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Reading Oceans Online Mobile Extensive Reading Program

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Reading OceansOnline Mobile Extensive Reading Program


다독이란 ··············································································2리딩오션스란 ······································································3리딩오션스 서비스 구성 ···················································4정확한 레벨 테스트 ···························································5레벨차트 ··············································································6 리딩오션스 콘텐츠 ·····························································7

파닉스 (Phonics) ···························································8 율동동요 (Nursery Rhyme) ····································· 10 단계별 리더스 (Leveled Readers) ·························· 11

다양한 독서 활동 ···························································· 12

1:1 관리 시스템 ······························································ 13동기부여 시스템 ······························································ 14스마트한 독서 환경 ························································ 15레벨별 도서 안내 ··························································· 17

Grade 1 (Level 1 ~ Level 6)···································· 18Grade 2 (Level 7 ~ Level 13) ································· 24Grade 3 (Level 14 ~ Level 19) ······························· 31Grade 4 (Level 20 ~ Level 26) ······························· 37Grade 5 (Level 27 ~ Level 32) ······························· 44Grade 6 (Level 33 ~ Level 38) ······························· 50

1 영어의 다독이란? 사전을 찾지 않아도 스토리 이해에 무리가 없을 만큼 쉽고, 재미있는 내용의 책들을 많이 읽고 글의 전체적인 의미

파악에 집중하는 읽기 활동입니다. 개별 어휘나 문장, 문법 등 언어 항목에 집중하는 정독과는 대조적인 개념입니다.

2 다독의 효과

3 효과적인 다독 방법 ◆ 학습자에게 적합한 수준의 도서를 제공해 주세요! “읽어도 무슨 말인지 이해가 안 갈 정도로 너무 어렵다거나 따분하다면 올바른 다독이 아닙니다. 자신의 능력보다

조금 더 쉬운 수준의 책을 읽어야 합니다.”

◆ 다양한 형태와 주제의 도서를 제공해 주세요! “학습자가 질리지 않고 읽기 활동을 계속할 수 있도록 각종 정보 습득의 즐거움을 맛볼 수 있도록 다양한 주제의

도서가 제공되어야 합니다.”

◆ 독후 활동 관리를 제공해 주세요! “다독 활동은 자기주도적 활동이므로 페이스를 잃거나 방향을 상실하지 않도록 자신의 독서 활동을 기록하고 간

단히 결과를 점검해 볼 수 있어야 합니다.”

4 해외 사례 해외에서는 어떻게 다독을 활용하고 있을까? 영어권에서는 영어 외에도 제2외국어까지 다독을 활용해서 적용하고 있을까? 많은 궁금증들을 국내 거주하고 있는 외국인들의 생생한 인터뷰 영상을 통해서

확인하실 수 있습니다.인터뷰 영상 바로 보기!인터뷰 영상 바로 보기!

Buy one, get three free!

수준에 맞는 도서 다양한



인지적 발달인지적 발달

1. Fluency (유창성)

2. Literacy (글을 읽고 쓰는 능력)

3. Receptivity (감수성)

4. Logical thinking (논리적 사고)

- Stephen Krashen (언어학 교수) -

“Extensive Reading is not the best way. It’s the ONLY way.”Wh 다독다독(Extensive Reading)인가?인가?



리딩오션스란?“영어책 읽기는 영어의 시작이며, 영어 실력의 완성입니다.”리딩오션스는 1,000여권의 레벨별 온라인 영어 동화책과 다쌤의 전문 독서 관리를 통해 자녀들에게 영어책 읽기의 즐거움을 제공해 자연스럽게 영어 실력 향상과 다양한 지식 습득을 가능하게 하는 온/오프 통합 다독(Extensive Reading) 프로그램입니다.

리딩오션스의 특징• 다독(Extensive Reading)을 위한 국내외 우수하고 풍부한 콘텐츠 조이 카울리의 선샤인 리더스와 세계 우화, 명작, 사회, 과학, 자연 등 1,000여개의 픽션/논픽션 콘텐츠로

진정한 다독(Extensive Reading)을 가능하게 합니다.

• 체계적인 독서 관리 시스템 매주 1:1로 독서 매니저(다쌤)이 유선 및 온라인을 통해 학부모와 학생의 독서 현황을 관리해주어

지속적인 독서가 가능하도록 합니다.

• 다중지능이론 기반의 영역별 활동 레벨별로 다중지능이론에 기반한 도서 구성과 Activity 제공을 통해 학부모와 자녀가 함께 다양한 영역별

활동이 가능하도록 합니다.

• 스마트 시대에 맞는 스마트한 독서 환경 제공 모든 콘텐츠를 PC 이외에 스마트폰, 태블릿 PC 등에서도 독서가 가능하여 언제(Anytime), 어디서나

(Anywhere) 간편하고 편리하게 영어책 읽기가 가능합니다.

• 다독(Extensive Reading)으로 대비하는 IBT 다양한 영역의 리딩 콘텐츠를 통한 배경지식 습득 및 IBT기반의 다양한 독후 활동을 통해 자연스럽게

IBT(Internet Based Test)에 대비할 수 있도록 합니다.


리딩오션스 서비스 구성

온/오프 통합다독 프로그램리딩오션스

디지털 영어 원서(1,000여권)

다쌤(다독 선생님)

권장 도서월 배송

• 독서전문가 과정을 수료한 전문 독서 매니저의 주 1회 유선 관리

• 각종 학습 현황 및 Report 제공

• 약 1,000여권의 온라인 Readers 탑재

• e-books, Animation 형태로 제공

• Phonics, Nursery rhymes 제공

• 독후 학습 활동 제공

• 리딩오션스 e-books 중 초등학생 필독서 제공 (월 2-4권)

• 워크시트 제공

리딩오션스 구성


Level Test

• 레벨 테스트를 통하여 정확한 레벨을 선정하여 독서 활동을 진행하며,

• CAT (Computer Adopted Test) 방식으로 응시자의 수준에 따라 단계별로 난이도가 높아집니다.

학습 이력 분석

• 아이의 지난 학습 이력을 체크하여 정교한 레벨 설정을 위한 상담을 진행합니다.

• 부모님이 원하는 육성 방법을 존중하여 독후 활동 지원이 가능하도록 상담 관리해드립니다.

학습 성향 분석 (Enneagram)

• 에니어그램은 9가지로 이뤄진 인간의 성격 유형과 그 유형들의 연관성을 표시한 도형입니다.

• 리딩오션스는 기질적인 분류 3가지 유형으로 나누어 학부모와 자녀의 기질을 분류합니다.

• 자신과 아이의 기질에 따라 서로 이해하고, 그에 따른 올바른 독서 습관 형성에 도움이 됩니다.

이해도 테스트어휘력 테스트

Word Picture Test Word Definition Test Reading Comprehension

정확한 독서 수준 측정 시스템다독의 레벨은 일반 학원 레벨과는 확연히 다릅니다. 단어 인지 정도만을 가지고 레벨을 책정하면 원서 독서는 쉽게 질리고 맙니다. 보다 정확한 레벨 설정 시스템을 리딩오션스에서 제공하여, 자녀의 즐거운 영어 독서 습관을 구축하도록 도와드립니다.

레벨 테스트


레벨 테스트를 통해 학습자들은 적절한 레벨에서 독서 활동을 시작합니다.

Reading Oceans Grade Level주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 1


3 books 24 books

BR 1.1

2 100 1.1

3 100-125 1.2

4 100-125 1.2

5 100-125 1..3

6 100-125 1.3

Grade 2

7 100-125 1.3

8 125-200 1.4

9 125-200 1.4

10 200-250 1.5

11 200-250 1.5

12 250-300 1.6

13 250-300 1.6

Grade 3


2 books 16 books

300-325 1.8

15 325-350 1.9

16 350-375 2

17 375-400 2.1

18 400-425 2.1

19 425-450 2.2

Grade 4

20 425-450 2.3

21 425-450 2.3

22 450-475 2.4

23 450-475 2.4

24 450-475 2.5

25 450-475 2.5

26 450-475 2.6

Grade 5

27 475-500 2.6

28 475-500 2.6

29 475-500 2.7

30 475-500 2.7

31 500-525 2.8

32 500-525 2.8

Grade 6

33 500-525 2.9

34 525-550 2.9

35 550-600 3

36 550-600 3.2

37 600-650 3.3

38 600-650 3.5

Challenge 700 + 4.1

세분화된 레벨로 수준에 맞는 책읽기 가능



즐거운 리더스 읽기를 통한 자연스러운 언어습득!!리더스는 리딩오션스의 가장 중요한 요소입니다. 아이들이 애니메이션을 통해서 스토리를 보고, 이북을 통해서 책을 읽고, 언어를 습득할 수 있는 다양한 활동을 합니다.스토리를 읽은 후 간단한 퀴즈를 통해서 이해도를 확인하며 이를통해 현재 읽고 있는 레벨이 적절한 수준인지 알 수 있습니다. 또한 다양한 독서활동은 아이들의 배경지식을 활용하여 어휘력를 확장시키고 유창성을 향상시키도록 이루어져 있습니다.전체 38레벨로 이루어져 있으며 추가로 세계 명작과 고전 읽기인 챌린지 과정을구성했습니다. 이렇게 많은 레벨을 구성한 이유는 아이들의 수준을 적절하게 맞추어 책을 읽는 동시에 빠른 레벨업을 통해 스스로 동기부여하는 효과가 크기때문입니다. 레벨이 끝날때 아이들은 Achievement Test를 보며 그 점수와 도서별 퀴즈 점수를 합산하여 기준 점수 이상이면 다음 레벨에서 독서할 수있습니다 .



1000여개의 재미있는 픽션과 논픽션 리더스

Pre, Level 1-38, ChallengeClassic TalesOriginal Fiction High-Interest Nonfi ction

리딩오션스 콘텐츠

리딩오션스 콘텐츠 특징• 다양한 카테고리를 아우르는 Fiction & Nonfiction Readers 총 1,000여개의 스토리로 구성된

다독(Extensive Reading) 프로그램

• 초보자를 위한 파닉스 학습과 3D 영어 동요(Nursery rhyme) 제공(110개) • 파닉스 수준부터 중등 수준까지 세분화된 레벨 구성

• 모든 Readers에 대한 e-books 및 저레벨용 Animation 제공



60개의 체계적인 파닉스

Levels 1~5

Phonics Storybooks

Read Alone Books

혼자서도 즐겁게 잘하는 파닉스!!영어의 음가에 익숙해지면 인지력, 이해력, 읽기 능력이 발달하게됩니다. 파닉스의 챈트와 여러 다양한 액티비티 그리고 스토리를 통해서 아이들은 기본 음가와 여러 음가들을 합쳐 단어를 읽는 능력을 발달 시킵니다. 영어가 모국어가 아닌 아이들은 그에 맞는 파닉스 과정이 필요합니다. 영어권 국가의 아이들은 기본 어휘량이 충분하여 파닉스만 배워도 되지만 한국어가 모국어인 우리 아이들은 파닉스와 기본 어휘를 동시에 배워야하기 때문입니다. 따라서 리딩오션스는 이에 적합한 체계적인 파닉스 과정을 60개의 레슨에 담아서 더 효율적으로 아이들이 파닉스를 터득할 수 있도록 구성했습니다.

혼자서도 즐겁게 잘하는 파닉스!!혼자서도 즐겁게 잘하는 파닉스!!

즐거운 리더스 읽기를 통한 자연스러운 언어습득!!즐거운 리더스 읽기를 통한 자연스러운 언어습득!!

세계적으로 가장 유명한 50개의 율동동요 선정하여 어린이들이 노래와 율동을 재미있게 즐기면서 영어 능력을 발달 시킬 수 있도록 구성했습니다.리딩오션스의 율동동요는 총 5레벨로 이루어져있고, 각 레벨에는 10개의 노래가 있습니다. 어린이들은 노래를 듣고, 따라 부르는 등 준비된 여러가지 온라인 활동을 통해 자연스럽게 파닉스를 습득합니다.




50개의 신나는 율동동요

Levels 1~5

Mother Goose

Play Songs

Theme Songs


리딩오션스의 파닉스 레슨은 단어와 음가를 체계적으로 연습할 수 있도록 구성되어 있습니다.

파닉스 연습과 어휘 연습을 동시에 진행하여 EFL 환경에서 언어 기술을 효과적으로 발전시킬수 있습니다.

음가 듣기

재미있는 활동하며 습득하기

스토리 형태로 만나는 노래 가사

파닉스와 어휘 확장을 위한 스토리 읽기


60개의 체계적인

파닉스 레슨

60개의 체계적인 닉스 레슨




리딩오션스의 파닉스는 기본 파닉스 레슨이외에 중요어휘가 포함된 파닉스 리더스 읽기가 있습니다. 학생들은 읽기를 통해 자신감을 얻고 타겟 음가와 어휘의 반복을 통해 어휘를 자연스럽게 습득합니다.


Animations Quizzes

Practice makes perfect!

Review복습 활동에 주요 어휘를 반복하여 언어 학습 강화 효과


리딩오션스의 율동동요는 어린이들이 영어의 음가에 익숙해지도록 구성하였습니다.

노래를 부르고 운율을 맞추며 영어를 접하면 어휘와 언어 능력이 발달함은 물론 영어에대한 자신감과 친숙함을 가지게됩니다.

율동동요(Nursery Rhyme)

플래시카드를 통해 접하는 중심 음가와 어휘

3D 애니메이션으로 즐겁게 보고 듣는 노래와 율동

스토리 형태로 만나는 노래 가사

귀여운 캐릭터와 함께 노래 따라 부르면서 율동하기

엄선한 50개의 신나는 영어동요

한 50개의 영어동요


단계별 리더스 (Leveled Readers)

리딩오션스는 다양한 테마와 장르로 구성된 1,000여권의 온라인 도서를 보유하고 있습니다.다양한 연령과 레벨의 아이들이 테마와 장르를 아우르며 즐겁게 독서활동 할 수 있습니다.

Classic Tales Original Fiction High-Interest Nonfi ction

구분 스토리 수 대상 특징

Nursery Rhyme 50 유치-초등 2학년 3D로 구성된 신나는 영어 동요와 율동을 따라 하면서 자연스럽게 영어를 접하는 프로그램

Phonics 60파닉스 학습 중 /

완료한 학생체계적인 Phonics 과정을 재미있는 Story 읽기로

습득하는 Phonics 프로그램

Sunshine Readers 107 유치-초등 4학년 동화작가 Joy Cowley가 선사하는 위트와 반전을 통한 Shared Reading 프로그램

Alpha Readers 300 유치-초등 5학년자연, 사회, 체육 등 교과 학습 연계를 통한

Content 읽기를 추구하는 Guided Reading

Rainbow Readers 350 유치-초등 6학년 창작 동화와 Nonfiction Reading을 통해 다양한 배경 지식 습득이 가능한 프로그램

Young Learners Classic Readers

60 초등 2학년-초등 6학년우화와 동화를 서정적인 삽화와 표현으로 즐기는

Independent Reading 프로그램

Compass Classic Readers 131 초등 6학년- 세계적인 명작동화를 영어로 즐기면서 생각과 개념을 발전시키는 Concept Reading

Grade Pre 1 2 3 4 5 6 Challenge

대상 유치-초등1 초등1 초등2 초등3 초등4 초등5 초등6 중등이상

Lexile BR-100 100-150 150-250 250-400 400-475 475-525 525-650 650-1200

Stories 110 144 168 96 112 96 96 191

Sounds Great


NurseryRhymes /Phonics

Sunshine Readers




Alpha Readers











Young Learners Classic





Challenge Level



Challenge Level


독서 활동

독서 필수 단어 학습 (그림 클릭 단어 제시)

Vocabulary Activity (단어 학습)

Quiz (이해도 체크)

Listening Activity (듣기 학습)

Summary (문장 채우기)

Read Aloud Activity (듣고 따라 읽기)

Book Report (내용 정리)

읽은 책에 대한 이해도 확인 (5문제 제시)

애니메이션을 통한 문장 듣기 학습 (Level 1-13만 적용)

읽은 내용에 대한 문장 완성 (Level 27-39만 적용)

문장 듣고 따라 읽는 Speaking 학습 (녹음 내용 듣기 가능/홈페이지 내 보관)

이미지를 활용하여 도서의 내용 정리 (홈페이지 내 보관/ Level 14-39만 적용)

Worksheet (워크시트 활용)

워크시트를 다운로드하여 쓰기 학습

독서 학습 활동 독서 후 온라인 상에서 다양한 독후 활동을 통해서 내용 이해 여부를 확인하고 어학 능력을 향상시킬 수 있도록 합니다.


1:1 관리 시스템

체계적이고 정기적인 1:1 관리 시스템다독에서 가장 어려운 것이 스스로 꾸준하게 읽는 것과 다양한 활동 정보 수집입니다.리딩오션스는 꾸준한 독서와 다양한 활동의 체계적 지원을 위해 전문 독서 매니저 시스템을 적용하였습니다.

“다쌤”이란?“다쌤”이란?• 다쌤은 컴퍼스미디어에서 세계 다독협회의 인증을 받은

‘독서 관리 프로그램’ 교육을 이수한 리딩오션스의 독서 관리 전문가 그룹의 명칭입니다.

• 읽는 책이 수준에 맞는지, 독후 활동에서 어려운 점이 무엇인지, 매주 정기적인 상담을 통하여 아이가 독서에 흥미를 가지고 즐거운 독서 습관을 기를 수 있도록 도와드립니다.

체계적인 1:1 독서 상담 관리체계적인 1:1 독서 상담 관리• 다쌤은 독서 레벨 선정 상담을 합니다.

• 다쌤은 진도 및 독후 활동 관리 후 상담 피드백을 제공합니다.

• 다쌤은 주 1회 학부모 및 자녀와 상담/관리를 진행합니다.

• 다쌤은 레벨 종료 후, 진행 결과 및 향후 계획을 가이드 합니다.

• 다쌤은 정기 제공되는 Report에 대한 상담을 제공합니다.

• 다쌤은 다양한 영어 독서에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.

• 다쌤은 가정에서 활동 가능한 독후 활동 Tip을 제공합니다.



명예의 전당책을 읽은 권 수에 따라 300권, 500권, 700권, 900권 클럽을 운영하며 해당 학생에게는 상장과 상품을 드립니다.

등급운영제도스토리를 많이 읽어서 많은 쉘을 획득한 학생들은 쉘의 수에 맞는 등급으로 올라갑니다. 등급이 올라가면 로그인 화면의 아이콘이 바뀝니다.


스토리를 읽고 해당 액티비티를 완료하면 쉘을 받으며, 매월 100개 이상 쉘을 모은 학생들은 이달의 리딩스타가 됩니다. 그 중 쉘을 많이 모은 1위 ~ 5위까지 학생들에게 온라인 상장과 상품을 드립니다.

또한, 매년 올해의 리딩스타를 선정하여 1위~10위까지 큰 상품을 드립니다. 올해의 리딩스타가 되기 위해서는 최소 6번 이상 이달의 리딩스타가 되어야합니다.


율동동요(Nursery Rhyme)

스마트한 독서환경

리딩오션스는 다양한 종류의 디바이스에서 독서 활동이 가능합니다. 컴퓨터와 노트북뿐만 아니라 태블릿 PC와 스마트폰에서 언제 어디서든 e-book을 읽을 수 있습니다.

• 아이들이 좋아하는 귀여운 디자인과 사용하기에 간편한 인터페이스로 구성했습니다.

Anytime, Anywhere!


Leveled Readers

디바이스 이용방법디바이스에서 리딩오션스를 사용하기 위해서는 구글 플레이 혹은 앱스토어에서 리딩오션스를 검색하여 전용 어플리케이션을 다운 받아야 하며, 인터넷이 되는 환경에서 사용이 가능합니다.

레벨별 도서 안내


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 1 1 3 books 24 books BR 1.1




ry 3


A Kite Race


ry 2

Going to Grandma’s


ry 3


The Grumposaur


ry 2




ry 3


Painting a Picture


ry 2 Football Game


ry 3



ry 2

Dinner TimeFiction


Fruit SaladNon-fi ction

A Kite RaceFiction


The JugglerFiction


Going to Grandma'sFiction


Look At MeNon-Fiction


The GrumposaurFiction

At the ZooNon-Fiction


Where Is My Hat?Fiction


Can You See Me?Non-Fiction

Face PaintingNon-Fiction

Painting a PictureFiction

Football GameFiction



I'm BraveFiction

My Fish BowlNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 1 2 3 books 24 books BR 1.1

The Boat


ry 3

“I’m going to stand on

my head.”


Where Are WeGoing, Grandpa?


ry 3

The sea went out, but

the whale could not

go out.9

The Tree House


ry 2


Grandad’s Ride


ry 2


Where s the Money?


ry 3


The Birthday Cake


ry 2



ry 2

A ourney

The sea went out, but

the whale could not

go out.17



ry 3

Watching TVFiction

The BoatFiction

Where Are We Going, Grandpa?Fiction

The Tree HouseFiction


Soft and HardNon-Fiction

Spider, SpiderFiction


What's This? What's That?Fiction

Grandad's RideFiction

Where Is the Money?Fiction

The Birthday CakeFiction

Cat and BirdFiction

A JourneyFiction

The SausageFiction


Living and Non-Living ThingsNon-Fiction

Big and SmallNon-Fiction


My HatsNon-Fiction

My DinnerNon-Fiction

Goodbye, LucyFiction

At the AquariumFiction

At the ZooFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 1 3 3 books 24 books 100-125 1.2

Who s inthe Elevator?


ry 3

The Diver


ry 3


The Knightand the Dragon


ry 2


Pirate Pete’sTreasure


ry 3

The sea went out, but

the whale could not go


The Chase


ry 2

The sea went out, but

the whale could not go


When WentShopping


ry 3


TheBig, Big Mountain


ry 2



ry 2

The seedFiction

The MailboxFiction

Too BusyFiction

My DogNon-Fiction

Caring For Your Goldfi shNon-Fiction

Jack and the GiantFiction

The DragonFiction

Who Is in the Elevator?Fiction

The DriverFiction

The Knight and the DragonFiction

Private Pete's TreasureFiction


Along Comes JakeFiction

The PartyFiction

Wake up, Mom!Fiction

Making MusicNon-Fiction

Mr. GrumpFiction

Where Is Fluff y the Rabbit?Fiction

The ChaseFiction

When I Went ShoppingFiction

The Big, Big MountainFiction

Elephant WalkFiction

Cactus TownFiction

The Baby-SittersFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 1 4 3 books 24 books 100-125 1.2

The sea went out, but the

whale could not go out.


TheBaby in the Cart


ry 3




ry 2

The sea went out, but the

whale could not go out.


Go to Sleep!


ry 2




ry 3

Where Are You Going, Mya Rose?Fiction

Sniff sNon-Fiction

The Baby in the CartFiction


Caring For Your CatNon-Fiction

The Cooking PotFiction

Max the Dog Goes to SchoolFiction


Betty's Good IdeasFiction

The Frog and the PrincessFiction



The Magic MachineFiction

Go to Sleep!Fiction

Moon StoryFiction

Sunfl owersFiction

Come for a Swim!Fiction

Water MovesNon-Fiction

Milk ShakeNon-Fiction


Helping in the GardenNon-Fiction

Nowwhere and NothingFiction

Birthday CakesNon-Fiction

Come Down, Whiskers!Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 1 5 3 books 24 books 100-125 1..3


The Greedy Gobbler


ry 2

The Goat


ry 3


The Birdand the Caterpillar


ry 2


Keep Looking!


ry 3


The Wind


ry 3


The Animal Party


ry 2



Big MachinesNon-Fiction

My Ocean FriendsFiction

The Greedy GobblerFiction


The PirateFiction

The GoatFiction

The Magic TreeFiction

The Bird and the caterpillarFiction

Keep Looking!Fiction

Winter is FunNon-Fiction

I Love DirtFiction

Far Away FriendFiction

What's that Noise?Non-Fiction

In the OceanNon-Fiction

Dr. Sproket Makes a RocketFiction

The WindFiction

In Your NeighborhoodNon-Fiction

Follow MeNon-Fiction

The Animal PartyFiction

Making ButterNon-Fiction

In a Cold, Cold PlaceNon-Fiction

The Magic TreeFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 1 6 3 books 24 books 100-125 1.3

The Pirate Chief


ry 2


The Animal Clinic


ry 2


The Old House


ry 2


The King’s Clothes


ry 2


Monkeyand Elephant


ry 3


The Ketchupin the Bottle


ry 3

When the Balloon Went Pop!Fiction



The Pirate ChiefFiction

The Animal ClinicFiction

Don't You Laugh at Me!Fiction


Looking for FangNon-Fiction

Buddy’s Play DayFiction

Be CarefulFiction

A Small Computer for a Big JobFiction

The Old HouseFiction

A New BedFiction

The King's ClothesFiction

Grandpa's New CarFiction

Monkey and ElephantFiction

The Cow in the HoleFiction

The Ketchup in the BottleFiction


From Fruit to JuiceNon-Fiction

Going ShoppingNon-Fiction

I See BugsFiction

Johnny AppleseedFiction



Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 2 7 3 books 24 books 100-125 1.3

Bath TimeFiction

What Fruit is This?Non-Fiction

The GrizzlegrotsFiction

Helping the AnimalsFiction

At the ZooNon-Fiction

Our Favorite FoodNon-Fiction

The Big, Big SkyFiction

Your EyesNon-Fiction

Using RocksNon-Fiction

The PondNon-Fiction

Safe at HomeFiction


Making It! Non-Fiction

Helping PeopleNon-Fiction

When Dad Went to PlayshcoolFiction


Making LunchNon-Fiction

It Is Too Hot!Fiction

Sebastian Learns To FlyFiction

Time to PlayFiction

My Sunny DayFiction

Letters for Mr.JamesFiction

Riding My BikeNon-Fiction

One Thousand Muffi nsFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 2 8 3 books 24 books 125-200 1.4


The Pie


ry 2

The Hen


ry 3


The Queen


ry 2

Making a HouseNon-Fiction

The PieFiction

Shut the GateFiction

The HenFiction

The QueenFiction

Space RaceFiction

Percy the ParakeetFiction

Caring For Your TarantulaNon-Fiction

Caring For Your HamsterNon-Fiction

My Birthday PartyFiction

Inside the Supermarket Non-Fiction

The GoatNon-Fiction

My Pocket HamsterFiction


The WhaleFiction

The TreeNon-Fiction

Footprints on the MoonFiction

The Lost MotherFiction

Taking PicturesNon-Fiction



Fire Drills Keep Us SafeFiction

My Pet Turtle TomFiction

Quack, Quack, Quack!Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 2 9 3 books 24 books 125-200 1.4

What Are Otters LikeNon-Fiction

The Fastest Mailman in the WestFiction


How It’s Made From Rocks to RoadsNon-Fiction

Meet Tina TarantulaFiction


My Sloppy TigerFiction

Fishing Non-Fiction

It's Time to Get StrongFiction

When I Grow UpFiction

Run Rabbit RunFiction

Where's the Baby?Non-Fiction

Mrs. Grindy's Shoes Fiction

My FarmNon-Fiction

Just This OnceFiction

Mighty MachinesNon-Fiction

Tess and PaddyFiction

Fun at schoolFiction


What Do They Eat?Fiction

Caring For Your ParakeetNon-Fiction


Caring For Your TurtleNon-Fiction

I Feel Better NowFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 2 10 3 books 24 books 200-250 1.5



ry 2

The Pelican


ry 2

The McBeasties


ry 2

The Pelican


ry 2


The McBeasties


ry 2


Ice and SnowNon-Fiction

Rough and SmoothNon-Fiction

Snakes' DinnerFiction


Mom's DietFiction

The Bear on the MountainFiction

Who is the Tallest?Non-Fiction

The pelicanFiction

The Heart of the GardenFiction

The McBeastiesFiction

Making a Picture Non-Fiction

A Hundred HugsFiction

Acting like AnimalsFiction

The Poor Sore PawFiction

Video GameFiction


A Great Day for a PicnicFiction

Shadow PuppetsNon-Fiction

The Two PigsFiction

Bees to FlowersNon-Fiction


My Brother's BirthdayNon-Fiction



Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 2 11 3 books 24 books 200-250 1.5


Secret Messages

Story 2

The Traveler and The FarmerFiction

Working with DadNon-Fiction

Dangerous PlantsNon-Fiction

Fancy ThatFiction

A Pet for MeFiction

The Ha-Ha PowerFiction

The Vospers' BoatFiction

I Want to Rain!Fiction

Going to the DoctorNon-Fiction

The Three Little PigsFiction


Alphabet PartyNon-Fiction

Mr. WhisperFiction

Seeds on the MoveNon-Fiction

The Secret of Spooky HouseFiction

Show and TellFiction

Mom's BirthdayFiction

Hiding in the SeaNon-Fiction

Thomas Had a TemperFiction

The Cat and the MouseFiction

Lizard's TailFiction

I SpyFiction

Secret MessagesFiction



Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 2 12 3 books 24 books 250-300 1.6


After the StormNon-Fiction

Let’s Make Pancakes!Non-Fiction

Seasons with Baby BearFiction


The Train RaceNon-Fiction

The Fox and the CrowFiction

What Should I Wear?Fiction



The Fox and the SnailFiction


The Bags of SmilesFiction

Lucy’s Swimming LessonFiction

Tidy Your RoomFiction

Silly DogFiction

Your EarsNon-Fiction

Summer FunFiction

Home, Sweet HomeNon-Fiction

Things in the WaterNon-Fiction

Spring is HereNon-Fiction


Mr Wolf Tries AgainFiction

The Giant Gingerbread ManFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 2 13 3 books 24 books 250-300 1.6

Two SnakesFiction

Food for AnimalsNon-Fiction

Revenge of the Three Little PigsFiction

Socks off !Fiction

Baby Bear Goes VisitingFiction

Who's that Knocking At My Door?Fiction

Your Amazing BodyFiction

Hi, New York!Non-Fiction

Up Up Up in ParisFiction

Hello, London!Non-Fiction

Little MonkeyFiction

Goldilocks and the Three BearsFiction

Making SpaghettiNon-Fiction

Great Day OutFiction


My TripNon-Fiction

Worm SongFiction

Sebastian's New SisterFiction

Circus BoyNon-Fiction

Old Cans and CarsNon-Fiction

A Special Bear in New York Fiction

Hide and SeekFiction

Lost in the Tower of London Fiction

Brian's New Pen PalFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 3 14 2 books 16 books 300-325 1.8

The World Under WaterNon-Fiction

My Family Loves SportsFiction

The WaveFiction

Bonjour, Paris!Non-Fiction

Safety on the BeachNon-Fiction

Amazing Rainforests!Non-Fiction

Which Pet is Best?Fiction

Looking Like PlantsNon-Fiction

Animal Close-upsNon-Fiction

The Sun in the SkyNon-Fiction

Billy BananaFiction

Across the Sydney Harbor BridgeFiction

G'Day, Sydney!Non-Fiction

The PicnicFiction


Classroom AnimalsNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 3 15 2 books 16 books 325-350 1.9

What is That Sound?Fiction

Winter Is a Slippery SeasonFiction

Get a Pet!Non-Fiction

The Hungry BearFiction



Beaks and FeetNon-Fiction

Frogs and ToadsNon-Fiction


I'm on the PhoneFiction

The Chart TrickFiction

Kim's LunchFiction

Airplanes: Then and Now!Non-Fiction

Sam's Lucky ShirtFiction

The Life of a Butterfl yNon-Fiction

Who Let the Dogs out?Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 3 16 2 books 16 books 350-375 2

Around the World with LemonadeNon-Fiction

Caves of CrystalsFiction

Where Do You Sleep at Night?Fiction

Don't WorryFiction

The Grand CanyonNon-Fiction

The Code King's CastleFiction

African Heroes Around the WorldNon-Fiction

Flying MachineNon-Fiction

Let's Make PancakesNon-Fiction

The Fastest EmpanadaFiction

Mice In SpaceFiction

Shadows and ShadeNon-Fiction

Making BreadFiction

The Land Around MeNon-Fiction

Extreme Weather: Dust!Non-Fiction

Roads and BridgesNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 3 17 2 books 16 books 325-350 1.9

First in Flight: The Wright BrothersFiction

A Present for AmadiFiction

A Soccer Ball's JourneyNon-Fiction

Marina and the Amur TigerFiction

The Mighty Colorado RiverNon-Fiction

The Saguaro CactusNon-Fiction

The Tiger and the BoyFiction

Busy BirdNon-Fiction

Early One MorningFiction

Lost in the ParkFiction

Sunny SummerNon-Fiction

Best Friends Forever?Fiction

Growing StrawberriesNon-Fiction

Trail RidingNon-Fiction


How Are They Made? AirplanesNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 3 18 2 books 16 books 350-375 2

Remember the AlamoNon-Fiction

Mei's JourneyFiction

Jake’s Favorite SeasonFiction

Life CyclesNon-Fiction

The Elves and the ShoemakerFiction

Animal DiggersNon-Fiction

Paint My RoomFiction

Crocodile WatchingNon-Fiction

Save the WetlandsFiction

From Trees to PaperFiction

Getting AroundNon-Fiction

Ben Franklin and His Great KiteFiction

All about AntsNon-Fiction

The TreehouseNon-Fiction

The DucklingFiction

Our Classroom PetNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 3 19 2 books 16 books 425-450 2.2

Snip SnapFiction


The RiverNon-Fiction

We Need More TreesNon-Fiction

Mighty MountainsNon-Fiction

Show and TellFiction

The Taste BuddiesFiction

The Winter SleepFiction

The Hungry BabyFiction

Pushing and PullingNon-Fiction

The Big DogFiction

Sebastian's Special PresentFiction

Big PlantsNon-Fiction

Flying HighNon-Fiction

Spreading the Word: The World of PrintingNon-Fiction



Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 4 20 2 books 16 books 425-450 2.3

High Places in Our WorldNon-Fiction

Rosie MoonFiction


The Butterfl y, the Bird, the Beetle and MeNon-Fiction

City and CountryNon-Fiction

The Last WordFiction

The DragonFiction

Shut In The BarnFiction

Amazing Sea LizardNon-Fiction

Why the Moon Changes ShapeFiction

Your SensesNon-Fiction

Life as a MonkeyNon-Fiction

Fantastic Frog FactsFiction

Life in the JungleNon-Fiction

Hey, Los Angeles!Non-Fiction

A Spelling Star in Los AngelesFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 4 21 2 books 16 books 425-450 2.3

Space TravelNon-Fiction

A Day at the MarketNon-Fiction

Freedom Rings In Moscow Fiction

Ola Rio de JaneiroNon-Fiction

The Firebird of RioFiction

Hola, Barcelona!Non-Fiction

Food Chain in the WaterNon-Fiction

The Three WishesFiction

Privyet, Moscow!Non-Fiction

The Loudest SneezeFiction

Silva The SealNon-Fiction

Skate RacerNon-Fiction

Animals That StingNon-Fiction

Stop That DogFiction

The Spanish Doll of BarcelonaFiction

Animal BabiesNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 4 22 2 books 16 books 450-475 2.4


Looking in MirrorNon-Fiction

The Giant's DiaryFiction

Leaf Stamps at Summer CampFiction

Extreme Weather: Hurricane!Non-Fiction


Saving the RainforestNon-Fiction

Seashore PlantsNon-Fiction

Aliens Are Coming!Fiction

Ugh! Cockroaches!Non-Fiction

Shark Attack!Non-Fiction

My StreetFiction



Let’s RaceFiction



Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 4 23 2 books 16 books 450-475 2.4

Super Sea BirdsNon-Fiction


Dancing DudleyFiction


How It's Made:From Cotton to ClothesNon-Fiction

Hunters in the WildNon-Fiction

Let's Clean the BeachFiction

Frog AlertNon-Fiction

Trouble on the RiverbankFiction

Moving goods Around the WorldNon-Fiction

Sam's Mask Adventure Fiction

Coral Reef DiaryNon-Fiction

The Lonely TrollFiction

The Dress-up ParadeFiction

Animal BuildersNon-Fiction

Weird PlantsNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 4 24 2 books 16 books 450-475 2.5

Sebastian Tidies upFiction


A World of UndergroundNon-Fiction

Bremen Town MusiciansFiction

A World of WondersNon-Fiction

The Cave MonsterFiction


Mushrooms and ToadstoolsNon-Fiction

Squeak and ClickFiction

What am I?Non-Fiction

My Grandpa Plants A RainforestNon-Fiction

Amazing AntsNon-Fiction

Princess JoFiction

Bird FamiliesNon-Fiction


Fuzzy Is Gone!Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 4 25 2 books 16 books 450-475 2.5

We Made a DragonNon-Fiction

Star GazingNon-Fiction

Firefi ghtersNon-Fiction

Eat and Grow!Non-Fiction

The Desert and Its PeopleNon-Fiction

Monster HuntingNon-Fiction

Mixing Things upNon-Fiction


Fashion DesigningNon-Fiction

In My CircleFiction

If I Were InvisibleFiction

Desert AnimalsNon-Fiction

Hot Air BalloonsNon-Fiction

The Great SebastianFiction

The Cheerful CricketFiction

Veronica Who Lived in a Vinegar BottleFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 4 26 2 books 16 books 450-475 2.6

A Visit to the MoonFiction

Clouds and WeatherNon-Fiction

Moving KoalasNon-Fiction

The Search for SaltFiction

How Do Plants Grow Here?Non-Fiction

Making Work EasyNon-Fiction

The Real PrincessFiction

Build It with SoilNon-Fiction

Farmyard FriendsNon-Fiction


Killer PlantsNon-Fiction

Being a VolunteerNon-Fiction

Ricardo and the Horned LizardNon-Fiction

The Masked WorldNon-Fiction

Mike's Dog Walking BusinessFiction

Under the SeaNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 5 27 2 books 16 books 450-475 2.5


Science FairNon-Fiction

Surviving the ArcticFiction

The Bottom of the SeaNon-Fiction

My Diary by fairy godmotherFiction

Frog BogNon-Fiction

The Ugly DucklingFiction

One of Our Planet's TreasuresNon-Fiction

Animal CommunicationNon-Fiction

Changing the Way We CommunicateNon-Fiction

Jellyfi shNon-Fiction


The PortNon-Fiction

Is it Male or Female?Non-Fiction

The Bird HideFiction

The Story of Hong Gil-Dong: A Korean FolktaleFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 5 28 2 books 16 books 450-475 2.6

The Family Picnic DayFiction

Our New Year DragonFiction

Reduce, Reuse, RecycleFiction

I'm In An AdNon-Fiction

The Story of CornNon-Fiction

The Chocolate TreeNon-Fiction


The Rajah and the Rice: An Indian FolktaleFiction

The Dragon's RescueFiction

Sir Andrew the BraveFiction



Saving the OceansNon-Fiction

Sea GiantsNon-Fiction

Butterfl y GardenNon-Fiction

The Ungrateful TigerFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 5 29 2 books 16 books 475-500 2.7

The Unfair TradeFiction

The Great Tin-rolling RaceFiction

Sylvia Earle, Ocean Explorer Non-Fiction

The Magnifi cent Minu: An African FolktaleFiction

Adventures with CrocodilesFiction

Finding RainbowFiction

The Fossil HunterNon-Fiction

Best Of FriendsFiction

Sour GrapesFiction

Drag RacingNon-Fiction


The Baba Yaga: A Russian FolktaleFiction

Johann and the BirdsFiction

Making DipsNon-Fiction

Jack and the BeanstalkFiction

Amazing LifetimesNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 5 30 2 books 16 books 475-500 2.7


The Polluted PlanetFiction


Kim and the Temple of the BearFiction


A Disaster Called DroughtNon-Fiction

The Wonders of WaterNon-Fiction

The Water CycleNon-Fiction


Animal ChampionsNon-Fiction

A Present for DadFiction


Amazing Living ThingsNon-Fiction

The Boy Who Wanted To Be FamousFiction

Pig's SkinFiction

Moving Big TreesNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 5 31 2 books 16 books 500-525 2.8

Rock ClimbingNon-Fiction

Fixing ThingsNon-Fiction

The Laziest Man in GreeceFiction

The Hungry BearNon-Fiction

Things People MakeNon-Fiction

Yellowstone: The First National Park Non-Fiction

Fascinating Flower FactsNon-Fiction


Adventures in the SeaFiction


I Want to be an AcrobatNon-Fiction

My Close CallFiction

The Chief who Wanted MoreFiction

Amazing JourneysNon-Fiction

Where Do They Make it Designing and Building CarsNon-Fiction

The Sleepy DragonFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 5 32 2 books 16 books 500-525 2.8

How it’s Made From Sugar to CandyNon-Fiction

Great Big ElephantsNon-Fiction

Life by the SeaNon-Fiction

Helping HorsesNon-Fiction

The Rare BirdFiction

Turtles In TroubleNon-Fiction

The Underground RailroadNon-Fiction

What's that smell?Fiction

Under SailNon-Fiction

Good To EatNon-Fiction

The Runaway NoseFiction

Rainforest BirdsNon-Fiction

A Hero in the Night Fiction

Monster MachinesNon-Fiction

Frederick Douglass: An American SlaveFiction

Summer in AntarcticaNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 6 33 2 books 16 books 500-525 2.9

How Designers DesignNon-Fiction

The Story Of ZadigFiction

Make It Go!Non-Fiction

Changes in MatterNon-Fiction

Dangerous PlantsNon-Fiction


Rumpelstiltskin ReturnsFiction

Ben Gets FitFiction

When the Bus Was LateFiction

Side by SideNon-Fiction

Graeme Base:Writer and IllustratorNon-Fiction

The Shooter ShrinkerFiction

Living TogetherNon-Fiction

Making An Animated CartoonNon-Fiction

Lights, Camera, Action!Non-Fiction

Alpine Search DogNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 6 34 2 books 16 books 525-550 2.9

Some Things Keep ChangingNon-Fiction

Animals of the African GrasslandsNon-Fiction


Great BritainNon-Fiction

North AmericaNon-Fiction


The Field TripFiction

Classifying PlantsNon-Fiction

By Land, Sea and AirNon-Fiction

The Amazing HeartNon-Fiction

Galah and Oolah: An Australian FolktaleFiction

The Adventures of Jack the Giant Killer: A British FolktaleFiction

Otter Boy: A North American FolktaleFiction

Lo-Sun's Lesson: A Chinese FolktaleFiction

Creepy Crawlers: Centipedes& MillipedesNon-Fiction

Tornadoes Danger of the PlainsNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 6 35 2 books 16 books 550-600 3

What is the Atmosphere?Non-Fiction

Helpful DogsNon-Fiction

The Uros and the Floating IslandsNon-Fiction

How Do They Make It? Designing and Building RobotsNon-Fiction

Food WebsNon-Fiction

Natural HealingNon-Fiction

Inca Empire: Land of WondersNon-Fiction

UNICEF: Making a Diff erence Every DayNon-Fiction

Albert and CamillaFiction

Bartering, Buying, and Selling: How Trade Helps YouNon-Fiction

Robots are Everywhere!Non-Fiction

How It's Made:From Sand to GlassNon-Fiction

Global DimmingNon-Fiction

Animal DefenseNon-Fiction

Fun Facts about FlowersNon-Fiction

Separate It!Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 6 36 2 books 16 books 550-600 3.2

The Spelling BeeFiction

The Last Man in PompeiiFiction

The Three Little ScientistsFiction

Gabby the GorillaFiction

The Pond MarketFiction

The Crafty PotterFiction

The Mighty Heracles and His Twelve LaborsFiction

Wolfgang Amadeus MozartNon-Fiction

Lasers Are Not Just LightsNon-Fiction

The Road to Adventure: Explorers and Discoveries Around the WorldNon-Fiction

Curious about CatsNon-Fiction

Working with the SeaNon-Fiction


Fitness Is Fun: Stay Healthy, Stay HappyNon-Fiction

A World of InstrumentsNon-Fiction

Wishing I Were WolfgangFiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 6 37 2 books 16 books 600-650 3.3

Ludwig van Beethoven, the Great ComposerNon-Fiction

Bones and Muscles of the Human BodyNon-Fiction

Chopin’s HeartFiction

Igor Stravinsky, the Modernist ComposerNon-Fiction

The Carbon CycleNon-Fiction

Dragons of the Insect World: The Dragonfl yNon-Fiction

Strange and Amazing : Laboratories Around the WorldNon-Fiction

Producing and protecting moneyNon-Fiction

Becoming BeethovenFiction

Frederic ChopinNon-Fiction

Rockets To SpaceNon-Fiction

Hunting for StravinskyFiction

The Christmas Musical Fiction

Extreme Weather : Floods!Non-Fiction

How It's Made : From Fossils to FuelNon-Fiction

Keeping Pets Safe from ParasitesNon-Fiction


Reading Oceans Grade Level 주당

권장도서량레벨 내

총 도서 권수 Lexile US Grade

Grade 6 38 2 books 16 books 600-650 3.5

The Inquiry Club’s Big ProjectFiction

Bantay the Magic DogFiction

Bear Heart and the Buff aloFiction

Jackie RobinsonFiction

Amazing AtomsNon-Fiction

Scavengers of the Animal KingdomNon-Fiction

Cold Weather AnimalsNon-Fiction

The Amazing BrainNon-Fiction

The Amazing DogNon-Fiction

Looking at Stars and PlanetsNon-Fiction


The Story of SaltNon-Fiction

A New ChairFiction

David Livingstone’s JournalNon-Fiction

The Trial of Jack BeanFiction

Living in the ColdNon-Fiction


Town Mouse & Country MouseClassic Tale

The Brave Tin SoldierClassic Tale

Bellerophon and PegasusClassic Tale

The Three GoatsClassic Tale

The Three Little PigsClassic Tale

The Fir TreeClassic Tale

How Bear Lost His TailClassic Tale

Jack and The Magic BeansClassic Tale

Hansel and GretelClassic Tale

Noah's ArkClassic Tale

How Red Bird Got His ColorClassic Tale

Two FrogsClassic Tale

The Selfi sh GiantClassic Tale

Elves & ShoemakerClassic Tale

Sleeping BeautyClassic Tale

The Son Who Came HomeClassic Tale

Reading Oceans Grade Lexile US Grade

Challenge – YLCR (Young Learner Classic Readers) 425-475 2.5


The NutcrackerClassic Tale

The Woodman and The AxClassic Tale

CinderellaClassic Tale

The Three SilliesClassic Tale

The Magic SwanClassic Tale

HeidiClassic Tale

Diamonds and ToadsClassic Tale

Puss In BootsClassic Tale

The Trojan HorseClassic Tale

Ole-Luk-Oie The Dream GodClassic Tale

Daedalus and IcarusClassic Tale

The Three BearsClassic Tale

Hans BrinkerClassic Tale

The Nightingale and The RoseClassic Tale

Reading Oceans Grade Lexile US Grade

Challenge – YLCR (Young Learner Classic Readers) 425-475 2.5


The Prince and The PauperClassic Tale

A Little PrincessClassic Tale

The Enchanted CastleClassic Tale

Life & Adventures of Santa ClausClassic Tale

PinocchioClassic Tale

Journey to The WestClassic Tale

King Arthur & Black KnightClassic Tale

Gulliver's TravelsClassic Tale

Fairy GiftsClassic Tale

The Lady or The TigerClassic Tale

Ivan The FoolClassic Tale

The Last LessonClassic Tale

A Dog of FlandersClassic Tale

What Katy DidClassic Tale

Reading Oceans Grade Lexile US Grade

Challenge – YLCR (Young Learner Classic Readers) 475-600 3.0

The Fish and The RingClassic Tale

Beauty and The BeastClassic Tale


The Magic FluteClassic Tale

The Hunchback of Notre DameClassic Tale

The Last LeafClassic Tale

The Hollow NeedleClassic Tale

Two Years' VacationClassic Tale

PollyannaClassic Tale

The Legend of Sleepy HollowClassic Tale

The Gift of The MagiClassic Tale

The SandmanClassic Tale

The Barber of SevilleClassic Tale

IvanhoeClassic Tale

The Count of Monte CristoClassic Tale

The Battle of Red Cliff sClassic Tale

Little Lord FauntleroyClassic Tale

Reading Oceans Grade Lexile US Grade

Challenge – YLCR (Young Learner Classic Readers) 475-600 3.0


Aesop’s FablesClassic Tale

Doctor DolittleClassic Tale

Chopin’s HeartClassic Tale

Just So StoriesClassic Tale

The Jungle BookClassic Tale

Alice in WonderlandClassic Tale

Peter PanClassic Tale

The Arabian NightsClassic Tale

Black BeautyClassic Tale

The Emperor’s New ClothesClassic Tale

Grimm’s Fairy TalesClassic Tale

The Happy PrinceClassic Tale

The Wind in the WillowsClassic Tale

Anne of Green GablesClassic Tale

Robin HoodClassic Tale

The Railway ChildrenClassic Tale

Reading Oceans Grade Lexile US Grade

Challenge – CCR (Compass Classic Readers) 525-650 3.2


The Secret GardenClassic Tale

The Adventures of Tom SawyerClassic Tale

20,000 Leagues Under the SeaClassic Tale

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeClassic Tale

King Solomon’s MinesClassic Tale

Romeo and JulietClassic Tale

The Time MachineClassic Tale

The Wizard of OzClassic Tale

White FangClassic Tale

A Christmas CarolClassic Tale

FrankensteinClassic Tale

Robinson CrusoeClassic Tale

The Merchant of VeniceClassic Tale

Treasure IslandClassic Tale

Reading Oceans Grade Lexile US Grade

Challenge – CCR (Compass Classic Readers) 525-650 3.2


Little WomenClassic Tale

Sense and SensibilityClassic Tale

Tales of Mystery and ImaginationClassic Tale

The MoonstoneClassic Tale

A Tale of Two CitiesClassic Tale

Moby DickClassic Tale

Pride and PrejudiceClassic Tale

Oliver TwistClassic Tale

Sherlock HolmesClassic Tale

The Thirty-Nine StepsClassic Tale

The Prisoner of ZendaClassic Tale

The Hound of the BaskervillesClassic Tale

More Tales of Mystery and ImaginationClassic Tale

Shakespeare’s ComediesClassic Tale

Reading Oceans Grade Lexile US Grade

Challenge – CCR (Compass Classic Readers) 700 + 4.1 +

Around the World in Eighty DaysClassic Tale

David Copperfi eldClassic Tale


The Invisible ManClassic Tale

Classic American Short StoriesClassic Tale

Great ExpectationsClassic Tale

Nicholas NicklebyClassic Tale

The Phantom of the OperaClassic Tale

The War of the WorldsClassic Tale

Shakespeare’s TragediesClassic Tale

Vanity FairClassic Tale

Classic British Short StoriesClassic Tale

Jane EyreClassic Tale

Tess of the d’UrbervillesClassic Tale

The Three MusketeersClassic Tale

Wuthering HeightsClassic Tale

The Importance of Being EarnestClassic Tale

이 외에 1개의 Story가 추가 구성되어 있습니다.

Reading Oceans Grade Lexile US Grade

Challenge – CCR (Compass Classic Readers) 700 + 4.1 +

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리딩오션스는 쉽게 혼자서도 활용할 수 있어서 아주 만족스러웠습니다. 아이가 놀다가, 혹은 학교 숙제를 하다

가 잠시 쉬면서, 짬짬히 이런 시간들을 내어 한권씩 읽을 수 있는 것도 좋았습니다. - 한경숙 (1학년 학부모)

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지금 홈페이지에서 신청하세요.

리딩오션스 소개 영상 보기!

Rob Waring (Notre Dame Seishin University, Japan) 약력: Executive, 세계다독협회(The Extensive Reading Foundation)

“Reading Oceans is a fabulous on-line extensive reading program which are new series of over 1,000 online graded stories at 38 levels with audio and video for many of the books. The series is well-thought out and complete with learner management systems and is ideal for the busy parents. Check it out!”

“리딩오션스는 38단계 1,000개 이상의 스토리들이 오디오와 애니메이션으로 구성된 굉장히 새로운 온라인 다독 프로그램입니다. 이 시리즈는 학습관리 시스템이 매우 면밀하고 완벽하게 구성되

었으며 바쁜 부모님들을 위해서는 매우 이상적인 프로그램입니다. 꼭 알아 보세요!”

학부모 사용 후기 인터뷰 영상!

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