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Journal für

Mineralstoffwechsel & Muskuloskelettale Erkrankungen

Krause & Pachernegg GmbH • Verlag für Medizin und Wirtschaft • A-3003 GablitzP. b . b . 0 2 Z 0 3 11 0 8 M , V e r l a g s o r t : 3 0 0 3 G a b l i t z , M o z a r t g a s s e 1 0 P r e i s : E U R 1 0 , –

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Österreichische Gesellschaft

für Rheumatologie

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und

Orthopädische Chirurgie

Offizielles Organ der Österreichischen Gesellschaft

zur Erforschung des Knochens und Mineralstoffwechsels

News-Screen Osteologie

Mikosch P

Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel &

Muskuloskelettale Erkrankungen

2016; 23 (2), 57-58

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News-Screen OsteologieP. Mikosch

Osteoporosis and Vascular Calcifi ca-tion in Postmenopausal Women: A Cross-Sectional Study

Lampropoulos CE, et al. Climacteric 2016; 19: 303–7.


Objectives: To estimate the correlation between osteoporosis

and vascular calcification in postmenopausal women and the in-

fluence of calcium/vitamin D supplements on vascular calcifi-

cation. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed includ-

ing 29 women with osteoporosis (15 not taking supplements)

and 18 age-matched, non-osteoporotic women. They were eval-

uated for cardiovascular risk factors and blood tests, lateral X-

ray of lumbar spine (assessment of abdominal aorta calcifica-

tion, AAC) and carotid ultrasound (increased intima media

thickness (iIMT) or calcified plaques) were performed. Results:

In univariate analysis, osteoporotic women were 16 times more

likely to develop AAC (odds ratio (OR) 15.8, 95 % confidence

interval (CI) 1.9–135.4) and seven times more likely to devel-

op iIMT (OR 6.8, 95 % CI 1.8–25.4) compared to normal indi-

viduals. The odds of developing AAC and iIMT were increased

each year after menopause (OR 1.11, 95 % CI 1.01–1.2 and OR

1.18, 95 % CI 1.05–1.3, respectively) and with aging (OR 1.27,

95 % CI 1.1–1.47 and OR = 1.17, 95 % CI 1.04–1.3, respective-

ly). Calcified plaques were significantly correlated with osteo-

porosis (p = 0.014). In multivariate analysis, osteoporosis was an

independent risk factor for AAC (OR 13.3, 95 % CI 1.3–134.4)

and iIMT (OR 4.7, 95 % CI 1.1–19.9). Low doses of supplements

did not appear to affect vascular calcification (p = 0.6). Conclu-

sions: Osteoporosis is associated with increased calcification of

the abdominal aorta and carotids. Low doses of supplements

do not appear to cause any increase in vascular calcification in

osteoporotic women.


Die Studie weist auf eine relevante Risikoerhöhung von Ge-

fäßverkalkungen sowie eine Zunahme der Intimadicke an den

Carotiden bei Patientinnen mit Osteoporose hin. Diese Kor-

relation von Osteoporose und arteriosklerotischen Gefäß-

veränderungen spiegelt die pathologischen Mechanismen ei-

nes fehlgesteuerten Kalziumstoff wechsels mit Kalziumverlust

aus dem Knochen und pathologischer Kalziumeinlagerung in

den Gefäßen wider. Eine zumindest niedrige orale Zufuhr von

Kalziumsupplementen scheint nach dieser Studie jedoch kei-

nen negativen Einfl uss auf die Gefäßverkalkung zu haben. Als

wesentliche Limitation der Studie ist die geringe Fallanzahl an

Patientinnen zu nennen.

Th e Impact of Preventive Measures on the Burden of Femoral Fractures – A Modelling Approach to Estimating the Impact of Fall Prevention Exercises and Oral Bisphosphonate Treatment for the Years 2014 and 2025

Benzinger P, et al. BMC Geriatr 2016; 16: 75.


Background: Due to the demographic transition with a growing

number of old and oldest-old persons the absolute number of

fragility fractures is expected to increase in industrialized coun-

tries unless effective preventive efforts are intensified. The main

causes leading to fractures are osteoporosis and falls. The aim

of this study is to develop population based models of the poten-

tial impact of fall-prevention exercise and oral bisphosphonates

over the coming decade. Methods: The German federal state of

Bavaria served as the model population. Model interventions

were limited to community-dwelling persons aged 65 years and

older. Models are based on fall-prevention exercise being offered

to all persons aged 70 to 89 years and oral bisphosphonate treat-

ment offered to all persons with osteoporosis as defined by a

T- score of ≤ –2.5. Treatment effect sizes are estimated from me-

ta-analyses. Reduction in all femoral fractures in the population

of community-dwelling persons aged 65 years and older is the

outcome of interest. A spreadsheet-based modelling approach

was used for prediction. Results: In 2014, reduction of femoral

fractures by 10 % required 21 % of all community-dwelling per-

sons aged 70–89 to participate in fall-prevention exercise,

or 37 % of those with osteoporosis to receive oral bisphospho-

nates. Without intervention, demographic changes will result

in a 24 % increase in femoral fractures by 2025. To lower the in-

crease of fractures between 2014 and 2025 to 10 %, fall-preven-

tion-exercise participation rate needs to be 25 % and bisphos-

phonate treatment rates 41 %, whereas to hold the 2025 rates flat

at 2014 rates require 43 % fall-prevention-exercises participa-

tion, and is not achievable using oral bisphosphonates. Conclu-

sions: Unrealistic high treatment and participation rates of the

two analysed measures are needed to achieve substantial effects

on the expected burden of femoral fractures at present and in

the future.

Relevanz für die Praxis

Die Entwicklung von Osteoporose und Arteriosklerose hängt im Sinne einer fehlgesteuerten Kalziumeinlagerung miteinander zusammen. Da eine niedrige Kalziumsupple-mentation jedoch keine negativen Auswirkungen auf die Gefäßverkalkung hatte, erscheint die Gabe von Kalzium-supplementen auch bei Patienten mit nachgewiesenen Gefäßverkalkungen möglich.

For personal use only. Not to be reproduced without permission of Krause & Pachernegg GmbH.

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News-Screen Osteologie



Die demographischen Veränderungen werden in den nächs-

ten 10–15 Jahren einen weiteren Anstieg des Anteils von alten

und sehr alten Personen an der Gesamtbevölkerung mit sich

bringen. Die vorgestellte Modellrechnung zeigt eindrücklich,

dass weitere Steigerungen von Patienten mit Sturzereignis-

sen bzw. Schenkelhalsfrakturen zu erwarten sind. Trotz Pro-

grammen von Sturzprävention sowie auch Gabe von Bisphos-

phonaten werden die Frakturzahlen nach dieser Modellrech-

nung weiter ansteigen, da sowohl die erforderliche Rekrutie-

rung von Patienten zu Sturzpräventionsprogrammen als auch

die Gabe von Bisphosphonaten unrealistisch hohe Patienten-

zahlen erfordern würden – Rekrutierungsquoten, die nach ak-

tuellem Stand nicht erreichbar sind.

How Good Is Our Best Guess? Clinical Application of the WHO FRAX Tool in Osteoporotic Fracture Risk Determi-nation and Treatment Decisions

Hinz L, et al. Calcif Tissue Int 2016 [Epub ahead of print].


Historically, treatment decisions for osteoporosis were based

on bone mineral density. However, many fractures occur in

patients with T-scores outside the osteoporotic range, empha-

sizing the importance of multi-factorial risk assessments. The

World Health Organization Fracture Risk Assessment Tool

(FRAX) predicts 10-year risk of osteoporotic fracture. We hy-

pothesized that physicians‘ clinical estimates of osteoporot-

ic fracture risk would differ significantly from that calculat-

ed by FRAX. Thus, treatment decisions would differ depending

whether or not physicians used FRAX. A survey consisting of

five clinical scenarios was administered to 76 endocrinologists,

family physicians, internists, and internal medicine residents.

They were asked to estimate the osteoporotic fracture risk and

decide whether they would offer preventative treatment. Their

estimates were compared to the risk predicted by FRAX and

national treatment threshold guidelines. The primary outcome

was the difference between the participant‘s estimate and the

FRAX-based estimate of the 10-year risk of osteoporotic fracture

for each scenario. In each scenario, physicians statistically sig-

nificantly over-estimated fracture risk compared to that predict-

ed by FRAX. Estimates for hip fracture risk were 2–4 times high-

er than FRAX estimates. The major osteoporotic fracture risk at

which participants would offer treatment varied with physician

group, with endocrinologists, family physicians, and residents

requiring a 10–20 % 10-year risk, while internal medicine physi-

cian thresholds ranged from 2 to 20 %. Physicians greatly over-

estimated the risk of hip fracture based on clinical information.

FRAX is necessary to accurately quantify risk, but because phy-

sicians varied in the level of risk required before they would of-

fer treatment, uniform approaches to risk estimation may still

not result in uniform clinical treatment decisions.


Die subjektive Einschätzung von Frakturgefährdung weist in

der Praxis off enbar große Schwankungen auf. Die regelmä-

ßige Analyse von FRAX zwecks einer reproduzierbaren und

weitgehend objektiven Fraktureinschätzung erscheint dahin-

gehend hilfreich und wäre zu empfehlen.


Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Mikosch

Abteilung für Innere Medizin

A.ö. Krankenhaus Oberpullendorf

A-7350 Oberpullendorf, Spitalstraße 32

E-Mail: [email protected]

Relevanz für die Praxis

Trotz der schon bestehenden Bemühungen und der vor-handenen Strukturen werden in den nächsten 10–15 Jah-ren zusätzliche Strukturen, Programme und Therapieein-richtungen zur Sturzprävention sowie auch osteologische Zentren zur chirurgischen und konservativen Betreuung von osteoporotischen Frakturen erforderlich sein, um den zu erwartenden demographischen Veränderungen und den damit einhergehenden Zuwächsen an Stürzen und Frakturen gerecht zu werden. Dahingehend ist eine vor-ausschauende Gesundheitspolitik zu fordern, die versu-chen muss, die aktuell vorhandenen Betreuungsdefizite im Bereich Osteoporose („osteoporosis care gap“) zu überwinden.

Relevanz für die Praxis

FRAX als objektives Tool zur Risikoeinschätzung sollte regelmäßig bei der diagnostischen Abklärung von Osteo-porose sowie bei der Einleitung einer Osteoporosethe-rapie ergänzend angewendet werden, um dadurch Thera-pieentscheidungen auf eine objektive Basis zu stellen.

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