seerah - · seerah the life of prophet muhammad ﷺ level – i يَ مِ َ لاعَ...

Life of Prophet Muhammad - Level I- 040920 1 SEERAH The Life of Prophet MUHAMMAD LEVEL – I َ يِ مَ الَ عْ ل لً ةَ مْ حَ ر ا ِ إَ اكَ نْ لَ سْ رَ ا أَ مَ وAnd We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds. Quran 21:107 ‘May Allah honor him and grant him peace’ NAME ID Number Contact Tel # e-mail address Date

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  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 1

    SEERAH The Life of

    Prophet MUHAMMAD

    ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص LEVEL – I

    ِمي َ ََعال

    ْلِّ لً َرْحَمة

    ا ِإَّل



    َ َوَما أ

    And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds . Quran 21:107

    ‘May Allah honor him and grant him peace’


    ID Number Contact Tel #

    e-mail address


  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 2


    Year SUBJECT Page #

    -- What is Seerat un Nabi?

    Why should I study Seerah?

    Why Allah Sent Prophets and Messengers?

    3 3 3

    -- Story of Ibrahim a.s, Dialogue with Namrud & migration to Palestine

    Leaving Haajra & Ismail in Makkah

    Intend to sacrifice Ismail

    Building of Ka’bah


    -- Pre-Islam Peninsula

    Story of the Elephant - Abraha from Yemen attacks Ka’ba

    11 12

    1 yr 4 yrs

    6-8 yrs

    Prophet Muhammad Lineage

    With Halima Sa’dia & what miracles she witnessed?

    The angel descends and cuts open his chest!

    With mother Amina, grandfather Abdul Muttalib & uncle Abu Talib

    13 13 14 14

    12 yrs 25 yrs

    Travel to Syria - Bahira tells three signs of Prophecy!

    Marriage to Khadijah & Children of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh

    15 15

    35 yrs

    Story of a slave named - Zaid bin Haritha

    Rebuilding of K’aba (35 years) & Prophet’s wisdom

    Before prophethood

    17 18 18

    40 yrs 1-3 N

    Prophecy, Angel Jibraeel descends in cave Hira

    Revelatin types

    Early converts

    20 20 21

    4 - 5 N Open call

    Attempts to stop and aggression on Muslims

    23 24

    -- Quiz (first 40 years of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 31

    In Year column 1-3 N means 1 to 3 Nabvi, 1.3 means 1 AH and 3rd month (Rabi ul awwal),

    Reference books used:

    • Ibn Hisham (Iraq & Egypt, d. 833 CE/218 A.H.)

    • Raheeeq al Makhtum (Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri: 1942-2006, India)

    • Zaad al Ma’ad (Ibn Qayyam Jawziyya: 1292- 1350 CE / 691 AH–751 AH, Damascus)

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 3

    What is Seerat un Nabi?

    Seerat un Nabi means the study of the life of prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص. Practical aspects of life as

    handled by prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص as firmness, truthfulness, selflessness, ethics, humility, wisdom

    and mercy.

    Why should I study Seerah of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص?

    Why Allah Sent Prophets and Messengers?

    Ever since people innovated the belief of joining others in worship along with Allah, Allah had been sending Prophets and Messengers to invite them to the worship of Allah Alone, to order them not to ascribe partners unto Him and bring them out of the darkness of polytheism and into the light of Monotheism. All the Prophets preached the belief in the Oneness of Allah.

    َ َواْجتَنِبُوا الطَّاغُوتَ سُوًلا أَِن اْعبُُدوا َّللاَّ ٍة رَّ 16:36َولَقَْد بَعَثْنَا فِي كُل ِ أُمَّ"And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): Worship Allah (Alone) and avoid (keep away from) Taaghoot (all false deities etc. do not worship Taaghoots besides Allah)." (An-Nahl, The Bee 16:36)

    Allah had sent more than 124,000 messengers from Adam until the last & final prophet Muhammadملسو هيلع هللا ىلص.

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 4

    What is the difference between a prophet (nabi) and a messenger (rasool)?

    Messenger (Rasool) is sent to a disbelieving people. Rasool receives a sharia from Allah. He is always a Prophet (nabi).

    Prophet (Nabi) the word Nabi (Prophet) is derived from the word naba’, meaning important news, because the Revelation is important news from Allaah. Prophet may not be a Rasool. He follows the sharia of the Rasool before him.

    Names of 25 prophets mentioned in Quran.

    Muhammad (pbuh)







    Ishaq Ismael

    Adam (a.s)







    Ibrahim Lut








    1,000 yrs

    571 yrs

    3000 yrs

    1,000 yrs

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 5

    Below is a very brief summary of these prophets.

    No. Prophet Remarks

    1 ADAM First prophet. Mentioned at seven places in Quran (ch: 2, 7, …. 20, 21, 38),

    2 IDRIS

    Mentioned twice in Quran 19:57, 21:84. Born in Babylon or Palestine. He was 5th generation of Adam. He was the first to write with a Pen, and first to stitch clothes. During Miraj, Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص met him on the 4th sky.

    3 NUH

    Sura Nuh (chapter 71). He was sent to warn mankind to worship Allah alone. He conveyed the message for over 950 years. His people did not accept him. Alah asked Nuh to build big ship (Ark). Rain was sent and they were all destroyed.

    4 HUD

    Prophet Hud was sent to ‘Ad people. Lived in southern Arabia (possibly eastern Yemen or western Oman). They were very strong and built great palaces. However, they treated poor as slaves & worship idols. Famine lasted for three years. When people rejected Hud & his message, he left the city with his followers. Then suddenly a dark cloud appeared, which was followed by cold & strong wind which uprooted all trees & houses. It lasted for seven nights and eight days, till all the disbeleivers were killed. Chapter 11 in Quran is named after Hud . Ref: 46:24-25, 11:50-57.

    5 SALEH

    Prophet Saleh was sent to Thamud ثمود people. They lived in Hejaz, Al-Hijr and built their houses by carving in the mountains. Theyrejected message from Saleh to worship Allh alone. After they cut the hamstrung the she-camel, an earthquake seized them in their homes. Ref: 7:73-74


    Sura Ibrahim (ch. 14) Prophet Ibraahim called his people in Mesopotamia to worship Allaah alone and to stop worshipping the idols. They rejected him. He was thrown in fire, but Allah saved him. Migrated to Palestine. All the later prophets are form his Generations. Titled as Kahlil Allah.

    7 LUT

    He was sent to the twin cities of Sadum & Gomorrah, where people transgressed. Their sins included inhospitality, robbery, engaging in sex with men. Allah sent two angels to Lut, disguised as handsome males. People demanded to surrender these guests to them. Allah sent rain of stones to punish them. The cities were also turned upside down putting an end to these people.

    8 ISMAIL Son of Ibrahim. Settled in Makkah. Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص came form his generations.

    9 ISHAQ Son of prophet Ibrahim

    10 YAQUB Son of prophet Ishaq.

    11 YUSUF One of the 12 sons of prophet Yaqoob. Sura Yusuf (ch. 12)

    12 AYYUB He suffered his trials for eighteen years, when he was shunned by relatives and strangers alike, except for two.

    اِحِمينَ رُّ َوأَنَت أَْرَحُم الرَّ 21:83 - َوأَيُّوَب إِذْ نَادَٰى َربَّهُ أَن ِي َمسَّنَِي الضُّ

    Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, praises him for his patience, as He says: “Truly! We found him patient. How excellent (a) slave! Verily, he was ever oft-returning in repentance (to Us)” [Saad 38:44].

    13 SHOAIB Mentioned 11 times in Quran. Sent to people of Madyan (North-western part of Arabian Peninsula, which nowadays is

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 6

    called al-Bada’ and surrounding area. They would worship tree, were dishonest in measurements. When the Midianites refused to believe, they were destroyed by a mighty earthquake.

    م ُكْ َجاَءت

    ْدَُه ۖ ق ُ ْ ي

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    َْن ِإل م مِّ

    ُكََ َما ل

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    ُك بِّ ن را مِّ

    ٌةَن ي َبيِّ ِ

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    ْفُ تَْم َوَّل


    ْشَاَس أ

    اُسوا الن


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    َانِمي َْْيَل َوال

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    ُنتُْم ِإن ك

    ُكهٌ ل ْ ي

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    ُِلك َِٰحَها ۚ ذ

    َ ِإْصَل

    َْرِض َبْعد

    َ ْ اْل

    Ref: 7:85

    14 MUSA His name is mentioned 135 times in Quran. He was sent to Pharaoh of Egypt. During Miraaj, prophet Muhammad (pbuh) met him on 6th sky. He was born in a family of Israelites in Egypt, Son of Imran. He was honored to have talked to Allah directly and was given the book of Torah.

    15 HAROON Brother of Musa (a.s)

    16 Dhul-Kifl “And remember Ismail, Al-Yasa and Dhul-Kifl all are among the best” [Saad 38:48]

    17 DAUD Mentioned 16 times in Quran. He was given the book of Zaboor. In a hadith: "The most beloved prayer to Allah is that of Daud and the most beloved fasts to Allah are those of Daud. He used to sleep for half of the night and then pray for one third of the night and again sleep for its sixth part and used to fast on alternate days." (Bukhari)

    ا يََشاُء ُ اْلُمْلَك َواْلِحْكَمةَ َوَعلََّمهُ ِممَّ ِ َوقَتََل دَاُوودُ َجالُوَت َوآتَاهُ َّللاَّ فََهَزُموهُم بِإِذِْن َّللاََّ ذُو فَْضٍل َعلَى اْلعَا ِكنَّ َّللاَّ

    ِ النَّاَس بَْعَضُهم بِبَْعٍض لَّفََسدَِت اْْلَْرُض َولَٰ لَِمينَ َولَْوََل دَْفُع َّللاَّ2:251-

    The mountains and the birds praised God along with Daud (21:79)

    18 SULAIMAN (a.s)

    Prophet Sulaiman was the Son of prophet Daud. He prayed to Allah to grant him a Kingdom which would be unlike any after him. Allah gave him a kingdom more than one of the early generations stated. He was given the control over wind, Jins and animal kingdom.

    19 ILYAS

    "And verily, Ilyas was one of the Messengers. When he said to his people: 'Will you not fear Allah? Will you call upon Ba'l (a well-known idol of his nation whom they used to worship) and forsake the Best of creators, Allah, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers?' (37:123-126)

    20 Al-YASA

    al-Yasa‘ was one of the Prophets of the Children of Israel; descended from Yoosuf ibn Ya‘qoob ibn Is-haaq ibn Ibraaheem al-Khaleel. Allah mentions him twice in Quran. (6:86, 38:48).

    He grew up under the care of prophet Ilyaas. After his death,

    Allah appointed him as a prophet.

    21 YUNUS

    Yunus Ibn Matta was a Messenger of Allah sent to Nineveh, a city in northern Iraq. People there had long forgotten the message of Allah and started to worship idols. People of Nineveh rejected the prophet’s message and said, “We and our forefathers have worshipped these gods for many years and no harm has come to us.” Meanwhile, Prophet Yunus left Nineveh and boarded a ship to travel as far away from his people as possible. He was swallowed by a big fish. Inside he prayed. Allah accepted his prayers and he came out on the surface.


    Prophet Zakariyya was one of the paternal cousins of Maryam, and he was the husband of her sister or maternal aunt. He was

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 7

    her sponsor (kaafil), meaning that he used to take care of her needs and look after her.

    23 YAHYA

    Prophet Yahya was the son on prophet Zakariya. Prophet Eesa and Yahya are maternal cousins (sons of two sisters Maryam & Eeshaa’). Prophet (pbuh) met him during the Miraaj .

    24 EASA ibn Maryam

    Allaah sent him to the Children of Israel to call them to believe in Allaah alone and worship Him alone. The first words that ‘Eesa spoke when Allaah caused him to speak when he was in the cradle were: “He [‘Eesa (Jesus)] said: ‘Verily, I am a slave of Allaah, He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet’”[Maryam 19:30]

    Eesa was born from the Virgin Maryam with no father. He did not die and his enemies the Jews did not kill him, rather Allaah saved him from them and raised him up to heaven alive.

    He told his followers of the coming of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): “And (remember) when ‘Eesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), said: ‘O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allaah unto you, confirming the Tawraat [(Torah) which came] before me, and giving glad tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.’ But when he (Ahmad, i.e. Muhammad) came to them with clear proofs, they said: ‘This is plain magic’” [al-Saff 61:6]

    From a hadith: “the Hour will not begin until the son of Maryam descends among you] as a just judge. He will break the cross, kill the pigs and abolish the jizyah, and money will become abundant until no one will accept it.”

    25 MUHAMMAD (pbuh) Last messenger of Allah. He was given Quran. In only 23 years prophet Muhammad (pbuh) changed the people of Arabia from igonarnce, darkness to light. He is the last prophet of Allah and has the highest rank amongst all prophets and man kind.

    ا َكاَن ُمَحمَّ ُ بِكُل ِ َشْيٍء مَّ ِ َوَخاتََم النَّبِي ِيَن ۗ َوَكاَن َّللاَّ سُوَل َّللاَّ ِكن رََّجاِلكُْم َولََٰ ن ر ِ ٌد أَبَا أََحٍد م ِ

    ا 33:40 َعِليما


    What are the four reasons to study Seerat…? …………………………………., ……………..……………, ………….……………………., ……………………….…….

    How many prophets came from Ismael (a.s) generation? Arabs believed in Allah, then why they would worship the idols?

    How many prophet’s names are mentioned in Quran?

    Who is the last prophet and where is it mentione d in Quran?

    Pophet Easa was born to virgin Maryam… (True / False) Prophet Easa did not die. Allah raised him up to the Heaven. … (True / False) Prophet Yahya was the son of Prophet _____________________ Pophet Saleh was sent to the people of ____________________

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 8

    Project: Write the name of the prophet in the boxes


    َربَّهُ أَن ِي َمسَّنَِي الضُّرُّ َوأَنَت أَْرَحُم اِحِمينَ 38:41 الرَّ


    Ilyas Alyasa

    Father & Son



    ِ َوأَْعلَمُ قَاَل إِنََّما أَْشكُو بَث ِي َوُحْزنِي إِلَى َّللاَِّ َما ًَل تَْعلَُمونَ 12:86 ِمَن َّللاَّ

    َربَّنَا َظلَْمنَا أَنفَُسنَا َوإِن لَّْم تَْغِفْر لَنَا َوتَْرَحْمنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ ِمَن


    26:62يَْهِديِن قَاَل َكَّلَّ ۖ إِنَّ َمِعَي َرب ِي سَ

    يَّةا َطي ِبَةا ۖ إِنََّك ِ هَْب ِلي ِمن لَّدُنَك ذُر ِ قَاَل َرب 3:38 َسِميُع الدَُّعاءِ

    ُ َونِْعَم الَْوِكيلُ :3 173َحْسبُنَا َّللاَّاِلِحينَ ِ هَْب ِلي ِمَن الصَّ 37:100 َرب

    هَ إًِلَّ أَنَت سُْبَحانََك إِن ِي ًلَّ إِلََٰ 21:87كُنُت ِمَن الظَّاِلِميَن

    َجالِكُْم ن ر ِ دٌ أَبَا أََحٍد م ِ ا َكاَن ُمَحمَّ مَِّكن ِ َوَخاتََم النَّبِي ِيَن ۗ َولََٰ سُوَل َّللاَّ رَّ

    ا ُ بِكُل ِ َشْيٍء َعِليما 33:40 َوَكاَن َّللاَّ

    ِ انُصْرنِي َعلَى قَاَل َرب 29:30اْلقَْوِم اْلُمْفِسِديَن

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 9


    Abraham lived in Ur, a city in present Iraq. His father was worshipping idols. But Ibrahim a.s never

    believed in these idols. One day he went into the worshipping place and destroyed them. He then put

    the axe on the neck of a big idol. Next day, the news spread about it and people suspected that this

    has been done by Ibrahim (a.s) as he never believed in them. When asked, he said ask this question to

    your bigger idol God. He was presented to king Namrud. Ibrahim said to him that my Allah gives life &

    death. He said, I too can do that. He took one person from the street and killed him, and released one

    person from jail awaiting death sentence. On this Ibrahim (a.s) said, my Allah take out sun from East

    and sets it in the West. You bring out the sun from West. On this he was stunned and could not


    ُ اْلُمْلَك إِذْ قَاَل إِْبَراِهيُم َرب َِي الَِّذي يُْحيِي َويُِمي َ يَأْتِي بِالشَّ الَِّذي َحاجَّ إِْبَراِهيَم فِي َرب ِِه أَْن آتَاهُ َّللاَّ ْمِس ُت قَاَل أَنَا أُْحيِي َوأُِميُت ۖ قَاَل إِْبَراِهيُم فَإِنَّ َّللاَّ

    ُ ََل يَْهِدي اْلقَْوَم الظَّاِلِميَن 258:2-ِمَن اْلَمْشِرِق فَأِْت بَِها ِمَن اْلَمْغِرِب فَبُِهَت الَِّذي َكفََر َوَّللاَّ They decided to put Ibrahim (a.s) in the fire. A huge fire was made and a swing was prepared to throw Ibrahim (a.s). When he was thrown, Allah commanded fire to cool down and Ibrahim (a.s) came out of it without any harm to him. Ibrahim (a.s) with his wife Sarah left Ar for Harran and then for Palestine, which he made headquarters for his Message. One time he went to Egypt to preach Islam. The Pharaoh tried to do evil to his wife Sarah, but Allah saved her from Pharaoh’s wicked scheme. On this, he thus came to realize her strong attachment to Allah. In acknowledgment of her grace, he gave his daughter Haajrah at Saarah’s service, but Sarah gave her to Ibrahim (a.s) as a wife. Ibrahim (a.s) returned to Palestine where Haajrah gave birth to Ismael. On Allah’s command, Ibrahim (a.s) undertook a journey from Jerusalem to Makkah (about 1500 kilometers) and left Haajrah and baby Ismail there, with no humans living in that place, without any source food and water. Allah provided with water (zamzum). A Yemeni tribe (Jurhum) passed by. On seeing water, they started to live in Makkah after Haajrah’s permission. Abraham used to go to Makkah every now and then (four journeys) to see his wife and son. During one visit he erected Ka’ba with his son Ismail. In another visit, he was commanded by Allah to sacrifice his son Ismail.

    Intend to sacrifice Ismail

    Allah swt stated in the Noble Quran: that He had Abrahim see, in his dream, that he slaughtered his son Ismail, and therefore Abraham stood up to fulfill His Order: "Then, when they had both submitted themselves (to the Will of Allah), and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead (or on the side of his forehead for slaughtering); and We called out to him: "O Abraham! You have fulfilled the dream (vision)!" Verily! Thus, do we reward the Muhsin? (good-doers, who perform good deeds totally for Allah’s sake only, without any show off or to gain praise or fame, etc. and do them in accordance to Allah’s Orders). Verily, that indeed was a manifest trial — and We ransomed him with a great sacrifice (i.e. a ram)" [37:103-107]

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 10


    Prophet Ibrahim a.s lived in the city of ____________ in Iraq. He had two sons: ___________________ & ________________ He migrated from Iraq to ___________________

    All the prophets that came after after Ibrahim (a.s) are form his generations. (True / False)

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came from the generation of prophet _____________

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 11

    PRE- ISLAM ARAB PENINSULA (َعَربْ الُ (َجِزيَرة

    Arab Peninsula is the world’s largest peninsula in the world with an area of 3,237,500 km2 . It consists

    of seven countries: Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

    Arabs professed religion of their father Ibrahim. Later Amr b. Luhi (chief of Khuza’a) brought idols

    from Syria, then people started worshipping idols; such as ‘Manat’ was worshipped near Red Sea, ‘Lat’

    in Taif, ‘Uzza’ in valley of Nakhlah, and so on).

    Why People of Makkah were worshipping idols?

    They believed that these idols would bring them nearer to Allah, mediate with Him for their sake.

    Therefore, they used to call them for help in hardship, offering sacrifices & prostrating before them!

    ا إِ َُبون رِّ

    َ ِلُيق

    اْم ِإَّل


    َْوِلَياَء َما ن

    َوِنِه أ

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    ُِلفَتْْم ِفيِه َيخ

    ُي َما ه ِ

    ُهْم ف َُم َبْين

    َُ َيْحك

    ه اَّلل


    اٌر افَاِذٌب ك

    ََو ك

    ُ َيْهِدي َمْن ه

    ََ َّل

    ه اَّلل

    ا ِإن

    "We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allah." [39:3]

    ُعُه َ َينف

    َْم َوَّل

    ُه ُّ ُ َيض

    َِ َما َّل

    هوِن اَّلل

    ُ ِمن د


    ُ َوَيْعُبد

    ََماَواِت َوَّل ي السا ِ

    ُم ف َ َيْعل

    ََ ِبَما َّل

    ه اَّلل


    ُئ بَِّنُتَْل أ

    ُِ ۚ ق

    ه اَّلل

    َا ِعند


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    ََّلُٰ ؤَ ه


    ُولُي ْم َوَيق ِ




    ا ُيْش ٰ َعماَ

    َعاَلَ َوت

    ُهَْرِض ۚ ُسْبَحان

    َ ْ اْل

    "And they worship besides Allah things that hurt them not, nor profit them, and they say: These are

    our intercessors with Allah." [10:18]

    A tradition was casting of Azlaam (Featherless arrows): one showing ‘yes’, another ‘no’ and a third was blank, used for matters like travel, marriage etc. If the lot showed ‘yes’, they would do it, else they would delay for the next year! Should a deer or bird, when released, turn right, was regarded lucky, else they will not pursue!

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 12

    Story of the Elephant?

    Christian missions entered Yemen as a retaliatory reaction of Dhu Nawas & captured Yemen in 525


    Later Abraha took rulership of Yemen attempted to demolish Al-Ka’bah. Abraha As-Sabah Al-Habashi,

    the Abyssinian (Ethiopian) viceroy in Yemen built a large church in San‘a to attract the Arab pilgrims to

    it. A man from Kinana tribe understood this move .... Entered church at night and besmeared its front

    wall with excrement. Abraha got very angry and led a big army of 60,000 warriors, with 9 or 13

    elephants to demolish Ka’bah.

    But in Muhassar Valley (between Muzdalifah & Mina), the elephant knelt and refused to go forward.

    Whenever they directed to N, S or E the elephant moved quickly but when directed westwards

    towards Ka’bah, it knelt.

    Meanwhile, Allah sent upon them birds in flights.... Hurling them stones of baked clay... each carrying

    3 stones; one in its peak and two in its claws. The stones hit Abraha’s men and cut their limbs and

    killed them. Abraha reached San‘a in a miserable state and died soon after.

    Event of the Elephant took place in Muharram, 50 or 55 days before the birth of Prophet Muhammad

    (pbuh) (late February or early March 571 AD)


    Who brought Idols in Arabia...? (Utba bin Sheeba / Amr bin Luhi / Uqba bin Mueet)

    Who came from Yemen to attack the Ka’ba?

    Where did the incident of Elephant took place?

    What was Name of the YEAR that Muhammad (pbuh) was born? (Year of Hajj / Year of Elephant / Year of sorrow)

    After how many days of the incident of Elephant, prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص was born?

    Who first brought the idols in Makkah?

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 13


    Family of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is called the Hashmite family (after his grandfather Hashim b.

    ‘Abd Munaf)

    Hashim (great Grandfather):

    He was a wealthy &respected person, responsible for giving food & water to the pilgrims. His first name was ‘Amr but he was called Hashim because he had been in the practice of crumbling bread (for the pilgrims). On his way to Syria, he married Salma in Medinah. He died in Ghazza in Palestine in 497 A.D. Later, his wife gave birth to Abdul-Muttalib and named him Shaiba (for white hair in his head). Abdul Muttalib (Grandfather): When Al-Muttalib died, Abdul-Muttalib took over. He witnessed two important events in his lifetime (digging Zamzam well and the Elephant raid).

    Lineage and children of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Abdul Muttalib had ten sons. One of them was Abdullah. He married to Amina. Few years later after marriage, Abdullah died in Medinah while on a business trip. Abdullah left very little wealth: five camels, few goats, a she-servant Barakah (Umm Aiman) who later served as the Prophet’s nursemaid.

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born on Monday 9 or 12 Rabi-ul-awwal (April 22, 571) in the year of the Elephant. Grandfather Abdul Muttalib named him Muhammad (the praised one). On day seven as per Arab traditions, Aqeeqa and Circumcision were done.

    With Halima Saadia & MIracles: It was Arab tradition to send children to Bedouin woman to make them strong and to learn the purest

    form of Arabic language. No one picked Muhammad as his father Abdullah had already died, and they

    will not be paid well.

    As Halima could not get any child, so she took Muhammad (pbuh). Then strange things started to


    • Her female donkey was very weak, but now suddenly it was leading the caravan! • She herself had very little milk, but now more than enough!

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 14

    • Entire village was facing drought, but their goats and she-camel were full of milk! Every six months Halima Saadia would take Muhammad (pbuh) to Makkah for a short visit. This continued for two years. On seeing the blessings because of Muhammad (pbuh). She asked to keep for some more time. Two more years passed by.

    Chest was cut open At the age of four, while playing with other children, the angel Jibraeel a.s descended; Muhammad

    (pbuh) was laid down on the ground. His chest was cut open. Heart was taken out, a clot was removed

    and said, ‘this was part of Shaitan which has been removed’. Washed the heart with Zamzam in a

    golden pot and then it was put back.

    Children ran up to Halima, thinking that Muhammad (pbuh) has been killed. Halima on seeing pale color of the face decided to return Muhammad (pbuh) to her mother in Makkah. Hazrat Anas (r.a) said that he saw the scar on the Prophet’s (pbuh) chest where it had been sewn back together. Halima (r.a) died in 8 AH and is buried in Baqee in Medinah.

    Mother died: At six years of age, prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his mother Amina, woman servant Umm Ayman and grandfather Abdul-Muttalib set out to Medinah. They spent a month there. On return, Amina had a severe illness and died in Abwa (250 km from Makkah). grandfather Abdul Muttalib died: At the age of 8 years, Muhammad (pbuh) grandfather Abdul Muttalib also died. Now his uncle Abu Talib now started to take care of him for the next 42 years (up to the age of 50 years).


    What is the name of Great grandfather of prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?

    Write LINEAGE of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? Bin ................... Bin........................ Bin ......................

    Who took care of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) after his grandfather’s death? (his uncle Abu Talib / his cousin Ali)

    What is meaning of word ‘Muhammad’? ..................................................

    When the CHEST of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was cut open, & heart was washed with Zam? (4 yrs / 15 yrs / 38 yrs)

    When did prophet Muhammad (pbuh) father died?

    How old was Mohammad (pbuh) when his mother died? (6 yrs / 27 yrs / 43 yrs)

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 15

    Travel to Syria & Bahira the Monk

    At the age of 12 yrs., he went with his uncle Abu Talib to Syria. When their caravan stopped in Busra (near Syria), they met a monk named Bahira. He showed great kindness & entertained them lavishly. He recognized Prophet (pbuh) and said while taking his hand: "This is the master of all humans. Allah will send him with a Message which will be a mercy to all beings" Abu Talib said: "How do you know that?" Bahira said:

    i) When you appeared from the direction of ‘Aqabah, all stones & trees prostrated themselves, which they never do except for a Prophet.

    ii) I can recognize him also by the seal of Prophethood which is below his shoulder, like an apple.

    iii) I also see a cloud hovering over him. He said we have learnt this from our books. He then asked Abu Talib to send him back to Makkah and not to take him to Syria for fear of any harm from the Jews. Abu Talib did the same and sent Muhammad (pbuh) back to Makkah with his servants.

    Basra (in Syria)


    He had no job at his early youth, latter he worked as a shepherd. In Makkah, there was a woman named Khadijah bint Khwailid. She was a widow and a business-woman of great honor & fortune. When she was informed of Muhammad (pbuh) for his truthful words, honesty & kind manners, she offered him money to take her caravan to Syria for business. She also sent her servant Maisarah with him. There was lot of profit due to prophet Muhammad’s honest dealings. On seeing this honesty and listening to his good conduct from his servant, she sent a proposal for marriage. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) agreed to it and two months after the trip this marriage took place. At the time of marriage, he was 25 years of age and Khadijah (r.a) was 40 years of age.


    Qasim: Lived for only 2 years. Prophet was also called abu Qasim.

    Zainab: Born in Makkah. She was married to Abu al Aas. They did not migrate to Medinah as abu al-

    Aa’s did not embrace Islam at that time. He was taken as prisoner in Battle of Badr. For his release

    Zainab sent a necklace. When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) saw the necklace, tears started to flow

    form her eyes, as this necklace was given by him to his beloved wife Khadijah (r.a). abu al-Aa’s was

    released and promised to send Zainab to Medinah. Zaid b. Haritha went to Makkah to bring Zainab to

    Medinah. abu al-Aa’s would come secretly to Medinah to see his wife Zainab. He was once again

    caught, but released due to protection from Zainab. He then went to Makkah to clear his affairs,

    migrated to Medinah and embraced Islam. Only six months later Zainab died.

    Ruqayya: She was married to Utba (son of Abu Lahab). When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) started to

    give the message of Islam, abu Lahab asked his sons to divorce the two daughters of prophet, which

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 16

    they did. Ruqayya was then married to Othman bin Affan (r.a). In 5 Nabvi Rajab, they migrated to

    Habsha, and later migrated to Medinah. During the Battle of Badr, she got sick and Othman was asked

    to stay behind to take care of her. When Zaid bin Haritha brought the news of Badr victory, Ruqayya

    passed away. She was buried in Baqee.

    Um-e-Kulsum: Engaged with Utaibah bin abu Lahab. When sura Masad was revealed, He also divorced

    um-Kulsum. One year after the death of Ruqayya she was married to Othman bin Affan in 3 AH.

    Othman bin Affan is therefore also known as Zulnoorain.

    Fatima: Most beloved and youngest daughter of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). She married Ali bin Abi

    Talib in Medinah in 2H. She was 15 and Ali was 24. Fatima died in 11H, six months after the death of

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). She is also buried in Baqee.

    Abdullah: Also called Tahir, lived only for 3 months. On his death mushrikeen were clapping and

    saying there will be no generations of Muhammad (pbuh). On this Allah revealed sura al-Kauthar,

    giving glad tidings of Hose-Kauthar and the non-believers will be Abtar".

    Ibrahim: Born in Medinah in 8H to Mariyah al-Qibtiyyah (a concubine given by al-Muqawqis, the ruler

    of Egypt). He died after 17-18 months and was buried in Baqee.


    Name of Christian monk who recognized in Basra/Syria Muhammad (pbuh) was a Prophet? (Ceaser / Batum /Bahira)

    What signs of prophecy was mentioned by the monk:

    Muhammad (pbuh) was called AMEEN, because he was: (Kind to poor / Trust worthy / Soft spoken)

    What was the ages of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Khadijah at the time of marriage, -------------------, --------------------

    Can you name the children from Muhammad (pbuh) and Khadijah (r.a): ………………………..………….., ………………………..……………, ………………………..…………., ……………………………….……, ……………….…………………….., …………............................

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 17

    Story of Zaid bin Haritha 581-629 AD. His appearance was short, flat-nosed and dark brown skin. One day some horsemen attacked their clan and took him as a slave. He was sold in the market of Okaz to Hakim ibn Hizam, who presented him to his aunt Khadijah bint Khwailid. Khadijah gave Zaid to prophet Muhammad. Zaid was ten years younger to prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who wouldcall him as al-Habib (the beloved). Few years latter Zaid’s tribe arrived in Makkah on pilgrimage. They recognized each other and asked Prophet (pbuh) any ransom money and return Zaid. Prophet (pbuh) said, let Zaid decide his fate.; if he wants to go, I will not take any ransom. They called Zaid, but he said that he did not want to leave Prophet (pbuh), and said: “for I have seen something in this man, and will not choose anyone in preference for him”. On this Prophet (pbuh) took Zaid to the stairs of Ka’bah, where legal agreements were made and witnessed. He announced that Zaid is his adopted son with mutual rights of inheritance. Zaid was the second to embrace Islam. In Shawwal 10 Nabvi, Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص traveled to Taif with Zaid bin Haritha. He stayed there for ten days, but no one accepted Islam. On his return, people stormed them with stones. Zaid tried to shield Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who was hit on the ankles with stones, and his slippers were full of blood. In 622 Zaid bin Haritha migrated to Medinah with other muslins. Few months after migration prophet (pbuh) sent Zaid to Medinah to escort his family (wife Sawda, daughters umm-e-Kulsum & Fatima). He was a Famous archer and fought in Badr, Uhd, Khandaq, Khyber and was present in the Hudaybiya treaty. Zaid commanded six military expeditions. In 2 Hijri, when Prophet (pbuh) was out of Medinah with 70 men to fight the aggressors, he appointed Zaid Bin Haritha as acting for Medinah. In 6H Zaid leads 170 horsemen to Al-Ais to intercept Quraish caravans led by abu al-Aas (Zainab’s husband). Before leaving for banu Mastalaq, Prophet (pbuh) gave mandate to Zaid to see the affairs of Medinah. He married Zainab bint Jahash, cousin of Prophet (pbuh) in 625 AD, but divorced next year. Prophet (pbuh) then married Zainab after battle of Ahzab. In 8 Hijri Jamad-ulawal, (September 629 AD) Zaid bin Haritha led 3,000 men against 200,000 army in the battle of M’uta. In this battle he got Shahadah and is buried in M’uta (Jordon). He is the only companion of prophet (pbuh) whose name is mentioned in the Quran in 33:37. Message: This is an example how our prophet Muhammad (pbuh) would deal with slaves

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 18


    This incident took place when prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was 35 years of age. Ka’bah walls were damaged due to heavy flood, therefore Quraish decided to rebuild it and use only Halal money for this purpose. A roman mason Batum was hired for this. When the walls reached the level of Black stone, a dispute broke out as each tribe wanted the honor of placing the Black stone. This conflict lasted for 4-5 days. Finally, they decided that we will agree to the decision of the first person to enter from the shaiba gate. The Quraish now awaited that person to enter from Banu Shaiba gate of the Ka’bah. In the meanwhile, prophet Muhammad (pbuh) entered from that gate. On seeing this they all expressed their pleasure saying, "There he is, Al-Amin (the Trustworthy), there is Muhammad". The future Prophet of Islam spread a piece of cloth on the ground and placed the Black Stone on it. The Quraish chiefs were invited to hold the cloth corners and take it to the place, where Prophet took it and inserted it firmly in its position. As a result, potential clan war among the Quraysh was prevented due to his wisdom. Due to the shortage of money, only small walls were made in Hateem (which was part of Ka’bah built by prophet Ibrahim a.s)

    Stone is 1.5 m, door is 2 m high and the walls are 16 m high. Pillars and roof was also made. Before there were no pillar and no roof, when built by Ibrahim (a.s)

    Before prophethood

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had the best social attributes which were visible during his youth.

    • His long silence helped favorably in his habit of meditation & deep investigation into the truth.

    • He rejected superstitious beliefs.

    • He kept himself away from drinking wine, eating meat slaughtered on stone slabs, or attending idolatrous festivals.

    • He could never tolerate someone swearing by Lat and Uzza.

    • He was the most honest in his talk and the mildest in temper.

    • Most gentle-hearted, modest, welcoming guests.

    • His attributes of being the most truthful and fulfilling his promises, earned him the titles of As-Sadiq (truthful) and Al-Ameen (trustworthy).

    • He would help poor and the needy people.

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 19

    Ibn Al-Atheer reported Muhammad (pbuh) as saying:

    "I have never tried to do what my people do except for two times. Every time Allah intervened and checked me from doing so and I never did that again. Once I told my fellow-shepherd to take care of my sheep when we were in the upper part of Makkah. I wanted to go down to Makkah and entertain myself as the young men did. I went down to the first house of Makkah where I heard music. I entered and asked: ‘What is this?’ Someone answered: ‘It is a wedding party.’ I sat down and listened but soon went into deep sleep. I was awakened by the heat of the sun. I went back to my fellow-shepherd and told him of what had happened to me. I have never tried it again.”


    Who was the adopted son of prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?

    What was the age of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) when Ka’ba was rebuilt? _______

    What K’aba was not completely built and Hateem area was left?

    Write atleast five traits of Pophet Muhamad (pbuh): 1.





  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 20


    When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was nearly forty, he became inclined to spend long hours in meditating and pondering about all aspects of creation around him. He used to take meals with him and spend three day & nights in a cave about 5 kms from Makkah, named Hira, in mount an-Noor. The cave was about 4 x 1.75 yards. His heart was restless about the moral evils and idolatry that were widespread among his people. It was a preliminary stage before undertaking a very critical responsibility soon. It was the month of Ramadan, when the angel Jibraeel descended and came in front of Muhammad (pbuh). He said ‘Iqra’, Read. Prophet said: “I do not know how to read”. This happened three times, then Jibraeel squeezed the chest of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the first five verses of sura Alaq were revealed, marking the beginning of the prophecy.

    نَساَن ِمْن َعلَقٍ - اْقَرأْ بِاْسِم َرب َِك الَِّذي َخلَقَ الَِّذي - اْقَرأْ َوَربَُّك اْْلَْكَرُم - َخلََق اْْلِ

    نَساَن َما لَْم -َعلََّم بِاْلقَلَِم - يَْعلَمْ َعلََّم اْْلِ1- Recite in the name of your Lord who created 2- Created man from a clinging substance . 3- Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous 4- Who taught by the pen- 5- Taught man that which he knew not.

    (Sura al-Alaq 96, 1-5)

    Mount Jabl Noor (Cave of Hira)

    He then came down from the cave and told all this to Khadijah. She took him to his cousin Warqa bin Nuafil, who was an old knowledgeable person. On hearing this, he said, it is the same angel that used to come to musa and Isa. If I am alive by the time when your people will drive out of this city, I will help you. Prophet Muhammad asked why would they drive me out of this city? He said, this is what had happened be to others before. The revelation paused for a few days, after which it resumed. Ibn Hajar said that this pause was to relieve the messenger ofAllah of the fear he experienced. Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of Jabir bin ‘Abdullah that he had heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) speak about the period of pause as follows: "While I was walking, I heard a voice from the sky. I looked up, and surely enough, it was the same angel who had visited me in the cave of Hira’. He was sitting on a chair between the earth and the sky. I was very afraid of him and knelt on the ground. I went home saying: ‘Cover me …, Cover me …’. Allah revealed to me the verses:

    رْ -َوَربََّك فََكب ِرْ -قُْم فَأَنِذرْ -يَا أَيَُّها اْلُمدَّث ِر ْجَز فَاْهُجرْ -َوثِيَابََك فََطه ِ -َوِلَرب َِك فَاْصبِرْ -َوََل تَْمنُن تَْستَْكثِرُ -َوالرُّ

    ‘O you (Muhammad (pbuh)) enveloped (in garments)! Arise and warn! And your Lord (Allah) magnify!

    And your garments purify! And keep away from Ar-Rujz (the idols)!’" [Al-Qur'an 74:1-5] After that the revelation started coming strongly, frequently and regularly. [Bukhari]


    The reveletions were received by the prophet (pbuh) in different ways, as below:

    1) The period of true dreams. It was the starting point of the Revelation to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh).

    2) What the angel invisibly cast in the Prophet’s mind and heart. 3) The angel used to visit the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) in the form of a human being and would

    speak to him directly in original shape. The angel was also seen in this form by the Prophet’s Companions.

    4) The angel came to him like the toll of a bell and this was the most difficult form because the angel used to seize him tightly and sweat would stream from his forehead even on the coldest

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 21

    day. If the Prophet (pbuh) was on his camel, the camel would not withstand the weight, so it would immediately kneel on the ground. Once the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) had such a revelation when he was sitting and his thigh was on Zaid’s, Zaid bin Thabit felt the pressure had almost injured his thigh.

    5) Prophet (pbuh) saw the angel in his actual form, as mentioned in Qur’an in Surah An-Najm (Chapter 53 - The Star) This happened twice.

    6) What Allah Himself revealed to him in heaven, when he ascended to heaven and received Allah’s command 5 times daily prayer.

    7) Allah’s Words to His Messenger (pbuh) at first hand without the mediation of an angel. It was a privilege granted to Moses clearly attested in the Quran in Surah Al- Isra verse 146; (Chapter 17 - The Journey by Night).


    Prophet (pbuh) started his sacred mission from home and then moved to the people closely associated with him. He called unto Islam whomsoever he thought would attest the truth. Khadijah, the Prophet’s spouse, the mother of believers, was the first to enter the fold of Islam followed by his freed slave Zaid bin Haritha, his cousin, Ali bin Abi Talib, who was living with him since his early childhood, and his close friend Abu Bakr Siddiq. All four of them embraced Islam on the very first day of the call. Abu Bakr proved to be an energetic and most zealous activist. He was wealthy, helpful and upright. Through his efforts a good number of people converted to Islam, such as Uthman bin Affan Al-Umawi, Az-Zubair bin Awwam Al-Asadi, Abdur Rahman bin Awf, Sa‘d bin Abi Waqqas, Az-Zuhri and Talhah bin Ubaidullah At-Tamimi. Those eight men constituted the forerunners of the new faith in Arabia.

    Among the early Muslim were Bilal bin Rubah, Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah from Bani Harith bin Fahr, Abu Salamah bin Abd Al-Asad, Al-Arqam bin Abi Al-Arqam from the tribe of Makhzum, Uthman bin Maz‘oun and his two brothers Qudama and Abdullah, Ubaidah bin Al- Harith bin Al-Muttalib bin Abd Munaf, Sa‘id bin Zaid Al-Adawi and his wife Fatimah - (sister of Umar bin Al-Khattab), Khabbab bin Al- Aratt, Abdullah bin Mas‘ud Al-Hadhali and many others. These were the Muslim predecessors more than forty in number.

    Prophet (pbuh) used to meet and teach the new converts, the religion in privacy. The central topic was focused on purifying the soul, and deterring the Muslims from falling prey to the deceptive glamour of life.

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 22

    The early verses would explain about the Hell and the Paradise. Prayer (two rakah in morning and two in the evening) was established as an obligatory ritual.

    ْبَكارِ ِ َواْْلِ َوَسب ِْح بَِحْمِد َرب َِك بِاْلعَِشي

    "And glorify the praises of your Lord in the ‘Ashi (i.e. the time after the mid- noon till sunset) and in the Ibkar (i.e. the time from early morning or sunrise till before mid-noon)." [40:55]

    Ibn Hisham reported that when it was time for prayers, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and his Companions went into a mountain valley to pray secretly.


    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received first revelation at the age of ___________ At that time, he was in the cave of ___________________

    Which angel brought the revelation? ___________________

    What is the name of Sura of which 5 verses were revealed? _______________

    Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) di dnt know how to read & write. (True / False)

    Who were the frst four to convert to accept Islam?





  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 23

    Open Call & Reaction to it After three years of secret preaching, Allah commanded him to declare the religion.

    Sura al-Hijr 15:94۔ فَاْصدَْع بَِما تُْؤَمُر َوأَْعِرْض َعِن اْلُمْشِرِكينَ

    Then declare what you are commanded and turn away from the polytheists


    َرِبي َ ْقَ ْ اْل

    َكَت َ ِشي

    َنِذْر ع

    َ Sura as-Shuara 26:214َوأ

    "And warn your tribe (O Muhammad (pbuh)) of near kindred." 26:214-216

    In obedience to Allah’s commands, Muhammad (pbuh) gathered about 45 men from Bani Hashim and Bani Al-Muttalib. Abu Lahab immediately addressed Prophet (pbuh): "These are your uncles and cousins, speak on to the point, but first you have got to know that your kinspeople are not able to withstand all the Arabs. Another point you have got to bear in mind is that your relatives are sufficient unto you. If you follow their tradition, it will be easier for them than to face the other clans of Quraish supported by the other Arabs. Verily, I have never heard of anyone who has incurred more harm on his kinspeople than you." The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) kept silent.

    Prophet (pbuh) invited them to another meeting and addressed them saying:

    "I celebrate Allah’s praise, I seek His help, I believe in Him, I put my trust in Him, I bear witness that there is no god to be worshipped but Allah with no associate. A guide can never lie to his people. I swear by Allah, there is no god but He, that I have been sent as a Messenger to you, in particular and to all the people, in general. I swear by Allah you will die just as you sleep, you will be resurrected just as you wake up. You will be called to account for your deeds. It is then either Hell forever or the Garden (Paradise) forever."

    Abu Talib replied: Do what you have been ordered. I shall protect and defend you, but I can’t quit the religion of ‘Abdul- Muttalib. "Abu Lahab then said to Abu Talib: " I swear by Allah that this is a bad thing. You must stop him before the others do." Abu Talib, however, answered: "I swear by Allah to protect him as long as I am alive."

    ON MOUNT SAFA on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas [R]. He said: "When the following verses were revealed: "And warn your tribe (O Muhammad (pbuh)) of near kindred." [Al-Qur'an 26:214] The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) ascended Mount As-Safa and started to call: "O Bani Fahr! O Bani ‘Adi (two septs of Quraish)." Many people gathered and those who couldn’t, sent somebody to report to them.

    Prophet (pbuh) said: "You see, if I were to tell you that there were some horsemen in the valley planning to raid you, will you believe me?" They said: "Yes, we have never experienced any lie from you." He said: "I am a warner to you before a severe torment." Abu Lahab promptly replied: "Perish you all day! Have you summoned us for such a thing?" The verses were immediately revealed on that occasion. [Bukhari 2/702; Muslim 1/114]:

    "Perish the two hands of Abi Lahab" [Quran 111:1]

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    Attempts to stop and aggression on Muslims

    When Umm Jameel, wife of Abu Lahab, received the news of sura Lahab, came to Ka’ba in search of prophet (pbuh). She saw Abu Bakr who was sitting next to the Prophet (pbuh), and said where is your friend? If I see him, I will hurl (throw with force) these stones on his face. She then addressed recited a line of verse: We have disobeyed the dispraised one, rejected his Call, and alienated ourselves from his religion. Though Prophet (Pbuh) was sitting next to Abu Bakr, But Allah did not make her see Prophet (Pbuh).

    Her real name was Urwa. Sister of Abu Sufyan bin Harb bint Omayya, who became the chief of Quraish

    and commander of the mushrikeen army after death of Abu Jahl in 2H. She was a real shrew, bad-

    tempered with abusive language, highly skilled in the art of hatching intrigues, and enkindling the fire

    of dispute and was deservedly stained as ‘the carrier of firewood’ in the Noble Quran.

    Why People turned against Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?

    When the prophet (pbuh) explicitly professed Islam as Allah had commanded him, people did not turn

    against him until he criticized their gods and idols. When the Quraish discovered that he would not

    give up, some of their notables went to au Talib and said “oh abu Talib, your nephew has insulted our

    gods, scorned our religion, demeaned our lifestyle and accuses our ancestors of misguidance; either

    you stop him or you must let us get him, we will get rid of him” He gave them a polite reply and they


    Abu Talib told prophet (pbuh), “O nephew, your people have said so and so. Spare me & yourself. Do

    not make me endure more than I can”. Prophet (pbuh) thought that his uncle would now abandon

    and no more support him.

    He answered, “Oh my uncle, by Allah, if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left on condition that I abandon this matter (i.e. Islam), until Allah has

    made it victorious, or I perish therein, I would not abandon it”.

    Prophet (pbuh) stood up with tearful eyes. As he turned away, abu Talib called him and said, “come

    back my nephew, go and say whatever you like, for by Allah, I will never leave you”.

    When Quraish saw that abu Talib refused to give prophet (pbuh) to them, they went to abu Talib with

    Imarah bin Walid and said:

    Oh, abu Talib, this is Imarah, most handsome young man in Quraish, so take him (adopt him as your son) in exchange of nephew who has gone against your religion & the religion of your ancestors, destroyed the unity of your people, ridiculed our lifestyle, so that we may kill him. This will be man for man.

    Abu Talib replied, it is an evil bargain. Would you give your son to feed him for you and I give you my

    son in return to kill him?

    The Quraish now went aggressive to newly converted Muslims, beating them and distracting them

    from their religion. Allah protected His messenger from them through his uncle. Abu Talib invited bani

    Hashim and bani al-Muttalib to support him in protecting prophet (pbuh). They agreed to do so,

    except abu Lahab.


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    When the season of pilgrimage came, Quraish people went to Walid bin Mughira, who was a man of

    standing among them. He said that during deputations of Arabs will come to you (from surrounding

    areas) and will ask about this fellow of your, so agree on unanimous resolution, so that no one will

    belie the other. People gave various suggestions. They said:

    • “He is a Kahin (soothsayer, fortune teller)”. He said, by Allah he is not that,

    for he has not the murmuring & rhyming of soothsayer’s speech.

    • “Then he is Majnoon (possessed by Jin)”. No, he is not that. We have seen

    possessed ones and no such state of his mind is like that.

    • “Then he is a Poet”. No, he is not a poet, for we know poetry in all its forms

    and meters.

    • “Then he is a practicing Witchcraft (practice of magic)” No we have seen

    sorcerers & their witchcraft and he has never in practice of blowing on the


    He said “By Allah, his words are sweet, well based and fruitful, yet we will say

    that he is a magician which separates brothers, spouses and families and what he

    says are his own words.

    Quraish sat on the roads and warned everyone who passed by them about Muhammad (pbuh). Allah

    (swt) cursed him in Sura al-Mudassar 74:12-26

    And to whom I granted extensive wealth. And children present [with him]. And spread [everything] before him, easing [his life]. Then he desires that I should add more. No! Indeed, he has been toward Our verses obstinate. I will cover him with arduous torment. Indeed, he thought and deliberated 19. So may he be destroyed [for] how he deliberated. Then may he be destroyed [for] how he deliberated. Then he considered [again]; Then he frowned and scowled; Then he turned back and was arrogant. And said, "This is not but magic imitated [from others]. This is not but the word of a human being". I will drive him into Saqar. (Sura a-Mudassar 12-26)

    Abu Lahab, the most wicked enemy of Islam & prophet (pbuh) would shadow Prophet’s steps during Hajj season, crying aloud, "O men, do not listen to him for he is a liar; he is a run-away." By the time the hajj season was over, everyone in the Arabia knew about prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his message!

    Compromise Mushriken of Makkah offered that Muhammad (pbuh) worship their gods for a year, and they worship

    his Lord for a year. Allah swt revealed sura Kafiroon on this.

    Say, "O disbelievers. I do not worship what you worship. Nor are you worshippers of what I worship. Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship . For

    you is your religion, and for me is my religion. (chapter 109, sura al-Kafiroon)

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    Distraction Nadhar bin Harith went to Heerah and learnt the tales of the kings of Persia, people like Rustum and Asphandyar and then returned to Makkah. He would shadow prophet (pbuh) steps in whatever audiences the later held to preach the new faith and to caution people against Allah’s wrath. An-Nadr would directly follow the Prophet (pbuh) and narrate to the same audience long tales about people of Persia. He would then always append his talk with a question cunningly inquiring if he did not outdo Muhammad (pbuh). Ibn ‘Abbas [R] related that An-Nadr used to purchase songstresses who would through

    their bodily charms and songs entice away from Islam anyone developing the least attachment to the Prophet (pbuh); in this regard, Allah says:

    ِ بِغَْيِر ِعْلٍم َويَتَِّخذَهَا هُُزًوا ۚ أُولَٰ ِهينٌ َوِمَن النَّاِس َمن يَْشتَِري لَْهَو اْلَحِديِث ِليُِضلَّ َعن َسبِيِل َّللاَّ .ئَِك لَُهْم َعذَاٌب مُّ

    "And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing, etc.) to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah" [31:6]

    Stories …... ……. …….


    One day ‘Utbah bin Rabi‘a, a chief among them, approached Prophet (pbuh) and made several offers on condition that he no longer proclaim his new faith.

    • They will give him whatever WORDLY WEALTH he asks for.

    • If you desire kingship we will offer & make you our CHIEF.

    • If you are under the power of an EVIL SPIRIT which disturbs you, then we shall call in skilful physicians to cure you.

    • He was also offered that they will arrange a MARRIAGE for him with the most beautiful woman. But Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) declined all their offers.

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    Mas’ab bin Umair: When Umm Mus‘ab bin Umair heard of her son’s conversion, she put him to starvation and then expelled him from her house. He used to enjoy full luxurious and easy life. Due to the difficult life, his skin got wrinkled like a snake.

    Othman bin Affan: The uncle of ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan used to wrap ‘Uthman in a mat of palm leaves, and set fire under him.

    Bilal bin Rubah: He was a slave of Omayyah bin Khalaf. When he converted to Islam, he was severely beaten by his master. A rope was put around his neck and street boys were made to drag him through the streets and across the hill of Makkah. He was subjected to prolonged deprivation of food and drink. He was made to lie down on the hot sand and heavy stones were put on his chest. All this proved in vain and Bilal would say Ahd Ahd. He persisted in his belief in the Oneness of Allah. On one such occasion, Abu Bakr was passing by; he purchased him and was set free.

    Ammaar bin Yasir family: They were another victim of Quraish. Ammaar was a freed slave of Bani Makhzoum. He, along with his mother & father, embraced Islam in its early phase. They were repeatedly made to lie on the burning sand and were beaten severely.

    Prophet (pbuh) was greatly moved by these atrocities, comforted them & raised his hand in prayer and said: "Be patient, you will verily find your home in the Paradise." Yasir, the father, died due to repeated tortures. Ammaar’s mother Sumaiyah was bayoneted to death by Abu Jahl. She was the first woman martyr in Islam.

    Ammaar was subjected to various modes of torture and was always threatened to sustain severe suffering unless he abused Muhammad (pbuh) and spoke well of the pagan gods. In a weak moment, he uttered such few words though his heart never wavered. He came back once to the Prophet (pbuh), who consoled him for his pain and confirmed his faith. Immediately afterwards the following verse was revealed:

    "Whoever disbelieved in All? after his belief, except him who is forced thereto and whose heart is at rest with Faith." [Qur'an 16:106] Abu Fakeeh, Aflah, a freed slave of Bani ‘Abd Ad-Dar was the third of those helpless victims. The oppressors used to fasten his feet with a rope and drag him in the streets of Makkah.

    Khabab bin Aratt: He was a slave & iron worker, and an easy victim to severe tortures. He was made to lie on the burning coal with a big rock on his chest to prevent him from escaping. Later in Madinah people used to see the marks of burnt skin by coals on his back.

    Some Muslims of rank and position was wrapped in the raw skins of camels and thrown away, and others were put in armours and cast on burning sand in the scorching sun of Arabia.

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    Even the converted women were not spared. Zanirah, An-Nahdiyah and her daughter, Umm ‘Ubais and many others fell victims to the persecution at the hand of the oppressors. Zunairah: She was a concubine of the Banu Makhzum. When Abu Jahl knew of her conversion, he beat her. Due to the tortures, she lost her eyesight. The Quraysh claimed, "Lāt & ‘Uzzá are the ones that have taken away her sight.” But she replied, they can neither harm nor heal and this is from Allah." Later she recovered her eyesight. On this the Quraysh said, "This is some of Muhammad's magic."

    Lubaynah: She was a concubine and one of the early converts to Islam. She belonged to Muammil branch of the Adi clan of the Quraysh. To abandon their faith, Umar bin al-khattab (from Adi clan) tortured Lubaynah. He would beat her until he was tired, then he said: "I have only stopped beating you because I'm tired." Later Abu Bakr bought Lubaynah and set her free.

    Abu Lahab himself took the initiative of harmful deeds and hatred against Muhammad (pbuh):

    • Throwing stones at prophet (pbuh).

    • Forcing his two sons to divorce their wives Ruqaiya and Umm Kulthum, the Prophet’s

    daughters, which they did.

    • Gloating over him on his son’s death calling him ‘the man cut off with offspring’. Allah (swt)

    revealed sura al-Kausar on this occasion.

    • His wife, Umm Jameel had hatred & enmity against Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and would tie

    bundles of thorns and scatter them in the paths which the Prophet (pbuh) was expected to

    take, to cause him bodily injury.

    Uqbah b. Abi Mu‘ait: He was a Quraysh leader and member of Banu 'Abdu Shams. He was one of the

    principal adversaries of Islam. He assaulted Muhammad verbally and physically as he was preaching

    monotheism. He once spitted on the face of Prophet (pbuh), but it came back on his own face.

    Camel intestine on Prophet’s Neck Prophet (pbuh) was praying near the Ka’bah. Abu Jahl asked his companions, “Who will rise to fetch

    the fetus of the she-camel and place it between the shoulders of Muhammad (pbuh). Uqbah bin Abi

    Mu‘ait was the unfortunate man who got up, brought the fetus and, when the Prophet (pbuh) went

    down in prostration, placed it between his shoulders. On this, they all burst out in laughter, falling

    over one another. Prophet (pbuh) did not raise it, until his daughter Fatima (ra) came and removed

    the filth from him.

    When the Prophet (pbuh) finished his prayer, he raised his voice and invoked Allah’s curse upon

    them. It was his habit that when he supplicated, he did so thrice and when he asked of Allah, he did

    so thrice. So thrice he said: “O Allah, seize and destroy Quraish!” When they heard his voice, their

    laughter seized and they feared his supplication. Then he said: O Allah, seize and destroy Abu Jahl

    bin Hisham, ‘Utba bin Rabi’a, Shaiba bin Rabi’a. Walid bin Uqba, Umayya bin Khalaf, and Uqba bin

    Abu Mu’ait. It is recorded that all of them were killed in the battle of Badr.

    Scandal-mongering and backbiting were also amongst the means of oppression that the chiefs of Makkah, in general, and Omaiyah bin Khalaf, in particular, resorted to in their evil- doing. In this regard, Allah says:

    َوْيٌل ل ِكُل ِ هَُمَزةٍ لَُّمَزةٍ

    "Woe to every slanderer and backbiter." [Qur'an 104:1]

    Lion kills Utaibah bin Abi Lahab

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    He once approached prophet (pbuh) and started shouting at him. He then started to deal arrogantly and laid violent hand on him, tore his shirt and spat into his face but his saliva missed the Holy face of the Prophet (pbuh). Thereupon, the Prophet (pbuh) invoked Allah’s wrath on ‘Utaibah and supplicated: "O Allah! Set one of Your dogs on him."

    Allah responded to Muhammad’s supplication: Once ‘Utaibah with some of his friends from Quraish set out for Syria. On the way when they camped in Az-Zarqa’, a lion approached the group. To the great fear of ‘Utbah, who at once recalled Muhammad’s words in supplication, and said: "Woe to my brother! This lion will surely consume me just as Muhammad (pbuh) supplicated. He has really killed me in Syria while he is in Makkah." The lion did really rush like lightning, snatched ‘Utbah from amongst his people and killed him.

    • Ubai grounded old decomposed bones and blew the powder on Prophet (pbuh).

    When you think that your life is difficult……. Think about the difficulties faced by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) & his companions who had suffered unbearable tortures, BUT they always stood fast to the Deen of Allah. How do we Thank Allah for his blessings on us...?

    Abu Jahl:

    Ditch of Fire: attempted and stepped forward to put his feet on Prophet

    (pbuh) neck, but retreated on seeing a ditch of fire. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah

    be pleased with him) said: Abu Jahl asked, “Does Muhammad rub his face in

    the dust (i.e. does he prostrate when he prays at the Ka’ba) when he is

    among you?” He was told, “Yes.” He said, “By Laat & Uzza, if I see him doing

    that, I will step on his neck or I will rub his face in the dust.”

    Ditch of Fire

    Then the Messenger of Allah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص came and prayed. He (Abu Jahl) had claimed that he would step on his neck, but suddenly all they saw was that he was running away, raising his hands to protect himself. It was said to him, “What is the matter with you?” He said, “There is a ditch of fire and terror and wings between me and him. The Messenger of Allah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said: “If he had come near me, the angels would have snatched him piece by piece.”

    Big Camel: Abu Jahl, once addressed to his people: "O people of Quraish! It

    seems that Muhammad (pbuh) is determined to go on finding fault with our

    religion, degrading our forefathers, discrediting our way of life & abusing our


    I bear witness to our god that I will carry a heavy rock and drop it on Muhammad’s head

    while he is in prostration to rid you of him. I am not afraid of Banu ‘Abd Munaf, might do.

    “Next morning Abu Jahl lay waiting for the arrival of the Prophet (pbuh) to offer prayer.

    When he prostrated himself, Abu Jahl proceeded carrying the big rock to fulfill his wicked

    intention. As he approached closer to Prophet (pbuh), he suddenly stepped back pale-faced,

    with trembling hands the rock fell off. People asked him what the matter was. He replied:

    "When I approached, a male camel unusual in figure with fearful canines intercepted and

    almost gulped me."

    Ibn Ishaq reported that Prophet (pbuh), said "It was Gabriel (as), if Abu Jahl had approached

    closer, he would have killed him”.

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    What tactics was used by Nazar bin Haris to distract new Muslims? (Offer wealth to new Muslim / Tell stories of Rustam etc., send dancers / would make noise in Kaaba)

    How Khabab bin Arat was tortured:

    Who was the first Muslim woman who died due to Mushrikeens torture?

    Why Abu Jahl retreated when he attempted to throw a stone of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) while praying?

    Which sura was revealed on Abulahab behavior?

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 31

    1. Who attacked Kaaba from Yemen?

    2. After how many days Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born?

    3. Where was Prophet for first 4 yrs?

    4. Something happened @ 4 yrs of age? 5. Who died at 6 years of age?

    6. What happened when he was 8?

    7. Who started to care of prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?

    8. Where did he travel at 12 yrs?

    9. What was the monk name?

    10.What three signs of prophecy did that monk mention?

    11.He was known in Makkah as? 12.Our beloved Prophet married to?

    13.What was age of his wife?

    14.Name children from prophet’s wife?

    15.What happened at 35 yrs of age?

    16.Is “Hateem” part of the original Ka’aba?

    17.Why Hateem was left out of Ka’aba?

    18.Where was the first revelation?

    19.It happened in which Islamic month? 20.Which Sura verses were first revealed?

    21.Where did Khatida (r.a) took Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?

    22.Who were the first four to accept Islam?

    1 2 3 4 6 7 8 12 25 35 40







    8. B

    9. B

    10. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________



    14. Q __________________ Z __________________ R __________________ U __________________ F __________________ A __________________

    Life of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), up to 40 years


    11. ___________________ ___________________






    (scale 0-10)

    Kind to Poor

    Help the Needy

    Respect Parents/Elders

    Controls the Anger

    Always smile

    Fear ALLAH

    Few traits of Prophets Muhammad (pbuh)

    Stayed away from Music

    Rate Yourself

    ZYS.Seerah.1 210219




    21. 22. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________


  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 32

    Find the Name the Four Prophets & the book that

    were revealed to them (Muhammad/Quran, Musa/Torat, Eisa/Injeel,


    A M K Q U R A N Q J

    H U I M Z M S J A C

    V H T N Q S U T G R

    F A D K J P D S D Z

    X M S E L E F J A K

    J M D I A S E B U G

    U A V S K F O L D W

    R D S A J O J A S A

    F ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص L F R S M V U B

    H A X T O R A T M N

    W M U H A R R A M J

    R S A T R A A Z A A

    E A W E A T M M S M

    R H B Y B R A F H A

    T N O I I D D G A D

    S S B Y U - A H B U

    A D M L L L N I A L

    F F - O - T - P N -

    A II E R II G H I I I

    R A J A B A S H Y L

    Find the Hidden first 9 months of Hijri Calendar? (Muharram, Safr, Rabiul-I, Rabiul-II, Jamadul-I,

    Jamadul-II, Rajab, Shaban, Ramadan)

    Find the Name the Children of Prophet Muhammad

    (pbuh) Hint: Q Z R U F A - I

    Q X F A T I M A H A

    Z U K E Z A I N A B

    H I M W R F R G A D

    F B A E U K Z S H U

    E R V P Q O T D J L

    T A W J I U G Q E L

    D H O E Y S L A E A

    N I L R Y U H S K H

    P M O L A G Y I U W

    W G J V H E W M X S

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - Level I- 040920 33