oloyÉ acoustic trio - gigmit-production.s3.amazonaws.com · oloyÉ acoustic trio die musik :: drei...

Post on 09-Oct-2019






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DIE MUSIK :: Drei erfahrene MusikerInnen präsentieren einen unterhaltsamen Cocktail aus Bossa Nova, Samba, Forró und der MPB (Musica Popular Brasileira). Das besondere: Klassiker von deutschen Diven wie Marlene Dietrich und Friedrich Holländer werden schamlos integriert, auch der Humor kommt nicht zu kurz. Die Triobesetzung von Oloyé spielt quasi akustisch, kommt ohne grosse Bühne aus und passt in jedes Wohnzimmer genauso wie in Konzertsäle. Besinnliches zum Hören und Grooves zum Tanzen, alles in einem intimen akustischen Rahmen.

AUDIO-LINKS Oloyé Acoustic Trio on soundcloud / Herero / Zumbi feat. Parana Bomfim

THE MUSIC :: Three experienced musicians present an entertaining cocktail of bossa nova, samba, forró and MPB (Musica Popular Brasileira). The special: Classics of German singers like Marlene Dietrich and Friedrich Hollaender are being integrated shamelessly and humor will not be missed. The trio of Oloyé plays quasi acoustically, comes without big stage and fits into any living room as well as in concert halls. Contemplative songs to listen and dance grooves, all in an intimate acoustic setting.

A MUSICA :: Três músicos experientes apresentam um cocktail divertido de bossa nova, samba, forró e MPB. Os especiais: Clássicos de interpretes alemães, como Marlene Dietrich e Friedrich Holländer ser integrados descaradamente, humor não é muito curto. O trio de Oloyé toca quase acusticamente vem sem grande palco, e se encaixa em qualquer sala de estar, bem como em salas de concerto. Canções pensativas para ouvir e grooves para dançar, tudo em um ambiente acústico intimista.

VIDEO-LINKS Oloyé Acoustic Trio live @ Pfefferberg Haus 13, BerlinOloyé Acoustic Trio live @ Freiheit 15, Köpenick, BerlinOloyé Acoustic Trio live @ Forum Brasil Berlin feat. Parana Bomfim

EUTÁLIA DE CARVALHO :: Vocal/Voz Geboren in Pirapora in Minas Gerais, Brasilien. Eutália studierte in Belo-Horizonte Theater und Tanz. In Deutschland gründete sie das Projekt Oloyé gemeinsam mit Horst Nonnenmacher. Parallel dazu arbeitet Sie in mehreren Theater- und Filmprojekten. Sie schrieb das Duo-Musical "Mira Miranda“. De Pirapora, Minas Gerais, Brasil, estudou Teatro e dança em Belo-Horizonte, na Europa, Alemanha formou o projecto juntamente com Horst Nonnenmacher:  a banda Oloyé. Paralelamente ela atuou em vários  projectos: Filmes e Teatros. Escreveu o duo Musical "Mira MIranda“. Born in Pirapora, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Eutália studied theater and dance in Belo-Horizonte, in Europe, Germany, she formed the band Oloyé together with Horst Nonnenmacher. In the same time she was working for several movie and theatre projects. She wrote the duo-musical "Mira Miranda“.

HORST NONNENMACHER :: Bass/Baixo Geboren in Tübingen, studierte klassische Musik an der UDK Berlin, er ist heute einer der gefragtesten Bassisten der Berliner Szene mit der Teilnahme an verschiedenen Projekten und Musik und Jazz-Festivals in der ganzen Welt. Vertreten auf CD-Veröffentlichungen, u.a. mit Sam Rivers, Alexander von Schlippenbach, Paul Bley, Jim Black, Elliott Sharp u.v.a. Nasceu em Tübingen, estudou Musica clássica na UDK Berlim, hoje ele é um dos mais solicitados baixistas de Berlim, com participação em vários projectos e festivais de musica clássica e jazz no mundo enteiro e con aparência em CDs com Sam Rivers, Alexander von Schlippenbach, Paul Bley, Jim Black, Elliott Sharp e outros mais. Born in Tübingen, studied classical music at the UDK Berlin, today he is one of the most wanted bass players of Berlin with participation in various projects. He performs at Festivals all over the world and can be heard on CDs with Sam Rivers, Alexander von Schlippenbach, Paul Bley, Jim Black, Elliott Sharp and many others more.

KATRIN WAHL :: Guitar/Violão Geboren in Minden. Hat sich als swingende und virtuose Gitarristin in der Berliner Szene im Jazz und der Weltmusik einen Namen gemacht. Veröffentlichte CDs u.a. mit: Acoustic Guitar Orchestra Berlin, Jazzorchester Prokopätz, deutsch/brasil. Projekt Cloaca. Sie ist zu Gast auf Festivals in Europa (u.a. Montreux Jazz Festival OFF). Nasceu em Minden, Alemanha. Uma das guitarristas de maior swing e virtuosidade de Berlim tocando Jazz e Worldmusic. Lançado CDs com Acoustic Guitar Orquestra de Berlim, Jazzorchester Prokopätz, projecto alemão/brasileiro Cloaca. Ela é convidada para tocar em festivais na Europa (entre outros Festival em Montreux Jazz OFF). Born in Minden, Germany. One of the most swinging and virtuoso guitar players of the Berlin Jazz and Worldmusic scene. Published CDs a.o. with Acoustic Guitar Orchestra Berlin, Jazzorchester Prokopätz, german/brazilian project Cloaca. She performs at festivals in Europe (a.o. Montreux Jazz Festival OFF)

photo: Gilles Soubeyrand

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