bilder & geschichten 11/2012 deutsch

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Bilder & Geschichten 11/2012 Deutsch


Ausgabe 11/2012


...bleiben immer auf Kurs!

Kunden-Kunst: das „zweite“ Leben eines LIQUI MOLY-Ölfasses.

Verkäuferkollege Bernd Schröder auf Urlaubsfahrt.

Ausgabe 11/2012

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,verehrte Kunden,

bald ist der Winter da! Die Tage werden kürzer, die Uhr steht auf Winterzeit, erster Schnee fällt und das Auto bekommt „Winterschlappen“ verpasst. Doch es kann sich noch so viel ändern, wir bei LIQUI MOLY machen genauso weiter. Egal ob Frühling, Sommer, Herbst oder Winter; egal ob es schneit, regnet oder die Sonne scheint, wir sind für alle Kunden da. Unsere emsigen Verkäuferkollegen sind immer auf Achse; wir kümmern uns um Partner und Geschäftsfreunde.

Wir sind fleißig, anständig und hochmotiviert. Genau deshalb halten wir unseren Kurs und lassen uns durch keinerlei Widrigkeiten davon abbringen. Aktiv auf allen Kontinen-ten und rund um die Uhr. Das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen: In den letzten Wochen konnten wir uns weiter vergrößern und mehrere neue Kolleginnen und Kollegen bei uns begrüßen. Wir waren auf vielen Veranstaltungen dabei und repräsentierten unsere Marke!

Ob Events in Spanien, China, Weißrussland oder Japan: Die Vielfalt der Aktionen, bei denen LIQUI MOLY nicht nur draufsteht, sondern zu 100 % drinsteckt, ist groß. Ein Beispiel hierfür: die Verwendung unserer Öle in Maschinen, 1000 Meter tief unter der Erde in südafrikanischen Bergwerken. Blättern Sie sich durch das Heft, lassen Sie sich inspirieren und erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über unsere Aktivitäten der letzten Wochen.

Bei dieser „Entdeckungstour“ wünsche ich Ihnen viel Vergnügen!

Herzliche Grüße

Ihr Konstantin Buhr




Laufen für den guten Zweck

Jedes Jahr veranstaltet das Rouanet-Gymnasium im brandenburgischen Beeskow einen Sponsorenlauf. Ziel ist es, eine möglichst hohe Summe an Spendengeldern zur Umsetzung von diversen UNESCO-Aktivitäten zu erlaufen. Konkrete Projekte finden u.a. in Pasto (Kolumbien) und in Bujimbura (Burundi) statt, wo Partnerschulen durch finanzielle Unterstützung aufgebaut und erweitert werden können.

Für den diesjährigen Lauf warb der 11-jährige Schüler Erik Pötschik auch bei LIQUI MOLY um Unterstüt-zung. Daraufhin wurden spontan 500 Euro für diese Aktion gespendet. Die Schüler und Lehrer freuten sich riesig über diese Zuwendung.

Alle Teilnehmer gaben ihr Bestes, um einen möglichst hohen Betrag für die Schulprojekte zu erzielen. Am Schluss konnten durch diese und viele andere Spenden nicht nur die UNESCO-Projekte unterstützt werden, sondern das Gymnasium kann die Mittel auch zur Gestaltung einer Festwoche anlässlich seines 20-jährigen Bestehens verwenden.

Somit haben bei dieser Aktion alle Beteiligten gewonnen.


Neue MitunternehmerNeue Mitunternehmer

Marcus Schilk verstärkt LIQUI MOLY als Controller und „Kostenpolizist“.

Sabrina Kupferer ist neue Export-Sachbear-beiterin bei LIQUI MOLY.

Andreas Zahner ist neuer Anwendungstech-niker in der Forschungsabteilung bei LIQUI MOLY.

Saskia Fink ist ebenfalls neue Export-Sach- bearbeiterin.


Neue MitunternehmerNeue Mitunternehmer

Verstärkungen auch bei MÉGUIN: Simon Skora (2.v.l.) und Andreas Pfaff (2.v.r.) sind neu in der Produktion.

Werner Weber ist neuer Hausmeister/Betriebs-elektriker bei LIQUI MOLY.

Die Vertriebsmannschaft wird verstärkt durch Torsten Seifert. Er ist neuer Verkäuferkollege und zuständig für markengebundene Auto-häuser im Großraum Sachsen.


Bettina Luxenburger und Dirk Hoffman (rechts) sind neue Kollegen in der Forschung & Entwicklung bei MÉGUIN.

Neue Mitunternehmer


Zehn ehemalige Kollegen von LIQUI MOLY, unsere geschätzte „Rentner-Band“, trafen sich mit Personalleiter Rainer Maass (hintere Reihe 2.v.r.) zum gemeinsamen Mittagessen und Beisam-mensein.


Neue Mitunternehmer


Zehn ehemalige Kollegen von LIQUI MOLY, unsere geschätzte „Rentner-Band“, trafen sich mit Personalleiter Rainer Maass (hintere Reihe 2.v.r.) zum gemeinsamen Mittagessen und Beisam-mensein.


MÉGUIN-Firmenfahrzeug im Einsatz als Vorwagen mit Lautsprecher beim Radrennen des RV Mehlingen. Außerdem war MÉGUIN Trikotsponsor für die Trainingstrikots der Fahrer.

MÉGUIN spendete T-Shirts für die Schüler der Sport AG der Hans-Zulliger-Schule in Enkenbach (Sonderschule für Kinder mit Lernschwierigkeiten). Somit konnten wir den Kindern trotz knappen Schul-Budgets weiterhelfen und zeigen außerdem Flagge bei deren sportlichenVeranstaltungen.



Walter Peters (Leiter EDV) feiert sein Dienstjubiläum. Er arbeitet seit 25 Jahren bei LIQUI MOLY.

Beate Edenhoffer feiert ebenfalls ihr Dienstjubiläum. Sie arbeitet seit 10 Jahren bei LIQUI MOLY in der Produktion.



Glückwünsche Glückwünsche

Andreas Magg (Einkauf, 2.v.l.) und Jürgen Scheuring (Buchhaltung) sind weitere Jubilare. Sie arbeiten beide seit 10 Jahren bei LIQUI MOLY.

Dasselbe Jubiläum feiert Marianne Frahler. Auch sie arbeitet seit 10 Jahren bei LM in der Produk-tion.



Glückwünsche auch bei MÉGUIN: Andreas Junker (Produktion, links) feiert sein Dienstjubiläum (10 Jahre) genauso wie Dieter Rupp (25 Jahre, Instandhaltung, 4.v.r.). Gratulationen erhielten außerdem Anne Grundig (Sekretariat Geschäftsleitung) und Michael Scholer (rechts, Leiter F & E). Beide feierten ihren 50. Geburtstag.




Glückwünsche auch bei MÉGUIN: Andreas Junker (Produktion, links) feiert sein Dienstjubiläum (10 Jahre) genauso wie Dieter Rupp (25 Jahre, Instandhaltung, 4.v.r.). Gratulationen erhielten außerdem Anne Grundig (Sekretariat Geschäftsleitung) und Michael Scholer (rechts, Leiter F & E). Beide feierten ihren 50. Geburtstag.

LIQUI MOLY PortugalGlückwünsche



Zu Gast bei MÉGUIN in Saarlouis waren über 40 Kunden aus Israel.




Zu Gast bei MÉGUIN in Saarlouis waren über 40 Kunden aus Israel.



Neu-Ulmer Zeitung, 05.10.12

IHK Magazin, 10/2012


Augsburger Allgemeine, 27.10.12


LIQUI MOLY als modisches Accessoire: gestylte Fingernägel im LM-Design aus Russland.


LIQUI MOLY als modisches Accessoire: gestylte Fingernägel im LM-Design aus Russland.



Portrait über Charles Kaki Ng, Fahrer des Engstler-Teams in der WTCC

Speed Hunters (USA), 10/2012



Portrait über Charles Kaki Ng, Fahrer des Engstler-Teams in der WTCC




• www.ilgiornaledellaftermarket.it20

news a cura della


Pro-Line TBN-Booster di LIQUI MOLY azienda tedesca tra i leader nella produizione di olii per motori, addittivi, prodotti per la cura dei veicoli e altro, protegge il motore a olio contro gli acidi.La qualità del carburante lascia il segno anche nei motori a olio. Se è cattivo allora l'intervallo di cambio olio è ridotto. Una delle cause di questo è l’alto contenuto di zolfo nella benzina e nel diesel. La Pro-Line TBN-Booster rifornito dall’azienda tedesca Liqui Moly neutralizza lo zolfo ei altri residui di combustione acidi nell'olio e consente quindi di estendere gli intervalli di cambio olio fino al 25 per cento in più.Questo nuovo sviluppo di motori LIQUI MOLY offre una protezione supplementare contro gli acidi che possono essere creati dallo zolfo. Questo additivo, che viene semplicemente aggiunto al motore a olio, consente intervalli di cambio olio significativamente aumentati fino al 25 per cento. Questo riduce il costo di acquisto di un motore a olio nuovo e minimizza i periodi di sosta del veicolo.Combustibili di qualità inferiore alla media, siano essi a benzina o diesel, contengono più zolfo di carburanti di elevata qualità, spiega Reiner Schönfelder, ingegnere di applicazione a LIQUI MOLY. Non appena il motore viene avviato, in particolare dopo un avviamento a freddo, un po'di carburante finisce sempre nel motore a olio e quindi un po' di zolfo. Lo zolfo è di per sé già corrosivo e può danneggiare la vita interiore del motore quanto l'olio, spiega Schönfelder. Ma molto peggio è quando c'è acqua nell'olio. Questo può già essere trovato nel combustibile o proviene da condensa. Anche piccole quantità di acqua sono sufficienti a legarsi con zolfo per produrre un acido solforico. Il motore a olio buono può trattenere per un po’, ma ad un certo punto perde la sua capacità di farlo. E 'quindi giunto il momento per il suo successivo cambio dell'olio.La qualità del carburante è una ragione decisiva per cui la vettura dello stesso modello ha diversi intervalli di cambio olio in tutto il mondo, dice Schönfelder. "Dopo aver sentito un crescente numero di denunce di intervalli di cambio olio frequenti abbiamo deciso di arrivare alla radice del problema", dice Schönfelder. Il risultato è stato un additivo per motori a olio che aumenta significativamente la protezione contro gli acidi ed è semplice da usare. Nasce così TBN-Booster.Può essere aggiunto nel motore a olio in qualsiasi momento. Dopo aver aggiunto, il motore dovrebbe essere lasciato acceso in modo che l'additivo può mescolarsi nel motore a olio. Ha senso aggiungere TBN-Booster come parte di un cambio d'olio. Aumenta il TBN (Total Base Number), che è un indicatore di protezione contro gli acidi. Il dosaggio è di circa 2-4 per cento a seconda del motore e la qualità del combustibile. Aggiungendo il due percento aumenta la TBN di ca. 4 mg KOH / g. L'uso di TBN-Booster ha senso se vi è un contenuto di zolfo superiore a 50 ppm.TBN-Booster è stato originariamente sviluppato in paesi che non dispongono di una qualità ottimale del carburante. L'additivo è prodotto in Germania, il paese natale di LIQUI MOLY. "Vogliamo che ogni pilota del mondo, non solo quelli in Germania, per essere in grado di beneficiare della nostra esperienza."



• www.ilgiornaledellaftermarket.it20

news a cura della


Pro-Line TBN-Booster di LIQUI MOLY azienda tedesca tra i leader nella produizione di olii per motori, addittivi, prodotti per la cura dei veicoli e altro, protegge il motore a olio contro gli acidi.La qualità del carburante lascia il segno anche nei motori a olio. Se è cattivo allora l'intervallo di cambio olio è ridotto. Una delle cause di questo è l’alto contenuto di zolfo nella benzina e nel diesel. La Pro-Line TBN-Booster rifornito dall’azienda tedesca Liqui Moly neutralizza lo zolfo ei altri residui di combustione acidi nell'olio e consente quindi di estendere gli intervalli di cambio olio fino al 25 per cento in più.Questo nuovo sviluppo di motori LIQUI MOLY offre una protezione supplementare contro gli acidi che possono essere creati dallo zolfo. Questo additivo, che viene semplicemente aggiunto al motore a olio, consente intervalli di cambio olio significativamente aumentati fino al 25 per cento. Questo riduce il costo di acquisto di un motore a olio nuovo e minimizza i periodi di sosta del veicolo.Combustibili di qualità inferiore alla media, siano essi a benzina o diesel, contengono più zolfo di carburanti di elevata qualità, spiega Reiner Schönfelder, ingegnere di applicazione a LIQUI MOLY. Non appena il motore viene avviato, in particolare dopo un avviamento a freddo, un po'di carburante finisce sempre nel motore a olio e quindi un po' di zolfo. Lo zolfo è di per sé già corrosivo e può danneggiare la vita interiore del motore quanto l'olio, spiega Schönfelder. Ma molto peggio è quando c'è acqua nell'olio. Questo può già essere trovato nel combustibile o proviene da condensa. Anche piccole quantità di acqua sono sufficienti a legarsi con zolfo per produrre un acido solforico. Il motore a olio buono può trattenere per un po’, ma ad un certo punto perde la sua capacità di farlo. E 'quindi giunto il momento per il suo successivo cambio dell'olio.La qualità del carburante è una ragione decisiva per cui la vettura dello stesso modello ha diversi intervalli di cambio olio in tutto il mondo, dice Schönfelder. "Dopo aver sentito un crescente numero di denunce di intervalli di cambio olio frequenti abbiamo deciso di arrivare alla radice del problema", dice Schönfelder. Il risultato è stato un additivo per motori a olio che aumenta significativamente la protezione contro gli acidi ed è semplice da usare. Nasce così TBN-Booster.Può essere aggiunto nel motore a olio in qualsiasi momento. Dopo aver aggiunto, il motore dovrebbe essere lasciato acceso in modo che l'additivo può mescolarsi nel motore a olio. Ha senso aggiungere TBN-Booster come parte di un cambio d'olio. Aumenta il TBN (Total Base Number), che è un indicatore di protezione contro gli acidi. Il dosaggio è di circa 2-4 per cento a seconda del motore e la qualità del combustibile. Aggiungendo il due percento aumenta la TBN di ca. 4 mg KOH / g. L'uso di TBN-Booster ha senso se vi è un contenuto di zolfo superiore a 50 ppm.TBN-Booster è stato originariamente sviluppato in paesi che non dispongono di una qualità ottimale del carburante. L'additivo è prodotto in Germania, il paese natale di LIQUI MOLY. "Vogliamo che ogni pilota del mondo, non solo quelli in Germania, per essere in grado di beneficiare della nostra esperienza."


Giornale dell Aftermarket (Italien), 10/2012


Autokatalog (Bulgarien), 10/2012




De roetfilter zorgt er bij dieselwagens voor dat roetdeeltjes zoveel mogelijk uit het uitlaatgas worden gehouden. De verbrandingsgassen worden door de microscopische poriën van de filter geleid en de roetdeeltjes worden tegengehouden. Actieve roetfilters, ook Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) genoemd, gaan de verzamelde stofdeeltjes ook wegbranden (zie filterregeneratie).

Euro-5 normRoetfilters zijn al in beeld sinds de Euro-4 norm, die de norm Euro-3 (haalbaar zonder filter) verstrengde. Vanaf 1997 mocht de uitstoot nog slechts 0,025 gram fijn stof per kilometer bedragen. Sinds september 2009 is echter de Euro-5-norm van kracht. Die houdt in dat wagens 80% minder roetdeeltjes mogen uitstoten dan bij de vorige

norm. Roetfilters zijn tot nu toe de enige manier om daaraan te voldoen, dus werden en worden die en masse geplaatst in retrofit of 'af fabriek'.

DEMONTAGE & REINIGING VS REINIGINGSPRODUCTIn het artikel in de vorige editie hadden wij het al over het laten reinigen van roetfilters na demontage. Maar welk proces is nu geschikt voor welke filter?

Stadsverkeer en korte rittenHet filterreinigen met een product is vooral efficiënt bij dieselvoertuigen die weinig voldoen aan de voorwaarden voor regeneratie (zie artikel CarFix 59). Deze voertuigen rijden voornamelijk korte ritten, manoeuvreren in steden... en verbranden op die manier niet veel roetdeeltjes die door de filter worden tegengehouden. Na een

goede 50.000 km zijn de filters van dergelijk gebruikte voertuigen al verzadigd.

Onderhoud tijdens reinigingTijdens de behandeling met het reinigingsproduct kan de garagehouder elk gewoon onderhoud, dat gebeurt zonder draaiende motor, uitvoeren.

Verwijderen van asVoertuigen die regelmatig lange afstanden afleggen, aan een hoger toerental, maken meer gebruik van het regeneratiesysteem. De filters van dergelijke transportmiddelen kunnen dan ook vlot 100.000 of zelfs 200.000 km halen voor de filter verzadigd is. Maar omdat niet alle roet in CO2 kan worden omgezet, stapelt er zich sowieso as op in de filter en moet die gereinigd worden. Dan is demontage en reiniging door gespecialiseerde firma's, of de aankoop van een

nieuwe roetfilter, de enige optie.

Roet verbrandenBij de ingang en uitgang van de roetfilter zitten druksensoren. Die geven het motormanagement-systeem het periodieke signaal wanneer het tijd is voor regeneratie. Op dat moment wordt dan wat diesel ingespoten die ontvlamt en de temperatuur in de DPF doet stijgen. Temperaturen boven 600°C doen de roetdeeltjes verbranden. Die temperaturen worden ook bereikt bij minstens een kwartier van constante, hoge motorbelasting (hoog toerental).

KOSTENPLAATJEPrijzen van nieuwe roetfilters variëren van 350 euro tot zelfs 2.500 euro, exclusief de tijd om te (de)monteren.

Goedkoper Reiniging door een gespecialiseerde firma kost de garage tussen de 200 à 400 euro, waarbij de garagehouder zelf de DPF dient te demonteren en te monteren.

GoedkoopstHet behandelen van een verzadigde roetfilter met product kost een kleine drie kwartier werk, de producten nog geen 100 euro.

REINIGING MET PRODUCTVoor dit artikel wachten we niet af tot het motormanagement een melding geeft in verband met de drukwaarden van de roetfilter. Bij Sergoyne Diagnostics legt eigenaar Jeroen Vertongen een Volvo aan het diagnose-apparaat.



Nieuwe roetfilters en hun montage kosten al snel honderden euro's. Daarom is het zowel voor de garagist als voor de klant interessant om te kiezen voor het reinigen van de roetfilter. Dat kan gebeuren door demontage en reiniging door een firma maar ook d.m.v. een reinigingsproduct. Het reinigen met demontage behandelden wij in een vorig artikel. Dit artikel gaat over het reinigen van verstopte roetfilters zonder demontage, met een reinigingsproduct. Die methode is vooral heilzaam bij voertuigen die veel korte ritten maken en vooral stadsverkeer trotseren.

Door Dieter Devriendt


Zowel het reinigingsproduct als het spoelingsproduct worden volledig via een sonde, gekoppeld aan het spuitpistool en de compressor, in de roetfilter gespoten

Een verzadigde Diesel Particulate Filter raakt verstopt en streeft dan zijn doel voorbij

Carfix (Belgien), Nov. 2012


MECHANISCHE ONDERDELENDiagnose: drukmetingMet de diagnosetester gaan we na welke drukwaarden gemeten worden rond de DPF. Waar we normaliter waardes van 0 tot 1 hPa moeten krijgen bij stationair draaien, laat de Volvo waarden tussen de 4 à 5 hPa optekenen. Bij gas geven benadert de druk de 100 hPa. Dit wijst op een (beginnend) verstopte roetfilter.

Demontage lambdasonde“Reinigen zonder demontage” moet wel met een korreltje zout genomen worden, alhoewel de DPF niet losgekoppeld wordt van de auto. Wat wel gedemonteerd moet worden, is de lambdasonde. Langs daar moet namelijk het product in de filter gespoten worden. Om eenvoudig aan de dieselfilter te kunnen met de sonde, kunnen eventuele beschermplaten ook gedemonteerd worden.

Aanbrengen reinigingsproductIn de opening waar de lambdasonde thuishoorde, kan nu met een sonde, en gebruik van de compressor, het product aangebracht worden. Sommige fabrikanten leveren producten met twee soorten sondes: een rechte en een gebogen. Spiraalvormige gaatjes rondom de top van die sondes vervult de functie van 'rioolrat' en verspreidt het product overal gelijkmatig inwendig in de filter. Er gaat een volledige verpakking (1 liter) reinigingsproduct in de filter, waarna een kwartier moet gewacht worden.

Aanbrengen spoelingMet dezelfde sonde, nog steeds in combinatie met de compressor, kan na het kwartiertje inwerken het spoelingsproduct ingebracht worden.

Montage lambdasonde en regeneratieMet de beide producten in de roetfilter kan de lambdasonde terug gemonteerd worden. Daarna moet het voertuig, best buiten de garagegebouwen, een 20 minuten regeneren met behulp van het diagnosetoestel. Indien er daarvoor faciliteiten zijn, mag het voertuig ook al rijdend, met constante snelheid en hoge toerentallen, de filter regenereren. De roetdeeltjes verlaten onder de vorm van rook en een donkere drek de uitlaatpijp.

Controle met diagnosetesterDe diagnosetester tekent bij een meting na de behandeling met reinigingsproduct en de regeneratie, drukwaarden van 0,6 tot 1,2 hPA op, wat de 'normale' waarden benadert. De filter kan opnieuw kilometers lang roet vreten.

Met dank aan Liqui Moly en Sergoyne Diagnostics



Eerste meting: de druk bij gas geven gaat tegen 100 hPa aan: het signaal voor beginnende verzadiging

De lambdasonde wordt uit de DPF verwijderd. De vrijgekomen ruimte dient om de sonde met producten toe te laten

In de spuitbeker, gekoppeld aan de compressor, gaat een volledige liter van het reinigingsproduct

De sonde wordt aangesloten op het spuitpistool en moet in de vrijgekomen plek van de gedemonteerde lambdasonde

Onder druk van 8 bar wordt de spuitbeker met reinigingsproduct volledig in de DPF gespoten

Na een kwartiertje wachten mag het spoelingsproduct in de spuitbeker

Opnieuw met dezelfde sonde wordt het spoelingsproduct onder druk in de filter gespoten

De lambdasonde kan hierna opnieuw gemonteerd worden op de roetfilter

Nu moet de motor 20 minuten op een hoog toerental draaien om te regenereren. Resultaat: veel rook en een zwarte substantie

Een meting na de behandeling toont 0,6 hPa bij stationair draaien. De DPF kan weer roetdeeltjes opnemen



En la actualidad, la multinacional estadounidense –especialista, entre otros, en baterías eléctricas con las que abastece al Ejército de su país- cuenta ya con una factoría en China, con una capacidad de producción de medio millón de motos al año.Sin embargo, la importadora de Abat para toda Europa, la empresa española Eco Expansión, está analizando posibles ubicaciones para instalar una planta de montaje en España, donde se fabricarían modelos especialmente adaptados al gusto europeo.

El principal motivo: disminuir los costes de transporte de las unidades. Además, con esta apuesta, muchos de los componentes de las motos los suministrarían empresas de nuestro país y de otros puntos de Europa, elemento

éste que, sin duda, redundaría en beneficio de los niveles de calidad del producto final.Esta nueva fábrica contaría con una línea de montaje y produciría cerca de 5.000 unidades, en principio todas ellas bajo pedido. Su puesta en marcha, una vez concedidos todos los permisos, en 2013.De momento, el primer mercado europeo de Abat es España y Portugal, donde cuentan en la actualidad con 22 puntos de venta, aunque están negociando para llegar al medio centenar a finales de año.


España, lanzadera de AbatEl mayor fabricante de motos eléctricas del mundo está estudiando la opción de instalar una fábrica de ensamblaje en nuestro país para abastecer Europa.

Gonzalo Alonso, consejero y director general de Going Green, empresa especializada en la comercialización, distribución, servicios de alquiler y ahora también fabricante de motocicletas eléctricas, ha declarado que la producción de su nueva factoría en la Ciudad Condal, que se prevé de 5.000 unidades anuales, ya está asignada en su totalidad. Así, cuatro de cada cinco unidades fabricadas en sus nuevas instalaciones del polígono de la Zona Franca de la capital catalana

se las quedará la propia Going Green para desarrollar proyectos de servicios de alquiler en una treintena de ciudades europeas.Los dos primeros servicios se pondrán en funcionamiento este mismo año: uno en la propia Barcelona y otro en una ciudad fuera de España que la compañía fundada en 2008 todavía está negociando. Eso sí, en total, serán cinco las ciudades elegidas en nuestro país para ofrecer estos servicios de moto sharing, además de algunas islas.

Alonso considera que durante los próximos tres primeros años, ocho de cada diez unidades se destinarán a este negocio, bien para la propia Going Green o para terceras empresas. El 20 % restante se venderá entre clientes particulares. Sin embargo, el directivo ha explicado que la idea es que dicha tendencia se invierta poco a poco y a partir del tercer año. Es decir, que al final el 80 % de la producción vaya a clientes particulares y que el 20 % restante se destine a servicios de moto compartida.La compañía, que ha invertido en esta su primera fábrica hasta 4 millones de euros, prevé lanzar tres modelos: uno irá dirigido a flotas, otro a servicio individual para ciudadanos y un tercero a iniciativas de alquiler de motos. Las primeras unidades llegarán al mercado este mismo noviembre, con un precio de entre 2.500 y 3.000 euros.


Going Green: casi todo se quedará en casaLa compañía, que pone en marcha su primer centro de ensamblaje de motos eléctricas en Barcelona, se quedará con el 80 % de la producción en su primer año.


Brújula, expansión imparable

Desde su presentación en la pasada Feria de

la Franquicia de Madrid la primera franquicia española de venta de scooters y moda urban bikers –firma de la empresa murciana del sector de la importación de motos Metalco Motor (MTR)–, ya cuenta con hasta 16 establecimientos en nuestro país. Cuatro se encuentran en pleno rendimiento, mientras que el resto abrirán sus puertas en los próximos meses. Metalco Motor confía en llegar a la próxima primavera a los 25 establecimientos. Por cierto, Brújula estará presente en la próxima Feria de la Franquicia de Valencia, del 18 al 20 de octubre. Más en

La nueva imagen de Liqui MolyLa firma

alemana de aceites de motor y aditivos ha estrenado en Automechanika, la mayor feria accesorios del automóvil del mundo, el nuevo diseño que a partir de ahora lucirán todas las etiquetas de sus bidones de aceite. “Las etiquetas son el rostro del aceite de motor”, en palabras de Peter Baumann, director de marketing de Liqui Moly. Baumann destaca la funcionalidad de las nuevas etiquetas, ya que ahora el comprador encuentra rápidamente los datos más importantes: la viscosidad y las autorizaciones del fabricante. La nueva etiqueta pone énfasis también en la procedencia alemana de Liqui Moly. De ahí que el “Made in Germany” esté situado en un lugar preferente de la misma, equiparando de este modo calidad con origen. Más en


Jornal das Oficinas (Portugal), Okt. 2012

Solo Moto (Spanien), 10/2012

Officina Atelier (Italien), 26/2012


Thema: Liqui Moly – Unternehmen

24.10.2012 | Korjaamo- Ja Varaosaviesti

Medienquelle: PrintSeitenstart: 10

Anzahl der Zeichen: 3122Erscheinungsweise: keine Angabe


Korjaamoviesti (Finnland), Okt. 2012


Thema: Liqui Moly – Unternehmen

24.10.2012 | Korjaamo- Ja Varaosaviesti

Medienquelle: PrintSeitenstart: 10

Anzahl der Zeichen: 3122Erscheinungsweise: keine Angabe

-1- (Libanon), 10/2012

30 (Bulgarien), 10/2012


Auto-Service (Griechenland), 9/2012


noticiasSeptiembre 2012 9

OPEL CORSA ESTÁ DE CELEBRACIÓN por su trigé-simo aniversario. Desde que la marca comenzase su producción en 1982, han pasado cuatro generaciones de vehículos y un total de 12 millones de unidades Corsa fabricados./© GM Company.

FORD GANA el ‘Premio Internacional al motor del año’ 2012 con su nuevo motor 1.0-Liter EcoBoost®./© Ford.

Liqui Moly estrena sitio web para móvilesLa empresa alemana amplia su web al español para móviles y Smartphone.

La compañía alemana Liqui Moly, presente en más de 100 países y especialista en aceites para motores, aditivos, artícu-los para el cuidado del auto-móvil y productos destinados al servicio técnico, inicia una nueva andadura web con su versión para móviles de la pá-gina ofi cial de la empresa. El fi n de esta nueva versión es dar mayores prestaciones y mejo-rar la comodidad de los usua-rios de Smartphone. Pensando en ellos, se ha realizado un di-seño optimizado sin variar los contenidos y estructura que permitirá mayor funcionali-dad. Hasta ahora el sitio web móvil estaba disponible para PC en alemán e inglés. En ade-

lante habrá también una ver-sión española y francesa.

El acceso a esta prestación es muy sencillo. Es sufi ciente con visitar la página web de la empresa, El sitio reconoce automáticamen-te si se ha accedido a él a través de teléfono móvil, y redirige al usuario automáticamente a la web móvil.

El desarrollo de esta he-rramienta es el resultado de la evolución iniciada hace al-gunos meses por la compañía, cuyo primer paso en esta di-rección fue una variante para celulares de su guía de aceites on-line gratuita al descubrir la ingente cifra de accesos desde estos dispositivos.

Motormatica (Spanien), 10/2012

JdO (Portugal, 10/2012

Notiziario Motoristico (Italien), Okt. 2012


Protecting Massive GearsA longtime industry leader in producing oils and additives to protect gears in automotive transmissions, LIQUI MOLY rises to the challenge of industrial applications as well.

By Peter Szarafinski

Gear Solutions (USA), 3/2012


AAS A mAnufActurer of motor oilS And AdditiveS, liQui molY SPeciAlizeS in the

Automotive Sector And iS the moSt PoPulAr BrAnd of luBricAnt in GermAnY.

Another new Sector iS AlSo GAininG imPortAnce: ProtectinG the GeArS in

induStriAl trAnSmiSSionS. for exAmPle, liQui molY hAS now eStABliShed

itSelf in the South AfricAn mininG Sector, which iS A comPletelY new field

for the comPAnY. But it hAS Been SucceSSful in trAnSferrinG itS know-how

from cArS to diAmond mineS.

Transferring Technologythe occasion was provided by the continuing difficulties of mine operators with their transmis-sions—with the gearing in their conveyor systems, for example. the transmissions on large con-veyor belts may have entirely dif-ferent dimensions than automo-biles, but the principles and most of the problems are the same, explains reiner Schönfelder, appli-cation engineer at liQui molY. “these include primarily wear and resistance to high temperatures,” he says. “especially in mining, dust accumulates in the transmis-sion, increasing friction between the gears and other components. this results in greater wear and higher temperatures. An additional factor is the high ambient tem-perature, frequently driving up the temperature of the oil in the trans-mission to its upper limit. the risk of inadequate lubrication and excessive wear is correspondingly high. in addition to the repair costs themselves, a defect in such a conveyor system leads to consider-able costs for loss of production. reliability is therefore of great importance.”

the simplest solution is present-ed by additives for the transmis-sion oil, and additives for motor vehicles are liQui molY’s spe-cialty. in its home market the company is the market leader with

corresponding expertise. the mine operators were skeptical. when it comes to oils and greases, they too possess a great deal of know-how, but additives were uncharted waters for them. however, addi-tives are nothing out of the ordi-nary for machines; they are an indispensable constituent of mod-ern oils. ultimately these additives give the basic oil the properties required, says Schönfelder.

here the company was able to contribute with its experience in the automotive sector. together with the mine operators, it ana-

lyzed the concrete problems on site. this was followed by initial tests, which already delivered clear results: following the inclusion of the additives, the temperature of the transmission oil decreased 10 to 15 degrees celsius. ronnie Graven, who has been operating diamond mines for decades, has now placed his full trust in liQui molY. “this is a very simple solu-tion providing better protection for our machines,” he says. “this not only reduces the risk of malfunc-tions, but maintenance costs were also reduced.”

Fig. 1: The gears in the transmissions of these massive pieces of equipment operate under huge strains and in harsh environments.

MARCH 2012 27


DecreaseD fricTionBasically there are two approaches for subsequent friction reduction in a transmission: chemical and mechanical. one example for mechanical reduction of friction is molybdenum sulfide (moS2). this is a solid lubricant with a structure similar to graphite. it deposits on the surface of the metal and acts as a lubricating layer, preventing direct metal-to-metal contact. the reduced friction decreases the heat caused by friction, and thus the oil temperature. moreover, wear is reduced and the service life increased. the benefits of molybdenum sulfide have been known for some time. during the Second world war the u.S. Air force added molybdenum sulfide to the motor oil for aircraft engines. At that time the main objective was neither to increase service intervals nor to save fuel. the benefit was more direct: the molybdenum sulfide significantly improved the emergency running characteristics. when an engine lost its oil after a direct hit, the pistons seized up within minutes, necessitating an emergency landing in hostile territory. the molybdenum sul-fide remained in the engine even after losing the oil, providing rudimentary lubrication for the engine. this capability kept the engine running longer, saving many pilots from being captured. naturally, such emergency running properties are also an advan-tage even in non-military applications. in the event of damage, they help to minimize the consequences, and when no damage is present they reduce friction and therefore wear.

in the case of chemical friction reduction, special agents tend to harden the surface of the metal. one of these agents is molybdenum, embedded into the surface of the metal under pressure at high temperatures. the surface is smoothed and microscopically small roughness reduced. this principle was also exploited by the military. A manufacturer of tank cannons

Fig. 2: There is no room for downtime due to trans-mission failures in this operation.


discovered that metal could be hardened with molybdenum. this effect can be applied during operation as well as in production.

these two methods, mechanical and chemical reduction of friction, can also be combined. cera tec from liQui molY is such a product. originally it was devel-oped for use in motor oil in cars, but it is also beneficial in transmissions. instead of molybdenum sulfide, it con-tains minute ceramic particles with a hexagonal boron nitride base. these not only increase performance, they also provide an additional advantage: they adhere so tenaciously to the metal, that they even withstand an oil change provid-ing virtually the same performance in the new oil. the result is a highly effective wear protection additive with exceptional resistance to high temperature and pres-sure. its use is not limited to engines, because it can also be used in compres-sors, pumps, and transmissions. the ceramic particles are smaller than 0.5 μm, allowing them to pass easily through the oil filter.

chemical Toolsin the event of problems with transmis-sions, liQui molY recommends early use of additives. these are not miracle agents capable of repairing severe mechanical damage. they are chemical tools, with the advantages of costing little and achieving good results in many cases. in the auto-motive sector, liQui molY has had good experience with the following procedure: when faced with problems such as hard shifting, high temperature or excessive noise, it is not worthwhile wasting time on detailed diagnosis and troubleshoot-ing. Start using an appropriate transmis-sion oil additive immediately. frequently that is all that is needed to remedy the problem. “many transmission problems are associated with increasing friction and corresponding wear,” Schönfelder explains. “this is precisely where addi-tives come in. And even if this doesn’t solve the problem, our additives are exceptionally compatible and can never damage a transmission.”

the material costs for the additive are minimal, and the time required for use

equally low. “that is exactly why they are so attractive,” he says. “that's what makes it worthwhile to take a shot in the dark to try and solve the problem before going through a complete diagnosis. if it doesn't work, it costs almost noth-ing. But if it does work you avoid long standstill times and high labor costs for troubleshooting, not to mention the expenses for replacement parts.”

As mentioned, additives are not a miracle cure and cannot remedy major mechanical damage. “we would never claim that,” Schönfelder says. “we know the capabilities and the limits of our additives very well and are very honest to our customers about this. however, the benefits of separate additives for transmission oils do not appear to have made the rounds in industrial circles.

MARCH 2012 29

discovered that metal could be hardened with molybdenum. this effect can be applied during operation as well as in production.

these two methods, mechanical and chemical reduction of friction, can also be combined. cera tec from liQui molY is such a product. originally it was devel-oped for use in motor oil in cars, but it is also beneficial in transmissions. instead of molybdenum sulfide, it con-tains minute ceramic particles with a hexagonal boron nitride base. these not only increase performance, they also provide an additional advantage: they adhere so tenaciously to the metal, that they even withstand an oil change provid-ing virtually the same performance in the new oil. the result is a highly effective wear protection additive with exceptional resistance to high temperature and pres-sure. its use is not limited to engines, because it can also be used in compres-sors, pumps, and transmissions. the ceramic particles are smaller than 0.5 μm, allowing them to pass easily through the oil filter.

chemical Toolsin the event of problems with transmis-sions, liQui molY recommends early use of additives. these are not miracle agents capable of repairing severe mechanical damage. they are chemical tools, with the advantages of costing little and achieving good results in many cases. in the auto-motive sector, liQui molY has had good experience with the following procedure: when faced with problems such as hard shifting, high temperature or excessive noise, it is not worthwhile wasting time on detailed diagnosis and troubleshoot-ing. Start using an appropriate transmis-sion oil additive immediately. frequently that is all that is needed to remedy the problem. “many transmission problems are associated with increasing friction and corresponding wear,” Schönfelder explains. “this is precisely where addi-tives come in. And even if this doesn’t solve the problem, our additives are exceptionally compatible and can never damage a transmission.”

the material costs for the additive are minimal, and the time required for use

equally low. “that is exactly why they are so attractive,” he says. “that's what makes it worthwhile to take a shot in the dark to try and solve the problem before going through a complete diagnosis. if it doesn't work, it costs almost noth-ing. But if it does work you avoid long standstill times and high labor costs for troubleshooting, not to mention the expenses for replacement parts.”

As mentioned, additives are not a miracle cure and cannot remedy major mechanical damage. “we would never claim that,” Schönfelder says. “we know the capabilities and the limits of our additives very well and are very honest to our customers about this. however, the benefits of separate additives for transmission oils do not appear to have made the rounds in industrial circles.

MARCH 2012 29

discovered that metal could be hardened with molybdenum. this effect can be applied during operation as well as in production.

these two methods, mechanical and chemical reduction of friction, can also be combined. cera tec from liQui molY is such a product. originally it was devel-oped for use in motor oil in cars, but it is also beneficial in transmissions. instead of molybdenum sulfide, it con-tains minute ceramic particles with a hexagonal boron nitride base. these not only increase performance, they also provide an additional advantage: they adhere so tenaciously to the metal, that they even withstand an oil change provid-ing virtually the same performance in the new oil. the result is a highly effective wear protection additive with exceptional resistance to high temperature and pres-sure. its use is not limited to engines, because it can also be used in compres-sors, pumps, and transmissions. the ceramic particles are smaller than 0.5 μm, allowing them to pass easily through the oil filter.

chemical Toolsin the event of problems with transmis-sions, liQui molY recommends early use of additives. these are not miracle agents capable of repairing severe mechanical damage. they are chemical tools, with the advantages of costing little and achieving good results in many cases. in the auto-motive sector, liQui molY has had good experience with the following procedure: when faced with problems such as hard shifting, high temperature or excessive noise, it is not worthwhile wasting time on detailed diagnosis and troubleshoot-ing. Start using an appropriate transmis-sion oil additive immediately. frequently that is all that is needed to remedy the problem. “many transmission problems are associated with increasing friction and corresponding wear,” Schönfelder explains. “this is precisely where addi-tives come in. And even if this doesn’t solve the problem, our additives are exceptionally compatible and can never damage a transmission.”

the material costs for the additive are minimal, and the time required for use

equally low. “that is exactly why they are so attractive,” he says. “that's what makes it worthwhile to take a shot in the dark to try and solve the problem before going through a complete diagnosis. if it doesn't work, it costs almost noth-ing. But if it does work you avoid long standstill times and high labor costs for troubleshooting, not to mention the expenses for replacement parts.”

As mentioned, additives are not a miracle cure and cannot remedy major mechanical damage. “we would never claim that,” Schönfelder says. “we know the capabilities and the limits of our additives very well and are very honest to our customers about this. however, the benefits of separate additives for transmission oils do not appear to have made the rounds in industrial circles.

MARCH 2012 29

discovered that metal could be hardened with molybdenum. this effect can be applied during operation as well as in production.

these two methods, mechanical and chemical reduction of friction, can also be combined. cera tec from liQui molY is such a product. originally it was devel-oped for use in motor oil in cars, but it is also beneficial in transmissions. instead of molybdenum sulfide, it con-tains minute ceramic particles with a hexagonal boron nitride base. these not only increase performance, they also provide an additional advantage: they adhere so tenaciously to the metal, that they even withstand an oil change provid-ing virtually the same performance in the new oil. the result is a highly effective wear protection additive with exceptional resistance to high temperature and pres-sure. its use is not limited to engines, because it can also be used in compres-sors, pumps, and transmissions. the ceramic particles are smaller than 0.5 μm, allowing them to pass easily through the oil filter.

chemical Toolsin the event of problems with transmis-sions, liQui molY recommends early use of additives. these are not miracle agents capable of repairing severe mechanical damage. they are chemical tools, with the advantages of costing little and achieving good results in many cases. in the auto-motive sector, liQui molY has had good experience with the following procedure: when faced with problems such as hard shifting, high temperature or excessive noise, it is not worthwhile wasting time on detailed diagnosis and troubleshoot-ing. Start using an appropriate transmis-sion oil additive immediately. frequently that is all that is needed to remedy the problem. “many transmission problems are associated with increasing friction and corresponding wear,” Schönfelder explains. “this is precisely where addi-tives come in. And even if this doesn’t solve the problem, our additives are exceptionally compatible and can never damage a transmission.”

the material costs for the additive are minimal, and the time required for use

equally low. “that is exactly why they are so attractive,” he says. “that's what makes it worthwhile to take a shot in the dark to try and solve the problem before going through a complete diagnosis. if it doesn't work, it costs almost noth-ing. But if it does work you avoid long standstill times and high labor costs for troubleshooting, not to mention the expenses for replacement parts.”

As mentioned, additives are not a miracle cure and cannot remedy major mechanical damage. “we would never claim that,” Schönfelder says. “we know the capabilities and the limits of our additives very well and are very honest to our customers about this. however, the benefits of separate additives for transmission oils do not appear to have made the rounds in industrial circles.

MARCH 2012 29


An increasing number of automo-tive garages are using transmission additives as a special liquid tool in their tool kit. here it has become an important instrument for cus-tomer loyalty. imagine a car owner with transmission problems has already gotten a cost estimate from another garage for a new transmis-sion, and your garage can solve the problem within an extremely short time for only a few dollars. which garage would you go to the next time you need some work done?”

inDusTrial applicaTionsin industrial circles, however, knowl-edge of the possibilities offered by additives is obviously lacking in many cases. evidently parts of the branch have basic reservations about using additives. Some of these reservations may result from lack of experience with additives. Fig. 3: Keeping these machines in motion is job one for LIQUI MOLY.


And some from the fact that there are a few black sheep here, as in every branch, who make incredible promises or offer inferior products, giving additives a bad name. in-depth information and tests can help clear up existing prejudices and skepticism. when we demonstrate, as we did on site in South Africa, that this can all be accomplished without major efforts, the people are completely amazed,” Schönfelder says.

however, the use of liQui molY is not limited only to large transmissions. the vehicles used in the mines now also ben-efit from the extra protection provided by liQui molY, and this pays off. “we used to have to change the motor oil in our excavators and dumpers every 250 hours, and now only every 500 hours,” according to Graven. in the meantime, more than a dozen mines in South Africa benefit from the additional protection.

the company produces exclusively in Germany to ensure the same quality worldwide. in the industrial sector it intends to offer the same product quality as well as the same ser-vice as for automobiles. liQui molY believes that long-term customer loyalty is the key to success. this is why we not only sell the right products, but also provide customers the support they need in the form of consulting services, appli-

Fig. 4: Sand and other particulates demand extra protection for transmission components.

OIL Sampling Valves: Re-Invented

Introducing “Pass-Thru” Technology

A True Game Changer

• Plated Steel Body & Cap

• Hex Cap with Chain Tether

• Unmatched Installation Choices

• 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” & 3/4” NPT Male Pipe

• Pass-Thru Sample Tube ¼” OD

• Internal Tube Seal/Wiper Strips Surface

Oil From Sampling Tube

Patent Pending

MARCH 2012 31

And some from the fact that there are a few black sheep here, as in every branch, who make incredible promises or offer inferior products, giving additives a bad name. in-depth information and tests can help clear up existing prejudices and skepticism. when we demonstrate, as we did on site in South Africa, that this can all be accomplished without major efforts, the people are completely amazed,” Schönfelder says.

however, the use of liQui molY is not limited only to large transmissions. the vehicles used in the mines now also ben-efit from the extra protection provided by liQui molY, and this pays off. “we used to have to change the motor oil in our excavators and dumpers every 250 hours, and now only every 500 hours,” according to Graven. in the meantime, more than a dozen mines in South Africa benefit from the additional protection.

the company produces exclusively in Germany to ensure the same quality worldwide. in the industrial sector it intends to offer the same product quality as well as the same ser-vice as for automobiles. liQui molY believes that long-term customer loyalty is the key to success. this is why we not only sell the right products, but also provide customers the support they need in the form of consulting services, appli-

Fig. 4: Sand and other particulates demand extra protection for transmission components.

OIL Sampling Valves: Re-Invented

Introducing “Pass-Thru” Technology

A True Game Changer

• Plated Steel Body & Cap

• Hex Cap with Chain Tether

• Unmatched Installation Choices

• 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” & 3/4” NPT Male Pipe

• Pass-Thru Sample Tube ¼” OD

• Internal Tube Seal/Wiper Strips Surface

Oil From Sampling Tube

Patent Pending

MARCH 2012 31


An increasing number of automo-tive garages are using transmission additives as a special liquid tool in their tool kit. here it has become an important instrument for cus-tomer loyalty. imagine a car owner with transmission problems has already gotten a cost estimate from another garage for a new transmis-sion, and your garage can solve the problem within an extremely short time for only a few dollars. which garage would you go to the next time you need some work done?”

inDusTrial applicaTionsin industrial circles, however, knowl-edge of the possibilities offered by additives is obviously lacking in many cases. evidently parts of the branch have basic reservations about using additives. Some of these reservations may result from lack of experience with additives. Fig. 3: Keeping these machines in motion is job one for LIQUI MOLY.


cation tips, and aid in solving concrete problems. this is why the chief of our research and development department visited South Africa personally to find a solution together with the mine opera-tors on site. when none of the present products provides the desired results, the research department attempts to develop a new product. As a matter of fact, such solutions for special problems

experienced by individual customers have resulted in an entire series of prod-ucts, which are featured in liQui molY's standard product line today.

summarySouth Africa was the stage for our pre-miere in the mining business. transfer of know-how from the automotive sector has proven successful. in the meantime,

the company has also established itself in mining in latin America as well.

liQui molY is a medium sized, pri-vately managed company with over 550 employees. in addition to additives it produces a wide range of motor oils as well as transmission oils, hydraulic oils, and a series of specialties. moreover, the line includes service products such as an entire series of automotive chemi-cals for workshop requirements, number-ing more than 4,000 products altogeth-er. we develop and tests our products in our own laboratories, marketing them in more than 100 countries around the world.

Fig. 5: Failed gears in these con-veyor belts can bring production to a halt.

about the author:

contact Peter Szarafinski at +49 7 31/14 20 189 or Go online to




Wessels + Müller München, Deutschland




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Messe im Irak


Wessels + Müller Berlin, Deutschland


Intermot Köln, Deutschland



WTCC Suzuka, Japan



WTCC Suzuka, Japan


Promotion im Rahmen der WTCC Suzuka, Japan


Rallye im Libanon


Promotion in Vitibsk, Weißrussland


Frankenland Rallye, Deutschland


Schulung in Guangzhou, China


Schulung in Guangzhou, China Jeep Rallye Brest, Weißrussland


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Schulung in Spanien ADT Promotion in Minsk, Weißrussland


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Presseschau Inland

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BaumarktManager, 10/2012


Verkäuferkollege Isa Kurt (rechts) durfte zwei Kunden für ihre besonderen Leistungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit LIQUI MOLY ehren, denn zu unserer Philosophie gehört es, dass unsere Partner für herausragendes Engagement gelobt und gewürdigt werden.




Auslandsprospekt, 1992



Auslandsprospekt, 1992





Orange Zone 3/2012











Starke Leistung in Südbayern

Am Samstag, dem 6.10.2012 fand die mittlerweile 27. Auflage der ADAC-Kathrein Rallye Rosenheim statt. Es fanden sich rund 80 Teilnehmer zusammen, um an dieser Veranstal-tung, welche aus vier verschiedenen Wertungsprüfungen bestand, von denen es die ers-ten beiden jeweils doppelt zu befahren galt, teilzuneh-men. Da die Rallye in den letzten Jahren aus meist sehr schnellen Passagen bestand und die Ausschreibung keinen Schotteranteil versprach, entschied sich das Rallyeteam Honke mit dem bärenstarken BMW M3 CSL anzureisen. Auf dem „heissen Sitz“ nahm dieses Mal jedoch nicht Stammbeifahrer Benjamin Sauer-born, sondern Matthias Motschenbacher aus Weismain Platz, da sich Benjamin selbst als Fahrer versuchte. Aufgrund starker einheimischer Konkurrenz und der Tatsache, dass das Duo Honke/Motschenbacher zum ersten Mal gemeinsam bei einer Rallye antrat, rechnete man sich

anfangs nicht sehr viel aus, sondern wollte problemlos ins Ziel kommen. Los ging es dann mit WP1, einer sehr schnellen, je-doch mit vielen Abzweigen gespickten Sprintprüfung, die man allerdings vom Start weg etwas verschlief. Auf der zweiten Prüfung, ebenfalls ein Sprint, welcher im

letzten Drittel mit vielen uneinsehbaren Kurven, beziehungsweise Kuppen äußerst an-spruchsvoll war, erreichte man sofort die dritte Gesamtzeit. Danach standen zwei Rundkurse auf dem Programm, die man recht ordentlich absolvie-ren konnte. Weil es keine Live-Zeiten gab und man nur die ungenauen selbst-gestoppten Zeiten mit den anderen Teilnehmern vergleichen konnte, lag man nach diesen vier WP´s gefühlsmäßig zwischen dem dritten und fünften Gesamt-rang. Nun galt es nochmals die ersten beiden Sprintprüfungen zu befahren. Konnte man auf der fünften Sonderprüfung die Zeit aus dem ersten Durchgang gleich um vier Sekun-den unterbieten, fuhr man auf der letzten Wertungsprü-fung die selbe Zeit wie zuvor auf WP 2. Grund hierfür war der viele Dreck auf der Strecke, welcher von den Teilneh-mern im ersten Durchgang herausgefahren wurde. Letztendlich hat es trotzdem zu einem ungefährdeten Klassensieg und einem höchst zu-friedenstellenden dritten Gesamtrang, mit nur 1.2 Sekunden Vorsprung auf den Viertplat-zierten Roland Macht, gereicht. Ihr Rallyeteam Honke

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