ada jones

PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THIS QUESTIONNAIRE WILL BE PUBLLlSHED. THE NEWS-HERALD Date questionnaire completed: September 13, 2011 Election Que st ionnaire Office sought : Painesvi lle City Local School Boar d Member Name: Ada Jones Political party: Democratic Party Gender: Male / 8 ( circle one) Age: -----'6=..=8'-- _ Home address: 180 Wood Street #120, Painesville. Ohio 44077 Length of residenc e in that community: ...:.. 4=.2.. .Ly.::.ea=r:..o:s' -- - _ Campaign Web site: _ O cc up ati on : R eti re d S oc ia l Wo rk er Employer: !...:N"-!./A-'-- _ Mar ita l sta tus ; --=D:. .:. iv"-'o::..: .r. ::. ce""'d=--________ Name of spo use: Name and age of any chi dren: Tressa L. Jones and Butchie Jones (both ad lts) Public of fi ce experience: Politica l office he ld Municipality Years served Elected or appointed? 1. I have no history in the political arena. 2. 3. 4. 5. Non-el cted experience (committees, boards, etc.): I was a member of Lake Geauga Head Start Program Board. and Big Brother/Big Sisters of Lake and Geauga Counties. I was a volunteer for the Hospice of the Western Reserve. and Harborli ght Hospic e.

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Page 1: Ada Jones

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THE NEWS-HERALD Date questionnaire completed: September 13, 2011

Election Questionnaire Office sought: Painesville City Local School Board Membe

Name: Ada Jones

Political party: Democratic Party

Gender: Male /8(circle one)

Age: -----'6=..=8'-- _

Home address: 180 Wood Street #120, Painesville. Ohio 44077

Length of residence in that community: ...:..4=.2...Ly.::.ea=r:..o:s'---_ Campaign Web site:

Occupation: Retired Social Worker Employer: !...:N"-!./A-'--

Marital status; --=D:..:.iv"-'o::..:.r.::.ce""'d=--________ Name of spouse:

Name and age of any children: Tressa L. Jones and Butchie Jones (both adults)

Public office experience:

Political office held Municipality Years served Elected or appointed

1.I have no history in the political arena.





Non-elected experience (committees, boards, etc.): I was a member of Lake Geauga Head Start Program Board. an

Big Brother/Big Sisters of Lake and Geauga Counties. I was a volunteer for the Hospice of the Western Reserve. and

Harborlight Hospice.

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School/city/state Years Deqree-Subiect or Certificate

High School Northwestern High School 4 High School Diploma

College Lakeland Community 2 Associate of Arts Degree

Hiram College 2 Bachelors Decree


Other Licensed Social Worker, Licensed United

Methodist Pastor, Cosmetologist, Artist,

(abstract drawing in pastel and acrylic


(Note: Only list schools from which you've graduated and/or earned degrees. Please indicate if currently attending.)

(Note: If you've completed a certificate program, please list in "Other" row and indicate certificate obtained.)

Should you be elected, what are three specific areas you'd like to change, address, improve or further research,

and how specifically would you go about it? If elected I will work to involve all the citizens in Painesville to be

involved in the educational process of their children. This is being done as we speak, by just simply meeting with

citizens of Painesville, and asking them to attend Board Meetings, and to consider becoming a supportive mentor in the

schools. Especially asking grandparents to mentor students that need academic assistance.

I will develop my path to Board governing by joining the Ohio School Board Association.

Whether for past accomplishments or future goals, why should voters elect you? I intend to visit and acquaint

myself with the staff in all five Painesville City Schools. I would eventually like one Board member to adopt or be the

Board Representative to the staff, the students and all other supportive employees in the individual schools. I intend to

spend time studying all aspects of the financial foundation of our school district. To do this I will need the help of the

CEOlTreasurer, to fine toothcomb the system. Look at the organization structures put in place by other Ohio Board to

see what reorganization actions can help financially. I hope to learn if there is dollars being spent that can best be

utilized for direct support to our student population. If I am elected I want everyone to know that the school system is

there for the soul purpose of educating the children. Therefore, the children are the number one team members. The

community, parents, teachers, administrative staff and the Board are the secondary members of the educational team.

GOALS: I hope the voters will elect me because I am here to serve the Painesville community in the capacity as a worth

member of their School Board. I have always worked for the best interest of children, and senior citizens as a LSW,

community volunteer and Board Member. I am serious about my spiritual work and do not take lightly my duties to God

and all mankind. It is time to think outside of the box, to consider alternative programming. I like the idea of a "High

School of the Arts, Music, Dance, and Music Production," the Ohio Reads Program, Military education, such as the

ROTC. There is one other need that I perceive is for a clinical, PH.D, Social Worker for the emotional welfare of the

students and staff.