inerplay europe 2014 web

INTERPLAY EUROPE 2014 The Lake Constance Meeting in Bregenz | 7th to 12th of July 2014

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Interplay europe 2014The Lake Constance Meeting in Bregenz | 7th to 12th of July 2014

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13. – 17.



InnsbruckHall in TirolSt. JohannUderns Wörgl

STELLA-Performing.Arts.Awardfor Young Audiences

»Krieg. Stell Dir vor, er wäre hier«, iroler Landestheater © Rupert Larl

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Regionalität und Überregionalität

Der Bodenseeraum als besondere Klimazone ist durchaus auch sym-bolhaft zu verstehen. Diese Kulturregion vermochte es in ihrer Ge-schichte immer wieder neue entwicklungen zu begründen oder voranzutreiben, die weit über jeweilige landesherrschaften hinaus wirkten. Sie schufen Vereinigendes, wo Herrschaftsgrenzen das tren-nende in den Mittelpunkt stellten.

In diesem Sinne möchte ich auch dieses Festival verstehen, das Künst-lerinnen und Künstler aus über 15 ländern europas ebenso zusam-menführt wie ein breites internationales publikum. es ist damit ein höchst lebendiger Beweis dafür, dass sich regionalität und Überregi-onalität einander nicht ausschließen.

Wenn ein Festival versucht, zum publikum zu kommen, muss es frei-lich auch versuchen, das publikum für sich zu vereinnahmen. Junge Menschen sollen jedoch nicht nur hingeführt werden zum klassischen theater und dem Kulturbetrieb. Sie haben auch den berechtigten an-spruch auf eine Kunst, in der sich ihre speziellen lebenserfahrungen wiederfinden. Diesen anspruch stellen sich und erfüllen die autorin-nen und autoren dieses Festivals.

Mehr kann man sich als Kulturpolitiker kaum wünschen.

Regional and Supra-Regional

Describing the region around lake Constance as being graced with a special climate may well be understood to also have a symbolic level of meaning. throughout its history, this cultural region has always given birth to or fostered new developments whose impact was felt far beyond the respective dominions, and these phenomena forged a sense of unity where political borders accentuated division.

It is in this tradition that I would like this festival to be seen, which brings together not only artists from more than 15 european coun-tries, but also a wide-ranging international audience, making it living proof of the fact that regional and supra-regional are not mutually exclusive notions.

When a festival wants to get through to its audience, it has to reach out and captivate its viewers. this is why young people should not only be made familiar with classical theatre and culture. they have the right to find their specific life situation reflected on stage. the play-wrights at this festival have acknowledged and met this need.

this is everything a cultural policy-maker could hope for.

Josef ostermayerBundesminister für Kunst und Kultur, Verfassung und Öffentlichen DienstFederal Minister for arts, Culture, Constitution and public Service of austria

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Austausch am Bodensee

Vorarlberg ist für die ausrichtung des 10. autorenfestivals „Inter-play europe - Festival of young playwrights“ ein überaus geeigneter Schauplatz. Die gesamte theaterlandschaft hat sich gerade in den letzten Jahren höchst erfreulich weiter entwickelt. Sowohl im professi-onellen theaterbetrieb als auch im amateurtheaterbereich sehen wir eine breit gefächerte Szene mit hohen Qualitätsansprüchen - und wir sind stolz darauf. Mit inhaltlich anspruchsvollen programmen bieten die theaterschaffenden insbesondere auch dem jungen publikum eine immer größere palette darstellender Kunst.

ein Festival, mit dem dazugehörenden rahmenprogramm, mobilisiert immer zusätzliche Kräfte, gibt neue Impulse und Möglichkeiten zum interdisziplinären und grenzüberschreitenden austausch. Dank der aktiven Vernetzungsarbeit der aSSIteJ austria und von Interplay eu-rope e.V. dürfen wir rund 30 nachwuchs-autorInnen aus ganz europa bei uns in Vorarlberg willkommen heißen.

Wir freuen uns sehr über diesen Besuch, bedanken uns herzlich für das engagement der organisatoren und wünschen allen Beteiligten eine spannende, von vielen neuen Ideen und ansätzen durchdrungene Festivalteilnahme gepaart mit einem intensiven erfahrungsaustausch am Bodensee!

Exchange at Lake Constance

Vorarlberg is a perfectly well-suited location for the 10th “Interplay europe – Festival of young playwrights”. the whole theatre scene is in change, constantly advancing over the last years in a most delightful way. Both in professional theatre institutions and in the field of ama-teur theatre, we can see a wide-ranging scene following high quality standards – and we’re proud of it. With substantially ambitious pro-grammes, theatre makers offer an ever wider range of performing arts – especially for young audiences, too.

a festival with its supporting programme always mobilises additional forces, provides further impulse and possibilities for interdisciplinary and border-crossing exchange. thanks to the active networking of aSSIteJ austria and Interplay europe e.V. we may welcome about 30 young playwrights from all over europe in Vorarlberg.

We’re very happy about this meeting, give our thanks to the organis-ers and wish all participants an exciting festival full of new ideas and approaches, paired with an intense exchange of experiences at lake Constance!

Interplay europe FeStIVal oF younG playWrIGHtS

Mag. Harald SondereggerKulturlandesratState Culture Counsellor

Mag. Markus Wallner landeshauptmann Governor

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Herzlich willkommen in Bregenz!

Ich begrüße Sie recht herzlich in Bregenz, in der landeshauptstadt Vorarlbergs. Bregenz versteht sich als Kultur- und Festspielstadt, ein Zentrum der Kultur, dessen Vielfalt sich in einem umfangreichen programm spie-gelt und das international anerkannte Kulturstätten beheimatet – von den Bregenzer Festspielen, dem Bregenzer Frühling, dem Bregenzer Kunstverein, hin zu den Meisterkonzerten, dem Magazin4, dem Kunst-haus Bregenz und noch vielen mehr. Bregenz, die Kulturstadt am Bodensee, ist aber auch eine Stadt der Begegnung, in der Straßen mit wunderbaren Cafés und restaurants zum Verweilen einladen. Die Bregenzer Bucht am Bodensee und unser Hausberg, der pfänder, sind markante punkte, welche die landschaft des Vierländerecks Österreich, Deutschland, Schweiz und Fürstentum liechtenstein zum leuchten bringen. Interplay europe ist ein europäisches projekt, das Wort und text zu-sammenführt. Ich freue mich, den jungen autorinnen und autoren eine Woche den raum für konstruktive Gespräche, Diskussionen und Impulse geben zu dürfen. Ich heiße Sie recht herzlich willkommen!

Welcome to Bregenz!

I am pleased to welcome you to Bregenz, the capital of Vorarlberg.

Bregenz understands itself as a city of culture and festivals, as a cul-tural center, whose variety is reflected in a wide-ranging programme and that is home to internationally acclaimed sites of cultural interest – from the Bregenzer Festspiele, the Bregenzer Frühling, the Bregen-zer Kunstverein to the Meisterkonzerten, the Magazin4, the Kunsthaus Bregenz and many more.

Bregenz, the cultural city at lake Constance, is also a city of encoun-ters, in which streets with wonderful cafés and restaurants invite the visitor to stay. the Bregenz bay at lake Constance and our domestic mountain, the pfänder, are prominent spots, which make the region of the quadripoint between austria, Germany, Switzerland and liech-tenstein shine.

Interplay europe is a european project that brings together word and text. I’m delighted to give the young authors room for constructive dialogues, discussions and impulses.

I cordially welcome you!

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Dipl.-Ing. Markus linhartBürgermeister der landeshauptstadt BregenzMayor of Bregenz

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Monday, 07.07. Tuesday, 08.07. Wednesday, 09.07. Thursday, 10.07. Friday, 11.07. Saturday, 12.07.

9:00 Breakfast

9:00 Breakfast

9:00 Breakfast

9:00 Breakfast

9:00 Breakfast

until 18:00Arrival, Registration, Check-In 10:00 – 13:00

Base Groups10:00 – 13:00Base Groups

10:00 – 13:00Base Groups

10:00 – 13:00Base Groups and preparations for Kaffeeklatsching

after 10:00Departure

13:00 Lunch

13:00 Lunch

13:00 Lunch

13:00 Lunch

15:00 – 17:00Base Groups

13:30 Leisure Time

15:00 – 16:30Artistic Gatherings

14:00 – 16:00Preparations for Kaffeeklatsching

16:30 – 18:00 Tutor Meeting 17:30 – 19:00

Artistic Gatherings17:00 – 18:30One-on-One-Chats

17:30 – 18:30Guided tour Bregenz Festival / Sea Stage Bregenz

17:30 – 19:00Kaffeeklatsching Final, public presenta-tions of the participant's plays.

18:00 Opening / Drinks, food and get-together

19:00Dinner / Riedenburg

19:00Lake Constance Barbecue



20:00 – 21:00Dialogue: Self-marketing with Christoph Thoma ASSITEJ Austria

20:00 – 21:00Dialogue: Playwrights & Drama-turgs

20:00 Get-together


21:00 Get-together

21:00 Get-together

21:00 Get-together

proGraMM / proGraMMe

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Vernetzung statt Selektion

es gibt viele Förderprojekte für junge theaterautorInnen, doch nur wenige vereinen eine solche Vielfalt an unterschiedlichsten nach-wuchskünstlerInnen aus unzähligen ländern europas wie das nun be-reits zum zehnten Mal stattfindende Interplay europe.

nicht der Wettbewerb steht hier im Mittelpunkt, nicht die Frage nach der oder dem Besten, Förderungswürdigsten oder talentiertesten, sondern der kreative austausch auf augenhöhe, die arbeit am eige-nen Werk im Dialog mit Gleichgesinnten. Kein Gegen-, sondern ein Miteinander, Vernetzung statt Selektion, ein Zusammentreffen mit nachhaltiger Zukunftsperspektive anstelle einer einmaligen Förde-rung.

umso mehr freut es mich, dass das zehnte Festival of young play-wrights – Interplay europe und mit ihm junge Kreative aus allen Him-melsrichtungen europas in der Kulturstadt Bregenz zu Gast sein wer-den und eine Woche lang intensiv in den gemeinsamen Dialog treten. Bregenz, das kulturelle Zentrum am Bodensee und Vorarlbergs, ist eine Stadt, die eine aktive Stadtgesellschaft fördert und folglich nach-haltige Impulse für eine kreativ-diskursive Gesellschaft setzt.

Im namen der aSSIteJ austria, dem Dachverband der theaterschaf-fenden für junges publikum in Österreich, freue ich mich, in Zusam-menarbeit mit Interplay europe e.V. diese spannende Woche realisie-ren und erleben zu dürfen.

Networking instead of Screening

there are lots of funding programmes for young dramatists, but only few succeed in uniting such a versatile variety of different young tal-ents from countless countries as good as Interplay europe, which takes place for the 10th time this year.

It’s not the competition that occupies centre stage, not the question about who’s most gifted, most worthy of support or most talented, but it’s the creative exchange on an equal footing, the dialogue be-tween like-minded people. Working not against, but with each other, networking instead of screening: these are the fundaments of an in-ternational meeting with lasting und promising future prospects.

all the more I’m happy that the 10th Festival of young playwrights – Interplay europe will take place in Bregenz, austria this year, bring-ing young creatives from all corners of europe together for an excit-ing and intense joint dialogue. Bregenz, the cultural centre at lake Constance and in Vorarlberg, is a city that promotes an active urban community, laying the foundation for a society always seeking for the creative discourse.

on behalf of aSSIteJ austria, the austrian network of theatre makers for young audiences, I’m happy to realise this year’s festival in collabo-ration with Interplay europe e.V.! I’m looking forward to an inspiring week with fascinating people.

Christoph thomaVorsitzender der aSSIteJ austriaChairman of aSSIteJ austria

IM DIaloG MIt GleICHGeSInnten/ a DIaloGue BetWeen lIKe-MInDeD people

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Formenreich und voller Überraschungen

1995 traf sich in Mainz (Deutschland) erstmals eine kleine Gruppe jun-ger Dramatikerinnen und Dramatiker zum erfahrungsaustausch und legte den Grundstein für „Interplay europe“. Das treffen ist längst aus den Kinderschuhen entwachsen und wir begrüßen nun zum 10. „In-terplay europe“ 40 nachwuchskünstler und tutoren aus 16 ländern.

Die dramatische literatur ist etwas Wunderbares. Sie ist formenreich und voller Überraschungen und in ihren besten Momenten eng mit der Gegenwart verknüpft. Sie stellt den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt, gibt seinem Hoffen und Bangen, seinen Freuden und Sorgen eine Stimme. und sie lebt vom Dialog, von dem, der auf der Bühne gesprochen wird genauso wie von dem mit unserer Zeit und Gesellschaft.

Dialog ist auch eines der Schlüsselworte für unser Festival. In dieser Woche eröffnen sich hoffentlich wieder wunderbare Dialoge: von ex-perten angeleitet, auf „augenhöhe“ untereinander, geplant und spon-tan. erst der Dialog mit den Stücken und ihren autoren bringt das Herz von „Interplay europe“ zum Schlagen.

Diesen Herzschlag wünsche ich mir auch für das „10. Interplay europe“ Festival und begrüße alle teilnehmerinnen und teilnehmer in Bregenz sehr herzlich.

A Wealth of Forms and Surprises

In 1995, a small group of young dramatists met for the first time in Mainz (Germany) for exchanges of experience, laying the foundation for “Interplay europe”. By now, this meeting has already left its child-hood behind and we’re able to welcome 40 young talents and tutors from 16 countries to the 10th “Interplay europe”.

Dramatic literature is a wonderful thing. It bears a wealth of forms and is full of surprises and, in its best moments, linked closely to the world of today. It lays the focus on mankind itself, gives voice to peo-ple’s hopes and fears, their joys and sorrows. and it subsists on the dialogue: that being spoken on stage just as well as the dialogue with our time and our society.

Dialogue is also one of the keywords of our festival. In this week, there’ll be wonderful dialogues, whether instructed by experts, “at eye level”, planned or spontaneous. It’s this dialogue between the plays and their authors that makes the heart of “Interplay europe” start beating.

Just in the same way, I wish for the 10th “Interplay europe” to come to life and warmly welcome all participants in Bregenz.

IM DIaloG/In DIaloGue

Henning FangaufVorsitzender Interplay europe e.V. Chairman of Interplay europe e.V.

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BaSe GroupS

Base Group 1

tutor Kristo Šagor Germanytutor Judit Cziráki Hungaryplaywright Ivan Dimitrov Bulgariaplaywright Alice Birch englandplaywright Léonie Casthel Franceplaywright Ellen Dorrestein netherlandsplaywright Lucía González Lara Spainplaywright Linda Achberger austria

Base Group 2

tutor Clare Slater englandtutor Holger Schober austriaplaywright Eva B. Koch Denmarkplaywright Julie Rossello-Rochet Franceplaywright Saskia de Haas netherlandsplaywright Marten Schmidt austriaplaywright Derem Çiray turkeyplaywright Fran Núñez Spain

Base Group 3

tutor Maud Lazaroms netherlandstutor Juan Berzal Spainplaywright Jan Friedrich Germanyplaywright Diana Meheik Croatiaplaywright Irene Diwiak austriaplaywright Alma Lindé Swedenplaywright Ali Bircan Teke turkeyplaywright Elena Maria Müller austria

Base Group 4

tutor Marie Hedenius Swedentutor Saziye Dagyapan turkeyplaywright Kim Ehinger Germanyplaywright Justine Klava latviaplaywright Dan-Cristian Lambescu romaniaplaywright Jelena Paligoric Serbiaplaywright Maya Rinderer austria

Base Group 5

tutor Lauris Gundars latviatutor Henning Fangauf Germanyplaywright Caroline Bird englandplaywright Daniel Batliner liechtenstein playwright Charlotte Zerz austriaplaywright Elsa Berggren Swedenplaywright Burçak Dilekli turkeyplaywright Matthew Jones Wales

One-on-One Chats

Dialogues between one tutor and one playwright each will be appointed individually on-site.

the dialogues, called "one-on-one Chats" will give the play-wrights the opportunity to work even more intensely on their plays and receive direct and invidiual feedback by the tutors.

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playWrIGHt DeleGateS

Linda Achberger Austria

Born in 1992 in Bregenz. lives in Innsbruck, where she studied German philo-logy and now studies geo-graphy. published in news-papers and anthologies. 2011 short radio play Luisa, 2014 short drama Was wir wirklich wollten. In 2013 she received the working scholarship of the state of Vorarlberg.

Fran Núñez Alonso Spain

after finishing his Master in economics of Cultural Man-agement at the university of Valladolid 2012 and his Master of performing arts and performance theory at the university of the Basque County, Bilbao 2013 he now works on his phD in applied economics at the performing arts at the university of Santiago de Compostela. He currently works at Drama Centre Galego.

Daniel BatlinerLiechtenstein

Daniel Batliner is an award-winning liechtenstein-born playwright and author. His plays and comedy shows have been on stage in liechtenstein and Switzer-land. In 2012, he wrote the comedy for the 300th anniversary of the southern part of liechtenstein. His most recent play Black Paint on Canvas opened in 2013 in Vaduz. Besides plays, he also writes short stories. In 2013, one of his short stories was chosen for the american anthology Best european Fiction. the same year he had a reading at the Goethe-Institut in Washington, DC.

Elsa Berggren Sweden

elsa Berggren has taken courses in playwriting at the Folk High School in Biskops arnö and studied gender at university. She graduated as a teacher from Södertörns university college. She is one of the founders of the theatre group teaterhjälten and author of the plays When the Princess desire (2012) and Through the surface (2014), both performed by teaterhjäten. She worked as actor, director and play-wright as well as theatre teacher in schools and with disabled adults.

Alice Birch England

alice Birch was the winnerof the arts Foundation award for playwriting 2014 and has been shortlisted for the Bruntwood prize for playwriting and the Susan Smith Blackburn award. She has been on attachment to the national theatre, the royal Court, paines plough and written for BBC radio 4, old Vic, and Comedie de Valence. She is currently under commission to pentabus theatre and Clean Break. In 2014, two new plays of her will be staged in england and Scotland. Many Moons is published by oberon.

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playWrIGHt DeleGateS

Caroline Bird England

Caroline Bird's theatre creditsinclude The Trojan Women(Gate theatre), a radical newversion which received wide critical acclaim, Sixty Six Books (Bush theatre), a pieceinspired by leviticus, and TheTrial of Dennis the Menace (purcell room, Southbank Centre), a musical inspired by the Beano. In 2012, she was short-listed for ‘Most prom-ising new playwright’ at the off-West-end awards. Her play Chamber Piece recently premiered at the lyric thea-tre in Hammer-smith as part of their ‘Secret theatre’ sea-son and was a finalist for the Susan Smith Blackburn prize 2014.

Léonie Casthel France

léonie Casthel began to write as soon as she could hold a pencil. She studied literature and nordic studies at la Sorbonne. In 2009 she writes her first play Fugue en L Mineure which was selected for prix théâtre 13 – Jeunes metteurs en scène in 2014 in paris. In the same year, her second play Adelphes — Nous étions mu-tants is awarded first price of the Inédithéâtre contest and published by lansman Éditeur. léonie has just been admitted at École nationale Supérieure des arts et tech-niques du théâtre in the playwriting department.

Derem ÇırayTurkey

Derem Çıray is a 26 years old playwright and screen-writer. after graduating from 9 eylul university where she studied dramatic writing, she began working on tVshows. She has been a story-writer and a screenwriter inseveral turkish tV series. last year she participated in royal Court playwriting workshop and developed a new play. last February she participated in theatre uncut Istanbul during which she wrote a contemporaryshort play that will be pro-duced in Dot theatre in Istan-bul this May, and edinburgh traverse theatre in august 2014.

Saskia de Haas Netherlands

Saskia de Haas is a 25 years old Dutch playwright who studies writing and perfor-mance at the HKu (school of arts in utrecht). Beforeshe started writing for per-formance, she studied theatre and education at the school for theatre in amsterdam. there she realized she was more a writer than a perfor-mer or director. She likes towrite quite realistic, a bit hu-moristic and absurd familydramas: “Sometimes it’s abstract and philosophic, sometimes it’s just very awk-ward and clumsy.” It dependson the story she wants to tell. Besides plays, she writes scenarios as well.

Burçak Dilekli Turkey

Burçak Dileki is currently a student of performing arts Department at anadolu uni-versity. She has gained her master degree on european Integration program at the Middle east technical univer-sity (Metu) after graduating from political Science and International relations in 2010 from the same univer-sity. She has prepared and presented weekly tV pro-grams under the topic of art, culture and politics for the turkish radio and television Corporation (trt).

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Ivan Dimitrov Bulgaria

Ivan Dimitrov is author of Lo-cal foreigners, a book of short stories, the novel life as a missing spoon and the book poet on a portrait. In 2012 the english translation of the play The eyes of the others by angela rodel was first chosen for the HotInk at the lark International Festival in new york and produced at new ohio theater in September. His play The Alien won the contest of a Bulgarian play of the absurd in Blagoevgrad.Time disease won the contest for youth play organized by youth theatre nikolay Binev in cooperation with national theatre in Belgrade.

Irene Diwiak Austria

Irene Diwiak, born 1991 in Graz, grew up in Deutsch-landsberg and currently studies at the university of Vienna. She started to write fiction at a young age and won some writing competi-tions for children. at the same time she became ac-tive at the theaterzentrumDeutschlandsberg, first mainly as a performer, later as a writer and director. Her first full-length play Der Goldfasan was performed there in 2010. recently she won the short story compe-tition FM4-Wortlaut. at the moment she works on her first novel and on her play Romanov.

Ellen DorresteinNetherlands

ellen Dorrestein’s playwritingis characterized by witty, intelligent dialogues. Mostly short and rhythmic, but at times lenghtier and eloquent.She enjoys writing characters who are recognizable and easy to sympathize with. usually they are represent-ative of the people she experiences around her in an exaggerated form. She strives to write accessible, humorous texts that also provide a social critique of our society.

Kim Ehinger Germany

Kim ehinger was born in 1991 in Konstanz, Germany. Since 2010 she is student of the academy of performing arts (adK) in ulm, where she spe-cialised on theatre direction. During this time she directed at the academy Die Unter-richtsstunde (The Lesson) by e. Ionesco, Sterne (Stars) by a. Hilling and König Richard II(The Tragedy of King Richard the Second) by W. Shake-speare. She also joined cour-ses in Creative and Dramatic Writing. In these courses she wrote her play Wie es weiter-geht (How to Go on).

Jan Friedrich Germany

Jan Friedrich started writing plays in 2011. His first play Mir nichts dich nichts won a price at the 4th BDat litera-ture Contest, was published by theaterverlag München and performed at bat-Studi-otheater in Berlin. In 2012 he worked out a play for young audience of ten years and older in collaboration with the GrIpS-theater artistic team, called Mein Name ist Peter, also published by theaterverlag München. His first play released at Verlag der autoren Deals premieres at the Staatsschauspiel Han-nover in april 2015.

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playWrIGHt DeleGateS

Lucía González Lara Spain

lucía Gonzáles lara grad-uated from Dramatic art School in Málaga in 2013. In 2014 she worked in the fields of direction, drama-turgy and interpretation in act with care at the tere-sianas Colleghe of Málaga. Currently she studies sign language.

Matthew Jones Wales

Matthew Woolfall Jones is a theatre Director and playwright, specialising in creating theatre for and with young people and digital media. He has recently com-pleted his phD thesis, titled ‘theatre for young Welsh audiences, in the Digital Culture’, which focuses on creating new work which incorporates Digital tech-nology into the theatre for young people. His experi-ence includes working with young people and profes-sionals, attending confer-ences and theatre festivals, giving papers, presentations and publishing articles for varying audiences. He is fully bilingual in Welsh and english.

Justine KlavaLativa

Justine Klava was first published in 2008 in the latvian literary magazine Karogs with selected poems called Songs of a Teenager. In 2009 she published a book called The Sock at Zvaigzne ABC. In the same year she studied at the literary academy of latvian Writer’s union, participated in the workshop for young writers the Cali and won the main price in the Knut Hamsun’s prose paraphrase competition for young writ-ers with her story Idlers. In 2011 she finished high school and started studying at the latvian academy of Culture. now she’s a 3rd year drama student.

Eva B. Koch Denmark

eva Boland Koch was born in 1975. She has a Bachelor’s de-gree of musicology/theatreresearch of the university ofCopenhagen and was a parti-cipant at Dramatiker Væk-sthus DV 2012-13 and DV 2013-15. She also works as a singer and is on ongoing tour with her abba revival Band and the two theatre concerts Rue de Belleville and We’ll meet again.

Dan-Cristian Lambescu Romania

Dan-Cristian lambescu was born on June 23rd 1984 in Bucharest. He is a master student at the national uni-versity of theater and Film I.l. Caragiale in Bucharest, studying playwriting at the faculty of theater. In 2010 hefinished his studies in machinemanufacturing technologywith an engineer’s diploma. Between 2008 and 2013 he worked as a procurement referent (public procurement domain) for a medium deliv-ery firm in Bucharest. He likes sports, SF-novels and politics.

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playWrIGHt DeleGateS

Alma Lindé Sweden

alma lindé has been runningan independent theatre group called Skabbteatern for ten years, in which she also works as playwriter and director. unlike most people in Sweden who are engaged in theatre, she and the other members of Skabbteatern have a poor working-class background and started with nothing what so ever in terms of money and cultural contacts. alma lindés main drive is her rage against discrimination and injustice that she and most people that she knows are being exposed to every day.

Diana MeheikCroatia

Diana Meheik was born in Zagreb in 1987 and spent most of her childhood in lebanon. after her return to Zagreb she enrolled and subsequently graduated at the academy of Dramatic arts. as a dramaturg she has worked on various theater productions in Croatia. as a playwright she had success with her play The Rose of Jericho, which won the Spe-cial prize of the president of Italian republic at the radio festival prix Italia in 2010, and later on had staged readings. She has also written an adaption of the novel Bosnian Chronicles by nobel-prize winner Ivo andric, which was staged in Macedonia

Jelena Paligoric Serbia

Jelena paligoric was born in Belgrade. She works as a playwright and poet and teaches Drama at ChartwellInternational School in Belgrade.

Maya Rinderer Austria

Born 1996 in Dornbirn, Mayarinderer grew up bilingually(Hebrew and German), cur-rently finishing her education at Bundesgymnasium Dorn-birn. participation at work-shops at literatur Vorarlberg and Jugendliteraturwerkstatt Graz. awards (selection): price of the Jury of the Irseerpegasus (2012), price winnerat the lyric competition Hildesheim (2013), Working Scholarship of the State of Vorarlberg (2013). Works: Esther, novel 2011, Bucher Verlag; Sommerferienkrieg, radio play at the orF; An alle Variablen, volume of po-ems 2013, Bucher Verlag; Die Bienen fliegen, play 2014, theater Kosmos.

Elena Maria MüllerAustria

Born in 1991, mother a dancer and father a sculptor, raised in austria. Started early with writing fantasy stories and dancing. later some singing and acting. after finishing secondary school, she went to Cari-tas ausbildungszentrum, a school for social and economic jobs, in Vienna. afterwards she travelled through australia for two years. Writing is an elemen-tary part in her life, she writes mostly short horror stories with black humour and poetry as well as auto-biographical anecdotes.

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playWrIGHt DeleGateS

Marten SchmidtAustria

Marten Schmidt, 18 years old, grew up in Jakarta and started acting when he was 10. He played in productionsof next liberty in Graz, the DSCHunGel WIen and currently at theater Wozek in Vienna. He focuses on playwriting, though “I don’t really like reading books”, he claims. He was nominated for a literature project in Cologne last summer and started his first own communi-ty arts project, which will be performed in June 2014 at Community theatre leoben. ”But theatre is for sure not everything, so I keep myself fit with running parcours and pencak silat.“

Ali Bircan Teke Turkey

Born in 1988. In 2011 gradu-ated from Maths and Science Faculty at Mugla university and in the same year started acting and performing artsDepartment at uludag university where he still continues his education. He became interested in theatre at the high school and since then joined a lot of projects, national and international festivals as an actor, director and author.

Charlotte Zerz Austria

Born in Vienna in 1991. She started writing when she was nine years old, shortly after she had read the first Harry potter book. She graduated from high school in 2009 and started her university studies in 2010, after a journey to asia for six months. ever since she studies english, philosophy and psychology in teacher training, meaning that one day she will be a teacher in middle school, junior high- and high school. Her par-ents both work in theatre, so she grew up with it. She completed an erasmus year in May 2014.

Juan Berzal Spain

Juan Berzal is a Spanish director, playwright, perform-er and teacher. He graduated at École Internationale de théâtre de Jacques lecoq in paris. In 1994 he founded ultramarinos de lucas, the company where he is mainly working since then, devel-oping a creative project that includes research in theatre for adults and young audiences. He has adapted, directed and performed Mark Twain, Beckett, Pinter or Shakespeare. the produc-tions have received severalawards and have been shown in different continents. He is nowadays vice-president and responsible of editions in aSSIteJ Spain.

Julie Rossello-Rochet Frankreich

after studying law, literatureand Spanish in lyon, Montrealand Madrid, Julie rosselloenrolled in the Writing depart-ment at enSatt, then in the performing arts program at enS-lyon. She worked as a dramaturge with Mathieu Bertholet, MuFuthe Cie, in French-speaking Switzerland.She has written numerous plays which were performed in theatres and at festivals in France and China. She has taught at la Manufacture (lausanne), at the Shanghai theatre academy (China), at enSatt and at enS-lyon. She writes for the arts and politics review MouVeMent.

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tutor DeleGateS

Judit Cziráki Hungary

Judit Cziráki studied english and Comparative literature in Hungary and at uC Berkeley. as a dramaturg, she writesand translates plays and scripts, and makes dubbing for films. She is specialised in children theatre and puppettheatre in Budapest. as a chair of Interplay Hungaryshe has organised playwrightsfestivals and drama coursesfor young people. She used toset up training programmes for puppetry students as well. She established her freelancecompany, DnS theatre, in 1997, which was famous for its inter-national projects. Judit Cziráky is looking forward to meeting new talents in Bregenz.

Saziye Dagyapan Turkey

Saziye Dagyapan is a drama-turge, translator, and one of the committee members of “little ladies and little Gentlemen International Children’s theatre Festival” organized by the turkish State theatre General Direc-torate, in ankara. She studied theatre theory and Historyas well as Dramaturgy, Criticism, theory at ankara university. She conducted researches on Contemporary european playwriting and worked as a dramaturge, director and production assistant for a variety of turkish and international theatres. as a translator, she has focused on contempo-rary english playwriting.

Hasan ErkekSpecial Guest/Turkey

prof. Dr. Hasan erkek, who has been working as a play-wright, poet and professor of drama, has been awarded more than 15 prizes. His plays were performed by more than 35 theatres worldwide. He has worked as an execu-tive Board Member and Vice-president of aSSIteJ turkey, as the president of turkish playwrights and play transla-tors association and as the Head of the Department of performing arts at anadolu university. Hasan erkek will come to Bregenz as a special guest for the first two days of the festival.

Henning Fangauf Germany

Henning Fangauf is the Deputy Director of the Chil-dren's and young people's theatre Centre in the Fed-eral republic of Germany in Frankfurt/M.. He studied German literature and His-tory in Hamburg. From 1981 to 1989 he was in-house dramaturge for the City theatres in Coburg, osna-brueck and Bremen. the current focus of his work is the promotion of play-wrights and international exchange in children's and young people's theatre. He is a member of the board of theatre department of the Goethe Institute as well as presiding chairman of "Interplay europe”.

Lauris Gundars Latvia

lauris Gundars is the authorof 29 plays and adaptations, 14 full-length feature scripts, 2 tV serials and 2 novels.Some of his plays were award-ed play of the Season in lat-vian theatres, one was inclu-ded into the etC list of Best european plays 2012. laurisstaged 20 theatre performan-ces at latvian and estoniantheatres, winning severalawards. He is the creator and head of the Writing for the-atre, Film and tV program at latvian academy of Culture as well as associated profes-sor and tutor at different eu-ropean international writing workshops. He is the author of the awarded DRAMÁTICA or Rational Poetics.

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Maud Lazaroms Netherlands

Maud completed her studies in Writing for performance, theatre Studies, Dramaturgy, psychology and Sexology and works as a playwright for different companies and as a teacher, psychologist and sexologist. psychology and sexology are included as a common theme in most ofher plays. Her plays have beenperformed in the netherlands, lebanon and South africa. Maud is what she would call an Interplay Junkie; she took part as a delegate at World Interplay 2007, produced Interplay europe 2008 and tutored script writing at World Interplay 2009 and Interplay europe 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Kristo ŠagorGermany

Kristo Šagor is a playwright, director and lecturer. Born in 1976 in Stadtoldendorf, Ger-many, and raised in lübeck, he currently resides in Berlin.Kristo studied German litera-ture, linguistics and theatre in Berlin and Dublin. He has directed at state and nationaltheatres throughout Germany. Kristo's plays have been pro-duced throughout Germany and internationally, including australia and the uSa. He currently teaches at Zurich university of the arts and at university of Hildesheim. In 2008, Kristo received the German theatre prize "Der FauSt" for his staging of Törleß at Schauspielhaus Hamburg.

Holger Schober Austria

Holger Schober, born 1976 in Graz, works as an actor, director and playwright. He studied German philology and anglistics, as well as act-ing at Max reinhardt Semi-nar in Vienna. Since 1997, he writes theatre plays and scripts for tV and cinema, where he can be seen as an actor in several crime series too. He has been artistic director of theater Kinesis, worked as part of the artistic direction at the theater an der Gumpendorferstraße in Vienna and has been director of u\hof:, the department for theatre for young audi-ences at landestheater linz between 2009 and 2011.

Clare Slater England

Before joining the Gate, Clare spent 6 years working at the national theatre in london, first in their fundraising depa-rtment and later in their script department. as the nt's as-sistant literary Manager, she frequently lectured and tutor-ed play development both abroad and at the nt Studio,travelling from turkey to South africa; Kentucky to Hungary. Clare has producedsmall-scale theatre across the london, and still works as a freelance dramaturg on theatre projects. She also spent 2 years working in tV and film drama development, primarily for Channel 4 and Film4 via independent pro-duction company, rare Day.

Marie Hedenius Sweden

Marie persson Hedenius is mainly working as a theatredramaturg. She graduatedfrom Dramatiska Institutet, university College of Film, theatre and radio in 1990. She has been working in various theatres in Sweden.Since 1997 she works for uppsala City theatre. She has held workshops in play-writing for young audiencesin countries worldwide. In collaboration with the choreographer Birgitta egerbladh she has created14 productions. She has written and adapted severalplays. Her work has been staged and produced for radio in several countries. She is chairwoman of assitej Sweden.

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Für den Inhalt verantwortlich / Responsible for the content aSSIteJ austria – Junges theater Österreich, Gumpendorferstraße 63b, 1060 Wien, +43 (0) 1 236 50 11, [email protected]

Geschäftsführung / CEO Mag. Kai KröscheAssistenz der Geschäftsführung / Executive assistant norbert BayerGrafik / Design Studio im HofRedaktionsschluss / Editorial deadline 20.06.2014Änderungen vorbehalten / Subject to alterations

Vorstand / Board ASSITEJ AustriaChristoph thoma / Vorsitzender / Chairman (Bregenz tourismus & Stadt-marketing)Katrin artl (Burgtheater – Junge Burg, Wien)renée Jud (theater Strombomboli, Hall i.t.)nina Kogler (Vorarlberger landestheater, Bregenz)Sara ostertag (makemake produktionen, Wien)Michael pöllmann (werk89, Wien)Markus Steinwender (MaZaB, die theaterachse, kleines theater, Salzburg)Simon Windisch (tao! theater am ortweinplatz, Graz)

Die türkische Delegation wird gefördert von / The Turkish delegation is funded by

Die französische Delegation wird gefördert von / The French delegation is funded by

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Interplay Europe 2014 is a project of Interplay Europe e.V. & ASSITEJ Austria.Informationen zum programm / Information about the programme:

Interplay Europe 2014 wird gefördert von / is funded by

ASSITEJ Austria wird gefördert von / is funded by: