simply unique · to a simply unique experience. different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm...

...simply unique

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Post on 06-Aug-2020




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Page 1: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

...simply unique

Page 2: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Parco San Marco®

Page 3: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 4: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Hill Top Hideaway «Villa Olivo»

Page 5: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 6: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Lake View Superior Studio

Page 7: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Traumhafte Aussichten

Jede einzelne der Suiten mit ihreratemberaubenden Seesicht lässtIhre Ferien zu einem einfacheinzigartigen Erlebnis werden. Dieverschiedenen Suiten-Kategorienvon 30 bis 60 qm verfügen alle übereinen Balkon oder eine Terrassein Südlage und bieten individuellfür jedes Bedürfnis die passendenRäumlichkeiten. Vom Lake ViewSuperior Studio bis hin zur Hill TopHideaway Villa Olivo wird es Ihnenan nichts fehlen.

Panorama da sogno

Dai Lake View Superior Studiofino alla Hill Top Hideaway VillaOlivo avrete solo l’imbarazzo dellascelta. Le nostre suite da 30 a60 metri quadri, con una vistaimpareggiabile sul lago e dotatedi balcone o di terrazza espostia sud sono in grado di soddisfarequalsiasi esigenza: ecco ciò cherende un soggiorno al Parco SanMarco semplicemente unico.

Breathtaking views

Each of the Suites has a stunninglake view, which makes your holidayto a simply unique experience.Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and 60 sqm all benefit froma south-facing balcony or terraceand offer spacious accommodationas well as all the in-room facilitiesyou would expect. From the LakeView Superior Studio to the HillTop Hideaway Villa Olivo our rangeof suites caters for every possibledesire.

Page 8: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation


Page 9: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 10: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Ristorante «La Terrazza»

Page 11: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Kulinarische Momente

Geniessen Sie kulinarische Vielfaltund unvergessliche Gaumenfreudenin einem unserer vier Restaurants,die einzigartiger nicht sein könnten.Starten Sie Ihren Tag mit unseremreichhaltigen «Buongiorno» – Früh-stücksbuffet im Ristorante &Bistro San Marco. Schlemmen Siewahlweise am Kaminfeuer oderauf der Terrasse mit imposantemAusblick in unserer «La Masseria –Beach Terrace & Grill». OfenfrischePizza «alla mamma» servieren wirIhnen an unserem Privatstrand.Das Ristorante «La Terrazza» istder ideale Ort, um sich zu zweitin einem ungestörten exklusivenAmbiente verwöhnen zu lassen.Jedes einzelne Restaurant wirdSie mit seinem eigenen Charmebezaubern.

Momenti gastronomici

Delizie culinarie e piatti squisiti inuno dei nostri quattro semplice­mente unici ristoranti: del buon vinodavanti al caminetto scoppiettanteo sulla terrazza a lago del nostroristorante «La Masseria – BeachTerrace & Grill» oppure una pizzacome da tradizione italiana allaspiaggia privata e magari unaromantica cena a lume di candelaal ristorante «La Terrazza», sonosolo alcune delle suggestioni chevi conquisteranno al Parco SanMarco. Particolare non trascurabileè cominciare la giornata con unaricca e deliziosa colazione a buffetal Ristorante & Bistro San Marco.

Culinary Delights

Enjoy varied cuisine and unforget-table flavours in one of our fourrestaurants, each one differentfrom the other. Start your daywith the nutritious «Buongiorno»breakfast buffet at the Ristorante &Bistro San Marco. Indulge yourselfin the restaurant «La Masseria –Beach Terrace & Grill» eitherrelaxed in front of the crackling fireor at the terrace with a stunninglake view. Ovenfresh pizza «allamamma» is served on our privatebeach and the Ristorante «LaTerrazza» is the ideal spot toenjoy romance and be pamperedin a secluded, exclusive ambiance.Every restaurant will tempt youwith its own unique charm.

Page 12: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

«La Masseria – Beach Terrace & Grill»

Page 13: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 14: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

La Masseria – Beach Terrace & Grill

Page 15: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 16: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 17: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

SPAradies ohne Grenzen

Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt derEntspannung! Saunagänge, dasMeeresklima in unserem Sole-Licht-Raum, Ruhezonen, erholsame undruhige Stunden am Relax Pool undVerwöhnmassagen werden IhreEnergiereserven wieder auftankenund Ihnen ein Gefühl völligerUnbeschwertheit schenken.

SPAradiso senza confini

Immergersi nel mondo del benes­sere sperimentando con tutti i sensile diverse saune, l’atmosfera dellasala relax, il Bagnum Ipersalinum,la Relax Pool immersa nei colori dellago e delle montagne, le coccoledei massaggi... Un’ineguagliabilericarica interiore di energia e diserenità.

SPAradise unlimited

Immerse yourself in a world oftotal relaxation. Sauna sessions,the marine environment in ourBrine-Light-Room, relaxing areas;Hours of peace and quiet by theRelax Pool and soothing massageswill restore your energy and giveyou a feeling of total serenity.

Page 18: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 19: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 20: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation


Page 21: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 22: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Club Bim Bam Bino MINI CLUB

Page 23: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Kinderclub mit Gütesiegel

Kinder entdecken die Welt auf ihreganz eigene Weise! In drei alters-orientierten Clubs erleben sieje nach ihren Bedürfnissen undInteressen einzigartige Ferien.Unsere Kleinkinder von 2 bis 5Jahren erfahren im Mini Club mitSpiel, Spass und Spannung eineliebevolle Betreuung.Der Club Bim Bam Bino sorgt fürdie grösseren Kids von 6 bis 12Jahren täglich für abenteuerlicheStunden.Für all unsere Teenies ist im TeenSpace genug Raum für ganzpersönliche Kreativität.Weitere Besonderheiten und Öff-nungszeiten finden Sie auf unsererHomepage.

I nostri Club per bambini

Per ogni bambino la scoperta delmondo avviene in modo unico!Grazie alla molteplice offerta diClub suddivisi in base all’età, i nostripiccoli ospiti hanno l’opportunitàdi vivere una vacanza esclusiva inbase ai propri interessi ed esigenze.I più piccini, a partire dai 2 ai 5anni, possono giocare e divertirsipresso il Mini Club coccolaticon amorevoli cure da personalequalificato.Il Club Bim Bam Bino invita i piùgrandicelli, dai 6 ai 12 anni, a tras­correre delle ore indimenticabiliricche di avventura e di svago.Per tutti i nostri teenager, il TeenSpace é pensato per dare spazioalla propria creatività personale.Ulteriori informazioni e orari diapertura sono disponibili sul nostrosito web.

Kids ClubwithQuality Seal

Children discover the world on theirown! At three age-oriented clubsevery child experiences a uniqueholiday based on their needs andinterests.Our little ones aged 2 to 5 learnloving care in the Mini Club pairedwith games, fun and excitement.The Club Bim Bam Bino invitesto daily adventures for older kidsaged 6 to 12.And for teens aged above our TeenSpace gives enough room for theirtruly personal creativity.Further specialities and openinghours are available to you on ourhomepage.

Page 24: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Fun Pool

Page 25: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 26: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Outdoor & Sports

Page 27: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 28: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 29: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Sport ohne Limits

So einzigartig wie das 30.000 qmgrosse Resort ist auch die grosseVielfalt an Sport- und Freizeit-aktivitäten. Von Adventure Climbingüber Bogenschiessen bis hin zueiner Vielzahl an Wassersportartenist für jeden das Passende dabei.

Sport senza limiti

L’ampia e incredibile offerta diattività sportive e ricreative nellosplendido scenario di un parcodi 30,000 metri quadri, realizzai desideri più svariati di esercizioall’aria aperta: dall’adventureclimbing fino al tiro con l’arco eagli innumerevoli sport acquatici.

Unlimited sport activities

As unique as the 3 hectare resortarea is the wide variety of sportsand recreational activities. Fromadventure climbing and archeryto a fantastic selection of watersports – there is something foreveryone.

Page 30: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Meetings & Events

Page 31: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 32: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 33: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Meetings & Events

Die einzigartige Atmosphäre mitBlick auf den imposanten Bergseeschafft den perfekten Rahmenfür Ihre Meetings und Events.Profitieren Sie von unser Erfahrungund Professionalität und lassen SieIhre Veranstaltung an einem Ortwie keinem anderen zu etwas ganzbesonderem werden. Wir habenfür Sie alles im Griff und beratenSie gern!

Mieten Sie das ganze Resort füreinen besonderen Anlass undfühlen Sie sich wie der Eigentümereines 4****Superior Hotels – abEuro 18.000 pro Tag.

Meetings & Events

L’organizzazione di Meeting &Eventi nell’incantevole cornice delResort Parco San Marco si avvaledell’esperienza e della profes­sionalità di un Team semplicementeunico. Ogni evento viene curatoe preparato nei minimi dettagliassecondando le più diverseesigenze e richieste.

Per occasioni speciali é possibileprenotare il Resort in esclusiva eprovare l’ebbrezza di possedere unhotel 4****Superior – a partire daEuro 18.000 al giorno.

Meetings & Events

The unique atmosphere overlookingthe majestic lake creates theperfect setting for your meetingsand events. Benefit from ourexperience and professionalism,and let this unique setting makeyour event truly exceptional. Wehandle everything for you and arealways happy to help!

Rent the whole resort for yourspecial event and feel like theowner of a 4****Superior hotel –from Euro 18.000 per day.

Page 34: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Beach San Marco

Page 35: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation
Page 36: simply unique · to a simply unique experience. Different suite categories of bet-ween 30 and60sqm allbenefitfrom a south-facing balcony or terrace and offer spacious accommodation

Viale Privato San Marco 1 – I-22018 Cima di Porlezza (CO)Tel. +39 0344 629 111 – Fax +39 0344 629 112

Information & ReservationAbacus Hotel and Wine Consulting Ltd. – Postfach 641 – CH-6906 Lugano

Tel. +41 91 923 40 86 – Fax +41 91 924 21 –

[email protected]