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Platzhalter für Bild, Bild auf Titelfolie hinter das Logo einsetzen Dr. Ute Kopka und Florian Lange 27.06.2011 Welcome to the International Summer School „SENSE 2011“

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Dr. Ute Kopka und Florian Lange 27.06.2011

Welcome to the International Summer School „SENSE 2011“

Braunschweig and its University

The Summer School „SENSE 2011“

Organizational Matters


27.06.2011| Orientation Day

Academic Schedule

27.06.2011| Orientation Day

Module 1: Language and Cultural Training

First part: Start: Tomorrow: 8:30 Uhr From 28.06. – 16.07. 6 lessons a day, from 8:30 Uhr – 13:30 Uhr Two classes (A1 and A2/B1)

A1 – beginners course Teacher: Barbara Pätz Classroom: Raum 040 (Welcome Point), Bültenweg 74/75 in 38106 Braunschweig All teaching materials will be provided

A2/B1 – advanced course Teacher: Linda Marie Fricke Classroom: Room -117 (basement), Bültenweg 74/75 in 38106 Braunschweig From Friday June 30th additional courses with Ms. Fricke for students with advanced

german knowledge All teaching materials will be provided

27.06.2011| Orientation Day

Module 1: Language and Cultural Training

Second part: From 18.07. – 12.08., 2 hours a day German Exam: 11.08.2011

A1 – beginners course Teacher: Michaela Bödcher-Nimo Classroom: Raum 040 (Welcome Point), Bültenweg 74/75 in 38106 Braunschweig All teaching materials will be provided Time: 8:00 – 10:00 Uhr

A2/B1 – advanced course Teacher: Michaela Bödcher-Nimo Classroom: Raum 040 (Welcome Point), Bültenweg 74/75 in 38106 Braunschweig All teaching materials will be provided Time: 18:00 – 20:00 Uhr

27.06.2011| Orientation Day

Module 2: Study Course in Industrial Engineering

From 18.07. – 11.08.2011 6 hours a day Person in charge: Franz Dietrich

Couse Content: Working on specific projects

in the field of industrial engineering.

Adress: Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungstechnik

Langer Kamp 19 BD-38106 Braunschweig

27.06.2011| Orientation Day

Module 3: Fundamentals of Aircraft Aerodynamics

From 18.07. – 29.07. 4 hours a day 10:30 – 12:30 Uhr 13:30 – 14:30 Uhr

Person in charge: Dr. Richard Semaan

Course content (for example): Fundamental aerodynamic terms Two-dimensional boundary layers

Adress: Institut für Strömungsmechanik

Bienroder Weg 338106 Braunschweig Seminar room

27.06.2011| Orientation Day

Module 7 or Module 8

Second part:

two different modules after attending at Module 3

Module 7: Independent Study

From: 01.08. - 11.08. Person in charge: Dr. Richard Semaan, Course Content: Working on an specific project

in the field of aircraft aerodynamcis

Module 8: Lecture Rocket Propulsion+Excursions

From: 01.08. – 11.08. Person in charge: Timothée Pourpoint Visiting Professor from Purdue

University, USA

27.06.2011| Orientation Day

Module 4: Study Course in Automotive Engineering

From 18.07. – 29.07. 10:00 Uhr – 11:30 Uhr

12:30 Uhr – 14:00 Uhr

Person in charge: Louisa Liesner Course Content (for example):

Basics of verhicle design and engineering,

Advanced driver assitance systems

Adress: Institut für Fahrzeugtechnik Hans-Sommer-Straße 4 38106 Braunschweig

Room: HS 4.1

Module 7: Independent Study

Work on an individual scientific project in different fields.

From: 01.08. – 11.08. 8 hours a day

You will get your individual

project during the next days!

27.06.2011| Orientation Day

27.06.2011| Orientation Day

Module 6: Practical Lab work in advanced biology

From 18.07. – 11.08. 8 hours a day

Person in charge: Dr.Martina Jahn

Course content:

Techniques of bio-chemistry and genetics,

Independent and specific lab work

Adress: Biozentrum, 2. Obergeschoss

Spielmannstraße 738106 Braunschweig

Exam and Presentation

Credits: 6 ECTS Credits – German Language Course 6 ECTS Credits – Modules

Pass up to three tests or written reports You have to attend to 80% of the courses

German Exam: 11.08. Final presentation at 12.08.11

27.06.2011| Orientation Day

27.06.2011| Orientation Day

Excursions and Events

Plenty of different excursions and events during the summer school

Program: Campus Tour Today City Tour Braunschweig Today, 15:00 Uhr Visit of the Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg Wednesday, 11:30 Uhr Sommerfest TU - Sportzentrum Thursday, 19:00 Uhr Visit of the Airbus factory in Hamburg 09.08.11 Farewell BBQ at the International Office 11.08.11

The Airbus tour is mandatory for the participants of module 2/3/4 List at the door of room number -116

Please attend to the excursion, if you have registrated for it!

Braunschweig and its University

The SENSE Program

Organizational Matters


27.06.2011| Orientation Day

Organizational Matters


We will publish all the news at our Facebook Fanpage Board at room -116 at the basement of the International Office

Adress of the International Office

Bültenweg 74/75

38106 Braunschweig

Phone: 0531/391- 4331 (Info Point), - 4379 (Florian), - 4367 (Andre)

Office hours:

Monday – Thursday 10:00 Uhr – 16:00 Uhr

Friday 10:00 Uhr – 13:00 Uhr

Emergency Phone number: 0049 176 35 46 57 01

Organizational Matters


WLAN Access at the Campus of TU Braunschweig Name: sense2011 Password: summer!2011bs

WLAN Access at Studentenwohnheim „An der Schunter“ „Schunternet“ (ask your roommates) 8€

WLAN Access at the Studentenwohnheim „APM Rebenring“ Cable No costs

27.06.2011| Orientation Day

Organizational Matters

Temporary student ID

You are enrolled as a student at the TU Braunschweig Student id = bus ticket Bus/Tram: Please enter the bus at the front door Show the ticket

Use regional trains in Lower-saxony Always have a photo id with you

Organizational Matters

Health insurance You will get the insurance-card during the next days list of english speaking doctors at the International Office If possible, schedule an appointment (you may have to wait else) Bring your insurance card and 10€ to the doctor

Organizational Matters

Das Campus-Team der

Techniker Krankenkasse

Rüdiger Novak und Jens Kynast

Pockelsstraße 9

38106 Braunschweig

0531 3801820

[email protected]

[email protected]

Organizational Matters

Liability insurance

Das Campus-Büro der Debeka

Sascha Borges,

Rafael Jeske

Pockelstraße 9

38106 Braunschweig

0531 340660

[email protected]

Organizational Matters

Please keep your room clean and tidy Otherwise a cleaning company will clean the room

and you will pay the extra fee (100€)

Organizational Matters

Please sign your data sheets!

Please sign the ‘Information about German Liability Insurance’ sheet!

Please return your name tags at the end of this meeting!

Then you will get your temporary student ID and your cafetaria card

27.06.2011| Orientation Day

Thank you for your attention!We wish you a succesful „SENSE“ program 2011!!!