ÔÕÔÕ ŸŸƒüƒüóóƒƒ ¤¤°° ˙˙ 826 —˝—˝- ößß ŸŸƒüƒüó󃃀¦ · for...

For updates visit www.emuslim.com or www.understandquran.com - b bƒü ƒü ƒ ƒ¤ ¤ ˙ ˙ 826 —˝ —˝ - b bƒü ƒü ƒ ƒ¤ ¤ ˙ ˙ Surah An-Naba In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. About what are they asking one another? 1 About the News the Great, 2 (About) which they (are) concerning it (in) disagreement. 3 Nay! Soon they will know. 4 Then Nay! soon they will know. 5 Have not We made the earth a resting place? 6 And the mountains (as) pegs, 7 And We created you (in) pairs, 8 And We made your sleep (for) rest, 9 And We made the night (as) covering, 10 And We made the day (for) livelihood, 11 And We constructed over you seven strong, 12 And We placed a lamp burning, 13 And We sent down from the rain clouds water pouring abundantly, 14 That We may bring forth thereby grain and vegetation, 15 And gardens (of) thick foliage. 16 Indeed, (the) Day (of) the Judgment is an appointed time, 17 (The) Day is blown in the trumpet and you will come forth (in) crowds, 18 And is opened the heaven and becomes gateways, 19 And are moved the mountains and become a mirage. 20 Surah 78: The news (v. 1-20) Part - 30 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 1. About what are they asking one another? 2. About the Great News, 3. About which they are in disagreement. 4. Nay! Soon they will come to know. 5. Then, nay! Soon they will come to know. 6. Have We not made the earth a resting place? 7. And the mountains as pegs, 8. And We created you in pairs, 9. And We made your sleep for rest, 10. And We made the night as covering, 11. And We made the day for livelihood, 12. And We constructed over you seven strong (heavens), 13. And We placed (therein) a burning lamp, 14. And We sent down, from the rain clouds, water pouring abundantly, 15. That We may bring forth thereby grain and vegetation, 16. And gardens of thick foliage. 17. Indeed, the Day of Judgment is an appointed time, 18. The Day the trumpet is blown and you will come forth in crowds, 19. And the heaven is opened and becomes gateways, 20. And the mountains are moved and become a mirage.

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ÔÕÔÕ��- ��¦ü¦üóó¦�¦�¨̈°°��ÇÇ 826 ÐÍÐÍ -����öößß�� ��¦ü¦üóó¦�¦�¨̈°°��ÇÇ

Surah An-Naba

�� �In the nameof Allah,the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful.

����� About whatare they asking one another?1Aboutthe Newsthe Great,

�������2(About) whichthey(are) concerning it(in) disagreement.3Nay!

������Soon they will know.4ThenNay!soon they will know.5Have not

�������We madethe eartha resting place?6And the mountains(as) pegs,7

������And We created you(in) pairs,8And We madeyour sleep(for) rest,9

�������And We madethe night(as) covering,10And We madethe day(for) livelihood,

�������11And We constructedover yousevenstrong,12And We placed

�������a lampburning,13And We sent downfromthe rain cloudswater

������pouring abundantly,14That We may bring forththerebygrainand vegetation,

�������15And gardens(of) thick foliage.16Indeed,(the) Day(of) the Judgment

�������isan appointed time,17(The) Dayis blowninthe trumpet

������and you will come forth(in) crowds,18And is openedthe heavenand becomes

�������gateways,19And are movedthe mountainsand becomea mirage.20

Surah 78: The news (v. 1-20) Part - 30

In the name of Allah,the Most Gracious, theMost Merciful.

1. About what are theyasking one another?

2. About the Great News,

3. About which they arein disagreement.

4. Nay! Soon they willcome to know.

5. Then, nay! Soon theywill come to know.

6. Have We not made theearth a resting place?

7. And the mountains aspegs,

8. And We created you inpairs,

9. And We made yoursleep for rest,

10. And We made thenight as covering,

11. And We made theday for livelihood,

12. And We constructedover you seven strong(heavens),

13. And We placed(therein) a burninglamp,

14. And We sent down,from the rain clouds,water pouringabundantly,

15. That We may bringforth thereby grain andvegetation,

16. And gardens of thickfoliage.

17. Indeed, the Day ofJudgment is anappointed time,

18. The Day the trumpetis blown and you willcome forth in crowds,

19. And the heaven isopened and becomesgateways,

20. And the mountainsare moved and becomea mirage.

Page 2: ÔÕÔÕ ŸŸƒüƒüóóƒƒ ¤¤°° ˙˙ 826 —˝—˝- ößß ŸŸƒüƒüó󃃀¦ · For updates visit or ÔÕÔÕ - ŸŸƒüƒüóóƒƒ ¤¤°° ˙˙ 827 —˝—˝-ößß

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ÔÕÔÕ��- ��¦ü¦üóó¦�¦�¨̈°°��ÇÇ 827 ÐÍÐÍ -����öößß������

Indeed,Hellislying in wait,21For the transgressors

�������a place of return,22(They will) be remainingtherein(for) ages.23Not

��������they will tastethereincoolnessand notany drink,24Exceptscalding water

�������and purulence,25A recompenseappropriate.26Indeed, theywere

��������notexpectingan account,27And deniedOur Signs(with) denial.28

������And everythingWe have enumerated it(in) a Book.29So taste,

������and neverWe will increase youexcept(in) punishment.30Indeed,

������for the righteous(is) success,31Gardensand grapevines,32

�������And splendid companionswell-matched,33And a cupfull.34Not

�������they will hearthereinany vain talkand notany falsehood,35(As) a reward

�������fromyour Lord,a gift(according to) account,36Lord(of) the heavens

�����and the earthand whatever(is) between both of themthe Most Gracious,not

�������they have powerfrom Him(to) address.37(The) Daywill standthe Spirit

��������and the Angels(in) rows,notthey will speakexcept(one) who -permits[for] him

������the Most Gracious,and he (will) say(what is) correct.38That(is) the Day

Surah 78: The news (v. 21-39) Part - 30

21. Indeed, Hell is lying inwait,

22. For the transgressors, aplace of return,

23. They will remain thereinfor ages.

24. They will not tastetherein any coolness ordrink

25. Except scalding waterand purulence,

26. An appropriaterecompense.

27. Indeed, they were notexpecting an account,

28. And denied Our Signswith (an emphatic) denial.

29. And everything Wehave enumerated in aBook.

30. So taste (what you haveearned), We will notincrease you except inpunishment.

31. Indeed, for the righteousis success,

32. Gardens and grapevines,

33. And well-matched,splendid companions,

34. And a full cup.

35. They will not heartherein any vain talk orany falsehood,

36. As a reward from yourLord, a gift (according to)account,

37. (From) the Lord of theheavens and the earth andwhatever is betweenthem, the Most Gracious;they do not have powerfrom Him to address(Him).

38. The Day the Spirit andthe Angels will stand inrows, they will not speakexcept he to whom theMost Gracious givespermission, and he willsay what is correct.

39. That is the True Day.

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ÔÖÔÖ��- ©©¢¢ßß±±¢¢üüóó¦�¦�¨̈°°��ÇÇ 828 ÐÍÐÍ -����öößß��������

the True.So whoeverwillslet him taketowardshis Lorda return.39

���� Indeed We[We] have warned you(of) a punishmentnear(the) Day

�����will seethe manwhathave sent forthhis handsand will say


the disbeliever,`O, I wishI weredust!`40

©©¢¢ßß±±¢¢üüóó¦�¦�¨̈°°��ÇÇSurah An-Naziat

�� �In the nameof Allah,the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful.

������By those who extractviolently,1And those who draw outgently,2

�����And those who glideswimming,3And those who race each other(in) a race,

������4And those who arrange(the) matter.5(The) Daywill quake

�������the quaking one,6Follows itthe subsequent,7Hearts,that Day,

�������will palpitate,8Their eyeshumbled.9They say,`Will we

�������indeed be returnedtothe former state?10What! Whenwe arebones

��������decayed?`11They say,`Thisthen(would be) a returnlosing.`12

�������Then onlyit(will be) a shoutsingle,13And behold!They

������(will be) awakened.14Has(there) come to you(the) story(of) Musa?

Surah 79: Those who extract (v. 1-15) Part - 30

In the name of Allah, theMost Gracious, the MostMerciful.

1. By those who extract(the souls of the wicked)violently,

2. And those who draw out(the souls of the blessed)gently,

3. And those who glide (asif) swimming,

4. And those who race eachother in a race,

5. And those who arrangethe�matter.

6. On the Day will quake(the earth) with a(terrible) quake,

7. And the subsequent(one) follows it,

8. Hearts, that Day, willpalpitate,

9. Their eyes humbled.10. They say, `Will we

indeed be returned to theformer state (of life)?

11. What! When we aredecayed bones?`

12. They say, `Then thatwould be a losingreturn.`

13. Then it will only be asingle shout,

14. And behold! They willbe awakened.

15. Has there come to youthe story of Musa?

So whoever wills lethim take a return to hisLord.

40. Indeed, We havewarned you of apunishment (that is)near, the Day whenman will see what hishands have sent forthand the disbeliever willsay, `O, I wish that Iwere dust.`

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ÔÖÔÖ��- ©©¢¢ßß±±¢¢üüóó¦�¦�¨̈°°��ÇÇ 829 ÐÍÐÍ -����öößß��������

15Whencalled himhis Lordin the valleythe sacred(of) Tuwa,16

��������`GotoFiraun.Indeed, he(has) transgressed.17And say,'Would

��������[for] you[until][that]purify yourself?18And I will guide youtoyour Lord

������so you would fear.'`19Then he showed himthe signthe great.20

�������But he deniedand disobeyed.21Thenhe turned his back,striving,22

� ����And he gatheredand called out,23Then he said,`I amyour Lord,

�� � the Most High.`24So Allah seized him(with) an exemplary punishment

������(for) the lastand the first.25Indeed,inthatsurely (is) a lesson

��������for whoeverfears.26Are youa more difficultcreationorthe heaven.

������He constructed it?27He raisedits ceilingand proportioned it.28

������And He darkenedits nightand brought outits brightness.29And the earth

�������afterthatHe spread it.30He brought forthfrom it,its water

�����and its pasture,31And the mountains,He made them firm,32

�����(As) a provisionfor youand for your cattle.33But whencomes

������the Overwhelming Calamitythe great,34(The) Daywill rememberman

Surah 79: Those who extract (v. 16-35) Part - 30

16. When his Lord calledhim in the sacred valleyof Tuwa,

17. `Go to Firaun. Indeed,he has transgressed.

18. And say, 'Would youpurify yourself (fromsin)?

19. And I will guide you toyour Lord so that youwould fear (Him).'̀

20. Then he showed himthe great sign.

21. But he denied anddisobeyed.

22. Then he turned hisback, striving,

23. And he gathered (hispeople) and called out,

24. Then he said, `I amyour Lord, Most High.`

25. So Allah seized himwith an exemplarypunishment for the lastand the first.

26. Indeed, in that is alesson for whoever fears(Allah).

27. Are you a moredifficult creation or is theheaven? He constructedit.

28. He raised its ceilingand proportioned it.

29. And He darkened itsnight and brought out itsbrightness.

30. And after that Hespread the earth.

31. He brought forth fromit, its water and itspasture,

32. And the mountains, Hemade them firm,

33. As a provision for youand for your cattle.

34. But when the greatOverwhelming Calamitycomes,

35. The Day when manwill remember

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ÕÍÕÍ��- ÆƦ¦ßß��¨̈°°��ÇÇ 830 ÐÍÐÍ -����öößß������

whathe strove (for),35And will be made manifestthe Hell-Fireto (him) who

�������sees,36Then as for(him) whotransgressed,37And preferred

�������the life(of) the world,38Then indeed,the Hell-Fire,it(is) the refuge.

�������39But as for(him) whofearedstanding(before) his Lord,and restrained

��������his soulfromthe vain desires,40Then indeed,Paradise -it (is)the refuge.

��������41They ask youaboutthe Hour,when(is) its arrival?42In what

�������� (are) you[of](to) mention it?43Toyour Lord(is) its finality.44

��������Onlyyou(are) a warner(for him) whofears it.45As though they,(the) Day

��������they see it,notthey had remainedexceptan eveningora morning thereof.46

�� ÆƦ¦ßß��¨̈°°��ÇÇSurah Abasa

�� �In the nameof Allah,the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful.

�������He frownedand turned away,1Becausecame to himthe blind man.2

������But whatwould make you knowthat he mightpurify himself,3Or

������be remindedso would benefit himthe reminder?4As for(him) who

������considers himself free from need,5So youto himgive attention.6

Surah 80: He frowned (v. 1-6) Part - 30

In the name of Allah, theMost Gracious, the MostMerciful.

1. He (i.e., the ProphetSAWS) frowned andturned away,

2. Because there came tohim the blind man(interrupting),

3. But what would makeyou know that he mightbe purified (of wrongbeliefs),

4. Or be reminded so thatthe reminder wouldbenefit him?

5. As for him who considershimself free from need,

6. To him you giveattention.

what he strove for,

36. And Hell-Fire will bemade manifest to himwho sees,

37. Then as for him whotransgressed,

38. And preferred the lifeof the world,

39. Then indeed, the Hell-Fire is (his) refuge.

40. But as for him whofeared standing beforehis Lord and restrainedhis soul from the vaindesires,

41. Then indeed, Paradiseis (his) refuge.

42. They ask you about theHour, when is its arrival?

43. In what (position) areyou to mention it?

44. To your Lord is itsfinality.

45. You are only a warnerfor him who fears it.

46. The Day they see it, itwill be as though theyhad not remained (in theworld) except an eveningor a morning thereof.

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ÕÍÕÍ��- ÆƦ¦ßß��¨̈°°��ÇÇ 831 ÐÍÐÍ -����öößß�������

And notupon youthat nothe purifies himself.7But as for(he) who

��������came to youstriving,8While hefears,9But youfrom him

�������(are) distracted.10Nay!Indeed, it(is) a reminder,11So whosoever

��������willsmay remember it.12Insheetshonored,13Exalted,

��������purified,14In (the) hands(of) scribes.15Noble,dutiful.16

�������Is destroyedthe man,howungrateful is he!17Fromwhat

������thingHe created him?18Froma sperm dropHe created him,

������then He proportioned him,19Thenthe way,He made easy for him,20

������ThenHe causes him to dieand provides a grave for him,21Thenwhen

�������He wills,He will resurrect him.22Nay!Nothe has accomplishedwhat

�������He commanded him.23Then let lookthe manathis food,24

�������We[We] poured downthe water(in) abundance,25ThenWe cleaved

�������the earthsplitting,26Then We caused to growthereingrain,27

������And grapesand green vegetables,28And oliveand date-palms,29

������And gardens(of) thick foliage,30And fruitsand grass,31

Surah 80: He frowned (v. 1-6) Part - 30

7. And no (blame) is uponyou if he does not purifyhimself.

8. But as for he who came toyou striving,

9. While he fears (Allah),10. From him you are

distracted.11. Nay! Indeed, it is a

reminder,12. So whosoever wills may

remember it.13. (It is recorded) in

honored sheets,14. Exalted, purified,15. In the hands of scribes

(i.e., Angels),16. Noble, dutiful.17. Destroyed is man, how

ungrateful is he!18. From what thing did He

create him?19. From a sperm drop He

created him, then Heproportioned him,

20. Then He made the wayeasy for him,

21. Then He causes him todie and provides a gravefor him,

22. Then when He wills, Hewill resurrect him.

23. Nay! He (man) has notaccomplished what Hecommanded him.

24. Then let man look at hisfood,

25. (How) We poured downwater in abundance,

26. Then We cleaved theearth, splitting (it withsprouts),

27. Then We caused thegrain to grow therein,

28. And grapes and greenvegetables,

29. And olive and date-palm,

30. And gardens of thickfoliage,

31. And fruits and grass,

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ÕÎÕÎ��- ÂÂ����ðð¬¬óó¦�¦�¨̈°°��ÇÇ 832 ÐÍÐÍ -����öößß������

(As) a provisionfor youand for your cattle.32But whencomes

�������the Deafening Blast,33(The) Daywill fleea manfromhis brother,34

������And his motherand his father,35And his wifeand his children,36

�������For everymanamong themthat Day(will be) a matteroccupying him.37

�������Faces,that Day(will be) bright,38Laughing,rejoicing at good news.39

�������And faces,that Day,upon them(will be) dust,40Will cover themdarkness.

����� 41Those[they](are) the disbelievers,the wicked ones.42

� ÂÂ����ðð¬¬óó¦�¦�¨̈°°��ÇÇSurah At-Takweer

�� �In the nameof Allah,the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful.

�������Whenthe sunis wrapped up,1And whenthe starsfall, losing their luster

������2And whenthe mountainsare moved away,3And when

���the full-term she-camels(are) left untended;4And whenthe wild beasts

�������are gathered,5And whenthe seasare made to overflow,6And when

�����the soulsare paired,7And whenthe female infant buried aliveis asked

�������8For whatsinshe was killed.9And whenthe pages

Surah 81: The wrapping (v. 1-10) Part - 30

In the name of Allah, theMost Gracious, the MostMerciful.

1. When the sun is wrappedup,

2. And when the stars fall,losing their luster

3. And when the mountainsare moved away,

4. And when the full-termshe-camels are leftuntended;

5. And when the wild beastsare gathered,

6. And when the seas aremade to overflow,

7. And when the souls arepaired (with theirrespective bodies)

8. And when the femaleinfant buried alive isasked

9. For what sin she waskilled.

10. And when the pages

32. (As) a provision for youand for your cattle.

33. But when the DeafeningBlast comes,

34. The Day a man will fleefrom his brother,

35. And his mother and hisfather,

36. And his wife and hischildren,

37. For each one of them,that Day, will be a matteroccupying him.

38. (Some) faces that Daywill be bright,

39. Laughing, rejoicing atgood news.

40. And (other) faces, thatDay, will have dust uponthem,

41. Darkness will coverthem.

42. Those are thedisbelievers, the wickedones.