landeskunde usa - stationenlernen im preisgünstigen paket · were revealed during the 2016...

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Page 1: Landeskunde USA - Stationenlernen im preisgünstigen Paket · were revealed during the 2016 election period. Fill in the definitions and examples where missing, using the Internet

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Landeskunde USA - Stationenlernen im preisgünstigen Paket

Page 2: Landeskunde USA - Stationenlernen im preisgünstigen Paket · were revealed during the 2016 election period. Fill in the definitions and examples where missing, using the Internet

Titel: Stationenlernen America first – Foreign and domestic policies under

the Trump administration

Reihe: Stationenlernen Landeskunde USA

Bestellnummer: 70992

Kurzvorstellung: Dieses komplett englischsprachige Stationenlernen zur amerikanischen Landeskunde beschäftigt sich der politischen Kultur in den USA während der Regierungszeit Donald Trumps. Es ist unterrichtsfertig aufgearbeitet und für den direkten und differenzierten Unterrichtseinsatz bestimmt. Die Schüler werden befähigt, die Rolle der USA in der Weltpolitik und ihre Interessen während der Regierung Donald Trumps genauer einzuordnen und zu beurteilen.

Diese Unterrichtseinheit eignet sich hervorragend zur Vertiefung der Thematik „The role of the United States in international politics at the beginning of the 21st century“.

Inhaltsübersicht: Didaktisch-methodische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials

Einführender Informationszettel für Schüler


6 Stationen

Ausführlicher Lösungsteil

Abschlusstest inkl. Lösungen

Page 3: Landeskunde USA - Stationenlernen im preisgünstigen Paket · were revealed during the 2016 election period. Fill in the definitions and examples where missing, using the Internet

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Didaktische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials ................................................................... 3

Route Card “America First” .......................................................................................................... 7

Station Pass “America First” ......................................................................................................... 8

Station 1: History of “America First” ............................................................................................ 9

Station 2: America First! Trump’s Vision for the USA ............................................................... 10

Station 3: Opposing Policies - The Presidential Candidates of 2016 ........................................ 12

Station 4: Domestic Policy – Social Issues.................................................................................. 16

Station 5: Foreign policy – Immigration ..................................................................................... 18

Station 6: Foreign Affairs and Global Stability ........................................................................... 20

Solutions ...................................................................................................................................... 26

Page 4: Landeskunde USA - Stationenlernen im preisgünstigen Paket · were revealed during the 2016 election period. Fill in the definitions and examples where missing, using the Internet

SCHOOL-SCOUT America First? – Foreign and Domestic Policies under the Trump Administration Seite 3 von 34

Didaktische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials

Dieses Stationenlernen für die Sekundarstufe II ermöglicht eine

konzentrierte und intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem

unterrichtsrelevanten Thema „America first – Foreign and domestic

policies under the Trump administration“ im Unterricht. Es geht dabei

konform mit den Anforderungen der Lehrpläne. Stationsarbeit bildet eine sinnvolle Alternative zum

herkömmlichen Frontalunterricht und gewährleistet überdies ein selbständiges Erarbeiten der

Lehrinhalte durch die Schülerinnen und Schüler (SuS). Gerade leistungsschwächere Lernende haben

damit die Möglichkeit, die Erarbeitung an ihr eigenes Lerntempo anzupassen.

Die Stationenarbeit setzt sich aus Pflichtstationen und Wahlstation zusammen. Die Pflichtstationen

müssen von allen SuS erledigt werden und sollten notfalls als Hausaufgabe mitgegeben werden. Bei

der Bearbeitung einzelner Stationen ist zu beachten, dass die erste Station grundlegende Fragen

behandelt, während die weiteren Stationen tendenziell Einzelaspekte betrachten. Es empfiehlt sich

daher, dass die SuS die erste Station gemeinsam im Klassenverband behandeln und dann

selbstständig und in freier Wahl die weiteren Stationen bearbeiten.


Klassenstufe: Sekundarstufe II

Fach: Englisch

Aufbau der Unterrichtseinheit

Einstiegsphase: Einführendes Unterrichtsgespräch

Erarbeitungsphase: 6 Stationen zum Thema „America first – Foreign and domestic policies

under the Trump administration“

Abschlussphase: Lösungsbogen, Reflexionsphase

Dauer der Unterrichtseinheit: 4 bis 8 Stunden



Die Schülerinnen und Schüler können umfangreichere authentische Texte unterschiedlicher

Textsorten zu vertrauten Themen verstehen. Sie können:

zum Aufbau eines Textverständnisses textinterne Informationen und textexternes (Vor-

)Wissen verknüpfen,

implizite Informationen, auch Einstellungen und Meinungen, erschließen.

Page 5: Landeskunde USA - Stationenlernen im preisgünstigen Paket · were revealed during the 2016 election period. Fill in the definitions and examples where missing, using the Internet

SCHOOL-SCOUT America First? – Foreign and Domestic Policies under the Trump Administration Seite 7 von 34

Route Card “America First? – Foreign and Domestic Policies

under the Trump Administration”

You might have noticed that there are different worksheets with different tasks lined up at different

work- stations. Below you can find an overview over all the different stations. There are two different

types of stations: 1.) obligatory stations: You have to finish the task at hand at this particular station.

As soon as you have finished you may move on to the next one. 2.) free-choice stations: You can

choose between one of the two free-choice-stations. You only have to complete one task sheet.

If there is time left, you may complete the other stations as well. Use the “Finished-column”

whenever you have finished a task successfully. If you have any questions, please note them down in

the last row.

Additionally you can also note them down in your Reflective learning diary sheet, which will be

present at all stations. Every sheet contains a header, the information section, where you put down

your name, the current date and the name of the station you are working on that particular moment.

Furthermore the sheet offers you some space to write down your answers, texts and conclusions. In

the end you will find a small evaluation section. You are free to note down anything that comes to

your mind concerning the particular exercise: Did you like it? Why or why not? Which type of

exercise do you like? Which sort of exercise is more challenging than others etc. Please rate the

exercise on a scale of 1 to 10 (1= not at all; 10= very much). This will help you to evaluate your own

learning process and will also give your teacher a feedback concerning your learning strategies.

Go for it!

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Station Pass “America First? – Foreign and Domestic Policies

under the Trump Administration”

Name: __________________________

Station Priority Name of station Finished Any questions?

1 mandatory History of “America First”

2 mandatory Trump’s Vision for the USA

3 mandatory Opposing Policies - The

Presidential Candidates of 2016

4 mandatory Domestic Policy: Social Issues

5 optional Foreign Affairs and Global


6 mandatory Foreign Policy: Immigration

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Station 1: History of “America First”

Donald Trump has used to phrase “America First” to describe many of his policies, both foreign and

domestic. Though Donald Trump claims that he understands the phrase as a “brand-new, very

modern term”1, the phrase actually has a very long history which is rooted in nationalism.

1. Read this article which was published by the newspaper The Guardian: “End of the American dream? The dark history of 'America first' (by Sarah Churchwell, 21st April, 2018; )

2. Fill in the chart with the missing information.

Year Use of the Phrase “America First”



Warren G. Harding runs for senator using the slogan “Prosper America First”

President Woodrow Wilson uses phrase to defend USA’s neutrality in WWI


Klu Klux Klan uses phrase on banners at parade in Alexandria, Louisiana


3. Comment on the following question: What implications does Trump’s use of the phrase “America First” have considering the history of the phrase?


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Station 4: Domestic Policy – Social Issues

1. Look at the table below with a list of problems dividing the American nation that were revealed during the 2016 election period. Fill in the definitions and examples where missing, using the Internet if need be. You may choose to work with a partner.


(as per Oxford dictionaries and

EXAMPLE (from the time leading up to, during, and right after the

2016 elections)


Prejudice, discrimination, or

antagonism directed against someone

of a different race based on the belief

that one's own race is superior.


‘Donald Trump launched a deeply personal attack

Tuesday morning on Alicia Machado, the 1996 Miss

Universe winner who has accused him of calling her

"Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping" because she's



OR Nationalism

An extreme form of patriotism marked

by a feeling of superiority over other


‘Two brothers arrested in Boston last summer for

beating up a homeless Latino man cited Trump’s anti-

immigrant message when explaining why they did it…

“I will say that people who are following me are very

passionate,” Trump said. “They love this country and

they want this country to be great again. They are


‘With his call to put “America First”, Donald Trump is

the latest recruit to a dangerous nationalism.’6


Fear or hatred of foreigners, people of

other cultures, of their customs, or

anything perceived different.


/Hate (towards

Muslims, Jews,



Disabled etc.)

“In the 10 days after Donald Trump's victory in the U.S.

presidential election, the country experienced a surge

in hate crime, according to a study by the Southern

Poverty Law Center. The prominent U.S. civil rights

group released a report Tuesday identifying 867

incidents of harassment and intimidation between

November 9 and November 18.”7



Lack of knowledge, information or


4 Johnson, Jenna. Trump attacks former Miss Universe who ‘gained a massive amount of weight’ and had ‘attitude’. The

Washington Post. 27 Sep 2016. Web. 19 Jan 2017. <


attitude/?utm_term=.888ebeea9418>. 5 O’Connor, Lydia and Maran, Daniel. Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist. The Huffington Post. 29 Feb

2016. Web. 19 Jan 2017. < > 6 The New Nationalism. The economist. 19 Nov 2016. Web. 19 Jan 2017. < >. 7 McCarthy, Niall. Report: Trump's Election Led To A Surge In Hate Crime. Forbes. 30 Nov 20016. Web. 19 Jan 2017.<


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2. Choose two of the above mentioned problems. Do you think they also currently exist in Germany? Compare the situations and explain your opinion. (Use the backside of the sheet for more space).





















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Titel: African Americans in the USA - A minority in the struggle between race and respect

Reihe: Stationenlernen Englisch Abitur - Landeskunde USA

Bestellnummer: 60089

Kurzvorstellung: Dieses Stationenlernen Landeskunde Englisch behandelt die Themen

African American History, Culture und Contemporary Issues in insgesamt 13

Stationen. Es bietet SuS die Möglichkeit, sich kreativ mit dem Thema zu

befassen und für ihre eigene Lebenswirklichkeit sensibilisiert zu werden.

Warum stellt das Lernen an Stationen einen sinnvollen Unterrichtsverlauf

dar? Die Schüler/innen können den Inhalt selbständig erarbeiten und das

individuelle Lerntempo jeweils anpassen. Dies gewährleistet die

Binnendifferenzierung ohne gesonderte Aufgabenstellung.

Die Schüler/innen erhalten zum Absolvieren der Stationen eine Checkliste,

die ihnen durch gezieltes Abhaken der Aufgabenstellung einen Überblick

über das Gelernte verschafft.

Inhaltsübersicht: Didaktisch-methodische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials

Einführender Informationszettel für die SuS


16 Stationen mit Informationsmaterialien und Aufgaben

Ausführliche Lösungsansätze

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Didaktische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials ......................................................... 3

Laufzettel zum Stationenlernen „African-Americans in the U.S.” ..................................... 6

Station Pass: African Americans in the United States ....................................................... 7

Station 1: Slavery in the Colonial Era ............................................................................... 8

Station 2: African Americans in the Revolutionary and Civil War ...................................... 12

Station 3: Segregation and Oppression ............................................................................ 13

Station 4: The Civil Rights Movement .............................................................................. 15

Station 5: African American Music .................................................................................. 18

Station 6: African American Literature ............................................................................ 19

Station 7: African American Vernacular ........................................................................... 20

Station 8: The African American Dream ........................................................................... 23

Station 9: Education and Poverty .................................................................................... 24

Station 10: Racism .......................................................................................................... 25

Station 11: Police Brutality and Race Riots ...................................................................... 27

Station 12: Black Lives Matter ......................................................................................... 30

Station 13: Mass Incarceration ........................................................................................ 33

Station 14: Modern Slavery ............................................................................................. 35

Station 15: African Americans and the Trump Administration .......................................... 37

Station 16: African Americans in the USA – Crossword Puzzle .......................................... 39

Solutions ........................................................................................................................ 40

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Didaktische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials

Dieses Stationenlernen für die Sekundarstufe II ermöglicht eine

konzentrierte und intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem

unterrichtsrelevanten Thema „African-Americans in the USA“ im

Unterricht. Es geht dabei konform mit den Anforderungen der

Lehrpläne. Stationsarbeit bildet eine sinnvolle Alternative zum

herkömmlichen Frontalunterricht und gewährleistet überdies ein

selbständiges Erarbeiten der Lehrinhalte durch die Schülerinnen und Schüler (SuS). Gerade

leistungsschwächere Lernende haben damit die Möglichkeit, die Erarbeitung an ihr eigenes

Lerntempo anzupassen.

Die Stationenarbeit setzt sich aus Pflichtstationen und Wahlstation zusammen. Die Pflichtstationen

müssen von allen SuS erledigt werden und sollten notfalls als Hausaufgabe mitgegeben werden. Bei

der Bearbeitung einzelner Stationen ist zu beachten, dass die erste Station grundlegende Fragen

behandelt, während die weiteren Stationen tendenziell Einzelaspekte betrachten. Es empfiehlt sich

daher, dass die SuS die erste Station gemeinsam im Klassenverband behandeln und dann

selbstständig und in freier Wahl die weiteren Stationen bearbeiten.


Klassenstufe: Sekundarstufe II (Geschichte, Politik, Ethik)

Fach: Englisch

Aufbau der Unterrichtseinheit

Einstiegsphase: Einführendes Unterrichtsgespräch

Erarbeitungsphase: 15 Stationen zum Thema „African-Americans in the USA“

Abschlussphase: Lösungsbogen, Reflexionsphase

Leistungskontrolle: Kreuzworträtsel

Dauer der Unterrichtseinheit: 4 bis 8 Stunden



Die Schülerinnen und Schüler können umfangreichere authentische Texte unterschiedlicher

Textsorten zu vertrauten Themen verstehen. Sie können:

zum Aufbau eines Textverständnisses textinterne Informationen und textexternes

(Vor)Wissen verknüpfen,

implizite Informationen, auch Einstellungen und Meinungen, erschließen,

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Laufzettel zum Stationenlernen „African-Americans in the U.S.”

Die Stationenarbeit setzt sich aus 4 verschiedenen Arten von Stationen zusammen:

3 Pflichtstationen (mandatory): Diese Stationen müssen bearbeitet werden. Sie sollten diese als

ersten Schritt während der Unterrichtszeit bearbeiten.

4 Wahlpflichtstationen A (Choice A): Diese Stationen sind Wahlpflichtstationen. Aus den 4

möglichen Stationen muss eine Station bearbeitet werden. Weitere Stationen aus Choice A können

freiwillig bearbeitet werden.

4 Wahlpflichtstationen B (Choice B): Diese Stationen sind Wahlpflichtstationen. Aus den 4 möglichen

Stationen muss eine Station bearbeitet werden. Weitere Stationen aus Choice B können freiwillig

bearbeitet werden.

2 Wahlpflichtstationen C (Choice C): Diese Stationen sind Wahlpflichtstationen. Aus den 2 möglichen

Stationen muss eine Station bearbeitet werden. Weitere Stationen aus Choice C können freiwillig

bearbeitet werden.

2 Freiwillige Stationen (Optional): Diese Stationen sind freiwillig und können nach Belieben

bearbeitet werden.

Insgesamt müssen also mind. 6 Stationen bearbeitet werden (3 mandatory, 1 Choice A, 1 Choice B, 1 Choice C).

Haben Sie eine Station bearbeitet, vergleichen Sie Ihre Ergebnisse mit dem Arbeitspartner/

Lösungsbogen und haken Sie sie anschließend auf dem Stationspass ab.

Sollten bei der Korrektur Fragen auftauchen, notieren Sie diese auf Ihrem Lösungsbogen. Heften Sie

dieses Blatt und auch die folgenden Blätter sowie die Lösungen in Ihrer Mappe ab!

Go for it!

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Station 3: Segregation and oppression

After slavery was abolished, African Americans in the United States were still not regarded as equal. Do the following tasks to find out more about the era of segregation, oppression and Jim Crow laws in the United States.

1. Read the following text to find out more about the situation of African Americans in the early 20th century.

Oppression of African Americans in the First Half of the 20th Century

by David Kenneth, Source:

“African Americans faced racial oppression from 1900 to 1950. The nation released the race from

slavery in 1865 […]. Nevertheless, until the gains of the 1950s and 1960s Civil Rights Movement,

private citizens and state governments openly discriminated against African Americans with seeming


[…] At the turn of the 20th century, Southern state governments instituted racial segregation laws to

separate whites and African Americans. The Supreme Court in 1896 found state segregation laws

constitutional, despite the Fourteenth Amendment guarantee of equality for all citizens. States could

require separation of the races as long as the services provided were similar. In reality, most African-

American institutions and provisions were of an inferior quality. […]

[…] In tandem with government-enforced segregation, some Southern whites maintained the status

quo through violence. The most visible and extreme manifestation of this violence was lynching.

African-American males were the primary victims of these crimes. Lynching involved hanging and

torturing a person for a supposed infraction of social rules. In many instances, newspapers would

advertise upcoming hangings. Southern law enforcement rarely prosecuted these murders.

[…] Despite the Fifteenth Amendment guarantee that no state could deprive the right to vote

because of color, few African Americans voted in the South. If unperturbed by the possibility of

lynching, potential African-American voters still had to surpass obstacles to register. Poll taxes

required payments often accrued over decades. Poor African Americans usually could not afford the

amount. Literacy tests, applied subjectively by the register of voters, forced some people to

demonstrate sufficient comprehension of state and national laws. Last, political parties could refuse

to admit African Americans as members, denying them the ability to vote in primaries. […]

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[…] Oppression of African Americans was not limited to the South. More than four million African

Americans migrated to Northern cities from 1910 to 1960, where they […] paid relatively high rents.

African Americans faced social restrictions. Even in Harlem, a haven for many of the migrants,

establishments such as the Cotton Club refused to accept black patrons. Whites could respond

violently to racial minorities attempting to use municipal recreational facilities. On July 27, 1919,

white youths in Chicago stoned Eugene Williams to death for apparently wading into a "restricted"

area of the 29th Street beach. The incident touched off thirteen days of race rioting. […] People who

relocated in the West encountered similar proscriptions. In Los Angeles, African Americans had to

live in segregated areas concentrated around Central Avenue. […]”

2. Look at the following images2. Imagine you are an African American in the United States in the 19th century. What feelings do the images evoke? Using the background information from the text above, write a diary entry about your thoughts and feelings.

2 Sources:;;

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Station 4: The Civil Rights Movement

Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were influential personalities in the Civil Rights Movement. Learn more about them in the following tasks.

1. Choose whether you want to find out more about Martin Luther King or Malcolm X.

2. Read the text on the worksheet about the person you have chosen. Use the Internet to find more information. One possible source has been given, but you can use any other websites. Collect information on the following topics (and other interesting facts): biography, interests, and influence in the Civil Rights Movement.

3. Once you have collected the information, find a partner who collected information on the person that you did not choose. Debate the following question thoroughly:

By which means is black emancipation best achieved?

Help? Have a look at this interview with Martin Luther King and Malcom X:

4. After your debate, decide which of the following phrases best describe Malcolm X and which best describe Martin Luther King. Some phrases can be used to describe both of them. Fill the phrases into the chart below.

African-American leader leading member of the NAACP non-violent Christian Muslim

adored Gandhi youth marked by crime his father was killed spokesman for the “Nation

of Islam” was assassinated “I have a Dream” “all people are equal” “the ballot or

the bullet” received the Nobel Peace Prize negative attitude towards whites

Malcolm X Martin Luther King

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Born in Atlanta in 1929, King worked very hard in school and

started college in 1944. He wanted to become a minister or a

professor, and married his girlfriend Coretta Scott in 1953.

After he had learned about Gandhi and his efforts for peace

in India, he wanted to do the same in America. Since 1954 he

had worked as a minister in Montgomery, Alabama. He was

also the leading member of the NAACP (National Association

for the Advancement of Colored People). It was his aim to

make everyone realize that all people are equal no matter

what color of skin they have. Thereby he wanted to achieve

emancipation for his fellow people.

King organized a bus-boycott with Rosa Parks in 1955 and gave speeches in numerous cities in order

to draw people’s attention. He organized another major event in African-American history: The Civil

Rights March on Washington. The highlight of this event was King’s famous speech entitled “I have a

dream”.3 As a reward for his accomplishments, he received the Nobel Peace Price in 1964. It goes

without saying that King was not very popular with all people, and in the course of a public

appearance in Memphis, Tennessee, on 4th of April 1968, he was assassinated. In order to honor this

great man, it was announced in 1989 that Martin Luther King’s birthday should become a national


Read more on:

3 full speech

Martin Luther King, 1964

( / Marion S. Trikosko)


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Titel: The USA - A Country of Immigration

Reihe: Stationenlernen Englisch Landeskunde USA

Bestellnummer: 71213

Kurzvorstellung: Dieses komplett englischsprachige Stationenlernen Landeskunde USA beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema „The USA – A Country of Immigration“. Es ist unterrichtsfertig aufgearbeitet und für den direkten und differenzierten Unterrichtseinsatz bestimmt.

Die Schüler werden befähigt, den geschichtlichen Hintergrund der Einwanderung in die USA zu verstehen, sich mit legaler und illegaler Einwanderung auseinander zu setzen, die gesetzliche Lage von Einwanderung in die USA zu verstehen, sowie aktuelle Ereignisse zum Thema einzuordnen. Die Arbeitsblätter eignen sich hervorragend zur Verwendung im Themenfeld „The American Dream – Then and Now“.

Inhaltsübersicht: Didaktisch-methodische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials

Einführender Informationszettel für Schüler

Laufzettel und Stationspass

11 Stationen zum Thema “The USA - A Country of Immigration”

Ausführlicher Lösungsteil

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Didaktisch-methodische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials .............................................. 3

Laufzettel zum Stationenlernen „The USA - A Country of Immigration” ................................... 6

Station Pass: The USA – A Country of Immigration.................................................................... 7

Station 1: Waves of Immigration to the USA ............................................................................. 8

Station 2: History of Immigration Policies ................................................................................ 10

Station 3: Statistics on Immigration in the USA ....................................................................... 12

Station 4: Legal Immigration .................................................................................................... 14

Station 5: Illegal Immigration ................................................................................................... 16

Station 6: Attitudes towards National Identity ........................................................................ 18

Station 7: Policy Issues I - The Mexican Border Wall ............................................................... 19

Station 8: Policy Issues II – The Ban on Immigration from Muslim Countries ......................... 21

Station 9: Policy Issues III - Detention Centers......................................................................... 23

Station 10: The USA - No longer a country of immigrants? ..................................................... 25

Station 11: Test yourself! Keywords about Immigration ......................................................... 26

Solutions ................................................................................................................................... 27

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Didaktisch-methodische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials

Dieses Stationenlernen für die Sekundarstufe II ermöglicht eine

konzentrierte und intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem

unterrichtsrelevanten Thema „The USA - A Country of Immigration“

im Unterricht. Es geht dabei konform mit den Anforderungen der

Lehrpläne. Stationsarbeit bildet eine sinnvolle Alternative zum herkömmlichen Frontalunterricht und

gewährleistet überdies ein selbständiges Erarbeiten der Lehrinhalte durch die Schülerinnen und

Schüler (SuS). Gerade leistungsschwächere Lernende haben damit die Möglichkeit, die Erarbeitung

an ihr eigenes Lerntempo anzupassen.

Die Stationenarbeit setzt sich aus Pflichtstationen und Wahlstation zusammen. Die Pflichtstationen

müssen von allen SuS erledigt werden und sollten notfalls als Hausaufgabe mitgegeben werden. Bei

der Bearbeitung einzelner Stationen ist zu beachten, dass die erste Station grundlegende Fragen

behandelt, während die weiteren Stationen tendenziell Einzelaspekte betrachten. Es empfiehlt sich

daher, dass die SuS die erste Station gemeinsam im Klassenverband behandeln und dann

selbstständig und in freier Wahl die weiteren Stationen bearbeiten.


Klassenstufe: Sekundarstufe II

Fach: Englisch

Aufbau der Unterrichtseinheit

Einstiegsphase: Einführendes Unterrichtsgespräch

Erarbeitungsphase: 11 Stationen zum Thema „The USA - A Country of Immigration“

Abschlussphase: Lösungsbogen, Reflexionsphase

Dauer der Unterrichtseinheit:4 bis 8 Stunden



Die Schülerinnen und Schüler können umfangreichere authentische Texte unterschiedlicher

Textsorten zu vertrauten Themen verstehen. Sie können:

zum Aufbau eines Textverständnisses textinterne Informationen und textexternes (Vor-)Wissen


implizite Informationen, auch Einstellungen und Meinungen, erschließen,

Page 21: Landeskunde USA - Stationenlernen im preisgünstigen Paket · were revealed during the 2016 election period. Fill in the definitions and examples where missing, using the Internet

SCHOOL-SCOUT The USA - A Country of Immigration Seite 7 von 36

Stationspass: The USA – A Country of Immigration

Name: ________________________________

Station Priority Name of station Finished Any questions?

1 Choice A Waves of Immigration to the USA

2 Choice A History of Immigration Policies

3 Mandatory Statistics on Immigration in the


4 Mandatory Legal Immigration

5 Mandatory Illegal Immigration

6 Mandatory Attitudes towards National


7 Choice B Policy Issues I - The Mexican

Border Wall

8 Choice B

Policy Issues II – The Ban on

Immigration from Muslim


9 Choice B Policy Issues III - Detention Centers

10 Mandatory The USA - No longer a country of


11 Mandatory Test yourself! Keywords about


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SCHOOL-SCOUT The USA - A Country of Immigration Seite 12 von 36

Station 3: Statistics on Immigration in the USA

Describe the following charts.

Source: 1. US Census Bureau (

Source: 2. US Department of Homeland Security (

Black or African

American 13%

American Indian or Alaska Native

1% Asian

6% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander

0% Two or More Ethnic Origins


White 77%

US Citizens by Ethnic Origin (2016)

Africa 10%

Asia 36%

Europe 10%

Caribbean 14%

Central America 5%

Other North America


Oceania 1%

South America


Naturalized US Citizens by Country (2016)

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SCHOOL-SCOUT The USA - A Country of Immigration Seite 13 von 36

Year Size of Immigrant* Population Percentage of Total Population

1970 9.6 million 4.7%

1980 14.1 million 6.2%

1990 19.8 million 7.9%

2000 31.1 million 11.1%

2010 40.0 million 12.9%

2016 43.7 million 13.5%

*people born outside of the USA

Source: 3. Migration Policy Institute (


pie chart


There is a sudden increase…

The percentage of … remains steady…

The chart clearly shows that…

In conclusion, it can be stated that…

As can be seen from the chart…

There is a huge/small difference in numbers/percentage between…















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SCHOOL-SCOUT The USA - A Country of Immigration Seite 21 von 36

Station 8: Policy Issues II – The Ban on Immigration from Muslim Countries

1. In January 2017, President Trump issued an executive order which prevented people from 6 Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.

What do you already know about this order? Write down a few notes into the word cloud.

2. Read the following excerpt from the executive order. Infer the meaning of the underlined words from the context. If you cannot infer the meaning, look up the definition in a dictionary. Fill in the definitions (either from your understanding or the dictionary) into the margin on the right.

“By the authority vested in me as President […] and to protect the American people

from terrorist attacks by foreign nationals admitted to the United States, it is hereby

ordered as follows:

[…] The visa-issuance process plays a crucial role in detecting individuals with terrorist

ties and stopping them from entering the United States. Perhaps in no instance was

that more apparent than the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, when State

Department policy prevented consular officers from properly scrutinizing the visa

applications of several of the 19 foreign nationals who went on to murder nearly 3,000

Americans. And while the visa-issuance process was reviewed and amended after the

September 11 attacks to better detect would-be terrorists from receiving visas, these

measures did not stop attacks by foreign nationals who were admitted to the United


Numerous foreign-born individuals have been convicted or implicated in terrorism-

related crimes since September 11, 2001, including foreign nationals who entered the

United States after receiving visitor, student, or employment visas, or who entered

through the United States refugee resettlement program. Deteriorating conditions in

certain countries due to war, strife, disaster, and civil unrest increase the likelihood

that terrorists will use any means possible to enter the United States. The United

States must be vigilant during the visa-issuance process to ensure that those approved

for admission do not intend to harm Americans and that they have no ties to


Travel ban

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In order to protect Americans, the United States must ensure that those admitted to

this country do not bear hostile attitudes toward it and its founding principles. The

United States cannot, and should not, admit those who do not support the

Constitution, or those who would place violent ideologies over American law. In

addition, the United States should not admit those who engage in acts of bigotry or

hatred (including “honor” killings, other forms of violence against women, or the

persecution of those who practice religions different from their own) or those who

would oppress Americans of any race, gender, or sexual orientation.

[…] It is the policy of the United States to protect its citizens from foreign nationals

who intend to commit terrorist attacks in the United States; and to prevent the

admission of foreign nationals who intend to exploit United States immigration laws

for malevolent purposes.

[…] Suspension of Issuance of Visas and Other Immigration Benefits to Nationals of

Countries of Particular Concern. […] The Secretary of Homeland Security […] shall

immediately conduct a review to determine the information needed from any country

to adjudicate any visa […] in order to determine that the individual seeking the benefit

is who the individual claims to be and is not a security or public-safety threat.

[…] To temporarily reduce investigative burdens on relevant agencies during the

review period […] and to ensure that adequate standards are established to prevent

infiltration by foreign terrorists or criminals, […] I hereby proclaim that the immigrant

and nonimmigrant entry into the United States of aliens from [Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan,

Libya, Somalia and Yemen] would be detrimental to the interests of the United States,

and I hereby suspend entry into the United States, as immigrants and nonimmigrants,

of such persons for 90 days from the date of this order […].”

3. What reasons are given for the travel ban?






4. The 19 foreign nationals that are mentioned in the executive order who took part in the September 11, 2001 attacks were citizens of the following countries: 15 citizens of Saudi Arabia, 2 citizens of the United Arab Emirates, 1 citizen of Egypt, 1 citizen of Lebanon.

Comment on the reasoning for the choice of countries affected by the travel ban as well as its efficacy.

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Titel: Stationenlernen Englisch: Landeskunde USA

American Dream:

Freedom and justice – myths and realities

Bestellnummer: 60239

Kurzvorstellung: Dieses komplett englischsprachige Stationenlernen zur Landeskunde der USA beschäftigt sich mit der Geschichte des American Dream. Es ist unterrichtsfertig aufgearbeitet und für den direkten und differenzierten Unterrichtseinsatz bestimmt.

Die Schüler werden befähigt, die amerikanische Gesellschaft und Lebensart genauer einzuordnen und beschäftigen sich aktiv mit der Entwicklung von Bürgerrechtsbewegung, Immigration und weiteren zentralen US-amerikanischen Gesellschaftsthemen.

Die Arbeitsblätter eignen sich hervorragend zum Einstieg in die Thematik „The American Dream – Myths and Realities“.

Inhaltsübersicht: Didaktisch-methodische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials

Einführender Informationszettel für Schüler


15 Stationen zum Thema “The American Dream”

Ausführlicher Lösungsteil

Abschlusstest inkl. Lösungen

Internet: E-Mail: [email protected]

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SCHOOL-SCOUT Stationenlernen “The American Dream” Seite 2 von 65


Didaktisch-methodische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials ...................................... 3

Route Card „American Dream” ........................................................................................ 7

Station Pass “American Dream” ...................................................................................... 8

Station 1: What is the American Dream? ......................................................................... 9

Station 2: The Puritans .................................................................................................... 11

Station 3: The Declaration of Independence .................................................................... 14

Station 4: Immigration .................................................................................................... 17

Station 5: Pictures of the American Dream ...................................................................... 19

Station 6: The Statue of Liberty ....................................................................................... 21

Station 7: American Patriotism........................................................................................ 23

Station 8: From Rags to Riches ........................................................................................ 26

Station 9: Corporate Culture and Work Ethics .................................................................. 29

Station 10: Civil Rights .................................................................................................... 33

Station 11: African Americans ......................................................................................... 38

Station 12: Poverty ......................................................................................................... 42

Station 13: Consumerism ................................................................................................ 44

Station 14: Societal Issues surfacing through Elections 2016 ............................................ 47

Station 15: The American Dream – What do you think? ................................................... 52

Solutions ........................................................................................................................ 54

Abschlusstest .................................................................................................................. 64

Abschlusstest – Lösungen................................................................................................ 65

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SCHOOL-SCOUT Stationenlernen “The American Dream” Seite 3 von 65

Didaktisch-methodische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials

Dieses Stationenlernen für die Sekundarstufe II ermöglicht eine

konzentrierte und intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem

unterrichtsrelevanten Thema „The American Dream“ im Unterricht.

Es geht dabei konform mit den Anforderungen der Lehrpläne.

Stationsarbeit bildet eine sinnvolle Alternative zum herkömmlichen Frontalunterricht und

gewährleistet überdies ein selbständiges Erarbeiten der Lehrinhalte durch die Schülerinnen und

Schüler (SuS). Gerade leistungsschwächere Lernende haben damit die Möglichkeit, die Erarbeitung

an ihr eigenes Lerntempo anzupassen.

Die Stationenarbeit setzt sich aus Pflichtstationen und Wahlstation zusammen. Die Pflichtstationen

müssen von allen SuS erledigt werden und sollten notfalls als Hausaufgabe mitgegeben werden. Bei

der Bearbeitung einzelner Stationen ist zu beachten, dass die erste Station grundlegende Fragen

behandelt, während die weiteren Stationen tendenziell Einzelaspekte betrachten. Es empfiehlt sich

daher, dass die SuS die erste Station gemeinsam im Klassenverband behandeln und dann

selbstständig und in freier Wahl die weiteren Stationen bearbeiten.


Klassenstufe: Sekundarstufe II

Fach: SoWi/Politik

Aufbau der Unterrichtseinheit

Einstiegsphase: Einführendes Unterrichtsgespräch

Erarbeitungsphase: 15 Stationen zum Thema „The American Dream“

Abschlussphase: Lösungsbogen, Reflexionsphase

Dauer der Unterrichtseinheit: 6 bis 8 Stunden



Die Schülerinnen und Schüler können umfangreichere authentische Texte unterschiedlicher

Textsorten zu vertrauten Themen verstehen. Sie können:

zum Aufbau eines Textverständnisses textinterne Informationen und textexternes (Vor-

)Wissen verknüpfen,

implizite Informationen, auch Einstellungen und Meinungen, erschließen,

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SCHOOL-SCOUT Stationenlernen “The American Dream” Seite 8 von 65

Station Pass “American Dream”

Name: __________________________

Station Priority Name of station Done Any questions?

1 obligatory What is the American Dream?

2 free-choice The Puritans

3 obligatory The Declaration of Independence

4 obligatory Immigration

5 free-choice Pictures of the American Dream

6 obligatory The Statue of Liberty

7 obligatory American Patriotism

8 free-choice From Rags to Riches

9 obligatory Corporate Culture and Work Ethics

10 obligatory Civil Rights

11 obligatory African-Americans

12 obligatory Poverty

13 free-choice Consumerism

14 obligatory Societal Issues surfacing through

Elections 2016

15 obligatory The American Dream – What do you


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SCHOOL-SCOUT Stationenlernen “The American Dream” Seite 9 von 65

Station 1: What is the American Dream?

What is the American dream? The American

dream is one big tent. One big tent. And on

that big tent you have four basic promises:

equal protection under the law, equal

opportunity, equal access, and fair share.

Jesse Jackson/ *1941 American civil rights activist, Minister and politician

The American dream is about freedom.

Nancy Pelosi / *1940

American politician

For me, the essence of the great American Dream

is spiritual. I believe that our Constitution is

inspired and that it is based on principles that are

timeless and universal. This is the reason why 95%

of all written constitutions throughout the world

are modeled after our Constitution.

Stephen Covey/ *1932 – †2012

American educator and author

If proud Americans can be who they are and

boldly stand at the altar with who they love

then surely, surely we can give everyone in this

country a fair chance at that great American


Michelle Obama/ *1964

First Lady of the United States (2009-2016) I have spent my life judging the distance between

American reality and the American dream.

Bruce Springsteen/ *1949

American musician

There are those who will say that the

liberation of humanity, the freedom of man

and mind is nothing but a dream. They are

right. It is the American Dream.

Archibald MacLeish/ *1892– †1982

American poet, writer and politician

The American Dream is a phrase we'll have to

wrestle with all of our lives. It means a lot of

things to different people. I think we're redefining

it now.

Rita Dove/ *1952

American poet and author

Americans have so far put up with inequality

because they felt they could change their

status. They didn't mind others being rich, as

long as they had a path to move up as well.

The American Dream is all about social

mobility in a sense - the idea that anyone can

make it.

Fareed Zakaria/ *1964

Indian-born American journalist and author

The road to success is not easy to navigate, but

with hard work, drive and passion, it's possible to

achieve the American dream.

Tommy Hilfiger/ *1951

American fashion designer

To me, the American Dream is being able to

follow your own personal calling. To be able to do

what you want to do is incredible freedom.

Maya Lin/


American designer and artist


Read the different definitions of the American

Dream: Can you find any differences or

similarities? Try to come up with your very own

definition of the American Dream.

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SCHOOL-SCOUT Stationenlernen “The American Dream” Seite 47 von 65

Station 14: Societal Issues surfacing through Elections 2016


“America has always been proud of its self-identification as a ‘melting pot’.”6

Like in a pot, various flavorful ingredients can be mixed together to a

delicious soup; it is believed by many that, after various nations and

cultures had come together and assimilated in the U.S., a new ‘Super’

nation, namely America, was created.

The truth of this concept for modern day America has been tried and

tested at different events in time, a recent one being the 2016 U.S.

presidential elections.

During these elections many challenges were highlighted that threaten to

destroy not just the melting pot image of America, but rather its very founding values:

“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our property, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”7

Although many underlying societal issues had been there a long time, they surfaced strongly during a

time like the elections where the citizens have to give their opinions based on their experiences and

beliefs. They need to make a choice as to what they consider right, and which person, ideals and

values define them and their country.

The 2016 presidential elections exposed that there

are not only many different opinions in the country

but rather a high potential for conflict that need to

be resolved.

Many important controversial issues have created a

rift between the U.S. population, and the gap seems

too wide, giving the image of a much divided America

at this point.8

6 Clker-Free-Vector-Images. Melting Pot. Digital image. Pixabay. N.p., 24 Apr. 2012. Web. 19 Jan. 2017.

<>. 7 U.S. Constitution. Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School. Web. 17 Jan

2017<> 8 Msync. United States of America. Digital image. Pixabay. N.p., Jun 2016. Web. 19 Jan. 2017.


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SCHOOL-SCOUT Stationenlernen “The American Dream” Seite 48 von 65


1. Look at the table below with a list of problems dividing the American nation that were revealed during the 2016 election period. Fill in the definitions and examples where missing, using the internet if need be. You may choose to work with a partner.


(as per Oxford dictionaries and

EXAMPLE (from the time leading up to, during, and right

after the 2016 elections)


Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own

race is superior.


‘Donald Trump launched a deeply personal attack Tuesday morning on Alicia Machado,

the 1996 Miss Universe winner who has accused him of calling her "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping" because she's Latina’



OR Nationalism

An extreme form of patriotism marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries.

‘Two brothers arrested in Boston last summer for beating up a homeless Latino man cited

Trump’s anti-immigrant message when explaining why they did it… “I will say that

people who are following me are very passionate,” Trump said. “They love this country and they want this country to be

great again. They are passionate.”’10

‘With his call to put “America First”, Donald Trump is the latest recruit to a dangerous


Xenophobia Fear or hatred of foreigners, people of

other cultures, of their customs, or anything perceived different.


/Hate (towards Muslims, Jews,

Mexicans, Homosexuals,

Disabled etc.)

“In the 10 days after Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election, the country experienced a surge in hate crime, according

to a study by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The prominent U.S. civil rights group

released a report Tuesday identifying 867 incidents of harassment and intimidation

between November 9 and November 18.”12



Lack of knowledge, information or education.

9 Johnson, Jenna. Trump attacks former Miss Universe who ‘gained a massive amount of weight’ and had ‘attitude’. The

Washington Post. 27 Sep 2016. Web. 19 Jan 2017. <


attitude/?utm_term=.888ebeea9418> 10 O’Connor, Lydia and Maran, Daniel. Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist. The Huffington Post. 29 Feb

2016. Web. 19 Jan 2017. < > 11 The New Nationalism. The economist. 19 Nov 2016. Web. 19 Jan 2017. < > 12 McCarthy, Niall. Report: Trump's Election Led To A Surge In Hate Crime. Forbes. 30 Nov 20016. Web. 19 Jan 2017.<

infographic/#266be3ab5f0d >

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Page 34: Landeskunde USA - Stationenlernen im preisgünstigen Paket · were revealed during the 2016 election period. Fill in the definitions and examples where missing, using the Internet

Titel: Politics in the USA –Presidential elections, domestic affairs and foreign interests

Reihe: Stationenlernen zur Landeskunde USA

Bestellnummer: 64820

Kurzvorstellung: Dieses komplett englischsprachige Stationenlernen zur amerikanischen Landeskunde beschäftigt sich der politischen Kultur in den USA. Es ist unterrichtsfertig aufgearbeitet und für den direkten und differenzierten Unterrichtseinsatz bestimmt. Die Schüler werden befähigt, die Rolle der USA in der Weltpolitik und ihre Interessen genauer einzuordnen und den Präsidentschaftswahlkampf besser nachzuvollziehen.

Diese Unterrichtseinheit eignet sich hervorragend zum Einstieg in die Thematik „The role of the United States in international politics at the beginning of the 21st Century“.

Inhaltsübersicht: Didaktisch-methodische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials

Einführender Informationszettel für Schüler


10 Stationen zum politischen System der USA

Ausführlicher Lösungsteil

Abschlusstest inkl. Lösungen

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SCHOOL-SCOUT Stationenlernen “Politics in the USA“ Seite 2 von 42


Didaktische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials ................................................................................ 3

Route Card ”USA – Political System, Home Affairs, Foreign Policy” ....................................................... 7

Station Pass „USA – Political System, Home Affairs, Foreign Policy” ..................................................... 8

Station 1: Facts about the world power USA ........................................................................................... 9

Station 2: Vocabulary .............................................................................................................................. 12

Station 3: Political system today ............................................................................................................. 14

Station 4: Domestic policy....................................................................................................................... 17

Station 5: Domestic policy II - Health care ............................................................................................. 18

Station 6: Foreign policy .......................................................................................................................... 20

Station 7: Presidential elections in the USA ........................................................................................... 22

Station 8: Political parties ....................................................................................................................... 24

Station 9: Presidents of the USA ............................................................................................................. 26

Station 10: The Impact of U.S. inner conflicts on politics ...................................................................... 31

“USA – Political System, Home Affairs, Foreign Policy” – Solutions ..................................................... 34

Abschlusstest ........................................................................................................................................... 41

Abschlusstest - Lösungen ........................................................................................................................ 42

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SCHOOL-SCOUT Stationenlernen “Politics in the USA“ Seite 3 von 42

Didaktische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials

Dieses Stationenlernen für die Sekundarstufe II ermöglicht eine

konzentrierte und intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem

unterrichtsrelevanten Thema „Politics in the USA“ im Unterricht. Es

geht dabei konform mit den Anforderungen der Lehrpläne.

Stationsarbeit bildet eine sinnvolle Alternative zum herkömmlichen Frontalunterricht und gewährleistet

überdies ein selbständiges Erarbeiten der Lehrinhalte durch die Schülerinnen und Schüler (SuS). Gerade

leistungsschwächere Lernende haben damit die Möglichkeit, die Erarbeitung an ihr eigenes Lerntempo


Die Stationenarbeit setzt sich aus Pflichtstationen und Wahlstation zusammen. Die Pflichtstationen müssen

von allen SuS erledigt werden und sollten notfalls als Hausaufgabe mitgegeben werden. Bei der

Bearbeitung einzelner Stationen ist zu beachten, dass die erste Station grundlegende Fragen behandelt,

während die weiteren Stationen tendenziell Einzelaspekte betrachten. Es empfiehlt sich daher, dass die SuS

die erste Station gemeinsam im Klassenverband behandeln und dann selbstständig und in freier Wahl die

weiteren Stationen bearbeiten.


Klassenstufe: Sekundarstufe II

Fach: Englisch

Aufbau der Unterrichtseinheit

Einstiegsphase: Einführendes Unterrichtsgespräch

Erarbeitungsphase: 11 Stationen zum Thema „Politics in the USA“

Abschlussphase: Lösungsbogen, Reflexionsphase

Dauer der Unterrichtseinheit: 4 bis 8 Stunden



Die Schülerinnen und Schüler können umfangreichere authentische Texte unterschiedlicher Textsorten zu

vertrauten Themen verstehen. Sie können:

zum Aufbau eines Textverständnisses textinterne Informationen und textexternes

(Vor-)Wissen verknüpfen,

implizite Informationen, auch Einstellungen und Meinungen, erschließen.

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SCHOOL-SCOUT Stationenlernen “Politics in the USA“ Seite 14 von 42

Station 3: Political system today


The United States of America was a British colony. This means that it was ruled by Britain. Even though

there was a colonial government in America, it was ultimately subject to British rule. In the 18th century,

communication between Britain and its colony was extremely slow. Also, the taxes that the American

people had to pay did not stay in the country, they went to consolidate the British household. This changed

in 1776, when the British colonies declared independence from Britain. At first, only a couple of American

states joined the union, but in 1787 the states that had separated themselves from Britain formed the

United States of America and produced a constitution.

Today, the US consists of 54 individual states. Like Germany, it is a federal republic. This means that every

state has a government, but that there is also a central government with representatives from every state.

Unlike in Germany, politics are dominated by only two major parties in the United States: the Democrats

and the Republicans. The president, whose main function is to enforce the law, always comes from the

party who wins the election. Elections for presidency are held every four years. The latest elections were

held in 2016, in which Donald Trump was elected as the new U.S. president.2


( / 111Alleskönner)

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SCHOOL-SCOUT Stationenlernen “Politics in the USA“ Seite 15 von 42

Before the actual voting begins, the political parties try

and find presidential candidates that they believe the

majority of the people will vote for. Once this is done, the

campaign for the elections begin. In the elections, people

choose a presidential “ticket” (a pair of candidates

running for the president and the vice-president

positions). These votes are then used to choose a group

of people called “electors” from various states who

support the candidates the people voted for. These

electors then vote for the presidential candidates. This process/system is called the “Electoral College”. At

the end, the candidates who get the most votes in each state win all the electoral votes for that state as

well. Therefore the person who wins in the majority of the states, wins the presidential elections and

becomes the president .3 4

7. Explain the voting system of the USA.







8. Find out who the most important figures of 2016 presidential elections were and present them briefly.










3 Presedential Election Process. Usa government. WEB. 11 Jan 2017. <> 4

The White House, Washington D.C. ( / Matt Wade)

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SCHOOL-SCOUT Stationenlernen “Politics in the USA“ Seite 33 von 42

a. What problems can outside intervention from other countries create for the U.S., if any? Do you agree with the claim of Senator Dianne Feinstein that such intervention can undermine the “American democracy”? How so?

5. Take a look at the graphs below that outline some issues of conflict in America, according to a 2016 poll. Analyze these graphs and what they can mean for the future of America.16

6. Read the following quote.

“Trump bears a little resemblance to (Adolf Hitler who)… quickly started becoming popular with a certain group of ignorant German voters. They were the people who didn’t understand economics or history or politics, much less morality. They were people who were tired and angry about their country falling apart. They were eager to turn to a man who promised them that he knew how to fix

things. And Hitler knew who to blame for their problems.”17

7. Do you agree with what the writer states in his quote? Why or why not? If yes, what can that mean for America? Discuss in small groups.

16Rebecca Lai, K.k. . Issues Where Trump’s Cabinet Picks and Most Americans Differ. New York Times. 9 Dec 2016. Web. 23 Jan

2017. <>. 17 McElroy, David. Donald Trump’s jingoistic tribalism marks him as a dangerous buffoon. 1 Aug 2015. Web. 19 Jan 2017. <>.

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Titel: Stationenlernen Gun Control Laws and Shootings in the USA

Reihe: The Controversy of Gun Ownership in America

Bestellnummer: 71106

Kurzvorstellung: Massaker und Amokläufe bringen das Waffenproblem der Vereinigten Staaten regelmäßig in die mediale Diskussion. Doch auch jenseits dieser großen Katastrophen werden in den USA tagtäglich mehr als 80 Menschen Opfer von Schusswaffen.

Dieses komplett englischsprachige Stationenlernen zur Landeskunde der USA beschäftigt sich mit den Themen „Gun Control Laws“ und „Mass Shootings“. Es ist unterrichtsfertig aufgearbeitet und für den direkten und differenzierten Unterrichtseinsatz bestimmt.

Dieses Stationenlernen gibt Ihren Schülerinnen und Schülern

Hintergrundinformationen an die Hand, mit denen sie aktiv und kritisch mit

den US-amerikanischen Waffengesetzen und ihren Auswirkungen

auseinander setzen können.

Inhaltsübersicht: Didaktisch-methodische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials

Einführender Informationszettel für Schüler

Laufzettel und Stationspass

7 Stationen zum Thema “Gun Control Laws and Shootings in the USA”

Ausführlicher Lösungsteil

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Didaktisch-methodische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials .............................................. 3

Laufzettel zum Stationenlernen „ Gun Control Laws and Shootings in the USA” ..................... 6

Station Pass: Gun Control Laws and Shootings in the USA ........................................................ 7

Station 1: Gun Control Laws – Fact or Fiction? .......................................................................... 8

Station 2: Gun Ownership – Statistics and Figures .................................................................. 10

Station 3: Mass Shootings in The USA ...................................................................................... 11

Station 4: Gun Control Laws – A Controversial Topic .............................................................. 14

Station 5: The „Gun Show Loophole“ ....................................................................................... 16

Station 6: Lobbyism – Influence of the NRA............................................................................. 18

Station 7: Gun Control and Partisanship .................................................................................. 20

Solutions ................................................................................................................................... 22

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Didaktisch-methodische Hinweise zum Einsatz dieses Materials

Dieses Stationenlernen für die Sekundarstufe II ermöglicht eine

konzentrierte und intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem

unterrichtsrelevanten Thema „Gun Control Laws and Shootings in the

USA“ im Unterricht. Es geht dabei konform mit den Anforderungen

der Lehrpläne. Stationsarbeit bildet eine sinnvolle Alternative zum herkömmlichen Frontalunterricht

und gewährleistet überdies ein selbständiges Erarbeiten der Lehrinhalte durch die Schülerinnen und

Schüler (SuS). Gerade leistungsschwächere Lernende haben damit die Möglichkeit, die Erarbeitung

an ihr eigenes Lerntempo anzupassen.

Die Stationenarbeit setzt sich aus Pflichtstationen und Wahlstation zusammen. Die Pflichtstationen

müssen von allen SuS erledigt werden und sollten notfalls als Hausaufgabe mitgegeben werden. Bei

der Bearbeitung einzelner Stationen ist zu beachten, dass die erste Station grundlegende Fragen

behandelt, während die weiteren Stationen tendenziell Einzelaspekte betrachten. Es empfiehlt sich

daher, dass die SuS die erste Station gemeinsam im Klassenverband behandeln und dann

selbstständig und in freier Wahl die weiteren Stationen bearbeiten.


Klassenstufe: Sekundarstufe II

Fach: Englisch

Aufbau der Unterrichtseinheit

Einstiegsphase: Einführendes Unterrichtsgespräch

Erarbeitungsphase: 7 Stationen zum Thema „Gun Control Laws and Shootings in the USA“

Abschlussphase: Lösungsbogen, Reflexionsphase

Dauer der Unterrichtseinheit: 4 bis 8 Stunden



Die Schülerinnen und Schüler können umfangreichere authentische Texte unterschiedlicher

Textsorten zu vertrauten Themen verstehen. Sie können:

zum Aufbau eines Textverständnisses textinterne Informationen und textexternes (Vor-)Wissen


implizite Informationen, auch Einstellungen und Meinungen, erschließen

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Station 3: Mass Shootings in the USA

In the past few decades, mass shootings have unfortunately become more and more common in the

United States. Do the following tasks to find out more about the events, why they happened, and how

they might be prevented.

1. Read the following text about mass shootings in the USA.

Mass Shootings in the USA

Unfortunately, mass shootings are a common phenomenon in the United States. Since 1966, there

have been at least 90 mass shootings with four or more victims (not including gang-related or family

incidents).2 Often, several dozen people are killed or injured. The following text will give an overview

over the shootings in the past decades and explore the reasons for these shootings.

Often, psychological issues are the trigger for mass shootings. In 1984, a 41-year-old man named

James Huberty, killed 21 people and injured 19 at a McDonald’s restaurant in San Ysidro in California.

Several days before the shooting, he remarked to his wife that he might have a mental disorder and

tried to call a psychiatrist for help. Due to a clerical mistake, the psychiatrist did not call Huberty back

immediately. Huberty was killed by the police during the shooting. Similarly, in 2007, a 23-year-old

student named Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people and injured 17 on his campus at the Virginia

Polytechnic Institute and State University. Cho suffered from a severe anxiety disorder, depression,

and selective mutism. Though he sought counseling during high school, he did not receive any

treatment at his university. In 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy

Hook elementary school in Newton, Connecticut. Lanza was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome,

which is a form of autism, as well as obsessive-compulsive disorder and severe anxiety. Though it was

never formally diagnosed, Lanza showed symptoms of schizophrenia as well. Lanza’s mother was a

gun enthusiast and kept several firearms at their home. Lanza killed his mother using her guns before

going to Sandy Hook elementary. He committed suicide when the police arrived at the school.

Religious, political, or individual extremist views are often also the trigger for mass shootings. In

1991, 35-year-old George Hennard deliberately crashed his vehicle into a restaurant and began

shooting at the customers. He killed 23 people and injured 27. 14 of the 23 victims were women as

Hennard deliberately aimed at women, towards whom he had a deeply violent and hateful attitude

in general. Hennard committed suicide after being confronted by the police. In 2016, 29-year-old

Omar Mateen shot and killed 49 people and wounded 58 at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

Mateen used steroids habitually, was mentally unstable, and often became aggressive according to

his ex-wife. Nevertheless, he passed a standard psychological evaluation for the security company he

worked for (even though this evaluation was later criticized), and thus was allowed to purchase

firearms. Before the shooting, Mateen swore allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. He

was killed by police during the shooting.


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School shootings are often preceded by incidents of bullying at school. In 1999, two students of

Columbine High School in Colorado named Eric Harris (age 18) and Dylan Klebold (age 17) fired at

students and teachers at their High School, killing 13 and injuring 24. Harris and Klebold were rather

unpopular and were bullied by other students at their school. After they had been arrested for

stealing, they became more and more interested in explosives and firearms and began to plan a

massacre. As they were underage, Harris and Klebold paid an acquaintance to purchase several

weapons for them. They also acquired further weapons through another dealer, who did not keep

records of his firearms sales. When police arrived at the school, Harris and Klebold committed


Sometimes the motive for mass shootings remains unclear to the police, as there were no warning

signs and no unusual conduct on behalf of the perpetrator. For example, in 2017, 64-year-old

Stephen Paddock killed 58 people and injured almost 500 when he began shooting at people

attending a concert on the Las Vegas strip from his hotel window. Paddock was a heavy drinker and

enjoyed high-stakes gambling, but showed no signs of psychological disorders or religious or political

extremism. Paddock was found dead when the police entered the hotel room. The motives for

Paddock’s massacre are still unknown.

2. Fill in the incidents from the text into the boxes on the timeline.


Name of Attacker:

Number of Victims:


Name of Attacker:

Number of Victims:


Name of Attacker:

Number of Victims:


Name of Attacker:

Number of Victims:

Year: 1984

Name of Attacker:

Number of Victims:


Name of Attacker:

Number of Victims:


Name of Attacker:

Number of Victims:

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3. What aspects of a person’s life/of society in general might influence someone’s likelihood of committing a mass shooting? Fill in different aspects into the circle below. Use the information from the text and your own knowledge.

4. Compare and discuss your ideas with a partner. Add missing aspects to your circle and vice versa.

5. Form groups of 4 students with whom to do the following task. Look at the possible aspects you collected above.

a. Choose one possible aspect. What could be done to prevent this aspect from leading to mass shootings? (e.g. prevention/ intervention/ assistance….)

b. Display your ideas in the form of a poster.

6. Each group should present their ideas to the class. Take notes on the presentations.

7. After all of the presentations have been held, discuss the following questions:

Why do you think there are more mass shootings in the USA than in Germany?

What needs to be done to make sure that mass shootings do not occur more often in Germany?

untreated severe mental

health disorders

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Station 4: Gun Control Laws – A controversial Topic

1. Read the following opinions about gun control laws in the USA.

M1: The NRA – A strong lobby

The National Rifle Association (NRA) belongs to the oldest stakeholders of the USA. It was founded shortly after the American Civil War. At first it aimed to help the general population in handling and using arms in an appropriate and safe manner, preferably by practice. The reason for this procedure was the fact that a lot of American soldiers lost their lives during the Civil War due to a misuse of their weapons.

Later they focused on another goal: the so-called defense of the fundamental right to possess and bear arms without restrictions. The NRA sees itself as the representation of interests for owners of weapons. By all means, it fights against stricter gun laws.

Therefore, it does not only encourage its membership but also helps in legal disputes. The association is supported by several different parts of the population. Until 2003 the famous and charismatic actor Charlton Heston was their chairman.

M2: 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution (ratified 1791)

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

M4: Speech by President Obama on Common-Sense Gun Safety Reform (Jan 05, 2016,

“[We have been working] to write a common-sense compromise bill that would have required virtually everyone who buys a gun to get a background check. That was it. Pretty common-sense stuff. Ninety percent of Americans supported that idea. Ninety percent of Democrats in the Senate voted for that idea. But it failed because 90 percent of Republicans in the Senate voted against that idea.”

M3: Comments by Republican political activist Alan

Keyes (Jan 15, 2013,

“The Second Amendment’s logic arises from the

connection between the people’s right to keep and

bear arms and the security of their freedom. It aims

to make sure that Americans do not easily forget a

hard truth: Moves to secure a government monopoly

on the legal possession and use of arms war against

what is, in practice, the sine qua non of the people’s

right of self-government. Unlawful bills […] that aim

to disarm the people, on whatever pretexts, are the

open declaration of this war against republican self-

government. As such, they signify the onset of what

will inevitably become a war against the property,

persons and lives of the people.”

M5: Remarks by 6-year old Sandy Hook shooting victim’s mother Francine Wheeler (April 13, 2013,

“[…] In the four months since we lost our loved ones, thousands of other Americans have died at the end of a gun. Thousands of other families across the United States are also drowning in our grief. Please help us do something before our tragedy becomes your tragedy. […] We have to convince the Senate to come together and pass commonsense gun responsibility reforms that will make our communities safer and prevent more tragedies like the one we never thought would happen to us.”

M6: Bush-Kerry Presidential Debate (Oct 13, 2004,

BUSH: “I did think we ought to extend the assault

weapons ban […]. I believe law-abiding citizens ought

to be able to own a gun. I believe in background

checks at gun shows or anywhere to make sure that

guns don't get in the hands of people that shouldn't

have them.”

KERRY: “I believe it was a failure of presidential

leadership not to reauthorize the assault weapons

ban. […] And most of the law enforcement agencies

in America wanted that assault weapons ban. They

don't want to go into a drug bust and be facing an

AK-47. […] Because of the president's decision today,

law enforcement officers will walk into a place that

will be more dangerous. Terrorists can now come

into America and go to a gun show and, without even

a background check, buy an assault weapon today.”

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