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  • 8/8/2019 programms


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    FCPITSubmitted To: - Submitted By: -

    Mrs. Rupandeep Kaur Parul Saini

    CSE-1st Semester

    Roll No:



    Computer stands for

    Complicated office mechanism put under tremendousexrediture to reduce Man-Power.

    Definitions of Computer

    An electronic device for the storage and processing of

    information. A programmable machine that inputs,processes and outputs data. An electronic device thatstores retrieves and processes data and can beprogrammed with instructions. A computer is composedof hardware, software and can exist in a variety of sizesand configurations.
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    A program that performs one of the tasks for which acomputer a used such as word processing or numerical

    computations. A device or system that is capable ofcarrying out a sequence of operations in a definedmanner. The operations are frequently numericcomputations or data manipulations but also include datainput and output.

    An electronic unit that receives information data fromsensors processes the information and then performs the

    function it was programmed to do. Generally this functionis in the form of an output or command.

    A multi-function electronic device that can executeinstruction to perform a task.

    A programmable machine comprising of hardware,including electronic components for the storage andmanipulation of digital signals and devices for storinginputting and displaying digital information.

    A functional unit that can perform substantialcomputations including numerous arithmetic operationsand logic operations without human intervention during arun in information processing. The term computer usuallydescribes a digital computer. A computer may consist orstandalone unit or may consist of several interconnectedunits.

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    A machine for performing calculation automatically e.g.calculator; an expert at calculation (or at operatingcalculating machines).

    A computer is device or machine for making calculationsor controlling operations that are expressible in numericalor logical terms. Computers are made from componentsthat perform simple well defined functions.

    All computer systems perform the following five basicoperations:

    1. INPUTTING: -The process of entering data andinstructions into the computer system.

    2. STORING: - Saving data and instructions so that they areavailable for initial or for additional processing as andwhen required.

    3. PROCESSING: - Performing arithmetic or logicaloperations (Comparisons like equal to, less than, greaterthan etc.) on data in order to convert them into useful.

    4. OUTPUTTING: -The process of producing usefulinformation or results for the user, such as a printedreport or visual display.

    5. CONTROLLING: - Directing the manner and sequence inwhich all of the above operations are performed.

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    Data and instruction must enter the computer system beforeany computations can be performed on the supplied data. Thistask is performed by the input unit that links the externalenvironment with the computer system. The followingfunctions are performed by the input unit:

    1. It accepts (or reads) the list of instructions and data fromthe outside world.

    2. It converts these instructions and data in computeracceptable form.

    3. It supplies the converted instructions and data to thecomputer system for further processing.


    The job of an output unit is just the reverse of that of an inputunit. It supplies information and result of computation to theoutside world. Thus it links the computer with the externalenvironment as computer works with the binary form. Hencebefore supplying the results to the outside world, it must beconverted into human acceptable form. This task isaccomplished by the output unit.

    1. It accepts the result produced by the computer which arein coded form and hence cannot be easily understood byus.

    2. It converts these coded results to human acceptableform.

    3. It supplies the converted results to the outside world.

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    The data and instructions that are entered into the computersystem through input units have to be stored inside the

    computer before the actual processing starts. Similarly theresults produced by the computer after processing must alsobe kept somewhere inside the computer system.


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    Computer system before being passed onto output unitsmoreover the intermediate results produced by the computermust also be preserved for ongoing processing the storage unitof a computer system is designed to cater to all these needs.

    The specific functions of the storage unit are to hold:

    1. All the data to be processed and the instructions requiredfor processing (received from input devices).

    2. Intermediate results of processing.

    3. Final results of processing before these results arereleased to an output devices.


    The arithmetic logical unit (ALU) of a computer system is the

    place where actual execution of the instructions takes placeduring the processing operation to be more to be more precise.All calculations are performed and all comparisons are made inthe ALU. The data and the instruction stored in the primarystorage prior to processing are transferred as and whenneeded to the ALU where processing takes place. Noprocessing is done in the primary storage unit.

    Intermediate results generated in the ALU are temporarilytransferred back to the primary storage unit needed at a later

    time. Data may thus move from primary storage to ALU andback again to storage may time before the processing is over.After the completion of processing the final results which arestored in the storage unit are released to an output device.

    ALU is designed to perform the four basic arithmeticoperations. Add, subtract, multiply, divide and logic operations

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    or comparisons. Such as less than equal to or greater than.


    Control unit let us know the input device that it is time for it tofeed data into the storage unit. It lets the ALU know whatshould be done with the data once they are received. And it isthe control unit which manages the final results by selectinginterpreting and seeing to the execution of the program

    instructions the control unit is able to maintain order and directthe operation of the entire system although it does not performany actual processing on the data. The control unit acts as thecentral nervous system for the other components of thecomputer. It manages and coordinates the entire computersystem. It obtains instructions from the program stored in themain memory. Interprets the instructions and issues signalsthat cause other units of the system to execute them.


    The control unit and the arithmetic logical unit of a computersystem are jointly known as the central processing unit- theCPU. It is the brain of any computer system. In a human body,all major decisions are taken by the brain and the other partsof the body function as directed by the brain. Similarly in a

    computer system all major calculations and comparisons aremade inside the CPU and the CPU is also responsible foractivating and controlling the operations of other units of acomputer.

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    It is the medium which stores binary information. The functionof the memory is to store data instructions and the results.

    There are two kinds of memories:

    PRIMARY MEMORY: The primary memory of acomputer is a vast memory which stores programs, data duringthe computer operations is of two types:-

    a. RAM (Random Access Memory):- The read and writememory of a computer is called RAM i.e. the informationcan be read and written into RAM. It is a volatile memory.

    The information can be retained in the RAM till the poweris on. And when the power is off the data is deleted fromthe RAM. There are two kinds of RAM:

    1. S-RAM (Static RAM): It does not require anyregenerator circuit to retain the stored data.

    2. D-RAM (Dynamic RAM): It stores the information inthe form of electric charges that are applied to thecapacitors recharging the capacitor for theinformation.

    b. ROM (Read only Memory):- It can store informationpermanently. It is not possible to write any information inthe ROM that is why it is called non-volatile memory. Itstypes are:

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    1. P-ROM: It stands for programmed Read onlymemory. It is programmable only once.

    2. EP-ROM: It stands for erasable programmable readonly memory. The data it programs can be writtenon to EP-ROM many times. Data can be erased byexposing ultra violet rays.

    3. EEP-ROM: It stands for electrically erasableprogrammable read only memory.


    It is very much larger than main memory or primary memorybut it is very much slower than main memory. It stores systemprograms, large data files assembler, compilers etc. examplesMagnetic disks and hard disks.


    It is an input-output device. The medium of storage is acircular plate made of aluminium. The plate is known as diskwhich rotates continuously with constant speed. In this thetrack is divided into sectors. It is of two types:

    1. Soft sectored disk2. Hard sectored disk

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    LAN cards that are not NE2000 compatible generally cant beused at all by DOS programs with or without windows.

    DOS mode also offers the ability to fix certain system errorswithout entering the GUI. For example if a virus is active I a

    GUI mode it can often be safely removed in DOS mode bydeleting its executable files which usually cant run withoutwindows.

    While in DOS mode, the 32 bit windows player can be startedwith some dos programs that were used for older version ofwindows going back to windows 1.0.

    The biggest advantage of this OS is its compatibility ofwindows and MS DOS. It can successfully run very old

    applications that were written for windows 3.0, while also beingable to run new applications and applications written forWindows NT.


    The desktop, which is screen that you see after you log on toWindows, is one of the most important features on your

    computer. The desktop can contain shortcuts to your mostfrequently used programs, documents and printers. Thedesktop can also be the home of active contents such as newsor travel channel.

    To adjust heading such as desktop colour and background,right click any empty area on the desktop and then clickproperties.

    By default, desktop is the home of following features: -


    The taskbar appears at the bottom of the screen. The taskbarcontains the start button which you can use to quickly start aprogram, find a file, access help.

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    When you open a program or document in windows a buttonappears on the taskbar for each item. Use the buttons toquickly switch from one open window to another.

    Minimize all open windows and access the desktop with one

    click on the show desktop button on the taskbar.


    Use this folder to quickly see the contents on your floppy disk,hard disk, CD ROM drive and map network drives. From withinmy computer you can also open control panel where you can

    configure many settings on your computer.


    Use this folder as a default storage location for documents,graphics and other files, including saved web pages. Each userwho logs on to the computer has a unique my documentsfolder, so the documents you store in youre my documentsfolder are not really available to another person who uses the

    same computer.


    Use this folder to locate shared resources on the entirenetwork to which your computer is connected. Shortcuts to thecomputer, web servers, and FTP server where you haveaccessed documents or programs are automatically created inmy network places. You can also create shortcuts to network,web and FTP servers by using the add network place wizard.

    If your computer is a member of working group, you candouble click computers to near me to narrow your search tocomputers that are in same background.


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    The recycle bin stores deleted files folders graphics and webpages until you empty the bin. If you want to retrieve an itemthat you have deleted, look in the recycle bin.


    Using an internet connection and internet explorer you canbrowse the World Wide Web and your local internet.


    The place in the window where the information of theapplication opened and in use by the user is known as the titlebar.


    The horizontal bar below the title bar that contains the namesof the menus. A menu bar can be the built in menu bar or ascustom menu bar.


    The area of the application window where the main documentis proceed by the user is kale the document window.

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    Purpose of Word Processing

    A word processor is a program or set of programs that enablesyou to write, edit format and print text.

    Text area:This is whereyour text, graphics, charts or tables

    will display as you enter them.

    To start the MS Word the following list are performed

    Click on start button. Select the option program. Go to MS Word.

    MS Word Window

    It consists of various components like menubar, title bar, status bar, tool bar, scroll bar andruler line.

    1. Menu Bar

    You can use menu and tool bar to give Microsoft wordinstructions about what you want to do. It displays the listof commands.

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    1. File: Allows you to perform file related activities,including opening, saving and printing.

    2. Edit: Allows you to edit, search, replace and linktext.

    3. View: Allows you to define options concerning howyou want WORD for Windows to appear for you.


    Insert: Allows you to insert various types ofelements into your document.

    5. Format: Allows you to define how you want yourtext or other document elements to appear.

    6. Tools: Provides various tools, which can be used to

    refine your document.

    7. Table: Allows creating, inserting, editing anddeleting table.

    8. Help: Allows you to get either general or specific


    2. Scroll Bar

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    The scroll bar allows you to view or display different partsof your document in the document window by scrolling upor down, left or right.

    Vertical scroll bar

    Horizontal scroll bar

    1. Title bar

    Title bar displays the name of the current file and thename of the current program.

    2. Status Bar

    The status bar provides you with information about thestatus of your program.

    3. Tool bar

    Tool bars generally display right below the menu,although they can be dragged and displayed along any of

    the window borders. You use the icons on the toolbars tosend commands to the program.

    3. Creating a Document

    For a new document we have a blank screen where westart to type a document. When we open a newdocument, we can have the various options like font size,margin, dimensioning, underline etc.

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    On entering the text of the word does not fit to the line,automatically shifted to the beginning of the next line. Tocreate a new document the following steps are used.

    o Type the text in document window.o Select the file option from the main menu.o Click on save as.o Give file name to your document. Click on the same

    button to save the file. To close the file option fromthe main menu click option.

    1. Opening a Word Window

    We can open a consisting document for reading orediting purpose. To open a document following stepsare followed:

    Select the file option Click on the open option Select the desire file

    And click on open window

    2. Editing

    Editing prefers to make changes to an existingdocument. MS Word provides various features tomodify and changing the existing document. Thuschange can be done by using the feature like cut,

    copy and paste (pull down the edit menu bypressing the right arrow)

    Cut- it removes the selected text from thedocument. This selected text can be pasted to anyother part of the document. This can be done byusing the feature i.e. called copy.

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    1. Formatting text and paragraphs

    Font refers to the type, style and size of the characterused in printing. MS Word provides us with a number offont types, mainly- Roman, Arial etc. the different fonttype is T.N-Roman.

    To give more options we can do the font dialog box. Wecan also change the text style, like bold, italics, underlineto enhance the look of our document or text.

    2. Numbers and Bullets

    We can numerate our words or paragraphs automaticallya numbers or by bullets. The procedures for that are asfollows:

    o Select the text that you intent to bulleto Click on format on the menu baro Choose bullets and numberingo Choose the type of bullet that you need from the

    windowo Click OK


    Select the text that you need to bullet, and then press tochoose numbering or bullets.

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    3. Header and Footer

    While preparing a report you would found someinformation to appear on the top or bottom of the pagelike companys name, report title etc. this is inserted byusing header and footer option.

    Header are on the top margin of the page. To insert thisoption we use the following steps:

    o Select view option from the main menuo Click on header and footer optiono From the header/footer, toolbar selected like insert

    page number or data headings etc.o Add the footer option.

    4. Spelling Checks and Grammar Tool

    While typing we may spell some words wrongly. Whenyou type the entire documents you can check the spellingmistakes or grammar mistakes with the help of grammarand spelling checking option.

    The steps require for this are:

    o Type the text in the windowo Select the tool option from the main menuo Click spelling and grammar optiono We will be provided suggestions to correct or for

    correcting your documents

    5. Find and Replace text

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    To find the particular text in the document following stepsare followed

    o Select edit option from menuo Click on find optiono Type the text you want to find in find what?o Click on find next buttono Cursor will be placed at the first occurrence of the

    texto Click on find next button to find next occurrence

    6. Saving and protecting the documents

    To protect our important document from an illegal,existing document. We can use password protectionoption which is as follows

    o Select tool option from main menuo Click on protection document option

    o Click OK

    7. Print Option

    The end product of word processing sessions is alwaysprinted document. Before you print we will need to checkyour printer setup and all its elements are in place. Thenprinting is usually a simple matter of clicking the printbutton on the tool bar.

    o On the file menu, click printo Under page range, specifies the portion of the

    document you want to print

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    o If you click pages, you must also enter the pagenumber or page ranges you want to include, or both.

    1. Print more than one copy at a time

    o On the file menu click printo In the number of copies box, enter the number of

    copies you want to print

    2. Preview a document before printing

    o To display each page as it will look when printed,click print preview on the standard toolbaro To exit print preview and return to the previous view

    of the document, click close.


    Program to find greatest ofthree numbers



    void main();

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    int a,b,c;





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    int a;




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    int a,b;



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    int n,i,s=1;



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    int num,d,c,r;












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    Program to find whether agiven number is prime or not



    void main();



    long int n;


    int c=0;

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    if (n%2==0)







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    Program to print * left justifiedby using for



    void main();



    int i,j;


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  • 8/8/2019 programms


    Program to find Fibonacci




    void main();


    int a,b,c,n,i;





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    int a,b,c;






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    int a[2][2], b[2][2], c[2][2],I,j,k;

    for (i=0;ia[i][j];



    for (i=0;ib[i][j];




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  • 8/8/2019 programms
