language game a 8round0 the ukin...

LANGUAGE | Game 80 Around the UK in questions 14 Spotlight 3|13 Fotos: Stockbyte; Columbia; iStockphoto STEPHANIE SHELLABEAR und das Spotlight-Team laden Sie ein, mit diesem unterhaltsamen Sprachspiel Großbritannien und Nordirland näher kennenzulernen. Viel Spaß beim Spielen! T his month, the Spotlight team would like to invite you to go on a road trip, visiting the towns and cities of the United Kingdom. Around the UK in 80 questions is a game that you can play with your family and friends. e map that comes with this issue of the maga- zine shows a route around England, Wales, Northern Ire- land and Scotland. Travel this route by answering our selec- tion of questions on history, culture, geography and lan- guage. You’ll find the question cards on the following pages. Cut out the cards and car counters, open the map, and you can start to play. You’ll find detailed rules on page 21 and on the game board. Subscribers can also download the cards and extra questions from Are you ready to set off? Enjoy your trip around the United Kingdom — and remember to drive on the left!

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Post on 30-Mar-2018




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Page 1: LANGUAGE Game A 8round0 the UKin · You’ll find detailed rules ... Welsh rugby matches? a) the hymn “Bread


80Around the UK



14 Spotlight 3|13


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STEPHANIE SHELLABEAR und das Spotlight-Team laden Sie ein,mit diesem unterhaltsamen Sprachspiel Großbritannien und

Nordirland näher kennenzulernen. Viel Spaß beim Spielen!

This month, the Spotlight team would like to inviteyou to go on a road trip, visiting the towns andcities of the United Kingdom. Around the UK in

80 questions is agame that you canplay with yourfamily and friends.e map thatcomes with thisissue of the maga-zine shows a routearound England,Wales, Northern Ire-land and Scotland.Travel this route byanswering our selec-

tion of questions on history, culture, geography and lan-guage. You’ll find the question cards on the followingpages. Cut out the cards and car counters, open the map,and you can start to play. You’ll find detailed rules on page 21 and on the game board. Subscribers can also download the cards and extra questions from

Are you ready to set off? Enjoy your trip around theUnited Kingdom — and remember to drive on the left!

Page 2: LANGUAGE Game A 8round0 the UKin · You’ll find detailed rules ... Welsh rugby matches? a) the hymn “Bread

Which British actor plays the TVand film character Mr Bean?

a) Hugh Grantb) Daniel Craigc) Rowan Atkinson

With which orchestra did Sir SimonRattle, conductor of the Berlin Phil -harmonic since 2002, make his name?

a) the London Philharmonic Orchestrab) the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra

c) the BBC Symphony Orchestra

Downton Abbey is a British exportpopular in the US and also in Ger-many. What is it?

a) a TV series set in the early 1900sb) a white wine that has won severalprizes

c) a London shopping guide for tourists

How did the writer Virginia Woolf(1882–1941) die?

a) she committed suicideb) she was hit by a speeding carc) she was pushed from a building

How long is the coastline ofmainland Britain?

a) 5,429 kmb) 10,429 kmc) 12,429 km

Who lives at 11 Downing Street?

a) the prime minister’s housekeeperb) the chancellor of the exchequerc) the prime minister’s wife andchildren

In which year did the BritishParliament ban slavery?

a) 1776b) 1833c) 1900

Which English king gave up histhrone to marry an American?

a) Edward VII in 1910b) Edward VIII in 1936c) George VI in 1952

Which island in the Mediterraneandid Britain take from Napoleon in1800?

a) Sardiniab) Corsicac) Malta

What was the result of the 1966World Cup Final between Englandand Germany?

a) England won 2–1b) Germany won 2–1c) England won 4–2

What is the English word “pub”short for?

a) public resting placeb) public housec) place of public entertainment

What is meant by “elevenses”?

a) traditional songs sung at 11 p.m.b) cake and biscuits with tea orcoffee at 11 a.m.

c) the time at which Britishpubs close

What is an Aston Martin?

a) a rare bird found in Walesb) a cocktail made with gin andcherry juice

c) a British-made sports car

In Shakespeare’s playA Midsummer Night’s Dream, whatis the character Puck?

a) a fairyb) a monsterc) a horse

Tourists to Northern Ireland liketo visit a famous formation ofvolcanic rock. What is it called?

a) the Giant’s Causewayb) the Cliffs of Moherc) the Blarney Stone

What was the name of the wizardwho was a close friend of thelegendary King Arthur?

a) Excaliburb) Lancelotc) Merlin

What is the title of the first novelpublished by crime author Agatha Christie (1890–1976)?

a) The Body in the Libraryb) The Mysterious Affair at Stylesc) Death on the Nile

How tall is the London skyscraperThe Shard?

a) almost 310 metresb) nearly 290 metresc) just under 110 metres

Which one of the following is theUK’s City of Culture 2013?

a) Londonb) Derbyc) Londonderry / Derry

If someone from the north ofEngland talks about a “butty”,what is meant?

a) a small carb) a sandwichc) a woman’s bottom

Where in London do the classicalBBC Promenade Concerts, or“Proms”, take place each summer?

a) the Royal Festival Hallb) the Royal Albert Hallc) the Wigmore Hall

Page 3: LANGUAGE Game A 8round0 the UKin · You’ll find detailed rules ... Welsh rugby matches? a) the hymn “Bread

The documents known as the“Downing Street Memos” containedsecret plans to invade which country?

a) Afghanistanb) Iraqc) Panama

What is the name of Britain’s upperHouse of Parliament?

a) the Commonwealthb) the House of Lordsc) the House of Representatives

Big Ben is the bell in the clocktower of the Houses of Parliament.What is the name of the tower?

a) St James’s Towerb) St Stephen’s Towerc) St Benedict’s Tower

The Bank of England was foundedin 1694. What is its nickname?

a) the Old Lady of Threadneedle Streetb) the Strong Man on the Thamesc) the Big Boy of the City of London

Where was actor and film-makerKenneth Branagh born in 1960?

a) Walesb) Scotlandc) Northern Ireland

What major change wasintroduced in Britain in 1971?

a) driving on the leftb) new money: pounds and pencec) membership of the EuropeanCommunity

The British monarch is also thehead of which institution?

a) the Church of Englandb) the European Commissionc) the British BroadcastingCorporation (BBC)

What does a Unionist want?

a) Britain to be more active in the European Union

b) the interests of workers to beformally organized

c) Northern Ireland to remain partof the UK

In 1154, Nicholas Breakspearbecame the only Englishman todo what?

a) become popeb) become Holy Roman Emperorc) become king of Ireland

The English Civil War (1642–51)ended with the execution of whichBritish king?

a) James Ib) Charles Ic) Charles II

The Houses of Parliament are inwhich London district?

a) the City of Londonb) Covent Gardenc) Westminster

In which year did Britain startusing the euro?

a) 2002b) 2012c) Britain does not use the euro

What route does the earthworkknown as Offa’s Dyke follow?a) the border between England andWales

b) the border between England andScotland

c) the border between NorthernIreland and the Republic of Ireland

In which sport do you try to hita wicket with a ball?

a) cricketb) volleyballc) hockey

Which countries make upGreat Britain?

a) England, Scotland and Walesb) England, Scotland and NorthernIreland

c) England, Scotland, Wales andNorthern Ireland

In 1666, the Great Fire of Londondestroyed much of the city.Where did the fire start?

a) at a bakeryb) at a shoemaker’sc) at a butcher’s

In 1714, George I became king ofGreat Britain and Ireland. Wherewas he from?

a) Londonb) Amsterdamc) Hanover

What are Members of Parliamentnot allowed to do during a debate?

a) read a newspaperb) shoutc) sleep

Elizabeth II is queen of how manycountries?

a) 1b) 4c) 16

In 1982, Britain went to war againstwhich country?

a) Argentinab) Iraqc) Grenada

How many of Henry VIII’s six wiveshad their heads cut off?

a) twob) three c) four

Page 4: LANGUAGE Game A 8round0 the UKin · You’ll find detailed rules ... Welsh rugby matches? a) the hymn “Bread

What nickname was given tothe new police officers introducedin 1829?

a) night watchmenb) bobbiesc) mets

When did the UK join theEuropean Economic Community?

a) 1957b) 1973c) 1986

The Stone of Scone has been usedfor centuries in the crowning of themonarchs of Scotland and the UK.Where in Scotland is it kept?

a) Edinburgh Castleb) Inverness Castlec) Stirling Castle

What is the official title of the headof the Scottish government?

a) the first ministerb) the prime ministerc) the president

Which of these was developed byScottish engineer James Wattbetween 1763 and 1775?

a) the electric light switchb) the steam enginec) the telephone

After London, which British citywas most badly damaged duringthe Second World War?

a) Glasgow b) Southampton c) Liverpool

For what were Gilbert and Sullivanfamous?

a) they painted famous portraitsb) they wrote light operasc) they designed royal parks

What does the “FC” in ManchesterCity FC stand for?

a) football companyb) football clubc) football collective

How many people in NorthernIreland are Roman Catholic?

a) about 50 per centb) about 60 per centc) about 40 per cent

Who was the first British monarchto give a radio speech on the BBCin 1932?

a) George Vb) Edward VIIIc) George VI

The Channel Tunnel opened in1994. What is the name of the pas-senger train that runs through it?

a) Eurostarb) Flying Dutchmanc) Chunnel

What is the name of the highestmountain in the British Isles?

a) Ben Nevisb) Ben Macduic) Cairn Toul

How big is the population ofNorthern Ireland?

a) about half a millionb) about 1.1 millionc) about 1.8 million

What is special about Welshlaver bread?

a) it is made of seaweedb) it is made of grassc) it is made of lamb

What is the capital of Wales?

a) Angleseyb) Bangorc) Cardiff

What was the name of the 1998agreement that brought peace toNorthern Ireland after nearly30 years of fighting?

a) the Black Monday Agreementb) the Bloody Sunday Agreementc) the Good Friday Agreement

Many Scottish and Irish placenames start with “Glen...” Whatdoes the word mean?

a) castleb) woodc) valley

Glastonbury is famous for itsyearly music festival. What elsebrings visitors to the area?

a) the Tor, a holy hillb) John Lennon’s childhood homec) Jamie Oliver’s first restaurant

What is the capital of Scotland?

a) Edinburgh b) Glasgowc) Stirling

Page 5: LANGUAGE Game A 8round0 the UKin · You’ll find detailed rules ... Welsh rugby matches? a) the hymn “Bread

Which cathedral was the tallestbuilding in the world for more than200 years (1307–1549)?

a) Canterbury Cathedralb) Salisbury Cathedralc) Lincoln Cathedral

In which sport did Tom Daleybecome Britain’s youngest-everworld champion?

a) divingb) cyclingc) swimming

Rounders is a game played byBritish schoolchildren.To which sport is it similar?

a) handballb) baseballc) American football

Which is the longest river inthe United Kingdom?

a) the River Severn b) the River Thames c) the River Trent

In which English countyis Stonehenge?

a) Dorsetb) Hampshirec) Wiltshire

Anything or anyone in the UKreferred to as “Manx” means what?

a) coming from the Isle of Manb) coming from Manchesterc) of male origin

For which club has UK footballerDavid Beckham not played?

a) Real Madridb) Bayern Munichc) Los Angeles Galaxy

Which song is traditionally sung atWelsh rugby matches?

a) the hymn “Bread of Heaven” b) the pop song“We Are the Champions”

c) the aria “Nessun dorma”

What is the highest mountainin England?

a) Cross Fell, Penninesb) Helvellyn, Lake Districtc) Scafell Pike, Lake District

What event takes place on theRiver Thames every year in lateMarch or early April?

a) the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race

b) the National Diving Contest c) the Royal Fishing Contest

Who was the last Englishmanto win the Wimbledon tennischampionships?

a) Andy Murray (b. 1987)b) Tim Henman (b. 1974)c) Fred Perry (1909–95)

Belfast City Airport is named after...

a) footballer George Bestb) snooker champion Alex Higginsc) horse-racing jockey A. P. McCoy

Cut out the cars on theother side of this card andfold them over to use ascounters in the game.

Where did the sport of polooriginate?

a) Iranb) Walesc) Scotland

continued on page 21

What is the Goodwood Circuit?

a) the royal riding parkb) England’s most famous dog-racingcircuit

c) a location for motor racing

Which of these cities competed inthe final round with London to holdthe 2012 Olympics?

a) Madridb) Athensc) Rome

Where does bestselling novelistRosamunde Pilcher live?

a) in Barnstaple, Devonb) in Dundee, Scotlandc) in Penzance, Cornwall

What is the name of Scotland’smost famous golf course?

a) St Augustab) St Andrewsc) St Angus

What is England’s second-largestcity?

a) Birminghamb) Liverpoolc) Manchester

What is the Grand National?

a) a horse raceb) a dog racec) a boat race

Page 6: LANGUAGE Game A 8round0 the UKin · You’ll find detailed rules ... Welsh rugby matches? a) the hymn “Bread

213|13 Spotlight

continued from

page 18


• The 80 questions and answers you need for playingthe game are listed on pages 15–18 and online atwww.spotlight-online.deThe correct answers are marked in bold.

• Cut out the cards carefully (they are double-sided).Try not to look at them!

• Cut out a car counter from page 17 for each player orteam. You also need a dice.

• Place the question cards in the middle of the tableand cover them with the Union flag card, or hold thecards, passing them to the next player after eachturn.

• Place all the counters at the starting point: Dover.

PlymouthThere is a terrible storm while you arevisiting the lighthouse at Plymouth Hoe.You get stuck there for 48 hours.


John o’GroatsYou have three servings of haggis for dinnerand feel too full to make a long journey thenext day.


CardiffYou win a Welsh spelling contest. The prize isa trip to Bangor.


Londonderry / DerryYou are in the UK City of Culture 2013. Youmeet some Irish musicians and have so much fun that you decide to travel to Scotland with them on the next ferry.TAKE THE FERRY TO CAIRNRYAN

ScarboroughYou win £100 when a local radio station asksyou to sing the song “Scarborough Fair” liveon the air. You decide you need a city breakin a luxury hotel. DRIVE STRAIGHT TO NOTTINGHAM

IpswichYou have been on the road for quite a longtime now and decide not to spend a night in Ipswich after all.


LiverpoolYou visit the Beatles Story museum and areenjoying yourself so much that you missyour ferry to Belfast.



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This game is best played in small groups. The first player to travel from Dover to London wins.

The youngest playerstarts. The person on his or her rightreads the question on the top card and thechoice of three answers — without showing the card.

If the player answers the question correctly, he or shemay roll the dice and move the number of towns andcities indicated, following the white arrows. If the an-swer is incorrect, the player stays where he or she is.

The same player asks the person on his or her left thenext question, and so play continues — first answer-ing the question, then throwing the dice.

If a player lands on a town or city with a traffic-lightsymbol, he or she should follow the instructionsgiven in the traffic-light section below. The player willeither have to miss a turn in the next round or will beable to move on to the town or city indicated.

NorwichYou take part in a Morris-dancingevent and unfortunately hurtyour ankle.