ken radtke jr

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  • 8/4/2019 Ken Radtke Jr


    The News-Herald Date questionnaire Completed: September 26, 2011

    Election Questionnaire Office sought: Chester Township Trustee

    Political Party: Not applicable to this election

    Name: Ken Radtke, Jr. Gender: Male

    Age: 51

    Home address: 12865 Sperry Rd. Chesterland, OH 44026

    Length of residence in that community: 21 years Campaign Web site: n/a

    Occupation: Small Business Owner, Environmental Engineer Employer: Environmental Guidance, Inc.

    Marital Status: Married, 21 years Name of spouse: Wendy

    Name and age of any children: no children

    Public Office experience: (None, though I did seek the office of Chester Township Trustee in 2009, losing

    by 132 votes in 5-person race.)

    Political office held

    1. none

    Non-elected experience (committees, boards, etc.):

    I have been elected to the board of directors (twice) and am currently serving as the (unpaid) president

    of a private organization responsible for the operations/management of over 600 acres of woodlands,

    wetlands and a lake community. We function much like a township, with volunteer committees instead

    of departments for managing our roads, natural resources, lake and dam, zoning, regulations and

    budgets. I also serve as chairman of the budget committee.


    School/city/state Years Degree-Subject or Certificate

    High School Dearborn High School 3 High School DiplomaCollege Michigan Tech. University 4 B.S. Chemical Engineering

    Graduate n/a

    Other Leadership Geauga 1 certificate

  • 8/4/2019 Ken Radtke Jr


    Should you be elected, what are three specific areas you'd like to change, address, improve or

    further research, and how specifically would you go about it?

    1. Imrove public participation and communication. As trustee, I will: Prepare a newsletter, detailing township activities and issues affecting our community. Have quarterly public meetings where residents can ask questions, provide input and feedback to

    help the board and township departments better serve our community.

    Conduct a professional community-wide survey to gauge the attitudes and opinions of the residentsregarding land use planning, park development, budgets and taxation, etc.

    Update and maintain our Chester Township website with current information. Re-establish the Internal Audit Committee (dormant since 2008) to insure fiscal responsibility. Encourage volunteerism and support local organizations that make Chester Township a great place

    to live.

    2. Planning

    I will review how our current (and future) zoning impacts and controls development in our community.

    Does our current zoning encourage and support local business but protect our residential

    neighborhoods, including our groundwater? What can we do that improves our community while

    preserving and protecting the things we value most, including our township form of government?

    With more than 20% of Chester residents over the age of 60, I often hear comments and requests for a

    senior center. Families with young children express interest in a community center. What options are

    available, at what costs to the taxpayer, and do these things have community-wide support? Thecommunity response from a public survey will help guide the board of trustees in responsibly managing

    and planning our township's future on this and many other key issues.

    3. Budgets

    As a volunteer, I have worked with others to conduct detailed revenue and expenditure analyses for

    each township department, implementing 5-year budget plans, identifying cost savings and supporting

    fiscal responsibility with our tax dollars.

    At the end of 2010 our revenue plus carryover was in excess of $10 million dollars. Our budget

    carryover (unspent tax monies) was more than $5.6 million dollars; about $3 million dollars more than isnecessary to adequately fund all operations. We need a responsible plan to manage this money and to

    plan for how changes in state funding, including the (proper) repeal of the estate tax, will impact our

    budget and operations.

  • 8/4/2019 Ken Radtke Jr


    Whether for past accomplishments or future goals, why should voters elect you?

    Because I will serve all the residents of Chester Township with honesty, integrity and fiscal responsibility

    - the cornerstones of good government. It is my desire to seek input from the community in shaping our

    future. I have attended township meetings for 20 years and served the township on multiple

    committees. In operating a successful business, I have been responsive, responsible and reliable to my

    clients, and I will bring the same attitude to in serving the citizens of Chester Township.

    I have always had an interest in politics, and a passion for good government. I believe that if you think

    you can do a better job, you ought to be willing to step forward and prove it, and I am asking for that

    opportunity from the voters on November 8, 2011.