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Orange Line 2 zu Red Line 3

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ÜbergangshilfeMaterialien für den Übergang von Orange Line 2 zu Red Line 3


Vorwort .......................................................................................................................................... 2


Grammatik ..................................................................................................................... 3 – 12

Wortlisten .....................................................................................................................13 – 16

Lösungen ...............................................................................................................................17


Lars Benecke, Hannover; Katja Hoppmann, Köln; Sabine Koch, Stuttgart; David Norman, Meerbusch


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VorwortDie vorliegende Übergangshilfe soll den Übergang von Orange Line 2 zu Red Line 3erleichtern. Sie enthält Übungen und Wortlisten in Form von Kopiervorlagen. Auf diese Weise kann die Grammatik und können die Wörter und grammatischen Pensen, die in Orange Line 1 und 2 nicht vorkommen, mit den Schülerinnen und Schülern erarbeitet werden.

InhaltGrammatik • Could • Question tags • Possessive pronouns • The future with ‘going to’ • ‘going to’: negative and questions • The future: ‘going to’ and ‘will’ • The comparison of adverbs • The past progressive

Wortlisten • Bislang unbekannter Wortschatz in Wortfelder zusammengefasst. • Restlicher Wortschatz in alphabetischer Reihenfolge.

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Das modale Hilfsverb could kann mit „könnte“, „könnten“, „könntest“ usw. übersetzt werden. Du kannst es verwenden, um eine höfliche Frage zu stellen, ein Angebot zu machen oder über Möglichkeiten zu sprechen. Die Form von could bleibt in allen Personen gleich.















write a story about magic.

you help me, please?

go to school by bus but he always walks.

use my camera and take our photo.

rain this afternoon.

go swimming after school.

you all be quiet now, please?

all come to my house for dinner!


Die Bezeichnung Hilfsverb verrät dir, dass es immer

zusammen mit einem Vollverb im Infinitiv verwendet wird!

1 Could …?

Match the sentences 1 – 6 with the questions a) – f).

1. That’s a great discman.2. It must be late.3. I’d like to have a pet.4. I’m still hungry.5. I must sit down.6. I don’t know the game.

a) Could you buy a hamster for me, please?b) Could I have your seat, please?c) Could I have the last sandwich, please?d) Could you show me it, please?e) Could you tell me the time, please?f) Could I listen, too, please?

2 Could you help me, please?






Example: 1. Could you give me a pen, please?

1 2 3

4 5 6

give? help? stop?

open? leave? carry?

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Ausdrücke wie „nicht wahr?“, „oder?“ (z. B. „Der Pullover ist zu klein, oder?“) übersetzt du ins Englische, indem du ein question tag (eine Bestätigungsfrage) an den Aussagesatz anhängst.

Im question tag wird das Verb des vorangehenden Satzes wieder aufgenommen.Ist das Verb im Satz bejaht (+), wird es in der Bestätigungsfrage verneint (–) und umgekehrt: This drink is yours, isn’t it? – The drink isn’t yours, is it? Das Subjekt des Aussagesatzes wird im question tag zum Pronomen: the drink – it.

Bejahter Aussagesatz


question tag

Verneinter Aussagesatz

question tag


The sandwiches are big,

This drink is yours,

aren’t they?

isn’t it?

Your party isn’t this weekend,

You aren’t angry,

is it?

are you?

3 Question tags

Complete what the friends ask with the correct question tags.

1. Terry is really good at basketball, ?

2. Emma, you’re my friend, ?

3. We’re all hungry, ?

4. My homework is right, ?

5. You aren’t friends with David, ?

6. Lisa isn’t in the library, ?

7. Sam isn’t in the cafeteria, ?

8. Your parents aren’t interested in football, ?

aren’t you

isn’t it

aren’t we

is he

is she

isn’t he

are you

are they

1. My sister is at school, ?

2. Your dog is nice, ?

3. My pen isn’t in your bag, ?

4. They aren’t scared, ?

5. Emma and Sam are in your tutor group, ?

6. We aren’t in the right snack bar, ?

7. He’s very hungry now, ?

4 You’re interested, aren’t you?

Finish the sentences with a question tag.

Example: You’re interested in basketball, aren’t you?

Bestätigungsfragen Question tags

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Mit den Possessivpronomen (mine, his, ours usw.) kannst du angeben, wem etwas gehört.

That’s a nice bag.Is that my sandwich?Is that Terry’s orange?Is that your bike?Are these our new lockers?I like your pictures.

– It’s mine.– Yes, it’s yours.– Yes, it’s his.– No, it’s hers.– Yes, they’re ours. – Oh, they’re theirs.

Possessivpronomen verwendet man dann, wenn man das Substantiv nicht wiederholen möchte. Anstelle von It’s my bag. sagt man einfach It’s mine.

Die Possessivpronomen darfst du nicht mit den Possessivbegleitern (my, your usw.) verwechseln: Is that my mobile? – No, that’s mine.Im Deutschen funktioniert das genauso: Ist das mein Handy? – Nein, das ist meins.

I want some of that cheese, Tom!

No, it’s mine.

5 Emma, is this yours?

Emma and Nasreen’s mother doesn’t know which are Emma’s things and which are Nasreen’s things. Put in mine, yours, …

1. Mrs Brook: There’s a green pencil case on the floor. Is that yours , Emma?

Emma: Yes, it’s mine .

2. Mrs Brook: What about this pencil? I think Nasreen has got one like this.

Emma: Yes, that’s right. It’s .

3. Mrs Brook: And what about this book?

Emma: You know that Dad reads books like that. It’s .

4. Mrs Brook: And those magazines? Did you and Nasreen buy them in town today?

Emma: Yes, they’re . We bought them in the newsagent’s by the park.

5. Mrs Brook: Emma, look at those T-shirts. Are they ?

Emma: Yes, they’re .

Possessivpronomen Possessive pronouns

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6 Terry and Sam at the takeaway

Fill in the gaps in the dialogue with these words:

Terry: The chips are good here, aren’t ?

Sam: Yes, are. I want a big bag of chips.

Terry: You’re always hungry, aren’t ? I want some chips, too, but a small bag.

Assistant: Hello. What would you like?

Terry: We’d like two bags of chips, please, one big and one small. … Thanks. Here are

chips, Sam, and this little bag is .

It really isn’t very big, is ?

Sam: Well, it was your idea. You can have some of if you like. But not too many!

Terry: Let’s get two fruit drinks. Excuse me, can I have a lime drink, please?

Sam: And an orange drink for me. It’s favourite.

Assistant: Here you are, then. The lime is for you, isn’t ? And the orange is

. That’s one ninety for you. … Thank you. And

is one seventy. … Thanks. Bye!

it • it • mine • mine • my • they • they • you • your • yours • yours

1. Whose awful shoes are these? – They’re his shoes!

2. Is this your sandwich? – No, it’s your sandwich.

3. Are those her jeans? – No, they’re his jeans.

4. Whose great comics are these? – They’re my comics!

5. Is this your bike? – No, it’s her bike.

6. Whose computer game is this? – It’s our computer game.

7. Are those your skateboards? – No, they’re their skateboards.

8. Is that their chocolate in the kitchen? – No, it’s my chocolate!

9. Whose dog is in my garden? – It’s her dog!

Rewrite the answers to the questions. Use possessive pronouns in your answers.

Example: Whose drink is this? – It’s my drink. ➝ It’s mine.

7 It’s mine!

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Das going to-Futur verwendest du, wenn du beschreiben willst, was du vorhast. Du hast also bereits einen bestimmten Plan.Es wird gebildet mit am / is / are + going to + Infinitiv: She’s going to make a cake.Die Formen von to be kannst du natürlich als Lang- oder Kurzformen benutzen.







going to

going to

going to




a new CD tomorrow.

a football match.

pasta for lunch.

Hast du eine Absicht oder einen Plan,

dann bist du mit going to sehr gut dran!

8 Mother’s Day

Write what the Taylors are going to do. It’s Mother’s Day next Sunday, so let’s make it a nice day for Mum.

I can make the meals. And you kids can help with the other jobs. Lisa, you can lay the table. And Ben and Jade,

you can clean the kitchen. OK? Then your mother can sit in the garden all day.

1. Mr Taylor is going to

2. The children are

3. Lisa

4. Ben and Jade

5. Mrs Taylor

9 Terry’s rules

Look at Terry’s new rules about money. What does he tell his friends?

Example: I’m not going to spend so much money.

Don’t spend so much money.Save a little every week.Don’t use my mobile so often.Be strict about sweets.Don’t buy so many CDs.

Das going to-Futur The future with ‘going to’

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Wenn du Fragen im going to-Futur stellen willst, setzt du am / is / are (also die Form von to be) an den Satzanfang. Für die Kurzantwort benutzt du nur die Form von to be ohne going to.

He is going to play football tomorrow. Is he going to play football tomorrow?







you going to call him?

she going to buy a book?

he going to visit his grandparents?

we going to finish this exercise?

you going to go to London?

they going to clean the kitchen?

– Yes, I am.

– Yes, she is.

– Yes, he is.

– Yes, we are.

– Yes, we are.

– Yes, they are.

– No, I’m not.

– No, she isn’t.

– No, he isn’t.

– No, we aren’t.

– No, we aren’t.

– No, they aren’t.

Wenn du sagen willst, dass du etwas nicht vorhast, musst du das going to-Futur verneinen. Dafür musst du zu am / is / are (also zur Form von to be) wie gewohnt not hinzufügen. Achte dabei auf die richtigen Kurzformen.





’m not

is not



going to

going to

going to

going to





to my new CD tomorrow.

a football match on Sunday.

to the match.

chicken for lunch.

qP Are you going to … ?

Make dialogues with the ideas.

1. you / take / the dog for a walk today? Yes – I / take him to the park after lunch

Mrs Taylor: Are you going to take the dog for a walk today?


2. Mum and Dad / do the shopping? Yes – they / go to the supermarket later



3. Dad / get fish and chips for dinner? No – we / have spaghetti this evening



4. Emma / buy a new Arsenal T-shirt? No – she / buy a lovely pink top



Das going to-Futur: Verneinung und Fragen ‘going to’: negatives and questions

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Du kennst inzwischen zwei Möglichkeiten, um Zukünftiges auszudrücken: das going to future und das will future.Welche der beiden Formen du benutzen musst, hängt davon ab, was du mitteilen willst.

We’re going to visit Uncle Bruce in Scotland.

We aren’t going to stay on an oil platform.

The weather will be nice in Scotland.

It won’t rain.

I think you ’ll like Scotland.

They will probably send us a postcard.

• Du sprichst über Pläne oder Vorhaben.

• Du sprichst über etwas, was du nicht bein-flussen kannst.

• Du vermutest, dass etwas geschehen wird.

Diese Signalwörter zeigen dir, dass du das will future verwenden musst: probably, I think … .

qQ Will or going to?

Use will (won’t) or going to in the sentences.

Uncle Bruce: This afternoon I work

in the garden.

Rob: Oh, right I help you.

What can I do?

Uncle Bruce: Well, first of all, I throw away all the vegetables.

The sheep ate about half of them. I really hope they

come into the garden again. I must repair the wall where they came in.

Rob: Let’s do it together. I know about walls. I repaired one with dad once.

Uncle Bruce: Well, all right, but I’ve made my plans. I not

do that now. I do it next week.

I expect the weather be better next week.

I make a fire next week, to burn all the old garden stuff.

Das Futur: going to und will The future: ‘going to’ and ‘will

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Die Steigerung der Adverbien braucht man eher selten. Sie funktioniert ähnlich wie die Steigerung der Adjektive.

Sometimes I work hard .

But my sister works harder .

And my mum works hardest of us all.

Sam doesn’t sing very beautifully .

Terry sings more beautifully .

But Emma sings most beautifully of all three.

• Einsilbige Adverbien werden mit - er und - est gesteigert.

• Adverbien mit der Endung - ly werden wie mehrsilbige Adjektive mit more und most gesteigert.

Achte auf diese beiden unregelmäßigen Formen:well – better – best badly – worse – worst

Die Steigerung des Adverbs The comparison of adverbs

qW At a restaurant

Write sentences about the pictures.

Example: 1. Lisa laughed loudly when she saw Sam, but Emma laughed more loudly.

laugh • loudly walk in • nervously sit down • loudly

Lisa / Emma the friends / Emma Sam and Terry / Emma

Terry / Emma Lisa / Terry Terry / Sam






order • happily eat • slow pay • quickly

1 2 3

4 5 6

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Du kennst bereits das simple present und present progressive : Terry plays the drums. – He is playing the drums now.Auch für die Vergangenheit gibt es eine Verlaufsform.

Das past progressive wird gebildet aus der Vergangenheitsform von to be (was / were) und dem Verb in der ing -Form. Um eine Aussage zu verneinen, verwendest du was not / wasn’t oder were not / weren’t.Du gebrauchst das past progressive, um auszudrücken, dass etwas in der Vergangenheit über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg passierte.










were not

Was she

Were you








all afternoon.

when we arrived.

our friends.

computer games.

a nice cup of tea?

tennis when I phoned?

Häufig wird das past progressive verwendet, wenn man betonen möchte, dass ein Vorgang noch andauerte, während ein neues, kurzes Ereignis stattfand. Das neue Ereignis wird dann im simple past ausgedrückt.

It was rainingThe boys were playing football

when we arrived.when the rain started.

I rang you last night. But you didn’t answer the phone. What were

you doing?

Join the sentences and use when.

Example: Wendy and Jane arrived. It was raining.

When Wendy and Jane arrived, it was raining.

1. Wendy rang Eric. She and her friend were having tea.

2. Eric decided to go into town. The kids were playing in their room.

3. He crossed the road. He wasn’t looking.

4. Two kids ran into him. They weren’t cycling very fast.

qE When?

Die Verlaufsform der Vergangenheit The past progressive

Hm, let me think. I was doing my

homework. I didn’t hear the phone.

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qR At 3 o’clock

Look at the pictures. What were the people doing at three o’clock?


1. The man was ...




Write down why the people didn’t go to the door. The verbs under the picture can help you.

to eatto wash to listen to play to phone to sit

qT Why didn’t they go to the door?

The girl in the bathroom didn’t go to the door because ...

1 2 43

bedroom bathroom bedroom

living room toilet kitchen

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WortlistenWörter, die am Ende von Orange Line 2 nicht bekannt sind, jedoch in Red Line 1 und 2 behandelt wurden.

1. Bislang unbekannter Wortschatz in Wortfelder zusammengefasst

Wortfeld: Food etc.

bacon Speckcereal Frühstückscerealien, Getreideflakesto cook kochencup Tasseto lay the table den Tisch deckenlime Limette, Limonemain course Hauptgericht, Hauptgangmango Mangomineral water Mineralwassernapkin Serviettenoodle Nudelpasta Nudelnpie Pasteterice pudding Milchreissauce Soße, Sauceshopping trolley Einkaufswagensnack bar Schnellimbissspaghetti bolognaise Spaghetti Bolognesetuna Thunfischyoghurt Jogurt

Wortfeld: School

announcement Ankündigung, BekanntgabeBiology BiologieChemistry Chemiecompetition Wettbewerb; Wettkampfdinner lady Serviererin beim Mittagessen in der Schulemerit Auszeichnungmistake Fehlerperiod UnterrichtsstundePhysics Physikregister Klassenbuchreport Bericht

Wortfeld: Work

apprentice Auszubildende/-r, Lehrlingbookshop Buchhandlung, Buchladenguard Wärter/-in, Wache, Wächter/-inheadteacher Schulleiter/-inpainter Maler/-inpilot Pilot/-inpolicewoman Polizistinpost office Postamtwaitress Kellnerin

Wortfeld: Animals

fox Fuchsmousetrap Mausefallepigeon Tauberaven Rabespider Spinne

Wortfeld: Buildings / Rooms etc.

attic Dachboden, Speichercampsite Campingplatz, Zeltplatzcave Höhledungeon Verliesgarage Garage; Autowerkstatt, Tankstelleto go camping zelten gehen, campennext door nebenan; nebenprison Gefängnisstairs Treppeswimming pool Schwimmbad; Swimmingpoolterraced house Reihenhaustower Turmyouth club Jugendklub, Jugendzentrum

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against gegento agree zustimmenair mail Luftpostalmost fast, beinahealthough obwohlanother ein anderer, eine andere, ein anderesany (irgend)welche; jede/-r/-sanyway sowiesoarmy ArmeeArt Kunstat all überhauptawake wach


at the back of the book hinten im Buchbasket Korbbattle Schlacht, Kampfto be lucky Glück habento be mad wütend sein, sauer seinbeach Strandbelow unten; unterbillion Milliardebrave mutig; tapferto break down zusammenbrechen, hier: abstürzenby the way übrigens


cannot können nicht, kann/-st nichtcapsule Kapsel, Gondelcartoon CartoonCD-Rom CD-ROMcheaply billig, preiswertto cheer jubelnclever schlau, klugto come off hier: rausspringencomplete ganze/-r/-sto cost kostencould könnte/-n, könntest; konnte/-ncounter Theketo crash … mit ... stürzen; einen Unfall mit ... habencreamy sahnigcrown jewels Kronjuwelento cut out ausschneidento cycle Fahrrad fahren, radeln

2. Restlicher Wortschatz in alphabetischer Reihenfolge


dead leerdeaf taubDid you know? Hast du das gewusst?/ Habt ihr das gewusst?to die sterbento disagree nicht zustimmen; nicht einverstanden seinDon’t worry! Mach dir keine Sorgen!double-decker bus Doppeldeckerbusto dream träumento drill bohrenduring während


enough genugto enter teilnehmen; eintretenentrance Eingangequipment Ausrüstung; Ausstattungevening class Abendkurs, Abendschuleeveryone jeder, alleexperience Erfahrung, Erlebnisto explore erforschen, erkunden


fantasy Fantasiefar away weit entfernt, weit wegfat Fettto feel homesick Heimweh habento fix reparieren, in Ordnung bringento flee fliehen, flüchtenfor example zum Beispielforest Waldfried gebratenfront page Titelseitefrozen Tiefkühl-; gefrorenfuture Futur; Zukunft


to gasp erstaunt nach Luft schnappento give s.o. a fright jdn. erschreckento give up aufgebenglad frohto go away verreisen, wegfahren; weggehengone weg, fortgreeting Gruß, Grußformelgruesome grausig, schaurigguys Leute

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machine Automat; Maschinemagic Zauber-, Zauberei, Magiemail Postmaniac Fanatiker/-inmaster Meisterit doesn’t matter es macht nichtsmetre Metermiddle Mittemodern modernmustn’t nicht dürfen


odd merkwürdig, seltsamofficial offiziell, amtlichoil platform ÖlbohrinselOK, don’t panic. OK, nur keine Panik.Once upon a time ... Es war einmal way einfach


to pay (be)zahlenpen-pal Brieffreund/-inperfect perfektto point to … auf ... zeigenpop concert Popkonzertpopular beliebt, populärto pound hämmern, schlagenproblem hier: schwierige Aufgabe


question tag Frageanhängselqueue (Warte-)Schlange


reason Grundto recognize wiedererkennen, erkennenresponsible verantwortlichrest Restreturn hin und zurückto return zurückgeben; zurückkommenright here genau hierto rip zerreißen; reißen


have/has been to ... sind/ist bereits in ...before gewesenhelmet Helmhike Wanderungto hold halten, hier: zuhaltenhomesick Heimwehhorror Schreckenhorseriding Reitenhuge riesige/-r/-s, riesigto hunt jagen


to join verbinden; Mitglied werden


to keep away fernhalten; wegbleiben, sich fernhaltenking Königto knock over umstoßen


lake Seeto land landenlaptop Laptopto let lassenLet’s get out of here. Lass/-t uns verschwinden!; Los, raus hier!letterbox Briefkastenlingua franca Verkehrssprache, Lingua francato lock abschließen; zuschließenlovely schön, herrlich


nearly fast, beinaheneat klasse, prima; ordentlich, sauberneatly ordentlich, sauberneck Hals, Nackennegation Verneinungnobody niemandnot at all gar nicht, überhaupt nichtto not feel well sich schlecht fühlen

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saddle Sattelsafely sicherscarf Schalscene Szenescratch Kratzerto scratch zerkratzen; kratzento seem (er)scheinento send off abschickenshape Gestalt; Formto share teilensign Schild; Zeichensingle einfachslice Stück; Scheibestamp Briefmarkestep Schritt; Stufestrict strengstrong starkstuff Zeug, Sachento suggest vorschlagento suppose denken, annehmensurface mail Post auf dem Landweg/Seewegto surprise überraschento switch on anschalten, einschalten


to take a hike wandern, eine Wanderung machenThey all lived happily ever after. Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, dann leben sie noch heute.thief pl. thieves Dieb/-inthin dünne/-r/-s, dünnthread Fadento throw away wegwerfentidy ordentlich; aufgeräumt

to tidy aufräumentop Spitze; oberer Teil, oberes Ende; Oberteil; hier: ganz obentour Besichtigung, Rundgang, Rundfahrtto travel reisen, fahrentrendy modisch

to trick hereinlegen, täuschento trip stolpernto turn into sich verwandeln into turn on anschalten, einschalten; aufdrehento type tippen


view Sicht; Blickvillage Dorfvitamin Vitaminvs. (= versus) gegen, gegenüber


was worth it hat sich gelohntwashing up Abwaschweb Netzto weigh wiegenwell gutwhat else was nochWhat would you like? Was hätten Sie gern?/ Was hättest du gern?while währendwife pl. wives Ehefrauwing Flügelto wonder sich wundern, sich fragenwood Holzworry Sorge


to yawn gähnen

© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2008 | www.klett.deVon dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichts- gebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Übergangshilfe OL 2 ➔ RL 3 16

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1 Could …?

1. f ) 2. e) 3. a) 4. c) 5. b) 6. d)

2 Could you help me, please?

2. Could you help me, please? 3. Could you stop that, please? 4. Could you open the door, please? 5. Could you leave your dog outside, please? 6. Could you carry my bag, please?

3 Question tags

1. isn’t he 2. aren’t you 3. aren’t we 4. isn’t it 5. are you 6. is she 7. is he 8. are they

4 You’re interested, aren’t you?

1. isn’t she 2. isn’t he 3. is it 4. are they 5. aren’t they 6. are we 7. isn’t he

5 Emma, is this yours?

2. her 3. his 4. ours 5. yours 6. mine

6 Terry and Sam at the takeaway

they; they; you; your; mine; it; mine; my; it; yours; yours

7 It’s mine!

1. They’re his. 2. It’s yours. 3. They’re his. 4. They’re mine. 5. It’s hers. 6. It’s ours. 7. They’re theirs. 8. It’s mine. 9. It’s hers.

8 Mother’s Day

1. Mr Taylor is going to make the meals. 2. The children are going to help with the other jobs. 3. Lisa is going to lay the table. 4. Ben and Jade are going to clean the kitchen. 5. Mrs Taylor is going to sit in the garden all day.

9 Terry’s rules

I’m going to save a little every week. I’m not going to use my mobile so often. I’m going to be strict about sweets. I’m not going to buy so many CDs.

10 Are you going to …?

1. Yes, I’m going to take him to the park after lunch. 2. Are Mum and Dad going to do the shopping? Yes, they’re going to the supermarket later. 3. Is Dad getting fish and chips for dinner? No, we’re going to have spaghetti this evening. 4. Is Emma going to buy a new Arsenal T-shirt? No, she’s going to buy a lovely pink top.

11 Will or going to?

’m / am going to; ’ll / will; ’m / am going to; won’t; ’m / am; going to; ’m / am going to; will; ’m / am going to

12 At a restaurant

2. The friends walked in nervously but Emma walked in more nervously. 3. Sam and Terry sat down loudly but Emma sat down more loudly. 4. Terry ordered happily but Emma ordered more happily. 5. Lisa ate slowly but Terry ate more slowly. 6. Terry paid quickly but Sam paid more quickly.

13 When?

1. When Wendy rang Eric, she and her friend were having tea. 2. When Eric decided to go into town, the kids were playing in their room. 3. When he crossed the road, he wasn’t looking. 4. When two kids ran into him, they weren’t cycling very fast.

14 At 3 o’clock

1. The man was reading the newspaper. 2. The cat was eating / The woman was watching / feeding the cat. 3. The kids were riding their bikes. 4. The boys were playing football.

15 Why didn’t they go to the door?

The girl in the bathroom didn’t go to the door because she was washing her hair. The girl in the bedroom didn’t go to the door because she was listening to her music. The boys in the bedroom didn’t go to the door because they were playing a computer game. The woman in the living room didn’t go to the door because she was phoning a friend. The boy in the toilet didn’t go to the door because he was sitting on the toilet. The man in the kitchen didn’t go to the door because he was eating his dinner.

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