Darragh & Kendrick 1991, Ree West Ausl Mus Suppl No. 36: 47. - Moll.(Bivalvia) Giraliaster Foster & Philip 1978, Palaeontology 21 (4): 804. - Ecbin.(Echinoidea) Giranau ria Griffin & Tranter 1986, Siboga- Exped Monogr 39 (C4)(Livr. 148): 116. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Girardema Vadet 1993, Memoires de la Societe Academique du Boulonnais 6(3-4): 88. -Ecbin.(Echinoidea) Girardocamaria Masumoto 1993, Japanese Journal of Entomology 61(2), June 25: 227. - lns.(Col.) Giraudfa Goux 1989, Bull Mens Soc Linn Lyon 58 (9): 292. - Tns.(Hem.) Giraultoma Soucek 1988, Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). A biosystematic revision of genera of

founeen fan1ilies with a reclassification of species. C.A.B. International, Wallingford: 94. - Ins.(Hym.) Girgisia Varol 1989, Re v Esp Micropaleontol 21 (2): 296. - Prot.(Mastigopbora) Gi.ssarina Meoakova & Nikiforova 1986, Paleontologicheskii Zh. 1986 (4): 71. -Brach. Gissarus (n.n. pro Ocneropsis Kozhanchikov 1950) Nye in Watson, Fletcher & Nye 1980, Publications Br. Mus.

nat. Hist. No. 811: 78. - lns.(Lepid.) Gitanopsilis Rauschert 1994, Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 70(1 ): 145.

-Crust.(Amphipoda) Gittenbergeria Schileyko 1991, Arch Molluskenkd 120 (4-6): 225. - Moll.( Gastropoda) Giitenbergia Giusti & Manganelli 1986, Archi v Molluskcok U6 (4-6): 178. - Moll.(Gastropoda) Glaberagnostus Romanenko 1985. Paleontologicheskii Zh. 1985 (4): 57. - t Trilob. Glaberoribates Tseng 1982, Chinese J. Ent. 2 ( I): 57. -Arachn.(Acari) Giabcroribatc.~ Tseng 1984, Chinese J. Ent. 4 (I): 62. -Arachn.(Acari) Glabrichonetina Waterhouse 1978, Pataeontograpb.ica (A) 160 ( 1- 6): 130. - Brach. Glabrid.inium Brideaux 1977, Bulletin geoL Surv. Can. No. 281: 35. -Prot.(Sarcomastigophora) Glabrigalites Struve l992, Senckenb Letbaea 71 (5-6): 547. -Brach. (As Devonogypa (Glabrigalites))

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Glabrilaria Bishop & Househam 1987, Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist} Zool 53 (I): 7. -Bry.(Gynwolacmata} (As Puellina (Glabrilaria))

Gla brinotropis Frieser 1981, Annales hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 73: 215. - Ins.(Col.) Gl:abripecten Waterhouse 1982, Palaeontological Bull. Wellington 49: 27. -Moll.(Bivalvia) Glabroculus Lvovs 1993, Zoosystematica Rossica 2(1}: 175. - Ins.(Lepid.} (As Polyommatus (Glabroculus)} Gla brogyra Muller da Foose & Tho 1993, Iheringia Serie Zoologia 75, 30 set: 102. -Moll.(Punctacea)

(As Trochogyra (Glabrogyra)) Glabromicroplitis Papp 1979, Folia ent. hung. 32 (2): 176. - Ins.(Hym.} Gl:abropelma (n.n. pro Melloa Schenkel 1954) Raven 1986, Bulletin Am. Mus. oat. Hist. 182 (1): 122.

-Arachn.(Araneae) Glabroppia Subias & Rodriguez 1986, Anales Biol. 7 Biol. Anim. 2: 39. -Arachn.(Acari)

(As Karenella (Glabroppia)) G la brorosalina McCulloch J 977, Qualitative observations on recent foraminiferal tests with emphasis on the

eastern Pacific. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California: 334. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Glabrotbrips Velikan 1986, Entomologicbeskoe Oli>ozr. 65 (4): 720. -lns.(Thysanoptera) Glacilchnlum Walter 1985, Freiberger ForscbHft. (C) No. 400: 104. - t Foss. Misc. Gla dicauda Early 1980, Journal R. Soc. N.Z. 10 (2): 167. -lns.(Hym.) Gladicosa Brady 1986, American Arachnol. No. 34: 5. -Arachn.(Araneae) Gladicosa Brady 1986, Psyche (Carob) 93 (3-4): 285. -Arachn.(Araneae) Gladioglanls Ferraris & Mago-Leccia 1989, Copeia 1989 (I): 166. - Pisces(Teleostomi) Gladioscutum Hinz- Schallreuter & Jon I 994, Palaeontologische Zeirschrift 68(3-4), September: 370.

-Crust.(Ostracoda) Glaessnericaris Garassino & Teruzzi 1993, Paleontologia Lombarda 1: 21. --Cmst.(Astacura) Glaes.~nerina Germs 1982, Bulletin Chan1ber Mines Prccambr. Res. Unit 12: 172. - "j" Petalon.(Petalonamae) Glamys Vianey- Liaud 1989, Hist Biol Z (3): 220. -Mamm.(Rodentia} Glandula Tian Wanshu & Hu Qixiong 1985, Acta berpetol. sin. 4 (3): 223. -Amph.(Lissampbibia)

(As Bombina (Glandula)) Glandulactls Riemann-Zumeck 1978, Veroffentlichungen Inst Mecresforsch. Bremerh. 17 (I): 84.

-Coelenterata(Actiniaria) Glandulosa Harz 1979, Articulata 1 (11):106. - Jns.(Orthoptera) Glanta Wakamatsu. Sugiyan1a & Furutani 1990, J Earth Sci Nagoya Uoiv 37: 180. - Prot.(Sarcodina} Gb1phyrammina Locblich & Tappan 1984, JournaE Paleont. 58 (4): 1161.-Prot.(Sarcodina) Glaphyrocrinus Lindley 1988, Alcheringa 12 (l-2): 130. -Echin.(Crinoidea) Glaphyrocysta Stover & Evitt 1978, Stanford Univ. Pubis geol. Sci. IS: 50. -Prot.(Mastigophora) Glaphyromorphus Wells & Wellington 1983, Aust.ralian J. Herpet. 1 (3-4): 95. --Rept.(Lepidosauria) Glaphyronthus Scheerpeltz 1978, Eos, Madr. 52: 220. -lns.(Col.) (As Philonthus (Glapbyrontbus)) Glaphyropoma de Pinna 1992, Zool J Linn Soc 106 (3): 194. -Pisces(Actinopterygii) Glaphyrorthis Roberts in Roberts & Jell 1990, Alcileringa 14 (4): 278. - Brach. Glareolina Huys & Boxshall 1990, Sarsia 75 (I): 31. -Crust.(Copepoda) Glarisla Cassis 1984, Dissertation Abstr. iru. (B) 45 (5): 1371. --Ins.(Hem.) Glarl<;ia Cassis 1986, A systematic study of the subfamily Dicyphinae (Heteroptera: Miridae). University

Microfilms lnternati.onaJ. Ano Arbor: 112. -lns.(Hem.) Glasbachichnium Walter 1983, Freiberger ForschHft. (C) No. 382: 164. -t Foss. Misc. Glaucagonum Habu 1978, Faunajapon. 1978: 185. - Ins.(Col.) (As Agonum (Glaucagonum}) Glaucalges Gaud 1980, Annales Mus. r. Afr. cent. (Ser. 8 Sci. zoo!.) No. 230: 56. - Arachn.(Acari) Glaucioides TI1omas in Rolston, McDonald & Thomas 1980, Journal N.Y. ent. Soc. 88 (2): 126. -lns.(Hem.) Glaucolychna Wu Cbunsheng & Liu Youqiao 1993, Sinozoologia 10, May: 353. -Ins.(Lepid.} Glauconiella Akopyan 1976, [Late Cretaceous gastropods of tlie Armenian SSR.] Akaderoiya Nauk Armyanskoi

SSR, Erevan: 146. - Moll.(Gastropoda) Glauconyssus Uchikawa 1991, J Med Entornol 28 (3): 446. -Arachn.(Acari) Glaucotesta Vavrdova 1982, Vestnik ustred. Ust geol. 57 (3): 153. - t Prot.(Protista incerute sedis) Glebosocoprolithus Bise 1994, Courier Forschungsinstirut Senckenberg 169, 13 Marz: 277.

- t Foss. Misc. Glcdhillatax Vidri 1992, Texas Journal of Science 44(4), November: 462. - Arachn.(Acari)

(As Uoionicola (Gledbillatax)) Glcesonia Rigby & Webby 1988, Palaeontogr Am No. 56: 57. - Porif.(Tetractinomorpha) Glenbalodcctes Rentz 1985, A monograph of the Tettigoniidae of Aust(alia. Volume 1. The Tettigoniinae.

Brill/CSJRO, Leiden & Australia: 204. - lns.(Onboptern) Glendonia McClung & Armstrong 1978, Publications gcol. Surv. Qd No. 365: 2. -Brach. Gleru1brownia McCullocb 1977, Qualitative observations on recent foraminiferal tests with emphasis on the

eastern Pacific. University of Soul.hem California, Los Angeles, California: 288. - Prot.(Sarcodina) Glenocypris Bojie in 1978, [Early Tertiary ostracod fauna from the coastal region of Bohai.] Kcx.ue Chuban She,

Peking: 63. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Glenocythere Al-Abdul- Razzaq 1979, Journal Paleont. 53 (4): 921. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Glenoglossa McCosker 1982, Proceedings Calif. Acad. Sci. 43 (5): 60. - Pisces(Teleostomi) Glenopopillia Lio Ping 1980, Acta zootaxon. sin. S (I}: 77. - Ins.(Col.) Glibemys Vianey-Liaud, Jaege, Hartenberge & Mahboubi 1994, Palaeovertebrata (Mootpellier) 23(1-4), Mai:

108. - t Mamm.(Zegdoumyidae) Glibertiella Grundel 1980, Zoologischer Am:. 204 (3-4}: 241. -Moll.(Gastropoda)

(As Cerithiella (Glibertiella)) Gtibia Vianey-Liaud, Jaege, Hartenberge & Mabboubi 1994. Palaeovercebrata (Montpellier) 23(1-4), Mai: 103.

- "!' Mamm.(Zegdoumyidae) Gliseolithus Norris 1985, Journal Phycol. 21 (4): 629. --Prot.(Mastigophora)

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Globarcturus Kussak & Vasi 1993, Zoosystematica Rossjca 2(2): 241 . -Crust.(lsopoda) Blow 1979, The Cainozoic Globigerinida. A study of the morphology, taxonomy, evolutionary

relationships and the stratigraphical distribution of some Globigerinidae (mainly Globigerinacea) Text, Part 0, Section 2. E.J. Brill, Leiden. Netb.erlands: 1231. - Prot.(Sarcodina)

Globaura Borsuk- Bialyoicka 1988, Acta Palaeontol Pol 33 (3): 214. -Rept.(Lepidosauria) Globidorsum Jin Xiaochi 1988, Prof Pap Sttatig Palaeontol No. 21: 228. - Brach. Globiferum Hermann & Timofeev in Genn. Mikhailo, Yankausk, Abduazimo, Belo, Burz, Ve, Volko, Goloven,

Grigor'e. Kir'yan, Kozlo. Kolos, Kras'k, Kry!, Medvede, Ogurtso, Pashkyaviche, Pyatilet, Rudavska, Serge, Sivertse, Stanevi, Treshchetenko, Faizuli, Cbepiko, Shenfi, Shepele & Yaksb 1989, ln: Yaokaouskas [Ed.) [Precambrian microfossils of the USSR. ] 1989. Nauka, Leningrad: 86. - t Prot.(Acritarcha)

Globifusulina Izotova, Polozova & Alekseeva 1983, Voprosy Mikropaleont. 26: 23. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Globigerinanus Ouda 1978, Revisca esp. Micropaleont. 10 (3): 358. - Prot.(Sarcomastigophora) Globimitoceras Korn 1993, Annales de la Societe Geologique de Belgique US(2): 585.

- t MolJ.(Ammonoidea) Globipelorhiza Cedhagen & Mauson 1991, Sarsia 76 (3): 210. - Prot.(Rhizopoda) Globipelthydrus Schonmann 1994, Koleopterologische Rundschau 64, Juni: 193. - lns.(Col.)

{As Pelthydrus (Globipelthydrus)) Globispiroplectammina Vachard 1978, Memoires Ins1. geol. Univ. Louvain 29: 157. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Globispongia Jux 1992, Oecheniana 145: 308. - Porif.(Demospongiae) Globocepbalonema Anand & Rao 1987, Indian J Nematol 16 (2): 168. -Nemat. Globoch ernclla Hance 1983, Annales Soc. geol. Belg. 106 (l): 113. - Proc.(Sarcodina) Globocongeria Taktakishvili 1973, [Pliocene Dreissena from western Georgia.] Metzniereba, Tbilisi: 36.

- Moll.(Bivalvia) (As Congeria {Globocongeria)) Globocreagris Curcic 1984, Bulletin Br. aracbnol. Soc. 6 (4): 160. - A.rachn.(Pseudoscol'J)iones) Globodendrina Plew, Palm & Hayn 1993, Journal ofMicropalaeontology 12(1), August: 83.

-Prot.(foraminiferida) Globodynerus Giordani Soika 1987, Boll Mus Civ Stor Nat Ven 36: 173. - Ins.(Hym.) Globofissurella Patterson 1986, Journal Micropalaeontol. S (2): 66. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Globoflarina Rahaghi 1983, Publications geol. Lab. nato . Iran. Oil Comp. No. 10: 44. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Globogalumna Balogh & Balogh 1990, Soil Mites World 3: 138. -Arachn.(Acari) Globogyroidina Kaiho 1992, Proc Ocean Drill Program Sci Results 126: 300. - Prot.(Rhizopoda) Globoholectypus Az 1991, ONGC (Oil & Natural Gas Commission) Bulletin 25(2): 18.

-&:hin.(Echinoidea) Globoides Ttchomirova 1968, /n Rohdendorf [Ed. ] [Jurassic insects oftbe Kacatau.] Nauka, Moscow: 144.

- lns.(Col.) Globomicritina Nagy 1989, Act.a Geol Hung 32 (1 - 2): 87. - t Foss. Misc. Globonila Boucek 1988. Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). A biosystematic revision of genera of

fourteen families with a reclassification of species. C.A.B. lntemational, Wallingford: 359. - lns.(Hym.) Globonotbrus Tseng 1982, Chinese J. Ent. 2 (I): 65. - Aracbn.{Acari) Globoompbalotis Bogush 1987, Akad Nauk SSSR Sib Otd Inst Geol Geofiz Tr 651: 85. -Prot.(Sarcodina)

(As Globoendothyra (Globoomphalotis)) Globoreticulina Rahaghi 1978, Publications geol. Lab. 1tato. [ran. Oil Comp. No. 7: 42.

-Prot.(Sarcomastigophora) Globorflusopsis Maubeu 1994, Bulletin des Academic & Societe Lorr.tines des Sciences 33(3): 147.

- t Mol\.(Calyptoptomatida) Globoritubulus Qian & Zhang 1985, Acta Micropalaeont. Sin. 2 (I): 12. - t Foss. Misc. Globorosalina Quilty 1981, fournal R. Soc. West. Aust. 64 (3): 90. -Prot.(Sarcodioa) Globosolembos Myers 1985, Bolletti no Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Verona 10: 34 L. -Crust.(Malacostraca)

(As Lembos {Globosolembos)) Globosphaeridium Moczydlowska 1991, Fossils Strata No. 29: 54. - t Pro1.(Acritarcha) Globosabbotina Spiegler 1986, Bei1r.1ge reg. Geol. Erde 18: 256. -Prot.(Sarcodioa) Globotetrataxis Brazhnikova i.n A isenverg & Sergeeva 1983, Upper Sel'J)ukhovian substage in 1he Doneis Basin.

(Palaeontological characteristic). Naukova dumka, Kiev: 58. - Pro1.(Sarcodina) (As Tetrataxis (Globotetrataxis))

Globularthrodosis Kaszab 1979, Acta zool. hung. 25 (1-2): 96. -lns.(Col.) Globulirbyncbla Brice 1981, Annales Soc. geol. N. 100 (3): 149. -Brach. Globulobactr ites Mapes 1979, Paleontological Contr. Univ. Kans. Lawrence {Articles) No. 64: 62.

- t Moll.(Cephalopoda) Globulocerithium Bouniol 1981, Bulletin Tnf. Geol. Bassin Paris 18 (2): 26. - Moll.(Gastropoda)

(As Pseudoaluco (Globulocerithium)) Globulocystites Frest, Strimple & Coney 1979, Journal Paleont. 53 (2): 390. - t Echin.(Paracrinoidea) Globulosoma Martens 1987, Cour Forschungsinst Senckcnb 93: 184. -Arachn.(Opiliones) GlobulospinelJa Patterson 1988, J Paleontol 62 (4): 529. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Globulotuboides McCalloch 1977, Qualitative observations on recent foraminiferal tests with emphasis on the

eastern Pacific. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California: 182. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Globus Vidal in Moczydlowska & Vidal 1988, Palynology 12: 6. - t Prot.(Hemimastigophora) Globusiella Halm, Hahn & Brauckmann 1992, Senckenbergiana Lethaea 72, 19 Oktober: 105. - '!' Trilob.

(As Globusia (Globusiella)) Glocbidorella Siddiqi 1981, Nematologica 27 (4): 400. -NemaL Glochis Falkovich 1987, Entomol Obou 66 (4): 824. - Ins.(Lepid.) Glocker ia Ksiaz.k.iewicz. I %8. (See Glockericlin11s Pickerill 1982) Glockerichrms (n.n. pro Glockeria Ksiazkiewicz 1968) Pickerill 1982, Journal Paleont. 56 (3): 816.

- t Foss. Misc.

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Gloecapsamorphites Ou- yang, Yin & Li in Nanl<lng Institute of Geology & paleomology [Ed.] 1974, A handbook of the stratigraphy and paleontology in southwest China. Science Press, Peking: 121. - t Prot.(Protista incertae sedis)

Glo.iobdella Ringuelet 1978, Limnobios 1: 274. -Annel.(Hirudinea) Glomera Acciavatti & Pearson 1989, Ann Carnegie Mus 58 (4): 233. - lns.(Col.) (As Cicindela (Glomera)) Glomerincma van Waerebeke 1985. Annales Parasit. bum. comp. 60 (I): 24. -Nemat. Glomerylon Slipinski 1991, Ann Mus Civ Stor Na1 'Giacomo Doria' 88: 132. -Ins.(Col.) Glomibidion Napp & Martins 1985, Papeis avuls. Zool. S. Paulo 36 (13): 134. -Ins.(Col.) Glomocystospongia Rigby, Fan Jiasong & Zhang 1989, J Paleontol 63 (4): 436. - Porif.(Calcarea) Glomodinium Dodekova 1975, Paleontologiya Stratigr. Litol. 2: 26. - Prot.(Sarcomastigophora) Glomodiscus Malakhova 1973, Trudv Inst. Geol. Geokhi.m. Akad. nauk SSSR ural. nauch. Tsentr. No. 82: 161.

-Prot(Sarcodina) ' Glomotrocholina Nikitina in Sosnina & Nikitina 1977, In Ablaev & Poyarkova [Eds). [skopaemaya t1ora i fauna

dalnego vostoka i voprosy stratigrafii faoerozoya. [Fossil t1ora and fauna of the Soviet Far East and questions of Pbanerozoic stratigraphy.) Acad. Sci. USSR, Far-East Science Centre, Vladivostok: 43. - Prot(Sarcodina)

Glomoturritellella Urosevic 1988, GcoJ An Balk Polyostva 52: 377. - Prot.(Sarcodina) Glorandaniotes Ledoyer 1986, Faune Madagascar 59 (2): 957. -Crust.(Malacostraca) G lorichlamys Dijkstra 1991, Zoo! Verb (Leiden) No. 271: 45. - Moll.(Bivalvia) Glorimontana Boucek 1988, Australasian Cbalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). A biosystcmatic revision of genera of

fourteen families with a reclassification of species. C.A.B. International, Wallingford: 279. - Ins.(Hym.) G lossadufourea Ebm 1993, Linzer Biologische Beitraege 25(1), 1 Juli: 32. -lns.(Hym.)

(As Dufourea (Glossadufourea)) Glossamegilla Brooks 1988, Univ Kans Sci Bull 53 (9): 512. -Ins.(Hym.) {As Amegilla {Glossamegilla)) Glosseustatbia Peterson, Atyeo & Moss 1980, The feather mite family Eustathiidae (Acarina: Sarcoptiformes).

Monographs Acad. oat. Sci. Philad. 21: 53. -Arachn.(Acari) G lossinulinirhynchia Baranov 1991, PaJeontol Zh 1991 (I): 41. - Brach. G lossodialictus Pauly 1984, Revue Zool. afr. 98 (4 ): 704. - Ins.(Hym.) Gl ossomyophorus Masse, Skelton & Sliskovic 1984, Geobios, Lyon 17 (6): 726. - 't Moll.(Bivalvia) Glossomyrme Suarez 1979, Acta Mus. morav. (Sci. nat.) 64: 158. - Ins.(Hym.) Glossomyrme Suarez 1979, Nouvelle Revue Ent. 9 (I): 72. - Ins.(Hym.) Glossoparacypris Zhang 1991, Acta Micropalacontol Sin 8 (2): 137. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Glossopasipbae Michener 1989, Univ Kans Sci Bull 53 (11): 643. - lns.(Hym.)

(As Leio~roctus (Glossopasiphae)) G lossorhach1s Aubert 1985, Bulletin Soc. ent Mulbouse 1985 (octobre-decembre): 54. -lns.(Hym.)

(As Coelorbachis (Glossorhachis)) Glossospongia Wu 1989. Acta Palaeontol Sin 28 (6): 767. -Porif.(HeJ\actinellida) Glossoi;toma Gunther 1900. (See Nelsonophryne Frost 1987) Glossotbelepus Hutchings & Glasby 1986, Proceedings biol. Soc. Wash. 99 (!): 84. - An11el.(Polychae1.a) Glossurella Dressler 1982, Revista Biol. trop. 30 (2): 13 I. - Tns.(Hym.) (As Euglossa (Glossurella)) Glossuropoda Moure 1989, Mcm Inst Oswaldo Cruz Rio de J 84 (Suppl. 4): 387. - Ins.(Hym.)

(As Euglossa (Glossuropoda)) Glottocoleus Hong 1982, Jiuquan Pendi Kunchong huashi [Mesozoic fossil insects of Jiuquan Basin in Gansu

Province.) Geological Publishing House, Peking: 143. - lns.(Col.) Glottynnus Genise in Genise & Kimsey 1991, Psyche (Camb) 98 (!): 63. -Ins.(Hym.) Glottynoides Kimsey in Genise & Kimsey 1991, Psyche (Camb) 98 (! ): 60. -lns.(Hym.) Giunta McAlpine 1991, Syst Entomol 16 (I): 56. -Ins.(Dipt.) Glusbkovella Kalugi 1993, Trudy Paleontologicbeskogo Instiruta Akademiya Nauk SSSR 252: 129.

- Ins.(Dipt.) Glyclolebia Kryzbanovskij 1987, TrZool Inst Akad Nauk SSSR 170: 47. - lns.(Col.)

(As Lebia (Glyciolebia)) Glycyphagodes Fain & Gallow 1993, Bulletin de J' Institut Royal des Sciences Narurelles de Belgique

Entomologie 63: 100. - Arachn.(Acari) Glyphaclastus Gauld 1984, Publications Br. Mus. mat. Hist. No. 895: 117. - Ins.(Hym.) Glyphella Kesling & Chi Iman 1978, Papers Paleont. Mus. Paleont. Univ. Mich. 18 (I): 104.

- Crust.(Ostracoda) Glyph ichnus Bromley & Goldring 1992, Tertiary Res 13 (2-4): 95. - t Foss. Misc. Glyphidocythere Ayre, Correge & Whatl 1993, Journal of Micropalaeontology 12(1). August: 77.

-Crust.(Ostracoda) Glyphisaria Cooper 1983, Smithsonian Contr. Paleobiol. No. 50: 83. -Brach. Glyphocen tron Schmid 1982, Memoirs ent. Soc. Can. No. 121: 56. - lns.(Trichoptera)

(As Xiphocentron (Glyphocentron)) Glyphodes Inoue, Munroe & Mutuura 1981. Tinea. Tokyo 11 (10):91.-Ins.(Lepid.) Glyphostomoides Sbuto 1983, Memoirs Fae. Sci. Kyushu Univ. (Gcol.) 25 (I): 16. - Moll.(Gastropoda)

(As Philbcrtia (Glyphostomoides)) Glyptambon Holloway 1981, Palaeontology 24 (4): 709. - 'tTrilob. Glyptocheres Humes 1987, Pub! Seto Mar Biol Lab 32 (1-3): 96. -Crust.(Copepoda) Glyptocoleus Hong 1982, Jiuquan Pendi Kuochong buashi [Mesozoic fossil insects of Jiuquan Basin in Gansu

Province.) Geological Publishing House, Peking: 145. -Ins.(Col.) Glyptocoocha Zhang & Pojeta 1986. Journal Paleont. 60 (3): 674. - Moll.(Bivalvia) Glyptoconus Kennedy 1980, Geologica Palaeont. 14: 60. - t Conod. Glyptodontus Ji & Barn 1994, Palaeootographica Canadiana 11, March 3 I: 42. - 't Conod. G lyptogatocythere Basha 1980, Revista esp. Micropaleoot.12 (2): 241. -Crust.(Ostraeoda)

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Glyptogenys Keqin & Fox 1991 , Ann Carnegie Mus 60 (2): 147. - Rept.(Lepidosauria) Glyptogcotrupcs Nikolaev 1979, Reicbenbach.ia 17 (23): 190. -lns.(Col.)

(As Geotrupes (GJyptogeotrupes))


Glyptogypa Struve 1992, Senckenb Lethaea 71 (5-6): 549. - Brach. Glyptolaccobius Gentili 1989, Oss Fis Terr Mus Antonio Stoppani Semin Arc Milano Annu 10: 36. -lns.(Col.)

(As Laccobius (Glyptolaccobius)) Glyptolenoides Perrault 1991, Nouv Rev Entomol 8 (I): 50. -lns.(Col.) Glyptolenopsis Perrault 19<)1, Nouv Rev Entomol 8 (!): 48. - Ins.(Col.) G lyptomorpha Kormilev I o/17. (See Morphocoris Kormilev 1980) Glypton.ychia Pojeta & Gilben-Tomlinson 1977, Bulletin Bur. Miner. Resour. Geol. Geophys. Aust. No. 174:

23. - t Moll.(Bivalvia) Glyptoperichthys Weber 1991, Rev Suisse Zool 98 (3): 639. - Pisces(Actinopterygii) Glyptopleurella Tsch.igova & Alekseeva in Chizhova & .Alekseeva 1986, Vopr Mikropaleontol No. 28: 138.

- t Crust.(Osrracoda) Glyptopterus Paulian 1982, Memoires Mus. natn. Hist. n at. Paris (:loo!.) 124: 12. - Ins.(Col.) Glyplorhynchia She & H 1994, Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 33(4). July: 452. -Brach. Glyptosceloidcs Askevo & Flowe 1994, Revista Chilena de Entomologia 21: 69. - lns.(Col.) Glyptoserphus Fan & He 1993. Entomotaxonomia 15(1), March: 72. -ins.(Hym.) Glyptosis ler Helava in Helava, Howden & Ritchie 1985, Sociobiology 10 (2): 209. - lns.(Col.) Glyptosphaera Kiryanov 1978, [Silurian acritarchs ofVolynia- Podolia.] Inst. geol. Nauk, Akad. Nauk ukrain.

SSR, Naukova Dumka, Kiev: 52. - t Proc.(Protista incenae sedis) Glyptospirifer Hou & Xiao 1975, Diceng Gushengwu Luwenzbi (Prof. Pap. Stratigr. Palaeont.) No. 1: 72.

- Brach. Glyptostroma Yang & Dong 1979, Palaeontologia sin. (N.S. B) No. 14: 88.

- i' Coelenterata(Stromatoporoidea) Glyptostromoides Stearn 1983, Journal Paleont. 57 (3): 553. -Porif. Glyptotrogus McKinnon 1988, Invenebr Taxon 2 (8): 983. -Crust.(Copepoda) Gnaltacyathus Kruse 1982, Palaeontograph.ica (A) 177 (4-6): 166. - 't Arch. Gnamptorhynchos Jin 1989, Biostrntigr Paleozoique 10: 74. - Brach. Gnaphaegus Mae 1992, Re vista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 22B, Diciembre: 97. -ins.(Col.)

(As Aegus (Gnaphacgus)) Gnathampharete Desbruyeres 1978, Compte r. hebd. Seanc. Acad. Sci., Paris (Ser. D) 286 (3): 281.

-Annel.(Polycbaeta) Gnathantbldlum Urban 1992, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 9(3-4), seHlez: 338. -lns.(Hym.) Gnatharus Wood & Yin 1986, Great Basin Nat. 46 (3): 463. -Ins.(Col.) Gnathifera Gaedike 1978, Beitrage Ent. 28 (1): 208. -lns.(Lepid.) Gnathocarabus Deuve 1991, Bull Soc Sci Nat No. 69: 41. -lns.(Col.) (As Carabus (Gnathocarabus)) Gnathoceraphron Oessarl & Bin 1980, Redia 63: 109. -Ins.(Hym.) · G nathochromis Poll 1981, Annales Soc. r. zoo!. Belg. lil.l (l-4): 168. - Pisces(Teleostomi) Gnalhocinara Dierl 1978, Spixiana l (3): 266. - lns.(Lepid.) Gnathotolsom ia Deharveng & Christian 1984, Verhandl'ungen zool.- bot. Ges. Wien 122: 97.

- Ins.(Collembola) Gnathogastrura Diaz & Najt 1983, Nouvelle Revue EnL 13 (1): 29. - Ins.(Collembola) GnathoguUa Roesler 1988, Entomol Z 98 (13): 177. - los.(Lepid.) (As Myelois (Gnathogutta)) Gnathoneroula Aksentev 198 I. Eotomologicheskoe Obozr. 60 (4): 862. - lns.(Col.) Gnalhopraxithea Seabra & Tavakilian 1986, Entomologiste 42 (4): 227. - Ins.(Col.) Gnathoryphium Campbell 1978. Memoirs ent. Soc. Cao. No. 106: 51. -Ins.(Col.) Gnathostactus Schedl 1980. Entomologischc BI. Biol. Syst. Kafer 75 (3): 161. -ins.(Col.) Gnathotrusia Hjggins 1981, Bulletin Br. Mus. oat. Hist. (Ent.) 43 (3): 162. - lns.(Lepid.) Gnathoxylenus Schedl 1980, Entomologische BI. Biol. Syst. Kafer 7S (3): 162. - lns.(Col.) Gneudnaella Playford in Playford & Dring 1981, Special Pap. Palaeont. No. 27: 32.

- t Prot.(Protista incertae sedis) Gnomohalorites Tozer 1979. Papers geoL Surv. Can. 79· (lB): 130. - t Moll.(Cephalopoda) Gnorooxyala Lorenzen 1977, Veroffentlichungen Inst. Meeresforsch. Brernerh. 16 (3): 256. - Nernat. GnopheropL~lia Pace 1983, Annalen naturh. Mus. Wien (Bot. Zoo!.) 85: 76. - lns.(Col.)

(As Leptusa (Gnopheropisalia)) Gnypetoscincus Wells & Wellington 1983, Australian J. Herpet. 1 (~ ): 96. -Rept.(Lepidosauria) Goacanlhus Gupta & Jain 1980. Rivista Parassit. 41 (I ): 47. -Acanthocephala Goajiria Marcuzzi 1986, Annales hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 78: 180. - Ins.(Col.) (As Diastolinus (Goajiria)) Gobekko Borsuk-Bialynicka 1990. Acta Palaeontol Pol 35 (l-2): 68. - Rept.(Lepidosauria) Gobersa de Coninck 1983, Revue Zoo!. afr. 97 (2): 338. -ins.(Dipt.) Gobiaeshna Prityk:ina 1977, Trudy sovm. sov.-mongol. paleom. Eksped. No. 4 : 86. - Ins.(Odonata) Gobiates Spinar & Tatarinov 1986, Journal Vertebr. Paleont. 6 (2): 114. - Amph.(Lissamphibia) Gobiates Spinar 1983. Vesmik ustred. Ust. geol. 58 (1): 54. -Amph.(Lissamphibia) Gobiatoides Rocek & Ness 1993, Palaeontographica Abteilung A Palaeozoologie-Stratigraphie 226( 1-3),

Februar: 22. - t Amph.(Gobiatidae) Gobibagru.~ Sytchevskaya 1986, Trudy sovm. sov.- rnongoJ. paleont. Eksped. No. 29: 90.

- Pisces(Teleostorni) Gobicheliter Krumpal 1979, Biologia, Bratisl. 34 (8): 667. -Arachn.(Pseudoscorpiones) Gobichemes Krumpal & Kiefer 1982, Annotationes zoo!. bot. Brntislava No. 146: 6.

- A:rachn.(Pseudoscorpiones) Gobiconodon Trofimov 1978, Dok.lady Akad. Nauk SSSR 243 (l): 213. - t Mamm.(friconodonta) Gobiella Maninson 1975, Trudy sovm. sov.- roongol. pa.leant. Eksped. No. 2: 146. - Moll.(Bivalvia)

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Gobiella Szczechura 1978. (See Gobi11ella Szczechura 1981) Gobiella Szczechura 1978, Palaeontologia pol. No. 38: 100. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Gobihlodoo Sytehcvskaya 1986, Trody sovm. sov.-mongol. paleont. Eksped. No. 29: 43. -Pisces(Teleostorni)

(As Eohiodon (Gobihiodoo)) Gobihippus Dashzeveg 1979, Trudy sovm. sov.- mongol. paleont. Eksped. No. 8: 15.

-Mamm.(Perissodactyla) Gobilites Dubatolov in Dubatolov, Dubatolova & Eenzhin 1982, Trudy Inst. Geol. Geofiz. sib. Otd. 483: 132.

- t Coelenterata(Tabulata) Gobinda Pajni, Sidhu & Kumar 1987, Uttar Prades h J Zool 7 (2): 108. - lns.(Col.) Gobinella (n.n. pro Gobiella Szczecbura 1978) Szczechura 1981, Ncucs Jb. Gcol. PalaooL Abh. 161 (2): 264.

-Crust.(Omacoda) Gobioceras Bogoslovstcaya in Bogoslovskaya & Pavlova 1988, Paleontol Zh 1988 (2): 112.

- t MoU.(Cephalopoda) Gobiocypris Khand 1974, In Kramarenko [Ed.] (Mesozoic & Cacoozoic faunas of Mongolia. The Joint

Soviet-Mongolian palaeontological expedition. iransactioos Volume I.). Nauka, Moscow: 265. -Crust.(Ostracoda) '

Gobiocypris Ye & Fu 1983, Acta zootaxon. sin. 8 (4): 436. -Pisccs(Teleostomi) Gobiopitbecus Dashzeveg & Russe 1992, Gcobios (Lyon) 25(5): 648. - t Mamm.(Pant.olesta) Gobiops Shishkjn 1991, Paleontol Zb 1991 (I): 81. - t Amph.(Labyrinthodontia) Gobiosmiotbus Huang Xueshi 1992. Vertebrata Palasiatica 30(4): 281. - Mamm.(Zapodidae) G«bteodioia Norris 1978, Neues Jb. Geol. Palaont. Abh. 156 (I): 7 . -Prot.(Sarcomastigophora) G«btodinium Bujak 1980, Micropaleontology 25 (3): 310. - Prot.(Sarcomastigophora) Gooavaria Brown 1992, Mem Entomol Soc Can No.164: 38. -Ins.(Dipt.) Godavariella Mehrotra & Sarjeant 1987. Geobios (Lyon) 20 (2): 166. -Prol.(Mastigophora) Godia Wu 1986. Acta Micropalaeont. Sin. 3 (4): 356. -Prot.(Sarcodioa) Godulaicbnium Plicka 1986. Zapado Karp Ser Paleomol No. 11: 81. - t Foss. Misc. Goo,.·anenneboeus Kaszab 1984, Anna.les bist.- nat. Mus. oato. bung. 76: 160. - lns.(Col.) Godzilliognomus Yager 1989, Bull Mar Sci 44 (3): 120 I. -Crust.(Remipedia) GOOzillius Schram, Yager & Emerson 1986, Memoirs San Diego Soc. nat. llist. No. 15: 41.

-Crust(Rernipcdia) Goestlingella Kozur & Mostler 1979, Geologisch- Palaeontologische Mittcilungen 9(1-2). Marz: 99.

- t Prot.(Sarcod.) Goethemia Lumbioue 1979, Informations Soc. belg. Malac. 7 (2): 53. - Moll.(Bivalvia) Goterus Jairajpu.ri & Ahmad 1992, Dorylaimida: free-living, predaceous and plant parasitic nematodes. Oxford

& IBH Publishing Company Private Limited, New Delhi, India: 357. - Nemat. Gogiura Rosova in Rosova, Rosov & Dubatolova 1985, Trudy Inst. Geot. Geofiz. sib. Otd. 637: 81.

-tTrilob. Gogoceras Beck, Hou & !Grchgass 1993, Geological Society Special Publication 70: 297.

- t MoU.(Goniati!ida) Gogodipterus Long 1992, Beagle 9 (I): 13. - Pisces(Sarcoptecygii) Gogooasus Long 1985. Record W. Aust. Mus. 12 (3): 362. - t Pisces(Crossopterygii) Lo 1994, Alcheringa 18(1-2): 62. - t Pisces(Placodermi) Goiaoisca Carv & C 1994, lheriogia Serie ZOologia 76, 2 mar: SO. - lns.(Hem.) Goiaslylus Carvalho & Costa 1991, An Acad Bras Cienc 63 (I ): 44. - Jos.(Mem.) Goidanicltlana Agenjo 1978, Atti Congr. naz. ital. E nt. No. II: 177. - lns.(Lcpid.) Goiginus Endrodi 1982, Coleopterists' Bull . 36 (2): 314. -lns.(Col.) Goldia Dubatolov & Korshunov 1990, Nov Maloizvestiye Vidy Fauoy Sib No. 21: 67. -lns.(Lepid.) Goleba Wanless 1980. Bulletin Br. Mus. oat. Hist. (Zool.) 39 (4): 245. - Arachn.(Araoeae) Goliatbipon Eichler 1982, Deutsche ent. Z. 29 ( 1-3): 83. -Tns.(Mallophaga) Goliatbyris Feldman & Owen 1988, Am Mus Novi! No. 2908: 4. - Brach. GoUurnia Riedel 1988. Ann Narurbist Mus Wien Ser B Bn1 Z.001 90: 193. -Moll.(Gasuopoda) GoUumiella Hedqvist 1978, Steenstrupia 4 (20): 230. - lns.(Hym.) Golmonia Popov 1989, Neucs Jahrb Geol Palaeontol Monarsh 1989 (3): 172. - lns.(Hem.) Golovatc.hia Shear 1992, Myriapodologica 2 (10): 66. -Myriapoda(Diplopoda) Golovatchinema Spiridonov 1984, Trudy zool. Inst. Leningr. 126: 36. -Nemat. Golovissima Djanokmen 1982, Zoologicheskii Zh. 'ii (10): 1599. -lns.(Hym.) Golsbaoichthys Lelievre, Janvier & Goujet 1981, Geobios, Lyon 14 (6): 680.

- t Pisces(Elasmobranchiomorphi) Golvanorbyochus Noronba, de Fabio & Pinto 1978, Atas Soc. Biol. Rio de J. 19: 63. - Acaothocepbala Golwala Dworakowska 1993, Orient Insects 27: 157. - Ios.(Hem.) Gomba.5ekeUa Kozur 1m. Geologiscb-Palaont. Min_ 2 (10): 17. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Gomberellus Dumitrica, Kozur & Mostler 1981. Geologisch-Palaeontologiscbe Mitteilungen 10(1), Mai: S.

- Prot.(Polycystinea) GomezbustiUus Vives Moreno 1987, Eos-Rev Esp Entomol 62: 322. - lns.(Lepid.)

(As Pterolonche (Gomezbustillus)) GomeWJcnoria Agenjo 1966, Graellsia 22: 23. - lns.(Lepid.) Gomezmenoricoccus (n.n. pro Ba/achowskya Gomez-Menor 1956) Kozar & Walter 1985, Folia ent. hung. 46

(2): 68. - lns.(Hem.) Gomiiles Pribyl & Vanek 1978, Acta Univ. Carol. (Geol.) 1978 (1 -2): 167. - 't Trilob. Gomphacschnaoidcs Carle & Wighton 1990. Bull Am Mus Nat Hist No. 195: 63. -lns.(lnsecta) Gomphioncbus Platt 1982, Bulletin Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 43 (4): 200. -Nemat. Gomphiosauridion Sue & Ols 1993. Journal of Venebrate Paleontology 13(3), 23 September: 282.

- t Rept.(Cotylosauria)

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Gomphodella de Deckker 1981, Transactions R. Soc. S. Aust. 105 (3): 132. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Gomphotaria Barnes & Raschke 1991. Contrib Sci (Los Ang) No. 426: 2. - Mamm.(Camivora) Gomyaccudus Frieser 1980, Revue suisse ZooJ. 87 (I): 221. -lns.(Col.} Gomyella Johnson 1985, Entomologica Basiliensia 10: 173. - Ins.(Col.) Gomyiella Pace 1984, Revue suisse Zoo!. 91 (1): 13. -Ins.(Col.) (As Sternotropa (Gomyiella}) Gomyopsis Degallier 1984, Nouvelle Revue Ent. (N.S.} 1 (!): 55. -lns.(Col.) Gomyster (o.n. pro Bacanius (Anrongilus) Gorny 1977) Mazur 1984, Polskie Pismo ent. 54 (3-4): 120.

-Ins.(Col.) (As Bacanius (Gomyster}}


Gonadryinus Olmi 1991, FrustuJa Eotomol 12: 297. -Ins.(Hym.} Gonah•es Clark 1987, Coleopt Bull 41 (2): 168. - Ins.(Col.) Gonamella Valkov & Karlova 1984, 111 Khomemovskij & Yakshin [Eds]. [Stratigraphy of the Late Precambrian

and Early Palaeozoic. Central Siberia.) Institute of Geology & Geophysics, Acad. Sci. USSR, Novosibirsk: 26. - t Moll.(Gastrop<>da) .

GonathyrlsBaran 1994, Paleontologicbeskii Zhurnal 4, Oktyabr'-Noyabr'- Dekabr': 30. -Brach. Gooatoiraphis Millidge 1991, Bull Am Mus Nat Hist No. 205: 186. -Arachn.(Araoeae) Gonatothrix Kramz 1988, Can J Zool 66 (6): 1318. -Arachn.(Acari) Gonaxia Vervoort 1993, Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 158: 112. -Hydrozoa(Hydroida) Gondacono.laria Waterhouse J 986, Palaeontographica (A} 193 (1-4): 15. - t Coelenterata(Conulata) Gondek:ia Rigby 1991, J Paleontol 65 ( 1 ): 38. - Porif.(Calcarea) Goodolelloides Henderson & Orchard 1991, Geol So.rv Can Bull No. 417: 257. - t Conod. Gondraena Ja 1994, Koleopterologische Rundschau 64, .iluni: 85. - Ins.(Col.) Gondva:nadelio.m Kaszab 1981, Folia ent. hung. 34 (2): 81. - Ins.(Col.) Gondvanogomphus Schluter & Hartung 1982. Odonatologica 11 (4): 301. -Ins.(Odonata) Goodvanoptilon Rosier, Rohn & Albamonte 1981, Congr. latino-am. Paleont. 2 (1): 224.

- lns.(Odonata) Gondwanalepis De Pomer 1994, Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 37(1), 1 December: 89.

-Pisces(Elasmobranchii) Goudwanllptera Pinto & Pinto de Ornellas J 981, Anais Congr. latino-am. Paleont. 2 (1): 211.

- t Ins.(Hem.) Gondwanarachne Damiani Pinto & Hunickeo 1980, Boletin Acad. nac. Cienc. Cordoba 53 (3-4): 308.

- t Arachn.(Trigonotarbi) Goodwanatherlum Bonaparte 1986, Journal Vertebr. Paleont. 6 P}: 264. - t Goodwanella Chandra & Betekhtina 1990, Indian J Geol 62 (!): 19. - 1' Moll.(Bivalvia) Gondwanichtbys Bel tan 1978, Annales Soc. geol. N. 97 ( 4): 351. - t Pisces(Teleostomi) Gondwanooesticus Dum.itresco 1973, Resultals Exped. biospeleol. Cubano Roum. Cuba 1: 295.

- Aracbn.(Araneae) (As Nesticus (Gondwanonesticus)) Gondwanorbis Ponder 1986, Zoological J. Linn. Soc. 87 (1): 82. -Moll.(Gastropoda)

(As Glacidorbis (Gondwanorbis)) Gondwaootrichomyia Duckhouse 1980, Annals Natal Mus. 24 (I}: 184. - Ins.(Dipt.)

(As Trichomyia (Gondwanotrichomyia)) Gonellum Keupp 1987, Facies 16: 45. -Prot.(Mastigophora) Gonepacra Hoffman 1990, Tierreicb No. 107: 70. -Myriapoda(Diplopoda) Gonepatlca Sugi in Inoue & Kawabe 1982, Moths of Japan. Volume I. Text Kodansha, Tokyo: 881.

-lns .. (Lepid.) Gongbusaurus Dong, Zhou & Zhang 1983, Palaeontologia sin. (N.S. C) No. 23: 144. - t Rept.(Dinosauria) Gongrocrious Burdick & Strimple 1982, Geol Surv Ala Bull No. 121: 41. -Echin.(Crinoidea) Gongylooinio.m Fenton, Neves & Piel 1980, Palaeontology (Lond) 23 (l): 158. - Prot.(Mastigophora) Googylopbysema Grygier 1987, Proc Biol Soc Wash 100 (4): 705. -Crust.(Cirripedia) Gongyloprosopis Snelling 1982, Bulletin Stb. Calif. Acad. Sci. 81 ( I): 16. -Ins.(Hym.)

(As Hylaeus (Gongyloprosopis)) Gongylostonyx Siveter 1980, British Silurian Beyrichiacea (Ostraooda). Part I. Palaeontograpbical Soc.

Monogr. 133 (556): 47. - t Crust.(Ostracoda) Gongylotypa Diakonoff 1983, Proceedings K. ned. Akad. Wet. (Biol. med. Sci.) 86 (4): 487. - lns.(Lepid.) Gonlapex TI1ompson 1988, Bull Fla State Mus Biol Sci 33 (2): 90. - Moll.(Gastrop<>da)

(As Coelostemma (Goniapex)) Goniatitella Korn 1988, Geol Palaeontol Westfal 11: 134. - '!' Moll.(Cephalopoda) Gonicheirurus Nan 1985, Bull Shenyang Inst Geol Miner Resour No. 12: 21. - t Trilob.(Trilobitomorpha) Goniobrochus Cooper 1983, Smithsonian Contr. Paleobiol. No. 50: 260. -Brach. Gonloce:rcus Insom & Carfi 1988, Neuroptera Int 5 (2): 76. -lns.(Neuroptera) Goniocyclus Gordon 1986. Memoir paleont. Soc. No. 19: 21. - t Moll.(Cephalopoda)

(As Pericyclus (Goniocyclus)) Goniodurus Aty 1992. Zoologica Scripta 21(3), July: 277. -Aracbn.(Acari) Gonioju-vavites Krystyn 1982, Abhandlungen geol. Bundesanst., Wien 36: 39. - '!' Moll.(Cephalopoda)

(As Projuvavites (Goniojuvavites)) G911joJQpadion Playford 1977, Bulletin gwl. Surv. Can. No. 279; 22, - t ProL(Prolista incertae sedis) Goniophoriopsis Zhang in 1977, [Fossils of central southern China. Volume 2. Late Palaeozoic era.] Earth

Sciences Publishing House, Peking: 483. - i' Moll.(Bivalvia) Gonlorhyncbus Olson 1970. (See Rhyncfwnkos Schultze & Foreman 1981) Goniostyliolina Ruan & Mu 1984. Bulletin Nanjing Inst. Geol. Palaeont. No. 6: 184.

- "t Moll.(Cricoconarida) Gooiotremo.s Horny 1992, Cas Nar Muz Praze Rada Prirodoved 158 (1-4): 105. - t Moll.(Gastropoda} Gonioviriatellina Ruan & Mu 1984, Bulletin Nanjing Inst. Geol. Palaeont. No. 6: 183.

- t Moll.(Cricoconarida)

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Goniowakia Ruan & Mu 1984, Bullerin Nanjing lnsl. Gcol. Palaeont. No. 6: 183. - t Moll.(Cricoconarida) Gonocephalus Keller 1937. (See Zlororzyckella Eichler & Vasjukova 1981) Gonodellhrum Kritsky & Thatcher 1983, Proceedings biol. Soc. Wash. 96 (3): 586. - Platy.(Monogenea) Gonodactyloideus Manning J 984, Beagle J (9): 84. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Gonoessa Shelley J 984, Florida Ent. 67 (3): 455. - Myriapocla(Diplopoda) Gonophallus Tsaw & Hsu in Tsaur, Hsu & van Stalle 1991 , J Taiwan Mus 44 (I): 24. - lns.(Hem.) Conzal ezinus Carvalho 1981, Revisia bras. Biol. 41 {I}: 11. -Jos.(Hem.) GoodOOdium Furutani 1990, J Earth Sci Nagoya Uoiv 37: 43. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Coodeyella Siddiqi Tylenchida 1986, Parasites of plants aod insects. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux,

Slough, England: 431 . - NemaL Coodonia Bishov & Hayward 1989, Meded Rijks Geol Dienst 43 (2): 44. -Bry. Goodradigbeeon White 1978, 1ransactions zool. Soc. Lond 34 (2): 163.

- t Pisces(Elasmobranchiomorphi) Goodsiraspis Adra & Chane 1993, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 30(8), August.: 1636. - t Trilob. Copalaia, Capoor & Rengaragu 1980, Indian J. Parasit. 4 (I): JOI. - Platy.(Cestoda) Gopalus Khan, Jairajpuri & Ahmad 1988, lndiao J Nematol 17 (2): 288. - Nemat. Copsilepisma Irish 1990. Cimbebasia IJ: 135. - lns.(Thysanura) Gororeduvius Malipatil 1991, J Aust Entomol Soc 30 (1): 86. -Jos.(Hem.) Gorbadlikello Banner & Desai 1988. J Micropalaeontol 7 (2): 151. - Prot.(Sarcodina) Gorbunia <ner 1993, Russian Entomological Journal 2(2), April: 73. - Ins.(Dipt.) Gorchokovla Popov & Khazanovitch 1989. Mczhved Stratigr SSSR Tr 18: 135. - Brach. Gordabyssla McLean 1991, Veliger 34 ( I): 44. - Moll.(Gastropoda) (As Amphiplica (Gordubyssia)) Gordiacysta Miles 1990, Palynology 14: 84. - Prot.(Mastigopbora) Gordichthys Poyato-Ari 1994, Occasional Papers o f the Museum of Natural History University of Kansas 164,

26 January: 3. - Pisces(Gonorynchiformcs) Gordonella Grundel 1990, Z Geol Wiss 18 (8): 770. -Moll.(Gastropocla) Gordonicyathellus Yazmir in Yazmir & Yairoir 1975, [Alias of the fauna and flora of the Palaeozoic aod

Mesozoic of the Buryat ASSR, Palaeozoic.). Nedra. Moscow: 48. - t Arch. Goreopagurus McLaughlin 1988, Crustaceana (Leiden) SS (3): 262. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Gorgansium Pessagno & Blome 1980, Micropaleomology 26 (3): 234. - Prol.(Sarcodina) GorgoJcptis McLean 1988, Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 319 No. 1192: 19. - Moll.(Gasiropoda) Gorgonariana Glllil & T!lke<la 1988, Bull Nall Sci Mus Ser A (Zoo!) 14 (2): 77.-Crust(Malacostraca) Gorgonlapolynae Pettibone 1991, Proc Biol Soc Wash 104 (4): 688. -Annel.(Polychacta) Gorgoniscus Gryg,ier 1981, Proceedings biol. Soc. Wash. 94 ( !): 123. -Crusl.(Malacostraca) Gorgonoid Giammona & Stanton 1980, Journal PaleonL 54 (I): 74. -Coelenterata(Octoeorallia) Gorgonophontes Schram 19&4. Journal Paleont. 58 (I): 200. -Crust.(Malacomaca) Gorg<•pls Menge 1854. (See Go'8op.tlno Petrunkevitch 1955) Gorgopsina (n.n. pro Gorgopis Menge 1854) Pctrunk.cvitch 1955, /11 Moore [Ed.) Treatise on invertebrate

paleontology. Part P. Arthropoda 2. Chelicerata with sections on Pycnogonida and Paloeoisopus. University of Kansas Press & the Geological Society of America, Lawrence, Kansas: P 150. - Arachn.(Ar.meae)

Corhixalus Dubois 1987, Alytes (Pa.ris) S (1 - 2): 72. - Amph.(Lissamphibia) (As Philau1us (Gorhixalus)) Gorillophilus Imai. Ikeda, Collet & Bonhomme 1991, Eur J Protistol 26 (3-4): 27 1. - Prot.(Ciliovhora) Gorlsella (n.n. pro Cautlina Dzhanelidze & Kusina 1968) Dzhanelidze 1980, Paleontologicbeskii Zh. 1980 (4):

123. - Prot.(Sarcodina) Gorjanskya Tenjakova 1980, Paleontolog,icheskii Zh. 1980 (3): 131. -Br.ich. Gorocbovia Storozhenko 1994, Spixiana 17( 1), I Marz: 28. - t Jos.(Protortboptera) Corocho\•iella Storozhenko 1994, Spixiana 17( I). I Marz: 32. - t Jos.(Protorthoptera) Gorogobius Miller 1978, Zoological J. Linn. Soc. 64 ( l ): 28. - Pisces(feleostomi) Gortonia Hovore 1987, Pan-Pac Entomol 63 (2): 151. - lns.(Col.) Gosiuticbthys Grande 1982, American M us. Novit No. 2731: 14. -Pisces(Teleostomi) Goska Dworakowska 1981, Reichenbachia 19 (37): 245. - Jos.(Hem.) Goslinophis Blot 1981, Bulletin Mus. natn. Hist. nat. Paris (Sci. Terre Paleont. Geol. Miner.) 2 (4): 349.

- Pisces(Teleostomi) Maxwell 1988, NZ Geol Surv Paleontol Bull SS: 48. -Moll.(Gastropoda) Gollandites Bergman 1988, Diss Abstr lnt C Eur Abstr49 (!): 71. - Annel.(Polychaeta) Gotula Schallreuter & Orr 1985, Stereo-Atlas Ostracod Shells 12 (2): 149. - t Crust.(Ostracoda) Goudotostes Paulian 1979, Faune Madagascar SO: 59. - lns.(Col.) Gougerotla Le Renard 1980, Bull. lnf. Geol. Bassin Paris 17 (2): 24. - t Moll. (Gastropoda) Could oceras Stait 1980, Journal Paleon1. 54 (5): 1116. - MolL(Cephalopoda) Goulet& Erw 1994, Canadian Entomologist 126(3). May-June: 578. - Jns.(Col.) Gournenzia Guo & Duao 1978, Acta Palaeontol Sin 17 (4): 450. - t Trilob.{Trilobitomorpba) Gouogjunspirlter Zhang in Xinjiang Dizhi Ju Quju Di2.hi Diaocha Dadui [Atlas of fossils in Xinjiang Province.

Volume 2. Upper Palaeozoic.] Geological Publishing House, Peking: 346. - Brach. Gous.seff'ta (n.n. pro Yaldmovella Gousseff 1937) Levine N.D. & Ivens 1979, Revista iber. Parasit. 39 (1-4): 269.

- Prot.(Apitomple11a) Goverdina Fabraeus & H unter 1985, Canadian J. Earth Sci. 22 (8): 1176. - t Conod. Cowld on Wells & Wellington 1983. Australian J. Herpet. 1 (3-4): 80. -Rept.(Lepidosauria) Goy~-ephale Perie, Maryanska & Osmolska 1983, Acta palaeonl. pot. 27 (1-4): 117. - t Rep1.(Dinosauria) Coyop1,Jia Balogh 1983, Acta zool. hung. 29 ( 1-3): 53. -Aracbo.(Acari) Goyurfls Argaman 1990, Acra Zool Hung 36 (3-4): 242. - lns.(Hym.) Goimanyl na (n.n. pro Marshallia Gordceva 1980) Balogh & Mahunka 1983, Primitive oribatids of the

Pa laearctic region. Elsevier, Ams1erdam, Oxford & New York: 93. -Arachn.(Acari)

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Gozmansina (n.n. pro Marshallia Gordeeva 1980) Balogh & Mahunka 1983, Soil Mites Wld 1: 97. -Arachn.(Acari)

Gracemerea Engel & Morris 1989, Alcheringa 13 (3-4): 325. - t Trilob. Gracilepterlx Martins-Neto & Vulcano 1989, An Acad Bras Cienc 61 (4): 463. -lns.(Lepid.) Graciliclava Shuto 1983, Memoirs Fae. Sci. Kyushu Univ. (Geol.) 25 (I): 11.-Moll.(Gastropoda) Gracilidiia Nielson 1988, Great Basin Nat 48 (2): 234. - Ins.(Hem.) Gracilignathichthys Burgin 1992, Schweiz Palaeontol Abh 114: 48. - t Pisces(Ac1inopterygii) Gracilileia Matile 1993, Memoires du Museum National d 'Histoire Naturelle 157: 181. - lns.(DipL) GracUimlris Stonedahl & Heruy 1991, JN Y Entomol Soc 99 (2): 224. -Ins.(Hem.) Gracilin:anus Gardner & Creighton 1989, Proc Biol Soc Wash 102 (I): 4. - Mamm.(Marsupialia) Gracilip;aria Amedegnato & Poulain 1994, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France 30(1), Mars: 18.

- Ins.(Saltatoria) Gracillscincus Sadlier 1987, Ree Aust Mus 39 (1): 12. - Rept(Lepidosauria) Gracilitipula Hong & Wang 1990, In Baker & Milsom Swan soog. 1990. Marlon Publications, Beccles: 122.



Gracilitubulus Sheng 1991, Organisms and communities of Perrnian Reef of Xiangbo, China: Calcisponges, Hydrozoans, Bryozoans, Algae, Microproblematica. Intemational Academic Publishers, Beijing, China: 39. -Porif.(Sclerospongiae)

Graclllar iites Kozlov 1987, Paleontol Zh 1987 (4): 67. - Ins.(Lepid .) Gracillinoconcha Yu & Zhang 1982. Memoirs Nanjing Inst. Geol. Paleont. No. 17: 72. - Moll.(Gastropoda) Graciloceratites Zhao & Liang in Nanking Institute of Geology & paleontology (Ed.) 1974, A handbook of the

stratigraphy and paleontology in southwest China. Science Press, Peking: 305. - t Moll.(Cephalopoda) (As Pleuronodoceras (Graciloceratites))

Gracilocoryphe Pribyl & Vanek 1978. Acta Univ. Carol. (Geol.) 1978 (1-2): 166. - ·1· Trilob. (As Tropidocoryphe (Gracilocoryphe))

Graciloporella Tchi 1982, Bulletin Shenyang Inst Geol. Miner. Resour. No. 3: 184. - t Coelenterata(Tabulata)

Graciloporellidae (n.o. pro Graciloporidae Li 1982) Li 1989, In Fontaine Ten years of CCOP research on pre-Teniary of East Asia: 168. - t (Aothozoa)

Graciloporidae Li 1982. (See Graciloporellidae Li 1989) Gracilosia Sinev 1989, Tr Zool Inst Akad Nauk SSSR 200: 18. - lns.(Lepid.) GracUpaurus Ganguly & Khan 1990, Current Nematology 1(2), December: 90. -Nemat. Gracilpaurus Ganguly & Khan 1990, Pak J Nematol 8 (2): 66. -Nemat. Graciolacon Dolin in Dolin & Pritikina 1980, [Fossil insects of the Mesozoic.) Inst. Zool., Akad. Nauk ulcrain.

SSR, Naukova Dumka, Kiev: 61. - t lns.(Col.) Vannier 1986, Palaeontograpbica (A) 193 (5-6): 158. - 1' Crust.(Ostracoda) Gradkonus da Motta 1991, A systematic classification of recent Conidae at the generic level. La Conchiglia,

Rome: 17. -Moll.(Gastropoda) (As Leptoconus (Gradiconus)) Graecamnicola Willmann 1981, Palaeontographica (A) 174 (1--0): 209. -Moll.(Gastropoda) Graecodiscus Vacbard in Vachard, Clift & Decrouez 1993, Revue de Paleobiologie 12(1): 227.

- Prot.(Foraminiferida) Graecophaedusa Rahle 1982, Arcbiv Molluskenk. 112 (1-6): 45. -Moll.(Gastropoda) Graecotrombium Beron 1990, Acta Zool Buig No. 39: 68. -Arachn.(Acari)

(As Myrmicotrombiurn (Graccotrombium)) Grafella Mitchell 1980, A generic revision of the megacniline bees of the Westem Hemisphere. North Carolina

State University, Raleigh: 56. -Ins.(Hym.) (As Pseudocentron (Grafella)) Graffia Csuzdi & Zicsi 1991, Acta Zool Hung 37 (3-4): 182. - Annel.(Oligochaeta) (As Eutrigaster (Graffia)) Grahamina Fricke & Rober 1993, Stuttganer Beitraege z:ur Narurkunde Serie A (Biologie) 504, 31 Dezember:

4. -Pisces(Tripterygiidae) Grajahua Anigas & Papavero 1991, Rev Chi! Entomol 19: 19. - Ins.(Dipt.) Grallavis Cheneval 1984, Bulletin mens. Soc. Uno. Lyon 53 (2): 44. - Aves(Ciconiidae) Gralliclava Dolling 1978, Bulletin Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Emt. Suppl.) 36 (6): 304. - Ins.(Hem.) Grallistrix Olson & James 1991, Omithol Monogr No. 45: 68. -Aves(Strigidae) Gramadella Fischer & Riou 1982, Annales Paleont. 68 (4): 3ll. -Moll.(Cepbalopoda) Gramadella Fischer & Riou 1983, Annales Paleont. 68 (4): 311. - Moll.(Cepbalopoda) Graminothrips Zhang & Tong 1992, Entomotaxonomia 14 (2): 81. -lns.(Insecta) Grammococcus Miller & Lambdin 1978, Proceedings ent. Soc. Wash. 80 (2): 240. -lns.(Hem.) G rammocolous Lin Qibin 1986, Palaeontologia (N.S. B) No. 21: 106. - lns.(Col.) Grammohippus Hulbert 1988, Bull Fla State Mus Biol S-ci 32 (3): 254. -Mamm.(Perissodactyla)

(As Calippus (Grammohippus)) Grammoplecia Wrig & Jaanusson 1993, Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar 115(2): 104.

- Brach. Grammosmylus Panfilov in Dolin & Pritikina 1980, [Fossil insects of the Mesozoic.] Inst. Zool., Akad. Nau.k

ukrain. SSR, Naukova Dumka, Kiev: 102. - t lns.(Neuroptera) Grammothoa Voigt & Hillmer 1983, Miueilungen geol.- palaoot. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 54: 194.

- Bry.(Gymnolaemata) Grandetortura Sashida & Tonishi 1991, Micropaleontology (NY) 37 ( 1): 90. -Prot.(Actinopoda) Grandicapsula Kazinzova in Kazintsova 1985. Paleontologicheskii Sb. Lemberg No. 22: 6.

- Prot.(Sarcodina) Grandicyathus Korshunov 1983, Trudy Inst. Geol. Geofiz. sib. Otd. 541: 109. - t Arch. Grandiella Grandiellina Fain 1989, Bull Inst R Sci Nat Belg Entomol 58: 67. -Aracbn.(Acari) G randie llopsis Fain 1989, Bull Inst R Sci Nat Belg Entomol 58: 68. -Arachn.(Acari)

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Grand:ifavia Babayev in Babayev & Papoyan 1988, lzv A.kad Nauk Ann SSR Naul<l Zemle41 (2): 9. -Coelentemta(Scleractinia)

Grandifoxus Barnard 1979, Proceedings biol. Soc. Wash. 92 (2): 374. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Grand:ilimnadia Tasch & Jones 1979, Bulletin Bur. Miner. Resour. Geol. Geophys. Aust. No. 185: 18.

-Crust.(Branchiopoda) (As Palaeolimnadia (Grandilimnadia)) Grandinenla Minato & Chen 1984, Venus, Tokyo43 (4): 301. -Moll.(Gastropoda) Grandiproductella Lazarev in Lazarev & Simakov 1987, Paleontologicheskii Zh. 1987 ( ! ): 121. -Brach. Grandjeanoplophora Balogh & Mabunka 1979, Annales hist.- oat. Mus. lllltn. hung. 71: 288.

-Aracbn.(Acari) Grand·osmylus Makarkin 1985, /11 Gorovaya & Stolyarova [Physiological-biochemical indicators of fish from

water systems of Belarus.] 1987. Nauka i Tekhnika, Minsk: 41. -Jns.(Jnsecta) Granichnium Muller 1980, Freib Forschungsh Reihe C No. 357: 15. - t Foss. Misc. Granoconus Yu Wen 1979, Acta palaeont. sin. 18 (3): 250. -Moll.(Monoplacopbora) Granoheliacus Melone & Taviani 1984, Lavori Soc. malac. ital. 21: l 75. -Moll.(Gastropoda)

(As Haliacus (Granoheliacus)) GranoreticeUa Jiabo in Palaeontological & Geological Research lnstituc & Ministry of Petroleum & Chemical

Industries 1978, [On the Paleogene dinoflagellates and acritarchs from the coastal region of Bohai.] Kexue Cb.uban She, Peking: 113. - t Prot.(Protista incertae sedis)

Grantitheea Malinky 1989, J Paleontol 63 (3): 305. - i' Moll.(Calyptoptomatida) Granularia Kowalsl<l 1983, Acta geol. pol. 33 (1-4): 209. - t Prot.(Protista incertae sedis) Granulatagnostus Kolobova 198 l , Ezhegodoik Vses. paleont. Obsbcb. 24: 257. - t Trilob. Granuleubria Ja & Le 1994, Koleopterologische Rundschau 64, Juni: 227. - Ins.(Col.) Granulilimax Minato 1989, Venus Jpn J Malacol 48 (4): 257. -Moll.(Gastropoda) Granulinema Moravec & Liule 1988, Folia Parasilol (Prague) 35 (2): 114. -Nemat. Granulopsammodius Rakovic 1981, Rozpravy cesl. Akad. Ved. 91 (I): 63. - Jns.(Col.)

(As Psammodius (Granulopsammodius)) Granulorsidis Breuning 1980, Mitteilungen zoo!. Mus. Berl. 56 (2): 172. -Jns.(Col.) Granulosocrinus Rozhnov 1981, Trudy paleont. Inst. 192: 69. - Echin.(Crinoidea)

(As Pisocrinus (Granulosocrinus)) Granulosocrinus Stukalina 1986, Ezhegodnik Vses. paleont. Obshch. 28: 190. -Echin.(Crinoidea) Granuloteratoppia Balogh 1988, Acta Zoo! Acad Sci Hung 34 (2- 3): 185. -Arachn.(Acari) Granulus Hong 1980, Acta wotaxon. sin. 5 (!): 69. - Ins.(Hem.) Graph icon us da Moua 1991, A systematic classification of recent Conidae at die generic level. La Conchiglia,

Rome: 18. -Moll.(Gastropoda) (As Leptoconus (Grapbiconus)) Grapb.iglis Kretzoi 1984, Geologica hung. (Geol.) 20: 217. - Mamm.(Rodentia) GraphJurops Bachmayer & Wilson 1980, Annalen naturh. Mus. Wien 83: 367. - Mam.m.(Rodentia) Graphodonta Kiriakoff 1981, Entomofauna 2 (2): 19. -lns.(Lepid.) Graptoguina Young 1986, Technical Bull. N. Carolina :agric. Exp. Stn 281: 557. - lns.(Hem.) Graptoppia Balogh 1983, Acta zool. bung. 29 (1- 3): 48. -Arachn.(Acari) Grassator Kazaniseva 1968, /n Obruchev [Ed.) [Essays on the phylogeny and systematics of fossil fish and

Agnatha.] Nauka. Moscow: 110. - i' Pisces(Teleostomi) Grasseilma Abdurahiman & Joseph 1968, Orient Insects 1 (1-2): 13. -los.(Hym.) Grasshedophyllum Zing & Zhao in Cao, Ouyang, Jin & Cai 1983, /11 [Paleontological atlas of nortbwest China.

Shaanxi- Gaosu- Ningxia volume. Part 2. Upper Paleozoic.]. Geological Publishing House, Peking: 159. - t Coelenterata(Rugosa)

Grassloeia Solis-Weiss 1993, Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 106(4), 17 December: 662. - Annel.(Polychaeta)

Grassografia Mrsic 1987, Slov Akad Znan Umet Razpr 27: 107. - Myriapoda(Diplopoda) Gratia Thomas 1992, Bulletio de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 128: 47. -lns.(Epbemeroptera) Gra,•emys Sukhanov & Narmandakb 1983, Trudy sovm. sov.- mongol. paleonL Eksped. No. 24: 44.

- t Rept.(Aoapsida) Gravesicerithium Bouoiol 1981, Bulletin Jnf. Geol. Bassin Paris 18 (2): 26. -Moll .(Gastropoda)

(As Tiaracerithium (Gravesiceritbium)) Gravlpalpus Millidge 1991, Bull Am Mus Nat Hist No. 205: 156. - Aracbo.(Araneae) Graviscalpellum Foster 1980, New Zealand J. Zoo!. 7 (4): 526. -Crust.(Cirripedia) Gravitholus Wall & Ga.Iron 1979, Canadian J. Earth Sci. 16 (6): 1180. -Rept.(Dinosauria) Grayenulla Zabka 1992, Records of the Australian Museum 44(2), 14 August: 175. -Arachn.(Amneae) Grazia Rolston in Rolston & McDonald 1981, Journal N.Y. em. Soc. 88 (4): 262. -Jns.(Hem.) Greceasca Thapa 1985, Journal ent. Res. 9 (1): 67. -lns.(Hem.) (As Empoasca (Greceasca)) Greefia Singh & Hanumaiah 1979, Monograph Assoc. Microbiol. India No. 1: 19. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Greenwoodochromis (n.n. pro Lepidochromis Poll 1981) Poll 1983, Cybium (Ser. 3) 7 (l): 46.

- Pisees(Teleosiomi) GregariptL~ Weems 1987. Transactions Am. phil. Soc. 77 (I): 18. - 't Rept.(Dinosauria) Gregoporia Dantsig 1979, Trudy vses. ent. Obsbch. 61: 46. - Ins.(Hem.) Gregol'ycoenia Beauvais 1978, Annales Paleont. (Invert.) 64 (1): 57. -Coelenterata(Scleractinia) Greiserolepis Vorobeva 1977, Trudy paleont. lnst. 163: 134. - t Pisees(Crossopterygii) Gremkambarus Fitzpatrick 1987, Proceedings biol. Soc. Wash. 100 (I): 54. -Crust.(Malacostraca)

(As Orconectes (Gremicambarus)) Grenfellaspls Ritchie, Wang Shitao, You & Zhang Guorui 1992, Records of the Australian Museum 44(3). 5

December: 323. - i' Pisces(Placodenni) Gresittocapsus Schuh 1984, Bulletin Am. Mus. oat. Hist. 177 (I): 375. - lns.(Hem.) Gressittapis Hirashima 1978, Esakia 12: 65. - los.(Hym.) (As Palaeorhiza (Gressittapis)) Gressitticoris Carvalho 1985, Revista bras. Biol. 45 (4): 460. - Ins.(Hem.)

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Grcssittidium Hardy 1986. Pac Insects Monogr 42: 64. -Ins.(Dipt.) Gressittius Sublette & Wirth 1980, New Zealand J. Zoo!. 7 (3): 302. -Ins.(Dipt.) Gressittmiris Carvalho 1988, Rev Bras Entomol 32 (2): 217. -Jns.(Hem.) Gressitt-0eerus Maldonado Capriles 1985, International J. Ent Hooololu 27 (3): 270. -Jns.(Hem.) Gressitt-Ocoris Slater & Le Yi Zheng 1985, Systematic Ent. 10 (4): 468. -Ins.(Hem.) Gressitt-0myia Kano & Lopes 1985, Revista bras. Ent. 29 (3-4): 425. - Ins.(Dipt.) Gressittoppia Balogh 1983, Acta zoo!. bung. 29 (1-3): 55. - Arachn.(Acari) Gresslyodinium Below 1990. Palaeontogr Abt B Palaeophytol 220 (1-4): 50. - Prot(Mastigophora) Gretacarus Viets 1978, Australian J. mar. freshw. Res. 29 (I): 90. - Arachn.(Acari) Gribrohemispbaeroides (See Cribrobemisphaeroides) Griffinia Richer de Forges 1994, Beagle ll . November: 65. -Crust.(Brachyura) Griffitbsius Jarre & Bousfie 1994, Amphipacifica 1(2), May 24: 76. -Crust.(Amphipoda) Mikhalevich 1981, Trudy zoo!. Inst. Leningr. 107: 39. - Prot.(Sarcodina) Grigoriora Goroch 1993. Zoosystematica Rossica 2(1): 86. -1ns.(Saltatoria) Grimmenia Krzeminski & Zessin 1990, Dtsch Entomol Z 37 (1-3): 41. - Ins.(Dipt.)

(As Architipula (Grimmenia)) Gripecolous Lin Qibio 1986, Palaeontologia sin. (N.S. B) No. 21: 105. -Ins.(Col.) Griphobilharzia Platt & Blair in Platt, Blair, Purdie & Melville 1991, J Parasitol 77 (I): 65.

-Platy.(Digenea) Griphomyia Hardy 1987, Entomography 5: 290. - lns.(Dipt.) Grlo;e0>$phinx Cadiou & Kitching 1990, Lambilliooea 90 (4): 16. -lns.(Lepid.) Griscothosea Holloway 1986, Malayan Nat. J. 40 (1-2): 123. -Ins.(Lepid.) Griseotyrannus Lanyon 1984, American Mus. Novit. No. 2797: 18. - Aves(Tyrannidae) Grissellia Noyes 1980, Bulletin Br. Mus. oat Hist. (Ent.) 41 (3): 197. - lns.(Hym.) Grisselliella Narendran 1988, J Bombay Nat Hist Soc 85 (1): 158. - Ins.(Hym.) Grisselliurn Boucek 1993, Journal of Natural History 27(6), November-December: 1260. -los.(Hym.) Grisyigoga Beck 1991, Atalanta 22 (2-4): 182. -los.(Lepid.) (As Yigoga (Grisyigoga)) Griveaudana Young 1986. Technical Bull. N. Carolina agric. Exp. Stn 281: 399. - lns.(Hem.) Griveaudyria (o.n. pro Lemuriana Griveaud 1975) Viette i 984, Lambillionea 83 ( 11- 12): 85. - lns.(Lepid.) Grobina (o.n. pro Bombina (Glandu/.a) Tian & Hu 1985) Dubois 1987, Alytes (Paris) 5 (3): 97.


- Amph.(Lissamphibia) (As Bombina (Grobina)) Grocberella Lean 1993, Bulletins of American Paleontology 105(343). October20: 18. - Moll.(Trigooiacea) Groebertherlum Booapar 1986, !n: Anon 4 congreso Argentino de paleootologia y bioestratigrafia: Mendoza,

Noviembre 23-27, 1986. Actas 2. 1986. Publisher no,t given, Mendoza: 51. - t Mamm.(Eupantotheria) Strank in Somerville & Strank 1984, Geol<Jgical J. 19 (2): 99. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Gronella Barnard & Karaman 1991, Ree Aust Mus Suppl No. 13(2): 489. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Groomodiscus Rohr & Yochelson 1990, J Paleontol 64 (6): 957. - t Moll.(Gastrop-Oda) Groona'bates Cook 1986, Memoirs Am. ent. Inst. No. 40: 132. -Arachn.(Acari) Gro0>$ina Mikhailova 1990, Paleontol Zh 1990 (2): 73. - Crust(Ostracoda) (As Tricomina (Groosina)) Grootonia Webb 1983, Bulletin Br. Mus. nat. Hist (Ent.) 47 (3): 248. -lns.(Hem.) Gr0>$apls Mitchell 1980, A generic revision of the megachiline bees of the Western Hemisphere. North Carolina

State University, Raleigh: 46. - Ins.(Hym.) (As Eumegachile (Grosapis)) GC!1>$sglockneria Foissner 1980, Zoologische Jb. (Syst.) 107 (3): 399. - Prot.(Ciliophora) Grossbyg.ia Brailovsky 1993, Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 34(1 ), 24 December: 43. - lns.(Hem.) Grosshygioides Brailovsky 1993. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 34( I), 24 December: 47.

- lns.(Hem.) Ahmad & Khan 1980, Record S. Aust. Mus. 18 (3): 83. -lns.(Hem.) Grossimenia Ahmad & Kamaluddin 1989, Ree S Aust Mus (Adelaide) 23 (I): 33. -Ins.(Hem.) Grossoproetus W 1987 ,111: Xi'an Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources & Nanjing Institute of Geology

and Palaeontology Late Silurian-Devonian strata and fossils from Luqu- Tewo area of Wesl Qiunling mountains, China. Volume 2. 1987. Nanj ing University Press, Nanjing: 255. - t Trilob. (As Proetus (Grossoproews))

Grossotubenella Rigby, Fan Jiasong & Zhang Wei 1989, J Paleonlol 63 (6): 794. -Porif.(Calcarea) Grossoxipha Vicke & Poin 1994, Canadian Entomologist 126(1 ), January- February: 17. - Ios.(Saltatoria) Grossuraria Granzow 1989, Neues Jahrb Geol Palaeontol Monatsh 1989 (2): 66. -t Foss. Misc. GrouveUla Kirejtshuk 1984, Annales hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 76: 172. - Ins.(Col.) Grouvellina Bell & Bell 1978. Quaestiones ent. 14 (1): 61. - Ins.(Col.) Groveia Kading 1980, Zoologica Ser. 9 ( 4): 244. -Platy.(Turbellaria) Groveriella Mamaev 1978, Cecidologia Ind. 12-13 (1-3): I. - Ins.(Dipt.) Grozdilovia Bensh 1987, Vopr Mikropaleontol No. 29: 34. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Gruberella Page 1983, Marine gymnamoebae. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Cambridge: 17.

-Prot.(Sarcodina) Gruend elella Sanchez de Posada 1987, Journal Micropalaeontol. 6 (I): I 04. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Gruenilithu.~ Kristan-Tolltnann 1988, Geologisch- Palaeontologische Mitteilungen 15: 75.

-Prot.(Prymnesiida) Grumantocems Soboiev 1989, Akad Nauk SSSR Sib Otd Inst Geol Geofiz Tr 732: 131.

-Moll.(Cephalop-Oda) Grumuliovum Vialov 1986, Dopovidi Akad. Nauk ukr. RSR (Ser. B) 1986 (10): 5. - Rept.

(As Dinosauriovum (Grumuliovum)) Gruntallina Waterhouse & Gupta 1986, Bull Indian Geol Assoc 19 (I): 51. -Brach. Gruolichus Atyeo & Windingstad 1979, Journal Parasit. 65 (4): 652. - Aracbn.(Acari) Grusia Harz 1978, Articulata 1 (8): 55. -lns.(Orthoptera) Gruvelialepas Newman 1980, Tethys 9 (4): 391. -Crust.(Cirripedia) (As Scillaelepas (Gruvelialepas))

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Grylloblattella Swrozbeoko 1988, Articulata 3 (5): 173. - Ins.(Orthoptera) Gryllomorpbella Gorokhov 1984, Vestnik Zoo!. 1984 {2): 17. - Ins.(Orthopcera)

(As Gryllomorpba (Gryllomorphella)) Gryllospeculum Gorochov in Gorokhov 1985, Paleontologicbeskii Zh. 198S (2): 67. - lns.(Orthopcera) Grymeus Harvey 1987, M.em Natl Mus Vic 48 (2): 123. - Aracbn.(Araneae) Gryphaeligmus Lewy 1982, Journal Paleont. 56 (3): 811. -Moll.(Bivalvia) Grypocardia Guo 1988, Yunnan Geol 7 (2): 128. - Moll.(Bivalvia) (As Protoeardia (Grypocardia)) Grypocoleus Hong 1982, Jiuquan Pendi Kunchong huashi [Mesozoic fossil insects of Jiuquan Basin in Gansu

Province.] Geological Publishing House, Peking: 148. -Ins.(Col.) Grypokeros van Achterberg 1988, Zoo! Verb (Leiden) No. 249: 38. -lns.(Hym.) Gryposcleroma Razowsk.i 1986, Acta zool. cracov. 29 (16): 383. - lns.(Lepid.) Grypotheca Dugdale 1987, NZ Entomol 9: 107. - Ins.{Lcpid.) Gragorzewskia Eogeser & Lehmann 1994, Palaeoncologische Zeit~chrift 68(3-4), September: 315.

-Moll.(Nautiloidea) Gsollbergella (n.n. pro Agathammirwides Zaninetti 1979) Zaoinetti 1979, Notes Lab. Paleont. Univ. Geneve 5

(1- 7): 73. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Guabamima de Mello 1992, Rev Agiic (Piracicaba) 67 (2): 125. - lns.(Jnsecca) Guadalgenus Stark & Gonzalez del Tanago in Stark, Gozalez de! Tanago & Szczytko 1986, Aquatic Insects 8

(2): 91. - Tns.(Plecopcera) Guadlera DeLong 1980, Revista peru. Ent. 23 (1): 65. - Ins .(Hem.) (As Eutettix (Guadlera)) Guadzia Stock 1985, Bijdragen Dierk. SS (2): 357. - Crust.(Malacostraca) (As Metaniphargus (Guadzia)) Guagidiella Stock 1981. Bijdragen Dierk. 51 (2): 354. -Crust.(Malacostraca) (As Bogidiella (Guagidiella)) Guagonia Gonzalez-Sponga 1987, Aracnidos de Venezuela. Opi liones Laniatores I. Familias Phalangodidae y

Agoristenidae. Biblioteca de la Academia de Ciencias Fisicas. Matematicas y Naturales, Caracas -Venezuela: 130. - Arachn.(Opilioaes)

Guaicurua Carvalho 1987, Rev Bras Biol 47 (4): 594. - lns.(Hcm.) Guaji:rolus Flowers 1985, Studies neotrop. Fauna Environ. 20 (1): 27. -Ins.(Ephemeroptera) Gualepis Wang Nianzhong 1984, Proceedings Linn. Soc. NSW 107 (3): 427. -Pisces(Elasmobranchiomorphi) Guancenshania Zhang & Wang 1986. Acta palaeont sin. 25 (6): 670. - t Trilob. Guancheria Hedqvist 1978, Entomologica scand. 9 (4): 319. - Ins.(Hym.) Guand ueUa Bronniman & Zanioetti 1984, Revue Paleobiol. 3 (1): 65. - Prot.(Sarcodina) Guangbeinia Bojie in 1978, [Early Tertiary ostracod fauna from the coastal region of Bohai.] Kexue Chuban

She, P~king: 69. -Crust.(Ostracoda) Guangdephyllum Yu Xueguang 1991, J Chaogchun Uoiv Earth Sci 21 (I): 16. - t (Anthozoa) Guaogdongella Zhang 1986, Acta palaeont. sin. 25 (1): 74. - t Crust.(Ostracoda} Guangdongia Guan 1978, Diceng Gushengwu Luwenzhi (Prof. Pap. Stratigr. Palaeont.) No. 4: 164.

- Crust.(Ostracoda) (As Cypridea (Guangdoog.ia)) Guangdongina Mou & Liu 1989, Acta Palaeoatol Sin 28 (4): 460. - Brach. Guangdonglimnadiopsis Liu 1982, Acta palaeont. sin. 21 (4): 389. -Crust.(Branchiopoda) Guangjiayanella Yang 1984, In Dizhi Kuangcban Bu Yicbang Dizhi Kuangchan Yanjiusuo (Eds]. Changjiang

sanxia diqu shengwu dicengxuc. Biostratigraphy of the Yangtze Gorge area. (3) Late Palaeozoic era. Geological Publishing House, Beijing: 333. -Bracrn.

Guangxiconcha Yao & Yu 1986, Prof Pap Stratigr Palaeontol 14: 235. -Moll .(Bivalvia) (As Plicacounio (Guaogxicoocba))

Guaogxiconch a Zhang in 1977, [Fossils of central southern China. Volume 2 . Late Palaeozoic era.] Earth Sciences Publishing House, Peking: 492. - t Moll. (Bivalvia)

Guangxlnia Sun in 1978, [Fossils of central southern China. Volume 4. Microfossils.] Earth Sciences Publishing House, Peking: 125. - t Cnist.(OstraC-Oda)

Guangxispongia Sheng I 991. Organisms and communities of Pennian Reef of Xiangbo, China: Calcisponges, Hydrozoans, Bryozoans, Algae. Microproblematica International Acadernic Publishers, Beijing, China: 83. - Porif.(Calcarea)

Guangxitrisphaera Wang in Wan & Kuan 1993, Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 10(3): 285. - Prot.(Polycystinea)

Guangyuanella Zhang in Nanking Institute of Geology & paleontology [Ed.] 1974, A handbook of the Stratigraphy and paleontology in southwe.~t China. Science Press. Peking: 108. - t Crust.(Ostracoda)

Guangyuania Lee in Xinan Dizhi Kexue Yanjiusuo 1978, [Fossils of the south west Sichuan fence. Volume l .] Diz.hi Chuban She, Peking: 209. - t Trilob.

Guangyuanoceras Lai & Zhu I 986, Prof Pap Strati gr P alaeontol 15: 64. - Moll.(Cephalopoda) Guangyuanoceroides Lai & Zhu 1986, Prof Pap Strati gr Palaeontol 15: 64. - Moll .(Cephalopoda) GuaMlicboides Fain 1979, Acarolog.ia 20 (I): 117. - Arachn.(Acari) Guanophagoides Fain & Flecbtmann 1978, Revista bras. Biol. 38 (3): 557. -Arachn.(Acari) Guaoshania Liu & Gao in Liu Xiaoliang, Chen Congyun, Yang Xuezeng, Yang Sen, Zbang Jiongfei & Gao

Yuhua 1992, Acta Geol Sin 66 (2): 186. - t Foss. Misc. Guapimirella Carvalho 1990, Bol Mus Para Emilio Goeldi Nova Ser Zoo! 5 (2): 21 4. -lns.(Hem.) Guapimirinus Carvalho 1985, Revista bras. Biol. 45 (3): 260. - Ins.(Hem.) Guap-0rea Linnavuori & Delong 1978, Brenesia 14-I:S: 123. - Ins.(Hem.) Guapore.ptus Hoffman 1988, Pap Avulsos Zoo! (Sao Paulo) 36 (28): 327. -Myriapoda(Diplopoda) Guara Rindgc 1986, American Mus. Novit. No. 2838: 36. - lns.(Lepid .) Guaramiris Carvalho 1980, Revista bras. Biol. 40 (2): 31 1. - Tns.(Hem.) Guaraniella Baert 1984, Revue s uisse Zoo!. 91 (3): 608. - Arachn.(Araneae) Guaranlmlris CarvaJJ10 1987, Ao Acad Bras Cienc 59 (4): 409. - Ins.(Hem.) Guaranites Baldis & Hansen 1980, Actas Congr. argent. Paleont. Bioestratigr. 2 (Congr. latinoam. Paleont. 1) 1:

60. - Trilobita

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G uaranlus Spangler 1991, Coleopt Bull 45 (2): 147. - Ins.(Col.) G uaranozetes Balogh & Mahunka 1981, Acea zool. hung. 27 (1-2): 98. -Arachn.(Acari) G uaricia Gonzalez-Sponga 1992, Aracnidos de Venezuela. Opiliones Laniatores 2. Familia Cosmetidae.

Academia de Ciencias Fisicas Matematicas y Naturalcs. Caracas: 247. - Arachn.(Opiliones) Guatemalozetes Mahunka 1980, Acarologia 21 ( 1): 137. - Arachn.(Acari) Guatopia Gonzalez-Sponga 1992, Aracnidos de Venezuela. Opiliones Laniatores 2. Familia Cosmetidae.

Academia de Ciencias Fisicas Matematicas y Naturales, Caracas: 256. -Arachn.(Opiliones) Guatubesia Soares 1978, Revista bras. Enc. 22 (2): 99. - Arachn.(Opiliones) Guaxa Garcia- Alcalde 1986, Biostratigraphie Paleozoique 4: 67 . -Brach. Guayakia Dominguez & Flowers 1989, Ann Entomol Soc Am 82 (5): 563. - lns.(Ephemeroptera)

(As Hennanella (Guayakia))


Guayakiniles Baldis & Hansen 1980, Actas Congr. argent. Paleont. Bioestratigr. 2 (Congr. Jati noarn. Paleont. l ) 1: 54. -Trilobita

Gubbera Wright 1979, Alcheringa 3 (2): 135. - t Coelenterata(Rugosa) Gu bernaculimermis lpatyeva & Pimeoova 1985, Parazitologiya 19 (4): 337. -Nemat. Gucbengosuchus Peng Jianghua I 991 , Vertebr Palasiat 29 (2): 95. - t Rept.(Arcl\osauria) Gu chioodoo Trofimov 1978. Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 243 (!): 215. :.. t Mamrn.(Triconodonta) Guelphinacella Peel 1990, Bull Geol Soc Den 38 (l-2): 46. - Moll .(Gastropoda) G uembelites Bensh 1987. (See Praeskinnerella Bensh 1991) Guem belites Bensh 1987, Vopr Mikropaleontol No. 29: 35. -Prot.(Sarcodioa) G uemeoria du Dresnay, Termier & Tennier 1978, Geobios, Lyon 11 (3): 279. - Porif.(Hexactinellida) G uerrericeras Sandoval & Westermann in Sandoval, Westermann & Marshall 1990, Palaeontogr Abt A

Palaeozool-Stratigr 210 (4--0): 120. - t Moll.(Cephalopoda) Gucrrerostroogylus Sutton & Durette--Desset 1991, Rev Suisse Zoo! 98 (3): 536. -Nemat. Gueselderia Hacker, Kubna & Gross 1986, Mitteilungen munch. ent. Oes. 76: 105. - lns.(Lepid.) Guexella Baumgartner 1984, Eclogae geol. Helv. 77 (3): 766. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Guexites Bucher 1992, Jahrb Geol Bundesanst 135 (2): 4:37. - t Moll.(Cephalopoda) Guianacara Kullaoder & Nijsseo 1989, The cicblids of Surinam Teleostei: Labroidei. J. Brill, Leiden, New York

etc.: 90. - Pisces(Teleostomi) Guibemantis Dubois 1992, Bull Mens Soc Linn Lyon 61 (10): 312. -Amph.(Lissamphibia)

(As Mantidactylus (Guibemantis)) Guichenocarpos Chauvel 1982, Bulletin Soc. geol. miner. Bretagne 13 (2): 79. - Echin.(Stylopbora) G uichiella Li & Ding 198 1, Acta palaeont. sin. 20 (4): 329. -Moll.(Bivalvia) G uicyrtia Wang & Zhu 1979, Palaeontologia sin. (N.S. B) No. 15: 93. - Brach. Guiestheria Shen 1982, Bulletin Nanjing Inst. GeoJ. Palaeont. No. 5: 227. -Crust.(Branchiopoda) Guignocanthus Young 1985. Proceedings Acad. nat. Sci. Philad. 137 (1): 91. - Ins .(Col.)

(As Hydrocanthus (Guignocanthus)) Guildayomys Zakrzewski 1984, Special Pubis Carnegie Mus. nat. Hist. No. 8: 201. - Mamm.(Rodeotia) Guilestes Zheng & Chi 1978, Vertebrata palasiat. 16 (2): 98. - t Mamm.(Condylarthra) Guilinophyllum Yu 1988, ln Parker T rnarnmiferi. 1989. l stituto Geografico de Agostini, Novara: 179.

- "f (Anthozoa) Guilio ospirifer Xu & Yao 1988, lll Parker 1 mammiferi. 1989. lstituto Oeografico de Agostini, Novara: 306.

-Bmch. Guillardia Hill & Wetherbee J 990, Can J Bot 68 (9): 1873. - Prot.(Mastigophora) Guillecrious Roux 1985, Compte r. Acad. Sci. Paris (Ser. III) 301 (10): 503. - Echio.(Crinoidea) Guineapsaltria de Bo 1993, Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde Q3(1): 21. - lns.(Hem.) Guineaxonopsis Imamura 1983, Proceedings Jap. Soc. syst. Zoo!. 26: 15. - Arachn.(Acari) Guineobius Osella 1983. Revue suisse Zool. 90 ( 1): 114. -lns.(Col.) Guineobodes Mahunka 1987, Acta Zoo! Acad Sci Hung 33 (:µi): 408. -Arachn.(Acari) G uioeoscolex Csuzdi & Zicsi 1994, Revue Suisse de Zoologie 101(1), Mars: 227. - Annel.(Oligochact.a) G uineotetta Young 1986, Technical Bull . N. Carolina agric. Exp. Stn 281: 593. - lns.(Hern.) G uisardious Carvalho 1979, Record S. Aust. Mus. 17 (30): 441. -lns.(Hem.) Guistrophia Wang & Rong 1986, Palaeontol Sin Ser B No. 22: 261. - Brach. Gultonla Garth in Garth & Iliffe 1992, Proc Biol Soc Wash 105 (2): 310. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Guittonicidaris Vadet 199 l, Mern Soc Acad Boulonnais 10: 151. -Echin.(Echinoidea) Guixianoceras Lai Caigen & Zhang Zhenxian 1988, Prof Pap Stratigr Palaeontol No. 21: 45.

- Moll.(Cephalopoda) Guixldibunophyllum Lio & Wu 1988, Acta Palaeootol Sio 27 (5): 580. - t Coelenterata(Rugosa)

(As Dibunophyllurn (Guixidibunophyllum)) G uiyangoceras Zhou Zuren 1985, Palaeontol Cathayana No. 2 : 196. - t Moll.(Cephalopoda) Guizb oa spis Young 1986, Contributions from Shanghai Institute of Entomology 6: 210. -lns.(Hem.) Guhhouanomocare Lee in 1978, [Fossils of Gizhou Province. Volume l. Cambrian - Devonian.] Dizhi Chuban

She, Peking: 494. - t Trilob. Guizhoudella Wang & Wang 1978, Memoirs Nanjing Inst. Geol. Paleom. No. 11: 63. - t Conod. Guizboudiscus Zhang S.G. in 1978, [Fossils of Gizhou Province. Volume I. Cambrian - Devonian.] Dizhi

Chuban She, Peking: 394. - t Trilob. Gufaboudiscus Zhang in Zhang, Lu, Zhu. Qian, Lin, Zhou, Zhang & Yuan 1980, Palaeootologia sin. (N.S. B)

No. 16: 428. - t Trilob. Guizhou ella Yang 1978, Diceng Gushengwu Luwenzbi (Prof. Pap. Stratigr. Palaeont.) No. 5: 124. -Brach. Guizhouhystricur us Yin in 1978, [Fossils of Gizhou Province. Volume I. Cambrian - Devonian.] Chuban

She, Peking: 486. - t Trilob. (As Hystricurus (Guizhoubystricums)) Guizhouia Hong- Fu & Yochelson 1983, Journal Paleont. 57 (3): 522. - MoU.(Gastropoda)

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Guizhoupliomerops Chu & Yin in 1978, [Fossils of Gizhou Province. Volume I. Cambrian - Devonian.] Dizhi Chuban She, Peking: 574. - t Trilob.

Gulzhoupriooiodus Zhou Xiyun, Zhai Zhiqiang & Xiao Siyuan 1981, Oil Gas Geol. 2 (2): 132. - t ConO<I. Guizhouspira Wang in Wang & Xi 1980, ln [Academia Sinica. Nanjing lnstitue of Geology and Palaeontology.]

Qianxi diandong wan erdieshi hanmei diceng he gushengwuqun. [Stratigraphy and palaeontology of Upper Permian coal- bearing formation in western Guizbou and eastern Yunnan, China.] Science Press, Peking: 212. - Moll.(Gastropoda)

Gu,jaratella Khosla 1979, Micropaleontology 24: 263. - t Crust.(Ostracoda) Gulacapsus Schuh 1984, Bulletin Am. Mus. nat. Hist. l77 (l): 224. -lns.(Hem.) Gulacylapus Carvalho 1986, Annales Soc. ent. Fr. (N.S.) 22 (2): 215. -lns.(Hem.) Gulapbaeoops Ueno 1987, J Spelcol Soc Jpn 12: 3. - Ins.(Col.) Gulbinia Manyn 1994, Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 73(10), Oktyabr': 7. -Moll.(Nudibranchia)

(As Quasicorambe (Gulbinia)) Guleites Guo 1984, Prof Pap Stratigr PalaeonlOI No. 11: 101. - ·f· Moll.(Cephalopoda) Gullifera Webb 1980, Journal nat. Hist. 14 (6): 846. - Ins.(Hem.) Gullodus Kozur 1993, Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 136(1), Juli: 79. - t Conod. Gulmargia Rognes 1993, Entomologica Scandinavica 23(4): 395. -lns.(Dipt.) Gumardee Aannery, Archer & Plane 1982, BMR JI Aust. Geol. Geophys 7 (4): 292. -Mamm.(Marsupialia) Gumatagichnus Gabunia, Kurbatov & Sconikov 1988, lzv Akad Nauk Gruz SSR Ser Biol 14 (3): 196.

- Rept. Gumbatomys Hanenberger 1982, Contributions Mus. Paleont. Univ. Mich. 26 (2): 27. - Mamm.(RO<lentia) Gumbycyathus Kruse 1982, Palaeontographica (A) 177 (4-6): 168. - t Arch. GumelJa Muller & Hinz 1991, Fossils Strata No. 28: 26. - t Conod. Gumuaspis Wang Junqiog & Wang Niaozbong 1992, Vertebrata Palasiatica 30(3): 194.

- t Pisces(Galeaspidiformes) Gunasekara Lehtinen 1981, Acta zool. fenn. No. 162: 55. - Arachn.(Araneae) Gundarina Lelesh 1993, Senckenbergiana Lethaea 73(1), 9 Juli: 33. - t Anthozoa(Tabulata) Gunolngblandella Percival 1979, Alcherioga 3 (2): 111. - Brach. Gunongia Tillier & Bouchet 1988, lndo-Malay Zool S {2): 261 . - Moll.(Gastr0poda) Guntia Shchetkin 1980, Zoologicheskii Zh. 59 (8): 1254. -lns.(Lepid) Gunungla Roesler & Kuppers 1979, Beitrnge naturk. Forsch. SudwDtl. (Beib.) 3: 162. -lns.(Lepid.) Gunungidia Young 1986, Technical Bull. N. Carolina a.gric. Exp. Stn 281: 120. - Ins.(Hem.) Gunungodes Roesler & Kuppers 1981, Beitrage naturk. Forsch. SudwDtl. (Beih.) 4: 67. - Ins.(Lepid.) Guoia Davis & Chen in Davis, Chen, Chun Wu, Kuang, Xing, Li Li, Liu & Yan 1992, Malacologia 34 ( 1-2):

186. - Moll.(Gastropoda) Guolina Heyd 1994, Proceedings of tl1c Entomological Society of Washington 96(2), April: 327. - Ios.(Hym.) Guotangia Zhou 19& I, Acta palaeont. sin. 20 (3): 243. - t Tri lob. Guptaia Malhotra 1985, Khelmintologiya 20: 46. -Platy.(Cestoda) Gurayacypris Bauish 1987, Res Crustac No. 16: 128. -Crus1.(0stracoda) Gurleyides Voronin 1986, Protozoologiya No. 10: 146. - Prot.(Mjcrospora) Gurumdistroma Boiko 1984, Trudy Inst. Geol. Geofiz. sib. Otd. 597: 65.

- t Coelenterata(Stromatoporoidea) Gurva.11helorus Rasnitsyn 1986, Trudy sovrn. sov.-mongol. paleont. Eksped. No. 28: 161. -lns.(Hym.) Gurva.nichthys Jakovlev 1986, Trudy sovm. sov.- mongol. paleont. Eksped. No. 28: 180.

- t Pisces(Teleostomi) Gurvaniella Kovalev 1986, Trudy sovm. sov.-mongol. paleont. Eksped. No. 28: 127. -Ins.(Dipt.) Gurvaoina Shcberbakov in Shtsherbakov 1986, Trudy sovm. sov.-mongol. paleont. Eksped. No. 28: 47.

-lns.(Hem.) Gurvanoblatta Vishnjakova 1986, Trudy sovm. sov.-mongol. paleonl Eksped. No. 28: 167.

-lns.(Onhoptera) Gurvanocoleus Pooornarenko 1986. Trudy sovm. sov.- mongol. paleont. Eksped. No. 28: 105. -Ins.(Col.) Gurva:nomyia Kalugina 1986, Trudy sovm. sov.- mongol. paleoot. Eksped. No. 28: 121. - lns.(Dipt.) Gurvanoptcryx Sinitchenkova 1986, Trudy sovm. sov.-mongol. paleont. Eksped. No. 28: 170.

- lns.(Plecoptera) GurvanotrupesRasnitsyn 1986, Trudy sovm. sov.- mongol. paleont. Eksped. No. 28: 161.-lns.(Hym.) Gusana Froehlich 1978, Boletim Zool. Univ. S. Paulo 3: 8. - Platy.(Turbcllaria) Gustabilicrinus Guensburg 1984, Bulletins Am. Paleont. 86 No. 319: 33. - Echin.(Crinoidea) Gustavaspis Janvier 1981, Palaeovertebrnta 11 (2- 3): 99. - t Pisces(Cephalaspidomorpha) Gustefana Kozur 1993. Jabrbuch der Geologischen Bondesanstalt 136(1), Juli: 111. -Prot.(Polycystinea) Gutnicella (n.n. pro Uicasella Gutnic & Moullade 1967) Moulladc, Haman & HuddlC$tOn 1981, Journal

Paleont. 55 (2): 484. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Guttic:onus Yue in Xing, Ding, Luo, He & Wang 1984, Bulletin Inst. Geol. chin. Acad. geol. Sci. No. JO: 165.

-Moll.(Monoplacophora) Gutticrinus Klikushin 1987, Neues Jahrb Geol Palaeontol Abh B 175 (2): 252. - Echin.(Crinoidea) Guttida Tikhomirova 1989, Geol Bale 19 (5): 39. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Gottula Dodekova 1983, Paleon10Jogiya Stratigr. Litol. 18: 36. -Pro1.(Protista incertae sedis) Gutzia McCulloch 1977, Qualitath'e observations on recent foraminiferal tests with emphasis on I.he eastern

Pa.cific. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California: 464. - Prot.(Sarcodina) Guyanobius Spangler 1986, Proceedings ent. Soc. Wash. 88 (3): 586. -Ins.(Col.) Guyodacus Munro 1984, Entomology Mem. Dep. agric. tech. Serv. Repub. S. Afr. No. 61: 142. - Ins.(Dipt.) Guyuanaeschnidia Lin 1982, ln [Xian Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources]. Xibei Diqu gu shengwu

1uce: Sbaan- Gan- Ning fence. [Paleontological atlas of Northwest China. Part 3. Mesozoic and Cenozoic]. Geological Publishing House, Peking: 75. - Ins.(Odonala)

Page 23: In - · (Atlas of fossils of Xinjiang Province. I. Upper Proterozoic--Lower Palaeozoic.) Dizhi Chuban She, Peking: 182. -t Trilob. Fuyunolites Lin & Wang in Xinjiang Dizhi


Guyuania Qi io Qi Hua 1987, Prof Pap Stratigr Palaeont.ol No. 16: 112. -CrusL(Ostracoda) Gvozda rus Balushlcin 1989, Zoo! Zh 68 (l): 83. - Pisces(feleostomi) Gwaihiria Naumann 1982, Australian J. Zoo!. (Suppl.) No. 85: 91. -lns.(Hym.) Gwala Noy & Wooll 1994, Journal of Natural History 28 (6). November- December: 1373. -lns.(Hym.) Gwenda Richter 1977, Entomologicheskoe Obozr. 56 (3): 698. -lns.(Dipt.) (As Elfia (Gwenda)) GwynieJla Johansen J 987, Fossils Strata 20: 26. -Brach.


Gyalopl asma Zhavoronkova in Ty~z.heva 1986, [Corals and brachiopods of the Lower Devonian of the southern Urals.] Nauka, Moscow: 65. - T Coeleotcrata(Rugosa)

Gyalorbetbium Loeblich & Tappan 1978, Journal Paleont. 52 (6): 1269. - t Prot.(Protista incertae sedis) Gyalosphaeridlum Zang & Walt 1992, Memoir of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 12: 54.

- t Prot.(Acritarcha) Gyangi:esphaera Wang & Sheng 1982, In [The series of the Comprehensive Scientific Expedition to the

Qingbai-Xiz.ang Plareau}. Xizang gusbengwu. [Palaeontology of Xizang] . Volume 4. Science Press, Peking: 94. -Prot.(Sarcodina)

Gydarina Kalugina 1991, Paleontol Zh 1991 (1): 76. - Tns .(Dipt.) Gymoesicolagus Mein & Adrover 1982, Geobios, Lyon (Mem. spec.) Memoire special No. 6: 453.

- Mamm.(Lagomorpba) Gymnobactrites Mapes 1979, Paleontological Cootr. Univ. Kans. Lawrence (Articles) No. 64: 53.

- t Moll.(Cephalopoda) Gymnocantharis Wittmer 1979, Emomologica Basiliens ia 4: 328. - lns.(Coi.) Gymnoceridion Matile & Duret 1987, Bull Soc Entomol Fr 91 (9-10): 301. - Ios.(Dipt)

(As Crenoceridion (Gymnoceridion)) Gymnocymbium Millidge 1991, Bull Am Mus Nat Hist No. 205: 184. - Arachn.(Araneae) Gymnodanio Chen & He 1992, Acta Zootaxonomica Sio 17 (2): 240. -Pisces(Actinopterygii) Gymnodorvillt.a Wainright & Perkins 1982, Proceedings biol. Soc. Wash. 95 (4): 695. -Annel.(Polychaeta) Gymnoganascus Werner 1990, JN Y Entomol Soc 98 (2): 193. -lns.(Col.) Gymnoma cqua rtia Mesnil & Shima 1978. Kontyu 46 (2): 321. - lns.(Dipt.) Gymnoparomius Kirejtsbuk 1987, TrZool lnsr Akad Nauk SSSR 170: 77. -lns.(Col.)

(As Glischrochiius (Gymnoparomius)) Gymnophellia Engla 1992, /11: Morton [Ed.] The marine flora and fauna of Hong Kong and southern China 3.

Volume I: imroduction, taxonomy and ecology. Proceedings of the Fourth International Marine Biological Workshop: The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China, Hong Kong, 11- 29 April 1989. 1992. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong: 83. -Coelen!erata(Anlhozoa)

Gymno;poda Felder 1874. (SeeApeplopoda Watson in Watson, Fletcher & Nye 1980) Gymnopria Loiacono 1987, Rev Soc Entomol Argent 44 (2): 130. -lns.(Hym.) Gymnostomix Fortey & Owens 1987, Bull Br Mus (Nat. Hist) Geol 41 (3): 216. - t Trilob. Gymnotyleptus Ahmad & Jairajpuri 1982, Ka.npur Univ Res J (Sci) 1: 72. - Nemat. Gymnozetes Balogh 1984, Acta rool. hung. 30 (3-4): 31 S. - Arachn.(Acari) Gynaecometra Araujo 1978, Memorias Inst. Butantan 40-41: 251. - NemaL Gynandraspis Balachowsky & Matile-Ferrero 1980, Re·vue fr. Ent. (N.S.) 2 (2): 69. - lns.(Hem.) Gyn andropaa Dubois 1992, Bull Mens Soc Linn Lyon 6 1 (10): 319. - Amph.(Lissamphibia)

(As Paa (Gynandropaa)) Gynarch aeus Holloway 1982, Fauna N.Z. No. 3: 39. -ln s.(Col.) Gynnid.ocladius Sublette & Wirth 1980, New Zealand J. Zoo!. 7 (3): 322. -Tns.(Dipt.) Gyoides Martens 1982, Senckenbei:giana biol. 62 ( 4-6): 332. - Aracbn.(Opiliones) Gypsodectes Fain 1984, Revue Zool. afr. 98 (4): 721. - Arachn.(Acari) Gypsop hlllomyia Fedotova 1991, Izv Akad Nauk Kaz SSR Ser Biol 1991 (4): 19. -lns.(Dipt.) Gyraionatheca Qian in 1978, [Hubei Province Bur. of Geol. Sanxia Stratigraphical Res. Gp] Xiadong cliqu

zhendanji zhi erdicji diceng gushengwu. [Sinian to Pennian stratigraphy and palaeontology in the Xiadong area.] Dizhi Chuban Sbe, Peking: 130. - t Moll.(Calyptoptornatida)

Gyrbykano Zherichin in Crom, Dmitri, Zherich, Lebed, Ponomaren. Rasnits & Sukatshe 1993, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo lnstituta Akademiya Nauk SSSR 252: 36. - Ios.(Col.)

Gyrgathella Reynolds 1978, Palaeontographica (A) 162 (3-6) : 166. - t Crust.(Ostracoda) Gyrochaetostylus Habu 1978, Faunajapon. 1978: 246. -Ins.(Col.) (As Agonum (Gyrocbaetostylus)) Gyr oclymenia Czarnock:i 1989, Pr Inst Geol (Wars) 127: 31. - t Moll.(Cephalopoda) Gyroidella Saidova 1975, [Benthonic Foraminifera of the Pacific Ocean. Volume I.] Akademiya Nauk SSSR,

Moscow: 276. - Prot.(Sarcomastigophora) Gyroideporcatella Su in Su & Li 1989, /11 Stratigraphical Group, Inst of Geol. Chinese Acad. of Geol.

Sciences. Tectonic-magmatic evolution and metallogeny of eastern China No. 2. The palaeontology and stratigraphy of rhe Jurassic and Cretaceous in eastern China. Geological Publishing House, Beijing: 128. -Crust.(Ostracoda)

Gyroidinopsis McCulloch 1977, Qualitative observatioo.s on recent foraminiferal tests with emphasis on the eastern Pacific. University of Southern Califomia, Los Angeles, Califomia: 374. -Prot.(Sarcodina)

Gyroidinos Saidova 1975, (Benthonic Foraminifern of the Pacific Ocean. Volume I.] Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow: 237. -Prot.(Sarcomastigophora)

Gyroievi.soceras Lai in Lai Caigen, Zhao & Xiang Liwan 1984, Geol Rev (Beijing) 30 (4): 316. - Moll.(Cephalopoda)

Gyroseleo.ella (n.n. pro Sele11e/la Li 1984) Li 1985, Acta palaeont s in. 24 (5) : 581. - Brach. G)Tnsina Cooper 1983, Srnithson.ian Cootr. Pa!eobiol. No. 50: 86. - Brach. Gyrospila ra Kononenko 1989, Jpn Heterocerists' J No. 152: 28. - lns.(Lepid.) GyrovaJvulina Loeblich & Tappan 1985, Journal foram. Res. JS (3): 213. -Prot.(Sarcodina)


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