zoologischer anzeiger - ecosur · 2018. 6. 5. · redescription of eucypris cisternina based on the...

Zoologischer Anzeiger 266 (2017) 196–215 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Zoologischer Anzeiger jou rn al h om epage : w ww.elsevier.com/locate/jcz Research paper A new freshwater ostracod genus from the northern Neotropical region and its phylogenetic position in the family Cyprididae (Podocopida) Hyunsu Yoo a , Sergio Cohuo b,c , Laura Macario-Gonzalez b,c , Ivana Karanovic a,d,a Hanyang University, Department of Life Science, Colleague of Natural Sciences, 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdonggu, Seoul 133-791, South Korea b Institut für Geosysteme und Bioindikation, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Langer Kamp 19c D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany c El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Unidad Chetumal, Av. Centenario km 5.5, Chetumal, 77014 Quintana Roo, Mexico d Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 49, 7001 Hobart, Tasmania, Australia a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 1 February 2016 Received in revised form 22 June 2016 Accepted 28 September 2016 Available online 30 September 2016 Corresponding Editor: Martin V. Sørensen. Keywords: 18S rDNA 28S rDNA Ostracoda Manuelcypris n. gen Freshwater a b s t r a c t Manuelcypris n. gen., along with two species M. chetumalensis n. sp. and M. tabascena n. sp., are described from Southern Mexico. Another three species are transferred into the new genus: M. cisternina (Furtos, 1936) comb. nov., known from the Yucatan Peninsula, was originally described in the genus Eucypris Vávra, 1891, while M. punctata (Keyser, 1975) comb. nov., from Florida, and M. antillensis (Broodbakker, 1982) comb. nov., from the West Indies, were originally described in the genus Heterocypris Claus, 1892. The latter two new combinations are based only on the literature data, while for M. cisternina we examined its type material. The new genus is attributed to Cyprinotinae, but with an isolated position based on the absence of any seta on the basal segment of the walking leg and the reduced chaetotaxy of the fifth leg. The validity of this genus is confirmed with molecular markers, 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA which were used in the phylogenetic reconstruction along with several newly obtained sequences and others downloaded from the GenBank belonging to closely related taxa. Two methods, Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood, used in the analysis support the new genus with 100 bootstrap values. We also provide a taxonomic key for the five representatives of the new genus. © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Ostracods of the family Cyprididae Baird, 1845 are the domi- nant group in open freshwater ecosystems, accounting for more than a half of the circa 2000 freshwater species described so far (Karanovic, 2012; Martens et al., 2008; Martens and Savatenalinton, 2011). The family comprises over 20 subfamilies most of which have a global distribution. Generally, endemism across zoo- geographical provinces on the subfamily level is very rare in ostracods (Martens et al., 2008). In the family Cyprididae, a handful of families (i.e. Batucyprettinae, Herpetocyprellinae, Lio- cypridinae, Ngarawinae, Pelocypridinae) are each restricted to one Abbreviations: A1, antennula; A2, antenna; UR, uropodal ramus; H, height; L, length; LV, left valve; Md, mandible; Mdp, mandibular palp; Mx, maxillula; RV, right valve; L5, L6, L7, first, second and third thoracopods respectively; W, width. Corresponding author at: Hanyang University, Department of Life Science, Col- league of Natural Sciences, 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdonggu, Seoul 133-791, South Korea. E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Karanovic). zoogeographical province. This may, however, be the result of the lack of research or unresolved phylogenetical relationships. During 250 years since the first Cyprididae ostracod, Cypridopsis vidua (MD uller, 1776) was described, systematics of this family became more complex and in the recent years several taxonomic and phylogenetic studies attempted to revise a few subfamilies and genera. For example, Martens (1989) and Martens et al. (1992) revised Eucypridinae and proposed several important taxonomic characters (such as, for example the presence of “c” seta on L5 and the length ration between d1 and d2 setae on L6) for dis- tinguishing between genera; Martens (1986), and Martens (1990, 1992) revised Megalocypridinae and Cypridinae; Savatenalinton and Martens (2009) revised Cypricercinae, while Martens (2001) revised Herpetocypridinae. All these revisions were based on the morphological characters (both of the carapace and soft parts) and still a thorough revision of any of the subfamilies based on molecular markers is lacking. However, several studies included representatives of various Cyprididae subfamilies in the attempt to resolve phylogenetic relationships within ostracods in general or the positions of various genera within their respective subfamilies. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcz.2016.09.003 0044-5231/© 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

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Page 1: Zoologischer Anzeiger - Ecosur · 2018. 6. 5. · redescription of Eucypris cisternina based on the type mate-rial deposited at the Invertebrate Collection of the Smithsonian Museum















Zoologischer Anzeiger 266 (2017) 196–215

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Zoologischer Anzeiger

jou rn al h om epage : w ww.elsev ier .com/ locate / j cz

esearch paper

new freshwater ostracod genus from the northern Neotropicalegion and its phylogenetic position in the family CyprididaePodocopida)

yunsu Yooa, Sergio Cohuob,c, Laura Macario-Gonzalezb,c, Ivana Karanovica,d,∗

Hanyang University, Department of Life Science, Colleague of Natural Sciences, 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdonggu, Seoul 133-791, South KoreaInstitut für Geosysteme und Bioindikation, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Langer Kamp 19c D-38106 Braunschweig, GermanyEl Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Unidad Chetumal, Av. Centenario km 5.5, Chetumal, 77014 Quintana Roo, MexicoInstitute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 49, 7001 Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 1 February 2016eceived in revised form 22 June 2016ccepted 28 September 2016vailable online 30 September 2016orresponding Editor: Martin V. Sørensen.


a b s t r a c t

Manuelcypris n. gen., along with two species M. chetumalensis n. sp. and M. tabascena n. sp., are describedfrom Southern Mexico. Another three species are transferred into the new genus: M. cisternina (Furtos,1936) comb. nov., known from the Yucatan Peninsula, was originally described in the genus EucyprisVávra, 1891, while M. punctata (Keyser, 1975) comb. nov., from Florida, and M. antillensis (Broodbakker,1982) comb. nov., from the West Indies, were originally described in the genus Heterocypris Claus, 1892.The latter two new combinations are based only on the literature data, while for M. cisternina we examinedits type material. The new genus is attributed to Cyprinotinae, but with an isolated position based on the

8S rDNA8S rDNAstracodaanuelcypris n. gen


absence of any seta on the basal segment of the walking leg and the reduced chaetotaxy of the fifth leg.The validity of this genus is confirmed with molecular markers, 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA which were usedin the phylogenetic reconstruction along with several newly obtained sequences and others downloadedfrom the GenBank belonging to closely related taxa. Two methods, Maximum Parsimony and MaximumLikelihood, used in the analysis support the new genus with 100 bootstrap values. We also provide ataxonomic key for the five representatives of the new genus.

. Introduction

Ostracods of the family Cyprididae Baird, 1845 are the domi-ant group in open freshwater ecosystems, accounting for morehan a half of the circa 2000 freshwater species described so farKaranovic, 2012; Martens et al., 2008; Martens and Savatenalinton,011). The family comprises over 20 subfamilies most of whichave a global distribution. Generally, endemism across zoo-

eographical provinces on the subfamily level is very rare instracods (Martens et al., 2008). In the family Cyprididae, aandful of families (i.e. Batucyprettinae, Herpetocyprellinae, Lio-ypridinae, Ngarawinae, Pelocypridinae) are each restricted to one

Abbreviations: A1, antennula; A2, antenna; UR, uropodal ramus; H, height; L,ength; LV, left valve; Md, mandible; Mdp, mandibular palp; Mx, maxillula; RV, rightalve; L5, L6, L7, first, second and third thoracopods respectively; W, width.∗ Corresponding author at: Hanyang University, Department of Life Science, Col-

eague of Natural Sciences, 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdonggu, Seoul 133-791, Southorea.

E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Karanovic).

ttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcz.2016.09.003044-5231/© 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

© 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

zoogeographical province. This may, however, be the result ofthe lack of research or unresolved phylogenetical relationships.During 250 years since the first Cyprididae ostracod, Cypridopsisvidua (MD uller, 1776) was described, systematics of this familybecame more complex and in the recent years several taxonomicand phylogenetic studies attempted to revise a few subfamiliesand genera. For example, Martens (1989) and Martens et al. (1992)revised Eucypridinae and proposed several important taxonomiccharacters (such as, for example the presence of “c” seta on L5and the length ration between d1 and d2 setae on L6) for dis-tinguishing between genera; Martens (1986), and Martens (1990,1992) revised Megalocypridinae and Cypridinae; Savatenalintonand Martens (2009) revised Cypricercinae, while Martens (2001)revised Herpetocypridinae. All these revisions were based on themorphological characters (both of the carapace and soft parts)and still a thorough revision of any of the subfamilies based on

molecular markers is lacking. However, several studies includedrepresentatives of various Cyprididae subfamilies in the attempt toresolve phylogenetic relationships within ostracods in general orthe positions of various genera within their respective subfamilies.
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n this regard, Yamaguchi and Endo (2003) used 18S rDNA to studyhe molecular phylogeny of Ostracoda, while Yu et al. (2005) usedhe same marker and a very limited number of taxa to study phy-ogenetic relationship within Cypridocopina. More recently Kongt al. (2014) aimed to resolve the position of the genus Chrissiaartmann, 1957 within Cyprididae, also by studying 18S rDNA.heir analysis was so far the most extensive in terms of the numberf taxa they used, and it strongly supported monophyly only of aew Cyprididae subfamilies, while it disputed Herpetocypridinae,ucypridinae and Cyprinotinae.

Cyprinotinae comprises five genera and over 100 named Recentpecies (Martens and Savatenalinton, 2011) and as such it is onef the most specious Cyprididae subfamilies. Several species have aolarctic distribution, and one, Heterocypris incongruens (Ramdohr,808), has a cosmopolitan distribution (Meisch, 2000), a vari-ble carapace morphology and a high clonal diversity (Rossi andenozzi, 1990). Although this species prefers shallow seasonal

ools, it is very tolerant to various conditions, including high salin-ty (Meisch, 2000) and it displays a geographic parthenogeneticeproduction, sometimes with sexual and asexual populationsnhabiting the same ecosystem (Rossi et al., 2007). As a result ofts wide distribution, morphological variability, mixture of sexualnd parthenogenetic reproduction, a number species may proveo be synonyms, but it is also possible that some of the records of

. incongruens actually apply to separate species. Studies to test aossible cryptic speciation in Heterocypris incongruens have nevereen carried out, but in another species, Eucypris virens (Jurine,820) with the same distribution, morphological variability and

Fig. 1. Map of the study area. (a) Collection sites of Manuelcypris chetum

iger 266 (2017) 196–215 197

peculiar reproduction modes, a numerous potentially crypticspecies have been reported from around the globe with divergencerates between mtCOI sequences approaching 20% (see Bode et al.,2010). Eucypris virens belongs to Eucypridinae, which can be con-sidered a sister group to Cyprinotinae. Representatives of the twosubfamilies are indeed very similar and the two main differencesare the presence of peculiar wart-shaped elevations on the frontalpart of valves (“porenwarzen”) in at least part of the species andpresence of a “c” seta on the fifth leg in Eucypridinae. In addition,there is a tendency of a slender uropodal ramus and short poste-rior seta on the same appendage in comparison to Cyprinotinae.However, at least one species, Eucypris pigra (Fischer, 1851), lacksporenwarzen, has a robust uropodal ramus and a longer posterioruropodal seta. This species is thus more similar to Cyprinotinae.

The systematics of Eucypridinae has gone through manychanges in the recent years (see references above), thanks to theadvances in the taxonomic research. This often led to the new sys-tematic combinations for taxa described decades ago, especiallywhen studying less explored regions of the world, such as Cen-tral and South America. For example, Díaz and Martens (2014)described a Eucypridinae genus, Argentocypris Díaz and Martens,2014 to include one new South American species and two speciespreviously assigned to Eucypris and Cypris. In this paper we describea new genus to accommodate two new species collected from

southern Mexico, plus Eucypris cisternina Furtos, 1936 describedfrom the same region (Furtos, 1936), Heterocypris punctata Keyser,1975 originally described from Florida (Keyser, 1975) and H. antil-lensis Broodbakker, 1982 from the Antilles (Broodbakker, 1982).

alensis n. sp.; (b) Collection sites of Manuelcypris tabascena n. sp.

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he characteristics of these five species place them into an inter-ediate position between Cyprinotinae and Eucypridinae and in

rder to test the position of the new genus we used two moleculararkers, 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA. Besides the phylogenetic analysis

his paper also provides a detail description of the two new speciesnd redescription of Eucypris cisternina based on the type mate-ial deposited at the Invertebrate Collection of the Smithsonianuseum in Washington.

. Material and methods

.1. Sampling methods and taxonomy

Sampling campaigns were carried out in southern MexicoFig. 1) during 2011 and 2013. Lacustrine ecosystems were sam-led with a hand net of 50 �m mesh size. The net was thoroughlyassed through the submerged vegetation on change with in the

ittoral zone. When a limnetic zone was developed, several verticalows with a plankton net (50 �m mesh size, 30 cm mouth) wereaken. Samples from the Chetumal bay were collected using a netf 60 �m mesh size at different points along the coast line by filter-ng at least 200 L of water. All samples were fixed with 96% ethanolnd preserved in refrigeration until laboratory analysis. Ostracodpecimens were extracted under a stereomicroscope Leica EZ4. Dis-ections of soft and hard part were carried out, in a mixture ofistilled water and glycerin; dissected soft parts were mountedn microscope slides in Hidromatrix® mounting medium. Ostra-od carapace photographs were taken with a Canon Powershot640 digital camera attached to a Zeiss Axiostar-plus light micro-

cope. Soft parts were examined and characterized with the aid of

camera lucida using the Leica DM 2500 compound microscope,quipped with NPlan objectives and a drawing tube attachment.canning Electron Micrographs (SEM) were taken with a Hitachi-4700 scanning electron microscope at Eulji University (Seoul).

ig. 2. Manuelcypris chetumalensis n. sp., SEM. Right valve adult male: (A) internal viewostero-ventral margin internal view.

iger 266 (2017) 196–215

The terminology for the A1, Md, Mxl, L5 and L6 followsBroodbakker and Danielopol (1982), and for the L7 Meisch (1996).Here, the view of Meisch (2007) regarding the terminology andhomology of the most posterior appendage on the ostracod body(“furca”) is accepted. Setal classification system follows Garm(2004). Kempf’s (1980a–d), Kempf’s 1991, Kempf’s (1997a–d)indexes and bibliographies of the freshwater ostracods have beenextensively used in checking the availability of names and publica-tions.

2.2. DNA amplification

In the first step of the DNA extraction specimens were kept for2–3 h in distilled water. LaboPass Tissue Mini extraction kit (CosmoGenetech Co., LTD, Korea) was used in all further steps of extrac-tion, following the manufacturer’s protocol. Fragments of 28S rDNAwere amplified using the primer pairs dd/ff, ee/mm, vv/xx fromHills and Dixon (1991), using a TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice.PCR reactions were carried out in 25 �l volumes, containing: 5 �lof the DNA template, 2.5 �l, 10x ExTaq Buffer, 0.25 �l of TaKaRa ExTaq (5 units/�l), 2 �l of dNDTP Mixture (2.5 mM each), 1 �l eachprimer, and 13.25 �l distilled H2O. The PCR protocol consisted ofinitial denaturation for 5 min at 94 ◦C, 40 cycles of denaturationfor 35 s at 95 ◦C, annealing for 1 min at 50 ◦C, extension for 1 min at72 ◦C. Final extension was at 72 ◦C for 5 min. Fragments of 18S rDNAwere amplified using the primers from Yamaguchi (2003). For theinitial amplification the F1/R9 primer set was used, which ampli-fies around 1800 base pair, if no band was apparent than internalprimer pairs were used in the PCR reaction in which 1 �L of the PCR

product was used as the template. Only in the case of Physocypria cf.biwaensis the primer pare from Kato et al. (1997) was used. The PCRreaction was the same as for 28S rDNA. PCR settings for the ampli-fication of 18S rDNA followed Yamaguchi (2003) and Kato et al.(1997) for each corresponding primer pair. The PCR products were

, (B) Anterior margin internal view, (C) antero-ventral margin internal view, (D)

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lectrophoresed on 1% agarose gels, and, if DNA was present, theroducts were purified for sequencing reactions, using the LaboPassCR Purification Kit following the guidelines provided with the kit.NA was sequenced on ABI automatic capillary sequencer (Macro-ene, Seoul, South Korea) using the same set of primers.

.3. Molecular data analysis

All obtained sequences were visualized using Finch TV version.4.0 (http://www.geospiza.com/Products/finchtv.shtml). Eachequence was checked for the quality of signal and sites withossible low resolution, and corrected by comparing forward andeverse strands. BLAST (Altschul et al., 1990) searches revealedhat the obtained sequences were ostracod in origin and not

ontaminants. Each of the three 18S rDNA gene regions, as well as8S rDNA sequences were aligned in MEGA 6 (Tamura et al., 2013)ith ClustalW (Thompson et al., 1994) using default parameters

nd then concatenated. MEGA was also used for calculation of-distances (Supplementary Tables S1 and S2 in the online version

ig. 3. Manuelcypris chetumalensis n. sp., SEM. Adult female: (A)Left valve outside view, (tructure (E) Muscle scars imprints, (F) Surface sensilla exiting from rimmed pores.

iger 266 (2017) 196–215 199

at DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2016.09.003). The following phylogeneticanalyses were performed: Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Maxi-mum Parsimony (MP) using PAUP 4.0a136 (Swofford, 2002) andthe best-fitting evolutionary model. For the best-fitting evolu-tionary model, the program jModelTest 2.1.6 (Darriba et al., 2012;Guindon and Gascuel, 2003) was used with Akaike informationcriterion (Hurvich and Tsai, 1989). In the ML and MP analyses thebootstrap values (Felsenstein, 1985) were calculated with 1000pseudo-replicates. Although the three fragments of 28S rDNAwere initially individually aligned, the analyses were performedon three fragments assembled in a single file. In both alignmentsthe internal gaps were removed manually, and in 28S rDNA allsequences were trimmed to the same length, while in the 18SrDNA alignment sequences were only trimmed at the 3′end andnot at 5′end (the 3′ end was much more variable in terms of

length). All sequences (in their original lengths) are deposited inthe GenBank (Supplementary Table S3 in the online version atDOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2016.09.003).

B) Right valve internal view, (C, D) Dorsal margin internal view, showing the hinge

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. Results

.1. Taxonomic description

Order Podocopida Sars, 1866Suborder Cypridocopina Jones, 1901Family Cyprididae Baird, 1845Subfamily Cyprinotinae Bronstein, 1947

.1.1. Genus Manuelcypris gen. nov

.1.1.1. Type species. Manuelcypris chetumalensis sp. nov.

.1.1.2. Other species. M. antillensis (Broodbakker, 1982) comb.ov., M. cisternina (Furtos, 1936) comb. nov., M. punctata (Keyser,975) comb. nov., and Manuelcypris tabascena sp. nov.

.1.1.3. Diagnosis. Carapace stout between 0.5 and 1 mm long. Inateral view reniform with relatively low dorsal margin. Surface ofhe carapace smooth to poorly ornamented. RV sometimes witheveloped marginal tubercles. Selvage on both valves peripheral.

nner list only anteriorly present. Marginal pore canals relatively

ig. 4. Manuelcypris chetumalensis n. sp., SEM: (A)carapace dorsal view, (B) carapace vend overlapping, (D) anterior marginal pore canals ending with setae, (E) carapace ventraarapace overlaping.

iger 266 (2017) 196–215

short and straight. A1-7segmented, with small Rome’s and Woutersorgans; A2 sexually dimorphic with respect of terminal claws andsetal elongation. A2 swimming setae at least reaching the tip ofthe claws. Maxillular palp with cylindrical terminal segment. L5without “c” setae, but with “b” and “d” setae present. Setae “a” and“a”’ sometimes missing as well. Prehensile palps asymmetrical withleft palp being smaller than the right one. L6 5-segmented, withoutbasal setae. L7 typical for the family. UR with both claws and bothsetae well-developed, the latter being long. Hemipenis with twoshields: lateral and medial. Etymology. The genus is named in honor of Dr. ManuelElias-Gutierrez from “El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR)”(Chetumal, Mexico) for his continuous support and effort in themolecular studies of speciation in diverse crustacean taxa from theNeotropical region.

3.1.2. Manuelcypris chetumalensis sp. nov(Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

ntral view, (C) carapace antero dorsally showing the differences in carapace sizel view, right valve overlapping left valve ventrally (F) Carapace anteriorly showing

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F ) RighU





ig. 5. Manuelcypris chetumalensis n. sp. Adult male: (A) Left valve internal view, (BR, (F) Md and Mdp. Scale bars = 0.05 mm.

.1.2.1. Type material. Holotype: adult male dissected on one slideECO-CH-Z-09334), Allotype: adult female dissected on one slideECO-CH-Z-09335), Paratype: one adult male and one adult femaleissected one slide each, approximately 15 specimens preserved in9% ethanol, deposited at the Marine Biodiversity Institute of KoreaMABIK CR00235325).

.1.2.2. Type locality. Near mouth of rain water sewer, Chetumalay, Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México, 18◦ 31′ 40.65′′N, 88◦ 15′

7.52′′W (Fig. 1a).

.1.2.3. Etymology. The species is named after Chetumal BayMexico), from where it was collected.

.1.2.4. Diagnosis. Carapace relatively small, not exceeding 1 mm

n length. Dorsal margin of carapace slightly arched. Greatest heightround middle but slightly toward anterior end. Anterior marginsith abundant setaesetae. Valves without marginal tubercles. A2

wimming setae by far exceeding tips of terminal claws. L5 with “b”nd “d” setae present. L6 with basal segment bare and with e-seta

t internal view, (C) A1, (D) Respiratory plate, arrow showing distal short setae, (E)

just reaching the distal end of the following segment. UR almoststraight in female but strongly arched in male. Anterior claw reach-ing the middle of the ramus. Genital field round with one projection.Hemipenis with a-lobe slightly shorter than b-lobe. Description of male. Carapace in lateral view elongated(Figs. 2A and 5A, B). Valves asymmetrical, LV overlapping RV ante-riorly, posteriorly and ventrally (Fig. 4E, F). Carapace with dorsalmargin slightly arched. Greatest height around middle, slightlytoward anterior end. Anterior and posterior margins broadlyrounded, anterior margin slightly narrower than posterior one.Ventral margin fairly covered by setaesetae and slightly concavearound middle. Calcified inner lamella shorter posteriorly thananteriorly. Anteriorly equaling 8.2% and posteriorly 6.1% of totallength of the carapace. Marginal pore canals straight, setae more

abundant anteriorly than posteriorly. Muscle scars imprints con-sisting of five grouped scars (Fig. 2A). Inner list well-developedanteriorly (Fig. 2B, C). Surface of carapace smooth, except anteri-orly where small pits are present (Fig. 4F). Relatively prominentwarts present on RV anteriorly (Fig. 4F), on the LV warts very
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C) Dist



Fig. 6. Manuelcypris chetumalensis n. sp. Male: (A) A2; (B) left prehensile palp; (

mall. Surface sensilla exiting from rimmed pores. No marginalubercles present on either of valves. Length of valves (holotype):V = 500 �m, RV = 483 �m.

A1 (Fig. 5C). 7-segmented. First segment anteriorly with onemooth seta that just reaches the distal end of the segment.ostero-distally, two unequally long serrulate setae. Longer oneeaching the distal end of penultimate segment while shorter oneust exceeding the distal end of fifth segment. Second segment withne antero-apical smooth seta that exceeds the middle of followingegment. Rome’s organ not observed. Third segment is carrying api-ally one anterior and one posterior seta. Anterior one just reacheshe distal end of fifth segment. Posterior seta is serrulate and itxceeds the middle of following segment. Fourth segment withwo long and bare setae antero-distally; postero-distally on thisame segment, two unequally long setae, longer one bare and

lmost reaching the middle of terminal segment. Fifth segmentntero-distally with two long and bare setae; postero-distally withwo unequally long setae, both by far exceeding distal end of ter-

inal segment. Sixth segment with five bare setae. The four mostnteriorly located are long while the most posterior seta is short.

al section of L7; (D) Hemipenis; (E) Right prehensile palp. Scale bars = 0.05 mm.

Terminal segment is carrying two long and one short setae in addi-tion to the aesthetasc ya, which is 1.8 times longer than terminalsegment. Length ratios of last five segment 1.8: 1.2: 1: 0.8: 1.

A2 (Fig. 6A) 5-segmented. Coxa is carrying medially one long andsmooth seta that exceeds the distal end of the coxa. Postero-distallyon the same segment, two unequally long serrulate setae not reach-ing the middle of following segment. Basis postero-apically withone long and serrulate seta that just exceeds the middle of penul-timate segment. Exopod consists in a plate with three unequallylong setae. Longer one is serrulate and just exceeds the distal endof following segment. The two most posterior setae are smooth andshort not reaching the middle of following segment. First endopodalsegment hirsute with aesthetasc Y relatively long, 1.5 times longerthan terminal segment. Postero-distally on the same segment oneserrulate seta is exceeding the distal end of terminal segment. Nata-

tory setae are not equally long. The five most posteriorly located aresmooth and long, exceeding the tips of the claws. Most anterior setashort, reaching the middle of following segment. Second endopo-dal segment with t-setae (t1–t4) unequally long. Antero-mediallytwo smooth and unequally long setae. Seta z2 elongated but not
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F ight vt



ig. 7. Manuelcypris chetumalensis n. sp. Female: (A) Left valve internal view; (B) Rhoracopod: L5. Scale bars = 0.05 mm.

eaching the tips of terminal claws; seta z1 claw-like two times asong as terminal segment. Claws G1 and G2 subequally long, 5.2imes longer than terminal segment, both distally strongly serrate.law G3 slightly smaller than adjacent claws, five times longer thanerminal segment, distally strongly serrated as well. Terminal seg-

ent carrying two smooth and equally long setae. Aesthetasc yalender, 1.2 times longer than terminal segment. Gm claw strongnd elongated with 5.1 times the length of terminal segment. GMlaw seta-like.

Md. (Fig. 5F) Palp 4-segmented. First segment with one long andmooth seta that exceeds by far the distal end of terminal segment.etae S1 and S2, thick and pappose, �-seta slender, smooth andelatively long, reaching the middle of following segment. Respi-atory plate with six smooth rays. Second segment dorso-distallyith three unequally long setae, longer ones reaching the distal

nd of terminal segment while shorter one just exceeds the mid-le of following segment. Ventro-distally of this same segment, fourpproximately equally long setae are present, the most ventral onesappose while the most dorsal one bare. Third segment hirsute

alve internal view; (C) Mandible; (D) Antenna: A2; (E) Antennula: A1; (F, G) First

with a row of long setae medially. Dorso-distally with a bunch offour smooth and long setae, all of them overpassing by far the distalend of terminal segment. Apically on this segment four unequallylong setae. �-seta pappose and twice as long as terminal segment.Fourth segment (terminal segment) almost equally long as wideand carrying two bare and two pappose setae.

Mxl. Palp 2-segmented. First segment elongated and carrying sixapical setae. Two of them serrulate while the other four smooth.Terminal segment 1.3 times longer than wide and carrying threelong claw-like setae and three slender and smooth setae. Thirdendite with nine apical setae, three of them serrulate while theother six smooth. Teeth bristles strongly serrated distally. Secondand first endite with eight and eleven smooth setae respectively.Branchial plate (Fig. 5D) with fifthteen long and pappose rays fol-lowed by two small and smooth setae.

L5. Protopodite apically with twelve setae, three of them smoothand the others serrulate. Seta b- smooth and d-seta serrulate.Exopodite consisting in a plate with six rays. Palps asymmetri-cal and two segmented. First segment of right palp with three

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l; (B) L




Fig. 8. Manuelcypris chetumalensis n. sp. Female: (A) Mx

utgrowths forming small projections; terminal finger stout andtrongly sclerified (Fig. 6E). Left palp carrying on first segment twomall projections; terminal finger strongly curved (Fig. 6B). Fingersn both palps terminating in a nipple-like seta.

L6. 5-segmented. Basal segment bare. First endopodal segmentlightly hirsute and with a relatively short and serrulate e-seta thatot reaches the distal end of following segment. Second endopodalegment with f-seta serrulate and short, just reaching distal endf following segment. Third endopodal segment with g-seta shortnd serrulate. Terminal segment carrying h1 and h3 setae short andmooth. Terminal claw (h2-setae) equaling 1.3 times the length ofast three segment combined.

L7 (Fig. 6C). 4-segmented. Basal segment with d1, d2 and d3etae long and serrulate. Seta “e” exceeding the middle of follow-

ng segment. Seta f- serrulate and just reaching distal end of theegment that carries it. Terminal segment with h1-seta missing,2-seta claw-like and distally hairy and h3-seta serrulated andlongated.

7; (C) L6; (D) Genital field; (E) UR. Scale bars = 0.05 mm.

UR (Fig. 5E). Ramus curved and postero-distally slightly hirsute.Anterior claw distally serrate and reaching the middle of the ramus.Anterior seta short and smooth, reaching one third of the ante-rior claw. Posterior claw curved and distally serrated, equaling onethird of the length of the ramus. Posterior setae smooth, and slightlysmaller than posterior claw. Length ratios between ramus, anteriorand posterior claws equaling 2.8: 1.4: 1.

Hemipenis (Fig. 6D) with the a-lobe and b-lobe well developed.Lobe a, triangular shaped. Lobe b foot-like and slightly larger thana-lobe. Internal ducts only once coiled. Ejaculatory process simple. Description of female. Carapace similar to male but slightlysmaller. In lateral view elongated (Fig. 7A, B). Calcified inner lamelladiffering in length with male. Anteriorly equaling 11.2% and pos-

teriorly 3.2% of total length of the carapace. Muscle scars imprintsas in males consisting in five grouped scars (Fig. 7A, B), most pos-terior ones, elongated. Surface of carapace and valve overlap sameas in male (Fig. 4A–D) smooth. Carapace size: LV = 487.5 �m andRV = 475 �m.
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F ight iD ) Mus




ig. 9. Manuelcypris tabascena n. sp., SEM. Female: (A)Left valve outside view; (B) Rorsal margin internal view; (E) Carapace surface with setae exiting from a pore; (F

A1 (Fig. 7E). Similar as in male with exception of some of theosterior setae (on the third and fourth segments) that are smooth

nstead of serrulate as in male. Third segment is carrying twontero-distally setae, at difference of male that is carrying one setan the same segment. Rome’s organ was not observed.

A2 (Fig. 7D). 5- segmented. Setae from coxa and basis are smootht difference of males in which all setae are serrulate. t-seta (1–4)horter than in male. All z-seta present, being slender and smooth.eta z1, longer than the other z-setae. Postero-distally on penulti-ate segment there is one small short seta, that is absent in male.1 and G3 claw subequally long, 5.6 times longer than terminalegment. G2 claw reduced, 4.8 times longer than terminal seg-ent. Third endopodal segment (terminal segment) with GM seta

esches beyong the tips of G1 and G3. Gm claw, slender and equal-ng 2.8 times the length of terminal segment. Aesthetasc ya shortnd accompanied by two setae, longer one smooth, while shorterne serrulate.

Md (Fig. 7C), Mxl (Fig. 8A) as in male.L5 (Fig. 7F, G). Endopodite with three apical setae, longer one

errulate and shorther ones smooth. Exopodite consisting in a plateith six rays. Protopodite with b-seta smooth and d-seta serrulate.

nternal view; (C) Left valve anteriorly showing the small wart-like structures; (D)cle scars imprints.

Apically with twelve setae serrulate, except three of them whichare smooth.

L6 (Fig. 8C) and L7 (Fig. 8B) as in male.UR and genital process (Fig. 8D, E). Ramus (Fig. 8E)

postero-distally slightly hirsute and straighter than in male. Ante-rior claw is slightly curved reaching one half of the length of theramus. Posterior claw with tip curved and reaching slightly morethan one third of the length of the ramus. Anterior seta smooth notreaching the middle of anterior claw. Posterior seta serrulate andslightly smaller than posterior claw. Length ratios between ramus,anterior and posterior claws are as follows: 2.5:1.4: 1. Genital field(Fig. 8D) mostly rounded but with one projection carrying sensorialorgans. Remarks. Manuelcypris chetumalensis and M. cisternina arethe only two species in the genus without any marginal tubercles.

Manuelcypris cisternina, unlike M. chetumalensis have neither of thetwo “a” setae on the L5, and has less elongated carapace in thelateral view. Manuelcypris chetumalensis differs from M. tabascenaalso by other carapace characteristics, such as more steeply inclineddorsal margin. Of the soft parts, the most prominent difference is
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Fig. 10. Manuelcypris tabascena n. sp., SEM. Female Right valve: (A) antero-ventrally inteanterior marginal tubercles; (d) detail of posterior marginal tubercles.



Fig. 11. Manuelcypris tabascena n. sp., Female: Right valve internal view.

he number of swimming setae on A2 (six in M. chetumalensis andve in M. tabascena), in addition to the fine differences in the lengthsf the L6 and L7 setae, and length ratio between anterior and poste-ior claw on the UR. Manuelcypris chetumalensis is also almost twoimes smaller than M. tabascena. Manuelcypris chetumalensis hasimilar hemipenis and prehensile pals like both M. antillensis and. punctata with a little less pronounced “heel” part of the outer

obe on the hemipenis and less convex distal margin of the sameart. In addition, the new species differs form M. antillensis in a con-iderately longer posterior seta on the UR, and longer setae on the6, and from M. punctata in the absence of pits on the surface of thearapace.

.1.3. Manuelcypris tabascena sp. nov(Figs. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

rnal view showing the inner list; (B) postero-ventrally internal view; (C) detail of Type material. Holotype: adult female dissected on oneslide (ECO-CH-Z-07708). Paratype: adult female dissected on oneslide from Acayucan-Cosamaloapan wetlands (ECO-CH-Z-07709).Other material: 17 specimens from type locality, all females pre-served in 70% ethanol (ECO-CH-Z-09333). Type locality. Lake Vernet, Tabasco Mexico 17◦ 52′

22.8′′N, 92◦ 32′45.1′′W. Other localities Miguel Hidalgo wetlands(17◦57′23.5′′N, 92◦25′48.7′′W), Acayucan-Cosamaloapan wetlands(18◦12′04.4′′N, 95◦36′23.3′′W), Pond next Jonuta-Escárcega road(18◦06′34.1′′N, 92◦04′41.3′′W) (Fig. 1b). Etymology. The name is after the Tabasco, Mexican state,where this species is mainly distributed. Diagnosis. Medium size organisms, almost reaching 1 mmin length. Carapace with dorsal margin slightly arched. Greatestheight located slightly around the middle but slightly toward pos-terior end. Right valve with marginal tubercles ventro-anteriorlyand posteriorly. Five swimming setae on A2, longer ones exceedingthe tips of distal claws. L5 with b- and d- setae. Basal segment on L6bare and e-seta exceeding the distal end of following segment. URstraight with anterior claw reaching the half length of the ramus.Genital field round. Description of female. Carapace in lateral view elongated(Figs. 9A, 11 and 12A, B). LV slightly larger than RV. Carapace indorsal margin slightly arched, greatest height around middle butslightly toward posterior end (Fig. 9B, D). Greatest height equaling

57% of total length of carapace. Carapace with anterior and posteriormargins broadly rounded, anterior margin narrower than posteriorone. Ventral margin covered by sparsely setae and slightly con-cave around mid-lenght. Right valve in antero and postero-ventralmargins with small tubercles (Figs. 10 and 11). Left valve
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F valvee



ig. 12. Manuelcypris tabascena n. sp. Female: (A) Right valve external view; (B) Leftndite of maxilla. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.

nteriorly with very small wart-like structures (Fig. 9C). Calci-ed inner lamella narrow, anteriorly equaling 9% and anteriorly.6% of total length of carapace. Marginal pore canals straight andenser anteriorly than posteriorly. Selvage peripheral. Muscle scarsonsisting on four compact scars and two elongated scars morentero-ventrally (Fig. 9F). Surface of carapace smooth, to finely pit-ed (Figs. 9E, 11 and 12A, B). Surface sensilla exiting from rimedores (Fig. 9E). Length of LV = 971 �m, length of RV = 942 �m.

A1 (Fig. 13A) 7-segmented. First segment is carryingostero-distally two unequal serrulate setae, longer one iseaching the middle of the sixth segment while shorter one is justeaching the distal end of the fourth segment. Antero-mediallyn the same segment one serrulate and short seta is just reachinghe distal end of the segment. Wouter’s organ small, locatedroximally on the segment. Second segment, postero-mediallyith the Rome’s organ short. Antero-distally a serrulate seta is just

verpassing the distal end of following segment. Third segment isarrying two apical setae. The most anterior one is serrulate andeaching the distal end of fifth segment, while the most posterioreta is serrulate and short, not reaching the distal end of followingegment. Fourth segment posteriorly with one serrulate setahat exceeds the distal end of penultimate segment; anteriorlywo subequally long and hairy setae, 7.1 times longer than ter-

inal segment. Fifth segment with two postero-distal serrulateetae, both by far exceeding the distal end of terminal segment.ntero-distally with two hairy and equally long setae, 11.2 times

onger than terminal segment. Sixth segment hirsute distally and

external view; (C) mandible; (D) Mdp; (E) A2; (F) Mxp; (G) teeth bristle of the third

carrying five apical setae. Four of them hairy and subequally long,13.5 times longer than terminal segment. Shorter seta is serrulateand 1.2 times longer than terminal segment. Seventh segment(terminal segment) hirsute distally and bearing two long and hairysetae, 11.6 times longer than the segment; one short and serrulateseta, 3.8 times longer than terminal segment and the aesthetascya, which is about equally long than the terminal segment. Lengthratios of last five segments are as follows 2.4:1.1:0.9:1.

A2 (Fig. 12E). 5- segmented. Coxa is carrying twopostero-distally short and serrulate setae, longer one just reach-ing the middle of following segment while shorter one reachesone third of next segment. Basis with one long and serrulateseta reaching the middle of the penultimate segment. Exopod isreduced to a plate with three unequally long setae. Longer oneserrulate and exceeding the distal end of the following segment.Medial seta is smooth and reaching one third of the following seg-ment. Most posterior seta is very small. First endopodal segmenthirsute with aesthetasc Y, 1.3 times longer than terminal segment.Postero-distally on this same segment a slender and serrulate setais just exceeding the distal end of the following segment. Fivenatatory setae are located antero-distally on this segment, four ofthem are slightly setulae and equally long, overpassing the tips ofthe terminal claws. Shorter seta is serrulate and just exceeding the

middle of the penultimate segment. Second endopodal segmenthirsute with all t-setae present. Seta t1 just reaching the proximalend of the terminal segment, while all other t-setae exceeding thedistal end of terminal segment. Antero-medially on this segment
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7; (D)



Fig. 13. Manuelcypris tabascena n. sp. Female: (A) A1; (B) L5; (C) L

wo smooth setae are overpassing the distal end of terminal seg-ent. Setae z1 and z2 are slender and subequally long, exceeding

he tips of terminal claws. Seta z3 short, 3.3 times the length oferminal segment. Claws G1 and G3 subequally long, five times theength of terminal segment. Claw G2, slightly smaller than adjacentlaws, 4.2 times the length of terminal segment. Third endopodalegment (terminal segment) with GM claw long and distallyerrulate, four times the length of terminal segment. Gm clawhort, two times as long as terminal segment. Two accompanyingetae are present as well on this segment, longer one smooth whilehorter one serrulate. Aesthetasc ya, slender and slightly smallerhan terminal segment.

Md (Fig. 12C). Palp 4-segmented (Fig. 12D). First segment ven-rally with four setae. The most proximal one is long and serrulate.etae S1and S2 pappose and subequally long, overpassing theistal end of terminal segment. �-seta slender and short, justxceeding the distal end of the following segment. Second seg-ent dorso-distally with three unequal serrulate setae. Longer ones

xceeding the distal end of terminal segment while shorter oneot reaches the distal end of following segment. Ventro-distally ofhis same segment with four pappose and equally long setae, fiveimes the length of terminal segment. �-seta small and pappose,ust exceeding the middle of following segment. Third segment

irsute with a row of setae medially. This segment is carryingorso-distally four unequal setae, the most external one serrulate,hile the other three smooth. Antero-apically on this segment with

our dissimilarly long setae, all of them pappose and by far exceed-ng the distal end of terminal segment. �-seta is strongly pappose

L6; (E)UR and genital field; (F)UR attachment. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.

and elongated, by far overpassing the distal end of last segment.Fourth segment (terminal segment) hirsute, with 1.2 times longerthan wide. This segment is carrying distally six setae, all of themserrulate but unequally long. Longer seta with 2.6 times the lengthof the segment.

Mxl. Palp 2-segmented (Fig. 12F). First segment hirsute and dis-tally with four long serrulate setae and three pappose setae. Secondsegment hirsute with three claw-like setae subequally long, 1.2times longer than terminal segment and other three smooth andslender setae. Third endite of maxilla with two large bristles api-cally strongly serrated (Fig. 12G).

L5 (Fig. 13B). Protopodite apically with twelve unequally longserrulate or plumose setae. Setae b- and d- hairy and long.Endopodite with three apical setae unequally long and pappose.Exopodite consisting of a plate and six pappose rays.

L6 (Fig. 13D). 5-segmented. Basal segment bare. First endopo-dal segments hirsute with e-seta serrulate and long, exceeding thedistal end of the following segment. Second endopodal segmentwith f-seta serrulate and just reaching the distal end of follow-ing segment. Third endopodal segment apically with g-seta shortand serrulate and one additional seta smaller and serrulate. Termi-nal segment carrying a strong claw (h2 seta), distally curved andserrated. Setae h1 and h2 slender and serrulate.

L7 (Fig. 13C). Basal segment with d1, d2 and dp setae long andserrulate. Second segment with e-seta serrulate and long, overpass-ing the half length of following segment. Third segment with f-setaserrulate and short, just reaching the distal end of the segment.

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Fig. 14. Eucypris cisternina Furtos, 1936. Female: Right valve external view.

erminal segment with h1-seta small and hook-like, h2-setalaw-like and distally serrulated, h3-seta long and serrulate.

UR and genital process (Fig. 13E). Ramus slender and hairy alongosterior margin. Terminal claws slightly curved and distally ser-ulated. Anterior claw equaling one half of the length of ramus.nterior seta serrulate and not reaching the half length of anteriorlaw. Posterior claw slightly serrulate and reaching two fifths ofhe length of the ramus. Posterior seta serrulate and exceeding thealf length of posterior claw. Length ratios between ramus, ante-ior and posterior claws equaling 2.6: 1.2: 1. UR attachment distallyifurcated (Fig. 13F). Genital process rounded.

.1.3.6. Remarks. Manuelcypris tabascena, possess marginal tuber-les along the RV and because of this, it is more similar to M.ntillensis and M. punctata than to the other two species. However,nlike, M. antillensis, this new species has neither of the “a” setaen the L5 what places it closer to M. punctata and M. chetumalensis.anuelcypris tabascena also has only five swimming setae on the2 and, unlike M. punctata does not have prominent pits on theurface. Additional difference from M. antillensis is a much longerosterior seta on the UR.

.1.4. Manuelcypris cisternina (Furtos, 1936) comb. nov(Figs. 14, 15, 16, 17)

.1.4.1. Synonymy. Eucypris cisternina n. sp. - Furtos (1936), p. 107,igs. 124 -127.

.1.4.2. Material examined. Holotype, adult female, SM - 67971.hampotón, Campeche, Yucatán península, México, 19◦21′N, -0◦43′W.

.1.4.3. Diagnosis. Relatively small organisms, less than 1 mm inength. Carapace elongated with dorsal margin slightly arched.reatest height located in the middle. Surface of carapace smooth.entral margin straight but little convex at mouth region. Swim-ing setae of A2 slightly overpassing the tip of claws. L5 with small

nd bare a-setae, serrulate b-seta and pappose d-seta. L6 with basalegment bare and e-seta relatively short, not reaching the distal endf following segment. UR straight with anterior claw not reachinghe middle of ramus.

.1.4.4. Redescription of female. Carapace in lateral view elongatedFigs. 14 and 15A, B). LV slightly larger than RV. Carapace in dorsal

argin slightly arched, greatest high located around middle andqualing 50% of total length of the carapace. Anterior and posteriorargins broadly rounded and covered by sparsely setae. Poste-

ior margin slightly narrower than anterior one. Ventral marginlmost straight, except in the mouth region where it is slightly

iger 266 (2017) 196–215 209

convex (Fig. 14). Calcified inner lamella is equaling 6.3% anteri-orly and 3.2% posteriorly of the total length of carapace. Marginalpore canals straight and denser anteriorly than posteriorly. Musclescars imprints consisting of four small and compact scars mediallyand two slightly elongated scars located more antero-ventrally. Nomarginal tubercles present. Surface of carapace smooth. Length ofLV = 650 �m. Length of RV = 620 �m.

A1 (Fig. 16A). 7-segmented. First segment antero-mediallywith one bare seta just exceeding the distal end of the segment.Postero-distally with two setae that differ in length and appearance.Longer one is serrulate and almost reaching the end of penulti-mate segment; shorter seta is smooth and reaches the middle offourth segment. Second segment with an antero-apical bare setathat not exceeds the middle of following segment. Rome’s organnot observed. Third segment antero-distally with one seta thatreaches the middle of sixth segment. Postero-apically on this samesegment one slender seta not reaches the end of the following seg-ment. Fourth segment with two long bear setae antero-distally.Postero-distally, two apical bare setae are unequally long. Longerone is almost reaching distal end of penultimate segment whileshorter one is just exceeding the end of the following segment.Fifth segment carries anterior-distally two long bare setae andpostero-distally two unequal setae, the last by far exceeding thedistal end of last segment. Sixth segment is bearing two unequallylong and bare setae postero-distally and two long setae medially.Terminal segment with two long and one relatively short setae;the last is at least three times longer than terminal segment. Aes-thetasc ya missing. Length ratios of last five segments are as follows:2.1:1.5:1.2:1:1.

A2 (Fig. 15E) 5-segmented. Coxa with two subequally longsmooth setae; shorter one exceeding the distal end of the segment,while longer one is reaching the middle of following segment. Basisis carrying one long serrulate seta postero-distally, that exceedsthe distal end of third segment. Exopod is consisting of a platewith three unequal setae. Longer seta is serrulate and reachingthree fourths of following segment, middle seta is small, reachingone seventh of following segment and most anterior seta is verysmall. First endopodal segment with aesthetasc Y, elongated andequaling 1.4 times the length of terminal segment; Postero-distallyon the same segment there is one long serrulate seta, which notreaches the distal end of the following segment. Swimming setaeare unequally long, five of them are smooth and extended slightlybeyond tip of terminal claws, while the most anterior setae isshort and it just exceeds the middle of following segment. Sec-ond endopodal segment with t-setae (t1-t4 setae) smooth andunequally long, but all of them exceeding the middle of terminalsegment. Antero-medially on the same segment two unequally longsmooth setae. Postero-distally a small serrulate setae is present, notreaching the distal end of terminal segment. Setae z2 and z3 areslender and almost equally long, with 2.4 times longer than ter-minal segment. Seta z1 is slender with more than five times thelength of terminal segment. Claws G1 and G3 subequally long, fivetimes the length of terminal segment. G2 claw is reduced, being 2.6times as long as the terminal segment. Third endopodal segment(terminal segment) short, with the GM claw slightly smaller thanG1 and G3 claws. Gm claw is seta-like, with 2.1 times longer thanterminal segment. All terminal claws strongly serrulated distally.Two additional small and smooth setae are present on the terminalsegment, both are equally1.2 times the length of terminal segment.

Md. (Fig. 16B). Palp 4-segmented (Fig. 16C). First segment ven-trally with S1 and S2 setae pappose and extended to almost the

end of terminal segment. �-seta was not observed. Dorsally on thissame segment the respiratory plate is carrying four plumose setae.Second segment dorsally with three unequally long setae; longerones smooth and almost reaching the distal end of last segment.Ventrally on this same segment, four slender and pappose setae
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F Left va




ig. 15. Eucypris cisternina Furtos, 1936. Female: (A) Right valve internal view; (B)

re equally long, exceeding the distal end of terminal segment.-seta is thick at the base and pappose. Third segment is carry-

ng dorso-distally four bare setae, all of them are exceeding theistal end of terminal segment. Ventro-distally two unequal setaere present; longer one is serrulate and it is by far exceeding theistal end of terminal segment; shorter seta is smooth and do noteach the middle of terminal segment. �-seta, swollen and stronglyappose, it just exceed the distal end of terminal segment. Fourthegment (terminal segment) is carrying four elongated claw-likeetae and two short and thin setae. Terminal segment is 1.3 timesonger than wide.

Mxl. Respiratory plate (Fig. 15C) is carrying eleven short andapposse setae proximally, followed by eight long and papposeetae. Two additionally short and serrulate setae are present dis-ally.

L5 (Fig. 17C) Palp with three unequally long setae, all of them dis-ally slightly serrulate. Exopod consist in a plate with five rays, all ofhem smooth. Protopod with two short and smooth a-setae, a serru-ate b-seta and a pappose d-seta. Protopod apically with fourtheenlmost equally long pappose or serrulate setae.

lve internal view; (C) respiratory plate; (D) UR; (E) A2. Scale bars = 0.05 mm.

L6 (Fig. 17A) 5-segmented. Basal segment bare. First endopo-dal segment slightly hirsute, with e-seta serrulate and short, notreaching the distal end of following segment. Second endopodalsegment with f-seta serrulate and just exceeding the distal endof penultimate segment. Third endopodal segment slightly hirsuteand with g-seta serrulate and exceeding the distal end of terminalsegment. A very small seta is located adjacent to g-seta. Termi-nal segment small and carrying a slender h1-seta, which is slightlyserrulate and two times longer than terminal segment; h3-seta ser-rulate, 1.6 times as long as terminal segment and a strong claw(h2 seta) distally strongly serrulate, 5.7 times longer than terminalsegment.

L7 (Fig. 17B) 4-segmented, Basal segment carrying the d1, d2and dp setae. All of them serrulate. Second segment with e-setaserrulate and exceeding the middle of following segment. Seta f-

is serrulate and just reaching the distal end of the segment thatcarries it. Seta g- missing. Penultimate and terminal segment notclearly divided. Terminal segment oblong with h1-seta short andhook-like; h2-seta claw-like and slightly curved distally; h3-setalong, more than 2.5 times longer than h2-seta.
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. Fem





Fig. 16. Manuelcypris cisternina (Furtos, 1936) comb. nov

UR (Fig. 15D) Ramus slender and carrying anteriorly a clawhat almost reaches the middle of the ramus. Anterior seta slen-er and not reaching the middle of anterior claw. Posterior clawlightly exceeding one third of the length of the ramus. Posterioreta exceeding the middle of the length of posterior claw. Termi-al claws slightly curved and fairly serrulate distally. Length ratiosetween ramus, anterior and posterior claws equaling 4.1:1.2:1.

.1.4.5. Remarks. Manuelcypris cisternina seems to be most closelyelated to M. antillensis. They both have relatively elongated cara-ace in comparison to the other three species, both have “a” setaen the L5 and also carry a peculiar, additional seta on the L5. Theostero-dorsal margin in M. antillensis is a bit more angular than

n M. cisternina, and the RV carries marginal tubercles, which arebsent in M. cisternina. Additionally, M. antillensis has a shorterosterior seta on the UR.

.2. Key to species of the genus Manuelcypris

. Setae “a” and “a‘” present on L5 . . . 2– Setae “a” and “a‘” absent on L5 . . . 3

ale: (A) A1; (B) Mandible; (C) Mdp. Scale bars = 0.05 mm.

2. Posterior seta on UR not reaching 1/3 of the L of the poste-rior claw, marginal tubercles present on the RV . . . M. antillensis(Broodbakker, 1982) comb. nov.– Posterior seta on the UR reaching 1/2 of the L of the poste-

rior claw, marginal tubercles absent on the RV . . . M. cisternina(Furtos, 1936) comb. nov.

3. Marginal tubercles present along the RV . . . 4– Marginal tubercles absent along the RV . . . M. chetumalensis n.

sp.4. Surface covered with prominent pits . . . M. punctata (Keyser,

1975)– Surface almost smooth . . . M. tabascena n. sp.

3.3. Molecular analysis

The total length of the 18S rDNA alignment was 1660, whilethat of 28S rDNA was 1561 base pairs long. Table 1 summarizesthe results of the analysis on both alignments. Based on Akaikeinformation criterion (Hurvich and Tsai, 1989) evolutionary bestfit model for the 18S rDNA alignment was TIM2 + I + G (transition

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Fig. 17. Manuelcypris cisternina (Furtos, 1936) comb. nov. Female: (A) L6; (B) L7; (C) L5, arrow is showing additional seta on endopodite. Scale bars = 0.05 mm.

Table 1Summary of the molecular analyses results.

marker L of constant parsimony parsimonyative

no of most L of tree consistency retention


alignment characters informative uninform

18S rDNA 1660 1418 140 102

28S rDNA 1561 1220 240 101

odel) and for 28S rDNA it was GTR + I + G (Rodríguez et al., 1990).he trees obtained from both ML and MP methods (Figs. 18 and 19)n both alignments were rooted with three sequences belongingo Cyclocypridinae: Cypria exsculpta, Physocypria nipponica, and P.f. biwaensis. The first two were downloaded from the GenBankhile the last was obtained in this study (Supplementary Table S4

n the online version at DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2016.09.003). Only theL analysis of both genes has a high bootstrap support (100) for the

ngroup taxa. On all obtained trees the support for the new genus,

anuelcypris, is very high (99 or 100), while the support for it and

ts closely related genera (Heterocypris, Cyprinotus, and Eucypris)anged from 96/97 (of the 18S rDNA) and 72 and only 29 for the8S rDNA. The lowest support for this group was obtained by the

parsimonious trees index index

1 392 0.769 0.7691 722 0.632 0.682

ML analysis (Fig. 19B). In order to check if the GenBank sequenceof Dolerocypris ikeyai caused such a low support for the group, thissequence was removed and the new alignment was analyzed again,but the obtained trees did not change the topology or the supportsignificantly. We have also tried to see if the removal of the GenBanksequences belonging to Heterocypris vandouwei would change thetopology of the genus Heterocypris on the 18S rDNA tree (Fig. 18A,B) or the support for it, but this also did alter neither topology norsupport. Heterocypris, in fact appears polyphyletic on all obtained

trees. Other groups that received a high bootstrap support wereBradlecypris/Tanicypris and Chrissia/Stenocypris. The group contain-ing Eucypris/Cyprinotus was strongly (100/99) supported only onthe 28S rDNA trees.
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F e 18St




ig. 18. Molecular analysis of taxonomic position of Manuelcypris n. gen. using thopology. Numbers above branches represent bootstrap values.

. Discussion

Manuelcypris has an isolated position within Cyprinotinae, andt shares several characters with Eucypridinae. For example, thearapace shape is more Eucypridinae than Cyprinotinae like, whatrobably prompted Furtos (1936) to place M. cisternina into theenus Eucypris. However, even though the frontal parts of thealves, at least in the type species (M. chetumalensis), carries promi-ent pores, those are not the same as the pores usually found inucypridinae (“porenwarzen”). Also, the other two Manuelcyprispecies do not have any peculiar frontal pores. It has to be pointedut that even within Eucypridinae the “porenwartzen” are notlways present (such as, for example, in Eucypris pigra). Anothereason why Manuelcypris was not include in Eucypridinae is thebsence of “c” seta on the L5 in all three species and a longer pos-erior seta on the UR in comparison to most of the Eucypridinaepecies described so far.

Cyprinotinae at the moment, beside the new genus, includes five

dditional Recent genera: Cyprinotus, Hemicypris Sars, 1903, Hetero-ypris, Homocypris Sars, 1924; and Riocypris Klie, 1935. Manuelcyprisiffers from all of them by the absence of any seta on the walking

eg, and three out of five species also do not possess “a” setae on the

rDNA gen (A) Maximum Parsimony tree topology; (B) Maximum Likelihood tree

L5. While representatives of Homocypris and Riocypris do not haveany tubercles along the valve margins, tubercles are present alongthe LV margin in Hemicypris and right valve margin in Cyprinotusand Heterocypris. Taxonomic importance of the marginal tuber-cles on the valves has to be taken with caution when Cyprinotinaeis in question because in Manuelcypris three species have them,while in the other two are absent. In addition, variability in themarginal tubercles has also been reported for Heterocypris incon-gruens (see Meisch, 2000). On the other hand, the chaetotaxy of thewalking leg seems to be taxonomically very important in variousCypridoidea ostracod groups (see genera diagnoses in Karanovic,2012). In Eucypridinae even the length ratio between two setae(d1 and d2) is important on the genus level (see Martens, 1989;Martens et al., 1992), while, only Candelocypris Baltanás, 2001from Eucypridinae lacks any seta on the basal segments of L6 (seeBaltanás, 2001).

All our phylogenetic analysis and both genetic markers stronglysupport an isolated position of Manuelcypris within Cyprinotinae

(see Figs. 18 and 19). This is in congruence with the results ofKong et al. (2014) who only had the 18S rDNA sequences of M.chetumalensis (“New Genus Mexico” on their phylogenetic tree). Ithas to be pointed out that this latter analysis, same as the present
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ig. 19. Molecular analysis of taxonomic position of Manuelcypris n. gen.using the 2umbers above branches represent bootstrap values.

nes, includes only two representatives of Eucypridinae: Eucyprisigra and Eucypris sp. which always cluster with Cyprinotus sp.equence. Such topology may question the validity of Eucypridinae,ut since E. pigra is indeed a morphologically unusual representa-ive of Eucypridinae such results only point out the importance ofurther studies. Another important result of our phylogenetic anal-sis is also the fact that Heterocypris does not appear monophyletic.ith the exception of H. vandouwei, the sequence of which was

ownloaded from the GenBank, other Heterocypris sequences haveeen obtained for the purpose of this study and the study of Kongt al. (2014) and the animals were morphologically identified byne of us (I.K). Our initial identification was H. incongruens so theesults of our analysis comes as a surprise, since we use very con-ervative, slowly evolving genes and still Heterocypris appears as aolyphyletic taxon (i.e. H. sp. 3 18S sequence clusters with H. van-ouwei, see Fig. 18). Although the bootstrap support for this group isow, it clearly indicates that Heterocypris incongruens may represent

species complex which needs further study.While Homocypris comprises only one species, restricted to

outh Africa (Sars, 1924), and the new genus is at the momentestricted to the northern Neotropics, other genera have a widereographic distribution. Cyprinotus has been recorded from Northnd Central America, Middle East, East Asia and Indo Pacific Region,ut most of the species reported from the Americas have a doubt-

ul position in the genus (see Karanovic, 2012). Hemicypris haseen recorded mostly from the Southern Hemisphere, but, like

n Cyprinotus, many species will undergo systematic changes inhe future. Heterocypris has a global distribution and Riocypris has

A, (A) Maximum Parsimony tree topology; (B) Maximum Likelihood tree topology.

been recorded so far from Australia and South America (Díaz andMartens, 2014; Karanovic, 2008).

The results of our study clearly indicate that the use of slowlyevolving genetic markers can be very helpful in establishing newgenera, even with limited number of taxa. It also shows that theCyprididae is in need of a revision which should to include extensiveuse of various genetic markers, because the level of morphologicaltaxonomy, although much higher than a couple of decades ago,still leaves the position of different taxa unresolved. Finally, ourstudy also points out that Heterocypris incongruens may representa complex of species, which has already been postulated by Rossiand Menozzi (1990); Rossi et al. (2007).


We would like to thank Mr T. Chad Walter (Smithsonian NationalMusuem of Natural History) for sending us Eucypris cisternina typematerial on loan. Financial support was provided by the NationalInstitute of Biological Resources (NIBR) of Ministry of Environ-ment, Korea (1834-302). CONACYT (Mexico) provided fellowship(218604, 218639) to the second and third authors. ComisiónNacional de áreas protegidas (CONAP) provided the collect per-mits. Special thanks to Manuel Elías Gutierrez, Giezi Yam and AlmaGarcía for their support during the field work.


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