  • Lh.""





    BAND 622008

    Zeitschrift fürphilosophische


    Herausgegeben von Otfried Höffezusammen mit Christof Rapp

    Berichte und Buchbesprechungen: Nico Scarano



    Quaestiones Disputatae

    Vollständige Ausgabe der Quaestionenin deutscher Übersetzung

    Herausgegeben von Rolf Schönberger

    BAND 13

    Über die Seelein Yorb.

    BAND 12

    Über das Übel IIin Yorb.

    BAND 11

    Über das Übel Iin Yorb.

    BAND 10

    Über die Tugendenin Yorb.

    Einbeziehung des Für und Widervor dem Hintergrund überlieferterAuffassungen nach der Maßga-be der intellektuellen Vernunft.Abgehandelt werden die großenGrundthemen der Metaphysik undErkenntnislehre, die den Menschenbewegen: Was ist Wahrheit, wasVermögen und (göttliche) Macht,was Tugend, und was ist die Seele?

    BAND 9

    Über Gottes Vermögen IIIin Yorb.

    BAND 1- 6

    Über die Wahrheitin Yorb.

    BAND 7

    Über Gottes Vermögen IÜbersetzt und hrsg. von

    Stephan Grotz. Ca. 368 S.978-3-7873-1907-7.Halbleinen ca. 78,-

    Erscheint im November 2008

    BAND 8

    Über Gottes Vermögen IIÜbersetzt und hrsg. von

    Stephan Grotz. Ca. 328 S.978-3-7873-1908-4.Halbleinen ca. 78,-

    Erscheint im November 2008

    In den »Quaestiones disputatae«,dem lt. Kurt Flasch in philosophi-scher Hinsicht bedeutendsten und»gründlicheren« Werk Thomas' vonAquin, geht es Thomas - anders alsetwa in der »Summa theologiae«- nicht um den Vortrag der eige-nen Lehrmeinung, sondern um diemöglichst umfassende Disputation(Erörterung) von Sachfragen unter

  • -

    Mitarbeiter an diesem Heft 209. 310

    ZHttAiId§Mh,,, rif Mit; a i HEDittmar WernerLeben als transzendentale Subjektivität. Ein Versuch zur Lebensphänomenologiebei Edmund Husserl .- 266Jörg Schulte-SteinbergHat das menschliche Leben ein Ziel? ; 270

    Bf'%h'i9ir B!§!6!J&~l€iNiN..-MAiFWtHM'm ' 1 *§ .11Franz Josef WetzFaszination Verschwendung. Geld, Geschäfte und Geschenke ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318Werner BuschDer 22. We1tkongress der Philosophie in Seoul 335

    Mh9§9'Wi'Wt',JMWWB:R!Q9i..... ijKatharina Pietsch"Mehr Leben, Vater!" Eine Zukunftsvision des Humanenim Film "Blade Runner" (S I und S II) 274Klaus Thomalla"Leben" und "gut leben" bei Aristoteles (S II) 281Helke Panknin-SchappertWas ist im Leben gewiss? Descartes - Hume - Kant,Erkenntnisskepsis - Leiblichkeit - Einbildungskraft (S II) 287Michael SegetsIst das Leben ein Spiel? Zur Fairness und zu den Grenzen einer spielimmanenten Moral ... 292Rolf SistermannUnterrichten nach dem Bonbonniodell. Ein Musikvideo als Hinführungzur Reflexion über die Endlichkeit des Lebens (ab Klasse 8) 299

    ilFJ;tlQrCi9RhHf'Hf..wJ§i'iFDg9flSj '4 mzrr i eVolker SteenblockWilhelm Dilthey: Leben, Sinn und Weltanschauung 306

    F5fW2' 'i' i ! ME' 1Michael Tit,ze zu Rolf Kühn: Leben 338Katharina Bauer zu Walter Schweidler (Hrsg.): Postsäkulare Gesellschaft 338Jörn Bohr zu Kühne-Bertram/Lessing/Steenblock (Hrsg.): Mensch und Kultur 340Klaus Thomalla zuArno Baruzzi: Rechtsphilosophie der Gegenwart 341Eva Schäfer zu Lebrecht Bins: Erfolgsstrategie Moral 343Donat Schmidt Zeitschriftenschau 346Informationen 349

    92l!6'WR +Klaus TeschingPaul Gauguin: D'ou venons nous? Que sommes nous? D'ou allons nous? 350

    /~'t.f/( '1

    -~•••••••••••••••511'11'.. i


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    It::lorf; Winfried Franzen, Erfurt;eter Heintel, Klagenfurt; OtfriedMacho, Berlin; Eckhard Nord-entsch, Dresden; Herbert Schnä-lerr, Karlsruhe.

    sden; Martina Dege, Hamburg;:Ielmut Engels, Neuss; SusannePuß, München; Roger Hofer, Zü-ilke M. Kledzik, Koblenz; Steffenlas Menges, Aachen; Susanne:er Pfeifer, Freiburgl Brsg.; Diet-a Raupach-Strey, HalleIS.; BerndRuntenberg, Münster; Donat:hultheiss, Singen; Andreas Siek-bert Veraart, Konstanz; Brigitte

  • Wiener Jahrbuch für Philosophie

    begründet von Erich Heintel t

    Herausgegeben von Hans-Dieter Klein in Zusammenarbeit mitMichael Benediktl Klaus DethloffI Karen GloyITraugott KochWolfgang Marx I Erhard Oeser IJohann ReikerstorferWolfgang Schild lWolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik

    .Wilhelm Schwabe.

    Reihenherausgeber ab Band 40: Michael Hofer/Rudolf Langthaler

    Band XXXIX I 2007




    Klein (Hg.)

    Wiener Jahrbuchfür Philosophie

    Band XXXIX/200?

    Philosophisches SeminarMflf UniVP'fBi@ Zürich


  • InhaltsverzeichnisGedruckt mit Unterstützung desBundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung

    sowie der Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien,Wissenschafts- und Forschungsförderung.


    Alfred Dunshirn (Wien)Zur Performativität der Platonlektüre .

    Hubert Gerhard Fackeldey (Düren)Allgemeines Gese~z.' Zweck an sich selbst, Vernunftnatur .



    Harald Holz (Münster)GödeIs Unvollständigkeitssätze und das Problem der Letztbegründung 47

    Bibliografische Information Der Deutschen Bibliothek

    Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in derDeutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten

    sind im Internet über abrufbar.

    RolfKühn (Freiburgi. Br.)Technikentwicklung und Sozialismus .

    Hisaki Hashi (Wien ITokyo)Zur Geistesströmungder Globalisierung und Interkulturalität ..

    Istvan M. Feber (Budapest)Die Gottesfrage im Denken Martin Heideggers ..

    Hans-Dieter Klein (Wien)Der Gottesbegriffin philosophischer Sicht ..

    Christopher Meiller (Wien)Geteilter Logos? .






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    © 2008 by Wilhelm Braumüller Universitäts-Verlagsbuchhandlung Ges.m.b.H.A-1090 Wien

    ISBN 978-3-7003-1650-3ISSN 0083-999X

    Basisdesign für Cover: Lukas Drechsel-BurkhardSatz: Mario Nepraunig

    Druck: Börsedruck GesmbH, A-1230 Wien

    Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik (Kassel)Zur Wiederkehr des 50. Todestags von Walther Schmied-Kowarzik 197

    Buchbesprechungen J Rezensionen:

    Gegenläufige Interpretationen zu Schellings Philosophie:Motokiyo Fukaya: Anschauung des Absoluten in Schellingsfrüher Philosophie (1794-1800) (Epistemata Philosophie 426),Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2006, 150 S.(Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik)

    Martin Blumentritt: Begriff und Metaphorik des Lebendigen.Schellings Metaphysik des Lebens 1792-1809 (Contradictio 8),Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2007, 310 S.(Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik) ,. 201

    F. W. 1. Schelling: Philosophische Entwürfe und Tagebücher 1849.Niederlage der Revolution und Ausarbeitung der reinrationalen Philosophie,hg. von Martin Schraven (Edition aus dem Berliner Nachlaß, Band 14),Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag 2007, 206 S.(Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik) 206

  • Giacomo Rinaldi: Teoria Etica. Edizione Goliardiche(Reihe: Dialettica & Speculazione), Triest 2004. xi, 532 S.(Thomas Posch) , , , .

    Reinhard Hiltscher: Der ontologische Gottesbeweis als krypto-gnoseologischer Traktat - Acht Vorlesungen mit Anhang zu einemsystematischen Problem der Philosophie. Studien und Materialien zurGeschichte der Philosophie. Hildesheim 2006, Olms Verlag, 315 S.(Alexander Riebei) .



    Alfred DUNSHIRN (Wien)

    Zur Performativität der PlatonlektüreEine antike Anordnung der Dialoge Platoils und der lernende Leser, .


    1. Der (hermeneutische) Kreis der platonischen Dialoge und einmöglicher Einstieg in ihna) Die Notwenigkeit einer Reihung der Dialoge zur Darstellung

    derselbenb) Probleme der Ignorierung der antiken Anordnung

    2. Die Hörer oder Leser des Sokrates als Verbindungselement derTetralogien

    3. Die Selbsterziehung des Lesers im wiederholten Gang durch dieTetralogiena) Angesprochenwerden vom Text und Ändern des Leseverhaltensb) Paradigmatisches Lesenc) Selbsterleben des Ausgesagten, Sorgen für das Geschriebened) Ein Dialog von Dialogen, die Göttlichkeit des Zentralparadigmase) Zielgerichtetheit der Lektüre, Aufstieg zum körperlosen Kosmosf) Beurteilung und Aufzucht von Logoig) .Das Seine tun, Gesetzgeber werden

    Im Folgenden sollen sieben Skizzen zu einer im weitesten Sinnwirkungsästhe-tischen Betrachtungsweise des Kosmos der Dialoge Platons zur Diskussiongestellt werden. Dabei handelt es sich um Überlegungen dazu, wie sich dieDialoge Platons ihren Hörern oder Lesern zusprechen, und wie diese überdie Wirkungen, welche die Dialoge in ihnen erzeugen, reflektieren und ihreReflexionen in den Lesegang einbeziehen können. Diese Betrachtungen be-wegen sich zum Teil in den Bahnen von Platoninterpretationen in der Tra-dition von Friedrich Schleiermacher, der die "Ideenerzeugung im Leser" alswichtiges Formkriterium echter platonischer Dialoge erachtete.! Genauergesagt wollen diese Erwägungen an die Bemühungen mancher Platon-forscher anknüpfen, stärker die Position der Hörer bzw. Leser in die Inter-pretation platonischer Texte einzubeziehen.2 Zu diesen Versuchen können

    Vgl. die "Einleitungen zum Platon", in: F. D. E. Schleiermacher, Über die PhilosophiePlatons, hrsg. von P. M. Steiner, Hamburg 1996 (Philosophische Bibliothek; 486), 60.Vgl. z.B. H. Meissner, Der tiefere Logos Platons, Heidelberg 1978; W. Wieland, Platonund die Formen des Wissens, Göttingenl982; M. Erler, Der Sinn der Aporien in denDialogen Platons. Übungsstücke zur Anleitung im philosophischen Denken, Berlin -New York 1987; E. Heitsch, Wege zu Platon. Beiträge zum Verständnis seines Argumen-tierens, Göttingen 1992. F. M. GiuIiano, Per una interpretazione letteraria di Platone:questioni di metodologia ermeneutica, Elenchos 1999.(20, 2), 309-344.

  • Editor-in-Chief:WIEBE VAN DER HOEK

    Department of Computer Science, University of LiverpoolLiverpool L69 7W, U.K.

    Editorial Board

    Oliver Board, University 01 Pittsburgh, USA; Giacomo Bonanno, University 01 California at Davis, USA;Hans van Ditrnarsch, University 01 Otago, New Zealand; Igor Douven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,elgium; Paul Gochet, University 01 Liege, Belgium; Marnoru Kaneko, University 01 Tsukuba, Japan;Jerome Lang, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France; Rohit Parikh, Brooklyn College, USA; MarcPauly, Stanlord University, USA; Wlodek Rabinowicz, Lund University, Sweden; RarnaswamyRarnanujarn, Institute 01 Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India; Hans Rott, Regensburg University,Germany; Gabriel Sandu, University 01Helsinki, Finland; Krister Segerberg, Uppsala University, Sweden;BurkhardSchipper, University 01 California at Davis, USA; Robert Stalnaker, Massachusetts Institute 01Technology, USA; Michael Wooldridge, University 01Liverpool, UK

    ISSN 0039-7857

    All Rights Reserved© 2008 Springer

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    /f!j O()


    Volume 165 . Number 2 . November(ll) 2008

    EditorialR Liu . R Veltman . M. Xiong 155 [119]

    Preference-based belief revision for rule-based agentsN. Alechina . M. Jago . B. Logan 159 [123]

    Probabilistic dynamic belief revisionA. Baltag . S. Smets 179 [143]

    Majority merging by adaptive countingG. Primiero . J. Meheus 203 [167]

    Public and private communication are different: results on relative expressivityB. Renne 225 [189]

    Modelling simultaneous games in dynamic logicJ. van Benthem . S. Ghosh . R Liu 247 [211]

    Quantified coalition logicT. Agotnes . W. van der Hoek . M. Wooldridge 269 [233]

    Logical dynamics of some speech acts that affect obligations and preferencesT. Y1IIDada 295 [259]

    Indexed/abstracted in Current Contents/Arts & Humanities, Current Contents/Social & BehavioralSciences, Current Mathematical Publications, ASCA, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, SocialSciences Citation Index, Informationsdienst für Philosophie, Linguistics & Language BehaviorAbstracts, MathSci, Mathematical Reviews database, Review of Metaphysics, Revue Philosophique deLouvain, The Philosopher's Index, mZ/lBR, MLA International Bibliography, Academic Abstracts, TheISI Alerting Services, Science Citation Index, Sociological Abstracts, Social SciSearch, Family &Society Studies Worldwide, International Bibliographie für Österreichisches Philosophie, Zentrallblattfür Mathematik! Mathematics Abstracts.

    Instructions for Authors for Synthese are available at

  • SYNTHESEAn International lournalfor Epistemology, Methodology and

    Philosophy of Science


    JOHAN VAN BENTHEMlUC, University 01Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    VINCENT R HENDRICKSDept. 01Philosophy and Science Studies, Roskilde University, Denmark

    JOHNSYMONSDept. 01 Philosophy, University 01 Texas at EI Paso, USA

    Area Editors:Epistemology: Horacio Arl6-Costa, Carnegie Mellon University, USATechnology, Biology and Artificial Life: Mark Bedau, Reed College and Portland State University, USACognitive Science: John Bickle, University ofCincinnati, USASocial Philosophy and the Social Sciences: Raymond Dacey, University ofIdaho, USAComputability and Computer Science: Luciano Floridi, Oxford University, UKMethodology and General Philosophy of Science: Paul Humphreys, University ofVirginia, USAHistory of Early Analytic Philosophy: Paolo Mancosu, University ofCalifornia at Berkeley, USAPhilosophy of Language and Linguistics: Rober! van Rooij, University ofAmsterdam, The NetherlandsLogic and Mathematics: Gabriel Sandu, University ofHelsinki, FinlandPhysics: Sonja Smets, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BelgiumPhilosophy of Mind: Lucia Vaina, Boston University, USAMetaphysics: Achille Varzi, Columbia University, USA

    Advisory Board:Peter Gärdenfors, Lund University, SwedenClark Glymour, Carnegie Mellon University, USAJaakko Hintikka, Boston University, USARober! Stalnaker, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, USA

    Editor Special Section Knowledge, Rationality & Action:

    WIEBE VAN DER HOEKDepartment 01 Computer Science, University 01Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7 ZF, UK

    Editorial Board Special Section Knowledge, Rationality and Action: Oliver Board, University ofPittsburgh, USA; GiacomoBonanno, University ofCalifornia at Davis, USA; Hans van Ditmarsch, University of Otago, New Zealand; Igor Douven,Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; Paul Gochel, University of Liege, Belgium; Mamoru Kaneko, University ofTsukuba, Japan; Jerome Lang, Universite Paul Sabatier,Toulouse, France; Rohit Parikh, Brooklyn College, USA; MarcPauly, Stanjord University, USA; Wlodek Rabinowicz, Lund University, Sweden; Ramaswamy Ramanujam, Institute ofMathematical Sciences, Chennai, India; Hans Roll, Regensburg University, Germany; Gabriel Sandu, University ofHelsinki, Finland; Krister Segerberg, Uppsala University, Sweden; Burkhard Schipper, University of California at Davis,USA; Rober! Stalnaker, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, USA; Michael Wooldridge, University ofLiverpool, UK

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    Volume 165 . Number 3 . December 2008


    The semantics/pragmatics distinctionI. Stojanovic 317

    Linguistic communication and the semantics/pragmatics distinctionR. Carston 321

    The pragmatic dreleK. Korta . J. Perry 347

    Zero tolerance for pragmaticsC. Gauker 359

    On the semantics/pragmatics distinctionB.S. GiUon 373

    The semantics/pragmatics interface from an experimental perspective: the case ofscalar implicatureN. Katsos 385

    Indexed/abstracted in Current Contents/Arts & Humanities, Current Contents/Social & BehavioralSciences, Current Mathernatical Publications, ASCA, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, SocialSciences Citation Index, Infonnationsdienst für Philosophie, Linguistics & Language BehaviorAbstracts, MathSci, Mathematical Reviews database, Review of Metaphysics, Revue Philosophique deLouvain, The Philosopher's Index, mZ/IBR, MLA International Bibliography, Academic Abstracts, TheISI Alerting Services, Science Citation Index, Sociological Abstracts, Social SciSearch, Family &Society Sfudies Worldwide, International Bibliographie für Österreichisches Philosophie, Zentrallblattfür Mathematik! Mathematics Abstracts.

    Instructions for Authors for Synthese are available at

    (\L. ~ l

  • Editors-in-Chief:

    JOHAN VAN BENTHEMIUC, University ofAmsterdam, The Netherlands

    VINCENT F. HENDRICKSDept. ofPhilosophy and Science Studies, Roskilde University, Denmark

    JOHNSYMONSDept. ofPhilosophy, University ofTexas at EI Paso, USA

    Area Editors:Ei'islemology: Horacio ArI6-Costa, Carnegie Mellon University, USATechnology, Biology and Artificial Life: Mark Bedau, Reed College and Portland State University, USACognitive Science: lohn Bickle, University ofCincinnati, USASocial Philosophy and the Social Sciences: Raymond Dacey, University ofIdaho, USAComputability and Computer Science: Luciano Floridi, Oxford University, UKMethodology and General Philosophy of Science: Paul Humphreys, University ofVirginia, USAHiSlOty of Early Analytic Philosophy: Paolo Mancosu, University of California at Berkeley, USAPhilosophy of Language and Linguistics: Rober! van Rooij, University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsLogic and Mathematics: Gabriel Sandu, University ofHelsinki, FinlandPhysics: Sonja Smets, Vrije Universlteit Brussel, BelgiumPhilosophy of Mind: Lucia Vaina, Boston University, USAMetaphysics: Achille Varzi, Columbia University, USA

    Advisory Board:),>eter Gärdenfors, Lund University, SwedenClark Glymour, Carnegie Mellon University, USAJaakko Hintikka, Boston University, USARober! Stalnaker, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, USA

    Editor Special Section Knowledge, Rationality & Action:

    WIEBE VAN DER HOEKDepartment ofComputer Science, University 0/Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7 ZF, UK

    Editorial Board Special Section Knowledge, Rationality and Action: Oliver Board, University ofPittsburgh, USA; GiacomoBonanno, University of California at Davis, USA; Hans van Ditmarsch, University of Otago, New Zealand; Igor Douven,Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; Paul Gochel, University of Liege, Belgium; Mamoru Kaneko, University ofTsukuba, Japan;'Jerome Lang, Universite Paul Sabatier,Toulouse, France; Rohil Parikh, Brooklyn College, USA; MarcPauly, Stanford University, USA; Wlodek Rabinowicz, Lund University, Sweden; Ramaswamy Ramanujam, Institute ofMathematical Sciences, Chennai, India; Hans Roll, Regensburg University, Germany; Gabriel Sandu, University ofHelsinki, Finland; Krisler Segerberg, Uppsala University, Sweden; Burkhard Schipper, University of California at Davis,USA; Rober! Stalnaker, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, USA; Michael Wooldridge, University ofLiverpool, UK

    ISSN 0039-7857

    All Rights Reserved© 2009 Springer

    No part of the material protected by 'this copyright notice may be reproduced orutilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

    including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and__...-=._••_1 _ __ : ....: _: 4;. ~ .l-. n.Pri",'h ,""""'T"



    Volume 166 . Number 1 . January (I) 2009

    Margin for error and the transparency of knowledgeJ. Dokie . P. Egre 1

    What determines biological fitness? The problem of the reference environmentM.Abrams 21

    Wittgenstein and logicM. Link 41

    Condorcet and communitarianism: Boghossian's fallacious inferenceA.w. Sehulz 55

    Functions as based on a concept of general designU. Krohs 69

    How and how not to make predictions with temporal CopernicanismK. Nelson 91

    Yes fellows, most human reasoning is complexD. Batens . K. De Clercq . P. Verdee . J. Meheus 113

    The logic' of how-questionsW. Jaw6rski 133

    On the regress argument for infinitismJ. Turri 157

    On background: using two-argument chanceK. Nelson 165

    Ontological individualism reconsideredB. Epstein 187

    Indexed/abstracted in Current Contents/Arts & Humanities, Current Contents/Social & BehavioralSciences, Current Mathematical Publications, ASCA, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, SocialSciences Citation Index, Informationsdienst für Philosophie, Linguistics & Language BehaviorAbstracts, MathSci, Mathematical Reviews database, Review of Metaphysics, Revue Philosophique deLouvain, The Philosopher's Index, mZ/IBR, MLA International Bibliography, Academic Abstracts, TheISI Alerting Services, Science Citation Index, Sociological Abstracts, Social SciSearch, Family &Society Studies Worldwide, International Bibliographie für Österreichisches Philosophie, Zentrallblattfür Mathematik! Mathematics Abstracts.

    Instructions for Autbors for Synthese are available at

  • CONTENTSVohime XLVI, No. 4


    Al{ litt~SC)C\f{~~ Jou~1 oP

    PL/\~(o.c-oP~\J ~)

    Four Varieties ofCharacter-Based Virtue Epistemology 469JasonBaehr

    Putting the Burden ofProofin Its Place:When Are Differential Allocations Legitimate? 503

    Tim Dare and Justine Kingsbury

    Merleau-Ponty's Pragmatist Ethics 519Matthew Groe

    A Phenomenology for Homi Bhabha's PostcolonialMetropolitan Subject 537

    Emily S. Lee

    Hegel and Gadamer on BildungAnders Odenstedt

    Malebranche and Descartes on Method:Psychologism, Free Will, and Doubt

    David Scott


    PhllosQphisc:hes Seminarder Universität ZürJGh







    Fondee en 1893 par Xavier Leon et Elie Halevy

    Oirecteurde la publication Bernard Bourgeois

    RBdactrice en chef Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel

    Secretaire de rBdaction Alain de Seze

    1/" iI' O·J'. '~,II;" I.,,*,c?''' .

    Revue de Metaphysiqueet de Morale

    OCTOBRE-DECEMBRE 2008 - N° 4



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    /l Y" "")Q .)1....." .DECEMBER 2008

    VOl. lXII, No. 2 ISSUE No. 246

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    ew of Metaphysics is published quarterly by the Philosophy EducationThe Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 20064.

    :: Send address changes to The Review of Metaphysics, The CatholicAmerica, Washington, D.C. 20064 USA Periodicals postage paid at.C. and additional mailing offices.

    t policy: All materials published in The Revi,ew of Metaphysics are'the Review. Submission of an article to the Review entails the author's


    Thomas J. McLaughlin, Nature and Inertia 251

    Antoon Braeckman, The Morallnevitability of the Enlightenmentand the Precariousness of the Moment: Reading Kant'sWhat is Enlightenment? 285

    Henning Peucker, From Logic to the Person:An Introduction to Edmund Husserl's Ethics 307

    George Allan, A Functionalist Reinterpretation ofWhitehead's Metaphysics 327

    Eric Entrican Wilson, Kantian Autonomy and the Moral Self 355

    book reviews

    Brandon Zimmerman and Staff, Summaries and Comments 383

    Reviewer Index 451

    abstracts 455

    announcements 479

  • Journal 01 the Ph1l0S0phy 01 :SClence Assocmuon

    Philosophy üf Science VOLUME 75·· NUMBER 2 • APRIL 2008

    Editorial Board: Michael Dickson, Editor-in-ChiefDavis Baird, Todd Grantharn,David L. Hull, andR.I.G. Hughes, Associate Editors

    Philqsophy of Science


    Assistant Editors: Charlotte Dorlaque and Jerry Piotrowski ---

    Colin AllenBob BattermanMichael BradieHarvey BrownJordi CatIn-Rae ChoRichard CreathLindley DardenJames FetzerArthur FineAllan FranklinSteven FrenchMichael FriedmanPeter GärdenforsRonald N. GiereClark Glymour

    James GriesemerAlan HajekValerie HardcastleGeoffrey HellmanGiora HonDon HowardPaul Hoyningen-HueneNick HuggettPaul HumphreysGürolIrzikMuhammad Ali KhalidiJanet KouranyHenry KyburgHelen LonginoDeborah MayoSandra Mitchell

    Margaret MorrisonAlan MusgraveKaren NeanderJohn D. NortonDavid PapineauItamar PitowskyAlexander RosenbergMichael RuseRose-Mary SargentLarry SklarMiriam SolomonStephen StichPaul TellerSoshichi Uchii

    133 In Memoriam: Peter LiptonTIM LEWENS

    140 The Generational Cycle of Suite Spaces and Adequate GeneticalRepresentationELISABETH A. LLOYD, RICHARD C. LEWONTIN, and MARCUS WFELDMAN

    157 The Evolution of Cooperation in the Centipede Game with FinitePopulationsRORY SMEAD

    178 Two Ways of Analogy: Extending the Study of Analogies toMathematical DomainsDIRK SCHLIMM

    201 Two Views on Time ReversalJILL NORTH

    224 The Immune System and Its EcologyALFRED 1. TAUBER

    Executive Secretary: Gary Hardcastle

    Governing Board of the Association

    President: Larry Sklar, University of MichiganPresident-Elect: Nancy Cartwright, London School of EconomicsPast-President: Brian Skyrms, University of California, Irvine

    Philosophisches Seminarder Universität Zürich

    257 Referees for Philosophy of Science


    246 MOHAN MATTHEN AND CHRISTOPHER STEPHENS: Handbook ofthe Philosophy of Science: Philosophy of Biology,reviewed by GREGORY J. MORGAN

    249 KRISTIN SHRADER-FRECHEITE: Taking Action, Saving Lives: OurDuties to Protect Environmental and Public Health,reviewed by KEVIN ELLIOIT

    251 P. KYLE STANFORD: Exceeding Our Grasp: Science, History, andthe Problem of Unconceived Alternatives,reviewed by DAVID HARKER

    254 SAMIR ÜKASHA: Evolution and the Levels of Selection,reviewed by ALIRIO ROSALES

    Nancy NersessianJohn NortonKyle StanfordAndrea Woody

    Craig CallenderHeather DouglasAlan HajekSandra Mitchell

  • Journal of the Philosophy of Science Association

    Philosophy of Science


    VOLUME 75 • NUMBER 3 • JULY 2008

    Michael Dickson, Editor-in-ChiefDavis Baird, Todd Grantharn,David L. Hull, andR.I.G. Hughes, Associate Editors

    Editorial Board:

    Colin AllenBob BattermanMichael BradieHarvey BrownJordi CatIn-Rae ChoRichard CreathLindley DardenJames FetzerArthur FineAllan FranklinSteven FrenchMichael FriedmanPeter GärdenforsRonald N. GiereClark Glymour

    James GriesemerAlanHajekValerie HardcastleGeoffrey HellmanGiora HonDon HowardPaul Hoyningen-HueneNick HuggettPaul HumphreysGürol IrzikMuhammad Ali KhalidiJanet KouranyHelen LonginoDeborah MayoSandra MitchellMargaret Morrison

    Alan MusgraveKaren NeanderJohn D. NortonDavid PapineauItamar PitowskyAlexander RosenbergMichael RuseRose-Mary SargentLarry SklarMiriam SolomonStephen StichPaul TellerSoshichi Uchii

    Philosophy of Science


    259 Biological Codes and Topologttal CausationBENJAMIN JANTZEN and DAVID DANKS

    278 The Meta-inductlvist's Winning Strategy in the Prediction Game:A New Approachto Hume's ProblemGERHARD SCHURZ

    306 Natural Selection as a MechanismD. BENJAMIN BARROS

    323 Doing Seience, Writing ScienceJUTTA SCHICKORE

    344 Resurrecting Biological EssentialismMICHAEL DEVITI

    383 Making Models CountANNA ALEXANDROVA

    Assistant Editor: Holly Groover

    Governing Board of the Association

    President: Larry Sklar, University of MichiganPresident-Elect: Nancy Cartwright, London School of EconomiesPast-President: Brian Skyrms, University of California, Irvine

    Book Reviews

    405 FRITZ ALLHOFF, PATRICK LIN, JAMES MOOR, AND JOHNWECKERT (EDS.): Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications01 Nanotechnology,reviewed by KEVIN C. ELLIOTT

    409 JOHN W. CARROLL (ED.): Readings on Laws 01 Nature,reviewed by SIMON BOSTOCK

    Craig CallenderHeather DouglasAlan HajekSandra Mitchell

    Nancy NersessianJohn NortonKyle StanfordAndrea Woody

    Executive Secretary: Gary Hardcastle

    Philosophische§' iS~mlnafnor' Iinilt,.q..... :"'~ ... '!"H' ~ •

  • '

  • /1''-.\ ~,\"",,.


    TILO KNAPP: Die Kopernikanische Wende. Kants Neubegtündung der Meta-physik in der reinen Vernunft (Forum Religionsphilosophie, Bd, 16). 249S., Lit Verlag, Berlin 2008; ISBN 978-3-8258-0888-4, EUR 39,90

    "Es ist hiermit eben so, als mit den ersten Gedanken des Kopernikus be-wandt, der, nachdem es mit der Erklärung der Himmelsbewegungen nichtgut fort wollte, wenn er annahm, das ganze Sternheer drehe sich um denZuschauer, versuchte, ob es nicht besser gelingen möchte, wenn er den Zu-schauer sich drehen, und dagegen die Sterne in Ruhe ließ. In der Metaphysikkann man nun, was die Anschauung der Gegenstände betrifft, es auf ähnlicheWeise versuchen," (KrV; B XVI-XVII)

    Dieser berühmte Vergleich mit der Leistung Kopernikus' aus der Vorredezur zweiten Auflage der Kritik der reinen Vernurift verknüpfte die KantischeErkenntnistheorie nachhaltig mit dem Namen "Kopernikanische Wende",Im Rückgriff auf diesen Vergleich und die Wende vom geozentrischen zumheliozentrischen Weltbild strebt Tilo Knapp eine Interpretation der theore-tischen und praktischen Philosophie Kants an. Das Buch ist demgemäß indrei größere Teile gegliedert.

    Der erste Teil - "Metaphysik und Methode" - befaßt sich allgemein mitder Kopernikanischen Wende: in ihrer historisch ursprünglichen Fassung beiKopernikus selbst wie auch in Kants Adaption in der Vorrede nach B derKritik der reinen Vernunft. Erhellend sind die Analyse der Vorrede sowie diehistorisch angereicherten Erläuterungen zu den von Kam gezogenen Analo-gien zur Logik, Mathematik und den Naturwissenschaften. Dabei erörtertTilo Knapp, inwiefern sich das antike bzw. mittelalterliche und das neuzeit-liche Natur- und Wissenschaftsverständnis voneinander unterscheiden. Alswichtigstes Unterscheidungsmerkmal dient die experimentelle Methode: Dasbloße Beobachten der Natur wird mit Bacon und Galilei durch die Praxis deskontrollierten Experimentierens abgelöst, Kant selbst - das belegen die Pas-sagen aus der Vorrede - verpflichtet sich dem neuzeitlichen Verständnis, Erweist darauf hin, daß die Möglichkeit von naturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntniswesentlich von der Fähigkeit des Naturwissenschaftlers zum regelgeleitetenund kontrollierten Intervenieren abhängt,

    Im weiteren Verlauf geht der Autor auf die Leistung Kopernikus' und sei-nen Einfluß auf Kant ein, In diesem Zusammenhang setzt sich Tilo Knappu. a, mit der gelegentlich vorgebrachten Vermutung auseinander, der Ver-



    Das Absolute und das Subjekt

    Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis vonMetaphysik und Nachmetaphysik

    2008. 346 Seiten. Kt € 29.-ISBN 978-3-465-03581-7

    Metaphysik und Nachmetaphysik sind zwei gegensätzliche Arten desphilosophischen Denkens. Ihre jeweilige Eigenart und ihr Verhältniszueinander lassen sich mit Hilfe zweier Größen begreifen: Mit demBegriff des Absoluten und mit dem Begriff des Subjekts. Das meta-physische Denken kreist um das Absolute, während die Nachmeta-physik das Subjekt zu ihrem Ausgangspunkt nimmt. Das Absoluteund das Subjekt scheinen daher ebenfalls Gegensätze darzustellen.Hiergegen lautet der Grundgedanke dieses Buches, dass eine trag-fähige Philosophie der Subjektivität nicht ohne Arbeit am Begriff desAbsoluten auskommt. Ihn sucht es daher zunächst in Auseinanders-etzung mit der Tradition des ontologischen Arguments freizulegen,um ihn dann für die Problematik des Subjekts nutzbar zu machen. AmEnde steht die Verankerung des Subjekts in einem Unbedingten, dassich im Zuge analogen Denkens begreifen lässt. Für dieses Buch, seineHabilitationsschrift, erhielt der Autor den Akademiepreis 2007 derHeidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften.

    "Dieses Buch bietet eine Metaphysik, die sich auf der Augenhöheunserer Zeit bewegt und geeignet ist, wie mit einem Paukenschlag diepostmetaphysische Epoche zu beenden. Was lange bestritten, um-kämpft und zurückgewiesen wurde, erstrahlt hier neu im Glanz desreinen Denkens."

    Rheinischer Merkur



  • Philosophische Rundschau55. Jahrgang (2008) Heft 2


    Woijgang Kienzier (Chemnitz/jena): Neue Lektüren von WittgensteinsLogisch-Philosophischer Abhandlung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 95

    jürgen Grqße (Berlin): Geschichtsphilosophie heute (1.Teil). . . . . . . .. 123

    Felix Heidenreich (Stuttgart): Rationalität als Prävention und Simulation.Hans Blumenberg über die Ursprünge der Vernunft. 156

    Thomas Meyer (Leipzig): Neue Literatur zu Leo Strauss. . . . . . . . . .. 168


    Rolf-Peter Horstmann (Berlin): GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH HEGEL: Gesam-melte Werke Bd. 10: Nürnberger Gymnasialkurse und gymnasialeReden (1808-1816), hrsg. v. K. Grotsch; DERS.: Vorlesungen. Ausge-wählte Nachschriften und Manuskripte, Bd. 17, Vorlesungen über diePhilosophie der Natur. Berlin 1825/26. Nachgeschrieben von Hein-rich Wilhe1m Dove, hrsg. v. K. BaI, G. Marmasse, Th. S. Poseh undK. Vieweg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 187


    Neue Lektüren von WittgensteinsLogisch-Philosophischer Abhandlung

    CORA DIAMOND: The Realistic Spirit. Wittgenstein, Philosophy, and the Mind.Cambridge, Mass. & London 1991. MIT Press. xv +396 S.

    HANs SLUGA/ DAVlD STERN (HG.): The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein.Cambridge 1996. Cambridge University Press. ix + 509 S.

    ALlCE CRARY/ RUPERT READ (HG.): The New Wittgenstein. London 2000.Routledge. ix + 403 S.

    JAMES CONANT: The Method ofthe Tractatus. In: Erich Reck (Hg.): From Fregeto Wittgenstein, Perspectives on Early Analytic Philosophy. Oxford 2002.Oxford University Press. S. 374-462.

    BARRY STOCKER (HG.): Post-Analytic Tractatus. Aldershot & Burlington, Vt.2004. Ashgate. viii + 244 S.

    MARIE MCGINN: Elucidating the Tractatus. Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy ofLogic and Language. Oxford 2006. Oxford University Press. xiv + 315 S.

    ALlCE CRARY (HG.): Wittgenstein and the Moral Life. Essays in Honor of CoraDiamond. Cambridge, Mass. 2007. MIT Press. viii + 409 S.

    1. In der neueren 'Literatur zu Wittgenstein sind besonders zwei Inter-pretationsvorschläge hervorgetreten und kontrovers diskutiert worden undbeide zeichnen sich durch eine zugespitzte, paradoxe These aus. Zunächsthat Saul Kripke die Auffassung vertreten, daß Wittgenstein in den Philoso-phischen Untersuchungen an· zentraler Stelle die bisher radikalste Form desSkeptizismus vertreten habe, nach der es keinerlei Faktum gibt, welches dasrichtige Befolgen irgendeiner Regel, und damit insbesondere den kor-rekten Sprachgebrauch, festlegen kann.! Wir können demnach auf keineTatsache verweisen. die die Richtigkeit irgendeiner Wortverwendungrechtfertigen kömlte. Diese paradoxe These ist als Interpretation weitge-hend zurückgewiesen worden, 2 bestehen bleibt jedoch die Einsicht, daß

    1 S. KRIPKE: Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language, Oxford 1982; Wittgenstein überRegeln und Privatsprache Frankfurt/M. 1987. Dieser Vorschlag wirkte bis weit über dieGrenzen der Wittgensteingemeinde hinaus; vgl. etwa die ausführliche und enthusiastischeDarstellung von WOLFGANG STEGMÜLLER: Kripkes Deutung der Spätphilosophie Wittgensteins,in: Rauptströmungen der Gegenwartsphilosophie, Bd. IV, Stuttgart 1989, S. 1-160.

    2 Tatsächlich zeigt eine genauere Lektüre, daßWittgenstein die Entstehung eines derartradikalen Paradoxes als Folge eines besonderen Mißverständnisses der Art, wie Regeln undSprachverwendung verwoben sind, aufweist und damit das Paradox nicht selbst vertritt,weshalb er es auch nicht auflösen muß. Wittgenstein nennt das »Paradox [...]: eine Regelkönnte keine Handlungsweise bestimmen, da jede Handlungsweise mit der Regel inÜbereinstimmung zu bringen sei« im unmittelbar folgenden Absatz ein »Mißverständnis«(Philosophische Untersuchungen [PhU] § 201), da es ohne Ende »Deutung hinter Deutung«setze. Etwas einfacher könnte man auch sagen, daß es kategorial verfehlt ist, normativeVerhältnisse durch Rekurs auf ein Faktum begründen zu wollen. Dieser Gedanke ist ver-wandt mit der Kontroverse d'arum, ob es nach Wittgenstein Verletzungen der logischenSyntax geben kann, da man ja jeden von einer bestimmten Verwendungsweise abwei-

    Philosophische Rundschau, Band 55 (2008) S.95-122© 2008 Mohr Siebeck - ISSN 0031-8159

  • ~~~ ";:;r;1"'-C2OaP)

    Uwe Meixner· Albert Newen (eds.)

    Logical Analysis and .History of Philosophy

    Philosophiegeschichte undlogische Analyse

    Guest Editors / Gastherausgeber

    Christof Rapp . Philipp Brüllmann

    S : A7-h g?-~1


  • Table ofContentsInhaltsverzeichnis

    History of Philosophy in General -Philosophiegeschichte im Allgemeinen

    RON WILBURN: Epistemic Contextualism and Skeptical Epistemology '" 13

    HOLGER LEERHOFF: Der doppelte Boden des Logischen Atomismus .... 44

    VOJTECH KOLMAN: Der Zahlbegriff und seine Logik. Die Entwicklungeiner Begründung der Arithmetik bei Frege, Gödel und Lorenzen 65

    Focus: The Practical Syllogism -Schwerpunkt: Der praktische Syllogismus

    Preface of the Guest Editors 91

    CHRISTOF RAl'P/PHILIPP BRÜLLMANN: The Practical Syllogism:Analyses of an Aristotelian Concept 93

    KLAUS CORCILIUS: Aristoteies' praktische Syllogismen in der zweitenHälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts 101

    JEAN-BAPTISTE GOURINAT: Is There Anything Logically DistinctiveAbout Practical Syllogisms? 133

    ANTHONY W. PRICE: The Practical Syllogism in Aristotle: A NewInterpretation ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 151

    KLAUS CORCILIUS: Two Jobs for Aristotle's Practical Syllogism? 163

    PIERRE-MARIE MOREL: The Practical Syllogism in Context: De Motu 7and Zoology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 185

    PAULA GOTILIEB: The Ethical Syllogism 197

    ANSELM MÜLLER: Formal and Material Goodness in Action.Retlections on an Aristotelian Analogy between Cognitive andPractical Teleology , 213

  • List of Contributors - Liste der AutOlren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 245

    History of Philosophy in GeneralPhilosophiegeschichte im Allgemeinen





    Table of Cöntents - Inhaltsverzeichnis

    Book Reviews - Buchbesprechungen

    Christof Rapp: Aristoteles. Rhetorik. Übersetzt und erläutert von Christo!Rapp (JÖRG HAR.DY) .


    Owen Gingerich: Oods Universe (yIFfACH J. H. FEHlGE) 232

    Mark Textor (ed.): The Austrian Contribution to Analytic Philosophy(WOLFGANG GOMBOCZ & ALESSANIDRO SAUCE) .

    Sydney Shoemaker: Physical Realization (MATTHEW TUGBY). . .

    Susan Pockett, Wtlliam P. Banks & Shaun Gallagher (eds.): DoesConsciousness Cause Behavior? (SVEN WALTER) .

  • PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIESAn International Journal for Phllosophy in the Analytic Tradition


    Philosophical StudiesAn International Journal for Philosophy in the AnalyticTradition


    STEWART COHEN, Department of Philosophy, Arizona State University,Tempe, AZ 85287-4102, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]

    Book Symposium Editor: THOMAS BLACKSON, Arizona State University

    Senior Advisory Editor: KEITH LEHRER, University of Arizona

    Board of Conslllting,Editors

    Karen Bennett, Princeton UniversityPhillip Bricker, University 01 Massachusetts

    (Amherst)John P. Burgess, Princeton UniversityAlex Byme, Mass.Institute o/TechnologyDavid ChaJmers, The Australian National UniversityRichard Creath, Arizona State UniversityWayne Davis, Georgetown UniversityMichael Devitt, City University o/New YorkCian Dorr, University 0/PittsburghJames Dreier, Brown UniversityDelia Graff Fara, Princeton UniversityFred Feldman, University 0/MassachusettsJohn Martin Fischer, University 01California

    (Riverside)Gllhert Harman, Princeton University

    . John Hawthome, Rutgers UniversityFrank Jackson, Australian National UniversityJeffrey King, University 0/Southern CaliforniaBemard W. Kobes, Arizona State University

    Vann McGee, Mass.Institute o/TechnologyAlfred Mele, Florida State UniversityGideon Rosen, Princeton UniversityNathan Sahnon, University o/California

    (Santa Barbara)Jonathan M. Schaffer, University 0/

    Massachusetts (Amherst)Stephen Schiffer, New York UniversityTheodore Sider, Rutgers UniversityBrian Skynns, University ofCalifornia (Irvine)Holly M. Smith, Rutgers UniversityEmest Sosa, Brown UniversityStephen Stich, Rutgers UniversityJamie Tappenden, University 0/MichiganJudith Thomson, Mass.Institute o/TechnologyJames Van Cleve, Brown UniversityPeter Van Inwagen, University 0/Notre DameMichael White, Arizona State UniversityTimothy Williamson, Oxford UniversityStephen Yablo, Mass.Institute ofTechnology

    Volume 141 . Number3 . December 2008

    Emergent substancep. Toner 281

    A survival guide to fissionM. Moyer 299

    On the alleged impossibility of Bayesian CoherentismJ.N. Schupbach 323

    Memory and timeJ. Femandez 333

    The Humean problem ofinduction and Carroll's ParadoxM. Perez Otero 357


    Precis of Fear 01KnowledgeP. Boghossian 377

    Fear of relativism?C. Wright 379

    Boghossian, Bellarmine, and Bayes1. MacFarlane 391

    Boghossian's Fear 01K1,1owledgeE. Sosa 399

    IndexinglAbstractingPhilosophical Studies is indexedlabstracted in Academic Abstracts, African Urban and Regional ScienceIndex, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Bulletin Signalerique, Current Contents/Arts & Humanities,Current Mathematical Publications, Family & Society Studies Worldwide, IBZ - InternationalBibliography ofPeriodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences, FRANCIS -INISTICNRSInformationsdienst für Philosophie, Internationale Bibliography für Österreichische Philosophie,International Political Science Abstracts, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, MathematicalReviews Database, MathSci, MLA International Bibliography, The ISI Alerting Services, ThePhilosopher's Index, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, Sociological Abstracts.

    © Springer 2008

    Replies to Wright, MacFarlane and SosaP. Boghossian 409

    Indexed in Academic Abstracts, African Urban and Regional Science Index, Arts & Humanities CitationIndex, Bulletin Signaletique, Current ContentslArts & Humanities, Current Mathematical Publications,Family & Society Studies Worldwide, IBZ - International Bibliography 0/ Periodical Literature on theHumanities and Social Sciences, FRANCIS - INISTICNRS Informationsdienst für Philosophie,Internationale Bibliography für Österreichische Philosophie, International Political Science Abstracts,Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews Database, MathSci, MLAInternational Bibliography, The ISI Alerting Services, The Philosopher' s Index, Revue Philosophique deLouvain, Sociological Abstracts.

    Instructions for Authors for Philos Stud are availahle at httn-/lwww .nnnup.r rom/ll nQR

  • PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIESAn International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition


    STEWART COHEN, Department of Philosophy, Arizona State University,Tempe, AZ 85287-4102, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]

    Book Symposium Editor: THOMAS BLACKSON, Arizona State University

    Senior Advisory Editor: KEITH LEHRER, University of Arizona

    Board of Consulting Editors


    Philosophical StudiesAn International Journal for Philosophy in the AnalyticTradition

    Volume 142 . Number 1 . January (I) 2009

    IntroductionS. Goldberg 1

    Knowing fuH weH: the normativity of beliefs as performancesE. Sosa 5

    Karen Bennett, Princeton UniversityPhillip Bricker, University 01 Massachusetts

    (Amherst)John P. Burgess, Princeton UniversityAlex Byme, Mass.lnstitute olTechnologyDavid Chillmers, The Austra/ian National UniversityRichard Creath, Arizona State UniversityWayne Davis, Georgetown UniversityMichael Devitt, City University 01 New YorkCian Dorr, University 01 PittsburghJames Dreier, Brown UniversityDelia Graff Fara, Princeton UniversityFred Feldman, University 01MassachusettsJohn Martin Fischer, University 01California

    (Riverside)Gilbert Hannan, Princeton UniversityJOhn Hawthome, Rutgers UniversityFrank Jackson, Australian National UniversityJeffrey King, University 01Southern CaliforniaBemard W. Kobes, Arizona State University

    Vann McGee, Mass.lnstitute 01 TechnologyAlfred Mele, Florida State UniversityGideon Rosen, Princeton UniversityNathan Salmon, University olCalifornia

    (Santa Barbara)Jonathan M. Schaffer, University 01

    Massachusetts (Amherst)Stephen Schiffer, New York UniversityTheodore Sider, Rutgers UniversityBrian Skyrms, University olCalifornia (Irvine)Holly M. Smith, Rutgers UniversityEmest Sosa, Brown UniversityStephen Stich, Rutgers UniversityJarnie Tappenden, University 01 MichiganJudith Thomson, Mass.lnstitute olTechnologyJames Van Cleve, Brown UniversityPeter Van Inwagen, University 01Notre DameMichael White, Arizona State UniversityTimothy Williamson, Oxford UniversityStephen Yablo, Mass.lnstitute olTechnology

    Knowledge and success from abilityJ. Greco 17

    Knowledge and credit1. Lackey 27

    Reliability as a virtueR. Audi 43

    Advice for fallibilists: put knowledge to work1. Fand· M. McGrath 55

    Luminous enough for a cognitive homeR. Fumerton 67

    Analyzing apriori knowledgeA. Casullo 77

    A new argument for skepticismB. Reed 91

    Indexing/AbstI'actingPhilosophical Studies is indexedlabstracted in Academic Abstracts, African Urban and Regional ScienceIndex, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Bulletin Signaietique, Current ContentslArts & Humanities,Current Mathematical Publications, Family & Society Studies Worldwide, IBZ - InternationalBibliography 01 Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences, FRANCIS -INISTICNRSInlormationsdienst für Philosop~ie, Internationale Bibliography für Österreichische Philosophie,International Political Science Abstracts, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, MathematicalReviews Database, MathSci, MLA International Bibliography, The ISI Alerting Services, ThePhilosopher's Index, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, Sociological Abstracts.

    © Springer 2009

    Reliabilism in philosophyS.C. Goldberg 105

    Motivated contextualismD. Henderson 119

    Indexed in Academic Abstracts, African Urban and Regional Science Index, Arts & Humanities CitationIndex, Bulletin Signaletique, Current ContentslArts & Humanities, Current Mathematical Publications,Family & Society Studies Worldwide, IBZ -International Bibliography 01 Periodical Literature on theHumanities and Social Sciences, FRANCIS - INISTICNRS Inlormationsdienst für Philosophie,Internationale Bibliography für Österreichische Philosophie, International Political Science Abstracts,Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews Database, MathSci, MLAInternational Bibliography, The [SI Alerting Services, The Philosopher' s Index, Revue Philosophique deLouvain, Sociological Abstracts.

  • PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIESAn International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition


    STEWART COHEN, Department of Philosophy, Arizona State University,Tempe, AZ 85287-4102, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]

    Book Symposium Editor: THOMAS BLACKSON, Arizona State University

    Senior Advisory Editor: KEITR LEHRER, University of Arizona

    Board of Consulting Editors


    Philosophical StudiesAn International Journal for Philosophy in the A~alyticTradition

    Volume 142 . Number 2 . January (D) 2009

    Noncomparabilism in epistemologyM.E. Wunderlich 133

    Trumping the causal influence account of causationI Stone 153

    Karen Bennett, Princeton UniversityPhillip Bricker, University 0/Massachusetts

    (Amherst)Jolm P. Burgess, Princeton UniversityAlex Byrne, Mass.Institute o/TechnologyDavid Chahners, The Australian National UniversityRichard Creath, Arizona State UniversityWayne Davis, Georgetown UniversityMichael Devitt, City University o/New YorkCian Dorr, University 0/PittsburghJarnes Dreier, Brown UniversityDelia Graff Fara, Princeton UniversityFred Feldman, University 0/MassachusettsJolm Martin Fischer, University 0/California

    (Riverside)Gilbert Hannan, Princeton UniversityJolm Hawthome, Rutgers UniversityFrank Jackson, Australian National UniversityJeffrey King, University 0/ Southern CaliforniaBemard W. Kobes, Arizona State University

    Vann McGee, Mass.Institute o/TechnologyAlfred Mele, Florida State UniversityGideon Rosen, Princeton UniversityNathan Sahnon, University 0/California

    (Santa Barbara)Jonathan M. Schaffer, University 0/

    Massachusetts (Amherst)Stephen Schiffer, New York UniversityTheodore Sider, Rutgers UniversityBrian Skynns, University 0/ California (Irvine)Holly M. Smith, Rutgers UniversityEmest Sosa, Brown UniversityStephen Stich, Rutgers UniversityJamie Tappenden, University 0/MichiganJudith Thomson, Mass.Institute Q/TechnologyJarnes Van Cleve, Brown UniversityPeter Van Inwagen, University 0/Notre DameMichael White, Arizona State UniversityTimothy Williarnson, Oxford UniversityStephen Yablo, Mass.Institute o/Technology

    Moral responsibility and agents' historiesA. Mele 161

    Defending a possibilist insight in consequentialist thoughtI-P. Vessel 183

    Inter-species variation in colour perceptionK. Allen 197

    Thought-experiment intuitions and truth in fictionJ. Ichikawa . B. Jarvis 221

    Empathy, sodal psychology, and global helping traitsC.B. Miller 247

    Bennett and ''proxy actualism"M. Nelson· E.N. Zalta 277

    Indexing/AbstractingPhilosophical Studies is indexedlabstracted in Academic Abstracts, African Urban and Regional ScienceIndex, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Bulletin Signalitique, Current ContentslArts & Humanities,Current Mathematical Publications, Family & Society Studies Worldwide, IBZ - InternationalBibliography 0/Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences, FRANClS -INISTICNRSIn/ormationsdienst für Philosophie, Internationale Bibliography für Österreichische Philosophie,International Political Science Abstracts, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, MathematicalReviews Database, MathSci, MLA International Bibliography, The ISI Alerting Services, ThePhilosopher' s Index, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, Sociological Abstracts.

    © Springer 2009

    Indexed in Academic Abstracts, African Urban and Regional Science Index, Arts & Humanities CitationIndex, Bulletin Signaletique, Current ContentslArts & Humanities, Current Mathematical Publications,Family & Society Studies Worldwide, lBZ -International Bibliography 0/ Periodical Literature on theHumanities and Social Sciences, FRANCIS - INISTICNRS In/ormationsdienst für Philosophie,Internationale Bibliography für Österreichische Philosophie, International Political Science Abstracts,Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews Database, MathSci, MLAInternational Bibliography, The ISI Alerting Services, The Philosopher' s Index, Revue Philosophique deLouvain, Sociological Abstracts.

    Instructions for Authors for Philos Stud are available at

  • PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIESAn International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition


    STEWART COHEN, Department of Philosophy, Arizona State University,Tempe, AZ 85287-4102, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]

    Book Symposium Editor: THOMAS BLACKSON, Arizona State University

    Senior Advisory Editor: KEITH LEHRER, University of Arizona

    Board of Consulting Editors


    Philosophical StudiesAn International Journal for Philosophy in the AnalyticTradition

    Volume 142 . Number 3 . February 2009

    Towards a semantics for biscuit conditionalsS. Predelli 293

    In defense of adaptive preferencesD.W. Bruckner 307

    Karen Bennett, Princeton UniversityPhillip Bricker, University ofMassachusetts

    (Amherst)Jolm P. Burgess, Princeton UniversityAlex Byme, Mass. Institute ofTechnologyDavid Chalmers, The Australian National UniversityRichard Creath, Arizona State UniversityWayne Davis, Georgetown UniversityMichael Devitt, City University ofNew YorkCian Dorr, University ofPittsburghJames Dreier, Brown UniversityDelia Graff Fara, Princeton UniversityFred Feldman, University ofMassachusettsJolm Martin Fischer, University ofCalifornia

    (Riverside)Gilbert Harrnan, Princeton UniversityJolm Hawthorne, Rutgers UniversityFrank Jackson, Australian National UniversityJeffrey King, University ofSouthern CaliforniaBernard W. Kobes, Arizona State University

    VaIm McGee, Mass. Institute ofTechnologyAlfred Mele, Florida State UniversityGideon Rosen, Princeton UniversityNathan Salmon, University ofCalifornia

    (Santa Barbara)Jonathan M. Schaffer, University of

    Massachusetts (Amherst)Stephen Schiffer, New York UniversityTheodore Sider, Rutgers UniversityBrian Skyrrns, University ofCalifornia (Irvine)Holl.y M. Srnith, Rutgers UniversityErnest Sosa, Brown UniversityStephen Stich, Rutgers UniversityJamie Tappenden, University ofMichiganJudith Thomson, Mass. Institute ofTechnologyJames Van Cleve, Brown UniversityPeter Van Inwagen, University ofNotre DameMichael White, Arizona State UniversityTimothy Williamson, Oxford UniversityStephen Yablo, Mass. Institute ofTechnology

    Truth-conditions, truth-bearers and the new B-theory of timeS. Torre 325

    The Chrysippus intuition and contextual theories of truthJ. Newhard 345

    The event of colorR. Pasnau 353

    Is knowledge a natural kind?T.K. Pernu 371

    The folk on knowing howJ. Bengson· M.A. Moffett· J.C. Wright 387

    Naturalism', fallibilism, and the aprioriL. Warenski 403

    Two-dimensionalism and the epistemology of recognitionM. Valaris 427

    Indexing!AbstructingPhilosophical Studies is indexedJabstracted in Academic Abstracts, African Urban and Regional ScienceIndex, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Bulletin Signaletique, Current ContentslArts & Humanities,Current Mathematical Publications, Family & Society Studies Worldwide, IBZ - InternationalBibliography ofPeriodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences, FRANCIS - INlSTICNRSInformationsdienst für Philosophie, Internationale Bibliography für Österreichische Philosophie,International Political Science Abstracts, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, MathematicalReviews Database, MathSci, MLA International Bibliography, The lSI Alerting Services, ThePhilosopher's Index, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, Sociological Abstracts.

    © Springer 2009

    Indexed in Academic Abstracts, African Urban and Regional Science Index, Arts & Humanities CitationIndex, Bulletin Signaletique, Current ContentslArts & Humanities, Current Mathematical Publications,Family & Society Studies Worldwide, IBZ - International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on theHumanities and Social Sciences, FRANClS - INISTICNRS lnformationsdienst für Philosophie,Internationale Bibliography für Österreichische Philosophie, International Political Science Abstracts,Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews Database, MathSci, MLAInternational Bibliography, The ISI Alerting Services, The Philosopher' s Index, Revue Philosophique deLouvain, Sociological Abstracts.

    Instructions for Authors for Philos Stud are available at

  • The Philosophical Review is edited by the faculty of the 'Sage· School of Philosophy atCornen University: Karen .Bennett, Richard Boyd, Tad Brennan, Andrew Chignell, MattiEklund, Gail Fine, Carl Ginet, Harold Hodes, T. H. Irwin, Michene Kosch, Scott MacDonald,Richard W. Miller, Michele Moody-Adams, Derk Pereboom, Sydney Shoemaker, NicholasSilins, Nicholas L. Sturgeon, and Erin Taylor. The journal's editorial associate is LouiseSilberling.

    Editors2006-2007 Nicholas L. Sturgeon, Brian Weatherson2008-2009 Nicholas L. Sturgeon, Tad Brennan, Derk Pereboom

    The journal is published four times a year for the Sage School of Philosophy at CornellUniversity by Duke University Press. See the insiiU back cover JOT submission guiiUlines.

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    v 0 L U M EIl 7, N UM BE R 4, 0 C TOB E R 2 00 8

    Promising, Intimate Relationships, and ConventionalismSeana Valentine Shiffrin481

    VariabilismSamuel Cumming 525

    The Relevance of Self-Locating BeliefsMichael G. Titelbaum 555


    Daniel Graham, Explaining the Cosmos: The Ionian Tradition 0/Scientific PhilosophyGtibor Betegh 607

    T. KJohansen, Plato's Natural Philosophy: A Study o/the Timaeus-CritiasCatherine Osborne 610

    An tonia LoLordo, Pierre Gassendi and the Birth 0/Early Modern PhilosophyLarry M. jorgensen 615

    Sergio Tenenbaum, Appearances 0/ the Good: An Essay on the Nature 0/Practical ReasonTalbot Brewer 618

    Frances Kamm, Intricate EthicsElinor Mason 621

    1SSN 0031-8108 © 2008 by cornen University Michael N. Forster, Wittgenstein on the Arbitrariness 0/ GrammarCyrus Panjvani 623

    Samir Okasha, Evolution and the Levels 0/SelectionPatrick Forber 626

    Barry Taylor, Models, Truth, and RealismAllan HiLzlett 630

    PhIlosophisches Seminarder Unlversität'Zürloh

  • Maximilian De Gaynesford, I: The Meaning oj the First Person Termlose Luis Bermudez 634

    Manuel Garcia-Carpintero andJosep Macia, eds., Two-Dimensional SemanticsPeter Sutton 637

    B 0 0 K S RE C E I V E D 641

    Promising, Intimate Relationships,and Conventionalism

    INDEX OFVOLUME 117 649 Seana Valentine Shiffrin

    The old chestnut about promising poses a puzzle about the generationof moral obligations. Some philosophers worry whether it could be pos-sible that, just through an individual's dec1aration, an obligation cancome to exist.1 They find it incredible that the mere expression of anindividual's will to alter her moral status can be effective in doing so injust the way she intends.2 Other obligations anse from the need to pre-vent~ respond to, or remedy events and states of affairs that have moral

    For help and sound criticism, I am grateful to joshua Cohen, Ruth Chang, HelenaDebres, Ronald Dworkin, David Goldman, Mark Greenberg, Moshe Halbertal, NikoKolodny, Herben Morris, Thomas Nagel, Collin O'Neil, David Owens, Abe Roth,Tim Scanlon, Er}n Taylor, julie Tannenbaum, Larry Temkin, jay Wallace, an anony-mous reviewer, and especially, Barbara Herman and Liam Murphy. I have alsoprofited from conversations with audience· members at the General Aspects of LawSeminar at Boalt Hall, the Political Theory Workshop at Brown University, ComellUniversity, the Kennedy Center for Ethics and the Professions, Ohio State University,the 2006 OSU/Maribor/Rijeka Conference in Dubrovnik, California State University,Northridge, Rutgers University, the Stanford University Political Theory Colloquium,the University ofVermont, the University of Washington, and the NYU Colloquium onLaw and Philosophy.

    1. This worry is articulated by, among others, Baier (1994, 111); Hume (1978,455,524); Anscombe (1981b, 97, 100); Prichard (2002a, 257); Markovits (2004, 1417,1442-43); Murphy (n.d.); Den Hartogh (1998,352).

    2. This latter clause distinguishes cases like that of gratuitous insults, in whichthe issuer wishes to assert superiority over another but may, through the expression ofher will to assert superiority, create the unintended duty to apologize or make otheramends.

    Philosophical Review, Vol. 117, No. 4, 2008DOI: 10.1215/00318108-2008-014

  • ..;., ieieh;t,;4wWi'§§iWfid Anwz i:#W&Zr-k 7 "k'"wOi0"tt"


    EDITORS:Michael DetlefsenPeter Choiak

    Volume 49, Number 4, 2008



    Martha Kummerer

    Automorphisms of Countable Short Recursively Saturated Models of PA.By Erez Shochat ',0 ••••••••••••••••• 345

    Intuitionistic Logic according to Dijkstra's Calculus ofEquationalDeduction.

    By Jaime A. Boh6rquez V 361

    A Note on Logics of Ignorance and Borders.By Christopher Steinsvold 385

    Models Omitting Given Complete Types.By Akito Tsuboi 393

    Weakening of Intuitionistic Negation for Many-valued Paraconsistentda Costa System.

    By Zoran Majkic : 401

    The SUfi of Irreducible Fractions with Consecutive DenominatorsIs Never an Integer in PA-.

    By Victor Ppmbuccian .425

    Proof Mining in Topological Dynamics.By Philipp Gerhardy 431

    Book Review: Neil Tennant. The Taming ofthe True.By W D. Hart 447

    The Notre Dame Journal ojFormal Logic is published by Duke University Press on behalf of theUniversity of Notre Dame.

    © 2008 by University of Notre DameISSN 0029-4527

    The ISchlia tiniory iJrecurhavesivelwhierecru

    Acurs:that,deteare csam


  • V()L. 90, NO.2 NQO'i rI iU-. '>!f" rWK.lL LUUi

    THE IvfONISTAn International Quarterly Journal of General PhilosophicalInquiry


    Editor: BARRY SMITHManaging Editor: SHERWOOD ]. B. SUGDEN

    Production: CRAIG W. O'DELL

    THEMONISTAn International Quarterly Journal ofGeneral Philosophical Inquiry


    EDITOR: Barry Smith

    ADVISORY EDITOR: lohn Haldane

    MANAGING EDITOR: Sherwood J. B. Sugden

    GENERAL TOPle: Scottish Philosophy

    GORDON GRAHAMThe Ambition of Scottish Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

    DANIEL N. ROBINSONThe Scottish Enlightenment and the American Founding. . . . . . . . 170

    PAULRUSSELLHume's Lucretian Mission: Is it Self-refuting?

    Editorial Board:HENRY E. ALLISON, Boston University; DAVID M. ARMSTRONG, University of Sydney;ROBERTO CASATJ, C.N.R.S., Paris/Buffalo; DAGFINN F0LLESDAL, Stanford University &University of0510; SUSAN HAACK, University ofMiami; JOHN HALDANE, University ofst.Andrews, scotland; RUDOLF HALLER, University of Graz; RUTH BARCAN MARCUS, YaleUniversity; JOSEPH MARGOLIS, Temple University; WALLACE I. MATSON, University ofCal-ifornia at Berkeley; KEVIN MULLIGAN, University of Geneva; J. C. NURI, HungarianAcademy of sciences, Budapest; J. OWENS, Pontijical Institute of Mediaeval studies, Toronto;ANITA SILVERS, San Francisco state University; PETER M. SIMONS, University of Leeds; JOHNE. SMITH, Yale University; SIR PETER STRAWSON, Oxford University; JAN WOLENSKl, Jagiel-lonian University, Cracow; ACHILLE C. VARZI, Columbia University.


    JOHN HALDANEScottish Philosophy ............ ......... 147

    ......... 182

    MARGARET SCHABASGroups versus Individuals in Hume's Political Economy 200

    JOHN GLASSFORDSympathy and Sp~ctatorship in Scottish Writing After Hume ..... 213

    RYAN NICHOLSNatural Philosophy and itsLimits in the Scottish Enlightenment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 233

    ................ 271

    Historical Note: Paul CarusPaul Carus, the first editor of The Monist, was born in I1senberg arn Harz on July 18,1852,and died in La SaUe, lliinois on February 11, 1919. After receiving his Ph.D. degreein philosophy and classical philology from Tübingen University in 1876, he taughtbriefly at the State Military Academy at Dresden. In search of freedom for expressionof his independent views, he migrated first to England and then to the Uni~ed States.In 1887, he accepted the invitation of Edward C. Hegeler (who later becarne his father-in-Iaw) to edit The Open Court magazine, a monthly journal devoted primarily to com-parative religion. In 1888, The Monist was established as a quarterly journal of the phi-losophy of science, and Paul Carus served as editor of both journals, and as editor of theOpen Court Publishing Company until his death in 1919.

    SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States: Annual (4 issues): Institutions, $50.00; individuals,$30.00; 2 years institutions, $90.00; individuals, $50.00. Single copies: $12.00. Foreignpostage: Add $2.00 to single copy rate or $4.00 per year of subscription.

    Checks should be made payable 10 nIE MONIST and addressed 10 THE MONIST, 315 Fifth SI., Peru,mino;s 61354

    Correspondence conceming manuscripts shouJd be addressed toBarry Smith, Edilor, nIE MONlST

    Department of PhilosophyUniversHy al Buffalo

    Slale University of New York135 Park Hall

    Buffalo, NY 14260-4150 USA

    THE MONIST, Vol. 90, No. 2Copyright © 2007, The Hegeler Institute

    Peru, Ill:inois 61354Published by The Hegeler Institute

    JAMES VAN CLEVEReid's Answer to Molyneux's Question

    DABNEY TOWNSENDDugald Stewart on Beauty and Taste

    JAMES FIESERThe Rise and FaII of James Beattie'sCommon-sense Theory of Truth .

    JENNYKEEFEJames Ferrier and the Theory of Ignorance

    MARKWEBLINAnderson on Reid and Scottish Philosophy

    BOOKS RECEIVED . . • . . . . . •

    ........ 251

    .......... 287

    ... : 297



    2007Philm:ophischr.s Semmar

    .J~. I i.·,;",.w",it;jt 7iirinh

  • VOL. 91, NOS. 3 & 4 JULY & OCTOBER 2008

    THEMONISTAn International Quarterly Journal of General Philosophicallnquiry


    Editor: BARRY SMITHManaging Editor: SHERWOOD J. B. SUGDEN

    Production: CRAIG W. O'DELL

    THEMONISTAn International Quarterly Journal 01 General Philosophical Inquiry


    AnVISORY EDITOR: Robert P. George

    MANAGING EDITOR: Sherwood J. B. Sugden





    ........ 506

    PhiloR()nhh~"hn., l'n_.,_ .')()()Q

    ALEXRAJCZIA Populist Argument for Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage. . . . . . . . 475

    BRYAN R. WEAVER & FIONA WOOLLARDMarriage and theNorm ofMonogamy

    MARY CATHERINE GEACHLying with the Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523

    ANDREA C. WESTLUNDThe Reunion of Marriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558

    CASS R. SUNSTEIN & RICHARD H. THALERPrivatizing Marriage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377

    JOHNFINNISMarriage: A Basic and Exigent Good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 388

    ADELE MERCIEROn the Nature of Marriage:Somerville on Same-Sex Marriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407

    PATRICKLEEMarriage, Procreation, and Same-Sex Unions 422

    (followed byMercier's Reply and Lee's Rejoinder)

    JEREMY R. GARRETTHistory, Tradition, and theNormative Foundations of Civil Marriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446


    BROOK J. SADLERRe-thinking Civil Unions and Same-Sex Marriage. . . . . . . . . . . 578

    GERARD V. BRADLEYWhat's in a Name? A Philosophical Critique of'Civil Unions' Predicated Upon a Sexual Relationship .



    Correspondence conceming manusaipts should be addressed toBarry Smith, Editor, THE MONlST

    Department of PhilosophyUniversity at Buffalo

    State University of New York13S Park Hall

    Buffalo, NY 14260-4150 USA

    SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States: Annual (4 issues): Institutions, $50.00; individuals,$30.00; 2 years institutions, $90.00; individuals, $50.00. Single copies: $12.00. Foreignpostage: Add $2.00 to single copy rate or $4.00 per year of subscription.

    Checks should be made payable toTHE MONIST and addressed to THE MONIST, 315 Fifth St., Peru, nlinois 61354

    Paul Cams, the first editor of The Monist" was born in llsenberg am Harz on July 18,1852, and died in La Salle, lllinois on Febmary 11, 1919. After receiving his Ph.D. degreein philosophy and classical philology from Tübingen University in 1876, he taughtbriefly at the State Military Academy at Dresden. In search of freedom for expressionof his independent views, he rnigrated first to England and then to the United States.In 1887, he accepted the invitation of Edward C. Hegeler (who later became his father-in-law) to edit The Open Court magazine, a monthly journal devoted primarily to com-parative religion. In 1888, The Monist was established as a quarterly journal of the phi-losophy of science, and Paul Cams served as editor of both journals, and as editor of theOpen Court Publishing Company until his death in 1919.

    Historical Note: Paul Carus

    THE MONIST, Val. 91, Nos. 3 & 4Copyright © 2008, The Hegeler Institute

    Pem, Illinois 61354Published by The Hegeler Institute

    Editorial Board:HENRY E. ALUSON, Boston University; DAVID M. ARMSTRONG, University of Sydney;ROBERTO CASATI, C.N.R.S., Paris/Buffalo; DAGFINN 'F0LLESDAL, Stanford University &University of Oslo; SUSAN HAAcK, University ofMiarni; JOHN HALDANE, University ofSt.Andrews, Scotland; RUOOLF HALLER, University of Graz; RUTH BARCAN MARCUS, YaleUniversity; JOSEPH MARGous, Temple University; WALLACE I. MATSON, University ofCal-ifornia at Berkeley; KEVIN MULLIGAN, University of Geneva; J. C. NYiRr, HungarianAcademy of Sciences, Budapest; J. OWENS, Pontijical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto;ANrrA SILVERS, San Francisco State University; PErER M. SIMONS, University of Leeds; JOHNE. SMITII, Yale University; JAN WOLENSKl, JagielIonian University, Cracow; ACHILLE C.VARZI, Columbia University.

  • H('{;\d ~/17- N('. Lt~ (2f):xf) oKf·)

    ArticlesRationality without ReasonsJUDITH BAKER 763

    Indicative Conditionals in ContextELIZA BLOCK 783

    Dispositional Properties and Counterfactual ConditiönalsSUNGHO CHOI 795

    Masked Abilities and CompatibilismMICHAEL FARA 843

    Analytic Philosophy and History: AMismatch?HANS-JOHANN GLOCK ' 867

    In Defence of RepugnanceMICHAEL HUEMER 899

    Metamerism, Constancy, and Knowing WhichMARKELI KALDERON 935

    Situated Normativity: The Normative Aspect of Embodied Cognitionin Unreflective Action


    Visual Attention, Cbnceptual Content, andDoirig it RightWAY,NE Wu 1003


    Critical NoticeWhat Does the Struqme ofIntentional Action Tell Us

    About Our Reasons for Action?Candace Vogler's Reasonably Vicious

    SARAH Buss . 1035

    DiscussionsThe Co-ordination Principles: A Problem for BilateralismFERNANDO FERREIRA 1051

    Co-ordination Principles: A ReplyIAN RUMFITT 1059

    Book Reviews

    Ruth.M. J. Byrne: The Rational Imagination: How People CreateAlternatives to Reality


  • 1076

    1079 Books Received 1141

    1082 Announcements 1145

    1086Index 2008 1151


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    John R. Searle: Freedom and Neurobiology: Reflections on Free Will,Language, and Political Power


    Kieran Setiya: Reasons without RationalismRALPH WEDGWOOD

    Robert C. Solomon: Dark Feelings, Grim Thoughts: Experience andReflection in Camus and Sartre


    Please visit the journal's websites at: andhttp://www.mind.oxfordjournals.orgl

    Vol. 117 . No. 468 . October 2008

    © Mind Association 2008. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be repro-duced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec-tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior writtenpeimission of the Publishers, or a licence permitting restricted copying issued in theUK by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, LondonWlP 9HE.

    _.!lappell (ed.): Values and Virtues: Aristotelianism in~.emporary Ethics


    Jonardon Ganeri: The Concealed Art ofthe Soul: Theories ofSelfandPractices ofTruth in Indian Ethics and Epistemology


    Alvin I. Goldman: Simulating Minds: The PhilQsophy, Psychology, andNeurosdence ofMindreading


    Paul Guyer: Values ofBeauty: Historical Essays in AestheticsT. E. WILKERSON

    JeffJordan: Pascal's Wager: Pragmatic Arguments and Beliefin GodCRAlG DUNCAN

    John Kekes: The Enlargement ofLife: Moral Imagination at Wor1cJOEL KUPPERMAN

    Brian Leiter: Naturalising ]urisprudence: Essays on American LegalRealism and Naturalism in Legal Philosophy


    Tim Lewens: DarwinMICHAEL RUSE 1094

    Hendrik Lorenz: The Brute Within: Appetitive Desire. in Plato andAristotle


    Graham MacDonald and David Papineau (eds): Teleosemantics:New Philosophical Essays


    Marie McGinn: Elucidating the Tractatus: Wittgenstein's EarlyPhilosophy ofLogic and Language

    JosE 1. ZALABARDO 1105

    Stephen Mulhall: Wittgenstein's Private Language: Grammar, Nonsense,and Imagination in Philosophical Investigations §§243-315


    Casey O'Callaghan: Sounds: A Philosophical TheoryJOlIN KULVICKI 1112

    Samir Okasha: Evolution and the Levels ofSelectionMATT HABER 1116

    Eric T. 01son: What Are We? A Study in Personal OntologyLYNN RUDDER BAKER 1120

    R. M. Sainsbury: Reference without ReferentsZoLTAN GENDLER SZAB6 1123




    Editor-in-Chief:PAULINE JACOBSON, Department ofCognitive & Linguistics Sciences,

    Brown University, Box 1978, Providence, R1 02912-1978, USA, E-mail: [email protected](address for submissions: see inside back cover)

    Associate Editors:Kent Bach, San Francisco State University (philosophy 01' language, pragmatics); DanieI Büring, UniversityofCallfornia, Los Angeles (naturallanguage syntax, semantics-syntax interaction); Paul Dekker, UniversityofAmsterdam (naturallanguage semanties); Peter Lasersohn, University of lllinois (book reviews); BethLevin, Stanford University (lexical semanties); Julie Sedivy, Brown University (psycholinguistics); MartinStokhof, University ofAmsterdam (philosophy 01' language; naturallanguage semanties); Thomas EdeZimmerman, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University (langllage and logic, discourse)

    Executive Board:Francis J. Pelletier, Simon Fraser University, Chair; Greg Carlson, University ofRochester,

    Vice-Chair; Richmond H. Thomason, University ofMichigan, Secretary-Treasurer

    Editorial Board:

    ADRIAN BRASOVEANU / Donkey Pluralities: Plurallnfonnation StatesVersus Non-atOlnie Individuals 129-209

    DAVID NlCOLAS / Mass Nouns and Plural Logic 211-244

    RAJ SINGH / On the Interpretation of Disjunetion: Asymmetrie,Ineremental, and Eager for Ineonsisteney 245-260

    BarbaraAbbott, Michigan State University, East LansingChris Barker, New York UniversityDavid Beaver, Stariford UniversityGennaro Chierchia, University ofMilanMax Cresswell, Victoria University ofWellingtonÖsten Dahl, University ofStockholmVeneeta Dayal, Rutgers University, New BrunswickDavid Dowty, The Ohio State UniversityGraeme Forbes, University ofColorado, BoulderDanny Fox, MIT, CambridgeChris Fox, University ofEssexIrene Heim, MIT, CambridgeLaurence R. Horn, Yale University, New HavenMakoto Kanazawa, National Institute oflriformatics,TokyoChris Kennedy, University ofChicagoAngelika Kratzer, University ofMassachusetts,AmherstManfred Krifka, Humboldt-Universität, BerlinShalom Lappin, King' s College, London, UK

    Barbara H. Partee, University ofMassachusetts atAmherstGerald Penn, University ofTorontoChris Potts, University ofMassachusetts, AmherstMalka Rappaport Hovav, The Hebrew UniversityofJerusalemFran~ois Recanati, Institut Jean Nicod, ParisIvan A. Sag, Stanford University, CABarry Schein, University ofSouthern Callfornia,Los AngelesStephen Schiffer, New York UniversityRoger Schwarzschild, Rutgers University, NewBrunswickArnim von Stechow, Universität TübingenWolfgang Sternefeld, Universität TübingenHenriette de Swart, Utrecht UniversityAnna Szabolcsi, New York UniversityLaura Wagner, Wellesley CollegeDag Westerstähl, Stockholm UniversityYoad Winter, Technion, Halfa

    Publication progranune, 2008: Volume 31 (6 issues).Subscriptions should be sent to Springer Customer Sel'vice Journals, Haberstraße 7, 69126 Heidelberg,Germany, or P.O. Box 2485, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2485, U.S.A., or to any subscription agent. Private sub-scriptions should be sent direct to the publishers. Changes 01' mailing address should be notified togetherwith our latest label.For advertisement rates, prices 01' back volumes, and other information, please apply to Springer, P.O. Box17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

    Linguistics & Philosophy is indexed/abstracted by African Urban & Regional Science Index, BulletinSign~etique,Community DevelopmentAbstracts, Current Contents/Arts & Humanities, Arts & HumanitiesCitation Index, Information Technology and the Law, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, LanguageTeaching & Linguistics, MLA International Bibliography, PASCAL - INIST/CNRS, The Philosopher'sIndex, Sociological Abstracts, ffiZ/IBR, Linguistics Abstracts, Linguistic Bibliography, Revue de la


    PhilosophisGhes SemlnSJr




    Editor-in-Chief:PAULINE JACOBSON, Department olCognitive & Linguistics Sciences,

    Brown. University, Box 1978, Providence, RI 02912-1978, USA, E-mail: [email protected](addresslor submissions: see inside back cover)

    Associate Editors:Kent Bach, San Francisco State University (philosophy of language, pragrnatics); Daniel Büring, UniversityofCallfornia, Los Angeles (naturallanguage syntax, semantics-syntax interaction); Paul Dekker, University01Amsterdam (naturallanguage semanties); Peter Lasersohn, University of lllinois (book reviews); BethLevin, Stanford University (lexical semanties); Julie Sedivy, Brown University (psycholinguistics); MartinStokhof, University ofAmsterdam (philosophy of language; naturallanguage semanties); Thomas EdeZimmerman, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University (language and logic, discourse)

    Executive Board:Francis J. Pelletier, Simon FraseI' University, Chair; Greg Carlson, University 01Rochester,

    Vice-Chair; Richmond H. Thomason, University 01Michigan, Secretary-Treasurer

    Editorial Board:

    RU! P. CHAVES / Linearization-based Word-part Ellipsis

    PAUL HORWICH / What's Truth Got to do with it?

    ANITA MITTWOCH / The English Resultative Perfect and itsRelationship to the Experiential Perfect and the Siniple Past Tense

    YAEL SHARVIT / The Puzzle of Free Indirect Discourse





    BarbaraAbbott, Michigan State University, East LansingChris Barker, New York UniversityDavid Beaver, Stanlord UniversityGennaro Chierchia, University 01MilanMax Cresswell, Victoria University ofWellingtonÖsten Dahl, University 01StockholmVeneeta Dayal, Rutgers University, New BrunswickDavid Dowty, The Ohio State UniversityGraeme Forbes, University ofColorado, BoulderDanny Fox, MIT, CambridgeChris Fox, University oiEssexhene Heim, MIT, CambridgeLaurence R. Horn, Yale University, New HavenMakoto Kanazawa, National Institute ollnlormatics,TokyoChris Kennedy, University ofChicagoAngelika Kratzer, University 01Massachusetts,AmherstManfred Krifka, Humboldt-Universität, BerlinShalom Lappin, King' s College, London, UK

    Barbara H. Partee, University 01Massachusetts atAmherstGerald Penn, University ofTorontoChris Potts, University 01Massachusetts, AmherstMalka Rappaport Hovav, The Hebrew University01JerusalemFranyois Recanati, Institut Jean Nicod, ParisIvan A. Sag, Stanlord University, CABarry Schein, University ofSouthern Callfornia,Los AngelesStephen Schiffer, New York UniversityRoger Schwarzschild, Rutgers University, NewBrunswickArnirn von Stechow, Universität TübingenWolfgang Sternefe

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