content strategy für ngos: webinhalte erst strategisch planen, dann publizieren

Content Strategy für NGOs Webinhalte erst strategisch planen, dann publizieren re:campaign 2013 Berlin, 6.5.2013 Brigitte Alice Radl [email protected] @brigitte_alice

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  • 1. Content Strategyfr NGOsWebinhalte erst strategisch planen,dann publizierenre:campaign 2013Berlin, 6.5.2013Brigitte Alice [email protected]@brigitte_alice

2. SOCIAL MEDIA & NGOsBILDQUELLE: 3. KOMPLEXITT 4. BERFORDERUNGBILDQUELLE: 5. WAS? CONTENT? 6. CONTENTSTRATEGY 7. "Content strategy plans for thecreation, publication, and governance ofuseful, usable content.Kristina Halvorson, Content Strategy for the Web, 2009 8. Content Strategy in 6 SchrittenBILDQUELLE: 9. #1 berprfe Deine Inhalte 10. Content Inventory 11. berblick ber bereits vorhandene Inhalte Identifikation von guten und mangelhaften Inhalten und Prozessen Argumentationsgrundlage gegenber Stakeholdern der Organisation Basis fr die Verbesserung der Webprsenz und fr die Content StrategyQuantitatives & qualitativesContent Audit 12. #2 Kenne Deine Nutzer 13. The purpose of user research is to movebeyond assumptions, guesses, and stereotypesto discover what your humanreaders, viewers, and listeners really want andneed.Erin Kissane, The Elements of Content Strategy, 2011 14. Chris Atherton: Nonprofit, zero content, Confab London 2013 15. Mental health has a stigma like many other topics.People dont talk about it. That was the centralproblem that they tried to solve in the campaign.Chris Atherton, Confab London 2013 16. Nonprofit is not sexy. But they have people whoreally really care about adolescents with mental-health problems.Chris Atherton, Confab London 2013 17. Chris Atherton: Nonprofit, zero content, Confab London 2013 18. Chris Atherton: Nonprofit, zero content, Confab London 2013 19. Chris Atherton: Nonprofit, zero content, Confab London 2013 20. Chris Atherton: Nonprofit, zero content, Confab London 2013 21. Chris Atherton: Nonprofit, zero content, Confab London 2013 22. 23. #3 berzeuge Deine Stakeholder 24. 1. Identifiziere Deine Stakeholder.2. Involviere Deine Stakeholder.3. Interessiere Dich fr Deine Stakeholder.4. Individualisiere Deine Botschaften.5. Integriere Deine Stakeholder dauerhaft.BILDQUELLE: 25. #4 Definiere Deine Botschaften 26. If you dont know WHAT you need tocommunicate, how will you know HOW, or if yousucceed?Margot Bloomstein, 27. Messaging is the art of deciding what informationor ideas you want to giveand get fromyourusers.Kristina. Halvorson, Content Strategy for the Web, 2009 28. Cut to the essential message and put it first.Ginny Redish, Confab 2013 29. Give and Get Hope Here 30. We wanted to tell the story of the Red Crossthrough people we serve, while at the same timedemonstrating the breadth of our mission. (...) thegoal for this storytelling campaign was to bring oureveryday mission to life in a personally relevantway.Peggy Dyer, Chief Marketing Officer of the American Red Cross 31. 32. #5 Manage Deine internen Prozesse 33. BILDQUELLE: 34. Nicola OConnor: Can Content Strategy Help Save Lifes? 35. Tell everyone who will listen that content is acontinuous and not a linear process.Nicola OConnor, Content Strategist at Cancer Research UK 36. BILDQUELLE: 37. 38. #6 Whle Deine Plattformen 39. The mechanisms that content owners will select todeliver their content will depend not only on theirtarget audiences preferences, but also ontime, budget, internal resources, and available toolsor technologies.Kristina. Halvorson, Content Strategy for the Web, 2009 40. Companies who truly commit to social mediawhorecognize that these delivery channels demandeditorial oversight and regular production ofbranded contentare going to win the game.Kristina. Halvorson, Content Strategy for the Web, 2009 41. Vielen Dank !re:campaign 2013Berlin, 6.5.2013Brigitte Alice [email protected]@brigitte_alice 42. Google Group Content Strategy!forum/contentstrategy Google Group Content Strategy Europe Google Community Content Strategie (deutschsprachig) Twitter-Hashtag #contentstrategyKonferenzen, Meetups & Camps: CONFAB CS Forum #cosca13 am 7. & 8. Juni in Dieburg Regionale Meetups (Google Content Strategy + deine Stadt)Liste Content-Strategy-Konferenzen 2013 von Shelly Bowen: neue Freunde!BILDQUELLE: 43. Annett-Baker, Relly. A Practical Guide to Creating Web Content. Bailie, Rahel Anne; Urbina, Noz. Content Strategy: Connecting the DotsBetween Business, Brand, and Benefits. Bloomstein, Margot. Content Strategy at Work: Real-world Stories toStrengthen Every Interactive Project. Halvorson, Kristina; Rach, Melissa. Content Strategy for the Web. Handley, Ann; Chapman, C.C. Content Rules. Jones, Colleen. Clout The Art & Science of Influential Web Content. Kissane, Erin. The Elements of Content Strategy. McGovern, Gerry. Killer Web Content: Make the Sale, Deliver theService, Build the Brand. McGrane, Karen. Content Strategy for Mobile. Redish, Janice (Ginny). Letting Go of the Words. Rockley, Ann; Cooper, Charles. Managing Enterprise Content: A UnifiedContent Strategy. Sheffield, Richard. The Web Content Strategists Bible. Wachter-Boettcher, Sara. Content Everywhere: Strategy and Structure forFuture-Ready Content.Literatur zu Content StrategyBILDQUELLE: 44. BILDQUELLE: StrategyOnlinemagazine & Blogs A List apart UX Magazine Contents Boxesandarrows Johnny Holland UX matters 45. BILDQUELLE: Epic List of Content StrategyResources von Jonathon Colman: