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  • 7/30/2019 Tcloud Leitfaden En


    December 2012

    First Steps 2012 IQUADRAT AG

  • 7/30/2019 Tcloud Leitfaden En



    2012 IQUADRAT AG 2

    Inhalt1. SelfServicePortal .............................................................................................................................. 3

    2.1 Searching and results .............................................................................................................. 4

    2. Why does YourSupport always find a solution?.............................................................................. 5

    3. Support message ............................................................................................................................. 6

    4. The first login into the SupportCenter .......................................................................................... 10

    5. Basics about the SupportCenter .................................................................................................... 11

    Knowledgebase ............................................................................................................................. 11

    Mediapool ..................................................................................................................................... 11

    Support messages ......................................................................................................................... 11

    Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 11

    2.2 First steps in the SupportCenter ........................................................................................... 12

    2.3 Adjusting the SelfServicePortal layout .................................................................................. 14

    6. More interesting topics of YourSupport ....................................................................................... 15

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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 3

    First steps in YourSupport

    We want to induct you into YourSupportand help you to start working with it. In the next chapters

    we will show you how to search for support articles and how to create new support articles.

    1. SelfServicePortalWe propose to learn the ropes of the SupportCenterbefore you start with YourSupport.

    1. Search portal Here you may search for support articles.2. Browse categories All available support articles filtered by categories.3. News Important news about your company topic.4. Top 10 Most viewed support articles by all seekers.5. Hints Particularly usefull classified articles.6. My last Your last viewed articles.

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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 4

    2.1Searching and resultsLet us perform the first search.

    Please search for Create portal.

    After starting the search, you get a list of results that are differently ranked:

    Community articles (always five blue stars) are items that have been rated as helpful by

    other seekers.

    Below the support articles sorted by relevance are displayed.

    YourSupportoperates with an intelligent search function which filters words ofsimilar effect of the

    query. By reference to the query create, articles with the words produce or make are found.

    YourSupportsearches in article headings and texts and also in PDF text contents.

    Please click on a result for viewing the content. The support articles in the demo portal contain

    PDFs, a video clip and various datatypes.
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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 5

    2. Why does YourSupport always find a solution?YourSupport does not only search for an exact match of the given word but also for synonyms.

    Therefore three sources are used:

    1. An integrated dictionary2. Synonyms entered manually by your employees3. A built-in database that learns new coherences with every search query

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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 6

    3. Support messageIn this paragraph we want to inform you about the support message.

    If you do not get any search results or the results are not helpful, you may send a support message. It

    will be forwarded to the user support which will inform you about the solution.
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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 7

    Please enter into the appropriate textfields your fullname and e-mail for contact with the user

    support. For optimal processing of your support message you may submit your search history.

    While entering the subject and the message you receive suggestions that may possibly solve your


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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 8

    Every support message can be found in the SupportCenter -> Support messages. The user support can

    assign these messages to existing articles or, if no suitable articles exists, writes a new solution and

    sends it back to the requester. Furthermore the new article will be available to all similiar searches

    immediately because defined keywords for the support message simplify the findability. This helps

    preventing your employees from answering the same kind of questions (support messages) over and


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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 9

    The process:

    The user support performs a login into the

    and starts with his work in the area Support


    After reading the support message he

    extends an existing article or creates a new

    one as a solution

    He assigns the support message to the

    solution, defines keywords for a betterfindability of the solution in the

    SelfServicePortaland informs the requester

    ?1. Your customer does not find a solution

    2. He sends a support message to the user support.

    3. and receives a message with the solution.






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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 10

    4. The first login into the SupportCenter

    Please open your *browser and perform a login with your user data which you set during the


    After login you automatically have administrative user permissions because your account is the first

    account in your SupportCenter. With administrative permissions you may create other user accounts

    with different permissions.

    * Latest version of each browser: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera

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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 11

    5. Basics about the SupportCenterIn the SupportCenter you may edit existing support articles, create new support articles and new

    items for the media pool and handle support messages.

    In the following tabs you manage all information and settings:


    The knowledgebase is the integrated database that contains all support articles.

    You may change the displaying of the support articles in the datagrid by ordering the columns,

    showing or hiding of some colums or sorting and filtering data.

    Your user permissions determines which support articles you can see in the datagrid.


    You manage all media items in the mediapool. The items can be video clips or photos, screenshots

    and documents. Following datatypes can be uploaded: JPG, ICO, PNG, GIF, PDF, MP3 and MP4. You

    may link the items in one or more support articles.

    Support messages

    Support messages are queries for solutions sent from seekers which automatically get forwarded to

    this area. For supporting you may create a new article or edit an existing one as a solution. For using

    it you have to assign the support message to the solution. After this you may inform the requester.


    This area is for all administrative settings. Here you may create, edit and delete portals, usergroups

    or single users and set permissions. Furthermore you may organize layouts of your portals and do

    exports of data.

    More information at:
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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 12

    2.2First steps in the SupportCenterIn this paragraph we will explain you how a user can create a new support article and publish it.

    1. New article With this command you may create a new article in the Knowledgebase. If youset the status to published, seekers can find this support article as solution for their query.

    You can choose the status and other settings in the metadata dialog of the current support


    2. Article metadata You may set different features like Type or Status and restrictions to enabelor disable the access for some usergroups for each article.

    The yellow fields in the article metadata are mandatory fields.

    3. Article editor Here you may create and edit the article text. A basic text formation is possiblewith the formatting buttons. Linking of media items, other articles or websites is possible

    with the appropiate buttons .For more formatting options you may use the Wiki-

    Syntax (
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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 13

    To have a look at the formatted article please open the preview.

    To save your work please click on the save button in the metadata dialog.

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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 14

    2.3Adjusting the SelfServicePortal layoutFor using an individual adjusted layout in the SelfServicePortallet us update your company logo as an


    In Settings -> Layout of the SupportCenteryou may create a new layout with a click on the button


    Please click on Change to upload your company logo which will then be positioned as the header


    The maximum image size is 1000 x 250 pixel and the minimum image size is 800 x 50

    (recommended) pixel.

    In the next step please change to Settings -> Portals and select the desired layout for the

    SelfServicePortalin the datagrid.

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    2012 IQUADRAT AG 15

    6. More interesting topics of YourSupport Roles and assignment of permissions Categorizing of articles Filter and sort articles in the knowledgebase Metadata of articles

    Classification of articles Optimization of search results Configuration and administration Editing the SelfServicePortal layout

    Please refer to the user guide to get more information.