themenpaket usborne young reading series 1


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Dieses Themenpaket beinhaltet Titel der Reihe “Usborne Young Reading Series 1”. Diese
Bücher sind für Kinder, die erstmals auf English alleine zu lesen beginnen. Die Werke sind
48 Seiten lang und beinhalten zahlreiche Kurzgeschichten oder längere Geschichten, die
in kleine Kapitel unterteilt sind. Die Sätze sind meist kurz und einfach und basieren auf
einfachem Vokabular.
Usborne Young Reading Series One titles are for children who have just started reading
on their own. They are 48 pages long and typically contain several short stories or one
longer story divided into chapters. They use fairly short, simple sentences and everyday
Leihfrist: 6 Wochen
Bücher 66
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Aladdin and his Magical Lamp............................................................................................. 5
The Amazing Adventures of Ulysses .................................................................................... 6
The Emperor’s New Clothes ............................................................................................... 7
The Little Mermaid ............................................................................................................ 7
Animal Legends ................................................................................................................ 8
Cinderella ........................................................................................................................ 9
The Story of Toilets, Telephones and other useful inventions ................................................. 11
Stories of Ponies .............................................................................................................. 11
Stories of Unicorns .......................................................................................................... 12
The Monster Gang ........................................................................................................... 13
The Frog Prince ............................................................................................................... 14
Hansel and Gretel ............................................................................................................ 15
The Twelve Dancing Princesses ......................................................................................... 17
Jack and the Beanstalk ..................................................................................................... 17
Stories of Knights ............................................................................................................ 18
Stories of fairies .............................................................................................................. 18
The Minotaur................................................................................................................... 21
Pirate Adventures ............................................................................................................ 23
Stories of Mermaids ......................................................................................................... 26
Stories of Monsters .......................................................................................................... 26
Puss in Boots .................................................................................................................. 27
Stories of Robots ............................................................................................................. 27
Stories of Pirates ............................................................................................................. 28
Stories of Dragon ............................................................................................................ 28
Stories of Giants .............................................................................................................. 29
Stories of Witches ............................................................................................................ 30
Stories of Wizards ............................................................................................................ 31
The Runaway Princess ...................................................................................................... 31
Sleeping Beauty .............................................................................................................. 32
Stories of Merlin .............................................................................................................. 33
The Wooden Horse .......................................................................................................... 34
Stories of Santa .............................................................................................................. 34
Stories of Snowmen ......................................................................................................... 35
Teacher’s notes for Guided Reading – The Emperor’s New Clothes ......................................... 36
Teacher’s notes for Guided Reading – The burglar’s Breakfast ............................................... 36
Themenpaket Usborne Young Reading Series 1 – Medienverzeichnis
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8087-0
Sinbad thirsts for adventure. He is only truly happy on the high seas – even
though he always, an ugly troll, slithering snakes… he faces them all and
survives. But is his luck about to run out?
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8071-9
When Aladdin meets his long-lost uncle, he finds a magic lamp that changes his
life. Inside, is a genie with the power to grant wishes. But can even the genie
help Aladdin win the Sultan’s daughter? And is his long-lost uncle all he seems…
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8086-3
Ali Baba has discovered a cave full of treasure. It's a dream come true! Or is it?
For soon he has a nosy brother and forty thieves to deal with. Even worse, the
leader of the thieves - a master of disguise - is after his blood. Things are about
to get messy...
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8090-0
Ulysses sets out to rescue a Greek princess and finds himself in a ten-year war.
But that’s only the start of his problems. On his way home, he runs into a one-
eyed giant, a witch and a many-headed whirlpool monster…
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2005
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6775-8
The emperor loves clothes and his new clothes are the best yet. What's more,
they're invisible to anyone stupid. So the emperor is a little worried that he can't
actually see them himself.
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2005
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6776-5
The little mermaid longs to see the world above the waves. “Will the wind stroke
my hair?” she wonders. “Will the sun kiss my cheeks?” On her fifteenth birthday
she finally finds out… and her life changes forever.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2006
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8097-9
Prince Patrick wants to marry a real princess but they’re not easy to find. Still,
anything is possible with the help of a cousin, a witch and a pea…
This book comes with a CD which brings the story to life through lively music,
dramatic sound effects and superbly characterized readings. A listenalong
version is followed by a readalong version with prompts for page turns.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8072-6
Some tails are long. These tales are tall, but they reveal secrets of the animal
kingdom. Did you know that cats were once best friends with rats? And do you
know why monkeys now live in trees? Well, once upon a time…
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2004
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6331-6
The three Billy Goats Gruff were leaving their farm to look for food. “What about
the Terrible Troll?” cried their friends. “That’s just an old hen’s tale,” said the
goats. But, as they crossed a river, they came face to fang with the Terrible Troll
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2004
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6417-7
„You? Go to the ball?” said Cinderella’s stepmother. “You must be joking. You
belong in the kitchen.” But Cinderella’s fairy godmother has other ideas. With a
wave of her wand, the magic begins. Cinderella’s life is about to change forever.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2006
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-7160-1
Three exciting adventures…
Cordelia has been kidnapped from the doll’s house. Florinda, the new doll, is
showing off, but will she go too far? And Ella, the rag doll, has lost her owner.
Read on to discover what happens in the magical world of dolls.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2006
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-1-4095-3393-1
It’s the world’s most popular treat, but where does chocolate come from? And
why is it so delicious? Discover the bean behind each bar and follow its journey
from American rainforest to factories everywhere.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6221-0
Toilets and telephones – we all use them, but who invented them? And how did
people ever cope without them? Read the stories behind these life-changing
creations. Then meet the inventors of frozen food, goal nets and other incredibly
useful things.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8064-1
Three very different ponies canter through these pages: a pony that’s scared of
loud noises, a pony that’s always making mischief, and a sweet-natured little
Shetland pony. Add three determined riders, Molly, Becky and sally, and exciting
adventures are bound to follow…
Exemplar 1
Verlag: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-7161-8
If you’d love to meet a unicorn, dive into these magical tales. Discover the
unicorn who makes friends with a kitchen maid, the unicorn who outwits a
greedy hunter – and the unicorn who simply loves strawberries…
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8070-2
The eccentric Mr. Puff lives next door to Sam in a house full of interesting things.
Best of all is the basket of giant dinosaur eggs - until they begin to hatch. The
trouble with dinosaurs is that they grow... and grow. Something needs to be
done, and fast!
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8088-7
Alfie Briggs is a burglar. After a hard night's thieving, he likes to go home to a
tasty meal. But one day Alfie returns to find his cupboards bare. Someone has
burgled his breakfast!
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2002
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8075-7
The time? Saturday morning. The place? A treehouse. Six monsters meet to start
a gang. Some are scary, some are funny, but only one monster has a secret.
Join the Monster Gang and see if you can guess what it is.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2004
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6303-3
Business is booming for the shoemaker and his wife, until a rival seller steals
their customers. With only one piece of leather left, the future looks glum. Then
two elves arrive, on their own secret mission…
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2005
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6421-4
The Young Reading series is designed to encourage independent reading and
covers a range of subject matter, including the retelling of children's classics,
fairytales and a wide variety of narrative non-fiction.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2005
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6675-1
Hansel and Gretel are lost and starving in the deep, dark forest. Even stale bread
and a scary stepmother would be better than endless trees. Then they spy a
house made of chocolate and cake. Surely it’s too good to be true…
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2005
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6447-4
Kidnapped at birth by a wicked witch, then locked up in a tower, Rapunzel thinks
all is lost… until a handsome prince comes to save her. But the witch is more
cunning than they realize. Will Rapunzel ever escape?
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2006
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-7574-6
Anna, the miller’s daughter, dreams of becoming Queen, but first she must spin
straw into gold. One night, a mysterious little man appears, promising to help…
but what does he want in return?
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kaartoniert
Erschienen: 2005
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6420-7
Every day the wicked Queen asked her mirror: „Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who’s the fairest of us all? “ And every day the mirror replied, “You are!”… until
the dreadful day it said, “Snow White! ” So the Queen decided to kill her. She
didn’t expect Snow White to find not one but seven rescuers.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2009
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6330-9
Princesses are supposed to be quit and well behaved, but the twelve princesses
in this story like to have fun. When their father finds out they’ve been sneaking
off at night to go dancing, he’s furious. “Dancing is banned!” he3 declares. But
will that stop them?
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2006
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6778-9
When Jack sells the family cow for five dries beans, his mother is furious. But
overnight the beans sprout into a giant beanstalk. Join Jack as he climbs the
stalk… and discovers a dangerous world above the clouds.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2006
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8058-0
When King Arthur set up his court, hundreds of knights wanted to join him. But
they had to fight fierce giants and deadly dragons first.For only the bravest,
strongest and most loyal knights could sit at the king's Round Table. Read on for
three of their exciting adventures.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2006
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6954-7
Crystal, Lily and Poppy are three fairies in a flap. With stolen wands, flying
lessons and Fairy Balls, there’s never a dull moment. Come to Fairyland and join
in the magical fun.
Verlag: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8423-6
In the world of fairytale castles, anything can happen. There’s an invisible castle
with guests turns to stone. A handsome prince who needs help from a castle
ghost. And a contest to see who can build the most amazing castle of all.
Exemplar 1
Personen: Bernstein, Gabo León
Verlag: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2009
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-9697-0
Cheated out of a fortune, Chin’s luck changes when he meets a mysterious
monk. For the old man’s gifts of a mat, a spoon and a pair of chopsticks are not
as ordinary as they seem.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-7836-5
Pony Island is full of magic and excitement. Star is determined to win the beauty
contest – at any cost. Moonbeam wants a coat like a rainbow and Bluebell is
trying to cast her first spell. But all three are about to find out that magic isn’t as
easy as it looks.
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8022-1
A horse that can fly? A creature that’s half-lion, half-eagle? If you think they
sound amazing, wait until you see the other incredible animals roaming these
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2009
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-9696-3
Deep beneath the island of Crete lies a maze of tunnels called the Labyrinth. At
its heart lurks a fearsome creature known as The Minotaur.
Brave Theseus takes on the challenge of defeating the beast. But will he return
from the Labyrinth alive?
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-7764-1
Meet Monkeys – king of the monkeys and the cleverest, naughtiest animal in
China. He won’t obey anyone, not even the Emperor of Heaven. But when
Monkey steals a crop of magic peaches, he finally goes too far…
Exemplar 1
Verlag: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2006
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8098-6
When Clara opens a special present on Christmas Eve, she finds an unusual doll
inside. But the doll is more than unusual – it’s magic. Soon Clara is setting off on
an incredible journey through the Land of Snow and Ice, and on to the most
spectacular place she has ever seen…
This book comes with a CD which brings the story to life through lively music,
dramatic sound effects and superbly characterized readings. A listenalong
version is followed by a readalong version with prompts for page turns.
Exemplar 2
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2011
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-1-4095-2228-7
Imagine you were told to kill a terrifying monster. That’s just what happens to
Bellerophon and he’s in despair… until he finds Pegasus, a magnificent flying
horse. Together they set off on a hair-raising adventure, in this lively retelling of
the classic Greek myth.
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8706-0
Who will be the Pirate of the Year? What is the cabin boy’s secret? And how will
Captain Spike escape from the dungeons of Rotters’ Isle? Find out in these
swashbuckling stories of ships, sharks and scheming on the high seas.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8545-5
Yee ha! Saddle up your horse and gallop through these wild Western adventure.
This collection of cowboys must tangle with rotten rustlers, rigged rodeos and
runaway wagons – it’s a whole heap of fun, folks!
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8707-7
Make way for these dynamic dinosaurs – Kevin Kritosaurus faces a mighty
Megalosaur in a prehistoric wrestling match. The Raptor brothers have one hour
to save their dino diner from disaster. And a newborn Hadrosaur goes on the
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8540-0
From terriers to spaniels and collies to poodles, this book is full of shaggy dog
tales. Can Sprite win the local dog show? Will Titch ever become a top sheepdog?
And can Tike’s Dogs’ Home be saved from disaster?
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8083-2
Dare you spend the night at a haunted hotel? Would a spooky TV set send
shivers up your spine? How would you cope at a school for spirits? Put your
courage to the test with this ghostly colletion.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8084-9
A spooky welcome awaits you at these hair-raising haunts. Explore the dungeons
of Chillmore Castle. Help the Spook Spotters find the ghosts of Grimly Grange.
And track down a spectre's treasure at The Highwayman's Halt.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8065-8
Dive into the undersea world of mermaids and join in their amazing adventures.
Harmony braves the spooky Pirates’ Graveyard. Marina takes on her rivals in the
Great Seahorse Race. And dance-crazy Coral makes a bargain with King
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8085-6
What can you do if there's something scary living under your bed? How do you
tackle a rampaging ice beast? And is there any escape from the slimy tentacles
of a swamp creature? Find out in these monstrous tales.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2005
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-6419-1
Just a cat? Tom’s horrified when this is all his father leaves him in his will. But he
soon finds out that this is no ordinary cat – he wears boots for one thing, and
what’s more, he talks! He also has plenty of crafty ideas up his sleeve. Soon,
Tom and his cat are mixed up in an incredible adventure with an ogre, a king and
a princess.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2006
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8053-5
Machines cause mayhem in these hi-tech tales. The robot racers are in a fight to
the finish line. Luke Lively’s Tidybot is out of control. And mechanical muscle is
used to rob a bank. Stand back and watch the sparks fly!
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8096-2
Prepare to set sail with the craziest crew of pirates on the Seven Seas. Will
Charlie get rid of his pesky parrot? Can Molly escape the clutches of the sneaky
Captain Spike? And just how will Sam reveal the identity of the Masked Pirate?
Come aboard and find aut!
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8074-0
Stan must outwit a dragon to feed his hungry children. Victor must persuade two
dragons not to eat him. And Tom, who caught a worm-dragon fishing, must
somehow get rid of it. Will they succeed? Read this book to find out.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8089-4
Some giants are Naughty, some are foolish, but they’re all big. These tales tell
how a kind giant called a troll helped a poor fisherman, and how three wicked
giants met a grisly end.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2006
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8021-4
If you’d like to share an adventure inside Goblin Hill, learn how to trick a gnome
or find out where pixies go to party, dive into these stories. But take care! A
goblin ghost awaits you at the end.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8063-4
Princes and princesses go together like sea and sand. But what if you’re the
world’s clumsiest prince? Or the smelliest? Or you’re a princess who doesn’t want
to get married? Then things get a little tricky.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8066-5
Here are three tales to bewitch: a witch who loses her broomstick, a witch who
loses her temper and a witch who loses out to a clever farmer.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8073-3
Here are three magical tales about three very different wizards. One is kind, one
is clever and one knows more secret spells than the other two together.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2013
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-1-4095-3592-8
Princess Anna doesn’t want to get married, so she runs away, disguised under a
donkeyskin cloak. Where will she go and can she make her own happy ending?
Find out, in this retelling of the classic French fairy tale.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2012
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-1-4095-3591-1
The legendary tale of a fire-breathing dragon, a princess in peril and a bold
knight who saves the day. After the story, you can find out about a famous
painting inspired by the legend and read more about Saint George.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2006
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-7706-1
Far away, in a magical castle, a king and queen throw a magnificent party for
their newborn daughter, Rose. But one of the fairies is left off the guest list – and
she’s furious. How far will she go to get her revenge?
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2007
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-1-4095-4538-5
Max is learning to be a sorcerer and can’t wait to try out some magic on his own.
Left alone in the castle one day, he grabs his chance. And Max’s spell works very
well – until he finds he can’t stop it. He is in big trouble now…
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2012
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-1-4095-3598-0
Enter a magical world of sorcery and adventure in these thrilling tales from the
life of Merlin. Join the mighty wizard as he outwits a cruel king, faces fearsome
dragons and guides a prince to his destiny.
Exemplar 1
Sprache: Englisch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Erschienen: 2011
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-1-4095-2224-9
When Helen, the beautiful wife of King Menelaus, runs away to Troy, it sparks a
siege that rages for ten years. Can the King’s army ever break into Troy and
bring Helen back? Just when the task seems impossible, clever Odysseus has an
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-7703-0
Three brand new stories about everyone’s favourite festive character, Father
Includes magical stories of how Santa makes his toys, what he gets up to on his
days off and how to spot a real Santa from a fake one.
Exemplar 1
Preis: € 8,90
ISBN: 978-0-7460-8661-2
Three original stories for children who have just started reading on their own.
Chilly, Snowy and Freezy are three cool characters who love to have amazing
adventures involving stolen diamonds, blazing bonfires and a best-dressed
snowman competition.
Exemplar 1
Teacher’s notes for Guided Reading – The Emperor’s New Clothes
Titelzusatz Includes photocopiable Guided Reading record chart
Personen: Teacher's notes by Alison Kelly and Suzanne Maile
Verlag: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
The Emperor's New Clothes is part of the Usborne Reading Programme Young
Reading Series 1 and is suitable for National Curriculum level 2A.
A classic retelling of Hans Christian Andersen's fairytale about a fashion-crazy
emperor, amusing illustrated by award-winning cartoonist, Mike Gordon.
Exemplar 1
Teacher’s notes for Guided Reading – The burglar’s Breakfast
Titelzusatz Includes photocopiable Guided Reading record chart
Personen: Teacher's notes by Alison Kelly and Suzanne Maile
Verlag: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
The Burglar's Breakfast is part of the Usborne Reading Programme Young
Reading Series 1 and is suitable for National Curriculum level 2B.
After a hard night¿s thieving, Alfie the burglar likes to go home to a tasty meal.
But one day he returns to find his cupboards bare. Someone has burgled his