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2008-01-03 Benjamin Opratko, Universität Wien

[email protected]


INHALT allgemein PVS Leviathan Prokla Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik Forum Wissenschaft Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte Theory, Culture & Society Sociological Forum Theory and Society Economy and Society Political Theory Journal of Peace Research Cultural IB, IPÖ, Entwicklung International Organization International Relations European Journal of International Relations Journal of European Public Policy Global Governance Globalizations International Studies Quarterly International Studies Review International Peacekeeping Development and Change Review of International Studies Third World Quarterly Journal für Entwicklungspolitik Millennium The British Journal of Politics and International Relations World Politics World Development ZIB Iz3w Peripherie Cambridge Review of International Affairs


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Naturverhältnisse Geoforum Environment and Planning D: Society and Space Ecological Economics Journal of Political Ecology Science & Society Capitalism, Nature, Socialism Global Environmental Politics Journal of Environment & Development Historisch-materialistisch RIPE Historical Materialism Review of Radical Political Economics Rethinking Marxism New Left Review New Political Economy Monthly Review Z. Argument Capital & Class Grundrisse Perspektiven Raum, Geographie Antipode Progress in Human Geography International Journal of Urban and Regional Research European Urban and Regional Studies Political Geography Urban Studies Environment and Planning A Economic Geography Gewerkschaften, Sozialpolitik Social Politics Global Social Policy WSI-Miteilungen Widerspruch Journal of European Social Policy Journal of European Integration Express Sozialismus Gender International Feminist Journal of Politics European Journal of Women Studies femina politica Gender and Society Feminist Theory


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Feminist Economics Feminist Review Signs. Journal of Women in Culture and Society Gender and Development Lateinamerika & Afrika Latin American Research Review Latin American Perspectives Nueva Sociedad Review of African Political Economy


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Politische Vierteljahresschrift

September 2007 Merkel, Wolfgang Gegen alle Theorie? Die Konsolidierung der Demokratie in Ostmitteleuropa » Knill, Christoph / Balint, Tim Managementreformen in internationalen Organisationen: Eine vergleichende Analyse der Europäischen Kommission und des OECD-Sekretariats » Linhart, Eric Rationales Wählen als Reaktion auf Koalitionssignale am Beispiel der Bundestagswahl 2005 » Stoiber, Michael / Bruhn, Simon / Dabitsch, Axel / Hörnle, Björn / Pawelke, Andreas / Piefer, Nadine / Wittmann, Frank Organisierte Interessen in der Landespolitik. Die Entstehung des INGE-Gesetzes in Hessen » Müller, Thomas / Pickel, Susanne Wie lässt sich Demokratie am besten messen? Zur Konzeptqualität von Demokratie-Indizes » Gabriel, Oscar W. Bürger und Demokratie im vereinigten Deutschland » Gross, Christiane / Jungbauer-Gans, Monika Replik: Wird man so tatsächlich Prof? Anmerkungen zum Forumsbeitrag von Thomas Plümper und Frank Schimmelfennig (PVS 48 (1), 2007) » Plümper, Thomas / Schimmelfennig, Frank Ohne Substanz. Eine Antwort an Gross und Jungbauer-Gans Thumfart, Alexander Bilanz der Einigungsbilanzen — Forschungs-und Meinungskonjunkturen der letzten 15 Jahre » Landwehr, Claudia / Raube, Kolja Diana C. Mutz: Hearing the Other Side. Deliberative versus Participatory Democracy » John S. Dryzek: Deliberative Global Politics. Discourse and Democracy in a Divided World » Ian O’Flynn: Deliberative Democracy in Divided Societies » Samantha Besson, José Luis Martí: Deliberative Democracy and its Discontents » Baurmann, Michael Robert E. Goodin, Charles Tilly (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis Buchstein, Hubertus Bernard Manin: Kritik der repräsentativen Demokratie. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Tatjana Petzer


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Marx, Leonore Gary S. Schaal, Felix Heidenreich: Einführung in die Politischen Theorien der Moderne Hildebrand, Daniel Manfred G. Schmidt: Das Politische System Deutschlands Schoen, Harald Richard R. Lau, David P. Redlawsk: How Voters Decide. Information Processing During Election Campaigns Nöhring, Alexander Helga Ostendorf: Steuerung des Geschlechterverhältnisses durch eine politische Institution: Die Mädchenpolitik der Berufsberatung Gitish Malhotra Indian Government and Politics Heinemann-Grüder, Andreas Steven L. Wilkinson: Votes and Violence Christian Wagner: Das politische System Indiens. Eine Einführung Klaus Voll, Doreen Beierlein (Hg.): Rising India — Europe’s Partner? Mahendra Prasad Singh, Himanshu Roy (Hg.): Indian Political System. 3. Aufl Harald Müller: Weltmacht Indien. Wie uns der rasante Aufstieg herausfordert Edinger, Michael Louise K. Davidson-Schmich: Becoming Party Politicians. Eastern German State Legislators in the Decade Following Democratization Ruf, Werner Hans Born, Marina Caparini, Karl W. Haltiner, Jürgen Kuhlmann (eds.): Civil-Military Relations in Europe. Learning from crisis and institutional change Frisch, Annika Georg Jochum, Niels P. Petersson, Wolfgang M. Schröder, Katrin Ullrich: Legitimationsgrundlagen einer europäischen Verfassung. Von der Volkssouveränität zur Völkersouveränität Hörber, Thomas Stefan Seidendorf: Europäisierung nationaler Identitätsdiskurse? — Ein Vergleich französischer und deutscher Printmedien Hofmann, Birgit Adam Jones (Hg.): Völkermord, Kriegsverbrechen und der Westen Müller, Christian Th. Cornelia Beyer: Die Strategie der Vereinigten Staaten im „War of Terror“ Schneider, Patricia Friedrich Jäger: Das Internationale Tribunal über Kriegsverbrechen im ehemaligen Jugoslawien. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit


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Stengel, Frank A. Valerie M. Hudson: Foreign Policy Analysis: Classic and Contemporary Theory Woltering, Hubert Eckart Reidegeld: Staatliche Sozialpolitik in Deutschland. Sozialpolitik in Demokratie und Diktatur 1919–1945 Woltering, Hubert Eckart Reidegeld: Staatliche Sozialpolitik in Deutschland. Von den Ursprüngen bis zum Untergang des Kaiserreichs 1918. 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage Fraude, Andreas Clemens Burrichter, Detlef Nakath, Gerd-Rüdiger Stephan (Hg.): Deutsche Zeitgeschichte von 1945 bis 2000. Gesellschaft — Staat — Politik. Ein Handbuch (mit CD-ROM) Kimmel, Adolf Matthias Waechter: Der Mythos des Gaullismus. Heldenkult, Geschichtspolitik und Ideologie 1940–1958 Brier, Robert Dvora Yanow, Peregrine Schwartz-Shea (eds.): Interpretation and Method. Empirical Research Methods and the Interpretive Turn


September 2007 Schlögel, Karl Europa neu vermessen: Die Rückkehr des Ostens in den europäischen Horizont Beckert, Jens Die Abenteuer der Kalkulation. Zur sozialen Einbettung ökonomischer Rationalitä Höpner, Martin Ist Politik gegen Verbände möglich? 25 Jahre Mancur Olsons „The Rise and Decline of Nations“ Kraemer, Klaus Umwelt und soziale Ungleichheit Haipeter, Thomas / Banyuls, Josep Arbeit in der Defensive? Globalisierung und die Beziehungen zwischen Arbeit und Kapital in der Automobilindustrie Thiel, Thorsten Unbezähmbare Öffentlichkeit? — Eine Kritik an Hauke Brunkhorst


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147, September 2007 Bodo Zeuner: Die Freie Universität Berlin vor dem Börsengang? Volker Hielscher: Die Arbeitsverwaltung als Versicherungskonzern? Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Ariadne Sondermann, Olaf Behrend: „...Jedes starre Konzept ist schlecht und passt net’ in diese Welt“ Nutzen und Nachteil der Standardisierung der Beratungs- und Vermittlungstätigkeit in der Arbeitsvermittlung Karina Becker, Ulrich Brinkmann, Thomas Engel: Die Haut auf dem Markte. Betrieblicher Gesundheitsschutz im Marktkapitalismus Heiner Keupp: Von der Verbetriebswirtschaftlichung psychosozialer Arbeit Stefanie Graefe: Zwischen Wahlfreiheit und Entscheidungszwang Zur Ökonomie des „entlastenden“ Sterbens Außerhalb des Schwerpunkts Sabah Alnasseri: Governance im Zeitalter des Terrors: Der Fall Irak Kolja Lindner: Soziale Bewegungen und autoritärer Populismus Proteste und Präsidentschaftswahlen in Frankreich

Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik

November 2007 Adenauers Urenkelin Albrecht von Lucke Sieben Millionen ohne Arbeit Jörg Melz, Lars Niggemeyer Bergab am Hindukusch Reinhard Mutz Ukrainischer Karneval Wolf Oschlies Neue Bewegung im Pazifik Siegfried Knittel


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Birmas erstaunliche Stabilität Wolfram Schaffar Die Aufklärerin der Demokratietheorie. Ingeborg Maus zum 70. Geburtstag Peter Niesen Die große Fremde. Irene Runge zum 65. Geburtstag Kathrin Schrader "Dich singe ich, Demokratie“. Micha Brumlik zum 60. Geburtstag Hauke Brunkhorst Unsere ganz alltägliche Vergiftung.Wider die Ohnmacht der Verbraucher Thilo Bode Jenseits der Spekulationskrise. Das Diktat der Finanzmärkte und Perspektiven der Gegensteuerung Jörg Huffschmid Demokratiepreis 2007: Patriot mit Moral Albert Scharenberg Demokratiepreis 2007: Der Sisyphos der Demokratie. Laudatio auf Seymour Hersh Hans Leyendecker Demokratiepreis 2007: Angriffe auf den Krieg. Laudatio auf Seymour Hersh Erhard Eppler Die Brüchigkeit der Demokratie Seymour Hersh Wo bleibt die Klimabewegung? Heike Walk "Eine ganz ander Weltzivilisation denken" André Gorz 25 Jahre kommerzielle Gentechnik Ulrich Dolata Ein Abgrund an Liebesverrat Albrecht von Lucke Für die Freiheit der Wissenschaft Offener Brief an den Präsidenten der FU Berlin, Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen, die Berufung des Juniorprofessors Dr. Albert Scharenberg betreffend, vom 14. Oktober 2007 Demokratiepreis 2007: Pressestimmen


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Seymour Hersh - Sisyphos der Demokratie. Demokratiepreis 2007: Pressestimmen Der Fall Murat Kurnaz: Staatsräson vor Menschenrecht. Laudatio anlässlich der Verleihung des Werner-Holtfort-Preises 2007 an Rechtsanwalt Bernhard Docke am 4. Oktober 2007 in Berlin (Wortlaut)

Forum Wissenschaft


Feministische Debatten: Einiges erreicht, vieles uneingelöst Barbara Holland-Cunz Neuer Feminismus, alter Feminismus. Vom vermeidlichen Zerfall und unvermeidlichen Ursachen Christa Wichterich Die große Integration. Gleichstellung unter neoliberaler Globalisierung Ruth Becker, Beate Kortendiek, Bettina Jansen-Schulz und Gudrun Schäfer Geschlechtergerecht studieren können (I). Was geschlechter- und wissenschaftspolitisch zum Bolognaprozess gehört Gudrun Perko Queer Studies. Das Verhältnis queerer und feministischer Fragestellungen Heike Weinbach Biomacht Familie. Ein Rückkehr-Plädoyer für feministische Debatten Mark Terkessidis Petition revisited. Kelek: Feminismus oder Leugnung des Sozialen Helga Ostendorf Außer Kontrolle. BA-Beratung sorgt für Geschlechterdifferenz Christoph Spehr Feministische Utopien. Interview mit Claudia Bernhard Debatte: Wolfgang Beywl Auf tönernen Füßen. Generalverdacht gegen Evaluation Andreas Keller Tempo, Qualität, Akzeptanz? Deutsche Bologna-Entwicklung auf dem Prüfstand Oliver Schöller Das Recht auf Bildung in Deutschland Sandra Brunner und Petra Sitte DSDES. Deutschland sucht die exzellente Super-Uni


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Udo E. Simonis Indizienprozess zum Klimawandel. Beweisaufname und Strafmaßbestimmung Norman Paech Neue Chance für Palästina? Die Nahostkonferenz und ihre Bedingungen Christoph Butterwegge Ahnenforschung. Hartz in Weimar Irene Raehlmann Grenzenloser Wissensdrang. Zur Rolle der Arbeitswissenschaft im Nationalsozialismus.

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte

48/2007 Editorial Ludwig Watzal Wie geht es weiter mit der Entwicklungspolitik? Franz Nuscheler Geberpolitiken ohne verlässlichen Kompass? Tobias Debiel / Daniel Lambach / Birgit Pech Entwicklungspolitischer Kohärenzanspruch an andere Politiken Guido Ashoff Kleinkredit-Systeme in Entwicklungsländern Heinrich Langerbein Ökonomische Konsequenzen von AIDS-Epidemie in Entwicklungsländern Michael Grimm Zur Afrikastrategie der Europäischen Union Peter Molt

Theory, Culture & Society

November 2007, Volume 24, No. 6 Special Issue on Life; Editor: Sebastian Olma Sebastian Olma and Kostas Koukouzelis: Introduction Life's (Re-)Emergences


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Howard Caygill Life and Energy Luciana Parisi Biotech: Life by Contagion John Mullarkey Life, Movement and the Fabulation of the Event Alberto Toscano Vital Strategies: Maurizio Lazzarato and the Metaphysics of Contemporary Capitalism Maurizio Lazzarato Machines to Crystallize Time: Bergson Sebastian Olma Physical Bergsonism and the Worldliness of Time Josef Bleicher From Kant to Goethe: Georg Simmel on the way to Leben Georg Simmel Kant and Goethe: On the History of the Modern Weltanschauung

Sociological Forum

December 2007 - Vol. 22 Issue 4 Neil Fligstein and Taekjin Shin Shareholder Value and the Transformation of the U.S. Economy, 1984–20001 Jeff A. Larson and Omar Lizardo Generations, Identities, and the Collective Memory of Che Guevara1 Chan-ung Park Gender in Academic Career Tracks: The Case of Korean Biochemists Patrik Aspers Nietzsche’s Sociology Andrew D. Buck Coalition Politics in a Postsocialist Russian City, 1994–20001 Richard York Structural Influences on Energy Production in South and East Asia, 1971–20021 William A. Gamson Political Socialization and Grandparenting Joshua Gamson


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Call Me Tori … Or a Sociologist’s Son Rebels, Just a Little Jason Kaufman Sacralizing Separatism Andreas Wimmer Institutions or Power Sharing: Making Sense of Canadian Peace Jason Kaufman Et tu, Professor Wimmer? Book Reviews: Michael Schwartz and Philip Kasinitz For Love and Money: Reflections on Viviana Zelizer’s The Purchase of Intimacy David Roelfs and Zheng Zhao Essay 1: The Marriage of Markets and Intimacy? Deirdre Caputo-Levine, Alwyn Lim, and Celine Wills Essay 2: Connected Lives and Embeddedness: Reading Zelizer with Granovetter—A Review and Critique Louis Edgar Esparza and Pablo Lapegna Essay 3: The Limits of the Connected Lives Theory Viviana Zelizer Response: The Purchase of Criticism

Theory and Society

Number 6 / Dezember 2007 The making of US monetary policy: Central bank transparency and the neoliberal dilemma Greta R. Krippner The critique of intelligent design: Epicurus, Marx, Darwin, and Freud and the materialist defense of science Brett Clark, John Bellamy Foster und Richard York For love and money: Organizations’ creative responses to multiple environmental logics Amy Binder Constructing rationalized exchange: risk, honor, and identity in contemporary financial markets. Review of Caitlin Zaloom, Out of the Pits: Traders and Technology from Chicago to London . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006 Michael McQuarrie


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Economy and Society

Volume 36 Issue 4 2007 Gabriel Tarde: special issue of Economy and Society Gabriel Tarde: imitation, invention and economy Andrew Barry; Nigel Thrift Economy of the germ: captial, accumulation and vibration Vincent-Antonin Lepinay Crowds and economic life: bringing an old figure back in Christian Borch Reinventing psychological matters: the importance of the suggestive realm of Tarde's ontology Lisa Blackman Powers of pacification: state and empire in Gabriel Tarde Alberto Toscano Economic psychology Gabriel Tarde; Alberto Toscano

Political Theory

December 2007, Volume 35, No. 6 Mary G. Dietz From the Editor John G. Gunnell Are We Losing Our Minds? Cognitive Science and the Study of Politics Hasana Sharp The Force of Ideas in Spinoza Michael L. Frazer John Rawls: Between Two Enlightenments Marguerite La Caze At the Intersection: Kant, Derrida, and the Relation between Ethics and Politics Frank Lovett Consent and the Legitimacy of Punishment: Response to Brettschneider Corey Brettschneider Unreasonable Disagreement: Reply to Lovett


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Derek P. McCormack Review Essay: Politics and Moving Bodies: Social Choreography: Ideology and Performance in Dance and Everyday Movement, by Andrew Hewitt. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005. Bodies in Code: Interfaces with Digital Media, by Mark B. N. Hansen. New York: Routledge, 2006. Politics of Touch: Sense, Movement, Sovereignty, by Erin Manning. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007 Steven Johnston Book in Review: Patriotism and Other Mistakes, by George Kateb. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2006

Journal of Peace Research

November 2007, Volume 44, No. 6 Mark J.C. Crescenzi, Jacob D. Kathman, and Stephen B. Long Reputation, History, and War Christopher K. Butler, Tali Gluch, and Neil J. Mitchell Security Forces and Sexual Violence: A Cross-National Analysis of a Principal—Agent Argument Mohammad Zulfan Tadjoeddin and Syed Mansoob Murshed Socio-Economic Determinants of Everyday Violence in Indonesia: An Empirical Investigation of Javanese Districts, 1994—2003 Félix Neto, Maria Da Conceiçao Pinto, and Etienne Mullet Intergroup Forgiveness: East Timorese and Angolan Perspectives Ramses Amer The Resolution of the Cambodian Conflict: Assessing the Explanatory Value of Zartman's `Ripeness Theory' M. Rodwan Abouharb and Anessa L. Kimball A New Dataset on Infant Mortality Rates, 1816—2002

Cultural Studies

Volume 22 Issue 1 2008 NEOLIBERALISM, NOSTALGIA, RACE POLITICS, AND THE AMERICAN PUBLIC SPHERE. The case of the Tom Joyner Morning Show Micaela di Leonardo POLITICS OF/AND POPULAR MUSIC. An analysis of the history of arabesk music from the 1960s to the 1990s in Turkey Betül Yarar


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MAPPING ADDICTED SUBJECTION. Toward a cartography of the addiction epidemic Gordon Coonfield IRANIAN WOMEN AND FOOTBALL Babak Fozooni VIOLENCE UNSEEN. Activating national icons Niza Yanay TAKING STOCK OF TV AND TELEVISION STUDIES Nikki Porter

International Organization

Vol. 61 Issue 4 The Politics of International Judicial Appointments: Evidence from the European Court of Human Rights Erik Voeten Intergovernmental Organizations, Socialization, and Member-State Interest Convergence David H. Bearce and Stacy Bondanella Overlapping Institutions, Forum Shopping, and Dispute Settlement in International Trade Marc L. Busch Voting for Change: Calculation, Community, and Euro Referendums Joseph Jupille and David Leblang Inequality and the Territorial Fragmentation of Solidarity Pablo Beramendi RESEARCH NOTE Domestic Audience Costs in International Relations: An Experimental Approach Michael Tomz

International Relations

December 2007, Volume 21, No. 4 John Gittings After Trident: Proliferation or Peace? Shirley V. Scott The Political Life of Public International Lawyers: Granting the Imprimatur Darshan Vigneswaran


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The Territorial Strategy of the Italian City-State Ole Elgström The European Union as a Leader in International Multilateral Negotiations — a Problematic Aspiration? Pami Aalto Russia's Quest for International Society and the Prospects for Regional-Level International Societies Forum: Jean Bethke Elshtain's Just War Against Terror Michael Walzer On Fighting Terrorism Justly Cian O'Driscoll Jean Bethke Elshtain's Just War Against Terror: A Tale of Two Cities Maja Zehfuss The Tragedy of Violent Justice: The Danger of Elshtain's Just War Against Terror Jean Bethke Elshtain A Response

European Journal of International Relations

December 2007, Volume 13, No. 4 Markus Kornprobst Dejustification and Dispute Settlement: Irredentism in European Politics Fiona B. Adamson and Madeleine Demetriou Remapping the Boundaries of `State' and `National Identity': Incorporating Diasporas into IR Theorizing Ursula E. Daxecker Perilous Polities? An Assessment of the Democratization-Conflict Linkage Christopher J. Finlay Reform Intervention and Democratic Revolution Frédérick Guillaume Dufour Social-property Regimes and the Uneven and Combined Development of Nationalist Practices


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Journal of European Public Policy

Volume 15 Issue 1 2008 Europeanization and the retreat of the state Volker Schneider; Frank M. Häge Europe's party-political centre of gravity, 1957-2003 Philip Manow; Armin Schäfer; Hendrik Zorn The origins of European citizenship in the first two decades of European integration Espen D. H. Olsen Taxation and democracy in the EU Steffen Ganghof; Philipp Genschel Understanding task allocation in the European Union: exploring the value of federal theory David Benson; Andrew Jordan Restituting victims: EU and NATO enlargements through the lenses of collective guilt Ainius Lasas A Europeanization deficit? The impact of EU organic agriculture regulations on new member states Johannes Michelsen Norm advocacy: a small state strategy to influence the EU Annika Björkdahl Committee Governance and Socialization in the European Union Lucia Quaglia; Fabrizio De Francesco; Claudio M. Radaelli

Global Governance

Volume 13, #4, 2007 (October-December) The World's Bank and the Bank's World Catherine Weaver Economic Growth, Poverty Reduction, and The Role of Social Policies: The Evolution of the World Bank's Social Development Approach Antje Vetterlein The World Bank Group: Championing Sustainable Development Norms? Susan Park Multilateral Lending Institutions and Transnational Policy Networks in Mexico and Chile Judith Teichman


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Volume 4 Issue 3 2007 Does Europe Have Cosmopolitan Borders? Chris Rumford Transcending Borders? Reassessing Public Spheres in a Networked World Angela M. Crack The Subversive Element in Interpersonal Relations - Cultural Border Crossings and Third Spaces: Skilled Migrants at Work and Play in the Global System Paul Kennedy Creolization and Cultural Globalization: The Soft Sounds of Fugitive Power Robin Cohen Re-imagining the Borders of US Security after 9/11: Securitisation, Risk, and the Creation of the Department of Homeland Security Bryan Mabee Open Societies, Closed Minds? Exploring the Ubiquity of Suspicion and Voyeurism Roland Robertson And the Definition of Globalization Is ? A Reply to 'In at the Death?' by Barrie Axford Justin Rosenberg

International Studies Quarterly

Vol. 51 Issue 4 Dec 2007 Exogenous Shocks or Endogenous Constructions? The Meanings of Wars and Crises Widmaier, Wesley W.; Blyth, Mark; Seabrooke, Leonard Powering, Puzzling, or Persuading? The Mechanisms of Building Institutional Orders Blyth, Mark Constructing Foreign Policy Crises: Interpretive Leadership in the Cold War and War on Terrorism Widmaier, Wesley W. The Everyday Social Sources of Economic Crises: From “Great Frustrations” to “Great Revelations” in Interwar Britain Seabrooke, Leonard Whither Will They Go? A Global Study of Refugees’ Destinations, 1965–1995 Moore, Will H.; Shellman, Stephen M.


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Following the Flag: Troop Deployment and U.S. Foreign Direct Investment Biglaiser, Glen; DeRouen, Karl Women’s Status and Economic Globalization Richards, David L.; Gelleny, Ronald When Do States Comply with International Treaties? Policies on Violence against Women in Post-Communist Countries Avdeyeva, Olga Making Words Matter: The Asian Tsunami, Darfur, and “Reflexive Discourse” in International Politics Steele, Brent J. Islam’s Bloody Innards? Religion and Political Terror, 1980–2000 de Soysa, Indra; Nordås, Ragnhild. Trading Gains for Control: International Trade Forums and Japanese Economic Diplomacy Pekkanen, Saadia M.; Solís, Mireya; Katada, Saori N. International Economic Integration and Environmental Protection: The Case of China Zeng, Ka; Eastin, Josh

International Studies Review

Fall 2007 - Vol. 9 Issue 3 Nuclear Weapons in Neo-Realist Theory Zanvyl Krieger and Ariel Ilan Roth Unipolarity, Globalization, and the War on Terror: Why Security Studies Should Refocus on Comparative Defense Damon Coletta Wanted: A Mid-Range Theory of International Peacekeeping Oldrich Bures Understanding Data Quality through Reliability: A Comparison of Data Reliability Assessment in Three International Relations Datasets Steven B. Rothman On Stage: Agent, Structure, and Improvisation Review by Heidi Hiebert pages 457–467 State Sharks and Nonstate Urchins? Review by Bartosz Hieronim Stanisławski A Critical Look at Globalization


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Review by Pamela Blackmon Ruling Out Capital Controls: European Leadership? Review by Patrick Leblond pages 478–480 Beyond Seattle: Globalization and Public Opinion Review by Timothy Hellwig Colonialism’s Climate? Review by David M. Driesen Accountable To No One: The White Man as Burden Review by David McClough The Culture Horse and the Global Cart Review by Scott Robert Olson pages 490–493 An Analytical Look at Anti-Americanism Review by Polly J. Diven Behind the Curve: Governments versus Criminal Networks Review by Melvyn Levitsky Flags of Our Fathers Review by Michael Sheehan A How-To Handbook for Hegemons Review by John P. Vanzo Constructing a Resurgent Russia Review by Charles E. Ziegler The Fog of Victory Review by Gregory A. Raymond The Art of Coercion Review by George Lawson Understanding the Limits of the European Union’s Power Review by Rachel Epstein Ethnic Conflict’s Dilemmas and Paradoxes Review by Matthew Hoddie Explaining the Radicalization of Ethnic Claims Review by Peter Vermeersch Neither Bandits nor Madmen: Modern African Insurgents Review by Barron Boyd


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Religion and Globalization Review by Robert M. Bosco Missing the Neofascist Forest Review by Peter H. Merkl There Are Peacebuilding Tasks for Everybody1 Chadwick F. Alger

International Peacekeeping

Volume 14 Issue 4 2007 Still Punching Above Their Weight? Nordic Cooperation in Peace Operations after the Cold War Peter Viggo Jakobsen The Nordic Peace Support Operations Record, 1991-99 Andreas Andersson Participation in Peace Support Operations for Small Countries: The Case of Norway Torunn Laugen Haaland A Few Kind Women: Gender Essentialism and Nordic Peacekeeping Operations Johanna Valenius Continuity and Change in the Finnish Debate on Peacekeeping Unto Vesa Swedish Norm Entrepreneurship in the UN Annika Björkdahl Deployments for Development? Nordic Peacekeeping Efforts in Africa Ståle Ulriksen

Development and Change

November 2007 - Vol. 38 Issue 6 The Wealth of Cities: Towards an Assets-based Development of Newly Urbanizing Regions John Friedmann Globalization from Below: Free Software and Alternatives to Neoliberalism Sara Schoonmaker Empire, Geopolitics and Development Amrita Chhachhi and Linda Herrera


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Imperial Geopolitics and the Promise of Democracy David Slater New War, Good War and the War on Terror: Explaining, Excusing and Creating Western Neo-interventionism Helen Dexter Frontlines and Interstices in the Global War on Terror Chetan Bhatt African NGOs: The New Compradors? Julie Hearn Marketing Development: Live 8 and the Production of the Global Citizen April Biccum David Harvey Interviewed by Alberto Toscano Rashid Khalidi Interviewed by Shahnaz Rouse Samir Amin Interviewed by Amady Aly Dieng Susan George Interviewed by Kees Biekart Sukhamoy Chakravarty: The Feasibility of Equitable Growth Servaas Storm and C.W.M. Naastepad Clifford Geertz: Singular Genius of Interpretive Anthropology Ben White Populism Repackaged: The World Bank's Perspective on Equity and Youth Sangeeta Kamat Evidence-based Policy for HIV/AIDS Interventions: Questions of External Validity, or Relevance for Use Hakan Seckinelgin Beyond Benevolence? Looking for the Politics of Social Transformation in the Human Development Report 2006 on Water Peter P. Mollinga Assessing the State of the World: Environment and Development Lorenzo Pellegrini A to Z of Abuses: ‘State of the Art’ in Global Human Rights Monitoring Ron Dudai


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Review of International Studies

Vol. 33 Issue 44 October 2007-12-05 One order, two laws: recovering the ‘normative’ in English School theory WILLIAM BAIN States and state systems: democratic, Westphalian or both? CORNELIA NAVARI Hedley Bull’s paradox of the balance of power: a philosophical inquiry RONNIE HJORTH Lessons in International Communication: Carr, Angell and Lippmann on human nature, public opinion and leadership Shifting the gaze from hysterical mothers to ‘deadly dads’: spectacle and the anti-nuclear movement TINA MANAGHAN Irregular migrants, neoliberal geographies and spatial frontiers of ‘the political’ ANNE McNEVIN From cosmopolitan nationalism to cosmopolitan democracy ROBYN ECKERSLEY The concept of solidarity in the study of world politics: towards a critical theoretic understanding MARTIN WEBER Solidarity and spheres of culture: the cosmopolitan and the postcolonial VIVIENNE JABRI Negotiating the politics of difference in the project of feminist solidarity JILL STEANS

Third World Quarterly

Volume 28 Issue 8 2007 Market-led agrarian reform: policies, performance and prospects Edward Lahiff; Saturnino M. Borras Jr; Cristóbal Kay Land, markets and neoliberal enclosure: an agrarian political economy perspective A Haroon Akram-Lodhi


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De Soto and land relations in rural Africa: breathing life into dead theories about property rights Celestine Nyamu Musembi Liberalisation and the debates on women's access to land Shahra Razavi Social movements and the experience of market-led agrarian reform in Brazil Leonilde Servolo de Medeiros Eliminating market distortions, perpetuating rural inequality: an evaluation of market-assisted land reform in Guatemala Susana Gauster; S Ryan Isakson The politics of peace and resettlement through El Salvador's land transfer programme: caught between the state and the market Ariane De Bremond Anti-poverty or Anti-poor? The World Bank's market-led agrarian reform experiment in the Philippines Saturnino M. Borras Jr; Danilo Carranza; Jennifer C. Franco 'Willing buyer, willing seller': South Africa's failed experiment in market-led agrarian reform Edward Lahiff Politics, power and poverty: twenty years of agricultural reform and market liberalisation in Egypt Author: Ray Bush

Journal für Entwicklungspolitik

Ausgabe 2007/2 Perspectives on Development Studies Karin Fischer, Gerald Hödl Perspectives on Development Studies: A Short Introduction Henry Bernstein The Antinomies of Development Studies Uma Kothari Geographies and Histories of Development Frans J. Schuurman Development Studies: Work in Progress Aram Ziai The Meaning of "Development": A critical Perspective


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Thomas Lawo, Editha Loeffelholz von Colberg Development Research: Quo vadis? Adebayo Olukoshi, Francis B. Nyamnjoh Rethinking African Development: Beyond Impassee, Towards Alternatives


Volume 35 Number 3, September 2007 Re-thinking the "inter" in Internationa Politics Kratochwil, Friedric 'The International' in Evolution Cox, Robert W. Post-internationalism and IR Theory Ferguson, Yale H.; Mansbach, Richard W. Whither the International at the End of IR Sylvester, Christine Back to the Kantian 'Idea for a Universal History'? Overcoming Eurocentric Accounts of the International Problematic Patomäki, Heikki Waiting for Gramsci: State Formation, Passive Revolution and the International Morton, Adam David Justice, Order and Anarchy: The International Political Theory of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) Prichard, Alex Friends, There Are No Friends? An Intimate Reframing of the International Berenskoetter, Felix 'The International' as Governmentality Neumann, Iver B.; Sending, Ole Jacob Hollow Hegemony: Theorising the Shift from Interest-Based to Value-Based International Policy-Making Chandler, David Political Sociology and the Problem of the International Bigo, Didier; Walker, R.B.J. Unveiling the 'International': Process, Identity and Alterity Guillaume, Xavier


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The British Journal of Politics and International Relations

November 2007 - Vol. 9 Issue 4 From Beliefs to Arguments: Interpretive Methodology and Rhetorical Political Analysis Alan Finlayson The Logic of Expressive Collective Action: When will Individuals ‘Nail their Colours to the Mast’? Philip Jones Playing Games with History: Tony Blair's European Policy in the Press Oliver Daddow Living with Capitalism: From Hobson to Giddens Jules Townshend The Declining Theoretical and Practical Utility of ‘Bandwagoning’: American Hegemony in the Age of Terror Mark Beeson Poverty, Security and the Janus-Faced State Pauline Eadie The European Union as a Model of International Co-operation in Science, Technology and Sustainable Development Josephine Anne Stein and Allam Ahmed ‘NQOC’1: Social Identity and Representation in British Politics Joanna Liddle and Elisabeth Michielsens Community Politics? Grassroots Liberal Democrats and the 2003 Scottish Parliament Elections Alistair Clark Attitudes towards the Child Trust Fund: What do Parents Think? Rajiv Prabhakar Lies, Damned Lies and Literature: George Orwell and ‘The Truth’ Stephen Ingle REVIEW ARTICLES A Woman's Place Julie Morgan Feminizing Politics: A Review Ann Widdecombe


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Feminizing Politics: A Reply to Ann Widdecombe and Julie Morgan Joni Lovenduski

World Politics

Vol. 59, No. 3, April 2007 The Study of Critical Junctures: Theory, Narrative and Counterfactuals in Historical Institutionalism Giovanni Capoccia and R. Daniel Kelemen The Achilles’ Heel of Liberal IR Theory? Globalization and Conflict in the Pre–World War I Era Patrick J. McDonald and Kevin Sweeney The Effects of U.S. Foreign Assistance on Democracy Building Steven E. Finkel, Aníbal Pérez-Liñán,and Mitchell A. Seligson The Normalization of an Anomaly: The Workers’ Party in Brazil Wendy Hunter Second-Generation Comparative Research on Genocide Review Article by Scott Straus

World Development

Volume 35, Issue 12, Pages 2041-2206 (December 2007) Human Rights, the Millennium Development Goals, and the Future of Development Cooperation Paul J. Nelson Sri Lanka’s Rural Non-Farm Economy: Removing Constraints to Pro-Poor Growth Klaus Deininger, Songqing Jin and Mona Sur North versus South: The Impact of Social Norms in the Market Pricing of Private Property Rights in Vietnam Annette M. Kim Gendered Realities: Exploring Property Ownership and Tenancy Relationships in Urban India Bipasha Baruah Are Environmental Social Movements Socially Exclusive? An Historical Study from Thailand Tim Forsyth


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For Better or for Worse? Local Impacts of the Decentralization of Indonesia’s Forest Sector Charles Palmer and Stefanie Engel Who will Meet China’s Import Demand for Forest Products? Jian Zhang and Jianbang gan Power, Development, and Institutional Change: Participatory Governance in the Lower Mekong Basin Chris Sneddon and Coleen Fox Protected Areas and Resettlement: What Scope for Voluntary Relocation? Kai Schmidt-Soltau and Dan Brockington

ZIB - Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen

2/2007 Thomas Gehring/Michael A. Kerler Neue Entscheidungsverfahren in der Weltbank. Wie institutionelle Strukturen zu gutem Regieren führen Elvira Rosert/Sonja Schirmbeck Zur Erosion internationaler Normen. Folterverbot und nukleares Tabu in der Diskussion Diana Panke Verrechtlichung auf dem Prüfstand. Zur variablen Wirkung von Rechtsdiskursen und Gerichtsurteilen auf die Einhaltung Europäischen Rechts Peter Rudolf Außenpolitikevaluation Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zu einem vernachlässigten Bereich der Außenpolitikanalyse Oliver Hidalgo Tocqueville, die Neocons und das amerikanische Imperium. Enthält »Über die Demokratie in Amerika« ein Plädoyer für die gewaltsame Verbreitung der liberalen Gesellschaft?


Nr. 303 - November / Dezember 2007 Land und Freiheit Indigenität als kulturelle Form von Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung Jens Kastner "Nachhaltige Entwicklung lernen" Die Ngöbe in Panama leisten Widerstand gegen eine Kupfermine


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Christoph Campregher und Wolfgang Zechner Vom Nutzen der Ethnizität Indigene Identitätspolitik und Neoliberalismus in den Anden Olaf Kaltmeier "Das Globale verliert sich im Nichts" Das Ständige Forum für indigene Angelegenheiten bei der UNO Maren Rößler Umstrittene "Erklärung über die Rechte indigener Völker" von Sarah Lempp Reinheit versus Einheit Ist der Begriff "indigen" in Afrika anwendbar? Sarah Lempp Symbolischer Bürgerkrieg Die indigene Bewegung in Bolivien trifft auf Reaktion Simón Ramírez Voltaire Nicht aus einer Rippe Evos Indigene Frauen in Bolivien auf dem Weg zu politischer Partizipation Alicia Allgäuer und Isabella Radhuber Urban Tribes, Rural Vibes Maori in Neuseeland im Kampf um Identität(en) Markus Bautz


Nr. 107 Theo Rauch Von Basic Needs zu MDGs Vier Jahrzehnte Armutsbekämpfung in Wissenschaft und Praxis und kein bisschen weiter Gerhard Hauck Die Scheuklappen des Entwicklungsdiskurses. Anmerkungen zu Theo Rauchs "Von Basic Needs zu MDGs" Séverine Deneulin Jenseits des individualistischen Freiheits- und Handlungsverständnisses: Strukturen des Zusammenlebens im "Capability Approach" der Entwicklungstheorie Sanjay G. Reddy Zählung der Armen: Die Wahrheit über die Welt-Armuts-Statistiken Wolfgang Hein PERIPHERIE-Stichwort: Armut


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Christa Wichterich PERIPHERIE-Stichwort: Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele - MDGs Stefan Kühl Wer was wie zählt. Die Machtspiele um ökonomische Kennziffern in der Entwicklungshilfe# Srilatha Batliwala When Rights Go Wrong: Die Entstellung des rechtsbasierten Entwicklungsansatzes Reinhart Kößler Kritik der Millennium Development Goals? Aber um was dreht sich eigentlich "Entwicklung"?, Uwe Hoering Die MDGs und die Wiederentdeckung der Landwirtschaft

Cambridge Review of International Affairs

Volume 20 Issue 4 2007 Lynn Kuok Editorial introduction Alexander Anievas Global capitalism and the states system: explaining geopolitical conflicts in contemporary world politics Alex Callinicos Does capitalism need the state system? Gonzalo Pozo-Martin Autonomous or materialist geopolitics? Benno Teschke; Hannes Lacher The changing 'logics' of capitalist competition John M. Hobson Back to the future of 'one logic or two'?: forward to the past of 'anarchy versus racist hierarchy'? Adam David Morton Disputing the geopolitics of the states system and global capitalism Kees van der Pijl Capital and the state system: a class act Pieter van Houten


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The World Bank's (post-)conflict agenda: the challenge of integrating development and security Michelle Pace Norm shifting from EMP to ENP: the EU as a norm entrepreneur in the south? Jesper Gulddal 'The one great Hyperpower in the Sky': anti-Americanism in contemporary European literature


Volume 38, Issue 6 (November 2007) ‘Second economy’ versus informal economy: A South African affair Christian M. Rogerson ‘Public intellectuals’, geography, its representations and its publics Kevin Ward Geographies of generosity: Beyond the ‘moral turn’ Clive Barnett and David Land ‘I’m not in it for the money’: Constructing and mediating ethical reconnections in UK social banking Martin Buttle Ethical citizenship? Volunteers and the ethics of providing services for homeless people Paul Cloke, Sarah Johnsen and Jon May Mobilising generosity, framing geopolitics: Narrating crisis in the homeland through diasporic media Sean Carter ‘It’s more than just what it is’: Defetishising commodities, expanding fields, mobilising change… Ian Cook, James Evans, Helen Griffiths, Rebecca Morris and Sarah Wrathmell Living through the tsunami: Vulnerability and generosity on a volatile earth Nigel Clark Situated knowledges and the spaces of consent Beth Greenhough Ecologies of actor-networks and (non)social labor within the urban political economies of nature Harold A. Perkins


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Domesticating neo-liberalism: Everyday lives and the geographies of post-socialist transformations Adrian Smith and Alena Rochovská Intra-metropolitan preferences of property developers in greater Toronto’s office market Igal Charney Climate change and journalistic norms: A case-study of US mass-media coverage Maxwell T. Boykoff and Jules M. Boykoff Locating the transgenic landscape: Animal biotechnology and politics of place in Massachusetts Julie Urbanik Small towns as ‘sub-poles’ in English rural development: Investigating rural–urban linkages using sub-regional social accounting matrices Paul Courtney, Lucy Mayfield, Richard Tranter, Philip Jones and Andrew Errington Cows versus rubber: Changing livelihoods among Amazonian extractivists David S. Salisbury and Marianne Schmink NIMBY localism and national inequitable exclusion alliances: The case of syringe exchange programs in the United States Barbara Tempalski, Risa Friedman, Marie Keem, Hannah Cooper and Samuel R. Friedman Introducing the concept of tactile space: Creating lasting social and environmental commitments Michael S. Carolan Prospects and problems of afforestation of wastelands in India: A synthesis of macro- and micro-perspectives Kulbhushan Balooni and Katar Singh Agricultural multifunctionality, environmental sustainability and the WTO: Resistance or accommodation to the neoliberal project for agriculture? Clive Potter and Mark Tilzey Contaminated identities: Mercury and marginalization in Ghana’s artisanal mining sector Petra Tschakert and Kamini Singha The creative reconstruction of the Internet: Google and the privatization of cyberspace and DigiPlace Matthew A. Zook and Mark Graham

Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

Vol. 25, Issue 6 Torture and the ethics of photography Judith Butler


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Laboratories, laws, and the career of a commodity Peter Atkins Neolocalism and renascent social capital in northeast Thailand Michael J G Parnwell Phir bhi dil hai Hindustani (Yet the heart remains Indian): Bollywood, the ‘homeland’ nation-state, and the diaspora Robina Mohammad Subjecting cows to robots: farming technologies and the making of animal subjects Lewis Holloway Constellations of identity: place-ma(r)king beyond heritage Venda Louise Pollock, Joanne P Sharp Before “fair trade”: empire, free trade, and the moral economies of food in the modern world Frank Trentmann Revisiting the hidden transcript: oral tradition and black cultural politics in the Colombian Pacific coast region Ulrich Oslender

Ecological Economics

Volume 64, Issue 2, December 2007 The dangers of extended, but incomplete, accounting for measures of economic performance in a world of imperfect knowledge Mick Common Ecosystem services and agriculture: Cultivating agricultural ecosystems for diverse benefits Scott M. Swinton, Frank Lupi, G. Philip Robertson and Stephen K. Hamilton Ecosystem services and dis-services to agriculture Wei Zhang, Taylor H. Ricketts, Claire Kremen, Karen Carney and Scott M. Swinton Ecological services to and from rangelands of the United States Kris M. Havstad, Debra P.C. Peters, Rhonda Skaggs, Joel Brown, Brandon Bestelmeyer, Ed Fredrickson, Jeffrey Herrick and Jack Wright Soil biota, ecosystem services and land productivity Edmundo Barrios Measures of the effects of agricultural practices on ecosystem services Virginia H. Dale and Stephen Polasky Jointness in production and farmers' willingness to supply non-marketed ecosystem services Ada Wossink and Scott M. Swinton


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Estimation of forest values using choice modeling: An application to Spanish forests Raul Brey, Pere Riera and Joan Mogas Valuing deer hunting ecosystem services from farm landscapes Scott Knoche and Frank Lupi An assessment of market-based approaches to providing ecosystem services on agricultural lands Timm Kroeger and Frank Casey Institutional incentives for managing the landscape: Inducing cooperation for the production of ecosystem services Rebecca L. Goldman, Barton H. Thompson and Gretchen C. Daily Spatial incentives to coordinate contiguous habitat Gregory M. Parkhurst and Jason F. Shogren Ecosystem services, agriculture, and rural poverty in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon: Interrelationships and policy prescriptions Jan Börner, Arisbe Mendoza and Stephen A. Vosti Paying for the environmental services of silvopastoral practices in Nicaragua Stefano Pagiola, Elías Ramírez, José Gobbi, Cees de Haan, Muhammad Ibrahim, Enrique Murgueitio and Juan Pablo Ruíz Simulating soil fertility and poverty dynamics in Uganda: A bio-economic multi-agent systems approach Pepijn Schreinemachers, Thomas Berger and Jens B. Aune Sharing resources: The global distribution of the Ecological Footprint Thomas J. White Defining viable recovery paths toward sustainable fisheries Vincent Martinet, Olivier Thébaud and Luc Doyen Measuring transnational leakage of forest conservation Jianbang Gan and Bruce A. McCarl The effect of experience and quantity-based pricing on the valuation of a curbside recycling program Alok K. Bohara, Arthur J. Caplan and Therese Grijalva The material basis of the global economy: Worldwide patterns of natural resource extraction and their implications for sustainable resource use policies Arno Behrens, Stefan Giljum, Jan Kovanda and Samuel Niza Valuing ecosystem services: A shadow price for net primary production Amy Richmond, Robert K. Kaufmann and Ranga B. Myneni


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Journal of Political Ecology

Vol. 14 (2007) Conquest, Domination and Control: Europe’s Mastery of Nature in Historic Perspective Philip Pattberg. An Exceptional Strike: A Micro-history of ‘People versus Park’ in Madagascar Genese Sodikoff Foragers, Farmers and Fishers: Responses to Environmental Perturbation Monica Minnegal and Peter Dwyer

Science & Society

Vol. 71, Issue 4 Plain Marxists, Sophisticated Marxists, and C. Wright Mills' The Power Elite Clyde W. Barrow Sean Sayers The Labor Theory of Value and Simple Commodity Production Arthur DiQuattro Building Upon Defects: Theses on the Misinterpretation of Marx's Gotha Critique Michael A. Lebowitz

Capitalism, Nature, Socialism

Volume 18 Issue 4 2007 Grace Paley and the Dark Lives of Women Joel Kovel Privatization of the Air Turns Lethal: "Pay to Pollute" Principle Kills South African Activist Sajida Khan Patrick Bond The Law of the Jungle Peter Linebaugh A Political Ecology of British Columbia's Community Forests Caitlyn Vernon Visioning the Sustainable City Bill Hopwood; Mary Mellor


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Why the U-Turn on Sustainable Transport? Michael Cahill A Park for the 21st Century: Observations on the Transformation of Mile End Park Jane Hindley The Greying of Green Governance: Power Politics and the Global Environment Facility Kate Ervine On Radical Activism Erica Wetter Radical Thought in the Time of Corporate Globalization Milton Fisk

Global Environmental Politics

Volume 7, Number 4, November 2007 Special Issue: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change Harrison, Kathryn, Sundstrom, Lisa McIntosh Introduction: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change Schreurs, Miranda A., Tiberghien, Yves. Multi-Level Reinforcement: Explaining European Union Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation Henry, Laura A., Sundstrom, Lisa McIntosh Russia and the Kyoto Protocol: Seeking an Alignment of Interests and Image Tiberghien, Yves, Schreurs, Miranda A. High Noon in Japan: Embedded Symbolism and Post-2001 Kyoto Protocol Politics Harrison, Kathryn The Road not Taken: Climate Change Policy in Canada and the United States Crowley, Kate Is Australia Faking It? The Kyoto Protocol and the Greenhouse Policy Challenge Sowers, Jeannie Lynn The Many Injustices of Climate Change


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Journal of Environment & Development

December 2007, Volume 16, No. 4 Jérôme Ballet, Nicolas Sirven, and Mélanie Requiers-Desjardins Social Capital and Natural Resource Management: A Critical Perspective Jeannie Sowers Nature Reserves and Authoritarian Rule in Egypt: Embedded Autonomy Revisited Edward B. Barbier Natural Capital and Labor Allocation: Mangrove-Dependent Households in Thailand Charles Kenny A Note on the Ethical Implications of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change

Review of International Political Economy

Volume 15 Issue 1 2008 Traditions of IPE Revisited All at sea in a barbed wire canoe: Professor Cohen's transatlantic voyage in IPE Richard Higgott; Matthew Watson In search of the missing middle John Ravenhill The transatlantic divide: A rejoinder Benjamin J. Cohen The institutional foundations of US structural power in international finance: From the re-emergence of global finance to the monetarist turn Martijn Konings Understanding developing country resistance to the Doha Round Kevin P. Gallagher From the gene to the globe: Extracting rents based on intellectual property monopolies Christian Zeller Review Essays Our epidemiological footprint: The circulation of avian flu, SARS, and HIV/AIDS in the world economy Stefan Elbe Selling security: Assessing the impact of military privatization Rita Abrahamsen; Michael C. Williams


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Historical Materialism

Volume 15, Number 3, 2007 General Intellect Virno, Paolo On Materiality and Social Form: A Political Critique of Rubin's Value-Form Theory Kicillof, Axel; Starosta, Guido Symposium on Ellen Meiksins Wood's Empire of Capital: Editorial Introduction Blackledge, Paul In What Ways Is 'The New Imperialism' Really New? Harvey, David The Pitfalls of Realist Analysis of Global Capitalism: A Critique of Ellen Meiksins Wood's Empire of Capital Robinson, William I. 'New' Imperialism? On Globalisation and Nation-States Bose, Prasenjit The Economic Foundations of Contemporary Imperialism Chesnais, François A Reply to Critics Wood, Ellen Meiksins Intervention: The Zimbabwe Question and the Two Lefts Moyo, Sam; Yeros, Paris Review Articles Postmoderner Links-Nietzscheanismus. Deleuze & Foucault. Eine Dekonstruktion Rehmann., Jan Marx and Wittgenstein: Knowledge, Morality and Politics Kitching, Gavin; Pleasants, Nigel Entfesselter Kapitalismus: Transformation des europäischen Sozialmodells Bischoff, Joachim Weltmarkt und Imperialismus: Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der klassischen marxistischen Imperialismustheorie Nachtwey, Oliver Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism: Earth Foster, John Bellamy


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Review of Radical Political Economics

Summer 2007, Volume 39, No. 3 Peter Dorman Introduction to the Pedagogy Section Brent Kramer Participatory Learning in Introductory Economics Edward J. Ford, Daniel C. Leclerc, and E.J. Ford A Constructivist Learning Approach to Unemployment Ilene Grabel Policy Coherence or Conformance? The New World Bank—International Monetary Fund—World Trade Organization Rhetoric on Trade and Investment in Developing Countries Mathieu Dufour and Özgür Orhangazi International Financial Crises: Scourge or Blessings in Disguise? Firat Demir The Rise of Rentier Capitalism and the Financialization of Real Sectors in Developing Countries Sripad Motiram and Vamsi Vakulabharanam Corporate and Cooperative Solutions for the Agrarian Crisis in Developing Countries Christian E. Weller The Benefits of Progressive Taxation in Economic Development Tim Koechlin Fighting Global Poverty, Three Ways Fred Curtis Climate Change, Peak Oil, and Globalization: Contradictions of Natural Capital Engelbert Stockhammer Wage Moderation Does Not Work: Unemployment in Europe Emel Memis A Disaggregate Analysis of Profit Rates in Turkish Manufacturing Daniel E. Saros The Price-Form as a Fractional Reflection of the Aggregate Value of Commodities Justin A. Elardo Marx, Marxists, and Economic Anthropology Geoffrey Wood and Leslie Bank


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Book Review Essay: Continuity and Change in Structures and Social Life: Alternative Radical Accounts Frank Thompson Book Review: Economic Analysis, Moral Philosophy, and Public Policy, 2nd Edition1 Daniel M. Hausman and Michael S. McPherson; Brigitte H. Bechtold Book Review: Tangled Routes: Women, Work and Globalization on the Tomato Trail Deborah Barndt Michael Keaney Book Review: The Power of the Machine: Global Inequalities of Economy, Technology, and Environment Alf Hornborg; Robin Hahnel Book Review: A Critical Rewriting of Global Political Economy: Integrating Reproductive, Productive and Virtual Economies V. Spike Peterson Kamran Nayeri Book Review: Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance: Transforming Food Production in Cuba Fernando Funes, Luis García, Martin Bourque, Nilda Pérez, and Peter Rosset; Kamran Nayeri Book Review: Workers in Cuba: Unions & Labor Relations Debra Evenson; Inside the Revolution: Everyday Life in Socialist Cuba Mona Rosendahl; Cuba: A Revolution in Motion Isaac Saney; Marie Christine Duggan Book Review: Capital Resurgent: Roots of the Neoliberal Revolution Gérard Duménil and Dominique Lévy; Carlos Jesus Fernandez Rodriguez Book Review: Capitalism, Social Privilege and Managerial Ideologies Ernesto R. Gantman Miriam Garcia-Salazar, Mara Rosas-Baños, and Daniel Tagle-Zamora Book Review: Unholy Trinity: Labor, Capital, and Land in the New Economy Duncan K. Foley; Jamie Johnstone Book Review: You Call This a Democracy? Who Benefits, Who Pays and Who Really Decides? Paul Kivel Brian Caterino Book Review: Between Equal Rights: A Marxist Theory of International Law China Miéville; Human Rights and Development Peter Uvin; Globalizing Democracy and Human Rights Carol C. Gould; Arjan Vliegenthart Book Review: Alternative Economic Models of Transition John Marangos;


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Jackie Gabriel Book Review: Rebuilding Labor: Organizing and Organizers in the New Union Movement Ruth Milkman and Kim Voss, eds. Hepzibah Munoz Martinez Book Review: The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policy-Making: From the Gold Standard to the Euro Steven Kettell

Rethinking Marxism

Volume 19 Issue 4 2007 Sovereign Right and the Global Left Susan Buck-Morss This is Not Me Lin Lam Althusser's Catholic Marxism Roland Boer Revolution and Revelation: Joan of Arc - A Saint for our Time? Creston Davis The Order and Connection of Ideas: Theoretical Practice in Macherey's Turn to Spinoza Jason Read Nothing but the World: An Interview with Vacarme Jean-Luc Nancy Remarx Richard McIntyre; Michael Hillard

New Left Review

Nr. 47, Sep/Oct 2007 Manuel Riesco Is Pinochet Dead? Gopal Balakrishnan Role of Force in History Meredith Jung-En Woo The New East Asia


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Robin Blackburn Plan for a Global Pension Jesse Diaz and Javier Rodriguez Undocumented in America Andrew Plaks Leaving the Garden BOOK REVIEWS Vivek Chibber C A Bayly, The Birth of the Modern World, 1780–1914 Emilie Bickerton Serge Halimi, Les Nouveaux chiens de garde David Simpson Donald Sassoon, The Culture of the Europeans

New Political Economy

Volume 12, Number 3, September 2007 Recasting the Global Political Economy: Counting Women's Unpaid Work Catherine Hoskyns and Shirin M. Rai Regionalisation and Civil Society: The Case of Southern Africa Fredrik Söderbaum Introduction: New Actors in a Financialized Economy and the Remaking of Capitalism Julie Froud, Adam Leaver and Karel Williams Is the Stock Market a Disciplinary Institution? French Giant Firms and the Regime of Accumulation Sukhdev Johal and Adam Leaver Banks as Continuous Reinvention Ismail Erturk and Stefano Solari Constructing the Market Frame: Distributed Cognition and Distributed Framing in Financial Markets Iain Hardie and Donald MacKenzie Private Equity and the Culture of Value Extraction Julie Froud and Karel Williams The Political Economy of New Labour: Failure of a Success Story?


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Joel Krieger Global Monitor Google Xiudian Dai Feature Review Geoffrey Brennan and Philip Pettit, The Economy of Esteem: An essay on civil and political society Shaun Hargreaves-Heap

Monthly Review

December 2007, Volume 59, Number 7 Political Islam in the Service of Imperialism Samir Amin Abu Ghraib and Insaniyat Arshin Adib-Moghaddam Self-Sourcing: How Corporations Get Us to Work Without Pay! Martha E Gimenez On the History of Imperialism Theory Research Unit For Political Economy Rediscovering the History of Imperialism Theory: A Reply John Bellamy Foster The Nabi Papers ‘Isador Nabi’

Correspondence A Guaranteed Annual Income Will Not Work With a reply by Stephen Fortunato Jr.

Review Reclaim the Neighborhood, Change the World Vijay Prashad

Z. Zeitschrift marxistische Erneuerung

Heft 72, Dezember 2007


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Jörg Huffschmid Macht- und Steuerungsverschiebungen hinter den Spekulationsblasen Anmerkungen zur Diskussion über die aktuelle Finanzkrise Faschismus: Geschichte, Forschung, Medien Peter Scherer Wem gehört der 9. November? Über Revolution, Konterrevolution und Antisemitismus 1918/1923/1938 Guido Speckmann/Gerd Wiegel Faschismus oder „nationaler Sozialismus“? Neuere Tendenzen der Faschismusforschung Werner Röhr Großkapital und Faschismus. Man kann nicht ewig hochrüsten, ohne Krieg zu wollen Ulrich Schneider Vom medialen Umgang mit dem Faschismus Hannes Heer Das Dritte Reich des Guido Knopp. Vom medialen Umgang mit der Nazivergangenheit Medien: Hegemonie und Gegenhegemonie Werner Biermann/Arno Klönne Bertelsmann. Ein Konzern macht Politik Diether Dehm/Manfred Sohn Macht, Medien und kulturelle Hegemonie im Kapitalismus Oktoberrevolution: Kampf um die Geschichte Ulla Plener Rosa Luxemburg und Lenin: Über Massen und ihre Aktionen als demokratischer Weg zum Sozialismus Andreas Wehr Der Rote Oktober in der historischen Bilanz. Zu Domenico Lossurdos Buch Kampf um die Geschichte Weitere Beiträge Andrej N. Pjatakov Die „Bolivarianische Alternative für Amerika“. Eine neue Perspektive der lateinamerikanischen Entwicklung Werner Seppmann Zur Aktualität einer kritischen Gesellschaftstheorie: Leo Kofler Roman George Starke Mobilisierung – umstrittenes Ergebnis: Der Telekom-Streik


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Diskussion, Kritik, Zuschriften Jörg Schindler/Kolja Möller Alles wird schlimmer? – Zur Situation linker Studierendenpolitik heute. Anmerkungen zu Nele Hirsch, Z 70 Berichte Carla Müller Auf dem Weg in den „dritten Arbeitsmarkt“. Dortmund, 8. September 2007 Gerd Wiegel Neuformierung der politischen Rechten in Europa. Hamburg, 28.-29. September 2007 Andreas Wehr Die Linke und die Nation. Berlin, 29.-30. September 2007 Raimund Feld Actuel Marx: Fünfter Internationaler Marx-Kongress. Paris, 3.-6. Oktober 2007 Stephan Krull Sie waren dabei. Mitläuferinnen, Nutznießerinnen, Täterinnen im Nationalsozialismus. Dachau, 5.-6. Oktober 2007 David Salomon „Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung!?“ Marburg, 27. Oktober 2007 Helma Chrenko Alternative Wirtschaftsstrategien in Lateinamerika – Herausforderungen für die europäische Linke. Berlin, 27.-28. Oktober 2007 Buchbesprechungen Medientheorie – „Duck auf den Verstand“ (Karl Unger zu medientheoretischen Neuerscheinungen) „Kollektiver Imperialismus“: G8 (Stefan Schoppengerd zu Mayer/Schmidt/Schuhler) Neoliberalismuskritik (Klemens Himpele zu Butterwegge/Lösch/Ptak) Österreichische Verstaatlichung (Karl Unger zu Manfred Mugrauer u.a.) Frankfurter Arbeitergeschichte (Peter Scherer zu Heinz-Jung-Stiftung) Vergangene Gelehrsamkeit (Martin Eichler zu Joseph A. Schumpeter) Engagierte Soziologie (Waldemar Kesler zu Helmut Brenner/Andrea Lange-Vester) Never work alone (Juri Hälker zu Bremme/Fürniß/Meinecke)


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Lehrmeister Geschichte (Helmut Peters zu Sobhanlal Datta Gupta) Lebendige Revolution? (Steffen Niese zu Heinz Langer) Linkspartei: Außensichten (Florian Weis zu Spier/Butzlaff/Micus/Walter) Kapital-Lektüre (Jannis Kompsopoulos zu Wolfgang Fritz Haug) Logik mit mittelgroßen Löchern (Ingo Stützle zu Viktor A. Važjulin)

Das Argument

272, 4/2007 Frigga Haug Zum Tod von Ulrike Gschwandtner Eric Hobsbawm Erinnerung an Monty Johnstone Frigga Haug Missbraucht beim Kirchentag Karen Ruoff Das Enron-Ranking-Paradigma Neoliberalisierung der Hochschule Susanne Draheim & Tilman Reitz Streit der Exzellenzen. Die konservative Kritik des deutschen Bologna-Prozesses Larry Hanley Akademische Lehre in den USA: Bildungstechnologie und Berufsidentität Ulrich Ruschig Simulierte Warenproduktion – ein akademischer Tanz ums goldene Kalb Christoph Heumann Innenansicht der Akkreditierung. Zur Regierungstechnik der Hochschulreform (Interview) Alex Demirovic Die Transformation der Staatlichkeit von Hochschulen Gerhard Zimmer Die Universität in der informationstechnischen Produktionsweise – Perspektiven und Widersprüche Das Kapital lesen – aber wie?


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Wolfgang Fritz Haug Die »Neue Kapital-Lektüre« der monetären Werttheorie Georg Quaas Für ein kohärentes Kapital-Verständnis. Ein Kommentar zu Haugs Einführung

Capital & Class

Nr. 93, Autumn 2007 Special Issue: The Left & Europe Gerry Strange & Owen Worth Editorial: The Left & Europe: Editorial Introduction Magnus Ryner Hugo Radice Britain and Europe: Class, state and the politics of integration Lawrence Wilde Europe and the 're-regulation of world society': A critique of Habermas Mark Baimbridge, Philip B Whyman & Brian Burkitt Beyond EU neo-liberlisation: A progressive strategy for the British left Owen Worth Re-engaging the third way? Regionalism, the European left and 'Marxism without guarantees' Andreas Bieler Co-option or resistance? Trade unions and neo-liberal restructuring in Europe Christoph Hermann and Ines Hofbauer The European social model: Between competitive modernisation and neoliberal resistance Michael Holmes and Simon Lightfoot The europeanisation of left political parties: Limits to adaptation and consensus Stuart Shields From socialist Solidarity to neo-populist neoliberalisation? The paradoxes of Poland's post-communist tradition Ian Barnes & Claire Randerson EU expansion and the political economy of former communist states' accession: The case of Hungary's 'convergence' John Callaghan Pivotal powers: The British Labour Party and European unity since 1945


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Andrew Mullen The British left: For and aganst Europe? A historical survey Gerard Strange From 'embedded liberalism' to 'negotiated openness': British trade unions and the European Union from the 1960s – a world-order approach


Nr 23, September 2007 Isabell Lorey VirtuosInnen der Freiheit. Zur Implosion von politischer Virtuosität und produktiver Arbeit Phillippe Kellermann Über den aufrechten Gang im Vorgestern. Drei Geschichten über den Kampf um eine bessere Welt Karl Reitter Alfred Sohn-Rethel und die „erweiterte Warenanalyse“ Sandra Gendera und Bettina Haidinger „Ich kann in Österreich als Putzfrau arbeiten. Vielen Dank, ja.“ Bedingungen der bezahlten Haushalts- und Pflegearbeit von Migrantinnen Elisabeth Steger „Ein WIRKLICH netter Mensch zu sein, ist eine immens politische Angelegenheit“. Eine Entgegnung Gáspár Miklós Tamás Konterrevolution gegen eine Konterrevolution. Übersetzt von Gerold Wallner


Nr 3, Herbst 2007 Mario Becksteiner, Florian Reiter Ernste Allgemeine Verunsicherung auf Europatournee. Prekarisierung und die Europäische Union Benjamin Opratko Sei spontan, träum’ den Kommunismus! Multitude als Theorie der Prekarität? Maria Asenbaum, Karin Hädicke Gewerkschaft bewegen. Was bringt Organizing?


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Kim Moody, Chris Harman, Martin Smith An der Werkbank der Supermacht (Interview) Pun Ngai Schlafsaalkapitalismus in Shenzhen Dieter Behr, Lisa Bolyos, Benjamin Opratko Kämpfe im Plastikmeer (Interview) Stefan Probst Faszination Elend. Repräsentationen von Armut in europäischen Großstädten um 1900 Philipp Probst In den Dreck gezogen. Rezension: Mike Davis: Planet der Slums. Berlin: Assoziation A 2007. Stefan Probst Wollt ihr den totalen Markt? Rezension: Peter Bathke, Susanne Spindler (Hg.): Neoliberalismus und Rechtsextremismus in Europa. Zusammenhänge – Widersprüche – Gegenstrategien. Berlin: Dietz 2006 Maria Asenbaum Macht ist Wissen – Bildung und Soziale Ungleichheit. Rezension: Sylvia Kuba (Hg.): Im Klub der Auserwählten. Soziale Selektion an der Universität. Analysen und Strategien. Wien: Löcker Verlag 2007 Michael Botka Alle reden übers Wetter. Rezension: Tim Flannery: Wir Wettermacher. Frankfurt/M.: Fischer 2007 Karin Hädicke Take off! Rezension: Flying Pickets (Hg.): …auf den Geschmack gekommen. Sechs Monate Streik bei Gate Gourmet. Berlin: Assoziation a 2006


November 2007 - Vol. 39 Issue 5 Tariq Jazeel, Colin McFarlane Responsible Learning: Cultures of Knowledge Production and the North–South Divide William H. Thornton Europe's Jihadic Nightmare: The Case for Civil Islam Peter Benson, Edward F. Fischer Broccoli and Desire Stuart Elden Terror and Territory


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Roger Keil and Harris Ali Governing the Sick City: Urban Governance in the Age of Emerging Infectious Disease Robert E. Thibault Between Survival and Revolution: Another Community Development System is Possible Sally Weller Power and Scale: The Shifting Geography of Industrial Relations Law in Australia Jamie Winders Bringing Back the (B)order: Post-9/11 Politics of Immigration, Borders, and Belonging in the Contemporary US South Book reviews LISA ARRASTÍA, CATHRYN MERLA WATSON and RICHA NAGAR Black, Brown, Yellow and Left: Radical Activism in Los Angeles by Laura Pulido. Race, Radical Activism, and the Third World Left PETER A WALKER From Enslavement to Environmentalism: Politics on a Southern African Frontier by David McDermott Hughes

Progress in Human Geography

December 2007, Volume 31, No. 6 Jamie Peck and Nik Theodore Variegated capitalism Peter Adey, Lucy Budd, and Phil Hubbard Flying lessons: exploring the social and cultural geographies of global air travel Lynn A. Staeheli and Don Mitchell Locating the public in research and practice Roger Lee Allan Pred (1936—2007) Michael Watts and Richard Walker Allan Pred: scholar, teacher and rebel Trevor Paglen Allan Pred as producer Shiloh Krupar Pred's workshop Derek Gregory


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The long roll of thunder Gunnar Olsson The gone is not gone Ray Hudson Region and place: rethinking regional development in the context of global environmental change Lesley Head Cultural ecology: the problematic human and the terms of engagement Neil Coe Book review: Aneesh, A. 2006: Virtual migration: the programming of globalization. Durham: Duke University Press. Geoff A. Wilson Book review: Bell, M.M. 2004: Farming for us all: practical agriculture and the cultivation of sustainability. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. Mark Jayne Book review: Binnie, J., Holloway, J., Millington, S. and Young, C., editors 2006: Cosmopolitan urbanism. London: Routledge. Thomas Harvey Book review: Cederlof, G. and Sivaramakrishnan, K. editors 2006. Ecological nationalisms: nature, livelihoods and identities in South Asia. Seattle and London: Washington University Press. Katherine Rankin Book review: Edelman, M. and Haugerud, A., editors 2005: The anthropology of development and globalization: from classical political economy to contemporary neoliberalism. Oxford: Blackwell. Frances Fahy Book review: Hinchliffe, S., Blowers, A. and Freeland, J., editors 2003: Understanding environmental issues. Chichester: Wiley. Carl Dahlman Book review: Inayatullah, N. and Blaney, D. 2004: International relations and the problem of difference. New York: Routledge. Tim Forsyth Book review: Jonsson, H. 2005: Mien relations: mountain people and state control in Thailand. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press Thomas Harvey Book review: Zimmerer, K., editor 2006: Globalization and the new geographies of conservation. Chicago: Chicago University Press Peter Hagget


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Obituary: Professor Les Hepple (1947–2007)

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

December 2007 - Vol. 31 Issue 4 ALAN GILBERT The Return of the Slum: Does Language Matter? MARIE HUCHZERMEYER Tenement City: The Emergence of Multi-storey Districts Through Large-scale Private Landlordism in Nairobi THOMAS MALOUTAS Segregation, Social Polarization and Immigration in Athens during the 1990s: Theoretical Expectations and Contextual Difference TIM BUTLER Re-urbanizing London Docklands: Gentrification, Suburbanization or New Urbanism? EDSEL E. SAJOR and RUTMANEE ONGSAKUL Mixed Land Use and Equity in Water Governance in Peri-Urban Bangkok SYLVIE FOL, GABRIEL DUPUY and OLIVIER COUTARD Transport Policy and the Car Divide in the UK, the US and France: Beyond the Environmental Debate TIMO PIHKALA, VESA HARMAAKORPI and SATU PEKKARINEN The Role of Dynamic Capabilities and Social Capital in Breaking Socio-Institutional Inertia in Regional Development NOEL CASTREE Labour Geography: A Work in Progress JACK NASAR, PETER HECHT and RICHARD WENER ‘Call if You Have Trouble’: Mobile Phones and Safety among College Students Peter Eisinger Business as usual: New York City after 9/11 Book Reviews Kate Meagher Walking the Tight Rope: Informal Livelihoods and Social Networks in a West African City – By Ilda Lourenço-Lindell Hein Marais AIDS in Africa: How the Poor are Dying – By Nana K. Poku John R. Logan


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China's Urban Transition – By John Friedmann Huub van Baar Roma and Gypsy-Travellers in Europe. Modernity, Race, Space and Exclusion – By Angus Bancroft Patsy Healey Urban Planning Today – Edited by William S. Saunders

European Urban and Regional Studies

January 2008, Volume 15, No. 1 Joe Painter European Citizenship and the Regions Rupert Waters and Helen Lawton Smith Social Networks in High-Technology Local Economies: The Cases of Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire Heiko Prange Explaining Varieties of Regional Innovation Policies in Europe Craig Young and Sylvia Kaczmarek The Socialist Past and Postsocialist Urban Identity in Central and Eastern Europe: The Case of ód , Poland Luiza Bialasiewicz The Uncertain State(s) of Europe? Jean-Baptiste Harguindeguy Book Review: Olivier Kramsch and Barbara Hooper (eds) CROSS-BORDER GOVERNANCE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION: Routledge, Abingdon, 2004 Georgina M. Gomez Book Review: P. North ALTERNATIVE CURRENCY MOVEMENTS AS A CHALLENGE TO GLOBALISATION? A CASE STUDY OF MANCHESTER'S LOCAL CURRENCY NETWORKS: Ashgate, Aldershot, 2006 Costis Hadjimichalis Book Review: R.K. Ray, A.T. Denzau and T.D.Willett (eds) NEOLIBERALISM: NATIONAL AND REGIONAL EXPERIMENTS WITH GLOBAL IDEAS: Routledge, London, 2007, Bernard Deacon Book Review: Iwona Sagan and Henrik Halkier (eds) REGIONALISM CONTESTED: INSTITUTION, SOCIETY AND GOVERNANCE: Ashgate, Aldershot, 2005


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Political Geography

Volume 26, Issue 8 (November 2007) Partition and the reconfiguration of the Irish Border John Coakley and Liam O'Dowd The transformation of the Irish border Brendan O'Leary Analysing partition: Definition, classification and explanation K.J. Rankin Deducing rationales and political tactics in the partitioning of Ireland, 1912–1925 James Anderson and Liam O'Dowd Imperialism and nationalism: The Home Rule struggle and border creation in Ireland, 1885–1925 Shaul Cohen Winning while losing: The Apprentice Boys of Derry walk their beat Ian Shuttleworth Reconceptualising local labour markets in the context of cross-border and transnational labour flows: The Irish example

Urban Studies

December, 2007, Volume 44:13 Louis Bertinelli and Eric Strobl Urbanisation, Urban Concentration and Economic Development Alessandra Faggian, Philip McCann and Stephen Sheppard Human Capital, Higher Education and Graduate Migration: An Analysis of Scottish and Welsh Students Shlomie Hazam and Daniel Felsenstein Terror, Fear and Behaviour in the Jerusalem Housing Market Tahire Erman and Meliha Coskun-Yildar Emergent Local Initiative and the City: The Case of neighbourhood Associations of Better-off Classes in Urban Turkey in the Post 1980s MacDonald, Robert J Stokes, Greg Ridgeway and K Jack Riley Race, Neighbourhood Context, and Perceptions of Injustice by the Police Fenne M Pinkster


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Localised Social Networks, Socialisation and Social Mobility in a Low Income Neighbourhood in the Netherlands Gerard Marlet & Clemens van Woerkens The Dutch Creative Class and how it Fosters Urban Employment Growth Gary Painter, Cathy Yang Liu and Duan Zhuang Immigrants and the Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis: Employment Outcomes among Immigrant Youth in Los Angeles Ming Wen, Christopher R Browning and Kathleen A Cagney Neighbourhood Deprivation, Social Capital and Regular Exercise during Adulthood: A Multi-level Study in Chicago Fulong Wu Poverty of Transition: From Industrial District to Poverty Neighbourhood in the City of Nanjing, China

Environment and Planning A

Volume 39 issue 12 (December 2007) Ilse Helbrecht Commentary: The Bologna process: how the European university is endangered through the creation of a European space of higher education Theme issue: Participatory geographies Rachel Pain, Sara Kindon Guest Editorial: Participatory geographies Mike Kesby Spatialising participatory approaches: the contribution of geography to a mature debate Eleanor Jupp Participation, local knowledge and empowerment: researching public space with young people Fran Klodawsky ‘Choosing’ participatory research: partnerships in space – time Caitlin Cahill Afterword: Well positioned? Locating participation in theory and practice Mrill Ingram Disciplining microbes in the implementation of US Federal Organic Standards Julie Cupples, Victoria Guyatt, Jamie Pearce


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“Put on a jacket, you wuss”: cultural identities, home heating, and air pollution in Christchurch, New Zealand Sarah C E Batterbury, Paddy Ladd, Mike Gulliver Sign Language Peoples as indigenous minorities: implications for research and policy Risa Whitson Hidden struggles: spaces of power and resistance in informal work in urban Argentina Genevieve Giuliano, Christian Redfearn, Ajay Agarwal, Chen Li, Duan Zhuang Employment concentrations in Los Angeles, 1980 – 2000 Allan Cochrane, David Etherington Managing local labour markets and making up new spaces of welfare Andrew Popp, John Wilson Life cycles, contingency, and agency: growth, development, and change in English industrial districts and clusters Carlo Morelli Further reflections on the golden age in British multiple retailing 1976 – 94: capital investment, market share, and retail margins Linda Ferguson, David Learmonth, Peter G McGregor, J Kim Swales, Karen Turner The impact of the Barnett formula on the Scottish economy: endogenous population and variable formula proportions Reviews Graham on Tsing: Friction: an ethnography of global connection Lees on Freeman: There goes the 'hood: views of gentrification from the ground up Ward on Hackworth: The neoliberal city: governance, ideology and development in American urbanism Ginn on Robbins: Lawn people: how grasses, weeds and chemicals make us who we are Ryan on Bartley, Kitchin (Eds): Understanding contemporary Ireland Robertson on Whitehead, R Jones, M Jones: The nature of the state: excavating the political ecologies of the modern state

Economic Geography

Vol. 83 No. 4 (October 2007)


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Henry Wai-chung Yeung Editorial: Remaking Economic Geography: Insights from East Asia Jim Glassman Recovering from Crisis: The Case of Thailand's Spatial Fix Nicholas A. Phelps Gaining from Globalization? State Extraterritoriality and Domestic Economic Impacts—The Case of Singapore Chun Yang Divergent Hybrid Capitalisms in China: Hong Kong and Taiwanese Electronics Clusters In Dongguan Yehua Dennis Wei, Wangming Li, and Chunbin Wang Restructuring Industrial Districts, Scaling Up Regional Development: A Study of the Wenzhou Model, China Book Reviews Susan M. Walcott China’s Urban Transition, by John Friedmann Valerie Preston Gender Divisions and Working Time in the New Economy: Changing Patterns of Work, Care and Public Policy in Europe and North America, by Diane Perrons, Colette Fagan, Linda McDowell, Kath Ray, and Kevin Ward Gavin Bridge Governing Environmental Flows: Global Challenges to Social Theory, edited by Gert Spaargaren, Arthur P. J. Mol, and Frederick H. Buttel Laura T. Raynolds Banana Cultures: Agriculture, Consumption, and Environmental Change in Honduras and the United States, by John Soluri Montserrat Pallares-Barbera The Rise of Spanish Multinationals: European Business in the Global Economy, by Mauro F. Guillén Neil M. Coe Wal-Mart World: The World’s Biggest Corporation in the Global Economy, edited by Stanley D. Brunn

Social Politics

Volume 14, Number 3, Fall 2007 Rianne Mahon and Fiona Williams


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Gender and State in Post-communist Societies: Introduction Tatyana Teplova Welfare State Transformation, Childcare, and Women's Work in Russia Christy Glass and Éva Fodor From Public to Private Maternalism? Gender and Welfare in Poland and Hungary after 1989 Steven Saxonberg and Dorota Szelewa The Continuing Legacy of the Communist Legacy? The development of family policies in Poland and the Czech Republic Janet Elise Johnson Domestic Violence Politics in Post-Soviet States

Global Social Policy

December 2007, Volume 7, No. 3 Special Issue on the Social Policy Dimensions of World – Regionalism. Edited by Nicola Yeates Nicola Yeates Editorial Introduction: Special Issue on The Social Policy Dimensions of World-Regionalism Brid Brennan and Cecilia Olivet Global Social Policy Forum Dot Keet Alternative Regionalisms: Why and How? Cândido Grzybowski People's Dialogue on Alternatives for Regional Integration (C NDIDO GRZYBOWSKI is a Sociologist and Director General of the Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analysis (IBASE), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.) Jenina Joy Chavez Civil Society Challenging ASEAN (JENINA JOY CHAVEZ is Senior Researcher with Focus on the Global South, Manila, Philippines.) Dot Keet Alternative Regional Strategies in Africa Gonzalo Berrón Social Movement Strategies and Integration of Peoples (GONZALO BERRÓN is Coordinator of the Secretariat of the Hemispheric Social Alliance [HSA], São Paolo, Brazil.) Brid Brennan and Cecilia Olivet Regionalisms Futures: The Challenges for Civil Society


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Monica Threlfall The Social Dimension of the European Union: Innovative Methods for Advancing Integration José Briceño Ruiz Strategic Regionalism and Regional Social Policy in the FTAA Process Roger Hosein and Clive Thomas Caribbean Single Market Economy (CSME) and the Intra-Regional Migration of Nurses: Some Proposed Opportunities Peter Abrahamson Free Trade and Social Citizenship: Prospects and Possibilities of the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) Jenina Joy Chavez Social Policy in ASEAN: The Prospects for Integrating Migrant Labour Rights and Protection Luk Van Langenhove and Philippe De Lombaerde Review essay: Regional Integration, Poverty and Social Policy: K. MALHOTRA, C. BAHADUR, S. JAHAN AND M. KEKLIK, Making Global Trade Work for People. New York: UNDP and Earthscan, 2003. M. SCHIFF AND L.A. WINTERS, Regional Integration and Development. Washington: The World Bank, 2003.. D.W. TE VELDE (ed.), Regional Integration and Poverty. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006.


10/2007 (Was) Kann Familienpolitik zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter beitragen? Silke Bothfeld, Christina Klenner Editorial: (Was) Kann Familienpolitik zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter beitragen? Christina Klenner Gleichstellungspolitik vor alten und neuen Herausforderungen - Welchen Beitrag leistet die Familienpolitik? Karin Jurczyk Ansätze zu einer emanzipatorischen Familienpolitik: Der Siebte Familienbericht Anneli Rüling Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf und die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter im europäischen Vergleich Anne Lise Ellingsaeter, Arnlaug Leira Familienpolitische Reformen in Skandinavien - Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter und Wahlfreiheit der Eltern


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Helma Lutz Sprich (nicht) drüber - Fürsorgearbeit von Migrantinnen in deutschen Privathaushalten Hildegard Theobald Vergesellschaftung von Fürsorgearbeit - Erfahrungen aus der Altenbetreuung in Schweden Claudia Menne Die Bedeutung der Familienpolitik in der gewerkschaftlichen Gleichstellungspolitik Christina Stockfisch Lokale Bündnisse für Familie - Ein Handlungsfeld für Gewerkschaften


Nr. 52, 1/2007 Ungleichheit, Ausgrenzung und soziale Gerechtigkeit Elmar Altvater Der Skandal globaler Ungleichheit. Armut wurde auf dem G8-Gipfel von Heiligendamm de-thematisiert Klaus Dörre Klassengesellschaft, Ungleichheit und Hegemonie Ilse Lenz Machtmenschen, Marginalisierte, Schattenmenschen und Gleichheit. Ungleichheiten, Egalisierung und Geschlecht René Levy Soziale Ungleichheit, Schichtung – Klassen? Defizite der gegenwärtigen Ungleichheitsforschung Daniel Oesch Soziale Schichtung in der Schweiz und in Deutschland. Zur Analyse der Klassenstruktur von Dienstleistungsgesellschaften Willi Eberle / Hans Schäppi Ungleichheit und Herrschaft in der Klassengesellschaft Schweiz. Zur Politik der Klasse der Lohnabhängigen Vasco Pedrina / Hans Hartmann Streiks und soziale Kämpfe in der Schweiz.Bilanz und Perspektiven Gisela Notz Frauen in der Pflegearbeit. Professionell und privat immer verfügbar? Eva Hug Bildungsgerechtigkeit und schulische Selektion


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Ines Langemeyer Schützt „Lebenslanges Lernen“ vor Prekarität? Bildung im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Unsicherheit Reto Sonderegger Mehr Mais im Tank bedeutet mehr Hungernde. Agrotreibstoffproduktion und der Verlust der Ernährungssouveränitä Grundeinkommen / Mindestlohn André Gorz Seid realistisch – verlangt das Unmögliche Michael R. Krätke Leben und Arbeiten, Brot und Spiele. Das Grundeinkommen als Sozialstaatsersatz? Andreas Rieger / Hans Baumann Mindestlohnpolitik in der Schweiz und in Europa. Gewerkschaftliche Lohnpolitik seit 1990 Avji Sirmoglu / Peter Streckeisen Das Grundeinkommen – kapitalistische Utopie oder linke Perspektive Werner Vontobel Rettet die Marktwirtschaft! Marginalien / Rezensionen Frieder Otto Wolf Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit global denken. Zu Mohssen Massarrats Reformperspektiven Wolfram Stender „Unterklasse“ – Rassismus und Exklusion Pascal Jurt Die soziale Frage in der französischen Soziologie Ueli Mäder Ausgrenzung im Kapitalismus. Zur Studie „Das Problem der Exklusion“ von Heinz Bude / Andreas Willisch Christina Kaindl Ungleichheit als neoliberales Projekt Fernanda Benz über Pascale Gazareth et al.: Die neue soziale Ungleichheit in der Arbeitswelt Yves Kramer über Fabian Kessl et al.: Erziehung zur Armut? Sozialarbeit und „neue Unterschicht“


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Benjamin Opratko über Alex Demirovic und über Lars Bretthauer et al. – zu Nicos Poulantzas 215 Barbara Müller über Rita Schäfer: Im Schatten der Apartheid. Geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt in Südafrika Sünne Andresen / Susanne Lettow Was ist neu an der Partei „Die Linke“? Gesellschaftsanalyse aus Geschlechtersicht

Journal of European Social Policy

November 2007, Volume 17, No. 4 Wendy Sigle-Rushton and Jane Waldfogel The incomes of families with children: a cross-national comparison Marco Albertini, Martin Kohli, and Claudia Vogel Intergenerational transfers of time and money in European families: common patterns — different regimes? Dimiter Toshkov Transposition of EU social policy in the new member states Simone Leiber Transposition of EU social policy in Poland: are there different `worlds of compliance' in East and West? Adrian Kay and Robert Ackrill Financing social and cohesion policy in an enlarged EU: plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose? Paul de Beer Why work is not a panacea: a decomposition analysis of EU-15 countries Darinka Asenova and Roddy McKinnon The Bulgarian pension reform: post-accession issues and challenges François Xavier Merrien and Noémi Martin Book Review: Jean-Claude Barbier and Marie-Thérèse Letablier (eds): Social Policies: Epistemological and Methodological Issues in Cross-national Comparison Brussels, P.I.E.—Peter Lang, 2006 Pavel Ovseiko Book Review: Alfio Cerami: Social Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: the Emergence of a New European Welfare Regime Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2006


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Journal of European Integration

Volume 29 Issue 5 2007 Democracy and Soft Modes of Governance in the EU (Guest editors: Susana Borrás and Thomas Conzelmann) Susana Borrás; Thomas Conzelmann Democracy, Legitimacy and Soft Modes of Governance in the EU: The Empirical Turn Myrto Tsakatika A Parliamentary Dimension for EU Soft Governance Sandra Kröger The End of Democracy as We Know it? The Legitimacy Deficits of Bureaucratic Social Policy Governance Susana Borrás; Charalampos Koutalakis; Frank Wendler European Agencies and Input Legitimacy: EFSA, EMeA and EPO in the Post-Delegation Phase Ulrika Mörth Public and Private Partnerships as Dilemmas between Efficiency and Democratic Accountability: The Case of Galileo Yoichiro Usui The Democratic Quality of Soft Governance in the EU Sustainable Development Strategy: A Deliberative Deficit


Heft 10-11/2007 Gewerkschaften Inland Gaby Gottwald »Renten-Hasardeure«, zur Politik der Privatisierung der Altersvorsorge Tom Adler »Gegen falsche Gegensätze«, zur Geschichte des politischen Streiks Harold Henk »Händel im Handel«, über steigende Streikwut bei Einzelhandelsbeschäftigten »Gewerkschaften, die kämpfen«, Kritik im Vorfeld des IGM-Gewerkschaftstages Dirk Vogelskamp »Böcke zu Gärtnern«, emanzipierte Bürgerschaft gegen NPD-Verbots-Politik


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»Kein Zimmer frei«, auch eine Variante von Boykott Heinrich Becker »Bildung geht stiften«, über die andauernde Hochschulprivatisierung Anton Kobel »Danke, André Gorz!« Wolfgang Völker »Schatzsuche(r)« Europäischer Wanderarbeiterverband »Auf dem Vormarsch: Scheinselbständigkeit« Betriebsspiegel Frederick Haber »ERA, Preis, Profit«, zum Entgeltrahmenabkommen in der Metallindustrie »Gründe für 9, 11, 20, 23 Prozent«, Diskussion über »gerechten Lohn« unter Krankenhausbeschäftigten M.Balan/N.Rakowitz »Verschiebebahnhof«, Umgehung von Mindestlöhnen auf dem Bau Internationales »Baustelle China« Tonyia Young »Sicko mit und trotz UAW«, zum US-weiten Streik gegen GM Thomas Sablowski »Ganz gewöhnlicher Kapitalismus«, oder: was ist an Chinas Marktwirtschaft »sozialistisch«? Eva Maria Bruchhaus »1, 2, 3, 4 Maos on the cap«, Spurensuche im »Musterländle« China Klaus Wolfram »Mehr Rätsel als Antworten«, eine ostdeutsche Rezension über Zeuner et al.: »Gewerkschaften und Rechtsextremismus«


Heft Nr. 12 (Dezember 2007) Schlechtwetterwolken am ökonomischen Horizont


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Redaktion Sozialismus Mit sozialen Konflikten in den Abschwung? Reaktionärer Bürger – neoliberale Bildung David Salomon Mosebach und der König. Eine Büchner-Preis-Rede und der kleine Schritt vom Gott zum Führer Günter Buchholz Die Zukunft der Hochschulen. Politische Ökonomie der Hochschulpolitik in der Ära des Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus Klaus Bullan Soziale Vererbung von Bildungschancen in Deutschland. Zur OECD-Studie: Bildung auf einen Blick 2007 Politische Urteilskraft Soziale Fragmentierung, Realitätsverlust und neue politische Urteilskraft Ein Gespräch mit Oskar Negt Hans-Georg Draheim Zwischen Dogmatismus und Anpassung. Zur Ökonomie und Politik der neuen Linken Forum Gewerkschaften Richard Detje / Otto König Leipziger Signal. IG Metall im Aufwind Bernhard Pfitzner Einen Schritt vorwärts – und nun? Zur Programmdebatte des ver.di-Bundeskongresses Frank Deppe Ein Leben in der Gewerkschaftsbewegung. Ewald Wehner (16.3.1932-13.11.2007) Erhard Korn Zum 100. Geburtstag von Willi Bleicher. Konjunktur – Staat – Transformationsprojekt Karl Georg Zinn Wirtschaftspolitische Psychosomatik Karl Mai Staatsverschuldung und Entschuldungsdilemma Horst Müller Zur Übergangsgesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts. Eine philosophisch-ökonomische Initiative Rüstungsgeschäfte und militärische Eskalation


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Peter Lock Weltweiter Waffenhandel. Daten, Trends und abrüstungspolitische Argumente Murat Çakir Türkei – im Gleichschritt in die Katastrophe? Guido Speckmann Free Rainer (Filmkritik)

Sozialismus Supplement

12/2007 Joachim Bischoff / Elisabeth Gauthier Sarkozy und die Hegemonie des Neoliberalismus

1. Das Projekt einer Erneuerung des Neoliberalismus 2. Politische Dimensionen des "Sarkozysmus" 3. Veränderungen in Gesellschaft und politischem Feld 4. Gesellschaftliche Perspektiven 5. Anforderung für die Linke Anhang: Daten zur französischen Lohnarbeitsgesellschaft

International Feminist Journal of Politics

Volume 9 Issue 4 2007 Politics of Water: A Confluence of Women's Voices Nandita Ghosh Women and the Politics of Water: An Introduction Paola Corso Confluence Edna Gorney (Un)Natural Selection: The Drainage Of The Hula Wetlands, An Ecofeminist Reading Boundaries of Violence: Water, Gender and Globalization at the US Borders Julie Sze Andrea Moraes; Patricia E. Perkins Women, Equity and Participatory Water Management in Brazil Farhana Sultana


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Water, Water Everywhere, But Not a Drop to Drink: Pani Politics (Water Politics) in Rural Bangladesh Juana Vera Delgado; Margreet Zwarteveen The Public and Private Domain of the Everyday Politics of Water: The Constructions of Gender and Water Power in the Andes of Perú Nasrin Naficy River Elizabeth Sanders La Balianne Olayinka Rotimi Ogijo, Nigeria: Testimony Sabrina Regmi Nepali Women and Their Struggles over Water during Pregnancy Mara Tignino Water, Women and International Law Mary O. Tandon The Village Borehole DOI: 10.1080/14616740701608125 Narrative Trinity: Appalachian Coalfields Ana Servigna; Maria Servigna It's Because of the Lagoon That We Live Here: Añù Women Testimonies Annie Rachele Lanzillotto Wallid Walla Bint

European Journal of Women Studies

Nov 2007 Hege Eggen Børve Pregnant Bodies: Norwegian Female Employees in Global Working Life Kristin Spilker and Merete Lie Gender and Bioethics Intertwined: Egg Donation within the Context of Equal Opportunities Malin Ah-King Sexual Selection Revisited — Towards a Gender-Neutral Theory and Practice: A Response to Vandermassen's `Sexual Selection: A Tale of Male Bias and Feminist Denial' Anna Rotkirch, Anna Temkina, and Elena Zdravomyslova


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Who Helps the Degraded Housewife?: Comments on Vladimir Putin's Demographic Speech Tracey Warren Book Review: Work, Life and Time: Diane Perrons, Colette Fagan, Kath Ray, Linda McDowell and Kevin Ward, eds Gender Divisions and Working Time in the New Economy: Changing Patterns of Work, Care and Public Policy in Europe and North America Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006 Miriam E. David Book Review: Family, Community Relations and Multiculturalism in London's East End: Geoff Dench, Kate Gavron and (the late) Michael Young The New East End: Kinship, Race and Conflict London: Profile Books, 2006 Candida Yates Book Review: `I'm a Feminist But . . .': Rosalind Gill Gender and the Media Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2007, Jody Mellor Book Review: Postcolonial Worlds Apart: Sandra Ponzanesi Paradoxes of Postcolonial Culture: Contemporary Women Writers of the Indian and Afro-Italian Diaspora Albany: SUNY Press, 2004

femina politica

2/2007 Schwerpunkt: Cherchez la Citoyenne! Bürger- und Zivilgesellschaft aus geschlechterpolitischer Perspektive EVA MARIA HINTERHUBER. GABRIELE WILDE Cherchez la Citoyenne! Eine Einführung in die Diskussion um „Bürger- und Zivilgesellschaft“ aus geschlechterpolitischer Perspektive EVA SÄNGER Umkämpfte Räume. Zur Funktion von Öffentlichkeit in Theorien der Zivilgesellschaft ADELHEID BIESECKER. CLAUDIA VON BRAUNMÜHL. CHRISTA WICHTERICH. UTA VON WINTERFELD Die Privatisierung des Politischen. Zu den Auswirkungen der doppelten Privatisierung CHRISTINA STECKER Ambivalenz der Differenz – Frauen zwischen bürgerschaftlichem Engagement, Erwerbsarbeit und Sozialstaat GISELA NOTZ „Das Museum greift gern auf die einsatzfreudigen Damen zurück.“ Bürgerschaftliches Engagement im Bereich von Kultur und Soziokultur


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ANNETTE ZIMMER. HOLGER KRIMMER Does gender matter? Haupt- und ehrenamtliche Führungskräfte gemeinnütziger Organisationen ANNE JENICHEN Frauenorganisationen und externe Friedensförderung in Bosnien-Herzegowina TANJA SCHEITERBAUER Geschlecht –Islam – Zivilgesellschaft. Hegemonietheoretische Überlegungen zur zivilgesellschaftlichen Partizipation Kopftuch tragender Frauen in der Türkei CHRIS LANGE Paradoxes included – Civil Society Organizations, Gender and European Policy Tagespolitik MARCUS MEIER. TANJA SCHEITERBAUER Deutschland als Integrationsland? Anmerkungen zur Islamkonferenz MARIA WERSIG Welches Familienbild darf es sein? Rolle rückwärts nach dem Elterngeld BOZENA CHOLUJ Im Osten nichts Neues oder: Wie der polnische Staat die Frauen missachtet FLORENCE HERVÉ Lucie Aubrac: Freiheitskämpferin Nachruf auf die Grande Dame der Résistance Zur Entstehung einer feministischen Partei in Schweden UTA KLEIN Wie geht es weiter mit der europäischen Gleichstellungspolitik? Die deutsche EU-Ratspräsidentschaft Neues aus Lehre und Forschung Kurznachrichten KARIN ZIMMERMANN Science und Gender in den Forschungsrahmenprogrammen der EU Aktivitäten des Arbeitskreises „Politik und Geschlecht„ in der DVPW Bericht des 8. Sprecherinnenrates Gabriele Abels Bericht aus Vorstand und Beirat der DVPW Annette Henninger Bericht aus dem Ständigen Ausschuss für Fragen der Frauenförderung (StAFF) der DVPW Rezensionen


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BEATE HOECKER Geschlechterparität und Quoten in der Politik weltweit BRITTA JALLERAT-JABS Frauen in Parlament und Regierung GABRIELE ABELS Interessen und Normen in der Entwicklung von EU-Geschlechterpolitik EVA BUCHHOLZ Kathrin S. Zippel: The Politics of Sexual Harassment. A Comparative Study of the United States, the European Union, and Germany DORIAN WOODS Markt, MigrantInnen und Mittelmangel: Soziale Risiken in einem marktbestimmten Staat ALEXANDRA MANSKE Ursula Degener, Beate Rosenzweig (Hg.): Die Neuverhandlung sozialer Gerechtigkeit. Feministische Analysen und Perspektiven ANNELI RÜLING Demographischer Wandel und Bevölkerungspolitik aus feministischer Sicht INA KERNER Martina Tißberger, Gabriele Dietze, Daniela Hrzán, Jana Husmann-Kastein (Hg.): Weiß – Weißsein – Whiteness. Kritische Studien zu Gender und Rassismus Tagungsberichte KAREN SCHIERHORN Die soziale Frage am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Prekarität, Abstieg, Ausgrenzung Konferenz am 4. Mai 2007 in Jena SANDRA LEWALTER Multidimensional Equality Law. Developing Interdisciplinary Perspectives Internationale Konferenz vom 11. bis 12. Mai 2007 in Oldenburg LILIAN FANKHAUSER. THOR ERIK MAEDER Die Komplexität reflektieren. Die erste Gender-Woche der Schweizerischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Konferenz vom 4. bis 8. Juni 2007 in Bern KATRIN JANSEN New Aid, Expanding Trade – What Do Women Have to Say? WIDE Konferenz vom 15. bis 16. Juni 2007 in Madrid Internationale Konferenz am 1. Februar 2007 in Berlin NORA ISABEL ADJEZ Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung. Deutschland auf dem Prüfstand Tagung am 12. Juni 2007 in Berlin NIUSCHA BASSIRI Phänomen Zwangsehe – eine fehlgeschlagene Integration? Tagung am 23. Juni 2007 in Bonn


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JOANA VASSILOPOULOU Gender & Diversity Changes Organizations Fachkonferenz vom 22. bis 23. Juni 2007 in Dortmund

Gender and Society

October 2007, Volume 21, No. 5 Douglas P. Schrock and Irene Padavic Negotiating Hegemonic Masculinity in a Batterer Intervention Program Christine M. Robinson and Sue E. Spivey The Politics of Masculinity and the Ex-Gay Movement Maxine Leeds Craig and Rita Liberti "'Cause That's What Girls Do": The Making of a Feminized Gym Elizabeth Borland and Barbara Sutton Quotidian Disruption and Women's Activism in Times of Crisis, Argentina 2002-2003 A. Fiona Pearson The New Welfare Trap: Case Managers, College Education, and TANF Policy Natalia Deeb-Sossa Helping the "Neediest of the Needy": An Intersectional Analysis of Moral-Identity Construction at a Community Health Clinic Krista McQueeney Book Reviews: Be Not Deceived: The Sacred and Sexual Struggles of Gay and Ex-gay Christian Men. By Michelle Wolkomir. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2006 Shirley A. Hill Book Reviews: Changing Gender Relations, Changing Families: Tracing the Pace of Change over Time. By Oriel Sullivan. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006 Tristan S. Bridges Book Reviews: Dude, You're a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School. By C. J. Pascoe. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007 Sarah Winslow-Bowe Book Reviews: The Career Mystique: Cracks in the American Dream. By Phyllis Moen and Patricia Roehling. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005 Catherine Connell Book Reviews: Selling Women Short: Gender and Money on Wall Street. By Louise Marie Roth. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006 Julie A. Winterich


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Book Reviews: Age Matters: Realigning Feminist Thinking. Edited by Toni M. Calasanti and Kathleen F. Slevin. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2006 Mary Romero Book Reviews: Domestic Democracy: At Home in South Africa. By Jennifer Fish. New York: Routledge, 2006

Feminist Theory

December 2007, Volume 8, No. 3 Davina Cooper `Well, you go there to get off': Visiting feminist care ethics through a women's bathhouse Marc Lafrance Embodying the subject: Feminist theory and contemporary clinical psychoanalysis Chris Beasley and Carol Bacchi Envisaging a new politics for an ethical future: Beyond trust, care and generosity — towards an ethic of `social flesh' Jaye Cee Whitehead Feminist prison activism: An assessment of empowerment John Schlueter Beyond reform: Agency `after theory' Kristyn Gorton Theorizing emotion and affect: Feminist engagements Laura Doan Book review: Sharon Marcus, Between Women: Friendship, Desire and Marriage in Victorian England. Princeton and Woodstock: Princeton University Press, 2007 Kylie Valentine Book review: Jackie Orr, Panic Diaries: A Genealogy of Panic Disorder. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2006 Catherine Clay Book review: Michelle Elizabeth Tusan, Women Making News: Gender and Journalism in Modern Britain. Urbana and Chicago: Illinois University Press, 2005 Andrew Shail Book review: Bracha L. Ettinger, The Matrixial Borderspace. Foreword by Judith Butler, Introduction by Griselda Pollock, edited and with an Afterword by Brian Massumi. Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press, 2006 Robin Stoate Book review: Rosi Braidotti, Transpositions. Cambridge: Polity, 2006


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Linnell Secomb Book review: Lisa Guenther, The Gift of the Other: Levinas and the Politics of Reproduction. New York: State University of New York Press, 2006 Fiona Cownie Book review: Linda Mulcahy and Sally Wheeler, eds, Feminist Perspectives on Contract Law. London: GlassHouse Press, 2005 Véronique Mottier Book review: Dianna Taylor and Karen Vintges, eds, Feminism and the Final Foucault. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2004 Agnieszka Graff Book review: Jasmina Luki , Joanna Regulska and Darja Zavir ek, eds, Women and Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006 Anne-Lise Feral Book review: Imelda Whelehan, The Feminist Bestseller. New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 Angela Werndly Book review: Kim Akass and Janet Mccabe, eds, Reading the L Word: Outing Contemporary Television. London: I. B. Tauris & Co., 2006 Anne Whitehead Book review: Victoria Stewart, Women's Autobiography: War and Trauma. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003 Stacy Gillis Book review: Rosalind Gill, Gender and the Media. Cambridge: Polity, 2007 Lia Kinane Book review: Moya Lloyd, Beyond Identity Politics: Feminism, Power and Politics. London: SAGE Publications, 2005 Ayse Gul Altinay Book review: Seungsook Moon, Militarized Modernity and Gendered Citizenship in South Korea. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2005

Feminist Economics

Vol. 14, Issue 1, 2008 "Opting out"? The effect of children on women's employment in the United States Heather Boushey Working for less? Women's part-time wage penalties across countries Elena Bardasi; Janet C. Gornick


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Is deindustrialization good for women? Evidence from the United States Ebru Kongar Whose money, whose time? A nonparametric approach to modeling time spent on housework in the United States Sanjiv Gupta; Michael Ash Poland's transition and new opportunities for women Bozena Leven A Comment on"The Citation Impact of Feminist Economics" Frederic Lee Reply to Frederic Lee's Comment on"The Citation Impact of Feminist Economics" Frances Woolley

Feminist Review

Volume 87, Issue 1 (2007) Italian Feminisms precarious changes: gender and generational politics in contemporary Italy Laura Fantone 'Precari su Marte': an experiment in activism against precarity Beppe De Sario the feminization of labour in cognitive capitalism Cristina Morini Female literature of migration in Italy Lidia Curti Italian feminisms and the challenges of ethnic diversity Jacqueline Andall the experience of the 'punto di partenza' group: women's diaspora and politics Enrica Capussotti women, migration and precarity Manuela Coppola, Lidia Curti, Laura Fantone, Marie-Hélène Laforest and Susanna Poole a snapshot of precariousness: voices, perspectives, dialogues Sconvegno (Manuela Galetto, Chiara Lasala, Sveva Magaraggia, Chiara Martucci, Elisabetta Onori, Francesca Pozzi) the body, sexuality and precarity


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Gaia Giuliani sexyshock: networks that matter Sexyshock images within the precarity movement in Italy Alice Mattoni and Nicole Doerr comparing different generations of feminists: precariousness versus corporations? Paola Di Cori voicing the non-place: precarious theatre in a women's prison Susanna Poole A Real Migration Angela Bernal Martìnez Book Reviews: Between women and generations: legacies of dignity Reviewed by Glenda Lewin Hufnagel Sex and pleasure in western culture Reviewed by Kristin Aune Violence and the body: race, gender, and the state Reviewed by David Hansen-Miller Women's writing, 1945–1960 after the deluge Reviewed by Mary McAuliffe space invaders: race, gender and bodies out of place Reviewed by Moira Gatens Reclaiming female agency: feminist art history after postmodernism Reviewed by Rosemary Betterton


Volume 33, Number 2, Winter 2008 Lesbian Nationalism: Winner of the 2007 Catharine Stimpson Prize Anikó Imre “Spoiled Sons” and “Sincere Daughters”: Schooling, Security, and Empowerment in Rural West Bengal, India Dia Da Costa Twelve Miles: Boundaries of the New Art/Activism


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Carrie Lambert�Beatty Stepping out of the Beaten Path: Reassessing the Feminist Art Movement Judith K. Brodsky and Ferris Olin Autophagia and Queer Transnationality: Compulsory Heteroimperial Masculinity in Deepa Mehta’s Fire Namita Goswami Strategies of Critical Practice: Recent Writing on Experimental and Innovative Poetry by Women; A Review Essay Redell Olsen Remembering the Future; or, Whatever Happened to Re�Vision? Liedeke Plate Artists on Trial: Feminist Art in Poland—Between Censorship and Activism Susanne Altmann Separation Anxiety: The Schisms and Schemas of Media Advocacy; An Indian Filmmaker Working in the World Paromita Vohra Zimbabwean Feminist Art and the Politics of Representation Helen Nabasuta Mugambi Sistren: The Vanguard of Popular Theater in Jamaica Afreen Akhter Feminism and Art in a Difficult Country: Four Decades of Literary Production in Peru Violeta Barrientos Silva From Tortillas to Decorative Arts: Stories from a Women's Art Collective in Honduras Regina Aguilar Everybody’s Protest Song: Music as Social Protest in the Performances of Marian Anderson and Billie Holiday Janell Hobson Masks and Dances, Mwanapwebo and Maliya: A Representation of Woman at the Center of Social Change in Zambia Victoria Phiri Community Art That Breathes: We Are Organic Creatures Sachiko Takahara Creative Politics and Women's Criminalization in the United States Carol Jacobsen


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Global Feminisms curated by Maura Reilly and Linda Nochlin Global Feminisms: New Directions in Contemporary Art edited by Maura Reilly and Linda Nochlin Dena Muller WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution curated by Cornelia H. Butler WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution edited by Lisa Gabrielle Mark Carolyn Stuart Blue Studios: Poetry and Its Cultural Work by Rachel Blau DuPlessis Ann Vickery Pin-Up Grrrls: Feminism, Sexuality, Popular Culture by Marina Elena Buszek Sex Objects: Art and the Dialectics of Desire by Jennifer Doyle Self/Image: Technology, Representation and the Contemporary Subject by Amelia Jones Kristen Hutchinson Women Artists at the Millennium edited by Carol Armstrong and Catherine de Zegher Amy Mechowski

Latin American Research Review

Volume 42, Number 3 (2007) Ethnogenesis or Neoindigenous Intelligentsia:Contemporary Mapuche-Huilliche Poetry James Park Extraterritorial Political Rights and Dual Citizenship in Latin America Cristina Escobar Attention Deficits: Why Politicians Ignore Defense Policy in Latin America David Pion-Berlin and Harold Trinkunas "Nada de Papeluchos!" Managing Globalization in Early Porfirian México Thomas P. Passananti Covering the Earth: Mapping the Walkabout in Andean Pueblos de Indios Margot Beyersdorff Research Reports and Notes Researching Latin America: A Survey of How the New Generation Is Doing its Research Orchid Mazurkiewicz and Claude H. Potts The"Graying" of Mexico and its Impact on Female-Headed Households: Theoreticla and Methodological Considerations Ashley P. FInley Review Essays


Page 78: ZEITSCHRIFTENSCHAU Dez. 2007€¦ · des Werner-Holtfort-Preises 2007 an Rechtsanwalt Bernhard Docke am 4. Oktober 2007 in Berlin (Wortlaut) Forum Wissenschaft 3/2007 Feministische

Fragemented Feminisms and Disillusion with Democracy: Social Movement Downswings, Inadequate Insitutions, and Alliances under Construction in Latin America Linda S. Stevenson Authoritarianism and Democracy in the Andes: State Weakness, Hybrid Regimes, and Societal Responses Julio F. Carrión The Political Economy of Market Reform and the Revival of Structuralism Kurt Weyland The Nature of Place: Recent Research on Environment and Society in Latin America Mark Carey Babylon, Christianity, and Republicanism in New World Slave Societies María Elena Díaz Culture, Power, and Identity: Negotiating between Catholic Orthodoxy and Popular Practice Christopher L. Chiappari The Uses of Literary History: Some Recent Titles by John A. Ochoa

Latin American Perspectives

November 2007, Volume 34, No. 6 George Leddy Introduction: Aggressive Capital and Democratic Resistance Matthew Flynn Between Subimperialism and Globalization: A Case Study in the Internationalization of Brazilian Capital Marcelo Delfini and Valentina Picchetti Production Strategies and Practices in the Argentine Automotive Industry: Between Coercion and Hegemony Beatriz Eugenia Cid-Aguayo Frozen Fates: The Risky Rationalization of a Chilean Frozen Vegetable Company Nathalie Lebon Beyond Confronting the Myth of Racial Democracy: The Role of Afro-Brazilian Women Scholars and Activists Robert Huish and John M. Kirk Cuban Medical Internationalism and the Development of the Latin American School of Medicine


Page 79: ZEITSCHRIFTENSCHAU Dez. 2007€¦ · des Werner-Holtfort-Preises 2007 an Rechtsanwalt Bernhard Docke am 4. Oktober 2007 in Berlin (Wortlaut) Forum Wissenschaft 3/2007 Feministische

Mao Xianglin Cuban Reform and Economic Opening: Retrospective and Assessment Laura Tedesco Introduction Ton Salman Bolivia and the Paradoxes of Democratic Consolidation Mahrukh Doctor Lula's Development Council: Neo-Corporatism and Policy Reform in Brazil Marco A. Gandásegui, Jr. Is the Soviet Collapse Dragging the United States Down? Christopher I. Clement Reply Marco A. Gandásegui, Jr. Rejoinder Jeffery R. Webber Book Review: Bolivia's Neoliberal Labyrinth

Nueva Sociedad

Nueva Sociedad 212 | Noviembre/ Diciembre 2007

¿Qué le pasó a Bachelet? Patricio Navia Cambio de mando en Jamaica Judith Wedderburn Entre el temor al populismo y el entusiasmo autonomista. La reconfiguaración de la ciudadanía en América Latina Alejandro Pelfini El desafío político de gobernar la ciudad Fernando Carrión M. ¿De la ciudad a la nación? La democracia participativa y la izquierda latinoamericana Benjamin Goldfrank Seguridad pública en América Latina: ¿qué pueden hacer los gobiernos locales? Lucía Dammert


Page 80: ZEITSCHRIFTENSCHAU Dez. 2007€¦ · des Werner-Holtfort-Preises 2007 an Rechtsanwalt Bernhard Docke am 4. Oktober 2007 in Berlin (Wortlaut) Forum Wissenschaft 3/2007 Feministische

Globalización, negocios inmobiliarios y transformación urbana Carlos A. de Mattos Metrópolis brasileñas: ¿cómo gobernar la urbs sin civitas? Luiz César Queiroz Ribeiro Una respuesta latinoamericana a la pesadilla del tránsito. Los buses sobre vías segregadas Ian Thomson N. El trampolín de Tabaré. La gestión del Frente Amplio en Montevideo como ensayo general para el gobierno nacional Adolfo Garcé Guayaquil: diario de una ecología privatizada Xavier Andrade San Pablo: la búsqueda de una ciudad justa, democrática y sustentable Kazuo Nakano El olvido. Un itinerario urbano en México DF Juan Villoro Las consecuencias del neoliberalismo en las ciudades (reseña de Ciudades latinoamericans. Un análisis comparativo en el umbral del nuevo siglo, de Alejandro Portes, Bryan R. Roberts y Alejandro Grimson, eds.) Juliana Persia

Review of African Political Economy

Volume 34 Issue 114 2007 Class, Resistance & Social Transformation Ray Bush Zimbabwean Farm Workers in Northern South Africa Blair Rutherford; Lincoln Addison Petro-Insurgency or Criminal Syndicate? Conflict & Violence in the Niger Delta Michael Watts South Africa: The End of Apartheid & the Emergence of the 'BEE Elite' Bill Freund Between Socialism & Neo-Liberalism: Mafia Island, Tanzania, 1965-2004 Pat Caplan Filling in the Blanks: The Potency of Fragmented Imageries of the State Morten Nielsen


Page 81: ZEITSCHRIFTENSCHAU Dez. 2007€¦ · des Werner-Holtfort-Preises 2007 an Rechtsanwalt Bernhard Docke am 4. Oktober 2007 in Berlin (Wortlaut) Forum Wissenschaft 3/2007 Feministische


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