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Page 1 Ingenious Knowledge Verlag, Köln Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet verfügbar über: abrufbar. ISBN: xxx Nummer noch eintragen 1. Aufl. Köln 2018 © Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftspädagogik II, Universität Paderborn und © Ingenious Knowledge Verlag Hausanschrift: Gottfried-Hagen-Straße 60-62, 51105 Köln Telefon: (0221) 16820019 Köln, Dezember 2018 Alle Rechte, auch auszugsweisen Nachdrucks, der fotomechanischen Wiedergabe (einschließlich Mikrokopie) sowie die Auswertung durch Datenbanken vorbehalten.

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Ingenious Knowledge Verlag, Köln

Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet verfügbar über: abrufbar.

ISBN: xxx Nummer noch eintragen 1. Aufl. Köln 2018 © Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftspädagogik II, Universität Paderborn

und ©

Ingenious Knowledge Verlag Hausanschrift: Gottfried-Hagen-Straße 60-62, 51105 Köln Telefon: (0221) 16820019 Köln, Dezember 2018 Alle Rechte, auch auszugsweisen Nachdrucks, der fotomechanischen Wiedergabe (einschließlich Mikrokopie) sowie die Auswertung durch Datenbanken vorbehalten.

Page 2: Ingenious Knowledge Verlag, Köln -, (2) Cipru, (3) Finlanda, (4) Irlanda, (5) România (6)

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Authors Marc Beutner, University Paderborn Denise Eggert, University Paderborn Alexandros Apostolides, European University Cyprus Pieris Chourides, European University Cyprus Simona Mihai, European University Cyprus Translations into other partner languages of the GET-UP project: Universität Paderborn, Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftspädagogik II, Germany European University of Cyprus, Cyprus Universitatea din Pitesti, Romania Fundacion Universidad Empresa de la Region de Murcia, Spain Innoventum OY, Finland Checks Future in Perspective Limited, Ireland Meath Community Rural and Social Development Partnership Limited, Ireland Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative Limited, UK Cologne, December 2018

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Content Short Introduction in English .......................................................................................................... 3

Executive Summary to all four questionnaires in Romanian ............................................. 4

Comparative Analysis in summarizing answers to all four questionnaires in English .................................................................................................................................................................. 16

Short Introduction in English This book provides the reader with insights to the results of the Comparative Analysis of the GET-UP project: Green Entrepreneurship Training. Underpinning prosperity. The GET-UP project creates a Green Entrepreneurship curriculum with online modules and courses provided via an online learning Environment Green Entrepreneurs and a CPD training programme for teachers and trainers in this field. Moreover it offers showcases of real companies in the field of Green Entrepreneurship. It can be found on the internet ( and All results of the project are Open educational resources and can be used by everybody without a fee but with reference to the development team and authors. The Comparative Analysis helped to focus on the needs for Green Entrepreneurs in European Countries and was conducted in 2018 at curriculum developers, nascent entrepreneurs, VET-providers and Micro-enterprise owners using four qualitative questionnaires in Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Romania, Spain and UK. The interesting results may help entrepreneurs and VET-providers to get a better impression of ideas and needs of the target group.

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Executive Summary to all four questionnaires in Romanian

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Formare în domeniul antreprenoriatului verde - Proiect (GET-UP)

O5- Antreprenoriatul verde în Europa – O perspectivă comparativă

GET-UP Raport sumativ asupra chestionarelor

Prin intermediul acestui raport, vă oferim o privire de ansamblu asupra răspunsurilor generale ale participanților din diferitele țări partenere în proiectul GET-UP, rezultate în urma studiului comparativ realizat de partenerii proiectului. Studiul comparativ a fost unul calitativ. Țările partenere ale proiectului sunt: (1) Germania, (2) Cipru, (3) Finlanda, (4) Irlanda, (5) România (6) Spania și (7) Regatul Unit. Studiul comparativ a constat în patru chestionare furnizate unor grupuri țintă similare din țările partenere. În cadrul studiului comparativ (Rezultatul 5 al proiectului), am colectat opinia a patru grupuri țintă diferite, pentru a putea oferi informații relevante decidenților politici: (a) Organizațiile partenere GET-UP (Chestionarul 1) (b) Antreprenori în devenire (Chestionarul 2) (c) Profesioniști VET (Chestionarul 3) și (d) Proprietari de micro-întreprinderi (Chestionarul 4). În cadrul acestui raport sumativ, disponibil în toate limbile țărilor partenere, puteți identifica factori cheie referitori la întrebările comparative adresate. Pentru informații detaliate, vă rugăm să citiți rapoartele integrale, disponibile în limba engleză, rapoarte care stau la baza acestui rezumat.

Chestionarul 1: Organizațiile partenere GET-UP Scurt profil al participanților: Organizații partenere Toate organizațiile partenere care participă la GET-UP și la procesele sale de dezvoltare au luat parte la analiza comparativă și au completat chestionarul de analiză comparativă GET-UP pentru organizațiile partenere. Cele opt organizații partenere din GET-UP provin din șapte țări: Cipru, Finlanda, Germania, Irlanda (doi parteneri), România, Spania și Regatul Unit. 1. Cât de importantă este economia verde în țara dvs.?

Pentru toți partenerii proiectului, economia verde este o problemă importantă și

toți respondenții au fost implicați, într-o oarecare măsură, în educație în sectorul

ecologic. Economia verde și durabilitatea devin din ce în ce mai populare în toate

țările. În prezent, economia verde se bucură de o importanță deosebită. Cu toate

acestea, accentul pus pe economia ecologică este diferit în țările partenere ale GET-

UP. De exemplu, în timp ce Cipru se concentrează pe protecția mediului, precum și

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pe întreprinderile și produsele ecologice durabile, ministerele de resort din

România elaborează planuri noi de acțiune. Economia ecologică prezintă o situație

dezechilibrată în Spania, iar în Germania, accentul pus pe economia verde nu este

la fel de mare în comparație cu alte țări. Cu toate acestea, toți participanții au

declarat că economia verde este foarte importantă acum și pentru viitor.

2. Cum poate fi îmbunătățit sectorul economiei verzi din țara dvs.?

În toate țările partenere GET-UP, economia verde poate fi îmbunătățită. Partenerii

au sugerat că acest lucru poate fi realizat prin educația privind economia ecologică,

începând cu educația preșcolară, formarea organizațională și programele

guvernamentale. Partenerii propun abordări comune, investiții private și

guvernamentale, sprijin prin politica guvernamentală și crearea precondițiilor

pentru soluții mai durabile.

3. Puteți observa vreo oportunitate de susținere a spiritului

antreprenorial verde din țara dvs. ?

Posibilitățile de sprijin sunt similare în toate țările. Partenerii se concentrează

asupra activităților de finanțare specifice și asupra lansării inițiativelor de formare

printr-o rețea de agenți de distribuție și parteneri. Pentru Finlanda, abordările

politice comune pot reprezenta o oportunitate. În general, există oportunități prin

implicarea comunităților verzi, a universităților, a școlilor, a ONG-urilor și a

guvernului în măsuri care promovează activități ecologice și o cooperare activă în

domeniul elaborării politicilor și al programelor educaționale.

4. Cum ar putea o nouă zonă de dezvoltare, precum antreprenoriatul

verde, să fie sprijinită de politica din țara dvs.? Și cum poate fi integrată

în măsurile educaționale?

În toate țările, guvernele trebuie să vină cu mai multe programe de sprijin pentru

antreprenorii verzi. Guvernul trebuie să integreze soluții verzi și în propriile

instituții și acțiuni. Sprijinirea măsurilor de antreprenoriat verde este utilă, iar

integrarea acestora în cuprinsul cursurilor oferă noi oportunități pentru școli.

Cursurile pot fi furnizate de către organizațiile VET, companiile de dezvoltare locală

și instituțiile guvernamentale. Susținerea financiară poate fi crucială la începutul

acestui proces. Acest lucru ar putea fi furnizat la nivel local sau național.

5. Care sunt barierele în calea dezvoltării economiei verzi din țara dvs.?

În majoritatea țărilor, există o lipsă de conștientizare a importanței conceptului, iar

lipsa de promovare a acestuia la nivel de minister și guvern poate fi văzută ca o

principală barieră. Există, de asemenea, bariere și în domeniul transparenței. În

același timp, integrarea „ideii verzi” în programele existente este crucială.

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6. Care sunt barierele în calea dezvoltării antreprenoriatului verde din țara


Lipsa de conștientizare a importanței antreprenoriatului verde reprezintă o barieră

mult mai mare decât barierele legate de economia verde. Profesorii nu sunt

conștienți de aspectele din acest domeniu, ceea ce face dificilă predarea. Ei au

nevoie de materiale și sugestii didactice. Este nevoie de o abordare educațională

adecvată pentru spiritul antreprenorial verde și în țările partenere. Educația

trebuie să fie concentrată.

7. Care părți ale economiei verzi sunt importante pentru țara dvs., în

calitate de partener al proiectului GET-UP?

În general, partenerii GET-UP sunt de acord că domeniul cel mai important este tehnologia curată, energia regenerabilă, construcția ecologică, gestionarea deșeurilor, conservarea habitatelor, prelucrarea produselor alimentare și durabilitatea în producție. Doar Cipru se concentrează mai mult pe turismul ecologic în combinație cu protecția mediului.

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GET-UP- Analiză comparativă – Rezumat chestionarul 2

Antreprenori în devenire Profilul participanților: Chestionarul este creat cu scopul de a fi folosit în interviurile cu antreprenorii în devenire din sectorul economiei verzi. Interviurile cu câte cinci antreprenori în devenire din fiecare țară participantă la proiect s-au desfășurat în: Cipru, România, Germania, Spania, Irlanda și Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii. Majoritatea antreprenorilor sunt tineri, 2/3 dintre ei sunt bărbați aflați în funcții de decizie din domeniul ecoturismului, energiei regenerabile, eco-construcțiilor; și doar o mică parte provin din domeniul procesării alimentelor, tehnologiilor ecologice, gestionării deșeurilor, conservarea habitatelor și altele. Companiile respondente se află, în mare parte, în stadiul de dezvoltare și inițiere, și doar câteva se află în faza de creare și maturizare. Răspunsuri oferite la întrebările chestionarului

1. Cât de importantă este economia verde în țara dvs.? Vă rugăm să oferiți exemple.

Economia verde este importantă, mai ales atunci când punem accent pe anumite domenii precum: energia hidroelectrică, energia solară, energia biomasei, energia geotermală, în general energiile regenerabile, produsele alimentare bio, cosmetice, gestionarea deșeurilor și plasticelor.

2. Există în țara dvs. un exemplu de bune practici care să poată fi folosit și în altă țară? Vă rugăm să oferiți exemple.

Germania: construcții ecologice din lemn; Spania: energia verde; Cipru: energia solară, reciclarea; România: mașinile electrice; Irlanda: recoltarea produselor alimentare, energia de biomasă. Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii consideră că exemplele de bune practici trebuie adaptate în funcție de comunitate, politicile ei, practicile din industrii.

3. Care credeți că sunt barierele care împiedică promovarea economiei verzi în țara dvs.?

Înțelegerea beneficiilor de „a fi verde”, a politicilor guvernamentale, a schimbărilor din sistemul educațional și comportamental par a fi principalele bariere. Lor li se adaugă lipsa finanțării, lipsa de lobby, taxele ridicate și reglementările, lipsa de experți în domeniu, lipsa de departamente guvernamentale specializate în economia verde, prea multe legi, birocrația, fragmentarea terenurilor, complexitatea accesării fondurilor europene, granturi limitate, nevoia unei conștientizări mai puternice. Produsele economiei verzi se confruntă cu costuri ridicate, politici fiscale, lipsa de cunoștințe, abilități, inovații și resurse.

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4. Cum poate fi îmbunătățită în viitor economia verde în țara dvs.? Cursuri de formare, module universitare la toate nivelele de studiu, granturi guvernamentale și subvenții, politici verzi, creșterea conștientizării, schimbări comportamentale, facilități fiscale, dezvoltare de site-uri web și asistență de marketing, forumuri și rețele de afaceri. Protejarea noilor afaceri după Brexit.

5. Care considerați că sunt oportunitățile de sprijin pe care le puteți oferi prin acțiuni proprii antreprenorilor verzi din țara dvs.? Vă rugăm să oferiți câteva exemple.

Sprijinirea antreprenorilor verzi este un act dificil și puțini sunt cei care acționează ca să schimbe ceva. Importante sunt și educația la toate nivelurile, educația formală și informală, conferințele tematice, rapoartele care urmăresc progresul, împărtășirea obstacolelor și a problemelor întâmpinate. Rețelele puternice și instituțiile din domeniu, dezvoltarea de produse ecologice, energiile verzi, turismul sustenabil, implicarea tinerilor și creșterea conștientizării. Formarea antreprenorilor și finanțarea prin fonduri naționale sau regionale sau de la marile corporații. Crearea unor planuri/ modele de afaceri verzi.

6. Proiectul GET-UP se axează pe oferirea unei mai bune educații și formări antreprenorilor verzi. Puteți sugera activități educaționale (formale sau informale) care să fie benefice promovării antreprenoriatului verde?

Oferirea atât de educație formală la prețuri accesibile, ca parte a oricăror programe de studii, cât și de educație informală, mentorat și programe de internship pentru antreprenorii verzi. Educarea lor prin sesiuni față în față sau online, în domeniul economiei verzi și al conducerii propriei afaceri, crearea unui set de instrumente verzi, ghișeul unic, materiale de învățare online, elaborarea unui plan de afaceri, invitarea de antreprenori străini, legăturile stabilite cu concurența și crearea de module pentru universități. Un cetățean obișnuit nu conștientizează cât de importante sunt: cursurile speciale de formare pentru companii, pentru a vedea beneficiile de a fi verde; tehnicile de marketing pentru antreprenoriatul verde, ambalarea ecologică, accesarea de fonduri și granturi pentru sectorul verde, rețelele pentru micro-întreprinderi, crearea de start-up-uri, marketingul pentru social-media, vânzările online pentru producătorii verzi; distribuția de bunuri din magazine online, fără a crea deșeuri, antreprenoriatul verde.

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7. Utilizând scara Likert, vă rugăm să indicați măsura în care sunteți / nu sunteți de acord cu obstacolele cu care se confruntă un antreprenor verde:

Scara: 5: Acord puternic 4: Acord 3: Neutru 2: Dezacord 1: Dezacord puternic

Cel mai mare impact îl au 1, 6, 9, urmate de 2, 4, 5, 8 și 11.

8. Doriți să oferiți informații suplimentare care să fie relevante pentru dvs. și pentru proiectul GET-UP?

Sprijinul oferit antreprenorilor verzi constă în educarea acestora la toate nivelele,

în cursuri de formare, mentorat, construirea de abilități antreprenoriale; lansarea și

dezvoltarea ideii de afaceri, înțelegerea legislației, obținerea de facilități fiscale și

posibilitatea de a obține finanțări europene, regionale sau locale pentru

antreprenoriatul verde. Eradicarea birocrației și facilitarea accesării de fonduri de

către guvern. Cursurile de formare, managementul financiar, legile de angajare,

managementul afacerii și planurile / modelele de afaceri.




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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Question 7.

5: Strongly agree 4: Rather agree 3: Neutral 2: Rather disagree 1: Strongly disagree

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Chestionarul 3: Organizațiile partenere GET-UP Scurt profil al participanților: Profesioniști VET În toate țările partenere GET-UP, partenerii intervievați au fost profesioniști VET. Fiecare partener a abordat 5 experți VET. Profesioniștii VET lucrează în întreprinderi, ca educatori sau formatori; în școli profesionale și colegii profesionale, în organizații profesionale și în instituții care participă la politica VET și la dezvoltarea educației și formării profesionale. Toți respondenții au fost experți calificați în domeniul VET, care cunosc nu numai ce ține de funcția lor, ci pot oferi o viziune generală asupra VET.

1. Instituția VET și poziția în cadrul acesteia

Cele mai multe instituții VET care au răspuns la acest chestionar au fost active în

colegii VET sau școli VET, au oferit cursuri de afaceri, cursuri VET sau cursuri de

inițiere. Doar câteva au fost ONG-uri care activează în domeniul VET. Pozițiile

respondenților au fost cele de profesori, formatori sau dezvoltatori de cursuri sau

de persoane care participă activ în organizarea cursului VET.

2. Există deja aspecte legate de economia verde în măsurile și serviciile


În timp ce, în majoritatea țărilor, respondenții au putut identifica aspecte ale

economiei verzi în cursurile lor, experții britanici au afirmat că nu sunt siguri dacă

există o nevoie reală specifică în acest domeniu sau dacă există nevoi identice pentru

toți tinerii antreprenori. Adesea sunt abordate aspecte generale precum

managementul afacerilor, abilitățile IT, evidența contabilă, contabilitatea și

serviciile financiare. Dar aspectele legate de turismul durabil și ecologic sau crearea

unor structuri economice durabile în conceptul de transformare a producției sunt

deja abordate și incluse în activitățile de formare. Cu toate acestea, la modul general,

se poate afirma că aspectele integrate în VET până în prezent nu sunt numeroase.

3. Puteți observa vreo oportunitate de a susține spiritul antreprenorial

verde în cadrul serviciilor actuale ale instituției dvs.?

În țările partenere, profesioniștii din domeniul VET au convenit că antreprenorii

ecologici ar putea fi sprijiniți prin intermediul programelor generice de afaceri. De

cele mai multe ori, acest lucru se poate face în cadrul serviciilor actuale. În plus,

participanții români declară că există posibilitatea de a introduce cursuri de

antreprenoriat verde în curriculumul companiei. Atenția acordată de profesioniștii

din Cipru acestui sector poate duce la dezvoltarea unui sistem 100% verde.

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4. Cum poate să fie susținut un nou domeniu de dezvoltare precum

antreprenoriatul verde de către VET? Cât de important este acest lucru

pentru dvs. și pentru instituția din care faceți parte?

Toți partenerii sunt de acord ca o nouă zonă de dezvoltare, cum ar fi

antreprenoriatul verde, să fie susținută de VET și consideră că acest lucru este foarte

important. Economia ecologică a început să ducă la dezvoltarea afacerilor, însă

studiile antreprenoriale nu au avut, până în prezent, un rol special în domeniul VET.

Pentru școlile VET, acest lucru nu este atât de important în prezent, dar va căpăta

importanță în viitor. Profesorii trebuie instruiți și sistemul VET trebuie să furnizeze

materiale și curriculum-uri similare proiectului GET-UP.

5. Ce bariere puteți identifica în dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului verde?

În timp ce țări precum Irlanda au într-o anumită regiune resurse limitate și văd

acest lucru drept o barieră importantă, alte țări se concentrează pe transparență,

pe nevoia de sprijin pentru cadrele didactice și formatori, precum și pe lipsa de

conștientizare. Unele țări precum Cipru menționează, de asemenea, lipsa spiritului

antreprenorial care este necesar ca VET să poată promova acest domeniu. În

general, majoritatea partenerilor afirmă că barierele sunt scăzute sau că există doar

câteva bariere care pot fi abordate cu ușurință.

6. Care sunt șansele pe care le puteți observa pentru a încuraja viața

antreprenorială verde prin intermediul activităților VET? Pot exista noi

măsuri în instituția dvs. în acest sens?

Se apreciază că șansele sunt bune. În ciuda pozitivității lor, în general respondenții au fost de acord că ritmul schimbărilor în instituțiile VET este lent, chiar dacă șansele cursanților sunt mari. Cu toate acestea, furnizorii de educație și formare profesională și școlile au încă nevoie de sprijin pentru a aborda în mod adecvat acest domeniu amplu. În România, șansa este mediatizată de respondenți. Ei spun că ar putea avea succes dacă cursurile de antreprenoriat ecologic ar fi introduse în curriculum-ul companiei. În Marea Britanie, furnizorii de VET nu sunt siguri dacă există cerere de la antreprenorii verzi pentru un program de formare.

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7. Utilizând scara Likert, vă rugăm să indicați măsura în care sunteți / nu

sunteți de acord cu competențele care probabil lipsesc profesioniștilor


Acestea sunt răspunsurile cheie primite de la participanți:

5: Acord puternic 4: Acord 3: Neutru 2: Dezacord 1: Dezacord puternic

Item: Medie Cum să utilizați metode mai ecologice pentru a reduce costurile afacerii dvs. 3,86 Cum să navigați prin legislația referitoare la afaceri verzi

4,00 Îmbunătățirea abilităților persoanelor din domeniul economiei ecologice 4,29 Cum să valorificați oportunitățile oferite la nivel local, național sau la nivel european în economia verde

4,29 Îmbunătățirea abilități de afaceri proprii sau cele ale angajaților dvs.

3,57 Cum să găsiți finanțare și să îmbunătățiți accesul la finanțare 3,43 Cum să navigați prin legile privind ocuparea forței de muncă

3,00 Cum să utilizați abilitățile de afaceri pentru a crea condiții echitabile de participare pentru companiile cu o conștiință durabilă și pentru întreprinderile cu profit 4,00

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GET-UP- Analiză comparativă- Rezumat chestionarul 4 Proprietarii de micro-întreprinderi

Proprietarii de micro-întreprinderi care au participat la interviurile ce au condus la finalizarea chestionarului de analiză comparativă sunt angajați în diferite tipuri de afaceri din sectorul verde. Majoritatea se încadrează în categoria de vârstă 36-55 ani, sunt bărbați și lucrează în domeniile: consultanță asupra mediului, gestionarea deșeurilor, eco-turism, tehnologii ecologice de curățare, sectorul energiilor regenerabile. Toate micro-întreprinderile care au participat la acest studiu comparativ își desfășoară activitatea în țările și regiunile de unde provin. Reflecție

A fi verde sau eco-inovațiile poate fi considerat un factor de bază al economiei verzi. Deși nu este singurul element în crearea unei economii verzi, inovarea poate fi o pârghie fundamentală în orientarea sistemelor UE spre o transformare radicală a practicilor verzi. Adoptarea și difuzarea inovațiilor verzi sunt extrem de importante, chiar mai mult decât invenția lor, pentru ca beneficiile inovării să ajungă la un nivel macro. Adoptarea și difuzarea sunt determinate, în principal, de deciziile companiilor și ale altor actori economici și există o corelație între adoptarea eco-inovațiilor de către companii și performanța țărilor în care acestea își desfășoară activitatea.

Cu toate acestea, adoptarea și difuzarea se confruntă cu o serie de bariere precum finanțele, cunoștințele, legislația, costurile, piețele, care pot fi foarte dure cu întreprinderile mici și medii. Maniera în care companiile reacționează la aceste bariere ar trebui să se axeze pe strategii de eco-inovare, cu lecții prin care să se învețe exemple de bune practici.

Schimbul deschis (învățarea lecțiilor) de cunoaștere a sectorului economiei verzi este un al doilea factor care poate deschide noi oportunități pentru tranzacțiile comerciale și câștigurile economice, încurajând în același timp comunitatea / societatea, pe calea către o economie verde eficientă. Un rol activ al mecanismelor UE ar trebui să constea în capacitatea de a răspândi cunoștințele despre economia verde în cadrul uniunii, cu scopul de a difuza și a spori practicile verzi.

Un important factor de favorizare sunt și reformele fiscale. Instrumentele economice, cum ar fi taxele de mediu și sistemele de comercializare a certificatelor de emisii, sunt instrumente de politică ce pot schimba sistemele de stabilire a prețurilor, esențiale pentru declanșarea procesului de transformare a economiei verzi. Disponibilitatea resurselor financiare este, fără îndoială, cea mai importantă condiție favorabilă pentru tranziția pe termen lung către o economie verde eficientă.

Pentru a avea succes, procesul de transformare a economiei verzi necesită recunoașterea problemelor multiple persistente cu care se confruntă astăzi Europa și care necesită soluții fundamentale. În acest sens, politicile și legislațiile adoptate nu oferă soluții imediate; crearea piețelor și comodificarea în sine nu reprezintă o soluție; nici instituționalismul incremental, ci o educație verde. Spunând acestea, antreprenoriatul trebuie să fie luat în considerare și acestuia trebuie să îi fie impusă

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ideea că există ceva diferit în ceea ce privește activitățile antreprenoriale, care le diferențiază de alte activități de afaceri. Mai ales în sectorul antreprenoriatului verde, participanții și activitățile lor întreprind ceva nou; mai degrabă reciclarea proceselor sau a produselor. Nu toate întreprinderile sunt antreprenoriale cu adevărat, nici măcar toate întreprinderile noi nu sunt în mod necesar antreprenoriale. Nu toate afacerile sunt totuși antreprenoriale, nici măcar toate afacerile noi nu sunt neapărat antreprenoriale.

După cum putem observa din grafic, cele mai mari obstacole cu care se confruntă antreprenorii verzi, identificate de către respondenți sunt următoarele:

1. Costurile dezvoltării unei afaceri; 2. Lipsa finanțărilor, accesarea dificilă a fondurilor; 3. Lipsa persoanelor competente pentru acest sector/ Lipsa unor competențe

tehnice potrivite; 4. Lipsa de timp și de persoane competente care să fie capabile să întreprindă

procedurile necesare; 5. Lipsa de cunoștințe despre oportunitățile oferite pe plan local, național sau

european, în sectorul economiei verzi.

În concluzie, realizarea unei economii verzi necesită o gândire și o acțiune pe termen lung, aplicarea pe scară largă a unui cadru coerent care conduce la schimbări profunde în structurile și gândirea dominantă și include promovarea inovației, recalibrarea extensivă a instrumentelor fiscale și inițiativele de finanțare inovatoare, cum ar fi proiectul GET-UP. Este necesară integrarea inteligibilă a obiectivelor tuturor părților interesate, tratând obiectivele de performanță economică, socială și de mediu ca fiind egale.



What are largest obstacles faced by a Green Entrepreneur

Strongly agree Rather agree Neutral Rather disagree Strongly disagree

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Comparative Analysis in summarizing answers to all four questionnaires in English

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Green Entrepreneurship Training (GET-UP) Project

O5- Green Entrepreneurship in Europe – A Comparative Perspective

GET-UP Comparative Analysis- Questionnaire 1

Profile of Participants: Partner Organisations All partner organisations which take part in GET-UP and its development processes took part in the comparative analysis and filled in the GET-UP comparative analysis questionnaire for partner organisations. The eight partner organisations in GET-UP are coming from seven countries Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Ireland (two partners), Romania, Spain and United Kingdom. They are each engaged in different business activities within the green sector. The majority of the participants is between 36- 55 year old. Most of them are female and all are directly involved in the development, testing and evaluation processes of the project.

Summary Responses to Questions from Each Target Group

1. How important is Green Economy in your country? Please, provide


For all partners, Green Economy is an important issue in their country and all As all respondents were somehow engaged in education in the green sector. For example Romania understands the importance of sustainable production and consumption as the foundations of green economy development, a circular economy based on green growth. For Romania the development of Green Economy represents a good opportunity to economic and industrial development. For instance The Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests (MEF) has developed different financing programs for eco-business. In Ireland the respondents agreed on the importance of Green Economy but also added that this topic will become more important in the future. Green economy presents an unbalanced situation in Spain. The Government of Spain has prioritized a low-carbon growth policy, targeting the budget at implementing numerous initiatives and projects. Also water is another important problem in Spain. In UK developments and activities are in areas as disposable plastics and the growing use of solar panels and wind farms and therefore, the green economy has grown in importance. UK government has created a Green Economy Council which brings together business leaders from a cross-section of industries and sectors. Green Economy is also popular in Germany. But in comparison to other countries it seems not to be that much in focus. But, There is a huge German discussion on sustainable products and sustainable production and there are

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programs to foster Green Economy in enterprises and to foster energy saving. Also for Finland Green Economy is crucial. Finland, in cooperation with various stakeholders, is a world leader in efforts to promote a change towards the green economy with steering methods, new openings and experimental approaches. The Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment have shouldered the main responsibility for the drawing up of programmes on sustainable consumption and production. Other ministries, research institutes, organisations, businesses together with the National Technology Agency and the Finnish National Fund for Research and Development Sitra have also participated in the preparation. In addition, the work has involved hundreds of experts from various sectors. And in Cyprus, the environment protection as well as sustainable Green businesses and products are important, too. Green Entrepreneurship is very important in Cyprus for meeting higher standard of living and making use of the resources of the country in terms of tourism, agriculture, the energy sector and potential industries that seem to grow at higher pace in the past few years. For Cyprus Green Economy is a relevant new sector that shows a lot of promise. However, for most parts it is limited to recycling, with some initiatives taking place in the area of tourism and the food industry.

In total from the 16 participants 14 rated the importance of Green Economy as ´very

important´ and 2 with ´rather important´.

Very Important

Rather Important

Neutral Rather Unimportant


Importance of Green Economy


2. How can Green Economy be enhanced in your country in the future? [Please provide examples. If the question is too broad one can consider changes in terms of Government Policy, Financing, and Training]

In all partner countries of GET-UP Green Economy can be enhanced.

In Spain, it could be necessary to increase the role of public governments (national and regional) in supporting the creation of green employments and self-employment (mainly SMEs) and set up financing lines to improve innovation in businesses to make the companies greener. Having a more coordinated Action Plan throughout the whole Spanish national territory is crucial and enhancing the financing and training system on environmental issues, too. For UK, further training and support of start-up and existing businesses is crucial. It is useful to not only consider green products/services but also how to adapt working practices. This may need support from central Government or at EU level as training is not always the top of the list in terms of business expenditure, especially in the micro and SME space. For Romania, green economy can be improved through creating more awareness of the importance of concepts at national level: circular economy, green economy, sustainable production and sustainable consumption. This can be done

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through green economy education starting with pre-school education, organizational training and government programs. In Germany and the focus on environmental protection is becoming a huge topic. But, nevertheless it important to raise awareness. To strengthen Green economy and education in this field is a challenge for the future. It is crucial and should be fostered and supported by programs. Also in Finland the focus on environmental protection is becoming crucial. In 2012, Finland drew up a Programme to Promote Sustainable Consumption and Production, “More from Less – Wisely” which aims to reduce the environmental impacts and greenhouse gas emissions of households and the public sector. It proposes that the state and municipalities set an example by creating the preconditions for more-sustainable solutions. This will also create new jobs in, and opportunities for, the green economy. The programme aims to promote energy smart and comfortable living, high-quality food without waste,smooth and environmentally friendly transport. In Ireland, an issue that arises from the work with local green enterprises is IPR for prototyping. This could be fostered through government policy and further investments in individual green enterprises by national funding is also required. Moreover, mentoring programmes can be helpful to foster Green Economy in Ireland as well. Also in Cyprus national common approach could foster Green Businesses and Green Economy. Private investment and government policy can boost if Green Entrepreneurship fosters Green Economy in Cyprus. Training can be done through the involvement of entrepreneurs from the island and worldwide with regard to the green area. In total, the sector has to be strategized. A person or a specific institution has to be put in charge and funds need to be realized and made available for startup businesses.

3. Do you see any opportunities to support Green Entrepreneurship in

your country? If yes, please provide us with some examples.

In Ireland it is possible to support Green Entrepreneurship by funding through LEADER and other targeted funding activities. Another opportunity is to establish a green entrepreneurship network that will provide mentoring, support and advice to new green entrepreneurs. In Spain, areas of opportunity could include: advanced technology for treating certain components of end-of-life vehicles such as glass, plastic, wood, textiles, foam, catalyzers, oils, and brake fluid; new ideas for end-of-life tires; plastics treatment, especially agricultural plastics; hazardous waste treatment including hospital waste; soil remediation; small, modular waste water treatment plants for small residential areas or those in protected rural or green belt zones; among others. And for UK an opportunity can be production and roll out of training initiatives through a network of delivery agents and partners. In Romania exist also opportunities to develop green entrepreneurship in the field of territorial management, namely organic farming, in the field of waste recycling, production and distribution of electric vehicles, hybrids, buildings made of non-polluting materials. At the University of Pitesti level, there are researches for auto electric, respectively Dacia Duster modified by the students from the Faculty of Mechanics and Engineering from the University of Pitesti. Dacia Duster Hybrid is a project part of an ecological program developed by the Center for University Research and

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Automotive Engineering in Pitesti. The project aims to achieve an engine that will not exceed carbon dioxide emissions of 99 g / km. For Finland common policy approaches can be an opportunity. Finland, in cooperation with various stakeholders, is a world leader in efforts to promote a change towards the green economy with steering methods, new openings and experimental approaches. With regard to the German situation, fostering general entrepreneurship and fostering of green entrepreneurship is often seen as the same challenge in Germany. Usually governmental institutions and Entrepreneurship NGOs and Institutes are not focusing especially on Green Entrepreneurship. It is a very new topic in Germany. The special focus on the Green factor is important but not already addressed. There should be more work in this field. Usually the programs for start-ups focus on communication, business plan creation, business administration and finances but not on Green issues. Several Enterprises are already active in this field but not because of a specific governmental support. It is more because of the individual motivations and interests of these entrepreneurs. In the field of building there are several good ideas for Green Businesses. Creating building by using wood or sustainable materials is a trend for the future. And also in Cyprus funding and fostering of Green Entrepreneurship can be done on a national and local level. The opportunities are by involving green communities, universities, schools, NGOs and the government in measures which promote green activities. In total Green Education has to be promoted in schools and educational institutions.

4. How could a new development area like Green Entrepreneurship be

supported by policy in your country? And, how can it be integrated into

educational measures? Please, provide examples.

For Germany, it is not only education which can help here. It has to be a combination of education policy and fiscal policy together with labor market policy. The government has to come up with more support programs for Green Entrepreneurs. The government has to integrate green solutions into their own institutions and actions as well. This will show best practice and brings the idea to everyone’s mind. Courses and educational measures are useful to provide young entrepreneurs with immediate help. Such a courses should deal with both information and good practices. The GET-UP curriculum can provide a first step towards a solution and includes the core aspects, which are crucial. Moreover, an educational approach is needed at an early stage. I would suggest to address schools and to open chances for learners to get in touch with Green Entrepreneurship and its ideas when they are in a classroom context. Also a serious game could be helpful to create awareness and address and motivate young learners. In Rumania fiscal politics is the one part of the country which can support Green Entrepreneurship together with government support programs of Green Entrepreneurship. As educational measures, it would be useful to approach the green economy in the course of the general economy, enterprise economy, and green entrepreneurship in the entrepreneurship course with examples of good practices from the international, European, national and economic environment.

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With regard to Finland also a combination of policy makers and policy fields could support Green Entrepreneurship and make support by courses and best practices more transparent. Finland’s national strategy for sustainable development "Towards sustainable choices - A nationally and globally sustainable Finland" has been revised. Along with the revision of the strategy, a national concept "Society’s Commitment to Sustainability" has been launched. Society’s Commitment to Sustainability has been prepared by a wide-ranging strategy group. Through the commitment, the government and the administration, in collaboration with various societal actors, pledge to promote sustainable development in all their work and operations. Society’s Commitment to Sustainability was officially accepted in December 2013. Regarding Cyprus, the support of Green Entrepreneurship measures is useful and the integration in courses offers new opportunities to the leaners. For example a blended learning approach could be possible here. Training courses can be provided for free to all interested parties, schools, universities, government employees and corporate businesses. Cyprus is a country with prolonged periods of sunshine and with nowadays a relative steady political environment so that solar coverage of the whole island is reachable if Green Entrepreneurship comes into action. New developments like Green Entrepreneurship should be supported by policy in Spain, too. But currently the way to do it is not clear and transparent. In Ireland Green entrepreneurship training could be offered by Local Enterprise Offices and VET institutions that provide training in mainstream entrepreneurship and start-your-own-business programs that could diversify and provide specific training to budding green entrepreneurs. In addition to that training could be provided by Teagas, Local Development Companies and other agencies that specifically provide support and finance to green entrepreneurs. Training on this topic could enhance the current support package offered by the agencies.

5. Which barriers do you see in fostering Green Economy in your country?

In Romania the lack of awareness of the importance of the concept and the lack of promotion of the concept conducted at ministry and government level can be seen as a core barrier. Concerning Finland, the barriers are often in the field of transparency and awareness of the importance of Green Economy. Regarding barriers in fostering Green Economy in Ireland, limited funding considering the range of economic activities that come under the umbrella of the ´green economy´. While there is targeted funding available for some business types, there is no blanket funding available for all businesses that are operating in the green economy. Some national policies in Ireland also hinder specific businesses that were previously allowed to flourish in the green economy, For example, in Ireland, rain water harvesting is now illegal. However, before this was implemented by national policy, there were several businesses active in the green economy that had invested considerable time, effort and funding in developing prototypes for harvesting rain water. And in UK, barriers are cost, over regulation, day to day pressure of running a small business and the lack of awareness as to the importance.

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In Cyprus, the partners recognise some barriers, too. Also here, awareness can be seen as a core barrier to foster Green Economy. Possibly the culture to prefer cheap things instead of quality products is also a barrier for Green Economy in Cyprus. But mass media support may help in this field and public procurement contracts could contain ´a green clause´. The establishment of a green and technical body with governmental participation and support tasked with policy and promoting cooperation among stakeholders could be helpful. Also embedding the green idea in existing curricula is crucial. Green bonds can be issued by the government and a Green ID can be offered. People need to embrace the benefits and demands carried increasingly up by the political change. Regarding Germany, currently, there is a lack of awareness and a lack of information. The university Paderborn will be a help to show the importance of Green Economy. In politics, usually the dropping of words and short term activities seems to be more popular than measures which work in the long run. Most politicians and policy makers would agree to the importance on a very abstract and general level but they lack suggestions and concepts which can be used and implemented. The most obvious problem in Germany is the previously mentioned lack of information. Not many people realise that Green Economy is becoming important. They recognise that environmental protection is crucial. But, at the same time many people are not aware the need to rethink Economy. But, it is not only the man in the street it is also the problem that many politicians don´t recognise the need to foster Green Economy in all fields. They are focusing environmental protection on a very abstract level and do not create a supporting system which is badly needed. Most of the countries stated that there are ´some barriers´. They don’t seem to be that high and the problems can be tackled.

6. Which barriers do you see in fostering Green Entrepreneurship in your country?

Concerning Ireland there exist some barriers. On an individual level, there is a lack of targeted training and mentoring programmes for green entrepreneurs, which could act as barrier to fostering green entrepreneurship. With the legal restrictions and regulations to adhere to in this sector, it could be difficult for new entrepreneurs to understand the requirements to setting up a business in this sector. As such, by pairing new entrepreneurs with existing green entrepreneurs, it would act as an extra support to new entrepreneurs in this sector. Regarding Cyprus, also the lack of awareness for the importance of Green Entrepreneurship is a barrier. Also for Green Entrepreneurship the decision between cheap products and services stands versus quality of life. Consumers who are less willing to spend more money on green products and services are an obstacle. In Cyprus policy implementation in this field is hard and capital is scares. A support by the Cypriote Government is less likely. So, there is a need for sponsoring and support by mass media. The existing entrepreneurship model in Cyprus existed for a long time and to change it is difficult. With a lack of capital and restricted and overpopulated market niches new entrepreneurs whose livelihood depends on the activity engaged have to compete with more cost effective practices that focus on lower product prices. A similar situation concerning a lack of transparency and awareness can be found in Finland.

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Also for Spain, there is a lack concerning the awareness and therefore also a lack of barriers which are already recognized. One of the important barriers come by the fact that in Spain, powers on environmental matters are shared among the state, the autonomous regions and the municipalities. The autonomous regions implement the applicable regulations and may issue additional rules for stricter environmental protection; in addition, they have the power to control many relevant areas related to the environment, such as integrated environmental authorizations. The regions’ powers regarding the environment are exercised through bodies equivalent to state ministries. Spanish municipalities also have powers concerning environmental protection, which must be executed in accordance with the regulations issued by the state and the autonomous regions. The main environmental powers of the municipalities relate to municipal environmental permits, urban waste, water treatment and noise limits. Also in Germany Green Entrepreneurship is focusing barriers. One barrier is that Green Entrepreneur is neither a specific topic in further education nor in general education. Teachers are not aware of the facts in this field in this makes it difficult to teach. They need materials and didactical hint. GET-UP can be a first step into this direction. But there has to be support for staff members in NGOs which are acting in this field, too. Many people think that the syllabus in schools is already very full and that there is not time for additional topics like Green Entrepreneurship in VET. Moreover, there is no adequate educational approach for Green Entrepreneurship in Germany which is only senseful and useful on the basis of Green Economy. Here, GET-UP will be a help to show ways to foster Green Entrepreneurship. Green Entrepreneur get not much support and in addition to that they are facing several problems with administration, legislation and the market. Usually, they have to search for information and entrepreneurship measures and courses are designed for all sorts of entrepreneurs at lack the specifics of this topic. With regard to UK, there is the barrier of space and time to consider green economy and green entrepreneurship from every day business pressures. Also a lack of awareness concerning the importance of Green Entrepreneurship can be found. Most of the countries stated that there are ´some barriers´ concerning fostering

Green Entrepreneurship. The challenges are often not that clear in focus and the lack

of awareness is crucial.

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7. Which parts of Green Economy seem to be most important for your partner country within GET-UP?

Find here below the core answeres, which were often given by the participants:

Most Important

Highly Important

Important Less Important

Un- important

Clean Technology


Renewable Energy


Eco Construction


Waste Management


Eco Tourism X

Habitat conservation


Food Processing


Sustainability in Production (i.e. Fashion)


Other (please provide)

But in Ireland sustainable production is less important and also food processing and habitat concerning is only rated as ´important´. In Cyprus, most parts of Green economy are rated as most important, as e.g. Waste Management, Eco Tourism, Habitat Conservation, Food Processing. Moreover, Green Education is most important in Cyprus. In Finland Clean Technology is most important. In Germany the most important fields are Clean Technology, Renewable Energy, Eco Construction, Eco Tourism, Habitat Conservation and Sustainability in Production. In addition to that Germany focusses on sustainable green social services. For Spain the most important fields are Renewable Energy, Waste Management and Eco-Tourism. And in UK all fields are rated as ´important´ and on Romania every topic is rated as ´most important´.

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8. Do you want to provide any additional information which is important for you or for the GET-UP project?

Some comments: I believe that the Green Entrepreneurship curriculum approach of all

sectors that make up the green economy will lead to product and process innovation

It is great to see that our project GET-UP is heading in the right direction and that there are many people in German companies who think in the same direction. It is crucial to foster Green Thinking and Thinking out of the box in the future.

The GET-UP project is a step into the right direction and takes care of the problems of Green Entrepreneurs. With its curriculum approach information can be provided. There is a need that this will be seen by policy makers and that it will be included into current entrepreneurship strategies. It is important to foster a climate in which innovation is growing and can be done in easier ways.

Regulation seems to be the wrong way. Often in funding programs it is all about financial controls but the focus has to be on the product and the services and not on the way the money was spend. A focus on money reporting in funding entrepreneurship is quite challenging for entrepreneurs and does not help to foster their business ideas.

This project is of utmost importance and it has to continue at higher levels of implementation in the near future through many multiplier events and training as well as by support of mass media.

A change of culture is essential. This has t be pursued on the policy and the consumer level. Green Entrepreneurship training is important but only serves a part in the greater whole. A holistic approach is currently needed. An approach which displays the economic benefits as well as the change of behaviors.

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GET-UP Comparative Analysis

Summary Responses

Green Entrepreneurship Training (GET-UP) Project

O5- Green Entrepreneurship in Europe – A Comparative Perspective

GET-UP Comparative Analysis- Questionnaire 2

Profile of Participants: This questionnaire is created to be used in interviews with Nascent Entrepreneurs in the field of Green Economy. Each partner has to conduct at least 5 interviews with Nascent Entrepreneurs from each country : Cyprus, Romania, Germany, Spain and Ireland. Most entrepreneurs were young, and 2/3 male in the decision maker position.

Age 15 Up to and Under 35 7 Between 36- 55 3 Up to and over 56

Gender 16 male

9 female I prefer not to disclose

Position 14 Decision maker

7 Middle management 1 Trainer 2 Other:

Co-founder of recyward while a student at UCY Free lancer

Region North-Rhine-Westfalia

Murcia Ireland Cyprus Romania Arges (South-Muntenia)

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Which of the following categories better encapsulates the entrepreneurial activity of the interviewed person?

1 Clean Technology 4 Renewable Energy 4 Eco Construction 1 Waste Management 6 Eco Tourism 1 Habitat conservation 2 Food Processing 1 Sustainability in Production

(i.e. Fashion)

5 Other (please provide): Eco-packaging Family orchid, Fruits Ethical business insurance consulting Informal group recycling electrical works

At which growth phase would you currently position your company / activity?

8 Initiation [business model is created, no commercial activity]

6 Creation [commercial activity initiated, product not marketed]

3 Post-creation [activity has begun, no profit]

9 Development [profitable growth phase]

2 Maturity [stable activity with frail or stagnant growth]

Reorganisation [implementing or planning future restructuring processes in order to become profitable]

Takeover / transfer to new ownership/ buy out

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1. How important is Green Economy in your country? Please, provide examples.

It seems that there is a separation between countries with important role of the green economy and supported in the area of hydropower, wind energy, solar, biomass and geothermal energy, in general of renewables and countries with less support but with interest in the area fof tourism, solar energy. In brief a differentiation between north and southern countries. Public government is not investing in green economy because it is involving a long-term investment and policy makers are only worried for short-term issues. A common area pollution reduction, waste management etc. using available agricultural land for wind turbines, solar panels and other infrastructure for renewable technologies; integrating eco-waste management techniques into on-farm activities; setting up farm shops to sell farm produce to local communities – promoting sustainable and environmentally-friendly food production and distribution and promoting sustainable tourism by offering heritage activities to tourists and sustainable methods to use cosmetics. But there are other further steps to be taken into account by the government in this field such as education, fiscal system and incentives, informing programs etc.

2. Is there a best practice in your country that you think would be beneficial to be in place in other EU nations? Please, provide examples.

In Germany it seems the area of eco constructions with wood there are several players who focus on design and interior decoration. Other countries could see the benefits of Green housing and the potential for the persons who think ecologically and build such houses. In Spain the green energies with funding lines to promote the enhancement of this sector but with the crisis, these programs disappeared. In Ireland in the area of food harvest, use of biomass and energy. For Cyprus solar panels for heating water in houses, and recycling. While in Romania the automotive industry has done important innovations for developing electric car.

3. Which barriers do you see in promoting the Green Economy in your country?

The main barriers seem to be: money and lobbying, high taxes and regulations, Lack of political, financial support, Lack of experts in the field, no government department dedicated to green, yet too many regulations, legalities and bureaucracy, land fragmentation, complex EU funds or programs, limited grants, a need for greater awareness among older generation, high costs of green products, fiscal policy and people's mentality,lack of knowledge and skills, lack of innovation and awareness, lack of education and lack of founding and resources, lack of understanding of the green economy opportunities and benefits. Exporting issues after the Brexit.

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4. How can Green Economy be enhanced in your country in the future? Please provide examples. If the question is too broad one can consider changes in terms of Government Policy, Financing, and Training

Training is important to provide the necessary knowledge to work in the field of Green Economy and Government Policy has to address rules for this field to ensure competition but within environmental friendly settings. - to get more funds to raise awareness about the economic potentialities of the green economy and not only from the environmental point of view. -more financing lines to attract business sector into becoming greener. - Government policy should focus and motivate young graduates to leave white collars economy. - fund a graduate for the first 3-5-7 years, otherwise the system will attract all in fragile service economy. -School education, startup events around sustainability, green entrepreneurship, government grants for solar panels and new innovation techniques around green initiative. - Modules in universities with both undergraduates and postgraduates, competitions, role models, awareness, financial incentives, a tool to measure impact. - deburocratizing, supporting investors through fiscal policies, training the budget staff to provide consultancy to investors. - tax incentives for green initiatives - all Government has the major role in promoting and enhancing Green Economy. -Protection of new businesses after Brexit. -Grants for website development and marketing for collective green businesses.

5. Do you see any opportunities to support Green Entrepreneurship in your country through your actions? If yes, please provide us with some examples.

It seems supporting green entrepreneurs is difficult and few are doing such actions. Many believe a small new funded company has not really a chance on the market. The entrepreneurs need information and feedback and to create a strong network of people and institutions in this field. Some are working with green energies, working with local communities to develop sustainable tourism activities and involving young people who will be more awareness of the importance of creating sustainable business ideas. Some develop ecological products. The green business consultant also mentioned that he could coach green entrepreneurs to avail of funding through special national and regional funding measures, if such measures existed. Some can promote green entrepreneurship through my entrepreneurship conferences. Others create new ideas with social meaning, opportunities for entrepreneurship through reuse content, dispensable straw. Share experiences (barriers, problems), creation of a green business plan/canvas/template. Provide impact reports to highlight the importance of green entrepreneurship.

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Collecting some funding from big corporations to support causes for eco-bags from reused materials and promoting entrepreneurship at minority groups.

6. GET-UP is focused on providing better education and training for Green Entrepreneurship. Could you suggest what educational activities (formal or informal) could be beneficial to promote Green Entrepreneurship?

In a training you have to provide both, information on Green Economy an information of creating and running an own business, create a green toolkit, a one- stop shop, educational material online, and modules in universities. A combination of classroom meetings and online learning seems to be a perfect approach because entrepreneurs are often busy, special trainings for companies to see benefits of becoming green. How to convince business sector about the benefits of being green or greener. Green marketing techniques, Eco-packaging, accessing finance, funding and grants for the green sector, networking for micro-enterprises, lean business start-up, social media marketing, selling online for green producers, distributing good from an online shop without creating waste, green entrepreneurship, average citizen is not aware of. Informal group meetings using non formal education methods. Shadowing established green entrepreneurs, develop business plan, competitions, invite foreign entrepreneurs Publicize legislation and facilities in the field. You have to be sure that the training is accessible for anyone. The price and the delivery are some important issues. So, using on-line methods the training will be more accessible.

7. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree using the 5 point Likert scale on what are largest obstacles faced by a Green Entrepreneur:

Scale: 5: Strongly agree 4: Rather agree 3: Neutral 2: Rather disagree 1: Strongly disagree

It seems major impact are 1, 6,9 and secondary are 2, 4, 5,8 and 11.




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Question 7.

5: Strongly agree 4: Rather agree 3: Neutral

2: Rather disagree 1: Strongly disagree

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8. Do you want to provide any additional information which is important for you or for the GET-UP project?

Better training and mentoring support some issues could be alleviated – such as

developing a business idea, developing entrepreneurial and business management

skills, developing necessary technical skills, understanding employment law,

understanding the tax system, understanding the legislation and regulations for

setting up a new business.

How to access finance and funding and being able to access funds were completely different things; and that even though business owners might know how to access funding, they can’t always access available financing due to competition, company size being too big or small for certain funding and bureaucracy of different funds. More financial incentives for green entrepreneurship. Others also mentioned that as a micro-enterprise, they do not have time to attend a

lengthy training programme to develop a comprehensive understanding of

employment law, for example; and so more ‘small-business-friendly’ initiatives and

measures need to be developed so that micro-enterprise owners can access the

support they need without having to attend full-time education programmes.

‘Enforcing contracts’ could be best taught through informal networks, or business

coaching or mentoring, as issues related to contracts tend to be very specific and

time-sensitive, so it would be better to have expert advice and support on hand to

support businesses should a need arise.

The current legislation, the bureaucracy and the particularly difficult access to European funds for small and medium-sized companies have led to the abandonment of a green-energy project, namely the development of a photovoltaic park in our county. Training, financial management, emplyment law, busienss management via training.

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Green Entrepreneurship Training (GET-UP) Project

O5- Green Entrepreneurship in Europe – A Comparative Perspective

GET-UP Comparative Analysis- Questionnaire 3 Profile of Participants: VET-Professionals In all GET-UP partner countries the partners interviewed VET-Professionals. Each partner addressed five VET experts. VET-Professionals work in enterprises as educators or trainers, work in vocational schools and vocational colleges, at vocational organisations and in institutions which take part VET policy and development of vocational education and training. All respondents were experienced VET experts who know not only their own job but can provide a general view on VET. Some of them delivered training to adult and young learners on the topics of business management, IT skills for business and book-keeping. All had an interest in the green economy and in learning and teaching activities. They are also engaged or interested in different business activities within the green sector. About 50% of the participants are between 36- 55 year old and also about 50% over 56 years old. About half of the participants are female and nearly the other half is male. There are only a few persons who prefer not to disclose. The respondents came from the fields of Eco-Tourism, Habitat Conservation, Renewable Energy, Clean Technology, Waste Management, Food Processing and Sustainability in Production, which is a broad range of fields within Green Economy.

Summary Responses to Questions from Each Target Group

1. Please, describe your VET-institution and your position in it.

In Ireland all respondents worked for VET colleges that are managed by Education and Training Boards Ireland; this is a national network of 16 regional VET providers who deliver the primary VET programmes in Ireland. From the teachers who took part in this exercise, they mentioned that the following programmes were offered in their colleges: start your own business, business management, IT, financial services, food hygiene and safety, healthcare, care for older persons, early childhood development, childcare; as well as non-vocational courses such as conversational languages classes, art and crafts, wood-turning and beginners’ guitar classes. In Finland the respondents worked in the development on entrepreneurship skills

through team coaching, have developed a new learning environment for

entrepreneurial studies in which students can learn.

The Spanish respondents are VET Professionals from ENAE Business School which is focused on providing business training to young people, active professionals or

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unemployed on different aspects of business management: finance, marketing, human resources, etc. and from an interface body to make the link between public universities and business sector in the Region of Murcia. They develop the following services: (a) Employment and business creation, (b) Business training and (c) National and International projects. With regard to the German respondents there are three vocational schools and a VET and two further education providers. For a vocational college, it is important to adapt to the general conditions in the economy and to take into account current trends. So far, bundling schools have been widely deployed and meet these requirements through various educational programs. Vocational colleges have a permanent place in education and are not least responsible for a solid education or full-time education. In a German vocational college, it is about training students for the profession or to enable them other degrees. At school, professional skills are developed that are needed in companies. When it comes to the sustainability of industrial production. The trainees in the field of industrial management are prepared for the whole range of activities and here the question of ecology and healthy and permanently safe economic management is important. There is a clear trend in German schools that more and more people are talking about environmentally sound business practices. Training providers, work in the field of business consulting and create concepts for companies, how the employees can be better integrated into the company processes and how a supply chain management and process management can be improved. In Romania the participating organisations were an NGO with the provision of adult vocational training, which organizes and provides training courses as well as four vocational training and adult courses providers. In Cyprus there College teachers, a member of an academic VET institution, and a SME staff member focused on the questions.

2. Are there already aspects about Green Economy in your VET measures

and services? If yes, please provide us with a short insight.

From the combined responses in Ireland to this question we learn that while no courses specifically target the green sector in the VET colleges who participated in this survey; however green business owners can avail of the business programmes that the colleges offer, such as courses on business management, IT skills, book-keeping, accounting and financial services. One respondent further stated that with courses like wood-turning, these are traditional crafts which could also lead to learners developing and establishing sustainable craft businesses which would operate in the green economy. With regard to Finland the respondents pointed out that they are consider sustainability in all actions and in their curriculum but that Green Economy aspects are not so much in focus. One of the finish participants develops entrepreneurship education in VET. Regarding the Spanish participants, there are none or only very general aspects about Green Economy in your VET measures and services. There is a lot of room for improvement. There are just some concrete training programmes like in the field of finance.

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Concerning Germany the schools focused the field of sustainable and ecological tourism in one area of our course offerings and regularly offer advanced training for small groups. Most schools have currently no real offers or they have barely offered specific aspects of the green economy so far. We are most likely to offer tools for creating sustainable economic structures in our production transformation concepts. Here the employees must be educated and trained for appropriate changes. Environmental awareness now plays a role in many learning situations. Schools build tasks with authentic conditions in companies. But it is more about the sustainable restructuring of companies, because of business start-up issues. The consideration of new demands in the field of environmental protection is important at the vocational colleges in all classes. Green Economy is emerging as a clear trend and must therefore be increasingly introduced by the colleagues in the classroom. This can be done through project days or through integration into learning situations or through newly defined learning situations. Regarding Romania, the participants provide information in the ENVIRONMENT RESPONSIBLE courses, green entrepreneurship courses, Ecotourism courses and the ecolabel in tourism. Concerning Cyprus there are already aspects about Green Economy in VET

measures and services. Regarding Green Economy the Colleges deal with recycling

of papers, plastic, glass, toner, medical waste and at the same time it uses

photovoltaics and LED lamps. Reduction of pollution, safety and quality

management issues are already addressed in VET measures.

3. Do you see any opportunities to support Green Entrepreneurship

within the current services of your institution? If yes, please give some


In Ireland respondents agreed that green entrepreneurs could be supported through the generic business programmes on offer in these local VET colleges. Of the five respondents, two stated that their institution provided ‘good opportunities’ for green entrepreneurs, and the remaining three respondents said that there were ‘some opportunities’ in their college for supporting green entrepreneurship within the scope of their current programmes. Concerning Finland all partners see opportunities and possibilities to support Green Entrepreneurship within their current services, e.g. as a part of entrepreneurship studies when presenting different types of enterprises or as an optional specialization programme. Most of the Finish respondents think it has to be included in entrepreneurship studies and free-choice courses. In total they see good or very good opportunities in Finland. For Spain the participants see the opportunity to include training about Green Entrepreneurship and Green Economy in the business training programmes and to include information and training about Green Entrepreneurship at the target audience attending the employment sessions. One participant has the idea is to include the knowledge of GET UP in the own business creation service. The core idea for Spain is specially supporting the entrepreneurs and explain to them the benefits of creating a new company in the green economy. It is important to do it on the basis of a previous analysis of what, how and where it can be offered to the stakeholder

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groups (teachers, companies, professionals, staff, etc.). All in all they see good opportunities. For Germany, the participants state that there are some opportunities. The benefits of start-ups in green economy are obvious. Green jobs are on the rise and there is a constant need for new good ideas that also lead to new approaches and products. Teachers should take this into account in their future reflections and review existing offers to find out where supplementary opportunities and positive examples can be integrated. Teachers try to achieve a general ecological understanding among the learners and try to mediate the balance between economic goals and constraints as well as a liveable and natural environment. There are already possibilities in the context of the consultation as well as within the training. Ecological thinking and sustainable corporate restructuring can be important. It is also important to teach students that environmental action is essential. The German respondents state that there is only one environment. Environmental protection and environmental compatibility are therefore already a point that should be addressed in school. The students can thus reflect the current situation and the significance for the future. Currently, there are no materials with which the teachers can integrate this quickly. In the field of industry, it is particularly important to give the students a life-long journey, that environmental protection and ecology are important in addition to the economy for the survival of our economy but also of our lifeworld. In pros and cons discussions this can be easily integrated into lessons. We discuss with the pupils, but also let you make suggestions for improvement for model companies. The possibilities to realize this are manifold and it can be addressed in almost every learning. Concerning the Romanian participants, they state the opportunity to introduce green entrepreneurship courses in the company's curriculum. There is interest to present courses that support green entrepreneurship. Developing a portfolio of entrepreneurial and green entrepreneurship activities is crucial. In total there are good or very good opportunities in Romania, e.g. by presenting the information about Ecotourism and / or green economy. Regarding Cyprus, the opportunity is to go 100% green. In the near future the organization plans to have an exclusive use of photovoltaic and solar energy. Also in Green and environmental entrepreneurship project the respondents see opportunities. But, this is about use and not about addressing this in VET. In education Cyprus can offer specific courses concerning the environment preservation, Green Entrepreneurship Management, recycling, new Eco-technology etc. We could offer a specially designed diploma on the subject. There are also opportunities concerning training towards being environmentally responsible, e.g. use of less energy or for recycling toner/ink/paper or use methods to reduce their use, such as paperless office.

4. How could a new development area like Green Entrepreneurship be

supported by VET? And, how important is this for you and for your


For Ireland, the respondents generally agreed that the offering a programme in green entrepreneurship would be of benefit to their institution. As all colleges are based in rural areas, some respondents stated that there is good scope locally to

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offer this type of training to support the rural economy which is in decline. With rural depopulation an issue in County Cavan, as many young people leave the county to attend university or for work, one respondent stated that offering this type of training programme might make staying in rural Ireland for viable for young people because they could be supported to start their own green business and to provide for themselves and their families. Another respondent mentioned that with the investment in the Burren Eco-park in north Cavan and the region’s natural and unspoiled landscapes, that there is scope for entrepreneurs to establish eco-tourism businesses in the county to bring more tourists and holidaymakers to visit these sites. As such, a green entrepreneurship VET programme was seen as ‘essential’ to support this potential growth in the county. For Finland sustainability is written into curriculum so the green way of thinking should be familiar to all students. But there have never been independent studies. Green Entrepreneurship could be important for students’ future. It could be a one optional specialization programme and can be included as a part of entrepreneurship education. In Finland it is important to give basics to our students because the green economy has become very important and a lot of new business will born to this area (cleantech, circular economy, water supply etc.). In total the green economy has become very important in Finland and growth and new business possibilities is expected in this area of industry. The green economy has been growing business but in entrepreneurship studies it doesn’t have a special role in VET so far. The Spanish respondents state that Green Entrepreneurship be supported by VET by offering practical knowledge and showing best practices to convince other young people to incorporate “green” into their businesses. The support can happen with specific training programmes for businesses and with specific indications to entrepreneurs about the possibilities of Green Entrepreneurship and how to make green an existing business. A possibility for Spain can be mixing theoretical knowledge with practical mentoring of green business projects. The important thing is training the trainers about environmental issues related with businesses to transfer this knowledge to our target audience. Regarding Germany, in the context of the technical school, the consideration of Green Entrepreneurship is very meaningful, since the target group here often wants to change anyway after many years of activity and thus offers fall on fertile ground. Although teachers are not able to provide counseling services, they are able to inform learners. Often in Germany the task comes to business consultants. However, in the current situation, the demand for such offers as start-up courses, especially in the green sector, seems rather low. As a rule, there are general course offers for business start-up volunteers. As with anything new, you have to think about how much time you want to spend on it and if there is something else that comes up short. For schools it is not that important at the moment but it will be more important in the future. In vocational schools, sustainable business can always be best communicated by company examples. It is important to find current and regal examples that the learners know or associate with. With regard to Romania information can be disseminated regarding this area within the school curricula and the company's curriculum. It can be supported by presenting the concept of green entrepreneurship in VET activities.

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Regarding Cyprus, the respondents stated that it is important to raise awareness of students for Green Economy so that this becomes a part of their life. Therefore, VET Training and transfer of knowledge e.g. in the field of environmental management and ISO standards are crucial. Specialized Courses on the Green topic can be created and focus on the subject in order to meet the future demands of society and business industry. Core idea must be to get a cleaner atmosphere, to reduce emissions and to reduce traffic.

5. Which barriers do you see in VET to foster Green Entrepreneurship?

In Ireland, the respondents stated that with the small population in County Cavan, there may be limited resources to support green entrepreneurs once they have completed their training; other respondents stated that there may be a lack of demand locally for the course as the majority of the programmes provided by the college were targeted at ‘second-chance’ education or as an ‘alternative route’ for learners did not get the results in their Leaving Cert exams required for direct entry into university. As such, there might not be sufficient demand for entrepreneurship training at all, let alone in a specific market sector. Another barrier that was identified by respondents was that VET teachers would need to be supported to deliver the new programme as green entrepreneurship is a specialist subject and teachers may not have the experience or expertise to deliver this programme without additional support and training. Lastly, one respondent mentioned that there is a lack of infrastructure in the county for delivering specialist courses – so whereas other counties may have access to renewable technologies, labs for prototyping, wind turbines for learners to practice on, etc. these facilities are not available in VET centres in Cavan at present, so depending on the nature of the training, this could pose another barrier for learners. Overall, three respondents stated that they felt there are ‘some barriers’, one stated that there are ‘high barriers’ and the final respondent said that there are ‘low barriers’ to fostering green entrepreneurship training in their region. In Finland the respondents see a lack of resources for education and to focus in green entrepreneurship. It has to be studied among the general entrepreneurship studies. In total they think that the barriers in Finland are low. Concerning Spanish barriers in VET to foster Green Entrepreneurship there is a lack of awareness among our public about the benefits of green entrepreneurship. Moreover there is a lack of successful cases and a low level of trainers about green entrepreneurship. There is also a lack of interest from business world. In addition to a lack of practical knowledge there is also the lack of knowledge of VET professionals about concrete aspects of Green Entrepreneurship in Spain. It is important to have a clear picture of how Green Entrepreneurship is organized, supported and financed in our region and country. So, for Spain the respondents see high barriers. In Germany the biggest challenge is probably the market. Because only if start-up companies in the green economy sector can keep up with the market and if there is an interest in it can an offer in this area prevail at all. Currently, however, the interest seems rather small. In general, sustainable economies and the green economy are not yet particularly strong in the minds of people in Germany. In addition, the future benefits and importance do not seem to be fully understood. Technically, too, first

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of all, what is feasible in the event of adaptation or conversion must be realized. That too is a challenge. The biggest problem is the lack of support and preparation of teachers. Once again, you have to develop everything yourself and receive little support. It would be good to have illustrative materials and get in touch with relevant companies. In total the barriers are not that high. The teacher only needs to deliberately include the subject in the classroom. It can be difficult to convince the students that starting a business in their situation could even be an option. In Romania there are not so many areas. There is a lack of information, concern and initiative. With regard to Cypriote respondents it can be said that the see nearly no barriers except for a lack of training and know how. First of all an educational institution needs the approval by the education ministry, which can be seen as a challenge. Also Green Entrepreneurship is a new subject and it needs research before this will be installed. In addition to that the learners have to be aware of its importance. Maybe funding from banks could also be a barrier and a lack of entrepreneurial spirit.

6. Which chances do you see to foster Green Entrepreneurship via VET

activities in the future? Could there be any new measures in your

institution to foster it? If yes, how long does it take to establish such


Respondents were positive in this question, with four stating that there are ‘good chances’ to foster green entrepreneurship in their institutions in the future and the final respondent stating that there are ‘some chances’. One respondent commented that there is a need to support niche markets like the green economy with high-value training activities, because this helps to keep VET ‘relevant to businesses’ which is seen as important if regional centres are to continue to develop and grow the type, range and quality of education and training that they provide. Despite their positivity, in general, respondents agreed that the pace of change in VET institutions in Ireland is slow; and if the programme was to gain accreditation through Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), this could take up to two-years, depending on if there are similar awards that the learning outcomes could be mapped onto. One respondent stated that the training could be offered as an unaccredited course for business, but that in the long-term, the course would have to seek accreditation in order to be of maximum value and benefit to learners. Another respondent also added that second-chance education in Ireland could be expanded to include programmes on topics like green entrepreneurship. At the moment, second-chance education programmes in Ireland are targeted at improving the employability skills of learners who left school early, but not so much as supporting them into self-employment. As such, programmes on green entrepreneurship could be provided through VET colleges across the country to support learners to establish successful green businesses. This could also be supported by the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance which is a government-subsidized payment for long-term jobseekers who wish to enter self-employment. On completion of a second-chance education programme, learners could then be supported to apply for the BTWEA grant and payment to support them to establish and run their business for their first few years.

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With these ideas, we see that there is a lot of scope to develop the GET-UP model and offer it through VET colleges and providers around Ireland. In Finland Green Entrepreneurship has possibilities to become a part of studies. Entrepreneurship education is in constant change so Green Entrepreneurship can become a part of it. There are good chances in this field. Entrepreneurship education works close together with working life and it should be listened as quick as possible. Signals from must be taking into consideration. Focusing on Spain there are good chances. It would take a bit to include green entrepreneurship in our training programmes because the Spanish respondents are obliged to follow concrete indications from our quality accreditation systems. A lot of chances are especially among young people. In the case of the employment area, it will not take long to incorporate information about Green Entrepreneurship but first, VET professionals should be trained about it. There are a lot of opportunities to be implemented with our entrepreneurs in our business creation service. It would not take long but professionals need to receive previously some training on this topic because in most cases, they have knowledge and experience about business creation but not that much on green entrepreneurship. The German participants the chances for the learners are great. With the question of setting up a business, the learners have the opportunity to think through and, if necessary, to adjust their future life. At a pedagogical day of school teachers, this could certainly be discussed more intensively at our school in the future. In the future, sustainable economies will probably gain a clear status in vocational schools and training. However, these schools themselves still need support to adequately approach this large field. Such offers could be made by the associations, the chambers or the universities. In particular, however, the factor of the costs must also be taken into account. The opportunities in this area are great and the ideas currently numerous. Sustainable business is already a trend. But this is more likely to be answered within the company and the vocational training has probably only little influence. The opportunities for the companies exist. But it will take many years before this really becomes established in German VET. So, there are still some chances. Currently the Romanian respondents see medium chances. There must also be entrepreneurs willing to work in an environmentally friendly way, not only profitable for the business. And there can be good chances if green entrepreneurship courses are introduced in the company's curriculum. But, for Romania there are great chances for the future. Economic and climatological realities cannot be ignored anymore and these are imposing a green entrepreneurship. In Cyprus the respondents see a good chance to foster Green Entrepreneurship via VET. There might be the possibility to foster Green Entrepreneurship via VET trainings, curricula and seminars and to transfer know how. But it may take longer than one year to establish such measures. But, adding a curse requires a request to the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (DI.P.A.E.) der VET and this also takes more than a year.

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7. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree using the 5-point

Likert scale on what you feel are the skills that are perhaps lacking for

VET professionals:

Find here below the core answeres, which were often given by the participants:

5: Strongly agree 4: Rather agree 3: Neutral 2:Rather disagree 1:Strongly disagree

Ireland 5 4 3 2 1 1 How to use greener methods to reduce

to costs of your business x

2 How to navigate through the legislation relating to Green business


3 Improving the skills of persons in the field of the Green economy


4 How to capitalise on opportunities offered locally, nationally or at a European Level in the Green Economy


5 Improving business skills or yourselves or your employees


6 How to find funding and improve access to finance


7 How to navigate through Employment laws


8 How to use business skills to create a fair playing field between sustainably conscious companies and for profit enterprises


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Finland 5 4 3 2 1 1 How to use greener methods to reduce

to costs of your business X

2 How to navigate through the legislation relating to Green business


3 Improving the skills of persons in the field of the Green economy


4 How to capitalise on opportunities offered locally, nationally or at a European Level in the Green Economy


5 Improving business skills or yourselves or your employees


6 How to find funding and improve access to finance


7 How to navigate through Employment laws

x X

8 How to use business skills to create a fair playing field between sustainably conscious companies and for profit enterprises


Spain 5 4 3 2 1 1 How to use greener methods to reduce

to costs of your business x

2 How to navigate through the legislation relating to Green business


3 Improving the skills of persons in the field of the Green economy


4 How to capitalise on opportunities offered locally, nationally or at a European Level in the Green Economy


5 Improving business skills or yourselves or your employees


6 How to find funding and improve access to finance


7 How to navigate through Employment laws


8 How to use business skills to create a fair playing field between sustainably conscious companies and for profit enterprises


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Germany 5 4 3 2 1 1 How to use greener methods to reduce

to costs of your business x

2 How to navigate through the legislation relating to Green business


3 Improving the skills of persons in the field of the Green economy


4 How to capitalise on opportunities offered locally, nationally or at a European Level in the Green Economy


5 Improving business skills or yourselves or your employees


6 How to find funding and improve access to finance


7 How to navigate through Employment laws


8 How to use business skills to create a fair playing field between sustainably conscious companies and for profit enterprises


Romania 5 4 3 2 1 1 How to use greener methods to reduce

to costs of your business x

2 How to navigate through the legislation relating to Green business


3 Improving the skills of persons in the field of the Green economy


4 How to capitalise on opportunities offered locally, nationally or at a European Level in the Green Economy


5 Improving business skills or yourselves or your employees


6 How to find funding and improve access to finance


7 How to navigate through Employment laws


8 How to use business skills to create a fair playing field between sustainably conscious companies and for profit enterprises


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Cyprus 5 4 3 2 1 1 How to use greener methods to reduce

to costs of your business x

2 How to navigate through the legislation relating to Green business


3 Improving the skills of persons in the field of the Green economy


4 How to capitalise on opportunities offered locally, nationally or at a European Level in the Green Economy


5 Improving business skills or yourselves or your employees


6 How to find funding and improve access to finance


7 How to navigate through Employment laws


8 How to use business skills to create a fair playing field between sustainably conscious companies and for profit enterprises


8. For the list above can you give concrete examples where further

education through Vocational Education and Training programmes can

help improve the skills of entrepreneurs or their employees?

With regard to Ireland the respondents agreed that with high-quality training, all

aspects of business management can be supported and enhanced for micro-

enterprise owners and new entrepreneurs. One respondent mentioned that very

often small businesses fail because the business manager lacked the core business

skills to identify and evaluate risk, plan and manage finances or manage crises in the

business, for example. Similarly, for issues related to employment law and managing

and motivating employees, one respondent mentioned that business owners are

best to complete training in these areas so that they can develop their knowledge of

their obligations under employment law and so that they can improve their

competence of motivating and working with employees with diverse experiences

and characteristics. One respondent also mentioned that some of the topics in the

list are very specialized – such as using greener methods to reduce costs for business

– and while this could be addressed by further training, the training would have to

be developed and provided by a green sector expert in order to be of real value to

green businesses. Another respondent mentioned that the topic of capitalizing on

business opportunities is already covered in existing business management

programmes offered at VET level in Ireland.

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Currently, the Finish respondents didn´t know any examples where further

education through VET programmes can help improve the skills of entrepreneurs.

Regarding Spain, the participants state that it would be necessary to organize

specific training on issues related to green economy like access to public and private

funds, legislation, etc. Trainers and tutors need to receive further training about

aspects like funding lines, policy support, legislation, etc. With seminars on concrete

aspects on green economy focused on the business sector further education through

Vocational Education and Training programmes can help improve the skills of

entrepreneurs. In Germany schools want to integrate Sustainability in the school

programme. For example, in the field of the vocation industry merchant it is quite

easy to show the learners the idea of sustainable economy. The competence

development of learners is in focus but it can sometimes be challenging for teachers.

With courses provided by Educational institutions with focus on Human Resources

the use of Green Economy for companies can be made clear, too. General tasks in the

field of entrepreneurship like financing are crucial for the entrepreneur. Otherwise

a start-up would not work. Usually German entrepreneurs lack the needed

competences and have to be trained. Most companies are not aware that they could

be support on entrepreneurship by VET. Concerning Romania updating information

on green economy legislation can be a concrete example. In fact, all the information

in this area that is less known at present is important. With regard to Cyprus

entrepreneurs and employees should go through an extensive seminar or program.

Examples for field of education which are important for Cyprus are: costing,

budgeting, legislation, green skills acquisition and the preparations of proposals for

funding. Seminars could be sponsored by the government with the aim to educate

business owners. Both soft skills and technical skills are lacking in Cyprus. On the

island, VET training usually focuses on the practical-technical part of the subject,

ignoring the fact that most of the people can in fact work on their own business.

Sometimes, they are afraid of funding issues and “setting up my own small business”.

Green education courses are an example as well as sponsors the governmental


9. Do you want to provide any additional information which is important for you?

Business start-up in the area of sustainable business should be given more attention

and will continue to be important in the future Green Economy is very important to

us. Starting up a business seems to me to be very important, but so far it has not

been so embedded and implemented in lessons. The topic of business start-up will

gain importance. But currently it is still rather insignificant. At VET schools,

sustainability and the green economy have not arrived yet. At least some support is

needed in this area. In total training and transfer of knowledge is vital and necessary.

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Green Entrepreneurship Training (GET-UP) Project

O5- Green Entrepreneurship in Europe – A Comparative Perspective

GET-UP Comparative Analysis- Questionnaire 4

Profile of Participants: Micro-enterprise owners Of the micro-enterprise owners who participated in interviews to complete the GET-UP comparative analysis questionnaire, they were each engaged in different business activities within the green sector. The majority are between 36- 55 group age and are pronominally male in gender, working in environment consultancy area, where interviewees are also coming from waste management, eco tourism, clean technology, food technology and renewable energy sectors. All micro-enterprises that participated in the comparative study were operating their business in their countries and their region.

Summary Responses to Questions from Each Target Group

1. How important is Green Economy in your country? Please, provide


As all respondents are engaged in the green economy they were all keenly aware of the importance of the green economy in their countries. While it was agreed that it is an important and upcoming sector, it was stated by most respondents that the green economy is more important for the future of their countries economy. It was generally agreed that there is a need for the green economy to grow exponentially so that businesses can become more environmentally-friendly and aware of the benefits and opportunities arise. As such, there is a lot of scope for the green sector to continue to grow into the future, as there will be a demand from homes and businesses to develop and adapt more green practices. Additionally, environmental awareness must be worthwhile for companies. As one respondent emphasize, “we need products, processes and services that increase operational performance, productivity or efficiency while reducing costs, natural resources, energy consumption, waste or pollution – in short we need Green Economy. That´s the reason way it is important”. For example, two micro owners (Ireland and Germany) highlighted and mentioned “Eco Tourism” as an example of how green economy can contribute and boost the local and European economy and there is a lot of potential to expand the responsible and sustainable tourism industry.

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Further, reference into the “waste management” and “energy efficiency” aspects as part of the green economy appears to be key factors, as the majority of the participants focus on the regulation and the target aspects and the potential effects and impact. Saying that, in all countries participants are focusing on the long term benefits rather on the current importance. Finally, the majority of the respondents referenced the need for the growth and invest in the green economy in their countries, if they are able to meet theirs targets for energy efficiency in 2020 …” Not enough; it should be more important than it is. We are still far to have a sense and will of protection and sustainable, which are so important. We do not have environmental awareness….”

2. Is there a best practice in your country that you think would be

beneficial to be in place in other EU nations? Please, provide examples.

In general, not all participants were able to report specific best practices when asked to provide examples of, and that is cause on the level of maturity in relation to green economy in their countries. Saying that, respondents record various programs and practices at their countries however, in orders to be acceptable and doable adaption procedures and methods needs to be implement. For example we have examples on social green economy, …” In the social field Germany offers several Kindergartens which focus on green aspects, like environmental embedding in nature, multi-stakeholder approaches which social help of parents and reduction of pollution.” Additionally best practice is the environmental innovation …” Solar oven technology is relatively advance in Cyprus and a lot of technical knowledge can be passed to EU counterparts. Focus and examples are given in renewable energy…” There is one small power plant suppling power to two villages, using animal waste, where in Ireland Online resource for reducing food waste and offering advice on composting – Stop Food Waste – read more at: Another best practice refer to the field of greenhouses, “…In times where the shortages in energy and water are obvious, clean technologies help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and safe water. There are closed-loop water conservation and treatment systems which are useful.” In case of Ireland practice that could be beneficial to other EU nations, the following programs were mentioned:

The Green Business Initiative operated by the Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland – more information at:

Ireland Energy Efficiency Fund, which is managed by Sustainable Development Capital Limited (SDCL) – read more at:

Resource Efficiency Tool – available at:

Investment support for green businesses through is available from SDCL – read more at:

IDA’s Lean/Green Business grants and support – read more at:

A business directory where all national green businesses can create a profile – this is good for networking – more information at:

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Green Hospitality Programme – and the Green Hospitality Awards – read more at:

GreenStart Programme – read more at:

Passive House building – Net zero energy – designing for minimal energy use.

We also have the world’s best olive oil ( that is working with agro-ecology principles which is based in the driest region of Cyprus.

3. Which barriers do you see in promoting the Green Economy in your


In general, respondents mentioned that there is a lack of incentives for businesses from the central government and lack of funding to adopt green practices and support the development of the green economy. Legislative and political barriers are among the answers given by most of the participants, and they believe, bureaucracy ‘red tape” in line with corruption, and lack of in-depth knowledge and education in the field of green economy do not support green culture, ”The environment has not yet been recognized to the degree it must be in order to sustain it. Unless money is to be made, it seems that little action will be taken” where one participant refers as, “…The rules and restriction for example in the field of building are enormous. It is not easy to get innovations into such a regulated system. There are too many bureaucratic barriers and many companies are sticking to known ways of dealing with challenges and these are not always eco-friendly ways.” Also, where financial incentives mentioned included tax breaks for green businesses, funding for developing green prototypes and for existing businesses seeking to ‘go green’, and support with recruiting employees for micro-enterprises and subsidized employment scheme for green businesses among others, where limited with short vision, lack of commitment, and time horizon, example, “The Job Bridge Scheme”. Other barrier that were mentioned was the absence of a government policy or strategy dedicated to the encouraging the growth of sustainable business practices, and the lack of a network for green businesses and a mentoring program for new entrepreneurs in the green sector of the economy,“…the government is very general with strict regulations and does not focus on specific situations. They foster technological scientific improvements but often don´t recognise the aspect of small clean solutions which bring effective benefit if they are applied in many places,” where participants refer to the IPR issue as a barrier, “… IPR is an issue, especially when developing prototypes and trying to identify new areas to grow and expand green businesses.” Many respondents stated that when trying to establish a green approach and behavior change there is a human factor that seems to be an unbreakable, and that is the behavior of people, “…who say they want to reduce pollution and to save the earth but don´t want to change their ways of life.”

4. How can Green Economy be enhanced in your country in the future?

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When asked how the green economy could be enhanced, respondents suggested several measures and supports that could help green businesses to grow. All suggestions and recommendations are focusing on

Better tax incentives for green businesses Better protection for innovative ideas Expand the Business Expansion Scheme to include green businesses Develop internship programmes for green businesses Return of employment schemes and subsidized employment for micro-

enterprises in smaller markets like the green economy Work Placement Scheme There should be special measures in the Rural Development Programme for

the green economy – and not just for purchasing equipment, but in terms of marketing support, grants for prototyping, protection of IP, business expansion grants, support with networking, etc.

The European Social Fund should be marketed to green entrepreneurs. Protection of IPR and funding for prototype development. Better promotion of the good work that green entrepreneurs are doing Green Education Additional taxes and fines for environmental destruction, Foster the green awareness Through legislative changes that allow for medium and long term


5. Do you see any opportunities to support Green Entrepreneurship in

your country through your actions? If yes, please provide us with some


Here respondents mentioned that they willing to participate in mentoring schemes and programs for new green entrepreneurs in their business, “I would be interested in networking with others and mentoring interested green entrepreneurs”, where “…I can deliver consultancy into Green Entrepreneurship if I will have the suitable Knowledge and competences but also interested customers”. Others also stated that they would accept new green graduates as interns in their companies, if there was a subsidy offered for the placement, if governments has to change their approaches towards green economy and should focus on programs to support entrepreneurs with finances and with additional knowledge about markets, organizational issues, “…. Therefore, it is a first step to creation information materials which can be used to foster awareness of the importance of Green Entrepreneurship.” Other respondents mentioned that they could expand their businesses and employ new staff if there was support available. Furthermore, green business consultancy schemes also mentioned that could craft and coach green entrepreneurs to avail of funding through special national and regional funding measures, if such measures existed, “…I can deliver consultancy into Green Entrepreneurship if they will have the suitable Knowledge and competences but also interested customers”.

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6. GET-UP is focused on providing better education and training for Green

Entrepreneurship. Could you suggest what educational activities

(formal or informal) could be beneficial to promote Green


Participants mentioned that an internship or apprenticeship programme which combined VET training with an in-company placement could be beneficial to the sector as a whole, because learners would gain real-life experience of working in a micro-enterprise and so they would be able to ‘hit the ground running’ in a green business. In terms of promoting green entrepreneurship specifically, respondents mentioned that there is a need to develop informal business networks for green entrepreneurs and that some form of job-shadowing or mentoring for new green entrepreneurs would help more people to be successful green entrepreneurs. In terms of formal training for green entrepreneurs, respondents mentioned that the following training areas could be addressed with further training:

Green marketing techniques Eco-packaging Understanding how to access finance and accessing finance, funding and

grants for the green sector Networking for micro-enterprises Lean business start-up Social media marketing - Learning green practices and techniques and

knowing how to market your green sector offering, Selling online for green producers - Distributing good from an online shop

without creating waste Feasability studies and marketing support for developing new actions, how

to develop new innovation for existing businesses. Education needs to be practical and touch more technical issues as well. The use of modern ways of teaching with new media seems to be necessary

to cope with the challenges in the future. Informative seminars or campaigns for companies to better know how to


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7. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree using the 5-point

Likert scale on what are largest obstacles faced by a Green


As we see from this graph, the greatest obstacles for green entrepreneurs identified by our respondents were as follows and supported in their answers:

6. Cost of starting a business, 7. Lack of funding, access to finance 8. Lack of Skilled persons in the field / Lack of appropriate technical skills 9. Lack of skilled person and time it takes to be able to obtain the necessary

procedures 10. Lack of knowledge on the opportunities offered locally, nationally or at a

European Level in the Green Economy

8. How far do you think that the above issues can be alleviated with better

training? Please give examples.

All participants emphasize that Green Entrepreneurship education needs to be broad, and with a foundation on humanity and environment, prior to technology. Of utmost importance is to educate the relationship of human as well the business opportunities and the environment. Respondents generally agreed that with better training and mentoring support some issues could be alleviated – such as developing a business idea, developing entrepreneurial and business management skills, developing necessary technical skills, understanding employment law, understanding the tax system,









largest obstacles faced by a Green Entrepreneur

Strongly agree Rather agree Neutral Rather disagree Strongly disagree

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understanding the legislation and regulations for setting up a new business, “… Many of the subjects can be addressed through training.” For example for lack of knowledge on the opportunities – usually, the opportunities comes with a sour taste of bureaucracy, that eats time, money and nerves. It can be very discouraging. However, some respondents also mentioned that knowing how to access finance and funding and being able to access funds were completely different things; and that even though business owners might know how to access funding, they cannot always access available financing due to competition, company size being too big or small for certain funding and bureaucracy of different funds. For example for lack of funding – EU funds comes with extreme bureaucracy and mountains of documents. Government money goes to dedicated people, in a certain and corrupted fashion. Private initiatives and schemes are rare and with specific terms of references. Others also mentioned that as a micro-enterprise, they do not have time to attend a lengthy training program to develop a comprehensive understanding of employment law, for example; and so more ‘small-business-friendly’ initiatives and measures need to be developed so that micro-enterprise owners can access the support they need without having to attend full-time education programs. Training should address awareness about Green Economy and innovative approaches. Management and law can be addressed in general however, is a very general approach and the focus has to be on green issues. Likewise, another respondent mentioned that the topic of ‘enforcing contracts’ could be best taught through informal networks, or business coaching or mentoring, as issues related to contracts tend to be very specific and time-sensitive, so it would be better to have expert advice and support on hand to support businesses should a need arise.

9. Do you want to provide any additional information which is important

for you or for the GET-UP project?

Respondents generally agreed that the GET-UP project provide a valuable learning approach (blended), that hopefully will contribute in the better understanding and doing business in green economy. Appears that the focus is on education of new entrepreneurs, however needs to be focus in awareness and benefits of green economy. In the green field is a need for collaboration and the most important thing is: We all have to change our current behaviors if we like to save the planet and want to create less waste to protect our environment. “…I think, government is often making too strict norms and regulations. Pollutions have to be addressed and there have to be new ways to come to a more environment friendly way of life. But, this means everybody has to change. This is challenging and GET-UP helps to get a step closer to such solutions.” Finally, we have to act immediately and the GET-UP project offers a chance to provide information and to discuss on the green issues.

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Green or eco-innovation should be considered as a primary enabling factor for green economy. While it is not the only element in creating a green economy, innovation can be a fundamental lever in guiding the EU systems towards a radical transformation of green practices. Adoption and diffusion of eco-innovation are extremely important, even more so than invention, for the benefits of innovation to reach a macro-level. Adoption and diffusion are mainly driven by the decisions of companies and other economic actors, and there is a correlation between eco-innovation adoption by companies and the performance of the countries in which they operate.

However, adoption and diffusion face a range of barriers such as finance, knowledge, education, legislation, costs, markets, which can be particularly severe for small and medium-sized enterprises. The way companies react to these barriers should be a focus of eco-innovation strategies with lesson learn approach-best practice. The open exchange (lesson learn) of green knowledge is a second factor that can open new opportunities for commercial transactions and economic pay-offs while encouraging the community/society, along the path to an effective and efficient green economy. An active role of the EU mechanisms should be its capacity to spread green knowledge within the union to diffuse and enhance green practices.

An important enabling factor is also Fiscal reforms. Economic instruments, such as environmental taxes and emission trading schemes, are policy tools that can change pricing systems, which is essential for triggering the green economy transformation process. The availability of financial resources is arguably the most important enabling condition for the long-term transition to an efficient green economy.

To be successful, the green economy transformation process requires acknowledgment of the multiple persistent problems faced by Europe today, that require fundamental solutions. In this regard, regular policies and legislations offer no immediate solutions; market creation and commodification in itself is not a solution; nor is incremental institutionalism, but a green education. Achieving a green economy requires long-term thinking and actions, the widespread application of a coherent framework that drives profound changes in dominant structures and thinking, and includes the promotion of innovation, extensive recalibration of fiscal instruments and innovative financing initiatives, breakthrough green project such as GET-UP. Comprehensible integration of objectives across all stakeholders is required, treating economic, social and environmental performance objectives as equal.